Biblical Numerology and The Meaning of Numbers 1 To 10

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Biblical numerology and the meaning of numbers 1 to


When we study the Bible we are amazed by the meaning that numbers have in
the Word of God. Every detail in Scripture is important and this is clearly seen
in the study of numbers.

Let us be careful not to give more importance to this study than God has given
it. It would be totally impossible to construct a doctrine about the meaning of
numbers in the Bible. It is enough to realize that God has given a certain
meaning to each number. Such recognition should strengthen our faith in the fact
that there is One Author of the Bible, and the fact that the Bible is the product of
One Supreme Mind.

The symbolism of numbers in the Bible is one of the most fascinating aspects of
the study of the Scriptures, biblical numerology provides us with great help in
the discoveries of moral, dispensational and prophetic glories. There is no room
for speculation in the Holy Spirit's use of numbers.

Once God spoke; I have heard this twice: that God is power, and yours, O Lord,
is mercy; for you repay each one according to his work (Psalm 62:11-12)

Solomon also uses numerical culmination when he lists the six things that God
hates and the seventh that abhors his soul (Proverbs 6:16-19).

· The One (1)

There is universal agreement on the meaning of this number. In all languages it
is the symbol of unity, and in the Scriptures it is considered the sign of divine
unity and its absolute supremacy: “You shall have no other gods before me”
(Exodus 20:3).

This order implies that in God there is an absolute sufficiency and an

independence that does not need anyone else. In Ephesians 4:3-6, the apostle
Paul describes a complete circle, consisting of seven distinct units: one body,
one spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God. Therefore, the
number one is a primary number. All other numbers depend on ONE. It precedes
and produces all other numbers.
The number ONE is the number of God. Without Him nothing can exist (Deut.
6:4; Es. 42:8; Zac. 14:9; 1Cor. 8:6; Gal 3:20; 1Tim. 2:5).

The number ONE stands alone, independent of all the others. God is
independent; we are dependent.

God is ONE who is capable of solving every problem. His Word has been given
to us in the form of ONE BOOK, the ONLY BOOK.

· The Two (2)

While number one states that there is no other, number two indicates that there
is. It is a number that has a double color, according to its context.
The number two is the number of division and separation. Number two states
that there is a difference.

God divided the night from the day. There is separation of believers and
unbelievers. The human race is divided into TWO classes: the first Adam who
failed and the second Adam who brought salvation.

The number TWO appears many times in the Bible:

The Old Testament and the New Testament

Law and Grace
The narrow door and the wide door
The narrow way and the broad way
Cain and Abel
Ishmael and Isaac

Two witnesses are required for testimony (Deut. 19:15; 2Co 13:1). Caleb and
Joshua testified about the land (Num. 14:6-9). There were two spies sent to the
other side of the Jordan (Josh. 2:1). Two olive trees typify the two witnesses
(Zech. 4:3; Apoc. 11:3-4). God's Word and His Oath show the immutability of
His counsel (Heb 6:17-18). Two must agree when asking (Mt. 18:19).
· The Three (3)
The number three is the number of union, approval and consummation.
**(also means "divine perfection)

The Scriptures, composed of the Law, Prophets and the Psalms, bear witness to
Christ (Luke 24:44). The elements of the Christian life in this scene are faith,
hope and love. A threefold cord is not quickly broken (Eq. 4:12) and
corresponds to perfection in testimony.

There is the threefold test of man: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life. There are three enemies of man: the world, the flesh and the
devil. Man is spirit, soul and body.

There are three who bear witness on earth: The Spirit, the water and the blood (1
John 5:8).

· The Four (4)

The number four is the number of creation. It especially has to do with the
land. There are four points of the compass: north, east, south and west. There are
four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

In the parable of the sower there are four types of land: the land by the way, the
land with many stones, the thorny land, and the good land (Matthew 13).
There are four gospels that narrate the life of our Lord on earth. Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John.

In the arrangement of the camp of Israel there were four flags (Num. 10).
Ezekiel saw four living creatures and each of them had four faces, etc. (Ez. 1:5-

· The Five (5)

The number five indicates the grace of God.
The columns of the outer court of the Tabernacle were five cubits high,
separated by five cubits of space.
In Isaiah 9:6 five titles are given to the Lord: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty
God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

With five loaves, Jesus fed the five thousand.

· The Six (6)

Lack, imperfection (one unit less than the perfect number of seven).

The number six is the number of man. This number demonstrates the sad
state of man's incompleteness .
On the sixth day man was created. The man had to work six days a week.

Solomon had six steps ascending to his great throne (1Kings 10:19); it was not
high enough to preserve it from idolatry. Six hundred and sixty-six talents of
gold was what he received each year (1 Kings 10:14); and yet he had to confess
that it was all vanity and affliction of spirit.

The Jews in Cana had six jars of water for purification (Jn. 2:6), but they
expressed the insufficiency of the ordinances to meet man's needs.

The number of the imperial beast will be six hundred and sixty-six (Rev. 13:18).
Imperfection in all aspects.

Goliath was six cubits high; He wore six pieces of armor and the iron of his
spear weighed six hundred cycles of iron.

