West Bengal Amrut Tender

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Request For Proposal (RFP)






Tender Ref. No.378/UD&MA/AMRUT2.0/MISC.6/2022 Date 26.08.2022

The State Mission Director AMRUT on behalf of the Government of West Bengal
invites sealed bids for the following works from engagement of consultancy firms under
AMRUT 2.0 having experience of working in the field of piped water supply project to be
eventually drawn up in lump sum contract.
Cost of RFP Place of sale of RFP
Sl No Name of work
document (in Rs) document
1 2 3 4
Preparation of detailed project report for
urban water supply scheme,
1 sewerage/septage and water body NIL NA
rejuvenation schemes for different urban
local bodies under AMRUT 2.0
Intending bidders may download the bid documents from the website
2. Selection Procedure : Selection will be made through Combined Quality Cum Cost
Based System (QCCBS) in accordance with FD Memorandum no. 8385-F(Y) dated the
22nd November,2013. The minimum technical qualification marks is 70. The technical
proposal will be given 70% weightage while the financial proposal will be allotted
weightage of 30%. The bidder (H-1) who will obtain the highest total combined score
after technical (quality) and financial (cost) evaluations will be selected.
Detailed Bid Evaluation Criteria is given in the table at P-18.
3. Submission of Proposal :-
Proposal are to be submitted in two folds, viz.,
i. Technical Bid
ii. Financial Bid
4. The selection of consultant shall be through 2 stage evaluations. Accordingly in the 1st
stage, proposal shall be evaluated for technical qualification of consultant. In the 2nd
stage financial proposals will be opened and evaluated only from the consultants who
are technically qualified.
5. The complete request for proposal (RFP) document is hereby issued by this office in
the shape of letter of invitation.
6. The proposal must be accompanied by a BID security i.e EMD of Rs.2,00,000 to be
paid through on-line mode at ICICI Bank gateway .The above security or EMD shall be
forfeited in case of declining to sign the agreement or withdrawing the proposal within
the validity period. Similarly the cost of RFP document as mentioned in column 3 above
must be deposited through on -line mode .
7. All the proposal must be submitted to State Mission Director, AMRUT by 21/09/2022
on or before 15.00 hours . The technical proposal shall be opened at the office of the
SMD, ILGUS Bhavan on 23/09/2022 at 15.30 hours in presence of the consultants or
their authorized representatives. The date and time of opening of financial proposals of
the qualified consultants shall be intimated later on. If the office happens to be closed on
the date of the receipt of the proposals as specified, the proposals will be received and
opened on the next working days at the same time and venue.
8. Other details can be seen in the RFP document of each project.
The authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without thereby
incurring any liability to the affected applicants.


Section Description Page No.

RFP document (Part-I) General & Techno-Commercial Bid

A Request for proposal notice 2

I Disclaimer 5

II Instruction to Consultants 7

III Technical Proposed Submission Form 23

IV Conditions of Contract 25

V Terms of Reference (ToR) 35

VI Schedules of Supplementary Information 38

VII Addenda 48

Annexure-I Organization & Experience 49

Annexure-II Curriculum Vitae 50

Annexure-III Declaration on Submission of EMD 52

Annexure-IV Particulars of the Consultant 53

Annexure-V Proposed methodology & work plan 55

Annexure-VI Format for simplified evaluation of quality 56

RFP Document (Part-II) : Price Bid (Financial proposal) 57



Invitation for Proposal (IFP)



The information contained in this request for proposal for document (RFP) or
subsequently provided to consultants whether verbally or in documentary or any other form by or
on behalf of the Authority or any of its employees or advisers is provided to consultants on the
terms and conditions set out in this RFP and such other terms and conditions subject to which
such information is provided.
This RFP is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by the authority to the
prospective consultants or any other person. The purpose of this RFP is to provide interested
parties with information that may be useful to them in the formulation of their proposal pursuant
to this RFP. This RFP includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments
arrived at by the authority in relation to the consultancy. This RFP may not be appropriate for all
persons, and it is not possible for the authority, its employees and advisors to consider the
objective, technical expertise and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this RFP. The
assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this RFP, may not be
complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each consultant should therefore conduct its own
investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and
completeness of the assumptions, assessments and information contained in this RFP and obtain
independent advice from appropriate sources.
Information provided in this RFP to the consultants is on a wide range of matters, some of
which depends upon interpretation of law. The information given is not an exhaustive account of
statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of
law. The authority accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation
or opinion on the law expressed herein.
The authority, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall
have no liability to any person including any consultant under any law, statute, rules or
regulations or principles of institutions or otherwise for any loss damages or expenses which may
arise from or be incurred on account of anything contained in RFP or otherwise including the
accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability of the RFP and any assessment, statement or
information contained therein or deemed to form part of this RFP or arising in any way in this
selection process.
The authority also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or
otherwise however caused arising from reliance of any consultant upon the statement contained
in this RFP. The authority may in its absolute discretion but without being under any obligation to
do so, update, amend or supplement the information contained in this RFP. The issues of this RFP
does not imply that the authority is bound to select any consultant or to appoint the selected
consultant as the case may be for the consultancy and the authority reserves the right to reject all
or any of the proposals without assigning any reason thereof.
The consultant shall bear all its cost associated with or relating to the preparation and
submission of its proposal including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees
expenses associated with any demonstration or presentation which may be required by the
authority or to its proposal. All such cause and expenses will remain with the consultant and the
authority shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other cause or
expenses incurred by the consultant in preparation or submission of the proposal regardless of
the conduct or outcome of the selection process.

Time Schedule

a) Date of uploading of Bid documents 26.08.2022

b) Publishing date and time (online) 26.08.2022 at 5:00 p.m.

c) Documents download start date and time

27.08.2022 from 11:00 a.m.

d) Date & time of Pre-Bid Meeting with the

intending bidders in the Office of the
Superintending Engineer, Planning Circle
31.08.2022 at 3:00 p.m.
(South), Municipal Engineering Directorate,
Bikash Bhavan, South Block, 1st Floor, Salt Lake,
Kolkata – 700 091.

e) Tender submission start date and time (online) 02.09.2022 from 11:00 a.m.

f) Tender submission closing date and time

22.09.2022 upto 3:00 p.m

g) Date and time of opening Technical Proposal(s)

23.09.2022 upto 3:30 p.m.

h) Date(s) & time of PPT (PPT preferably to be

completed by half an hour); Venue : Conference 27.09.2022 & 28.09.2022 from
Hall of UD & MA Deptt., Nagarayan, DF-8, Sector 12:00 noon
– I, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 064.

i) Date of opening of Financial To be notified at the time of

Proposal(s) (online) uploading the technical evaluation

j) Uploading the list of qualified bidders along with After evaluation by Tender
marks (online) Evaluation Committee

Time will be reckoned as per IST.

All bids, viz., Technical and Financial will be evaluated by the Tender Evaluation Committee to be
formed by the UD & MA Department. The decision of the Tender Evaluation Committee will be
final and absolute in this respect.



1. Definitions:
(a) “Employer” means the STATE MISSION DIRECTOR, AMRUT of the
Government of West Bengal represented by the ……….., ……………… or his
authorized representative with whom the selected consultant signs the
contract for the services.
(b) “Consultant” means any entity or person that provides the services to the
Employer under the contract.
(c) “Contract” means the contract signed by the parties along with all attached
documents listed in the Tender Document Part -I & II.
(d) “Day” means a calendar day.
(e) “Government” means the Government of West Bengal
(f) “Instructions to Consultants” (Section-II) means the document which
provides the prospective consultants all information needed to prepare their
(g) “Personnel” means professionals and support staff provided by the
consultant and assigned to perform the services in full or in any part thereof.

(h) “Proposal” means the Technical Proposal (Tender Document (Part-I) –

General & Techno-Commercial Bid) and the Financial Proposal (Tender
Document (Part-II) – Price Bid).
(i) “Services” means the work performed by the Consultant pursuant to the
(j) “Terms of Reference” (TOR) means the document included in the RFP as
Section-V, which explains the objectives, scope of work, activities, tasks to be
performed, respective responsibilities of the Employer and the Consultant
and expected results and deliverables of the assignment.

