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National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)

Chairman’s Message
We have great pleasure conducted two assessments and has assessed 46,33,199
in presenting you the candidates dispersed all over the country. The
Annual Report which successful neo-literates can continue their basic
encapsulates the major education under Open Adult Education Programme
activities undertaken by from NIOS.
National Institute of Open
Revision of courses is a routine activity of NIOS. One
Schooling (NIOS) for the
of the major highlights of the revision of academic
year 2010-2011.
courses at secondary level is the integration of life skills
The NIOS was established in the self learning materials. NIOS is a pioneer in this
in the year 1989 as a policy area of curriculum intervention which is expected to
directive for providing benefit a large number of young adults in the age group
school education to those of 14 to 25.
who for some reason or the other could not attend formal
An Adolescent Friendly Centre (AFC) MITRA has
school. The inherent characteristics of flexibility and
been set up in Bhubaneswar to address the psycho-
learner-centeredness have made the National Institute
social, emotional, adolescence and vocation related
of Open Schooling a strong systematic intervention
concern of learners.
mechanism to provide opportunity to millions of learners
to acquire school education certification, gainful In his book, Megaschools, Technology and
employment, workplace education and career Teachers, Sir John Daniel has remarked that ‘for a
progression. developing country, NIOS systems for administration
and student support are impressively rich in the use of
The hallmarks of any vibrant and growing institution
ICT’. What started as a small pilot project in 2008
are continuous lateral expansion and innovation. For
with only 30% learners making use of the online
NIOS, the year 2010-11 was no exception from this
enrollment facility available in a few regions, has now
become 100% online Admission (24x7) from year 2010-
During the period under reporting, the NIOS became 11 for both academic and vocational courses. A Single
‘active’ in the area of teacher training at elementary Window Student Information System has been placed
level as NIOS was identified by the Ministry of Human on the NIOS website for the benefit of the learners.
Resource Development , Government of India, as one
of the institutions that may contribute towards the We would also like to highlight the fact that NIOS has
training of untrained elementary teachers through Open taken steps to reach out to learners in different parts
and Distance Learning mode. The Right to Education of the country. New Regional Centres have been set
Act, 2009 stipulates all elementary teachers be trained up in Bengaluru and Gandhi Nagar. A sub-centre has
by 2015. Hence NIOS has been entrusted the been established at Vishakhapatnam and a Cell has
responsibility of developing a teacher training been set up in Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
programme at the elementary level. The facility of On Demand Examination has been
extended to twelve regional centres and the sub-centre
Another important initiative was the preparation for at Vishakhapatnam, thereby facilitating the learners in
the launching of 24x7 educational TV channel in the most of the regions.
forthcoming year. For this, a Standard Definition
Recording Studio has been set up in the Media Unit. In another important initiative, NIOS has decided to
Keeping in mind the significant role of audio-video enter into a number of collaborative projects with
programmes in supporting the printed self learning NGOs and private organisations for development of
materials, work has been undertaken to set up a media vocational courses particularly in areas like Automobile/
centre i.e. audio and video facilities for inhouse Auto Components, Electronics Hardware, Textiles and
productions and a community radio station. Garments, Leather and Leather Goods etc. NIOS has
also signed a number of MOUs with different
One of the major achievements of NIOS in the year organisations – e.g. Open Polytechnic of New Zealand,
2010-11 is the academic support provided to National UNESCO, YCMOU and FVTRS to name a few. All
Literacy Mission Authorities to conduct the Basic these MOUs are expected to improve the quality of
Literacy Assessment for the neo-literates. NIOS has Academic and Vocational courses offered by NIOS.

Annual Report 2010-11 i

Some of the other initiatives taken in the year of presence felt. In the year 2010-11, NIOS organized an
reporting are the setting up of a Capacity Building international workshop on Monitoring & Evaluation
Cell for enabling ODL functionaries and supporting the of Open Schools, in collaboration with Commonwealth
newly setup open learning institutions at school level. of Learning (COL). It also participated as a partner
NIOS realizes that for many years to come its ‘study agency in the 6th Pan Commonwealth Forum on
centres will remain the most important sites for teaching, Open Schooling (PCF-6). The conference was held
training and guidance’ of learners. Hence, NIOS in Kochi and was attended by more than 600 delegates
decided to exploit tele-conferencing as a strategy for from 70 countries. Under auspices of the COL,
capacity building of open schooling functionaries at the Commonwealth Open Learning Association
AIs and AVIs. With the technical and infrastructural (COMOSA) has been established with the objective
support of EMPC, IGNOU, New Delhi, a series of to collaborate and Network for sharing the innovative
tele-orientation programmes were organised during the practices among the Open Schools in Commonwealth
year for AI Coordinators, Academic Facilitators and Countries. The Secretariat of the COMOSA is located
subject specific Tutors. in NIOS and Chairman NIOS has been elected as its
first Chairperson.
The success of the Hunar Project in Bihar encouraged
NIOS to launch the project in Delhi also. This project The support of various authorities and government has
aims at skill development and training of girls in the been encouraging. The ever increasing student
age group of 14+. enrollment and collaboration with premier institutions
indicate the confidence of the society and Government
At the international level also NIOS is making its in the multifarious activities of the NIOS.

(Dr. S.S. Jena)

Chairman , NIOS

ii Annual Report 2010-11

S. No. Topics Page No.
1. Executive Summary 1-6
2. Introduction 7-10
3. Academic Programmes 11-20
4. Vocational Education Programmes 21-29
5. Student Support Services 30-46
6. Evaluation and Assessment 47-63
7. Administration and Accounts 64-70
8. Regional Services 71-81
9. New Initiatives 82-84
10. Capacity Building 85-86
11. Research and Development 87-87
12. Networking for Promotion of Open Schooling 88-89
13. Media Support 90-91
14. Information & Communication Technology 92-96
15. International Collaboration 97-102
16. Library, Documentation & Archival Services 103-104
17. Right to Information 105-107
18. Promotion of Hindi 108-109
Annexures and Appendices 111-124
➣ Trends of Income
➣ Trends of Other Income
➣ Non-Plan Expenditure (1999-2000 onwards)
➣ Plan Expenditure (1999-2000 onwards)
➣ Year wise Budgetary Support from the MHRD since 1999-2000
➣ Subsidies given to Prioritised Groups since 1999-2000
• Appendix A: List of Members of the General Body of the National Open School Society
• Appendix B: List of Members of the Executive Board of the National Open School Society
• Appendix C: List of Members of the Finance Committee of the National Open School Society
• Appendix D: List of Members of the Academic Council
• Appendix E: Sanctioned Staff Strength of the NIOS

Annual Report 2010-11 iii

National Institute of Open Schooling

1 Executive Summary
1.0 The National Institute of Open Schooling, as it courses while another 22,779 learners registered
exists today, is a unique organisation. From a small themselves for different vocational courses. The
project of the CBSE for out-of-school population and enrolment in Open Basic Education courses stood at
second-chance learners, it has grown today to be the 36,325 as on March 2011. At present there are 2399
largest open school of the world and has been hailed Accredited Institutions (AIs), 82 Specially Accredited
as a mega open school. It is not only a National Institutions for the Education of Disadvantaged
Board with the authority to examine and certify (SAIEDs), 1356 Accredited Vocational Institutions
learners but also a National Resource Organisation (AVIs), 357 Accredited Agencies (AAs) and 77
for Open Schooling. organisations working for minorities while 1542
The Institute develops curriculum, prepares its own Accredited Agencies work solely for the Hunar
self learning material, produces its own audio/video project. In all there are 5813 partnering agencies
material and multi-media packages for the learners through which NIOS works at the field level
registered with it. It accredits conventional schools throughout the country.
and agencies to provide student support services to 1.1 Academic Programmes
its enrolled learners. It conducts two public
examinations in a year as well as On Demand During the year, 458055 students enrolled themselves
Examination throughout the year to benefit the with NIOS Academic Courses. This is a 9.13% rise
learners. It also functions as a publishing house and from last year. 48.53% of these students were enrolled
brings out several publications every year. The Institute for Secondary courses and 51.47% for Senior
conducts research in Open Schooling and also training Secondary courses.
and capacity building of Open and Distance Learning An analysis of the region-wise admission data for
functionaries. Academic Courses at Secondary and Senior
Apart from this four-fold activity of curriculum and Secondary levels show that maximum number of
material development, examination and certification, students enrolled in Delhi region (23.73%) followed
accreditation of institutions and printing, the NIOS by Chandigarh (19.15%) and Patna region (8.61%).
has also ventured into the area of teacher training at Category wise admission during 2010-11 is highest
elementary level and launching of a 24x7 educational for that of general category (72.23%). Gender-wise
TV channel in the forthcoming year. The organisation analysis of enrolment during 2010-11 shows that
undertakes this spectrum of activities to reach out to 69.76% were males and 30.24 % females. 16.86%
the “unreached”. students come from the age group of 14-20 and 24%
learners enrolled in the academic courses are in the
With its Headquarters at NOIDA, U.P., NIOS is age group of 21 to 25.
governed by a General Body, an Executive Body and
a Finance Committee. The Chairman is the Chief At the secondary level the work of revision of
Executive Officer of NIOS which functions through secondary course in the light of NCF 2005 was
five departments, Academic, Vocational Education, continued and it would be introduced from the next
Student Support Services, Evaluation and academic session. One of the major highlights of this
Administration. In the period under review, the NIOS revision is the integration of life skills.
functioned through sixteen Regional Centres and two At the secondary level a new course Data Entry
sub-centres to reach out to learners spread out all Operations (code 229) has been introduced replacing
over the country. the course in Word Processing (code 219).
In the year under review, 458055 learners enrolled At the Senior Secondary level, three new subjects-
for Secondary and Senior Secondary academic Bengali (code 303), Environmental Science (code
Annual Report 2010-11 1
National Institute of Open Schooling

333) and Data Entry Operations (code 336) have support to conduct Basic Literacy Assessment for
been introduced from the 2011-12 academic session. neo-literates and conducted two assessments i.e. on
Learning materials have been prepared for a new 20 August, 2010 and 6 March, 2011. The successful
course in the subject of Tamil which also is expected neo-literates can continue with basic education under
to be introduced in the 2012 academic session. The the Open Adult Education programme mentioned
revised course in History (Subject Code 315) was above.
launched in 2010-11.
NIOS has also been identified by the MHRD as one
To provide the facility of On Demand Examination of the institutions that may contribute towards the
(ODE) in revised courses at the Senior Secondary training of untrained elementary teachers through
level, the work of developing question banks was Open and Distance Learning mode as a huge deficit
undertaken in the subjects of Political Science, History, of trained teachers is expected because of the Right
Computer Science, Mass Communication, Sociology to Education Act 2009. The Act envisages that all
and Sanskrit. The process of developing a question elementary teachers should be trained by 2015.
bank was also initiated for the new course of Hence NIOS has been entrusted the responsibility of
Environmental Science. helping State Govts. to train untrained teachers by
One of the important achievements of the Adolescent offering a teacher training programme at the
Education Programme (AEP) during this session was elementary level.
the setting up of Learner Support Centre MITRA at
1.2 Vocational Education Programme
Bhubaneshwar Regional Centre to address the issues
and concerns of adolescents. More than 80 courses are offered by the Vocational
In the year of reporting, the work of translation of Education Department in areas of Health and Para-
course material in eight subjects at Senior Secondary Medical, Engineering and Technology, Home Science,
level in Bengali medium (Physics, Chemistry, Computer and IT, Agriculture, Business and
Mathematics, Biology, History, Sociology, Commerce and Teacher Training. It is very important
Geography, Political Science) was undertaken to to note that approximately 61% of the Vocational
allow primary teachers of West Bengal to upgrade admission is that of girls and women in the age group
their marks/qualifications. In collaboration with of 14-20 years. The state-wise enrolment shows that
Government of West Bengal, 117 schools in 19 the highest enrolment is in the state of Rajasthan
districts of the state, have been identified for providing followed by U.P. and Delhi.
learning support to enrolled candidates. The most popular Vocational courses are – Cutting -
In order to fulfil the role as National Resource Tailoring and Dress Making, Early Childhood Care,
Organisation for Open Schooling two Cells were Certificate in Computer Application, Community
established within the Academic Department viz. Health Work, Basic Computing, Electronic
Capacity Building and Research and Development. Technician, Beauty Culture and Yog.
Keeping in view the Right to Education Act introduced One of the major achievements of the Vocational
in April 2010, NIOS has been given a window period Department in the year under reporting has been the
to register children in the age group of 6-14 only till operationalisation of project Hunar in Delhi after its
2013. Hence a decision has been taken to provide immense success in Bihar. Nine trades have been
Open Adult Education programme to adult learners selected for this project and it has been launched in
in the age group of 15 and above. In collaboration the month of February, 2011. This project caters to
with Saakshar Bharat Mission, NIOS would offer girls in the age group of 14-18.
equivalency programmes at A,B and C levels to the
NIOS has also signed a number of MOUs with
adult learners for which curriculum has already been
different organisations - both national and international
framed. These three levels correspond to the third,
- significant among which are Open Polytechnic of
fifth and eighth standards of formal schools.
New Zealand, UNESCO and Functional Vocational
The National Institute of Open Schooling supported Research and Training Society (FVTRS). All these
the National Literacy Mission in providing academic MOUs are expected to give an impetus to the much

2 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

needed area of Vocational Education and Skill for online registration.

Development. The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for
In another important initiative, NIOS has decided to admission was revised and a number of provisions
enter into a number of collaborative projects with were added to the existing guidelines. This detailed
NGOs and private organisations for development of document was prepared for the coordinators of the
courses particularly in areas like Automobile/Auto AIs and was meant to familiarise them with different
Components, Electronics Hardware, Textiles and changes that had been introduced from the Academic
Garments, Leather and Leather Goods etc. Session 2010-11.
NIOS has also decided to develop Open Educational The Student Support Services Department organised
Resources for learners in the area of Tourism and a number of orientation programmes for coordinators
Hospitality Management and Security Services. of study centres and arranged a series of Tele-
orientation programmes for coordinators of AIs/AVIs
A proposal has also been approved by the Academic
and Academic facilitators.
Council in the 11th Academic Council meeting to
introduce vocational stream at the Senior Secondary In the year under reporting, two meetings of the
level to provide opportunities for continuing and Regional Directors of NIOS were held at
developmental education to interested learners and Headquarters in order to have face to face discussions
prepare students for self reliance and self employment. between Regional Directors and officials at
Department of Posts, New Delhi, Tata Institute of Headquarters. Several issues were discussed in detail
Social Sciences, Mumbai and NIOS are collaborating and Regional Directors shared their experiences in
to develop a programme to equip Gramin Dak these meetings held in July 2010 and December,
Sewaks with the skill and knowledge to develop postal 2010.
business as an enterprise. The curriculum includes In the year under reporting, three advocacy
modules on Communication skills, Computer skills, programmes were conducted in Lucknow, Bhopal
Foundations of India, Entrepreneurship, Accountancy and Pune to reach out to the Muslim population, to
and Finance. facilitate their education by setting up study centres in
Madarsas. Such advocacy programmes helped the
1.3 Student Support Services
department to receive 140 applications from
The Students Support Services (SSS) Department Madarsas which were then processed as per relaxed
of NIOS is responsible for providing support to norms.
learners in their learning and related issues. The major
work in this context is that of accrediting study centres
1.4 Regional Services
for academic, vocational and Open Basic Education The Regional Centres of NIOS carried out their
programmes. As a major systemic development, the regular activities of admission and examination during
department has been entrusted with the work of setting this period. All the Regional Centres arranged for a
up of all types of centres which were earlier scattered face-to-face contact programme for Science Tutors
in various departments. As on 31st March, 2011 the and were the receiving nodes for the Tele-orientation
total number of accredited institutions established in programmes which were organised by the
different parts of the country to conduct academic Headquarters in collaboration with EMPC, IGNOU.
courses were 2482. In addition 1356 Accredited
While Regional Centre Kolkata worked for
Vocational Institutions (AVIs) and a number of
completion of translation work for PTTI project,
Accredited Agencies (AAs) were set up for running
Regional Centre Kochi developed a number of
vocational and OBE courses. To cater to regional
courses, viz Communicative Arabic, Aqua Culture and
needs several accredited institutions were established
Ornamental Fish Culture and study material for Tamil
for programme delivery through regional mediums.
as a subject at Senior Secondary level. Regional
From the year 2011, NIOS introduced 100% online Centre, Kochi also lent its full support to organise the
admission in order to facilitate learners in registering exhibitions at the venue of PCF (Pan Commonwealth
themselves with NIOS. Learners can visit their nearest Forum) 6, a Conference organised by Common-
AI/Facilitation Centre/Regional Centre to take help wealth of Learning (COL).

Annual Report 2010-11 3

National Institute of Open Schooling

1.5 Evaluation and Assessment 1.6 Administration and Accounts

The NIOS has a unique system of evaluation and An important Department, the Administration
assessment where apart from two Public Department of NIOS lends its support to the
Examinations held in a year, there is the facility of On functioning of all the Departments of NIOS.
Demand Examination through which a student can In the year under reporting’ eighteen positions were
take examination on any day of his/her choice. The filled up through direct recruitments while
students are given the freedom to take examination in appointments for another thirteen positions were made
any number of subjects as per their preparedness. on deputation basis. Secretary, NIOS assumed
They are also given the facility of credit accumulation. charge on 11.06.2010.
The facility of Transfer of Credit (TOC) from
recognised boards is also available. 4450 MTs of paper worth Rs. 17.7 crore was
purchased besides other purchases of consumable
The NIOS adopts various means to ensure quality and non consumable items as per the GFR – 2005.
and standards in the examination system right from
setting of question papers to conduct of examination During the year 2010-11 income from fees were to
and evaluation procedure. the tune of Rs. 7980.93 lakhs and income from other
sources were Rs. 1925.76 lakhs. The Non Plan
During the year 2010-11, 6,90,382 candidates expenditure during 2010-11 was 7198.19 lakhs while
appeared in the Academic and Vocational Education Plan expenditure was Rs. 819.03 lakhs. The
examinations. 3,25,339 candidates appeared for budgetary support to NIOS from MHRD during
Secondary examination while 3,41,665 candidates 2010-11 was Rs. 1125.00 lakh under Plan only.
appeared for Senior Secondary examination. 23,378 Subsidy aggregating to Rs. 722.04 lakh was given in
candidates appeared for vocational education courses form of concessions in admission fee to the students
through 2088 examination centres. The April 2010 belonging to weaker sections of society.
and October 2010 examinations for academic courses
were held in 1197 and 894 examination centres NIOS printed approximately 46 lakh copies of
respectively spread all over the country. Academic and Vocational Education learning
materials. Study materials in Regional mediums were
During April 2010 a total number of 10,889 also printed.
candidates appeared in vocational examinations
through 174 examination centres. 12,489 candidates In the year under review, learning materials were
appeared in October 2010 examinations through 167 despatched to Stream I learners at their residential
examination centres. address, making a departure from the earlier practice
of distribution through Study Centres or AIs, to ensure
During 2010-11, NIOS decided to extend the On
that learners get the study materials. Other learners
Demand Examination facilities to 12 Regional Centres
received the study material on payment through
and the Sub-centre at Vishakhapatnam. During 2010-
Express Parcel Post (EPP). Study material was
11, 12,341 candidates appeared for On Demand
dispatched to more than 698 Accredited Vocational
Examination, out of which 4,355 candidates were
Institutions for distribution to learners.
declared pass.
NIOS has also introduced the facility of re-evaluation 1.7 Information and Communication
of answer scripts at Senior Secondary level, thus Technology
becoming the first National Board to do so.
The NIOS utilizes the Information and Communication
NIOS in collaboration with National Literacy Mission Technology (ICT) optimally both to help learners in
authorities conducted the assessment of neo-literates their learning process as also for maintaining database
in two phases in the year 2010-11. The first for various sub-systems such as admission and
assessment was held on 20 August, 2010 and the evaluation.
second examination was held on 6 March, 2011.
5,18,385 candidates appeared in the August During the year, the online admission was expanded
assessment whereas 43,58,610 candidates took the and necessary modifications were made in the online
examination in March 2011. application and data-base to handle 100% online

4 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

admission. The online admission were also done by 1.9 National Consortium of Open
Facilitation Centres identified by the Regional Centres Schooling (NCOS)
of NIOS.
As on 31.03.2011, there were 16 State Open
NIOS has started online system of submission, Schools in India. These State Open Schools are in
monitoring and grant of accreditation for academic/ Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Gujarat,
vocational/open basic education programme. In Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala,
e-Accreditation there is a provision to convert the Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, NCT of Delhi, Punjab,
offline application received into online so that the entire Tamilnadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. The
data for accreditation is available in electronic form States of Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand,
and all the processes right from submission of Maharashtra and Meghalaya are in the process of
application to award of accreditation are done through setting up of their State Open Schools.
online e- Accreditation system.
NIOS remains in touch with States for upscaling their
The Computer Unit of NIOS organised a two day open school programmes and setting up new State
training-cum-orientation programme on web Open Schools through advocacy.
designing for the NIOS officials and representatives
of State Open Schools. A technical orientation The Annual meeting of NCOS was held on 23-24
workshop in collaboration with Intel for NIOS officers March, 2011 and was inaugurated by Sh. S.C.
was also organised in the Computer Training Lab. Khuntia, Joint Secretary to the Government of India,
Department of School Education, MHRD.
The computer unit also operationalised On Demand
Examination at Senior Secondary level in the subjects 1.10 Library, Documentation and
of English, Political Science, Accountancy and Home Archival Services
The NIOS provides a rich collection of books and
NIOS has started a Learner Support Centre to journals to the faculty and its outside experts. During
support the learners. On an average the Learner the year, 572 books on various subjects were
Support Centre addresses about 140 to 150 calls purchased and 32 documents were received on
per day per executive and also respond to 80 to 100 complimentary basis.
e-mails everyday.
More than 4800 newspapers/magazines/journals
NIOS also uses mobile technology for dissemination were scanned during 2010-11 for identifying news
of various information and support services to the items on distance education and on NIOS.
In a new initiative to set up libraries at all Regional
1.8 Media Support Centres, seed money of Rs. 50,000/- each was
granted to 14 Regional Centres/sub-Regional Centres
Audio and Video programmes are significant
to purchase books and journals.
components of the multi-media packages offered by
NIOS for its various courses of study. During this 1.11 Promotion of Hindi
session, a total number of 11 video programmes were
The Raj Bhasha Section at NIOS headquarters
produced. Three multi-media programmes on Physics
ensures increasing use of Hindi in all Departments.
were completed, and 5 multi-media programmes were
During 2011, a number of press releases, material
under production. In order to feed the time slots for
related to Seminars and Conferences and other
telecast on ‘Gyan Darshan’ and DD-I channel,
programmes conducted by the NIOS, advertisements,
seventy capsules were produced.
tenders, public notices were translated into Hindi.
All efforts were made to complete the work of setting Recruitment Rules were translated into Hindi and
up a Standard Definition Recording studio in the several documents were prepared Bilingually. Hindi
Media Unit of NIOS Headquarters. This recording fortnight was organised to encourage use of Hindi at
studio has been established to record video and panel Headquarters and Regional Centres and Computer
discussions involving faculty members and outside training programmes for use of Hindi were organised.
subject experts.
Annual Report 2010-11 5
National Institute of Open Schooling

1.12 New Initiatives collaborates with a number of international agencies.

In the year under review, NIOS conducted an
NIOS has always strived for innovations to provide international workshop on Monitoring and
better and value added services to the learners. Some Evaluation of Open Schools (June 21-23, 2010)
of the initiatives taken in the year of reporting are given in collaboration with the COL (Commonwealth of
below. Learning). International delegates from Open Schools
• NIOS has set up a Capacity Building Cell for and Open Universities of Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri
training and empowering ODL functionaries and Lanka and Indian Delegates from State Open Schools
supporting the newly set up Open Learning participated in the workshop.
institutions at school level. The National Institute of Open Schooling participated
• New Regional Centres were established and as a partner agency in the 6th Pan Commonwealth
operationalised at Bengaluru and Gandhinagar. Forum on Open Schooling (PCF-6) the theme of
A sub-regional Centre at Vishakhapatnam was which was Access and Success in Learning: Global
set up. A cell was also set up at Port Blair, Development Perspectives. This five day conference
Andaman & Nicobar Islands. These initiatives was held in Kochi and was attended by more than
have been taken to reach out to learners in 600 delegates from 70 countries.
different parts of the country. The NIOS exhibited its publications and AEP related
• The success of the Hunar Project in Bihar promotional materials at this conference. Chairman,
encouraged NIOS to launch the project in NIOS and other senior level officials presented
Delhi. This project aims at skill development papers and participated actively in the proceedings
and training of girls in the age group of 14+. of the conference.
• NIOS has been identified for providing teacher The pre-PCF 6 Conference on Research in Open
training at elementary level through Open and Schooling was organised by NIOS on November
Distance mode as all teachers at elementary level 22-23, 2010 at Delhi and was attended by twenty
need to be trained by 2015. The curriculum five Heads of Open Schools of Commonwealth
has been finalised over a series of meetings. countries and eight State Open Schools of India.
• Tele-conferencing as a strategy has great The Annual General Body Meeting of COMOSA was
potential for training and capacity building of held on 21st November, 2010 at India Habitat Centre
Open Schooling functionaries. With the technical in which the key note address- Education for 21st
and infrastructural support of EMPC, IGNOU, Century: Time for Open Schools to Raise their
New Delhi, at the teaching end and different Game - was delivered by Sir John Daniel, President
sites of Regional Centres of IGNOU and NIOS and CEO of Commonwealth of Learning.
at the receiving end a series of tele-orientation
The NIOS is currently implementing the Adolescent
programmes were organised in the year under
Education Programme (AEP) supported by UNFPA
and MHRD. The objective of the project is to
• An important highlight of the year 2010-11 is empower youth with necessary life skills.
the signing of Memorandums of Understanding
with a number of organisations-both national 1.14 Celebration of Important Days
and international. The National Institute of Open Schooling celebrated
• In a new initiative to set up libraries at all its 22nd Foundation Day on 23rd November 2010.
Regional Centres, seed money of Rs. 50,000/ The first Foundation Day Lecture was delivered by
- each was granted to 14 Regional Centres/ Shri Kiran Karnik, Former President, NASSCOM
sub-Regional Centres to purchase books and on Inclusive Education : Role of Media and
journals. Technology.
1.13 International Collaboration Centenary year of International Women’s Day was
celebrated through a two day Seminar on
As a premier institution in the field of Open and Transcending Barriers : Inclusive Education in the
Distance Learning at the school level, NIOS context of Open Schooling.
6 Annual Report 2010-11
National Institute of Open Schooling

2 Introduction
2.1 Backdrop access to sustainable and learner centric quality school
education, skill upgradation and training through open
The advancement of information and communication and distance learning and ensures convergence of open
technology has resulted in bridging the gaps in distance schooling organizations, resulting in an inclusive
between the learners and teachers and have increased learning society, human resource development,
possibilities of building flexibility and interactivity into national integration and global understanding.
the learning process. As a consequence, Open
Learning System is poised for exponential growth Mission
across the world. The Mission of NIOS is to provide relevant, continuing
The genesis of NIOS can be traced to a project of and developmental education at school stage upto
CBSE started in 1979. In November 1989, the pre-degree level through open learning system and
Department of Education, Ministry of Human through it to make its share of contribution to
Resource Development, Government of India 1. universalisation of education;
established National Open School (NOS) and the 2. greater equity and justice in society; and
Project of CBSE was merged into NOS. It was 3. the evolution of a learning society.
started as per the recommendations given by National
Policy on Education, 1986 and registered under the NIOS plays a very important role in National System
Societies Registration act of 1860. Resolution No. of Education and it has its own distinct characteristics.
F.5-24/90 Sch.3 dated 14 September 1990 published The main objectives of the NIOS are as follows:-
in the Gazette of India on October 1990 vested NOS 1. To provide education to those who are unable
with the authority to examine and certify learners to attend conventional school for a variety of
registered with it up to Pre-Degree level courses. socio-economic reasons, as well as those who
In July 2002, the Ministry of Human Resource for similar reasons missed opportunities to
Development amended the nomenclature of the complete school and developmental education;
organization from National Open School (NOS) to 2. To meet the educational needs of differently
the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) with abled children;
a mission to provide relevant continuing education at
3. To provide wide choice of educational
the School stage, up to pre-degree level through Open
programmes to learners;
Learning System to prioritized client groups as an
alternative to formal education system. 4. To provide a “safety net” to school drop–outs
so that they do not remain under – educated;
The National Institute of Open Schooling has risen to
the occasion to provide responses to certain 5. To provide opportunities for continuing and
educational challenges, particularly the challenge of sustainable educational development at the
“reaching the unreached”. school level;
Broadly, NIOS has two major objectives: (i) to 6. To provide consultancy services to the Govt. of
provide opportunities for continuing and India and states;
developmental school education, and (ii) to exercise 7. To serve as an agency for effective dissemination
normative and coordinating function while promoting of information related to distance education and
standards in open schooling. open learning.
Vision 8. To identify and promote standards of learning
The National Institute of Open Schooling, with in distance education system and state open
international recognition and presence, provides schools; and
Annual Report 2010-11 7
National Institute of Open Schooling

9. To exercise normative and coordinating functions NIOS does not create additional infrastructure to
while promoting standards in distance and open provide these courses. Instead, it utilizes the already
learning system in the country. existing infrastructure of public and Government
Schools when it is not in use. Several Special
The ultimate goals of NIOS are:
Accredited Institutions for the education of the
i) Skill Oriented Education; Disadvantaged (SAIED) have been recognized as
study centres of NIOS to meet the educational needs
ii) Universalization of School Education;
of the differently abled learners and other
iii) Promoting Social Equity and Justice; and disadvantaged young people. The Accredited
Institutions of NIOS are located all over the country
iv) Evolution of a Humane & Learning Society.
and it is continuously increasing in number. NIOS also
NIOS has been endeavoring for education of the took major initiative of launching the Open Basic
marginalized groups, such as rural youth, girls, women, Education (OBE) programmes in partnership with
Scheduled caste, Scheduled Tribes, handicapped, dedicated and experienced NGOs and Zila Saksharta
and ex-servicemen from all over the India. Samitis (ZSSs). These programmes are meant for
children below 14 years of age and adults above 14
2.2 Programmes and Activities
years with separate focus. The starting of OBE
The NIOS conducted its first Secondary and Senior programmes completed the educational chain of Open
Secondary Examinations in January 1991.The Schooling system from primary level to pre-degree
Certificates issued by the NIOS are recognized by level.
the Association of Indian Universities, the University
Grants Commission ( UGC), Several Universities and 2.3 Organisational Structure
Institutes of higher learning, several boards of The different competent authorities specified for the
education, Ministry of Human Resource Development management of the NOS society are
(MHRD) and the Ministry of Labour and i) General Body
Employment. ii) Executive Board
To provide sustainable and learner –centric quality iii) Finance Committee
school education NIOS offers different academic, i) The General Body
vocational and life-enrichment courses. The academic
courses offered by NIOS include Open Basic The General Body of the NIOS is the apex body
Education (OBE), Secondary and Senior Secondary vested with the responsibility to assist the Society by
courses. The flexible system of NIOS gives freedom providing sound and professional advice to generate
to learners for the selection of subjects in their course a vision and give broad policy directions. It ensures
of study, according to their needs, interests and that the Organisation remains publically accountable,
abilities. Students are also encouraged to choose by exercising its powers and functions in accordance
vocational subjects, which is unique and recognize with the mission and objectives of the Society. The
the value of work and skill at par with knowledge. Union Minister for Human Resource Development is
the President of the Society and he/she chairs the
National Institute of Open Schooling also offers meetings. In his absence, the Minister of State of
different skill based vocational courses ranging from HRD, who is the Vice President of the Society, chairs
six month to two years duration. There are more than the meetings. The Secretary of the NIOS is ex –
80 courses on offer in the areas of Engg. and officio member secretary of the General Body of the
Technology, Agriculture, Home Science, Health and society.
Paramedical, Teacher Training, Business and
A list of members of the General Body as on 31st
Commerce, Computer and IT. These Academic
March 2011 is given in Appendix-A.
courses are delivered to the learners through the
NIOS network of study centers consist of Accredited ii) The Executive Board
Institutions (AIs), and Accredited Vocational The Executive Board of NIOS is vested with all the
Institutions (AVIs) for vocational courses. powers of the Society to manage its affairs to function

8 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

smoothly and effectively. This Board is mainly The Executive Board has also approved the
concerned with forwarding planning for preparation establishment of Regional Centres in the States of
of the policies and programmes of action, to make Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Himachal
appropriate decisions to ensure effective Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Haryana.
implementation of the programmes and also to review Staff
the functions of the organisation.
A detailed statement showing the category–wise
The Chairperson of the NIOS is the Chairperson of
sanctioned staff strength in the NIOS as on
the Executive Board and the Secretary of the NIOS
31.03.2011 is given in Appendix-E
is its Member Secretary.
A list of members of the Executive Board, as on 31st 2.4 Meeting of General Body, Executive
March 2011, is given in Appendix - B Board and Finance Committee of
iii) The Finance Committee NIOS held during the year
For scrutiny of the accounts and budget estimates 2010-11
and make recommendations on the new proposals a) General Body
for new financial outlay and other financial matters, a
Finance committee has been constituted by the NIOS. The 19th and 20th meeting of General Body was held
The Chairperson of NIOS is the Chairperson of the on 16th November, 2010 and 10th February 2011
Finance Committee. The Secretary of the NIOS is respectively.
the Member Secretary of the Finance Committee. b) Executive Board
A list of members of the Finance Committee as on
The 56th and 57th meetings of Executive Board were
31st March 2011, is given in Appendix-C.
held on 25th May 2010 and 20th October 2010
Departments respectively. The 58th meeting of Executive Board
The Chairperson of the NIOS, appointed by the was held on 11th March 2011.
Government of India, is the Chief Executive of the c) Finance Committee
The 41st and 42nd meetings of Finance Committee
He/She is assisted by five Heads of Departments, were held on 14th May 2010 and 30th September
namely, 2010 respectively. The 43rd meeting of Finance
1. Secretary Committee was held on 19th January 2011.
2. Director (Academic)
2.5 Planning, Implementation and
3. Director (Vocational Education)
4. Director (Evaluation)
5. Director (Student Support Services) The management of NIOS has prepared a detailed
programme processing mechanism through different
The organizational structure of NIOS is depicted in committees. The programmes processing committee
the diagram given on page 10. envisaged are as follows:
Regional Centres I) Academic Council (AC)
For implementation of different programmes
Chairperson : Chairman, NIOS
throughout the country effectively, sixteen Regional
centres have been established at Allahabad, Convener : Director (Academic), NIOS
Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh,
Dehradun, Gandhinagar, Hyderabad, Delhi (Delhi I II) Advisory Boards of the Departments
and Delhi II), Guwahati, Jaipur, Kochi, Kolkata, (DABs)
Patna, and Pune. Two sub-centres have been set up Chairperson : Heads of the Department
at Darbhanga, Vishakhapatnam. A Cell fas been
established in Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Convener : One faculty member

Annual Report 2010-11 9

National Institute of Open Schooling

III) Research Advisory Committee (RAC) V) Advisory Committee of the Regional

Chairperson : Chairman, NIOS Centres (RCACs)
Convener : Head, Regional Centre, NIOS
Convener : Director (Academic), NIOS
The department concerned organized meeting of the
IV) Evaluation Committee, NIOS DABs in which Annual plans 2010-11 were
Convener : Director (Evaluation), NIOS considered.

10 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Programmes in
3 Academic Department
3.0 Introduction learning materials, together with research and
development activities and also provides support in
The Academic Department and the Vocational the area of evaluation of learners.
Education Department can be said to be the two most
important departments of the NIOS. These two The NIOS Academic Department has the following
departments develop education programmes and/or units.
courses to give opportunity to the learners to pursue • Open Basic Education (OBE)
the course of learning of their choice. Both the
• Secondary and Senior Secondary Education
departments collaborate with each other to develop
functional and need/based courses to benefit the • Research and Development Cell
learners. • Capacity Building Cell
The Academic Department takes care of academic • NCOS Secretariat
courses which encompasses the entire school • COMOSA Secretariat
education continuum from primary to predegree level.
• Graphic Unit
The Academic Department is engaged in development
of curriculum and self learning materials, revision of • Library and Documentation Services

Apart from these distinct components of the Academic The OBE programme has been recognised by the
Department, two very important Projects are attached Government of India as equivalent education to the
to the Department. These are:- formal school for purposes of higher education and
1. Adolescence Education Programme (AEP) employment. The OBE programme has three levels
- A, B, and C equivalent to Standard IIIrd, Standard
2. Primary Teacher Training Institute (West
Vth and Standard VIIIth of the formal school system.
Bengal) Project
For implementation of OBE programme, NIOS has
3.1 Open Basic Education now partnership with 1976 (One Thousand Nine
Hundred Seventy Six) Agencies, providing facilities
The OBE Project was started in NIOS in June 1994 for the learners at their study centers. NIOS on its
for providing Primary and Upper Primary level part provides resource support such as NIOS model
Education through Open and Distance Learning. Till curricula, exemplar study materials, orientation of
date the OBE programme is being conducted for both Resource Persons and joint certification.
children and adult learners. These learners fall under
two categories – (i) Children of 6-14 years, and (ii) Like all Academic and Vocational Programmes, the
Adults of 15 years and above. However, in the light foundation of the OBE programme is based upon
of the RTE Act, NIOS will have to discontinue catering openness and flexibility. The registration period is
to children of 14 years of age after 2013. valid for five years thereby not only giving freedom to

Annual Report 2010-11 11

National Institute of Open Schooling

the learners to choose their subjects but also to study Skill Development - another important concern of
at their own pace. It also provides freedom to select Saakshar Bharat Mission - for providing livelihood
the medium of their choice. A learner has a choice of and employment opportunities for the adult neo-
Hindi, English or any Regional Language as medium literates - is also being addressed collaboratively by
of study. Like all academic programmes, OBE NIOS and NLMA. The decision to introduce twenty
programme has no upper age limit for any learner, seven courses has been taken.
though children below the age of 6 years are not
registered in the programme. Basic Literacy Assessment

The OBE Unit has both academic and administrative In a first of its kind initiative, NIOS provided academic
functions. The unit develops Curriculum and Learning support to National Literacy Mission authorities to
materials for all three levels and provides joint conduct Basic Literacy Assessment for neo-literates.
certificates to successful candidates enrolled with The first assessment was held on 20th August, 2010
different agencies throughout the country- whose and the second assessment was held on 6th March,
admission data is available with NIOS. 2011. These neo-literates can later continue their
Basic Education under the Open Adult Education
3.1.1 Collaboration with Saakshar Bharat Programme mentioned above at A, B and C levels.
3.1.2 Collaboration with MESCO ALEF
Development of Curriculum and Learning
Materials. A proposal was received from MESCO-ALEF - a
From its inception, the OBE unit has developed Hyderabad based organisation – for development/
exemplar curriculum and learning materials which the adaptation of Arabic Courses. The organisation
agencies in different states adopted or adapted proposed teaching of Arabic as one of the subjects
according to local needs. But with the introduction to be offered at different levels of OBE – catering to
of the Right to Education in April 2010, NIOS has general public who would like to learn a new language
been given a window period to register children in as well as those studying in Madarsas. Hence a
the age group of 6-14 only till 2013. Hence, in a national level meeting was organised on 30th July,
national level conference held on 8th November, 2010, 2010 for preliminary discussions regarding the
the decision to introduce a parallel opportunity for usefulness of such a programme. As an outcome of
adults was formalised. It was decided that this all India meeting, a core committee was constituted
Equivalency Programme for adult learners (15 and for development of curriculum at three levels and begin
above) would be offered in collaboration with the work of lesson writing.
Saakshar Bharat Mission. Thus a shift in focus was Accordingly, the material for ‘A’ level course was
brought in and instead of providing the same learning developed, reviewed and got ready for printing with
materials to both children and adults, it was decided support from MESCO ALEF.
that the special needs and requirements of the adult
learners would to be catered to. This would henceforth The work of writing lessons for Arabic at ‘B’ level
be called Open Adult Education Programme. was also taken up and the developed lessons were
reviewed in a meeting held on 16-17th March, 2011.
On the basis of an Approach Paper developed
inhouse for this purpose, the work of developing 3.1.3 Enrolment in OBE Courses
Curriculum in different subjects to be offered at A, B
and C levels of Open Adult Education was completed The OBE unit receives admission data from various
and developing self learning study materials based in Accredited Agencies (AA) spread all over the country.
this curriculum was initiated.. These accredited agencies admit the learners in their
agency and send the data to NIOS for record every
It has been decided that while NIOS would provide year. As on March, 2011, the total enrolment in
the academic support to the Saakshar Bharat Mission, different courses of OBE (both children & adult) was
the work of implementation at grass root levels would 36,325, an increase of more than 2000 learners from
be taken care of by the National Literacy Mission last year.
12 Annual Report 2010-11
National Institute of Open Schooling

3.1.4 Joint Certification for OBE learners (AA) is issued to the learners. As on March 31, 2011,
34,102 students were certified under OBE
After successful completion of the OBE course, a
programme of NIOS as per the details given below:
joint certificate with the partnering Accredited Agency

Table 3 : Learners certified under OBE programme in 2010-11.

