TE - Mechanical Engineering (2019 Course)
TE - Mechanical Engineering (2019 Course)
TE - Mechanical Engineering (2019 Course)
Third Year
Bachelor of Engineering
(Choice Based Credit System)
Mechanical Engineering
(2019 Course)
Board of Studies – Mechanical and Automobile Engineering
(With Effect from Academic Year 2021-22)
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Board of Studies - Automobile and Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate Program - Mechanical Engineering (2019 pattern)
302041 Numerical & Statistical Methods 3 - 1 30 70 25 - - 125 3 - 1 4
302042 Heat & Mass Transfer 3 2 - 30 70 - 50 - 150 3 1 - 4
302043 Design of Machine Elements 3 2 - 30 70 - - 25 125 3 1 - 4
302044 Mechatronics 3 2 - 30 70 - - 25 125 3 1 - 4
302045 Elective I 3 - - 30 70 - - - 100 3 - - 3
302046 Digital Manufacturing Laboratory - 2 - - - 50 - - 50 - 1 - 1
302047 Skill Development - 2 - - - 25 - - 25 - 1 - 1
302048 Audit course - V$ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 15 10 1 150 350 100 50 50 700 15 5 1 21
302049 Artificial Intelligence &Machine Learning 3 2 - 30 70 - - 25 125 3 1 - 4
302050 Computer Aided Engineering 3 2 - 30 70 - 50 - 150 3 1 - 4
302051 Design of Transmission Systems 3 2 - 30 70 - - 25 125 3 1 - 4
302052 Elective II 3 - - 30 70 - - - 100 3 - - 3
302053 Measurement Laboratory - 2 - - - 50 - - 50 - 1 - 1
302054 Fluid Power &Control Laboratory - 2 - - - 50 - - 50 - 1 - 1
302055 Internship/Mini project * - 4 - - - 100 - - 100 - 4 - 4
302056 Audit course - VI$ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 12 14 - 120 280 200 50 50 700 12 9 - 21
Elective-I Elective-II
302045-A Advanced Forming & Joining Processes 302052-A Composite Materials
302045-B Machining Science & Technology 302052-B Surface Engineering
Abbreviations: TH: Theory, PR: Practical, TUT: Tutorial, ISE: In-Semester Exam, ESE: End-
Semester Exam, TW: Term Work, OR: Oral
Note: Interested students of TE (Automobile Engineering and Mechanical Engineering) can opt for
any one of the audit course from the list of audit courses prescribed by BOS (Automobile and
Mechanical Engineering)
Practical/Tutorial must be conducted in FOUR batches per division only.
Minimum number of Experiments/Assignments in PR/Tutorial shall be carried out as mentioned
in the syllabi of respective courses.
Assessment of tutorial work has to be carried out similar to term-work. The Grade cum marks for
Tutorial and Term-work shall be awarded on the basis of continuous evaluation.
$Audit course is mandatory but non-credit course. Examination has to be conducted at the end of
Semesters for award of grade at institute level. Grade awarded for audit course shall not be
calculated for grade point & CGPA.
302041: Numerical and Statistical Methods
Unit 4 Curve Fitting and Regression Analysis 08 Hrs.
Curve Fitting: Least square technique- first order, power equation, exponential equation and
quadratic equation.
Regression Analysis: Linear regression, Nonlinear regression, Multiple regressions, Polynomial
regression. Lagrange’s interpolation, Numerical interpolation and differentiation using Newton’s
forward method, inverse interpolation (Lagrange’s method only).
Unit 5 Statistics 08 Hrs.
Measures of central tendency: mean, median, mode. Measurement of variability and dispersion:
Standard deviation, standard error, variance, range. Measure of shape: skewness, kurtosis
Statistical diagram: scattered diagram, histogram, pie charts, and measure of association between
two variables. Correlation: Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of correlation and its mathematical properties,
Spearman’s Rank correlation and its interpretations.
Unit 6 Probability and Linear Algebra 08 Hrs.
Probability: Joint, conditional and marginal probability, Bayes’ theorem, independence, theorem of
total probability, expectation and variance, random variables. Probability distributions: Binomial,
Poisson, Geometric, Uniform, Exponential, Gamma, Normal and Chi square.
Linear algebra: Review of matrix operations, vector and vector spaces, linear mapping.
Books and other resources
Text Books:
1. Steven C. Chapra, ‘Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientist’,
Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
2. B. S. Grewal, ‘Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science’, Khanna Publication.
3. B. S. Grewal, ‘Higher Engineering Mathematics’, Khanna Publication.
References Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’, Wiley India
2. Joe D. Hoffman, ‘Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists’, CRC Press
3. Sheldon M. Ross, ‘Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists’, 5e, by
Elsevier Academic Press
4. Deisentoth, Faisal, Ong, ‘Mathematics for machine learning’, Cambridge University Press.
5. Kandasamy, ‘Numerical methods’, S Chand.
6. Jason Brownlee, ‘Statistical Methods for Machine Learning’, Machine learning Mastery.
Web References:
1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/111101003/
2. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/111105038/
3. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/111107063/
4. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/111105041/
5. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/111104079/
6. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/
List of Tutorials
Term Work shall consist of:
Group A – (Any three programs using suitable programming language)
1. Roots of equation
2. Simultaneous equations
3. Ordinary differential equation
4. Partial differential equation
5. Numerical Integration
Group B (Any three programs for simple dataset using suitable programing)
6. Curve fitting using least square technique
7. Regression analysis
8. Determine statistical measures
9. Probability distribution
Group C (Mandatory)
10. One program based mini project using mechanical engineering application dataset
Note: Tutorials shall be mandatorily conducted in the computer laboratory.
302042: Heat and Mass Transfer
Practical 50 Marks
Prerequisites: First and Second Law of Thermodynamics, Fluid properties, Continuity equation,
Differential and Integral Calculus, Ordinary differential and Partial Differential Equations,
Numerical solution for Differential Equations.
Course Objectives:
1. IDENTIFY the laws for different modes of heat transfer.
2. UNDERSTAND the properties and economics of thermal insulation and ANALYZE heat
transfer through fins and thermal systems with lumped heat capacitance.
3. ANALYZE the natural and forced convective mode of heat transfer in various geometric
4. UNDERSTAND AND REALIZE various laws with their interrelations and analyze
Radiation heat transfer in black and grey bodies/surfaces with or without radiation shields.
5. UNDERSTAND the fundamentals and laws of mass transfer and its applications.
6. ANALYZE various performance parameters for existing heat exchanger and DEVELOP
methodologies for designing a heat exchanger under prescribed conditions and for a particular
application, with references TEMA standards
Course Contents
Basic Concepts: Different Modes and Laws of heat transfer, 3-D heat conduction equation in
Cartesian coordinates (with derivation), and its simplified equations, simplified equations in
cylindrical and spherical coordinates (simplified equations, no derivation) thermal conductivity,
thermal diffusivity, electrical analogy, Thermal contact Resistance.
Boundary and initial conditions: Temperature boundary condition, heat flux boundary condition,
convection boundary condition, radiation boundary condition.
1-D steady state heat conduction without and with heat generation: Heat conduction without heat
generation in plane wall, composite wall, composite cylinder, composite sphere. Heat conduction
with heat generation in Plane wall, Cylinder and Sphere with different boundary conditions.
Unit 2 Heat Transfer through Extended Surfaces & Transient Heat Conduction 08 Hrs.
Thermal Insulation – Critical thickness of insulation, Types and properties of insulating materials,
Safety considerations in thermal insulation, Economic and cost considerations, Payback period,
Numerical on payback period.
Heat transfer through extended surfaces: Types of fins and its applications, Governing Equation
for constant cross sectional area fins, Solution for infinitely long fin (with derivation), adequately
long fin with insulated end tip and short fins (no derivation), Fin Efficiency & Effectiveness of fins,
estimation of error in Temperature measurement by thermometer.
Transient heat conduction: Validity and criteria of lumped system analysis, Biot Number, Fourier
Number, Time Constant and Response of thermocouple, Use of Heisler Charts for plane wall,
cylinder and sphere
Principles of Convection: Local and average heat transfer coefficient, Hydrodynamic and Thermal
boundary layer for a flat plate and pipe flow.
Forced Convection: Physical significance of non-dimensional numbers, Empirical correlations for
flat plate, pipe flow, and flow across cylinders, spheres, tube banks.
Free Convection: Physical significance of non-dimensional numbers, Free convection from a
vertical, horizontal surface, cylinder and sphere. Mixed Convection
Boiling and Condensation: Types of boiling, Regimes of pool boiling, Film wise condensation,
Drop wise condensation (No Numerical treatment), Critical heat flux.
Thermal Radiation; definition of various terms used in radiation mode; Stefan-Boltzmann law,
Kirchhoff’s law, Planck’s law and Wein’s displacement law. Intensity of radiation and solid angle;
Lambert’s law; Radiation heat exchange between two black surfaces, configuration or view factor.
Radiation heat exchange between grey surfaces, Electrical analogy for radiation, Radiation shields,
Physical origins, applications of mass transfer, Mixture Composition, Phase diagram, Fick’s Law of
Diffusion with numerical treatment, Restrictive Conditions, Mass diffusion coefficient, Conservation
of Species,
The Mass Diffusion equation – Cartesian coordinates deviation, cylindrical coordinates and Spherical
coordinates (no derivation), Boundary and initial conditions.
Unit 6: Heat Exchangers and Equipment Design 07 Hrs.
Heat Exchangers: Classification and applications of heat exchangers, Heat exchanger analysis –
LMTD for parallel and counter flow heat exchangers, Effectiveness– NTU method for parallel and
counter flow heat exchangers, cross flow heat exchangers, LMTD correction factor, Heat Pipe,
Introduction to electronic cooling - Active and passive methods of augmented heat transfer.
Process Equipment Design: Condenser Design, Introduction to TEMA standards, Design
considerations for heat exchangers, Materials of construction and corrosion, Temperature effects,
Radiation effects, Economic consideration, Condenser and Heat exchanger design and performance
calculations, Design of shell and tube type Heat Exchanger
Text Books:
1. Franck P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt – Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer,
2. Y. A. Cengel and A.J. Ghajar, Heat and Mass Transfer – Fundamentals and Applications,
Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited.
3. S.P. Sukhatme, A Textbook on Heat Transfer, Universities Press.
4. R.C. Sachdeva, Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer, New Age Science.
5. Joshi's Process Equipment Design, by V.V. Mahajani , S.B. Umarji ,Trinity Press
Reference Books:
1. P.K. Nag, Heat & Mass Transfer, McGraw Hill Education Private Limited.
2. M.M. Rathod, Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer, Third Edition, Laxmi Publications, New
3. V. M. Domkundwar, Heat Transfer, Dhanpat Rai & Co Ltd.
4. A.F. Mills, Basic Heat and Mass Transfer, Pearson.
5. S. P. Venkatesan, Heat Transfer, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.
6. Holman, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw – Hill publication.
7. M. Thirumaleshwar, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Pearson Education India.
8. B.K. Dutta, Heat Transfer-Principles and Applications, PHI.
9. C.P. Kothandaraman, S. V. Subramanyam, Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, New
Academic Science.