2. Introduction:
The Consultants are invited to submit a Technical Proposal and a Financial Proposal
for consulting services required for the assignment. The Proposal will be the basis
for contract negotiations and ultimately for a signed contract with the selected
Consultant. Consultants should familiarize themselves with local conditions before
preparing their proposals.
Consultants shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of
their proposals and contract negotiation. The Employer is not bound to accept any
proposal, and reserves the right to annul the selection process at any time prior to
contract award without thereby incurring any liability to the Consultants.
3. Project Background:

About the Urban Local Body:





Important institutions



ULB profile
…………….. ULB population
Population Urban
Population Share
Growth Rate

Existing Source of Water

Need for the project proposal


4. Source of Funding:
The work will be funded under AMRUT 2.0 as per guide lines of Government of

5. Eligibility:
5.1. Prior to evaluation of bid the agencies must provide complete information
with relevant supporting documents in respect of the following:
a) Complete organization details as per Annexure-1.
b) Technical expertise with name of experts and their qualification & experience
in Annexure-2.
c) Relevant Experience for preparation of DPR of Water Supply Schemes,
Sewerage/ Septage & Water Body Rejuvenation Schemes at the State/ National
level during last seven years.
d) PAN card and GST registration certificate.
e) Financial strength of the consultancy firms, i.e, turnover figure for last 3 years
duly certified by the Chartered Accountant.
f) The Notary affidavit in support of the authenticity of above documents shall

also be furnished.

6. History of Litigation:
6.1. If any litigation cases are pending against the consultant at the time of
submitting the tender, then the tender shall be summarily rejected. In such a
case, the consultant shall submit an affidavit to the effect that the history of
litigation, pending against him/her/partners furnished by him/her is true.
6.2. In case it is detected at any stage that the affidavit is false, he will abide by
the action taken by the ……………………….., without approaching any court
whatsoever for redress. He will however, be given suitable opportunity to
offer his explanation before action is taken against him.
7. Consultants shall not be eligible to participate in tendering process in case any of his
near relatives are working in the cadre of an Assistant Engineer /Assistant
Executive Engineer and above in the Engineering Section or a Senior Assistant and
above in the Accounts/ Audit /Administrative Sections in ………………………….., Govt.
of West Bengal.

8. Other Requirements:
8.1. Even if the consultant meets other criteria, his tender shall be summarily
rejected if he is found to have misled or made false representation in the
form of any of the statements submitted in proof of the eligibility and
qualification requirements.

8.2. The tender shall also be summarily rejected if he has a record of

performance such as absconding from work, works not properly completed
as per contract, inordinate delays in completion, financial failure and / or has
participated in previous tendering for the same works and had quoted
unreasonably high tender price/premium.

8.3. In addition to the above, even while executing the work, if it is found that he
produced false / fake certificates in his tender, he will be blacklisted.

9. Original Certificates/Documents:
Originals of the Certificates/Documents shall be produced as and when required to
verify the copies of statements and other information furnished along with tender.
Failure to produce original documents in time will lead to disqualification.

10. Cost of Tendering:

The Consultant shall bear all expenses associated with the preparation and
submission of his tender and the ………………………….. shall in no case be responsible
or liable for reimbursement of such expenses, regardless of the conduct or outcome
of the tendering process.
11. Site Visit:
The Consultant is advised to visit and examine Work Site and its periphery area
and obtain for himself at his cost and responsibility all information that may be
necessary for preparing the tender and quoting rates.

12. Tender Documents:
12.1. A set of Tender Documents comprising of the General & Techno-Commercial
Bid and the Price Bid includes the following together with all Addenda
thereto, which may be issued in accordance with Clause 13 and
Clause 14.
PART- I : General & Techno-Commercial Bid

Section I : Tender Call Notice.

Section II : Instruction to Consultants
Section III : Technical Proposal – Standard Forms
Section IV : Conditions of Contract
Section V : Terms of reference (ToR)
Section VI : Schedules of Supplementary Information
Schedule A - PAN & Details of Clearance
Schedule B - Record of arbitration and Litigation
Schedule C - General Power of Attorney Affidavit
Schedule D - Affidavit
Section VII : Addenda
Annexure-I : Organization & Experience
Annexure-II : Curriculum Vitae
Annexure-III : Declaration on Submission of EMD

PART – II: Price Bid

12.2. The Consultant is expected to examine carefully all instructions, terms of
reference, tender conditions, forms, appendices to tender, addenda in the
tender documents. Failure to comply with the requirements of tender
submission will be at the consultant’s own risk.
12.3. The Consultant may download the RFP documents from
www.wbtenders.gov.in The consultants shall deposit the cost of RFP
document of Rs. …NIL……….. ( Rupees ……NIL…. Thousand) only
through the online ICICI Bank gateway window .

13. Clarification on Bid:

The bidders who intend to seek any clarification on bid will be given the
opportunity to communicate their suggestions to the ……………….on or before 17.00
Hrs. of ……... The Authority shall take decision on the clarifications, if necessary; it
will be displayed in the Website. These decisions and conditions shall be binding on
all tenderers & the same shall also be a part of the agreement. It is to be noted that
any tender not conforming to the RFP document and the decisions taken as per the
clarification or having any additional condition shall be summarily rejected.

14. Amendment of Tender Documents:
14.1. At any time prior to the dead line for submission of tenders, the
…………………….. may for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in
response to the clarifications requested by the prospective consultants,
modify the tender documents by issuing an Addendum. Such addenda will be
binding upon them.
14.2. In order to afford prospective consultants reasonable time to take such
addenda into account in preparing their tenders, the ………………………………at
his discretion, may extend the dead line for the submission of tenders in
accordance with Clause-27, if necessary.


15. Language of the Documents:

All documents relating to the Tender shall be in the English language.

16. Documents Comprising the Tender:

(a) General & Techno-Commercial Bid (Part-I of Tender Document)
(b) Price Bid (Part-II of Tender Document)
(c) All documents stipulated at Clause-5 & elsewhere in the DTCN.

17. Sufficiency of Tender:

The consultant shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the
correctness and sufficiency of his tender for the services to be provided and of the
prices quoted in the financial bid, which shall cover all his obligations under the
contract and all matters and things necessary for the successful accomplishment of
the services / assignments.

18. Preparation of Proposal:

18.1. The Proposal (please see Para 18.2) as well as all related correspondence
exchanged by the employer & the consultant shall be written in English
18.2. In preparing the proposal, the consultant is expected to examine in detail the
RFP documents. Material deficiencies in providing the information requested
may result in rejection of a proposal.

19. Technical Proposal Format and Content:

19.1. The Full Technical Proposal (FTP) shall contain a brief description of the
Consultants’ organization and an outline of recent experience of the Consultants on
assignments of a similar nature (in form at Annexure-I). Besides above, the
consultant shall furnish the Curriculum Vitae (in form at Annexure-II) of following
key personnel with stipulated minimum qualifications, skills, knowledge &
experience to complete this task may have to be deployed.

19.2. A description of the approach, methodology and work plan for performing
The assignment covering the following subjects shall be furnished:
Person &
Sl. Task Minimum Academic Minimum Work
No. Qualification Experience
1. Project
Leader (Water Postgraduate in
Supply engineering with
expert/ specialization in P.H / 15 years relevant
Engineer) Sanitary experience in
Engg./Environmental similar field.
2. Postgraduate in 10 years design
engineering with experience in water
specialization in supply projects.
Water supply PH/Sanitary/
Design environmental
Engineer Engineering
3. Engineer 10 years relevant
Postgraduate in in design
engineering with of water retaining
specialization in structures, WTP,
Structures. Intake Well etc.
4. Graduate in Civil 5 years experience
Engineering in surveying/
Quantity Or leveling.
surveyor Diploma in Civil 10 years experience
/Document Engineering in surveying/
specialist leveling.
10 years relevant
Electro Graduate in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering in design
mechanical of electrical & mechanical
5 Engineer components
Postgraduate in 10 years relevant
engineering with experience
Geotechnical specialization in in design
6 Engineer soil mechanics / foundation of foundations
10 years relevant
Experience in field /
topographical surveys using
7 Surveyor Diploma in Civil Engineering / Survey Engineering Total Stations / DGPS
a) Technical approach and methodology.
Work plan, and organization (work programme to be furnished in
shape of Bar Chart for the period of time proposed for each activity)
19.3. The General & Techno-Commercial Bid shall not include any financial

information related to the Price Bid. A General & Techno-Commercial Bid
containing financial information related to the Price Bid & EMD shall be
declared non responsive.