Session Level A Level B Level C Total

2010-11 5560 11865 16677 34102

3.1.5 D.El. Ed. Programme the curriculum was prepared and finalised.
Subsequent to the introduction of the Right to 3.2 Secondary and Senior Secondary
Education (RTE) Act, 2009, all teachers working at Courses
the elementary level need to be trained by 2015. NIOS
has been identified by MHRD as one of the institutions The bulk of enrolment in NIOS are in the Secondary
that may contribute towards the training of untrained and Senior Secondary Courses. Every year
elementary teachers through the Open and Distance approximately 4.5 lakhs students enroll themselves
Learning mode. An expert committee was formed and in different courses offered at these two levels.

An analysis of the medium wise enrolment data At the Senior Secondary level, of the total 2,32,676
brought out that at both Secondary and Senior learners, 1,29,453 learners have taken up their studies
Secondary levels, Hindi is the most popular medium. in Hindi medium while 1,02,655 learners are registered
Of the total 2,08,466 learners enrolled at Secondary in English medium whereas 568 learners have opted
level, 1,50,527 learners had opted for Hindi medium for Urdu medium.
while 56,906 learners had registered for English
A brief analysis of subjectwise enrolment at both
medium 1,033 learners have chosen Urdu as their
Secondary and Senior Secondary level is given below.
medium. (This data includes learners enrolled for these
three mediums only).

Annual Report 2010-11 13

National Institute of Open Schooling

• It is interesting to note that as a subject offered 2,09,007 learners at Senior Secondary level
at Secondary and Senior Secondary levels, have opted for English. In comparison,
English seems to be more popular than Hindi. 1,55,962 learners took Hindi at Secondary
1,83,584 learners at Secondary level and level and 1,64,672 at Senior Secondary level.

• At the Secondary level, the most opted for medium more to study subjects like
subjects during the Academic session are English Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Commerce,
(183584), Social Sciences (160387), Hindi Accountancy, Computer Science and Biology,
(155962), Science and Technology (134125), Hindi is the medium of choice for subjects like
Mathematics (126425), Home science History, Geography, Political Science, Home
(82175), Word Processing (79639). Science, Sociology and Painting.
• Of the nine regional languages made available
at Secondary level, the
enrolment in Punjabi is the
highest (10059), the lowest
being in Malayalam (565).
• The five most opted for
subjects at the Senior
Secondary level are English
(209007), Hindi (164672),
Political Science (92629),
Maths (90295) and History

• At the Senior Secondary

level, it is noticed that while
learners prefer the English

14 Annual Report 2010-11

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3.2.1 Revision of Secondary Courses 3.2.2 Senior Secondary Courses

NIOS has a policy to review the course materials of Three new subjects – Bengali (subject code 303),
all the secondary and senior secondary level courses Environmental Science (subject code 333) and Data
every five years or before to meet the requirements Entry Operations - (subject code 336) were
of the students to keep pace with the new developed in the year of reporting. These subjects
developments and changes in the national and have been introduced in 2011-12 academic session.
international level. To revise these courses, experts The revised course in History at Senior Secondary
from various institutions such as JNU, University of Level (Subject Code 315) was introduced in the
Delhi, IGNOU, NCERT and schools are involved. 2010-11 session.
In the year under reporting all subjects (excluding 3.2.3 Regional Language Programme
Regional Languages) were taken up for revision and
it is expected that it would be completed soon. Under the Regional Language Programme, Tutor
Marked Assignments (TMAs) were developed and
It is to be noted that five subjects – Hindi, English, printed for 11 regional language subjects at secondary
Social Science, Science and Technology and Home level for the year 2010-2011. Secondary TMAs were
Science – were identified for integration of life skills also translated into five regional languages and
in the learning materials under the Adolescence provided to the learners.
Education Programme. This curricular intervention -
Laboratory manuals for Science and Technology and
it is hoped - will usher in marked departures from the
Home Science at secondary level for Gujarati medium
conventional textbooks that are studied by students
were translated, CRCs prepared and submitted to
in formal schools.
Printing Unit for printing. The CRCs of Secondary
At the Secondary level, a new course Data Entry Home Science Book-2 in Gujarati medium has also
Operations (subject code 229) was introduced been received. Revised Course material for Kannada
replacing the course in Word Processing (code 219) language at Secondary level (subject code 208) was
as the latter was found to be obsolete. developed and CRCs prepared.

Annual Report 2010-11 15

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Curriculum, and learning outcomes have been activities of the Research and Development Cell are
prepared for a new course in Tamil language at Senior given in more detail in Chapter 11.
Secondary level. Writing and reviewing of self
instructional learning materials were in progress in the
3.4 Capacity Building Cell
year 2010-11. The Capacity Building Cell was set up in 2010 to
facilitate regular and periodic Capacity Building
3.2.4 Expansion of Question Bank at Senior
Programmes of Open School functionaries both at
Secondary level
the national and state levels. The different activities
As a National Board for examination and certification undertaken by this cell have been mentioned in
of learners, besides two public examination every Chapter 10.
year. NIOS provides the unique opportunity of On-
Demand Examination Scheme (ODEs) to its learners. 3.5 Graphic Unit
For this purpose question banks are developed in In the year under reporting, several title covers, colour
each and every subject by Academic Department. illustrations/graphics etc were prepared. The details
In the year 2009-10, the question banks for ODES are as follows.
at the Senior Secondary level had been developed in
almost all subjects for the revised course. However, • Graphic Illustrations
some subjects were still remaining. Hence the work Approximately 500 graphics and colour illustrations
of developing a Question Bank for the revised courses for learning and support materials in OBE, EVS,
in the subjects of Political Science, History, Sanskrit, Community Health, Basic Rural Technology,
Environmental Science, Computer Science, Mass Environmental Science (Senior Secondary level) were
Communication, Sociology and Painting were taken prepared.
up. All the items (except in Sanskrit) were developed
in both English and Hindi Versions. • Title Covers
Cover designs of Environmental Science, Annual
3.2.5 Development of Tutor Mark Assignments
Report 2009-2010, Basic Rural Technology, the
Commonwealth Schooling Association (COMOSA)
During the year 2010-2011 Tutor Mark Assignments and a few more cover designs for vocational courses
(TMAs) were developed in various subjects in were prepared.
English, Hindi and Urdu mediums at the secondary
and senior secondary level. At the Secondary level,
3.6 A detailed write up on the Library
the TMAs were made available in Telegu, Marathi, and Documentation Services is
Malayalam, Oriya and Gujarati medium too. available in Chapter 16.
3.2.6 Standardisation of Marking Schemes 3.7 NCOS Secretariat
NIOS prepares three sets of question papers (A, B The main objectives of the National Consortium of
and C) in each subject scheduled for public Open Schooling are as follows:
examination. To reduce subjectivity in evaluation,
marking schemes are developed and standardized for 1. To promote setting up of State Open Schools
all subjects at secondary and senior secondary levels. (SOSs) in the States by providing professional,
Meetings for standardization of marking schemes in technical and academic support services to the
different subjects were organised for the public State Education Departments.
examinations held in April-May, 2010 and October- 2. To promote advocacy for Open and Distance
November, 2010 respectively. Learning (ODL) and upscaling of the Open
Schooling Programme in India.
3.3 Research and Development Cell
3. To facilitate networking and establish
As an apex organisation at the national level - research collaboration among Open Schools in India by
forms an important component of NIOS activity. The sharing of resources, expertise and experiences

16 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) at the MHRD-UNFPA supported initiative. In its sixth
school level. year since its inception in 2005, year 2010 was the
year of consolidation. The learning of previously
4. To determine standards of the Open and
carried out initiative was applied in the development
Distance Learning system at school stage to
of life skills enriched study materials at secondary
ensure pace setting in programmes and
activities of Open Schools.
Objectives and Interventions
5. To assist the State Open Schools (SOSs) in
designing need based specific curriculum and National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005,
self instructional material in the regional developed by NCERT, outlines that education should
languages. instill “independence of thought and action, sensitivity
to others” well-being and feelings, learning to respond
6. To maintain database of the Open Schooling
to new situations in a flexible and creative manner,
predisposition towards participation in democratic
7. To promote research in Open Schooling in processes, and the ability to work towards and
India. contribute to economic processes and social change.”
8. To assist in capacity building of personnel With an objective to achieve this goal, NIOS
working in Open Schools. undertook:
9. To coordinate with international agencies. • Curricular intervention
3.8 COMOSA Secretariat • Capacity Building
The COMOSA is an international referred journal • Establishment of Adolescent Friendly Centre
started in the year 2009 with the initiatives of NIOS • ICT Support
and the collaboration with Commonwealth of Open Curricular Interventions
Learning (COL). It is published bi-annually and the
second issue was published in December, 2010. NIOS plays a pivotal role of bringing education to a
COMOSA invites scholarly and researched articles large percentage of out-of-school Indian youth. NIOS
from within and outside the country. It mainly focuses is convinced that Life skills enhancement is a worthy
on the open and distance learning mode within the initiative that would be an important value addition
Commonwealth countries. and will go a long way in improving the overall quality
of learning materials benefiting the learners. Hence,
The main objectives of the journal are: development of life skills enriched materials in selected
 To provide a forum across the Commonwealth five subjects of Home Science, Social Science,
Countries for scholarly discussion on concerns Science and Languages (Hindi and English) was the
and issues in Open Schooling/Open Learning principal activity for AEP in year 2010.
and Considering the importance and the vastness of the
 To disseminate research, theory and practices task some path-breaking measures were taken by
including inter-disciplinary studies. NIOS and UNFPA.
A detailed write upon the NCOS and COMOSA • Concept of Specialized Mentoring Agencies
Secretariat is available in Chapter 12. was introduced
• Request for Proposal was issued and agencies
3.9 Projects in Academic Department appointed
3.9.1 Adolescence Education Programme Capacity Building workshops for lesson writers
A Capacity Building Workshop was organized on
October 3-7, 2010 at National Institute of
AEP is implemented as a five-year programme by Biologicals, NOIDA for the orientation, sensitization
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) under and capacity building of over 100 participants for

Annual Report 2010-11 17

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developing life skills enriched study material in five project, primary school teacher trainees who had
subjects at secondary level. NIOS officers in charge secured less than 50% marks in Senior Secondary
of five subjects, lesson writers, graphic designers, as well as those who had not been able to clear Senior
translators and script writers participated in this Secondary examinations were to be admitted in the
intensive training programme. NIOS Senior Secondary programme. The trainees
Tutor Training Workshop were allowed to enrol for either one or as many as
five subjects of their choice. For this purpose, the
In the year 2010, some important workshops were Academic Department through the Regional Centre,
conducted for the training of tutors. Training material Kolkata took up translation of NIOS material into
was also developed for these workshops which were Bengali medium. A new subject, Bengali language at
organised on :- Senior Secondary level, was also taken up for
• September 17-19, 2010 at Jaipur, Rajasthan. development.
• October 12-14, 2010 at Bhubaneswar, Orissa. In the year under reporting, the task of translation of
Sensitization of the officials from Regional Centres course material of eight subjects (Physics, Chemistry,
and State Open Schools Mathematics, Biology, History, Geography, Political
Science and Sociology) was initially given to West
Sensitization and capacity building of the officials of Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Regional Centers and State Open School was carried (WBCHSE). Due to delay in completion of work,
out at the Sixth Pan Commonwealth Forum on Open the task was given to SCERT and West Bengal Board
Learning (PCF 6) from 24-28 November 2010 at of Primary Education to complete the unfinished
Kochi, Kerala, India. subjects.
Setting up of Adolescent Friendly Centre:
Regional Centre Kolkata handed over eight Books
received from WBCHSE to West Bengal Board of
Learner Support Centre (LSC) Mitra has been set Primary Education after checking house style and
up as a pilot intervention to provide adolescent friendly format.
space within the NIOS Regional Centre at
Bhubaneshwar. Mitra shall addresses the issues and The Government of West Bengal identified 117
concerns of adolescents with an objective of schools in all the 19 districts of the State. A preliminary
developing learners’ potential through various meeting was organised in the Conference Hall of West
strategies of Life Skills Education. Bengal Board of Primary Education on 9th March,
2011 in which heads of 90 schools attended. The
ICT Support background information of these Government
 An audio Programme in Hindi Prabhavi Schools were collected and compiled and
Vyaktigat Sampark Karyakram’ on effective discrepancies found were later intimated to Director,
Personal Contact Programme was duplicated School Education, Government of West Bengal.
and provided to all the participants of Tutor
Training Workshops. A total number of 3107 admission forms have been
received from West Bengal Board of Primary
 Over 45,000 hits were recorded on the AEP Education of which 933 students are fresh admissions
WebPages at in Senior Secondary while 2084 students have
index.html enrolled themselves for upgradation of Senior
3.9.2 Project for Improvement of Marks of Secondary marks. 1415 students have applied for
PTTI Trainees of West Bengal Transfer of Credit (TOC). Learners enrolled have
opted for four different mediums – Bengali, Hindi,
This Project was undertaken in collaboration with the English and Urdu. Of the students enrolled – 100
Government of West Bengal for capacity building of students are employed while 2980 students have no
Primary Teacher Training Institute (PTTI) trainees for jobs.
improvement of academic qualification. Under this

18 Annual Report 2010-11

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3.10 Other Important Activities - Approval of Draft curriculum structure of D.El.

Ed Programme.
3.10.1 Departmental Advisory Board meetings
- Introduction of new need based vocational
The fourth meeting of the Departmental Advisory courses on Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Board (DAB) of Academic Department was held on basis.
2nd February, 2011 and the 5th DAB meeting was
convened on 14th February, 2011. The work plan - MOU signed between NIOS and Open
of the Department for 2011-12 was approved in the Polytechnic of New Zealand for collaboration
fourth DAB meeting. particularly in the field of skill development.

An important decision of these two DAB meetings - Implementation of credit system in vocational
was to make both Personal Contact Programmes courses.
(PCP) and Tutor Marked Assessment (TMA) The various observations and suggestions given by
mandatory for the NIOS learners. It has been the esteemed members of the Council were discussed
decided that 50% attendance at PCPs would be and noted for future plan of action.
required and 20% weightage would be given to
TMAs and displayed on the Marksheet. 3.10.3 Celebration of 22nd Foundation Day
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
3.10.2 Academic Council Meeting
celebrated its 22 nd Foundation Day on 23 rd
The eleventh meeting of the Academic Council was November, 2010. To commemorate this, the first
organised by the Academic Department on 4th March, Foundation Day Lecture was delivered by Shri Kiran
2011. Dr. S.S. Jena, Chairman, NIOS emphasised Karnik, Former President, NASSCOM on “Inclusive
the need to expand the horizon of NIOS in order to Education: Role of Media and Technology”.
increase the enrolment as well as bring about Expressing concern on the large number of illiterates
qualitative improvement so that the credibility and in the country, Sri. Karnik emphasized on the need
acceptability of the system would be enhanced. He for inclusiveness in education for bridging gaps and
also focussed on the collaborative programme of divides. “Inclusive education is the seed from which
Saakshar Bharat between NIOS and NLMA. He we should look at inclusivity”, he said, pointing out
stressed that the NIOS is the important nodal agency the important role that technology and media have to
to develop curriculum and study material for adults. play in narrowing differences to reach out to groups
In this meeting various agenda items were presented and individuals who may be left behind in the process
like : of education.
- Translation of Senior Secondary course in Earlier in his welcome address Dr. S.S.Jena,
Bengali medium for PTTI programme. Chairman, NIOS explained how the NIOS had
- Collaborative programmes between NIOS and grown to become the largest open schooling system
Saakshar Bharat. with a cumulative strength of 1.9 million and huge
network of 4,000 study centres including those in
- Government of India’s direction to continue
NGO sectors for providing education at the basic
Open Basic Education Programme for children
education level. Speaking on the use of ICT for
till March 2013.
facilitation of NIOS learners, he mentioned the
- Revision of rates for different academic introduction of 100% Online admission and On-
activities. Demand examination.
- Making personal contact programme (PCPs) Congratulating the NIOS on its 22nd Foundation Day,
compulsory and giving weightage to Tutor Ms. Frances Ferreira, Education Specialist,
Marked Assignments. Commonwealth of Learning (COL) said that while
- Curriculum and course material development Open Schools should provide a safety net for those
at A, B and C level of Open Adult Education who miss schools, they should not be seen as a second
Programme. chance but as an important medium to acquire

Annual Report 2010-11 19

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education enjoying all the flexibilities that the system Paper presentations were made on focus areas such
offers. She also pointed out that ICT integration in as ‘Beyond Barriers’ which included sessions on
open schooling can enhance access. gender barriers such as the girl child and women,
While referring to the importance of content for ability barrier including learners with varying levels of
education, Sh. S.C. Khuntia, Joint Secretary, SE&L, mental, physical and learning abilities and other
MHRD, Govt. of India said that a good system should barriers such as economic, social, cultural and political.
impart education by integrating entertainment and An extremely appreciated session titled “voices from
education using the latest technology. within” witnessed parents and learners sharing their
3.10.4 Seminar : Transcending Barriers : first hand experiences on how they benefited from
Inclusive Education in the context of the NIOS.
Open Schooling
3.10.5 Open Learning Magazine
Centenary year of International Women’s Day was
marked by the organization of a two day seminar on Open Learning Magazine (OLM) is an important
Transcending Barriers: Inclusive Education in the magazine published both in English and Hindi bi-
context of Open Schooling at the India Habitat Centre, annually from NIOS and the December issue was
New Delhi on March 8-9, 2011. printed in 2010. This is mainly a knowledge based
The objective of the seminar was to establish that the magazine published for the NIOS learners to know
fundamental principles of open and distance education their world around them and understand things which
are based on including diversities and should be aimed is important for the survival of all the species in this
at achieving ‘Barrier Free Education’ which is universe.
supportive in all forms. The seminar also provided a 3.10.6 COMOSA Journal
common platform for distinct groups of stakeholders
such as Learners and their family members, The first issue of the COMOSA Journal of Open
Accredited Institutions of NIOS, officials of State Schooling was launched on 21st November, 2011
Open Schools, School Professionals and Adolescent during the Annual General Body Meeting of
Mental Health Professionals to come together, learn, COMOSA. Published by NIOS, the journal includes
build capacity and collaborate. research papers, case studies and book reviews.

20 Annual Report 2010-11

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4 Vocational Education Programmes

4.0 Introduction Education courses of NIOS are meant for both urban
and rural sectors.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is an
important element of the nation’s education initiative. 4.1 Networking
In order for Vocational Education to play its part NIOS functions through a network of Accredited
effectively in the changing national context and for Vocational Institutes for imparting skill based training
India to enjoy the fruits of the demographic dividend, to its learners. The existing institutions like ITIs, Jan
there is an urgent need to redefine the critical elements Shikshan Sansthans, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Schools,
of imparting vocational education and training to make Colleges, District Institutes of Education and Training
them flexible, contemporary, relevant, inclusive and (DIETs), Universities, Paramedical Training Centres,
creative. The Government is well aware of the NGOs and several other Voluntary Agencies are
important role of Vocational education and has already partnering with NIOS in imparting Vocational
taken a number of important initiatives in this area. Education. In the last few years, there has been
School-based vocational education in India is substantial increase in the number of AVIs. With
currently covered by a centrally sponsored scheme accreditation of more number of AVIs during the year
which was mooted in 1988 and was aimed at 2010-11, the total number of AVIs as on March 2011
providing an alternative to the pursuit of higher was 1356.
academic education.
4.2 Admission
One of the objectives of the Vocational Education
Programme of NIOS is to meet the need for skilled The enrollment of students in Vocational Education
and middle-level manpower for the growing sectors Courses has been increasing progressively barring a
of economy, both organized and unorganized. The few exceptions. Table 4.1 shows year-wise enrollment
range of Vocational Education courses has been in Vocational Education Courses. During the year
expanding over the years depending upon needs of 2010-11, the enrollment of students in various
learners and market demands. The present Vocational Vocational Education Courses was 22,779.
Table 4.1
Year wise Enrollment in Vocational Education Courses
Year Enrollment Percent increase
1997-1998 5,822 (+)51
1998-1999 7,164 (+)23
1999-2000 10,611 (+)48
2000-2001 12,026 (+)13
2001-2002 17,770 (+)48
2002-2003 22,321 (+)26
2003-2004 21,211 (-)5.0
2004-2005 20,985 (-)1.1
2005-2006 22,879 (+)8.9
2006-2007 22,166 (-)3.11
2007-2008 23,674 (+) 6.8
2008-2009 22343 (-) 5.6
2009-2010 19073 (-) 14.63
2010-2011 22,779 (+) 19.43

Annual Report 2010-11 21

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Admission to vocational education courses of NIOS over India. The number of students admitted to
is open round the year. During the year 2010-11, vocational stream was 22,779. Table 4.2 shows
admission in various courses was done through the enrollment State/Union Territory wise during
a network of more than thirteen hundred AVIs all 2010-11.
Table 4.2
State wise Enrollment in Vocational Education Courses during 2010-11

State Name Offline Online Total PER %

Andhra Pradesh 234 234 1.03
Andman & Nicobar Islands 2 2 0.01
Assam 157 157 0.69
Bihar 1127 1127 4.95
Chandigarh 234 234 1.03
Chhattisgarh 437 437 1.92
Delhi 3598 21 3619 15.89
Goa 24 24 0.11
Gujrat 192 192 0.84
Haryana 889 889 3.90
Himachal Pradesh 836 836 3.67
Jammu & Kashmir 229 229 1.01
Jharkhand 274 274 1.20
Karnataka 368 1 369 1.62
Kerala 1607 32 1639 7.20
Madhya Pradesh 1378 1378 6.05
Maharashtra 459 1 460 2.02
Orissa 222 222 0.97
Pondichery 100 100 0.44
Punjab 712 712 3.13
Rajasthan 4630 4630 20.33
Tamilnadu 468 38 506 2.22
Tripura 10 10 0.04
Uttar Pradesh 3775 5 3780 16.59
Uttarakhand 217 217 0.95
West Bengal 502 502 2.20
22681 98 22779 100.00

22 Annual Report 2010-11

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The state wise enrollment trend shows that the highest and Tripura had the lowest enrollment. Table 4.3
enrollment was in the State of Rajasthan followed by shows Region wise enrollment in Vocational
the U.P and Delhi. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Education Courses during 2010-11.
Table 4.3
Region wise Enrollment in Vocational Education Courses during 2010-11
Region Total %
Reg01 Hyderabad 603 2.65
Reg02 Pune 484 2.12
Reg03 Kolkata 660 2.90
Reg04 Guwahati 167 0.73
Reg05 Chandigarh 2378 10.44
Reg06 Kochi 2245 9.86
Reg07 Delhi 4959 21.77
Reg09 Jaipur 4822 21.17
Reg10 Patna 1401 6.15
Reg11 Allahabad 1635 7.18
Reg13 Bhopal 1815 7.97
Reg14 Dehradun 1544 6.78
Reg15 Bhubneshwar 66 0.29
The region wise enrollment trend shows that the Bhubneshwar Region had the lowest enrollment. Table
highest enrollment was in the Delhi Region followed 4.3 shows Region wise enrollment in Vocational
by Rajasthan Region and Chandigarh. The Education Courses during 2010-11.
Region wise Enrollment in Vocational Education Courses during 2010-11

Table 4.4
Gender Wise Vocational Admission 2010-11
Gender Total %
Boys 8902 39.08
Girls 13877 60.92
Total 22779 100.00

Annual Report 2010-11 23

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The enrollment data reveals that more number of Courses of NIOS was in the age group 14-20 years
females are taking admission in the vocational courses i.e., 49.28 %. There is variation in the percentage of
than the males, the percentage being 39.08 for males males and females taking admission in Vocational
and 60.92 for females. Education Courses, as shown in the table 4.5 of the
The enrollment data reveals that maximum number of total students admitted in the Vocational Education
students taking admission in Vocational Education Courses.
Table 4.5
Age Wise Vocational Admission 2010-11
Age – Range Male Female Total %
14 – 20 3439 7787 11226 49.28
21 – 25 3082 3185 6267 27.51
26 – 30 1095 1297 2392 10.50
31 – 35 555 817 1372 6.02
36 – 40 358 447 805 3.53
41 – 45 152 126 278 1.22
46 – 50 70 47 117 0.51
Above 50 151 171 322 1.41
Total 8902 13877 22779 100.00

Table 4.6
Category Wise Vocational Admission 2010-11
Course General SC ST EX_SER HANDI OBC Total
Vocational 18123 3103 1292 20 94 147 22779
Percentage 79.56 13.62 5.66 .08 0.4 0.64 100
Of the total enrollment in Vocational Education wise enrollment. Enrollment trends show that Cutting
Courses, the percentage of disadvantaged learners Tailoring and Dress Making, Early Childhood Care
was very small i.e. only 20.44%. The remaining and Education, Certificate in Computer Application,
learners are in the general category. Community Health Worker, Basic Computing
There are certain Vocational Education Courses ,Electrical Technician, Beauty Culture, Yog etc., are
which are very popular. Table 4.7 shows the course- the most popular courses among the students.

24 Annual Report 2010-11

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Table 4.7
Subject Wise Vocational Admission 2010-11


Annual Report 2010-11 25

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442 HOME & HEALTH 60
611 PLUMBING 104
614 YOG 485

26 Annual Report 2010-11

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4.3 New Initiatives examination, administration and vocational academic

issues were discussed and problems were solved.
4.3.1 Qualitative Improvement Besides these matters, procedures for admission and
In keeping with the larger objectives of the Eleventh accreditation were also explained to the Coordinators.
Five Year Plan, the future thrust of the NIOS These meetings were organized in all the Regional
vocational courses is on training of educated Centers of NIOS. The Coordinators of the AVIs were
unemployed youth for meaningful, skill oriented apprised of the changes and other new courses
employment. In the coming years, the plans for course introduced. VEFs were also briefed with new
development include launching of traditional as well developments in NIOS.
as non-traditional technology oriented and
4.3.4 Operationalisation of the Project HUNAR
competency based courses which have direct
connection with market & industrial demand. in Delhi
After the success of Hunar Programme in providing
4.3.2 Material Development skill training to girls and women of disadvantaged
Variety of courses in areas of Health and Para- groups in Bihar, the NIOS launched this programme
Medical, Engineering and Technology, Home Science, in Delhi on 26th February 2011. Nine trades which
Computer & IT, Agriculture, Business and were selected for the target groups were Cutting and
Commerce, and Teacher Training have been prepared Tailoring, Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables, Early
for VE programme delivery through AVIs. The number Child Hood Care and Education, Basic Computing
of Vocational Education Courses have increased from Skills, Gram Sakhi, Typing (Hindi, Urdu, English) and
a few courses in 1991 to 80 courses till 2010. The Beauty Culture. All the teaching learning material,
entry level for the NIOS Vocational Education teachers handbook, model sample papers etc have
Courses is from neo literates to 12th pass. At present been developed by the Vocational Department.
the Vocational Education Courses are offered as Six
Months courses, One Year courses, Stand-alone 4.3.5 Signing of MOU with Various
courses at Secondary and Senior Secondary level, Organisations
Package Course and Life Enrichment Courses. A (a) Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
two year diploma course in Radiography is also being
offered. New courses like Data Entry Operations, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed
Basic Rural Technology, and Diploma in Ayurvedic between National Institute of Open Schooling
Therapies are being offered. (NIOS), India and Open Polytechnic of New
Zealand for mutual collaboration. Both the parties
The major courses under revision are – X-ray have expressed their desire to strengthen and further
Technician Course, Diploma in Cutting Tailoring and develop the relations between the two institutions in
Dress Designing, Plumbing, Electrical Technician, Bee the field of distance education up to pre-degree level
Keeping etc. The new courses like Diploma in and appreciate the importance of Vocational and
Operation Theatre Technician, Diploma in Accounts, Technical Education as a factor of economic and
Banking & Taxation, Diploma in Apparel Designing social development. Both the parties have also agreed
are under development. to further cultivate the ties between them.
4.3.3 Meetings of the Coordinators of AVIs and (b) Work agreement with UNESCO
Vocational Education Facilitators (VEFs)
NIOS has signed the work agreement with UNESCO
through Teleconferencing
with the following objectives;
The NIOS organised a series of Tele Orientation
Programmes for the Coordinators of Study Centres  Design an appropriate teacher training package
(AVIs) in order to facilitate the work of Study Centers for the training of untrained elementary teachers
and make them acquainted with the changes in the through distance education mode.
scheme of studies as well as in other activities of  Expand the use of life kit as an academic support
NIOS. In these programmes, matters related to material in the NIOS Open Basic Education

Annual Report 2010-11 27

National Institute of Open Schooling

(OBE) programme and also make it available static enrollment is that VE Courses are not according
for use in the equivalency programmes offered to the market demand. Therefore NIOS endeavor is
through Saakshar Bharat. to review all its existing courses on one hand and
develop new courses on the other. These new courses
 Upgrade identified TVET courses for integration
would be need based and help an individual to become
in the life kit prepared in collaboration with
self employed or to get employment. This may be
NIOS and UNESCO New Delhi, and integrate
executed with the help NGO/Private player on
the education of neo-literates with skill
collaborative basis.
development. The courses designed for this
purpose will also focus on aspects related to To fulfill the national objective of skill development
issues of recognition of prior learning. NIOS is looking for Proposals from private as well
as governmental organizations that are dynamic as
 Undertaking system based research for well as innovative and can effectively target the skill
development of ODL system in the school sector. development at the sectors/ segments which have
(c) Functional Vocational Training Research the huge unmet needs . Proposals preferably in the
and Society (FVTRS) priority sectors as identified by various agencies like
CII, FICCI and even Planning Commission, are being
The NIOS and FVTRS have together entered into a sought. Some of these areas which have been
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the identified are Automobile/auto component, Electronics
following aims:- Hardware, Textiles and Garments, Leather and
 Impart training in skills that has market demand Leather Goods, Gem and Jewellery, Building and
along with education literacy programme for the Construction, Food Processing, ITs or software
target groups. services, ITES – BPO Services, Tourism Hospitality
and Travel Trade, Healthcare Services. Banking/
 Value addition to conventional schooling with Insurance and Finance.
integration of skills training.
Vocational Education Department has drafted the
 Certification of the trainees who have attended Expression of Interest (EOI) for this purpose and
skills training organized by FVTRS partners in had invited the proposals from the Private or Non
different parts of the country. Governmental organizations. The EOI appeared in
the newspaper on 8th Feb 2011. In response to the
 Value addition to the conventional skill training EOI, VED received 105 proposals.
through opportunity creation to the secondary
level of education. 4.4.2 Introduction of Open Educational
Resources (OER).
NIOS proposes to work together by establishing the
innovative centers, whereby both vocational and In a distance education set up like NIOS, a learner is
academic inputs would be given to the students located in a remote and isolated situation from the
enrolled in the innovative centers. In addition to this teacher. ICT is capable of helping such students with
soft skills training, entrepreneurship training would also Open Educational Resources (OER) which can be
be given to the learners. With this MOU, NIOS will used, re-used and shared freely by students and
be able to reach the unreached areas especially the teachers. NIOS is venturing into this direction for the
Educationally Backward Blocks. development of OER in the area of Tourism and
Hospitality Management and Security Services.
4.4 Other Important Initiatives
4.4.3 Introduction of Credit System in NIOS
4.4.1 Introduction of new need based Vocational
The courses offered by NIOS (Vocational and
Courses on Collaborative basis Academic) combine theory and practicals as per
A major challenge before the VE Department is that requirement of the subjects concerned. The weightage
the enrollment figures for the last thirteen years have assigned to these courses and their components are
been more or less static. One of the reasons for the in terms of marks. These marks are usually indexed

28 Annual Report 2010-11

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to the evaluation system adopted for a course. Though and prepare students for self reliance and self
a variety of certificate and diploma level vocational employment.
courses are available at NIOS, yet there are no norms 4.4.5 Rural Entrepreneurship Programme for
for deciding which course should be certificate or Gramin Dak Sewaks
diploma, what should be the workload, what should
be the duration of a particular courses etc. Minister of Communications and IT had-desired that
a program which will give Gramin Dak Sewaks/
Keeping in view such questions and limitations it is branch postmasters development opportunities in rural
felt that there is a need for development of norms for areas be envisaged. It was decided that department
standardization of student workload and to develop of posts will develop a program for branch postmaster
a mechanism for multi-entry and multi-exit facilities in rural areas and that National Institute of Open
for the learners. For the purpose of standardization Schooling (NIOS) and Tata Institute of Social
of weightage and content load for different types of Sciences, Mumbai will be associated for developing
programmes, it is proposed to introduce the credit this programme.
system in NIOS. In the first phase, it may be The objective of the program is to equip the Gramin
experimented with in the vocational courses and later Dak Sewaks with the skill and knowledge to develop
on it can be extended to the academic courses. postal business as an enterprise. This will enable the
participants to play a role in financial literacy, setting
4.4.4 Introduction of Vocational Stream at
up micro enterprise or for supporting self help groups.
Senior Secondary Level:
The target group of the programme are Gramin Dak
Introduction to higher secondary stage is important Sewaks (GDS) working as post master, delivery
as it offers choice of subjects to students. During the agents, and mail carriers in the department of posts.
two year period, students like to choose the courses This will be open to all those GDS who are Xth pass
of study in relation to their interests and aptitude. In and the duration of the programme is one year. The
this stream freedom is given to students to choose curriculum includes modules on Communication
either specialized job oriented vocational courses for skills, Computer skills, Foundation of India,
entering into the field of employment or a combination Entrepreneurship, Accounting and Finance, Banking
of both vocational and academic courses for entering and Insurance, etc. The program will be initiated in
into the field of higher studies. The main objective of pilot mode in six states: Assam, Gujarat, Karnataka,
the stream is to provide opportunities for continuing Maharashtra, Rajasthan and U.P. 2000 GDS are
and developmental education to interested learners expected to be covered in this pilot program.

Annual Report 2010-11 29

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5 Student Support Services

5.0 Introduction  Coordination with the Regional Centres
for timely and effective support to the
Under the Open and Distance Learning System, learners.
learner support is of paramount importance. Such
support is provided through various services to:  Redressal of the problems and grievances of the
 help learners to learn well by providing timely
and proper academic support 5.2 Major Policy initiatives during the
 facilitate learners in solving their problems year and Achievements
through the study centres/learning centres The major policy initiatives and achievements during
the year are as under:
 coordinate and monitor establishment, working
and management of the study centres.  To promote e-goverance and to improve
efficiency of NIOS in its key areas of functioning
5.1 Functions like admission, accreditation, examination and
The main functions of the Student Support Services other activities, NIOS has expanded the Online
(SSS) Department of NIOS are as follows: admission and started Online Admission for
Stream-1 throughout the year (24 x7) and
 Formulation of policy and planning related to also started accreditation process and
student enrollment and registration depositing the examination fee online.

 Advocacy and publicity of NIOS programmes  From the year 2010-11, NIOS has introduced
100% On-line admission in order to
 Identification and establishment of study centres facilitate learners in registering themselves with
for accreditation from amongst recognized and it. Off-line admission quota has been dispensed
reputed academic institutions all over the with.
country, thereby building a network of
Accredited Institutions (AIs), Accredited Under this scheme learners have three options:
Vocational Institutions (AVIs) and Accredited
Agencies (AAs) (i) They can register themselves On-line directly.

 Enrolment and registration of secondary and (ii) They may visit their nearest AI (study centre)/
senior secondary learners of NIOS Facilitation Centre and take their help for
On-line registration.
 Monitoring of the functioning of study centres
(iii) They may visit their Regional Centre and take
and conduct of Personal Contact Programmes
their help for on line-registration
 Development of policy for continuous
The total number of students enrolled during 2010-
assessment of the learners through Tutor
11 were 4,58,055. This is a rise of 9.13% from the
Marked Assignments (TMA)
previous year.

30 Annual Report 2010-11

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Following are the trends of admission during the last five years:

 NIOS used to dispatch study material to its to non-resident Indians and other nationals settled
Study Centres for distribution to the learners there.
after confirmation of their admission. NIOS has
now started dispatching study material to The salient features of On-line admissions are as
Stream-I Online learners at their residential follows:
– Faster and Simpler Admission: Direct access
 NIOS used to collect admission and to NIOS
examination fee through Bank Drafts at its Study
Centres. Now NIOS has started Easy payment – Choice of Study Centre: Freedom to select
facility for admission and examination fee Study Centre of one’s choice
through Online ‘Payment Gateway’ by which – Admission Open 24x7: Admission open round
the learners can deposit their fee through Credit the year for the learners for On Demand
Cards. Examination under stream 3 and 4 of
5.2.1 Access through Online admissions Secondary and Sr. Secondary Course
Online Admission is now available throughout the year
with two blocks. The facility of Online Admission was – Better support services: Direct interaction of
decentralised by establishment of a Online Cell and learners with NIOS, faster redressal of
Facilitation Counter at all the Regional Centres and problems
sub-centres of NIOS. All the Regional Centres were
– Easy Payment: Payment of fee online through
provided with necessary staff and infrastructural
Credit Card else by Bank Draft
facilities to handle online admissions by setting up a
separate Online Cell. During the year 2010-11, In order to make this Ni-On Project successful and
admission in secondary and senior secondary courses learner friendly four streams of online admissions were
of NIOS took place in the month of July and August introduced keeping in mind the different requirements
through a network of 2482 Accredited Institutions of the learners.
(AIs) commonly known as Study Centres spread all
over India and abroad in Nepal and Middle East The State/ Union Territory wise enrolment at
Countries (Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Kuwait). The aim Secondary and Senior Secondary level is
of having the Study Centres outside India is to extend shown in the Table 5.1 and Region-wise Enrolment
educational facilities through the open learning system in academic courses is shown in the Table 5.2.