Nebuchadnezzar made a golden statue measuring sixty cubits and six cubits
wide. Six types of instruments indicated the time of worshiping the image
(Daniel 3)

· The Seven (7)

The number seven denotes the fullness, perfection and completeness of God.
It is one of the perfect numbers that derives from a Hebrew word that means “to
be full” or “to be satisfied.”
Even in the Old Testament the number seven played a very important role,
meaning completeness or completion of something. It is understood that it is not
an arithmetic plenitude, but rather it is the “divine – prophetic” plenitude. The
world was created in seven epochs, so also the punishment of the world in the
final judgment will be carried out under the law of the number seven. The cause
of the particular meaning of the figure seven lies in the seven Spirits of God.
These are seven roots or seven sources that originate all world phenomena.

Let's look at some examples:

1.- Seven days of God in the creation of the world (Genesis 2:2). Here we see
fullness and completion in creation.

2.- God commissioned Noah to carry seven pairs of each animal species in the
ark (Genesis 7:23). Here the fullness of the salvation of divine creation is

3.- Pharaoh saw seven cows in a dream, at first fat and then thin. Seven ears, at
first full and then empty (Genesis 40:17-30). Joseph interpreted that dream as
fullness of abundance, followed by complete scarcity and hunger.

4.- The sacrifice offered for sin was sprinkled with blood seven times (Leviticus
4:6), signifying the fullness of cleansing.

5.- The Hebrews had to tour the city of Jericho seven times (Joshua 6:1-5). Here
the fullness of the victory by faith of the people of God over their enemies was

6.- Naaman the Syrian had to dive seven times into the Jordan River (2Kings
5:14) to obtain full healing.

7.- It is said about the righteous that even if he falls seven times, he will rise
again (Proverbs 24:16). This is the fullness of grace that raises up the righteous.

Now having these examples before us, let's move on to the book of Revelation
and we will see that there also the number seven means a symbolic plenitude.

1.- Seven Churches (Rev. 1:4). The church is the fullness of Christ (Ephesians

2.- Seven Spirits (Rev. 1:4). It is the symbol of the fullness of the all-filling
Spirit of God (Psalms 139:7; Acts 2:4; 1Corinthians 2:10).

3.- Seven lampstands (Rev. 1:12). It is the symbol of the fullness of light of the
church in this world (Matthew 5:14-16; Philip. 2:15).

4.- Seven stars (Apoc. 1:16). The stars symbolize the officers of the church.
(Apoc. 1:20; Daniel 12:3). In the present case it means the fullness of their
service in the church (Ephesians 4:11-13).

5.- Seven seals (Rev. 5:1), is the fullness of the divine mystery (Daniel 12:9).

6.- Seven horns of a lamb (Rev. 5:6), is the fullness of the power of Christ
(Psalms 89:18; Micah 4:13).

7.- Seven eyes (Rev. 5:6), the fullness of the all-seeing (John 2:24-25).

8.- Seven trumpets (Rev. 8:2), is the fullness of the world's punishment
(Leviticus 26:28).

9.- Seven thunders (Rev. 10:3), is the fullness of action (Exodus 19:16, 20:18-
19, 1Samuel 7:10).

10.- Seven bowls full of the wrath of God (Zechariah 7:12; Rev. 14:19).

11.- Seven heads of the dragon (Rev. 12:3), is the fullness of satanic wisdom
(Ezekiel 28:13).

From all these figures we can see that the number seven, in the Bible, really
means fullness of that event in relation to which it is. Therefore, the seven
churches also illustrate the full history of Christianity, of all times and in all

In Hebrews there are seven better things. Jesus made seven statements on the
cross. God rested on the seventh day. We must forgive seventy times seven.
· The Eight (8)
The number eight is a new beginning outside the order of creation, although
related to it, in resurrection. The eighth day is a new beginning. The first day of
the week is like a day of resurrection.

Eight people were saved from the flood. Jewish boys were circumcised on the
eighth day.

David was the eighth son of Jesse; Solomon was the eighth son of David. There
were eight writers of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul,
James, Peter, Jude.

· The Nine (9)

The number nine is the number of judgment and finality. *(also represents the
fruit of the Holy Spirit).

Jesus was crucified at nine in the morning and died at the ninth hour of the day.
There are nine fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 and it indicates the
finality why nothing else is necessary. Likewise, there are nine spiritual gifts in
1Corinthians 12:8-10.

· The Ten (10)

The number ten is another perfect number. It indicates the perfection of divine
order and human responsibility.
The man has five fingers on each hand, a total of ten. The ten toes indicate man's
responsibility in the path of the believer.

Pharaoh was visited by ten plagues (Ex. 7:12). The Ten Commandments (Ex.
34:28). Abraham gave a tithe of the spoils to Melchizedek (Gen. 14:20).
The Israelites gave a tenth to the Levites, and they gave a tenth to the priests
(Num. 18:21-26).
Ten virgins went to meet the bridegroom (Mt. 25).
There were ten servants to whom the mines were entrusted (Lk. 19:13).

God bless you!