19.4. The financial bids of only those agencies will be opened whose technical
evaluation meets the minimum qualifying benchmark. The financial bids of
other agencies who do not qualify in the technical evaluation shall not be
opened. Agencies who qualify in the General & Techno-Commercial Bid, their
financial bid shall be opened and lowest tenderer/bidder shall be preferred.

20. The Financial Proposal:

20.1. The consultancy services shall be provided in one phase as described &
elaborated in the terms of reference (ToR) at Section-V. The tenderers shall
quote their offer on ‘Lump sum’ basis for the phase of services in the
prescribed format of the Part-II of the tender document. Price bid in no other
format shall be accepted.
20.2. The offer shall be inclusive of all costs associated with the assignment
including remuneration towards manpower, cost of T&P, logistics, software,
hardware, consumables, infrastructure backup etc. The offer shall also be
inclusive of all Duties, Levies, excluding GST, etc. of the Central and State
Govt. Further it shall also include all other expenses incidental thereto for
successful accomplishment of the services in conformity with the ToR given
at Section-V.

20.3. The consultants should make realistic assessment of the exhaustive nature of
work and the extent of expert technical and managerial inputs and resources
required to carry out the services included in the ToR diligently to achieve
high quality outputs & deliverables within the stipulated time and quote
their offer accordingly.

20.4. The rate quoted by the Consultant shall be firm.

21. Tender Validity:

21.1. The tender will remain valid for a period of 120 (One Hundred Twenty)
days from the date of opening of Bid. The employer will make its best effort
to complete negotiations within this period. However, should a need arise,
the employer may request the consultant to extend the validity period of the

21.2. Consultants who do not agree to this may refuse to extend the validity of
their proposals without forfeiting the EMD.

21.3. A Consultant agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to

modify his tender, but will be required to extend the validity of his EMD.

21.4. A Consultant who withdraws his tender without a valid reason (to be
decided by the authority competent to accept the tender) shall be
disqualified for tendering further works under …………….. with forfeiture of

22. Authorization, Corrections, Erasures etc. in Tender Papers:

22.1. The tender document shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be
signed by a person or persons duly authorized to bind the consultant to the
contract. Proof of authorization shall be furnished in the form of a Power of
Attorney, which shall accompany the tender. All pages of the tender where
entries or corrections have been made shall be initialed by the person or
persons signing the tender.

22.2. The completed tender shall be without any alterations, inter-relations or

erasures except those which accord with instructions given by the Authority
or as may be necessary to correct errors made by the consultant and in the
later case, any such correction shall be initialed by the person or persons
signing the tender.

22.3. Only one tender shall be submitted by a consultant. No consultant shall

participate in the tender of another consultant for the same contract in any
capacity whatsoever.

23. Earnest Money Deposit:

23.1. The Consultant shall furnish Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) valuing
Rs.2,00,000 along with Technical Bid . This EMD must be paid online
favoring “ SMD, AMRUT”

23.2. The EMD of unsuccessful consultants shall be returned after the tender is
finalized or end date of the Tender validity period which ever is earlier.

23.3. The earnest money deposited by the successful consultant will not carry any
interest and it will be dealt with as provided in the conditions stipulated in
the tender.

23.4. The EMD shall be forfeited if (a) a successful tenderer fails to sign the
Agreement for whatever reason, or (b) a consultant withdraws the tender
during the validity period of tender.

23.5. In consideration of the ………………………………………….. to investigate and to

take into account each tender and in consideration of the work thereby
involved, all earnest money deposited by the tenderer will be forfeited in the
event of such tenderer either modifying or withdrawing his tender at his
instance within the validity period.

23.6 GST Registration Certificate:

Tenderers are required to submit self attested copies of GST Registration
Certificates along with their tenders, failing which their tenders will not be


24. Signing of Tenders:

24.1. If the tender is made by an individual, it shall be signed with his full name
and his address shall be given.

24.2. If it is made by a firm, it shall be signed with the co-partnership name by a

member of the firm, who shall sign his own name and in such a case the
name and address of each member of the firm shall be given.

24.3. If the tender is made by a corporation it shall be signed by a duly authorized

officer who shall produce with his tender satisfactory evidence of his
authorization. Such a corporation may be required before the contract is
executed, to furnish evidence of its corporate existence.

24.4. The tender shall contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply
with instructions issued by the Tender Inviting Officer, or as necessary to
correct errors made by the Tenderer, in which case all such corrections shall
be initialed by the person signing the Tender.

24.5. No alteration made by the tenderer in the contract form, the conditions of
the contract, statements / formats accompanying the tender shall be
recognized and in case of any alterations made by the tenderer, the tender
will be void.

25. Clarification on and Amendment to RFP Document:

At any time before the submission of Proposals, the Employer may amend
the document by issuing an addendum in writing or by standard electronic


26 Sealing and Marking of Tenders:

26.1. The signed RFP documents shall be submitted online.
26.2. RFP document Part – I (General & Techno-Commercial Bid) and Part – II
(Price Bid) shall be submitted online.
26.3. The Technical Bid shall bear the following identification marks.

a. General & Techno-Commercial Bid / Price Bid

b. Letter of Invitation No.______________ Date ………….
c. Name of Work____________________________

27. Deadline for Submission of Documents:

27.1. The Bid shall be submitted online within……… by 17.00 Hrs. . The risk
and responsibility for delay, shall be of the consultant.

27.3. The tender should be in the prescribed form as described in Clause 12.

27.4. The ………………………… may, at his discretion, extend the dead line for
submission of tenders by issuing an amendment in accordance with Clause
14, in which case all rights and obligations of the
…………………………………. and of the tenders which were previously subject to
the original dead line shall thereafter be subject to the new dead line as

28. Late Submissions :


29. Withdrawal of Tenders:

Withdrawal of a tender by a consultant during the interval between the
deadline for submission of tenders and the expiration of the period of tender
validity specified in the Form of Tender shall result in the forfeiture of the
EMD pursuant to Clause 23.


30. Tender Opening:

30.1. …………………………….. will open the Bids and any submissions made pursuant
to Clause 29, in his office at 11.30 Hrs on …………….. in the presence of the
consultants or their authorized representatives, who wish to attend. They
would be required to sign in tender opening register as evidence of their
attendance. The authorized representatives should bring their authorization
letter while attending opening of bid.
30.2. Tenders for which an acceptable notice of withdrawal has been submitted
pursuant to Clause 29, shall not be opened.

30.3. Deleted.

30.4. A tender shall be rejected, if,

c) Cost of tender document is not submitted with General & Techno-
Commercial bid.
d) EMD as per Clause 23 is not deposited with Price Bid.
e) Proof of eligibility and qualifications is not enclosed as per Clause 5 of
instruction to consultant.
f) There are any criminal cases pending.
g) PAN/VAT is not enclosed.
h) Affidavit is not enclosed.
i) Power of Attorney is not enclosed.
j) History of criminal cases is not enclosed.
k) Record of litigation and arbitration is not enclosed.

30.5. Any such conditions shall be minute and the cover ‘B’ shall not be opened.
………………………………. until the tender process is completed. The Financial
Bids shall be opened only for those bidders who qualify in the General &
Techno-Commercial evaluation as described at clause.33. The date of
opening of financial bid (cover “B”) shall be intimated by e-mail/Speed post
to the qualified bidder of General & Techno-Commercial evaluation.

30.6. The ……………………………….. shall prepare, for his own record, minutes of the
tender opening, including the information disclosed to those present in
accordance with sub-clause 30.1.

Points for Technical Qualification:

Technical scoring for those bidders fulfilling the primary criteria {as per Para. 5(a)} will be
made by the TEC on the basis of the following components.

