History Grade 10 Term 1 Week 6 - 2021

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Directorate: Curriculum FET


TERM 1: Week 6: To accommodate the number of electives available in the 2021
Recovery Annual Teaching Plan a new unit of work is released each week
via the WCED self-directed lessons. Please note that you must align your
curriculum coverage to the ATP.
This term will now focus on European expansion and conquests during the
15th to 18th centuries. This week will focus on The Dutch East India
Company. The unit is divided into 4 sections as indicated below. You may
have to spend a minimum of 1 hour per section in this unit.
TOPIC 2 European expansion and conquests during the 15th to 18th centuries: The
Dutch East India Company
Essay Focus: From refreshment station to colony, how did the presence of
the Dutch East India Company (DEIC) at the Cape impact the indigenous
and slave populations?
SCOPE OF LESSONS Week 5: The Dutch East India Company
Section 1: The processes of conquest & colonialism
Section 2: How colonisation led to the practice of slavery
Section 3: The impact of slave trading on societies
Section 4: The consequences on the indigenous societies
RESOURCES Paper based resources: Consult the accompanying Power Point: slides 1-7
and the textbook (Topic 2)
Digital resources:
Access an electronic copy of the History Marking Matrix/ Rubric. Copy
and paste the link into your web browser. https://tinyurl.com/qmjhfbg
Use it to get an understanding of how essays are assessed. This will
influence how you write and structure your essays.

Copy and paste the link into your web browser to watch the video clip.
Video: Explore the founding of the Dutch East India Company or the
United East India Company (3 minutes)
ORIENTATION To understand the actions of the DEIC at the Cape we must understand
their intentions and the gradual process of conquest and colonialism.
KEY CONCEPTS Colony: an area under the control of another country or empire and
AND DEFINITIONS occupied by settlers
Explain and define Monopoly: Traders and merchants dominate the trade routes and
core concepts. markets

SKILLS Practice various skills that are useful in Historical studies:

Analyse the question and plan the essay

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The Tutor:
The Dutch East India Company’s determination to dominate trade
routes and markets in the East contributed to a settlement at the
Cape that impacted the indigenous and slave populations.

Do you agree with the above statement? Use evidence to support

your answer. [50]
The Checklist
Have you? Instructions: with a peer

o Analysed the Discuss the difference between topic focus and question focus.
o Planned your
essay (using a Instructions:
mind map)
Read the essay question carefully
o Taken note of
Step 1: underline key words; direction is given to the content focus
the format of
and timeframes
an essay
Step 2: underline words that indicate the subject matter, i.e.
names, places and dates
Step 3: underline instruction words e.g. explain
Body (in
Step 4: decide what content to include in your answer (create a
mind map)
and conclusion
o Planned to
write in
order (the
order in which
VALUES FOR THIS The DEIC’s determination to dominate trade routes and markets
SECTION contributed to the colonisation of the Cape Colony at the foot of Africa.
They wanted to increase their power by controlling the sea trading routes
and gathering resources for trade and economic prosperity.

In this section you can reflect on the values that the Dutch settlers and
indigenous groups displayed and explore whether their interactions
impacted their lives positively or negatively.

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Directorate: Curriculum FET


TOPIC 2 Week 6: This term will focus on European expansion and conquests
during the 15th to 18th centuries. This week will focus on The Dutch East
India Company. You may have to spend a minimum of 1 hour per
section in this unit.
SCOPE OF Week 6: The Dutch East India Company
LESSONS Section 2: How colonisation led to the practice of slavery

RESOURCES Paper based Digital resources

Consult the Access an electronic copy of the History Writing
accompanying Framework.
Power Point: slides Copy and paste the link into your Web Browser.
8-9; and the https://tinyurl.com/qwo87gd
textbook (Topic 2) It is a useful tool to use when assembling history

Video: Hidden Heritage Slavery in South Africa at

The Slave Lodge (2 minutes)

ORIENTATION We must understand how the DEIC impacted established societies by

introducing the practice of slavery.
KEY CONCEPTS AND Discriminated (racially): to treat a group SKILLS
DEFINITIONS of people differently, especially in a
Explain and define worse way from the way in which you Practice various skills that are
core concepts and useful in Historical studies:
challenging words. treat other people, because of their skin
colour Writing an introduction
INFORMAL • The Introduction:
ASSESSMENT • Should make it clear to the reader, what is going to be discussed
and the line of argument that is going to be followed in the rest
The Tutor: of the essay.

