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RFP for Appointment of Architects/Project Management Consultants
1. Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation (GMC), Government of Gujarat (GOG), as a part of its invites
financial proposals from reputed Architect/Structure/ project management consultancy (PMC) firms who have
been empanelled by GMC (herein called as Bidder) in sealed cover as detailed in the enclosed Terms of
Reference for appointment for a period of three years. The services would be for project initiated in first three
years by GMC, as well as any other projects initiated under GMC. The indicative work would be for around
Rs. 100 Crore. It should be noted that Architect/Structure/PMC for repairs, renovation, Operations &
Maintenance (O&M) and new works up to Rs. 50.00 lacs are being separately appointed. Such works do not
form scope of this document.
2. The details of the RFP and key calendar of event are as below:
3. Last date & time of Submission of Physical Copy Date: 07/02/2023 to 15/02/2023
Of Technical incl. EMD & Tender Fee
(Without Financial Bid) Time: Office Hrs.
The Deputy Municipal Commissioner,
Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation(GMC)
Pandit Dindayal Bhavan, behind Fire Station,
Sector-17, Gandhinagar–382017.
Phone No: 079-232-20440
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RFP for Appointment of Architects/Project Management Consultants
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Request for Proposal
Appointment & Empanelment of Architects/ Structure/ DPR/
Project Management Consultants for Development works under
Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation.
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The information contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) document or subsequently
provided to Bidders, whether verbally or in documentary form by or on behalf of Gandhinagar
Municipal Corporation, Gujarat, or any of its employees or advisors, is provided to Bidders on
the terms and conditions set out in this RFP document and any other terms and conditions
subject to which such information is provided.
This RFP document is not an Agreement and is not an offer or invitation to any other party.
The purpose of this RFP document is to provide the Bidders with information to assist the
formulation of their proposal submission. This RFP document does not purport to contain all the
information each Bidder may require. This RFP document may not be appropriate for all
Persons and it is not possible for GoG and their employees or advisors to consider the
Investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each Bidder. Certain Bidders
may have a better knowledge of the proposed project than others. Each recipient must conduct
its own analysis of the information contained in this RFP or to correct any inaccuracies there in
that may appear in this RFP and is advised to carry out its own investigation into the proposed
project, the legislative and regulatory regimes which applies thereto and by and all matter
pertinent to the proposed project and to seek its own professional advice on the legal, financial,
regulatory and taxation consequences of entering into any agreement or arrangement relating to
the proposed project.
GoG and their employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall incur no
Liability under the Law of Contract, Tort, the Principles of Restitution or unjust enrichment or
Otherwise for any loss, expense or damage, accuracy, reliability or completeness of the RFP
Document, which may arise from or be incurred or suffered in connection with anything
Contained in this RFP, any matter deemed to form part of this RFP, the award of the Project, the
information and any other information supplied by or on behalf of GoG or their employees, any
consultants or otherwise arising in any way from the selection process for the Project.
GoG may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, can amend
or supplement the information in this RFP document. The information that GoG is in a position
to furnish is limited to this RFP document and the information available at the contact addresses
given in Chapter I, Clause 2, along with any amendments/ clarifications thereon.
This RFP document and the information contained herein are confidential and for use only by
the person to whom it is issued. It may not be copied or distributed by the recipient to third
parties (other than in confidence to the recipient's professional advisor). In the event that the
recipient does not continue with the involvement in the project in accordance with the RFP
document the information contained in the RFP document shall not be divulged to any other
party. The information contained in the RFP document must be kept confidential.
Here submission of a responsive Bid does not ensure selection of the Bidder as
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(This section provides all the necessary information required for responding to the RFP.)
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Paragraph Item Description
e) The bidder should have annual turnover of any One of last
Five years should be more than Rs.3.00 Cr and the average
turnover of the firm from last 5 financial years must be more
than Rs.1.50 Cr from the consultancy business. The Bidder
must ensure that evidence of eligibility criteria on turnover in
the form of audited financial statements for the last Five
financial year enclosed with the technical proposal or CA
Certificate of turnover of Last Five years may be enclosed with
technical proposal. Please note that the proof of turnover must
be part of the technical proposal and not the financial proposal.
f) The Bidder must have 5 years’ experience as a consultant.