10. Process heat Transfer, D. Q. Kern, Wiley Publication
NPTEL Links:
E books: Links to be provided
1. https://libgen.is
2. http://libgen.li/item/index.php?md5=314BFA11A24C3C1ACFDED2B5AB88E5E9
Links of NPTEL / related videos
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa-PQOjS3zA&list=PL5F4F46C1983C6785
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa-PQOjS3zA&list=PL5F4F46C1983C6785
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_zqQcncAu4&index=3&list=PLpCr5N2IS7Nmu22MO
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNnd0f3xXlg&list=PLpCr5N2IS7Nmu22MOgDWOr0s
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNnd0f3xXlg&list=PLpCr5N2IS7Nmu22MOgDWOr0s
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnFjt30goiY&index=18&list=PLpCr5N2IS7Nmu22MOg
302043: Design of Machine Elements
Oral 25 Marks
Prerequisites: The basics of material elastic behavior, stress, strain, its relationship, failure modes,
different theories of failure and its applications. The design cycle, basis of design considerations like
strength, rigidity, manufacture, assembly and cost, standards and codes. The preferred sizes and
series, tolerances and types of fits. Construction of SMD and BMD. Roots of equations,
Interpolation rule.
Course Objectives:
1. UNDERSTAND the various design considerations, design procedure and select materials for
a specific application
2. CALCULATE the stresses in machine components due to various types of loads and failure
3. ANALYZE machine components subjected to variable loading for finite and infinite life
4. DESIGN various machine components such as shafts, couplings, keys, screws, joints,
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to
CO1. DESIGN AND ANALYZE the cotter and knuckle Joints, levers and components
subjected to eccentric loading.
CO2. DESIGN shafts, keys and couplings under static loading conditions.
CO3. ANALYZE different stresses in power screws and APPLY those in the procedure to
design screw jack.
CO4. EVALUATE dimensions of machine components under fluctuating loads.
CO5.EVALUATE & INTERPRET the stress developed on the different type of welded and
threaded joints.
CO6.APPLY the design and development procedure for different types of springs.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Design of Simple Machine Elements 08 Hrs.
Factor of safety, Selection of Factor of Safety, Service factor, Design of Cotter joint, Knuckle joint,
Design of hand / foot lever, lever for safety valve, bell crank lever, Design of components subjected
to eccentric loading.
Unit 2 Design of Shafts, Keys and Couplings 08 Hrs.
Shaft design on the Strength basis, torsional rigidity basis and lateral rigidity basis, Design of shaft
as per A.S.M.E. code. Design of square and rectangular keys, Kennedy key and splines. Design of
Flange Coupling and Bushed-Pin Flexible Coupling.
10 | P a g e
Unit 3 Design of Power Screws 07 Hrs.
Terminology of Power Screw, Torque analysis and Design of power screws with square and
trapezoidal threads, Collar friction torque, Self-locking screw, Efficiency of square threaded screw,
Efficiency of self-locking screw, Design of screw, nuts and C-Clamp. Design of screw jack,
Differential and Compound Screw and Re-circulating Ball Screw (Theoretical treatment only).
Unit 4 Design against Fluctuating loads 07 Hrs.
Stress concentration and its factors, Reduction of stress concentration factors, fluctuating stresses,
fatigue failures, endurance limit, S-N curve, Notch sensitivity, Endurance limit, Endurance strength
modifying factors, Reversed stresses – Design for Finite and Infinite life, Cumulative damage in
fatigue failure, Soderberg, Gerber, Goodman Lines, Modified Goodman diagrams, Fatigue design
under combined stresses:- (Theoretical treatment only.)
Unit 5 Threaded and Welded joints 08 Hrs.
Introduction to threaded joints, Bolts of uniform strength, locking devices, eccentrically loaded
bolted joint in shear, Eccentric load perpendicular and parallel to axis of bolt, Eccentric load on
circular base.
Introduction to welded joints, Strength of butt, parallel and transverse fillet welds, Axially loaded
unsymmetrical welded joints, Eccentric load in plane of welds, Welded joints subjected to bending
and torsional moments.
Unit 6 Design of Springs 07 Hrs.
Types and applications of springs, Stress and deflection equations for helical compression Springs,
Springs in series and parallel, Design of helical springs, concentric helical springs, surge in spring,
Design of Multi-leaf springs, Nipping of Leaf springs, Shot Peening.
Books and other resources
Text Books:
1. Bhandari V.B., Design of Machine Elements, Tata McGraw Hill Publication Co. Ltd.
2. Shigley J.E. and Mischke C.R., Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill Publication
Co. Ltd.
References Books:
1. Spotts M.F. and Shoup T.E., Design of Machine Elements, Prentice Hall International.
2. Juvinal R.C., Fundamentals of Machine Components Design, John Wiley and Sons.
3. Black P.H. and O. Eugene Adams, Machine Design, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc.
4. Willium C. Orthwein, Machine Components Design, West Publishing Co. and Jaico
Publications House.
5. Hall A.S., Holowenko A.R. and Laughlin H.G, Theory and Problems of Machine Design,
Schaum’s Outline Series.
6. C. S. Sharma and Kamlesh Purohit, Design of Machine Elements, PHI Learing Pvt. Ltd.
7. D. K. Aggarwal & P. C. Sharma, Machine Design, S.K Kataria and Sons.
8. P. C. Gope, Machine Design: Fundamentals and Applications, PHI Learing Pvt. Ltd.
9. Design Data - P.S.G. College of Technology, Coimbatore.
10. K. Mahadevan, K. Balveera Reddy, Design Data Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, CBS
11 | P a g e
Term Work
The student shall complete the following activity as a Term Work;
The term work shall consist of three design projects. The design project shall consist of assembly
drawing, with a bill of material and overall dimensions and drawings of individual components. The
Project should be assigned to a group of maximum four students. Manufacturing tolerances, surface
finish symbols and geometric tolerances should be specified for important surfaces. A design report
giving all necessary calculations of the design of components should be submitted in a separate file.
Design data book shall be referred for selection of materials and standard components for given
loading conditions. All three design projects should be carried out using suitable software.
12 | P a g e
UNIT 5: Threaded and Welded joints
Eccentrically loaded bolted joint
in shear, Eccentric load https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__py5xbKHGA
perpendicular and parallel to axis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZYcMtkZiDY
of bolt
10 Eccentric load on circular base https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__py5xbKHGA
Eccentric load in plane of welds,
11 Welded joints subjected to
bending and torsional moments
UNIT 6: Design of Springs
12 Surge in spring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTBnW5gAieM
13 Shot Peening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46quOD7V-cQ
14 Design of Multi-leaf https://youtu.be/T4IgtIkBnOo
13 | P a g e
302044: Mechatronics
Oral 25 Marks
Prerequisites: Basics of Electrical components, Binary to Decimal Conversion, Data
communication Module, Op amp Circuits, Linear Algebra, Laplace Transformation method, Logic
Course Objectives:
1. UNDERSTAND the key elements of mechatronics, principle of sensor and its
2. UNDERSTAND the concept of signal processing and use of interfacing systems such as
ADC, DAC, Digital I/O.
3. UNDERSTAND the block diagram representation and concept of transfer function.
4. UNDERSTAND the system modeling and analysis in frequency domain.
5. UNDERSTAND the system modeling and analysis in time domain, controller modes and its
industrial applications..
6. UTILIZE the concepts of PLC system and its ladder programming and significance of PLC
system in industrial application.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to
CO1. DEFINE key elements of mechatronics, principle of sensor and its characteristics.
CO2. UTILIZE concept of signal processing and MAKE use of interfacing systems such as
ADC, DAC, Digital I/O.
CO3. DETERMINE the transfer function by using block diagram reduction technique.
CO4. EVALUATE Poles and Zero, frequency domain parameter for mathematical modeling for
mechanical system.
CO5. APPLY the concept of different controller modes to an industrial application.
CO6. DEVELOP the ladder programming for industrial application.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction to Mechatronics, Sensors & Actuators 07 Hrs.
Introduction to Mechatronics and its Applications Measurement Characteristics (Static/Dynamic),
Sensors: Types of sensors; Motion Sensors – Encoder (Absolute & incremental), Lidar, Eddy
Current, Proximity (Optical, Inductive, Capacitive), MEMS Accelerometer;
Temperature sensor –Pyrometer, Infrared Thermometer; Force / Pressure Sensors – Strain gauges,
Piezoelectric sensor; Flow sensors – Electromagnetic, Ultrasonic, Hot-wire anemometer; Color
sensor – RGB type; Biosensors – Enzyme, ECG, EMG
Actuators: Servo motor; Hydraulic and Pneumatic (must be restricted to classification and working
of one type of linear and rotary actuator); linear electrical actuators Selection of Sensor & Actuator
14 | P a g e
Unit 2 Data Acquisition and Signal Communication 08 Hrs.
Signal Communication: Serial, Parallel; Synchronous, Asynchronous
Introduction to DAQ, Types, Components of a Data Acquisition System (Sensor, Signal
conditioning, processing, controlling and storage/display/action)
Data Acquisition: Signal collection, Signal conditioning – Isolation& Filtering, Amplification,
Sampling, Aliasing, Sample and hold circuit, Quantization, Analog-to-digital converters (4 bit
Successive Approximation type ADC), Digital-to-Analog converters (4 bit R2R type DAC), Data
storage Applications: DAQ in Household ,Digital Pressure Gauge, Digital Flow measurement, DVB
Digital Video Broadcast, AM/FM
Unit 3 Control systems & transfer function based modelling 07 Hrs.
Introduction to control systems, need, Types- Open and Closed loop, Concept of Transfer Function,
Block Diagram & Reduction principles and problems; Applications (Household, Automotive,
Industrial shop floor)
Transfer Function based modeling of Mechanical, Thermal and Fluid system; Concept of Poles &
Zeros; Pole zero plot, Stability Analysis using Routh Hurwitz Criterion (Numerical Approach)
Unit 4 Time and Frequency Domain Analysis 08 Hrs.
Time Domain Analysis – Unit step Response analysis via Transient response specifications
(Percentage overshoot, Rise time, Delay time, Steady state error etc.)
Frequency Domain Analysis – Frequency Domain Parameters - Natural Frequency, Damping
Frequency and Damping Factor; Mapping of Pole Zero plot with damping factor, natural frequency
and unit step response ; Introduction to Bode Plot, Gain Margin, Phase Margin
Unit 5 Controllers 07 Hrs.
Introduction to controllers, Need for Control, Proportional (P), Integral (I) and Derivative (D)
control actions; PI, PD and PID control systems in parallel form; (Numerical approach), Feed
forward anticipatory control
Manual tuning of PID control, Ziegler–Nichols method
Applications: Electro–Hydraulic/Pneumatic Control, Automotive Control
Unit 6 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) 08 Hrs.
Introduction to PLC; Architecture of PLC; Selection of PLC; Ladder Logic programming for
different types of logic gates; Latching; Timers, Counters; PLC control of Hydraulics / Pneumatics /
Mechatronics systems involving timing and counting operations.
