5ELE017W Professional Engineering Practice and Industrial Management Entrepreneurial Project Objective

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5ELE017W Professional Engineering Practice and Industrial


Entrepreneurial Project

 To develop the concept of an innovative technical product that contributes to improving the
lives and wellbeing of others, society or the environment based on the group members

Project Criteria
 The group project concept
o Must be approved by Chee
 You will be guided through to the development of your project concept
during class
 It must include a calculated estimation of the cost of your product
o Materials, cost to develop, etc
 It must include
o a cyber security element AND
o an AI or Blockchain element
 It is not required to implement the concept (you will not have to code or build anything)
 To encourage development of various skills required for the project, including research,
specification and design skills, all members must contribute to ALL components of the
o i.e. A group member cannot just cover only one section. This is to avoid a single
point of failure
 If you have not been assigned to a group, you must contact Chee as soon as possible.

Learning outcomes
 L01. Undertake effective project management, planning and scheduling that includes a
work-based learning component which applies the University’s Employability Strategy as
adopted by the School
 L02. Develop employability skills through team working, group dynamics, communications
skills and time management
 L03. Analyse the impact of ethical issues on engineering in a variety of commercial contexts;
understand the effect of regulatory, environmental, and health & safety issues on
engineering product development and implementation; identify and apply professional
standards within an engineering environment
 L04. Demonstrate entrepreneurial thinking and creativity and apply it to given scenarios;
present and defend your solutions as a team; assess and select different marketing
strategies, production processes in organisations
Deliverables and due dates
There are two components of assessment for the project:

Component Weighting Word Count Date due

Group Report 25% ~8000 Thursday 11th July 2024
Group Presentation 25% To be arranged directly with

 The reports are to submitted via Blackboard

o One member of the group to submit the group report (by deadline) and the group
slides (on day of presentation)
 The presentation will be
o Conducted live on campus. Room will be announced on Blackboard.
o A half day event. Your group is to attend the presentations of all the other groups
and contribute to asking questions to the other groups
 Feedback and marks will be given 15 working days after the submission deadline. All marks
will remain provisional until formally agreed by an Assessment Board.
 The feedback will be given via a group meeting at an arranged time.

Work-based Learning
Each group will be assigned an industrial-based mentor with whom you will be scheduled to meet
several times over the duration of the group project. They will mentor your group and offer guidance
on things such as project management, industrials tools and practices. You will be introduced to your
group mentor once the project has started.

Your group is scheduled to meet with your assigned tutor in week 7, 9 and 10. Tangible work is to be
presented to your mentors during the three sessions. A guideline for what to present to them is as

Session 1: Project concept and background research

Session 2: Conceptual and preliminary technical design

Session 3: Detailed technical design

Group work values and expectations

The values that are essential in this project are teamwork, communication, self-responsibility,
contribution, respect, and accountability. All group members are expected to contribute
continuously throughout the group project and adhere to these values. This includes attending
group meetings, presenting drafts of work and a making meaningful contribution at all stages of the
project. If there is any reason why this is not possible due to mitigating circumstances, then Chee
Yeung must be informed at the earliest opportunity.

Professionalism and commitment is expected from every member of the group. All members of the
group are expected to contribute evenly to the project activities. Action will be taken against those
who do not carry out a significant amount or work or engage in project activities (meetings, creating
deliverable, etc). It is unfair to expect other group members to do most of the work and then
expect to get the same mark as them. Should a group member not make any effort on a continual
basis (not attending meetings, not making meaningful contributions), they will be withdrawn from
their group and placed into a closely monitored group working on a different project. Statements
from other group members will be taken in such an event. It is advised to keep a record of any
violations as evidence.

Group Project Communications

Each group is to communicate using Slack. You will need to set up accounts. Chee and your assigned
mentor are to be added to group communications. Discussions, contributions and organising of
meetings is to be conducted via Slack. It is strongly advisable to conduct in-person meetings.

You are NOT to use Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram, Discord, email, Blackboard messaging, etc for group
project communications.

Project Report Components

All parts of the assessment must comprise the following components

 Mission and Vision statement of the group

 Background research and current conditions
 In depth discussion of Concept
 If there are any similar products on the market (competitors)
o what’s the unique selling point (USP) of the group concept?
 Conceptual Design
 Technical design considerations
 Ethical considerations relating to the project
 Conclusion
 References
o Use IEEE referencing
 Each section of the report must have the initials of the group members that contributed to
that section. All group members must contribute to all parts of the report; NOT allocate
different sections to specific people. It is to be a collaborative effort at all stages.