Minimum qualification marks 70

Bid Evaluation Criteria:-

Sl. Maximum
No. Marks

1 Experience in planning and designing urban facilities in India 20

a i) Completed one similar nature of DPR of Project Value not less than Rs. 40.00
crore and duly approved/accepted by the Client

ii) Completed two similar nature of DPRs of Project Value not less than Rs. 40.00 12
crore each and duly approved/accepted by the Client
b Experience in planning of tourist amenities and/or waterfront development 6

c The entity has an office in West Bengal 1

d Job carried out in West Bengal 1

2 Financial Capacity of the Firm 5

a Average Annual Turn Over of the entity amounting to Rs. 3 Crore for the last three
financial years (2019-2020,2020-2021,2021-2022) 2

b ½ mark per additional Rs. 1 crore over and above Rs. 3 Crore subject to maximum 3
marks 3

3 Concept planning and design with power point presentation on the basis of TOR 35

4 Approach, methodology & work plan with component wise tentative cost involvement
through power point presentation 15

5 Qualification and Experience of the Key Professionals 25

a Project
Leader (Water Supply Postgraduate in engineering with specialization in P.H /
expert/ Engineer) Sanitary Engineering/ Environmental Engineering. 8

b Postgraduate in engineering with specialization in

Water supply Design PH/Sanitary/environmental
Engineer Engineering 4

c Postgraduate in engineering with specialization in

Structural Engineer structures. 4

d Quantity surveyor
/Document specialist Graduate in Civil Engineering Or Diploma in Civil Engineering 3

e Electromechanical
Engineer Graduate in Electrical / Mechanical Engineering 2

f Postgraduate in engineering with specialization in

Geotechnical Engineer soil mechanics / foundation 2

Surveyor Diploma in Civil Engineering / Survey Engineering 2


Financial Bid of only those bidders who will score 70 or more marks in the Technical Evaluation
will be opened.

31. Clarification on tenders from consultants :

To assist in the scrutiny, evaluation and comparison of the tenders, the
……………………………………………. may ask consultants individually for
clarification on their tenders. The request for clarification and response shall
be in writing or by mail. However, no change in the tender amount/ rate or
substance shall be sought, offered or permitted by the ……………………………..
during the evaluation of the tenders except as provided in Clause 33.5.3

32. Determination of Responsiveness:

32.1. Prior to the detailed evaluation of tenders, ………………………………. will
determine whether each tender has been submitted in the proper form and
whether it is substantially responsive to the requirements of the tender
documents. Tenders, which have not been submitted in the proper form, will
be rejected.

32.2. Any tender which is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the
tender documents will be rejected by the ……………………………… Such a
tender shall not be allowed subsequently to be made responsive by the
consultant by correcting or withdrawing the non-conforming deviation(s) or

33. Proposal Evaluation:

33.1. From the time the proposals are opened to the time the contract is awarded,
the consultants should not contact the client on any matter related to its
General & Techno-Commercial and/or Financial Proposal.
33.2. Any effort by a consultant to influence the client in any form directly or
indirectly during the examination, evaluation, ranking of proposals, and
recommendation for award of the contract may result in the rejection of the
consultant’s proposal.

33.3. Evaluators of General & Techno-Commercial Proposals shall have no access

to the Financial Proposals until the General & Techno-Commercial
evaluation is concluded.

33.4. Evaluation of General & Techno-Commercial Bid:

33.4.1. The Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the General & Techno-
Commercial Proposals on the basis of their responsiveness to the
Terms of Reference as per the minimum eligibility criteria & other
conditions mentioned in Annexure-VI.

33.4.2. A Proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it does not respond to

required aspects of this RFP document Clause No.30.4.

33.4.3. Financial proposal of the consultants who qualify the General &
Techno-Commercial bid (Part-I) will be opened & evaluated.

33.5. Evaluation of Financial Proposals:

33.5.1. After the General & Techno-Commercial evaluation is completed,
the Employer shall inform in writing the consultants, the date, time
and location for opening the Financial Proposals (Price Bids). The
Financial Proposals of unqualified consultants will not be opened.
33.5.2. Financial bids shall be opened in presence of the consultant/their
authorized representatives on scheduled date & time. The authorized
representative should bring their authorization letter while attending
opening of price bid. The consultant with the price of L1, L2 & L3 are
also to be taken into consideration for selection. The consultant with
the lowest price shall be selected for award of the contract.
33.5.3. The Authority will correct any computational errors. When correcting
computational errors, in case of discrepancy between a partial
amount and the total amount or between words and figures the
amount in words will prevail.

34. Negotiation:
Negotiations will be held if required with the lowest valid tenderer. In the
event of the L-1 tenderer has furnished any condition which grossly affects
the tender value / contains such conditions which make the value of the offer
indefinite, he may be given an opportunity to withdraw such condition(s) to
make the tender definite. Failure to withdraw such condition(s) may lead to
rejection of the tender as in consistent / non responsive. In such case the
employer may explorer the possibility of considering the next valid tender as

35. Award Criteria:
35.1. After completing negotiation the client shall award the contract to the
selected consultant.

35.2. The consultant is expected to commence the assignment within 15 days of

receipt of work order.

36. Right to Accept or Reject any or all Tenders:

Notwithstanding Clause-35, the ………………… Government of West Bengal
reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, annul the tendering process,
reject all tenders at any time or any stage prior to the award of contract
without thereby incurring any liability to the affected consultant or

37. Process to be Confidential:

37.1. After the opening of tenders as per Clause 30 & 33, information relating to
examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders and
recommendations, concerning to the award of contract shall not be disclosed
to the consultants or any other persons, officially not concerned with the
process, until the award of the contract to the successful consultant has been

37.2. Any effort by any consultant to influence the Department officials in the
scrutiny, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders, and in any
decisions concerning award of a contract, may result in the rejection of their
38. Notification of Award:
38.1. Prior to the expiration of the Tender validity period ………………….. will notify
the successful consultant by letter, that his tender has been accepted. This
letter, hereinafter called “Letter of Acceptance (LoA)”, will confirm the
tender rate which will apply to the services to be rendered by the consultant
during the contract period.

38.2. The Letter of Acceptance (LoA) will constitute notification of the intention of
the employer to enter into a contract with the consultant for the consultancy
services under this contract.

39. Signing of Agreement:

On receipt of the LoA, the successful consultant shall sign the agreement with the
……………………………… within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of LoA.
40. Miscellaneous:
i) The selection process shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with
the law of India and the courts at Kolkata shall have exclusive jurisdictions over
all disputes rising under pursuant to and / or in connection with the selection
ii) The authority, in its sole discretion and without incurring any obligation or
liability, reserves the right ,at any time to :
a) Suspend and / or cancel the selection process and/ or amend, supplement the
selection process or modify the dates or other terms and conditions relating
b) Consult with any consultant in order to receive clarification or further
c) Retain any information and evidence submitted to authority by, on behalf of
and/ or in relation to any consultant; and/ or
d) Independently verify, disqualify, reject and/ or accept any and all submissions
or other information submitted by any consultants.
iii) It shall be deemed that by submitting the proposal, the consultants agrees and
releases the authority, its employees agents and advisors irrevocably,
unconditionally, fully and finally from any and all liability for claims, losses,
damages, costs, expenses or liabilities in any way related to or arising from the
exercise of any rights and/ or performance of any obligations here under,
pursuant here to and/ or in-connection herewith and waives any and all rights
and/ or claims it may have in this respect whether present or future.
iv) All documents and other information supplied by the authority or submitted by
and consultant shall remain or become as the case may be, the property of the
authority. The authority will not return any submission made here under.
Consultants are required to treat all such documents and information as strictly
v) The authority reserves the right to make inquires with any of the clients listed
by the consultants in their previous experience record.



Technical Proposal Submission Form

[Location, Date]
Letter for Submission of Tender
(To be filled in by the Consultant/Tenderer in the Consultants letter head)

Note: (1) Additional conditions appended to the tender will make the tender liable for
(2) Non-submission of Document Fee and EMD in the form and other required
documents as detailed hereinafter shall make the tender liable for rejection.

Ref. No. __________/Dated____________


Sub: Consultancy services for preparation of Detailed Project Report for the
work Urban Piped Water Supply Scheme, Sewerage/ Septage & Water Body
Rejuvenation Schemes for different Urban Local Bodies under AMRUT 2.0.

Ref: Your Letter of invitation reference No. _____________ Dated .............

Dear Sir,

I/ We, the undersigned, offer to provide consultancy services for Preparation of

Detail project report for the work Urban Piped Water Supply Scheme, Sewerage/
Septage & Water Body Rejuvenation Schemes for different Urban Local Bodies
under AMRUT 2.0.
In accordance with your Request for Proposal dated _____________. We are hereby
submitting our Proposal, which includes the General & Techno-Commercial
Proposal (tender Document Part-I complete in all respect) and a Financial Proposal
(Tender Document Part-II- Price Bid) through online mode.

We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Proposal
are true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our
2) I/ We have studied, acquainted and satisfied ourselves with the site and its working
conditions for the successful and timely completion of the assignments.

3) Our offer is unconditional and is in conformity with the requirements of the RFP
document. We understand that any additional condition put by us in the tender
shall make our tender liable for rejection.
4) We enclose herewith an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.2,00,000 paid through online
mode in accordance with the provisions of clause 23 of Instructions to Consultants.
5) I/We understood that you are not bound to assign any reason in case of rejection of
our tender.

