PVC 3P Data Sheet Peštan
PVC 3P Data Sheet Peštan
PVC 3P Data Sheet Peštan
Technical Datasheet
Applications Chemical resistance
Peštan PVC pipes for home sewage systems – 3P pipes to- Resistant to fresh and salt water, to vegetable and animal
gether with suitable connectors from Peštan HTPP gam- oils, alcohol, chlorine compounds, alkaloid acids, bases and
ma are meant for any kind of waste water removal in edifi- detergents. Do not contain heavy metals (eg Pb, Cd, Sn ...).
cation. They are very easily placed, and are connected with They can not be used to transport water and fluids contain-
suitable elements while connection is reinforced with rubber ing a high percentage of benzene, gasoline, petroleum or
rings for maximum tightness in joints. acetone.
Material PVC
Pipe structure Three-layered tube
Specific mass 0.9 ÷ 1.0 gr/cm3
Vicat temperature of melting min 79 °C
Linear elongation coefficient 5x10-5 mm/mm °C
Water absorption 4 mg/cm2
Chemical resistance pH 2-pH 12
Thermal conductivity 0,54 KJ/mh/°C
Modulus of elasticity 2,7-3,3 GPa
Muff and eraser - leak-proof
Connection method
up to 0.5 bar pressure
Linera coefficiency of thermal
0,08 mm/m/°C
Interruptional rigidity 50-60 MPa
Flammability Classification B2 - normal flammability
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please contact PEŠTAN technical support or regional salesman.