Kennel Business Plan

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dog training school

Dog training school specialized in behavioral education.

Value Proposition Me - The offer of personalized services and health plans

(weight loss, rehabilitation, re-education, etc.).
Creation of a company dedicated to the education and
training of dogs, specialized in behavior modifications and - Good competition in the price of services.
defense training. In these schools, owners can educate or - Sale of specialized products for pets.
re-educate their pets so that they have appropriate behavior
- Use of promotions and commercial campaigns.
in their homes or on public roads, as well as in relationships
with other people or animals. This would help not only attract customers but also improve
recurring revenue.
The differential contribution of this project can be based on
offering personalized services to clients, whether focused on The key activities should include the organization of the
pet owners or their caregivers, or taking into account the agenda, attention to the “students”, creation and control of
type of pets being cared for. Although these services are inventory of consumables (food, feed, antiparasites, etc.),
provided to all types of pets in general, you can opt for commercial tasks and recruitment of possible allies. In
specialization by type of dog, by their age segment addition, continuous training is important to improve
(puppies, seniors,...), or even by breed type. In any case, knowledge about animal training and animal care.
specialized and personalized attention in all aspects and
needs will constitute a differential added value for the
business. Market
Furthermore, these types of companies rely on the
Studies in the sector report that approximately half of
complicity of the pet owners, making them participate in the
Spanish households have some type of domestic animal
training courses, promoting the “pack” spirit in the animal.
(birds, dogs, cats, fish, etc.), although not all of them will
These schools often include veterinary services, and
receive veterinary care. This data is indicative of the number
although they do not provide surgery or diagnostic imaging
of potential clients that the home has. sector. Furthermore,
services, they may provide care services or
evolution studies indicate that this percentage of homes with
outsource/delegate other specialized services.
animals is growing in recent years. In the summer
Services typically provided at a dog training school include, it is mainly common to read news about animal
but are not limited to: abandonment. According to data, in 2014 more
- Training courses: depending on the type of pet and its than 300,000 animals were abandoned during the year. The
level of “knowledge”, various types of training will be offered, months with the highest number of dropouts were from May
structured by levels or courses. to September, coinciding with the summer and vacation
season. Unfortunately, on many occasions pet owners do
- Behavior course.
not know what to do with
- Obedience course.
- Reeducation course.
- Course for assistance dogs.
- Veterinary care.
- Personalized meal and exercise plans.
- Advice to owners.
The main strategies are based on attracting long-term
customers through:

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The corporate image will be identified with the company's
philosophy which focuses on providing value through
them during their vacation period, so they get rid of them. expansion and improvement in the quality of services.
This has a double effect on the market: on the one hand,
animal shelters are currently saturated, almost doubling the
maximum capacity level, and on the other hand, it
represents a business opportunity, giving a possible solution
to the owners of the animals and even to the Animal
protectors. - Indirect marketing, communication through
The type of companion animals that has grown the most in recommendations from third parties will be very important in
the last decade has been dogs and cats with the this business. For this, the possibilities that social networks,
consequent increase in sales of products and services blogs, etc. allow, will be used.
related to their food and care. - Relationship marketing, through sector fairs and
In figures, it is estimated that in Andalusia it invoices 10% of establishing contacts with companies in the sector.
the annual total in the animal health and nutrition market for - Creation of a website that favors the entry into the market
dogs and cats. 42% of product turnover corresponds to and the success of the company as an advertising element
pharmacological products, 18% to additives, and 14% to and showcase. In addition to this, it will become an
nutritional products. informative element and a means of contact between the
The sector generates 3,000 direct jobs and 10,000 indirect client and the company. Information may be requested
jobs, of which 22% are higher graduates. through the website about the different services offered to
the client and it will be advertised in the main internet search
When talking about competition for a business of this type,
engines, such as Google.
we can distinguish several types of competitors:
- Installation of a sign.
- Other residences or accommodations for animals.
- Appearance in telephone directories, specialized guides,
- Veterinary clinics that offer, in addition to veterinary
website databases related to animal training services,
services, accommodation for animals.
animal care and dog kennels. We will try to make most of
Currently it is an underdeveloped sector so the entry of new these subscriptions free, trying to pay to appear only in the
competitors is predicted. most important databases or lists.
On the other hand, we find stores selling pets and animal This plan will be implemented before and during the first
products. These businesses are not competitors but can year of operation of the company and will involve a
complement the services of our company by promoting significant initial cost to be able to enter the market quickly.
collaboration agreements.