Books and other resources
Text Books:
1. William Bolton, Mechatronics: Electronics Control Systems in Mechanical and
Electrical Engineering, 6th Ed, 2019
2. K.P. Ramchandran, G.K. Vijyaraghavan, M.S. Balasundaram, Mechatronics: Integrated
Mechanical Electronic Systems, Willey Publication, 2008
References Books:
1. Alciatore and Histand, Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, 5th Ed, 2019
2. Bishop (Editor),Mechatronics – An Introduction CRC 2006
3. Mahalik, Mechatronics – Principles, concepts and applications, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
publication, New Delhi
4. C.D.Johnson, Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Prentice Hall,New Delhi
5. Bolton, Programmable Logic Controller, 4th Ed, Newnes, 2006
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Web References:
1. https://www.elprocus.com/what-is-a-biosensor-types-of-biosensors-and-applications/
2. https://www.elprocus.com/color-sensor-working-and-applications/
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbjCGGTXqUo&ab_channel=Controlengineering
4. https://youtu.be/clTA0pONnMs?list=PLHMDN3JFtE5wEz95H2XuzRaafK3fUsaki
5. https://nptel.ac.in/content/storage2/courses/108105063/pdf/L-
6. https://nptel.ac.in/content/storage2/courses/112104158/lecture5.pdf
Term Work
The Term work shall consist of completion of Practical, Self-learning Study Assignments and
Presentations. Oral examination shall be based on the Term work undertaken during the semester.
Practical (Any one experiments out of experiment no 1 to 3 from the following list whereas
experiment no. 4 to 10 are mandatory).
1. Experiment on measurement of temperature using suitable sensor.
2. Experiment on measurement of load using suitable sensor.
3. Experiment on measurement of displacement using suitable sensor.
4. Development of a data acquisition / mechatronics system using low cost open source
hardware and software.
5. Experiment on interfacing of suitable sensor and actuator with DAQ.
6. Modeling and analysis of mechanical system and its verification using suitable simulation
7. PID control of Mechanical System using suitable simulation software and experimental
verification (verification only if experimental setup is available).
8. Ladder Logic Simulation of suitable application.
9. Demonstration of PLC controlled electro hydraulic / elector pneumatic circuit.
10. Industrial visit to understand integration and application of Mechatronics.
1.Application of Sensors and Actuators in Health Science and Selection of Suitable Sensor and
2. Block Diagram Representation of Feedback Control System and determination of Closed
Loop Transfer Function.
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302045-A: Advanced Forming & Joining Processes
End-Semester 70 Marks
Prerequisite Courses: Manufacturing Processes, Engineering Materials and Metallurgy, Machine
Course Objectives:
1. UNDERSTAND advances in sheet metal forming operations
2. UNDERSTAND the advanced special metal forming processes.
3. UNDERSTAND weld metallurgy and weld characterization techniques.
4. UNDERSTAND and describe various advanced solid state welding processes.
5. CLASSIFY AND DESCRIBE various advanced welding processes.
6. KNOW about sustainable manufacturing and its role in manufacturing industry
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to
CO1. ANALYSE the effect of friction in metal forming deep drawing and IDENTIFICATION
of surface defects and their remedies in deep drawing operations
CO2. ASSESS the parameters for special forming operation and SELECT appropriate special
forming operation for particular applications
CO3. ANALYSE the effect of HAZ on microstructure and mechanical properties of materials
CO4. CLASSIFY various solid state welding process and SELECT suitable welding processes
for particular applications
CO5. CLASSIFY various advanced welding process and SELECT suitable welding processes
for particular applications.
CO6. INTERPRET the principles of sustainable manufacturing and its role in manufacturing
Course Contents
Unit 1 Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming 08 Hrs.
Theory of plasticity – yield criteria-work of plastic deformation- Sheet Metal Forming-Formability
studies-conventional processes, Effect of friction in forming operation, Experimental techniques of
evaluation of friction in metal forming, deep drawing, analysis (Numerical), surface defects
identification and remedies, introduction to Forming simulation, Challenges in Forming.
Unit 2 Special Forming Processes 08 Hrs.
Special Forming Processes: HVF, HERF (Explosive Forming) techniques- super plastic forming
techniques-Hydro forming-Stretch forming, Laser beam forming-principles and process parameters-
Advantages, limitations and applications of different forming processes. Orbital forging-Isothermal-
Hot and cold isostatic pressing-High speed extrusion, Water hammer forming, Incremental Sheet
forming, Magnetic Pulse forming, Metal Spinning, Electro Hydraulic Forming, Micro forming.
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Unit 3 Weld Metallurgy 07 Hrs.
Weld Metallurgy: Weld thermal cycles and their effects, effects of pre and post weld heat
treatments, concept of HAZ, concept of weldability and its assessment. Welding of dissimilar
materials, Weld characterization, Weld decay and weld sensitization, Introduction to ASME,
ASWE, IS Welding Standards, (welding skill levels).
Unit 4 Solid State Welding Processes 07 Hrs.
Solid State Welding Processes: Cold pressure welding, Diffusion bonding, Explosive welding,
Ultrasonic welding, Friction stir welding, Forge welding, Roll welding and Hot pressure welding
processes - features, advantages, limitations and applications, Advances in adhesive bonding,
Unit 5 Advanced Welding Processes 08 Hrs.
Advanced Welding Processes: Electrogas, electroslag welding, Atomic hydrogen welding,
Electron beam welding, Laser Beam welding - principle, working and applications, Cold Metal
Transfer - concepts, processes and applications, Underwater welding, Welding automation in
aerospace, nuclear and surface transport vehicles, Robotic Welding, Plasma Arc Welding, Plasma
Transferred Arc Welding.
Unit 6 Sustainable Manufacturing 07 Hrs.
Sustainable Manufacturing: Introduction to sustainability and drivers for sustainable development
and sustainable manufacturing, fundamentals of sustainable manufacturing, various tools, factors of
sustainability, Principles of Life Cycle Assessment (Goal, Scope and Life Cycle Inventory),
Approaches, Role in Industry 4.0, Green Manufacturing, Environment protection norms, ISO 14000,
recycling techniques, safety norms in forming and welding, socio-economic aspects, case study on
waste recycling, material recycling, etc.
Books and other resources
Text Books:
1. Sindo Kou, “Welding Metallurgy”, Wiley Publications Second Edition
2. Dr. V. D. Kodgire and S. V. Kodgire, “Material Science & Metallurgy For Engineers”,
Everest Publication
3. William D. Callister, “Materials Science and Engineering an Introduction”, Jr, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
4. O.P. Khanna, " Welding Technology", Dhanpat Rai & Sons Publications Edition 2015
5. Dr. R. S. Parmar,"Welding Processes and Technology", Khanna Publications Edition 2017
6. J. Paulo Davim, " Sustainable Manufacturing", Wiley Publications Edition 2010
References Books:
1. Z. Marciniak, J.L.Duncan, "Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming", Butterworth Heinemann-
2. Dr. Sadhu Singh, "Theory of Plasticity and Metal Forming Processes", Khanna Publishers
Edition 2008
3. O.P. Khanna, " Engineering Metallurgy", Dhanpat Rai & Sons Publications
4. Ali Hasan - Islam Nawaz, "Advanced Welding Technology", SCITECH Publications India
Pvt. Ltd. Edition 2018
5. Dr. K. S. Yadav, "Advanced Welding Technology"', Rajsons Publications Pvt. Ltd.
6. Tool and Manufacturing Engineers' Handbook: Forming V by Charles Wick Publisher
18 | P a g e
: Society of Manufacturing Engineers; 4th edition (1 Aug. 1996)
7. Dornfeld and David, "Green Manufacturing" - Fundamentals and Applications, DOI
10.1007/978.1.4419.6016.0_2, Springer Science +Business Media, New York 2013.
8. R. Ganesh Narayanan, Jay S Gunasekera,"Sustainable Material Forming and Joining”, by
CRC Press 2020.
Web References:
1. NPTEL Course on “Forming” by Dr. R. Chandramouli, IIT Madras
2. NPTEL Course on “Welding Engineering” by Dr. D. K. Dwivedi, IIT Roorkee
3. NPTEL Course on “Advances in welding and joining technologies” by Prof. SwarupBag IIT
4. NPTEL Course on “Welding Metallurgy” by Prof. Pradeep K. Jha, IIT Roorkee
5. NPTEL Course on “Sustainability through Green Manufacturing System – An Applied
Approach” by Prof. Deepu Philip IIT Kanpur and Dr. Amardeep Singh Oberaoi, NIT
19 | P a g e
302045-B:Machining Science &Technology
End-Semester 70 Marks
Prerequisites: Mechanics, Gear terminology, Material properties, Degree of freedom.
Course Objectives:
1. KNOW about fundamentals of metal cutting process, tool wear and tool life.
2. IMPART the knowledge of machining phenomenon like milling, gear and thread
manufacturing, grinding, super finishing, etc.
3. UNDERSTAND the basic concepts, importance and functions of Jigs, Fixtures.
4. PREPARE list of operations, tools, set of manufacturing instructions and selection of
quality assurance method.
5. GENERATE CNC program for appropriate machining processes like turning and milling.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to
CO1. DEFINE metal cutting principles and mechanics of metal cutting and tool life.
CO2. DESCRIBE features of gear and thread manufacturing processes.
CO3. SELECT appropriate grinding wheel and demonstrate the various surface finishing
CO4. SELECT appropriate jigs/fixtures and to draw the process plan for a given component.
CO5. SELECT & EVALUATE various parameters of process planning.
CO6. GENERATE CNC program for Turning / Milling processes and generate tool path using
CAM software.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Mechanics of Metal Cutting 08 Hrs.
Introduction to metal cutting, Elements of machining process, Geometry of single-point cutting tool,
Orthogonal and Oblique cutting processes,
Chip formation, Types of chips, Chip thickness ratio, Process parameters and their effect on
machining, chip breakers,
Merchant’s Circle of forces analysis – forces and energy calculations, power consumed – MRR-
Effect of Cutting variables on forces,
Concepts of Machinability- Factors affecting machinability, Machinability Index, Tool Life, Tool
life equation of Taylor, Tool wear and its types, Factors affecting on tool life.
Unit 2 Gear and Thread Manufacturing 07 Hrs.
Introduction, Materials of gears, Methods of gear manufacturing-casting, forging, forming etc,
milling of gears (indexing methods and numerical), Helical gear cutting, Gear Shaping and Gear
hobbling, Gear inspection.
Thread Manufacturing: Various methods of thread manufacturing, thread rolling, die threading &
tapping, Thread milling, Thread grinding etc.
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Unit 3 Grinding & Surface finishing 08 Hrs.
Types and Operations of grinding machines, Grinding wheel– Shapes, Designation and selection,
Abrasives & classification, Bond & bonding, Grit, Grade & Structure of wheels, Types of grinding
wheels, mounting of grinding wheels, Glazing and loading of wheels, Dressing and truing of wheels,
Balancing of wheels, Diamond wheels.
Super-finishing processes – Introduction to Honing, Lapping, Buffing and Burnishing.
(Construction, working and controlling parameters)
Unit 4 Jigs and Fixtures 08 Hrs.
