PMC RFP 31082015 R5 SKC
PMC RFP 31082015 R5 SKC
PMC RFP 31082015 R5 SKC
GMFB Building,
Sector-10 (A), Gandhinagar-382 010
Phone:, 79-23245928
Fax: (079) 23245921
E-mail:- [email protected], [email protected]
E-Tender Notice 5
GM14FB Building,
GUDM, Gandhinagar invites online tenders from reputed multidisciplinary consultancy firm who have
experience in PMC services for various Smart City, AMRUT cities and other infrastructure projects of
center and state Government from Indian Consultancy firms:
a) This notice and tender documents are available on following internet site address for e-
tender. and GUDM web site
b) A complete set of tender can be downloaded from above websites.
c) Bids shall remain valid for 180 days (one hundred and eighty days) from the date of
submission of the tender.
d) Any bid not accompanied by cost of tender and Earnest Money as in the NIT will be rejected
as nonresponsive.
e) GUDM will not be responsible for any delay in submission of bid in electronic/ physical form
f) GUDM reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to cancel the bidding process and
reject all bids, at any time prior to award of the Contract, without incurring any liability to the
affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders on the
grounds of Employer’s action
g) Address of Communication
This tender notice can be viewed on, tender documents can be downloaded and submitted on the
http:\\ website
Amount Details
RFP Dates Note: All Dates are in dd/mm/yyyy hr: min as per Indian Standard Time (IST)
Pre Bid Meeting Venue GUDM Office, GMFB Building , Sector - 10A, Gandhinagar
Bid Validity Period 180 Days from last date of submission of bid. (may be extended if requested)
Physical submission of RFP • Instrument of RFP fee & EMD shall be submitted in electronic format only
Fee, Earnest Money through online (By scanning) while uploading the bid. This submission
Deposit and PQ supporting shall mean that RFP fee and EMD are received for purpose of opening the
documents bid. Accordingly those offers shall be opened whose RFP fee and EMD is
received electronically.
• However for the purpose of realization of instrument of RFP fee & EMD,
consultant shall send the same in original through RPAD / Speed Post /
Courier / Hand to Hand delivery so as to reach to the office of the GUDM,
Gandhinagar during office hours as per the dates given in NIT.
• Consultants who fail to furnish RFP fee & EMD as submitted with their
online proposals in original within stipulated time as indicated above will
be outright rejected and their proposal shall not be considered for further
• Interested consultants can download the tender document free of cost from the
• Bidders who wish to participate in the Tender will have to register on web
site .
2 Digital Certificate
• Bidders who wish to participate in this Tender will have to procure / should have legally
valid Digital Certificate as per Information Technology Act-2000 (Class-III) using which
they can sign their electronic RFP.
• Bidders can procure the same from (n)Code Solutions-A Division of GNFC Ltd. who are
licensed Certifying Authority by Govt. of India having following address and contact
(n)Code Solutions (A Division of GNFC Ltd.)
(n) Procure Cell
403, GNFC Info tower, S.G.Road,
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 300054. Gujarat
Phone : +91 79 40007501, 40007512, 40007516, 40007517, 40007525
+91 79 26854511 to 13, (Ext. 501,512,516,517,525), +91 79 30181689
Fax : +91 79 26857321, 40007533
Email : [email protected]
TOLL FREE NUMBER : 1-800-233-1010 (Ext. 501,512,516,517,525)
• Bidders who already have a valid Digital Certificate need not procure a new Digital
3 Pre-Bid Conference
• Pre-bid conference for this tender shall be conducted on the date shown above at
Gujarat Urban Development Mission, GMFB Building,Sector-10-A,Gandhinagar - 382010
• The Bidders shall obtain the clarifications to the queries raised in form of Minutes of
Meeting which will be uploaded by GUDM on the website. These Minutes shall be a part
of Tender Document.
• Bidders can prepare and edit their offers number of times before final submission. Once
finally submitted bidder cannot edit their offers submitted in any case. No written or
online request in this regards shall be granted.
• Bidder shall submit their offer i.e. Technical bid as well as price Bid in Electronic Form on
the above mentioned website latest by the submission date as mentioned above after
digitally signing the same.
• Offers submitted without digitally signed will not be accepted.
• Offers only in physical form will not be accepted in any case.
5 Opening of Tender
• Opening of Bid documents will be held on Dt. & time shown above in the office of Chief
Engineer & GM (Tech.) GUDM, Gandhinagar.
• Intending bidders or the representative who wish to remain present at GUDM, premises
at the time of tender opening can do so.
• The Offline technical evaluation of the tenders received on or before last date of
submission would be done and results will be displayed on website.
• After Successful completion of Technical Evaluation, price bid of only those bidders shall
be openedonline who are found qualified.
6 Contacting officer
• The fees for online tender document will not be refunded under any circumstances.
• Consulting Firms shall have to submit technical bid as well as price bid in electronic format
only on nprocure website till the last date and time for submission.
• Bids shall only be signed by Authorized Signatory.
• Offers only in physical form will not be accepted in any case
• EMD in the form specified in tender document only shall be accepted.
• Tenders without Tender fees, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and which do not fulfill all or
any of the condition or submitted incomplete in any respect will be rejected.
• Conditionaltendershallnotbe accepted.
• Bids shall be self-explanatory, self-content proposal, no reference to external documents will
be considered. Reference documents uploaded with the bid will only be considered
• The bidder are advised to read carefully the Instruction to Bidder, Eligibility criteria for
qualification contained in the tender documents
• Bid once submitted shall not be amended /appended after the last date of submission, unless
in response to some queries or clarification sought by GUDM.
• The tender notice shall form a part of tender document.
• The Bidders are advised to read carefully the “Instruction for Bidder” and
• "Eligibility Criteria” contained in the tender documents.
• The internet site address for E-Tender is
Tender Documents are also available on GUDM website
• Other terms and conditions as per detailed tender documents
8 GUDM reserve the rights to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
Chief Engineer&
General Manger (Tech)
GUDM, Gandhinagar
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Sub: Request for Proposal (RFP) for selection and appointment of Consultant for PMC
services for Urban Development Projects under Smart City & AMRUT and other
infrastructure projects of Center and State Govt. in Gujarat through a Quality and Cost
Based Selection (QCBS) process.
(1) GUDM has taken up implementation of the Urban Development Projects for Smart Cities
& AMRUT and other infrastructure projects of Center and State Govt. Projects for cities
of the state. The projects are being implemented in a phased manner. The eligible
payments under this contract shall be made from the funds received from Government
of Gujarat and /or Government of India. The projects will be executed through
(2) GUDM intends to appoint a Consultant for PMC services for Urban development projects
and other infrastructure projects of Center and State Gujarat from qualified,
technically competent, experienced consultancy agencies. The objective of the
assignment is to ensure quality assurance, timely completion of projects within the
budgeted costs.
(3) The duration time of completion and commissioning of the projects is planned for 36
months; which may be extended if required
(4) A Firm will be selected based on Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) procedures
described in this RFP.
(6) Aggregated cost of the projects put under the consultancy service is to the tune of
approximately Rs. 6000 Cr. Of this the Civil Infrastructure projects are estimated at Rs
5500 Cr and the ICT works are estimated at Rs 500 Cr.
(7) PMC has to quote separately for professional fees as percentage of the awarded value of
works for each of the two categories indicated above. The Bill of Material and the cost
quoted by contractor for execution of the works under the contractor, shall be used for
determination of the category of the work and the applicable rate and total payable fees
to the PMC.
(8) The eligibility criteria as per the Section-2(C) of this RFP.
(9) Consultants are, therefore, invited through this Request for Proposal (RFP) to upload
with digitally signed your Technical and Financial offers for further consideration by
GUDM for selection of the consultants.
(10) This Volume- 1 of Technical proposal includes the following sections. Volume- 2, is the
price proposal, provided in a separate volume
Yours sincerely,
1.1. The Client named in the "Data Sheet" will select a Firm in accordance with the method
of selection indicated in the Data Sheet and detailed in the Guidelines given in the Data
1.1.1.Selection of consultant by the GUDM will be Quality and Cost Based Selection
(QCBS method) out of the firms responding for the RFP
1.2. The consultants are invited to submit electronically under e-tender procedure the
Technical Proposal and a Financial Proposal as specified in the Data Sheet (the
proposal) for consulting services required for the Assignment named in the Data Sheet.
The Proposal will be the basis for contract negotiations and ultimately signature of a
contract with the selected Firm.
1.3. The Assignment shall be implemented in accordance with the phasing indicated in the
Data Sheet. When the Assignment includes several phases, continuation of services for
the next phase shall be subject to satisfactory performance of the previous phase, as
determined by the Client.
1.4. The Consultants must familiarize themselves with local conditions and take them into
account in preparing their proposals. To obtain first-hand information on the
Assignment and on the local conditions, consultants are encouraged to pay a visit to the
Client/Project Locations before submitting a Proposal. The Consultant's representative
should contact the officials named in the Data Sheet to arrange for their visit or to
obtain additional information. Consultants should ensure that these officials are
advised of the visit in adequate time to allow them to make appropriate arrangements.
1.5. The Client will provide the inputs specified in the Data Sheet, assist the Consultants in
obtaining licenses and permits needed to carry out the services, and make available
relevant project data and reports.
1.5.1.In preparing their proposals, consultant are expected to examine in detail the
documents comprising the RFP, material deficiencies in providing the information
requested may results in rejection of a proposal.
1.6. Please note that (i) the costs of preparing the proposal and of negotiating the contract,
including a visit to the Client, are not reimbursable (ii) the Client is not bound to accept
any of the Proposals submitted.
1.7. The Client policy requires that Consultants provide professional, objective, and
impartial expert Technical advice which is technologically sound, economical &
environmentally sustainable and at all times hold the Client's interests paramount,
without any consideration for future work, and strictly avoid conflicts with other
assignments or their own Corporate interests. Consultants shall not be hired for any
assignment that would be in conflict with their prior or current obligations to other
clients, or that may place them in a position of not being able to carry out the
assignment in the best interest of the Client.
1.7.1 Without limitation on the generality of this rule, consultants shall not be hired
under the circumstances set forth below;
(a) A Consultant which has been engaged by the Client to provide goods or
works for a project, and any of their affiliates, shall be disqualified from
providing consulting services for the same project. Conversely,
Consultants hired to provide consulting services for the preparation or
implementation of a project, and any of their affiliates, shall be
disqualified from subsequently providing goods or works or services
related to the initial assignment (other than a continuation of the
Consultant's earlier consulting services) for the same project.
(b) Consultants or any of their affiliates shall not be hired for any
assignment which, by its nature, may be in conflict with another
assignment of the consultants.
1.7.2 As pointed out in Para 1.7.1(a) above, consultants may be hired for downstream
work, when continuity is essential, in which case this possibility shall be
indicated in the Data Sheet and the factors used for the selection of the
consultant should take the likelihood of continuation into account. It will be the
exclusive decision of the Client whether or not to have the downstream
assignment carried out, and if it is carried out, which consultant will be hired for
the purpose.
1.7.3 Any previous or ongoing participation in relation to the assignment by the Firm,
its professional staff, or its affiliates or associates under a contract with the
Client may result in rejection of the proposal. Consultants should clarify their
situation in that respect with the Client before preparing the proposal.
1.8 It is the Client's policy to require that consultants under contracts observe the highest
standard of ethics during the selection and execution of contracts. In pursuance of this
policy, the Client ;
(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows :
(b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Firm recommended for
award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent activities in competing for the
contract in question;
(c) will cancel the portion of the payment allocated to the Firm's contract if it at any
time determines that corrupt or fraudulent practices were engaged in by
representatives of the Consultant during the selection process or the execution
of that contract, without the Consultant having taken timely and appropriate
action satisfactory to the Client to remedy the situation;
(d) will declare a Firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to
be awarded a contract if it at any time determines that the Firm has engaged in
corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract; and
(e) will have the right to require that, in contract a provision be included requiring
consultants to permit the Client to inspect their accounts and records relating to
the performance of the contract and to have them audited by auditors
appointed by the Client.
1.9 The terms / conditions and detailed scope of work with the contractor shall be part
of the RFP
1.10 Consultant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of
their proposals. Costs might include site visit, collection of information and if
selected attendance at contract negotiation.
Joint venture/ consortium of two firms/ companies shall be allowed for the works, Lead
Partner shall be for Infrastructure related services and other is for only IT related services. All
the parties of the JV shall be jointly and severally responsible to the client for this Contract.
(a) A Joint venture agreement must be submitted along with the documents in which
minimum share of lead member shall have to be 80% and share of other member shall
not be less than 10%.
(b) Lead partner shall have to satisfy Infrastructure criteria and IT partner has to satisfy IT
criteria mentioned.
In case, the applicant/JV partner has achieved physical & financial performance for the
criteria mentioned above in past, in joint venture with other bidder (other than present JV
partner), the portion of the work (physically and financially) of the bidder included in their
Joint Venture Agreement in original contract work shall only be considered for evaluation
In joint venture consortium the lead partner shall only be an Indian citizen, Indian
partnership firm or Indian private/ public limited company.
(c) The individual members who join in JV shall have to give an undertaking that they will
maintain status-quo till the completion of the work is awarded to the JV Consortium, the
same JV Consortium shall be maintained till the satisfactory completion of the work. This
undertaking shall be submitted on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100 duly signed by
authorized signatory, which shall be notarized.
(d) In case of Bidder participating as a Joint Venture, on his selection for award of contract, all
the partners/members of the Joint Venture will have to sign the Contract with the employer
and will be jointly and severally liable for performance of the contract. Award of Contract will
be in the name of Joint Venture/ consortium which will be considered as “Legal Entity” as far
as this Bid/ Contract is concerned.
(e) The Bid, and in case of a successful bid, the Form of Contract Agreement, shall be signed
with the name of Joint Venture which will be legally binding on all the JV partners;
(f) Lead partner shall be declared as Prime Bidder authorized to be in charge; and this
authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a Power of Attorney signed by legally
authorized signatories of all the JV Partners;
(g) The member in charge shall be authorized to incur liabilities, receive payments and
receive instructions for and on behalf of any or all partners of the Joint Venture and the
entire execution of the contract including defect liability period;
(h) All members of the Joint Venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of
the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and a relevant statement to this effect
shall be included in the Authorization mentioned under (e) above as well as in the Bid Form
and the Form of Contract Agreement (in case of a successful Bid); and,
(i) A copy of the stamped and notarized agreement entered into by the Joint Venture
partners shall be submitted with the Bid. Roles, responsibilities and financial stakes of all
members of the Joint Venture consortium shall be clearly and unambiguously prescribed in
the Joint Venture agreement. In case of non-prescription, the JV agreement will be declared
as invalid and the bid will be treated as non-responsive.
(j) The bidders participating in the name and form of a Joint Venture consortium shall have to
clearly and unambiguously define the role, responsibilities and financial stake of each of the
JV partners, the lead partner shall also have to be defined. Each member of the JV shall be
jointly and severally responsible for the performance of the contract.
(k) An original notarized copy of the agreement as prescribed in Appendix E entered into by
the joint venture partners shall be submitted with the bid. It should also distinctly show the
financial participation of each member of the joint venture and the responsibility of each
member as regards planning and execution of the work.
(l) In case of conflict between the terms in contract agreement and the Joint Venture
documents, the terms in the contract agreement shall prevail.
(m) If the Contractor constitutes (under applicable Laws) a joint venture, consortium or other
unincorporated grouping of two persons: these persons shall be deemed to be Jointly and
Severally liable to the Employer for the performance of the contract. · These persons shall
notify the Employer of their leader who shall have authority to bind the Contractor and each
of these persons; and the contractor shall not alter its composition or legal status without the
Prior consent of the Employer.
(n) If the Tender is uploaded by a consortium/group of firms, that is, Joint Venture (maximum
two firms (Lead member + Other Member)the sponsoring firm, shall submit complete
information required in the forms pertaining to each firm in the group and state along with
the Bid as to which of the firms shall have the responsibility for tendering and completion of
the Contract document and furnish evidence admissible in law in respect of the authority
assigned to such firm on behalf of the group of firms for tendering and for completion of the
Contract documents. Full information and satisfactory evidence pertaining to the
participation and responsibility of each member of the group of firm in the Tender shall be
furnished along with the tender. A certified copy of the Joint Venture Agreement in
prescribed form (Specified at Appendix-E) shall be submitted along with the Tender.
The tender documents uploaded in the name of an individual applicant shall not be used by a
JV/ Consortium. JV/ Consortium shall have to upload the tender document in the name of JV
only, if he wants to apply.
Each bidder shall submit only one bid for the particular work. A bidder who submits more
than one bid in the particular work will be disqualified.
In case at time of tender uploading, if any of the above information has changed then the
Bidder shall correct the same by making the modification in his personal profile.
3.1 Clarification shall only be asked during pre-bid meeting or through fax/ e-mail
up-to the date and time of the pre-bid meeting mentioned in the NIT.
The purpose to the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer question on
any matter related to the RFP that may be raised at that stage including the
clarifications requested under clause 3.1 above.
3.3 At any time before the submission of proposals, the Client may, for any reason,
whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by an
invited Firm, modify the RFP documents by amendment. Any amendment shall
be issued in writing through addenda which shall be uploaded on nProcure.