Luis Alberto42

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1. 09-04-2008 23:24 #2


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Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Originally posted by Luis Alberto42


When we study the Bible we are amazed by the meaning that numbers have in
the Word of God. Every detail in Scripture is important and this is clearly seen
in the study of numbers.
Let us be careful not to give more importance to this study than God has given
it. It would be totally impossible to construct a doctrine about the meaning of
numbers in the Bible. It is enough to realize that God has given a certain
meaning to each number. Such recognition should strengthen our faith in the fact
that there is One Author of the Bible, and the fact that the Bible is the product of
One Supreme Mind.

The symbolism of numbers in the Bible is one of the most fascinating aspects of
the study of the Scriptures, biblical numerology provides us with great help in
the discoveries of moral, dispensational and prophetic glories. There is no room
for speculation in the Holy Spirit's use of numbers.

Once God spoke; I have heard this twice: that God is power, and yours, O Lord,
is mercy; for you repay each one according to his work (Psalm 62:11-12)

Solomon also uses numerical culmination when he lists the six things that God
hates and the seventh that abhors his soul (Proverbs 6:16-19).

· The One (1)

There is universal agreement on the meaning of this number. In all languages it
is the symbol of unity, and in the Scriptures it is considered the sign of divine
unity and its absolute supremacy: “You shall have no other gods before me”
(Exodus 20:3).

This order implies that in God there is an absolute sufficiency and an

independence that does not need anyone else. In Ephesians 4:3-6, the apostle
Paul describes a complete circle, consisting of seven distinct units: one body,
one spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God. Therefore, the
number one is a primary number. All other numbers depend on ONE. It precedes
and produces all other numbers.
The number ONE is the number of God. Without Him nothing can exist (Deut.
6:4; Es. 42:8; Zac. 14:9; 1Cor. 8:6; Gal 3:20; 1Tim. 2:5).

The number ONE stands alone, independent of all the others. God is
independent; we are dependent.

God is ONE who is capable of solving every problem. His Word has been given
to us in the form of ONE BOOK, the ONLY BOOK.
· The Two (2)

While number one states that there is no other, number two indicates that there
is. It is a number that has a double color, according to its context.
The number two is the number of division and separation. Number two states
that there is a difference.

God divided the night from the day. There is separation of believers and
unbelievers. The human race is divided into TWO classes: the first Adam who
failed and the second Adam who brought salvation.

The number TWO appears many times in the Bible:

The Old Testament and the New Testament

Law and Grace
The narrow door and the wide door
The narrow way and the broad way
Cain and Abel
Ishmael and Isaac

Two witnesses are required for testimony (Deut. 19:15; 2Co 13:1). Caleb and
Joshua testified about the land (Num. 14:6-9). There were two spies sent to the
other side of the Jordan (Josh. 2:1). Two olive trees typify the two witnesses
(Zech. 4:3; Apoc. 11:3-4). God's Word and His Oath show the immutability of
His counsel (Heb 6:17-18). Two must agree when asking (Mt. 18:19).

· The Three (3)

The number three is the number of union, approval and consummation.
**(also means "divine perfection)

The Scriptures, composed of the Law, Prophets and the Psalms, bear witness to
Christ (Luke 24:44). The elements of the Christian life in this scene are faith,
hope and love. A threefold cord is not quickly broken (Eq. 4:12) and
corresponds to perfection in testimony.

There is the threefold test of man: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life. There are three enemies of man: the world, the flesh and the
devil. Man is spirit, soul and body.

There are three who bear witness on earth: The Spirit, the water and the blood (1
John 5:8).

· The Four (4)

The number four is the number of creation. It especially has to do with the
land. There are four points of the compass: north, east, south and west. There are
four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

In the parable of the sower there are four types of land: the land by the way, the
land with many stones, the thorny land, and the good land (Matthew 13).
There are four gospels that narrate the life of our Lord on earth. Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John.

In the arrangement of the camp of Israel there were four flags (Num. 10).
Ezekiel saw four living creatures and each of them had four faces, etc. (Ez. 1:5-

· The Five (5)

The number five indicates the grace of God.
The columns of the outer court of the Tabernacle were five cubits high,
separated by five cubits of space.

In Isaiah 9:6 five titles are given to the Lord: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty
God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

With five loaves, Jesus fed the five thousand.

· The Six (6)

Lack, imperfection (one unit less than the perfect number of seven).

The number six is the number of man. This number demonstrates the sad
state of man's incompleteness .
On the sixth day man was created. The man had to work six days a week.

Solomon had six steps ascending to his great throne (1Kings 10:19); it was not
high enough to preserve it from idolatry. Six hundred and sixty-six talents of
gold was what he received each year (1 Kings 10:14); and yet he had to confess
that it was all vanity and affliction of spirit.

The Jews in Cana had six jars of water for purification (Jn. 2:6), but they
expressed the insufficiency of the ordinances to meet man's needs.

The number of the imperial beast will be six hundred and sixty-six (Rev. 13:18).
Imperfection in all aspects.

Goliath was six cubits high; He wore six pieces of armor and the iron of his
spear weighed six hundred cycles of iron.

