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“2024, Año del Bicentenario de la Erección del Estado Libre y Soberano de México”



September Linguistic diversity and Use various types 2 Write an oral complaint. Topic, purpose and Group discussion Observation
its forms of expression in of text and  Choose a suitable intended audience. or dialogue Listening
Mexico and the world. media, for word repertoire.  Contextual clues.  Speaking
express and spread  Use and adapt Structure of
in English, speech register complaints: opening,
cultural practices according to the body and closure.
and diverse addressee.  Form of
linguistics of  Express motive or communication.
companies in reason.  Repertoire of
Mexico and the  Write expressions to words necessary for
world suggest solutions. this social practice of
 Use strategies to the language.
repair failed
 Express complaints
and make adjustments
to improve fluency

Understand the general Textual and graphics Writing, essay Consult different
October Use of different English Create short texts in 2 meaning, main ideas, components.  work in class literary essays and
texts English, and some details in a Patterns of textual other sources to get
in English that to present a short literary essay. arrangement.  information about
promote the situation or Acoustic features.  the selected cultural
Read short literary
preservation and topic of interest with Repertoire of words aspect.
essays about a cultural
conservation resources necessary for this Check that writing
aspect. Use different
narrative, poetic, social practice of the is complete and
visual, language. complies with
scenic or musical. strategies. Formulate grammar, spelling,
and answer questions.  Key words.
and punctuation
 Identify sentences  Sentence type.
used to describe a  Antonyms.
“2024, Año del Bicentenario de la Erección del Estado Libre y Soberano de México”

cultural aspect.  Verb tenses:

Distinguish between progressive forms,
examples and past, and present
explanations from main
ideas. Compare
cultural aspects
November English stories to Create short poems 4 Describe and compare Acknowledge and Exposition with Poem
express significant from cultural aspects. respect differences calaveritas in Writing
events family, school, use of aesthetic  Enlist characteristics between cultures. English Grammar, spelling
community and resources of a cultural aspect.  Appreciate cultural Reading
social events. English in oral  Propose titles for a expressions
productions and description. particular to different
written, to be  Write sentences to countries.
disseminated in the describe cultural  Develop flexibility
school community. aspects. and value
 Arrange sentences in differences among
paragraphs. people and culture

December The identity and culture Create short texts in 5 Interpret general sense, Topic, purpose, and Write sentences to Table comparative
of English-speaking English, main ideas, and some intended audience. describe an Stories
peoples. to present a details. Clarify  Contextual clues. unexpected Writing
Traditional and situation or meaning of words.  Speech register. situation.
contemporary literary topic of interest with Identify ways to  Direct and indirect Check that
creations in English. resources describe an speech. sentences are
narrative, poetic, unexpected situation.  Acoustic features.  understood when
visual, scenic or Identify main ideas Repertoire of words said and heard.
musical. and information that necessary for this Organize
broadens, exemplifies social practice of the sentences into a
or explains them. language. text to put together
Identify strategies  Types of a testimony.
used to rephrase ideas, sentences. Practice the
adjust volume and  Adjectives and enunciation of
speed, and negotiate adverbs. testimonies
meaning.  Adverbs: of time
Determine sequence and quantitative.
of enunciation.
Formulate questions
to understand a
Notice regional
“2024, Año del Bicentenario de la Erección del Estado Libre y Soberano de México”

January Stories in English for Retrieve an event 1 Describe unexpected Language formulae Work in class Organize sentences
express events community history events. (e.g. greetings, and Summary into a text to put
significant and elaborates Write sentences to courtesy and Representation together a
family, schoolchildren, an oral and written describe unexpected farewell visual testimony.
community and text in English, situations. expressions). image on Practice the
social. to express your Add details to main  Syntactic photographic enunciation of
position, ideas. particularities of testimonies.
making use of Change direct speech English: absence of Establish turns of
resources into indirect speech and double negative (for participation
visual or auditory. vice versa. example, they didn’t Participate in an
Adjust speed, rhythm, go anywhere; they exchange of
diction, and intonation. had no time to lose). testimonies.
Rephrase ideas.
Use strategies to
influence on meaning.
Use strategies to
restore a failed
Produce spontaneous
descriptions of
unexpected situations.
Maintain an oral
exchange with the
support of non-verbal
February English language to Investigate and 4 Select and explore  Genre, topic, Select a short play Evaluation
express sensations, recover short plays suitable for purpose, and for a young Speaking
emotions, cultural events and a young audience. audience. audience Pronountiation
feelings and ideas arts of their Identify textual  Text and graphic Read the selected
related to families, community, to arrangement. components. play aloud.
families, school and spread them in  Identify author(s).  Text arrangement: Determine who will
community. English  Determine topic, stage directions, interpret leading,
purpose, and intended dialogues, etc. secondary, and/or
audience.  Colophon. incidental
 Read a short play and  Acoustic features.  characters.
understand general Repertoire of words Identify stage
sense, main ideas, and necessary for this directions in each
details. social practice of the case
Identify stage language.
directions.  Adverbs of time
“2024, Año del Bicentenario de la Erección del Estado Libre y Soberano de México”