Addenda shall be sent by mail, cable, telex, facsimile, or electronic mail to all
consultants present during the pre-bid meeting and will be binding on them. The
Client may at its discretion extend the deadline for the submission of Proposals.
4.1 Consultants are requested to submit a Proposal (Para 1.2) written in the
language(s) specified in the Data Sheet, it should be submitted in two bids viz.,
Technical and Financial.
Technical Proposal:
4.2 In preparing the Technical Proposal, consultants are expected to examine the
documents comprising this RFP in detail. Material deficiencies in providing the
information requested may result in rejection of a Proposal.
4.3 While preparing the Technical Proposal, consultants must give particular
attention to the following :
iii) Proposed professional staff must have at least the experience indicated
in the Section 2(C) Clause 4 & 5 Eligibility criteria for qualification,
preferably under conditions similar to those prevailing in the country of
the Assignment.
iv) Alternative professional staff shall not be proposed, and only one
curriculum vitae (CV) may be submitted for each position.
4.4 The Technical proposal should provide the following information using the
attached Standard Forms (Section-3):
i) A brief description of the Firm's organization and an outline of recent
experience on assignments (Section3; Form 3C- 1 to 3C-5 and Form 3D-1
to 3D-4)of a similar magnitude and nature and present work
ii) Any comments or suggestions on the Request for Proposal and on the
data, a list of services, and facilities to be provided by the Client
(Section3; Form 3E-1).
iii) A description of the methodology and work plan for performing the
assignment (Section3; Form 3D-5 and 3D-5.1).
iv) The list of the proposed staff team by specialty, the tasks that would be
assigned to each staff team member, and their timing (Section3; Form
3D-7 and 3D-7.1).
vi) Copy of TDS and PF statement for each key staff to be provided.
(Section3; Form 3B-5 and 3B-5.1).
vii) The minimum staff effort (professional, Expert, Site and sub-professional
staff) to be provided to carry out the Assignment is indicated in
Appendix J in the RFP. The consultant should indicate the deployment
plan, supported by bar chart diagrams showing the time indicated for
each professional staff team member. Consultant shall deploy adequate
manpower over and above minimum staff as mentioned above as per
the requirement of the work at its own cost.
4.5 The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial information.
Financial Proposal:
4.6 In preparing the Financial Proposal, consultants are expected to take into
account the requirements and conditions of the RFP documents. The Financial
Proposal should follow the Standard Forms as per Volume 2. It lists all costs
associated with the Assignment are deemed to be included in the financial offer,
such costs could be (a) remuneration for staff (foreign and local, in the field and
at headquarters), and (b) reimbursable such as subsistence (per diem, housing),
transportation (international and local, for mobilization and demobilization),
services and equipment (vehicles, office equipment, furniture, and supplies),
office rent, insurance, printing of documents, surveys; and training, if it is a
major component of the assignment.
4.7 The Financial Proposal shall be Inclusive of all the local taxes (including service
tax, social security), duties, fees, levies, and other impositions imposed under
the applicable law, on the consultants, the sub-consultants, and their personnel.
4.8 Consultants may express the price of their services in the currency of Indian
Rupee only.
4.9 Commissions and gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by consultants and related
to the Assignment will be borne by the consultant.
4.10 The financial proposal shall be quoted as percentage of approved project cost
for PMC Services as given in the price bid. Payment shall be paid as per payment
4.11 The costs shall be given inclusive staff deployed at the PMC Offices at
Gandhinagar, Zonal and City/ Site Offices during the implementation stage to
carry out the scope of work of PMC services as per the Terms of reference
indicated in this RFP.
5.1 The original Proposal (Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal; shall be
submitted electronically.
5.2 An authorized representative of the Firm initials all pages of the Proposal
submitted in hard copy. The representative's authorization is confirmed by a
written power of attorney accompanying the proposals.
5.3 Bid processing fees and earnest money deposit shall be submitted to the client
as shown in Data sheet.
5.4 The technical proposal and financial proposal must be uploaded online on or
before the time and date stated in the data sheet. All submission shall be in PDF
portable document format or joint photographic experts group (JPEG)
5.5 After the deadline for submission of proposals the technical proposal shall be
opened immediately by the Authorized representative of GUDM. The financial
proposal shall remain encrypted with a respectable public auditor or
independent authority until all submitted proposals are opened publicly, as
decided by the client.
b) Tender fees and Earnest Money Deposit not received in the time
prescribed by GUDM.
6.1 General:
From the time the bids are opened to the time the contract is awarded any
effort made by the Firm to influence the Client in the Client's proposal
evaluation, proposal comparison or contract award decisions may result in the
rejection of the consultant's proposal.
The individual member of the evaluation committee appointed by the Client will
carry out the evaluation of proposals on the basis of mandatory requirement for
general and specific criteria and scoring criteria specified in the section 2 (c)
eligibility criteria for qualification. Each responsive proposal shall be
preliminarily evaluated to assess their performance and their capability with
respect to mandatory requirement for general and specific criteria. Based on
this evaluation of responsiveness of bid shall be decided. The consultant who do
not satisfy this mandatory requirement, their bid will be considered non
responsive. No further evaluation shall be made for such bid and the consultant
disqualifying for further evaluation. Each responsive proposal shall be further
evaluated for technical content and will be given a technical score (St). Any
proposal found unsuitable shall be rejected at this stage if it fails to achieve the
minimum technical score indicated in the section 2 (c) eligibility criteria for
qualification. The Client shall notify consultants of the rejection of their
Technical Proposal indicating that their Financial Proposals shall remain
unopened & their EMD shall be returned after completing the selection process.
Infrastructure Section:
Tender shall be evaluated based on QCBS formula in which weightage of
Technical Part shall be 80% while weightage of Financial Part shall be 20%.
For technical scoring a weightage of 100 marks is assigned. In which 80%
weightage shall be consider from the Infrastructure Section. To qualify
technically in Infrastructure Section, it is required that a Sole Bidder or Lead
member of the JV/Consortium should score minimum 60% marks in each of the
following three individual parameters (group) and at least 80 marks overall from
the Infrastructure section.
Sl. No. Category Maximum
1. Relevant Experience of the Consultant’s Firm in 30
last five years in India
2. Proposed Methodology and Work Plan 15
3. Relevant Qualification, Experience and work 55
relationship of the Key Personnel
Total 100
Any proposal not complying with the instructions or is poorly presented or has
omissions shall be liable to rejection at this stage.
6.4 The consultant who scores (Technical St) 80 % marks in both Infrastructure & IT
Section as stated hereinabove shall be qualified and included in the short list for
opening and evaluation of their financial proposals.
After the completion of technical evaluation, the Client shall notify the
successful consultants that they have secured the minimum qualifying mark,
indicating the date and time set for opening the Financial Proposals.
The Financial Proposals shall be opened publicly in the presence of the
consultants' representatives who choose to attend. The name of the consultant,
the quality scores, and the proposed prices shall be read aloud and recorded
when the Financial Proposals are opened.
For financial evaluation, the total lump sum fee indicated in the Financial
Proposal shall be considered. GUDM will determine whether the Financial
Proposals are complete, qualified and unconditional. The cost indicated in the
Financial Proposal shall be deemed as final and reflecting the total cost of
services. Omissions, if any, in costing any item shall not entitle the Firm to be
compensated and the liability to fulfill its obligations as per the RFP within the
total quoted price shall be that of the Consultant’ Firm
6.6 In order to allow comparison of financial proposal on a common basis, each
financial proposal will be carefully scrutinized and total price shall be
determined. For financial scoring 80% weightage shall be considered from the
infrastructure section and 20% weightage shall be considered from IT and
Communication section. The score for each financial proposal is inversely
proportional to its total price.
The lowest financial proposal (Fm) will be given a financial score (Sf) of 100
Sf1 = 100 x Fm1 / F1, in which Sf1 is the financial score, Fm1 is the lowest price
and F1 is the price of the proposal under consideration for infrastructure
Sf2 = 100 x Fm2 / F2, in which Sf2 is the financial score, Fm2 is the lowest price
and F2 is the price of the proposal under consideration for IT and
Communication projects.
Sf= (80% xSf1) + (20% x Sf2)
6.9 Combined and final evaluation
The Firm achieving the highest combined technical and financial will be ranked
as first
6.10 This evaluation procedure reflects the high importance attached to quality and
competence. Please note that the Client is not bound in any manner to select
any of the Firms submitting proposals or to select the Firm offering the lower
The allocation of the consultancy work will be decided by competent authority of client
without any prejudice to any consulting agency.
The works of Smart City & AMRUT and other infrastructure projects of center and state
Govt. projects are spread over entire Gujarat state. A number of works are to be taken up
simultaneously in the state. Therefore, the online tenders for consultancy work are invited
at the level of head office of GUDM.
The receipt of tenders, evaluation of the bid, selection of the consultant and award of work
shall be processed at head office of GUDM. The successful consultant shall execute the
agreement for consultancy work with the Chief Engineer, Technical Cell, GUDM,
Gandhinagar. However, the actual work shall be performed with the concerned governing
body of the project. The consultant shall be responsible to the concerned officers in charge
of the work for the implementation of consultancy work. The performance of the consultant
shall be monitored, reviewed based on the report of officer in-charge.
Information to Consultants
Clause No
1 Section 2 (A), The name of the Client is Gujarat Urban Development Mission
The method of selection is Quality and Cost-Based Selection
7 Section 2 (A); The Client will provide the As mentioned in Request for Proposal.
Clause 1.5 inputs / assistance to the
and experience
CD-ROM with one hard copy as per the online
Technical and price bid shall be submitted online
on or before the date.
23 Section 2 (A); Tender Fee & EMD Tender fee and Earnest money shall be submitted
Clause 5.3 (original) in physical form (hard copy) to the
General Manager (Tech), GUDM as per the date
mentioned in NIT
Tender Fee - Rs. 20,000/-
Earnest Money Deposit – Rs. 50 Lacs
24 Opening of the bid The online technical bid opening shall be on
the date mentioned in NIT
In the first phase, the opening of following
formats for preliminary requirement of the
proposal such as EMD, bid processing fee
(tender fee) and technical proposal.
(c) Sole Bidder or Lead Bidder of the JV/Consortium should have experience as PMC for
successfully implemented /commissioned projects which should include all of the following
(i) at least one project worth Rs 100 Cr of Water supply (ii) at least one project worth Rs 100
Cr of sewerage system and (iii) projects worth Rs 500 Cr should have been carried out in
Urban areas during the last five years.
In case consultant fails to satisfy the above requirements, the bid shall be considered non
responsive and shall not be considered for further evaluation and the consultant shall be
disqualified at this stage.
The relevant experience of the firm shall be evaluated based on the marking system as
under. The Sole Bidder or Lead Bidder & Member in case of a JV/Consortium shall have to
satisfy the following criteria and as per the parameters, marking shall be given and
accordingly evaluation shall be made.
Tender shall be evaluated based on QCBS formula in which weightage of Technical Part shall
be 80% while weightage of Financial Part shall be 20%.
St= (80% xT1) + (20% x T2)
For technical scoring a weightage of 100 marks is assigned. In which 80% weightage
shall be consider from the Infrastructure Section. To qualify technically in Infrastructure
Section, it is required that a Sole Bidder or the Lead Bidder in case of a JV/Consortium
should score minimum 60% marks in the following Three individual parameters (group)
and at least 80 marks overall from the Infrastructure section.
Sewerage system of min. 30 MLD in the last 5
years. Additional marks for plants with higher
capacity shall be as follows:
• Above 70 MLD – 2.5 Marks
• Above 50 upto 70 MLD – 1.5 marks
• Above 30 upto 50 MLD – 1 mark
Firm’s experience as PMC services in
Roads/infrastructure, Urban Mobility & public
Transportation projects, footpath, underpass, pedestrian
over-bridge, escalator & parking lots, non-motorized
transport system in the last 5 years. The marking criteria
for the first project shall be as under:
Experience in design & supervision of execution of
2.5 transportation/urban mobility projects in urban area with
a minimum project cost of Rs 10 Cr:
• Above 30 upto 50 Cr – 2 Marks
• Above 20 upto 30 Cr – 1.5 marks
• Above 10 upto 20 Cr – 1 mark
Additional 0.5 marks shall be given for a second
project meeting the minimum criteria.
Firm’s experience in smart initiatives 24x7 Water Supply,
SCADA implementation, NRW projects, Smart metering,
Asset mapping & Digitization in Urban areas in the last 5
years. The marking criteria shall be as under:
Experience in design & supervision of execution of smart
solution projects in in water supply sector in urban area
2.5 with a minimum project cost of Rs 20 Cr:
• Above 50 upto 75 Cr – 2 Marks
• Above 30 upto 50 Cr – 1.5 marks
• Above 20 upto 30 Cr – 1 mark
Additional 0.5 marks shall be given for a second
project meeting the minimum criteria.
Experience of the firm in work of Landscaping, green
spaces, parks, development of water bodies & city
beautification projects in the last 5 years. The marking
criteria shall be as under:
Experience in above mentioned projects in urban area
2.5 with a minimum project cost of Rs 5 Cr:
• Above 10 Cr – 2 Marks
• Above 7.50 up to 10 Cr – 1.5 marks
• Above 5 upto 7.5 Cr – 1 mark
Additional 0.5 marks shall be given for a second
project meeting the minimum criteria.
Firm’s experience in Storm Water Projects in Urban areas
in the last 5 years having an area of 30 sq-km. The
marking criteria for the first project shall be as under:
• Above 60 sq-km– 2 Marks
• Above 40 up to 60 sq-km – 1.5 marks
• 30 and upto 40 sq-km – 1 mark
Additional 0.5 marks shall be given for a second project
meeting the maximum criteria.
Firm’s experience in DPR preparation/review, bid
process management and supervision of Solid waste
management projects having a population of 5 lakh
persons. The marking criteria for the first project shall be
2.5 as under:
• Above 15 lakh– 2 Marks
• Above 5 up to 15 lakh – 1.5 marks
• Up to 5 lakh – 1 mark
Additional 0.5 marks shall be given for a second project
meeting the maximum criteria.
Experience of the firm in Sustainability & Energy
Efficiency projects including Green Buildings and
renewable energy projects like solar, biogas, etc. The
marking criteria for each project shall be as 0.5 marks
meeting any of the following criteria:
• Sustainable Water solution for a township
• Platinum rated Green Building facility
• Solar power generation project of > 500 kW
• Wind power generation of > 1 MW
• Biogas power project > 500 kW
2 Proposed Understanding of TOR,Bid Quality & Responsiveness to
Methodology and RFP– 2.5 Marks
work Plan 15 Approach and Methodology for executing the project –
10 Marks
Work Program and personnel schedule – 2.5 Marks
3 Relevant Experience
of the Key Personnel Key Professionals
Financial Expert 1 2 2
Energy Conservation 1 2 2
Structural Engineer 1 2 2
TOTAL 7 14
General qualification-30%
Above Master’s degree – Full Marks
Master’s degree-0.75 of Full Marks
Graduate degree-0.50 of Full Marks
Relevant Experience- 40%(for Key Professional)
Above 15 years –Full Marks
Above 10 and upto 15 years -0.75 of Full Marks
Below 10 years –No Marks
Relevant Experience- 40%(for Expert Professional)
Above 10 years –Full Marks
Above 8 and upto10 years -0.75 of Full Marks
Below 8 years –No Marks
Relevant Experience- 40% (for Zonal Staff)
Above 8 years - Full Marks
Above 5 and upto8 years -0.75 of Full Marks
Below 5 years –No Marks
Full time permanent staff – 30%
More than 2 years - Full Marks
1 to 2 years – 0.5 of Full Marks
The relevant experience of the firm shall be evaluated based on the marking system as
under. The Lead Bidder/JV/Consortiumshall have to satisfy the following criteria and as per
the performance, marking shall be given and accordingly evaluation shall be made.
For technical scoring a weightage of 100marks is assigned. In which 20%
weightage shall be consider from the IT & Communication Section. To qualify
technically in Infrastructure Section, it is required that a Lead
Bidder/JV/Consortium should score minimum 60% marks in the minimum Five
individual parameters (group) as mentioned below and at least 80 marks overall
from the Infrastructure section.
Sr. Criteria Description (Value in INR) Maxi- Supporting
No. mum
1 Past Experience in ICT 1 Project in India with a consulting 15 Authorized
project consulting for value of over 2 Cr in last 5 years - CA
Government/Govern 5 Marks Certificate/
ment PSU **Two marks for each additional Completion
such projects mentioned in the
list subject to max. marks of 10 in
this parameter.
2 Past Experience of 1 Project in India with a consulting 15 Authorized
PMC and Supervision value of over 2 Cr last 5 years - 5 CA
of ICT Infrastructure Marks Certificate/
projects **Two marks for each additional Completion
such projects mentioned in the
list subject to max. marks of 10 in
this parameter.
