Form ‘F’
Nomination under Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 [Rule 6(1)]
The Trustees
Accenture Employees Group
Gratuity cum Life Assurance scheme.
TARUN Father
Father: KUMAR T
Name Name/ Sur
Husband T N RAJU Name
Sex Employee
MALE Code -1
Religion Martial
HINDU Status
Date of
Birth Address:
Date of Joining 01/07/2024
I hereby nominate the person(s) mentioned below to receive the gratuity payable after my death as also the gratuity standing to
my credit in the event of my death before that amount has become payable, or having become payable has not been paid and
direct that the said amount of gratuity shall be paid in proportion indicated against the names(s) of the nominee(s).
Sr.No Name in Full with full address of Relationship with the Age of Proportion by
Nominee/s Employee Nominee/s which Gratuity will
be shared
1 LAXMI 45 100
2. I have no family and should I acquire a family hereafter, the above nominations shall be deemed to be cancelled and fresh
nominations in favor of one or more of my family members shall be provided by me.
3. I hereby certify that the person(s) mentioned is a/are member(s) of my family within the meaning of clause (h) of section 2 of
the payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
4. I hereby declare that I have no family within the meaning of clause (h) of section 2 of the said Act.
5. (a). I hereby certify that my father/mother/parents is/are not dependent on me.
(b). My husband's father/mother/parents is/are not dependent on my husband.
6. I have excluded my husband from my family by a notice dated ………to the controlling authority in terms of the proviso to clause
(h) of section 2 of the said Act.
7. Nomination made herein invalidates my previous nomination.
• Strike out the words/paragraphs not applicable..
01 day of _____
Dated this _____ 2024 at__________
07 _____ MUMBAI
Declaration By Witnesses
Nomination signed/thumb impressed before me.
1.__________________________________ 1. __________________________________
2.__________________________________ 2. __________________________________
ON_ -1
Tarun Kumar T Father: T N RAJU
Employee I Date of birth Date of Joining
20/12/2003 01/07/2024
Gender Male Marital Status single
I hereby nominate the person(s) mentioned below to receive all my dues after my death in proportion
indicated against the name(s) of the nominee(s).
F1,1II & Fina! payments {ie Ynclaimed reimbYrsement, Ynpaid salary, leave etc)
Sr.No Full Name of the Nominee Relationship with Age of the Share of compensation
Employee Nominee/s to be paid to nominee(%)
1 Laxmi Mother 45 100
Group Mediclaim
Sr.No Full Name of the Nominee Relationship with Age of the Share of compensation
Employee Nominee/s to be paid to nominee(%)
1 Laxmi Mother 45 100
Declaration by Witnesses:
Name Name
Employee code Employee code
Signature Signature
Place Place
Dated Dated
Employee Code -1 I
Location Mumbai
Employee Signature Date 01/07/2024
Certified that the above nomination as declared by the employee is taken on record.
Place Mumbai
Date Signature of Authorized Signatory
For Accenture Solutions Pvt. Ltd
ON_ -1