Human Development: Rbi Grade B
Human Development: Rbi Grade B
Human Development: Rbi Grade B
Human Development
Economics & Social Issues Notes
• Development experience of many fast-growing developing countries revealed that
their high GNP growth rates failed to reduce the socio-economic deprivation of
substantial sections of their population.
• Even developed industrial nations realized that high income is no protection against
the rapid spread of such problems as drugs, alcoholism, AIDS, homelessness, violence,
and the breakdown of family relations.
• This establishes the fact that the expansion of output and wealth is only a means to
• The end of development is the welfare of human beings. Therefore, the central focus
of development analysis and planning must be directed towards people’s needs and
oriented towards achievement of this ultimate end.
• As a first step towards achievement of this end there is a need to create a database
on improved social statistics and new development measures.
• To cater to this, need the concept of human development and its measurement
through a measure called Human Development Index (HDI) was introduced by UNDP
(1990) in its first Human Development Report.
• In principle, these choices can be infinite and can change over time.
• But, at all levels of development, the three essential choices are for people to lead a
healthy and long life, to acquire knowledge and to have access to the resources
needed for a decent standard of living.
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Human development approach is about expanding the richness of human life, rather than
simply the richness of the economy in which human beings live. Human development
approach focusses on –
1. People: The human development approach focuses on improving the lives people lead
rather than assuming that economic growth will lead, automatically, to greater
opportunities for all. Income growth is an important means to development, rather
than an end in itself.
2. Opportunities: Human development is about giving people more freedom and
opportunities to live lives they value. In effect this means developing people’s abilities
and giving them a chance to use them.
3. Choices: Human development is, fundamentally, about more choice. It is about
providing people with opportunities, not insisting that they make use of them.
• Human development is the end while economic growth is only a means to this end.
• The first HDR was launched in 1990 by the Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq and
Indian Nobel laureate Amartya Sen.
• Since then, reports have been released most years and have explored different
themes through the human development approach, which places people at the center
of the development process.
• They have also inspired national and regional analyses which, by their nature, usually
address issues that are more country – or regionally - specific.
Human Development Free RBI Grade B e-book
• The title of Human Development Report (HDR) 2019 is “Beyond income, beyond
averages, beyond today: inequalities in human development in the 21st Century”.
• The social and economic dimensions of a country are based on the health of people,
their level of education attainment and their standard of living.
• Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq created HDI in 1990 which was further used to
measure the country's development by the United Nations Development Program
• Knowledge as measured by the adult literacy rate (with two-third weight) and
the combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio (with one
third weight).
Before calculating HDI, an index for each of the three dimensions is created. For this
purpose, maximum and minimum values are chosen for each indicator.
Indicators of HDI
Calculation of the index combines four major indicators:
1. Life expectancy for health.
2. Expected years of schooling.
3. Mean years of schooling for education.
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Human Development Free RBI Grade B e-book
HDR 2010 introduced three new measures – Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index,
Gender Inequality Index and Multidimensional Poverty Index.
Inequality-Adjusted HDI
• The inequality adjusted HDI looks beyond the average achievement of health,
education, and income, to show how these are distributed among its residents.
• For example, if the top 10% of the population controlled 90% of the country’s
wealth/income, there would be a high level of inequality.
• Two countries with different distributions of achievements can have the same average
HDI value.
• Under perfect equality the IHDI is equal to the HDI but falls below the HDI when
inequality rises.
Dimensions of GII
Dimensions of GII: It includes three critical dimensions for women –
1. Reproductive health
2. Empowerment
3. Labour market participation
Indicators of GII
• The dimensions of reproductive health have two indicators – maternal mortality ratio
and adolescent birth ratio.
• The dimensions of empowerment have two indicators – female and male population
at least secondary education, and female and male shares of parliamentary seats.
• The dimensions of labour market participation have one indicator – female and male
labour force participation rate.
• The dimensions of empowerment have two indicators – female and male population
at least secondary education, and female and male shares of parliamentary seats.
• The dimensions of labour market participation have one indicator – female and male
labour force participation rate.
Human Development Free RBI Grade B e-book
• These data are then aggregated into the national measure of poverty.
Global Multidimensional Poverty Index 2020 was released by the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) and the Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative
(OPHI) in July 2020.
The data of the index is based on the study of poverty trends in 75 countries.
Global Scenario
• 1.3 billion people are still living in multidimensional poverty. More than 80% are
deprived in at least five of the ten indicators used to measure health, education and
living standards in the global MPI.
• About 84.3% of multidimensionally poor people live in Sub-Saharan Africa and South
Indian Scenario
• India lifted as many as 270 million people out of multidimensional poverty between
2005-06 and 2015-16.
• One of the five major and common macroeconomic goals of a government is the
equitable (fair) distribution of income.
• The Lorenz Curve (the actual distribution of income curve), a graphical distribution of
wealth developed by Max Lorenzin 1906, shows the proportion of income earned by
any given percentage of the population. The line at the 45º angle shows perfectly
equal income distribution, while the other line shows the actual distribution of
income. The further away from the diagonal, the more unequal the size of the
distribution of income
Gini Coefficient
• The Gini Coefficient, which is derived from the Lorenz Curve, can be used as an
indicator of economic development in a country.
• The Gini Coefficient can vary from 0 (perfect equality) to 1 (perfect inequality).
A Gini Coefficient of zero means that everyone has the same income, while a Coefficient of 1
represents a single individual receiving all the income.
This was all from us for Human Development Notes.
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