VisionIAS Daily Current Affairs 25 June 2024

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25th JUNE, 2024

The price of inaction: The global private, fiscal and social costs of children and youth not
learning Report Released
Report is prepared by UNESCO in collaboration with OECD and the Commonwealth Secretariat.
It analysed the economic and societal cost of educational deficiencies for the first time.
Key Findings
Out-of-school children and educational gaps cost the global economy $10,000 billion annually.
Around 250 million children and young people globally remain out of school despite decades of effort.
57 % of the world’s children have not gained basic skill levels.
Each year of secondary education reduces the risk of girls marrying and having a child before age 18.
Female early school leavers are linked to a 59% increase in
early pregnancies. Key Initiatives to reduce Educational Deficiencies
Reducing early school leavers or those without basic skills by Global:
10% could boost annual GDP growth by 1 to 2% points.
Education was declared a "universal human right" in 1948,
SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and
Improve school infrastructure, including providing single-sex promote lifelong learning opportunities for all" etc.
water and sanitation facilities, reducing class sizes, etc.
Report highlighted that in India, construction of toilets India
decreased girls’ dropout rate by 12% points and that of Right to Education Act 2009
boys by 11% points. Samagra Shiksha Programme, 2018
Promoting health and mental well-being of students through
National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020)
comprehensive sex education, etc.
Promoting vocational education and training that meets labour Other: PM Schools for Rising India (PM SHRI) 2022, PM-
POSHAN Scheme (earlier known as Mid-Day Meal Scheme) etc.
market needs and addresses gender barriers to participation.

Tamil Nadu illicit liquor tragedy has claimed more than 50 lives

Deaths have been attributed to methanol (methyl alcohol) poisoning from illicitly produced Hooch /Spurious liquor.
Hooch is a commonly used term for poor quality alcohol. Sometimes, it also contains methanol, an industrial alcohol along
with ethanol.
About Methanol (CH3OH)
Also known as wood Alcohol or spirit (traditionally produced by destructive distillation of wood).
Modern method of preparing methanol is based on syngas (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide) derived from
biomass or other sources.
A colorless and fairly volatile liquid with a faintly sweet pungent odor.
Completely mixable with water and it is an antifreeze agent.
Used as solvent in paints, varnishes and chiefly for making formaldehyde.
Can be used as a biodegradable energy resource.
Impacts: Ingestion of even small quantities of methanol can cause blindness and large quantities causes’ even death.
Regulatory Framework
Ethanol (C2H5OH)
Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations
2018 stipulate maximum permissible quantities of methanol It is obtained commercially by fermentation, oldest method is
in liquors.​ from sugars.
Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical It is colourless liquid, used as a solvent in paint industry and
Rules 1989, included in Schedule 1. preparation of number of carbon compounds.
Many States/UTs have prohibited sale of alcoholic drinks Also, used as a renewable fuel.
(including methyl alcohol). E.g. Bihar, Gujarat, etc. Impact on Body: Ingestion of ethanol acts on central nervous
Way forward system. In moderate amounts, it affects judgment and lowers
Strong central legislation inhibitions.
Tighten the inter-State methanol supply chain under various laws such as Poisons Act, 1919.

Ministry of Coal initiates India’s First Ever Pilot project for Underground Coal Gasification in

This initiative aims to revolutionize the coal industry by using in-situ coal gasification.
About Coal Gasification
It is a process to convert underground coal into valuable gasses like methane, hydrogen, carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon
dioxide (CO2).
In gasification process, coal is partially oxidised by air, oxygen, steam, or CO2 under controlled conditions to produce a liquid
fuel known as syngas.
Syngas (synthesis gas) can be used for power generation, making methanol etc.
Syngas is a mixture of CO and hydrogen and produce gaseous fuels like Methane etc.
Advantages of Coal Gasification
Provide access to coal resources that are economically
unviable through traditional mining methods.
Sustainable and efficient use of India’s huge coal reserves
(third largest in world).
India is highly dependent on imported fuel – crude oil and
natural gas, 82% and 45% of total requirement.
Associated concerns
Lack of technology for conversion of India's coal (low
grade and high ash content) to syngas.
Huge quantity of waste, black water generation, costly
systems for CO2 removal etc.
Produces more CO2 than conventional coal-powered
thermal power plant.
Initiatives taken
Under National Coal Gasification Mission, India aims for
100 million tons coal gasification by 2030.
100% FDI in coal mining.
Viability Gap Funding scheme for promotion of Coal/Lignite Gasification Projects.

