Cycling Strength & Conditioning Guide: Exercises Strength, Flexibility. Mosley
Cycling Strength & Conditioning Guide: Exercises Strength, Flexibility. Mosley
Cycling Strength & Conditioning Guide: Exercises Strength, Flexibility. Mosley
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Exercise Instruction
This guide provides written descriptions of each exercise, which muscles you are targeting and why, tips, how to
progress and some alternatives that provide similar purpose. You will find useful videos and images that show
you what you need to do. You can adapt and progress sessions gradually according to your training
equipment, skill and experience. If you are not sure about anything you can always email us.
Including strength and conditioning to your training regime will help minimize the risks of injury
through improved strength, stability and by matching imbalances that can be created by repetitive
There are six key flexibility exercises included. You will see that the workout description allows for you to choose
stretches. These stretches should be included post training as well as the dedicated time described within the
strength and conditioning session. Select stretches that are specific to your requirements, the ones described
within this document are a guide. You may have some favorites that work well for you.
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Works: Glutes, hamstrings and quads.
Why: Boosts explosive power.
1. Stand with feet just outside of shoulders.
2. Sit back and down into squat position, keeping knees behind toes.
3. Immediately jump vertically by extending through hips and swinging arms for propulsion.
4. Land softly in squat position with hips back and down. Immediately repeat the same movement.
Tips: Keep chest up during the jump. Extend hips completely during jump.
Progressions: Increase reps, reduce rests.
Alternatives: Any low impact weighted squat variations, leg press, box jumps.
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Works: Glutes, hamstrings and quads.
Why: Strength, balance and core control.
1. Find yourself anything stable that you can rest a foot on, it needs to be about knee height.
2. Get into a forward lunge position with torso upright, core braced and hips square to your body, with
your back foot elevated on bench. Your leading leg should be about half a metre in front.
3. Lower until your front thigh is almost horizontal, keeping your knee in line with your foot.
4. Drive up through your front heel back to the starting position, keep your movements measured. Repeat
your reps on one leg before switching sides.
Tips: Don't let your front knee travel beyond your toes. Keep your torso upright.
Progressions: Add weight, increase reps, reduce rest.
Alternatives: Single leg squat, pistol squat, single leg press.
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Works: Glutes and quads.
Why: Increase strength, power and stability for pedaling stability.
1. Start with your feet about shoulder width apart, standing tall with your core engaged.
2. Step forward into lunge and lower until you reach approx. 90 degrees at both knees.
3. Push your body back up to the starting position through your front heel, switch legs and repeat.
1 right and 1 left is one rep.
Tips: Don’t extend the front knee past your toes. Keep your torso upright.
Progression: Add weight, increase reps, reduce rest, make this exercise dynamic by adding jump switch.
Alternatives: Squats, leg press, step ups, reverse lunges.
Works: Glutes, hamstrings, calves and quads.
Why: Stay smooth and powerful throughout the complete pedal stroke.
1. Stand upright, core tight.
2. Take a big step backwards with your left foot and lower until both knees are at 90 degrees.
3. Push back up and return to starting position. Repeat with right leg. This is one rep.
Tips: Keep your torso upright and focus to stay balanced.
Progression: Add weight, increase reps, reduce rest.
Alternatives: Alternate lunges, step ups, squats, leg press.
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Works: Quads and hamstrings.
Why: Build leg strength, power, flexibility and cardiovascular abilities.
1. Stand facing the step or box.
2. Place right foot on the step and stand up onto the step by extending the hip and knee of the raised
right leg. Place both feet onto the platform.
3. Step back down with the left leg. Switch sides and repeat with left leg leading. This is one rep.
Tips: Keep your chest up throughout the movement.
Progression: Add weight (dumbbells, weight vest or barbell), heighten step, add power by adding a hop
as you step up.
Alternatives: Alternate lunges, reverse lunges.
Works: Calves.