6) I/We agree to keep our offer open for a minimum of 120 (one hundred & twenty)
days from the date of opening of the Price bid. Further extension of validity will be
our prerogative.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]:

Name and Title of Signatory:

Name of Firm:




1.1 Definitions:
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms whenever used in
this contract have the following meanings.
a) “Applicable Law” means the laws and any other instruments having the force
of law in India and West Bengal has as they may be issued and in force from
time to time;
b) “Contract” means the contract signed by the parties to which these General
Conditions of Contract are attached together with all the documents listed in
Clause 1 of such signed Contract;
c) “Effective Date” means the date on which this contract comes into force and
effect pursuant to Clause CC2.1,
d) “CC” means these General Conditions of Contract;
e) “Government” means the Government of West Bengal;
f) “Personnel” means persons employed / hired by the consultants and
assigned to the performance of the service.
g) “Party” means the employer or the Consultants as the case may be and
parties mean both of them.
h) “Services” means the work to be performed by the consultants pursuant to
this contract for the purpose of the project as described in Appendix-1

1.2 Law Governing the Contract and the Jurisdiction of the Contract:
The contract, its meaning and interpretation and the relation between the
parties shall be governed by the applicable law and it shall be subjected to
the jurisdiction of the courts of Kolkata

1.3 Language:
The contract shall be executed in English, which shall be the binding and
controlling language for all matters relating to the meaning or interpretation
of this contract.

1.4 Headings:
The headings shall not limit, alter or affect the meaning of this contract.

1.5 Notices:
1.5.1 Any notice, request or consent required or permission to be given or
made pursuant to this contract shall be in writing.

1.5.2 Any such notice, request or consent shall be deemed to have
been given or made when delivered in person to an authorized
representative of the party to whom the communication is
addressed, or when sent by registered mail, at the address
specified as well as by email.

1.5.2 Notice will be deemed to be effective as follows:

In the case of personal delivery or registered mail on delivery;

1.5.3 A party may change its address for notice hereunder by giving
the other party notice of such change.

1.6. Location:
The services shall be performed in the Project Area of

1.7 Authorized Representatives:

Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any document
required or permitted to be executed, under this contract by the
employer or the consultants may be taken or executed by the officials

1.8 Taxes and Duties:

The consultants shall pay such taxes, duties, fees or other imposition
as may be levied under the applicable Law of Govt. of West Bengal &
Govt. of India/Local bodies. Statutory deduction of taxes as applicable
shall be made from the each running bill by the Engineer in Charge



2.1 Effectiveness of Contract:

This contract shall come into force and effect on the date of execution
of Contract i.e., signing of agreement (Effective Date).

2.2 Termination of Contract for Failure of Becoming Effective:

If this contract has not become effective within such time period after
the date of the Contract signed by the parties as shall be specified,
either party may, by not less than two (2) weeks written notice to the
other party, declare this contract to be null and void and in the event
of such declaration by either party, neither party shall have any claim
against the other party with respect hereto.
2.3 Commencement of Services:
The consultants shall begin carrying out the services, immediately after the
Effective Date, in any case, within two weeks after the effective date.

2.4 Expiration of Contract:

Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Clause-CC 2.9 hereof this contract
shall expire when services have been completed and all payments have been
made at the end of such time period after the effective date as per schedule
or extended period as approved by the employer as per codal norms.

2.5 This contract contains all covenants, stipulations agreed by the parties. No
agent or representative of either party has authority to make, and the parties
shall not be bound by or be liable for any statement representation promise
or agreement not set forth herein.

2.6 Modification:
Modification of the terms and conditions of this Contract including any
modification of the scope of the services may only be made by written
agreement between the parties. Pursuant to Clause-CC.7.2 hereof, however,
each party shall give due consideration to any proposals for modification
made by the other party.

2.7.1 Definition:
a) For the purpose of this contract, “Force Majeure” means an event
which is beyond the reasonable control of a party, and which makes a
party’s performance of its obligations hereunder impossible or so
impractical as reasonable to be considered impossible in the
circumstances, and includes but is not limited to pandemic, war, riots,
civil disorder, earthquake, fire explosion, storm, flood or other
weather conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action
(except where such strikes, lockouts or other industrial action are
within the power of the party invoking Force Majeure to prevent),
confiscation or any other action by government agencies.

b) Force Majeure shall not include:

1) any event which is caused by the negligence or intentional action of a
party or such party’s agents or employees, nor
2) any event which a diligent party could reasonably have been expected
to both (a) take into account at the time of the conclusion of this
contract and (b) avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its
obligations hereunder.
3) Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or failure to
make any payment required hereunder.

2.7.2 No Breach of Contract:
The failure of a party to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder shall not be
considered to be a breach of or default under this contract in so far as such inability
arises from an event of Force Majeure, provided that the party affected by such an
event has taken all reasonable alternative measure, all with the objective of
carrying out the terms and conditions of this contract.
2.7.3 Measures to be taken:
a. A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall take all reasonable
measures to remove such party’s inability to fulfill its obligations hereunder
with a minimum of delay.
b. A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify the other party of
such event as soon as possible and in any event not later than fourteen (14)
days following the occurrence of such event, providing evidence of the
nature and case of such event, and shall similarly give notice of the
restoration of normal conditions as soon as possible.
c. The parties shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the consequences
of an event of Force Majeure.
2.7.4 Extension of time:
Any period within a party shall, pursuant to this contract, complete any action or
task shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such party was
unable to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure. If for some other reason,
the consultant has exceeded the time schedule which necessitate an extension of
time, he shall apply in writing to the ………………………………… who shall grant it in
writing if reasonable grounds be shown for it through the Executive Engineer
(Engineer-in-charge) The extension time shall be applied for and obtained prior to
the expiry of the original contract period. In such case, the consultant shall not
claim either for exemption from the fine livable under Clause-8 of conditions of
contract or escalation of contract value.
2.7.5 Consultation:
Not later than thirty (30) days after the consultants, as the result of an event of
Force Majeure, have become unable to perform a material portion of the services,
the parties shall consult with each other with a view to agreeing on appropriate
measures to be taken in the circumstances.

2.7.6. Security Deposit:

The Consultant whose proposal is selected for acceptance shall make an Initial
Security Deposit (ISD) of 2% (two percent) of the accepted tendered amount and
sign the agreement in the prescribed from within 15 (fifteen) days from the issue of
letter of Acceptance (LoA). The …………………………..shall accept the initial security
deposit in the specified form to be drawn in favor of ……………………….. Thereafter
the EMD shall be refunded. The initial security deposit & the amount with held
according to the provision of the contract shall be retained as Security Deposit for
the due fulfillment of the agreement. Failure to enter in to the required agreement
and to make the initial security deposit as above within the specified time shall
entail forfeiture of the Earnest money and rejection of the tender.
Security Deposit shall also be forfeited for non-compliance of relevant clauses
mentioned else where in this RFP document.
The total amount of security money deposited by the consultant shall be 7% (seven
percent) of the accepted tender amount. The balance security amount will be made
up by deducting 5% (five percent) from the gross amount of payment.
The security deposit will be considered for refund to the consultant after 3(three)
months of the final approval of the Detail Project Report.
2.8 Suspension:
The employer may by written notice of suspension to the consultants suspend all
payments to the consultants hereunder if the consultants fail to perform any of
their obligations under this contract, including the carrying out of the services,
provided that such notice of suspension shall
(i) Specify the nature of the failure and
(ii) Request the consultants to remedy such failure within a period not
exceeding thirty (30) days after receipt by the consultants of such notice or
2.9 Termination:
2.9.1 By the employer:
The employer may give not less than thirty (30) days written notice of
termination to the consultants (except in the events listed in Para (e) below,
for which there shall be a written notice of not less than sixty (60) days)
such notice to be given after the occurrence of any of the events specified in
paragraph (a) through
(d) of this Clause 2.9.1 to terminate this contract.

a) If the consultant fails to remedy a failure in the performance of their

obligations hereunder, as specified in a notice of suspension pursuant
to Clause CC 2.8 herein above within thirty (30) days of receipt of
such notice of suspension or within such further period as the client
may have subsequently approved in writing.
b) If the consultant becomes insolvent or bankrupt or enters into any
agreements with their creditors for relief of debt or take advantage of
any law for the benefit of debtors or go into liquidation or
receivership whether compulsory or voluntary;
c) If the consultant submits to the employer a false statement which has
a material effect on the rights obligations or interests of the employer
and which the consultants knowingly raised.

d) If, as a result of Force Majeure, the consultants are unable to perform

a material portion of the services for a period of not less than sixty
(60) days or;

e) If the employer, in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever,
decided to terminate this contract.