Annual Report 2010-11 31

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Table 5.1 : State/Union Territory-wise Enrolment in Academic Courses 2010-11

Admis. Admis.
Online Online
Stream-1 Stream-1

Admis. For For Online Online

through April-11 Oct.2011 Stream II Stream III & IV Total %
Off-line Exam. Exam.

Sec. Sr.Sec. Sec. Sr.Sec. Sec. Sr.Sec. Sec. Sr.Sec. Sec. Sr.Sec. Sec. Sr.Sec. Fee

A.P.O 262 211 1 6 2 1 265 218 483 0.11

ANDAMAN & NICOBAR 113 134 1309 1455 222 250 4 8 1648 1847 3495 0.76

ANDHRA PRADESH 128 559 1050 5499 866 2203 1176 4365 13 50 3233 12676 15909 3.47

ARUNACHAL PRADESH 66 77 2296 1707 500 503 3 3 2865 2290 5155 1.13

ASSAM 56 77 1298 1292 570 458 47 86 5 38 1976 1951 3927 0.86

BIHAR 40 31 8243 9433 5623 3963 1778 3100 25 93 15709 16620 32329 7.06

CHANDIGARH 30 35 1777 1038 257 282 53 94 18 54 2135 1503 3638 0.79

CHATTISGARH 63 31 1456 749 1064 461 1185 309 3768 1550 5318 1.16

DELHI 173 162 23094 31853 6968 9244 2225 3579 32460 44838 77298 16.88

GOA 26 8 2536 967 257 147 5 4 2824 1126 3950 0.86

GUJARAT 12 16 1043 753 318 255 119 103 1492 1127 2619 0.57

HARYANA 341 361 23966 26379 12938 11806 1205 2422 38450 40968 79418 17.34

HIMACHAL PRADESH 68 247 2334 6795 1046 2682 166 393 3614 10117 13731 3.00

JAMMU & KASHMIR 53 59 559 925 287 578 5 10 935 1424 1839 2996 4835 1.06

JHARKHAND 15 27 2722 2198 915 822 37 364 3689 3411 7100 1.55

KARNATAKA 66 69 490 1083 149 776 2 264 707 2192 2899 0.63

KERALA 284 181 5852 7727 840 2401 18 123 3 33 6997 10465 17462 3.81

LAKSHADWEEP 1 21 7 37 6 13 14 71 85 0.02

MADHYA PRADESH 269 136 6685 3002 2363 1450 2779 948 73 119 12169 5655 17824 3.89

MAHARASHTRA 244 60 6104 3270 677 652 24 42 7 49 7056 4073 11129 2.43

MANIPUR 298 86 1087 1145 458 301 971 620 2814 2152 4966 1.08

MEGHALAYA 516 38 1084 58 174 13 18 0 1792 109 1901 0.42

MIZORAM 18 10 1823 1832 1081 1175 69 154 2991 3171 6162 1.35

NAGALAND 101 32 1508 978 1045 483 571 198 3225 1691 4916 1.07

NEPAL 12 165 666 900 413 1106 1 6 1092 2177 3269 0.71

ORISSA 183 26 3909 2061 2274 1046 1860 972 8226 4105 12331 2.69

PONDICHERRY 2 1 6 1 8 9 0.00

PUNJAB 115 74 8919 1872 757 360 246 225 10037 2531 12568 2.74

QUTAR 8 32 2 5 10 37 47 0.01

RAJASTHAN 41 38 2824 2399 1144 1103 1981 1048 153 324 6143 4912 11055 2.41

SIKKIM 75 32 1252 1022 221 244 1 1548 1299 2847 0.62

TAMILNADU 78 25 454 518 108 123 2 5 642 671 1313 0.29

TRIPURA 395 48 1172 671 566 212 3 1 2136 932 3068 0.67

U.A.E 71 124 144 294 26 65 241 483 724 0.16

UTTAR PRADESH 603 470 8835 10755 2265 2740 4371 6899 44 132 16118 20996 37114 8.10

UTTRANCHAL 231 129 6145 7227 1214 2011 3021 3582 36 73 10647 13022 23669 5.17

WEST BENGAL 278 81 8198 8427 2571 2844 645 315 71 62 11763 11729 23492 5.13

5325 3880 140850 14631 50188 52784 24590 30243 1383 2451 22236 235719 458055 100.00

32 Annual Report 2010-11

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During the year 2010-11, the Regional Centres AIs as well as online in Streams I & II in their
admitted the following number of students through respective Regions as shown in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2: Regional Centre-wise Enrolment in Academic Courses 2010-11
Regional Centre and Enrolment Total Percentage
the States/UTs Covered
Secondary Sr. Secondary
ALLAHABAD 8844 12456 21300 4.65
BHOPAL 15937 7205 23142 5.05
BHUBHNESHWAR 8225 4105 12330 2.69
CHANDIGARH 44552 43151 87703 19.15
DELHI 46005 62703 108708 23.73
DEHRADUN 15704 18395 34099 7.44
GUWAHATI 17799 12296 30095 6.57
HYDERABAD 3172 11336 14508 3.17
JAIPUR 7621 6037 13658 2.98
KOCHI 7653 11215 18868 4.12
KOLKATA 14960 14875 29835 6.51
NIOS HQ 1808 3183 4991 1.09
PATNA 19399 20031 39430 8.61
PUNE 9889 5199 15088 3.29
VISAKHAPATNAM 768 3532 4300 0.94

Total 222336 235719 458055 100.00

Region-wise the highest enrolment was in Delhi Region (23.73%) followed by

Chandigarh Region (19.15%) and the Patna Region (8.61%).

Annual Report 2010-11 33

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5.2.2 Academic Courses: Student’s Profile medium-wise, category-wise, gendert wise, age-wise
and religion-wise profiles of the learners are presented
During the session 2010-11, the course-wise,
in Tables 5.3 to 5.8.

Table 5.3: Number and Percentage of Students Registered in Various Courses during 2010-11

Course No. of Students Percentage

Secondary 222336 48.53
Senior Secondary 235719 51.47
Total 458055 100

Table 5.4 : Regional Medium-wise Distribution of Enrolled Students during 2010-11

Medium No. of Students

Secondary Senior Secondary
Telugu 1861
Urdu 1034 569
Marathi 2001
Malayalam 5923
Gujarati 565
Oriya 972
Total 12356 569

34 Annual Report 2010-11

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Table 5.5 : Category-wise Enrolment during 2010-11

S. No. Category Enrolment Percentage
1 General 330883 72.23%
2 Scheduled Castes 57718 12.60%
3 Scheduled Tribes 33819 7.38%
4 Ex-Servicemen 209 0.05%
5 Handicapped 1904 0.42%
6 OBC 33522 7.32%
Total 458055 100

Table 5.6 Gender wise Enrolment during 2010-11

Gender Secondary Sr. Secondary Total Percentage

Male 154736 164820 319556 69.76%

Female 67600 70899 138499 30.24%

Total 222336 235719 458055 100%

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Table 5.7 Age wise distribution of students enrolled during 2010-11

Age – Range No. of Learners Total Percentage
Secondary Sr. Secondary
14 – 20 150702 128084 278786 60.86
21 – 25 42486 63978 106464 23.24
26 – 30 15220 23279 38499 8.40
31 – 35 7201 10657 17858 3.90
36 – 40 3288 5206 8494 1.85
41 – 45 1852 2816 4668 1.02
46 – 50 909 1187 2096 0.46
Above 50 678 512 1190 0.26
Total 222336 235719 458055 100.00

36 Annual Report 2010-11

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Table 5.8 Religion wise Enrolment during 2010-11

Religion Secondary Sr. Secondary Total Percentage

Hindu 179942 199392 379334 79.06

Muslim 20520 19277 39797 10.04

Christian 14084 12572 26656 7.38

Sikh 6467 3160 9627 2.78

Jain 138 205 343 0.10

Buddhist 1150 1077 2227 0.61

Parsi 24 29 53 0.02

Jews 11 7 18 .01

Total 222336 235719 458055 100

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National Institute of Open Schooling

5.3 Development of Prospectus courses are categorized into three categories.

2010-11 Category-A having very good infrastructure and can
enroll upto 500 students. Category-B AIs can enroll
The Prospectus is the document through which upto 300 students. Category-C AIs are allowed to
admissions are facilitated in NIOS. The Prospectus enroll only upto 150 students. NIOS has Accredited
contains the details of the Academic programmes as Institutions for Regional mediums also like Marathi,
well as the procedure of admission. During the year Telugu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Oriya and Urdu.
2010-11, a number of significant decisions were taken
with a view to make the Prospectus more learner The types of Schools/Institutions that have become
friendly and also ensuring that information about NIOS partners to function as AIs of NIOS include
was available to people in the remotest part of the Government Schools, Government Aided Schools,
country through prospectus. Kendriya Vidyalayas, Navodaya Vidyalayas, Public
and Private Schools and Schools for children with
5.4 Revision of Standard Operating special needs.
Procedure for Admission
Accreditation of the Study Centres is done through
During the year 2010-11, the Standard Operating
rigorous process of screening of applications on the
Procedure (SOP) for admission was revised and a
basis of prescribed criteria and inspection of the
number of new provisions were added to these
institutions by teams of Experts. The Principal/Vice-
guidelines. This manual meant for the Coordinators
Principal of the School acts as the Coordinator of the
of the AIs indicated the important changes that had
AI functioning as the Study Centre of NIOS. The
been undertaken from the academic session 2010-
core staff and teachers of the AIs work for NIOS
11. This detailed document was prepared so that the
programmes at the Study Centres in addition to their
Coordinators were totally familiar with all aspects of
normal duties there.
the new initiative.
As on 31st March 2011, the total number of AIs
5.5 Accreditation of Institutions established in different parts of the country to conduct
NIOS as an open and distance learning institute Academic Courses were 2482, which includes 83
provides planned human support in different ways from Special Accredited Institutions for Education
the time a learner joins the system till the end of his/ of the Disadvantaged (SAIEDs). The state-wise
her successful completion. To provide this support distribution of AIs as on 31.03.2011 is given in
along with the issue of easy access, NIOS considered Table 5.9.
utilization of existing available resources to provide
services by accrediting institutions as partners. Such To cater to the Regional needs, several AIs were
partner institutions are called Accredited Institutions established for programme delivery through Regional
(AIs) and are spread all over the country. These AIs mediums. These include 56 AIs in Marathi medium,
which function as Study Centres are usually formal 24 AIs in Telugu medium, 101 AIs in Urdu medium,
schools that are recognized and affiliated to CBSE, 17 AIs in Gujarati medium, 47 AIs in Malayalam
ICSCE and State Broads or reputed agencies medium and 42 AIs in Oriya medium. In the year
involved in social and educational activities of under reporting, the Accreditation of Vocational
disadvantaged and differently abled learners. The AIs Institutions (AVIs) and Accredited Agencies (AAs)
assist NIOS in its various functions to reach out to all offering Open Basic Education courses were also
learners. bought under the purview of Student Support
Services Department. A table showing the total
Based on available infrastructure facilities and nature number of Institutions partnering with NIOS is given
of the existing institutions, the AIs for Academic below:

38 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Table 5.9: Total State-wise Distribution of AIs, SAIEDs, AVIs and AAs (as on 31.03.2011)

Name of the State/U.T. No. of AIs No. of AVIs OBE Minority Hunar Total
(including Regional SAIEDs
Languages AIs) Sec./Sr. Sec.

Andaman & Nicobar Islands 16 - 02 - - - 18

Andhra Pradesh 74 - 16 06 - - 96
APO 3 - - - - - 3
Arunachal Pradesh 21 - 01 - - - 22
Assam 47 - 07 02 - - 56
Bihar 263 4 55 17 08 1526 1873
Chandigarh 8 - 06 02 - - 16
Chhatisgarh 23 - 22 01 01 - 47
Dadra and Nagar Haveli - - - - - - -
Daman and Diu - - - - - - -
Delhi 192 10 239 30 06 16 493
Goa 15 - 05 01 - - 21
Gujarat 47 - 16 06 02 - 71
Haryana 197 3 52 37 02 - 291
Himachal Pradesh 52 - 50 01 - - 103
Jammu & Kashmir 26 1 22 03 - - 52
Jharkhand 56 7 27 11 - - 101
Karnataka 23 6 28 11 02 - 70
Kerala 102 4 99 15 19 - 239
Lakshwadeep 2 - - - - - 2
Madhya Pradesh 126 3 100 17 03 - 249
Maharashtra 154 5 42 20 01 - 222
Manipur 35 - 02 01 - - 38
Meghalaya 12 - 02 - - - 14
Mizoram 13 - - - - - 13
Nagaland 21 - 02 - - - 23
Orissa 125 7 26 13 01 - 172
Pondicherry 2 - 02 01 - - 5
Punjab 69 1 35 05 - - 110
Rajasthan 83 1 194 50 01 - 329
Sikkim 21 - - - - - 21
Tamil Nadu 30 6 65 41 - - 142
Tripura 19 - 01 01 - - 21
Uttar Pradesh 349 15 178 44 30 - 616
Uttarakhand 89 - 34 10 - - 133
West Bengal 66 7 23 11 01 - 108
Foreign Countries 18 2 03 - - - 23

Total 2399 82 1356 357 77 1542 5813

Annual Report 2010-11 39

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5.6 Personal Contact Programme with the Study Centers and Regional Centres of
NIOS students study on their own using self
instructional material. However, while learning they 5.8 Transfer of Credit (TOC)
do confront certain problems and need various types
of help and guidance. For clarification of their doubts, NIOS has implemented the Transfer of Credit (TOC)
NIOS conducts 30 Personal Contact Programmes scheme to motivate the ex-students of recognised
(PCPs) for theory subjects out of which 15 are Boards who could not pass their respective
compulsory. Five additional PCPs are allotted examination by providing credit to a maximum of two
for subjects having practicals. These are conducted subjects as per scheme of studies of NIOS and by
at the Study Centre on Saturdays, Sundays/ providing credit upto four subjects to ex-students of
other holidays or at any convenient time during NIOS. To critically examine the request for TOC, a
weekdays. TOC Committee headed by the Regional Director is
constituted. This Committee verifies the marks from
5.7 Tutor Marked Assignments the original mark sheet and recommends eligible cases
to NIOS Headquarter for approval.
NIOS has developed several tools and strategies for
effective learning. Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) 5.9 Recognition of the NIOS Courses
is one of them which plays a very important role in
learning through open and distance learning (ODL) The NIOS has been conducting examinations at all
mode of education. Learners are encouraged to India level from the year 1991 under the authority
submit the assignments at their Study Centres. These vested in it by the Government of India. The Council
assignments are evaluated and returned to the learners of Boards of Secondary Education (COBSE) and
along with comments and suggestions. TMAs help the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) have
the learners to know their progress and attainment recognized the NIOS courses as equivalent to
level and develop regular study habits. The TMAs Secondary and Senior Secondary levels for admission
encourage learners to attend PCPs at the Study to institutions of higher learning as also for
Centres thereby attempting to make them sincere and employment.
disciplined in their studies. These assignments prove
So far 144 Boards/Universities other Certifying
useful in designing remedial and diagnostic teaching
Institutions have recognised the NIOS courses. These
learning programmes during PCPs.
include 24 Boards from 19 States/Union Territories,
NIOS took a decision to make submission of at least 111 Universities from 27 States/ Union Territories,
one TMA out of three in each subject compulsory. and 9 other certifying institutions from 8 States/ Union
There is grading system for the TMA which is shown Territories. During 2010-11, the remaining state
separately in the marksheet. boards were pursued and requested to accord
equivalence and recognition to NIOS courses. The
The SSS Department at NIOS Headquarters State-wise break up about recognition of the NIOS
coordinates the various activities related to the TMAs courses is given in Table 5.10.

40 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Table 5.10: S tate-wise Break-up of the Boards/Universities/ Other Certifying

Institutions recognising NIOS Courses (as on 31.03.2011)

Name of the State/U.T. No. of No. of Other Total

Boards Universities Institutions Certifying
Andhra Pradesh 2 8 - 10
Arunchal Pradesh - 1 - 1
Assam 1 2 - 3
Bihar - 1 - 1
Jharkhand 1 4 - 5
Delhi 2 7 1 10
Goa 1 1 - 2
Gujarat - 5 - 5
Haryana 1 5 1 7
Himachal Pradesh 1 2 - 3
Jammu & Kashmir 1 2 - 3
Karnataka - 7 - 7
Kerala - 5 - 5
Madhya Pradesh 1 7 1 9
Chhattisgarh - 1 - 1
Maharashtra 1 8 1 10
Manipur - 1 - 1
Meghalaya 1 - - 1
Mizoram 1 - - 1
Nagaland 1 1 - 2
Orissa 2 2 - 4
Punjab 1 4 - 5
Rajasthan 1 10 2 13
Sikkim - 1 - 1
Tripura 1 1 - 2
Tamil Nadu - 10 1 11
Uttar Pradesh 1 8 1 10
Uttarakhand 1 2 - 3
West Bengal 2 5 1 8
Andaman & Nicobar Islands - - - -
Chandigarh - - - -
Dadra & Nagar Haveli - - - -
Daman & Diu - - - -
Total 24 111 9 144

Annual Report 2010-11 41

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5.10 Orientation Programme for decided by NIOS in the functioning of study centres.
Coordinators of AIs (Face to Face) Other areas of concern related to examination,
administration and academic matters were
As in the past, NIOS organised Orientation also discussed to enable the Co-coordinators to
Programme for the Coordinators of Study Centers function effectively. Orientation Programmes for the
(AIs). During 2010-11 also, this Programme was Coordinators of AIs were held Region wise as
conducted to highlight policy and procedural changes mentioned.

S.No. Regional Centre Date of Meeting

1. Allahabad 21.02.2011 & 22.02.2011

2. Bhopal 18.02.2011, 26.02.2011,07.03.2011
& 12.03.2011

3. Bhubneswar 1.02.2011,11.02.2011,19.02.2011

& 26.02.2011

4. Chandigarh 26.03.2011

5. Delhi 27.07.2010

6. Dehradun 27.01.2011,17.02.2011,21.02.2011

& 24.02.2011

7. Guwahati 16.03.2011

8. Hyderabad 30.03.2011

9. Jaipur 10.03.2011 & 16.03.2011

10. Kochi 5th, 7th,8th , 9th, 10th, 11th , 14th & 15th
February, 2011

11 Kolkata 29.12.2010 and 11.03.2011

12. Patna 03.02.2011, 17.02.2011 & 24.02.2011

5.10.1 Orientation Programme for and different Sites of Regional Centres of IGNOU/
Coordinators of AIs/AVIs/Academtic NIOS at the receiving end, the following tele-
Facilitators through teleconference orientation programmes were organized by the SSS
With the technical and infrastructural support of the Department.
EMPC, IGNOU, New Delhi at the Teaching End

42 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Date of Client Group Purpose of the Programme No. of Sites No. of

Programme Utilized participants
23.09.2010 Coordinators’ To discuss the roles and 38 Sites 605
of NIOS functions of AIs’. (31 sites of
Accreditation IGNOU and
Institutes (AIs) Highlighting the importance of 7 sites of
Personal Contact Programmes NIOS

05.10.2010 Coordinators’ To make them understand the Sites 34 275

of NIOS procedures of Tutor Marked (29 sites of
Accredited Assignment (TMAs), On IGNOU and
Vocational Demand Examinations, and 5 sites of
Institutions Public Examinations etc. NIOS

19.01.2011 Academic To orient the Coordinators of the 20 Sites (17 271

Facilitators newly established study centres sites of NIOS
about the procedures and their and 3 sites of
roles. IGNOU)
To acquaint them with the
MHRD’s Perspective and
Vocational Education
To orient the Academic
Facilitators about the
programme and activities of
To highlight the role of Academic
Facilitator in solving the
grievances and problem of
To orient the Academic
Facilitators as how they can play
the role of catalyst between study
centers and learners.

5.11 Academic Facilitators During 2010-11, 599 Academic Facilitators (AFs)

were appointed all over the country. The AFs are
In order to supplement the functioning of Regional
Centres and to have better interaction with the AIs, retired school/college principals, senior teachers and
the concept of Academic Facilitation was envisaged. specialists in the field of education. Region wise
Such facilitation is carried out by personnel known number of Academic Facilitators appointed is given
as Academic Facilitators. in the Table 5.11.

Annual Report 2010-11 43

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Table: 5.11 Region-wise Status of Academic Facilitators (AFs)

S.No. Regional Centre Total No. of AFs
1. Allahabad 70
2. Bhopal 26
3. Bhubaneshwar 30
4. Chandigarh 24
5. Dehradun 78
6. Delhi 44
7. Guwahati 54
8. Jaipur 27
9. Kochi 62
10. Kolkata 24
11. Patna 92
12. Pune 32
13. Hyderabad 30
14. Visakhapatnam 6

Total 599

5.12 Meeting of the Regional Directors after problems of minority communities. The cell plays
of NIOS an important and vital role for implementation of NPE
1986, and Programme of Action (POA) 1992. It is
The Regional Centres are field level operational arms making efforts to bring out of school Muslim children
of NIOS. From time to time meetings are conducted within the fold of education through alternative
with the Regional Directors of the Regional Centres schooling by accreditation of Maktabs and Madarsa.
so that all new initiatives are communicated to them. Minority Cell therefore has become a major instrument
In order to have face to face discussions between of Policy Intervention for Government of India for
Regional Directors and Officials at NIOS improving educational access for Muslim Minorities
Headquarters, meetings of Regional Directors of at school level in the light of the recommendations of
NIOS was held on 19-20 July, 2010 and 20-21 Sachchar Committee and Prime Minister - 15
December, 2010. Point Programme.
Important issues like Personal Contact Programme,
The Minority Cell of NIOS grants accreditation on
Tutor Marked Assignment and Accreditation were
relaxed norms especially developed for Minority
discussed in detail. The Regional Directors were given
Institutions. This has helped to link traditional
opportunity to share their experience regarding the
educational institutions of Muslims like Madarsas,
difficulties faced in functioning of NIOS Regional
Maktabs and Darul-Ul-Uloom into mainstream
Centers and the support required from the
In the year under review, the Minority Cell was
5.13 Establishment of Minority Cell brought under the purview of Student Support
The Minority Cell was, created in 2006 to look Services for better guidance and closer monitoring.

44 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

The activities for Minority education undertaken by also will seek to provide opportunities for vocational
Minority Cell are as under: training for children studying in madrssas opting to
• Proactive advocacy programmes like meetings, enter the job market and encourage entrepreneurship.
seminars, surveys, mass sensitization and The SPQEM is a demand driven scheme. The scheme
awareness programmes in remote/hilly and will endeavour to cover a total of 4,500 – 6,000
backward areas for increasing awareness Madrassas and provide honorarium to about 13,500
among downtrodden and unprivileged sections -18000 teachers in Madrassas all over the country
of the society regarding utility of NIOS during the 11th plan period.
programmes in the files of school education. For appointment of teachers for teaching Science,
• Meetings with Coordinators of AIs/AVIs/AAs. Mathematics, Social Studies , languages , Computer
• Meetings with eminent scholars of Minority Application and Science , each full time graduate
Community AIs/AVIs/AAs to advocate and teacher will be paid salary for 12 months @ Rs 6000/
promote Open Schooling. -p.m. . For strengthening the libraries / book banks
• Advocacy through Urdu news papers and at primary / middle/ secondary and senior secondary
magazines. levels one time assistance upto Rs.50, 000/-followed
by an annual grant of Rs.5,000/- will be provided to
5.13.1 Centrally Sponsored Scheme for each madrassa. For purchase of Science kits, Maths,
Providing Quality Education in a grant up to a maximum amount of Rs.15000/- will
Madarsas (SPQEM) be provided. Financial assistance for establishment
of science /computer labs in Madrasas at the
National policy on Education (NPE) has adopted the
Secondary/Sr. Secondary levels a maximum of
concept of national system of education, implying that
Rs.10,000 will be provided. Financial assistance will
up to a certain level all students irrespective of caste,
be provided to meet registration fees, examination
creed, language or sex have education of comparable
fees and cost of study materials supplied by the
quality. The national policy on education commits itself
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) up to
to provide all possible means for the uplift of the
100% for each student opting to study through NIOS
educationally backwards minorities. In order to
at Secondary and Senior Secondary levels.
provide them with access to education in modern
Madrassas can also opt for vocational courses offered
subjects, the central Government has been
by NIOS after fulfilling norms & standard set by
implementing the Area intensive and Madarsa
Modernisation Scheme. The National Monitoring
Committee for Minorities Education (NMCME) was Madarssas which have been in existence at least for
constituted in 2004 to look into all aspects of three years and registered under central or state
education of minorities. The Expert Committee has government acts or Madarssa Board or with Wakf
suggested that madarssas be provided a linkage with Boards or NIOS shall be eligible to apply for
the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) to assistance under this programme. All madarssas
provide for certification of academic levels, linkage opting to be covered by distance education mode
with vocational education, improving the quality of and availing of government grant will need to be
education in modern subjects. accredited with the NIOS. Madarssas applying for
financial assistance under the scheme to the state
The objective of the scheme is to encourage traditional Government would have to provide documentary
institutes like Madarsas and Maktabs to introduce evidence of their affiliation /accreditation to the State
Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Hindi and Madarssa Boards/NIOS. The madarssas would for
English in their curriculum (by giving financial this purpose send an application for accreditation/
assistance). However, the process of modernization affiliation to NIOS. The Central Government will
of traditional madarsas and maktabs will be voluntary. provide 100% funding for the scheme during the 11th
Maktabs/Madarsas/Dar-ul-ulooms can opt to plan. The financial assistance will be given yearly under
become accredited study centers with the National the scheme through state governments/union territory
Institute of Open Schooling for offering Senior administration in whose jurisdiction the intuition is
Secondary level programmes as well. The scheme situated.
Annual Report 2010-11 45
National Institute of Open Schooling

The scheme will be implemented by the State and 24th July 2011. Apart from 298 accredited
Governments. All request for financial assistance shall, institutions under Hunar phase I, 723 new OBH study
as a rule, be entertained by the State Government in centres have been accredited for running this
the prescribed Application Form. programme. These 723 OBH study centres are
Model cluster schools, institutions and NGOs as
5.13.2 Project HUNAR for Muslim Girls in
recommend by the BEPC.
NIOS started Project Hunar for Muslim girls in Bihar 5.13.4 Project HUNAR Delhi
in collaboration with Bihar Education Project Council NIOS launched Hunar Programme in Delhi.
(BEPC) to impart skill training to Muslim girls in seven Honorable Minister of Human Resource
vocational courses from 2008-09 session. A total of Development, Sh. Kapil Sibal and Chief Minister of
13768 Muslim girls have been imparted skill training Delhi, Smt. Sheila Dikshit besides other dignitaries
in courses like Gram Sakhi, Cutting, Tailoring and inaugurated the launch of this programme at a function
Dress Making, Basic Rural Technology, Jute held on 26th February, 2011 at Delhi. Around 16
Production, Bakery and Confectionery, Beauty agencies have been accredited under this programme
Culture and Early Childhood Care and Education. to enroll and provide skill training to the girls free of
For phase I, a tripartite MOU has been signed with cost. Around 500 girls have been already enrolled in
three Nodal Agencies to collaborate and co-operate these agencies.
with NIOS in identifying and recommending
institutions which could be granted accreditations by Hunar Project is also being initiated in other states.
NIOS for running the project. Out of 13768 girls, 5.13.5 Advocacy Programmes conducted by
11347 girls passed the examination and got certificate
Minority Cell
in respective trades. It is interesting to mention that
not even one learner, dropped out of this programme. In the year under reporting, three Advocacy
programmes have been conducted by the Minority
5.13.3 Project HUNAR Phase II
Cell. One was conducted on 15 December, 2010 in
Seeing the success of this project, government of Bihar Lucknow, another on 22 January, 2011 in Bhopal
offered NIOS to make it continuous for phase II and and the third one on 30 March, 2011 in Pune. By
a target of 50,000 more girls of Muslim, SCs, STs conducting such programme the Minority Cell
and Most Backward Community were targeted for received about 140 applications from Madarsas.
the session 2010-11. About 45,298 students enrolled These applications were then processed as per relaxed
and 12,252 appeared in the examination held on 23rd norms.

46 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

6 Evaluation and Assessment

6.0 Introduction 6.2 Quality and Standard of the
Evaluation and assessment is an integral component of Question Papers
any teaching-learning system. The Government of India In order to provide reliability, validity and credibility to
in 1990 vested NIOS with the authority to examine the examination system of NIOS, several in-built checks
and certify students up to pre-degree level, and thus, and balances have been incorporated into the system to
NIOS became one of the National Boards of ensure quality and standard of the question papers. The
Examination. It is the only Board which conducts two question papers are prepared on the basis of the design
full-fledged examinations every year. NIOS has been and blue print developed by the Academic Department
conducting its public examinations since 1991. In order and Vocational Education Department of NIOS. The
to measure learners’ achievement and evaluate their paper setters are provided with the syllabus, study
performance it has conducted 40 public examinations material, sample question papers and designs of question
upto the year 2010-11. papers in order to facilitate preparation of balanced
6.1 Unique Features of the NIOS question papers containing short answer type, very
short answer type, essay type and objective type
Examination System questions based on knowledge, understanding and
• NIOS does not have the infrastructure of its application skills. The sets of question papers are
own. It shares the infrastructure and human moderated by the concerned subject experts to ensure
resources of the institutions established by the public that questions are within syllabus; they are neither too
sector and private sector to conduct its examinations tough nor too easy, and the marking scheme is accurate
without disturbing their academic schedule. and covered all parts of questions.

• NIOS gives a lot of flexibility to the students in As in the previous years, during 2010-11 also NIOS
matters related to examination such as (no developed five sets of question papers in all main
compulsion of appearing in all the subjects at subjects for Secondary and Sr. Secondary
the same examination) appearing in one or more examinations. Question Papers for all the subjects were
subjects in the examination as per the printed in the identified Confidential Press. These were
convenience, credit accumulation of the passed stored and delivered from the designated Banks/
subjects, nine chances to appear in the public Treasuries/Police Stations. Besides Hindi and English
examinations over a period of five years, and mediums, the question papers were also developed in
transfer of credit of two subjects passed from other Urdu and in other Regional mediums (Telugu, Gujarati,
selected boards and up to four subjects in the case Marathi, Malayalam and Odiya) for the purpose of
of ex-NIOS learners. conducting public examinations at Secondary level during
• A student is allowed to write answers in the
examination in any of the scheduled languages of 6.3 Orientation of the Chief Secrecy
India except language papers even if he/she has Officers and Secrecy Officers
not opted for that medium.
In order to achieve the credibility of evaluation process,
• A student can appear in On Demand Examination NIOS keeps the identity of the examinees secret. It hides
at Secondary level and Senior Secondary level the names and enrolment numbers of the candidates by
examination any number of times as per his/her allotting them fictitious numbers. These are made available
convenience. to the concerned secrecy teams only. As the Chief

Annual Report 2010-11 47

National Institute of Open Schooling

Secrecy Officers (CSOs) and other secrecy team Detailed written guidelines were issued to the Centre
members are taken from outside, they need to be Superintendents of the examination centres for taking
orientated about the concept of fictitious numbers and necessary precautions to ensure smooth and fair
their role in this regard. During 2010-11, the conduct of examinations at their respective examination
Department of Evaluation, organized two orientation centres. To ensure effective supervision of examinations,
programmes for Chief Secrecy Officers and Secrecy two invigilators were provided in each examination room.
Officers of all the Regional Centres for April 2010 and
October 2010 examinations. 6.6 Standardization of Marking Schemes
With the help of the academic faculty of NIOS and the
6.4 Conduct of Public Examinations outside subject experts, the Marking Schemes of the
during 2010-11 Question Papers of 12 subjects of Secondary course
NIOS conducted two public examinations, one in April and 17 subjects of Senior Secondary course for April
2010 and the other in October 2010. During the year 2010 and October 2010 examinations were
2010-11, 6,90,382 candidates appeared in the standardized and finalized immediately after the
Academic and the Vocational Education Streams. question papers had been administered. The finalized
3,25,339 candidates appeared for the Secondary Marking Schemes of different subjects were sent to the
Certificate Examination, 3,41,665 candidates Regional Centres of NIOS by e-mail, which were used
appeared for the Senior Secondary Certificate by the evaluators for evaluating the answer scripts in
Examination, and 23,378 candidates appeared for different subjects.
Vocational Education courses through 2088
examination centres in the country as well as abroad.
6.7 Evaluation of the Answer Books
The April 2010 and October 2010 examinations for The Team Leaders and Evaluators in different subjects
academic courses were held in 1197 and 894 evaluated the answer books at the Evaluation Centres
examination centres respectively spread all over the fixed by the Regional Centres. The work was
country. coordinated and monitored by the concerned NIOS
Regional Centres; and the awards were sent to the
During 2010-11, 23,378 candidates appeared in
Director (Evaluation). Finally the results were
various Vocational Education examinations through 341
processed and declared within four-five weeks of the
examination centres throughout the country. During
close of the examination. Before finalizing, the
April 2010, a total of 10,889 candidates appeared in
Moderation Committee reviewed and moderated the
vocational examinations through 174 examination
results after having detailed and lengthy discussion.
centres. 12,489 candidates appeared in October 2010
examinations through 167 examination centres. 6.8 UFM Committee Meetings
6.5 Monitoring and Supervision of The Confidential Section of the Department of
Public Examinations Evaluation processed the 4446 cases of unfair means
detected during April 2010 and October 2010
In order to ensure smooth and fair conduct of examinations. These cases were discussed in the
examinations, one full time Officer on Special Duty meeting of a high level committee. The students were
(OSD) was deputed at each of the examination given opportunity to put their viewpoints before the
centres. In addition, Flying Squad Teams were also sent committee.
to the examination centres. During 2010-11, special
arrangements were made for deploying Flying Squads To consider the cases of mass copying and Individual
in the examination centres in all the Regional Centres. UFM during April-May 2010 Secondary, Senior
Assistance was sought from the State Education Secondary and Vocational Education Examinations,
Agencies for ensuring smooth conduct of NIOS meetings of the Unfair Means (UFM) Committee were
examinations. The Haryana School Education Board held on 1st, 2nd and 6th July 2010 in which 2155 cases
took suitable measures in this regard by deputing were considered. The meeting of mass copying cases
special teams of its officers to supervise and monitor the and Individual UFM for October 2010 examinations
NIOS examinations in the State. were held on 11th, 12th, 17th & 18th January 2011 in

48 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

which 2291 cases were considered at NIOS conducted the assessment of neo-literates in two
Headquarters. The candidates involved in Unfair Means phases in the year 2010-11 i.e. on 20th August 2010
during the examination were called to appear before the and 6th March 2011.In the assessment on 20th Aug,
Committee for personal hearing. The Committee total 16 States participated, total 5,18,385 number
considered all the cases and recommended suitable of candidates appeared out of which 324232
penalty in established Unfair Means cases. The students candidates were declared pass and certified. In the
found guilty were imposed penalties and the UFM assessment on 6th March 2011, total 15 States
Committee exonerated a few of them as per rules. participated. 43,58,610 candidates appeared out of
which the result of 38,35,414 from 13 states has been
6.9 Re-evaluation of answer scripts declared and the Grade Sheet Cum Certificate have
NIOS has introduced re-evaluation of answer scripts in been issued to all. The result of rest of the two States
the Senior Secondary Course from April-2010 will be declared soon after receiving the data from
examination. In April 2010 examination, total 1288 the SLMA.
candidates applied out of which there was a change in
The major activity carried out by NIOS for this
marks for 417 cases and there was no change in marks
for 871 cases. In October 2010 examination total 753 assessment are as under :
number of candidates applied out of which there was 1. Development, Design and supply of Question
change in marks for 332 cases and there was no change Answer Booklet to SLMA.
in marks for 421 cases.
2. Preparation of Guideline, Activity Chart and Pert
6.10 Conduct of Examination under Chart for conduct of the Assessment
NLMA Project Programme.

Honorable Prime Minister launched Saakshar Bharat, 3. Development of software for recording the
a centrally sponsored scheme of Department of admission and examination data.
School Education and Literacy (DSEL), Ministry of
4. Development of format for admission and
Human Resource Development (MHRD),
examination records.
Government of India (GOI), on the International
Literacy Day, 8th September, 2009. Saakshar Bharat 5. Conduct of Orientation Programme and Tele
has been devised as the new variant of National Conferencing with NLMA for orientation/
Literacy Mission. Saakshar Bharat will cover all adults training of different stake holder.
in the age group of 15+. Literacy Programme (LP)
under the Saakshar Bharat Scheme aims to achieve 6. Monitoring of conduct of examination and
the first objective of the scheme, that is, “Impart evaluation process.
functional literacy to neo-literate adults”. Functional
7. Processing and declaration of result.
literacy implies achieving self reliance in Reading,
Writing, Arithmetic (Numeracy). 8. Printing and supply of Grade Sheet-cum-
For assessment and certification, National Institute
of Open Schooling (NIOS) has been considered as The state wise result at a glance for 20th August 2010
the Nodal agency by NLMA under Public Public Examination and 6th March 2011 Examination are
Partnership. NIOS in collaboration with NLMA given at Tables 6.1 and 6.2.