Bidder have to submit 5 years of CA certificates for
consultancy firm.
g) The firm must have established office in Gandhinagar/
Ahmedabad from last 2(Two) years. (Must attached the proof
for the office)
h) The Consultant must be having a latest ISO Certificate.
5. Clarification to RFP ---
6. Earnest Money a) The Bidder shall furnish, as part of the Technical Proposal an
Deposit earnest money deposit amounting to Rs. 5.00 lac. For
empanelment as architect/Structure/ DPR/ Project management
Consultant of new asset development/upgrades.
b) The EMD shall be Indian Rupees and in the form of a
Demand draft to be drawn in favor of the Deputy Municipal
Commissioner, Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation,
Gandhinagar. The instrument should be issued by a scheduled
be attached to Form TECH - 2 Part B.
c) EMD should be valid for a period of 120 Days from the last
date for proposal submission.
d) Unsuccessful Bidders EMD will be refunded without any
Interest after finalization of the Empanelment process.
e) A successful bidder's EMD must be converted into
Security Deposit in DD/FDR or Performance Bank
Guarantee format before Work Orders are issued.
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Paragraph Item Description
8. Validity of the The Proposal shall be valid for 120 days from the last date
Proposal for submission of the Proposal. A Proposal that is valid for
a shorter period shall be rejected as non-responsive.
9. Amendment/ a) The Authority reserves the right to cancel this RFP at any
Cancellation of time without any obligation to the Bidders.
RFP. b) The Authority at any time, prior to the deadline for
submission of Proposals, may amend the RFP by issuing an
addendum by standard electronic means. The addendum will
be binding on all the Bidders. Bidders shall acknowledge
receipt of all amendments. To give Bidders reasonable time
in which to take an amendment into account in their
Proposals, the Authority may, if the amendment is
substantial, extend the deadline for the submission of
c) The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any bid,
and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any
time prior to award of contract, without incurring any
liability to the bidders or without any obligation to the
bidders to assign reasons thereof.
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10. Proposal a. The Proposal shall be prepared and submitted in as only
Preparation and Technical Proposal.
Submission b. Technical Proposal shall follow the format specified in
Chapter IV.
c. Proposals Submitted in any other format shall be liable to be
d. The Technical Proposals for empanelment must be submitted
in sealed envelope as "Proposal for Empanelment of
Architect/Structure/ DPR/ Project Management Consultancy
(PMC)-GMC from (Insert Name of the Bidder).
e. The proposal shall be submitted signed by the authorized
signatories (of the Lead Partner in case of a consortium).
f. The proposal must be signed and duly sealed in all the pages
and any erasures/amendments in the Proposals, duly attested.
g. Bidders may submit only one Proposal. If a Bidder submits or
Participates in more than one proposal, such proposals shall be
h. Bidders should familiarize themselves with local conditions
and take them into account in preparing their proposals. to
obtain first-hand information on the assignment and local
condition, Bidders are encouraged to visit the authority before
submitting a proposal.
i. Bidders should ensure that these officials are advised of their
visit in adequate time to allow them to make appropriate
j. Bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of their proposals, site visit and contract negotiation.
k. The bidder should submit the Bid Document Fee,
Empanelment fees/EMD, and all the requisite documents, in
person latest by due date at office of the
Deputy Commissioner, Gandhinagar Municipal
Corporation(GMC), Pandit Dindayal Bhavan, behind Fire
Station, Sector 17, Gandhinagar-382017.
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Paragraph Item Description
13. Evaluation of a. Bidders will be required to give a presentation of
Proposal for their approach and methodology for meeting the
empanelment objectives and deliverables in the TOR. This
presentation will be a part of the overall evaluation of
Technical Proposal.
b. Bidders will be shortlisted based on technical
proposal evaluation.
c. For Financial Proposal of only those bidders who
have qualified technically would be open for tenders
& this Financial proposal should be quote in
Prescribed format & is valid only of pertaining to
specific works under the empanelment. L1 rate shall
be applicable to other bidders of Empanelment.
d. The authority reserves the right to accept or reject
impart or full any or all of the offers without assigning
any reason.
