Project Info

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Project is to study an identified problem within given time constraints

Project helps in practical application of theoretical concepts, where individuals’
skills can be transformed by performance and increases problem solving skills
and a jewel for your future resume
Project is basically finding a problem, then with Sample size & Empirical data
you conclude that this can be the solution to the Problem

The choice of topic for the project work and the approach to be adopted needs to
be based on the field of specialization.

It is important to distinguish between ‘project work topic’ and ‘project work

title’. The topic is the specific area that you wish to investigate. The title may not
be decided until the project work has been written so as to reflect its content.

Establishing the precise focus of your study by deciding on the aims and
objectives of the project work, formulating questions to be investigated, deciding
the sampling techniques and statistical techniques to sum up
the findings of the study. Consider very carefully what is worth investigating and
its feasibility.

Drawing up initial project work outlines considering the aims and objectives of
the project work. Workout various stages of project work

For Topic Selection you can use ChatGPT use keyword subject_topic
Use Google Scholar,,, elzaviar, sciencestarech (All
academic work done in research field you get) for searching different papers and
finding the topic to research & use AI tools too but whatever you use make sure
you mention that in references

No Topic is Generic or Unique, just choose the topic

The Title of the project should not be more than 12 words in length.
If you are maintaining originality, it’s impossible for topic clash, you do get a
chance to resubmit, in case there is any issues

Your Project topic should be within the field of your course material

Inside Pdf, you can add the project images

Ask Professor, in that you can ask questions

Limit the work and make it niche like Target audience only teenagers, etc.

No Extended Abstract, that brief summary of 5k words its deleted

You can add Preface & Acknowledgement

Project Formatting Guidelines:

● The total size of the project document should not exceed 2MB. Portable
document format (.pdf) only.
● Figures, graphs. Tables, Appendices and References should follow the
American Psychological Association (APA) Style guide, 7th edition.
● Mention the sources of any images, tables, figures cited or presented
● Include a page header known as “running head at the top of every page
● Use Times New Roman; Font size: 12; Double-spaced; 1-inch (2.5cm) margin
all around
● Use American spellings( ‘program’ not ‘programme’; ‘center’ and not ‘centre’
● Use “z” spellings instead of “s” spellings(recognize, organize, summarize)
1. The abstract for 500-1000 words
An abstract is an overview or a brief summary of project work, which helps
the reader to ascertain the purpose of carrying the project work. It acts as a
stand-alone entity for the complete project work.

2. The study hypotheses(null or alternative hypotheses, if applicable)

3. Literature Review is really important.

Literature review (secondary sources) is the evaluation of substantial
findings and theoretical methodological contribution to a particular topic.
It is a Critical analysis of the previous research conducted in that area.
You compile all the work done in previous researches, don’t copy and paste
instead Paraphrase in your own words.
Blogs & News sites are not considered literature, don’t use them.
Use sites like Google scholar, Open Sources, sitespace, etc.
You can use Free papers for research finding and referring in sites.

4. Research Methodology
Research methodology is the implementation of methods or techniques to
efficiently evaluate and analyse a research problem, which helps readers to
assess the validity and reliability of the study.

So, you give them a questionnaire for a particular problem that is Empirical
research data. This is Primary Data.
Or if you study by taking data from previous research from the internet. This
is Secondary data.
It is not compulsory to take primary data, it is only encouraged.
In simple words, write down how you are going to do the project.

Research methodology constitutes of:

1. Research Design: Descriptive, Conclusive, Casual or Exploratory
2. Sampling Technique: Probability or Non-Probability
⮚ Probability Techniques: Simple Random Sampling, Systematic
Sampling, Stratified Sampling, Cluster Sampling
⮚ Non-Probability Techniques: Judgement sampling, Questionnaire,
Quota Sampling, Convenience Sampling, Snowball Sampling
3. Data Collection: Tools used for data collection (For example:
Questionnaire, Survey, etc.)
4. Data Preparation: Classification and Tabulation of data
5. Daya Analysis: Hypotheses Testing (SPSS; R-software, etc.)
Types of Research
Purpose of the Study
- Explanatory Research: “To explain why the relationship is formed”
- Descriptive Research: “To describe what is prevalent”
Types of Investigation
- Causal – Investigation of cause-and-effect relationship, i.e variation in the
variable assumed to cause the change in the other variable
- Correlational – To ascertain if there is any relationship
Study Setting
- Correlational non-contrived – The relation to be determined, natural
environment in which events occur normally
- Casual contrived – Cause-and-effect relationship, the specific situation
being studied is created by the observer
Time Horizon
- Cross-sectional Research – Study of a sample or data analysis at a specific
point of time
- Longitudinal Research – Study of repeated sample over period of time
(at intervals)
- Pure Research – Provides add on to the existing body of knowledge of
research methods
- Applied Research – Refers to scientific study and research that seeks to
solve practical problems
Type of Information
- Quantitative Research – Also known as structured process, everything
which forms research process is predetermined
- Qualitative Research – Also known as unstructured approach, used to gain
an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions and motivations. It
provides insights into the problem.
(You can choose either qualitative or quantitative or even both)
What is expected from:
- Doing empirical research
- Or Research with Qualitative & Quantitative Data
- Business Problem is resolved
Research Problem Aspects
- Study population – People – Individuals, organizations, groups,
communities. They provide you the required information or you collect
information from or about them
- Subject area –
Problem – Issues, situations, associations, needs, population composition
profiles etc. Information that you need to collect to find answers to your
service research questions
Programme – Contents, structure, outcomes, attributes, satisfaction,
consumers, providers, etc.
Phenomenon – Cause and effect relationships, the study of a phenomenon