either Profile and Competencies

Clients and Channels c
The entrepreneurial person must have a patient spirit, be
The clients of a dog training school can be of different types: lovers of animals and dogs in particular. It is advisable to
- Pet owners. have experience in the sector, organizational and
administrative skills, good commercial skills and the
- Owners clubs.
capacity for continuous training.
- Private security companies.
As for public clients, it should not be ruled out that on certain
occasions it is the administration that needs education
and/or training services for surveillance dogs, and although
this function usually falls on the specialists of the different
security forces, can be demanded at specific times.
The main distribution channel for services is direct,
generally in the establishment itself, but it may be necessary
to transfer the center's staff to the client's home on certain
occasions, generally to pick up and deliver the animals.
Certain services such as documentation management will
be provided through an indirect distribution channel, acting
as intermediaries for clients.
The elements used in the company such as folios, folders,
catalogues, business cards, etc., will be duly identified with
the company image, supporting a strong brand image.
Regarding the foreign commercial plan, it goes through the
following courses of action.
- One-to-one marketing, personalization of the company's
offer and message depending on the needs of the client.
- Direct marketing, using advertising media to carry out
direct actions, in this case, advertisements in the press and
in specialized magazines. They will be aimed mainly at
private clients.

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The key skills of a person who wants to develop this type of Specific Legislation e\
activity usually include knowledge in animal care and
Apart from the general regulations, there must be a
veterinary medicine (graduates), empathy with clients and
technical project approved by the city council in addition to
pets, and organizational and commercial skills.
the formal requirements that are particularly determined by
For trainers there are three professional certificates that the autonomous community. In addition, the following
regulate their skills on: regulations must be kept in mind:
- Basic training and canine education. Regulation (EU) No. 576/2013 of the European Parliament
- Canine training in security and civil protection operations. and of the Council of June 12, 2013 on the non-commercial
movement of pet animals and repealing Regulation (EC) No.
- Instruction of assistance dogs.

either Decree 525/2012, of November 27, which creates and

regulates the Andalusian Council for the Protection of Pet
Human Team 98
Animals. (Department of Justice and Interior. BOJA nº 241
Employment configurations are very diverse depending on of December 11, 2012 pp. 7-11)
the type of services that we want to configure and the
opening hours. We must also consider whether the Royal Decree 1570/2007, of November 30, which modifies
entrepreneur is an expert canine trainer who can carry out Royal Decree 287/2002, of March 22.
canine education and training tasks or, on the contrary, You Royal Decree 287/2002, of March 22, which implements
should hire one. Law 50/1999, of December 23, on the possession of
At the beginning of the activity it is necessary to be prudent potentially dangerous animals.
in the hiring aspect. In this case we assume that the Law 22/2003, of July 4, on the protection of animals.
entrepreneur is a dog trainer with experience or with a
Law 11/2003, of November 24, on the Protection of Animals
professional certificate, and must have the services of a full-
time veterinary/animal care assistant and another part-time Royal Decree 1037/2011, of July 15, which complements
one. the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications, through
the establishment of seven professional qualifications of the
This would mean an estimated salary and salary costs
Safety and Environment professional family. Regarding
(including taxes) of around 42,000 euros per year.
certification of staff as caregivers.
Assuming that the veterinarian (the entrepreneur has a
salary allowance of €1,500 per month and the assistant of Annex DCX of the BOE of August 4, 2011, which describes
€1,000 and €500 respectively). the professional qualification of assistance dog instructor
with the code. SSC610_3.
On the other hand, the issue of hours will be commercial,
including Saturdays until noon, customer service. Annex DCXXXVII of the BOE of August 31, 2011, which
Additionally, the animals must be cared for every day. And describes the professional qualification of canine training in
the possibility of providing emergency services outside of security and civil protection operations with the code.
business hours must be kept in mind, therefore a rotating SEA537_3.
shift system will be established for in-person or remote Annex DCXXXI of the BOE of August 31, 2011, which
surveillance of the hotel. describes the professional qualification of basic training and
canine education with the code. SEA531_2.
A dog school depends fundamentally on the facilities; it
must have both an area to receive clients and visitors, as