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14. Evaluation of a. The Authority will first undertake a preliminary evaluation of
Technical Proposals the technical proposals to check compliance with the eligibility
criteria and with reference to completeness of the Proposals are
generally in order.
b. Proposals found to be non-responsive for any reason or not
meeting the minimum eligibility criteria, as specified in RFP will
be rejected and not included for further detailed technical
evaluation. And price bid will not be opened.
c. The Authority will thereafter undertake a detailed evaluation of
the Technical proposals on the basis of their responsiveness to the
Terms of Reference, applying the evaluation criteria, sub criteria
and point system specified in this paragraph.
d. Proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it does not respond to
important aspects of the RFP, particularly the Terms of Reference
or if it fails to achieve the minimum technical score of 75 marks
out of 100 marks.
e. Criteria, Sub-criteria and point system for the evaluation of
Technical Proposals are for 100 Points.
Sr Description Marks
1 Company Profile 15
The firm be registered and it must
be continuing at the time of
bidding (Max 10 marks)
>10 years 10
5 years to 10 years 5
< 5 years 0
Firm having ISO: 9001 latest 5
certificate (Max 5 marks)
2 Experience as a PMC/Structure/ 20 marks max
Architect/ DPR
Project Cost < 2 Cr 0
Project cost 10
Rs.2 Cr to Rs.5 Cr
Project cost 15
Rs.5 Cr to Rs.15 Cr
Project cost 20
Rs.15 Cr & above
3 Extra marks for experience as 15
PMC & architect/Structure in
same project
01 project having combine 15
experience in same project
Otherwise 0
4 Office setup in Gandhinagar / 25
5 Presentation of approach 25
methodology & team
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Paragraph Item Description
(The Presentation of Proposal of infrastructure/building project
Would be more effective.)
This would include evaluation of:
Overall approach to ensuing deliverables.
Core team and proposed project team.
Method of proactively ensuring and demonstrating quality
in delivery of the assignments.
Tools and methodologies for performance monitoring of
the Architect/Structure/ DPR/ PMC
Sample MIS reports approach to team structure,
composition and deployment (on site and off site)
including approach to work management among the team
and work plan (in alignment with the team proposed)
Quality of presentation of proposal (more weightage
would be given to the presentation)
Bidders scoring a minimum of 75 marks out of the above
would be considered technically qualified and Eligible for
financial bid opening.
15. Technical a. Bidders shortlisted based on technical proposal evaluation
Presentation will be invited to make a Technical Presentation.
b. The Key personal proposed in the Technical Proposal should
be present for the technical presentation.
c. Authority will have the right to reject any bidder at this stage
based on the quality presentation.
16. Disqualification of The Authority, may at its sole discretion, and at any time during
Proposals. the processing of the proposal, disqualify any bidder from the
Bidding process if the Bidder has:
a. Submitted the Proposal after the last date and time for
submission of Proposals.
b. Made misleading or false representations.
c. Violated any of the terms had laid down in paragraph of
chapter II.
d. If found to have a record of poor performance.
e. Submitted Proposal document not accompanied by tender fee
or EMD.
f. Submitted Proposal document which is nonresponsive or not
accompanied by required
documentation as specified in this RFP.
g. Failed to provide clarification, when sought.
h. Submitted more than one proposal either individually or as
part of a consortium.
i. Failed to submit proposal in accordance with the terms and
conditions of this RFP.
j. Failed to submit a proposal not valid for at least 120 days
from the last date of submission.
k. Any other reason, as deemed appropriate by the Authority.
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17 Negotiations a) Prior to the expiration period of Proposal validity, the
Authority will notify the successful Bidder in writing by email
or facsimile or in person and invite the Bidder to negotiate the
b) Negotiations will commence with a discussion of the
Technical Proposal, the proposed methodology (work plan),
staffing, payment terms and any suggestions the Bidder may
have made to improve the TORs.