Research Formulation – Funnel Approach

- Identify a broad field of your interest
- Dissect the broad areas into sub-areas
- Select what is of most interest to you
- Raise research questions
- Formulate objectives
- Assess your objectives
- Double check
5. Data Analysis
Data Collection is Gathering information from relevant sources in a
standardized and established format to achieve the set research objectives

Data Collection sources: 1. Primary 2. Secondary

Primary Data Collection Methods:

● Observation: Direct, Simple, Minimal requirements, Seeing is believing
● Questionnaire: Stand-alone structured instrument to record responses
through mail, phone, email, etc.
● Interviews: Deep, Insightful, Persistent source of information
● Focus Groups: Targeted group of audience keeping discussion moderate
& holding balanced perspective uncovers information visioned
Secondary Research is also perfectly fine, which is without empirical data
You can use tools to randomize and extrapolate your findings
(preferred 40 sample size)

6. Results(theoretical or empirical)
The findings of the study are to be summarized as:
- Data interpretation: Interpret and elaborate findings of the research
- Recommendation: Suggestions based on critical analysis of the results

⮚ When you do plag check if it shows plag either write original words
paraphrasing or write in brackets that you have taken from this source
citation (referring Neha research 2009)
⮚ When generating Plagiarization report first few and last few references
pages that are added should be removed, so remove for plag check
⮚ We do not want Interview Recordings, just write significant things that they
said from that interview also, for responses, submit Google form
⮚ For Plagiarism report, for sites that don’t take complete project, just
breakdown your report and run it, then compile all reports into one. You
must be careful about Originality and Relevance of Project Topic to avoid
Project Rejection at a later stage. Therefore, you are required to submit a
plagiarism report acknowledging 85% originality

⮚ Project Guide must be a Post Graduate who has an experience of 10+ years
even if it's your cousins, etc.
⮚ Guide if he is in HR field but I am making Finance project, it’s totally okay

⮚ If experience is really good and rich then less years’ experience is fine

⮚ Students need to upload project guides resume on portal

(Resume: education, total experience, contact details)
Resume can be in any format
⮚ Students can add 3 MOMS (Minutes of Meeting) with the Project guide is
required they can add this MOM in annexure at the end of project report,
record the problems and what were their suggestions to help you solve that.
No need to submit pictures with guide, so don’t worry.
You don’t have record everything, you just need to type and submit
1. Problem in the project
2. Suggestion given by guide
3. This is my correction

⮚ In those above boxes in portal, enter same information from your project
⮚ Contribution of this project is how your project is useful for others
⮚ You can use linkedin to sent questionnaires
⮚ You can use e-signature (image of sign) for getting guide signature
⮚ You need guide signature only in the Bonafide Certificate and nowhere else
⮚ The Guide can be someone from America too, since you can do 3 meetings
⮚ If Project is promising they won’t even call and do the checking
⮚ After 20th June, you will receive the Project Evaluation
⮚ You can use any open source software for plagiarization
⮚ For Word count, start counting from Introduction excluding Abstract part
⮚ Your Format can change based on your Project & Reference Projects

Role of the Project Guide:

⮚ Guide the Student to identify the topic of project
⮚ Guide the student to finalize the title of project
⮚ Support the student for planning and conducting the research
Resolve queries of the student
Ensure to include e-signed or scanned copies of following essential certificates:
- From Project Guide: Certifying bonafides of project work carried out
under his/her supervision
- From a student: Certifying that submitted project work is an original piece
of work and has not been submitted earlier
Project submission will be accepted only after the Project file is uploaded and
Viva questions are answered they are Basic Theoretical questions only
(50-150 (100) words) is the word limit for answers

Evaluation Scheme:
Project Report 70
Viva 30 (Part 1: 20 marks, Part 2: 10 marks)
TOTAL of 100
Students must submit all Project Components (Abstract, Guide Resume,
Project Report, Plagiarism Report, and Viva Answers).

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