Significance and purpose of jigs and fixtures and their functions in the manufacturing processes,
Concept of degree of freedom, 3-2-1 principle of location. General guidelines to design jigs and
fixtures, advantages of jigs and fixtures.
Jigs- Definition, Elements of jig with the types, Location guidelines, Principles of clamping,
Principles of guiding, Channel jig, Template jig, Plate jig, Angle plate jig, Turn over jig, Box jig,
Latch type jig.
Fixtures: Definition. Elements of fixtures, Location guidelines, Principles of clamping, Principles
of setting element, turning fixture, welding fixture, Milling fixture, Assembly and Inspection
Unit 5 Process Planning 06 Hrs.
Introduction- methods of process planning, drawing interpretation, material evaluation, steps in
process selection, production equipment and tooling selection, process parameters calculation for
various production processes, Selection of jigs and fixtures, selection of quality assurance methods,
documents for process planning, Economics of process planning, case studies.
Unit 6 CNC Programming 08 Hrs.
CNC Programming-CNC part programming adaptable to suitable controller. Steps in developing
CNC part program. CNC part programming for Lathe Machine – Threading & Grooving cycle
(Canned cycle). CNC part programming for Milling Machine - Linear & circular interpolation,
milling cutter, tool length compensation & cutter radius compensation. Pocketing, contouring &
drilling, subroutine and Do loop using canned cycle.
Books and other resources
Text Books:
1. A Text Book of Production Technology, P. C. Sharma, S.Chand Publications
2. A Text Book of Manufacturing Technology, R. K. Rajput, Laxmi Publications (p) LTD
3. A Text book of Manufacturing Technology, Metal Cutting and Machine Tools, P. N. Rao,
Vol. 2, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, New Delhi, 2002
4. Elements of Workshop Technology, Vol-II, S. K. HajraChaudhary, Media Promoters
&Publications Pvt Ltd.
5. S. K. Sinha, CNC Programming using Fanuc Custom Macro B, McGraw-Hill Professional
References Books:
1. Theory of Metal Cutting, M. C. Shaw, 1st Edition, Oxford and I.B.H. publishing, 1994
2. Jigs & Fixtures, P.H. Joshi, Third edition, McGraw Hill, 2017
3. Production Technology Manufacturing Systems VOL-I & II, R. K. Jain, Khanna Publishers
4. Production Technology –HMT, Tata McGraw Hill publication
5. An Expert Process Planning System, Chang, T. C., Addison Wesley Longman, 1990
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6. Process Planning- Design/Manufacture Interface, Scallan P, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003
7. CNC Machines, B. S. Pabla, M. Adithan, New Age International, 2018
8. Manufacturing Science, Amitabh Ghosh and AshokKumar Mallik, Affiliated East-West
Press, 2010
Web References:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/content/storage2/courses/108105063/pdf/L-
2. https://nptel.ac.in/content/storage2/courses/112105127/pdf/LM-32.pdf
3. https://nptel.ac.in/content/storage2/courses/112105127/pdf/LM-34.pdf
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/107/112107143/
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302046: Digital Manufacturing Laboratory
23 | P a g e
7. Demonstration of various types of jigs and fixtures, and a case study on design and use of
Jigs & Fixture for any given component.
8. Preparing Online Calculator/Catalogue for selection of cutting parameters by using
programming languages like C, Python etc.
9. Study on CNC retrofitting and reconditioning
10. Visit to an Industry which uses advanced manufacturing processes
Please note following instructions regarding Laboratory Conduction:
1. Sr. No. 1 to 7are mandatory and any 2 from Sr. No. 8 to 10.
2. Practical are to be performed under the guidance of concerned faculty member.
3. Journal should consist of Job Drawing, Process Sheet and Program, appropriate write-up and
shall be part of term-work submission.
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302047: Skill Development
25 | P a g e
8. Use of alternative materials in the construction of daily activity machine and tool
9. Interpretation of Drawings; Exercises in identifying the type of production, extracting
important functional dimensions, checking the number of parts in an assembly. Checking
and listing missing dimensions.
10. Exercises in -preparation of detailed production drawings as per BIS standard of simple
machine parts having relevant notes and indications (limits/tolerances, surface finish, the
process of production, relevant tools, materials, measuring instruments).
The documentation activity as a part of the Term work shall not be restricted to merely
generation of 2D/3D CAD Drawings with dimensions (as applicable), Exploded View, Flowchart
of Maintenance Work etc. but can be beyond.
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302048: Audit Course V
Faculty mentor shall be allotted for individual courses and he/she shall monitor the progress
for successful accomplishment of the course. Such monitoring is necessary for ensuring that
the concept of self-learning is being pursued by the students ‘in true letter and spirit’.
If any course through Swayam/ NPTEL/ virtual platform is selected the minimum duration shall
be of 8 weeks.
However if any of the course duration is less than the desired (8 weeks) the mentor shall ensure
that other activities in form of assignments, quizzes, group discussion etc. (allied with the
course) for the balance duration should be undertaken.
In addition to credits courses, it is mandatory that there should be an audit course (non-credit course)
from third year of Engineering. The student will be awarded grade as AP on successful completion
of the audit course. The student may opt for any one of the audit courses in each semester. Such
audit courses can help the student to get awareness of different issues which make an impact on
human lives and enhance their skill sets to improve their employability. List of audit courses offered
in the semester is provided in the curriculum. Students can choose one of the audit courses from the
list of courses mentioned. Evaluation of the audit course will be done at institute level.
The student registered for audit course shall be awarded the grade AP and shall be included such
grade in the Semester grade report for that course, provided student has the minimum attendance as
prescribed by the Savitribai Phule Pune University and satisfactory in-semester performance and
secured a passing grade in that audit course. No grade points are associated with this 'AP' grade and
performance in these courses is not considered in the calculation of the performance indices SGPA
and CGPA. Evaluation of the audit course will be done at institute level itself.
Selecting an Audit Course
List of Courses to be opted (Any one) under Audit Course V
Entrepreneurship and IP strategy
Engineering Economics
Mangment of Inventory Systems
# The titles indicated above are subject to change in time to come and such an alteration (if any)
should be brought to the notice of the BOS.
Using NPTEL Platform: (preferable)
NPTEL is an initiative by MHRD to enhance learning effectiveness in the field of technical
education by developing curriculum based video courses and web based e-courses. The details of
NPTEL courses are available on its official website www.nptel.ac.in
Students can select any one of the courses mentioned above and has to register for the
27 | P a g e
corresponding online course available on the NPTEL platform as an Audit course.
Once the course is completed the student can appear for the examination as per the guidelines on
the NPTEL portal.
After clearing the examination successfully; student will be awarded with a certificate.
Assessment of an Audit Course
The assessment of the course will be done at the institute level. The institute has to maintain the
record of the various audit courses opted by the students. The audit course opted by the students
could be interdisciplinary.
During the course students will be submitting the online assignments. A copy of the same can be
submitted as a part of term work for the corresponding Audit course.
On the satisfactory submission of assignments, the institute can mark as “Present” and the
student will be awarded the grade AP on the mark-sheet.
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302049: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Oral 25 Marks
Prerequisites: Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics, Logical Reasoning.
Course Objectives:
1. ACQUAINT with fundamentals of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
2. LEARN feature extraction and selection techniques for processing data set.
3. UNDERSTAND basic algorithms used in classification and regression problems.
4. OUTLINE steps involved in development of machine learning model.
5. FAMILIARIZE with concepts of reinforced and deep learning.
6. IMPLEMENT AND ANALYZE machine learning model in mechanical engineering
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to
CO1. DEMONSTRATE fundamentals of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
CO2. APPLY feature extraction and selection techniques.
CO3. APPLY machine learning algorithms for classification and regression problems.
CO4. DEVISE AND DEVELOP a machine learning model using various steps.
CO5. EXPLAIN concepts of reinforced and deep learning.
CO6. SIMULATE machine learning model in mechanical engineering problems.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction to AI & ML 06 Hrs.
History of AI, Comparison of AI with Data Science, Need of AI in Mechanical Engineering,
Introduction to Machine Learning. Basics: Reasoning, problem solving, Knowledge representation,
Planning, Learning, Perception, Motion and manipulation.
Approaches to AI: Cybernetics and brain simulation, Symbolic, Sub-symbolic, Statistical.
Approaches to ML: Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning, Reinforcement learning.
Unit 2 Feature Extraction and Selection 08 Hrs.
Feature extraction: Statistical features, Principal Component Analysis.
Feature selection: Ranking, Decision tree - Entropy reduction and information gain, Exhaustive,
best first, Greedy forward & backward, Applications of feature extraction and selection algorithms
in Mechanical Engineering.
Unit 3 Classification & Regression 08 Hrs.
Classification: Decision tree, Random forest, Naive Bayes, Support vector machine.
Regression: Logistic Regression, Support Vector Regression. Regression trees: Decision tree,
random forest, K-Means, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). Applications of classification and regression
algorithms in Mechanical Engineering.
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Unit 4 Development of ML Model 07 Hrs.
Problem identification: classification, clustering, regression, ranking. Steps in ML modeling, Data
Collection, Data pre-processing, Model Selection, Model training (Training, Testing, K-fold Cross
Validation), Model evaluation (understanding and interpretation of confusion matrix, Accuracy,
Precision, Recall, True positive, false positive etc.), Hyper parameter Tuning, Predictions.
Unit 5 Reinforced and Deep Learning 08 Hrs.
Characteristics of reinforced learning; Algorithms: Value Based, Policy Based, Model Based;
Positive vs Negative Reinforced Learning; Models: Markov Decision Process, Q Learning.
Characteristics of Deep Learning, Artificial Neural Network, Convolution Neural Network.
Application of Reinforced and Deep Learning in Mechanical Engineering.
Unit 6 Applications 08 Hrs.
Human Machine Interaction, Predictive Maintenance and Health Management, Fault Detection,
Dynamic System Order Reduction, Image based part classification, Process Optimization, Material
Inspection, Tuning of control algorithms.
Books and other resources
Text Books:
1. Deisenroth, Faisal, Ong, Mathematics for Machine Learning, Cambridge University Press,
2. B Joshi, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2020.
3. Parag Kulkarni and Prachi Joshi, “Artificial Intelligence – Building Intelligent Systems”,
PHI learning Pvt. Ltd., ISBN – 978-81-203-5046-5, 2015
4. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig (1995), “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,” Third
edition, Pearson, 2003.
References Books:
1. Solanki, Kumar, Nayyar, Emerging Trends and Applications of Machine Learning, IGI
Global, 2018.
2. Mohri, Rostamizdeh, Talwalkar, Foundations of Machine Learning, MIT Press, 2018.
3. Kumar, Zindani, Davim, Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
CRC Press, 2021.