Use various and place.

comprehension  Verb form:
strategies. imperative.
 Identify leading,  Verb tenses:
secondary and/or present (simple,
incidental character(s). progressive, and
Point out details (e.g., perfect) and past.
attitudes and  Punctuation: dash,
behaviors, and time parentheses,
and setting in which the squared brackets,
actions occur). etc.
Point out genre (e.g.:
tragedy, comedy, and
March Assertive Design and 5 Write points of view Topic, purpose and Write personal Structure sentences
communication disseminate in about a Civic or Ethical intended audience. points of view to express opinions
and dialogic in English, English topic to participate in a  Textual and Brainstorming about the violence
to raise awareness written proposals, round table, with the graphic components. exercises and Observations
about for teacher’s guidance.  Patterns of textual practical cases
the eradication of raise awareness in  Organize main ideas arrangement.
violence in the the community of a text on a graph and  Repertoire of
families and school. about the contrast them with a words necessary for
importance of personal opinion. this social practice of
eradicate violence.  Rewrite main ideas to the language.
write opinions using  Synonyms.
synonyms.  Connectors.
 Complete sentences  Conditionals
to write personal  Punctuation.
opinions.  Suffixes and
 Write simple and prefixes.
complex sentences  Digraphs.
based on personal
 Broaden or
emphasize ideas using
linguistic resources.
 Write a paragraph
that expresses points of
“2024, Año del Bicentenario de la Erección del Estado Libre y Soberano de México”

April Messages in English on Tell stories in 3 Write a short report. Repertoire of words Summaries, Crate report to
means of English, about Write simple and necessary for this papers, class create a final
massive communication, examples of healthy complex sentences social practice of the notebooks version.
that promote a living and paraphrasing main language. Agree on a design
Healthy life. spreads through the ideas.  Syntactic features to the anthology.
use of media, for Complete flow charts of the English Create an index.
raise awareness in with information that language: presence Integrate the
the community. broadens main ideas. of auxiliaries in reports to the
Rewrite sentences to declarative, negative anthology and
include information that & interrogative donate it to the
broadens main ideas. sentences (e.g., That school library
Emphasize and clarify did not happen;
ideas in a text. Does he take a hard
Determine the order of decision?
key events in a  Double genitive
timeline. (e.g., an employee of
Group sentences hers).
which give similar  Verb tenses.
information to form
Write a short report
May Demonstrations artistic Create short poems 6 Listen to and explore  Topic, purpose, Select and Listening
and cultural of English. from use of descriptions of and intended unexpected Project
aesthetic resources unexpected situations audience. situation Evaluation
English in oral shared in an oral  Contextual clues.  Write sentences to
productions and exchange. Speech register.  describe an
written, to be  Identify topic, Direct and indirect unexpected
disseminated in the purpose, and intended speech. situation.
school community. audience.  Acoustic features.  Check that
 Observe and Repertoire of words sentences are
understand non-verbal necessary for this understood when
language. social practice of the said and heard.
 Identify attitudes and language.
emotions.  Types of
 Establish speakers’ sentences.
 Determine the place
where an exchange
“2024, Año del Bicentenario de la Erección del Estado Libre y Soberano de México”

June The demonstrations Create scripts in 6 Select and explore Topic, purpose and Select the field trip. Check that writing
cultural, linguistic English and short plays suitable for intended audience. Set dates, time is complete and
and artistic in English, to dramatizes, about a young audience.  Contextual clues. and activities. complies with
favor of the situations of Identify textual  Repertoire of Write instructions grammar, spelling,
interculturality. conflict resolved arrangement. words necessary for for activities that and punctuation
through  Identify author(s). this social practice of instructions are conventions
assertive  Determine topic, the language. understood when
communication and purpose, and intended  Acoustic features.  said and heard.
intercultural audience. Verbs: modals.
 Read a short play and  Verb tenses:
understand general future.
sense, main ideas, and  Verb forms:
details. imperative.
Identify stage  Consistency in the
directions. use of a variant
Use various
 Identify leading,
secondary and/or
incidental character(s).
July Stories in English for Retrieve an event 1 Select and explore Topic and intended Choose a historical Reading
express events community history descriptions of audience. event. Structure sentences
significant and elaborates historical events.  Graphic and textual Read the texts and to express opinions
family, schoolchildren, an oral and written Activate previous components. select the about the violence
community and text in English, knowledge.  Patterns of text information. Observations
social. to express your Predict content. arrangement. Choose a graphic
position, Identify textual  Repertoire of resource to
making use of organization. words necessary for organize
resources Identify topic and this social practice of information.
visual or auditory intended audience. the language.
Understand the content
of a historical text.
Read historical texts.
Identify new terms.
Point out information
about key events.
Make questions to
distinguish between
main ideas and
secondary ideas.
“2024, Año del Bicentenario de la Erección del Estado Libre y Soberano de México”

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