Nebuchadnezzar made a golden statue measuring sixty cubits and six cubits
wide. Six types of instruments indicated the time of worshiping the image
(Daniel 3)

· The Seven (7)

The number seven denotes the fullness, perfection and completeness of God.
It is one of the perfect numbers that derives from a Hebrew word that means “to
be full” or “to be satisfied.”

Even in the Old Testament the number seven played a very important role,
meaning completeness or completion of something. It is understood that it is not
an arithmetic plenitude, but rather it is the “divine – prophetic” plenitude. The
world was created in seven epochs, so also the punishment of the world in the
final judgment will be carried out under the law of the number seven. The cause
of the particular meaning of the figure seven lies in the seven Spirits of God.
These are seven roots or seven sources that originate all world phenomena.

Let's look at some examples:

1.- Seven days of God in the creation of the world (Genesis 2:2). Here we see
fullness and completion in creation.
2.- God commissioned Noah to carry seven pairs of each animal species in the
ark (Genesis 7:23). Here the fullness of the salvation of divine creation is

3.- Pharaoh saw seven cows in a dream, at first fat and then thin. Seven ears, at
first full and then empty (Genesis 40:17-30). Joseph interpreted that dream as
fullness of abundance, followed by complete scarcity and hunger.

4.- The sacrifice offered for sin was sprinkled with blood seven times (Leviticus
4:6), signifying the fullness of cleansing.

5.- The Hebrews had to tour the city of Jericho seven times (Joshua 6:1-5). Here
the fullness of the victory by faith of the people of God over their enemies was

6.- Naaman the Syrian had to dive seven times into the Jordan River (2Kings
5:14) to obtain full healing.

7.- It is said about the righteous that even if he falls seven times, he will rise
again (Proverbs 24:16). This is the fullness of grace that raises up the righteous.

Now having these examples before us, let's move on to the book of Revelation
and we will see that there also the number seven means a symbolic plenitude.

1.- Seven Churches (Rev. 1:4). The church is the fullness of Christ (Ephesians

2.- Seven Spirits (Rev. 1:4). It is the symbol of the fullness of the all-filling
Spirit of God (Psalms 139:7; Acts 2:4; 1Corinthians 2:10).

3.- Seven lampstands (Rev. 1:12). It is the symbol of the fullness of light of the
church in this world (Matthew 5:14-16; Philip. 2:15).

4.- Seven stars (Apoc. 1:16). The stars symbolize the officers of the church.
(Apoc. 1:20; Daniel 12:3). In the present case it means the fullness of their
service in the church (Ephesians 4:11-13).

5.- Seven seals (Rev. 5:1), is the fullness of the divine mystery (Daniel 12:9).
6.- Seven horns of a lamb (Rev. 5:6), is the fullness of the power of Christ
(Psalms 89:18; Micah 4:13).

7.- Seven eyes (Rev. 5:6), the fullness of the all-seeing (John 2:24-25).

8.- Seven trumpets (Rev. 8:2), is the fullness of the world's punishment
(Leviticus 26:28).

9.- Seven thunders (Rev. 10:3), is the fullness of action (Exodus 19:16, 20:18-
19, 1Samuel 7:10).

10.- Seven bowls full of the wrath of God (Zechariah 7:12; Rev. 14:19).

11.- Seven heads of the dragon (Rev. 12:3), is the fullness of satanic wisdom
(Ezekiel 28:13).

From all these figures we can see that the number seven, in the Bible, really
means fullness of that event in relation to which it is. Therefore, the seven
churches also illustrate the full history of Christianity, of all times and in all

In Hebrews there are seven better things. Jesus made seven statements on the
cross. God rested on the seventh day. We must forgive seventy times seven.

· The Eight (8)

The number eight is a new beginning outside the order of creation, although
related to it, in resurrection. The eighth day is a new beginning. The first day of
the week is like a day of resurrection.

Eight people were saved from the flood. Jewish boys were circumcised on the
eighth day.

David was the eighth son of Jesse; Solomon was the eighth son of David. There
were eight writers of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul,
James, Peter, Jude.

· The Nine (9)

The number nine is the number of judgment and finality. *(also represents the
fruit of the Holy Spirit).

Jesus was crucified at nine in the morning and died at the ninth hour of the day.
There are nine fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 and it indicates the
finality why nothing else is necessary. Likewise, there are nine spiritual gifts in
1Corinthians 12:8-10.

· The Ten (10)

The number ten is another perfect number. It indicates the perfection of divine
order and human responsibility.
The man has five fingers on each hand, a total of ten. The ten toes indicate man's
responsibility in the path of the believer.

Pharaoh was visited by ten plagues (Ex. 7:12). The Ten Commandments (Ex.
34:28). Abraham gave a tithe of the spoils to Melchizedek (Gen. 14:20).
The Israelites gave a tenth to the Levites, and they gave a tenth to the priests
(Num. 18:21-26).

Ten virgins went to meet the bridegroom (Mt. 25).

There were ten servants to whom the mines were entrusted (Lk. 19:13).

God bless you!