4. Zsolt Nagy - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamentals-Apress (2018)
5. Artificial Intelligence by Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight and Nair, TMH
Web References:
1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/111101003/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106202/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/103/112103280/
4. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/
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Term Work
List of Experiments:
1. To study supervised/unsupervised/Reinforcement learning approach.
2. To acquire, visualize and analyze the data set (from time-domain/ frequency-domain/ etc.) .
3. To extract features from given data set and establish training data.
4. To select relevant features using suitable technique.
5. To use PCA for dimensionality reduction.
6. To classify features/To develop classification model and evaluate its performance (any one
7. To develop regression model and evaluate its performance (any one algorithm).
8. Markov process for modelling manufacturing processes.
9. Reinforced Learning for optimizing engineering designs / Robot Guidance and Navigation.
10. GA for optimization of multi-dimensional function / path planning in robotics.
11. NN for parameter and model identification / tuning of Control Algorithms.
Students need to apply the computational algorithms using suitable software / programming
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302050: Computer Aided Engineering
Practical 50 Marks
Prerequisite Courses: Solid Mechanics, Numerical and Statistical Methods, Engineering
Mathematics, Manufacturing Processes, Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer.
Course Objectives:
1. UNDERSTAND the basic concepts of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) and
CHARACTERISTICS of various elements required for analysis.
2. NURTURE students about the discretization process and criteria for quality mesh.
3. UNDERSTAND the approaches of Finite Element Method (FEM) and to find displacement
and stresses over the body.
4. DEVELOP the knowledge and skills needed to effectively evaluate the results using Finite
Element Analysis (FEA).
5. APPLY computational technique to solve complex solid mechanics problems and its loading
6. STUDY the applications of CAE in the various domains of the Mechanical Engineering.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to
CO1: DEFINE the use of CAE tools and DESCRIBE the significance of shape functions in
finite element formulations.
CO2: APPLY the various meshing techniques for better evaluation of approximate results.
CO3: APPLY material properties and boundary condition to SOLVE 1-D and 2-D element
stiffness matrices to obtain nodal or elemental solution.
CO4: ANALYZE and APPLY various numerical methods for different types of analysis.
CO5: EVALUATE and SOLVE non-linear and dynamic analysis problems by analyzing the
results obtained from analytical and computational method.
CO6: GENERATE the results in the form of contour plot by the USE of CAE tools.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Elemental Properties 07 Hrs.
Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Use of CAE in Product development,
Discretization methods – Finite Element Method (FEM), Finite Difference Method (FDM) and
Finite Volume Method (FVM), CAE Tools- Pre-processor, Solver and Post-Processor.
Element Shapes – 1D, 2D and 3D elements, Nodal Unknowns and field variables, Coordinate
Systems, Shape Functions- linear, quadratic and cubic, Convergence Requirements of Shape
Functions, Derivation of Polynomial Shape Functions using coordinate systems for Bar, Beam,
Triangular, and rectangular elements.
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Unit 2 Meshing Techniques 06 Hrs.
Discretization of a Structure, 1D, 2D and 3D element Meshing, Element selection criteria, Refining
Mesh, Effect of mesh density in critical region, Use of Symmetry.
Element Quality Criterion:-Jacobian, Aspect ratio, Warpage, Minimum and Maximum angles,
Average element size, Minimum Length, skewness, Tetra Collapse etc., Higher Order Element vs
Mesh Refinement, Geometry Associate Mesh, Mesh quality, Bolted and welded joints
representation, Mesh independent test.
Unit 3 1D Finite Element Analysis 08 Hrs.
Consistent Unit System, Introduction to approaches used in Finite Element Analysis ( FEA) such as
direct approach and energy approach
Bar and Truss Element - Element stiffness matrix, Assembling stiffness Equation, Load vector,
stress and reaction forces calculations.
Temperature effect on Bar Element- Calculation due to uniform temperature change, Stress and
reaction forces calculations.
Unit 4 2D Finite Element Analysis 08 Hrs.
Plane Stress-Strain, axi-symmetric problems in 2D elasticity.
Constant Strain Triangle (CST) - Element Stiffness matrix, Assembling stiffness equation, Load vector,
Stress and reaction forces calculations.
Post Processing Techniques – Check and validate accuracy of results, Average and Un-average
stresses, and special tricks for Post Processing. Interpretation of results and design modifications, CAE
Unit 5 Non-Linear and Dynamic Analysis 08 Hrs.
Non-Linear Analysis: Introduction to Nonlinear Problems, Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear
analysis, Types of Nonlinearities, Stress-strain measures for Nonlinear analysis, Analysis of
Geometric, Material Nonlinearity, Solution Techniques for Nonlinear analysis, Newton Raphson
Method, Essential steps in Nonlinear analysis.
Dynamic Analysis: Introduction to Dynamic Analysis, Comparison of Static and Dynamic analysis,
Time domain and frequency domain, Types of loading, Simple Harmonic motion, Free vibration,
Boundary conditions of free vibration, Solution.
Unit 6 Applications of Computer Aided Engineering 08 Hrs.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): Introduction, Three dimensions of Fluid Dynamics,
Equilibrium Equation for a fluid, Conservation form of Fluid flow equation, Integral form of the
Conservation Laws.
Injection moulding of Plastics: Simplification of Mould Geometry for FEA, Material Model for
Mould FEA, Boundary Conditions for Mould FEA, Loading of Mould in FEA, Results Analysis.
Simulation for Manufacturing Processes like Casting and Sheet Metal Applications:
Introduction and workflow of Casting Simulation Software and Sheet Metal Applications.
Durability Analysis: Durability, Reliability and Fatigue, FEA bases fatigue analysis viz: Stress-Life
approach (S-N method) and Strain-Life approach (E-N method).
Crash Analysis: Introduction, Explicit time integration schemes, implicit integration schemes.
Noise Vibration and Harshness (NVH) Analysis: NVH Concepts, Terminology, FEA for
structural Dynamics, FEA for Acoustics.
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Books and other resources
Text Books:
1. Gokhale N. S., Deshpande S. S., Bedekar S. V. and Thite A. N., Practical Finite Element
Analysis, Finite to Infinite, Pune, 1st Edition, 2008.
2. S. S. Bhavikatti, Finite Element Analysis, New Age International Publishers, Third Edition,
3. Chandrupatla T. R. and Belegunda A. D., Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering,
Prentice Hall India, 2002.
4. G Lakshmi Narasaiah, Finite Element Analysis, BS Publications / BSP Books, 2nd
edition, 2020.
5. J. N. Reddy, An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, Mcgraw Hill Series in
Mechanical, 2005.
6. P. Seshu, Text book of Finite Element Analysis, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi,
10th Printing, 2012.
References Books:
1. K. J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedure, Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1996.
2. Cook R. D., Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis, John Wiley and Sons Inc, 1995.
3. G.R. Liu S. S. Quek, The Finite Element Method- A Practical Course, Butterworth
Heinemann, 2013.
4. Fagan M. J., Finite Element Analysis Theory and Practice, Harlow Pearson/Prentice Hall,
5. S. Moaveni, Finite element analysis, theory and application with Ansys, Pearson, Third
Edition, 2011.
6. David V. Hutton, Fundamental of Finite Element Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2017.
7. Mukhopadhyay M and Sheikh A. H., Matrix and Finite Element Analyses of Structures, Ane
Books Pvt. Ltd., 2009
8. Daryl L. Logan, A First Course in the Finite Element Method, Fourth Edition, Thomson
Canada Limited, 2007.
9. O.C. Zienkiewicz, The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals, Sixth Edition,
Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005.
Web References:
https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/104/112104116/-for Basics of Finite Element Analysis by
Prof.Nachiketa Tiwari, IIT Kanpur
https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/106/112106130/for Advanced Finite Element Analysis by
Dr. R. Krishnakumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras
https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/103/112103299/for Finite Element Analysis for Welding
Analysis by Prof. Swarup Bag, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati.
https://sites.ualberta.ca/~wmoussa/AnsysTutorial/ for ANSYS Tutorials
34 | P a g e
Term Work
The student shall complete the following activity as a Practical using any commercial FEA software
or open-source software’s
1. 1D Bar Element – Structural Linear Analysis
2. Truss Analysis using 1D Element
3. Plate/Shell Element – Structural Linear and Non-Linear Analysis
4. Beam Element – Non-Linear Buckling Analysis
5. Thermal Analysis – Static/Transient Analysis
6. Coupled Analysis- (Structural + Thermal)
7. Analysis of Machine Component using 3D Elements
8. Non-Linear Analysis of Assembly using Contact Elements
9. Modal Analysis – Spring -Mass system, simply supported/Cantilever beam, etc.
10. Presentation on advanced applications of FEA, NVH, CFD, Crash, Fatigue, Manufacturing,
The lab report shall consist of completion of Practical’s and Presentations.
Practical examination shall be based on the practical undertaken during the semester.
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302051: Design of Transmission Systems
Oral 25 Marks
Prerequisites: Classification of Gears, Gear Terminology, Terminology of Helical gear, Virtual
number of teeth. Classification, selection and application of Belt, chain and rope drives.
Course Objectives:
1. APPLY fundamentals for the design and/or selection of elements in transmission systems.
2. UNDERSTAND the philosophy that real engineering design problems are open-ended and
3. DEMONSTRATE design skills for the problems in real life industrial applications.
4. DEVELOP an attitude of team work, critical thinking, communication, planning and
scheduling through design projects.
5. PERCEIVE about safety, ethical, legal, and other societal constraints in execution of their
design projects.
6. BUILD a holistic design approach to find out pragmatic solutions to realistic domestic and
industrial problems
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to
CO1.APPLY the principle of Spur & Helical gear design for industrial application and
PREPARE a manufacturing drawing with the concepts of GD&T.
CO2.EXPLAIN and DESIGN Bevel & Worm gear considering design parameters as per design
CO3.SELECT&DESIGN Rolling and Sliding Contact Bearings from manufacturer's catalogue
for a typical application considering suitable design parameters.
CO4.DEFINE and DESIGN various types of Clutches, Brakes, used in automobile.
CO5.APPLY various concept to DESIGN Machine Tool Gear box, for different applications
CO6.ELABORATE various modes of operation, degree of hybridization and allied terms
associated with hybrid electric vehicles.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Spur and Helical Gears 07 Hrs.
Introduction to gears: Material selection for gears, Modes of gear tooth failure, Gear Lubrication
Spur Gears: Number of teeth and face width, Force analysis, Beam strength (Lewis) equation,
Velocity factor, Service factor, Load concentration factor, Effective load on gear, Wear strength
(Buckingham’s) equation, Estimation of module based on beam and wear strength, Estimation of
dynamic tooth load by velocity factor and Buckingham’s equation.
AGMA (American Gear Manufacturing Association) approach of Gear design (Only mathematical
relations, no numerical)
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Helical Gears: Force analysis of Helical Gear, Beam Strength of Helical Gear, Wear strength and
estimation of effective load based on Velocity factor (Barth factor) and Buckingham’s equation. (No
numerical on force analysis of helical)
Unit 2 Bevel and Worm Gear 08 Hrs.
Bevel Gears: Types of Bevel gears, Terminology, Virtual number of teeth, and force analysis of
Straight Bevel Gear. Design of Straight Bevel Gear based on Beam Strength, Wear strength and
estimation of effective load based on Velocity factor (Barth factor) and Buckingham’s equation.
