Revised QuesionanierGebreslassie Adisu MBA
Revised QuesionanierGebreslassie Adisu MBA
Revised QuesionanierGebreslassie Adisu MBA
Dear Respondent,
I am Gebreslassie Adisu, a student at Microlink information technology and Business College
pursuing MBA (Masters of Business Administration in General Management). I am currently
doing a survey regarding “The Effect of media advertisement on Consumers Buying Behavior:
A Case of Wegagen bank S.c. in Mekelle District”. Please spend your precious time by filled up
this questionnaire. Your feedback will be kept confidential your answers are valuable to my
a) Br. 5,000.00 and below b) Br. 5,001.00 - 10,000.00 c) Br. 10,001.00 – 25,000.00 d) Br.
25,001.00 – 35,000.00 e) Br. 35,001.00 and above
Appendix II.
Section Two:
General Knowledge of Consumers
1) Which factors make you to use Wegagen Bank products?
a) Family b) Friends c) Society d) Life style e) Culture
2) By which mode of advertisement are you gets attached?
a) Television Advertisement b) Radio Advertisement c) Newspaper Advertisement d) Magazine
advertisement e) Wall branding and banners f) In different bazaars and events
3) Which characteristics of advertisement are more important for you?
a) Advertisement being impressive b) Advertisement being simple to understand c)
Advertisement being attention grabbing d) Advertisement being memorable e) Advertisement
being creative f) Advertisement being honest
4) for which reason you switch to other bank service provider institution?
a. Impact of service delivery b. Impact of advertisement c. To try new option d. Influence by
5) Level of satisfaction regarding the services and products in Wegagen bank.
a. Very satisfied b. satisfied c. Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied d. Unsatisfied e. Very unsatisfied
Appendix III.
Section Three:
Questions Related Media advertising & Consumer buying behavior
Items SA A N DA SD
Advertisement of Wegagen Bank Being Impressive
The advertisement message is impressive as a result it helps me to
decide to buy the product/service.
An impressive ad doesn’t motivate the consumer for purchasing
New impressive advertisement of a product or service is not a
signal of new offers.
I believe there is always misinformation behind impressive
Items SA A N DA SD
Advertisement of Wegagen bank Being Simple to Understand
The advertisement message is simple to understand as a result it
helps me to decide to buy the product/service
The advertisement is complex, confusing and inaccurate.
The facts in the ad don’t convince me to different features of the
products /service
Since the ad is very confusing, I cannot understand what the ad is
all about.
Items SA A N DA SD
Advertisement of Wegagen bank Being Attention Grabbing
The advertisement message is attention grabbing as a result it
influences me to decide to buy the product/service
This ad is not better than other ads that have the same message.
I believe the ad has a low degree of visual magnetism.
Every time I look this ad it makes me discomfort.
Items SA A N DA SD
Advertisement of Wegagen bank Being Memorable
The advertisement message is memorable as a result it influences
me to decide to buy the product/service
The ad always reminds me how to have better and healthy life
Mostly I discuss the ad message with my friends after viewing it
Items SA A N DA SD
Advertisement Wegagen bank Being Creative
The advertisement message is creative as a result it influences me
to decide to buy the product.
Creative advertisement is the only tool in increasing consumers
buying appetite.
Great advertising is the creative expression of understanding the
market needs.
The ad doesn’t have any new information and features.
Items SA A N DA SD
Advertisement of Wegagen bank Being Honest
The advertisement message is honest as a result it influences me to
decide to buy the product/service
The ad creates wrong, irrelevant or totally different picture of the
product that it is in reality.
Reliable ad doesn’t give room for product/service and market
Since ads are always unrealistic, I cannot consider them as honest.
Items SA A N DA SD
Buying Behavior of Wegagen bank Consumers
I am happy being the customer of Wegagen bank.
I believe in advertisement because it helps to get information and
The ads of Wegagen bank played a key role on the buying of
quality service.
Regular and consistent ads of Wegagen bank enable it in staying
and winning the market competition.
There is no a big difference between the message in the ad and the
New ad of a service is a signal of new offers or incentives.
Knowing the service’s latest information may depend on
There is positive and significant relationship between advertising
and consumers buying behavior of the products.