2.9.2 By the Consultants:

The consultant may, by not less than thirty (30) day’s written notice
to the employer, such notice to be given after the occurrence of any of
the events specified in paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this Clause CC 2.9.2,
terminate this contract.

i) if the employer is in material breaches of its obligations

pursuant to this contract and has not remedied the same
within forty five (45) days (or such longer period as the
consultants may have subsequently approved in writing)
following the receipt by the employer of the consultants notice
specifying such breach.

ii) if, as a result of Force Majeure, the consultants are unable to

perform a material portion of the services for a period of not
less than sixty (60) days.

2.9.3 (a) Cessation of Rights and Obligations:

Upon termination of this contract pursuant to Clauses CC2.2 or 2.9
hereof, or upon expiration of this contract pursuant to clause CC 2.4
hereof all rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall cease,
i) Such rights and obligations as may have accrued on the date of
termination or expiration;
ii) the obligation of confidentiality set forth in Clause CC 3.3
iii) Any rights which a party may have under the applicable law.

2.9.3 (b) Cessation of Services:

Upon termination of this contract by notice of either party to the
other pursuant to Clauses 2.9.1 or 2.9.2 hereof the consultants shall
immediately upon dispatch or receipt of such notice take all
necessary steps to bring the services to a close in a prompt and
orderly manner and shall make every reasonable effort to keep
expenditure for this purpose to a minimum. With respect to
documents prepared by the consultants, the consultants shall proceed
as provided, respectively, by Clauses CC 3.3 hereof.

2.9.4 Payment upon Termination

Upon termination of this contract pursuant to Clause CC 2.9.1 or 2.9.2
hereof, the employer shall make the following payments to the
consultants (after offsetting against these payments any amount that
may be due from the consultant to the employer).
Remuneration pursuant to Clause CC 6 hereof for services
satisfactorily performed prior to the effective date of termination.


3.1 General:
3.1.1 Standard of Performance:

The consultants shall perform the services and carry out their
obligations hereunder with all due diligence, efficiency and economy
in accordance with generally accepted professional techniques and
practices and shall observe sound management practices and employ
appropriate advanced technology and safe and effective equipment,
machinery, materials and methods. The consultants shall always act
in respect of any matter relating to the contract or to the services, as
faithful advisers of the employer and shall at all times support and
safeguard the employer’s legitimate interests in any dealings with
third parties.

3.2 Conflict of Interest:

3.2.1 Consultant not to benefit from the Commissions, Discounts etc.:
The remuneration of the consultants pursuant to Clause CC 6 hereof
shall constitute the consultant’s sole remuneration in connection with
this contract or the services and subject to Clause CC 3.2.2 hereof, the
consultants shall not accept for their own benefit any trade commission,
discount or similar payment in connection with activities pursuant to
this contract or to the services or in the discharge of their obligations
hereunder and the consultants shall use their best efforts to ensure that
none of their personnel and agents or either of them similarly shall not
receive any such additional remuneration.

3.2.2 Prohibition of conflicting activities:

Neither consultants nor their personnel shall engage either directly
or indirectly during the term of this contract in any business or
professional activities in West Bengal / India which will conflict with
the activities assigned to them under this contract.

3.3 Confidentiality:
The consultants and their personnel shall not either during the term or after
the expiration of this contract disclose any property or confidential
information relating to the project, the services of this contract or the
employer business or operations without the prior written consent of the

3.4 Reporting Obligations:

The consultants shall submit to the employer the reports and documents
specified in Terms of Reference hereto in the numbers and within the time
periods set forth in the said Terms of Reference.

3.5 Documents prepared by the Consultants to be the property of the

All plans, drawings, specifications, designs, reports, software’s and other
documents prepared by the consultants in performing the services shall
become and remain the property of the employer and the consultants shall
not later than upon termination or expiration of this contract, deliver all
such documents to the employer, together with a detailed inventory thereof.
The consultants may retain a copy of such documents. The consultant shall
however not use these documents for any purposes to any agency other than
the employer without prior written approval of the employer.

3.6 Equipment and Materials required for carrying out of the services:
It is the responsibilities of consultant to provide / deploy / engage all the
required equipment and materials, hardware and software etc. carrying out
the services.

4.1 General:
The consultants shall employ and provide such qualified and experienced
personnel as are required to carry out the services.

4.2 Resident Project Manager & Project Office:

The selected firm shall have to set up a Project Office at Kolkata as per the


5.1 Assistance and Exemptions:
The employer shall use its best efforts to ensure to:
a. Provide the consultants and their personnel with all
information/documents available with the employer as shall be
necessary to enable the consultants, or their personnel to perform the
b. Request to officials, agents and representatives of other Government
departments as may be necessary or appropriate for providing
information necessary for the prompt and effective implementation
of the services.
5.2 Changes in the Applicable Law:
Irrespective of any change in the applicable law with respect to taxes and
duties which increases or decreases the cost incurred by the consultants in
performing the services during period of this contract, the remuneration
otherwise payable to the consultants under this contract shall be fixed
accordingly by agreement between the parties thereto.
5.3 Payment:
In consideration of the services performed by the consultants under this
contract, the employer shall make to the consultants such payments and in
such manner as is provided by Clause CC 6 of this contract.
The payment shall be made as per the following schedule of payment :

Schedule of Payment

Sl. Activity/ Report % of Quoted

No. Price
1. On submission, presentation & approval of 20%
detailed Surveying, Investigation work for
source sustainability with submission of reports
& drawing along with copy of level book and
submission of pipe network design for rising
mains & distribution networks.
2. On submission, presentation & approval of 30%
Draft Detailed Project Report.
3. On submission, presentation & approval of 50%
Final Detailed Project Report, cost estimate with
analysis, & Bill of Quantities.
Total 100%
7.1 Good Faith:
The parties undertake to act in good faith with respect to each others rights
under this contract and to adopt all reasonable measures to ensure the
realization of the objectives of this contract.
7.2 Operation of the Contract:
The parties recognize that it is impossible in this contract to provide for
every contingency which may arise during the life of the contract, and the
Parties hereby agree that it is their intention that this contract shall operate
fairly as between them and without detriment to the interest of either of
Should the consultant fail to complete the work or unable to show the progress as
per the execution schedule, the consultant shall pay to the Employer as fixed and
agreed liquidated damages and not as penalty, the sum shown below for every date
Liquidated Damage @ 0.5% of the contract value per day beyond the
stipulated period of completion shall be realized from the consultant subject
to a maximum of 10% of the contract value.
9.1 Amicable settlement:
The parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising
out of or in connection with this contract or the interpretation thereof. In
case of employer, the decision of the ……………………………. shall be final and
9.2 Dispute Settlement:
Disputes which cannot be settled amicably within thirty (30) days after
receipt by one party of the other party’s request may be taken up by either
party for settlement in accordance with the Applicable Law within
jurisdiction of courts of Kolkata.