(Simple numerical to be taken no design calculations)
Worm Gears: Worm and worm gear terminology and proportions of worm and worm gears, Force
analysis of worm gear drives, Friction in Worm gears, efficiency of worm gears, Worm and worm
gear material, Strength and wear ratings of worm gears (Bending stress factor, speed factor, surface
stress factor, zone factor) IS 1443-1974, Thermal consideration in worm gear drive.
(Simple numerical to be taken no design calculations)
Unit 3 Sliding and Rolling Contact Bearing 07 Hrs.
Sliding contact bearing (Theoretical treatment only): Introduction to sliding contact bearing,
classification, Reynolds’s equation (2D), Petroff’s equations, Sommerfeld number, Parameters of
bearing design.
Rolling Contact Bearings: Types of rolling contact Bearings and its selection, Static and dynamic
load carrying capacities, Stribeck’s Equation, Equivalent bearing load, Load-life relationship,
Selection of bearing life, Selection of rolling contact bearings from manufacturer's catalogue,
Design for cyclic loads, Types of failure in rolling contact bearings - causes and remedies. (Simple
Numerical treatment)
Unit 4 Design of Clutches and Brakes 07 Hrs.
Clutches: Introduction, Types of clutches, Material, Positive clutches, friction clutches, single plate,
multiple plate, Cone clutch, and centrifugal clutches, Application of friction clutches automotive and
industrial machinery sector. (Only Theoretical Treatment)
Brakes: Introduction, Types of brakes, Material, Design of band brake, external and internal shoe
breaks internal expanding shoe brakes, design of disc brakes. Application of brakes in automotive
and industrial machinery sector. (Only Theoretical Treatment)
Unit 5 Design of M/C Tool Gear Box 08 Hrs.
Introduction to Machine Tool Gearboxes, classification, basic considerations in design of drives and
its Applications, Determination of variable speed range, Graphical representation of speed and
structure diagram, Ray diagram, selection of optimum ray diagram, Kinematic /Gearing Diagram,
Deviation diagram, Difference between numbers of teeth of successive gears in a change gear box.
(Note: Full design problem to be restricted up to 2 Stages only & No design problem on
deviation diagram)
Unit 6 Transmission system in Hybrid Electric Vehicle 08 Hrs.
Introduction, Types of Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Basic Classification, Basic Modes of Operation,
Other Derivatives, Degree of Hybridization. Power Split Devices (PSD): Simple and EM compound
PSD, HEV Component Characteristics: The IC Engine, Electric Machines, Battery, HEV
Performance Analysis: Series HEV, Parallel HEV, HEV Component Sizing: General
Considerations, Sizing for Performance, Optimum Sizing, Power Management: Control Potential,
37 | P a g e
Books and other resources
Text Books:
1. Shigley J.E. and Mischke C.R., Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill Publication
Co. ltd.
2. Spotts M.F. and Shoup T.E., Design of Machine Elements, Prentice Hall International.
3. Bhandari V.B, Design of Machine Elements, Tata McGraw Hill Publication Co. Ltd.
4. Juvinal R.C, Fundamentals of Machine Components Design, John Wiley and Sons.
References Books:
1. Design Data - P.S.G. College of Technology, Coimbatore.
2. Vehicle Powertrain Systems by Behrooz Mashadi, David Crolla. A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
3. Automobiles–Power trains and Automobiles–Dynamics by Crolla, David, A John Wiley
&Sons, Ltd
4. Automotive Engineering Powertrain, Chassis System and Vehicle Body by David A Crolla,
Elsevier B H New York, London, Oxford.
5. lack P.H. and O. Eugene Adams, Machine Design, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc.
6. Willium C. Orthwein, Machine Components Design, West Publishing Co. and Jaico
Publications House.
7. P. Kannaiah, Design of Transmission systems‖, SCIETCH Publications Pvt Ltd.
8. C.S. Sharma and Kamlesh Purohit, Design of Machine Elements, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
9. D.K. Aggarwal& P.C. Sharma, Machine Design, S.K Kataria and Sons.
10. P. C. Gope, Machine Design: Fundamentals and Applications, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
11. Bhandari, V. B. Machine Design data book, Tata McGraw Hill Publication Co. Ltd.
12. K. Mahadevan, K. Balveera Reddy, Design Data Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, CBS
Web References:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b42_IO87X4s
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTZ4Gah3wfo
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER6LC7ONCD8
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMsB6Soz4Hc
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOTDbCPukoM
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMNQglkUfhs
7. https://freevideolectures.com/course/2363/design-of-machine-elements
38 | P a g e
Term Work
Student shall complete the following activity as a Term Work;
The Submission shall consist of completion of Two Design projects and study Assignments. Oral
examination shall be based on the practical undertaken during the semester.
Design Project 1 (Any one)
1. Design of gearbox for wind mill application or sluice gate. (Use AGMA approach)
2. Design of gearbox for building Elevator. (Use AGMA approach)
3. Design of gearbox for Hoist. (Use AGMA approach)
4. Design of gearbox for Worm gear box for Sugar Industry. (Use AGMA approach)
5. Design of clutch system for automobile
6. Design of brake system for automobile
Design Project 2
Projects shall be in the form of design of mechanical systems on multi speed spindle gear box
including design of belt and pulley, Prime mover selection etc.
The design project shall consist of two full imperial (A1) size sheets involving assembly drawing
with a part list and overall dimensions and drawings of individual components.
Manufacturing tolerances, surface finish symbols and geometric tolerances should be specified for
important surfaces. A design report giving all necessary calculations of the design of components
and assembly should be submitted in a separate file. Design data book shall be used wherever
necessary to achieve selection of standard components.
Assignment: Any Two (PPT Presentation and Report)
1. Application orientated Numerical on HEV
2. Lubricating oils: Properties, additives, selection of lubricating oils
3. Properties & selection of sliding bearing materials
4. Application of belt, rope and chain drives and its selection method for Industry
5. Transmission system of HEV
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302052-A: Composite Materials
End-Semester 70 Marks
Prerequisites: Engineering Materials, Metallurgy, Manufacturing Process, Basic Design aspects.
Course Objectives:
1. DESCRIBE what are composite materials and their differences with respect to conventional
2. COMPREHEND the challenges associated with Polymer Matrix composites.
3. UNDERSTAND the requirement of Metal Matrix Composites
4. RECOGNIZE design and properties aspect of composites
5. UNDERSTAND the testing, inspection and standard in Composites
6. ORIENT to the specific Application of Composites
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to
CO1. DEFINE & COMPARE composites with traditional materials.
CO2. IDENTIFY & ESTIMATE different parameters of the Polymer Matrix Composite
CO3. CATEGORISE and APPLY Metal Matrix Process from possessions landscape.
CO4. DETERMINE volume/weight fraction and strength of Composites.
CO5. SELECT appropriate testing and inspection method for composite materials.
CO6. SELECT composites materials for various applications.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction to Composites 07 Hrs.
Definitions, Need of Composites, Classification of Composites, Reinforcements and matrices, Types
of reinforcements, Types of matrices, Types of composites, Natural Composites, Carbon Fiber
composites, Properties of composites in comparison with standard materials. Advantages and
Disadvantages. Natural Composites, Hybrid materials and their difference with Composite
materials, Applications.
Unit 2 Polymer Matrix Composite 08 Hrs.
Polymer resins – thermosetting resins, thermoplastic resins – reinforcement fibers – roving’s –
woven fabrics – non woven random mats – various types of fibers. PMC processes – hand layup
processes – spray up processes – compression moulding – reinforced reaction injection moulding –
resin transfer moulding – Pultrusion – Filament winding – Injection moulding. Fiber reinforced
plastics (FRP), Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP). Laminated Composites.
Unit 3 Metal Matrix Composite 07 Hrs.
Characteristics and types of MMC, advantages and limitations of MMC, Reinforcements – particles
– fibers. Effect of reinforcement – volume fraction – rule of mixtures. Processing of MMC – powder
metallurgy process – diffusion bonding – stir casting – squeeze casting, a spray process, Liquid
infiltration In-situ reactions-Interface-measurement of interface properties.
40 | P a g e
Unit 4 Mechanics of Composite Materials 08 Hrs.
Geometrical aspects – volume and weight fraction (Numerical). Large particle composites and the
rule of mixtures for elastic constants, failure, fatigue, and long-term strength, methods of optimum
design of materials and structures, Micromechanics of a Lamina, Unidirectional continuous fiber,
discontinuous fibers, short fiber systems, woven reinforcements –Mechanical Testing:
Determination of stiffness and strengths of unidirectional composites; tension, compression, flexure
and shear (Numerical).
Unit 5 Testing, Inspection & Standards in Composites 07 Hrs.
Test Environments, Mechanical Test (Tensile, compression, shear & Fatigue) Bond Strength / Ply
Adhesion ASTM F904, Testing Techniques for Composite Double Cantilever Beam, End Notch
Flexure, Inter laminar Share Strength, Materials Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) of Composites,
Thermographic testing of composites. ASTM & ISO standards for composites materials.
Unit 6 Application of Composite Materials 08 Hrs.
Applications of Composites material for Aerospace and Transportation application, viz LCA/LCH,
Automobile Industry -lightweight, cost-effective, multi-material technology, compatibility with
automation systems and rapid processing.
Energy Applications-Ecofriendly Prime movers, Infrastructure and Building Applications, Maine
Applications- Boats and Ships, Ecofriendly storage Tanks Sports Industry-Protective Equipment’s.
Books and other resources
Text Books:
1. Chawla K.K., Composite materials Science and Engineering, Springer – Springer New York-
2. Daniel Gay- Composite Materials- Design and Applications, CRC Press, 2014
3. Autar Kaw- Mechanics of Composite Materials, Taylor and Francis, Second Edition- 2006
4. Robert M Jones-Mechanics of Composite Material, CRC Press, 2018
5. Madhujit Mukhopadhyay - Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structure, University
Pres, 2004
6. S.C. Sharma -Composite Materials, Narosa Publishing House—2000
References Books:
1. A Bent Strong- Fundamentals of Composites Manufacturing-Materials, Methods and
Applications, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2008
2. Clyne T.W. and Withers P.J-Introduction to Metal Matrix Composites, Cambridge
University Press, 1995
3. Agarwal B. D. and Broutmen L. J-Analysis and performance of Fiber Composites, Wiley
Publicaions-Fourth Edition, 2017
4. M. W. Hyer, Scott R. White- Stress Analysis of Fiber-reinforced Composite Materials,
DEStech Publications, Inc., 2009
5. Carl T. Herakovich- Mechanics of Fibrous Composites, Wiley Publicaions, 1998
6. Erich Fitzer, Lalit M. Manocha - Carbon Reinforcements and Carbon /carbon Composites,
Springer-Verlag, 1998
7. Murray Schwartz, Mel M. Schwartz- Composite Materials Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1992
8. Composite Materials Handbook, SAE International, 2017
41 | P a g e
Web References:
1. Introduction of Composite - https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/104/112104229/
2. Advanced Composite - https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/104/112104249/
3. Polymer Process - https://nptel.ac.in/courses/113/105/113105077/
4. Manufacturing of composite - https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/104/112104221/
5. Processing of Polymer composite - https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/107/112107221/
6. Composite materials - https://nptel.ac.in/courses/101/106/101106038/
7. Mechanics of laminated of composite - https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/104/112104161/
8. Composite Materials and Structure - https://nptel.ac.in/courses/101/104/101104010/
42 | P a g e
302052-B: Surface Engineering
End-Semester 70 Marks
Prerequisites: Basic Chemistry, Engineering Materials & Basic Metallurgy concepts
Course Objectives:
1. DEVELOP fundamental understanding and role of materials to allow surface selection for
mechanical contact surfaces
2. UNDERSTAND surface modification and coating method to enhance surface performance
3. RECOGNIZE method for testing surface properties
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learner will be able to-
CO1. DEFINE the basic’s principle & mechanism of surface degradation.
