WSN Unit 04

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.The internet and especially the web has become ubiquitous partly because of its
ability to represent content in a universal way using a common application
protocol-the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
&The most widely ùsed application protocol supporting the web pages and web
services. There are a large number of important application protocols used on
the Internet.

&Example, the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Real Time Protocol (RTP), Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP), Service Location Protocol (SLP) and the Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
# Application protocol can be defined as all the messages and methods having to
do with inter process communication via the Internet protocol.
4The application layer depends on the transport layer to provide host to host
communication and port multiplexing allowing multiple access to communicate
between end points simultaneously.
* The Intermet of things makes use of most of the same application
protocols used
in the Internet for communication between machines and services for auto
Configuration and for managing nodes and networks.
* Wireless Embedded Internet with 6LoWPAN, It is a
challenging in this respect
having small frame sizes, limited data rates, limited memory, sleeping node
ycle along with the mobiling of devices make the design of new application
protocols and the adaptation of existing onesdifficult.
Wireless Sensor Network Desipy
processes using well defined
We services enable the communication between
Access Protocol (SOAP) or
message sequences with the Simple Object
(REST) style design.
Stateless Resources with Representational State Transfer App UDP
Wireless Embedded Intermet svstems are usually designed tor a App
network. App
pupose, for example a facility management
* Currently, large building automation systems are preconfigured to function in App App
that environment require management, for example, SNMP often make use of
industry specific protocols such as BACnet. App
& A home automation system on the other hand requires service discovery App
protocols such as SLP, and may make use of web-service style or proprietary Fig. 4.1.
protocols for data and management. Applications process communication occurs through Internt
* Although the Intemet protocol provides basic packet networking over A Although the Internet Protocol provides basic
heterogeneous linkS, it is UDP and TCP that allow for the large range of heterogeneous links, it is UDP and TCP that allowpacket networking over
for the large range of
application protocols by providing best efort (UDP) and reliable connection application protocols by providing best-effort (UDP) and reliable connection
oriented (TCP). oriented (TCP) multiplexed communications between
application processes.
4 Wireless Embedded Intermet systems are usually designed for a specific 4 IP protocols use a socket-based approach, where
process end-points are
purpose, for example a facility management network or for a simple home identified by 16-bit source and destination port identifiers. These are commonly
automation system. These two examples happen to have widely different called Internet sockets or network sockets. The concept is illustrated in
application protocol requirements. Figure 4.1.
4 Currently, large building automation systems are pre-configured to function in 4 The communication between any twO end-points is uniquely identified for cach
that environment, require management with e.g. SNMP, and often make use of
transport by a four-tuple consisting of the local and renote socket addresses:
industry-specific protocols such as BAChet.
4 Ahome automation system on the other hand requires service discovery {src IP address, sre port, dst IP address, dst port)
protocols such as SLP, and may make use of web-service style or proprietary Application protocols use a socket API to access datagram socket (UDP) and
protocols for data and management. What makes 6LoWPAN very different Stream sSocket(TCP) transport services along with raw socket (IP) services
from vertical communication solutions is that the same within a protocol stack. The different types of sockets are completely
network can be used by can be used
a large variety of devices running different applications thanks to the independent of each other (e.g. UDP port 80 and TCP port 80
model. simultaneously).
& All the compression of UDP ports down to a range of 16
protocols mentioned above can be run over the same IP * OLoWPAN supports the of
network LoWPAN usually has a limited number
infrastructure, simultaneously. IP uses what is often called a horizontal Which is useful because a wireless
is poorly suited to lossy
networking approach. applications.TCP is not easy to compress, and
congestion avoidance design.
mesh networks because of its

4.4 Wireless Sensor Network Design Other widely used

4 For these reasons UDP is mainly used with 6LoWPAN as it is simple,
toted in Figure 4.2 as such as TCP,
their FTP,
compressible, and suits most applications protocol needs. Figure 4.2 shows a interesting candidates for
use with importance
on the
SIP and SOAP are
as awhole
layered map of all the protocols. This is by no means exhaustive as there are to
needs be done to
adapt orimprove6LoWP
AN, although considerablemakeworkthem
hundreds of IP-based protocols. There are however, a limited number which are
4 Examples of such
suitable for use with 6LoWPAN.
TinySIP. When adaptation efforts include eg
are a number of
designing application protocols for use with services and
embedded web
oBIX requirements that need to be met. These are 6LoWPAN
low-power, lossy nature of mostly
due to the
iges. limited memory in wireless mesh technologies along with limited frame
RDF sOAP - ocG nodes, low data-rates and
network simplifications.
Eurthermore, the nature of the embedded applications and battery-powered
CAP SNMP RTP NanoWS SIF devices put new requirements on
application protocols.

