Flores - BSPT 1a - Activity 13 - Multipurpose Inclined Bench
Flores - BSPT 1a - Activity 13 - Multipurpose Inclined Bench
Flores - BSPT 1a - Activity 13 - Multipurpose Inclined Bench
Description: The Multifunction Reclining Gym Bench is a versatile equipment that can be used
for a wide range of full-body workouts. Built from sturdy, high-strength steel, this weight bench
targets multiple muscle groups, such as the back, chest, shoulder, arms, legs, and core.
Multiple exercises can be executed on a single piece of equipment:
● Hyper Back Extension
● Roman Chair
● Adjustable Sit-up
● Decline and Flat Bench
● Preacher Curls
How to use:
1. Easily adjust the padding to do hyperextensions for your lower back, glutes, hamstrings,
and core. Great for overall tone strength and fitness
2. Adjust the bench to its flat setting for popular chest, back, and shoulder exercises.
3. Use it as an adjustable decline bench to strengthen your core, abdominals, and obliques.
Do sit-ups, leg lifts, and reverse crunches with ease.
4. Insert the Preacher Curl pad for bicep workouts, or use it as a flat bench.
Title of Activity: Bench Press Proficiency and Bicep Curl Mastery: An Assessment Evaluating
Strength, Progression, and Development.
Doctor’s Diagnose of the Patient that requires rehabilitation using the said
Enhancement of muscle strength and assessment for a range of motion in the upper extremity.
Objectives of treatment: To achieve a full range of motion in the upper extremity and
enhance muscular strength through resistive strength training.
A. Assessment form
Patient Information:
Name: Joshua T. Malquisto
Occupation: Student
Birthdate: April 21, 2005 Age: 18 Height: 5’4
Weight: 99kg
Home/Cellphone #:09159686305
Currently Employed? Yes •No Modified
B. Medical History
sprains and strains
Back Pain
Other: pls. specify ___________
Previous surgeries:
Objectives: This test aims to assess the muscular strength progression of the
biceps brachii. Muscle development is obtained by assessing the
number of repetitions and the degree angle of elbow flexion in
performing bicep curls on the multi-functional bench preacher
curl pad.
Precautions Make sure to observe proper form and grip on the weights to
avoid injuries on the wrist and joints.
2. Squeeze the biceps and lift the dumbbells. Keep the elbows
close to your body and the upper arms stationary, only the
forearms should move.
elbow (extension) 1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session 5th Session
Left elbow 5
Right elbow 5
Remarks 5
elbow (flexion) 1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session 5th Session
Left elbow 5
Left elbow 5
Remarks 5
Left Arm 1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session 5th Session
Weight(lbs.) 5kg
Reps. 8
Remarks: The patient
Right Arm 1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session 5th Session
Weight(lbs.) 5kg
Reps. 8
Remarks: The patient Ko
doesn’t felt any
sore ness
Flat and Incline Bench Press
Muscle Worked Pectoralis major, Anterior deltoids, Triceps brachii, Biceps brachii,
Serratus anterior
PROGRESSION CHART: Flat and Incline Bench Press
Very Poor (Limited) Significant weakness and restriction of movement, likely due to
the injury. Focus on rehabilitation and range of motion exercises
before considering strength training.
Poor (Below Average) Moderate weakness and reduced range of motion. Emphasize
light resistance and bodyweight exercises to gradually rebuild
strength. Close supervision is necessary.
Fair (Average) Some strength improvement, but still below the expected range.
Continue with controlled and supervised strength-building
exercises, emphasizing proper form.
Important Considerations:
1. If a patient completes the recommended repetition range for a given weight, they can
progress to the next level.
2. If a patient struggles to complete the range for a particular weight, consider staying at
the current level or making more gradual increases.
3. Always prioritize pain-free movements.
4. Progression should be individualized and based on the patient's feedback.
5. If pain or discomfort persists, revert to the previous level of resistance.
• Mechanics
• Leverage
• Center of Mass
• Friction
• Ergonomics
III. Cite the position or activities in which this physics principle is applied. Explain
how these principles are applied.
• Mechanics – Through the weights, the patient lift it and apply stability.
• Leverage - The adjustment mechanisms of the bench, such as the incline and decline
settings, utilize principles of leverage.
• Center of Mass – To maintain the balance during the lifting, the patient must know the
center of mass.
• Friction - Friction plays a role in the smooth operation of moving parts, such as
adjusting the incline or decline settings.
• Ergonomics - Ergonomicg design principles are applied to optimize user comfort and
support while minimizing the risk of injury.
IV. Observation:
- I observed that the multipurpose bench it useful when lifting weights. The patient is
more comfortable while performing the exercise. Also, the muscles are more
emphasize while doing it.
V. Analysis:
VI. Conclusion
- Therefore I conclude that the multi purpose inclined bench is useful for those patient
who likes to lift weights. Proper positioning is also a must while doing the exercise.
The patient must also be assisted by a physical therapist.