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Business Plan

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“Come Hungry Live Happy”

Holy Cross College

Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

(Accountancy and Business Management)

Amper, Neil F.
Bartolome, Ercel Xela B.
Cocjin, Kevin Lee M.
Dela Cruz, Tonton G.
Dizon, Anisha Raven C.
Guina, Mark Reyster C.
Miranda, Reginald D.
Santos, Nathaniel Ivan R.
Sir. Jovene Pangan

Part I: Introduction
The young entrepreneurs came up with this business on year 2018. Their eagerness for

vegetable products lead them to try new twists such as cucumber shake, cucumber muffin &

cucumber bread rolls. Cucumber is good for our body, because it contains benefits such as:

relieves joint pain, reduces swelling around the eyes, promote healthy skin, prevent headaches

and rehydrates the body. Cucumber contains multiple vitamins including vitamin B1, Vitamins

are known to help ease feelings of anxiety and buffer some of the damaging effects of stress.

Also this vegetables contains the two most basic element needed for healthy digestion. And these

are water and fiber. The cucumber originated in India, where a great many varieties have been

observed, from cucumis hystrix. It has been cultivated for at least 3,000 years, and was probably

introduced to other parts of Europe by the Greek or Romans.

Business Concept and Business Model

The business was conceptualized by the young entrepreneur based on their ability

to think and their capacity of innovating new products. The proponents come up with the

cucumber vegetable to make it smoothie and healthy for their target customer. The business

target customers are those ages 15 and above passing beside the Sta. Ana church.

Lapipino was started in just a stall near the church in Sta. Ana. The uniqueness of

their product lead the proponents to have a greater opportunities to create and invent this



To serve happiness to our customers and to produce high quality, great tasting and

healthy foods and extraordinary service experience, offered to customers at the most reasonable

and affordable price, for a healthier, refreshing, and totally satisfying service.


To be one of the Asia’s leading premiere and distinctive business institutions among

competitors. We expect and demand the best we have to offer by always keeping LaPipino

values top of mind.


 To ensure customer satisfactions and loyalty.

 To sell products to every person nearby the stall to make the products trending.

 To be one of the famous food businesses and it will be known internationally.

Business Offering
LaPipino offers cucumber smoothie that is healthy and very beneficial to the human body.
Cucumber smoothie is something that is very unique and especial because it is made of natural
and fresh cucumber. This smoothie comes with two flavor this are cucumber lemon and
cucumber panda. This business also serves side dish this are cucumber muffin and bread roll.
Part II: Executive Summary
The trend of different kind of beverages products to the millennial give the young

entrepreneur the idea to put up a stall that will sell products that are healthy yet tasty for them.

And through this the customers will not just experience yummy and delicious food but they will

also be healthy for the ingredients that the entrepreneur uses in making up this product. The

young entrepreneurs uses cucumber as their main product they have come to this ingredient

because they have found out that the cucumber have a lot of benefits to human body. Cucumber

relieves joint pain, reduces swelling around the eyes, promote healthy skin prevent headaches

and rehydration. The cucumber contain multiple vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamins are

known to help ease feelings of anxiety and buffer of the damaging effects of stress. Also this

vegetable contains the two must basic elements needed for healthy digestion which are water and


LaPipino was a partnership. Partnership is a two or more person who working to become

one for the success of their business. This business is located at San Joaquin Sta. Ana Pampanga

it was near or at the side of the church. The target customer of this business are those ages 15 and

above. The product was design especially for all the people that is very healthy living and health


The business mission is to serve happiness to our customer and produce high quality,

great tasting and healthy foods and extraordinary service experience, offering to customer’s at

the most reasonable and affordable price, for refreshing, and total satisfying service. Our vision

is to be the Asia’s leading premiere and distinctive and distinctive business institution among

competitors. But are very own objective in putting up this business is of course to earn profit.

The business name and logo was design by the entrepreneur who has been dedicated and

put hard work to make this business possible and successful. The name LaPipino was a

combination of Spanish and Filipino, La is a Spanish word and pipino is a Filipino word which

means cucumber. And also the logo was design through the color of green it represents a lot of

meaning and symbolizes the color of life and energy and it is also associated with the meaning of

freshness. It has the name of the business and it is design in a circular way because it represents

the piece of cucumber.