Luis Alberto42

This is very good, but it must be added that

The 2......represents cooperation, help, company and support......

"they will go two by two"

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2. 10-04-2008 11:46 #3

Luis Alberto42

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Nov 2005

Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Originally Posted by hectorlugo

This is very good, but it must be added that

The 2......represents cooperation, help, company and support......

"they will go two by two"

Thanks, I forgot to add this!

Two also means "testimony" (in a good sense)....

"they will go two by two" ...

God bless you!

Luis Alberto42

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3. 17-12-2009 00:13 #4

Oscar Goinheix

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Dec 2009

Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Numbers in the Bible do not have that meaning. Some are correct, but others are
not. Readers should investigate reliable sources if they are interested.

The meaning - or rather symbolism - of the numbers in the Bible is not trivial;
but it doesn't involve secret messages or anything like that either.

Example: the number 40 is too much or too much. Paul was beaten forty minus
one lash. Time periods of 40 days or 40 years involve a lot of time. However,
they must also be understood as real periods and not just symbolic ones.

Let's look at a practical application of the symbolism of numbers. David went to

the river and selected 5 stones. As far as I know, the number 5 is a symbol of
man. But then David faced Goliath not in his strength or ability, but in the name
of Jehovah. And he defeated him with 1 stone. One is a symbol of God. The
teaching is that as men we must do our part (5 stones) and then wait for the hand
of God (1)

2 Numbers have their symbolism when they are expressed. If the Bible says that
Fulato had four sons, then we can try to discover the meaning; but if the Bible
simply gives the four names, then we cannot count them and subsequently
assign symbolism.
1 Numbers are sometimes - most of the time - just quantities, and lack any
special symbolism.

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4. 17-12-2009 00:21 #5


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May 2007

Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Originally posted by Luis Alberto42


When we study the Bible we are amazed by the meaning that numbers have in
the Word of God. Every detail in Scripture is important and this is clearly seen
in the study of numbers.
Let us be careful not to give more importance to this study than God has given
it. It would be totally impossible to construct a doctrine about the meaning of
numbers in the Bible. It is enough to realize that God has given a certain
meaning to each number. Such recognition should strengthen our faith in the fact
that there is One Author of the Bible, and the fact that the Bible is the product of
One Supreme Mind.

The symbolism of numbers in the Bible is one of the most fascinating aspects of
the study of the Scriptures, biblical numerology provides us with great help in
the discoveries of moral, dispensational and prophetic glories. There is no room
for speculation in the Holy Spirit's use of numbers.

Once God spoke; I have heard this twice: that God is power, and yours, O Lord,
is mercy; for you repay each one according to his work (Psalm 62:11-12)

Solomon also uses numerical culmination when he lists the six things that God
hates and the seventh that abhors his soul (Proverbs 6:16-19).

· The One (1)

There is universal agreement on the meaning of this number. In all languages it
is the symbol of unity, and in the Scriptures it is considered the sign of divine
unity and its absolute supremacy: “You shall have no other gods before me”
(Exodus 20:3).

This order implies that in God there is an absolute sufficiency and an

independence that does not need anyone else. In Ephesians 4:3-6, the apostle
Paul describes a complete circle, consisting of seven distinct units: one body,
one spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God. Therefore, the
number one is a primary number. All other numbers depend on ONE. It precedes
and produces all other numbers.
The number ONE is the number of God. Without Him nothing can exist (Deut.
6:4; Es. 42:8; Zac. 14:9; 1Cor. 8:6; Gal 3:20; 1Tim. 2:5).

The number ONE stands alone, independent of all the others. God is
independent; we are dependent.

God is ONE who is capable of solving every problem. His Word has been given
to us in the form of ONE BOOK, the ONLY BOOK.
· The Two (2)

While number one states that there is no other, number two indicates that there
is. It is a number that has a double color, according to its context.
The number two is the number of division and separation. Number two states
that there is a difference.

God divided the night from the day. There is separation of believers and
unbelievers. The human race is divided into TWO classes: the first Adam who
failed and the second Adam who brought salvation.

The number TWO appears many times in the Bible:

The Old Testament and the New Testament

Law and Grace
The narrow door and the wide door
The narrow way and the broad way
Cain and Abel
Ishmael and Isaac

Two witnesses are required for testimony (Deut. 19:15; 2Co 13:1). Caleb and
Joshua testified about the land (Num. 14:6-9). There were two spies sent to the
other side of the Jordan (Josh. 2:1). Two olive trees typify the two witnesses
(Zech. 4:3; Apoc. 11:3-4). God's Word and His Oath show the immutability of
His counsel (Heb 6:17-18). Two must agree when asking (Mt. 18:19).

· The Three (3)

The number three is the number of union, approval and consummation.
**(also means "divine perfection)

The Scriptures, composed of the Law, Prophets and the Psalms, bear witness to
Christ (Luke 24:44). The elements of the Christian life in this scene are faith,
hope and love. A threefold cord is not quickly broken (Eq. 4:12) and
corresponds to perfection in testimony.

There is the threefold test of man: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life. There are three enemies of man: the world, the flesh and the
devil. Man is spirit, soul and body.