Why: Support the glutes, quads and hamstrings to power through the pedal stroke.
1. Stand tall, core engaged.
2. Push through the balls of your feet and raise your heel until you are standing on your toes.
3. Slowly lower to return to your starting position.
Tips: Don’t rush!
Progression: Add weight (hold dumbbells), perform on a step to enable you to drop the heel lower.
Alternative: Farmer’s walk on toes (walk holding dumbbells on toes).
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Works: Quads, calves and hamstrings.
Why: Explosive lower body power for strength and speed.
1. Stand in front of the box with feet directly under the hips, hands by your side.
2. Bend your knees and hips. Explosively jump up from the crouched position, swing your arms to help.
3. Land softly on the center of the box, absorbing impact with your legs.
4. Stand tall. Jump or step back to the starting position. Repeat.
Tips: When starting out choose a low box or step, stop when your form and speed are compromised.
Progression: Use a higher box/platform.
Alternatives: Squat jumps, step ups.
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Works: Triceps.
Why: Strengthen arms for long/hilly rides.
1. Kneel one leg on bench or chair, other foot flat on floor, bend forward 45 degrees from hip.
2. Hold weight in opposite hand to supporting knee and keep your upper arm parallel to floor,
tight to side with a 90-degree bend at the elbow.
3. Raise your lower arm out behind you so that the arm with weight is straight out behind you.
4. Under control lower back to starting position. Repeat. When full number of reps is done
repeat on opposite side.
Tips: Keep the upper arm strong and still throughout the movement. Hold core tight and stay in
Progressions: Increase weight.
Alternative: Tricep dips, cable triceps push down.
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Works: Abdominals, obliques, deltoids, biceps, triceps, chest, quads, hamstrings and hip abductors.
Why: Work multiple muscle groups improving mobility and strength.
1. Start in a plank position on elbows, a flat body and your abs tight.
2. Bring your right knee to the outside of your right elbow, alternate each side. 1 right plus 1 left is 1 rep.
Tips: Stay strong throughout, cease when you cannot hold form.
Progression: Increase reps/time. Come up onto hands and add a jump switch to make this more dynamic.
Alternative: Bicycle crunch, plank.
Works: Abdominals.
Why: Improve your structural core strength to support your riding.
1. Lie flat on your back, knees bent, finger tips at temples.
2. Engage your core and raise your knees so your thighs are vertical with the floor.
3. Drive your right knee towards your chest at the same time extend your left leg towards the mat.
Crunch until your right knee touches your left elbow then switch sides.
Tips: Stay strong, stable and in control of the movement throughout. Cease if your form slips.
Progression: Increase reps.
Alternative: Spider Climbers, plank, sit-ups.
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
25. SIT UP
Works: Abdominals, hip flexors.
Why: Improve your structural core strength.
1. Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Optional, tuck your feet under something for stability (or have
partner hold your feet). Have your fingertips at your temples, or crossed on chest.
2. Lift your upper body off the floor and towards your thighs. Contract your abs.
3. Lower back to the starting position. This is 1 rep.
Tips: Stay in control throughout, keep your elbows back and don’t pull on the head/neck.
Progression: Have plate on chest to add resistance.
Alternatives: Plank, bicycle crunches, ab machine.
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
Strength and Conditioning for Cyclists
5. FLEXIBILITY: Hamstring
Stretches: Hamstrings.
Why: Lets blood flow back whilst stretching your hamstrings. Tight hamstrings can lead to
pressure on the lower back and restricted hip flexibility and range of motion.
1. Lie on the ground by open door, back flat and resting leg out flat.
2. Slide the foot of the stretching leg up the wall until straight.
3. Keep your back neutral and relax. Hold for 30 – 40 seconds, switch legs.
Stretches: Chest.
Why: Opens out the chest and improves posture.
1. Stand, feet hip width. Clasp your hands behind your back (or hold towel).
2. Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
3. Hold for 20-30 seconds, rest and repeat as required.