& Application protocols used over 6LoWPAN need to take a mumber of

reguirements into account which are typically not an issue over general P
address. These issues includes:
Fig. 4.2. The relationship of common IP protocols
1) Link layer
* In the figure, these protocols are indicated in bold to indicate that they have 2) Networking
either been designed for or are easily adaptable to 6LoWPAN. The MO
3) Host issues
Telemetry Transport (MQTT) was developed by IBM for large-scale enterprise
telemetry systems and is also suitable for use in sensor networks with MØTTS. 4) Compression
The ZigBee Compact Application Protocol (CAP) allows for any ZigBee S) Security
profile to be used over UDP, bringing ZigBee and IP closer together. Industry
4 The above issues are illustrated in the Figure 4.3. Mobility node identification
specific protocols such as BACnet and oBIX for building automation are also
covered. The Simple Location Protocol (SLP) allows for service discovery and sleep cycles are caused by node design and node properties.
motivating end-t0-end
while the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is widely used for. + Intermediate 6Lo WPAN Routers are a security risk,
management. application security.
bandwidth and frame size limitations.
4 Finally the real-time protocol allows for The wireless link layer introduces
streamed real-time media to be deal with compression firewalls and
transported over UDP which is an important function for audio, video and rinally at the edge router, we need to
sensor data streams. port space.

Wireless Sensor Network Design nature of radio

A The
sensitivity propagation heterogeneous
result in
direction but not in the
other. asymmetrical linkstrawithnsmipacket
ssion amplification and
successful in one
Radio fading and mobility
causes the
IPv6 Internet
range tovary from
packet to packet. subset of neighbors within symmetrical
4 The lossy nature of links and the use of
UDP motivates the use of end to end
application reliability features.
Compression amulti
a hop network, multicast with a
mapped toa flood.
scope larger than link local, is often
UDP Port space
Lossy line
Frame size bandwidth .The most limiting feature of ISM band radios
limited bandwidth. their small frame size and
R Multicast
, The IEEE 802.15.4 has a physical layer 127 bytes in
security AApplidation length, resulting in
Node identification 12-116 best of available UDP payload depending on the MAC &6LoWPAN
Sleep cycdes LoWPAN features in use.
Mobility A Some link layers have even small frame sizes,
where as others may have frames
occur in a LoWPAN as large as hundreds of bytes.
Fig. 4.3. Application design issues toconsider and where they
& The data rate over these radio are typically 20 - 250 kbits/second shared by all
4.2.1. LINK LAYER nodes on the channel and quickly reduced over multiple hops.
+ Link layer issues include lossy asymmetrical links, typical payload sizes of 4 Existing protocols should be optimized to reduce the size of packet payloads
70-100 bytes limited bandwidth and no native multicast support compressed end to end or compressed intemediately in order to maintain
such as
4 6LoWPAN enables the use of low power radio technologies compatibility with existing Intemet applications.
IEEE 802.15.4 and other ISM band radios.
These radios are very different in nature from IEEE 802.11 WLANs Bluetooth over 6LoWPAN and is
or cellular radios which support the use of standard IP protocols and * UDP has the most favorable characteristics for use
justified use,
applications. universally supported in protocol stacks. Although TCP has some
TCP to become universal
t Would require a new reliable transport or modified
Medium access control, for example, IEEE 802.15.4 is achieved using Carrier
over 6LoWPAN.
Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) with a limited number of retransmissions for connection-oriented
rely on TCP for a reliable
link layer unicast frames. Many Internet protocols today protocols mainly make
compatible application
Dyte stream, Instead. 6LoWPAN to deal with reliability
4 In the presence of radio interference or packet collision there can be high packet the application protocol needs streams.
loss ratios. Se of UDP, which means rather than
if needed, out-of-order packets and datagrams
The intermittent
Wireless Sensor Network Design 4 node
be taken into availability due to mobility and sleeo
account during
4 lf the UDP sourre or destination ports are compressed, then thc port space can application schedules
synchronous rolling of design.
For example, the to
be limited down to l6 ports (ports 61616-61631). Alhough 6LoWPAN
communication shouldLoWPAN
be avoided. Instead nodes from aserver should
supports fragmentation in onder to handle larger payloads coming in from be node
when possible.
outside the LoWPAN, the fragmentation of large payloads inereases delay, initiated and asynchronous
packet loss probability and congestion. 42.4. COMPRESSION
a ltis recommended to use application layer payload lengths that avoid the nccd
for 6LoWPAN fragmentation 4 The small payload sizes available often
existing protocols. require compression to be used on
.The minimal payload available
4 The typical Intermet hosts 6LoWPAN hosts & networks are often mobile in combine with fragmentation performance issues
requires application protocols to use very compact
nature during operation. formats.
Some applications protocols are directly
Battery powered nodes often use sleep period with duty cycle often between 1-5 useful with 6LoWPAN such as RTP.
Other existing protocols or have been slightly
when used with 6LoWPAN, These include MATT. adapted to make them efficient
* A node may be identified in many ways, for example, IPv6 address or domain SNMP, SLP, and BACnet.
& It is designed for the web usually based on
name. HTTP/TCP are not well suited for
use over 6LoWPAN.
4 The identification of a device is especially important in embedded application.
For example in the monitoring of machines for maintenance & HTTP uses a text based human reliable format which takes space and is
4 The device can be identified by an application using some unique identifier to parse on simple embedded devices.
such as its EUI.64 a serial number IPv6 address of the node or by its domain 4 XML - universally used for the machine to machine content carried in HTTP
name. such as SOAP.
* The IPv6 address changes each time the LoWPAN node or the whole Lo WPAN * Technique to compress XML such as web service paradigms.
changes its point of attachments is employed.
*When applying compression for web services an impotant design consideration
* The unique serial number such as the EUI-64 of the device is a reliable is whether to use compression end to end or implement it with a proxy.
identifier. But it must still be resolved to the IPv6 address of the device for
communication by the applications. 42.5. SECURITY
4 The most application friendly method is to use a domain name to identify a OLoWPANdepend on link layer encryption for securing links in the
device which is updated with the current IPv6 address of the device each time it intermediate hope and understood by all
moves using appropriate DNS technique. * Link layer encryption is vulnerable at
node using the same encryption key.
4 Battery powered nodes are implemented to take advantage of
aggressive sleep application level information which wouldbe
schedule in order to extend battery life. "t 1S not very useful for securing after being routed
over other IP networks
4 It is even common for a node to be active less Vulnerable at intermediate nodes and
than l percent of the time.
outside the LoWPAN.