3 Bidder should have a. ISO 20000:2011 for Service 10 Copy of
certification in Management – 2.5 Marks Certificate
Service b. ISO 9001:2008 for Quality
Management, Management –2.5 Marks
Quality c. ISO 27001:2013 for Security
Management, Management Services – 2.5
Security Marks
Management and IT d. SEI-CMMI for Services Level
Services 3 for IT related projects – 2.5
4 Key IT Professional a. ITIL Certified – 2 Marks 20 Copy of
Experience engaged b. CISSP Certified – 2 Marks Certificate
in the firm with at c. VCP Certified – 2 Marks
least one in each d. CISA Certified – 2 Marks
certification. e. CISM Certified – 2 Marks
f. CRISC Certified – 2 Marks
g. PMP Certified – 2 Marks
h. OCP Certified – 2 Marks
i. CDCP Certified – 2 Marks
j. CCNP Certified – 2 Marks
5 Average Annual Average turnover of last 3 years: 10 Authorized
Turnover from ICT a. >60 Cr - 10 Marks, CA
related b. 30Cr to <60Cr- 7 Marks, Certificate
implementation and c. =30 Cr - 5 mark
Project Management
Services in Last three
financial year
6 Approach & Comprehensive approach and 20
Methodology methodology including frameworks
to used, risks for project and
mechanism for citizen feedback
7 Quality (Experience & Key Personnel-3 Marks 10
Certifications) and General qualification-30%
Quantity of Above Master’s degree – Full Marks
manpower deployed Master’s degree-0.75 of Full Marks
for this project Graduate degree-0.50 of Full Marks
Relevant Experience- 40%(for Key
Above 15 years –Full Marks
Above 10 and upto 15 years -0.75 of
Full Marks
Below 10 years –No Marks
Full time permanent staff – 30%
More than 2 years - Full Marks
1 to 2 years – 0.5 of Full Marks
Information to Consultants
The proposal is to be submitted on online and hard copy as described in the RFP documents. The
consultant is advised to take care that all the formalities are completed as required. These
1. Bid processing fee of as specified in the data sheet is paid and its scan copy of receipt is
submitted online by uploading scanned copy of the same.
2. EMD as specified in the data sheet is paid in required format and its receipt / document is
submitted online by uploading the scanned copy of the same.
3. Selection of consultant by the agency will be quality and cost based selection (QCBS) method
out of firms responding to the RFP.
The technical proposal for qualification shall demonstrate firm’s general and specific experience
in the area of water supply, sewerage system, storm water system, solid waste management,
septage management, urban mobility, city beautification, smart metering, SCADA
implementation, Energy efficiency, sustainability, IT implementation, e-Governance. The
consultant should have experience in carrying out Feasilbility studies, planning and program
management, DPR preparation, detailed design, design review, procurement assistance project
management, construction supervision, inspection and quality control aspects of project in the
above identified areas. The technical proposal should also demonstrate resources for carrying
out engineering supervisor services.
The technical proposal shall also demonstrate the Firm's understanding of the project
requirements and of the requisite tasks set forth in the Request for Proposal, as included in
Section - 4. The technical proposal shall not contain any cost information whatsoever related to
the Services to be rendered. The information and documentation to be provided in the
technical proposals is listed below and shall be provided in the specific format as indicated in
Section – 3.
(a) Information of the history, background, organization, registration and legal status (Pvt.
Ltd., Ltd. Co., Partnership, etc.) and on general experience and experience of similar nature
as the services put to proposal of your Firm.
(b) Descriptions, in the format enclosed, of the works carried out by consultancy Firm and
your associate(s), if any. The experience so claimed shall be limited to projects for which
the Firm and/or associate(s) were legally contracted as (a) corporate entity (ies).
(d) A description of the general understanding of the Firm about the projects and the
approach the Firm will take to carry out the services based on the requirements of the
Request for Proposal. Such description may include as deemed relevant and also comprise
comments on the Request for Proposal or other aspects of the services to be rendered. e.g.
site supervision procedures, methods of measurements and acting in the capacity of
Engineer in the manner determined, which may contribute to performance in carrying out
the services.
(e) A work program, which shall distinguish clearly between the phases of
• Pre-Contract work
For each phase, the program shall include an organization chart, an activity Bar-Chart and a
staffing schedule, consistent with the construction contract information enclosed herein or
otherwise made available to the consultant. The staffing schedule shall clearly indicate the
duration of the assignments of proposed staff to be employed on the site of the works and
elsewhere. Generally, it is considered that a competent consultant is able to carry out the
pre-contract work with minimal time inputs. In taking account of this, consultant may
presume proper coordination by the Client between the mobilization of the consultant and
the contractor.
The consultant must establish proper system for site working procedures, documentation
and communication. The Consultant is expected to provide full-time staff for qualitative
and quantitative inspection of works', experienced in works like laying & jointing of
pipeline, reinforced concrete construction, mechanical and electrical installation including
instrumentation & automation.
In determining staff inputs, Agency shall give due attention to certain complicated parts of
the construction works, which will in particular cases be carried out under day work
provisions like e.g. rehabilitation of existing facilities, etc. However, depending on the
caliber of the proposed staff, additional inputs for such parts of the works shall be
For all components of the service, Agency shall provide adequate backstopping from his
head/ branch office. Whilst such backstopping will normally be considered part of the
Firm's overheads, Agency may depending on the caliber of the staff proposed provide for
this separately at risk to his financial competitiveness.
(f) A named list of proposed staff including location and duration of assignments as well as
proposed positions shall be submitted by the consultant. Number and the qualifications of
the staff required are provided in the specific criteria.
Full curriculum vitae of all staff proposed, in the format enclosed shall be part of the
technical proposal. The curricula vitae shall comprise a description of academic or trade
qualifications and of previous exposure to work related to their proposed positions.
(g) A list of facilities and provisions required to provide the service.
The financial proposal shall be quoted as a percentage of project cost for project management
services including Supervision of construction and inspection of materials as given in the price
bid. This cost shall contain the details of costs together with breakdowns as listed in the price
(a) The costs shall be given for the following phases of work, i.e.
• Pre-contract work
In due consideration shall be given of the pertaining descriptions of the Request for Proposal
as included in Section - 4 and of the following.
i.) The period for preparation of Feasibility Study/ review of DPR is expected to be four
weeks and the Preparation of DPR and Bid Process Management will be about 3 months
and shall continue for the duration of the project
ii.) The Period for the Pre-contract work is assumed at four weeks and shall be used to
ensure that all head/ branch office and site staff to be involved fully understands
• The particular procedures and ways of interaction with the Employer and the
The period shall also include for the consultant's mobilization prior to the contractor
entering the site.
iii.) The Project management, inspection of materials & Supervision of construction period is
“Thirty Six months”, from date of work order issued to the Consultant which includes the
consultant’ mobilization period. The Firm shall base his pricing on this duration and
account for various items in the construction contract, material and equipment to be
inspected at various vendor premises located anywhere in the country, review of
construction documents, activities during bid process management. There may be need
for reduced/increased staff input during particular stages of works' execution. In this
connection the consultants are should take note of early or delayed completion as per
draft contract opened.
iv.) The “Defects Correction Supervision” will be of duration of 12 (Twelve) months from the
date of issue of the certificate of completion to the contractor. During this period,
permanent presence of Agency staff on site is not necessary. However, The Zonal
Incharge during contract management and Supervision of construction shall be on
standby to be available for a site visit at any time on 48 hours’ notice by the Client.
v.) Post Contract Work will be of duration of four weeks and shall be used to ensure:
• The removal of all material, plant, equipment and staff from the site by the
contractor, agree with the Client and the contractor on all monies owed to or by the
contractor, including the remaining retention money, and release all guarantees and
securities in accordance with the provisions of the construction contract.
• After clearing up of the site by the contractor is complete, carry out all work required
to close the construction contract administratively.
vi.) For each phase of the works, Agency shall consider the costs on following accounts.
Requisite professional staff for bid process management review of documents &
project management services, services and inspection of materials & equipment.
Some of these professional staff shall be at site of work, for which office setup will be
required. For detailed staff requirement refer Appendix J.
The price of the consultant shall be all inclusive of salaries, social charges, overheads,
charges for travel of staff from home to site and field allowances for boarding and
lodging, etc.
(b) Transportation
The consultant shall make adequate transportation facilities including running and
maintenance, driver's wages, charges and allowances, consumables and any other
accountable and variables. This facility shall be available throughout the period of
project implementation. These facilities shall also be considered while quoting Firm
and fixed price under this project management consultancy services.
The price quoted by the consultant shall be all-inclusive for site office
accommodation & office equipments which shall cover rent/ depreciation, operation,
running and maintenance, costs for document reproduction, communication,
support staff like draughtsman, tracers, office staff, computer operator with
AutoCAD knowledge etc. and any other accountable and variables.
• Any expenses not covered anywhere in foregoing paras but essential for effective,
efficient project contract management shall be covered in price quoted by the
• Price quoted shall be fixed for the duration of the contract agreement, except as
otherwise provided for therein.
• Cost as per the breakdown of price requested in the price bid to entered in required
format provided. All rates and amounts shall be quoted in figures and words. The
rates in words shall be governing in the event of a discrepancy between figures and
The Data Sheet indicates how long the proposals must remain valid after the
submission date. During this period, the consultant is expected to keep available the
professional staff proposed for the assignment. The Client will make its best effort to
complete negotiations within this period. If the Client wishes to extend the validity
period of the proposals, the consultants who do not agree have the right not to
extend the validity of their proposals.
4.0 Joint venture/ Consortium allowed as per clause no 3.4, Section 2(A).
Technical Forms
S No Form Content Remarks
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the Consultancy services for the above in
accordance with your Request for Proposal dated ------. We are hereby submitting our Proposal
which includes this Technical Proposal, and Financial Proposal submitted online.
We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.
We remain,
Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
FORM 3B-1.1
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
DURING LAST TEN YEARS [PQ as per clause 2.0 (b) of Section 2 (C)]
Sr. Name of Project Type of Capacity/ Project Client Project Commissioni Remark
No Project Size Location cost in ng / s
Rs. Cr. Completion
of Project
Date e
1. Only the works in which the consultant had offered their services for the consultancy work for project
management services including design and detailed engineering services, construction supervision and
inspection services, are to be listed.
2. Client certificate shall be enclosed for each work, without client’s certificate, the performance shall not be
considered for evaluation.
3. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned between FY 2005-06 to FY 2014-15 are to be
mentioned, chronologically.
4. Details of each project to be provided in form 3C-2 (b) attached.
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
DURING LAST FIVE YEARS [PQ as per clause 2.0 (c) of Section 2 (C)]
Sr. Name of Project Type of Capacity/ Project Client Project Commissioni Remark
No Project Size Location cost in ng / s
Rs. Cr. Completion
of Project
Date e
1. Only the works in which the consultant had offered their services for the consultancy work for project
management services including design and detailed engineering services, construction supervision and
inspection services, are to be listed.
2. Client certificate shall be enclosed for each work, without client’s certificate, the performance shall not be
considered for evaluation.
3. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned between FY 2009-10 to FY 2014-15 are to be
mentioned, chronologically.
4. Details of each project to be provided in form 3C-2 (b) attached.
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Sl. No. Proposed Name of the Date of No. of years Number of years of Permanent/
Position Person Joining of of Service with the Contract
Consultant’s experience Consultant’s Employee
Firm Organization
Note: Attach Copy of the TDS and PF statement for each of the proposed key staff as per the table
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
FORM 3B-5.1
Note: Attach Copy of the TDS and PF statement for each of the proposed key staff as per the table
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
FORM 3B-5.2
Certification Information for ICT Consultancy Firm
FY: 2014-15 FY: 2013-14 FY: 2012-13 FY: 2011-12 FY: 2010-11
Annual Turnover
from professional
fees of the
Consultant’s firm
(Rs. Crore)
Note: Attach Copy of the audited Balance Sheet certified by Chartered Accountant
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
FORM 3C-1.1
FY: 2014-15 FY: 2013-14 FY: 2012-13 FY: 2011-12 FY: 2010-11
Annual Turnover
from ICT related
and project
services (Rs. Crore)
Note: Attach Copy of the audited Balance Sheet certified by Chartered Accountant
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
FORM 3C-1.2
Sr. Name of Project Type of Capacity/ Project Client Project Commissioni Remark
No Project Size Location cost in ng / s
Rs. Cr. Completion
of Project
Date e
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
FORM 3C-1.3
Sr. Name of Project Type of Capacity/ Project Client Project Commissioni Remark
No Project Size Location cost in ng / s
Rs. Cr. Completion
of Project
Date e
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Sr. Name of Project Type of Project Capacity/ Project Client Project cost in Commissioning / Remarks [Criteria
No. Size Location Rs. Cr. Completion of met (a) or (b)]
Date Date
1. Only the works in which the consultant had offered their services for the consultancy work for project management services including design and detailed engineering services,
construction supervision and inspection services, are to be listed.
2. Client certificate shall be enclosed for each work, without client’s certificate, the performance shall not be considered for evaluation.
3. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned between FY 2005-06 to FY 2014-15 are to be mentioned, chronologically.
4. Details of each project to be provided in form 3C-6 attached.
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Sr. Name of Project Type of Project Capacity/ Project Client Project cost in Commissioning / Remarks [Criteria
No. Size Location Rs. Cr. Completion of met (a), (b)or (c)]
Date Date
1. Only the works in which the consultant had offered their services for the consultancy work for project management services including design and detailed engineering services,
construction supervision and inspection services, are to be listed.
2. Client certificate shall be enclosed for each work, without client’s certificate, the performance shall not be considered for evaluation.
3. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned between FY 2009-10 to FY 2014-15 are to be mentioned, chronologically.
4. Details of each project to be provided in form 3C-6 attached.
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Sr. Name of Project Type of Project Capacity/ Project Client Project cost in Commissioning / Remarks
No Size Location Rs. Cr. Completion of
Date Date
1. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned between FY 2009-10 to FY 2014-15 are to be mentioned, chronologically
2. Attach Client certification
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Sr. Name of Project Type of Project Capacity/ Project Client Project cost in Commissioning / Remarks
No Size Location Rs. Cr. Completion of
Date Date
1. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned between FY 2009-10 to FY 2014-15 are to be mentioned, chronologically
2. Attach Client certification
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Sr. Name of Project Type of Project Capacity/ Project Client Project cost in Commissioning / Remarks
No Size Location Rs. Cr. Completion of
Date Date
1. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned in last five years are to be mentioned, chronologically
2. Attach Client certification
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Sr. Name of Project Type of Project Capacity/ Project Client Project cost in Commissioning / Remarks
No Size Location Rs. Cr. Completion of
Date Date
1. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned in last five years are to be mentioned, chronologically
2. Attach Client certification
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Sr. Name of Project Type of Project Capacity/ Project Client Project cost in Commissioning / Remarks
No Size Location Rs. Cr. Completion of
Date Date
1. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned in last five years are to be mentioned, chronologically
2. Attach Client certification
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Sr. Name of Project Type of Project Capacity/ Project Client Project cost in Commissioning / Remarks
No Size Location Rs. Cr. Completion of
Date Date
1. Projects successfully implemented and commissioned in last five years are to be mentioned, chronologically
2. Attach Client certification
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
Consultant’s Technical approach, methodology and work plan for this assignment are to be elaborated
in this sections, broadly under following sections:
a) Understanding of the TOR
b) Technical Approach and Methodology,
c) Work Program
d) Organization and Staffing
• The write up should explain Consultant insight with respect to the objectives of the assignment,
approach to the services, methodology for carrying out the activities and obtaining the expected
output, and the degree of detail of such output. The Consultant should also explain the
methodologies propose to adopt and highlight the compatibility of those methodologies for the
project envisaged.
• Consultants should propose the main activities of the assignment, their content and duration,
phasing and interrelations, milestones (including interim approvals by the Client), and
deliverables. The proposed work plan should be consistent with the technical approach and
methodology, showing understanding of the TOR and ability to translate them into a feasible
working plan. The work plan should be consistent with the suggested Work program of the
• Consultants should also propose the structure and composition of the proposed team, indicating
main disciplines of the assignment, the key expert responsible, and proposed technical and
support staff.
FORM 3D-5.1
Consultant’s Technical approach, methodology and work plan for this assignment are to be elaborated
in this sections, broadly under following sections:
e) Understanding of the TOR
f) Technical Approach and Methodology,
g) Work Program
h) Organization and Staffing
• The write up should explain Consultant insight with respect to the objectives of the assignment,
approach to the services, methodology for carrying out the activities and obtaining the expected
output, and the degree of detail of such output. The Consultant should also explain the
methodologies propose to adopt and highlight the compatibility of those methodologies for the
project envisaged.
• Consultants should propose the main activities of the assignment, their content and duration,
phasing and interrelations, milestones (including interim approvals by the Client), and
deliverables. The proposed work plan should be consistent with the technical approach and
methodology, showing understanding of the TOR and ability to translate them into a feasible
working plan. The work plan should be consistent with the suggested Work program of the
• Consultants should also propose the structure and composition of the proposed team, indicating
main disciplines of the assignment, the key expert responsible, and proposed technical and
support staff.
ACTIVITY SCHEDULE – Typical Project for Water Supply, Storm Water & Sewerage Project
A. DPR/Bid Process Management :
Sl. No. Item of Month-wise Program (In form of Bar-Chart)
Activity Ist 2nd 3rd 4th -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 36th
(1) Consultant should proposed a typical schedule envisaged by him for
a. DPR preparation/ review
b. Bid process management, and
c. Construction supervision services for a projects of 18 months duration.
d. Indicating key milestone and detailed activities should be identified and listed in the form.