UN unveils 'Global Principles' to combat online misinformation

How Digital platforms fuelling Misinformation and disinformation Crisis?

Due to technologies like artificial intelligence misinformation is created at unprecedented volume, velocity and virality.
Misinformation and disinformation have been identified among the top five risks (Global Risk Report 2024).
Opaque Algorithm: Creates information bubbles and reinforce prejudices, including racism, misogyny etc.
Health-related misinformation: Erroneous interpretation of scientific knowledge, opinion polarization, escalating fear and
panic etc.
United Nations Global Principles for Information Integrity
It is a set of five principles (refer to infographics), designed to address the widespread harm
caused by false information on digital platforms.
It offers a holistic framework to guide multi-stakeholder action to promote information
Recommendations for Stakeholders
Technology Companies: Integrate safety and privacy from design to delivery, evaluate
business models, content modernisation, etc.
AI Actors (including Government and Private Sector): Safe, secure, and trustworthy audits,
respect for intellectual property, etc.
News Media: Ensure Information integrity, transparency, and human rights-responsible
State and Political Actors: Promote transparency, political participation, capacity building,
access to information, etc.

Pakistani delegation to inspect two Ministry of Mines launched Fourth Tranche
Hydroelectric Power Projects (HEPs) under of Auction of Critical and Strategic Minerals
Indus Water Treaty (IWT)
In this tranche, 21 critical mineral blocks will be auctioned
Delegation arrived as a part of Neutral Expert proceedings containing a variety of minerals including Graphite, Glauco-
to inspect Kishenganga (330MW) and Ratle (850 MW) HEP nite, Phosphorite, Potash, Nickel, Phosphate and Rare Earth
under IWT. Elements (REE).
Kishanganga HEP: Run-of-the-river hydroelectric project About Critical Minerals
which diverts water from Kishenganga River to a power Critical minerals are elements that are building blocks
plant in Jhelum River basin in J&K. of essential modern-day technologies and are at risk of
Ratle HEP: Situated on Chenab River in Kishtwar district, supply chain disruptions due to limited global production
and geopolitical factors.
In 2023, 30 strategically important Critical Minerals
About IWT were identified by Ministry of Mine including Antimony,
Signed in 1960 between India and Pakistan with World Beryllium, Bismuth, Copper, Gallium etc.
Bank being a signatory of it. Significance of Critical Minerals
Treaty allocates Western Rivers (Indus, Jhelum, Chenab) Economic growth: Cobalt, nickel, lithium are important
for telecommunication industry, manufacturing of electric
to Pakistan and Eastern Rivers (Ravi, Beas, Sutlej) to India.
vehicles batteries etc.
India is allowed to construct hydroelectric power facilities Clean energy: REE are critical for green technologies like
on tributaries of Jhelum and Chenab rivers with certain semiconductors, solar panels and wind turbines etc.
restrictions under IWT, 1960. National Security and Defense: Cobalt is used in military
Disagreement between both countries is related to design technologies like smart bombs, aircraft, and precision-
features of Kishenganga and Ratle HEPs. guided missiles.
World Bank is not financing either project. Associated concerns
Concentration of extraction or processing in few
It provides 3 Step Dispute Resolution Mechanism viz. geographical locations could lead to supply chain
Step 1: Permanent Indus Commission is required vulnerabilities.
to meet at least once every year to resolve questions For instance, Lithium triangle consists of Argentina,
about implementation of treaty. Chile and Bolivia.
Step 2: Neutral Expert to deal with unresolved India relies on imports for its silver, cobalt needs,
differences on water-sharing. predominantly sourced from China.
Step 3: Court of Arbitration, a Seven-member arbitral
tribunal to deal with the disputes. Initiatives taken with respect to Critical Minerals
India- Australia Critical Minerals Investment Partnership.
Issues with IWT
India has joined Minerals Security Partnership that aims to
Lack of collaboration and mutual trust between countries. catalyse public and private investment in critical mineral
supply chains globally.
No regular data sharing as planned in treaty.
Khanij Bidesh India Ltd. (KABIL), mandated to identify and
Limited to a conflict-resolution mechanism instead of acquire overseas mineral assets of critical and strategic nature
strengthening the interaction, trust and cooperation. like lithium, cobalt etc.

