Opic 3 Security: Network Protocols
Opic 3 Security: Network Protocols
Opic 3 Security: Network Protocols
eg. when you enter a URL in your browser, this Using FTP, different people locating in different
geographical locations can cooperates and work on a
ictually sends a HTTP command to the web server
common project. FTP is designed to promote sharing of files
irectly, to fetch and transmit the requested web page. It is and to encourage the indirect use of remote computers.
eneric, stateless and object oriented protocol.
Using FTP, any type of file can be tranferred fro o n e
TCP/IP computer to another. Though for transferring files, we have
to specifiy whether the file is in ASCII format or in binary
(ransmission Control
Protocol/internet Protocol)
TCP/IP is the communication protocol for the Remote Access Software
internet. It defines the rules, computers must follow to In remote access software, firstly we have to know about
communicate with each other over the Internet. The the term "remote access". Remote access refers to the ability
TCP/IP is a protocol used with E-mail transmission. Intact, to access a computer or a nerwork from a remore distance.
it is a set of protocol, i.e. TCP and IP. Remote access can be established via a line that runs between
The TCPIP is a protocol which is responsible for a computer and local area network.
the message
inding path for the destination. It also splits one daragram.
This type of line provide faster speeds but has the
nto several datagrams, if it does not fit in drawback of being more expensive. Another suitable method
Iherefore, these datagrams are sent through different for performing remote access by establishing a virtual private
towards the destination. The TCP makes
aternate paths nerwork, which is usually uses the Internet to connect
Sure that the datagram arrives at the destination correctly. remote site and users together.
P(Lnternet Protocol) used by the Internet for To establish a remote connection, both the local
machine to another,, The
ransterring messages from one
IP defines the machine and remote computer/server must have remote