Task Assigned Man-month proposed
Number of years
No. of Educational Number of years of for 36 month duration
Category Name employed with the
Staff Qualification experience of service of the
A At Gandhinagar Office
I: Key staff (Min 10 years of Exp.)
1 Project Manager (Team leader) 1
2 Urban /Town Planner 1
3 Public Health Engineer 1
4 Mechanical Engineer 1
5 Electrical Engineer 1
6 Environment Expert 1
7 Procurement/ Contracts Engineer 1
I: Expert staff (Min 8 years of Exp.)
1 PPP Expert 1
2 Legal Expert 1
3 GIS Professional 1
4 Solid Waste Management Specialist 1
5 Financial Expert 1
Task Assigned Man-month proposed
Number of years
No. of Educational Number of years of for 36 month duration
Category Name employed with the
Staff Qualification experience of service of the
6 Energy Conservation Specialist 1
7 Structural Engineer 1
5 Construction Engineer 8
Note: Refer Appendix J for minimum qualification requirements and experience for the staff
FORM 3D-7.1
Man – month
Education Number of
Numbers of proposed for 36
No. of al years of Task
Sr. No. Category Name years employed month duration of
Staff Qualificat Experienc Assigned
with the firm service of the
ion e
A At Gandhinagar
Key Staff (Min 10 years of exp. Required)
1 Project Head (Exp. In IT Infra, IT Operations, SI) 1
2 IT Procurement Expert 1
Expert Staff (Min 5-8 years of exp. Require)
1 Network & Infrastructure Expert 1
2 SCADA Expert 1
3 Database & Analytics 1
4 e-Governance Expert 1
5 Communication Expert 1
Total 7
1 Project In charge(Exp. In IT Infra, IT Operations, 6
IT SW Services)
2 Functional Analyst (IT Infra, IT SW Services, 6
IT Technology)
Total 12
Grand Total 19
1 Proposed Position :
2 Name :
3 Date of Birth :
4 Nationality :
5 Education :
6 Other Training :
8 Membership of :
Professional Societies
9 Countries/State of work :
Dates : From to
Employer :
12 Certification : I, the undersigned, certify that, to the best of
my knowledge and belief, this bio-data
correctly describe myself, my qualifications
and my experience.
I/We understand that any willful mis-statement described herein may lead to disqualification.
Authorized Signature: :
Name of Firm: :
FORM 3E -1
Comments and suggestions on RFP and on data, services, facilities to be provided by the
Consulting Firm's Name :
Authorized Signature:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Firm:
i. Water Management
− Smart meters and management
− Leakage Identification and preventive maintenance
− Water Quality Monitoring
iv. Urban Mobility
− Smart Parking
− Intelligent Traffic Management
− Integrated multimodal transport
vi. Others
− Tele-Medicine & Tele-education
− Incubation/ Trade facilitation centres
− Skill Development Centres
i. Promoting mixed land use in area-based developments – planning for unplanned areas
containing a range of compatible activities and land uses close to one another in order
to make land use more efficient. The states will enable some flexibility in land use and
building bye-laws to adapt to change
ii. Housing and inclusiveness – expand housing opportunities for all
iii. Creating Walkable localities – reduce congestion, air pollution and resource depletion,
boost local economy, promote interactions and ensure security, The road network is
created or refurbished not only for vehicles and public transport, but also for
pedestrians and cyclists, and necessary administrative services are offered within
walking or cycling distance
iv. Preserving and enveloping open spaces – parks, playgrounds, and recreational spaces in
order to enhance the quality of life of citizens, reduce the urban heat effects in Areas
and generally promote eco-balance
v. Promoting a variety of transport options – Transit Oriented Development (TOD), public
transport and last mile para-transport connectivity
vi. Making governance citizen-friendly and cost effective – increasingly rely on online
services to bring about accountability and transparency, especially using mobiles to
reduce cost of services and providing services without having to go to municipal offices;
form e-groups to listen to people and obtain feedback and use online monitoring of
programs and activities with the aid of cyber tour of worksites.
vii. Giving identity to the city – based on its main economic activity, such as local cuisine,
health, education, arts and craft, culture, sports goods, furniture, hosiery, textile, dairy,
viii. Applying Smart Solutions to infrastructure and services in are-based development in
order to make them better. For example, making areas less vulnerable to disasters,
using fewer resources, and providing cheaper services.
For more details the consultant is encourages to visit the website of MoUD and refer to the
Mission Statement and Guidelines for Smart City Mission.
The following cities of Gujarat are included under the Smart City Mission:
i. Gandhinagar
ii. Ahmedabad
iii. Surat
iv. Vadodara
v. Rajkot
vi. Dahod
Earlier MoUD used to giver project-by-project sanctions. In AMRUT this has been replaced by
approval of the State Annual Action Plan once a year by the MoUD and the states will have to
give project sanctions and approval at their end.
i. Water supply
− Water supply systems including augmentation of existing water supply, water
treatment plants and universal metering
− Rehabilitation of old water supply systems, including treatment plants
− Rejuvenation of water bodies specifically for drinking water supply and recharging
of ground water
− Special water supply arrangement for difficult areas, hill and coastal cities including
those having water quality problems (e.g. arsenic, fluoride)
ii. Sewerage
− Descentralized, networked underground sewerage systems including augmentation
of existing sewerage system and sewerage treatment plants
− Rehabilitation of old sewerage systems and treatment plants
− Recycling of water for beneficial purposes and reuse of wastewater
iii. Septage
− Faecal Sludge management- cleaning, transportation and treatment in a cost-
effective manner
− Mechanical and biological cleaning of sewers and septic tanks and recovery of
operational cost in full
v. Urban transport
− Ferry vessels for inland waterways (excluding port/ bay infrastructure) and buses
− Footpaths/ walkways, sidewalks, foot over-bridges and facilities for non-motorized
transport (e.g. bicycles)
− Multilevel parking
− Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS)
The purpose of Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation is to (i) Ensure that
every household has access to a tap with assured supply of water and a sewerage connection;
(ii) increase the amenity value of cities by developing greenery and well maintained open spaces
(e.g. Parks); and (iiii) reduce pollution by switching to public transport or constructing facilities
for non-motorized transport (e.g. walking and cycling). All these outcomes are valued by citizens
particularly women and indicators and standards have been prescribed by the Ministry of Urban
Development (MoUD) in the form of Service Level Benchmarks (SLBs)
In order to implement the Urban development projects under AMRUT Service Level
Improvement Plans (SLIP) shall be prepared by each ULB as per the process in the following
i. Assess the Service level gap
ii. Bridge the gap
iii. Examine alternatives
iv. Estimation of the cost
v. Prioritize the investments
vi. Financing of projects
vii. Budgeting
viii. Reporting of progress of projects under the mission
For more details the consultant is encourages to visit the website of MoUD and refer to the
Mission Statement and Guidelines for AMRUT.
The following cities of Gujarat are included under the AMRUT Mission:
1. Ahmedabad
2. Surat
3. Vadodara
4. Rajkot
5. Jamnagar
6. Junagadh
7. Bhavnagar
8. Gandhinagar
9. Anand
10. Navsari
11. Surendranagar
12. Morbi
13. Gandhi Dham
14. Nadiad
15. Bharuch
16. Porbandar
17. Mehesana
18. Bhuj
19. Veraval
20. Valsad
21. Vapi
22. Godhra
23. Palanpur
24. Patan
25. Kalol (G)
26. Botad
27. JetpurNavagadh
28. Amreli
29. Gondal
30. Deesa
31. Dwarka
Urban Infrastructure projects are implemented under various schemes of central as well as state
Government .Scope of PMC services will cover projects under such schemes.
GUDM has the mandate to design, implement and maintain the Urban Development projects
under the Smart City Mission and AMRUT and other Projects of state and central government
initiative in a coordinated manner.
Project Zones for PMC services:
To perform the activity smoothly this state is divided into4 zones and the projects under each
zone shall be carried out under the Zonal unit.
(a) This Request for Proposal (RFP) is of this consultancy service for selection and
appointment ofConsultants to provide PMC services through a Quality and Cost Based
Selection (QCBS) process for various Urban Development Projects for Smart City,
AMRUT and other infrastructure Projects of center and state Govt. The works will be
undertaken on behalf of the Government of Gujarat and funds for the works will be
obtained from the Government of Gujarat/ Government of India/ any other source.
(b) The projects as a whole are monitored by the Gujarat Urban Development Mission
(GUDM). GUDM intends to appoint a consultant for project management with respect
to preparation of projects, Bid process management, construction supervision and
inspection of materials. The projects are being implemented on modular basis and in a
phased manner.
(c) The scope will comprise of various infrastructure projects and initiatives covered
under the Smart City, AMRUT and other infrastructure Projects of center and state
(d) The projects envisaged under this contract are spread over the Gujarat state
(e) The extent of services by the PMCwill be from Preparation of DPR review of DPR,
preparation of budgets, managing bid process and finalizing Contractor and carry out
services as PMC
(f) The projectsshall be identified by GUDM and it is expected that the PMC Consultant
will carry out necessary technical due diligence, review detailed project report,
including cost estimate, tendering strategy and packaging of Contracts
(g) Upon approval of DPR by GUDM, the Consultant will prepare bid documents and
manage the bidding process leading to the Consultant will provide PMC services
during project execution &defect liability period
(h) PMC also assist ULBs for projects taken up under Smart City, AMRUT and other
infrastructure Projects of center and state Govt. as directed by GUDM.
5 Works subject of the consultancy service:
Broadly the Consultant will provide assistance to client in overall project management and
implementation of the Contracts under various Projects of central and state governments for
urban development.
• Pre-feasibility/ Feasibility Study
(c) The Consulting Firm shall act as an extended arm of the client in the technical and
contractual issues connected with the implementation of the project. The
agreement are deemed to be a part of this RFP, in so far as the duties and
obligations of the Consulting Firm are concerned, and the Consulting Firm shall
equitant himself to the letter and spirit of the agreements.
(d) Administrative Approval shall be taken based on Annual Plan approved for projects
under AMRUT / Smart City mission and other infrastructure Projects of center and
state Govt. The projects under the consultant’s scope are to be managed from the
review and/or preparation of DPR to construction supervision and implementation
stage. GUDM will decide the priority of the projects to be taken up under this
assignment and inform to consultant progressively.
The Scope covers technical support to GUDM for identification of project/ infrastructure
components for implementation under the Smart City, AMRUT and other infrastructure
Projects of center and state Govt.and should include all aspects from concept to
7.1 Overall Planning & Support Services:
The Consultant shall provide workable and viable technical support, guide and implement the all
aspect of the Smart City, AMRUT other infrastructure Projects of center and state Govt. such
a. Provide technical support to GUDM in key focus areas.
b. Prepare financial proposal for GUDM to be submitted foryear-wise allocation of funds
c. Prepare financial outlay for operationalizing GUDM activities at the city and state levels
from time to time
d. Prepare concept note for various initiatives planned to be undertaken for the identified
urban areas of Gujarat and assist in preparation of an implementable action plan with due
responsibilities & liabilities for both state/ULBlevel.
f. Technical guidance and supervision of consultants selected for preparing City Level Plans
(CLP) for various infrastructure components and related matters at all stages of planning
and monitoring as per the directions of GUDM
g. Conduct technical evaluation and appraisal of CSPs, DPR’s and DTPs
h. Assist in development of a city ranking framework and biennial conduct city ranking based
on performance of GUDM activities under Smart City/ AMRUT by ULBs
i. Advise the GUDM Project Management Unit (PMU) on a monthly basis and submit monthly
progress report.
j. Provide resource person for training workshops and seminars related to Smart City/ AMRUT
and GUDM activities for identified ULBs of Gujarat.
k. To follow instructions as and when & as desired by GUDM office on timely basis
Project Implementation Services:
(a) Preparation of Diff. proposals as per the details given in Guidelines for central
and State government Projects.
• Assist the implementing agency as directed by GUDM in obtaining utility
permissions and any clearances from different service Departments such as
Revenue, Railways, Highways (National & State), Pollution Control Board,
Telephone, Electricity Department etc. for the purpose of executing the
works without any delay. Consultant shall prepare the Proposals and do
regular follow up with concern departments.
• Scrutinize construction methods proposed by contractor including
environmental, safety, personnel and public issues
• Monitor the construction methods by assessing the adequacy of the
contractors input materials, labour, equipment and construction methods;
• Supervise and Monitor construction work of each and every stage of contract
package as per the schedule of each works.
• Supervise construction works from start to finish by using the modern
methods of control. Verify the setting out of the works done by the
contractors and ensure that it is as per drawings and designs. Ensure that the
works adhere to the levels, alignment and dimensions specified in the
approved drawings and designs.
• Establish Quality assurance system including verification of source of all the
material and certification;
• Supervise the works to ensure conformance of construction works and
materials to relevant IS standards/ Bid specifications/Designs/drawings.
Approve materials and quality of works based on test results produced by the
works Contractor, factory inspection, site testing etc. (Quality control)
• Factory Inspection of equipment under the project
• Assist in record measurements in measurement books at various stages of
works, carry out check measurement, prepare bills and certify payments
based on recorded measurements jointly with the Departmental Officers
during each stage. In case of such of those works where measurements are
hidden after completion, as in the case of foundations, reinforcements in RCC
structures etc, check measurements are to be carried out immediately after
each activity is completed.
• Monitor and achieve progress with reference to pre-fixed targets drawn up
jointly with the Contractors and furnish monthly progress reports in the
formats as decided in consultation with the implementing agency as directed
• Advise on extra/excess claims and time extension on works contract. In case
of any need for execution of non-tendered items of works, take advance
action to prepare specifications, carry out rate analysis with supporting
documents and got approved by the competent authority to take further
action strictly as per the conditions in the bidding documents.
• Ensure environmental and social safeguards as per standard practices
• Co-ordinate with all concerned agencies and GUDM to be appraised of all.
• To ensure strict compliance of labour laws by the contractor’s Firm.
• Inspect and certify that the works are completed according to the
specifications on final completion before final settlement of bills.Prepare
completion of work report for all the works.
• Obtain as-built drawings for all the works from the contract RFP, verify the
correctness and furnish to the implementing agency as directed by GUDM.
Obtain O&M manual from the contractor after completion and before
commissioning the scheme.
• Inspect all the completed works once in two months during the defects
liability period of one year and assist the implementing agency as directed by
GUDM in ensuring that the contractors attendto all kinds of construction
/laying defects brought to their notice.
• Prepare fortnightly project progress reports describing the physical and
financial progress of each package, highlighting impediments to the quality
and progress of the works and remedial actions, for submission to the Client.
• Prepare periodic Statement of Expenditure for getting reimbursement
ofexpenditure in external funded projects
• In case of dispute, arbitration arising during the PMC services consultants will
assist the GUDM.
(e) Review of Contractor’s Design and drawings
• The consultant shall review proof check and furnish comments / advise /
recommendations on the acceptability of detailed designs, drawings, data
sheets, vender data, including all documents / data / design to be furnished
by the successful contractor of the work at the time of construction /
manufacture, erection, commissioning, testing of the works, till takeover of
the works by the employer in accordance with the conditions of contract
applicable. The consultant shall continue to perform this activity till all the
designs, drawings, furnished by the contractor are approved as good for
construction by the employer on the recommendations of the consultants.
Review the design prepared by the contractor s including the following:
• Process, hydraulic, plant layout, mechanical and electrical, instrumentation
and control systems, equipment design, hydraulic flow diagram and plant.
• Civil and Structural designs with reference to BIS and other codes applicable
• Equipment vendor design / drawings / data for all mechanical, electrical
equipment instruments and systems
• Final civil/structural drawings and general assembly drawings for all works
• Prepare construction drawings for civil works and structural works as
• Consultant shall compile and furnish all the as built drawings/ designs for
each of the contract carried out under the project.
(f) Quality Assurance/ Quality control and site supervision
Consultant is required to ensure quality of the work done at every stage and continuous
supervision of site work.
(g) Operation and Maintenance
Make an outline assessment of the staffing arrangement required for the operation and
maintenance of the project. Based on the contractors’ proposal, the consultant will assist
the implementing agency as directed by GUDM in developing the staffing arrangements
in detail with job specifications, number of staff, qualifications, training requirement etc.
(h) Training
The Consultants shall provide training to ULB staff on management, operation and
• Eligibility and Technical Bid Evaluation
• Commercial bid opening of eligible bidders
• Comparative report of bids
• Negotiation with Vendors
• Award of Contract
6.1 Preamble
The consultant shall provide consultancy services for project management including
Supervision of construction and inspection of Materials for various Projects as per the terms
set for therein. The works will be undertaken up by the contact under the control of client
with the help of Project Management Consultant.
The project as a whole is monitored by the consultant. For the purpose of the works
implementation, the project management including Planning, Designing, and supervision of
works & inspection of materials shall be the scope of the project management consultant
for appointed under this contract. This shall be including IT, Civil and related Electro
mechanical components for Infrastructure projects.
