WSN Unit 04
WSN Unit 04
WSN Unit 04
.The internet and especially the web has become ubiquitous partly because of its
ability to represent content in a universal way using a common application
protocol-the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
&The most widely ùsed application protocol supporting the web pages and web
services. There are a large number of important application protocols used on
the Internet.
&Example, the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Real Time Protocol (RTP), Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP), Service Location Protocol (SLP) and the Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
# Application protocol can be defined as all the messages and methods having to
do with inter process communication via the Internet protocol.
4The application layer depends on the transport layer to provide host to host
communication and port multiplexing allowing multiple access to communicate
between end points simultaneously.
* The Intermet of things makes use of most of the same application
protocols used
in the Internet for communication between machines and services for auto
Configuration and for managing nodes and networks.
* Wireless Embedded Internet with 6LoWPAN, It is a
challenging in this respect
having small frame sizes, limited data rates, limited memory, sleeping node
ycle along with the mobiling of devices make the design of new application
protocols and the adaptation of existing onesdifficult.
Wireless Sensor Network Desipy
processes using well defined
We services enable the communication between
Access Protocol (SOAP) or
message sequences with the Simple Object
(REST) style design.
Stateless Resources with Representational State Transfer App UDP
Wireless Embedded Intermet svstems are usually designed tor a App
network. App
pupose, for example a facility management
* Currently, large building automation systems are preconfigured to function in App App
that environment require management, for example, SNMP often make use of
industry specific protocols such as BACnet. App
& A home automation system on the other hand requires service discovery App
protocols such as SLP, and may make use of web-service style or proprietary Fig. 4.1.
protocols for data and management. Applications process communication occurs through Internt
* Although the Intemet protocol provides basic packet networking over A Although the Internet Protocol provides basic
heterogeneous linkS, it is UDP and TCP that allow for the large range of heterogeneous links, it is UDP and TCP that allowpacket networking over
for the large range of
application protocols by providing best efort (UDP) and reliable connection application protocols by providing best-effort (UDP) and reliable connection
oriented (TCP). oriented (TCP) multiplexed communications between
application processes.
4 Wireless Embedded Intermet systems are usually designed for a specific 4 IP protocols use a socket-based approach, where
process end-points are
purpose, for example a facility management network or for a simple home identified by 16-bit source and destination port identifiers. These are commonly
automation system. These two examples happen to have widely different called Internet sockets or network sockets. The concept is illustrated in
application protocol requirements. Figure 4.1.
4 Currently, large building automation systems are pre-configured to function in 4 The communication between any twO end-points is uniquely identified for cach
that environment, require management with e.g. SNMP, and often make use of
transport by a four-tuple consisting of the local and renote socket addresses:
industry-specific protocols such as BAChet.
4 Ahome automation system on the other hand requires service discovery {src IP address, sre port, dst IP address, dst port)
protocols such as SLP, and may make use of web-service style or proprietary Application protocols use a socket API to access datagram socket (UDP) and
protocols for data and management. What makes 6LoWPAN very different Stream sSocket(TCP) transport services along with raw socket (IP) services
from vertical communication solutions is that the same within a protocol stack. The different types of sockets are completely
network can be used by can be used
a large variety of devices running different applications thanks to the independent of each other (e.g. UDP port 80 and TCP port 80
model. simultaneously).
& All the compression of UDP ports down to a range of 16
protocols mentioned above can be run over the same IP * OLoWPAN supports the of
network LoWPAN usually has a limited number
infrastructure, simultaneously. IP uses what is often called a horizontal Which is useful because a wireless
is poorly suited to lossy
networking approach. applications.TCP is not easy to compress, and
congestion avoidance design.
mesh networks because of its
(ht p:/
htp:// Soap + XML Text /XML Text /XML
htp:// Body
UR1 +method (GET)
4 The common protocols that are commonly used or have good
potential for use
over 6LoWPAN. IP address TCP Port (80)
The common protocols include:
1, Web service protocols
content over HTTP/TCP
2. MQTT-S Fig. 4.5. Typical structure of webservice
services or
URLS available on an HTTP servers with
3. Zigbee CAP * Web services are simply
4. Service discover protocols resources accessible behind them. responsesthat
ofmethods with corresponding
4 This services support any number
are described by a WSDL document. and a body in which
the body
7. SIP consisting of a header
8. Industry specific protocols
4 SOAP is an XML format
Carries any number of messages.
Host: 4 The gateway is dependent on the content of the application protocols.
Content - type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-&8 &This creates scalability and evolvability problems where each time a new use of
Content - length:nm the LoWPAN is added or the application forrmat is modiied all gateways need
<?xml version = *1.0"?> to be upgraded.
<soap: envelope Compression Approach:
to size suitable for use
Xmins: soap = "htp://www.w3.0rg 2001/12/soap-envelope" 4 The web service format and protocols are compressed
using standards and has two forms
<Soap: encoding style = ""> over 6LoWPAN. This can be achieved
<soap:body xmlns : m=""> end-to-end and proxy.
<m:getsensor> End to End Approach:
<m:sensorlID>oxla</m:sensorlD> supported by both application end points.
* Compressed format is
Proxy Approach: so that the internet
</soap:body> transparent compression
&Intermediate node performs
</soap:envelope> point can use standard web
compression. WAP binary
for performing XML
4 Several technologies exist browsers.
for mobile phone
XML format waas developed
4.18| Wireless Sensor Network Design
&The protocol was
4 Binary XML from the open geospatial consortium was designed to
compress websphere and desiM2Mgned by IBM and is used in
lotus 4.19
broker applications.
large set of geospatial data and is currently a draft proposal.