There are three who bear witness on earth: The Spirit, the water and the blood (1
John 5:8).

· The Four (4)

The number four is the number of creation. It especially has to do with the
land. There are four points of the compass: north, east, south and west. There are
four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

In the parable of the sower there are four types of land: the land by the way, the
land with many stones, the thorny land, and the good land (Matthew 13).
There are four gospels that narrate the life of our Lord on earth. Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John.

In the arrangement of the camp of Israel there were four flags (Num. 10).
Ezekiel saw four living creatures and each of them had four faces, etc. (Ez. 1:5-

· The Five (5)

The number five indicates the grace of God.
The columns of the outer court of the Tabernacle were five cubits high,
separated by five cubits of space.

In Isaiah 9:6 five titles are given to the Lord: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty
God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

With five loaves, Jesus fed the five thousand.

· The Six (6)

Lack, imperfection (one unit less than the perfect number of seven).

The number six is the number of man. This number demonstrates the sad
state of man's incompleteness .
On the sixth day man was created. The man had to work six days a week.

Solomon had six steps ascending to his great throne (1Kings 10:19); it was not
high enough to preserve it from idolatry. Six hundred and sixty-six talents of
gold was what he received each year (1 Kings 10:14); and yet he had to confess
that it was all vanity and affliction of spirit.

The Jews in Cana had six jars of water for purification (Jn. 2:6), but they
expressed the insufficiency of the ordinances to meet man's needs.

The number of the imperial beast will be six hundred and sixty-six (Rev. 13:18).
Imperfection in all aspects.

Goliath was six cubits high; He wore six pieces of armor and the iron of his
spear weighed six hundred cycles of iron.

Nebuchadnezzar made a golden statue measuring sixty cubits and six cubits
wide. Six types of instruments indicated the time of worshiping the image
(Daniel 3)

· The Seven (7)

The number seven denotes the fullness, perfection and completeness of God.
It is one of the perfect numbers that derives from a Hebrew word that means “to
be full” or “to be satisfied.”

Even in the Old Testament the number seven played a very important role,
meaning completeness or completion of something. It is understood that it is not
an arithmetic plenitude, but rather it is the “divine – prophetic” plenitude. The
world was created in seven epochs, so also the punishment of the world in the
final judgment will be carried out under the law of the number seven. The cause
of the particular meaning of the figure seven lies in the seven Spirits of God.
These are seven roots or seven sources that originate all world phenomena.

Let's look at some examples:

1.- Seven days of God in the creation of the world (Genesis 2:2). Here we see
fullness and completion in creation.
2.- God commissioned Noah to carry seven pairs of each animal species in the
ark (Genesis 7:23). Here the fullness of the salvation of divine creation is

3.- Pharaoh saw seven cows in a dream, at first fat and then thin. Seven ears, at
first full and then empty (Genesis 40:17-30). Joseph interpreted that dream as
fullness of abundance, followed by complete scarcity and hunger.

4.- The sacrifice offered for sin was sprinkled with blood seven times (Leviticus
4:6), signifying the fullness of cleansing.

5.- The Hebrews had to tour the city of Jericho seven times (Joshua 6:1-5). Here
the fullness of the victory by faith of the people of God over their enemies was

6.- Naaman the Syrian had to dive seven times into the Jordan River (2Kings
5:14) to obtain full healing.

7.- It is said about the righteous that even if he falls seven times, he will rise
again (Proverbs 24:16). This is the fullness of grace that raises up the righteous.

Now having these examples before us, let's move on to the book of Revelation
and we will see that there also the number seven means a symbolic plenitude.

1.- Seven Churches (Rev. 1:4). The church is the fullness of Christ (Ephesians

2.- Seven Spirits (Rev. 1:4). It is the symbol of the fullness of the all-filling
Spirit of God (Psalms 139:7; Acts 2:4; 1Corinthians 2:10).

3.- Seven lampstands (Rev. 1:12). It is the symbol of the fullness of light of the
church in this world (Matthew 5:14-16; Philip. 2:15).

4.- Seven stars (Apoc. 1:16). The stars symbolize the officers of the church.
(Apoc. 1:20; Daniel 12:3). In the present case it means the fullness of their
service in the church (Ephesians 4:11-13).

5.- Seven seals (Rev. 5:1), is the fullness of the divine mystery (Daniel 12:9).
6.- Seven horns of a lamb (Rev. 5:6), is the fullness of the power of Christ
(Psalms 89:18; Micah 4:13).

7.- Seven eyes (Rev. 5:6), the fullness of the all-seeing (John 2:24-25).

8.- Seven trumpets (Rev. 8:2), is the fullness of the world's punishment
(Leviticus 26:28).

9.- Seven thunders (Rev. 10:3), is the fullness of action (Exodus 19:16, 20:18-
19, 1Samuel 7:10).

10.- Seven bowls full of the wrath of God (Zechariah 7:12; Rev. 14:19).

11.- Seven heads of the dragon (Rev. 12:3), is the fullness of satanic wisdom
(Ezekiel 28:13).