6.2 Works subject of the consultancy service
Whatever items are to be executed by the contractor and to be managed, inspected and
supervised by the Project Management Agency. The client has already identified the
Projects under the consultant’s scope and obtained administrative sanction. GUDM will
make this information on Projects available to the consultant for review of DPR. Based on
the approved DPR, the consultant will prepare bid documents. Thus the consultancy
services starts from review of DPR and after performance report of implementation of
project i.e. from concept to commissioning of the Projects. The PMC consultant will act for
successive implementation of the project.
6.3 Role of the consultant
GUDM intend to appoint a reputed consultant having adequate experience in such projects.
The role of the consultant will be to prepare bid document, to carry out evaluation of bids,
assist GUDM in finalizing the contractor, provide PMC services covering review of design
and approval, construction monitoring, inspection, and determining and ensuring
compliance with the Technical Requirements, the Performance Standards, management the
progress and certification of measurements and payments during the contract period.
6.4 Scope of work
The Construction agreement between the Client and the Contractor will mainly govern the
work of the Project Management Consultant
The duties and responsibilities of the PMC will flow from the agreements. The role of PMC
shall be in following phases
• Program Management
• Budgeting & Financial Analysis
• Technical appraisal of project designs
• PPP Structuring & Risk Assessment
• Review of DPR
• Bid process Management
• Pre award activities during
• Activities during construction period
• Defects correction supervision
• Post-tender activities
The role of PMC is to implicit that in the Construction agreement and the Operation &
Maintenance Agreement set out in various clauses, in this contract is the fact that the
client has certain rights and obligations vis-à-vis the contractor, and certain rights and
responsibilities vis-à-vis the Client. The Consultant shall be expected to fulfill such
obligations, which are directly set out in the construction contract, as well as assist the
client for exercising and fulfilling the clients rights and obligations. The consultant shall act
as an extended arm of the client in the technical and contractual issues connected with the
implementation of the project. The consultant shall equitant himself to the letter and spirit
of the agreements.
6.5 Consultant’sgeneralduties
(a) The broad role of the consultant shall be to act as the Client's representative for:
• Preparation of tender document, invitation of tender, financial and technical evaluation
of bid and final recommendation;
• Detailed checking and approval of Structural design as well as Hydraulic design
• Design submitted by the contractor
• Survey and settings
• Construction monitoring, Quality Assurance and Progress Management and inspection of
mechanical and electrical equipments
• Measurements recording, scheduling and certification
• Reporting
• Other activities related to the technical and contractual aspects of the construction of
the Project.
(b) Consultant shall, during the pre construction period, inspect the project site on day to day
basis in order to determine the progress of mobilization. The Consultant shall monitor the
progress of surveys and setting out, review the construction drawing submitted by the
contractor and the extent of compliance with the Technical Requirements and the
Performance Standards stipulated for the Facility, as well as conformity to the Contractor's
(c) The Consultant shall, during the construction period, be available on a continuous basis at
the project site in order to supervise, inspect, monitor and certify the works, and conformity
with Technical Requirements and the Performance Standards stipulated for the Facility. The
Consultant shall also monitor the progress of setting out, and review the construction
drawings and as-built-drawings submitted by the contractor. The Consultant shall also
perform functions of recording measurements, certification of payments, adherence to
project program, and reporting. The Consultant shall be responsible to generate the
data/reports required to be submitted to Client on a periodic basis as required in the
contract agreement and also give opinion for contractual matter viz; excess, extra items,
extension of time limit and other contractual matter.
(d) The Consultant shall, during the defects liability period, inspect the Project Site at intervals
as and when required to monitor technical performance of the Project.
(e) The Consultant shall report to the Client at very frequent intervals, on a daily, weekly, and
monthly basis, such details as are mutually agreed between the Client and Consultant. Apart
from period reports, the Consultant shall intimate the Client in writing of any deviations
from the Technical Requirements and Performance Standards.
(f) It is reiterated that the contract is EPC one, the Client binds the contractor only on
performance. The measurements and reviews do not constitute approval rights as between
the Client and the contractor, but in so far as the Consultant is concerned, he shall ensure
that a complete internal record of the work is available.The Consultant shall ensure that his
inspections do not impede the design, construction and operation and maintenance of the
(g) The Consultant shall be required for
• Preparation of DPR for the Projects taken into account techno- economic aspects and
should be easily manageable for operation and maintenance.
• Preparation of tender document, invitation of the bid, technical and financial evaluation of
the bid and final recommendation.
• Detailed checking and approval of Structural design as well as Hydraulic Design submitted
by the contractor.
• Review and approve the Quality Assurance and Quality control plan.
• Review and approve the Program Schedule.
• Review and approve the construction drawings.
• Carry out day-to-day site supervision for quality control.
• Taking & recording the measurements, preparation of the bills and dimension control. All
the measurements are to be taken and recorded by an authorized Engineer of PMC
consultant. The measurements can be recorded in the Measurement Book. Or it can be in
the computerized Sheet but duly signed by the authorized Engineer. The sheet will be then
treated as MB and shall be considered as an authorized document. The measurement
recorded by the PMC consultant will be checked by engineer of the implementing agency as
directed by GUDM as and when necessary.
• Witness the testing and inspection of materials of construction and the inspection of the
mechanical,electrical as well as automation components of the project at factory anywhere
in India. The inspection of materials will be done at factory site by PMC consultant in all
over Gujarat and outside Gujarat
• Monitor Work program, identify slacks and slippage, and suggest remedial measures.
• Monitor adequacy of manpower, machinery and other resources to meet the target.
• Co-ordinate the review meetings.
• Review and certify milestone payments.
• Review and verify variations due to excess extra item and advise in value engineering.
• Review and advice on time extensions.
• Monitor implementation of quality assurance procedures.
• Generate and compile reports as required under the contract agreement.
• Review and certify stages of work such as Taking Over, Construction
• Completion and Maintenance certificate.
• Ensure the Environmental and Social covenants are implemented during construction.
• Monitor water supply management, operations & maintenance of system and safety at site.
• Assist clearance in ROW matter and getting approval from authorities for various activities.
• Any other work which may deem fit and decided by the client in consultation with the
6.6 Reporting and co-ordination
The Consultant (and his staff) shall report only to the Client's representative. The
Consultant shall not exercise any direct control over the contractor, but shall report to the
Client's representative who shall be the sole point of contact with the Contractor. The
Client shall also have senior and supervisory staff as required at site. The contracts shall
provide for a Consultant to supervise the contract agreement. Similarly the Lenders may
appoint a Lender's engineer. The Consultantshall co-ordinate with all such persons for the
fulfillment of obligations, but shall report solely to the Client's representative.
6.7 Project team
The Consultant shall be required to form a multi-disciplinary Project Team for this
assignment, from the areas given in Form 3D-8 of the RFP.
6.8 Assistance from client:
Client would help in co-coordinating site visits and also any clarifications sought by
Consultants, before the Proposals are submitted.
The Consultants would be assisted by client obtaining relevant information from the
authorities as well extend co-operation on following areas:
a) Exchange of data and information related to the study.
b) Day-to-day interactions and management of activities to enable active project
management, issue letters of authority to consultants to facilitate activities related
to Assignments and collection of data from State Government Departments and
other agencies.
c) The Terms & Conditions, Contract Agreement with detailed scope of work
ofContract shall be made available to the consultant
6.9 Phasing of and location for consultancy services
The Consultancy services are to be rendered in following four phases together with the
a) Pre-Contract work:Office / site, as appropriate
b) Contract Management, Construction Supervision Site / at vendors premises
Material inspection anywhere in India
c) Defects Correction Supervision site
d) Post-Contract work Office site as appropriate
6.10 Procedures and authority level:
(a) The Consultant shall carry out the Services as defined in Clause 6.11 of these Terms of
Reference or as otherwise required for efficient works' execution, while acting in the
capacity of the "Representative of the Client" according to the intentions of the
"Conditions of Contract", which form part of the tender/contract documents for works
execution and shall be available for review at the GUDM. The "Conditions of Contract"
clarifies in detail, the dutiesand authorities of the Consultant and of his representative,
to whom the Consultant may delegate duties and authorities as required.
(b) Principally, the Consultant have to carry out the day-to-day qualitative and supervision
of works execution and construction contract administration on behalf of the Client
following the laid down procedures.
The powers vested in the Consultant there to under the terms and conditions of this
Contract are subject to limitations as stipulated in the above said "Conditions of
Contract" in respect of taking major steps in construction contract administration
notably referring to.
• approving assignment and sub-contracting issuing a notice to commence
• certifying additional costs and payments
• determining extensions of time
• issuing a certificate of substantial completion
• issuing a defects correction certificate
• For which the specific approval of the Client in writing shall be needed in advance.
(c) Whilst therefore being fully accountable to the client in ensuring that the works are
executed within the tender total or such other sum as may become payable to the
contractor under the provisions of this contract and within the scheduled time for
completion, the Consultant also has duties towards the contractor in administrating
and interpreting the contract properly and fairly to maintain the work schedule and to
avoid disputes.Thereto the Consultant shall ensure that the Client's and the
contractors’ rights under the construction contract are upheld by ensuring good verbal
and written communication between himself, the Client and his representatives and
the contractor and his representatives. The Consultant shall follow the contractor's
progress carefully and forecast well ahead the needs for critical actions to be taken.
He shall ensure, that items with a lead time or otherwise not readily available e.g.
pipes, pumps and electrical installation items are ordered well in time by the
contractor. He shall also ensure that excessive quantities of materials are not ordered
where the delivery of such quantities could cause difficulties on site or the materials
could deteriorate.
(d) In particular, the Consultant shall ensure that payments to the contractor can be made
on time by giving ample notice and opportunity to the Client's representative to carry
out whatever quality checks and measurements he may wish prior to authorizing
payment of amounts certified by the Project Engineer. The Consultant shall therefore
agree with the Client's representative on a regular basis and well in advance on items
on which the Client's representative wishes to carry out checks and
measurements and on the extent of such checks and measurements. Provided that the
Clients representatives has been given adequate notice in writing to carry out his own
checks and measurements but fails to do so, works execution will continue without
delay and payment of the amounts certified by the Consultant will be deemed to
beauthorized. In such events, the Consultant shall state in writing to the Client that he
was requested to carry out his own checks and measurements but failed to do so. This
Clause is not in any way limiting the Client's rights to carry out spot checks and
measurements at any time.
The Project Engineer, during the contract, shall provide the Client with monthly reports
indicating physical progress compared to the work schedule and cost aspects including
amounts certified so far and during that month and any financial implication in the reports,
the Consultant shall also include observations and comments on testing results and quality
of workmanship.
6.11 Scope of work – Construction supervision stage
The Consultant shall carry out duties and authorities which include, without being limited
to them, the following functions and tasks by phase of work.
6.11.1 Pre-Contract work
• Read and understand the concept of the details of the works and of the Services from
the various documents prepared by or on behalf of the Client.
• Inspect all existing surveys, mapping and other site data to determine and identify
additional work as required to provide the contractor with sufficient information to
execute the works with no claims or time extension.
• Jointly with the Client, develop formats for reporting and recording.
• Mobilize all staff and other requirements well in time to carry out the services.
• Technical and financial evolution of the bids
6.11.2 Contract Management, Construction supervision and inspection of materials machineries
& equipment’s
a) ContractManagement
• Within the powers granted to the Consultant, administer the construction contract on
behalf of the client.
• Work closely with the client, to assist him to carry out his obligations under the
construction contract in order that the contractor is not hampered in any way in
• Carrying out his duties.
• ensure that the contractor carries out the works in accordance with the construction
contract and assist the contractor therewith, all to enable the contractor to fully
carry out his obligations within the tender total or such other sum as may become
payable to him under the provisions of his contract and within the scheduled time for
• Finalized between the Client and the Contractor to ensure good communication
between all parties such that disputes do not arise and that any such disputes are
settled reasonably and amicably and assist in any adjudication.
• Keep accurate records of all site activities and operations and those required elsewhere
for efficient works execution from the contractor and others under the construction
contract, including but not restricted to
- Correspondence between client, Consultant and contractor as well as between
them and third parties.
- Minutes of scheduled meetings
- Daily, weekly and monthly report from the Engineer's representative and the site
- Instructions, variation orders, approval forms, etc.
- Level and survey books, including checks on setting out and completed work.
- Work records, such as measurements, levels, dimensions, drawings and material
delivery notes.
b) Progress Reports based on Primavera or MS – Project software charts and drawings
with Monitoring Project activities using PMIS/latest cyber tools
− test data and laboratory reports
− plant and labor returns
− day work records
− financial records, including interim statements plus supporting particulars and
certificates administrative records concerning leave, sickness, accidents, where
applicable as submitted and as corrected, if necessary.
c) Work's programming:
• Agree with the Client on the overall construction program.
• Agree with the contractor at the start of the works on his detailed work program.
• Monitor progress of the works and ensure that the contractor, as and when required,
produces revised programs.
• Ensure that the contractor allows for sufficient lead time for the provision of all
materials, plant, equipment and labor to avoid hold ups or bottlenecks.
• Timely devise, jointly with the contractor, a plan of action for detailed investigations
and testing of existing facilities, if any to be incorporated in the permanent works.
• prevent any hold ups due to factors beyond the control of the contractor, including
such factors in the hands of the client like granting of access to all parts of the site,
provision of certain facilities and storage areas, obtaining of rights of way and way
leaves and any such other items which are the duty of or where assistance is to be
given by the Client
• assist the contractor in case, notwithstanding the above time problems not caused by
him occur in making up for any lost time or in negotiating interim extension of time
d) Inspection of Materials, Machineries and Equipment
• Inspection of Materials Machineries and equipmentat the place of manufacture
within Gujarat and outside Gujarat in the country. The travel cost for material
inspection at vendor’s work within Gujarat is considered to be covered in the quoted
price itself. However, for inspections outside Gujarat will be reimbursed on actual
cost basis.
• The inspection shall consist of preparation of methodology sequences and system
report inclusive its commissioning for each category works ensuring quality
assurance and control so as to achieve the desired objective and sustainability of the
system for the anticipated serve life to each category.
• Any effective modification found necessary during their inspection process
forachieving the designated aim shall be brought to the notice of the Client and
obligatory on the agency.
• Typical inspection checklists shall be prepared for each category of works on each
operation and activities with reference to documents and standards. The acceptance
/ rejection report through the concerted inspection engineer ensuring all the points
shall be mandatory.
• The inspection system and procedure shall be prepared and maintained on day- to-
day basis. The inspection crews shall have guidelines, test plans, scope of inspection,
procedures, checklists and various formats to carry out inspection in a systematic
• The computerized inspection reports shall have to be prepared.
• The inspection report on based on factory and / or onsite inspection shall be
submitted to the engineer-in-charge of the project, periodically as per requirement.
• All stationary, drawing stationary, design facilities, reprographic facilities etc. shall be
provided by Consultant at his own cost.
• The Consultant shall issue necessary certification on progressive completion of each
category of work after ensuring quality control and assurance so as to achieve the
designed objectives of the particulars works. The certification shall be based on
satisfactory adherence of the system andprocedures of the inspection.
e) Review and Approval
− Study of contract documents for civil, mechanical, electrical works and IT and
Communication Works.
− Inspection of Test Plan (ITP) prepared by the contractor / Vendors
− Review of quality assurance plan.
− Welding procedure, testing procedure etc. prepared by the contractor.
− Checking and inspecting Factory / field laboratories provided by Vendor /contractor
to conduct laboratory tests.
− Test certificates / reports of materials to be used for finished product for use in
construction and installation.
f) Quality surveillance:
- M.S. Plates / M.S. Coils Mild Steel Pipes Valves, Specials fittings etc
- Pipe external coating, internal lining at coating yards on at site etc.
- Pumping machineries including pumps, L.T. H.V. Motors, various type of valves,
motorized actuators sluice gate, expansion bellows, mechanical - electrical
components of water treatment plant
- EOT – Cranes
- Window Air Conditions
- Exhaust Fans
- Surge Control devices such as Air Vessels, Air Cushion & Zero VelocityValves.
- Flow measuring devices
- Pressure measurement devices
- Pressure switches
- Welding electrodes
- Ordinary port land cement
- Slag Cement
- Drinking & Construction water
- Building materials steel, cement bricks, coarse aggregates, sand etc.
- Power transformers
- 3.3 to 11 KV switch gear
- Capacitors with Panel
- 415 V – Switch gear
- Air circuit Breakers
- Starters
- Contactors
- Current and Voltage Transformers
- Indicating Meters
- Terminal Blades
- Lighting fixture
- Protective Relays
- LT/HT cable & cable termination
- Miniature circuit Breaker
- Instrument and control cables
- Programmable logic controller
- Local central panel
- Rader type Measurement systems
- Computers
- Lightning Protection Unit
- PanelEnclosure
- Any Others Equipment/Plant/Machinery/ Material/Hardware
g) Supervision of construction
• Supervise the mobilization of the contractor, his staff, plant, equipment etc. and his
provisions for storage and other operating areas, paying particular attention to land
made available for the construction of the works, including rights-of-way and way
• Provide the contractor with points, lines and levels of reference, as made available by
the Client or otherwise established, and check the contractor’s setting out his shall
include the accurate locations and levels of all structures, the lines and levels of
pipelines and the locations of accesses, storage areas, working areas, way leaves etc.