Part III: Business Proponents: Organizers with their capabilities
and contributions

Tonton Dela Cruz

Operation Manager
09976155080 / E: [email protected]
San Juan Banio Arayat Pampanga 2022

Is a senior role which involves overseeing the production of goods and provision of

services. It’s an operations manager’s job to make sure an organization is running as well as it

possibly can, with a smooth efficient service that meets the expectations and needs of customers

and clients.


 Business planning

 Project Management

 Staff Training and Development

 Consulting
Reginald Miranda
Business Owner
09362579030 / E: [email protected]
San Roque Sta Ana Pampanga 2022

Operate their own business and handle responsibilities such as creating business plans,

arranging financing, hiring staff, reviewing sales, developing marketing strategies , overseeing

daily activities and identifying business opportunities.


 Extremely Organized

 Team leadership

 Budgeting and finance

 Self-motivated
Ercel Xela Bartolome
General Manager
09362066940 / E: [email protected]
San Agustin Sta Ana Pampanga 2022

Often oversee local office of employees. General Manager set policies, operations, create

and maintain budgets, and coordinate with local management in the company to evaluate

employees, company performances and efficiencies


 Business development

 Self-sufficient

 Verbal/written communication

 Human resources knowledge

Anisha Raven Dizon
Human Resource Manager
09364891460 / E: [email protected]
San Nicolas Sta Ana Pampanga 2022

Maintains and enhances the organization’s human resources by planning, implementing

and evaluating employee relations and human resources policies, programs, and practices.


 Regulatory Compliance

 Project Management

 Documentation

 Banking
Kevin Lee Cocjin
Marketing Manager
09557421908 / E: [email protected]
San Roque Mexico Pampanga 2022

Accomplishes marketing and sales objectives by planning, developing, implementing,

and evaluating advertising, merchandising, and trade promotion programs developing field sales

action plans.


 Mathematical formulas proficiency

 Cost estimates

 Strong communication skills

 Microsoft Office Suite

Neil Amper
Finance Manager
09051915574 / E: [email protected]
Lanang Candaba Pampanga 2022

Reviewing financial reports, monitoring accounts, and preparing activity reports and

financial forecast. Financial managers also investigate ways to improve profitability, and analyze

markets for business opportunities such as expansion, mergers or acquisition.


 Gathering information

 Quality assurance

 Customer service

 Retail sales
Mark Reyster Guina
Sales Staff
09359685357 / E: [email protected]
San Juaqin Sta Ana Pampanga 2022

Work with customers to find what they want, create solutions and ensure a smooth sales

process. Sales representatives will work to find new sales lead, through business directories,

clients referrals, etc.


 Mathematical formulas proficiency

 Cost estimates

 Strong communication skills

 Microsoft Office Suite

Nathaniel Ivan Santos
Advertising Staff
09552838587 / E: [email protected]
Sta Maria Sta Ana Pampanga 2022

Work in advertising agencies that put together advertising campaigns for clients, in media

firms that sell advertising space or time, and in organizations that advertise heavily. Advertising

managers work with sales staff and others to generate ideas for an advertising campaign.


 Business planning

 Project Management

 Staff Training and Development

 Consulting
Part IV: Target Customers and Main Value Proposition

The LaPipino’s target customers are those people who are 15 and above age bracket and

passing through the edge of the Sta. Ana, Parish Church. Also those people that eat healthy foods

and a health conscious.

What make LaPipino different to others who sell the same beverages in the market; well

we have a lot of difference and edges to others. Of course it is the product that we sell is the

unique one. Why? It’s because our smoothie is made of natural and fresh cucumber. Cucumber is

so healthy is our body and it has a lot of benefits especially vitamins that your body needs.

Stress is a commonly recognize to have a lot of bad effect to our body especially to our

health and well-being. Chronic stress resulting from environmental sources or culture stress can

lead to different diseases like cell-deteriorating processes such as inflammation and oxidative

stress, certain toxins and worst cancers. But early research shows that cucumber are literary one

of the most versatile fruits as can be used topically, internally and also for mood stability when

modulating stress.

In additional here are some cucumber benefits in human body you must know; relieves

joint pain, reduces swelling around the eyes, promote healthy skin prevent headaches and

rehydration it also have vitamin B1.

Part V: Market, Market Justifications based on Industry Dynamics
and the Macroenvironment

Social Environment

The impact of Lapipino in social environment is the fulfillment of the desire of the
customers to have a drink that will refresh them from the hot climate that we have.

Political Environment

The lapipino company is a company that pay its expenses like tax, and as we know tax is
one of the things that a government need to run, and being a good tax payer the lapipino
company gives a major contribution at the Political Environment.