Annual Report 2010-11 49

National Institute of Open Schooling

Table 6.1 : NLMA-Basic Literacy Programme Assessment held on 20th August 2010
State wise Result at a Glance

State Exam Centre Appeared Literate Literate (%)

Total 20643 518385 334507 64.53

Gender wise Male 194068 122204 62.97

Female 324317 212303 65.46

Andhra Pradesh 1892 66010 44874 67.98

Assam 307 21048 10908 51.82

Manipur 10 956 526 55.02

Bihar (Deepaya) 257 39129 29881 76.37

Patna ADRI 357 16402 13611 82.98

Jharkhand 990 37611 27918 74.23

Gujarat 400 19073 13976 73.28

West Bengal 1364 105497 40866 38.74

Sikkim 72 1510 870 57.62

Tamil Nadu 2039 32430 25513 78.67

Chhatisgarh 1274 9729 7990 82.13

Haryana 97 2402 1646 68.53

Uttar Pradesh 1078 43506 30549 80.56

Himachal Pradesh 152 1262 928 73.53

Rajasthan 900 50717 29507 58.18

Uttarakhand 2154 26233 20475 78.05

Maharashtra 7300 44870 29969 66.79

50 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Table 6.2 : NLMA-Basic Literacy Programme Assessment held on 6th March 2011
State wise Result at a Glance

S. No. State Appeared Literate Literate %

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

1. Andhra 84764 998872 1083636 45579 512700 558279 8.16 91.84 51.52

2. Manipur 2222 7273 9495 1528 5347 6875 22.23 77.77 72.41

3. Bihar 278462 1743150 2021612 226897 1349902 1576799 14.39 85.61 78.00

4. Karnataka 64432 92133 156565 49715 69510 119225 41.70 58.30 76.15

5. West Bengal 23338 47964 71302 18067 37724 55791 32.38 67.62 78.25

6. Sikkim 506 3379 3885 155 816 971 15.96 84.04 24.99

7. Tamil Nadu 65010 158029 223039 65010 158028 223038 29.15 70.85 100.00

8. Chhatisgarh 52564 162165 214729 37125 124583 161708 22.96 77.04 75.31

9. Himchal 1892 3441 5333 1387 2385 3772 36.77 63.23 70.73

10. Maharashtra 20411 25407 45818 15313 19590 34903 43.87 56.13 76.18

11. Uttarakhand 18531 64875 83406 14506 44130 58636 24.74 75.26 70.30

12. Gujarat 42969 69591 112560 23070 36733 59803 38.58 61.42 53.13

13. Jharkhand 42868 40566 83434 25579 41958 67537 37.87 62.13 80.95

Total 697969 3416845 4114814 523931 2403406 2927337 17.90 82.10 71.14

Annual Report 2010-11 51

National Institute of Open Schooling

6.11 Performance of Students in Examinations during 2010-11

The growth in participation in NIOS Secondary and Sr. Secondary examinations in the last 10 years is given in
the following table.
Table 6.3 : Growth in participation in NIOS Secondary and
Sr. Secondary examinations
Participation Growth
Exam Secondary Sr. Secondary Total
Jan-91 44636 31522 76158 N-A
Nov-91 15193 10504 25697 N-A
May-92 24507 15191 39698 Decrease by 48%
Nov-92 13683 8633 22316 Decrease by 13%
May-93 34035 22275 56310 Increase by 42%
Nov-93 18418 13019 31437 Increase by 41%
May-94 37860 28054 65914 Increase by 17%
Nov-94 18200 14209 32409 Increase by 03%
May-95 25393 22383 47776 Decrease by 27%
Nov-95 28161 22644 50805 Increase by 57%
May-96 50640 34049 84689 Increase by 77%
Nov-96 31287 21786 53073 Increase by 04%
May-97 63387 39483 102870 Increase by 21%
Nov-97 38640 24283 62923 Increase by 19%
May-98 76845 48202 125047 Increase by 22%
Nov-98 45326 28955 74281 Increase by 18%
May-99 90380 57761 148141 Increase by 18%
Nov-99 53320 34806 88126 Increase by 19%
May-00 98948 71453 170401 Increase by 15%
Nov-00 52039 36842 88881 Increase by 01%
May-01 122101 93175 215276 Increase by 26%
Nov-01 58880 48403 107283 Increase by 21%
May-02 143782 100942 244724 Increase by 14%
Nov-02 70263 56100 126363 Increase by 18%
May-03 172533 117872 290405 Increase by 19%
Nov-03 69896 70385 140281 Increase by 11%
May-04 237300 170052 407352 Increase by 40%
Nov-04 100680 84474 185154 Increase by 32%
Apr-05 167169 136560 303729 Decrease by 25%
Oct-05 86262 75605 161867 Decrease by 23%
Apr-06 175699 148883 324582 Increase by 07%
Oct-06 79170 69834 149004 Decrease by 08%
Apr-07 182680 162371 345051 Increase by 06%
Oct-07 91740 84365 176105 Increase by 18%
Apr-08 204477 189979 394456 Increase by 14%
Oct-08 93782 93016 186798 Increase by 06%
Apr-09 204166 204383 408549 Increase by 04%
Oct-09 110536 113187 223723 Increase by 20%
Apr-10 196882 199682 396564 Decrease by 03%
Oct-10 128457 141983 270440 Increase by 21%

52 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

6.11.1 Subject wise performance in Academic Courses

The Subject-wise pass percentage in respect of the Secondary and Senior Secondary courses is given below:

Table 6.4 : Subject Wise Pass Percentage in Secondary Certificate Examination

April/May-2010 October/November-2010

Subject Appeared Certified % Subject Appeared Certified %

201 Hindi 111202 83662 75.23 201 Hindi 39731 34111 85.85

202 English 148347 94418 63.65 202 English 59161 40593 68.61

203 Bengali 1156 666 57.61 203 Bengali 550 356 64.73

204 Marathi 2835 1719 60.63 204 Marathi 531 341 64.22

205 Telugu 2225 1851 83.19 205 Telugu 1071 936 87.39

206 Urdu 2466 1824 73.97 206 Urdu 860 780 90.7

207 Gujrati 765 587 76.73 207 Gujrati 109 63 57.8

208 Kannada 78 65 83.33 208 Kannada 56 51 91.07

209 Sanskrit 6546 3414 52.15 209 Sanskrit 3027 1695 56

210 Punjabi 3242 2433 75.05 210 Punjabi 720 493 68.47

211 Mathematics 101266 52071 51.42 211 Mathematics 49787 29919 60.09

212 Sc. & Tech. 112148 53820 47.99 212 Sc. & Tech. 55824 34049 60.99

213 Social Science 133597 68277 51.11 213 Social Science 62572 35534 56.79

214 Economics 55625 29247 52.58 214 Economics 22738 13578 59.72

215 Business Studies 44321 24931 56.25 215 Business Studies 15577 8872 56.96

216 Home Science 67282 41930 62.32 216 Home Science 24036 15034 62.55

217 Typing(Hindi) 12 3 25 217 Typing(Hindi) 4 1 25

218 Typing(English) 132 44 33.33 218 Typing(Eng.) 34 19 55.88

219 Word Processing 58889 46849 79.55 219 Word Processing 18548 16682 89.94

221 Typing(Urdu) 2 0 0 221 Typing(Urdu) 1 1 100

222 Psychology 7066 2842 40.22 222 Psychology 2912 1665 57.18

223 Indian Culture

& Her. 16440 7950 48.36 223 Ind.Cul. & Her. 7440 4531 60.9

225 Painting 10525 7881 74.88 225 Painting 7266 6235 85.81

228 Assamese 261 152 58.24 228 Assamese 77 36 46.75

231 Nepali 2603 1797 69.04 231 Nepali 669 570 85.2

232 Malayalam 5891 3757 63.78 232 Malayalam 758 585 77.18

233 Oriya 4610 2837 61.54 233 Oriya 3965 3701 93.34

235 Arabic 294 243 82.65 235 Arabic 72 71 98.61

236 Persian 2 1 50 236 Persian 1 0 0

237 Tamil 314 254 80.89 237 TAMIL 72 57 79.17

Annual Report 2010-11 53

National Institute of Open Schooling

Table 6.5 : Subject Wise Pass Percentage in Senior Secondary Certificate Examination

April/May-2010 October/November-2010

Subject Appeared Certified % Subject Appeared Certified %

301 Hindi 105781 84289 79.68 301 Hindi 41635 33865 81.34

302 English 145699 113422 77.85 302 English 69050 55521 80.41
306 Urdu 1684 1400 83.14 306 Urdu 548 489 89.23
309 Sanskrit 1108 868 78.34 309 Sanskrit 654 603 92.2
311 Mathematics 43252 33104 76.54 311 Mathematics 25746 18866 73.28
312 Physics 45528 35430 77.82 312 Physics 28033 20514 73.18
313 Chemistry 43916 34470 78.49 313 Chemistry 25914 19027 73.42
314 Biology 22202 17357 78.18 314 Biology 12498 10076 80.62
315 History 52137 40929 78.5 315 History 20049 16650 83.05
316 Geography 24215 18840 77.8 316 Geography 9929 8049 81.07
317 Pol.Science 65204 50361 77.24 317 Pol.Science 26182 21183 80.91
318 Economics 50810 39398 77.54 318 Economics 24637 18480 75.01
319 Bus.Studies/ 33851 25780 76.16 319 Bus.Studies/ 15482 11023 71.2
Com Com
320 Accountancy 24219 19102 78.87 320 Accountancy 12916 9216 71.35
321 Home Science 46489 36391 78.28 321 Home Science 18387 14329 77.93
322 Typing (Hindi) 14 13 92.86 322 Typing (Hindi) 2 2 100
323 Typing (Eng) 117 104 88.89 323 Typing (Eng.) 51 49 96.08
324 Steno (Hindi) 4 3 75 324 Steno (Hindi) 1 1 100
325 Steno (Eng) 5 5 100 325 Steno (Eng.) 2 2 100
326 Sec. Practice 248 211 85.08 326 Sec.Practice 74 70 94.59
327 Word 327 Word
Processing 53329 41045 76.97 Processing 25289 17409 68.84
328 Psychology 6206 4870 78.47 328 Psychology 2573 2048 79.6
330 Computer Sc. 11091 8795 79.3 330 Computer Sc. 4912 3773 76.81
331 Sociology 38653 29874 77.29 331 Sociology 14890 11927 80.1
332 Painting 14607 11366 77.81 332 Painting 7297 4674 64.05
335 Mass 1051 778 74.02 335 Mass 826 566 68.52
Commun. Commun.

54 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Table 6.6 : Total Academic Examination/Result 2010-11

Exam Secondary Sr. Secondary
Appeared Certified Appeared Certified
April/May 196882 86960 199682 81963
Oct./Nov. 128457 51033 141983 55166

Table 6.7 : Gender Wise Performance in April 2010 Examination

Gender Secondary Sr. Secondary
Appeared Certified Pass % Appeared Certified Pass %
Male 136293 59225 45.45 139478 55681 39.92
Female 60589 27735 45.77 60204 26282 43.65
Total 196882 86960 45.61 199682 81963 41.05

Table 6.8 : Gender Wise Performance in October 2010 Examination

Gender Secondary Sr. Secondary
Appeared Certified Pass % Appeared Certified Pass %
Male 90672 35472 39.12 101387 38340 37.82
Female 37785 15561 41.19 40596 16826 41.45
Total 128457 51033 39.73 141983 55166 38.85

6.11.3 Medium-wise Performance also. The number of students appeared and certified in
During 2010-2011 at Secondary level, besides Hindi different medium at Secondary level during April- 2010
and English medium the examinations were conducted and October 2010 Examinations is given in the following
in Urdu, Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam, Gujarati and Odia tables.
Table 6.9 : Medium Wise Performance at Secondary Level
April/May-2010 October/November-2010
Subject Appeared Certified % Appeared Certified %

Hindi 130878 57517 43.95 87658 34174 38.99

English 53618 24462 45.62 34953 14784 42.30

Marathi 1864 809 43.4 675 231 34.22

Telugu 1767 1479 83.7 1234 403 32.66

Urdu 1326 595 44.87 664 275 41.42

Gujarati 573 233 40.66 263 109 41.44

Malayalam 6630 1682 25.37 2791 937 33.57

Odiya 226 183 80.97 219 120 54.79

Annual Report 2010-11 55

National Institute of Open Schooling

During 2010-11, Senior Secondary level appeared and certified in different mediums during
Examinations were conducted in Hindi, English and April 2010 and October 2010 Examinations is given
Urdu mediums. The data about students below.

Table 6.10 : Medium Wise Performance at Sr. Secondary Level

Medium April 2010 Exam October 2010 Exam

Appeared Certified Pass % Appeared Certified Pass %
Hindi 119420 47250 39.57 82335 29944 36.37
English 79601 34438 43.26 59296 25075 42.29
Urdu 661 275 41.60 352 147 41.76

6.11.4 Subject-wise Performance in Vocational The photographs of the successful candidates, scanned
Education Courses at the time of admission, were printed on the mark
During 2010-11, pre-exam processing of data of sheets and certificates. The status of appeared and
about 23378 students was done in vocational stream. certified students is given below :

Table 6.11 : Total Vocational Examination/Result Status 2010-11

Exam Vocational %
Appeared Certified

April/May 10889 6943 63.76

Oct./Nov. 12489 7206 57.70

Tabel 6.12: Sex Wise Vocational Result 2010-11

April/May-2010 October/November-2010
Gender Appeared Certified % Appeared Certified %

Male 5433 2940 54.11 4392 2504 57.00

Female 5456 4003 73.37 8097 4702 58.07

Total 10889 6943 63.76 12489 7206 57.70

56 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Table 6.13 : Region Wise Vocational Result April-2010/October-2010

Region April/May-2010 October/November-2010

Appeared Certified % Appeared Certified %
REG01 Hyderabad 364 251 68.96 322 157 48.75
REG02 Pune 478 414 86.61 276 191 69.20
REG03 Kolkata 463 321 69.33 296 222 75.00
REG04 Guwahati 43 34 79.07 123 34 27.64
REG05 Chandigarh 2036 913 44.84 2022 1052 52.02
REG06 Kochi 1666 1101 66.09 1191 436 36.60
REG07 Delhi 2315 1480 63.93 2928 1895 64.71
REG09 Jaipur 521 334 64.11 378 205 54.23
REG10 Patna 636 503 79.09 924 664 71.86
REG11 Allahabad 121 844 69.12 544 345 63.49
REG13 Bhopal 900 669 74.33 948 638s 67.29
REG14 Dehradun 246 79 32.11 472 204 43.22
REG15 Bhubeshwar Not Open Not Open – 90 61 67.78
REG16 Visakhapatnam Not Open Not Open – 112 92 82.14

Table 6.14 : State Wise Vocational Result April-2010/October-2010

April/May-2010 October/November-2010
STATE ST_NAME Appeared Certified Pass % Appeared Certified Pass %

51 Andhra Pradesh 49 33 67.35 112 92 82.14

58 Karnataka 315 218 69.21 116 94 81.03
61 Maharashtra 417 365 87.53 226 172 76.11
78 Goa 61 49 80.33 0 0 0.00
65 Orissa 342 240 70.18 90 61 67.78
72 West Bengal 121 81 66.94 133 109 81.95
52 Assam 43 34 79.07 63 21 33.33
70 Goa 0 0 0.00 12 5 41.67
55 Haryana 564 448 79.43 599 463 77.30
56 Himachal Pradesh 783 404 51.60 543 292 53.78
57 Jammu & Kashmir 133 72 54.14 79 33 41.77
66 Punjab 722 145 20.08 605 306 50.58
75 Chandigarh 139 84 60.43 148 63 42.57
45 S.A.I.E.D 7 7 100.00 0 0 0.00
59 Kerala 1190 742 62.35 686 330 48.10
69 Tamilnadu 373 257 68.90 313 235 75.08
81 Pondichery 96 95 98.96 0 0 0.00
99 Delhi 1659 1015 61.18 2145 1289 60.09
54 Gujrat 150 71 47.33 63 18 28.57
67 Rajasthan 371 263 70.89 3633 1446 39.80
53 Bihar 462 384 83.12 419 355 84.73
76 Jharkhand 174 119 68.39 77 47 61.04
71 Uttar Pradesh 1794 1143 63.71 1777 1204 67.75
60 Madhya Pradesh 710 486 68.45 595 416 69.92
79 Chhattisgarh 190 183 96.32 192 166 86.46
84 Uttarakhand 24 6 25.00 108 56 51.85

Annual Report 2010-11 57

National Institute of Open Schooling

Table 6.15 : Subject Wise Pass Percentage in Vocational Education Examination April-2010
Course Appeared Passed %
252 CARPENTRY 4 1 25.00
255 LAUNDRY SERVICES 39 33 84.62
256 BAKERY & CONFECTIONARY 268 246 91.79
257 WELDING TECHNOLOGY 179 145 81.01
322 TYPE WRITING(HINDI) 5 3 60.00
323 TYPE WRITING(ENGLISH) 28 8 28.57
324 STENOGRAPHY(HINDI) 76 45 59.21
327 WORD PROCESSING(ENGLISH) 290 211 72.76
357 CATERING MANAGEMENT 190 163 85.79
401 BASICS OF HEALTH CARE 49 39 79.59
403 HEALTH EDUCATION 49 47 95.92
415 SHORTHAND WRITING 41 21 51.22
422 TYPE WRITING (HINDI) 3 0 0.00
423 TYPE WRITING (ENGLISH) 6 1 16.67
424 STENOGRAPHY (HINDI) 29 21 72.41
425 STENOGRAPHY (ENGLISH) 144 116 80.56
426 SECRETARIAL.PRACTICE 156 140 89.74
427 WORD PROCESSING (ENGLISH) 153 137 89.54
431 RADIATION PHYSICS 42 18 42.86
438 RECORDS OF LIBRARY 346 310 89.60

58 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

446 ASPECTS OF AGING 6 5 83.33
448 YOG FOR ELDERLY 6 6 100.00
449 BASIC LIFE SCIENCES 683 592 86.68
450 MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH CARE 651 602 92.47
604 T.V.REPAIRING 8 0 0.00
605 CUTTING & TAILORING 429 362 84.38
606 DRESS MAKING 20 17 85.00
607 LIBRARY ATTENDANT 11 4 36.36
611 PLUMBING 62 55 88.71
612 BEAUTY CULTURE 614 561 91.37
614 YOG 347 228 65.71
622 WEB DESIGNING (THEORY) 11 3 27.27
704 T.V.REPAIRING 61 40 65.57
705 CUTTING & TAILORING 648 607 93.67
706 DRESS MAKING 492 467 94.92
709 REFRIGERATION 387 319 82.43
710 AIR CONDITIONING 245 193 78.78
711 BASIC COMPUTING SKILLS 895 469 52.40
712 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 1166 563 48.28
802 JAN SWASTHYA 468 371 79.27

Annual Report 2010-11 59

National Institute of Open Schooling

Table 6.16 : Subject Wise Pass Percentage in Vocational Education Examination October-2010
Course Appeared Passed %


252 CARPENTRY (THEORY) 8 6 75.00

401 BASICS OF HEALTH CARE 105 98 93.33
403 HEALTH EDUCATION 98 93 94.90
431 RADIATION PHYSICS 37 25 67.57
438 RECORDS OF LIBRARY 231 181 78.35

60 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling


442 HOME & HEALTH 67 50 74.63
449 BASIC LIFE SCIENCES 954 820 85.95
450 MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH CARE 927 859 92.66
604 T.V.REPAIRING 7 1 14.29
605 CUTTING & TAILORING 3509 1530 43.60
606 DRESS MAKING 184 94 51.09
611 PLUMBING 25 24 96.00
612 BEAUTY CULTURE 641 608 94.85
614 YOG 382 180 47.12
622 WEB DESIGNING (THEORY) 8 7 87.50
704 T.V.REPAIRING 34 29 85.29
705 CUTTING & TAILORING 541 501 92.61
706 DRESS MAKING 584 546 93.49
709 REFRIGERATION 228 185 81.14
710 AIR CONDITIONING 322 272 84.47
711 BASIC COMPUTING SKILLS 907 477 52.59
802 JAN SWASTHYA 79 54 68.35

Annual Report 2010-11 61

National Institute of Open Schooling

Table 6.17 : Region Wise Result April-2010 Examination

Secondary Sr. Secondary

Region Appeared Certified Pass % Appeared Certified Pass %

HYDERABAD 3149 2222 70.56 9296 6674 71.79

PUNE 12957 4433 34.21 6524 1700 26.05
KOLKATA 22649 10511 46.40 18048 7243 40.13
GUWAHATI 12811 5605 43.75 9164 3529 38.50
CHANDIGARH 32988 14297 43.34 37085 15370 41.44
KOCHI 8262 2465 29.83 7413 1723 23.24
DELHI 53135 20628 38.82 63526 23971 37.70
NIOS HQ 1094 609 55.66 1952 768 39.34
JAIPUR 6149 2223 36.15 4488 1739 38.74
PATNA 10109 6831 67.57 12809 7582 59.19
ALLAHABAD 7968 4288 53.81 8850 4801 55.37
BHOPAL 11330 5431 47.93 5744 2027 35.28
DEHRADUN 14281 7417 51.93 14783 4736 32.03
TOTAL 196882 86960 45.61 199682 81963 41.05

Table 6.18: Region Wise Result October-2010 Examination

Secondary Sr. Secondary

Region Appeared Certified Pass % Appeared Certified Pass %
HYDERABAD 2424 893 36.84 8482 4245 50.05
PUNE 6020 1734 28.80 3389 772 22.78
KOLKATA 9406 3147 33.46 9007 2936 32.60
GUWAHATI 9505 4043 42.54 6520 2872 44.05
CHANDIGARH 20479 7537 36.80 24545 9291 37.85
KOCHI 3512 1165 33.17 4496 1069 23.78
DELHI 32470 11689 35.99 43643 15217 34.86
NIOS HQ 559 291 52.06 1125 271 24.09
JAIPUR 5508 2652 48.15 3382 1259 37.23
PATNA 5132 3142 61.22 7756 4828 62.25
ALLAHABAD 5651 2292 40.56 8082 3904 48.30
BHOPAL 9512 3867 40.65 4762 1852 38.89
DEHRADUN 11673 4747 40.67 13609 4400 32.33
BHUBNESHWAR 6606 3834 58.04 3185 2250 70.64
TOTAL 128457 51033 39.73 141983 55166 38.85

62 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

6.12 On Demand Examination nation centres at different Regional Centres of NIOS.

NIOS was conducting On Demand Examination The Visakhapatnam Regional Sub-centre has also
round the year only at NIOS Head Quarter Noida started On Demand examination in its centre. The
previously and it is now extended to 12 more exami- venue and number of seats available are as under:
Table 6.19: Regional Centres Office on Demand Examination Facilities
S.No. Place of the Centre No. of existing seat
1. HQ Noida 300
2. RC Hyderabad 30
3. RC Pune 50
4. RC Kolkata 40
5. RC Guwahati 50
6. RC Chandigarh 20
7. RC Kochi 25
8. RC Jaipur 50
9. RC Patna 25
10. RC Allahabad 30
11. RC Bhopal 50
12. RC Dehradun 25
13. Visakhapatnam 30
During 2010-11 (From April-2010 till March-2011), candidates, scanned at the time of admission,
12,314 candidates appeared and 4,355 candidates were printed on the mark sheets and certificates.
were declared Pass under On Demand The status of Appeared and Pass Candidates is given
Examination. The photographs of the successful below:
Table 6.20: Subject Wise number of candidates Appeared and Pass under
On Demand Examination (From April-2010 till March-2011)
Secondary Senior Secondary
Subject Appeared Pass % Subject Appeared Pass %

201 Hindi 1675 592 35.34 301 Hindi 1982 940 47.43

202 English 2119 536 25.29 302 English 1899 445 23.43

209 Sanskrit 60 27 45.00 311 Mathematics 2446 901 36.84

211 Mathematics 1618 313 19.34 312 Physics 2059 450 21.86

212 Science & Technology 1505 180 11.96 313 Chemistry 1570 365 23.25

213 Social Science 1541 736 47.76 314 Biology 487 150 30.80

214 Economics 977 343 35.11 316 Geography 409 166 40.59

215 Business Studies 1134 353 31.13 317 Political Science 1088 391 35.94

216 Home Science 1291 617 47.79 318 Economics 1350 596 44.15

219 Word Processing 1321 377 28.54 319 Business Studies 1342 550 40.98

222 Psychology 155 55 35.48 320 Accountancy 629 50 7.95

321 Home Science 1268 671 52.92

328 Psychology 275 106 38.55

Annual Report 2010-11 63

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7 Administration and Accounts

7.0 Introduction The programmes and activities of the Administration
Department of NIOS during the year 2010-11 are
The administration department of NIOS is headed as follows:-
by the Secretary and takes care of all matters related
to, 7.1.1 Assuming the charge of Secretary
(i) Memorandum of association of NOS Society, - Shri G.G. Saxena, IAS assumed the charge of
Secretary on 11-06-2010.
(ii) Constitution of various committees of NIOS
and organization of Meetings of apex 7.1.2 Promotion
committees, - DPC was convened and Dr. Bal Krishan Rai
(iii) Matters related to personnel, was promoted as Academic Officer w.e.f 10-
(iv) Legal matters,
7.1.3 Retirement from service
(v) Budgets/accounts,
- On attaining the age of 60, Shri M. C. Sharma,
(vi) Production and distribution of Materials,
Assistant Director (Admn.) was superannuated
(vii) Purchase and supply of equipment, from the services of NIOS w.e.f. 30-07-2010.
(viii) Maintenance, 7.1.4 Recruitments
(ix) Promotion of Hindi (Raj Bhasha), - During the year following Officers/ Officials
(x) Parliament Questions etc. were appointed on Direct Recruitment basis:

S. No. Name Designation Date of joining

1. Shri D. N. Upreti Publication Officer 07-07-2010
2. Shri Aditi Ranjan Rout Deputy Director (Acad.) 07-07-2010
3. Shri K. L. Gupta Deputy Director (Admn.) 02-08-2010
4. Shri Anil Kumar Deputy Director (Acad.) 05-08-2010
5. Ms. Tarun Academic Officer 31-12-2010
6. Dr. Alok Kumar Academic Officer 07-01-2011
7. Dr. Shoiab Raza Khan Academic Officer 12-01-2011
8. Dr. Manish Chugh Academic Officer 12-01-2011
9. Shri Rajeev Prasad Academic Officer 24-02-2011
10. Shri Chunnu Prasad Academic Officer 01-03-2011
11. Ms. Shivali Chawla Academic Officer 24-03-2011
12. Shri Ram Narayan Meena Academic Officer 25-03-2011
13. Shri S. Mahendran Section Officer 21-01-2011
14. Shri Deo Prakash Narayan Section Officer 20-02-2011
15. Shri Mahesh Prasad Saha Section Officer 28-02-2011
16. Shri Mahipal Section Officer 07-03-2011
17. Shri Gyan Ranjan Sahoo Section Officer 09-03-2011
18. Shri P. Subramanyam Section Officer 10-03-2011

64 Annual Report 2010-11

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7.1.5 Deputation appointed on Deputation basis :

During the year following Officers/Officials were
S. No. Name Designation Date of joining
1. Shri C. Dharuman Director (Evaluation) 24-06-2010
2. Dr. K. P. Wasnik Director (Voc. Edu.) 02-08-2010
3. Dr. Kuldeep Agarwal Director (Academic) 04-11-2010
4. Smt. Neelam Gautam Deputy Director (Accounts) 28-02-2011
5. Shri C. Neelap Deputy Director / Regional Director 12-08-2010
6. Shri Rushi Kumar Rath Deputy Director / Regional Director 01-09-2010
7. Shri Ajay Kumar Khanduri Deputy Director / Regional Director 30-09-2010
8. Shri Badagala Vara Prasada Rao Deputy Director / Regional Director 30-09-2010
9. Shri Anil Kumar Accounts Officer 15-09-2010
10. Shri Krishan Kant Sagar Electronic Engineer 19-01-2011
11. Shri Pramod Kumar T.K. Assistant Director (Acad.) 29-03-2011
12. Dr. A. K. Singh Assistant Director (Acad.) 28-02-2011
13. Shri B.S.R.K. Vara Prasad Section Officer 10-03-2011

7.1.6 Parliament Unit 7.2 Building, Maintenance and

Parliament Unit coordinated with different Purchase
Departments of NIOS in order to provide information Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Horticulture, Air
related to NIOS during the Parliament Session. To Conditioning, Fire Fighting, Transportation and
ensure prompt, correct and timely information, Nodal Canteen Services, Arrangement of Model
Officers were designated within each Department and Examination Center, Purchase of different variety of
replies of 12 Parliament Questions were sent to paper mainly for printing self instructional material for
MHRD. students enrolled and meeting requirement of other
items required by Heads of Departments or NIOS
7.1.7 Training
staff is placed under the purview of Building,
- Shri S. K. Tanwar, DD (Admn.) underwent Maintenance and Purchase Section.
training in the Integrated Training of Policy The tasks of Operationalising Guest House
Research (ITPR), New Delhi regarding Pay accommodation available at A-31, Sector – 62
Fixation, MACP, Pension, TA, LTC, Leave Noida, Renovation and development of Reception
Advance from 18-08-2010 to 20-08-2010. area to work as a Facilitation Centre, Furnishing of
Conference Halls, Purchase of paper and other
- Smt. Praveen Chauhan, Senior E.O. attended
materials indented by Heads of Departments were
training in the Indian Institute of Public
also undertaken.
Administration (IIPA), New Delhi on
Incorporating Gender Concerns from 29-11- 7.2.1 Permanent Electricity Connection
2010 to 01-12-2010.
Completion Certificate/NOC for A 24-25,
- NIOS had organized a full day workshop on Sector–62, Noida building has been obtained and
31-12-2010 at NIOS premises regarding RTI. permanent electricity connection was obtained. The
All the officers of Section Officers level and cost of running D.G. Sets has now come down
above attended the seminar. The training was considerably and there is less wear and tear of electric
imparted by ISTM professionals. equipments.

Annual Report 2010-11 65

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7.2.2 Maintenance of NIOS Premises During 2010-11 Audit of Regional Centres were taken
up and there was delegation of Financial Powers.
Basic amenities such as housekeeping services,
generator operation, running of lift services, security Audit of Regional Centres: The Internal Audit team
arrangements, upkeep of horticulture, communication are constituted for audit of Regional Centres, which
services have been provided in both the buildings of have conducted internal audit of some Regional
NIOS. Fire fighting equipments have also been put Centres such as Delhi, Jaipur, Patna, Chandigarh,
in place in all the floors of both the buildings. Dehradun, Allahabad etc. The Audit team guided
about correct procedure in the Regional Centre for
7.2.3 Subsidized Transport and Canteen
efficient discharge of work.
As a welfare measure subsidized transport facility Delegation of Financial Powers: During the year,
provided to NIOS staff has been continued this year NIOS has revised the Delegation of Financial Powers
too. Subsidized canteen facilities at both the buildings with the approval of Finance Committee and
has also been provided to NIOS staff. Executive Board of NIOS. The financial powers are
decentralized and Regional Centres are delegated
7.2.4 Arrangement of Model Examination financial powers so that they can efficiently perform
Center their duties and responsibilities.
In order to maintain the credibility of exam and to 7.3.2 Income Generated by the NIOS
curb the malpractices in NIOS examinations,
innovative steps were taken for examinations since All Non-Plan expenditure are met from own generated
April, 2009 onwards, were also continued this year income of NIOS which is coming by way of admission
too. A model examination centers were established & examination fees from NIOS learners and income
at NIOS HQ and in all Regional Centers. Installation from sale of publication, interest receipt and other
of CCTVs, video recordings during examination, misc. income. During the year 2010-11 income from
security arrangements, use of public address system fees were to the tune of Rs. 7980.93 lakhs as against
and other facilities required in conduct of smooth Rs. 7220.51 lakhs during 2009-10 whereas income
examinations were arranged. Seating arrangements from other sources were Rs. 1925.76 lakhs against
of around 500 candidates were made within NIOS the previous year figure of Rs. 1715.40 lakhs. The
premises. trend of NIOS generated income for the last 10 years
7.2.5 Purchase and Procurement is given at Annexure - 1A & 1B.

Different varieties of printing paper was procured 7.3.3 Expenditure

mainly for printing of self Instructional Materials (SIM)
The Non-Plan expenditure during the year 2010-11
for students enrolled. This year 4450 MTs of paper
worth Rs. 17.7 crore was purchased. Other was Rs. 7198.19 lakh as compared to
purchased of consumable and non-consumable items Rs. 6975.04 lakh during previous year. The Plan
has also been done as per the GFR-2005. Mini Studio expenditure during the year 2010-11 was
in Media Unit has been set up and to be got Rs. 819.03 lakh as compared to Rs. 1160.92 lakh
inaugurated very soon. during previous year. A diagrammatic presentation of
the NIOS Non Plan and Plan expenditure from 1999-
7.3 Accounts 2000 onwards are at Annexure II and III.
7.3.1 The accounts unit is a major branch of 7.3.4 Budgetary Support to NIOS
administration department, which prepares the Annual
Accounts of NIOS in pursuance of Memorandum of The budgetary support to NIOS from the MHRD
Association of NOS Society and govt. of India’s during 2010-11 was Rs. 1125.00 lakh under Plan
directions. It keeps account of all income and only. A diagrammatic presentation of Budgetary
expenditure incurred in respect of all activities and support to NIOS from the MHRD since 1999-2000
programmes of NIOS. is at Annexure –IV.

66 Annual Report 2010-11

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7.3.5 Fee Concession to Prioritized Groups  Audit certification of Annual Accounts for the
year 2009-10 which was obtained from
During 2010-11, subsidy aggregating to Rs. 722.04
DGACR has already been laid in the Parliament
lakh was given in the form of concessions in admission
by the MHRD.
fee to the students belonging to weaker sections of
society comprising women, scheduled castes,  A training programme on Tally package &
scheduled tribes, ex-servicemen and handicapped. Accounting System was held on 10th & 11th
This subsidy was solely met from NIOS generated September 2010 at NIOS Hqrs.
funds. The number of beneficiaries availing subsidy The funds generated by way of collection of admission
during the year was 2,01,599 [SCs; 57420, STs; and examination fees and sale of publications etc.
33,512, Ex-Servicemen; 205, Handicapped; 1895, during the year 2010-2011 were to the tune of Rs.
Women; 1,08,567 (excluding SC/ST Women)]. 9906.69 lakh as against Rs. 8935.91 lakh during
2009-2010. The increase of 10.87% in the revenue
The rates of subsidy ranged between Rs. 250 to Rs. was due to (a) increase in the number of students
450 per student depending on the courses of study enrolled and increase in the number of students who
and gender. A diagrammatic presentation of year wise appeared for examinations, (b) increase in receipt of
subsidies given from 1999-2000 to 2010-11 is at miscellaneous fee, and (c) receipt of interest on term
Annexure –V. deposit from bank. Income from interest earned by
NIOS during 2010-2011 was Rs. 1124.01 lakhs. The
7.3.6 Important Activities trend of NIOS generated income from 1999-2000
During the year 2010-11: onwards is at Annexure-I.
 In order to comply with accrual system of 7.4 Printing Unit
accounting, depreciation was charged on Fixed
Assets of NIOS. 7.4.1 An Overview
NIOS is one of the biggest government publishing
 Efficient management of working capital was
house. In any distance mode of learning printed
effected with the help of cash flow and fund flow
materials play a very important role. The timely printing
and despatch is one of the important activity in NIOS.
 Effective control was exercised on fixed assets Printing Unit of NIOS print study materials from
by way of preparing fixed assets schedule in various printers and supply it to Material Distribution
proper proforma. Unit at Rana Pratap Bagh, Delhi for further dispatch
to the learners.
 Separate Balance sheet, Income & Expenditure
A/c and Receipt & Payment A/c have been NIOS prints learning materials of different subjects,
prepared in respect of GPF & Pension Fund. courses, and in several mediums. Majority of the
subjects have 2 to 3 or more volumes. During the
 The annual accounts of NIOS were prepared year 2010-11, NIOS printed approximately 46 lakh
on accrual basis, in uniform format as applicable copies of Secondary, Senior Secondary and
to all central autonomous bodies and prescribed Vocational Education courses. Study materials in
by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Hindi, English, Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam, Gujarati,
 The computerization of Accounts in all the Urdu and Oriya were printed. NIOS also printed and
Regional Centres of NIOS was adopted and supplied study materials for the students of Rajasthan
the monthly accounts of all Regional Centres are State Open School and Andhra Pradesh State Open
being prepared in Tally 9.0 version. School.
Synchronization of Tally data of all Regional The expenditure incurred on paper and printing of
Centres will be introduced in 2011-12. the instructional materials during 2010-11 was
approx. Rs. 2035.12 lakhs.
 The certification audit of accounts of NIOS for
the year 2009-10 was got conducted by During 2010-11, NIOS procured 60 gsm printing
DGACR from 11-06-2010 to 25-06-2010. paper from M/s Hindustan Paper Mills, a Govt. of

Annual Report 2010-11 67

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India public undertaking. Similarly 220 GSM MG 7.4.4 Examinations related stationery
Pulp Board was also procured for printing the covers
– For Oct./Nov., 2010 and April/May, 2011
of its various publications, all this has improved print
examinations of Secondary, Senior Secondary
quality of NIOS Publications.
and Vocational Course following got printed:
7.4.2 Unique features of NIOS publications • Answer books
 Unique layout - in A4 size - following • Date sheets
International standard size. • Certificates
 Using 10-12 pt. type for text and leaving enough • Mark sheets, Provisional Certificates and
white space so as to make the reading Migration Certificates
comfortable and providing enough space to
students for writing notes etc. – Guidelines for Centre Superintendent for
Academic and Vocational Examinations.
 Using Graphics in between the text to support
reading. – Miscellaneous items required by the Evaluation
Department for Examination.
 Using 60 G.S.M. NIOS Water marked paper
for printing of text and 220 GSM Pulp Board 7.4.5 Admission related Materials
(MG) for printing of multi-colour covers.
During 2010-11 following different Prospectuses
 Using perfect binding and side stitching of books were printed.
making them more convenient while using and
to withstand rough handling during (i) Academic Prospectuses in Hindi, English,
transportation. Telegu, Urdu, Gujarati, Marathi, Malayalam and
 NIOS got more than one volumes of a subject
packed in polythene, so that all parts could be (ii) Vocational Prospectus (2010-11) in English and
given to the learners together and to avoid any Hindi Medium.
damage during transportation.
(iii) In addition, to this Vocational Prospectus (Urdu)
7.4.3 NIOS Publications printed during was also printed.
2010-11 (iv) Administrative Guidelines for Academic and
1. Study material for Vocational courses.
• Secondary Course 7.4.6 Other prestigious Publications
• Senior Secondary Course
– NIOS: A Profile 2010
• Vocational Subject
– COMOSA Journal, July-December, 2010
• Gujarati, Malayalam, Telugu, Marathi and
– Open Schooling, Quarterly News Bulletin
Oriya medium at secondary level.
– Annual Report 2009-2010
2. Examinations related materials
– Annual Account 2009-10
3. Admission related materials
4. Other publications like Annual Report, Annual 7.4.7 DTP Unit
Accounts, 2010-11, ‘Open learning Magazine’
NIOS has an in-house DTP Unit. All important
and COMOSA Journal
publications like Prospectus, Annual Report,
5. Miscellaneous items for Departments Certificate, Marksheet, Annual Account, NIOS: A
(Administration, Evaluation, Student Support Profile, Answer Books, Open Learning Magazine,
Services, Vocational, Academic) and Regional Open Schooling, News Bulletin, Examination related
Centres materials and various Reports of Seminars and
6. Reports of various seminars/conferences Conferences are typeset in the DTP unit.

68 Annual Report 2010-11

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7.5 Material Distribution Unit instructional materials to the students to enable them
to learn their own pace. The students of NIOS were
The Material Distribution Unit (MDU) is situated at given instruction material duly packed in polythene
Central Ware House Corporation in R.P. Bagh, Delhi. for each subject. Availability of study material at a
MD Unit is entrusted the task of storing/issuing of right time to the learners in distance education system
paper, receiving study material related to Academic is a great challenge. From the Year 2010-11, NIOS
and Vocational Courses, Prospectus for Academic has introduced 100% On-line admission round the
and Vocational Courses, Blank Answer Books and clock in order to facilitate learners in registering
other printed materials & audio/video CDs and its themselves with it. M.D. Unit used to dispatch study
distribution to NIOS learners, Accredited Institutions, material to its Study Centres for distribution to the
Accredited Vocational Institutions, Examination learners has now started dispatching study material
Centres and State Open Schools. to On-Line learners for Stream-I at their residential
address. This Stream is open throughout the year.
7.5.1 The main functions of MDU are :
There are three more Streams of Online admission
1. Receipt of Material viz. 2, 3 and 4 which are specifically designed for the
- Printing paper of different sizes from paper mills learners who want to appear in NIOS examination at
the earliest available opportunity. These learners can
- Study Material from the Printers receive study material on payment. M.D. Unit keeps
- Prospectus for AIs/AVIs record of such learners and sends Study Material
through Express Parcel Post (EPP) service of Indian
- Blank Answer Sheets
Postal Department directly to the learners residence.
- Audio/Video CDs In the year 2010-11 the study material was dispatched
- Other misc. printed material to nearly 3.93 lakhs students registered online. The
study material was dispatched to more than 698
7.5.2 Dispatch of Material Accredited Vocational Institutions also for distribution
to the learners admitted in Vocational Courses through
- Issue printing paper to printers
Department of Posts.
- Distribution of Study Material to individual
learners of NIOS 7.6 Legal Cell
- Study Material to State Open Schools 7.6.1 The Legal Cell within the administrative
- Study Material & Prospectus to Regional department looks into the following work viz.
Centres 1. Solicitation – Drafting and developing legal
- Answer Sheets to Examination Centres & documents to be signed for agreements and
Regional Centres MOUs with other agencies.