From all these figures we can see that the number seven, in the Bible, really
means fullness of that event in relation to which it is. Therefore, the seven
churches also illustrate the full history of Christianity, of all times and in all

In Hebrews there are seven better things. Jesus made seven statements on the
cross. God rested on the seventh day. We must forgive seventy times seven.

· The Eight (8)

The number eight is a new beginning outside the order of creation, although
related to it, in resurrection. The eighth day is a new beginning. The first day of
the week is like a day of resurrection.

Eight people were saved from the flood. Jewish boys were circumcised on the
eighth day.

David was the eighth son of Jesse; Solomon was the eighth son of David. There
were eight writers of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul,
James, Peter, Jude.

· The Nine (9)

The number nine is the number of judgment and finality. *(also represents the
fruit of the Holy Spirit).

Jesus was crucified at nine in the morning and died at the ninth hour of the day.
There are nine fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 and it indicates the
finality why nothing else is necessary. Likewise, there are nine spiritual gifts in
1Corinthians 12:8-10.

· The Ten (10)

The number ten is another perfect number. It indicates the perfection of divine
order and human responsibility.
The man has five fingers on each hand, a total of ten. The ten toes indicate man's
responsibility in the path of the believer.

Pharaoh was visited by ten plagues (Ex. 7:12). The Ten Commandments (Ex.
34:28). Abraham gave a tithe of the spoils to Melchizedek (Gen. 14:20).
The Israelites gave a tenth to the Levites, and they gave a tenth to the priests
(Num. 18:21-26).

Ten virgins went to meet the bridegroom (Mt. 25).

There were ten servants to whom the mines were entrusted (Lk. 19:13).

God bless you!

Luis Alberto42

And how many sheep do you have to count to fall asleep?

In defense and confirmation of the gospel

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5. 17-12-2009 23:36 #6


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Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Originally posted by Luis Alberto42

When we study the Bible we are amazed by the meaning that numbers have in
the Word of God. Every detail in Scripture is important and this is clearly seen
in the study of numbers.
Let us be careful not to give more importance to this study than God has given
it. It would be totally impossible to construct a doctrine about the meaning of
numbers in the Bible. It is enough to realize that God has given a certain
meaning to each number. Such recognition should strengthen our faith in the fact
that there is One Author of the Bible, and the fact that the Bible is the product of
One Supreme Mind.
The symbolism of numbers in the Bible is one of the most fascinating aspects of
the study of the Scriptures, biblical numerology provides us with great help in
the discoveries of moral, dispensational and prophetic glories. There is no room
for speculation in the Holy Spirit's use of numbers.
Once God spoke; I have heard this twice: that God is power, and yours, O Lord,
is mercy; for you repay each one according to his work (Psalm 62:11-12)
Solomon also uses numerical culmination when he lists the six things that God
hates and the seventh that abhors his soul (Proverbs 6:16-19).
· The One (1)
· The Two (2)
· The Three (3)
· The Four (4)
· The Five (5)
· The Six (6)
· The Seven (7)
· The Eight (8)
· The Nine (9)
· The Ten (10)

God bless you!

Luis Alberto42

My well done friend Luis Alberto .

Let me add a number:

The 12

This number, wherever it is found in the Bible, automatically and inevitably

represents the people of Israel . The thing about Revelation 12 (it's just a
coincidence) has me intrigued.

Oh, I forgot about king number 8 in Revelation 17. But it would be boastful of
me to discuss this in depth, I am not an exegete.

Does anyone else know anything from the Bible related to a number?

Thanks in advance.


I'm not an exegete... but I'm not a dupe either.

Take a look at my site at:

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6. 18-12-2009 00:48 #7

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Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Number 2 is confirmation by the testimony of two people who were sentenced to

Col 1.15 Christ is the visible image of God , who is invisible

2Co 4:4 Glorious Christ , living image of God

2Co 4:6 the glory of God shining in the face of Jesus Christ .

HEB 1.3 He is the glorious splendor of God , the very image of what God is

Col 1:19 For it pleased God to dwell in him in all his fullness

Cabbage. 2.9 Because everything that God is is found fully in the person of

Col 3:11.. but Christ is everything and is in everyone

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7. 18-12-2009 01:38 #8

Oscar Goinheix

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Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10

13 is not biblical

numbers were written with Hebrew letters

1 to 9
10 to 90
100 to 400
22 letters

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8. 18-12-2009 03:45 #9

Javier Andres

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Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Originally posted by Luis Alberto42

Thanks, I forgot to add this!

Two also means "testimony" (in a good sense)....

"they will go two by two" ...

God bless you!

Luis Alberto42

Numerology is not a biblical science. but it has to do with esotericism.

Hebrews 12
12:2 Looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy
set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the
right hand of the throne of God.

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9. 18-12-2009 03:48 #10

Javier Andres

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Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Numerology and Esotericism

Numbers count, letters speak and from this cocktail of language codes infinite
formulas emerge to interpret secret messages. And I say interpret as an esoteric
mental mechanism that combines elementary mathematical knowledge and the
esoteric perception of letters and digit numbers.

Be careful my friend with putting numerology in the Bible.