4.10 Wireless Sensor Network Design Appliçation

UDP 4.11
+ If an application is working with sensitive data then it should apply end-to-end
applications. IPv6 LOWPAN Application
* Many embedded enterprise system may also deal with sensitive patient or
customer information.
4 Unlike the personal computers on which people make a large effort to maintain PHY PHY
sophisticated firewalls for internet security-embedded capabilities for PHY
complicated firewalls.
+ Special attention should be paid to firewall technology on the edge router to IPv6 LOWPAN UDP Application
LoWPANs to prevent unwanted application protocol trafic from entering and IPv6 LOWPAN
existing LoWPANS, also avoiding denial of service situations. D;L IPN6
Intermediate IP End-Point
4 There is a basic set of paradigms by which most internet application protocols Fie. 4.4. End-to- End and
function. These includes
Proxied application protocol paradigms
&The above figure shows the difference
1. End-to-End paradigm between an end to end application
protocol exchange and a proxied one.
2. Streaming
4 The end to end paradigm is
3. Sessions significant in the realization of protocol
4. Publish / Subscribe
5. Web services 4 Protocol compression of an existing protocol can be achieved either by
supporting the compressed format natively on the IP application end point
43.1. END-TO- END which is an end to end approach.
4 The internet socket model is based on the use of the underlying transport layer
* Intermediate proxy perform transparent compression so that IP applications do
to provide a transparent datagram or byte stream service between application
not need modification.
process or so called application end points.
4 Considering, the application layer, this can be called an end-to-end paradigm *A typical place to situate such a proxy would be on the edge router of a
where only the end point participate in the application protocolexchanges. LoWPAN or on some local proxy server.
Some application protocols also include the possibility for intermediate nodes
to aspect cache or modify application protocols.
Example: HTTP proxy that perform web page caching

Wireless Sensor Network Desigm SERVICE PARADIGMS

|4.12 |4.13
4.3.2. REALTME
4 defined by the WBC as a
interoperable machine
embedded networks deal with real
time data stream such to
machine software system designed to
4 Many application for
as sensor data, audio or
Whole commonly work
typeofservice. between communication
over a
network. suppor
clients and server over
effort approach without Quality of
Servies HTTP. There are two
The intermet protocol works on best 1) Service
based (SOAP)
significant jitter. Resource based (REST)
Packet may arrive out of order or with # Service
based web
applications as a reliable transport like
services are XML
following the SOAP
4 Typically UDP is employed for real time remotee procedure calls (RPCS)
between clients and servers format to provide
TCP may make jitter worse.
The soap messages and
sequences can be (SOAP).
performing streaming described using the
4 Operations to be performed by an application protocol
transmission and stream
deseription language. web services
include session setup stream encoding, payload Example

It provide good framework for working

with real time streams. http:/ /soap methods
get sensor state (sensorlD)
streams with appropriate
4 The real time transport protocol encapsulates get sensOr value (sensorlD)
information while the companion RTP control
stonestamp and sequence
get config (parameter, value)
protocol is used to control the stream.
receiver of a stream need to be get config (parameter)
4 If a relationship between the sender or
automatically setup and configured. 4 The Representational State Transfer (REST) paradigm instead models objects
4.3:3. PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE as HTTP resources each with a URL accessible using standard HTTP methods.
in which publishers 4 The REST is widely used in the internet between websites.
+ Publish /subscribe is an asynchronous managing paradigm
subscribe to data content, although
send data without knowing who the receiver is, and receiver 4 The content of RESTHIT messages can be of any MME
based on the topic or content of the data. XML is common machine to machine application.
publisher and
4 It is implemented using centralized brokers that match
subscribers in a store and forward fashion.
4 For internet of things pub/sub protocol plays an important role as most models objects
applications are data centric. REpresentational State Transfer(REST) paradigm instead accessible
Ine cach with a URL
Example MQTT (MQ Telemetric Transport) which is broker based enterprise resources (a good analogy is a noun),
a n11
pub/sub protocol for telemetry used widely by IBM. using standard HTTP methods [REST].