Resources and
well as an area for training and housing the animals.
Therefore, you must have a large plot of land of at least 800
m² (taking into account that the size could limit the growth of
the company in the future). This project assumes that the
entrepreneur has land with these characteristics, otherwise
he or she must rent one or acquire it.
The business premises, or land, are usually located in
peripheral areas of the urban center, and have both built
parts and green areas for outdoor training. In any case, they
must be identifiable facilities with easy access and parking,
not too far from the city.
The alliances to be taken into account by the entrepreneur
must consider relationships with clubs and associations of
owners, and animal shelters. On the other hand, alliances
can also be generated with suppliers of products or services
in the area, in order to generate synergies and cross-service
provision, such as veterinarians or animal food and
supplement stores.

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Initial Disbursement I$I

The estimated investment to carry out this project is

estimated at around 72,000 euros. The main games will be: current assets of approximately €5,000 has been estimated.

- Adaptation of the premises: €30,000 (this valuation will

depend fundamentally on the size of the business premises
and its initial state, and would also include the installation of
signage). This budget includes the adaptation of the land
and the construction of independent areas for animal
shelter, training and office areas.
- Furniture: €4,000 (would include both the furniture for the
exhibition and sales area and the furniture necessary for the
medical part).
- Equipment: €10,000 (This item will have wide variability
depending on the initial equipment you want to have. The
equipment includes protective suits, obstacles, drinkers and
feeders, among others).
- Computer equipment: €900 (The provision of computer
equipment includes a PC to keep track of clients, sales and
warehouse stock, etc...).
- Initial material/stock: €2,400. This item includes both the
investment necessary for both the accommodation part and
the initial supply of pet products that will be sold.
- Establishment expenses: €1,500.
A pet school obtains its income from two different sources,
on the one hand those that come from the students, via
tuition and monthly payments. And on the other hand, the
sale of certain accessory products for pets (from food to
leashes or overalls).
In the case of the store, customer loyalty, a competitive
pricing policy and making offers can provide us with
recurring income from the sale of animal health materials
and especially food.

Cost Structure TO
It is estimated that the variable costs of the services
provided represent approximately 15% of the sales of
products and/or services on average.
The item of salaries and wages is the one that has the
greatest weight within the organization's cost structure.
- Salaries and salaries: 42,000 € approximately
including Social Security contributions (which represents a
monthly cost of about 3,300 euros based on an estimate of
1,500 euros for the entrepreneur and 1,000 for the full-time
employee and 500 for the part-time employee).
- Supplies and other expenses: 6,000 euros per year
(€500/month) intended to cover the expenses arising from
the consumption of electricity, water, maintenance,
insurance, alarm and security systems.
With the data used for this business description, a need for

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Business Plan

Initial Disbursement € Business Plan Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Adequacy of the premises 30.000 Income 70.000 75.000 80.000

Machinery and equipment 15.000 Variable costs 10.500 11.000 11.500

Initial stock 2.400 Staff costs 41.400 42.700 44.000

Licenses 1.000 Supply and service costs 3.600 4.000 4.400

Establishment expenses 1.500 Local and maintenance expenses 3.600 4.000 4.400

Input VAT 10.000 Commertial expenses 1.200 1.300 1.400

Initial currency 12.100 Amortization 11.700 12.200 12.400

Total 72.000 Result: -2.000 800 1.900

Typical minimum area: 50,000 inhabitants

This guide provides basic indicative information about a typical business, which can be used as a reference by people who intend
to start their own business project. This information must be adapted by the entrepreneur to the particular characteristics of the
design that he or she has conceived for his or her own business model, and to the environmental and market circumstances in
which it is developed.
The information in the guide is provided as a guideline example only, and does not guarantee in any way the success of the
business project. Each entrepreneur must develop their own business plan, according to their own vision of the business and the
market, and it is their responsibility to develop it successfully.
You can find updated information about this and other guides in the business project bank available at:

The Bank of Business Projects for Entrepreneurship is 80% co-financed with resources from the
Operational Program European Regional Development Fund of Andalusia 2007-2013, within the framework of the project
Local Plans and Infrastructure for Entrepreneurship .

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moves with Europe
Andalucía Emprende, Andalusian Public Foundation



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