- Prospectus to AIs & AVIs 2. Litigation – Defending the interest of NIOS at

different Courts/Forums/Commissions/
- Audio/Video & other misc. dispatches
7.5.3 Sale of Study Material 3. Opinion – Renders opinion on various issues
- To Individual students of examination and general administration.

- State Open Schools 7.6.2 Thrust Areas

- Sale of Prospectus to AIs & AVIs Important MOU/agreements which were finalized
during the period are mentioned below
7.5.4 Dispatch of Study Material
1. AGREEMENT (BECIL) Set up of Audio
The Success of Open and Distance Learning Studio Centre (SERVICES AS DEPOSIT
programme largely depends on timely supply of WORK).

Annual Report 2010-11 69

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2. AGREEMENT (LEASE DEED) between The thrust areas of PR are as under :

Scheduled Tribe & Schedule Caste
• Release of Advertisements pertaining to different
Development Department, Govt. of Orissa.
streams of Online Admission and Examination
3. MOU between NIOS and OTEN. Notices in National and Regional dailies for
dissemination of information to prospective client
4. AGREEMENT with Indian Post.
groups and NIOS learners.
5. MOU between NIOS and Ashok Institute of • Release of Tender Notices, Vacancy Notices,
Hospitality and Tourism Management. event related advertisements etc. through leading
6. MOU between NIOS and Indian Medical newspapers.
Association (IMA). • Release of Advertorials in popular magazines
to popularize the NIOS Scheme, courses and
7. AGREEMENT for employment in NIOS on
contract basis for Consultant. programmes.
• Coverage of NIOS activities and programmes:
8. MOU between Yashwantrao Chavan Preparing press releases of NIOS programmes/
Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU).
activities and routine activities such as admission,
9. MOU between NIOS & Open Polytechnic of examination , dissemination of the press release
New Zealand. to the media.

7.7 Public Relations • Bringing out the NIOS newsletter regularly by

collecting and compiling information/
Public Relations (PR) was brought under the data/photographs, preparing write ups and
administration department for efficient and quick captions for the photographs and editing the
handling of Public related issues. newsletter.

70 Annual Report 2010-11

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8 Regional Services
8.0 Introduction • Development and dissemination of need based
audio and video programmes in the Regional
The Regional Centres of NIOS provide a vital and languages.
effective link between the Study Centres and NIOS
Headquarters; between the State Governments and • Organisation of short-term training programmes
the NIOS Headquarters; between Study Centres and for Open Schooling functionaries.
learners, between Academic Facilitators and the • Follow up studies of NIOS pass outs and
Study Centres and between NIOS and general public. compilation of success stories.
The success of NIOS programmes and policies in a
region largely depends on the pivotal role played by • Arranging lectures, exhibitions and other
a Regional Centre. Presently 16 Regional Centres programmes.
are functioning in different parts of the country: • Holding meetings of Coordinators, Centre
Allahabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Superintendents and Academic Facilitators.
Chandigarh, Delhi (Delhi I and Delhi II), Dehradun,
8.1.2 Administrative Functions
Patna, Guwahati, Gandhi nagar, Hyderabad, Jaipur,
Kochi, Kolkata, and Pune. There are sub-Centres • Admission related activities such as sale of
at Darbhanga and Vishakhapatnam. A cell has also Prospectus, fee realization, punching and
been set up at Port Blair in Andaman and Nicobar checking of admission data, sending check lists
Islands. to AIs; issue of identity cards; punching,
checking and verification of Transfer of Credits
8.1 Functions of Regional Centres (TOC) cases and forwarding the same to NIOS
Basically, the Regional Centres are required to Headquarters, change of subjects/additional
perform four types of activities: subjects.
1. Academic • Record keeping in respect of students’ admission
and examination.
2. Administrative
• Liaison with headquarters for distribution of
3. Promotional
study material; attending to the grievances of
4. Planning and Monitoring students/learners.
A brief description of the functions generally • Carrying out corrections/modifications in
performed by the Regional Centres under each admission data as per requirement, in
category is given below. consultation with headquarters.
8.1.1 Academic Functions • Organizing meetings of Transfer of Credit
(TOC) Committee for verification.
• Conducting research in the area of Open
Schooling and collecting feedback on the • Examination related activities such as fee
functioning of Accredited Institutions (AIs), realization, fixation of examination centres,
Accredited Vocational Institutions (AVIs) and issuing Hall tickets to students, receipt of answer
Accredited Agencies (AAs). books, secrecy work, spot evaluation, sending
award lists to headquarters, re-evaluation etc.
• Development of need based instructional
material pertaining to the Open Schooling • Appointment of nodal officers, observers and
courses of study including regional languages inspection teams for ensuring proper conduct
and training packages. of examinations; analysis and consolidation of

Annual Report 2010-11 71

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observer’s reports; taking follow up actions, • Identification and allotment of Academic

verification of examination related bills. Facilitators to the AIs.
• Maintenance of Secretary’s Account and • Matters related to Academic Facilitation at the
Regional Director’s Accounts. Study Centres through identified Academic
Facilitators etc.
• Miscellaneous work related to NIOS admission,
programme delivery and examination. • Maintenance of database of admission, AIs,
Human Resource for monitoring and academic
• Matters related to public relations and students’
facilitation at the RC level.
• Ensuring that the TMAs are attempted by the • Analysing the reports of the Academic
candidates and are evaluated at the AIs. Facilitators and preparing consolidated reports
on quarterly basis for necessary actions and
• Sending TMA awards and bills to the SSS forwarding the same to the Headquarters.
Department as per schedule and maintaining
• Ensuring smooth functioning of AIs/AVIs/OBE
record of the same at the Regional Centre.
• Carrying out 5% sample checking of the TMAs.
8.2 Highlights of Programmes and
• Conduct of On Demand Examinations for
learners enrolled from the region.
Activities of Regional Centres
The highlights of programmes and activities of different
8.1.3 Promotional Functions
Regional Centres are presented below, excluding the
• Identification of good schools/institutions to routine activities.
work as study centres.
8.2.1 Allahabad
• Accreditation related work such as inspection
of schools/institutions for Accreditation, • Promotional Activities
interaction with Study Centres, matters related Advocacy Programme for Madarsas-
to dis-accreditation of Study Centres. Reaching the Unreached
• Advertisements regarding admission, An Advocacy Programme for Madarsas was
examination and publicity of programmes. conducted on 15th December, 2010 at Regional
Science City, Lucknow to associate Madarsas
• Identification of educational needs in Open
of ten Districts of Uttar Pradesh with NIOS.
Schooling in the region through State
About 104 participants responded to the
Coordination Committees.
Advocacy Programme and interacted with
• Promotion of Open Schooling in the States officers of NIOS. Dr. Sushmita Mitra, Director
within the region and consultancy/assistance to (SSS), Dr. Kuldeep Agarwal, Director
the concerned states for setting up/upscaling of (Academic), Prof. Sabra Habib, Smt. Anitha
State Open Schools (SOSs). Nair, Assistant Director (SSS), Sh. S.S. Das,
• Liaison with State Government and Assistant Director, Regional Centre, Allahabad
Coordination in matters related to Open interacted with the participants and briefed them
Schooling. about the activities of NIOS.

• Organisation of advocacy programmes. • Advertisements were published in local news

papers notifying extension of dates for online
8.1.4 Planning and Monitoring Functions admission.
• Preparation of Perspective Plan and Annual • The Annual meeting of Coordinators of AIs
Plans of the Regional Centre. was conducted at SIEMAT Allahabad on
• Monitoring of Implementation of programmes 21.02.2011. Dr. S.S. Jena, Chairman, NIOS
in the accredited institutions including Personal and Prof. Nageswara Rao, Vice Chancellor,
Contact Programmes (PCPs) and (TMAs). UPRTOU addressed the gathering of

72 Annual Report 2010-11

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Coordinators. About 88 Coordinators Prof. Halim Khan, Ex-Chairman, Madhya

participated in the meeting and interacted on Pradesh Madarsa Board, Shri Kulwant Singh,
various activities. Member, M.P. Minorities commission, Moulana
• The Annual meeting of Coordinators of AVIs Hafiz Sahib, Ex-Chairman, Masajid Committee
(Vocational) was conducted at SIEMAT and Member M.P. Madarsa Board & Maulana
Allahabad on 22.02.2011. Prof. P.K. Sahoo, Mateen, Member, M.P. Madarsa Board were
and Dr. Nalini Srivastava, Associate Professor, also present in the meeting.
addressed the gathering of Coordinators. About This Advocacy programme helped in increase
60 Coordinators participated in the meeting and in number of AIs and AVIs and enrolment in
took part in the discussions. Madarsas.
• Tele-Orientation/Tele-Conferencing Regional Centre Advisory Committee (RCAC)
programmes conducted by NIOS Headquarters Meeting
with the help of EMPC IGNOU were received
The Meeting of RCAC was held on 18th March, 2011
at Lucknow, Aligarh, Varanasi and Allahabad
at NIOS Regional Centre, Bhopal.
on various dates.
Some of the agenda points discussed in the meeting
• An Orientation Programme for Science Tutors were:-
was organised at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Old
Cantonment. Allahabad on 10.02.11 & • Periodic monitoring of the Study Centres and
11.02.2011. About 21 participants took part examination centres;
in the orientation programme. Eminent scholars • Distribution of the AIs and AVIs in the districts
in Education, Physics, Chemistry and Biology where enrolment is low;
from University of Allahabad guided and
interacted with the participants. • Enhancement in the enrolment in the
Vocational courses of NIOS;
• Hindi Pakhwara was organized at Regional
Centre, Allahabad from 14th September, 2010 • Fixation of examination centres for April-2011
to 28th September, 2010. Various competitions examination;
like quiz, Recitation (kavita path), storytelling • Review of the panel of Academic Facilitators
were organised at Regional Centre, Allahabad. (AFs) and district wise status;
All regional centre staff members participated
• Strategies to associate new AFs with the
in the competition. Prize distribution ceremony
Regional Centre;
was held on 29th September, 2010.
• Review of the status of accreditation of new
8.2.2 Bhopal centres;
• Advocacy Programme for Muslim Minority • Review of the Educationally Backward
Institutions Blocks (EBBs) in the Regional Centre and the
An advocacy Programme for Madarsas was strategies to setup new centres in the EBBs.
organised by the NIOS on 29th January, 2011
Cluster Meeting of Coordinators of AIs and
at Bhopal. Hon’ble Minister for Urban
Administration, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Shri
Babulalji Gaur was the Chief Guest of the The scheduled cluster meeting of coordinators of AIs
programme. and AVIs of NIOS was held on 18th February, 10th
March and 14th March, 2011 at Bhopal, Jabalpur
Shri G.G. Saxena, Secretary, NIOS, Dr.
and Gwalior.
Sushmita Mitra, Director (SSS), Ms. Anita
Nair, AD(SSS), Ms. Gopa Biswas, Joint The Regional Centre got to hear the problems of the
Director (Academic), spoke on different aspects coordinators and the issues were sorted out
of NIOS programmes and policies. immediately.

Annual Report 2010-11 73

National Institute of Open Schooling

8.2.3 Chandigarh Teleconferencing

Year 2010-2011 has been as year of smooth activity/ Regional Centre has set the facility of the conferencing
working and acceleration for the Regional Centre, at its office and so far 3 teleconferencing have been
Chandigarh. Along with the routine work lots of organized.
creativity, initiative and motivation has been seen in
• One-window solution has been set up at the
the staff of the Regional Centre.
Regional Centre to address to all the needs/
• Admissions: The Block I and Block II queries of the students.
admissions were compiled on time. A total
• Accreditation Work: 46 institutions are under
number of 87,703 students were enrolled in
consideration for accreditation. Mapping of AI’s
these two blocks.
is being done to identify the need of areas with
• In house printing of ID Cards for better quality less number of AIs especially for the
and to avoid forging has been done for all the educationally backward blocks. AIs are being
Block II admission and for some portion of set up in 6 Jails of Haryana. Several JNVs were
Block I admissions. persuaded to be NIOS study centers.
• Examination: For April-May 2010, exams • A data base has been developed for AI/AVI for
161 examination centres were created and 140 better communication with coordinators and
OSD appointed to monitor the smooth conduct students.
of the examination.
• An in-house website has been developed by
• For the first time, the Regional Centre printed the Chandigarh RC containing necessary
intimation cards in house for the learners. information for students, AI’s and public.
Spot Evaluation • A library for the staff has been developed where
books worth Rs. 70,000/- have been
Team Leaders meetings had been held before
purchased. Maximum books are in Hindi
commencement of evaluation work in which 85 team
language and others are related to accounts,
leaders participated. A lot of evaluators have been
office management and personality
added to the existing panel in 2010 and 51 OSD have
been appointed to look into the smooth evaluation
work. Academic
Advertisements • Development of course in Punjabi language at
Senior Secondary level was initiated.
For promoting Open Schooling an audio visual
advertisement campaign was made in Hindi, English, • Revision of 3 vocational courses was initiated.
Urdu, and Punjabi. Video clippings were created by
• The Regional Centre has initiated the task for
the Regional Centre to promote Open Schooling.
looking up office space, and Punjab govt. has
• Coordinators Meeting was orgainsed on 26/ agreed in principle to provide land for
03/11 for AIs and AVIs which was addressed construction of building.
by Dr. SS Jena, Chairman, NIOS.
8.2.4 Dehradun
• RCAC has been constituted having important
educationist of the region for Regional Centre
Advisory Committee. • Revision of two stand-alone vocational courses
(at secondary and senior secondary level) were
Workshop for in-service Science teacher
• An in-service Science tutor’s workshop was
• Comments on the draft for the Handbook for
held in March 2011 in which 34 teachers
Tutors were submitted to Headquarters.

74 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Capacity Building • Monitoring of Basic Literacy Assessment for

• Three-day workshop on “Using Technology To Neo-literates conducted by National Literacy
Enhance Productivity In Workplace” (in Mission (NLM) held on 20.08.2010 and
collaboration with INTEL) was held for the PCP 06.03.2011.
teachers, from 22-24 October, 2010. The Receiving nodes for Teleconferencing
workshop was attended by 28 teachers.
• Teleconferencing for the Orientation of AI
• A two-day orientation programme for Science Coordinators was conducted on 23 rd
Tutors of Dehradun was organized on 21-22 September, 2010 at four venues in Regional
February. Dr. Bharati Sarkar was invited as Centre Delhi, EMPC, Indira Gandhi National
the resource person from Delhi. The workshop Open University (IGNOU), Dwarka and
was attended by 32 participants. NIOS, Headquarter.
Training through Teleconference • Teleconferencing for the Orientation of English
The Regional Centre was the receiving node for five Tutors was held on 8.12.2010 at EMPC, Indira
teleconference programmes of NIOS during the year Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).
2010-11. Four other receiving nodes were • Teleconferencing Programme for Orientation of
established at reputed AIs of the region to minimise Academic Facilitators on 19.01.2011 at EMPC,
the travel time and cost. The requisite infrastructure Indira Gandhi National Open University
was installed to receive the programme through (IGNOU).
• Conduct of “Tele-Orientation Programme on
Library at RC the Promotion of the Health and Paramedical
The library has been set up at the regional centre. Programmes” held on 25th February, 2011.
Four journals are being subscribed to and about 50 • Teleconferencing for Orientation of Centre
books of general interest have been procured. The Superintendents and Officers on Special Duty
reading room is open for NIOS learners during (OSDs) for April/May, 2011 examination was
working days. conducted at 3 places in Regional Centre Delhi,
Single window help-desk EMPC, Indira Gandhi National Open University
(IGNOU) and Dwarka.
Students can take the benefit of the single window
help-desk at the regional centre for any query/ Orientation Programme for Science Tutors
problem. • A Face to Face Orientation Programme for
Coordinators meeting Science Tutors of newly Accredited Institutions
of Delhi and NCR Region was organised by
In order to increase the interaction with the Delhi Regional Centre on 3rd and 4th March,
Coordinators of AIs and AVIs, the meetings were 2011. Twenty eight teachers from 14 newly
organized at Dehradun as well as in clusters at three accreditated AIs participated in the Programme.
other locations-Haldwani, Haridwar and Meerut The objective of the programme was to orient
between February and March, 20111. The objective these teachers of the formal schools system
was to address their issues and give them updated about the philosophy and methodology of Open
information regarding NIOS policies and procedures. and Distance Learning System (ODLS) and
8.2.5 Delhi about conducting Personal Contact Programmes
for science students.
Examination Related
Other Activities
• A model examination centre was set up at
Regional Centre, Delhi for April 2010 and • Hindi Pakhwara was celebrated at Regional
October 2010 examination to curb malpractices Centre, Delhi from 14th to 29th September,
during the conduct of examinations. 2010.

Annual Report 2010-11 75

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• Regional Centre Advisory Committee (RCAC) 8.2.7 Jaipur

meeting was held on 28th March, 2011.
• Tutor Training Programme for AEP Unit was
8.2.6 Guwahati organised from September 17-19, 2010.
Academic • The Orientation Programme for Science Tutors
of NIOS was organised in Jaipur for two days
• Translation work of Secondary Courses into
23-24th February, 2011.
Assamese language has been initiated.
• The meeting of co-ordinators of AI and AVIs
was held on 10th March, 2011 at Ahmedabad
• May I Help You Counter to facilitate the and on 16th March, 2011 at Jaipur.
learners for Admission/Examination set up.
8.2.8 Kochi
• Co-ordinator Meeting of AIs and AVI’s was
held on 16th March, 2011. Student Support Services
• For promotion of vocational courses several • 31 study centres have been newly accredited
meetings have been organised with the help of during this period. Total number of study centres
Rotary club, Assam. rose to 391 against the previous total of 360.
• Letter to all directorate of ITI’s have been sent • The region registered an annual increase of 15%
to instruct the ITI’s of North East to apply for (rounded) in the academic enrolment over
being AVIs of NIOS. previous year.
• Process for setting up the State Open School in
Meghalaya was initiated. A meeting was held
between Dr. S.S. Jena, Chairman, NIOS and
Hon’ble Minister of Education, Government of
Other Activities
• Tele-Orientation programmes for Coordinators/
Academic Facilitators and tutors of AIs have
been received from time to time as per the
schedule provided by National Institute of Open
Schooling Headquarters, Noida. Cluster AI Coordinators meeting

• A library in the Regional Centre, Guwahati was • A facilitation counter for online registration was
set up and books as per the list provided by operated from August, 2010 at the Regional
NIOS, Headquarters were purchased. Centre. The facilitation counter was functional
on holidays including Sundays during 1st August
• On Demand examination hall got ready. to 10th September and during February, 2011.
• LCD projector with screen installed in auditorium 50 Facilitation Centres in different AIs were
for better presentation of Tele-conferencing functional all over the region. Functioning of
programme. facilitation counters has been given wide
• DTH dish antenna installed for Gyan Darshan publicity by press releases and banner.
telecast for NIOS learners. Basic Literacy Assessment
• Enrolment increased by 18.96% in comparison • NLMA examinations held in Tamilnadu on 20/
to last year. 8/2010 (in five districts, 69 Blocks and 2091
• A meeting was organised with DC, Kamrup Villages) have been monitored by engaging 41
Metro to provide at least 2/3 acres of land inside observers.
the city to build permanent premises of this • NLMA examinations held in Tamilnadu on
Regional Centre. March 6, 2011 (in five districts, 69 Blocks and
76 Annual Report 2010-11
National Institute of Open Schooling

2091 Villages) have been monitored by engaging been identified for office. Inspection of this
110 observers. premise by NIOS team was held on 26th
Advertisements November, 2010. The matter of taking
possession is under active consideration.
• The following advertisements were released:-
• Matter of identification of space for RC, Chennai
- Advertisement on online registration block-1, has been taken up with Education Department
2010 released through 5 leading dailies on 3rd in Chennai during this period.
September, 2010.
Capacity Building Programme
- Advertisement on online registration block-2,
2010 and Vocational – Block -1, 2011 released • One EO has participated in Tally training held
through 4 leading dailies on 13/2/11. on 10 th and 11 th September at NIOS
Headquarter, NOIDA.
- A number of other Press releases were issued
• Orientation to English Teachers through
through local Dailies & Radio during the period.
teleconferencing conducted by NIOS
Exhibitions Headquarters, NOIDA on 8th December, 2010
• Two Exhibitions were organised at the Venue was received at Regional level. 26 teachers
of PCF 6 held at Le Meredian Convention were present at Kochi and 17 in Chennai.
Centre, Kochi from 24th to 28th November, • Tele-orientation programmes for Academic
2010. Two stalls were installed, one each for facilitators held on 1st January, 2011. Tele-
NIOS and Adolescence Education Programme orientation programmes for Centre
(UNFPA). The Chairman, Secretary, Director Superintendents and OSDs held on 23rd March,
(SSS), Director (Voc), Publication Officer, 2011 and other teleconferences organised by
Academic Officer (Hindi) and the Project Headquarters were received at the Regional
Coordinator of Adolescence Education Centre.
programme from NIOS Headquarters and the
• Two days Training Programme for science
Regional Director and staff members of the
teachers held from 25th to 26th February, 2011.
Regional Centre, Kochi were present.
34 teachers from 18 AIs have been trained in
this programme.
• Regional Centre Kochi organised cluster level
meeting for Coordinators of AIs from 5th to 12th
February, 2011 and for Coordinators of AVIs
on 31/3/11.
• An Advocacy programme for AVI Coordinators
and different service providers was held on 31st
March, 2011. Resource Persons from
Hospitality Management, Small Scale Industries,
KVIC, Spices Board, Employment Exchange
etc. addressed fifty participants.
PIB Exhibition at Njarakkal
• NIOS stall installed at the Public Information Academic Activities
Campaign organised by Ministry of Information • Prospectus 2009-10 and TMA in 9 subjects at
and Broadcasting, Government of India at Kochi Secondary level were translated in Malayalam
from 9/1/2011 to 11/1/2011 at Manjooran medium.
House, Njarackal, Ernakulam.
• Two workshops on preparation of study material
Developmental Activities for Tamil as a language at Sr. Secondary level
• 5000 sq.ft of constructed space under Greater was held in July, 2010 and January – February,
Cochin Development Authority (GCDA) has 2011.

Annual Report 2010-11 77

National Institute of Open Schooling

• Vigilance awareness week was observed from

25th October to 1st November.
• X’mas and New Year eve was celebrated on
31st December,2010 at the RC.
8.2.9 Kolkata
Academic Activities
• The study material of Bengali (subject code 303)
for Senior Secondary Course was finalized and
Workshop for Arabic course development
sent to the Headquarters for Printing.
• A two day workshop on preparation of study
material for Communicative Arabic-a six months • The Translation of the Manuals for the Tutors of
vocational course was held on 17th and 18th Learning Centre in Open Schools (Bangladesh
September, 2010. Edition) was translated in Bengali medium and
the CRC was sent to Commonwealth of
• A two day workshop on preparation of study Learning, Canada, for printing.
material for Aqua Culture and Ornamental Fish
Culture-two six months vocational course was • The Academic Prospectus of 2010-11 was
held on 17th and 18th September, 2010 at translated in Odia Medium.
Agricultural College, Panangad, Kochi. • The study material of Painting for Secondary
Research & Evaluation (Study on whereabouts Course was translated in Odia medium. The
of NIOS Pass outs) CRC was sent to Headquarters for printing.
• Reports on placement and whereabouts of • The TMAs of nine subjects (at secondary level)
NIOS Vocational pass outs from 14 AVIs were were translated in Odia Medium.
collected. Information received in respect of
• The Handbook for Academic Facilitators was
645 pass outs was analysed by the Regional
reviewed and finalized for printing.
Project: Capacity Building of PTTIs Trainees for
Other Activities
Improvement of Academic Qualifications
• Onam, the national festival of Kerala was
The NIOS has started the project - Capacity Building
celebrated on 21/9/2010. A beautiful
of PTTIs Trainees for Improvement of Academic
“Pookalam” (floral carpet or Flower mat) was
Qualifications, in collaboration with Govt. of West
prepared by staff members.
Bengal. The aim of this project is to provide
• Hindi Pakwara was observed from 14th to 28th opportunities to the candidates who have successfully
September, 2010. completed one year Primary Teachers’Training course
or two years Pre Primary Teachers’ Training course
in any of the academic session from 2000-2001 to
2005-2006 & not in employment under Government,
to secure at least 50% marks in their Higher
Secondary examinations to become eligible for
admission in one year bridge course for teachers’
training. The NIOS Regional Centre, Kolkata is
coordinating this project. So far, the study materials
of all major subjects at Sr Secondary level have been
translated in Bengali medium. The West Bengal Board
of Primary Education has notified the scheme and
invited applications from the students for admission.
Onam Celebration The orientation programme of the Heads of the

78 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes and the Heads ICT at RC Kolkata

of study centres were organized to provide detailed With the help of latest Information and Communication
information about NIOS and their roles and functions. Technology, the RC Kolkata has designed its own
Teleconference software for e-governance. All the information about
diary and despatch of letters and documents are
The Regional Centre had arranged to receive five
available online through LAN. It helps in tracking,
teleconference programmes of NIOS during the year
monitoring and quick redressal of the complaints/
2010-11. The dish antenna has been installed and
problems. The broadband internet connection, both
special arrangement has been made in the office of
online and wireless system, have been activated. The
the Regional Centre, Kolkata to receive the
RC Kolkata has developed its own website with the
programme through Gyandarshan-II.
help of internal support system. The edusat peripheral
Admission Counselling session started has been installed and activated at RC Kolkata. The
dish antenna has been installed to receive the
The Regional Centre, Kolkata has started counselling
programme through Gyandarshan channel- II.
session on every Thursday to help the learners and
parents to get detailed information about NIOS, its Orientation programme for Science Tutor
special features in general and the admission
A two day orientation programme for the Science
procedure in particular. The students of Juvenile
tutors of NIOS study centres was organized on 29th
Board, Kolkata are also getting benefit of this facility.
and 30th March 2011 at NIOS Regional Centre,
NIOS Cell Portblair, Inaugurated Kolkata. Six resource persons were invited for
conduct of Orientation programme in different
The NIOS Cell at Port Blair has been inaugurated by
sessions. The Science tutors of the study centres of
Dr. Sitanshu S. Jena, Chairman, NIOS on 14th March
Kolkata, North-24 Praganas attended and actively
2011 at Adult Education Cell, Siksha Sadan, Port
participated in the programme.
Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The main
objective of establishing a cell at Port Blair is to 8.2.10 Patna
effectively monitor and provide support to the existing
The following activities/ functions were carried out
study centres of NIOS, and also to help in expansion
at RC Patna in the year 2010-11.
and spreading NIOS activities in Andaman & Nicobar
Islands. Conduct of Examination:
Coordinators meeting • April – May 2010 and October-November
2010 examinations of Patna Region were
Three coordinators face to face meetings were
conducted smoothly.
organized by RC, Kolkata. Two cluster meetings
were held in the office of the Regional Centre, • The NLMA examination for more than 18 lakh
Kolkata. One meeting was held at Portblair to guide learners was conducted smoothly on 6th March,
and update the coordinators about the latest changes 2011.
and address to their problems and grievances.
Coordinators meeting
Advocacy programme for Muslim Minority
The annual meeting with coordinators of AIs were
held at Darbhanga on 12.02.2011, at Patna on
An advocacy programme for the Muslim Minority 18.02.2011 and for the coordinators of Jharkhand
Educational Institutes working in Portbalir was on 24.02.2011 at Ranchi.
organized on 14 March 2011. Dr. S. S. Jena,
Maintenance of Accounts
Chairman, NIOS and Sh. G. G. Saxena, IAS,
Secretary, NIOS addressed the participants and The Secretary’s Account as well as Regional
informed them about the NIOS schemes and special Director’s accounts were maintained properly in
facilities offered by NIOS for minority institutions. registers as well as in computer.

Annual Report 2010-11 79

National Institute of Open Schooling

Inspection of institutions 8.2.11 Pune

Nineteen (19) institutions were inspected for grant of • Promotional Activities
accreditation for Academic, OBE and Vocational
Advocacy Programme for Muslim Minority
courses between April,2010 to March, 2011.
Celebration of Hindi Pakhwara :
As a part of expanding the reach of the NIOS among
Hindi Pakhwara in September 2010 was organized the Minority Community, particularly the Muslim
at R.C.Patna and different type of activities organized Minority, the NIOS organized a one day Advocacy
for promotion of Hindi and winners were given prizes. Prorgramme on 30th March 2011 at Maharashtra
Tutors Training Programme Cosmopolitan Education Society (MCES) premises
Tutor Training Programme at R.C. Patna was
organized from 4th to 5th March 2011. In this training
programme 40 Science Teachers of reputed AIs of
Bihar and Jharkhand participated.
Promotional Activities
Identification of reputed schools for NIOS study
centres as well as examination centres were done.
Advertisements regarding admission, examination and
for publicity of NIOS programmes were prepared.
The NIOS programmes were promoted through press
releases in national and regional dailies as well as
Participants in the Advocacy Programme
through radio and television channels in Bihar and for Minority Institutions
Jharkhand. Meeting with the officials of minority
departments of Govt of Bihar were conducted for at Pune. Mr. Nasir Khan of MCES Dr.S.S.Jena
implementation of SPQEM programme for learners Chairman NIOS, Dr. Sushmita Mitra, Director (SSS),
of the minority. Mr. Sanjay Kumar Sinha, Regional Director, Mrs.
Abeda Inamdar, Vice President, MCES attended the
Planning and Monitoring
programme. The characteristics of Open and
The Personal Contact Programmes (PCP) were Distance education and the various programmes
monitored at different AIs. Academic facilitators have offered by NIOS were discussed in detail for the bone
been appointed for facilitation and monitoring of the fit of the participants.
study centres.
Hunar Project World DIDAC INDIA Exhibition and
Hunar Phase-II was operationalised in collaboration
with the Bihar Education Project Council (BEPC) of The NIOS participated in the WORLD DIDAC
Government of Bihar. A series of meetings with the INDIA Exhibition & Conference on Educational
BEPC, NIOS officials and MHRD were conducted. Material, Training and Technology based solutions for
Identification and inspection of Nodal Agencies and all levels & sectors, held during 23rd to 25th
new study centres were done. Inspection proforma September 2010 at Hall No.6, Bombay Exhibition
was developed. Monitoring of teaching – learning Centre in Mumbai.
processes at the OBH were done.
In the 1st Phase of Hunar about 13,000 minority Girls Over the 3 days of the exhibition, this international
were imparted Vocational Training and in the 2nd Phase Event witnessed the participation of Exhibitors from
50,000 minority Girls as well as Girls of SC/ST and over 15 countries who showcased latest and
Mahadalit were targeted to provide Vocational innovative technology, modern instruments, supplies
Training. The exam of 12,257 candidates was and training solutions, infrastructure, inventive
conducted on 23rd and 24th July 2011 in 32 districts materials, latest methodology, contemporary
of Bihar. educational advances and services that aid & fuel

80 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Tele-Orientation Programme at Regional

Regional Centre Pune has been the receiving node
for Teleconferences regularly with an aim of sensitizing
the Co-ordinators, Evaluators, Centre
Superintendents, Tutors and other stake holders. In
the year 2010 following programmes were held at
Regional Centre, Pune.
Academic Programmes:
Workshop for Orientation of Science Tutors
Regional Centre, Pune conducted a three days
workshop for Orientation of Science Tutors in
collaboration with Homi Bhabha Centre for Science
Dr.S.S.Jena Chairman interacting with
the delegates in the NIOS Stall
Education, Mumbai during 15-16th March 2011. A
total of 28 Science tutors from all over Maharashtra
learning, teaching and skill improvement. The NIOS and Goa Participated in this Programme. The Experts
stall was appreciated by the visitors to the mega event. who have addressed the workshop were Prof.
Y.R.Waghmare, Prof. M.N.Deshmukh and Prof.
During the all the Exhibition days, the event witnessed S.C.Bhide. Shri Sanjay Kumar Sinha, Regional
the presence of various ministers, secretaries of state, Director also addressed the gathering.
dignitaries and luminaries from Education and Labour
Ministry ,both at the Union & the State level. Under
Global Education and Skill Summit 2010 a
Conference was also held with the theme: “Initiate
Innovate Implement” The three-day conference
discussed new growth drivers that are revolutionizing
the education and training sector in India and around
the world.

Dr. S.S. Jena, Chairman addressed the Summit and

elaborated on the Innovative Initiatives taken by the
NIOS in Open School Education. More than 40 Experts addressing the Orientation
distinguished speakers from India and overseas Programme for Science Tutors
contributed with their visionary inputs at the Initially the sessions were Held at ICSSR conference
conference. Dr. K.P.Wasnik, Director (Vocational) hall, Kalina Campus, University of Mumbai. Later
and Shri Sanjay Kumar Sinha, Regional Director were on Practical sessions were held at Homi Bhabha
also present. Centre for Science Education, Mumbai.

Annual Report 2010-11 81

National Institute of Open Schooling

9 New Initiatives
9.0 For a growing institution like NIOS it is than 3000 learners have joined NIOS from about 10
imperative that new initiatives are taken every study centres spread all over the Island during 2010-
year so that the organisation not only breaks 11 in the first block of admission. These learners
new ground but also improves and rectifies its would have the opportunity to interact with NIOS
own system. The year 2010-11 also saw the right in the island itself.
introduction of a few new measures.
9.4 Project ‘HUNAR’ launched in Delhi
9.1 Extension of Educational As a part of its endeavour to promote school
Opportunities to Vishakhapatnam education amongst disadvantaged communities, the
(24 July 2010) National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) launched
A Sub-Regional Center of the National Institute of the ‘HUNAR’ project for Skill Development and
Open Schooling (NIOS) was inaugurated at Training of Girls in Delhi on 26th February 2011. The
Vishakhapatnam on 24 July 2010 by Smt. D. programme was inaugurated by Sri Kapil Sibal, Union
Purandeshwari, Minister of State for Human Minister for Human Resource Development, Govt.
Resource Development, to extend educational of India in the presence of Smt. Sheila Dikshit, Chief
opportunities through open and distance learning Minister, Delhi and Sri Haroon Yusuf, Minister of
methodologies to prospective learners in the region. Food and Civil Supplies and Power, Delhi Govt. at
the Delhi Municipal Corporation School Building,
9.2 Regional Centres in Bengaluru and Near Delhi Police Bhawan, Asaf Ali Road, Delhi-
Gandhinagar 110006. A Handbook for Teachers of the HUNAR
Project and a HUNAR folder were also launched on
As already approved by the Executive Board in its the occasion.
55th meeting, new Regional Centres were set up and
made functional at Bengaluru and Gandhinagar. These HUNAR is a unique and significant project conceived
Regional Centres are meant to cater to the learners by the NIOS with far reaching ramifications in terms
from Karnataka and Gujarat region respectively. of creation of an education delivery mechanism which
is entirely community based and directed towards all
9.3 NIOS Cell inaugurated at Port Blair round empowerment of disadvantaged girls in the 14+
It was a proud moment for NIOS to announce the age group. Also keeping in view the importance of
opening of a cell at Port Blair to facilitate providing of the socio- religious dimension of educational access
educational opportunities through open and distance for the target group, this project aims to provide skill
learning mode in this remote and beautiful island. The development and training which is easily accessible
cell opened at the Shiksha Sadan, Port Blair and was and community based.
formally inaugurated by the Chairman, NIOS, Dr. 9.5 Establishment of Capacity Building
Sitansu S. Jena at Shiksha Sadan, Port Blair on 14
Cell at NIOS
March 2011. The inaugural function was also graced
by Sri. G.G.Saxena, IAS, Secretary, NIOS, Sri. As the apex organisation for open schools in India,
Sanjay Kumar Saxena, Secretary, Education, A&N the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), is
Administration, Dr. R. Dev Das, Director of the largest open school in the world and is additionally
Education, Andaman & Nicobar Administration. responsible for training and research on open
schooling in India. The rapid growth in open schooling
It is expected that establishment of this cell at Port
in the country is creating a corresponding need for
Blair would help in effective monitoring and providing
training and support for these institutions, many of
support to the existing study centres of NIOS. More
which are newly formed.
82 Annual Report 2010-11
National Institute of Open Schooling

The Capacity Building Cell (CBC) was established NIOS officers on 13th October 2010 in the
by NIOS on the basis of the recommendation made Computer Training Lab.
by a study commissioned by Common Wealth of The workshop included sessions on exploring the web
Learning, Vancouver. The cell aims to develop skills for effective communication and the use of Web 2.0
and competence of different stakeholders in the Open technologies to collaborate and conduct online
Schooling system. forums.
9.6 Diploma in Elementary Education 9.9 Signing of MOU with different
Under the Right to Education (RTE) Act, 2009, all organizations
teachers working at the elementary level need to be
trained by 2015. NIOS has been identified by the (a) Functional Vocational Training Research
MHRD as one such institution that may contribute and Society (FVTRS)
towards the training of untrained teachers through The NIOS and FVTRS have together entered into a
ODL mode. The programme has been approved by Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the
the Academic Council in its meeting held on 4th March following aims:-
2011. The Curriculum has been finalised over a series • Impart training in skills that has market demand
of meetings during the year. The work of developing along with education literacy programme for the
study material was started. target groups.
9.7 Tele-Orientation Programme for • Value addition to conventional schooling with
Coordinators of Accredited integration of skills training.
Institutions (AIs) of NIOS
• Certification of the trainees who have attended
Innovative technologies and delivery strategies are skills training organized by FVTRS partners in
increasingly being used in order to meet the challenges different parts of the country.
of up-grading and up-dating knowledge and
providing accessible learning opportunities through • Value addition to the conventional skill training
communications. through opportunity creation to the secondary
level of education.
The growth of telecommunications has made it
possible for institutions to use a variety of delivery NIOS proposes to work together by establishing the
strategies to reach their learners/participants. innovative centers, whereby both vocational and
Teleconferencing is one such strategy that has great academic inputs would be given to the students
potential for distance education and training, enrolled. In addition to soft skills training,
capacity building, decision making and monitoring. entrepreneurship training would also be given to the
learners. With this MOU, NIOS will be able to reach
With the technical and infrastructural support of the the unreached areas especially the Educationally
EMPC, IGNOU, New Delhi at the Teaching End Backward Blocks (EBB).
and different Sites of Regional Centres of IGNOU/
NIOS at the receiving end, a number of tele- (b) Signing of MoU with YCMOU in the area
orientation programmes were organized by the of ODL
different Departments of NIOS for AI Coordinators,
The Nashik based Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra
AVI Coordinators, Academic Facilitators and
Open University (YCMOU), a University created
under State Legislation and the National Institute of
9.8 Technology Orientation Workshop Open Schooling (NIOS), the largest open schooling
on Effective Communication and system in the world with its headquarters at NOIDA,
U.P signed an MOU on 8 February 2011 to deliver
Online Forums jointly identified academic/ vocational programmes
The Computer Unit with the help of the Capacity using the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system
Building Cell (CBC) organized a Technology through sharing of resources. Themes of joint activities
Orientation workshop in collaboration with Intel for under the MOU include providing an alternative path
Annual Report 2010-11 83
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for upward mobility of students from the school level Vocational Education Department has drafted the
to the university level; creating a wider network of Expression of Interest (EOI) for this purpose and had
study centres and developing a mechanism for sharing invited the proposals from the Private organizations.
of resources so as to provide increased access to The EOI appeared in the newspaper on 8th Feb 2011.
education, especially in the remote rural, tribal and In response to the EOI, Vocational Education
disadvantaged areas in the country; to adopt/adapt Department received 105 proposals.
relevant courses offered by both institutions,
particularly in the areas of Vocational Education and 9.11 Setting up of Libraries in all Regional
Training (VET) for expansion of skill development Centres
programmes and to develop strategies for joint
In a new initiative to set up libraries in all Regional
certification of such programmes as per the strength
Centres, seed money of Rs. 50,000/- each was
and mandate of the partnership institutions.
granted to 14 Regional Centres/sub-Regional Centres
9.10 Introduction of new need-based to purchase books and journals. A suggestive list of
vocational courses on collaborative books/journals was sent by the Library at the
platform Headquarters.
For the last thirteen years the enrolment figures in 9.12 New State Open Schools established
vocational courses have been more or less static. One with the support of NIOS
of the reasons for the static enrollment may be that
the Courses are not according to the market demand. In the year of reporting, the notification of the
Therefore NIOS endeavour is to review all its existing establishment of Gujarat State Open School has been
courses and develop new courses which are need issued. The setting up of Bihar State Open School is
based and help an individual to become self employed in process and it is expected that the notification would
or to get employment. be soon issued.
It has been decided to develop these courses with 9.13 Establishment of Technical Support
the help NGO/Private player on Public Private
Partnership basis. Some of the sectors/ segments
group of RMSA at NIOS
which have the huge unmet needs are Automobile/ To build up a constant linkage with the Rashtriya
auto component, Electronics hardware, Textiles and Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyan - the flagship programme
garments, Leather and leather goods, Gem and of the Government of India for universalisation of
Jewellery, Building and construction, Food secondary education-an office of the Technical
processing, ITs or software services, ITES – BPO Support group has been setup in the premises of the
Services, Tourism hospitality and travel trade, Regional Centre of NIOS at Sector-62, NOIDA,
Healthcare services. Banking/Insurance and finance. U.P.