Presentation Structure
 PowerPoint slides are to be used for the presentation
 All groups will be allocated a time slot to present their group project.
 Presentations will be 10 minutes long
 All group members must be present and contribute to the presentation.
 Everyone registered on this module must attend the presentations from the other groups
o You will be invited to ask questions to the presenters at the end of each
 There is a marking component that consists of the group responses to Questions and
Answers from the audience at the end of the presentation
 The timetable of slots will be posted closer the time of the presentation. Considerations will
be taken into account to accommodate those affected by reasonable circumstance.
o If you are in employment, you have been given sufficient time to make
arrangements with your employer.
 It is your responsibility to ensure that you are physically present on campus for presentation
Marking Practice
 One mark will be given for the Group Report and Presentation which will apply to all group
 To ensure that all group members contribute to the project, a system has been implemented
whereby group members will evaluate the contribution of each member. This rating is
private and only the module leader will see this rating – your group mates will not see how
you’ve assessed them. At the end of the project, all of the responses will be evaluated by
the module leader and an individual’s mark (not affecting other group members) may be
adjusted to account for lack of contribution (unless there is a mitigating circumstance).
There will be fixed days to give the evaluation and any submissions outside of those dates
will not be recorded.
Group Report Mark Allocation Scheme
Group Introduction
 Group member introduction
o Short introduction for each member 5
 Group Mission and Vision statements 5
 Evaluation of the environment of where solution will be implemented
with relevant statistics 5
 Shortcomings/failings with current situation 5
 Innovation 5
 Competition 4
 Unique selling point 4
Conceptual Design
 Diagrams
o Stakeholders’ onion diagram 4
o Architectural Diagram
 Mock-ups
o User interfaces, product
 Design considerations 4
 Cost considerations 4
 AI / Blockchain integration 4
Technical Design
 Technologies used in the concept with justification
 AI / Blockchain technical design
 Security Specification with justification 5
 Technical Diagrams
o Circuit and/or Flowcharts of two main processes 5
 Do not use flowchart of login process
Ethical Issues
 Environmental / Social / Health impact / Legal / compliance issues 5
Conclusion 5
 All information presented is IEEE referenced 4
 Structure 4
 Aesthetics 4
Presentation Mark Allocation Scheme
Group Introduction 5
Background Research 10
Concept and innovation 15
Conceptual design 15
Technical Design 15
Ethical Issues 4
References 4
Slides Presentation quality 12
Q&A defence from audience 10
Team management
 Team work 5
 Timing 5
*see category description from Group Report mark allocation scheme

Marks will be allocated (weighted out of 10) depending on the quality, relevance, significance and
level of detail presented. Presenting general information will result in limited marks. Content where
the idea/concept/design that is well developed and detailed will result in higher marks. A general
guide of the grade categories is as follows:

Very Limited Adequate Good Very good Excellent

0-1 2-4 5-6 7-8 8-10
Background Content has very Content has some Content is relevance Highly relevant, Highly relevant,
little relevance to relevance to the to the project. supported with good supported with good
the project. project. number of statistics number of statistics
Concept No originality and no Very little originality. Some originality. Many original Highly original.
clear direction. Some objectives Average objectives. aspects. Detailed Highly developed
identified. objectives. objectives.
Design Relevance of content Some objectives Good detail. Some Good detail, High detail, high
to project not identified, lacking developed ideas. Well developed precision, highly
defined. customisation and developed.
No clear direction. direction.
Ethical Limited issues Issues presented but Reasonable number Good number of Many issues
identified. Not not entirely of Issues presented issues presented and presented and
explained from explained from and somewhat well explained from detailed explanation
perspective of project perspective explained from project perspective from project
project. project perspective perspective
Slides Plain. Text heavy content Concise. Informative Concise. Informative Concise. Informative
Unorganised. copied directly from without being text without being text without being text
report. heavy. heavy. heavy.
Reasonable Good aesthetics. Captivating
aesthetics. aesthetics.
Q&A defence Inaccurate answers. Suitable answers but Detailed and suitable Well detailed and Highly detailed and
Uneven contribution lacking in detail. answers. accurate answers. accurate answers.
from group Uneven contribution Even contribution Even contribution Even contribution
members from group from all group from all group from all group
members members members members

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