5721-Article Text-16024-1-10-20200328
5721-Article Text-16024-1-10-20200328
5721-Article Text-16024-1-10-20200328
Abstract— Applications like counter ADC demanded single-ended ramp generator [13]. Further, current source
accurate ramp signal with low power dissipation. This paper ramp generator has less complexity and switches than the
presents a novel approach of low power differential ramp resistor ladder ramp generator [4, 13-15]; therefore, in this
generator with negative feedback for the compensation of the paper, we present a differential ramp generator structure
variations in process, voltage, and temperature (PVT). The
using two current sources. The current sources are calibrated
derived equations of the proposed ramp generator circuit show
that PVT compensation is enhanced significantly. Additionally, continually by a negative feedback loop, which makes the
the circuit design and simulations were done in TSMC 0.18-μm proposed structure very stable with variations in the process,
CMOS technology. The Monte Carlo simulation results and voltage, and temperature. For instance, 50 percent mismatch
corner analysis show that the linearity of the ramp signal is between the capacitors does not change the linearity of the
about 9-bit while power dissipation of the circuit is about ramp voltages predominantly. For proving the robustness of
2.61μW. the proposed structure, the mathematical representation of
this model is expressed and a ramp generator with 9-bit
Index Terms—Counter ADC; Differential Ramp Generator; linearity is designed and simulated in TSMC 0.18-μm CMOS
PVT Compensation; Single Slope.
technology. The operation of the proposed ramp generator
I. INTRODUCTION circuit is illustrated in the following section.
ISSN: 2180 – 1843 e-ISSN: 2289-8131 Vol. 12 No. 1 January – March 2020 63
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering
+ Opamp_Out
C1 +
_ - Voffset Vp M4
IC2 Vp Vrn
Multiplexer I CSp
C2 M5
IC3 M3
C3 Select M7 M6 VCLKV
Clk1 Clk1
IC5 Vramp
Min(Ideal) Vn M8
M0 Vrp
ClkV1 ClkV1 I CSn
Clk2 Clk2
+ -
M9 Voffset -
ClkV2 ClkV2
Clk1 Clk1
IC4 Vramp
Max(Ideal) Clk1
Clk2 Clk2
Vrp ClkV2
ClkV2 ClkV2
Figure 1: Proposed structure of the ramp generator with PVT compensation feedbacks
negative input current of the op-amp, we have the following C4
equations for the charging currents of the capacitors: V p i V p i 1 RMIp VRMp i (8)
C2 i 1
IC 2 IC 4 (2)
IC3 IC5 Vni Vni 1 RMIn VRMni (9)
(3) C3 i 1
64 ISSN: 2180 – 1843 e-ISSN: 2289-8131 Vol. 12 No. 1 January – March 2020
A Novel Differential Ramp Generator Circuit with PVT Compensation Structure
ramp generator is designed for 1.8V differential range; this
means that each positive and negative ramp has an output 0.6
range of 0.9V. Figure 2 depicts the integral non-linearity 0.3
(INL) of the positive ramp (INLp), negative ramp (INLn) and 0 10 20 30 40
differential ramp (INLt). The differences of the positive ramp Time (μs)
and negative ramp yield the differential ramp. As illustrated
in this figure, INLt is less than 3.5mV. Moreover, Figure 3(a) (c)
and 3(b), respectively show thevariations of controlling
voltages Vp and Vn to reach the stable values. Also, Figure 1.5
3(c) and 3(d) show the positive and negative ramp voltages, 1.2
respectively, in whin both ramps have the same ranges 0.9
between 0.45V and 1.35V.
Table 1 0.3
Size Of Transistors And Capacitors Of The Proposed Ramp Generator
Transistor W/L μm Capacitor fF 0 10 20 30 40
Time (μs)
M0, M5 0.4/0.18 C0, C1 570
M1-M4 1.0/1.0 C2, C3 951
M6-M9 1.0/1.0 C4, C5 57 Figure 3: Simulation results of the proposed ramp: (a) Vp, (b) Vn, (c) Vrp,
and (d) Vrn.
Table 2
-2 Corner Analysis of the Proposed Ramp Generator
-4 Corner TT FF SS FS SF
99 99.1 99.2 99.3 99.4 99.5 99.6 99.7
Time (μs)
Ramp INL +/- 3.5mV 4.5mV 4.05mV 4mV 4.1mV
0.8 I I
0 10 20 30 40 I CS CSI CS 100
Time (μs) I CSI
(a) In this equation, ICS is the value of the charging current and
0.9 ICSI is the ideal value of charging current that can be
0.8 calculated from (1)Δ. In this case, ICS is represented as a
percentage of ICS variations. A comparison of ΔICS between
ISSN: 2180 – 1843 e-ISSN: 2289-8131 Vol. 12 No. 1 January – March 2020 65
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering
# of occurrences
generator is 1.16V, while the maximum INL of the output 60
ramp is 4mV and the power consumption of the circuit is
about 3.6μW. Table 3 shows a better comparison of the 40
proposed and conventional ramp generators in different
corners. 20
capacitors. This mismatch is due to the existing negative Figure 4: Monte Carlo simulation results of the proposed ramp
feedback that changes the ramp slope to reach the ideal ramp generator
voltages. The simulation results also show that while 50
percent mismatch between the capacitors in the proposed Figure 4 depicts the Monte Carlo analysis results of the
ramp generator leads to maximum INL deviations of 1mV; proposed ramp generator with PVT compensation structure.
this mismatch for the conventional ramp generator leads to The channel length modulation, device mismatches,
more than 550mV INL deviations. variations of the threshold voltage and temperature are
considered in the Monte Carlo analysis. As shown in Figure
Table 3 4 the INL variations are between -5mV and +5mV.
Conventional Ramp Generator And The Proposed Ramp Generator
Corner FF SS FS SF
In this paper, a new technique for increasing the robustness
Conventional ΔICS +4.4% -5.6% -4.8% +4.2% of the ramp generator is proposed. The proposed method
generally can be used for PVT compensation of the similar
Proposed ΔICS +0.4% -0.3% -0.35% +0.3% cases; analytic formulas of this technique were derived to
determine the constraints that should be used for optimizing
Conventional INL +/- 4.5mV 4.05mV 4mV 4.1mV
the output ramp. Further, by combining and sharing the two
current source ramp generators, a fully differential ramp
Proposed INL +/- 42mV 64mV 51mV 47mV
generator circuit, which can be used for counter ADCs, is
invented. The results of a simulation that considers capacitor
Table 4 mismatches verified good performances in all corners. The
Performance of the Proposed Ramp Generator with Capacitor Mismatches power dissipation of the proposed circuit is about 2.61μW for
1MS/s differential output ramp, while it has 9-bit resolution.
CMOS Technology 0.18-μm The analysis and simulation results of the proposed method
show that this technique is completely general, and therefore
Supply (V) 1.8 it can be used in processes below 0.18-µm.
Ramp frequency (KHz) 1000 REFERENCES
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