Agreement will then be reached on the final TORs, outputs and
related timelines, SLAs, the staffing and staff months, logistics,
payment terms, reporting and any other relevant issue as
deemed appropriate by the Authority. Special attention will be
paid to optimize the required outputs from the Bidders within
the available budget and to define clearly the inputs required
from the Authority to ensure satisfactory implementation of the
c) Having selected the successful Bidder, among other things,
on the basis of an evaluation of the proposed key professional
staff, the Authority expects to negotiate an ‘Agreement’ on the
basis of these staff named in the Proposal. Therefore, prior to
“Agreement” the Authority will require written assurance that
these staff will be actually available. The Authority will not
consider substitutions during negotiations except in cases of
unexpected delays in the starting date or incapacity of key
professional staff for reasons of health. Reasonable notice
would be available through the specific tender process to all
empanelled agencies, to ensure availability of the agreed
d) The negotiations will be concluded with a review of the
draft form of “Agreement” to be made available to the Bidder
at the appropriate time. The Authority and the Bidder will
finalize the Agreement to conclude negotiations. The
Agreement will be need to be signed after successful
negotiations, by the successful bidder.
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Empanelment of a) All agencies, technically qualified for the assignment would-
Agencies be empanelled with the authority. The authority may seek their
services from time to time as required, during the period of
18. empanelment. Duration of all empanelment agencies will be
validate to 3 years.
b) After completion of this time limit, time limit of consultancy
project shall be extendable with mutual consent of agency and
GMC Authority.
c) It is always possible for the Authority to award any project
to agency other than empanelment agencies, which is not
something the empanelment agencies can object to.
d) A project may be awarded to more than one agency at the
Authority's discretion. (For example, one agency for
Structural/Architecture/DPR Consultancy work and another
agency for PMC Consultancy work).
19. Variations a. No variation/amendment in the terms or scope of this
Agreement shall be effective without the prior written consent
of both Parties and recorded in writing in the form of a letter
entitled ‘Agreement Amendment No._____’. Without such
consent neither Party shall have any liability in respect of work
performed outside the Services set out in Chapter III
b. The Authority reserves the right to make any
alterations/amendments to the terms of the Agreement
including the ‘Terms of reference’ in furtherance of or to be in
conformity with any relevant Government
note/guidelines/notification/statutory/quasi statutory instrument
or any other development that will have an implication in the
scope and nature of the assignment;
which is/are brought in force during the subsistence of the
contract. Any amendment shall only be for the stated purposes
and due notice will be given by the Authority.
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22 Professional The Authority requires that all Bidders participating in
Excellence and consulting assignments to adhere to the highest ethical
Ethics standards, both during the selection process and throughout the
execution of a contract. In pursuance of this policy, the
a. defines, for the purpose of this paragraph, the terms set forth
below as follows:
i. “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or
soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to
influence the action of officials concerned in the selection
process or in contract execution;
ii. “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission
of facts in order to influence a selection process or the
execution of a contract;
iii. “collusive practices” means a scheme or arrangement
between two or more consultants with or without the
knowledge of the Authority designed to establish prices at
artificial, non-competitive levels;
iv. “corruptive practices” means harming or threatening to
harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to
influence their participation in a procurement process, or affect
the execution of a contract.
b. will reject a Proposal for award if it determines that the
Bidder recommended for award has, directly or through an
agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices in competing for the contract in question;
c. Will terminate the contract if it determines at any time that
representatives of the consultant were engaged incorrupt,
fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices during the selection
process or the execution of the contract.
d. will sanction a Consultant, including declaring the Consultant
ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be
awarded a State Government contract if at any time determines
that the Bidder has, directly or through an agent, engaged in
corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing
for, or in executing, any government contract; and
e. will have the right to require that, in contracts, provision be
included requiring the Bidder to permit the Authority to inspect
their accounts and records and other documents relating to the
submission of Proposals and contract performance, and have
them audited by auditors appointed by the Authority.
f. No Consultant, its Sub-Consultant(s), or associate(s)shall be
under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent
practices by the state or Central Government or any of the
Government agencies.
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Gandhinagar Municipal Authority (GMC), Government of Gujarat(GoG) wants to develop city and carry
out infrastructure and basic civil facility desired by GoG.