Wireless Sensor Network Design WEB SERVICE PROTOCOLS

4.14 Weh 4.15
These interfaces can be described using the Web
Application Description 4
enterprise machine concept is
Language (WADL). With the release of WSDL 2.0,
REST-based interfaces can to
machine Inthugelernety sccessful
on the
especially internet in
alternatively be defined in a similar way to SOAP interfaces.
use of
4 This REST paradigm is widely used on the Internet
between web sites. The challengingfor| LoWPAN I makes the adaptation of web
although XML nodes and services
content of RESTHTTP messages can be of any MIME content, 4.5
4 Figure shows the typical netofworks.
is common in machine-to-machine applications. built upon HTTP &TCP as structure web service content which is
used today on the
4 An example of a REST design follows, where objects are accessible
using always
PUT and DELETE methods. In this example GET Internet.
standard HTTP GET, POST,
be used to
would be used on all resources to request the value, and POST would
set a new value for a parameter: WSDL
(ht p:/
htp:// Soap + XML Text /XML Text /XML
htp:// Body
UR1 +method (GET)
4 The common protocols that are commonly used or have good
potential for use
over 6LoWPAN. IP address TCP Port (80)

The common protocols include:
1, Web service protocols
content over HTTP/TCP
2. MQTT-S Fig. 4.5. Typical structure of webservice
services or
URLS available on an HTTP servers with
3. Zigbee CAP * Web services are simply
4. Service discover protocols resources accessible behind them. responsesthat
ofmethods with corresponding
4 This services support any number
are described by a WSDL document. and a body in which
the body
7. SIP consisting of a header
8. Industry specific protocols
4 SOAP is an XML format
Carries any number of messages.

Wireless Sensor Network Design

4.16 Thesimple example has a
4 Resource based web services can also be
realized using a REST design. are tWo length of 424 bytes. 4.17

4 In this model formal message sequcnces are not used, instcad

each resource is
A There
architecture fundamental ways to integrate 6LoWPAN into a
identified by a URL. 1) Gateway approach web service
4 By using dìfterent HTTP methods on that URL, the resource
can be accessed.
2) Compression approach
Example GatewayApproach:
Sending an HTTP GET for (sensors) temp might return a text/sml body with the webservice gateway is
temperature of the sensor. implemented at the edge of the LoWPAN often on a
local server on the edge router.
REST designs make use of well known XML or other formats to give meaning to
the content that can be understood by all parties. 4 Inside the LoWPAN a proprietary protocol is used to request data,
configuration etc. perforn
XML is typically too large for marking up content in the payload space
available. HTTP headers have high overload and are difficult to park. . The gateway then makes the content and control of
the devices available
4 Content for the example above may look like through a web service interface.
Post/sensorservice HTTP/1.1 A Web services accuracy end at the gateway.

Host: 4 The gateway is dependent on the content of the application protocols.
Content - type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-&8 &This creates scalability and evolvability problems where each time a new use of
Content - length:nm the LoWPAN is added or the application forrmat is modiied all gateways need
<?xml version = *1.0"?> to be upgraded.
<soap: envelope Compression Approach:
to size suitable for use
Xmins: soap = "htp://www.w3.0rg 2001/12/soap-envelope" 4 The web service format and protocols are compressed
using standards and has two forms
<Soap: encoding style = ""> over 6LoWPAN. This can be achieved
<soap:body xmlns : m=""> end-to-end and proxy.
<m:getsensor> End to End Approach:
<m:sensorlID>oxla</m:sensorlD> supported by both application end points.
* Compressed format is
Proxy Approach: so that the internet
</soap:body> transparent compression
&Intermediate node performs
</soap:envelope> point can use standard web
compression. WAP binary
for performing XML
4 Several technologies exist browsers.
for mobile phone
XML format waas developed
4.18| Wireless Sensor Network Design
&The protocol was
4 Binary XML from the open geospatial consortium was designed to
compress websphere and desiM2Mgned by IBM and is used in
lotus 4.19

broker applications.
large set of geospatial data and is currently a draft proposal.
* The W3C is currently completing standardization of the efficient
&MQTT uses a
based | on matching based publsub
commercial products such as
interchange format. topic names. architecture to which
XML compression alone only solves part of the problem.
optimized protocol can be used over clients published data
any other simple
HTTP & TCP are still not suitable for use over 6LoWPAN, network providing a zigbee, UDP/6LOWPAN or
& One commercial protocol solution called NANO web services. 4 MQTT-S is
sizes &simpleoptdevices.
imized low bandidth wirelessdatagram service.
4 The ideal long term solution will be the
standardization of a combination of 4 MQTT-S
networks with Small frame
XML binary encoding bound to a suitable UDP based protocol.
architecture shown in Figure 4.6. It is made up
4 The namespace and scheme with
6LoWPAN devices must also be carefully of four different
designed. 1. MQTT brokers
2. MQTT-S gateways
4 The MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a light weight publish/subscribe 4. MQTT-Sclients
protocol designed for use in enterprise applications over low bandwidth wide A Client connect themselves to a broker
area network links such as ISDN or GSM. protocols the gateway may be located e.gthrougha
on the
gateway using the MQTT-S
may be integrated in the broker itself. LoWPAN Edge Router or it
MQTT 4 Gateway translate between MØTT-S and MQTT.
IS8 3 88S 3 MQTT-S
Incase a gateway is not directly available, forwarders are used to forward
IPv4 /IPV6 messages between clients and brokers.
TCP gateway
|ANA 4 Forwarders may not be needed with 6LoWPAN as UDP datagrams can be sent
MOTT-S MQTT-S directly to a gateway.
gateway forwarder
0 12 3 4 5 67 890 123 4567890123 4 56789