* The W3C is currently completing standardization of the efficient
&MQTT uses a
based | on matching based publsub
commercial products such as
interchange format. topic names. architecture to which
XML compression alone only solves part of the problem.
optimized protocol can be used over clients published data
any other simple
HTTP & TCP are still not suitable for use over 6LoWPAN, network providing a zigbee, UDP/6LOWPAN or
& One commercial protocol solution called NANO web services. 4 MQTT-S is
sizes &simpleoptdevices.
imized low bandidth wirelessdatagram service.
4 The ideal long term solution will be the
standardization of a combination of 4 MQTT-S
networks with Small frame
XML binary encoding bound to a suitable UDP based protocol.
architecture shown in Figure 4.6. It is made up
4 The namespace and scheme with
6LoWPAN devices must also be carefully of four different
designed. 1. MQTT brokers
2. MQTT-S gateways
4 The MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a light weight publish/subscribe 4. MQTT-Sclients
protocol designed for use in enterprise applications over low bandwidth wide A Client connect themselves to a broker
area network links such as ISDN or GSM. protocols the gateway may be located e.gthrougha
on the
gateway using the MQTT-S
may be integrated in the broker itself. LoWPAN Edge Router or it
MQTT 4 Gateway translate between MØTT-S and MQTT.
IS8 3 88S 3 MQTT-S
Incase a gateway is not directly available, forwarders are used to forward
IPv4 /IPV6 messages between clients and brokers.
TCP gateway
|ANA 4 Forwarders may not be needed with 6LoWPAN as UDP datagrams can be sent
MOTT-S MQTT-S directly to a gateway.
gateway forwarder
0 12 3 4 5 67 890 123 4567890123 4 56789
Fig. 4.6. The MQTT-S architecture used over Fig. 4.7. The MOTT-S messagestructure
structure which consist of alength field
*igure 4.7 shows the MOTT-S message
variable length message part.
a message type field and then a
6LoWPAN management.
+ The following optimization for SNMPv3 have been identified in these drafts. Fig. 4.9. The RTP base header
4 Currently SNMPv3 requires the handling of payload sizes upto 484 bytes, 4RTCP is used during an RTP session to provide
which creates too much overhead for managing large 6LoWPANS. feedback on the QoS of RTP
data delivery to identify the RTP source adjust the RTCP report intervals and
4 The SNMPy3 header is variable in size and need to be optimized for
carry session control information.
6LoWPAN. Only a minimal subset of functionality should be supported and the
header size should be limited. 4 RTP uses the concept of profiles which define possible additional headers
The binary encoding rules of the payload use variable length fields for features and payload formats for aparticular class of application.
6LoWPAN, fixed length fields or more compact encoding may be necessary. * The RTP audio video profile specifies the profile for common audio and video
* Payload compression and aggregation may be needed for 6LoWPAN. applications.
& Toreduce memory requirements the maximum size of SNMP messages should * RTP makes use of UDP is IP version independent and has a fairly compact
be limited. header format, It is directly usable without modification.
data streams. It requires that
*KIP can be used to deliver and monitor real time
4.4.6. REAL TIME TRANPORT AND SESSIONS about and find each other.
ne sender and receiver somehow know
Ao The Real time Transport Protocol (RTP) is used for the end to end delivery of modifying and
was designed for establishing,
real time data. e Session initiation protocol
learing down multimediasession over lP.
Wireless Sensor Network Design 4
Wireless Sensor Network Design 4
standards, IEC on |DLMS]
is actively promotes the
4.32 Wireless Sensor Nevork Design List out the layers of BACnet. 4.33
4. Name two commonly used web service protocol. 1. Application layer
1. MQTT-S 9 Network layer
2. ZigBee CAP 3. Data link
5. What is proxying? 4. Physical layer
Some of the application protocol in 6Lo WPAN also include the possibility for 10. DefineSIP.
intermediate nodes to inspect cache or modify application protocols. This is
referred to as proxying. Session Initiation
Protocol (SP) is asignaling protocol. It is used to initiate
modify andterminate session. It lies
What are the disadvantages of SNMP? on
Application layer.
1. The polling approach used by SNMP is the biggest drawback of the List out the basic set of
approach. 1.
End to End paradigm
2. It creates unnecessary overhead.
2. Streaming session
7. Differentiate RTP and RTCP. 3. Publish/Subscribe
RTP 4. Web service
1. Used to carry media streams. Used to monitoring transmission 12. List out the four MQTT-S element.
states and QoS.
1. MQTT brokers
2. Even port number Odd port number
2. MQTT-S gateways
3. Interoperability Performance controlling through 3. MQTT-S forwarders
4. Payload type, sequence 4. MQTT-S clients
Sender and receiver reports
number, time stamp 13. Zigbee uses horizontal or vertical approach. Justif.
5. 32 bit identifier is used. ZAL and ZCL with
Textual information Zigbee makes use of a vertical profile approach over the
ZigBee Home automation
8. Mention the two modes of gateway profiles for different industry applications such as
approach function. profile or the ZigBee Smart Energy Profile.
1. Transparent node - where a connection to the broker is
maintained for each
client or in. 14. Define methods.
typically designed with a
2. Aggregation node - where the gateway aggregates messages from all clients services (SOAP) interface is
A service based web procedure calls (RPCS) called
into a single broker connection. URL that implements several remote