Research Techniques Essay

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Since its origins, man has undergone great changes in his way of life and in his
thinking, and with certainty it cannot be said what motivates human beings to think
about daily progress, but it can be said that it is what makes This daily progress is
possible and it is thanks to research. Research has great importance today and in
the history of human beings as well, since thanks to this it has helped the
development of humanity, mainly at a business level. It can be said that without
research the world would not be what it is at this moment, it is a very important
basis for all fields. Research can range from the simplest to the most complex.
Well, to become familiar with the importance of research techniques, we are first
going to define it, such as the different forms or ways of obtaining information.
Examples of these techniques are; direct observation, the survey in its two
modalities (interview or questionnaire), documentary analysis, content analysis,
etc. Collection instruments are the material means used to collect and store
information. Example: sheets, questionnaire formats, interview guides, attitude or
opinion scales, etc. All of these instruments are applied at a particular time, with
the purpose of seeking information that will be useful for a common investigation.
It is important to note that the management of the techniques and the design of
the data collection and analysis instruments are a function of the hypothesis and
objectives of the research, which are located in a certain explanatory framework of
social reality, which guides the investigation of concrete social phenomena.
The usefulness of these instruments synthesizes all the previous research work,
summarizes the contributions of the Theoretical Framework by selecting data that
correspond to the indicators and, therefore, to the variables and concepts used, but
also synthesizes the specific design chosen for the I work through an adequate
construction of the collection instruments, therefore the research achieves the
necessary correspondence between theory and facts.
Once the researcher has made an appropriate selection of the topic, a good
approach to the problem to be solved and the definition of the scientific method to
be used, the entire structure must be put in place. To do this, techniques and tools
are required to help the researcher. Among the most used and well-known are:
Documentary research and field research.
Documentary research is supported by the compilation of background information
through graphic documents of any kind and by various authors, on which the
researcher bases and complements his research. Field research is research
carried out directly in the environment where the phenomenon under study occurs.
Among the support tools for this type of research are:
The observation.
The interview.
The survey.
The experimentation.

Observation This technique consists of carefully observing the phenomenon, fact

or case, taking information and recording it for later analysis. Observation is a
fundamental element of any investigative process; the researcher relies on it to
obtain the greatest number of data.
There are two kinds of observation: scientific observation and non-scientific
observation. The difference is in intentionality: observing scientifically means
observing with a clear, defined and precise objective: the researcher knows what
he wants to observe and why he is doing it, which implies that he must carefully
prepare the observation. Observing non-scientifically means observing without
intention, without a defined objective and therefore, without prior preparation.
Interviews are used to collect information verbally, through questions proposed by
the analyst. Respondents may be managers or employees, who are current users
of the existing system, potential users of the proposed system, or those who will
provide data or be affected by the proposed application. The analyst can interview
staff individually or in groups; some analysts prefer this method to the other
techniques that will be studied later. However, interviews are not always the best
source of application data.
Within an organization, the interview is the most significant and productive
technique available to the analyst to collect data. In other words, the interview is an
exchange of information that takes place face to face. It is a communication
channel between the analyst and the organization; It serves to obtain information
about needs and how to satisfy them, as well as advice and understanding on the
part of the user for any new idea or method. On the other hand, the interview offers
the analyst an excellent opportunity to establish a flow of sympathy with the user
personnel, which is essential in the course of the study.
Today the word "survey" is most frequently used to describe a method of
obtaining information from a sample of individuals. This "sample" is usually only a
fraction of the population under study.
Questionnaires in the research process are a common practice used by
researchers. In Mexico, many questionnaires are carried out without a theoretical
foundation that supports them and their formulation is, on many occasions,
deficient, to such a degree that professionals refuse to answer them, especially if
they are questionnaires presented on more than one page and if they require that
Subjects reflect before issuing any response. However, there is no doubt that the
questionnaire is widely used in Mexico by researchers as well as by students who
wish to obtain a degree through research work.
Once we implement these techniques we can say that the data in themselves have
limited importance, it is necessary to "make them speak", that is, find meaning in
them. This is, in essence, the analysis and interpretation of the data. The purpose
is to highlight each and every one of the parts of the whole that provide answers to
the members of the research, that is, to the problems formulated.

The objective of the analysis is to seek a broader meaning to the answers by

comparing them with other available knowledge: generalizations, laws, theories,
etc. Basically, the analysis and interpretation of data is the culmination of the entire
research process, because the preceding phases are ordered based on this task. It
should be noted that both the analysis and interpretation of the data involve much
more artisanal work, therefore, this phase cannot be reduced to a simple
accounting operation.

To conclude this work, reference can be made to the importance of research as a

learning process; Since it has a range of fundamental characteristics that are
narrowed in a very compact way to be able to capture the information or to achieve
the proposed objectives, it is necessary to remember that scientific research is a
rigorous method in which a series of objectives is obtained. previously proposed
and in a very technical way, and research is that which aims to expand scientific
knowledge, without pursuing, in principle, any practical application and research is
an action of clarifying. It is very convenient to have a detailed knowledge of the
possible types of research that can be pursued. This knowledge makes it possible
to avoid mistakes in choosing the appropriate method for a specific procedure.
That is why it could be noted that the topic should be implemented from basic
education since although research is always present, it is always good to know the
technical and scientific side of things, no matter how common and everyday they
tend to be.

One of the most common failures in research consists of the absence of

delimitation of the topic, that is, due to the lack of ambition of the topic, which is
why it is essential to be very clear about the objectives and the path that is going to
be followed with the research so that it can end its path where it should.
The hypothesis of a research can be developed from different points of view, it can
be based on a conjecture, on the results of other studies, on the possibility of a
similar relationship between two or more variables represented in a study, or it can
be based in a theory by which an assumption of a deductive process leads us to
the claim that if certain conditions are met, certain results can be obtained. The
objective of the research is the clear and precise statement of the goals to be
pursued. The objective of the person who investigates is to reach decisions and a
theory that allows him to generalize and solve similar problems in the future in the
same way.

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