Msg. Type Variable Message Pat

client - +- t - t
client client

Fig. 4.6. The MQTT-S architecture used over Fig. 4.7. The MOTT-S messagestructure
structure which consist of alength field
*igure 4.7 shows the MOTT-S message
variable length message part.
a message type field and then a

Wireless Sensor Network Design

4.29 4.4-3.
4 The basic functionality of MQTT-S shortly.
+ Readers should consult the MQTT-S specification for full protocol detail.
Application Layer APPLI
devices at the application protocol enabling
gbee Cl uster Library (ZCL)
Protocol Operation:
4 MQTT-S includes a gateway discovery procedure, which does not exist in + Typical application for
layer. i nteropera bility between zigbee
local zigbee include home
MQTT. and similar area
makes use of a
wireless control applications.automation energy applications
4 Gateways send periodic ADVERTISE messages and clients may send 4 ZZiggbee
SEARCHGW messages.
verticalprofile approach over the ZAL and
ZAL and ZCL provide the key ZCL.
4 AGWINFOmessage is sent to a client in response to SEARCHGW with basic
information about the gateway.
enabling the exchange of commandsapplication protocol ionality in zigbee,
and data, service funct
security along with protile support. discovery bending and
4 Client connect to gateway which responds with an ACK. .The zigbee application protocol solution would
4 Disconnect is used to end a connection or to indicate a sleep period. have benefits used over
ctandard UDP/IP communications as well, especially over
igbee profiles has been designed with similar requirements. 6LoWPAN
4 Clients can connect with multiple gateways which are able to perform load as the
balancing. & Asolution for using zigbee application protocols and profiles over UDP/IP has
Gate can function in either transparent mode. When a connection to the broker
been proposed in which an IETF Internet draft.
is maintained for each client.
4 This specification defines how the ZAL is mapped to standard UDP/P
4 Aggregation mode - the gateway aggregates messages from all clients into a
single broker connection.
primitives enabling the use of any zigbee profile over 6LoWPAN or standard IP
Aggregationmode can considerably improves scalability.
4 This adaptation of the ZAL for the use of UDP/TP is called the compact
MQTT-S makes use of two-byte topic IDS and short topic name to optimize the
long topic name strings normally used in MQTTS. application protocol.
4 This reduces the bandwidth. Smart
Home Private
automation energy profile
4 A client can send a REGISTER message with the topic name which is profile
acknowledged with a REGACK indicating the assigned topic ID.
4 The client then publishes its date with PUBLISH messages including the topic Management Security
Data protocol
ID and possible QoS information. protocol

4 Clients subscribe by sending SUBSCRIBE to the gateway including the topic

name of interest which is acknowledged with SUBACK including an assigned
topic ID
4 UNSUB-SCRIBE is used to remove a subscription from the gateway. ProtocolStack
Fig. 4.8.The CAP
Wireless Sensor Network Design Some
4 application
4 The CAP protocol stack is shown in Figure 4.8. The functions of the ZAL and builtin discovery protocols
features. such as zigbee CAP and MOTT-S have 4.23
ZCL are implemented by the CAP. 4 The service
The data protocolcoresponds to the zigbee cluster library.
location protocol is used for
networks. SLP their OWn
needs general
* The management protocol corresponds to the zigbee device profile handling 6LoWPAN because
of theoptsize
imizatofiotynpicalin order to beservice discoveryused with
over IP
binding and discover.
* The security protocol implements zigbee application sublayer security.
Supports most of the message. effectively
directory agents. features of SLP including the optional use of
&Any zigee public or private application profile can be implemented over CAP in The SSLP header format
specific message fields. consist
the same way it would use the native zigbee ZAL/ZCL. for a four byte
The main notification to the ZAL has to do with using IP hosts and IP addresses base headers followed by
instead ofIEEE 802.15.4 hosts and IEEE 802.15.4 addresses.
URLS are carried as strings. String used with a
4 In CAP this is replaced by a CAP address record which contain a IPv4 address
kept as short as possible. scheme like SSLP should be
plus UDP port, IPv6 address plus UDP port. IIPNP is a protocol aimed at
&The CAP protocol is simply zigbee application layer APS frames places in and controllable as specified inmaking home devices automatically recognizable
UDP. & UPNP makes use of three protocols.
4 The APSdelivery modes are mapped to P unicast and broadcast delivery and 1) Simple service discovery protocol (SSDP)-
groupcast is reduced down to broadcast. 2) Generic event notification architecture for event
4 CAP supports secure transmission and the use of APS acknowledgements noification (GENA)’
Event notification and SOAP for controlling devices
which provide limited application protocol reliability. UPNP is not diectly applicable to 6LoWPAN devices because of its
* The zigbee security and key management features are implemented by the CAP dependance on broadcast along with XML &HITP based descripions and
security protocol. protocols.
4 CAP is aconcept that would need standardization to become widely used. The
upcoming zigbee/lP smart energy 2.0 profile will not be based on a CAP
* SSDP may be applicable directly over 6LoWPAN.
approach. *The devices profile for webservice (DPWS) describes a basic set of
functionality to enable embedded IP devices with web service based discovery
device description messaging and events
4 Service discovery is an imporant issue in wireless embedded applications DPWSdescriptions are XML and all messaging is based
where device are autonomic also requiring the auto configuration of binding along with simplification
Would require web service compression and
In order to be used over 6Lo WPAN.
4 Typical protocols used for service discovery on embedded devices included the popularity for use in enterprise and industrial
*DPWS has been gaining in into back end systems
Service Location Protocol (SLP), Universal Plug NPlay (UPNP) and Device can be automatically integrated
Profile for Web Services (DPWS). nd devices using DPWS
based on web services.