CO2. ANALYSE & SELECT correct corrosion prevention techniques for a different service
CO3. DEMONSTRATE the role of surface engineering of materials to modify/improve the
surface properties.
CO4. SELECT the suitable surface heat treatments to improve the surface properties.
CO5. APPLY the surface modification technique to modify surface properties.
CO6. ANALYSE & EVALUTE various surface coating defects using various
testing/characterization method.
Course Contents
Unit 1 Introduction to Surface Engineering and Surface Degradation 08 Hrs.
Introduction to engineering components, surface dependent properties and failures, importance and
scope of surface engineering; surface and surface energy; Structure and type of interfaces, surface
and related equations; Surface engineering: classification, definition, scope and general principles.
Adhesive wear, Abrasive wear, Erosion wear, Polishing wear; Corrosion: definition; Various Forms
of Corrosion; Corrosion Triangle, Pilling and Bedworth rule, Formation and growth of films,
Concept of Electrode Potential, Concept of Polarization, Electrochemical and galvanic series of
Unit 2 Corrosion Testing and Prevention methods 07 Hrs.
Corrosion Testing –Introduction of Corrosion Testing by Physical (only weight loss & salt spray
method) and Electrochemical Methods such as ASTM standard methods only G-5&A262-A.
Corrosion Prevention methods –Metallurgical and Environmental aspects of corrosion, Inhibitors,
Internal & External coating, Cathodic & Anodic protection, use of special alloys, Improvement in
design/ changes in design to control corrosion.
Unit 3 Surface Treatment Methods 08 Hrs.
Diffusion: Principles of diffusion, Fick‟s law, diffusion in solids, Diffusion in liquids; Surface
hardening: Carburizing, Carburizing atmosphere and Heat treatment after Case Hardening, Depth of
carburization, Case depth measurement, ASTM E1077-01 Depth of carburization, ASTM standard
43 | P a g e
G105, G95, Bainite control in case, Drip Feed Carburizing, dimensional changes during case
hardening; Nitriding, Carbonitriding, Tufftriding, Nitrocarburising, Plasma Nitriding; Induction
Hardening, Flame Hardening, Laser Hardening, Selection of steels for these treatments and their
Unit 4 Advance Surface Modification Techniques 07 Hrs.
Surface modification processes: ion beam surface treatment; sol-gel coating technology; laser
surface alloying. Coating for corrosion resistance: conversion coatings; compound coatings -
diamond-like nanocomposites, nitrides, silicides, and carbides. Coating for wear resistance: carbon
nitride thin films; sputter deposited nanostructured ceramic coatings; dielectric coatings of Si-C
alloy films. Electroless coating.
Unit 5 Surface Coating Techniques 07 Hrs.
Introduction; importance of coating; types of coating: metal, inorganic, and organic. Processes of
metal coatings: electrodeposition; flame spraying; Cold spray coating; cladding; hot dipping; vapor
deposition. Processes of inorganic coatings: spraying; diffusion coating; chemical conversion.
Processes of organic coatings: surface preparation; priming coat; top coats, Antidust coating,
Hardfacing; Coatings for high temperature, Coatings for aerospace and aircrafts.
Unit 6 Surface Evaluation and Characterizations 08 Hrs.
Coating Defects & remedies: Crawling, cratering & related defects; Flooding, wrinkling, Bubbling
and Pin-holing, Overspray and Dry Spray, Blushing, foaming, blistering, checking and cracking,
blooming, chalking, embrittlement, orange peel, yellowing etc.
Measurement of coating thickness; porosity and adhesion of surface coating; measurement of
residual stress and stability; Surface microscopy and topography by scanning probe microscopy;
spectroscopic analysis of modified surfaces; Surface roughness, Atomic force microscopy.
Books and other resources
Text Books:
1. K.G. Budinski, Surface Engineering for Wear Resistances, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
2. M. Ohring, The Materials Science of Thin Films, Academic Press Inc, 2005.
3. Peter Martin, " Introduction to Surface Engineering and Functionally Engineered Materials",
John Willey
4. M. G. Fontana - Corrosion Engineering, 3rdEdition, TATA Mc Graw Hill, 2008.
5. J. R. Davis-Surface Engineering for Corrosion and Wear Resistance, ASM International,
6. R. W. Revie & H.H. Uhlig - Corrosion and Corrosion Control, An Introduction to Corrosion
Science & Engineering, 4th Edition, Wiley Inter science , 2008.
References Books:
1. Mircea K. Bologa, "Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry", Springer.
2. Devis, J.R.," Surface Engineering for Corrosion & Wear Resistance", 2001 Maney
3. D.R. Jones - Principals and Prevention of Corrosion, 2nd International Edition, Prentice Hall
International Singapore, 1995.
4. L. L. Shreir- Corrosion Volume I & II, Butterworths, London, 1994.
5. ASM Handbook Volume 5: Surface Engineering, ASM International, USA, 1994.
44 | P a g e
Web References:
1. Aqueous Corrosion and Its Control - Course (nptel.ac.in): By Dr. V. S. Raja
2. Corrosion Failures and Analysis - Course (nptel.ac.in):By Dr. KallolMandol
3. Surface Engineering of Nanomaterials - Course (nptel.ac.in): By Prof. Kaushik Pal
4. Fundamentals of Surface Engineering: Mechanisms, Processes and Characterizations -
Course (nptel.ac.in)by Prof. D.K. Dwivedi
45 | P a g e
302053: Measurement Laboratory
46 | P a g e
plot of flow chart of its usage.
5. Determination of geometry and dimensions of given composite object / single point tool, by
using Optical Projector / Tool makers’ Microscope and differentiate between its usefulness
in real life.
6. Verification of dimensions and geometry of given components using
Electric/Mechanical/Optical/Pneumatic comparator in context of manufacturing.
7. Determination of modulus of elasticity of a mild steel specimen using strain gauges and its
improvement to reduce cost of measurement.
8. Calibration of Thermocouple for temperature measurement / Experimentation by using Gear
Tooth Vernier Caliper
9. Speed Measurement and calibration of photo and magnetic speed pickups for the
measurement of speed by using Stroboscope.
10. Calibration for Flowrate measurement by using Anemometers, Ultrasonic flow meters and
plotting of Risk Priority Number (RPN) of any of the used equipments.
11. Determination of geometry of a given sample by using Coordinate Measuring Machine as
per NPL standard and also acknowledge requirements of ISO 10360-5:2020 in CMM
12. Applications of Open Education Resources like Scilab in measurement / Students should
develop any online calculator/app for calculations/numerical analysis relevant to metrology.
Important Note:
1. Relevant theory to be taught during practical hours
2. Sr. No. 1, 2, 3 and 12 are mandatory and any 4 from Sr. No. 4 to 11.
3. Practical’s are to be performed under the guidance of concerned faculty member.
Industry Visit to provide exposure to students (Anyone to be covered to fulfil CO6 essentially)
Demonstration of CMM with the help of software and its futuristic improvements as per
Industry 4.0 requirements.
Design of Go –No Go gauges and Senor applications with modernization as per IOT and
Industry 4.0
Calibration Process as per NABL accreditation norms
Laser Metrology and its relevant setup functions to be carried out by engineers along with
safety precautions to reduce measurement lead time and uncertainty.
Temperature Measurements of Furnaces, Boilers etc with its cost analysis
Flow Measurements of Air, Fluids to reduce measurement lead time
Text Books:
1. Jain R.K., Engineering Metrology, Khanna Publication.
2. D.S.Kumar, Mechanical Measurements and Control Metropolitan Book Co.Pvt.Ltd.
3. I.C.Gupta, Engineering Metrology, Dhanpath Rai.
4. Bewoor A. K. and Kulkarni V. A., Metrology and Measurements, McGraw hill Publication.
Reference Books:
1. Narayana K.L., Engineering Metrology.
2. Galyer J.F &Shotbolt C.R., Metrology for engineers
3. Judge A.W., Engineering Precision Measurements, Chapman and Hall
4. Francis T. Farago, Mark A. Curtis, Handbook of dimensional measurement
47 | P a g e
5. ASTME, Handbook of Industrial Metrology, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.
6. Connie Dotson, Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology, ThamsonPubln. 4th Edition.
Online Education resources: viz. NPTEL web site:
1. nptel.ac.in/courses/112106179
2. www.nptelvideos.in/2012/12/mechanical-measurements-and-metrology.html
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/107/112107242/
4. freevideolectures.com › Mechanical › IIT Madras
5. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/106/112106139/
48 | P a g e
302054: Fluid Power & Control Laboratory
49 | P a g e
3. A) Study and trial on Gear/Vane/Piston pump
a. Study of hydraulic pumps.
Introduction and classification
Advantages of positive displacement pumps
Types of pumps
External and internal gear pump
Vane pumps
Piston pumps
Axial pumps
Radial piston pumps
b. Trial Gear/Vane/Piston pump.
B) Study and testing of pressure control valve.
a. Circuits with pressure control valve i.e. pressure reducing/counterbalance/brake
valve/Sequencing circuit
b. Test on pressure relief valve
4. Study and design of compressed air generation and distribution system
a. Reservoir
b. Driers
c. Types of Regulators
d. Filters
e. Lubricators
f. FRL
g. Loop piping system
h. Assignment on calculation (manual/excel sheet/simulation tool) of pressure loss in piping
5. Study of control valves
a. Introduction
b. Types of control valves
Directional control valves
Pressure control valves
Flow control valves
Cartridge valves
Proportional control valves/Electro-hydraulics/proportional valves
Demonstration of cut-section/transparent/dismantling of any one valve
c. Regenerative circuit
d. Speed control circuits
e. Transverse and feed circuit.
6. Study of accessory used in hydraulic systems
a. Reservoirs
b. Accumulators: weight loaded, spring loaded, gas loaded.
c. Intensifier
d. Fluid conductors/pipes; pipe fittings
e. Demonstration of electro hydraulic circuit/accumulator/intensifier
7. Following experiments to be done on pneumatic trainer
a. Automatic reciprocating circuit
b. Speed control circuit/Flow control valve
c. Pneumatic circuit involving Shuttle valve/ Quick exhaust valve / Two pressure valve
d. Electro pneumatic circuits
50 | P a g e
8. a) Simulation of hydraulic and pneumatic circuits: Design of any two industrial hydraulics and
two pneumatic circuits using manufacturers’ catalogue and analysis using any open
source/free/commercial software or application.
b) Design of industrial hydraulic and pneumatic circuits, selection of components using the
manufacturer’s catalogue and analysis using any open source/free/commercial
software or application.