For the above purposes, GMC wants to appoint an Architect/Structure/ DPR/ Project Management
Consultancy (PMC) for managing projects related to infrastructure and other civil facilities under GMC.
Consultant would be appointed for the work initiated in a period of three years from date of award of
work order. The term may be extended for a period of one year.
The scope of work of the consultant would be as below:
Scope of work:
1) Concept development leading to various policy decisions and vice a versa after evaluating
international best practices
2) Location identification for civil infrastructure and facility within a designated area
3) Preparation of indicative designs for the infrastructure
4) Financial Plan including estimated capital cost, funding pattern, phase wise investment plan,
financial feasibility with various PPP options etc. and detailed report on recurring expenses &
suggested revenue models
5) Development Plan for the project.
6) Assistance for raising capital through suggested options
7) Get Plan approval & BU permission from concerned authority.
8) Preparation of Detailed Project report for the infrastructure project under GMC.
1) Propose operational plan that explores various commercial and PPP models
2) End-to-end management of process for selecting the development agency including development of
execution guidelines, service agreements to selection and handover to selected agency, for GMC
3) Developing detailed Request for Proposals (RFPs) to be circulated among contractors registered with
PWD/CPWD, to make their scope of work clear and receive financial proposals for them.
4)Prepare Procurement toolkits with standard templates (as applicable to different methods of
procurement) including but not limiting to:
1) Terms of Reference
2) Expression of Interest
3) Preparing Request for Proposals
4) Evaluation Templates – technical and financial
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5) Pre bid Minutes
6) Negotiation meetings
7) Contract document
8) SLA templates
9) Process flow checklists with reference to applicable rules for each type of procurement
10) Summary of applicable delegations
The above toolkit should have suitable model examples to elaborate the templates
11) End-to-end management of process for selecting agency that will monitor performance of O & M
agency including frequency of inspection, checklists for inspection, levy of penalties in case of non-
performance etc. Periodical inspection of completed projects up to the end of maintenance guarantee
12) Prepare monthly project progress reports describing the physical and financial progress of each
package, highlighting impediments to the quality and progress of the works and remedial actions, for
submission to the Authority. Prepare periodic Statement of Expenditure for getting reimbursement of
13) In case of dispute, arbitration arising the consultant will assist GMC till the final judgment of the
dispute / arbitration etc.
14) Third party inspection will be carried out by the agency appointed by the Government or GMC and
compliance to be made with rectification from agency.
1) Payment shall be paid simultaneously with the payment of R.A. bills of Contractor from time to time.
2) In the situation of completion of Project before stipulated time limit, payment shall be made till the
actual completion of the project work on pro rata basis.
3) 10% of total PMC fees shall be payable after getting BU permission from concerned authority. (If
3) 10% of the amount has to be withheld as a security to defect liability.
4) 50% of withheld amount has to be released after 15 days of project completed and remaining withheld
amount has to be released after success full completion of defect liability of agency works.
PMC is responsible for any defects arising during the defect liability works and PMC has to supervise the
work till the work done. PMC has to give no objection certificate to release SD of agency.
If any defect arises during defect liability and that defect was repaired by department after deduction of
amount from agency s security deposit than the similar Fees has to be deducted from PMC at the rate
which PMC has quoted in tender.
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Key Personnel: following key person must be employed with employer to be qualify for the
work. Bidder has to submit CVs and Certificate with signature for below staff.
Key Personnel Details Nos Education Required Experience
01 M.Tech 15+ Years Experience
Lead Architect 01 B.Arch 10+ Years Experience
2.Architect Assistant Architect 02 B.Arch 5+ Years Experience
Draftsman 02 ITI/ Draftman/ Diploma 5+ Years Experience
Lead Structure 01 M.Tech Structure 15+ Years Experience
The bidder shall ensure that the above Key Personnel required for the assignment are available. The
Authority will not normally consider any request of the selected bidder for substitution of Key Personnel
during negotiations and subsequent delivery of the assignment. Substitution will, however, be permitted
if the Key Personnel is not available for reasons of any incapacity or due to health, subject to equally or
better qualified and experienced personnel being provided to the satisfaction of the Authority.