(An example is given below and suitably modified as per the propose specific

1. Area to be covered:- All urban local bodies of West Bengal

2. Concept:
More information/data, if required for detail engineering shall be collected from
the Office of the …………………………………………………... However, further information/
data, if required shall be collected by the bidder from other offices & institutions at
his own cost.
3. Objectives:
The objective of the study is for preparation of Detail Engineering & Design for the
work “Urban Piped Water Supply Project For AMRUT 2.0
4. Scope of Work:
Preparation of DPR for the work “Urban Piped Water Supply Project urban water
supply schemes, sewerage / septage and water body rejuvenation
schemes for different urban local bodies under amrut 2.0”
i) ” with the rate of supply 70 lpcd and the design period of all components of
the system 30 years is to be made.
ii) The DPR should be prepared for the entire project area covering all
habitations/ wards of the Urban Local Body where the project is to be
implemented. However, wards/habitations left out, if any, in the proposed
scheme may be considered in consultation with the Authority concerned.
(wards having PWS facilities shall also be included)
iii) To undertake site visits, carryout necessary detailed survey & investigation,
identify gaps in data & information interaction with Urban Local Body /
Development Authority / Municipal Engineering Dte Officials, local people
where ever necessary.

iv) To assess the various water supply plans, system being taken up in the area
& determine their interference & interaction with the proposed W/S system
and sewerage / septage and water body rejuvenation schemes

v) To identify the proper location of water source, i.e., intake well near or inside
the source , Infiltration gallery, in case if required to add storage capacity by
construction of weirs or barrages, alignment of raw and clear water rising
mains and distribution networks, cross-drainage features, canal, road (State
Highway & National Highway) and railway crossing etc., pumping stations
(PS), Water Treatment Plant/Unit, Elevated Storage Reservoir (ESR) &
Ground Storage Reservoir (GSR) and power supply etc.
vi) To carry out Total Station (TS) survey for raw & clear water rising mains and
distribution networks, contour survey for source and WTP site wherever

vii) To fix up bench-mark stations at all proposed sites such as Intake Well, WTP,
E.S.R, G.S.R etc.

viii) To carry out soil investigation such as collection of sample & testing as per
relevant BIS for water retaining structures i.e., Intake well, WTP, PS, ESR &
GSR etc.
ix) To carry out trial pit up to 1.5m depth at a distance 0.5 Km. to 1.0 Km.
depending upon change of direction, gradient, obstruction etc. for raw &
clear water rising mains in order to assess the type of soil excavation &
water table condition for laying of pipe line.
x) Preparation of hydraulic design and specification for pumping systems at
Intake, WTP & Storage site etc., specification of pipes, valves & other fittings
xi) Detailed hydraulic design & drawing along with ‘L’ section of raw & clear
water rising mains and distribution system along with inter-connection
arrangements for consecutive zones. Detailed structural design & drawings
of intake well, WTP, ESR & GSR, pumping arrangement, thrust blocks,
chambers for water appurtenances, and power supply & other related
structures etc. in all complete. All drawings are to be made in Auto-CAD with
appropriate to the scale..
xii) Distribution network & inter-connection arrangements with adjacent zones
design & layout plan prepared by manual/ established software shall be
submitted to employer with details of references. The entire water supply
system should be designed to ensure 8 hours water supply per day to the
rural area. The softcopies of the design calculations and drawings as well as
the software required to check the design calculations shall be submitted by
the agency to the Department. The manual design calculation shall also be
submitted by the agency. Distribution Net work design should be established
considering 100% household connection. In case of concrete roads, detail
survey should be made for laying pipe line in one side of the road or at the
both side or in any other alternative roads considering economic feasibility.
xiii) Preparation of cost estimates with the detail analysis etc. The cost estimate
should be as per the current Schedule of Rates (CSR) of GoWB for the
scheduled items. Non-scheduled items shall be on the lowest current
prevailing market rates and the rates obtained from different sources shall
also be submitted. Cost analysis shall be as per West Bengal State PWD
/PHE/ KMDA analysis of rates. No lump sum provision in the estimate is
xiv) To prepare bill of quantities, specifications & tender documents for bidding
the above work in consultation with Engineer-in-charge.
xv) While preparing the above DPR, CPHEEO Manual on Water Supply &
Treatment published by Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Govt. of India,
latest relevant BIS Codes of Practice & Specification & other
standard/statutory books shall be followed.
xvi) The final DPR with final BOQs with cost of estimates are to be submitted
after incorporating the comments and findings of the department in the draft

DPR. The detail design and estimate shall be vetted by an institution of
repute like IIEST / JU / NIT / IIT etc.
xvii) Documentation & Report Preparation:
Comprehensive report should include all above mentioned information as
well as submission of survey and investigation report, Geo-technical study
report with all maps, field data, all design and drawing of all component of
water supply project and the cost estimate of the project along with
supporting analysis.
5. Time Schedule for Completion of Work:
The consultant shall complete all the tasks indicated above within a period of 2
(two) months.

Sl. Items (from the date of
issue of work order)
Survey & investigation, Geo-technical study (5
1 20
Hard Copy + 1 Soft Copy)
Detailed design & drawing of intake well, ESR
& GSR, Pump House & Pumps, treatment plant,
2 raw & clear water rising mains, Power Supply 20
etc with cost estimate. (5 Hard Copy + 1 Soft
Submission of Draft DPR (5 Hard Copy + 1 Soft
3 10
Submission of Final DPR (5 Hard Copy + 1 Soft
4 10
Note :(i)The consultant/ consultancy firm may furnish time schedule break-up as per the
above items limiting to total execution period of 60 (Sixty) days with Bar Chart.
(ii) Besides, the consultant shall also give hard & soft copies
(iii) During such process, as and when required, the consultant should
attend and clarify the doubts/query if any raised by the Department.



1. Format of Letter of Acceptance

2. Schedule A - PAN & Details of Clearance

3. Schedule B - Record of Arbitration and Litigation

4. Schedule C - History of Criminal Cases

5. Schedule D - General Power of Attorney

6. Schedule E - Affidavit

Consultant shall enclose the above documents/information in the prescribed form






Sub: Tender for …………………………………………………………………………

Ref: Your Tender for the above work ………………….……………………………

Kindly refer to your letter No.…………………… Dated.….………... forwarding your Tender

in response to Invitation to Tender No……………………..

You are hereby informed that the referenced Tender is accepted.

You are requested to furnish the security deposit in the form specified in Clause 2.7.6. of
the Conditions of Contract within seven days of the receipt of this letter and are also
requested to be present all the Office of the …………………………………………… for execution of
Contract documents along with non judicial stamp paper as per conditions of contract.

The Contract will be governed by the Conditions of Contract as set out in the Tender
Documents subject to modifications accepted by the …………………………………………………..

Please return this copy duly accepted and signed.

Yours Sincerely,

(Signature) Accepted

Signature, Name & Designation

Seal of Firm



(To be forwarded on the letter head of the Consultants)



(To be forwarded on the letter head of the Consultants)
The Consultant shall record chronologically any disputes he has had with any of his
previous Clients during the last Ten (10) years, indicate whether arbitration or Litigation, the
nature, approximate duration and amount of claim involved in respective cases.

ofClient,telephoneno.andfaxno. Nature of Dispute

Amount claimed(Rs.inlakh)
Project Identification

Arbitrations /litigations
Name and Address

In favour of Client


Sl. No.


Name: Date:

Signature: Designation: Seal of Company



(To be forwarded on the letter head of the Consultants)
Sl. of Town or FIR No & Details of Stage of
No. Police Village Date the the
n and District charges case/Result

Name: Date:

Signature: Designation: Seal of Company



By this power of Attorney, I/We ……………………………..………………………, S/o

………………………………………. aged about …………. years, R/O. ……………….

……………………………………… Partners of …………………………………………… having its registered

office at ……………..……………………………… hereby appoint
……………………………………. aged about ……. years S/o …………………………

………………………… as our lawful attorney on behalf of the company, to do and execute all or
any of the following acts, deed and things, that is to say:

1. To apply for, obtain and renew all licenses, permits, etc. that are necessary for
carrying on the said business.

2. To submit all statements, returns, etc. To proper authorities as required by any

law or rule in force and to verify the same by production of documents and

3. To appoint, employ, dismiss or discharge any agent, broker, office, clerk, peon, or
any other person at such remuneration, commission, or salary, as the said
attorney thinks fit.

4. To draw, accept, endorse, negotiate or pay any bill of exchange, hundi, promissory
note, cheque, draft, railway receipt, bill of lading or other instrument which may
be deemed necessary for carrying on the said business.

5. To open and operate bank accounts in any bank or banks in the name of the firm
and/or to authorize any person or persons to operate the above bank account.

6. To borrow or raise loans from time to time, such sums of money, from any
individuals, recognized financial institutions such as Banks, etc. and upon such
terms as the said attorney may think fit upon the security of any of the properties
of the firm ……………………………. Whether movable or immovable and for such
purpose to execute such document or documents as may be necessary for
securing the repayment of such loan or loans.

7. To negotiate, enter into any bargain, do all acts, things or execute any deeds or
documents or other instruments or assurances as may be necessary for selling,
mortgaging or purchasing any movable or immovable property, from any
individual, recognized financial institutions such as Banks etc. And upon such
terms as the said attorney may thinks fit.

8. To institute contest, compound, submit all suits proceedings, claims, demands etc.
arising in course of or in relation to the aforesaid business.

9. To execute and sign in our name individually or collectively and on our behalf
any document, letter or deed in respect of …………………….. to carry on the business

And I/We hereby agree to ratify and confirm all and whatsoever our said attorney
shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of this deed.