• Check all construction materials and equipment arriving on site to ensure that they are
in compliance with the lists of supplies submitted by the contractor and meet the
requirements of the specification and the applicable standards’ ensure that all
materialshandling and storage is in accordance with the manufacturers’
recommendations. Advise to the contractor for safety measures & epidemics.
• Monitor and inspect the contractor’s methods of construction for permanent and
temporary works, including false work, checkingof centering & scaffolding,
reinforcement and supervision of concrete & other civil work, as well as materials and
equipment installation, workmanship and other site operations in regard of compliance
with the requirements of the specification, the applicable standards and the
manufacturer’s recommendations, with all due attention being given to adherence to
safety codes, labor laws, either laws, bye-laws and regulations and avoidance of public
• Prepare and Issue to the contractor from time to time, as and when necessary, such
further drawings, specification and instructions as required under the construction
contract to enable the contractor to complete his obligations under his contract in a
timely manner.
• Direct and witness from time to time such tests regarding construction materials and
equipment and workmanship as requiredunder the construction contract to be
executed by the contractor or elsewhere and instruct the contractor to undertake
corrective action in case of non- compliance with the specification or the applicable
• Supervise the contractor’sdetailed investigations and testing of existing facilities, if any,
in regard of compliance with the plan of action and decide on the basis of the results of
the testing on whether the said facilities are sufficiently sound to be incorporated in
the permanent works without adversely effecting later operation and functioning.
• In the event of technical problems arising on site, assist the contractor in overcoming
them in the interest of the Client. Within the tender total or such other sum as may
become payable to the contractor under the provisions of his contract and within the
scheduled time for completion.
• Agree with the contractor on the breakdowns of any provisional sums provided for in
the bill of quantities of the construction contract and issue instructions as regards the
extent to and the manner in which the provisional sums will be expended.
• Upon having obtained approval of the client, issue variation orders or order extension
of time as required under the construction contract.
h) Review / Approval of the documents
− Study of contract documents for Civil / Mechanical and Electrical work and IT and
Communication works.
− Inspection test plan prepared by the contractor for Civil, Mechanical andElectrical
worksand IT and Communication works.
− Material test certificates for cement, reinforcement and major bulk materials.
− Al check test reports laboratory as well as internal for the materials convert, mortar
i) Site Supervision of construction
− Ensuring setting up of field laboratories
− Contractors internal test on materials, concrete, mortar etc.
− Pipe line trenching, bedding
− Lowering, laying and welding & jointing of Mild Steel pipe lines of various sizes.
− Installation of valves, specials fittings.
− Inside in-situ lining
− Pipeline hydro testing and pre commissioning test.
− Proper alignment of pipeline trenching.
− Nallah / River crossings – culverts bridges etc.
− Major / minor road crossings
− Railway crossings
− Orientation, location of structures depth of foundation etc. with respect to
approved drawings and approved test plan
− Dimensions, reinforcement, concreting in foundation for major civil works.
− Shuttering,plumb,dimensions,concretingetc.insubstructureincludingverticalwall,rin
gbeams,tie beams,columns,slab, etc…asperapprovedin section testplan.
− Civil, mechanicalandelectrical works of water treatmentplant-ESR,GSR, intake
structure, pump house.
− IT and Communication works
The items listed in scope of works are major items covered under the construction
The miscellaneous items and any other major items remained in the lists but
required for the successful implementation of the project shall also form the part of
scope of work under this consultancy.
• Ensure that "as-built" drawings meeting professional standards are provided by the
• Prepare detailed project report "as-executed" and operation and maintenance manuals
for all components of the permanent works, as required.
• Train scheme operators, selected by the Client or others, to give them the appropriate
skills for proper operation and maintenance of the works.
• Make periodic site visits to ensure that any outstanding work agreed upon with the
contractor before the issue of the certificate of substantial completion is properly
carried out.
• In the event of any defect and whenever required, visit the site, ensure that repairs are
properly carried out.
• On the occasion of site visits as above and / or request of the Client, supervise
performance of the operators and report to the Client in case of shortcomings,
including recommending on corrective actions.
• At the end of the defects correction period and when all outstanding work is
completed and all repairs are carried out satisfactorily, issue the defects corrections
certificate in accordance with the provisions of the constructioncontract.
• After clearing and tidying up of the site by the contractor is complete, carry out all work
required to finalize the construction contract administratively.
1.1 Definitions;
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms whenever used in this Contract
have the following meanings:
(a) “Applicable Law” means the laws and any other instruments having the force of law in
the Government’s country, or in such other country as may be specified in the Special
Conditions of Contract (SC), as they may be issued and in force from time to time.
(b) “GUDM” means the GUJARAT URBAN DEVELOPMENT MISSION, a Govt. of Gujarat
undertaking, Gandhinagar.
(c) ”Consultant” means Agency / Bidder, any private or public entity that will provide the
Services to the GUDM under the Contract.
(d) “Contract” means the Contract signed by the Parties and all the attached documents
listed in its Clause 1 that is this General Conditions (GC), the Special Conditions (SC), and
the Appendices.
(e) “Day” means calendar day.
(f) “Effective Date” means the date on which this Contract comes into force and effect
pursuant to Clause GC 2.1.
(g) “Foreign Currency” means any currency other than the currency of the GUDM’s country.
(h) “GC” means these General Conditions of Contract.
(i) “Government” means the Government of the GUDM’s country.
(j) “Local Currency” means the currency of the GUDM’s country.
(k) “Member” means any of the entities that make up the joint
venture/consortium/association, and “Members” means all these entities.
(l) “Party” means the GUDM or the Consultant, as the case may be, and “Parties” means
both of them.
(m) “Personnel” means professionals and support staff provided by the Consultants or by
any Sub-Consultants and assigned to perform the Services or any part thereof; “Foreign
Personnel “means such professionals and support staff who at the time of being so
provided had their domicile outside the Government’s country; “Local Personnel”
means such professionals and support
Staff who at the time of being so provided had their domicile inside the Government’s
country; and “Key Personnel” means the Personnel referred to in Clause GC 4.2(a).
(n) “Reimbursable expenses” means all assignment-related costs other than Consultant’s
(o) “SC” means the Special Conditions of Contract by which the GC may be amended or
(p) “Services” means the work to be performed by the Consultant pursuant to this Contract,
as described in Appendix A hereto.
(q) “Third Party” means any person or entity other than the Government, the GUDM, the
Consultant or a Sub-Consultant.
(r) “In writing” means communicated in written form with proof of receipt.
(s) “Project Cost” means the cost of the project finally approved as a result of evaluation of
bid which is included in the contract agreement & duly certified by GUDM / PMC
(A) The selected consultant shall have to pay “Performance Security” 10 % of the value of work in
the form of a fix deposit receipt given by a Schedule bank (except cooperative bank) having branch
in Gandhinagar/ Ahmedabad or unequivocal/ unconditional Bank Guarantee issued by a Schedule
bank (except cooperative bank) having its branch at Gandhinagar/ Ahmedabad in the name of the
Gujarat Urban Development Mission
(B) 50% performance security shall be returned to the agency within 30 days from the date of
successful completion of the contract and remaining 50% will be returned after 6 month from the
date of successful completion of the contract after getting No objection certificate from concern
Municipal corporation or Urban Local Authority of the Project.
1.3 Relationship between the Parties
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as establishing a relationship of master and
servant or of principal and agent as between the GUDM and the Consultant. The Consultant,
subject to this Contract, has complete charge of Personnel and Sub-Consultants, if any,
performing the Services and shall be fully responsible for the Services performed by them or
on their behalf hereunder.
1.7.2 A Party may change its address for notice hereunder by giving the other Party notice
in writing of such change to the address specified in the SC.
1.8 Location
The Services shall be performed at such locations as are specified in Appendix – A and
where the location of a particular task is not so specified, at such locations, whether in the
Government’s country or elsewhere, as the client may approve.
1.9 Authority of Member in Charge
Every member of the consultant’s team deployed for the assignment under this contract
shall have the authority to provide services and also be responsible to the GUDM for the
quality of services to be provided under this contract.
1.10 Authorized Representatives
Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any document required or permitted to
be executed under this Contract by the GUDM or the Consultant may be taken or executed
by the officials specified in the SC.
1.11 Taxes and Duties
The Consultant, Sub-Consultants, and their Personnel shall pay such indirect taxes, duties,
fees, and other impositions levied under the Applicable Law as specified in the SC, the
amount of which is deemed to have been included in the Contract Price.
1.12 Fraud and Corruption
It is the GUDM’S policy to observe the highest standard of ethics during execution of this
contract. In pursuance of this policy, if the Client determines that the Consultant and /or its
Personal, has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices, in
competing for or in executing the Contract, and the provisions of Clause 2 shall apply as is
such expulsion had been made under Sub- Clause 2.9.1 (d).
Should any Personnel of the Consultant be determined to have engaged in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practice during the execution of the Contract,
then that Personnel shall be removed in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.5
1.11.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this Sub-Clause, the terms set-forth below are defined as follows:
(i) “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly,of
anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party;
(ii) “fraudulent practice” 'is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, thatknowingly
or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a pal1y to obtain a financial orother benefit
or to avoid an obligation;
(iii) “collusive practice” is an arrangement between two or more parties designed toachieve an
improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of anotherparty;
(iv) “coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directlyor
indirectly, any pal1y or the property of the party to influence improperly the actionsof a
(v) "obstructive practice" is
(a) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of evidence material
totheinvestigation making false statements to investigators in order to materiallyimpede
a client’s investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive orcollusive
practice; and/or threatening, harassing or intimidating any patty toprevent it from
disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation orfrom pursuing the
investigation; or
(b) acts intended to materially impede the exercise Client’s inspection and auditrights
provided for under Clause 3.6.
1.11.2 Measures to be taken
(a) GUDM will cancel and terminate the contract if it determines that representatives of the
Consultant were engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices during the
selection process or the execution of that contract.
(b) will sanction a Consultant, including declaring the Consultant ineligible, either indefinitely
or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a GUDM -financed contract if it at any time
determines that the Consultant has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, a GUDM-
financed contract;
shall give due consideration to any proposals for modification or variation made by the
other Party.
(b) In cases of substantial modifications or variations, the prior written consent of the GUDM is
2.7 Force Majeure
2.7.1 Definition
(a) For the purposes of this Contract, “Force Majeure” means an event which is beyond the
reasonable control of a Party, is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and which makes a Party’s
performance of its obligations hereunder impossible or so impractical as reasonably to be
considered impossible in the circumstances, and includes, but is not limited to, war, riots,
civil disorder, earthquake, fire, explosion, storm, flood or other adverse weather
conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action (except where such strikes, lockouts
or other industrial action are within the power of the Party invoking Force Majeure to
prevent), confiscation or any other action by Government agencies.
(b) Force Majeure shall not include (i) any event which is caused by the negligence or
intentional action of a consultant or such Sub-Consultants or agents or employees, nor (ii)
any event which a diligent consultant could reasonably have been expected both to take
into account at the time of the conclusion of this Contract, and avoid or overcome in the
carrying out of its obligations hereunder.
(c) Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or failure to make any payment
required hereunder.
2.7.2 No Breach of Contract
The failure of a consultant to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder shall not be considered to be a
breach of, or default under, this Contract insofar as such inability arises from an event of
Force Majeure, provided that the Consultant affected by such an event has taken all
reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures, all with the
objective of carrying out the terms and conditions of this Contract.
2.7.3 Measures to be taken
(a) A Consultant affected by an event of Force Majeure shall continue to perform its
obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall take all reasonable
measures to minimize the consequences of any event of Force Majeure.
(b) A Consultant affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify the GUDM of such event as
soon as possible, and in any case not later than fourteen (14) days following the occurrence
of such event, providing evidence of the nature and cause of such event, and shall similarly
give written notice of the restoration of normal conditions as soon as possible.
(c) Any period within which a Consultant shall, pursuant to this Contract, complete any action
or task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Consultant was
unable to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure.
(d) During the period of their inability to perform the Services as a result of an event of Force
Majeure, the Consultant, upon instructions by the GUDM, shall either:
(i) demobilize, in which case the Consultant shall be reimbursed for additional costs they
reasonably and necessarily incurred, and, if required by the GUDM, in reactivating the
Services; or
(ii) continue with the Services to the extent possible, in which case the Consultant shall
continue to be paid under the terms of this Contract and be reimbursed for additional costs
reasonably and necessarily incurred.
(e) In the case of disagreement between the Parties as to the existence or extent of Force
Majeure, the matter shall be settled according to Clause GC 8.
2.8 Suspension
The GUDM may, by written notice of suspension to the Consultant, suspend all payments
to the Consultant hereunder if the Consultant fails to perform any of its obligations under
this Contract, including the carrying out of the Services, provided that such notice of
(i) shall specify the nature of the failure, and
(ii) shall request the Consultant to remedy such failure within a period not exceeding
thirty (30) days after receipt by the Consultant of such notice of suspension.
2.9 Termination
2.9.1 By the GUDM
The GUDM may terminate this Contract in case of the occurrence of any of the
events specified in paragraphs (a) through (g) of this Clause GC2.9.1. In such an
occurrence the GUDM shall give a not less than thirty (30) days’ written notice of
termination to the Consultants, and sixty (60) days’ in case of the event referred to
in (g).
(a) If the Consultant fails to remedy a failure in the performance of its
obligations hereunder, as specified in a notice of suspension pursuant to
Clause GC 2.8 hereinabove, within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice
of suspension or within such further period as the GUDM may have
subsequently approved in writing.
(b) If the Consultant becomes (or, if the Consultant consists of more than one
entity, if any of its Members becomes) insolvent or bankrupt or enter into
any agreements with their creditors for relief of debt or take advantage of
any law for the benefit of debtors or go into liquidation or receivership
whether compulsory or voluntary.
(c) If the Consultant fails to comply with any final decision reached as a
result of arbitration proceedings pursuant to Clause GC 8 hereof.
(d) If the Consultant, in the judgment of the GUDM, has engaged incorrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing this Contract.
(e) If the Consultant submits to the GUDM a false statement which has a
material effect on the rights, obligations or interests of the GUDM.
(f) If, as the result of Force Majeure, the Consultant is unable to perform a
material portion of the Services for a period of not less than sixty (60) days.
(g) If the GUDM, in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, decides
to terminate this Contract.
2.9.2 By the Consultant
The Consultants may terminate this Contract, by not less than thirty (30) days’
written notice to the GUDM, such notice to be given after the occurrence of any of
the events specified in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this Clause GC 2.9.2:
(a) If, as the result of Force Majeure, the Consultant is unable to perform a
material portion of the Services for a period of not less than sixty (60) days.
(b) If the GUDM fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result of
arbitration pursuant to Clause GC 8 hereof.
2.9.3 Cessation of Rights and Obligations
Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Clauses GC 2.2 or GC 2.9 hereof, or
upon expiration of this Contract pursuant to Clause GC 2.4 hereof, all rights and
obligations of the Parties hereunder shall cease, except (i) such rights and
obligations as may have accrued on the date of termination or expiration, (ii) the
obligation of confidentiality set forth in Clause GC 3.3 hereof, (iii) the Consultant’s
obligation to permit inspection, copying and auditing of their accounts and records
set forth in Clause GC 3.6 hereof, and(iv) any right which a Consultant may have
under the Applicable Law.
2.9.4 Cessation of Services
Upon termination of this Contract by notice of either Consultant to the other
pursuant to Clauses GC 2.9.1 or GC 2.9.2 hereof, the Consultant shall, immediately
upon dispatch or receipt of such notice, take all necessary steps to bring the
Services to a close in a prompt and orderly manner and shall make every
reasonable effort to keep expenditures for this purpose to a minimum. With
respect to documents prepared by the Consultant and equipment and materials
furnished by the GUDM, the Consultant shall proceed as provided, respectively, by
Clauses GC 3.9 or GC 3.10 hereof.
2.9.5 Payment upon Termination
Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to Clauses GC 2.9.1 or GC 2.9.2 hereof,
the GUDM shall make the following payments to the Consultant:
(a) remuneration pursuant to Clause GC 6 hereof for Services satisfactorily
performed prior to the effective date of termination, and reimbursable
expenditures pursuant to Clause GC 6 hereof for expenditures actually
incurred prior to the effective date of termination; and
(b) except in the case of termination pursuant to paragraphs through (e) of
Clause GC 2.9.1 hereof, reimbursement reasonable cost incidental to the
prompt and termination of this Contract including the cost of the travel of
the Personnel and their eligible dependents.
2.9.6 Disputes about Events of Termination
If either Consultant disputes whether an event specified in paragraphs (a) through
(f) of Clause GC 2.9.1 or in Clause GC 2.9.2 hereof has occurred, such Consultant
may, within forty-five (45) days after receipt of notice of termination from the
other Consultant, refer the matter to Clause GC 8 hereof, and this Contract shall
not be terminated on account of such event except in accordance with the terms
of any resulting arbitral award.
3.1 General
3.1.1 Standard of Performance
The Consultant shall perform the Services and carry out their obligations
hereunder with all due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with
generally accepted professional standards and practices, and shall observe sound
management practices, and employ appropriate technology and safe and effective
equipment, machinery, materials and methods. The Consultant shall always act, in
respect of any matter relating to this Contract or to the Services, as faithful adviser
to the GUDM, and shall at all times support and safeguard the GUDM’s legitimate
interests in any dealings with contractor’s, Sub-Consultants or Third Parties.