Economic Environment

The lapipino is a company that will give work for these who doesn’t have one, and
through this the poverty rate in the place where the company/brand stands will decrease its
poverty rate which will help for the economic growth.

Ecological Environment

The lapipino shake is a product made from fresh pipino and is we know pipino is rich in
vitamins that moisturizes and cleans the skin and through the massive production at this product,
a lot of people will benefit from it.

Technological Environment

To create this product, the owners tried to do several kinds of experiment, until they come
with the mixture of the product. They have used high powered blender to blend the ingredients
that they come up with that technology they sell hundreds of products.
Part VI: The Product and Service Offerings

LaPipino give or serve customer a healthy and affordable product. The product that they

served is different kind of smoothie. The main ingredient of the said business is fresh and natural

cucumber with a flavor of lemon, honey, pandan and etc. we also give customer different breads

like bread roll and muffin that is also made of cucumber. The product is also affordable that

teenager can afford to buy.

The entire employees of LaPipino were train according to their duties and responsibility

to attain and gain knowledge. They also have seminars and workshop before they work to assure

the safety and the product and services offer to the customers.

The refreshing cucumber smoothie will served at a particular time but customer can wait

at the chair and tables provided for them. While waiting we are offering some staff

entertainments like a free movie watch or free internet connection to online surfing.
Part VII: The Enterprise Strategy and Enterprise Delivery System
Business is an activity of making or offering goods or providing services in exchange for

money. It’s very objective is to ear profit but not only that it is also to serve and give customer

good quality, affordable and healthy products. In the field of business industry we have a lot of

competitors to your compete with to be able to reach your goal as a business man or woman.

This competitor will be also your motivator towards your goal or in achieving your vision.

Through different strategy the business was able to compete to their competitors. The

first thing they do to have a SWOT Analysis. The business should know first their strength and

weaknesses, this two are both inside of the business. They need to know first what are their edge

to their competitors as well as their weaknesses simply because they need to have an idea to

make a better improve and to know where exactly should they make adjustment. And of course

they should also know the outside of the business which are the opportunities and threat. The

opportunities that they myth grab for the betterment of the business, and they will analyze the

threat and think of a solution to prevent those threat and maybe can turn it into the business


The most important to thing business should consider in every strategy that they are

doing is the customer wants. Knowing your customer well will be so much important, why?

Because they will be the one who will buy your product, they will be the one to judge what will

be the better way to make perfect, you should know their opinion, feelings and desire for your

product. Give them a lot of option or promo that well catch their attention. As a business man

and woman you should always have new offerings to your customer’s because customers always

wanted something new, something have not try on.

Lastly is to advertise your product. Advertisement is the act or process of advertising

something such as a short film or it can be a written notice that is shown or presented to the

public to help sell a product or to make an announcement. It is like a way to communicate to the

customer and also a way to introduce the product that you are selling. There has a lot of way to

advertise product it can be in a radio broadcast, commercial, online advertisement, tarpaulins,

brochures, or any printed materials. This is all depends on the marketing strategy of your

business or company.
Part VIII: The Financial Forecast and Expected Returns, Risks and


In order to raise a business like this we need capital. The LaPipino raises at least P20, 000

in order to buy all the equipment, tools and ingredients. The business started in small stall that is

why the capital is not that big.

Part IX: Environmental and Regulatory Compliance

Small business can pay big time when it comes to not following through regulatory

compliance institute by the government. It is very important to be legally aware for the entire

regulator to prevent or avoid green washing scandal.

Small business needed some permits to be legal in the field of business. The following

are all needed; business permit, mayors permit, sanitary permit, DTI permit and BIR. This is

some requirements to start up a small business.

Here are some law and regulation that the business should follow. The Clean Air Act,

Clean Water Act, and Toxic Substances Control Act are under the agriculture laws and

regulation. The agriculture laws and regulations was created especially for all the business owner

whose main business are farming, raises animals, and ranches, this industry has the most laws

and regulation because it directly affect the environment.

Part X: Capital Structure and Financial Offering

Day 1
Sales 1,815
COGS 1,837
Gross Profit -22
Operating Expense 50
Operating Income -72
Other Expense -63
Net Income -135

Day 2
Sales 1,715
COGS 558
Gross Profit 1,157
Operating Expense 0
Rent Expense (33)
Operating Income 1,124
Other Expense 100
Net Income 1,024

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