84 Annual Report 2010-11

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10 Capacity Building Cell

10.1 Introduction 10.3.1 Teleconference for Tutors

On the recommendation of a study commissioned by A teleconference was organised for Tutors of

Commonwealth of Learning in February, 2010 and Accredited Institutions of NIOS in collaboration with
the approval of the Executive Board in its 57th meeting the Electronic Media Production Centre (EMPC),
held on 20th October, 2010, the Capacity Building IGNOU and its different centres all over India. This
Cell was created in NIOS in November, 2010. This subject specific teleconference was organised for
was an interim arrangement till a Department of Tutors who look after the subject of English during
Capacity Building in Open Schooling (DCBOS) could the Personal Contact Programmes (PCPs). On 8th
be established. The study sought to identify and December, 2010, 342 Tutors in 21 different locations
prioritize the capacity building areas for NIOS and of 14 Regional Centres of NIOS participated in the
three other State Open Schools in India and suggest Programme. The NIOS Regional Centres in
a three year action plan for the Capacity Building Cell. Bhubaneswar, Patna and Kolkata organised the
programme in their respective Regional Centre itself.
The setting up of the Capacity Building Cell is
significant for a number of reasons. In the first place,
the renaming of National Open School as National
Institute of Open Learning implied a special focus on
training and research in addition to the academic and
certification functions. Secondly, the Rashtriya
Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyan (RMSA) document of
the Government of India specified that 15% of the
total student population at secondary stage would be
channelized through the Open and Distance Learning
System. Hence both NIOS and the State Open
Schools should be well prepared to face the challenge
and take up the task of providing quality Secondary
Education moving towards universalization at this Teleconference for English Tutors (Kochi)
10.3.2 Tele-orientation programme for
10.2 Objectives Academic Facilitators
The objective of the cell is to provide sustainable A one day Tele-orientation programme for Academic
capacity building interventions required within NIOS Facilitators of the NIOS was held on 19th January
and State Open Schools and organsize activities in 2011 at 19 destinations all over the country. About
various areas of open schooling for different 271 Academic Facilitators attended the programme.
stakeholders. Dr S.S. Jena, Chairman, NIOS in his inaugural
address (titled - NIOS: Its Vision and Mission to
10.3 Activities Undertaken Reach out for Quality Education) explained how
NIOS had strived over the years to reach out to the
In the first year of its inception, the Capacity Building disadvantaged and drop-out learners who for some
Cell undertook a series of tele-orientation programmes reason were deprived of mainstream education.
for AI/AVI coordinators Academic facilitators and
tutors. The details are given below:- In the session on Academic Support through Study
Centres, Dr. Kuldeep Agarwal, Director, Academic
Annual Report 2010-11 85
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Department spoke about the key role played by study NIOS officers on 13th October, 2010 in the Computer
centres in the learning process and how they should Training Lab.
facilitate learners by conducting Personal Contact The workshop included sessions on exploring the web
Programms (PCPs). for effective communication and the use of Web 2.0
10.3.3 Teleconferencing Programme for technologies to collaborate and conduct online
coordinators of AVIs forums. A consensus was formed to create an online
community as one common platform for all NIOS
With an objective to orient co-ordinators on the learners to share and interact. A demonstration on
Promotion of Health and Paramedical programmes using Skype Applications was held keeping in mind
of NIOS and instructors (Teaching Staff) on skill the specific needs of NIOS officials. The NIOS online
development in learners, the NIOS organized a Community (http://rdonlinecommunity.
teleconferencing programme on 25th February 2011. was also showcased and utility of such online
Sh. D.K. Bhawsar, AEA (VE), MHRD, GOI was a communities in distance learning environment as that
special invitee at the tele-conference, along with other of NIOS was discussed.
subject experts. Lecture-demonstration sessions on
First Aid, Care of the Elderly and Marma Therapy 10.5 Face to Face Orientation Programme
were conducted by experts, emphasizing on the need of Science Tutors
to use teaching aids, visual materials and
demonstrative techniques to train learners. A highly Another important activity organised by the Capacity
interactive question-answer session helped the co- Building Cell during this period was the Face to Face
ordinators and instructors seek relevant information Orientation of Science Tutors in all Regional Centres.
on the Vocational Courses offered by NIOS. The objective of this two day orientation programme
was to create awareness about Open and Distance
10.3.4 Meetings of the Coordinators of AVIs Learning and to make the Science Tutors conscious
and Vocational of their functions and responsibilities with reference
Education Facilitators (VEFs) through to the open learners. It was expected that the Tutors
Teleconferencing would be able to use interactive procedures in the
Personal Contact Programmes for the benefit of the
The NIOS organised a series of Tele Orientation Learners and prepare them to take public
Programme for the Coordinators of Study Centres examinations. The Regional Directors were requested
(AVIs) in order to facilitate the work of Study Centers to invite about forty participants of whom fifty percent
and make them acquainted with the changes in the should be female teachers.
scheme of studies as well as in other activities of
NIOS. In these programmes, matters related to All the fourteen Regional Centres conducted the
examination, administration and vocational academic programme in the months of February-March, 2011.
issues are discussed and problems are solved. Besides
these matters, procedures for admission and
accreditation are also explained to the Coordinators.
These meetings are organized in all the Regional
Centers of NIOS. The Coordinators of the AVIs are
apprised of the changes and other new courses
introduced. They are also invited to be briefed with
new developments in NIOS.
10.4 Technology Orientation Workshop
on Effective Communication and
Online Forums
The Computer Unit with the help of the Capacity
Building Cell (CBC) organised a Technology Science Tutors in the Laboratory of HBCSE (Pune)
getting inputs on Practical
Orientation workshop in collaboration with Intel for
86 Annual Report 2010-11
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11 Research & Development

11.0 Background Another meeting of the Research Advisory Committee
was held on 25th February, 2011 wherein the members
The Research & Development Cell of NIOS was suggested the following:-
created in December, 2009, to carry out research
activities in the field of Open Schooling. Gradually, • Identification of research institutions and
the activity of other units like the National Consortium individuals by NIOS.
of Open Schooling (NCOS) , Planning, Monitoring
• To consider the priority areas in research in open
and Evaluation (PME), Public relation (PR), Open
Learning Magazine & COMOSA Journal were
merged within this cell. A Research Advisory • To consider and approve the action plan of
Committee (RAC) was constituted to advise in this research and development cell for the year
context. As on 31st March, 2011, the RAC comprises 2011-12.
11.1 Research Advisory Committee In this meeting, Dr. V.Venugopal Reddy, stressed on
Meetings the Institutional linkages for research and training. He
pointed out that IGNOU gives recognition to selected
In the year under reporting, a meeting of Sub research centres and any one can conduct/promote
Committee of RAC was held on 20th & 21st July, research through them. He assured that NIOS would
2010 at NIOS headquarter. The following four be recognized as a research Institution and researchers
proposals were placed before the RAC. would be sent to NIOS from IGNOU. NIOS may
(1) Identification of factors relating to apply for the same or initiate the process of signing
successfulness of Vocational Education through an MOU in this regard. Dr. P.K. Sahoo, offered that
Open Schooling in Madhya Pradesh and Allahabad University, Department of Education may
Chhatisgarh. help in promoting Research in Open Schooling
through the students of M.Ed/M.Phil. He also
(2) An enquiry into the trends of enrolments in suggested that for Ph.D also topics related to ODL
different academic subjects of the National
may be taken up. Dr. Bharti Baweja, asserted that
Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS).
the CIE may also join hands for promoting Research
(3) Utilization study on the viewer-ship of NIOS in open schooling through students pursuing research
Audio-Video programmes in a telecast/record from the Department.
cast as well as non-broad cast mode.
11.2 Workshop on Research in Open
(4) Evaluation of some selected self learning Schooling
material (SLM) of Senior Secondary stage of
NIOS. Under the aegis of Commonwealth of Learning
(COL), the Pre-PCF-6 Workshop on Research in
The members of the Committee suggested that the Open Schooling was organised by NIOS from 21-
proposals need to be revised in terms of titles, 23 November, 2010. Representatives from
objectives, need and justification, methodology & Commonwealth countries, State Open Schools and
budget proposals. The Principal investigators were various departments of NIOS were a part of this
asked to submit the revised proposals with workshop and learnt about methodologies to conduct
modification. research on open schooling.

Annual Report 2010-11 87

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Network for Promotion of

12 Open Schooling
12.0 National Consortium for Open 12.4 State Open Schools (SOSs) in India
Schooling (NCOS) As on 31.3.2011, there were 16 State Open Schools
(SOSs) in India. The SOSs have been set up in Andhra
12.1 Backdrop
Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana,
To systematise interaction and mutual consultation Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya
among the Open Schools at national level (NIOS) and Pradesh, National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi,
at State level (SOSs), the constitution of a consortium Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Uttar Pradesh and West
for open schooling was imperative. The National Bengal.
Consortium for Open Schooling (NCOS) was launched
in September, 1997, with a view to facilitate better During 2010-11, the States of Gujarat and Bihar set up
cooperation, coordination, collaboration and determining SOSs. The SOSs in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi are so
standards in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) far running as Patrachar Vidyalayas (Correspondence
system at school level in the country. The Secretariat Schools). The State of Tamilnadu is taking steps to
of NCOS is located in NIOS. revive its SOS which was in operation from the year
1984 to 2002. The State of Jammu and Kashmir is
12.2 Objectives of NCOS taking steps to operationalise its SOS early, the
notification for which was issued in the year 2011. The
NCOS has been set up with the objective to promote States of Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand,
setting up of State Open Schools (SOSs) and provide Maharashtra and Meghalaya are in the process of
academic and technical support for Open and Distance setting up their SOSs. The National Institute of Open
Learning (ODL) and upscaling of Open Schooling Schooling (NIOS) remained in touch with the States
programmes in India. for upscaling the programmes of the existing SOSs
12.3 Education of out of school children and for setting up new SOSs through advocacy,
guidance and assistance.
through Open Schooling under
RMSA 12.5 Annual Meet of the National
The CABE Committee on Universalisation of
Consortium for Open Schooling
Secondary Education suggested that Open Schooling (NCOS)
network should be able to cater to 15% students in The Annual Meet of the National Consortium for Open
Secondary Education. This great challenge has been Schooling (NCOS) was held on 23 and 24 March, 2011
taken up by NIOS by making perspective plans at Hotel Samrat, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi. While
meticulously. NIOS is working in direction of expanding inaugurating the Annual Meet, Shri S.C. Khuntia, Joint
Open Schooling network, to ensure that every state Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of
provides Open Schooling facility through its regional Human Resource Development (MHRD) emphasised
language. the need of Open Schooling in the context of Rashtriya
As per the framework of RMSA, the thrust of Open Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyana (RMSA). In the
Schooling system should be on context of the suggestion that 15% of the students at
Secondary stage may be taken care of by the Open
(i) Developing NIOS as a potential Resource
Schooling system, the National Institute of Open
Organisation in Open Schooling at National and
Schooling (NIOS) and the State Open Schools would
International level.
be required to enrol about 120 lakh students at
(ii) Upscaling of the programmes of the existing 16 Secondary stage by 2016-17. In order to meet this
State Open Schools. target, the Open Schooling programme in the country
(iii) Setting up of SOSs in the remaining states of India. would need to be upscaled substantially. The States

88 Annual Report 2010-11

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having SOSs or States that are in the process of setting development in Commonwealth countries through
up SOSs can seek financial assistance from MHRD. Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode of
As regards the Right to Education (RTE), the NIOS is education.
required to provide Bridge Courses to those students Dr. Sitanshu Sekhar Jena, Chairman, National Institute
who are out of school but are required to be admitted of Open Schooling (NIOS) of India, was elected
in their age appropriate classes. Taking not of the fact through a secret ballot as the founder Chairperson of
that there is a substantial number of less qualified and the COMOSA for a period of one year. Ms. Fancy
untrained teachers in several states, NIOS has been Amey from Botswana as Vice Chairman, Ms. Lystra
entrusted the responsibility of offering the Elementary Samson Ovid from Trinidad & Tobago as Secretary,
Teachers Training Progammes for such teachers Prof. Desh Bandhu Gupta from Jammu and Kashmir
through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode of State Open School, India as Treasurer were also
education. NIOS has also set up a Capacity Building elected as COMOSA office bearers. On 21 st
Cell (CBC) for training of Open Schooling November, 2010 the General Body meeting of
functionaries. Certain other significant suggestions COMOSA was held. The team of office bearers led
include (i) replication of On Demand Examination by Chairman, NIOS were re-elected in this meeting.
System (ODES) of NIOS by all State Open Schools, It was agreed upon by the members that the first
(ii) increasing use of ICT in almost all the processes Secretariat of the COMOSA would be located at NIOS
of Open Schooling, (iii) a dedicated 24x7 channel for Campus (NOIDA), India.
telecast of the programmes of NIOS and CIET
(NCERT) and (iv) active association of Open Schools. 12.7 COMOSA Journal of Open
As on 24 March, 2011, there are sixteen State Open Schooling
Schools (SOSs). The States of Bihar and Gujarat have The COMOSA Journal of Open Schooling is committed
set up SOSs recently. NIOS assured guidance and to school education through open learning
resource support to the State Open Schools. methodologies. The journal is internationally referred,
The Road Map envisaged for VET includes (i) contributed, abstracted and subscribed. It has been
Upscaling of VET programme, (ii) offering registered and assigned International Standard Serial
competency based Modular Courses, (iii) switching Number (ISSN) 0976-0407. The affairs of the
over to Credit/Grade system, (iv) networking among COMOSA Journal of Open Schooling are being
VET organisations, (v) innovative programme delivery, managed with the help of an Editorial Advisory Board
(vi) practical/on-the-job training, capacity building of and an Editorial Board.
VET functionaries, and (vii) effective monitoring of The aims and objectives of the Journal are:
VET programme. NIOS will persuade the State • to provide a forum across the Commonwealth
Open Schools to offer VET courses soecialy Countries for scholarly discussion on concerns
through regional mediums and will provide and issues in Open Schooling/Open Learning, and
resource support to them.
• to disseminate research, theory and practices
The Annual Meet deliberated its Agenda in seven including inter-disciplinary studies.
sessions. Various aspects of Open Schooling were
discussed. Ranging from Role of Open schooling in The COMOSA Journal includes research papers,
context of Right to Education and Rashtriya Madhyamik articles, review of research, review of Books on Open
Shiksha Abhiyan to constitution of NCOS for promotion and Distance Education and highlights programmes and
of Open Schooling were deliberated upon. activities in Open Schooling in Commonwealth
12.6 Commonwealth Open Schooling During the year 2010-11, the COMOSA Secretariat
Association (COMOSA) brought out the First Volume of the COMOSA Journal
The Commonwealth Open Schooling Association of Open Schooling. The journal was released by Sir
(COMOSA) was established on 23 November, 2009 John Daniel, President and CEO of COL, on 21st
by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL). It strives November, 2010. It included articles on significant
to cooperate in development, promotion and issues in open schooling including the Article “Education
introduction of innovations, high quality, relevant, for the 21st Century: Time for Open Schools to Raise
equitable, gender sensitive and cost effective their Game” by Sir John Daniel. The work on
programme of school education for sustainable Volume II of the Journal is in progress.

Annual Report 2010-11 89

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13 Media Support
13.1 Media programmes : An Overview 13.3 Recording Studio:
One of the major activities of the NIOS is to make The work for establishing Standard Definition
use of modern means of Communication and Recording Studio at NIOS Hqrs. was completed by
Educational Technology in distance Education. Audio 31st March 2011. This studio will be used for video
and Video programmes are significant components recording studio will record video tutorials and panel
of the multi-media packages offered by NIOS for its discussions involving NIOS faculty members and
various courses of study. The audio/video outside subject experts, on difficult topics and
programmes supplement and complement the other concepts from Academic and Vocational subjects.
modes of learning such as printed self learning 13.4 Multimedia programmes:
materials and personal contact programmes.
During the year 2010-2011, 3 Multimedia
Functions of Media Unit are as follows: programmes on Physics were completed, 5
Multimedia programmes are under production.
 Production of Audio/Video programmes for
NIOS learners. 13.5 Capsuling:
 Broadcast and Telecast of Audio/Video In order to feed the available time slots for telecast of
programmes on different channels. NIOS video programmes on ‘Gyan Darshan’ and
DD-I Channel, 70 capsules of the Video Programmes
 To produce Audio/Video Spots for publicity were produced for telecast.
13.6 Delivery Mechanism of Audio-
 To produce Multimedia programmes for Video Programmes
NIOS learners.
 The video programmes were telecast on the
 Duplication of Audio/Video programmes to National Channel of Doordarshan (DD-1)
Audio CDs, VCDs etc., to enrich and reinforce every Friday from 5.02 a.m. to 5.25 a.m. and
the subject matter given in the study material, on the Educational Channel Gyan Darshan
provided to the NIOS learners. everyday from 6:30 p.m to7:00 p.m.

 Video coverage of important functions/  The Audio programmes were broadcast on

seminars, workshops, etc. GyanVani (FM Channel) at 106.5 MHz every
Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 8.30 a.m. to
13.2 Video programmes: 9.00 a.m. and repeat broadcast from 4.30 p.m.
to 5.00 p.m.
The video programmes are produced in English and
 The Audio/Video programmes produced by
Hindi versions by using documentary, docu-drama
NIOS are sent to the Study Centers of NIOS
and other formats. These video programmes attempt
for use in Personal Contact programme (PCPs).
to present topics in a simple, interesting and engaging
manner, so that the learners get a clear understanding  The learners can take the CDs of audio/video
and insight into the subject matter. The duration of programmes on loan for a week from study
each video programme varies from 15 to 20 minutes. centers.
A total no. of 11 video programmes were produced,  The audio CDs and VCDs of video programmes
in the last year 7 video programmes are in the Shooting are available for sale. A comprehensive list of
stage and 10 video programmes are at script stage. the audio CDs and VCDs is placed on NIOS
90 Annual Report 2010-11
National Institute of Open Schooling, for the benefit of 13.8 Future Perspective :

NIOS learners and others.
 NIOS is planning to setup a Media centre i.e.
 Audio and Video programmes are also available Audio and Video studio facilities for in-house
on Youtube. The user has to click the Media productions and a Community Radio station in
Link on the Home Page of NIOS website to its H.Q.
watch these programmes.
 A 24 X 7 Educational Channel is likely to be
13.7 Video Coverage: started in near future. NIOS in collaboration with
During the year 2010-2011 the Media Unit arranged CIET, NCERT will jointly run this channel.
30 Video Coverage of National and International NIOS Video programmes would be telecast on
programmes/workshops organized by NIOS. this channel.

Annual Report 2010-11 91

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Information and Communication

14 Technology (ICT)
14.0 ICT in National Institute of Open Total of 4,58,055 learners were admitted in
Schooling different streams of online admission which is
about 9% increase from the last year’s
In Open Learning, the face-to-face contact is very admission.
limited and the learners are at a distance and the
teaching methodology is distance education mode.
In such scenario, Open Schooling has to depend Pre-examination Activities (April 2010 and
heavily on the use of Information and Communication October 2010 Examination)
Technology (ICT). Under the programme and During the year, the pre-exam processing in respect
activities of the National Institute of Open Schooling of data of about 690 thousand students was done
(NIOS), ICT is being used as a major strategy both in the academic and vocational streams as against
towards reaching the unreached and management of 677 thousands during last year. The work includes
NIOS. data-entry of examination lists and examination forms,
14.1 Infrastructure and Areas of processing of online examination data, processing of
examination data received from Regional Centre, their
Applications verification, updation and generation of various reports
The NIOS has come a long way in the forefront of for use by the examination centres and Regional
use of ICT since it made a small beginning with very Centres for conduct of examinations.
limited resources to well - equipped computer centre
Result Processing (April 2010 and October 2010
with various types of computers, printers and
networking of latest configuration. The NIOS Online
is a major ICT initiative in the direction of e- During April 2010 And October 2010 Examination
Governance. Today in the arena of Web World, result of about 690 thousands students was
NIOS is playing a significant role by providing all the processed. The photographs of all the successful
information through Internet as well most of the candidates scanned at the time of admission were also
Services are online. For the NIOS Online printed on the certificates. In addition the result of
applications there are three web servers and one mail On-Demand Examination was processed during the
servers installed and maintained at the CDAC- year. The ODE result is processed every month for
NOIDA. the examinations held during last month. During the
year result of 12,314 students was processed under
14.2 Student Information System ODE.
Student Information System is a complete package
14.3 NIOS Online
developed inhouse to computerize all the process from
Registration to issue of Certificate. Online Student Information System: For the
learners of NIOS and information regarding online
Admission 2010-11: Online Admission
admission, a Single Window Student Information
During the year, the online admission was expanded system has been placed on the NIOS web site. In
further at large scale. Technical infrastructure were this section, information about each learner has been
deployed for 100% online admission. The necessary given. Study Centre (AI) wise information is also
modifications were made in the online application and included. It includes information about Admission,
database to handle the 100% online admission. The Tutor Marked Assignments, Course Material,
online admission were done by the Facilitation Centres Syllabus and Sample Question Papers, Previous
identified by the Regional Centres of NIOS. Year’s Question Papers and Performance of students.
92 Annual Report 2010-11
National Institute of Open Schooling

Online Registration for Admission and who were eligible to appear after completing their
Examination study period but could not appear and want to appear
through On-Demand Examination.
NIOS introduced the facility of Online Admission
during 2007-08 on pilot basis and extended to 100% On-line Admission Stream-4 for learners
online admission during the year. There are four wanting to appear through On-Demand
streams of Online admission catering to the Examination (ODE) of NIOS at Sr. Secondary
learners with different needs. The admissions in these Level : This stream for On-line admission is open
Four Streams are mutually exclusive i.e., learner can round the year for all those learners who had appeared
only opt for one of them. The Four Streams of but could not clear the Public Examination at Sr.
Online Admission are Secondary level with transfer of credit facility for upto
two pass subjects or learners who were eligible to
Online Admission Stream-1 for all learners : This
appear after completing their study period but could
stream for Online Admission was opened for all the
not appear and want to appear through On-Demand
learners as per the laid down criteria for Secondary
and Senior Secondary levels. This stream of online
admission is open round the year with cut off dates The facility of Transfer of Credit up to two pass
for the public examination given as under: subjects is applicable to all the streams of online
admission as per NIOS norms.
• Ist Block : 1 st March to 31 st August
First public examination In addition to the above there is provision for
In April next year Online admission for Vocational Courses.
• IInd block : 1st September to 28th February Payment Option:
First public examination
There are three options for the payment of fees:
October same year
A. The fee can be deposited On-line through
Online Admissions Stream-2 for learners
Credit Card (Master/Visa) Debit Card (visa
wanting to appear in October- November, 2010
only of select banks), or
Examinations : This stream for On-line admission
was open for all those learners who had appeared B. Through Bank Draft of any nationalised bank
but could not clear the Public Examination with transfer only in favour of Secretary, NIOS payable at
of credit facility for upto two pass subjects or learners respective Regional Centres of NIOS in case
who were eligible to appear after completing their of Stream-1 and payable at NOIDA only in
study period but could not appear. This stream of case of Stream-2, 3 and 4.
online admission gives an immediate opportunity to C. The required admission fee can be deposited
all unsuccessful learners to appear in NIOS through Cash Challan system of any branch of
examination. India Bank, The Bank branch will collect fee
Online Admission Stream-3 for learners wanting and return two copies of bank challan after
to appear through On-Demand Examination issuance of acknowledgement and putting a
(ODE) at Secondary level : This stream for On- unique number on to the bank challan receipt.
line admission is open round the year for all those The above three options of payment is applicable for
learners who had appeared but could not clear the all online applications for admission, examinations,
Public Examination at Secondary level with transfer On-Demand Examination, Accreditation and any
of credit facility for upto two pass subjects or learners other online services.

Annual Report 2010-11 93

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Process flow for “Learner” User for Online Admission

14.4 e-Accreditation 1. Andhra Pradesh State Open school

NIOS has started Online system of submission, 2. Haryana State Open school
monitoring and grant of Accreditation for Academic/ 3. J&K State Open School,
Vocational /Open Basic Education Programme. The 4. Assam state Open school
schools and institutions desirous of becoming NIOS 5. Rajasthan state Open School
study Centre are applying through online mode for
grant of accreditation. In the e-Accreditation, there The Resource Persons were from CIS - Prashant
is provision to convert the offline application received Verma, Manish Agrawal
into online so that the entire data for accreditation is
available in electronic form and all the processes right
from submission of application to award of
accreditation are done through the online e-
Accreditation system.

14.5 Computer Training

Training-cum- Orientation Programme on Web
designing with web Accessibility
A 2 day Training-cum-Orientation Programme on 17-
18th Apr 2010 on Web designing with web
accessibility was organised in Collaboration with Participants from NIOS, State Open Schools and NCOS
Centre for Internet & Society (CIS) at the NIOS along with the Resource persons from CIS
Computer Training Lab.
The Focus of the Training programme was on the
The Workshop was attended by the representative Web Designing from the Accessibility point of view
of Five State Open Schools and the officials from as large number of learners with special needs take
NIOS HQ. The Five State Open Schools were: up courses from Open Schools.

94 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

14.6 Technology Orientation Workshop Secondary level is conducted at NIOS HQ at NOIDA

on Effective Communication and and at the Regional Centre of NIOS. The registration
of ODE is done through online and more and more
Online Forums seats are being made available to facilitate the
A Technology Orientation workshop in collaboration learners.
with Intel for NIOS officers was organised on 13th
October 2010 in the Computer Training Lab.The During the year about 50000 learners at subject level
workshop included sessions on exploring the web for and 12,314 learners at enrolment level appeared
effective communication and the use of Web 2.0 through On-Demand Examination.
technologies to collaborate and conduct online
forums. A consensus was formed to create an online
Development of Question Bank for Sr.Secondary
community as one common platform for all NIOS
for On-Demand Examination
Learners to share and interact. A demo on using Skype
Application was held keeping in mind the specific
During the year, question bank was developed based
needs of NIOS officials. The NIOS online Community
on the new syllabus for Sr.Secondary course in
( was also
English(302), Political Science(317), Accountancy
showcased and utility of such online communities in
(320) and Home Science(321). With these subjects,
distance learning environment as that of NIOS was
there were 11 subjects at Secondary level and 13
subjects at Sr.Secondary level in which ODE is being
14.7 On-Demand Examination System conducted at the NIOS HQ and at the Regional
with Online Registration facility Centres. At present a learner can appear in the
The On-Demand Examination at Secondary and Sr. following subjects only through ODES

Course Level Subjects with codes

Secondary Hindi (201), English (202), Sanskrit (209), Mathematics (211),
Science and Technology (212*), Social Science (213), Economics
(214), Business Studies (215), Home Science (216*), Word
Processing (219*) and Psychology (222) .
Sr.Secondary Hindi (301), English (302), Mathematics (311), Physics (312*),
Chemistry (313*), Biology (314*), Geography (316*), Political
Science (317), Economics (318), Business Studies (319), Accountancy
(320), Home Science (321*), Psychology (328).
* indicates subjects having practical paper

14.8 Learner Support Centre (LSC)

On the pattern of Call Centre, NIOS started Learner
Support Centre to facilitate the learners. LSC is user
friendly, simple, convenient and efficient system with
a toll free number 1800 180 9393. The LSC is
supported by IVRS.
The LSC is equipped with Learner Support
Executives. There are large number of calls being
received from the learners at LSC. On an average,
the LSC addresses about 140-150 calls per day per
Executive. In addition, the LSC also responds to Learner Support Centre
80-100 e-mails everyday.

Annual Report 2010-11 95

National Institute of Open Schooling

LSC Call Report from April 2010 to March 2010

Month No of calls Queries Regarding

Received Accr Voc Res Acad Exam Adm I Cards Books Corr NIOS TMA Misc.

April 10932 32 43 589 135 2254 5526 751 942 85 59 48 468

May 8397 26 59 576 145 1920 4056 260 389 492 41 53 380
June 10313 22 50 480 138 2658 5546 180 424 59 74 72 610
July 11066 46 116 682 195 2859 5679 297 428 95 74 64 531
August 10251 38 105 924 189 1875 5973 127 312 94 81 41 492
September 13597 53 87 1177 130 3887 6068 592 192 559 159 149 544
October 9394 23 123 672 59 1366 6018 121 278 65 62 67 540
November 9883 29 57 685 121 912 6695 209 383 61 46 77 608
December 10079 44 52 580 156 1818 5440 459 878 87 48 44 473
January 10722 37 47 563 122 2966 4004 678 1475 88 78 83 581
February 9670 54 219 841 96 1161 3563 675 1797 96 104 164 900
March 10731 36 46 562 122 2964 4003 677 1474 88 78 83 580
Grand Total 115035 440 1004 8331 1608 26640 62571 5026 8972 1869 904 945 6707

Accr -> Accreditation, Voc -> Vocational, Res ->Result, Acad -> Academic, Exam -> Examination, Adm -> Admission,
Icard -> Identity card, Books-> Course materials, Corr-> Corrections, NIOS -> About NIOS,Misc.-> Miscellaneous

14.9 Information under RTI Act Automated Information through SMS : Under the
system a learner gets an automatic information through
As per the RTI Act, the information has been placed SMS regarding his/her online admission upon.
under the Link RTI act on the Home page. The status
report of all the RTI applications were made available – Submission of online admission
on the website.
– Confirmation and allotment of enrolment and
14.10 Mobile Technology (M-Support) study centre.

NIOS uses the mobile technology for dissemination Information about NIOS Activities through
of various information and support services to SMS : The NIOS learners are informed about the
learners. It is also used for advocacy in a great way. various activities of NIOS through SMS in respect
These information are sent through the medium of of
SMS. Examination Fees Deposit
Promotional Activities through SMS: During the Examination centre,
year promotional advocacy of NIOS online admission Examination date sheet and
was sent through SMS to more than 40 lakhs mobile
subscribers across the country.

96 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

15 International Collaboration
15.0 Introduction
As a premier organization in the field of open
schooling, NIOS collaborates not only with other
national organizations but also initiates strategic
collaborations with like minded international
organizations. Foremost among such international
organizations is the Commonwealth of Learning
(COL) and the UNESCO.
In this chapter, some of the highlights of such
international collaborative endeavors have been
focused upon.
15.1 Collaboration with Commonwealth The outcomes envisaged for the workshop were (i)
of Learning (COL) an increased understanding of Monitoring and
Evaluation, (ii) ability to write indicators pertaining to
To cope with the increasing demand for open their work in open schooling and (iii) to contribute to
schooling, NIOS collaborates with COL to build the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. The
capacities to plan and implement sustainable open workshop focused on the aspects related to
schooling in India. COL also provides platform to knowledge and skills required for monitoring and
open schools from Commonwealth countries to share evaluation, development of tools and techniques and
experiences. Various programmes were conducted indicators for the same with the objective to evolve a
during 2010-11. sustainable system and to achieve the goal of
15.1.1 International Workshop on Monitoring education for all.
and Evaluation for Open Schools
15.1.2 Annual General Body Meeting of
With a view to develop a framework on monitoring COMOSA
and evaluating the activities of the open schooling
system to provide quality education, an International Under the aegis of the Commonwealth of Learning
Workshop on “Monitoring and Evaluation for (COL), Canada, the National Institute of Open
Open Schools” was organized as the first workshop Schooling (NIOS) organized the Annual General
for the recently constituted COMOSA. Planned for Body Meeting of the Commonwealth Open
Asia Region in the Commonwealth, it was held from Schooling Association (COMOSA) on November
June 21-23, 2010 at the Centre for Good 21, 2010 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
Governance, Uttrakhand Academy of Administration, COMOSA as a democratic, collaborative and
Nainital, Uttrakhand, India. futuristic organization is committed to initiate
collaboration and cooperation in the development of
International delegates from Open Schools and Open quality, gender sensitive and equitable school
Universities of Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka education through open and distance mode. Dr. S.S.
participated in this workshop. In addition to this, Jena, Chairman, NIOS was re-elected as the
Indian delegates from State Open Schools of Andhra chairperson of COMOSA. Ms Fancy Amey from
Pradesh, J&K, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Botswana as Vice Chairman, Ms. Lystra Samson
Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Haryana and Chennai also Ovid from Trinidad & Tobago as Secretary, Prof.
participated in this international workshop. Desh Bandhu Gupta from Jammu & Kashmir State

Annual Report 2010-11 97

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Open School, India as Treasurer were re-elected as 15.1.4 Pre-PCF-6 International Workshop on
COMOSA office bearers. “Research in Open Schooling”
The Key Note Address “Education for the 21st With a view to strengthen the research pertaining to
Century: Time for Open Schools to Raise their the open schooling system, the Pre-PCF6 international
Game” was delivered by Sir John Daniel, President workshop on “Research in Open Schooling” was
& CEO, Commonwealth of Learning. Delivering his organized by NIOS. The inaugural session of the
address he said that for a large part of the world, the Workshop was held on 22nd November 2010 and
21st Century belongs to Open Schools. Expressing was presided over by Ms. Vibha Puri Das, IAS,
concern on the educational system being highly Secretary, Higher Education, Government of India.
compartmentalized and lack of co-ordination between Dr. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai, Vice Chancellor of
different departments, he emphasized on the need for IGNOU, was the chief guest. Dr. Santosh Panda,
an educational ecosystem, comprising of the Ministry the workshop facilitator, initiated the session with a
of Education, Schools, Teacher Education Institutions discussion on “Institutional research on Distance
and communities. Quoting the TESSA programme
he said that the Integrative type could be the most
effective as it could cater not only to its student body
but also act as a catalyst and clearing house at a
national level.

15.1.3 COMOSA Journal of Open Schooling:

November 21st, 2010
The first issue of the COMOSA Journal of Open
Schooling was launched on 21st November, 2010
during the Annual General Meeting of COMOSA.
Published by NIOS, the journal included research
papers, case studies and book reviews. The authors
Education (DE)/Open Schooling: Policy and
came from far off lands such as Canada, Bangladesh,
Priorities”. Tracing the evolution of distance education
Botswana, Korea, Papua New Guinea, South Pacific
to the present models of open schooling he
and India. The Journal was successful in bringing
emphasized that an institutional research polity was
important articles ranging from contribution of distance
essential for conducting transparent and effective
education mode in changing learning policies and
research. Areas of research discussed included
practices and formative assessment to quality
curriculum/course planning and development, Media
assurance process of educational programmes and
and Technology, Economics of distance education,
potential of open distance programmes in vocational
growth and development, education, equity and
access, feed back from learners etc. Some of the
priority areas which come up after the discussion
included curriculum and course development, teacher
training including in-service training, monitoring and
evaluation, impact studies and Vocational education
at the school level.
Open Schooling Heads of Commonwealth countries
and twenty five participants from countries such as
Australia, Belize, Botswana, Canada, Fiji, Ghana,
Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Sri Lanka,
Tanzania, Trinidad & Tobago, Zambia, India, South
Africa and eight State Open Schools from India
participated in this meeting.

98 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

15.1.5 Pan Commonwealth Forum 6 of open and distance learning and development from
PCF 6 as an international conference explored the over 70 countries participated in the conference.
contribution of open and distance learning to Participants were from the main Commonwealth, Asia
international development goals by opening up access and International Institutions and Agencies active in
to learning at every level. The practitioners, the field, including funding bodies and technology
researchers, planners and policy makers in the fields providers.

More than 600 delegates attended the four day the Quality of Learning in Open Schooling’ and also
Conference held from November 24 to 28, 2010 at played a key role as a rapporteur. Dr. Balakrishna
Kochi, India. The conference addressed the theme Rai, Academic Officer (Hindi) presented a paper on
“Access and Success in Learning: Global ‘Role of Open and Distance Learning in reducing the
Development perspectives”. stress among the learners.’

The National Institute of Open Schooling participated Ms. Asheema Singh, Project Coordinator,
as a partner agency in PCF6 and played a key role in Adolescence Education Programme, organized a
this international conference. The conference provided panel discussion on “Integrating Life Skills in the
an opportunity to share experiences and expertise and Secondary Curriculum of National Institute of Open
to contribute to future policy and provision. Schooling”. The session was organized with a view
Sir John Daniel, CEO and President, Commonwealth to share the experience of curricular integration of life
of Learning (COL) appreciated the role of NIOS in skills within the study materials. Dr.S.S.Jena,
the field of Open Schooling during the conference in Chairman, NIOS and Dr. Venkatesh Srinivasan,
his interview in Kochi as well as in his blog. Assistant Representative UNFPA were the discussant
while Asheema Singh and Dr Jaya, Programme
Dr. S.S.Jena, Chairman, NIOS participated in the Officer, UNFPA made the presentation. NIOS also
panel discussion on skill development and also made entered the Life skills enriched lessons in 5 subjects
a presentation during the conference. Dr. Sushmita at secondary level for awards in the category
Mitra, Director, Student Support Services, presented ‘Recognizing excellence in materials produced in print,
a paper titled ‘Can mobile phones be used to improve audio or video formats, or a combination of these.’