In witness whereof, I / We the said partners has hereto signed at ………………….

on this day the ……………………………

WITNESSES: Name of Partner Signatures

1. 1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.




1. I/We ________________________________ certify that all information furnished is true and

agree that my / our Tender shall be rejected if I / we am / are found to have misled
or made false representation in the form of any of the Schedules of Supplementary
information and / or statements submitted in proof of the eligibility and
qualification requirements or if I / We have a record of poor performance such as
absconding from work, works not properly completed as per contract, in ordinate
delays in completion, financial failure and / or has / have participated in previous
Tendering for the same work/s and had quoted unreasonable high Tender
premium. In addition I/we shall be blacklisted and the work be taken over invoking
relevant clause of the General conditions of contract and conditions of particular

2. I/We ________________________________ agree to be disqualified for Tendering further

consultancy services in the ……………………… if I/We
____________ withdraw my/our Tender without a valid reason (to be decided by the
Authority competent to accept this tender).

3. I/We ________________________________ certify that no criminal cases are pending against

me/us partners at the time of submitting the Tender.

4. I/We ________________________________ accept that my / our Tender shall be rejected if

any criminal cases are pending against me/us/partners of the firm at the time of
submitting the Tender.

5. I/We ________________________________ agree that if the history of litigation, pending

against me/us/Partners furnished by me/us is false, I / We _____________________ will
attend by the action taken by the …………………... Without approaching any court
whatsoever for redress. However, I/We shall be given suitable opportunity to offer
my/our explanation before action is taken against me/us.

6. I/We ________________________________ certify that the following addenda issued by the

…………………………., Govt of West Bengal , Kolkata have been received by me/us and
incorporated in my/ our Tender.

1. Dated

2. Dated

3. Dated

(Add if the addenda issued are more than 3)

7. Further I/We ___________________________ certify that no near relatives (as defined in It
3.3 (e)) are working in the ………………

8. I / We _________________________________ also agree to undertake to keep accurate and

system of accounts records and furnish the same (including that of sub-contractor)
and agree to reimburse ………………….. Any excess amount claimed by me / us over
and above my / our entitlement as per relevant clause of the General Conditions of

Dated this … … … … … … … day of … … … … … … 2022.. ..

Signature … … … … … … … … … … … in the capacity of … … … … … … … duly authorized to sign

the Tender for and on behalf of


(Block Capitals)

Signature of Witness:

Name of Witness:

Address of Witness:


Issued (if any)

(Consultant shall enter the particulars of addenda issued by the ………………………. and
enclose the addenda to the Tender ………….. at the time of uploading the Tender.

Sl. No. Date of issue Description



A] Consultant’s Organization:
[Provide here a brief description of the background and organization of your
firm/entity for this Assignment/job. The brief description
should include ownership details, date and place of incorporation of the firm,
objectives of the firm etc.]
B] Consultant’s Experience:
[Using the format below, provide information on each Assignment/job for which
your firm was legally contracted for carrying out consulting Assignment/job
similar to the ones requested under this Assignment/job (If possible, the
employer shall specify exact assignment / job for which experience details may
be submitted).

1. 1. Firm’s Name:
1 Assignment/job name:

1.1 Description of Project

1.2 Approx. value of the contract (in Rupees):

1.3 Country:

1.4 Location within country:

1.5 Duration of Assignment/job (months) :

1.6 Name of Employer:

1.7 Address:

1.8 Approx. value of the Assignment/job provided

by your firm under the contract (in Rupees):
1.9 Start date (month/year):

1.10 Completion date (month/year):

1.11 Description of actual Assignment/job provided

by your staff within the Assignment/job:

Note: (i) Please provide documentary evidence from the client i.e., copy of work order, contract
for each of above mentioned assignment, completion certificate. The experience
shall not be considered for evaluation if such requisite support documents are not
provided with the proposal.
(ii) Separate sheets may be used for number of projects / assignments.




1. Proposed Position: [For each position of

key professional separate form
will be prepared] :

2. Name of Firm: [Insert name of firm

proposing the staff] :

3. Name of Staff: [Insert full name] :

4. Date of Birth :

5. Nationality :

6. Education: [Indicate college/university

and other specialized education of staff
member, giving names of institutions, degrees
obtained, and dates of obtainment] :

7. Membership of Professional Associations:

8. Other Training :

9. Countries of Work Experience: [List countries

Where staff has worked in the last ten years]:

10. Languages [For each language indicate

Proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking,
Reading and writing] :

11. Employment Record: [Starting with present position,
list in reverse order every employment held by staff
member since graduation, giving for each
employment (see format here below): dates of
employment, name of employing organization,
positions held.]:

From [Year] : To Year]:

Employer :
Positions held :

12. Detailed Tasks Assigned [List all tasks to be

Performed under this Assignment/job] :

13. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates

Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned [Among
the Assignment/jobs in which the staff has been
involved, indicate the following information for
those Assignment /jobs that best illustrate staff
capability to handle the tasks listed under point

Name of Assignment/job or project :

Year :
Location :
Employer :
Main project features :
Positions held :
Activities performed :

14. Certification:

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any willful misstatement described
herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

[Signature of staff member or authorized
Representative of the staff]

[Full name of authorized representative]



Certified that I have furnished Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) valuing

Rs.2,00,000 /- with the financial bid document in Cover-B as per Section –II, Clause 19.3 &
23.1 of DTCN.


FULL NAME: ____________________________


(Particulars of Consultant)


Proposed Methodology and Work plan

(To be given in letter head of consultant)

The proposed methodology and work plan shall be described as follows:

1. Understanding of TOR (not more than two pages): The consultant shall clearly
state its understanding of the ToR and also highlight its important aspects. The
consultant may supplement various requirements of the ToR and also make
precise suggestion if it considers this would bring more clarity and assists in
achieving the objectives laid down in the ToR.

2. Methodology & work plan (not more than 3 pages): The consultant will submit its
methodology for carrying out this assignment, outlining its approach toward
achieving the objectives laid down in the ToR. The consultant will submit a brief
write up on its proposed team and organization of personnel explaining how
different areas of expertise needed for this assignment have been fully covered by
its proposal. In case the consultant is a consortium, its should specified how the
expertise of each firm is proposed to be utilized for this assignment. The
consultant should specified the sequence and locations of important activities and
provide a quality assurance to plan for carrying out the consultancy services.

3. Organisation and staffing: The consultant should proposed and justified the
structure and composition of his team and should list the main discipline of the
assignment, the key expert responsible and proposed technical support staff.



Name of the consultancy firm:

1. Responsiveness:

Sl Item Required
No response
1 Has the consultant paid the RFP document fees Yes/ No
2 Has the consultant submitted the requisite bid processing fee Yes/ No
and bid security
3 Have all the pages required to be signed by the authorized Yes/ No
representatives of the consultant been signed
4 Has the power of attorney been submitted in the name of Yes/ No
authorized representative
5 Deleted Yes/ No

6 Has the consultant submitted all the required forms of the Yes/ No
technical proposal
7 Does the technical proposal contained in any financial Yes/ No
8 Is financial proposal uploaded separately Yes/ No

2. Evaluation of proposal

Sl No Item Required
1 Does the consultancy firm have the required experience Yes/ No
2 Does the proposed methodology of work fulfill the Yes/ No
objectives of the job till the last details of the TOR
3 Does the methodology, work plan and staffing schedule Yes/ No
provide coverage of the entire scope of the work as
described in ToR
4 Does the team leader fulfill the minimum educational Yes/ No
qualification and experience criteria
5 Has the consultant provided the requisite expertise of the Yes/ No
6 Does the key professional fulfill minimum the qualification Yes/ No
and experience criteria
7 Does the staffing schedule (proposed is adequate the Yes/ No
responsibility assigned to them) for performing the entire
scope of work indicated in the ToR



To be submitted online mode

Sl. Item Estimated Amount Quoted GST in Total quoted

No. Amount (Including all %age amount
taxes except

A B C D E F= D+E

1. preparation of detailed
project report for urban
water supply scheme,
sewerage/septage and
water body rejuvenation
schemes for different Rate to be
Rs. ………… ……% Rs. …………………..
urban local bodies under quoted
AMRUT 2.0. as per
Terms of Reference &
other conditions
stipulated in the Tender

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by SAMARENDRA NATH
57 DAS
Date: 2022.08.26 17:16:29 IST
Location: West Bengal-WB

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