Steps on how to write a 3-step introduction:

Step 1: respond immediately to the question, take a stance (agree/
disagree or partially agree)
Step 2: In one sentence explain why you’ve chosen a particular
Step 3: Identify how you will prove your answer. (This essay examines)
Refer to the essay question in Section 1. Plan and write your own introduction.

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Directorate: Curriculum FET


TOPIC 2 Week 6: This term will focus on European expansion and conquests
during the 15th to 18th centuries. This week will focus on The Dutch East
India Company. You may have to spend a minimum of 1 hour per
section in this unit.
SCOPE OF LESSONS Week 6: The Dutch East India Company
Section 3: The impact of slave trading on societies
RESOURCES Paper based Digital Resources
Consult the Copy and paste the link into your web browser to
accompanying watch the video clips.
Power Point: slide Video: Iziko Slave Lodge Museum - Slave Calendar
10; and the (Geometry Global Cape Town) (2 minutes)
textbook (Topic 2)
ORIENTATION We must understand how the results of slave trading impacted society
at the Cape.
KEY CONCEPTS AND Culture: the way of life, SKILLS
DEFINITIONS especially the general Practice various skills that are useful in
customs and beliefs, of a Historical studies:
Explain and define particular group of people
core concepts and Paragraphs and the line of argument
challenging words.
Factual detail and elaboration to support your line of argument comes
INFORMAL in the body
ASSESSMENT •Cover the main points in separate paragraphs. Each paragraph should
have a controlling idea
The Tutor: •Use the content outline (mind map) you created in section 1 to guide
your writing.
Remember to The headings in the PPT can be used to guide your controlling idea for a
review and edit your paragraph but remember that the final version of your essay must not
work contain headings.

Have you used the PEEL method to formulate your paragraphs?

o Point: Each paragraph should include a point that sustains the

major point (line of argument) that was made in the introduction.
o Explanation: Explain in more detail what the main point is about
and how it relates to the question (line of argument).
o Example: Select content that is relevant to the line of argument.
Relevant examples should be given to sustain it.
o Link: Ensure that the line of argument is sustained throughout the
essay and is written coherently.

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Line of Argument Checklist

o Is your line of argument well organized? (introduction with stance,

body and later on you will write a conclusion)
o Have you used the content as supporting evidence to defend
and support the stance of your argument in the body?
o Does each paragraph contain a clear opening point sentence
and linking sentence?
ACTIVITY: Develop the body the essay. Practice writing and implementing the PEEL method.
Remember to include a strong line of argument.

Write at least four paragraphs for your essay; then review each paragraph that you have
written. In each paragraph, ensure that you have written at least one sentence that clearly
links to the question (Section 1) and your stance to develop the line of argument.

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Directorate: Curriculum FET


TOPIC 2 Week 6: This term will focus on European expansion and
conquests during the 15th to 18th centuries. This week will focus
on The Dutch East India Company. You may have to spend a
minimum of 1 hour per section in this unit.
SCOPE OF Week 6: The Dutch East India Company
LESSONS Section 4: The consequences on the indigenous societies

RESOURCES Paper based resources

Consult the accompanying Power Point: slides 11-12 and the
textbook (Topic 2)

ORIENTATION We must understand how the DEIC contributed to the

destruction of established indigenous societies.
KEY CONCEPTS AND Mission Station: is a location for Christian SKILLS
DEFINITIONS missionary work; mission communities Practice various
Explain and define core skills that are useful
commonly consisted of a church, gardens,
concepts and in Historical studies:
challenging words. fields, barns, workrooms etc.
Smallpox: a deadly infectious disease. For Formulate a
centuries smallpox was one of the world’s conclusion, Editing
most-dreaded plagues, killing millions of and the FINAL
people. Essay

Write a suitable conclusion. Before you begin, read the original

question and introduction again to ensure that your conclusion
supports the question and introduction.
o Wrap up the essay Combine all the skills that you have learnt in this lesson. Edit your
o No new points in the various pieces of writing. Now write the final copy of your essay in
conclusion response to the question below. Your essay should be two to three
o Begin with a pages in length.
concluding statement
e.g. Therefore, one
can conclude OR In The Dutch East India Company’s determination to dominate trade
conclusion, … routes and markets in the East contributed to a settlement at the
o Refer to the question Cape that impacted the indigenous and slave populations.
o Draw the main points
together Do you agree with the above statement? Use evidence to support
your answer. [50]

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