Wireless Sensor Network Desipn 4

RTPis designed to be 1P
TCP. version and transDor
Over both UDP and 4.25
4 Network management is an important feature of any
network deployment and a
The base RTP
type identification a provides basic features for
indenendent and can be
certain amount of management is neceSsary even for
embedded services.
autonomous wirelese
The RTP sequence
format number and timestamp.
end to end
delivery payload
infrastructure and kind of QoS, but it is shown in Figure 4.9. It
able to help deal does not
4 SNMP is a standard for the management of the network
sequence number and with out of order by itself provide any
devices in IP networks.

a It exposes variables to a management system which

can be GET or in some 12 3 4 5 6
timestamp fields.
packets and jiter with
1234 567 890 1 23 4 5
cases SETin order to configure or control a device. 67890
4 The variable exposed by SNMP are organized in hierarchies called V=2|P|X| cc
Management Information Bases (MIBS). Sequence Number
4 The polling approach used by SNMP is the biggest drawback of the approach. Time Stamp
4 Polling approaches do not work for battery powered LoWPAN nodes which use
sleep schedules and blindly polling for statistics creates unnecessary overhead.
Synchronization Source (SSRC) dentifier
4 An event based approach would need to be added to SNMP for applicability to Contributing Source (CSRC) ldentifier

6LoWPAN management.
+ The following optimization for SNMPv3 have been identified in these drafts. Fig. 4.9. The RTP base header
4 Currently SNMPv3 requires the handling of payload sizes upto 484 bytes, 4RTCP is used during an RTP session to provide
which creates too much overhead for managing large 6LoWPANS. feedback on the QoS of RTP
data delivery to identify the RTP source adjust the RTCP report intervals and
4 The SNMPy3 header is variable in size and need to be optimized for
carry session control information.
6LoWPAN. Only a minimal subset of functionality should be supported and the
header size should be limited. 4 RTP uses the concept of profiles which define possible additional headers
The binary encoding rules of the payload use variable length fields for features and payload formats for aparticular class of application.
6LoWPAN, fixed length fields or more compact encoding may be necessary. * The RTP audio video profile specifies the profile for common audio and video
* Payload compression and aggregation may be needed for 6LoWPAN. applications.
& Toreduce memory requirements the maximum size of SNMP messages should * RTP makes use of UDP is IP version independent and has a fairly compact
be limited. header format, It is directly usable without modification.
data streams. It requires that
*KIP can be used to deliver and monitor real time
4.4.6. REAL TIME TRANPORT AND SESSIONS about and find each other.
ne sender and receiver somehow know
Ao The Real time Transport Protocol (RTP) is used for the end to end delivery of modifying and
was designed for establishing,
real time data. e Session initiation protocol
learing down multimediasession over lP.