Also in News

Renaming of States International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO)

Kerala Assembly has passed resolution to rename State as ‘Keralam’ IHO celebrates World Hydrography Day (21 June every year) to raise
Procedure for Renaming of States awareness about hydrography.
It can be initiated by the Parliament or State Legislature. Hydrography is the science that measures and describes the
physical features of oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes and rivers.
Renaming is governed by Article 3 of Constitution.
About IHO
Article empowers Parliament to alter name of any State by
law. Intergovernmental organization that works to ensure all world's
seas, oceans and navigable waters are surveyed and charted.
Bill may be introduced in Parliament on recommendation of
President. It coordinates the activities of national hydrographic offices.
Then referred by the President to Legislature of that State for IHO Secretariat has been hosted by Principality of Monaco since
expressing their views. its creation in 1921.
Bill is passed in each house by a simple majority. Members: 100 Member States including India.
Following president assent, change in name of state is recorded Indian Naval Hydrographic Department under Indian Navy is
in First and Fourth Schedule of Constitution. nodal agency for Hydrographic surveys and nautical charting
in India.

Scheme for Partial Reimbursement of
Exploration Expenses for Holders of World Craft City (WCC)
Exploration License
Srinagar has been recognised as a 'World Craft City' by World Crafts
Ministry of Mines has unveiled Scheme for Partial Reimbursement of Council.
Exploration Expenses for Holders of Exploration License.
This recognition would boost the handloom and handicraft sector,
About Scheme benefit tourism, foster infrastructure development, attract greater
Objective: To provide partial reimbursement of exploration investment and funding, etc.
expenses for Exploration License (EL) holders from National
Council was founded in 1964 to empower artisans and safeguard
Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET).
NMET was established in 2015 under Mines and Minerals craft heritage globally.
(Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act, 1957 to expedite About WCC
mineral exploration in country. Launched in 2014 by World Crafts Council- International.
Eligibility: EL holders granted under section 10BA of MMDR Act Establishes a dynamic network of craft cities across the globe,
shall be eligible to apply.
aligning with the principles of creative economy.
Provision of EL was introduced through an amendment in
MMDR Act in 2023. Recognizes role of local authorities, craftspeople, and communities
in cultural, economic, and social development worldwide.

Front Running
Oath of Members of Parliament
Recently, a Mutual Fund was alleged to have indulged in Front- Run-
ning. The newly elected Members of Parliament (MP) of the 18th Lok Sabha
About Front Running have started taking oath.
Front Running refers to usage of non-public information to To debate and vote in the Parliament, an oath is taken.
directly or indirectly buy or sell securities, or enters into options or Constitutional Provisions
futures contracts, in advance of a substantial order. (Securities Article 99 deals with oaths of office of the MPs, to be subscribed
and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). before the President or some person appointed by him.
It is illegal in India. The forms of oath are provided in the Third Schedule.
It undermines confidence in the financial markets and creates an Article 104 provides a penalty for a member if he/she sits in the
uneven playing field for other investors. House without the oath.
In 2022, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Exception to this rule: An individual can become a minister
Regulations, 1996 was amended to incorporate provisions to without being elected to Parliament. And, he/she can take
counter front running. part in proceedings of the house (without having the power to
Oaths can be subscribed in English or any of the 22 Scheduled
Central Civil Services (Leave) (Amendment) languages.
Rules, 2024

Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 2024 has been notified by the Javelin anti-tank Weapon System
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions.
Key Amendments:
India and the US held discussions on the co-production of American
Surrogate as well as commissioning mother with less than two
surviving children, may be granted maternity leave of 180 days, in javelin missiles in India, as per reports.
case either or both are Government servants. About Javelin anti-tank Weapon System
Commissioning mother means intending mother of child born World's premier single man-portable medium-range anti-tank
through surrogacy. weapon system.
Central employee commissioning fathers with less than two living
children, will also be entitled to get 15 days of paternity leave Missile automatically guides itself to the target after launch
within six months of birth of child. (fire-and-forget principle), this allows the gunner to take cover
and avoid counter fire. .
Till now, there were no rules to grant maternity/paternity leaves
for surrogacy. Can be safely fired from inside buildings or bunkers.

Places in News Philippines (Capital: Manila)

Recently, Philippines Ambassador said that BrahMos missiles offer a “credible defense” for Southeast
Asian country.
Political features
Island country of Southeast Asia in western Pacific Ocean.
Water bodies: Philippine Sea (east), Celebes Sea (south), Sulu Sea (southwest), and South China Sea
(west and north).
Geographical features
Highest Point: Mount Apo.
Major Rivers: Cagayan River (Río Grande de Cagayán), Mindanao, Agusan etc.
Climate: Tropical and monsoonal.


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