3.1.2 Law Governing Services
The Consultant shall perform the Services in accordance with the Applicable Law
and shall take all practicable steps to ensure that any Sub-Consultants, as well as
the Personnel of the Consultant and any Sub- Consultants, comply with the
Applicable Law. The GUDM shall notify the Consultant in writing of relevant local
customs, and the Consultant shall, after such notification, respect such customs.
3.2 Conflict of Interests
The Consultant shall hold the GUDM’s interests paramount, without any consideration for
future work, and strictly avoid conflict with other assignments or their own corporate
3.2.1 Consultants not to Benefit from Commissions, Discounts, etc.
(a) The payment of the Consultant pursuant to Clause GC 6 hereof shall constitute the
Consultant’s only payment in connection with this Contract and, subject to
Clause GC 3.2.2 hereof, the Consultant shall not accept for its own benefit any
trade commission, discount or similar payment in connection with activities
pursuant to this Contract or in the discharge of its obligations hereunder, and
the Consultant shall use its best efforts to ensure that any Sub-Consultants, as
well as the Personnel and agents of either of them, similarly shall not receive
any such additional payment.
(b) Furthermore, if the Consultant, as part of the Services, has the responsibility of
advising the GUDM on the procurement of goods, works or services, the
Consultant shall comply with the GUDM’s applicable procurement guidelines, and
shall at all times exercise such responsibility in the best interest of the GUDM.
Any discounts or commissions obtained by the Consultant in the exercise of such
procurement responsibility shall be for the account of the GUDM
3.2.2 Consultant and Affiliates not to engage in certain activities
The Consultant agrees that, during the term of this Contract and after its
termination, the Consultant and any entity affiliated with the Consultant, as well as
any Sub-Consultants and any entity affiliated with such Sub- Consultants, shall be
disqualified from providing goods, works or services (other than consulting services)
resulting from or directly related to the Consultant’s Services for the preparation or
implementation of the project.
3.2.3 Prohibition of Conflicting Activities
The Consultant shall not engage, and shall cause their Personnel as well as their Sub-
Consultants and their Personnel not to engage, either directly or indirectly, in any
business or professional activities which would conflict with the activities assigned
to them under this Contract.
3.3 Confidentiality
Except with the prior written consent of the GUDM, the Consultant and the Personnel shall
not at any time communicate to any person or entity any confidential information acquired
in the course of the Services, nor shall the Consultant and the Personnel make public the
recommendations formulated in the course of, or as a result of, the Services.
3.4 Liability of the Consultant
Subject to additional provisions, if any, set forth in the SC, the Consultants’ liability under
this Contract shall be provided by the Applicable Law.
3.5 Insurance to be Taken Out by the Consultant
The Consultant (i) shall take out and maintain, and shall cause any Sub-Consultants to take
out and maintain, at their (or the Sub- Consultants’, as the case may be) own cost but on
terms and conditions approved by the GUDM, insurance against the risks, and for the
coverage specified in the SC, and (ii) at the GUDM’s request, shall provide evidence to the
GUDM showing that such insurance has been taken out and maintained and that the
current premiums therefore have been paid.
3.6 Accounting, Inspection and Auditing
The Consultant (i) shall keep accurate and systematic accounts and records in respect of the
Services hereunder, in accordance with internationally accepted accounting principles and
in such form and detail as will clearly identify all relevant time changes and costs, and the
bases thereof, and (ii) shall periodically permit the GUDM or its designated representative
and/or the GUDM, and up to five years from expiration or termination of this Contract, to
inspect the same and make copies thereof as well as to have them audited by auditors
appointed by the GUDM or the GUDM, if so required by the GUDM or the GUDM as the
case may be.
3.7 Consultant’s Actions Requiring GUDM’s Prior Approval
The Consultant shall obtain the GUDM’s prior approval in writing before taking any of the
following actions:
(a) Any change or addition to the Personnel listed as key professionals under the
Request for Proposal.
(b) Subcontracts: GUDM will not permit sub contracting of any part of the assignment
as per the Request for Proposal. In special circumstances that may require the
consultant to subcontract work relating to the Services to an extent and with such
experts and entities, GUDM may at its sole discretion consider such subcontracting.
The Consultant shall have to obtain GUDM’s prior approval for such subcontracting.
Notwithstanding such approval, the Consultant shall retain full responsibility for the
Services. In the event that any Sub-Consultants are found by the GUDMto be
incompetent or incapable in discharging assigned duties, the client may request the
Consultant to provide a replacement, with qualifications and experience acceptable
to the GUDM, or to resume the performance of the Services itself.
(c) Any other action that may be specified in the SC
3.8 Reporting Obligations
The Consultant shall submit to the GUDM the reports and documents specified in the
Request for Proposal, in the form, in the numbers and within the time periods set forth in
the said Request for Proposal. Final reports shall be delivered in CD ROM in addition to the
hard copies specified in said Request for Proposal.
the date of receipt of such CVs, such Personnel shall be deemed to have been approved by
the GUDM.
4.4 Working Hours, Overtime, Leave, etc.
(a) The consultant and his professional staff at the project site shall work as per the work
schedule agreed with the GUDM.
(b) The Key Personnel shall not be entitled to be paid for overtime nor to take paid sick
leave or vacation leave, the Consultant’s remuneration shall be deemed to cover these
items. All leave to be allowed to the Personnel is included in the staff-months of
service set forth in Request for Proposal. Any taking of leave by Personnel shall be
subject to the prior approval by the Consultant and the GUDM who shall ensure that
absence for leave purposes will not delay the progress and adequate supervision of
the Services.
5.4 Services, Facilities and Property of the GUDM
(a)The GUDM shall make available to the Consultant and the Personnel, for the purposes of
the Services and free of any charge, the services, facilities and property described in the
Request for Proposal and the Data Sheet.
(b) In case that such services, facilities and property shall not be made available to the
Consultant as and when specified in Request for Proposal and the Data Sheet, the
Parties shall agree on (i) any time extension that it may be appropriate to grant to the
Consultant for the performance of the Services, (ii) the manner in which the Consultant
shall procure any such services, facilities and property from other sources, and (iii) the
additional payments, if any, to be made to the Consultant as a result thereof pursuant
to Clause GC 6.1(c) hereinafter.
5.5 Payment
In consideration of the Services performed by the Consultant under this Contract, the
GUDM shall make to the Consultant such payments and in such manner as is provided by
Clause GC 6 of this Contract.
5.6 Counterpart Personnel
(a) The GUDM shall make available to the Consultant free of charge such professional and
support counterpart personnel, to be nominated by the GUDM with the Consultant’s
advice, if specified in Request for Proposal and the Data Sheet.
(b) If counterpart personnel are not provided by the GUDM to the Consultant as and when
specified in Request for Proposal and the Data Sheet, the GUDM and the Consultant
shall agree on (i) how the affected part of the Services shall be carried out, and (ii) the
additional payments, if any, to be made by the GUDM to the Consultant as a result
thereof pursuant to Clause GC 6.1(c) hereof.
(c) Professional and support counterpart personnel, excluding GUDM’s liaison personnel,
shall work under the exclusive direction of the Consultant. If any member of the
counterpart personnel fails to perform adequately any work assigned to such member
by the Consultant that is consistent with the position occupied by such member, the
Consultant may request the replacement of such member, and the GUDM shall not
unreasonably refuse to act upon such request.
6.1 Cost Estimates; Ceiling Amount
The payment to the consultant shall be made as per the payment schedule break up as per
this tender.
6.2 Remuneration and Reimbursable Expenses
The payment to the consultant shall be made as per the payment schedule break up as per
this tender.
6.3 Currency of Payment
All payments will be made in Indian Rupees
6.4 Mode of Billing and Payment
Billings and payments in respect of the Services shall be made as follows:
(a) As soon as practicable and not later than fifteen (15) days after the end of each
calendar month during the period of the Services, or after the end of each time
intervals otherwise indicated in the SC, the Consultant shall submit to the GUDM, in
duplicate, itemized statements, accompanied by copies of invoices, vouchers and
other appropriate supporting materials, of the amounts payable pursuant to Clauses
GC 6.3 and GC 6.4 for such month, or any other period indicated in the SC. Each
statement shall distinguish that portion of the total eligible costs which pertains to
remuneration from that portion which pertains to reimbursable expenses, if eligible
under the financial proposal accepted by the GUDM.
(b) The GUDM shall pay the Consultant’s statements (as per payment schedule break up)
after the receipt by the GUDM of such statements with supporting documents. Only
such portion of a statement that is not satisfactorily supported may be withheld from
payment. Should any discrepancy be found to exist between actual payment and
costs authorized to be incurred by the Consultant, the GUDM may add or subtract
the difference from any subsequent payments.
(c) The final payment under this Clause shall be made only after the final report and a
final statement, identified as such, shall have been submitted by the Consultant and
approved as satisfactorily by the GUDM. The Services shall be deemed completed and
finally accepted by the GUDM and the final report and final statement shall be
deemed approved by the GUDM as satisfactorily ninety (90) calendar days after
receipt of the final report and final statement by the GUDM unless the GUDM, within
such ninety (90) day period, gives written notice to the Consultant specifying in detail
deficiencies in the Services, the final report or final statement. The Consultant shall
there upon promptly make any necessary corrections, and thereafter the foregoing
process shall be repeated. Any amount, which the GUDM has paid or caused to be
paid in accordance with this Clause in excess of the amounts actually payable in
accordance with the provisions of this Contract, shall be reimbursed by the
Consultant to the GUDM within thirty (30) days after receipt by the Consultant of
notice thereof. Any such claim by the GUDM for reimbursement must be made within
twelve (12) calendar months after receipt by the GUDM of a final report and a final
statement approved by the GUDM in accordance with the above.
(d) All payments under this Contract shall be made to the accounts of the Consultant
specified in the SC.
(e) With the exception of the final payment under (d) above, payments do not constitute
acceptance of the Services nor relieve the Consultant of any obligations hereunder.
7.1 Good Faith
The Parties undertake to act in good faith with respect to each other’s rights under this
Contract and to adopt all reasonable measures to ensure the realization of the objectives of
this Contract.
7.2 Operation of the Contract
The Parties recognize that it is impractical in this Contract to provide for every contingency
which may arise during the life of the Contract, and the Parties hereby agree that it is their
intention that this Contract shall operate fairly as between them, and without detriment to
the interest of either of them, and that, if during the term of this Contract either Consultant
believes that this Contract is operating unfairly, the Parties will use their best efforts to
agree on such action as may be necessary to remove the cause or causes of such
unfairness, but no failure to agree on any action pursuant to this Clause shall give rise to a
dispute subject to arbitration in accordance with Clause GC 8 hereof.
i) If any dispute of any kind whatsoever may arise between the Employer and the Contractor in
connection with or arising out of the Contract, including without prejudice to the generality
of the foregoing any question regarding its existence validity or termination, or the
execution of the works whether during the progress of the work or before or after the
termination, abandonment or breach of the contract, the either parties shall have to raise/
refer their disputes/ differences / claims in writing to the other party, within a period of 30
days on occurrence of such events, to resolve any such dispute or difference.
ii) The contractor shall have to refer their disputes to the Manager (Tech) GUDM. After receipt
of the dispute from the contractor under this clause, the Manager (Tech) GUDM In-charge
of works shall have to submit their report to the General Manager (Tech) GUDMwithin a
period of 90 (Ninety) days. The General Manager (Tech) GUDMshall offer an opportunity to
the contractor to be heard and to furnish evidence in support of their disputes within 30
(Thirty) days after the receipt of the disputes duly compiled by Manager (Tech) GUDM.
After hearing the contractor regarding their disputes along with their documentary support
and the Manager (Tech) GUDM& Engineer in charge of the work, the General Manager
(Tech) GUDM shall give decision within a period of 120 (One Hundred Twenty) days or the
contractor is dissatisfied with the decision within 120 (One Hundred Twenty) days after the
contractor has been heard. If The General Manager (Tech) GUDM does not give decision
within 120 (One Hundred Twenty) days or the contractor is dissatisfied with the decision of
the Chief Engineer, the contractor shall within 30 (thirty) days after receiving the
instruction or decision, appeal to the Additional CEO, GUDM. After hearing both the parties
the Additional CEO, GUDM will give reasonable decision within 180 (One Hundred Eighty)
days from the date of receipt of appeal by the contractor. The decision of the Additional
CEO, GUDM shall be final and binding on both the parties. If the Additional CEO, GUDM
does not give decision within 180 (One Hundred Eighty) days after the date of appeal by the
contractor, the contractor will have right to refer the dispute to arbitration tribunal as per
provision of clause “Arbitration”.
i) Subject to Clause (A) mentioned above and in the event of any dispute or difference arising
out of or in any way relating to all concerning these contracts or the construction or effect
of these contracts shall on the initiative of either party to the contract be referred to “The
Arbitration Tribunal Constituted Under The Provision Of Gujarat Public Work Contract
Dispute Arbitration Tribunal Act, 1992”.
ii) The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the “Gujarat Public
Work Contract Dispute Arbitration Tribunal Act, 1992” or statutory modifications there on.
The Arbitration shall be held at such place and time as the Tribunal may determine.
iii) The decision of the tribunal shall be final and binding upon both the parties. The expenses
of the arbitration shall be paid as may be determined by the Tribunal.
iv) Performance of the contractor under the contract shall if reasonably be possible, continue
during the arbitration proceedings and payments due to the contractors by the owner shall
not be withheld, unless they are the subject matter of the arbitration proceedings.
v) The dispute is deemed to have arisen on the date, on which Additional CEO, GUDM shall
not give his decision as mentioned above in Clause (A) or in the case of intimation of any
decision, the contractor intimates in writing that he has finally refused to accept the offer
made by the GUDM.
vi) Where any dispute arises between the parties to the work contract either party shall
irrespective of whether such works contract provides for any arbitration or not, refer,
within one year from the date that Additional CEO, GUDM has not given the decision as per
Clause (A) such dispute in writing to the Tribunal for arbitration in such form and
accompanied by such documents or other evidence any by such fees, as may be prescribed.
vii) Legal jurisdiction: All question relating to this Tender shall be governed by the law of India
and shall be subject to jurisdiction of court at Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
10.0 Special terms and conditions of the contract
a) Staff deployment: The staff deployed for the project shall not be changed without
the permission of GUDM.
b) Transportation: The consulting Firm shall have to engage vehicles in good working
condition as per requirement at site. In case, vehicles are found to be short than
requirement, deduction shall be made at prevailing market rate or rate given in
breakup of price shown in Appendix-E by him, whichever is higher on per day basis.
c) Office Requirement: The consulting Firm shall establish office at site as well as at
Gandhinagar as per tender requirement immediately on receipt of work order.
d) Overall supervision: GUDM is engaging consulting Firm for the work of PMCfor
quality and timely execution of work. Thus essence of the contract is quality of work
and GUDM wants no compromise in this respect. If due to any action of Consulting
e) If the Consultant does not establish their office at site with furniture, computer,
printer, stationary, peon, fax, vehicle for supervision etc. within three month from
date of acceptance of LOA, Rs. 1000/- per day will be deducted from bill.
Number of Amendments or/and Supplements to, GC Clause* Clauses in the General Conditions of
1.1 Language is :English
2.1 The Consultant has to provide services for the period of construction specified in the
contracts awarded to the construction contractor’s (Stipulated contract period from the
date of award). In case if, these constructioncontracts are extended beyond the specified
period of consultancy contract i.e. three years, the consultant’s contract (this contract) will
also be extended on mutual agreement.
During the extended period of consultancy contract, the consultant shall provide the
services and deploy his staff as per mutual agreement. During this period, the consultant’s
price will be mutually decided.
2.2 The time period shall 36 month or such other time period as the parties may agree in
(b) This limitation of liability shall not affect the Consultants’ liability, if any, for damage to
Third Parties caused by the Consultants or any person or Firm acting on behalf of the
Consultants in carrying out the Services.”
3.4 The consultant shall not use their documents and software for purposes unrelated to this
contract without the prior written approval of the GUDM.
3.5 {The person designated as Resident Project Manager in the Request for Proposal shall serve
in that capacity, as specified in Clause GC 4.6.}
This amount shall be recovered from the consultant’s running bill. The recovery commences
after the 25% payment of constancy fee and fully recovered within 75% payment of
consultancy fee on the basis of equal installments.
Appendix - A
(Based on RFP)
(Give detailed descriptions of the Services to be provided; dates for completion of various
tasks, place of performance for different tasks; specific tasks to be approved by Client etc.)
Appendix - B
Reporting Requirements
(List format, frequency and contents of reports; persons to receive them, dates of
submission, number of copies, etc. If no reports are to be submitted, state here "Not
Appendix - C
Key Personnel
List under:
C-1 Titles (and names, if already available), detailed job descriptions and minimum
qualifications and experience of Personnel to be assigned to work in India, and staff-
months for each.