Wireless Sensor Network Design 4

steadilyevolved to technole useogy has evolved,


4 SIP can be used over cither UDP or

TCP can be handled by intermediate over IP. Many industry-specific protocols
proxies and provides identifiers for dealing with mobility.
used over
IPv6support or UDP
whereas others may requiindustre thery -specific protocols mayhavebe
+ SIP exchanges typically perfomed between SIP uses agents
and servers. support for example. addition of compression,
and BYE. BACnet
4 Typical methods include REGISTER, INVITE, ACK
4 The building automation and control
INVIIE SIP: [email protected] sipl2.0
by the American Society of Heatingnetworks (BACnet) standard was created
Via: SIP/2.0UDP; branch=z9hGabknashde8
Engineers (ASHRAE) in 1995 to Refrigeration and
bring interoperability to Air-Conditioning
automation. BAChet is published as ANSI HVAC building
Max-Forwards: 70
16484-5. standard 135 (BACnet and ISO
To: Bob<sip: [email protected]>
From: Alice<sip: [email protected]>:tag=1928301774 Since its original release has developed into a
standard used by over 350 broad building automation
Call-ID: G8464c76e66710 vendors. The latest version was published in 2008.
Cseq :314159 INVITE BAChetis a network and application
protocol format with support for a wide
Contact: <sip:alice> range of communication technologies including Ethernet. RS232, RS-485 and
Content-Type: application/Sdp LonTalk.
Content-Length: 142 BACnet includes support for use over UDPIP known as BACnet IP. The
standard BAChet network and application protocol frames are carried over
4 The SIP header and body format is typically too large for efficient use over
6LoWPAN. UDP by encapsulating them in a BACnet Vitual Link Layer (BVLL). This
4 One solution for using SIP with sensor networks is tinySIP which defined adaptation binds BACnet to an underlying comnunication technology.
alternate messages for use with tinyOS networking that were then mapped to Currently there is only a BVLL defined for use with lPv4, but an extension of
SIP by a gateway. that for IPv6 is straightforward. IPv6 support is current under design in the
BAChet IP working group. BACnet makes use of unicast, broadcast and
optionally multicast IP communications, and is based on an object-oriented
4 The industry-specific application protocols that can be used over IP, and are
relevant for Wireless Embedded Internet applications using 6LoWPAN. acted upon using protocol services.
Building automation and energy are good examples of industries that have * BACnet objects have properties that are
Who-Is, I-Am, Who-Has and -Have used for
Ihese protocol services include
traditionally specified their own application protocols and formats. read-property and write-property used
4 These are enterprise applications where system integrators make use of device and object discovery along with range of low-bandwidth
1or data access. AsBACnet was designed for a whole
equipment from multiple vendors together with backend computer systems to protocol over
for IPv4, it will be a useful
achieve large deployments. The need for common application protocols and Iinks, and has native support
formats is obvious in such an environment. 6LoWPAN for building automation

Wireless Sensor Nework Design 4.29

4 The adaptation of BACnet/lP for use with
6LoWPAN will requirc IPv6 support. The open Building Information
keeping in mind its overhead on
standard for access
to EXchange (oBIX) is a
building control
•oBIXI, weTheb-sestrvaicndard
and should make careful use of multicast -
wireless multihop mesh networks. The performance and
possible optimization
wireless meshnetworks
meant to provide
high-level access usinginanformopen,ationuniversal
hack-end systems and
of BACnet service protocol traffic over low-power
wired links.
control networks. oBIX is control networks, and to interconnect
format between
should also be studied as BACnet currently assumes
Advancement of standardiionzed by the Organization forbuildingthe
Structured Informat
building automation
releasedin 2006. oBIX provides a Standards (OASIS), and v1.0 was
web service
# Konnex (KNX) is an open protocol for home and
standardized internationally (1SO/IEC 14543-3), in Europe
(CENELEC EN interact with any
building automation networkinterface, which can be used to
Modbus, Lontalk or proprietary BACnet, KNX,
50090) and in China (GB/Z 20965) [KNX]. It is also published as
ANSI networks using the oBIX XML format.
standard 135. KNX is based on the convergence of three previous European 4 The format provides normalized representation of
standards in the home and building automation domain. huilding automation protocols: points (scalar value.constructs common to
status). alarms and
and promoted by the bistories. It has an extensible meta-format which can be used to describe
It is supported by over a 100 different manufacturers any
Konnex Association. It is estimated that over 80 percent of
the home evstem. oBIX provides a low-level object model for working with these
automation devices sold in Europe use KNX. constructs. Usually these are accessed by using generic oBIX constructs, for
communication media: twisted example by an enterprise developer.
4 The KNX protocol supports several different
most common
pair, powerline, radio frequency (RF) and IP. Twisted pair is the 4 OBIX is web service binding agnostic. It can be used over both SOAP and
or house is constructed.
KNX medium and is typically installed when a building directly over HTTP in aREST style. It represents objects with URLS and object
Powerline and RF are often used when retrofitting existing buildings. state with XML. oBIX may be applicable also for use directly in building
MHz radio at 16 automation networks thanks to 6LoWPAN.
4 The KNX RF specification uses its own framing over an 868
theoretically support up to 64k devices using twisted automation protocol such
kbit/s. KNX networks can
for IP, also
4 Instead of running a control network specific building
communications. KNX has some support together with compression and
pair, power-line or RF as BACnet/IP or KNX over 6LoWPAN, oBIX
known as KNXnet/IP. KNX IP support is part of a framework called ANubis design of the oBLX objects and
UDP/IP binding may be a solution. Careful
(Advanced Network for unified building integration and services) and among elements used would be important to keep packet
sizes reasonable.
many other things provides a way to encapsulate KNX frames over IP.
using IP ANSI C12.19
4 The purpose of this is currentlyto interconnect KNX networks infrastructures (AMl) are
networks, to enable remote monitoring and to interconnect with other systems smart grids and automatic metering for
wSmart metering, savings and the demand
the need for energy
such as BACnet. This IP encapsulation technique could also be usefully applied developing very rapidly with (ANSI) CI2 family of
over low-power IP and LoWPAN networks to KNX devices themselves. This American National Standards Institute utility industry, and
Cnergy. The interfaces and protocols for
would need a considerable amount of development and standardization. sidndards defines formats. particular, one set of standards
America [ANSI. In (usually
OWIdely used in
North end devices
communicationsfor utility
within ANSI C12 specifies

