Project Info
Project Info
Project Info
The choice of topic for the project work and the approach to be adopted needs to
be based on the field of specialization.
Establishing the precise focus of your study by deciding on the aims and
objectives of the project work, formulating questions to be investigated, deciding
the sampling techniques and statistical techniques to sum up
the findings of the study. Consider very carefully what is worth investigating and
its feasibility.
Drawing up initial project work outlines considering the aims and objectives of
the project work. Workout various stages of project work
For Topic Selection you can use ChatGPT use keyword subject_topic
Use Google Scholar,,, elzaviar, sciencestarech (All
academic work done in research field you get) for searching different papers and
finding the topic to research & use AI tools too but whatever you use make sure
you mention that in references
Your Project topic should be within the field of your course material
Limit the work and make it niche like Target audience only teenagers, etc.
4. Research Methodology
Research methodology is the implementation of methods or techniques to
efficiently evaluate and analyse a research problem, which helps readers to
assess the validity and reliability of the study.
So, you give them a questionnaire for a particular problem that is Empirical
research data. This is Primary Data.
Or if you study by taking data from previous research from the internet. This
is Secondary data.
It is not compulsory to take primary data, it is only encouraged.
In simple words, write down how you are going to do the project.
6. Results(theoretical or empirical)
The findings of the study are to be summarized as:
- Data interpretation: Interpret and elaborate findings of the research
- Recommendation: Suggestions based on critical analysis of the results
⮚ When you do plag check if it shows plag either write original words
paraphrasing or write in brackets that you have taken from this source
citation (referring Neha research 2009)
⮚ When generating Plagiarization report first few and last few references
pages that are added should be removed, so remove for plag check
⮚ We do not want Interview Recordings, just write significant things that they
said from that interview also, for responses, submit Google form
⮚ For Plagiarism report, for sites that don’t take complete project, just
breakdown your report and run it, then compile all reports into one. You
must be careful about Originality and Relevance of Project Topic to avoid
Project Rejection at a later stage. Therefore, you are required to submit a
plagiarism report acknowledging 85% originality
⮚ Project Guide must be a Post Graduate who has an experience of 10+ years
even if it's your cousins, etc.
⮚ Guide if he is in HR field but I am making Finance project, it’s totally okay
⮚ If experience is really good and rich then less years’ experience is fine
⮚ In those above boxes in portal, enter same information from your project
⮚ Contribution of this project is how your project is useful for others
⮚ You can use linkedin to sent questionnaires
⮚ You can use e-signature (image of sign) for getting guide signature
⮚ You need guide signature only in the Bonafide Certificate and nowhere else
⮚ The Guide can be someone from America too, since you can do 3 meetings
⮚ If Project is promising they won’t even call and do the checking
⮚ After 20th June, you will receive the Project Evaluation
⮚ You can use any open source software for plagiarization
⮚ For Word count, start counting from Introduction excluding Abstract part
⮚ Your Format can change based on your Project & Reference Projects
Evaluation Scheme:
Project Report 70
Viva 30 (Part 1: 20 marks, Part 2: 10 marks)
TOTAL of 100
Students must submit all Project Components (Abstract, Guide Resume,
Project Report, Plagiarism Report, and Viva Answers).