Hebrews 12
12:2 Looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy
set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the
right hand of the throne of God.

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10. 18-12-2009 03:54 #11

Javier Andres

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Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Hebrews 12
12:2 Looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy
set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the
right hand of the throne of God.

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11. 18-12-2009 04:04 #12

Javier Andres

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Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Numerology is a set of beliefs or traditions that establish a mystical relationship
between numbers and living beings along with physical forces. It was popular
among early mathematicians, but is no longer considered a mathematical
discipline. Most scientists currently agree that numerology is a pseudoscience, as
is astrology with respect to astronomy, although alchemy was rather a
protoscience with respect to chemistry. However, the majority of followers of
these currents do not intend to elevate them to the category of science, unlike the
pseudosciences that do claim such a category.
The numerical system par excellence in numerology is the decimal, with the
Chaldean school of numerology being an exception, which uses the octal
In numerology, numbers are said to be one of the most perfect and highest
human concepts. According to those who practice it, numerology is the
discipline that investigates the secret vibration of that code and teaches how to
use numbers for our benefit, through the study of their influence on people,
animals, things and events.
In 530 BC, Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher, methodically developed a
relationship between the planets and their numerical vibration. He called it "the
music of the spheres." Through his numerology method he discovered that
words have a sound that vibrates in line with the frequency of numbers as
another facet of the harmony of the universe and the laws of nature.
There are several schools of numerology, including:
• Kabbalistics, which is based on the contents of the Kabbalah.
• The Chaldean, which has its origins in the Babylonian civilization.
• The Chinese, which gives numbers very different meanings from the rest of the
• The Pythagorean, which is guided by the numerology postulates of the Greek
philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras.

Hebrews 12
12:2 Looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy
set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the
right hand of the throne of God.

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12. 18-12-2009 04:06 #13

Javier Andres

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Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Thus, delving into numerology, Adventists have devised a particular way of
interpreting the scriptures.

Hebrews 12
12:2 Looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy
set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the
right hand of the throne of God.

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13. 18-12-2009 04:08 #14

Javier Andres

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Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of
numbers 1 to 10
Be careful brothers, numerology is not Christianity:

Numerology is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs, in a mystical or
esoteric relationship between numbers and inanimate objects or living creatures.
Numerology and numerological divination were popular among early
mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, but these are no longer part of mathematics
and are considered pseudo-mathematics by most modern scientists. This is
similar to the development of astronomy through astrology, and chemistry
through alchemy.

Today, numerology is frequently associated with the occult, along with
astrology and similar divinatory arts. The term may also be used by those who,
in the opinion of some observers, place excessive faith in numerical patterns,
even though such people do not practice traditional numerology.

Modern numerology often contains a variety of ancient cultures and teachers.
Including Babylon, Pythagoras and his followers (Greece, 6th century BC),
astrological philosophy of Hellenistic Alexandria, mysticism of early
Christianity, the occultism of the early Gnostics, the Hebrew system of
Kabbalah, the Indian Vedas, “The Circle of Death” of the Chinese, and “The
Book of the Masters of the Secret House” (“The Ritual of the Dead”) of the

According to numerologists, each number has a unique vibration, which gives it
certain properties. These properties can shed light on a person's actions, or
predict whether romantic partners are compatible. Numerological analysis can
determine a person's lucky number or day. Repeated numbers can offer clues
about how the world works or the significance of people and events. According
to many numerologists, nothing happens by accident, everything happens
because of numbers.

Hebrews 12
12:2 Looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy
set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the
right hand of the throne of God.

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14. 18-12-2009 13:14 #15

Oscar Goinheix

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Re: Biblical numerology and the meaning of

numbers 1 to 10
Since I read the word numerology in the title I'm afraid that everything will be

Numerology is an art of divination that today is equated to tarot, tea leaves,

busios, horoscope, Chinese horoscope, etc. That is completely condemnable and

On the other hand, we Christians in this forum understood that the choice of the
word numerology was an unfortunate mistake, but that it referred to something
else, the Hebrew meaning of numbers.

In our culture we say that so-and-so had a thousand girlfriends, that two times
three this or that happens. This use of numbers must be understood in its cultural
context. The same thing happens with the Bible. It's not that numbers have some
intrinsic mystical power, it's the cultural meaning of them. a meaning that was
familiar to the Israelites but that we lose.

We "single our asses" to someone to whom we tell everything that deserves to

be blamed on them. Ali Baba had "forty thieves." That number - as I said -
implies a lot or too much. But in the West we lose that intrinsic message to the

Paul was punished 39 times, but he says "forty minus one." If we do not
understand the meaning of the number 40, we lose part of the message. Not that
there is anything magical or mystical about the number. 40 is a number that at
that time and culture meant the same thing that 50 means today (without
counting). But neither one nor the other has spiritual vibrations that can affect

When Jesus says that we must forgive seventy times seven, when he chose
twelve, when he sent them two by two... in all of those cases there is an
additional message in the number. And that message escapes us. And that's what
this topic is about, rescuing the meanings of those numbers.

So please let's not confuse things.

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