Annual Report 2010-11 99

National Institute of Open Schooling

The NIOS exhibited its publications and Adolescence c r e a t i n g

Education Programme (AEP) related promotional knowledge that is
materials - both print and non-print - in a stall at PCF6. relevant to their
Pledge Pole, an interactive method of introducing the experiences,
concept of Life Skills, was one of the most popular promote healthy
activities in the exhibition. attitudes and
15.2 United Nations Educational, enable them to
think critically and
Scientific and Cultural respond to real-
Organization (UNESCO) life situations in
NIOS has signed work agreement with UNESCO positive and
with the objective to design an appropriate teacher responsible ways.
training package for the training of untrained • Capacity
elementary teachers through distance education mode Building
and to expand the use of life kit as an academic support Workshops
material in the NIOS Open Basic Education (OBE) for Tutors of
programme. It is also envisioned to make it available accredited
for use in the equivalency programmes offered through institutions ‘Conducting Effective Personal
Saakashar Bharat. The work agreement also Contact Programme’ were organized to train
includes upgrading identified TVET courses for tutors in the participatory method of teaching -
integration in the Life Kit a well as integration of learning. These workshops trained tutors in not
education of neo-literates with skill development. only facilitating self learning techniques amongst
Hindi and Urdu translation of Life Kit has been the learners but also to enhancing their life skills.
undertaken during 2010-11. The courses designed
for this purpose will also focus on aspects related to • MITRA – The Adolescent Friendly Centre
issues of recognition of prior learning. System based MITRA was - established at Bhubaneswar
research for development of Open and Distance Regional Centre on pilot basis, with a view to
Learning System (ODLS) in the school sector has have an adolescent friendly space within the
also been covered under this agreement. Regional Centre and to address the issues and
concerns of the learners.
15.3 United Nations Population Fund
(UNFPA) 15.4 MOU with International Agencies
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
implementing the Adolescence Education Programme Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed
(AEP) as a five-year programme as the MHRD- between National Institute of Open Schooling
UNFPA supported special programme. In its sixth (NIOS), India and Open Polytechnic of New
year of implementation under the Project Title: Zealand on November 21, 2010 for a mutual
Country Programme VII, 2010 was the year of collaboration in the field of open and distance learning.
consolidation. The learning of previously carried out The MOU was signed with an objective to strengthen
initiatives was applied in the development of life skills the relationship between the two institutions to work
enriched study materials at secondary level. These in the field of quality Vocational and Technical
lessons provided several opportunities for developing Education up to pre-degree level. The memorandum
abilities of critical thinking, team work and several was signed by Sh. G.G. Saxena, Secretary, NIOS
other life skills. It is felt that by building on relevant and Dr. Carolene Seelig, Executive Director, Open
experiences of the learners, the program will succeed Polytechnic of New Zealand, in the presence of Sh.
in enhancing their life skills and enable them to S.C. Khuntia, Joint Secretary (SE&L), MHRD, Govt.
effectively tackle real-life situations. This corresponds of India, Sir John Daniel, President and CEO of
to the recommendations of the National Curriculum Commonwealth of Learning, Dr. S.S. Jena, Chairman,
Framework (NCF), 2005 which outlines that NIOS and the representatives of the COMOSA.
educational processes should engage learners in
100 Annual Report 2010-11
National Institute of Open Schooling

Lectures given by Educationists and Experts

from Abroad
Sugata Mitra’s New Experiments in Self-
Prof. Sugata Mitra,
Professor of Educational
Technology at the School
of Education,
Communication and
Language Sciences at
Newcastle University, UK
delivered a lecture on his
Hole in the Wall experiment while he was the Chief Workshop on Commonwealth of Learning:
Scientist, Emeritus, at NIIT at NIOS on September Monitoring and Evaluation for Open Schools
7, 2010. He is one of the most invited keynote Workshop on August 16-20, 2010 held in
speakers on education in the world. He explained Africa.
how he tackled one of the greatest problems of
education – The best teachers and schools don’t exist  a four day Conference on Legitimization of
where they are needed most. In a series of real-life NIOS Programmes in Dubai from November
experiments from New Delhi to South Africa to Italy, 10 to 13, 2010
he gave kids self-supervised access to the web and
saw results that could revolutionize how we think  PCF 6 from November 24-28, 2010 at PCF
about teaching. 6 held in Kochi India. He chaired sessions and
participated in many important deliberations.
On December 13, 2010 A Talk on Use of Open
Distance Learning in Formal  International Conference on Programmes for
Schooling System – A the International Assessment of Adult
Palestinian Experience by Competencies (PIAAC) AT OECD
Prof. Mohan Menon, Headquarters on January 25th - 30th, 2011.
former Education Specialist,
School Development and Dr. Sushmita Mitra, Director (Student Support
Commonwealth of Learning where he is responsible Services) presented a paper titled ‘Can mobile
for facilitating Commonwealth Governments and phones be used to improve the Quality of Learning in
institutions in focusing on the use of open and distance Open Schooling’ on November 27, 2010 at PCF 6
education for professional development of teachers held in Kochi India.
and other education personnel. He highlighted the role
of formal schooling and open schooling as
complementary to each other rather than as two
separate systems. Quoting the Palestine experience
he focused on the role open and distance education
can play in bringing education to people living in areas
under difficult situations.
15.5 International Conferences
Attended by NIOS Officials
Dr. Sitansu S. Jena, Chairman, NIOS attended the
following International events:
 a four day Programme of International

Annual Report 2010-11 101

National Institute of Open Schooling

Ms. Asheema Singh P.C. (AEP) Conference on the theme ‘Responding to the
 Organized a Panel Discussion on Development Needs of out of school Adolescents-
of Life Skills enriched study materials at The Experiences of South Asian Countries on March
Sixth Pan Commonwealth Forum on Open 1, 2011 in New Delhi, India.
Learning (PCF6) on November 26, 2010 at Dr. Balakrishna Rai, Academic Officer (Hindi)
Kochi, Kerala presented a paper on ‘Role of Open and Distance
Learning in reducing the stress among the
learners.’ November 25, 2010 at PCF 6 held in
Kochi India.

 Presented a paper ‘Life Skills Enriched Self

Learning Materials for Learners of Open
Distance Education at School Level’ at
UNESCO -PLAN India, South Asian Regional

102 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Library, Documentation
16 and Archival Services
16.0 Library, Documentation and and catalogued. It uses Dewey Decimal Classification
Archival Services 20th edition scheme for classification and Anglo-
American cataloguing rules for cataloguing of books.
The National Institute of Open Schooling’s Library, During 2010-11, more than 380 books were classified
Documentation and Archival Unit has a rich collection and catalogued.
of print and non print material which includes 17,539
Up-dation of Library Database:
procured books, 312 complimentary books, 15,280
loose issues of journals and non-print collection of The library database was up-dated by making entries
727 audio/video cassettes. It also receives about 90 of books and journals, procured for the Library.
National/ International journals on subscription and Data relating to issue/return of books and journals
complimentary basis and 23 magazines, 19 Daily and were also entered.
2 Weekly newspapers on subscription basis.
Scanning for Educational News:
Newsletters of different organization like CBSE,
COBSE, COL, DELNET, IGNOU, NUEPA, More than 4800 newspapers/magazines/journals
NCERT, NLM and UNESCO are also received on were scanned during 2010-11 for identifying news
complimentary basis. It caters to the needs of items and articles on Education, Distance Education
academic and non-academic staff and other and particularly on NIOS.
educational experts who are engaged in the The NIOS Library provides the following services:
development of curriculum and development of study
material for the NIOS learners. Circulation Service:

The Archival Section: The main objective of this It includes issue/return of documents which includes
section is to collect, store and preserve all documents books, journals, magazines, audio/video cassettes and
in print and non print form, published by the NIOS, CDs, registration of new members and issue of ‘No
such as Annual Reports, Prospectus, Conference Demand Certificate’ and reminders for overdue
Reports, and other important documents which have books. During the years Seventy three library tickets
a significant academic and archival value for other were issued to new staff members and ‘No Demand
open and distance learning system. It has a collection Certificate’ was issued to twelve staff members.
of 266 documents at present. Reminders were also sent for the overdue books.

Libraries at regional centres: A new initiative taken Inter-Library Loan:

by the Library Unit is to start the library services at In this service, documents are made available from
regional centres. The seed money of Rs. 50,000/- other libraries to the users on Inter-Library Loan, in
each was granted to 14 regional/sub-regional centres case of non-availability of required documents in the
to establish libraries at regional centres. Guidelines NIOS Library through DELNET. It is (Developing
for establishment of libraries and list of books to be Library Network), with more than 2035 institutions
procured were compiled and sent to regional centres as its members. The catalogue of books and other
and assistance was also given to procure these books documents of NIOS and other libraries can be
and journals. accessed by member libraries of DELNET and their
users at through union catalogue.
16.1 The NIOS library performs the
following tasks: Current Awareness Service (CAS) Bulletin:

Technical Processing: It is provided on monthly basis. In this service,

contents of new issues of journals are compiled in
All procured books in the NIOS library are classified print form, and circulated to the Chairman and Heads
Annual Report 2010-11 103
National Institute of Open Schooling

of Department. One copy is kept for reference in the the Internet on demand and in anticipation are sent to
library the officers of the NIOS. More than 350 persons
Daily Education News Bulletin: including subject experts and students other than
library members visited the library for reference
Under this service, identified news items on education purpose.
and distance education are get Xeroxed and compiled
Referral Service:
and sent to the Chairman and Heads of Departments.
News items on the NIOS are sent to all the NIOS If the required document is not available in the NIOS
officers through e-mail. Library and cannot be made available on Inter-Library
Loan, then user is referred to other Libraries to get
New Addition Bulletin:
required document under this service,
Under this service list of new additions in the library
which includes books, journals and other documents, Reprographic Service:
is sent through e-mail to all the officers of the NIOS It is provided on demand, in this service users are
to make them aware about new additions. During the provided xerox copies of reference material. More
year, 572 books on various subjects were purchased than 3000 xerox copies of reference material were
and 32 documents on complimentary basis received provided to members of the library on demand.
in the NIOS Library.
Library Automation:
Reference Service:
NIOS library uses “LIBSYS” software. It is fully
It is provided on demand and in anticipation, which integrated library system which supports all activities
includes answering of queries and searches for relating to acquisition, cataloguing, circulation and
reference for providing required information to the serials. The NIOS library also provides free
users. Important documents are downloaded from INTERNET surfing for the members of the library.

104 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

17 Right to Information
17.0 Introduction necessary to provide information to persons
requesting for the information. Accordingly, NIOS
In view of the directions of Government of India, assigned this work of keeping and collating the
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), information from all constituents of NIOS to be
the Right to Information Act, 2005 has been performed by the Administrative Wing. A new order
implemented in NIOS from October 2005. The Act in this regard was issued on 24th December, 2010,
envisages that every Public Authority shall designate where APIOs, CPIOs and Appellate Authorities were
as many officers as Public Information Officers (PIOs) designated to the officers of different levels with details
in all administrative units of offices under it as may be as under:-

For NIOS Headquarters

S. No. Department APIO CPIO Appellate Authority

1. Administration Shri Rajesh Gautam Sh. B.L. Bhatla Sh. Sunil Kaura
Section Officer Assistant Director (Admn.) Joint Director (Admn.)

2. Finance & Accounts Sh. Gurdev Singh Shri S K Tanwar -do-

Section Officer Deputy Director (Accounts)

3. Academic Dr B.K.Rai Mrs. Gopa Biswas Dr. Kuldeep Agarwal

Academic Officer Deputy Director Director(Academic)

4. Evaluation Sh. K.K.Giri Sh. S.P.Selvan Shri C. Dharuman

Section Officer Deputy Director Director (Evaluation)

5. Vocational Education Mrs. Kaushalya Barik Dr. Mamta Srivastava Dr K.P.Wasnik

Assistant Director Deputy Director Director (Vocational Edu.)

6. Student Support Services Mrs Veena Sehgal Smt. Anitha Nair Dr. S Mitra
Section Officer Assistant Director Director (SSS)

7. Computer Unit - Sh. Pramod Srivastava Sh. S.K.Prasad

EDP Supervisor SA/P

8. Media Unit - Shri Vinod Kumar Upadhyay Dr. R.K.Arya

Cameraman Joint Director (Media)

Annual Report 2010-11 105

National Institute of Open Schooling

For Regional Centres

S. No. Department APIO CPIO Appellate Authority

1. RC – Chanigarh Dr. Rachna Bhatia Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Assistant Director Joint Director &RD

2. RC – Delhi Mrs. Manju Gupta Sh. S.K.Misra

Deputy Director Joint Director &RD

3. RC – Pune Sh. Dilip Raj Sh. Sanjay Kumar Sinha

Section Officer Joint Director &RD

4. RC – Kolkata Sh. Ved Prakash Sh. Aditi Ranjan Rout

Section Officer Deputy Director &RD

5. RC – Patna - Dr. T.N.Giri

Deputy Director &RD

6. RC – Allahabad Sh. S S Das Sh. Anil Kumar

Dr S. Mitra
Assistant Director Deputy Director &RD
Director, SSS
7. RC – Hyderabad - Sh. C Nilap
Deputy Director /RD

8. RC – Bhopal - Dr A.K.Sharma
Deputy Director &RD

9. RC – Kochi - Sh. V.S.Raveendran

Deputy Director &RD

10. RC – Jaipur Sh. Ashok Kumar Sh. M S Lamba

Assistant Director Deputy Director & RD

11. RC – Guwahati Sh. Ashok Kumar Sh. K L Gupta

Section Officer Deputy Director &RD

12. RC – Dehradun Dr. Sandhya Kumar Sh. Ajay Kumar Khanduri

Assistant Director Deputy Director &RD

13. SRC-Visakhapatnam Sh. R Baskar Sh. B V Prasada Rao

Section Officer Deputy Director/RD

14. RC – Bhubaneswar - Sh. Rushi Kumar Rath

Deputy Director /RD

The NIOS, in keeping with the spirit of the Act, has 3. Guidelines for Accreditation of AIs, AVIs and
made provisions to provide information to all AAs.
applicants in the specified time frame. NIOS has
4. Admission Process
uploaded the following information related to the
obligation of Public Authority under Section 4 of the 5. Vocational Education Programmes
Act on its official website:
6. Recruitment Rules of NIOS
1. NIOS at a Glance
2. Memorandum of Association (MOA) of NOS 7. Guidelines for Centre Superintendents for
Society. External Examinations

106 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

8. Information about Courses and Materials for 12. Office Orders for PIO, APIO, Regional Heads,
OBE, Secondary and Senior Secondary SAP, Appellate Authority
Education The System Analyst/Programmer has been assigned
the work of preparing and maintaining the documents
9. List of Members of RCACs as mentioned in Section 4 of the RTI Act.
10. NIOS Budget at a Glance, Annual Accounts and NIOS has computerized all records of applications
Audit Report received and disposed off under the RTI Act. It has
also been sending necessary reports i.e. Annual
11. Notification regarding Tender Notice, Returns, Quarterly Returns, and Monthly Returns as
Examination Hall Tickets, Results, National Talent per the Act to the CIC and the MHRD. During the
Promotion Scheme, Student Centre Address year 2010-2011, 657 requests were received and
Book processed by NIOS.

Annual Report 2010-11 107

National Institute of Open Schooling

18 Promotion in Hindi
18.0 Overview • Information booklet for Learner Support Centre
was translated in Hindi.
NIOS has been taking affirmative steps for the use of
Hindi (as the Official Language) in order to implement • Student’s Booklet for ODES (On Demand
the provisions of the official languages as per guidelines Examination System) and Information Brochure
issued from time to time by the Government of India, was prepared bilingually.
Ministry of Home Affairs. The Rajbhasha Section at • Questions from question banks of different
the NIOS Headquarters ensures progressive use of subjects were translated.
Hindi in all the departments. Timely inspections were • Different official forms pertaining to the
conducted to monitor the progress of Hindi in the Evaluation, Open Basic Education,
respective sections. Problems faced by the officials Administration, Accreditation and Minority
in implementation of Rajbhasha were discussed in the Section were translated in Hindi.
quarterly meetings and all possible steps are taken to
• “NIOS - At a Glance” was prepared in Hindi.
resolve them. The aim is to create interest for working
in Hindi. This Section develops and disseminates • Different flyers regarding Universalization of
guidelines for progressive use of Hindi, monitors Secondary Education, Vocational Education,
implementation of the programme and assists various Adolescent Education Project-at a glance,
constituents of NIOS in matters related to the official Hunar, Open Basic Education were prepared
language. bilingually.
18.1 Activities of Rajbhasha Section • Memorandum of Understanding between NIOS
and AIs, AVIs was also prepared bilingually.
During 2010-11, the Rajbhasha Section took steps
• NIOS Recruitment Rules were also translated
to implement the official language rules as per
in Hindi.
guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
The main activities performed were as follows:- • Guidelines for Assessment and certification of
NEO Literates (Basic Literacy Programme) was
18.1.1 Translation prepared bilingually.
• During 2010-11, Press Releases, material • Website Material of Adolescent Education
related to different seminars, conferences and Project was translated in Hindi.
other programmes conducted by NIOS,
Advertisements, Tenders, Public Notices etc. 18.1.2 Implementation Activities
were translated into Hindi. Press Releases Hindi Fortnight
published in all leading Hindi newspapers all over
The Hindi Fortnight was celebrated from 14-28
the country.
September, 2010 with enthusiastic participation of
• The Annual Report of NIOS for the year 2009- NIOS staff in the following competitions:
10 was translated in Hindi.
(i) Official Language
• The Prospectus (Academic Courses) for (ii) Computer based Hindi Knowledge
different regions, Prospectus (Vocational
Education Courses) and Information Bulletin for (iii) Debate
online admission were translated in Hindi. (iv) Quiz
• Annual Accounts of NIOS and Annual Audit (v) Essay writing
Report were prepared bilingually. (vi) Comedy Acting/Poem and Jokes

108 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

(ii) The quantum of Noting and Drafting written

in Hindi shall be increased.
(iii) Headings on the file covers shall be written in
(iv) Hindi software shall be installed in all
(v) All the Name plates, Sign boards, Rubber
Stamps shall be bilingual.
(vi) Quarterly reports of implementation of
Hindi shall be forwarded to MHRD

Over 130 NIOS officials participated in different 18.3 Miscellaneous

competitions, and prizes were awarded to the winners 18.3.1 Computer Training
of the first three positions. Prizes for outstanding
The new Hindi Computer Software developed by the
participation were also given. Inter department trophy
Information and Broadcasting Ministry was made
for commendable work in Hindi was awarded to
available and provided to the Departments at NIOS
Academic Department. The Regional Centers of
Headquarters and the Regional Centres of NIOS.
NIOS also organized similar competitions.
Training sessions were also organized for staff
18.2 Use of Hindi members for this programme.
NIOS took several important decisions in 2010-11 18.3.2 Inspection
that resulted in greater use of Hindi in the office Several Sections of NIOS were inspected to
procedures. Their decisions were: ascertain the actual use of Hindi. Possibilities of
(i) Reply to the letters written in Hindi shall be promotion of Hindi at different levels were discussed
given in Hindi. with various departments.

Annual Report 2010-11 109

National Institute of Open Schooling


Annual Report 2010-11 111

National Institute of Open Schooling

Annexure – IA

Trends of Fees Income

(Admission & Examination Fees)

8000 7980.93




6000 5840.25


5000 4760.63





00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11
(Rs. in Lakhs)

112 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Annexure – IB

Trends of Other Income

(Sale of Publication, Interest received. & Misc. Fee)









600 567.56

488.33 489.81



00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11
(Rs. in Lakhs)

Annual Report 2010-11 113

National Institute of Open Schooling


NIOS Non-Plan Expenditure (1999-2000 onwards)

(Rupees in Lakhs)

7200 7198.19




4800 4685.89 4685.89

4400 4339.34
4017.85 3919.42
Non-Plan Expenditure


2800 2489.70


2000 1804.36





99-2000 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 07-08 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11


114 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling


NIOS Plan Expenditure (1999-2000 Onwards)

(Rupees in Lakhs)

1500 Plan
1234 NER




Plan Expenditure

830.00 819.03



506.45 518.94
500 469.22





99-2000 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11


Annual Report 2010-11 115

National Institute of Open Schooling


Yearwise Budgetary Support to NIOS from

the MHRD since 1999-2000
(Rupees in lakhs)

1500 Plan


1400 NER






Grants from MHRD












99-2000 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11

(From the year 1999-2000, the NIOS has been receiving the Budgetary support under
'Plan' only.)

116 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Subsidies given by NIOS to
Prioritised Groups since 1999-2000
(Rupees in lakhs)


650 641.20


450 433.86 440.96




210 193.44





99-2000 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11

Annual Report 2010-11 117

National Institute of Open Schooling

Appendix - A
List of General Body Members
(As on 31.03.2011)

Sh. Kapil Sibal Prof. R. Govinda

Hon’ble Minister of HRD Vice Chancellor
Shastri Bhawan National University of Educational
New Delhi – 110 001 Planning and Administration
17 B, Sri Aurobindo Marg,
Smt. D. Purandeswari New Delhi - 110 016
Minister of State, HRD
(Secondary and Higher Education) Shri Vineet Joshi, IAS
MHRD Chairman
Shastri Bhawan Central Board of Secondary Education
New Delhi – 110 001 Shiksha Kendra
2, Community Centre
Ms. Anshu Vaish, IAS Preet Vihar, New Delhi – 110 092
Secretary, SE&L
Department of Education Sh. V.B. Pyarelal
MHRD Joint Secretary (P&A)
Shastri Bhawan Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
New Delhi – 110 001 R. No. 552, A wing, Shastri Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 001
Dr. S.C. Khuntia, IAS
Joint Secretary (SE) Sh. G. Jayalal
Department of Education Deputy Director General (P)
MHRD Office of the Directorate General
Shastri Bhawan All India Radio, Parliament Street
New Delhi - 110 001 New Delhi - 110 001
Dr. Sitansu S. Jena
Addl. Director General (A)
Prasar Bharti (B.C.I.)
National Institute of Open Schooling
Director General : Doordarshan
A-24/25 Institutional Area
Doordarshan Bhawan, PTI Building
Sector -62, Noida
Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110 001
Shri S. K. Ray
Sh. Vivek Joshi, IAS
AS & Financial Advisor (HRD)
Joint Secretary (CW)
Department of Education
Department of Women and Child Development
Shastri Bhawan
Shastri Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 001
New Delhi - 110 001
Prof. V. N. Rajasekaran Pillai
Prof. G. Ravindra
Vice Chancellor
Director (I/C)
National Council of Educational
Maidan Garhi
Research and Training
New Delhi – 110 068
Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110 016

118 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Sh. Jagmohan Singh Raju Prof. (Mrs.) G. Sarojamma - term over 4th
JS (AE) & Director General Feb. 2011
National Literacy Mission Vice Chancellor
Shastri Bhavan Shri Padmavati Mahila
New Delhi – 110 001 Vishwavidyalaya, Tirupati

Sh. P.P. Mitra Sh. Raju Chandrasekhar

Joint Secretary (BC) Consultant
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment 47A Ground Floor, 9th Main
Shastri Bhawan Hall 3rd Stage , Bangalore - 560075
New Delhi – 110 001
Sh. Chandrajit Banerjee
Sh. Sharda Prasad Director General
Joint Secretary & Director General Confederation of Indian Industry
Employment and Training CII Headquarters
Ministry of Labour Mantosh Sondhi Centre
Shram Shakti Bhawan 23 Institutional Area
Rafi Marg, New Delhi Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003

Sh. Rakesh Mohan, IAS Prof. A. K. Sharma

Secretary of Education Former Director, NCERT
Govt. of Delhi (NCT) C-3, Sector-48
Old Secretariat Noida – 201304
New Delhi – 110 054 Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar (U. P.)

Dr. Dhaneswar Harichandan Prof. Ram G. Takwale

Director Former Vice Chancellor, IGNOU
Institute of Distance and Open Learning 162/4A Naveli
University of Mumbai Anapurna Housing Society
Vidyanagari, Kalina D. P. Road, Aundh
Santacruz (E), Mumbai - 400 098 Pune – 411 007

Sh. Avinash Dikshit Prof. Anu J. Thomas

Commissioner Professor
Kendriya Vidalaya Sangathan School of Gender and Development Studies
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg IGNOU, Maidan Garhi
New Delhi – 110 016 New Delhi – 110 068

Sh. Manoj Singh, IAS Prof. Mohammad Miyan

Commissioner Vice Chancellor
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Maulana Azad National
A-28, Kailash Colony, Urdu University
New Delhi -110 048 Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 032

Annual Report 2010-11 119

National Institute of Open Schooling

Prof. Mangala Sunder Sh. G.G. Saxena

Prof. in Chemistry & Secretary
National Co-ordinator MPTEL Project National Institute of Open Schooling
IIT, Madras, Taramani, Chennai - 600 036 A-24/25 Institutional Area
Prof. C. L. Anand Sector -62, NOIDA
Former VC, Arunanchal University
2536, Sector-37C, Sh. C. Dharuman
Chandigarh-160036 Director (Evaluation)
National Institute of Open Schooling
Sh. Guilherme Vaz A-24/25 Institutional Area
Consultant Mumbai Sector -62, NOIDA
IRIS, 5th Floor
Flat 20, Cuff Parade, Mumbai- 400 005 Dr. Sushmita Mitra
Director (Student Support Services)
Dr. R. Sreedher National Institute of Open Schooling
Director CEMCA A-24/25, Institutional Area
8/4, Sarvpriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016 Sector -62, NOIDA
Prof. Vasudha Kamat
Vice Chancellor, Dr. K.P. Wasnik
S.N.D.T. Women’s University Director (Vocational)
1, Nathibai Thavkersey Road National Institute of Open Schooling
New Marine Lines A-24/25, Institutional Area
Mumbai - 400 020 Sector -62, NOIDA

Prof. S. D. Sharma Dr. Kuldeep Agarwal

Former Director Director (Academic)
Centre for Continuing Education, IGNOU National Institute of Open Schooling
C-142, Pocket-3, DDA Flat A-24/25, Institutional Area
Bindapur, New Delhi Sector-62, NOIDA

120 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Appendix - B
List of Executive Board Members
(As on 31.03.2011)

Dr. Sitansu S. Jena Dr. R. Sreedher

Chairman Director CEMCA
National Institute of Open Schooling 8/4 Sarvpriya Vihar,
A-24/25, Institutional Area New Delhi -110 016
Sector -62, NOIDA
Prof. Vasudha Kamat
Dr. S.C. Khuntia, IAS Vice Chancellor,
Joint Secretary (SE) S.N.D.T. Women’s University
MHRD 1, Nathibai Thavkersey Road
Shastri Bhawan New Marine Lines
New Delhi –110 001 Mumbai - 400 020
Prof. S. D. Sharma
Sh. S. K. Ray
AS & Financial Adviser (HRD) Former Director
MHRD Centre for Continuing Education, IGNOU
Shastri Bhawan C-142, Pocket-3,
New Delhi-110001 DDA Flat, Bindapur, New Delhi
Sh. G.G. Saxena
Prof. Mohammad Miyan Secretary
Vice Chancellor
National Institute of Open Schooling
Maulana Azad National
A-24/25 Institutional Area
Urdu University
Sector -62, NOIDA
Hyderabad – 500 032 Sh. C. Dharuman
Director (Evaluation)
Prof. Anu J. Thomas National Institute of Open Schooling
Professor A-24/25 Institutional Area
School of Gender and Development Studies Sector -62, NOIDA
IGNOU, Maidan Garhi
New Delhi – 110 068 Dr. Sushmita Mitra
Director (Student Support Services)
Prof. Mangala Sunder National Institute of Open Schooling
Prof. in Chemistry & A-24/25, Institutional Area
National Co-ordinator MPTEL Project Sector -62, NOIDA
IIT, Madras, Taramani
Dr. K.P. Wasnik
Chennai - 600 036
Director (Vocational)
Prof. C. L. Anand National Institute of Open Schooling
Former VC, Arunanchal University A-24/25, Institutional Area
2536, Sector-37C, Sector -62, NOIDA
Chandigarh-160036 Dr. Kuldeep Agarwal
Sh. Guilherme Vaz Director (Academic)
Consultant Mumbai National Institute of Open Schooling
IRIS, 5th Floor A-24/25, Institutional Area
Flat 20, Cuff Parade, Mumbai- 400 005 Sector-62, NOIDA

Annual Report 2010-11 121

National Institute of Open Schooling

Appendix - C

List of Finance Committee Members

(As on 31.03.2011)

Dr. Sitansu S. Jena Sh. G.G. Saxena

Chairman Secretary
National Institute of Open Schooling National Institute of Open Schooling
A-24/25, Institutional Area A-24/25 Institutional Area
Sector -62, NOIDA Sector -62, NOIDA
Sh. S. C. Khuntia, IAS
Joint Secretary (SE) Sh. C. Dharuman
Department of Education, Director (Evaluation)
MHRD National Institute of Open Schooling
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi - 110 001 A-24/25 Institutional Area
Shri S. K. Ray Sector -62, NOIDA
AS & Financial Adviser (HRD)
Department of Education Dr. Sushmita Mitra
MHRD Director (Student Support Services)
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 National Institute of Open Schooling
Sh. R.K. Bhatia A-24/25, Institutional Area
Dy. Controller of Accounts Retd.) Sector -62, NOIDA
Delhi Government
C-7/149, Keshaw Puram, Delhi - 110035 Dr. K.P. Wasnik
Sh. L. Gurumurthy Director (Vocational)
Director National Institute of Open Schooling
Institute of Cost & Works Accounts of India A-24/25, Institutional Area
ICWAI Bhawan, No - 3 Institutional Area Sector -62, NOIDA
Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Prof. Puran Chand Dr. Kuldeep Agarwal
Former Jt. Director, Director (Academic)
CIET, NCERT National Institute of Open Schooling
Pkt. C - 283, DDA SFS Flat A-24/25, Institutional Area
Sheikh Sarai Phase – I Sector-62, NOIDA
New Delhi – 110 017

122 Annual Report 2010-11

National Institute of Open Schooling

Appendix - D

List of Members of the Academic Council

(As on 31.03.2011)

Dr. S.S. Jena Dr. Gauri Srivastava

Chairman, NIOS Deptt. of Women’s Studies
A 24/25 Institutional Area NCERT, New Delhi-110016
Sector 62 NOIDA-201309
Prof. Bharti Baweja
Dr. Shyam Singh Shashi Deptt. of Education
Director General Delhi University
Research Foundation International Delhi-110007
CSC-5, Shiksha Bhawan
Rohini, Sector – 9, Delhi-110085 Prof. A.K. Sharma
Former Director, NCERT
Prof. H.C. Pradhan C-3, Sector 48, NOIDA (Uttar Pradesh)
Centre Director
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education Dr, (Mrs,) Veera Gupta
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Secretary
V.N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd, Mumbai–400088 Central Board of Secondary Education
2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar
Prof. C.S. Nagaraju
Former Principal, RIE, Mysore
255/B, Renka Colony Sh. K. Satish Nambudiripad
Bannerghatta Road , Bengaluru-560076 Director (SE)
Sh. Rakesh Bansal, IAS Deptt. of School Education
Chairman Ministry of Human Resource Development
M.P. State Open School Shashtri Bhawan , New Delhi 110001
School Education Department Govt. of M.P. Sh. G.G. Saxena
Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal - 462011 (M.P.) Secretary,
Dr. Shabistan Gaffar Administration Department
Chairperson NIOS, A-24/25, Sector-62,
Committee on Girls Education, Govt of India NOIDA
National Commission for Minority Education Sh. C. Dharuman
Institutions Director,
Gate No. 4, 1st Floor, Jeevan Tara Building Department of Evaluation
5 Sansad Marg, Patel Chowk NIOS, A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA
New Delhi-110001
Dr. Sushmita Mitra
Shri B.P. Pant
Department of Student Support Services
Labour Employment and Skill Development
NIOS, A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA
FICCI, Federation House
Tansen Marg Dr. K.P. Wasnik
New Delhi–110001 Director (Vocational)
NIOS, A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA
Prof. Anju Sehgal Gupta
S-11, 2nd Floor Dr. Kuldeep Agarwal
Greater Kailash, Part -II Director (Academic )
Near Sanathan Dharm Mandir, New Delhi-110048 NIOS, A-24/25, Sector-62, NOIDA

Annual Report 2010-11 123

National Institute of Open Schooling

Appendix - E

Sanctioned Staff Strength of the NIOS

(As on 31.03.2011)

S.No. Name of the post Pay Band and Grade Pay Total Staff Strength

1. Chairman 37400-67000 + GP 10000 1

2. Secretary 37400-67000 + GP 8700 1
3. Director (Academic) 37400-67000 + GP 8700 1
4. Director (Evaluation/SSS/Voc.Edu.) 37400-67000 + GP 8700 3
5. Joint Director 37400-67000 + GP 8700 6
6. Deputy Director 15600-39100 + GP 7600 14
7. System Analyst / Programmer 15600-39100 + GP 7600 1
8. Publication Officer 15600-39100 + GP 7600 1
9. Assistant Director 15600-39100 + GP 6600 20
10. Accounts Officer 15600-39100 + GP 6600 1
11. Academic Officer 15600-39100+ GP 5400 21
12. Research & Evaluation Officer 15600-39100 + GP 5400 1
13. Librarian 15600-39100 + GP 5400 1
14. Section Officer 9300-34800 + GP 4600 27
15. PS to Chairman 9300-34800 + GP 4600 1
16. Public Relation Officer 9300-34800 + GP 4600 1
17. Assistant Audit Officer 9300-34800 + GP 4600 1
18. Hindi Officer 9300-34800 + GP 4600 1
19. Graphic Artist 9300-34800 + GP 4200 1
20. EDP Supervisor 9300-34800 + GP 4200 1
21. Cameraman 9300-34800 + GP 4200 1
22. Editor (Media) 9300-34800 + GP 4200 1
23. Superintendent 9300-34800 + GP 4200 10
24. Technical Assistant 9300-34800 + GP 4200 2
25. PA 9300-34800 + GP 4200 3
26. Assistant Librarian 9300-34800 + GP 4200 1
27. Translator 5200-20200 + GP 2800 1
28. Production Assistant 5200-20200 + GP 2800 1
29. Library Assistant 5200-20200 + GP 2400 1
30. Assistant / Internal Auditor 5200-20200 + GP 2400 42
31. Stenographer 5200-20200 + GP 2400 6
32. Junior Assistant 5200-20200 + GP 1900 53
33. Staff Car Driver 5200-20200 + GP 1900 3
34. Electrician 5200-20200 + GP 1900 1
35. Photocopier Operator 5200-20200 + GP 1900 1
36. Peon and Mali 5200-20200 + GP 1800 19
Total 251

124 Annual Report 2010-11

vè;{k dk lans'k
gesa okf"kZd fjiksVZ izLrqr è;ku esa j[krs gq, vFkkZr~ bu gkml dk;ZØeksa vkSj ,d
djrs gq, vR;ar izlUurk leqnk; jsfM;ks LVs'ku ds fy, JO; vkSj n '; lqfo/kkvksa ds
gks jgh gS tks jk"Vªh; eqDr fy, ehfM;k dsanz dh LFkkiuk dk dk;Z vkjaHk fd;k x;kA
fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
o"kZ 2010&11 esa ,uvkbZvks,l dh ,d izeq[k miyfC/k
¼,uvkbZvks,l½ }kjk o"kZ
uo&lk{kjksa ds fy, csfld lk{kjrk ewY;kadu ds vk;kstu
2010&11 ds nkSjku dh xbZ
gsrq jk"Vªh; lk{kjrk fe'ku izkf/kdj.kksa dks 'kSf{kd lgk;rk
izeq[k xfrfof/k;ksa dks ,d
iznku djuk FkkA ,uvkbZvks,l us nks ewY;kadu vk;ksftr
laf{kIr :i esa izLrqr djrh
fd, vkSj ns'kHkj esa QSys 46]33]199 ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dk ewY;kadu
fd;kA lQy uolk{kj ,uvkbZvks,l ls eqDr izkS<+ f'k{kk
,uvkbZvks,l dh LFkkiuk dk;ZØe ds varxZr viuh csfld f'k{kk tkjh j[k ldrs gSaA
,sls cPpksa dks fo|ky;h f'k{kk iznku djus ds fy, ,d
uhfr&funsZ'k ds :i esa gqbZ gS tks fdlh u fdlh dkj.k ls ikB~;Øeksa dk iqujh{k.k ,uvkbZvks,l dh fu;fer xfrfofèk
vkSipkfjd fo|ky; ugha tk ik,A jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h gSA ek/;fed Lrj ij 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa ds iqujh{k.k dh
f'k{kk laLFkku dh lqfo/kkvksa vkSj f'k{kkFkhZ dsafnzr uhfr;ksa dh ,d izeq[k fo'ks"krk Lo&v/;;u lkexzh esa thou dkS'kyksa
fo'ks"krkvksa ds dkj.k ;g yk[kksa f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks fo|ky; dk ,dhdj.k gSA ikB~;p;kZ fodkl ds {ks=k eas ,uvkbZvks,l
f'k{kk] ykHkizn jkstxkj] dke ds lkFk&lkFk f'k{kk izorZudkjh laLFkk gS tks 14 ls 25 o"kZ ds vk;q lewg ds ;qok
vkSj dSfj;j esa izxfr ds volj iznku djus ds fy, ,d O;Ldksa dh cM+h la[;k ds fy, ykHknk;d gksxkA
l'kDr vkSj O;ofLFkr iz;kl cu x;k gSA ,d fd'kksj lgk;d dsUnz ¼,,Qlh½ ^fe=k* dh LFkkiuk
fdlh Hkh mUur vkSj dk;Z'khy laLFkk ds izeq[k y{k.k fo'o Hkqous'oj eas dh tk jgh gS ftldk mn~ns'; f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds
eas mldk izlkj vkSj izorZu gksrs gSaA bl fl)kar ds vk/kkj euks&lkekftd] laoxs kRed] fd'kksjkoLFkk vkSj O;olk; lacèa kh
ij ,uvkbZvks,l ds fy, o"kZ 2010&11 dksbZ viokn ugha eqn~nkasa dks lacksf/kr djuk gSA
gSA lj tkWu Msfu;y us viuh iqLrd esxkLdwYl] VSDuksykWth
vof/k ds nkSjku pw ¡fd ,uvkbZvks,l dks ekuo lalk/ku ,.M VhplZ esa dh gS fd ^,d fodkl'khy ns'k ds
fodkl ea=kky;] Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk fy,] ,uvkbZvks,l esa iz'kklu vkSj fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk ds
ek/;e ls vizf'kf{kr izkFkfed f'k{kdksa ds izf'k{k.k ds fy, fy, vkbZlhVh dk mi;ksx iz'kalukRed Lrj rd le ) gS*A
;ksxnku nsus okys laLFkkvksa esa ls ,d laLFkk ds :i esa 2008 esa ,d ;g ,d NksVh izk;ksfxd ifj;kstuk ds :i esa
fuèkkZfjr fd;k x;k gS blfy, izkFkfed Lrj ij f'k{kd vkjaHk dh xbZ ftlesa dsoy 30% f'k{kkFkhZ dqN gh {ks=kksa eas
izf'k{k.k ds {ks=k esa ,uvkbZvks,l ^lfØ;* gks x;k gSA Hkkjr miyC/k vkWu&ykbu ukekadu lqfo/kk dk ykHk mBk ldrs Fks]
ds Ldwyksa esa dk;Z dj jgs lHkh f'k{kdksa eas ls 26-6 izfr'kr ogha o"kZ 2010&11 ls vc 'kSf{kd vkSj O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa
f'k{kdksa us blh izdkj dk izf'k{k.k izkIr ugha fd;k gSA ds fy, 100% vkWu&ykbu izos'k ¼24×7½ gks x;k gSA
izkFkfed Lrj ij 26-3 izfr'kr vkSj ek/;fed fo|ky; Lrj ,uvkbZvks,l osclkbV ij f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ykHk ds fy, ,d
ij 24-8 izfr'kr f'k{kd vizf'kf{kr gSaA f'k{kk dk vf/kdkj ,dy f[kM+dh fo|kFkhZ lwpuk iz.kkyh nh xbZ gSA
vf/kfu;e] 2009 us lHkh izkjafHkd Lrj ds f'k{kdksa dks 2015 ge bl rF; ij Hkh izdk'k Mkyuk pkgrs gSa fd ,uvkbZvks,l
rd izf'kf{kr djus dk y{; fu/kkZfjr fd;k gSA vr% us ns'k ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa esa f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa rd igq¡pus ds fy,
,uvkbZvks,l dks izkjafHkd Lrj ij ,d f'k{kk izf'k{k.k fofHkUu dne mBk, gSaA csaxyq: vkSj xka/kh uxj esa u, {ks=kh;
dk;ZØe rS;kj djus dk mÙkjnkf;Ro lkSaik x;k gSA dsUnz LFkkfir fd, tk jgs gSaA fo'kk[kkiV~Vue eas ,d
,d vU; egÙoiw.kZ izorZu vkxkeh o"kZ esa 24 × 7 'kSf{kd Vh- midsUnz vkSj iksVZ Cys;j] vaMeku vkSj fudksckj }hi lewg
oh- pSuy ds mn~?kkVu ds fy, rS;kjh djuk FkkA blds fy, esa ,d izdks"B dh LFkkiuk dh xbZ gSA tc pkgks rc ijh{kk
ehfM;k bdkbZ esa ,d LVSaMMZ MsfQus'ku fjdkWfM±x LVwfM;ks dh lqfo/kk 12 {ks=kh; dsUnzksa vkSj fo'kk[kkiV~Vue fLFkr
dh LFkkiuk dh xbZ gSA eqfnzr Lo&v/;;u lkexzh esa lgk;d midsUnz esa iznku dh xbZ gS ftlls vf/kdka'k {ks=kksa ds
ds :i esa JO;&n '; dk;ZØeksa dh egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk dks f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ykHk izkIr gks jgk gSA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 i