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Key Personnel to be deployed to site:
The Consultancy Team shall consist of minimum following key personnel/Staff (the “Key Personnel”) to
be deployed on site for the prescribed category however PMC staff is as per requirements
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Project Cost Staff Detail No. Education Required Experience
If any scenario, the final team composition will be as per the final decision of GMC Authority for the
particular project and the scope of work.
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Infrastructure to be provided by the Consultants
1. Arrange for all transportation and travelling required for the Consultants.
2. Arrange for all equipment and working infrastructure including their furniture, laptop with data
cards, mobile phones as well as printing, fax and photocopying facility
3. Arrange its own translations, communication, data processing, printing stationeries and
productions of all report
4. Hand over all data, reports and other collected material to the Authority.
5. The costs for this infrastructure should be subsumed in the costs quoted by the Consultant.
In addition, all operational records and working documents of the Consultant (in all forms) including
the time and full participation of key personnel will be made available to the third party audit agency
of the Authority, as and when required.
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(Comments in brackets [ ] provide guidance to the short listed Consultant for the presentation of
their Technical Proposals; they should be deleted from the technical proposals to be submitted.)
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(On company Letter head of Lead Partner)
[Location, Date]
The Deputy Municipal Commissioner,
Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation (GMC)
Pandit Dindayal Bhavan, behind
Fire station, Sector 17,
Sub: Technical Proposal in response to Request for Proposal Architect/Structure/ DPR/ Project
Management Consultant for Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation, Government of Gujarat.
Ref: <Bidder to input reference>
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for [Insert title of
Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for [Insert title of assignment] in accordance with
your request for Proposal dated [Insert Date] and our Proposal. Wearer hereby submitting our Proposal, which
includes this Technical Proposal, and a financial Proposal sealed under a separate envelope. The Proposal fees
and EMD are enclosed along with this Proposal.
[Insert details of fees and EMD]
We are submitting our proposal in association with [Insert a list with full name and address of each associated
We hereby declare, on our behalf and on behalf of our consortium partners that all the information and
statements made in this Proposal are true and accept that any misrepresentation contained in it may lead to
disqualification. We also confirm that we have not been blacklisted by any government organization in India,
in the past.
If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal, we undertake to negotiate on the basis of
the period staff and costs.
Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to the modification resulting from Contract negotiations.
We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted to initiate the consulting services related to the assignment not later
than the dates indicated in specific tenders to be awarded under this empanelment.
Page 23 of 35
We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive. It is hereby affirmed that I/We are
duly authorized to act on behalf of our organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such
other documents that bind our organization into legal agreement with the (Insert name of the authority) as
may be required with reference to the subject mentioned above. We hereby enclose a copy of our Board
Resolution/Power of attorney/others, in support of the same.
We remain,
Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature (In Full and initials) Name and Title of Signatory: Name of Bidder:
Address: Seal: ________________________________________________________
Page 24 of 35
Part-A Organization Details of the Consultant
(Information should be complete and include telephone, fax and email details. In case of consortium, this
Form should be filled separately for each Consortium Partner and duly signed.
This is in connection with Eligibility criteria in para no.4)
Name of the Organization
Whether designated as Lead Partner (Y/N)
Registered Office Address
Address of regional Office in Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar
Year of Establishment in India
Year of Establishment
Core Business of the organization
Legal Basis if Organization in India (public
Page 25 of 35
(This form is to be filled separately for each of the consortium Partners and signed and sealed by both the
Consortium Partner and the Lead Partner)
1. In addition to what is noted below, provide copy each of the Eligibility criteria mentioned in
Paragraph-4 of Chapter II and Fill in the details of their respective columns of the table below.