9. A) Industrial visit. (Automotive workshop, small or medium scale /automation industry)
B) Trouble shooting of fluid power system.
10. Study and implementation of IoT based system to operate electro-pneumatic/hydraulic circuit
from a remote location.
i.e. Demonstration of one cycle of operation of cylinder extension by actuation of solenoid
and then retraction by deactivation of the solenoid through proximity sensor.
Demonstration of counting and stopping a cycle once the number of the cycle’s are completed
(using PLC)
any other application of relay ladder logic or PLC. (Equipments required for implementation
include Smart Phone, Node MCU, Relay 5 volt to 24 volt and account on cloud.)
51 | P a g e
Web References:
URL links:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/106/112106175/
2. http://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/document/QXBqK1czOUpyM3FlamVjTmREMWFEUFdEb25sZ01FZVRtZ
Fluid Power Control: Web-Course Module-01 Module-02 Module-03 Module-04
Links of Video Lectures:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/106/112106300/
2. https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/112105047/L01.html
Recommended on line courses: https://nptel.ac.in/course.html
52 | P a g e
302055: Internship/Mini project
04 TW 100 Marks
Prerequisites: Knowledge of design, manufacturing processes, modeling, and mechanical systems
Course Objectives:
Internship provides an excellent opportunity to learner to see understand the conceptual aspects
learned in classes and deployed into the practical world. Industry/on project experience provides
much more professional experience as value addition to classroom teaching.
1. To encourage and provide opportunities for students to get professional/personal
experience through internships.
2. To learn and understand real life/industrial situations.
3. To get familiar with various tools and technologies used in industries and their applications.
4. To nurture professional and societal ethics.
5. To create awareness of social, economic and administrative considerations in the working
environment of industry organizations.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, learners should be able to
CO1. DEMONSTRATE professional competence through industry internship.
CO2. APPLY knowledge gained through internships to complete academic activities in a
professional manner.
CO3. CHOOSE appropriate technology and tools to solve given problem.
CO4. DEMONSTRATE abilities of a responsible professional and use ethical practices in day
to day life.
CO5. DEVELOP network and social circle, and DEVELOPING relationships with industry
CO6. ANALYZE various career opportunities and DECIDE career goals.
Internships are educational and career development opportunities, providing practical experience in
a field or discipline. Internships are far more important as the employers are looking for employees
who are properly skilled and having awareness about industry environment, practices and culture.
Internship is structured, short-term, supervised training often focused around particular tasks or
projects with defined time scales.
Core objective is to expose technical students to the industrial environment, which cannot be
simulated/experienced in the classroom and hence creating competent professionals in the industry
and to understand the social, economic and administrative considerations that influence the working
environment of industrial organizations.
Engineering internships are intended to provide students with an opportunity to apply conceptual
knowledge from academics to the realities of the field work/training. The following guidelines are
proposed to give academic credit for the internship undergone as a part of the Third Year
Engineering curriculum.
53 | P a g e
Internship is to be completed after semester 5 and before commencement of semester 6 of at least 4
to 6 weeks; and it is to be assessed and evaluated in semester 6.
Internship work Identification:
Student may choose to undergo Internship at Industry/Govt. Organizations/NGO/MSME/Rural
Internship/ Innovation/IPR/Entrepreneurship. Student may choose either to work on innovation or
entrepreneurial activities resulting in start-up or undergo internship with
industry/NGO’s/Government organizations/Micro/Small/ Medium enterprises to make themselves
ready for the industry.
Students must get Internship proposals sanctioned from college authority well in advance. Internship
work identification process should be initiated in the Vth semester in coordination with training and
placement cell/ industry institute cell/ internship cell. This will help students to start their internship
work on time. Also, it will allow students to work in vacation period after their Vth semester
examination and before academic schedule of semester VI.
Student can take internship work in the form of the following but not limited to:
1. Working for consultancy/ research project,
2. Contribution in Incubation/ Innovation/ Entrepreneurship Cell/ Institutional Innovation
Council/ startups cells of institute /
3. Learning at Departmental Lab/Tinkering Lab/ Institutional workshop,
4. Development of new product/ Business Plan/ registration of start-up,
5. Industry / Government Organization Internship,
6. Internship through Internshala,
7. In-house product development, intercollegiate, inter department research internship under
research lab/group, micro/small/medium enterprise/online internship,
8. Research internship under professors, IISC, IIT's, Research organizations,
9. NGOs or Social Internships, rural internship,
10. Participate in open source development.
Internship Diary/ Internship Workbook:
Students must maintain Internship Diary/ Internship Workbook. The main purpose of maintaining
diary/workbook is to cultivate the habit of documenting. The students should record in the daily
training diary the day-to-day account of the observations, impressions, information gathered and
suggestions given, if any. The training diary/workbook should be signed every day by the
Internship Diary/workbook and Internship Report should be submitted by the students along with
attendance record and an evaluation sheet duly signed and stamped by the industry to the Institute
immediately after the completion of the training.
Internship Work Evaluation:
Every student is required to prepare and maintain documentary proofs of the activities done by
him as internship diary or as workbook. The evaluation of these activities will be done by Program
Head/Cell In-charge/ Project Head/ faculty mentor or Industry Supervisor based on- Overall
compilation of internship activities, sub-activities, the level of achievement expected, evidence
needed to assign the points and the duration for certain activities.
Assessment and Evaluation is to be done in consultation with internship supervisor (Internal and
External – a supervisor from place of internship.
54 | P a g e
Recommended evaluation parameters-Post Internship Internal Evaluation -50 Marks + Internship
Diary/Workbook and Internship Report - 50 Marks
Evaluation through Seminar Presentation/Viva-Voce at the Institute
The student will give a seminar based on his training report, before an expert committee
constituted by the concerned department as per norms of the institute. The evaluation will be
based on the following criteria:
Depth of knowledge and skills
Communication & Presentation Skills
Team Work and Creativity
Planning & Organizational skills
Analytical Skills
Attitude & Behavior at work
Societal Understanding
Regularity and punctuality
Attendance record
Student’s Feedback from External Internship Supervisor
After completion of Internship, the student should prepare a comprehensive report to indicate what
he has observed and learnt in the training period.
Internship Diary/workbook may be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
● Proper and timely documented entries
● Adequacy & quality of information recorded
● Data recorded
● Thought process and recording techniques used
● Organization of the information
The report shall be presented covering following recommended fields but limited to,
Title/Cover Page
Internship completion certificate
Internship Place Details- Company background-organization and activities/Scope and
object of the study / Supervisor details
Index/Table of Contents
Title/Problem statement/objectives
Motivation/Scope and rationale of the study
Methodological details
Results / Analysis /inferences and conclusion
Suggestions / Recommendations for improvement to industry, if any
Attendance Record
List of reference (Library books, magazines and other sources)
55 | P a g e
Feedback from internship supervisor(External and Internal)
Post internship, faculty coordinator should collect feedback about student with recommended
parameters include as- Technical knowledge, Discipline, Punctuality, Commitment, Willingness to
do the work, Communication skill, individual work, Team work, Leadership…
1. https://www.aicte-india.org/sites/default/files/AICTE%20Internship%20Policy.pdf
2. https://internship.aicte-india.org/
The student shall be encouraged to undertake the industrial internships however the Industry
may provide opportunity to a limited few amongst the students available. In such scenario it
becomes the moral responsibility of the faculty to create opportunity for such group of
students (similar to the ones in Industry) by assigning them some real life problem as a part of
the mini project and encouraging/mentoring them to attempt viable solutions. Hence the
provision of Mini project is being done to accommodate such students and expose them with
the Industrial practices in house. The students can be encouraged to consider analysis of the
global patents available as a mini project,
Mini project
56 | P a g e
3. Parametric analysis of components/systems/devices using suitable software
4. Investigation of optimum process/material for product development using market survey.
5. Solution for society/industry problems
The Assessment Scheme will be:
a. Continuous Assessment 50 marks (based on regular interaction, circuit development)
b. End Semester 50 marks (based on poster presentation, demonstration / Seminar)
Project domain may be from the following, but not limited to:
1.Thermal Systems
2. Robotics Mechanisms/design systems
3. Production/advance manufacturing
4. Materials: Composite/Nano
5. Automation and Control Systems
6. Mechatronic Systems
7. Agriculture system.
8. Smart systems using AI-ML
A project report with following contents shall be prepared:
1. Title
2. Objectives
3. Relevance and significance
4. Methodology
5. Analysis-Simulation/experimentation/survey/testing etc.
6. Result and Discussion
7. Conclusion
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302056: Audit Course VI
Faculty mentor shall be allotted for individual courses and he/she shall monitor the progress
for successful accomplishment of the course. Such monitoring is necessary for ensuring that
the concept of self-learning is being pursued by the students ‘in true letter and spirit’.
If any course through Swayam/ NPTEL/ virtual platform is selected the minimum duration shall be
of 8 weeks.
However if any of the course duration is less than the desired (8 weeks) the mentor shall ensure that
other activities in form of assignments, quizzes, group discussion etc. (allied with the course) for the
balance duration should be undertaken.
In addition to credits courses, it is mandatory that there should be an audit course (non-credit course)
from third year of Engineering. The student will be awarded grade as AP on successful completion of the
audit course. The student may opt for any one of the audit courses in each semester. Such audit courses
can help the student to get awareness of different issues which make an impact on human lives and
enhance their skill sets to improve their employability. List of audit courses offered in the semester is
provided in the curriculum. Students can choose one of the audit courses from the list of courses
mentioned. Evaluation of the audit course will be done at institute level.
The student registered for audit course shall be awarded the grade AP and shall be included such grade
in the Semester grade report for that course, provided student has the minimum attendance as prescribed
by the Savitribai Phule Pune University and satisfactory in-semester performance and secured a passing
grade in that audit course. No grade points are associated with this 'AP' grade and performance in these
courses is not considered in the calculation of the performance indices SGPA and CGPA. Evaluation of
the audit course will be done at institute level itself.
Selecting an Audit Course
List of Courses to be opted (Any one) under Audit Course VI
Business and Sustainable Development
Management Information System
International Business
# The titles indicated above are subject to change in time to come and such an alteration (if any)
should be brought to the notice of the BOS.
Using NPTEL Platform: (preferable)
NPTEL is an initiative by MHRD to enhance learning effectiveness in the field of technical
education by developing curriculum based video courses and web based e-courses. The details of
NPTEL courses are available on its official website www.nptel.ac.in
Students can select any one of the courses mentioned above and has to register for the
corresponding online course available on the NPTEL platform as an Audit course.
Once the course is completed the student can appear for the examination as per the guidelines on
the NPTEL portal.
After clearing the examination successfully; student will be awarded with a certificate.
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Assessment of an Audit Course
The assessment of the course will be done at the institute level. The institute has to maintain the
record of the various audit courses opted by the students. The audit course opted by the students
could be interdisciplinary.
During the course students will be submitting the online assignments. A copy of the same can be
submitted as a part of term work for the corresponding Audit course.
On the satisfactory submission of assignments, the institute can mark as “Present” and the
student will be awarded the grade AP on the mark-sheet.
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