A Road Map To Effective Muscle Recovery PDF
A Road Map To Effective Muscle Recovery PDF
A Road Map To Effective Muscle Recovery PDF
opportunity to rebuild themselves and after eccentric exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 10. G
rønli J, Soulé J, Bramham CR. Sleep and protein
2005;37(6):929-36. synthesis-dependent synaptic plasticity: impacts of
reduces the risk of overtraining. Rest sleep loss and stress. Front Behav Neurosci. 2014; 7.
2. A
hmaidi S, Granier P, Taoutaou Z, Mercier J,
can also include doing recreational or Dubouchaud H, Prefaut C. Effects of active recovery
less intense activities during recovery on plasma lactate and anaerobic power following
repeated intensive exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1996;
days. Light yoga, foam rolling, massage, 28(4): 450-456.
or joint mobility exercises can be a great
If you have ever been diagnosed by a doctor, with OR Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone.
Staying Active Pays Off! have signs/symptoms of cardiovascular, metabolic or Activities should be carried out at an effort level that
Those who are physically active tend to live longer, kidney disease, THEN it is recommended to seek is comfortable for you. You should stop participation
healthier lives. Research shows that moderate physical medical clearance before beginning an exercise program. in any exercise activity that causes pain. In such event,
activity—such as 30 minutes a day of brisk walking— Once you get medical clearance, you should start with you should consult with your health care professional
significantly contributes to a longer life. Even a person light to moderate intensity. You can gradually build up immediately.
with health risk factors like high blood pressure, to vigorous exercise if you stay free of any symptoms of
depression, diabetes or a smoking habit can gain real ACSM recommends you accumulate at least 30 minutes
health problems. of moderate-intensity physical activity (working hard
benefits from incorporating regular physical activity into
their daily life. If you DO exercise regularly: enough to break a sweat, but still able to carry on a
If you have not been diagnosed with, AND do not conversation) most days per week, or 20 minutes of more
As many dieters have found, exercise can also help you vigorous activity three days per week. Combinations
achieve weight loss goals. What’s more, regular exercise have signs or symptoms of cardiovascular, metabolic, or
kidney disease, you can continue with moderate exercise of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity can be
can help lower blood pressure, control blood sugar, performed to meet this recommendation.
improve cholesterol levels and build stronger, denser or gradually build to vigorous exercise intensity.
bones. Exercise helps improve your mental well-being If you have been diagnosed with cardiovascular, Examples of typical aerobic exercises are: walking,
too. metabolic, or kidney disease AND do not have any sign/ running, stair climbing, cycling, rowing, cross country
symptoms of health problems, then you can continue skiing and swimming. Examples of common strength
A Complete Physical Activity Program exercising at a moderate intensity. If you received training exercises are: weight machines, free weights
Regular physical activity provides many health benefits. medical clearance within the last 12 months AND your and resistance bands. Flexibility exercises can include:
While it’s not required, working with an exercise symptoms have not changed, then can continue with stretches of muscles around different joints and yoga.
professional can help you reach your fitness goals, moderate exercise or gradually build to vigorous exercise
tailor exercises to your abilities and most importantly, intensity.
Rights and Permissions
minimize your risk of injury. You should expect the ACSM grants permission to reproduce this brochure if
If at any time you develop a sign or symptom of it is reproduced in its entirety without alteration. The
exercise professional to ask you to fill out an exercise pre-
cardiovascular, metabolic or kidney disease, discontinue text may be reproduced in another publication if it is
participation health screening. This form will ask if you
exercise and seek a doctor’s clearance right away. Then, used in its entirety without alteration and the following
exercise regularly and if you have any health concerns
after getting medical clearance, you may continue your statement is added: Reprinted with permission of the
that should prompt you to see your healthcare provider
moderate intensity exercise program and gradually American College of Sports Medicine.
before getting started. The following precautions will
progress your effort.
help you safely participate in exercise programs: Copyright © 2019 American College of Sports
If you DO NOT exercise regularly: Getting Started with an Exercise Medicine. This brochure was created by Michelle
Alencar, Ph.D., ACSM-EP, and Jordan Valle, and is a
If you have not been diagnosed by a doctor with, AND Program product of ACSM’s Consumer Outreach Committee.
do not have signs or symptoms of cardiovascular, A well-rounded exercise program includes aerobic, Visit ACSM online at www.acsm.org.
metabolic or kidney disease, THEN you can start right strength training exercises, but not necessarily in the
away with light to moderate intensity exercise. You can same session. This blend helps maintain or improve
gradually build up to vigorous exercise if you stay free of overall health and function. So, it is important to choose
any symptoms of health problems. exercises you enjoy and can fit into your schedule.