2. Project Architect/Structure/DPR/proje
Experience ct Management Consulting last
5 year (April 2017 to March
3. Specific Architect/Structure/DPR/Proje
Project ct Management Consulting
Experience experience in specific sector in
last 5 years (April 2017 to
March 2022)
Note: Along with the above, the following documents are also to be submitted
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Part C-Bidder's Experience
(Using the format below, provide required information for items in para 14 in Chapter II –
Instructions to bidders for which your organization was legally contracted either individually as
a corporate entity or as one of the major companies within an association. for carrying out
consulting services similar to the ones requested under this assignment. bidders should highlight
the relevant experience against each criteria and sub criteria)
Provide information on the projects as per requirements mentioned in qualification criteria
section. The Authority will be free to contact any or all of the reference as a part of the
evaluation diligence process.)
documents with
Sr. reference to page
No. Item Details Numbers in the
technical proposal
A General Information
B Project Details
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Geographical scope of the
B.4 project
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(Present and justify here any modifications or improvement to the Terms of reference you are
proposing to improve performance in carrying out the assignment (such as deleting some
activity you consider unnecessary, or adding another, or proposing a different phasing of the
activities). Such suggestions should be concise and to the point, and also incorporated in your
Technical proposal and duly taken into account for costing in the Financial proposal. Please
ensure that each of the comments/suggestions highlighted here is duly referenced to the
technical proposal)
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(Technical approach, methodology and work plan are key components of the technical proposal.
You are suggested to present your technical proposal (not more than 50 pages. Inclusive of charts
and diagrams and in alignment with the scope of work) divided into the
following three chapters:
a) Technical approach and methodology,
b) work plan, and
c) Organization and Staffing,
a) Technical Approach and methodology. In this chapter you should explain your
understanding of the objectives of the objectives of the assignment, approach to the services,
methodology for carrying out the activities and obtaining the expected output, and the degree of
details of such output. You should highlight the problems being addressed and their importance,
and explain the technical approach you would adopt and highlight the compatibility of those
methodologies with the proposed approach specifically highlighting:
Overall approach to deliverables
Approach to building capacity for program management for GMC
Method of proactively ensuring and demonstrating quality in delivery of the assignment
b. Work plan. In this chapter you should propose the main activities of the assignment
content and duration, phasing and interrelations, milestones (including interim approvals by the
authority), and delivery dates of the reports.
The proposed work plan should be consistent with the technical approach and methodology,
showing understanding of the TOR and ability to translate them into a feasible working plan. A
list of the final document, including reports, drawings, and tables to be delivered as final output,
should be included here.
The work plan should be consistent with the work schedule of form TECH-7.
c) Organization and staffing. In this chapter you should propose the structure and
composition of your team. You should list the main disciplines of the assignment, the key expert
responsible, and proposed technical and support staff. The staffing should be consistent with
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Name of staff with id firm Permanent/ Total Number of Position Task Assigned
proof Contractual years of relevant Assigned
experience and area
of expertise with
Core Staff
Panel of expert
(1)For Electrical
(2)For HVAC
Note: For Panel of Expert Joint Venture is required to present with expert attached the
certificate of Expert in Field at least two project are Handled for Construction.
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1. Proposed Position :
2. Name of Firm :
3. Name of Expert :
4. Date of Birth :
5. Education : Citizenship
6. Membership of Professional :
7. Other Training :
8. Countries of Work Experience :
9. Language : Speak Read Write
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RFP for Appointment of Architects/Project Management Consultants
Main Project features:
Position Held:
Activities performed:
I Understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to disqualification or
dismissal, and/or any other disciplinary action being taken by GoG.
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RFP for Appointment of Architects/Project Management Consultants
(Please note: this form need to filled online. This is mandatory pre-requisite for any bid to successfully
Quality for empanelment)
Name of the organization
Registered office Address
Address of regional office in Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar
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RFP for Appointment of Architects/Project Management Consultants
1. Agency will quote all these 4 (Four) rates or can quote any of these 4 (Four) rates as per Willing to do
2. Indicate the total percentage of actual project cost. Tax at the prevailing rate of GST would be paid on
for all services to be provided as per the scope of work mentioned in the TOR.
The percentage of actual project cost quoted above shall be inclusive of all out of pocket expenses to be
incurred by the consultants during the project period, and all other applicable taxes other than the GST
mentioned above.
3. GMC intends to make panel of bidders who have applied & qualified in this tender at the approved
lowest rates. GMC reserves right to entrust any work to any bidders of the panel.
4. It is always possible for the Authority to award any project to agency other than empanelment agencies,
which is not something the empanelment agencies can object to.
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