Wireless Sensor Network Design 4
standards, IEC on |DLMS]
is actively promotes the

electric. gas and water meters) to communicate together

and with back-end
ANSI C12. It makes similar in function to its maintenance and
use of local use of
Systems. These standards enable the configuration, programming and point, serial modems, or IP optical or current loopsAmerto ican counterpart,
monitoring of these devices remotely over both point-to-point and IP networks. networks for meterS,
The COSEM protocol defines the communication.
4 The ANSIC12.18 standard defines a point-to-point optical interface along with ANSI C12, an object model is layer in IEC
the Protocol Specification for Electric Metering (PSEM). The ANSI C12, 19
used to
62056-61. The use of COSEM over acCcess information as defined in IEC
As with
standard defines utility industry end device data tables, which are accessible IPv4 is described in detail in
47. This specification describes transport using both IEC 62056-
using PSEM. ANSI C12.21 specifies a communication protocol over modem 6LoWPAN UDP and TCP, which
enables use over
the specification describes the use of
4 Finally anewstandard ANSIC12.22 specified the interfacing of devices to any # Although Pv4, the changes needed for
Pv6 are minor. It is unclear if any changes would be needed to the
data communications network including Internet protocols. This furthermore lasy the use of IPv6. Even-hough the data representation format is not as
standard to
specifies the extended protocol specification for advanced metering (EPSEM),
compact as in ANSI C12, it is still suitable for the frame size and bandwidth
The ANSI C12 PSEM protocol and device data formats (tables) were designed
limitations of 6LoWPAN.
with simple embedded electric meters and low-bandwidth point-to-point links
in mind.
and data
4 Therefore PSEM uses a compact birary encoding for all its protocol
fields. The typical frame size expected by point-to-point links is 64 bytes in the
Part- A
therefore well
ANSI C12.22 specification. The ANSI C12.22 specification is LDefine Web Service.
suited for use over 6LOWPAN. The specification includes a simple example of support interoperable machine to
communication stack. Web service is a software system designed to
using the application layers with a TCP/IPv4 machine communication over a network.
4 The standard may also be used with a UDP/IPv6 stack, as the protocol
2 What is publish/subscribe?
acknowledgment features for reliability along with application-layer messaging paradigm in which publisher
in Publish/subscribe is an asynchronous receiver subscribe todata
segmentation and reassembly. Application layer security features are built knowing who the receiver is
elements of the protocol. send data without
based on the topic or content ofthe
issuesin 6LoWPAN?
DLMS/COSEM What are the addressed
The Device Language Message Specification (DLMS) is a European, model 1. Link layer
communication exchange used to interact with utility end devices for meter
2. Networking
reading, tariff and load control. It uses the COmpanion Specification for Energy
Metering (COSEM) as a data exchange format and protocol. Together, they are 3. Host issues
standardized by the IEC under the 62056 series [IEC62056]. 4. Compression
5. Security

4.32 Wireless Sensor Nevork Design List out the layers of BACnet. 4.33
4. Name two commonly used web service protocol. 1. Application layer
1. MQTT-S 9 Network layer
2. ZigBee CAP 3. Data link
5. What is proxying? 4. Physical layer
Some of the application protocol in 6Lo WPAN also include the possibility for 10. DefineSIP.
intermediate nodes to inspect cache or modify application protocols. This is
referred to as proxying. Session Initiation
Protocol (SP) is asignaling protocol. It is used to initiate
modify andterminate session. It lies
What are the disadvantages of SNMP? on
Application layer.
1. The polling approach used by SNMP is the biggest drawback of the List out the basic set of
approach. 1.
End to End paradigm
2. It creates unnecessary overhead.
2. Streaming session
7. Differentiate RTP and RTCP. 3. Publish/Subscribe
RTP 4. Web service
1. Used to carry media streams. Used to monitoring transmission 12. List out the four MQTT-S element.
states and QoS.
1. MQTT brokers
2. Even port number Odd port number
2. MQTT-S gateways
3. Interoperability Performance controlling through 3. MQTT-S forwarders
4. Payload type, sequence 4. MQTT-S clients
Sender and receiver reports
number, time stamp 13. Zigbee uses horizontal or vertical approach. Justif.
5. 32 bit identifier is used. ZAL and ZCL with
Textual information Zigbee makes use of a vertical profile approach over the
ZigBee Home automation
8. Mention the two modes of gateway profiles for different industry applications such as
approach function. profile or the ZigBee Smart Energy Profile.
1. Transparent node - where a connection to the broker is
maintained for each
client or in. 14. Define methods.
typically designed with a
2. Aggregation node - where the gateway aggregates messages from all clients services (SOAP) interface is
A service based web procedure calls (RPCS) called
into a single broker connection. URL that implements several remote

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