Appendix - D
(I) The Joint Venture agreement made and entered into at (place)
(2) Definitions
In this deed the following words & expressions shall have the meaning set out below
b. "The Works" shall mean: (Registration of Contractor for Various bulk pipeline water
supply projects to be taken up by GUJARAT URBAN DEVELOPMENT MISSION
during 2015-16 to 2018-19)
c. "The Tender" shall mean the Tender to be submitted by Joint Venture to the
Employer for the work /works for which tender will be floated by GUJARAT
d. "The Contract" shall mean the contract entered /to be entered into between the Joint
Venture and the Employer for the works.
The Parties hereto declare that they have agreed to form a Joint Venture for the purpose
of submitting the tender. Application/ tender document initially and then tender and if
successful for the execution of the works as an integrated Joint Venture. The parties
are not under this agreement entering into any permanent partnership of Joint
Venture to tender or undertake any contract other than the subject works. Nothing herein
contained shall be considered to constitute the parties of partners to constitute either
Party the agent of the other.
(4) Witness
reinforced as Employer has invited tenders from intending bidders and
has permitted a group of firms (not exceeding two) forming a Joint Venture to eligible
to be a bidder.
And whereas_____________________________ p a r t y o f t h e f i r s t p a r t
a n d party of the Second part are desirous to enter into a Joint Venture in the
nature of partnership engaged in the joint undertaking for the specific purpose
of execution of the work of constructing
_________________________________________________and whereas
Parties of the first and Second part reached understanding to submit pre-qualified
/ tender, if pre-qualification, and to execute the contract if awarded;
(a) The parties do not enter into an agreement of any permanent partnership of Joint Venture
to tender or undertake any Contract other than the specified above ;
(b) That the operation of this Joint Venture firm concerns and is confined to the
work of _______________ of GUJARAT URBAN DEVELOPMENT MISSION.
(c) The name of the Joint Venture firm for convenience and continuity shall be
_______________________________, alternatively the bid may be submitted in
the name of lead member along with Joint Venture agreement.
(d) The Address of Joint Venture for communication shall be as under or the lead
member may also communicate with the GUJARAT URBAN DEVELOPMENT
MISSION for submission of bid & other correspondence related to the work.
(e) The Joint Venture shall jointly submit tender application on the above name
according to all terms and conditions stated in the relevant instructions
contained in the bid documents alternatively the bid may be submitted in the
name of a lead member.
(f) This Joint Venture shall regulate the relations between the parties thereto and
shall include without being limited to them the following conditions.
Venture for all intents and purpose.
(2) In case the said work is awarded to the lead member along with
collaboration with the Joint Venture, the partners of the Joint Venture
will nominate a person with duly notarized power of Attorney on stamp
paper, who will represent the lead member / the Joint Venture with the
authority to incur liabilities, receive instructions and payments, sign and
execute the contract for on behalf of the Joint Venture,
(i) All the (Maximum Two) parties agree to make financial participation
and to place at disposal of Joint Venture the benefits of its individual
experience, technical knowledge, skill and shall in all respect bear its share as
regards planning and execution of the work and responsibilities
including the provision of information, advice and other assistance required
in the Joint Venture and participation shall be as under:
Lead .......Firm —A
Firm ---B
All rights, interest, liabilities, obligation work experience and risks (and all
net profits or net losses) arising out of the contract shall be borne by the
parties in proportion to their shares. Each of the parties shall furnish its
proportionate share in any bonds, guarantees, sureties required for the works as
well as it proportionate share in connection with the works. The share and
participation of the two/three partners in working capital and other financial
requirements shall be in ratio as mentioned above.
(a) The division of individual scope of work may be worked out mutually by the
parties but the party shall be jointly and severally liable to the employer for the
whole work.
(b) The parties specifically undertake to carry out their separate works in full
compliance with the contract with the employer. Each party shall be responsible
jointly and severally for consequences if any arising out of defective or delayed
execution of works which falls within the individual's party's area of
responsibility and/ or it has been caused due to acts and /or omission of the
concerned party.
(c) The parties jointly and severally agree to replace modify or repair any defect in
their respective portions of works in accordance with the terms and condition of
the contract with the employer.
(d) The parties jointly and severally shall indemnify and hold harmless to each other
against any claim made by the employer or any other third party for injury,
damage, loss or expenses is attributed to the breach /non-performance of his
responsibilities by the indemnifying party in accordance with the agreements and
/or contract with the employer.
(e) None of parties have joined in any other Joint Venture for the said works.
(1) Parties hereto shall be jointly and severally liable and responsible for the acts,
deeds and things done or omitted to be done in respect of the execution of the
contract and for any financial liability arising there from.
(2) Par-ties hereto shall be jointly and severally responsible to the Employer for the
execution of the works in accordance with the contract conditions;
(3) Parties hereto shall be jointly and severally indemnify to the Employer against
any claim made against the employer or any other third party if applicable for any
injury, damage or loss which may be attributed to the breach of the obligations
under the contract pursuant to the contract.
(a) The execution of the work on the site will be managed by a lead member or
a Project Manager appointed by the Joint Venture and who will report to
the ________ (J.V.) the project manager shall be authorized to represent the
Joint Venture on site in respect of matters arising under the contract.
(b) The ____________________ (Name of the J.V.) shall be jointly and severally
liable to the employer for the execution of the contract commitment in respect of
the works in accordance with contract conditions.
(8) Termination of the Agreement
(a) The employer awards the contract for the work to the other Tenderer.
(c) On completion of the defect liability period as stipulated in the contract agreement
of the works and all the liabilities thereof are liquidated.
(9) No partner has right to assign any benefits, obligation of liability under the agreement
to any third party without prior written consent of the other partner as well as
(a) Bank Account in the name of the Joint Venture will be opened with any scheduled
or nationalized Bank to be operated by an individual signatory as decided
mutually by the Joint Venture partners. Alternatively, the payment for the work
done may be received by the lead member on behalf of Joint Venture.
(b) All the partners shall be responsible to maintain or cause to maintain proper
Books of Account in respects of the business of the Joint Venture firm as per the
Indian Regulation Act and shall be closed at the end of the every financial year
ending 3lst March. Upon closure of the books of accounts balance sheet and profit
and loss account as to the state of affairs of the firm as at the end of the financial
year and as to the profit and loss made or incurred by the firm for the year ended
on that date, respectively shall be prepared and the same shall subject to audit by a
Chartered Accountant.
(c) None of the party shall be entitled to make any borrowing on behalf of the Joint
Venture without express prior written consent of the other party.
(d) Bank guarantee for the application /execution of the work shall be provided jointly
from a bank acceptable to the employer.
(11) Negotiation
Any negotiation of agreement between the parties hereto and the employer subsequent
to the submission of the tender and prior to award, shall take place only with consent
of each of the parties who shall be represented at the such negotiation by one or more
representative(s) duly empowered to make such negotiation or agreement.
(14) Insurance
The Joint Venture through the parties individually shall take such insurance in
connection with the work in accordance with the tender condition as acceptable to the
The cost of the insurance premium paid by the Joint Venture shall be borne and paid
by the parties in proportion to the respective shares of work. Other insurance taken
individually by the parties shall be fully borne by the respective parties.
(15) No change shall be made in this agreement without prior written consent of the
employer and other party. However if the employer directs the parties to make changes
in the agreement so as to fulfill tender conditions the parties discuss with employer and
mutually agreed such changes required to be made in the agreement.
(16) Default and withdrawals from the Joint Venture
In case that either party fails to observe the provision stipulated in this agreement
withdrawal from the Joint Venture, Loss and /or expenses incurred by other party due to
such default and /or withdrawals shall be fully compensated by the party who has
defaulted. In such case, the lead member shall be responsible for completion of the
remaining works by making necessary arrangements acceptable to the employer.
(17) All matter relating to or arising due to this agreement shall be treated as confidential
and shall not be disclosed to any other party. In witness whereof the parties have caused
their duly authorized representatives to sign below.
Appendix - E
Services and Facilities provided by the consultant.
Appendix - F
Appendix – G
This guarantee shall be valid until a date 28 days from the date of issue of the Taking-Over
Name of Bank _______________________
Address _______________________
Date _______________________
(On non-judicial paper of appropriate value)
To: ___________________________________________(name of Employer)
__________________________________________(address of Employer)
__________________________________________(address of Contract)
In accordance with the provisions of the Conditions of Contract, (“Advance Payment”) ofthe above-mentioned
Contract,_________________________________________[name and address of Contractor] (hereinafter called
“the Contractor”) shall deposit with ____________________________ (name of the Employer) a bank guarantee
to guarantee his proper and faithful performance under the Clause of the Contract in an amount of
______________________________(amount of Guarantee)
_____________________________________________(amount of words).
We, the ____________________(bank or financial institution), as instructed by the Contractor, agree
unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and
not as Surety merely, the payment to _______________________(name of Employer) on his first demand without
whatsoever right of objection on our part and without his first claim to the Contractor, in the amount not
exceeding________________(amount of Guarantee) _____________________(amount in words), such amount to
be reduced periodically by the amounts recovered by you from the proceeds of the Contract.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
Contract or of Works to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents
which may be made between ____________________________________ (name of Employer) and the Contractor,
shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any change,
addition, or modification.
This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment under the Contract until
_________________(name of Employer) receives full repayment of the same amount from the Contractor.
This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment under the Contract until
_____________________________(name of Employer) receives full repayment of the same amount from the
Appendix – H
[Name of Client]
[Name of Consultants]
This CONTRACT (hereinafter called the "Contract") is made the ________ day of the month
of _________, 2011, between, on the one hand, _______ (hereinafter called the "Client") and, on
the other hand, ___________ (hereinafter called the "Consultants").
[* Note: If the consultants consist of more than one entity, the above should be partially amended
to read as follows:
"..... (hereinafter called the "Client") and, on the other hand, a joint venture consisting of the
following entities, each of which will be jointly and severally liable to the Client for all the
Consultant's obligations under this Contract, namely, _____________ and ___________________
(hereinafter called the "Consultants")"].
(a) The Client has requested the Consultants to provide certain consulting services as defined
in the request of proposal, General Conditions of Contract attached to this Contract
(hereinafter called the "Services");
(b) The Consultants, having represented to the Client that they have the required professional
skills, and personnel and technical resources, have agreed to provide the Services on the
terms and conditions set forth in this contract ;
NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
1. The following documents attached hereto shall be deemed to form an integral part of this
(a) The General Conditions of Contract (hereinafter called "GC") ;
(b) The Special Conditions of Contract (hereinafter called "SC") ;
(c) The following Appendices :
[Note : If any of these appendices are not used, the words "Not Used" should be inserted
below next to the title of the Appendix on the sheet attached hereto carrying the title of
that Appendix]
Appendix -A : Description of the Services ______________
Appendix - B : Reporting Requirements______________
Appendix - C : Key Personnel ______________
Appendix - D : Proforma for JV Agreement
Appendix - E : Services and Facilities Provided by the Consultant_______
Appendix - F : Services and Facilities Provided by the Client _______
Appendix - G : Form of Guarantee for Advance Payments -
(d) Scope of services
(e) Pre Bid Meeting Minutes along with corrigendums to the bid document, addenda
(f) Online submission of Financial bid
2. The mutual rights and obligations of the Client and the Consultants shall be as set forth in
the Contract, in particular:
(a) The Consultants shall carry out the Services in accordance with the provisions of
the contract; and
(b) The Client shall make payments to the Consultants in accordance with the
provisions of the Contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this contract to be signed in their
respective names as of the day and year first above written.
(Authorized Representative)
[Note: If the Consultants consist of more than one entity, all of these entities should appear
as signatories, e.g., in the following manner;]
[Name of Member]
(Authorized Representative)
[Name of Member]
(Authorized Representative)
Infrastructure PMC Services
Key Professional Staff:
Position Qualification Minimum Experience No of Staff
Project Manager (Team B.E Civil with Masters in • 15 years’ experience in construction management of 1
leader) Environmental Engineering/ Urban Service delivery (Water Supply/ Sewerage/
Public Health Engineeringor Drainage/ Transportation/ Drainage/ Solid Waste
equivalent Management)
• Experience in leading the team
• Experience in Externally Aided Projects
Urban /Town Planner BE (Civil) with Masters in Urban • 10 years’ experience in Urban Planning related to 1
Planning or PG in Urban urban infrastructure (Water Supply/ Sewerage/
Planning or equivalent Drainage/ Transportation/ Drainage/ Solid Waste
Public Health Engineer BE (Civil/ Environment) with PG • 10 years of experience in process design for water 1
in PHE or equivalent supply, storm water & Sewerage projects
• experience in urban Water supply projects
Experience in water supply design and
Position Qualification Minimum Experience No of Staff
mechanical equipment.
• Experience in installation and O&M of equipment at
WTP/STP, Pumping Stations & water supply
mechanical equipment
Electrical Engineer BE (Electrical Engineering) • 10 years of experience in designing of electrical 1
systems for infrastructure projects, experience in
water and sewerage field,
• Experience in design of equipment size, rating etc of
electrical equipment.
• Experience in installation and O&M of equipment at
WTP/STP, Pumping Stations & water supply electrical
Procurement/ Contracts Graduate Engineer (Civil/ Mech.) 10 years of experience in preparation of Prequalification and 1
Engineer Bid documents, assisting in evaluation of bids and familiarity
with FIDIC documents.
Total Persons of Key Professional Staff 7
Note: Staff should be available for work for full duration of the project
Expert Professionals:
Position Minimum Qualification Minimum Experience No of Staff
PPP Expert Graduate Engineer/ MBA/ PG- 8 years of experience in structuring of PPP strategy/ model 1
Finance/CFA/CA Experience in design/ contract management of performance
based urban service delivery contracts and contracts on PPP
Legal Expert LLB or Associated Member of 8 years of experience in Techno-Legal Arbitration, Litigation 1
company Secretary and company secretarial services.
Energy Conservation Engineer with certification from 8 years of experience in the field of energy conservation for 1
Specialist BEE as Energy Manager/ Auditor large scale projects
GIS Professional Graduate Engineer with PG in 8 years of experience in GIS related to mapping of utilities 1
remote sensing and urban areas
Solid Waste Graduate in Environmental/ Civil 8 years of experience in the field of landfill and disposal 1
Position Minimum Qualification Minimum Experience No of Staff
Management Specialist Engineering/ Graduate in facilities of solid waste, experience in designing &
Environment Planning or related implementing solid waste management projects.
Financial Expert Chartered Accountant/ Masters 8 years’ experience of designing and establishing suitable 1
in Financesystem / Chartered financing management system for projects
financial analysts Experience in managing and handling all financial and
accounting matters of the project, monitoring the fund
Structural Engineer Graduate in Civil Engineering/ 8 years of experience in process design for water 1
PG in Structures supply, storm water & Sewerage projects,
Experience in water supply design and implementation
Zonal Level Staff [To be deployed in the city/ zone for supervision of contractor’s work]
Position Minimum Qualification Minimum Experience No of Staff
Position Minimum Qualification Minimum Experience No of Staff
Pipeline & Network ME (Hydraulics/Environmental 5 years of experience in water supply / storm water/ 4
Engineer (4 Nos.) Engineering) or equivalent sewerage projects
Construction Engineer B.E. Civil Engineer 5 years of experience in construction activities of water 8
(8 Nos., 2 per Zone) supply projects, sewerage projects, solid waste, roads, street
furniture, urban development and other municipal projects
Total Persons of Zonal Level Staff 24
Note: The project will be divided into 4 zones. Each zone is considered having 6 – 8 cities.
Staff should be available for work for full duration of the project
Field Staff [To be deployed in the city/ zone for supervision of contractor’s work]
Position Minimum Qualification Minimum Experience No of Staff
ULB Coordination cum B E Civil Engineering 7-10 years of experience in construction supervision of water 32
Construction Engineer supply and sewerage projects
(32 No; 1 per city)
Site Engineers (Civil/ BE or Diploma in Engineering 5 years for BE/ 8 years for Diploma with experience in site Project Requirement/
Mech./ Elec./ ICT/ supervision of urban development projects Need Basis
PHE/ Instrumentation)
(32 No; 1 per city)
Total Persons of Field Staff 32 + Need Basis
Note: ULB Coordination cum Construction Engineer shall be deployed for the full duration of the assignment; however the site engineers shall be deployed
during implementation of schemes/ projects in their respective Town/ City on need basis.
IT and Communication
Key Professional Staff:
Position Qualification Minimum Experience No of Staff
Project Head (Exp. In IT B.E.(IT/Comp./MCA)or • 10 years’ experience in IT Infra& services, System 1
Infra& services, System equivalent Integration
• Experience in leading the team
IT Procurement Expert B.E.(IT/Comp./MCA) or • 10 years’ experience in IT products procurement 1
equivalent • 5 years’ experience in procurement of IT products for
Govt. organizations
Note: Staff should be available for work for full duration of the project
Expert Staff:
Position Qualification Minimum Experience No of Staff
Network/Security & B.E.(IT/Comp./MCA)or • 8 years’ experience Network/Security & IT 1
Infrastructure Expert equivalent Infrastructure management
Staff at 6 smart cities:
Position Qualification Minimum Experience No of Staff
Project In charge (Exp. B.E.(IT/Comp./MCA)or • 5 years’ experience in IT Infra and operations/ System 6
In IT Infra, IT Operations, equivalent Integration and SW services
IT SW Services) • Experience in leading the team