,d vU; egÙoiw.kZ iz;kl esa ,uvkbZvks,l us O;kolkf;d fcgkj esa gquj ifj;kstuk dh lQyrk ls ,uvkbZvks,l dks
ikB~; Øeksa fo'ks"k :i vkWVkseksckby@vkWVks midj.k] ;g ifj;kstuk fnYyh eas Hkh vkjaHk djus dk izksRlkgu
bysDV¥ªkWfuDl gkMZos;j oL=k vkSj diM+k] peM+k vkSj peM+s feykA bl ifj;sktuk dk y{; 14$ vk;q lewg esa dkS'ky
dk lkeku vkfn {ks=kksa ds ikB~;Øeksa us fuekZ.k ds fy, xSj fodkl vkSj izf'k{k.k djuk gSA
ljdkjh laxBuksa vkSj futh laxBuksa ds lkFk cgqr ls
lg;ksxkRed ifj;kstuk,¡ vkjaHk djus dk fu.kZ; fy;k gSA varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij Hkh ,uvkbZvks,l viuh mifLFkfr ntZ
,uvkbZvks,l us fofHkUu laxBuksa tSls vksiu iksfyVsfDud dj jgk gSA o"kZ 2010&11 eas] ,uvkbZvks,l us dkWeuosYFk
vkWQ U;wthySMa ] ;wuLs dks] okbZlh,evks;w vkWQ ,Qoh Vhvkj,l vkWQ yfu±x ¼dksy½ ds lg;ksx ls eqDr fo|ky;ksa dh ekWuhVfjax
ds lkFk cgqr ls le>kSrk Kkiu ij Hkh gLrk{kj fd, gSaA vkSj ewY;kadu ij ,d varjkZ"Vªh; dk;Z'kkyk vk;ksftr dhA
bu lc le>kSrk Kkiuksa ls ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk pyk, tk blus NBs iSu dkWeuosYFk Qksje vkWu vksiu Ldwfyax
jgs 'kSf{kd vkSj O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa dh xq.koÙkk dks ¼ihlh,Q6½ esa ,d lgHkkxh laLFkk ds :i eas Hkkx fy;kA
c<+kbZ tk ldsxhA lEesyu dk vk;kstu dksph esa fd;k x;k ftlesa 70 ns'kksa
fjiksVZ ds o"kZ esa dqN vU; iz;kl vksMh,y dk;ZdÙkkZvksa dks ds 600 ls vf/kd izfrfuf/k;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA dksy ds
l{ke cukus vkSj fo|ky; Lrj ij LFkkfir ubZ eqDr f'k{kk ekxZn'kZu eas] dkWeuosYFk eqDr f'k{kk laxBu ¼dksekslk½ dh
laLFkkvksa dh lgk;rk ds fy, l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B dh LFkkiuk dh xbZ gS ftldk mís'; dkWeuosYFk ns'kksa esa eqDr
LFkkiuk djuk gSA ,uvkbZvks,l us ;g vuqHko fd;k fd fo|ky;ksa esa izorZudkjh O;ogkjksa ds vknku&iznku ds fy,
vkus okys cgqr ls o"kks± esa f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ^f'k{k.k] izf'k{k.k ijLij lg;ksx ,oa usVofd±x gSA dksekslk lfpoky;
vkSj ekxZn'kZu ds fy, v/;;u dsUnz lokZf/kd egÙoiw.kZ ,uvkbZvks,l esa fuf'pr fd;k x;k gS vkSj v/;{k
LFkku jgsaxsA vr% ,uvkbZvks,l us ,vkbZ vkSj ,ohvkbZ ds ,uvkbZvks,l dks bldk izFke vè;{k fuokZfpr fd;k x;k
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds dk;ZdÙkkZvksa ds fy, ,d j.kuhfr gSA
ds :i esa Vsyh&lEesyu dk mi;ksx djus dk fu.kZ; fy;k
fofHkUu izkf/kdj.kksa vkSj ljdkj dk lg;ksx izksRlkgu iw.kZ
gSA bZ,eihlh bXuw] ubZ fnYyh ds rduhdh vkSj lajpukRed
gSA fujarj c<+rk gqvk f'k{kkFkhZ ukekadu vkSj laLFkkvksa
lg;ksx ls o"kZ ds nkSjku ,vkbZ lek;kstdksa] 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa
ds lkFk lg;ksx ,uvkbZvks,l dh cgqfo/k xfrfof/k;ksa eas
vkSj fo"k; fof'k"V vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, Vsyh lEesyuksa dh
,d J [a kyk vk;ksftr dh xbZA lekt vkSj ljdkj dk vkRefo'okl n'kkZrk gSA

¼MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk½

v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l

ii okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

fo"k; lwph
Ø-la- fo"k; i "B la-
1. lkjka'k 1-6
2. ifjp; 7-10
3. 'kSf{kd dk;ZØe 11-20
4. O;kolkf;d f'k{kk dk;ZØe 21-29
5. fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ 30-46
6. ewY;kadu vkSj fu/kkZj.k 47-63
7. iz'kklu vkSj ys[kk 64-70
8. {ks=kh; lsok,¡ 71-81
9. u, izorZu 82-84
10. l{kerk fuekZ.k 85-86
11. vuqla/kku vkSj fodkl 87-87
12. eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds izlkj ds fy, usVofd±x 88-89
13. ehfM;k lgk;rk 90-91
14. lwpuk vkSj laizs"k.k izkS|ksfxdh 92-96
15. varjkZ"Vªh; lg;ksx 97-102
16. iqLrdky;] izys[ku vkSj iqjkys[k laca/kh lsok,¡ 103-104
17. lwpuk dk vf/kdkj 105-107
18. fganh dk izlkj 108-109
layXud vkSj ifjf'k"V 111-124
➣ vk; dh izo fÙk;k¡
➣ vU; vk; dh izo fÙk;k¡
➣ xSj&;kstukxr O;; (1999-2000 ls)
➣ ;kstukxr O;; (1999-2000 ls)
➣ 1999-2000 ls ek-la-fo-ea- ls izkIr o"kZokj ctV lgk;rk
➣ 1999-2000 ls ojh;rk izkIr lewgksa dks nh xbZ vkfFkZd lgk;rk
• ifjf'k"V d % jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; lkslkbVh dh egklfefr ds lnL;ksa dh lwph
• ifjf'k"V [k % jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; lkslkbVh dh dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~ ds lnL;ksa dh lwph
• ifjf'k"V x % jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; lkslkbVh dh foÙk lfefr ds lnL;ksa dh lwph
• ifjf'k"V ?k % 'kSf{kd lfefr ds lnL;ksa dh lwph
• ifjf'k"V M- % ,uvkbZvks,l ds Lohd r LVkQ dh la[;k

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 iii

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

1 lkjka'k
1. 0 jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laaLFkku] vius orZeku 2010-11 eas ,uvkbZvks,l us ns'k Hkj esa QSys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
:i esa ,d vuks[kk laxBu gSA fo|ky; u tkus okyh dks f'kf{kr djus ds fy, 16 {ks=kh; dsUæksa vkSj 2 mi
tula[;k vkSj nwljh ckj i<+kbZ dk iz;kl djus okys dsUnzksa }kjk dk;Z fd;kA
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, lhch,lbZ dh ,d NksVh ifj;kstuk leh{kk/khu o"kZ esa ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed
ls vkt ;g fo'o dk lcls cM+k eqDr fo|ky; cu x;k 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, 4,58,055 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us ukekadu
gS vkSj bls ,d esxk eqDr fo|ky; ds :i esa dgk tkrk djk;k tcfd fofHkUu O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa esa 22,779
gSA ;g ,d jk"Vªh; cksMZ gS ftls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh ijh{kk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us iathdj.k djk;kA ekpZ] 2011 dks eqDr
ysus vkSj nsus dk vf/kdkj izkIr gSA lkFk gh csfld f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa esa 36,325 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us ukekadu
;g eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds fy, jk"Vªh; lzksr laxBu djk;kA bl le; blds 2399 izR;kf;r laLFkk,¡ ¼,vkbZ½]
83 oafprksa dh f'k{kk ds fy, fo'ks"k izR;kf;r laLFkk,¡
Hkh gSA
¼,l,vkbZbZMh½] 1356 izR;kf;r O;kolkf;d laLFkk,¡
;g laLFkku vius ;gk¡ iathd r f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, ¼,ohvkbZ½] 357 izR;kf;r ,tsafl;k¡ ¼,,½] vkSj vYila[;dksa
ikB~;p;kZ cukrk gSS] viuh Lo&v/;;u lkexzh rS;kj ds fy, 77 laxBuksa us dk;Z fd;k tcfd dsoy gquj
djrk gSA viuh JO;@n '; lkexzh vkSj eYVh&ehfM;k ifj;kstuk ds fy, 1542 izR;kf;r ,tsafl;ksa us dk;Z
iSdst cukrk gSA ;g vius ;gk¡ ukekafdr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks fd;kA dqy feykdj 5813 lgHkkxh laLFkk,¡ gSa ftuds
fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ iznku djus ds fy, ikjaifjd ek/;e ls ,uvkbZvks,l us ns'kHkj esa {ks=kh; Lrj dk
fo|ky;ksa vkSj ,tsafl;ksa dks izR;k;u iznku djrk gSA dk;Z fd;kA
;g f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ykHk ds fy, ,d o"kZ esa nks lkoZtfud 1.1 'kSf{kd dk;ZØe
ijh{kk,¡ vk;ksftr djrk gSA lkFk gh o"kZHkj tc pkgks o"kZ ds nkSjku] ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed ikB~;Øeksa
rc ijh{kk dk vk;kstu djrk gSA ;g ,d izdk'ku eas dqy 4]58]055 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us izos'k fy;k tks fiNys o"kZ
laLFkk ds :i esa Hkh dk;Z djrk gS vkSj izR;sd o"kZ cgqr ds izos'k esa 9-13% dh o f) FkhA ukekafdr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa esa
lh iqLrdsa izdkf'kr djrk gSA ;g laLFkku eqDr fo|ky;h 48-53% f'k{kkFkhZ ek/;fed ikB~;Øeksa ds Fks vkSj
f'k{kk eas vuqla/kku ds lkFk&lkFk eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk 51-47% mPprj ek/;fed ikB~;Øeksa ds FksA
eas dk;Zjr dkfeZdksa dk izf'k{k.k vkSj l{kerk fuekZ.k Hkh
ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrjksa ij 'kSf{kd
djkrk gSA
ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, {ks=kokj izos'k vkadM+kas ds ,d fo'ys"k.k
ikB~;p;kZ vkSj lkexzh fodkl] ijh{kk vkSj nsus ls Kkr gqvk fd lcls vf/kd izos'k fnYyh ¼23-73% ½
dh izfØ;k] laLFkkvksa ds izR;k;u vkSj eqn.z k dh pkj&Lrjh; esa gqvk] mlds ckn paMhx<+ ¼19-15%½ vkSj mlds ckn
xfrfof/k ds lkFk&lkFk ,uvkbZvks,l vkxkeh o"kZ esa iVuk {ks=k ¼8-61%½ esa gqvkA o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku
izkjafHkd Lrj ij f'k{kd izf'k{k.k ds {ks=k eas Hkh dk;Z dj oxZokj izos'k lcls vf/kd lkekU; oxZ 72-23% dk
jgk gS vkSj 24×7 'kSf{kd Vh-oh- pSuy vkjaHk djus jgkA o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku ukekadu dk fyaxokj
tk jgk gSA ;g laxBu fofo/k izdkj dh bu xfrfof/k;ksa fo'ys"k.k n'kkZrk gS fd 69-76% iq#"k vkSj 30-24%
dk vk;kstu ^^f'k{kk oafprksa** rd f'k{kk igq¡pkus ds fy, efgyk,¡ FkhA 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa esa ukekadu djkus okys
djrk gSA 16-86% f'k{kkFkhZ 14&20 o"kZ ds vk;q lewg ds Fks] tcfd
24% f'k{kkFkhZ 21&25 o"kZ ds FksA
,uvkbZvks,l dk eq[;ky;] uks,Mk] m-iz- esa gSA blds
izca/ku ds fy, fu/kkZfjr izkf/kdkjh gSa] egklfefr] dk;Zdkjh ek/;fed Lrj ij ,ulh,Q 2005 ds eís u tj
ifj"kn~ vkSj foÙk lfefrA v/;{k ,uvkbZvks,l ds loksZPp ek/;fed ikB~;Øe ds la'kks/ku dk dk;Z tkjh j[kk x;k
dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh gksrs gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l ik¡p foHkkxksa vkSj bls vxys 'kSf{kd l=k esa vkjaHk fd;k tk,xkA bl
}kjk dk;Z djrk gS] tks gSa % 'kSf{kd] O;kolkf;d f'k{kk] la'kks/ku dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa esa ,d fo'ks"krk thou
fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡] ewY;kadu vkSj iz'kkluA o"kZ dkS'kyksa dk ,dhdj.k gSA
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 1
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
ek/;fed Lrj ij oMZ izkslsflax ¼dksM 219½ ikB~;Øe ds jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku us uolk{kjksa ds
LFkku ij ,d u;k ikB~;Øe MkVk ,aVªh dk;Z ¼dksM 229½ fy, csfld lk{kjrk ewY;kadu dk vk;kstu vkSj 20
vkjaHk fd;k x;kA vxLr] 2010 vkSj 6 ekpZ] 2011 dks nks ewY;kadu
mPPrj ek/;fed Lrj ij] 2011&12 'kSf{kd l=k ls vk;ksftr djus ds fy, jk"Vªh; lk{kjrk fe'ku dks
rhu u, fo"k; caXyk ¼dksM 303½] i;kZoj.k foKku ¼dksM 'kSf{kd lgk;rk iznku dhA lQy uolk{kj mi;qZDr
333½ vkSj MkVk ,aVªh dk;Z ¼dksMZ 336½ vkjaHk fd, tk jgs
eqDr izkS<+ f'k{kk dk;ZØe ds varxZr csfld f'k{kk tkjh
gSaA rfey fo"k; eas ,d u, ikB~;Øe ds fy, v/;;u j[k ldrs gSaA
lkexzh rS;kj dh tk jgh gS ftls 2012 ds 'kSf{kd l=k ,uvkbZvks,l dks ek-la-fo-ea- }kjk ,slh laLFkkvksa eas ls
eas vkjaHk fd, tkus dh laHkkouk gSA ,d laLFkk ds :i esa pquk x;k gS tks eqDr vkSj nwjLFk
mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij la'kksf/kr ikB~;Øeksa esa tc f'k{kk }kjk vizf'kf{kr izkFkfed f'k{kdksa ds izf'k{k.k esa
pkgks rc ijh{kk ¼vksMhbZ½ dh lqfo/kk iznku djus ds fy,] ;ksxnku nsaxs D;ksafd f'k{kk ds vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e 2005
jktuhfr foKku] bfrgkl] dEI;wVj foKku] tu lapkj] ds dkj.k izf'kf{kr f'k{kdksa dh Hkkjh deh gksus dh vk'kk
lekt'kkL=k vkSj laLd r fo"k;ksa esa iz'u cSad rS;kj djus gSA bl vf/kfu;e ds vuqlkj lHkh izkFkfed f'k{kd
dk dk;Z fd;k x;kA i;kZoj.k foKku ds u, ikB~;Øe 2015 rd izf'kf{kr gksus pkfg,A vr% ,uvkbZvks,l dks
ds fy, iz'ucSad rS;kj djus dh izfØ;k Hkh vkjaHk dh vizf'kf{kr f'k{kdksa dks izf'k{k.k nsus ds fy, izkFkfed
xbZA Lrj ij ,d f'k{kd izf'k{k.k dk;ZØe pykdj jkT;
ljdkjksa dh lgk;rk djus dk mÙkjnkf;Ro fn;k x;k
bl l=k ds nkSjku] fd'kksj f'k{kk dk;ZØe ,bZih dh gSA
egÙoiw.kZ miyfC/k;ksa esa ,d miyfC/k fd'kksjksa dh leL;kvksa
vkSj lacaf/kr fo"k;ksa ds lek/kku ds fy, Hkqous'oj {ks=kh; 1.2 O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øe
dsUnz eas f'k{kkFkhZ lgk;rk dsUnz fe=k dh LFkkiuk djuk O;kolkf;d f'k{kk foHkkx }kjk LokLF; vkSj ijkfpfdRlk]
FkkA bathfu;fjax vkSj izkS|ksfxdh] x g foKku] dEI;wVj vkSj
fjiksVZ ds o"kZ ds nkSjku] mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij vkB vkbZ-Vh-] d f"k] O;kikj vkSj okf.kT; vkSj f'k{kd izf'k{k.k
fo"k;ksa ¼HkkSfrdh] jlk;u 'kkL=k]] tho foKku] tSls {ks=kksa esa 80 ls vf/kd ikB~;Øe pyk, tk jgs gSa ;g
bfrgkl] lekt'kkL=k] Hkwxksy] jktuhfr foKku½ dh ,d vR;ar egÙowi.kZ rF; gS fd O;kolkf;d izos'k esa
v/;;u lkexzh dk caXyk ek/;e esa vuqokn dk;Z fd;k yxHkx 61% 14&20 o"kZ dh vk;q lewg dh yM+fd;k¡
x;k ftlls if'pe caxky ds izkFkfed f'k{kd vius vkSj efgyk,¡ gSaA jkT;okj ukekadu n'kkZrk gS fd
vad@;ksX;rk c<+k ldsaA if'pe caxky ljdkj ds lg;ksx vf/kdre ukekadu jktLFkku] m-iz- vkSj fnYyh eas gSA
ls jkT; ds 19 ftyksa eas 117 fo|ky;ksa dks ukekafdr lokZf/kd yksdfiz; O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øe gSa % dVkbZ]
vH;fFkZ;ksa dh i<+kbZ laca/kh lgk;rk iznku djus ds fy, flykbZ ,oa iks'kkd fuekZ.k] izkjafHkd f'k'kq ns[kHkky]
fu/kkZfjr fd;k x;kA leqnk; LokLF; dk;Z] csfld dEI;wfVax] bysDVªkWfud
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds fy, jk"Vªh; lzksr laxBu ds rduhf'k;u] lkSan;Z lao)Zu vkSj ;ksx gSaA
:i esa Hkwfedk fuHkkrs gq, 'kSf{kd foHkkx eas gh nks fjiksVZ ds o"kZ esa O;kolkf;d foHkkx dh izeq[k miyfC/k;ksa
izdks"B % l{kerk fuekZ.k rFkk vuqla/kku vkSj fodkl dh eas ls ,d miyfC/k fcgkj eas gquj ifj;kstuk dh
LFkkiuk dh xbZA vR;f/kd lQyrk ds ckn fnYyh esa gquj ifj;kstuk dk
fØ;kUo;u gSA bl ifj;kstuk ds fy, ukS ikB~;Øe pqus
vizSy] 2010 esa vkjaHk fd, x, f'k{kk ds vf/kdkj
x, vkSj bls Qjojh] 2011 esa ykxw fd;k x;kA bl
vf/kfu;e dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, ,uvkbZvks,l dks 2013
ifj;kstuk esa 14&18 vk;q lewg dh yM+fd;ksa dks f'kf{kr
rd 6&14 dh vk;q lewg eas cPpksa dk iathdj.k djus fd;k tk,xkA
dh fu/kkZfjr vof/k nh xbZ gSA vr% 15 vkSj mlls
vf/kd o"kZ ds izkS<+ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks eqDr izkS<+ f'k{kk ,uvkbZvks,l us jk"Vªh; vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; nksuksa Lrj ij
dk;ZØe iznku djus ds fy, ,d fu.kZ; fy;k x;k gSA fofHkUu laxBuksa ds lkFk cgqr ls ,evks;w ij gLrk{kj
lk{kj Hkkjr fe'ku ds lg;ksx ls ,uvkbZvks,l d] [k Hkh fd,A bueas ls egÙoiw.kZ Fks vksiu iksyhVSfDud vkWQ
vkSj x Lrjksa ij led{krk dk;ZØe pyk,xkA blds U;wthySaM] ;wusLdks] QaD'kuy oksds'kuy fjlpZ ,.M Vªsfuax
fy, ikB~;p;kZ igys gh rS;kj dh tk pqdh gSA ;s rhu lkslkbVh ¼,QohVhvkj,l½ bu lHkh ,evks;w ls O;kolkf;d
Lrj vkSipkfjd fo|ky;ksa dh rhljh] ik¡poha vkSj vkBoha f'k{kk vkSj dkS'ky fodkl ds vR;ar vko';d {ks=k ij
d{kk ds led{k gSaA tksj fn;k tk ldsxkA

2 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
,d vU; egÙoiw.kZ iz;kl esa] ,uvkbZvks,l us ,uthvks fd, vkSj ,vkbZ@,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa vkSj 'kSf{kd
vkSj futh laxBuksa ds lkFk ikB~;Øeksa ds fodkl fo'ks"kdj fo'ks"kKksa ds fy, Vsyh vfHkfoU;klksa dk;ZØeksa dh ,d
vkWVkseksckby@vkWVks midj.k] bysDVªkfW ud gkMZo;
s j] diM+k J [a kyk vk;ksftr dhA
vkSj oL=k] peM+k vkSj peM+s dk lkeku vkfn {ks=kksa esa
cgqr lh lg;ksxkRed ifj;kstuk,¡ vkjaHk djus dk fjiksVZ ds o"kZ esa ,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; funs'kdksa dh nks
fu.kZ; fy;k gSA cSBdsa eq[;ky; eas vk;ksftr dh xb± ftlls {ks=kh;
,uvkbZvks,l us i;ZVu vkSj vkfrF; izca/ku rFkk lqj{kk funs'kdksa vkSj eq[;ky; ds vf/kdkfj;ksa esa vkeus lkeus
lsokvksa ds {ks=k eas f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, eqDr 'kSf{kd fopkj&foe'kZ gks ldsA tqykbZ] 2010 vkSj fnlacj] 2010
lalk/ku rS;kj djus dk Hkh fu.kZ; fy;k gSA eas vk;ksftr bu cSBdksa esa cgqr ls fo"k;ksa ij foLrkj ls
bPNqd f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks lrr~ vkSj fodklkRed f'k{kk ds fopkj&foe'kZ gqvk vkSj {ks=kh; funs'kdksa us vius vuqHkoksa
fy, volj iznku djus gsrq mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij dk vknku&iznku fd;kA
O;kolkf;d LVªhe vkjaHk djus rFkk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks fjiksVZ ds o"kZ esa enjlksa esa v/;;u dsUnz LFkkfir djds
vkRefuHkZj cukus vkSj Lojkstxkj nsus ds fy, ,d eqfLye tula[;k dks f'k{kk iznku djus esa lgk;rk nsus
izLrko 'kSf{kd ifj"kn~ dh 11oha cSBd esa vuqeksfnr fd;k ds fy, y[kuÅ] Hkksiky vkSj iq.ks esa rhu leFkZu
x;k gSA dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, x,A bu leFkZu dk;ZØeksa ds
1.3 fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ dkj.k foHkkx dks enjlksa ls 140 vkosnu izkIr gq, ftu
,uvkbZvks,l dk fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ foHkkx ij NwV izkIr fu;eksa ds vuqlkj dk;Z fd;k x;kA
¼,l,l,l½ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks mudh i<+kbZ eas lgk;rk nsus 1.4 {ks=kh; lsok,¡
vkSj lacaf/kr fo"k;ksa ds fy, mÙkjnk;h gSA bl lanHkZ esa bl vof/k ds nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; dsUnzksa us
;g 'kSf{kd] O;kolkf;d vkSj eqDr csfld f'k{kk dk;ZØeksa izos'k vkSj ijh{kk dh viuh fu;fer xfrfof/k;k¡ dhaA
ds fy, v/;;u dsUnzksa dks izR;kf;r djus dk izeq[k dk;Z lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa us foKku vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, izR;{k
Hkh djrk gSA izeq[k u, dk;Z ds :i esa foHkkx vc lHkh laidZ dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, vkSj bZ,eihlh] bXuw ds
izdkj ds dsUnz LFkkfir djus dh izfØ;k ns[ksxk tks igys lg;ksx ls eq[;ky; }kjk vk;ksftr Vsyh vfHkfoU;kl
fofHkUu foHkkxksa eas fc[kjs gq, FksA 31 ekpZ] 2011 dks dk;ZØeksa ds fy, izkfIr uksM~l ij FksA
ns'kHkj esa QSys ,vkbZ dh dqy la[;k 2]482 gSA blds
vfrfjDr O;kolkf;d vkSj vkschbZ ikB~;Øe pykus ds tgk¡ {ks=kh; dsUnz] dksydkrk us ihVhVhvkbZ ifj;kstuk
fy, 1]356 izR;kf;r O;kolkf;d laLFkk,¡ ¼,ohvkbZ½ vkSj ds fy, vuqokn dk;Z iw.kZ fd;k] ogha {ks=kh; dsUnz] dksPph
cgqr lh izR;kf;r ,tsafl;k¡ ¼,,½ LFkkfir dh xb±A us cgqr ls ikB~;Øe rS;kj fd, tSls cksypky dh vjch]
{ks=kh; vko';drkvksa dh iwfrZ ds fy, {ks=kh; ek/;eksa ,Dok dYpj vkSj vkWjukesaVy fQ'k dYpj vkSj mPprj
}kjk dk;ZØe pykus gsrq cgqr lh izR;kf;r laLFkk,¡ ek/;fed Lrj ij ,d fo"k; ds :i esa rfey ds fy,
LFkkfir dh xb A± v/;;u lkexzh rS;kj dhA {ks=kh; dsUnz] dksph us dkWeuosYFk
vkWQ yfu±x ¼dksy½ }kjk vk;ksftr ,d lEesyu ihlh,Q
o"kZ 2011 ls ,uvkbZvks,l esa vius ;gk¡ iathdj.k djkus ¼iSu dkWeuosYFk Qksje½ 6 esa iznf'kZfu;k¡ vk;ksftr djus
okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh lgk;rk ds fy, 100% vkWu ykbu ds fy, iwjk lg;ksx Hkh fn;kA
izos'k vkjaHk fd;k gSA f'k{kkFkhZ vius fudVre ,vkbZ@
lgk;rk dsUnz@{ks=kh; dsUnz tkdj vkWu ykbu iathdj.k 1.5 ewY;kadu vkSj fu/kkZj.k
ds fy, lgk;rk ys ldrs gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l esa ewY;kadu vkSj fu/kkZj.k dh vuks[kh
izos'k ds fy, ekud dk;Z iz.kkyh ¼,lvksih½ dks iz.kkyh gS tgk¡ o"kZ esa nks lkoZtfud ijh{kk,¡ ds lkFk&lkFk
la'kksf/kr fd;k x;k vkSj ekStwnk ekxZ funsZ'kksa esa cgqr ls tc pkgks rc ijh{kk dh lqfo/kk Hkh gS ftlds }kjk
u, izko/kku Hkh tksM+s x,A ;g foLr r nLrkost+ ,vkbZ ds f'k{kkFkhZ viuh ilan ds fdlh Hkh fnu ijh{kk ns
lek;kstdksa ds fy, rS;kj fd;k x;k vkSj bldk mn~ns'; ldrk@ldrh gSA f'k{kkFkhZ viuh rS;kjh ds vuqlkj
mUgsa 'kSf{kd l=k 2010&11 ls vkjaHk fd, x, fofHkUu fdrus gh fo"k;ksa dh ijh{kk nsus ds fy, Lora=k gaSA mUgsa
ifjorZuksa ls voxr djkuk FkkA ØsfMV lap;u dh lqfo/kk Hkh nh tkrh gSA ekU;rkizkIr
fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ foHkkx us v/;;u dsUnzksa ds cksMks± ls ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k ¼Vhvkslh½ dh lqfo/kk Hkh
lek;kstdksa ds fy, cgqr ls vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe vk;ksftr miyC/k gSA
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 3
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
,uvkbZvks,l iz'u i=k cukus ls ysdj ijh{kk vk;kstu ,uvkbZvks,l us 'kSf{kd vkSj O;kolkf;d f'k{kk dh
vkSj ewY;kadu izfØ;k rd ijh{kk iz.kkyh eas xq.koÙkk vkSj v/;;u lkexzh dh yxHkx 46 yk[k izfr;k¡ eqfnzr dhaA
ekud lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, fofHkUu mik; viukrk v/;;u lkexzh dk eqnz.k {ks=kh; ek/;eksa esa Hkh fd;k
gSA o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku 'kSf{kd vkSj O;kolkf;d x;kA
f'k{kk ijh{kkvksa eas 6]90]382 ijh{kkFkhZ cSBsA 2088 ijh{kk leh{kk/khu o"kZ ds nkSjku LVªhe&1 ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks
dsUnzksa esa 3]25]339 ijh{kkFkhZ ek/;fed ijh{kk ds fy,] v/;;u lkexzh muds vkoklh; irs ij gh Hksth xbZ
tcfd 3]41]665 ijh{kkFkhZ mPprj ek/;fed ijh{kk ds ftlls ;g lqfuf'pr fd;k x;k fd f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks
fy, cSBsA 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, vizSy] 2010 vkSj v/;;u lkexzh vo'; izkIr gks tcfd igys bldk
vDrwcj] 2010 ijh{kk,¡ ns'kHkj eas QSys Øe'k% 1197 vkSj forj.k v/;;u dsUnz vFkok ,vkbZ }kjk fd;k tkrk FkkA
894 ijh{kk dsUnzksa eas vk;ksftr gqb±A vU; f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks v/;;u lkexzh Hkqxrku djds ,Dlizl
iklZy iksLV ¼bZihih½ }kjk izkIr gqbZA f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks
vizSy] 2010 ds nkSjku O;kolkf;d ijh{kkvksa esa 174
v/;;u lkexzh forfjr djus ds fy, 698 ls vf/kd
ijh{kk dsUnzksa ls dqy 10]889 ijh{kkFkhZ cSBsA vDrwcj]
izR;kf;r O;kolkf;d laLFkkvksa dks v/;;u lkexzh izsf"kr
2010 ijh{kkvksa ds nkSjku 167 ijh{kk dsUnzksa esa 12]489
dh xbZA
ijh{kkFkhZ cSBsA
o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku tc pkgks rc ijh{kk ds fy, 1.7 lwpuk vkSj laizs"k.k izkS|ksfxdh
12]341 ijh{kkFkhZ cSBs ftueas ls 4]355 ijh{kkFkhZ mÙkh.kZ ,uvkbZvks,l us f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks mudh i<+kbZ esa lgk;rk
?kksf"kr fd, x,A djus vkSj viuh fofHkUu mi iz.kkfy;kas tSls izos'k vkSj
o"kZ 2010&11 eas ,uvkbZvks,l us jk"Vªh; lk{kjrk fe'ku ewY;kadu ds fy, MkVk csl rS;kj djus ds fy, lwpuk
izkf/kdkfj;ksa ds lg;ksx ls uolk{kjksa dk ewY;kadu nks vkSj laizs"k.k izkS|ksfxdh ¼vkbZlhVh½ dk mi;ksx djrk gSA
pj.kksa esa vk;ksftr fd;kA izFke ewY;kadu 20 vxLr] o"kZ ds nkSjku] 100% vkWu ykbu izos'k dks laHkkyus ds
2010 dks vkSj f}rh; ijh{kk 6 ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr fy, vkWu ykbu izos'k dk izlkj fd;k x;k vkSj vkWu
dh xbZA vxLr] ewY;kadu esa 5]18]385 ijh{kkFkhZ ijh{kk ykbu vkosnu rFkk MkVk csl esa vko';d ifjorZu fd,
esa cSBs tcfd 6 ekpZ] 2011 dh ijh{kk esa yxHkx 48 x,A ,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; dsUnzksa }kjk fu/kkZfjr fd,
yk[k ijh{kkFkhZ cSBsA x, lgk;rk dsUnzksa esa Hkh vkWu ykbu izos'k fd, x,A
,uvkbZvks,l us 'kSf{kd@O;kolkf;d@eqDr cssfld f'k{kk
1.6 iz'kklu vkSj ys[kk
dk;ZØe ds fy, izR;k;u gsrq nLrkost+ tek djus]
iz'kklu ,uvkbZvks,l dk ,d vR;ar egÙoiw.kZ foHkkx gS ekWuhVfjax vkSj izR;k;u iznku djus dh vkWu ykbu
tks vU; lHkh foHkkxksa dks lgk;rk iznku djrk gSA iz.kkyh vkjaHk dh xbZA bZ&izR;k;u eas izkIr vkWQ ykbu
bl vof/k ds nkSjku 18 in lh/kh HkrhZ }kjk Hkjs x, vkosnu dks vkWu ykbu eas ifjofrZr djus ds fy, ,d
tcfd vU; 13 inksa ij izfrfu;qfDr vk/kkj ij fu;qfDr izko/kku gS ftlls izR;k;u ds fy, lai.w kZ MkVk bysDVªkfW ud
dh xbZA lfpo] ,uvkbZvks,l us 11-6-2010 dks dk;ZHkkj :i eas miyC/k gksrk gS vkSj vkosnu tek djus ls ysdj
xzg.k fd;kA
izR;k;u iznku djus rd dh lkjh izfØ;k,¡ vkWu ykbu
th,Qvkj&2005 ds vuqlkj miHkksX; vkSj xSj miHkksX; bZ&izR;k;u iz.kkyh }kjk dh tkrh gSaA
enksa dh vU; [kjhn ds lkFk&lkFk 17-7 djksM+ #i;s ds
ewY; dk 4450 ehfVªd Vu dkxt [kjhnk x;kA ,uvkbZvks,l dh dEI;wVj bdkbZ us ,uvkbZvks,l
vf/kdkfj;ksa vkSj jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa ds izfrfuf/k;ksa ds
2010&11 ds nkSjku 'kqYd ls 7980-93 yk[k #i, dh
fy, osc fMtkbfuax ij ,d nks fnolh; izf'k{k.k&lg
vk; izkIr gqbZ vkSj vU; òksrksa ls 1925-76 yk[k dh vk;
vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;kA ,uvkbZvks,l
gqbZA 2010&11 ds nkSjku xSj ;kstukxr O;; 7198-19
yk[k #i, Fkk tcfd ;kstukxr O;; 819-03 yk[k #i, vf/kdkfj;ksa ds fy, bUVsy ds lg;ksx ls ,d rduhdh
FkkA 2010&11 ds nkSjku ek-la-fo-ea- ls ,uvkbZvks,l dks vfHkfoU;kl dk;Z'kkyk Hkh dEI;wVj izf'k{k.k iz;ksx'kkyk
;kstukxr ctV lgk;rk ds varxZr 1125-00 yk[k #i, esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA
dh jkf'k iz k Ir gq b Z A lekt ds detks j oxks ± dEI;wVj bdkbZ us mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij vaxzsth]
ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks izos'k 'kqYd eas NwV ds :i esa dqy jktuhfr foKku] ys[kkadu vkSj x g foKku fo"k;ksa esa Hkh
722-04 yk[k #i, dh lfClMh nh xbZA tc pkgks rc ijh{kk ykxw dhA
4 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
,uvkbZvks,l us f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh lgk;rk ds fy, ,d o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku nwjLFk f'k{kk vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l ij
f'k{kkFkhZ lgk;rk dsUnz vkjaHk fd;kA vkSlru] f'k{kkFkhZ lekpkjksa dks pquus ds fy, 4800 ls vf/kd lekpkj
lgk;rk dsUnz izfrfnu izfr vf/kdkjh yxHkx 140 ls i=k@if=kdk,¡ tuZy LdSu fd, x,A
150 dkWyksa dk mÙkj nsrk gS vkSj izfrfnu 80 ls 100 lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa esa iqLrdky; LFkkfir djus ds ,d u,
bZ&esy dk Hkh mÙkj nsrk gSA iz;kl esa] 14 {ks=kh; dsUnzksa@mi {ks=kh; dsUnzksa dks iqLrdsa vkSj
,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks fofHkUu tkudkjh vkSj lgk;rk tuZy [kjhnus ds fy, 50]000@& dh izkjafHkd jkf'k iznku
lsok,¡ iznku djus ds fy, eksckby izkS|ksfxdh dk Hkh dh xbZA
iz;ksx djrk gSA 1.11 fganh dk izlkj
1.8 ehfM;k lgk;rk ,uvkbZvks,l dk jktHkk"kk vuqHkkx eq[;ky; ds lHkh
foHkkxksa eas fganh dk izlkj lqfuf'pr djrk gSA tgk¡ rd
,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; dh ehfM;k bdkbZ eas LVSM a MZ MsfQfu'ku laHko gks jktHkk"kk esa dk;Z djus esa xoZ djrk gSA o"kZ ds
fjdkWfM±x LVwfM;ks LFkkfir djus dk dk;Z iw.kZ djus ds lkjs nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk vk;ksftr laxksf"B;ksa vkSj
iz;kl fd, x,A bl fjdkWfM±x LVwfM;ks dh LFkkiuk ladk; lEesyuksa rFkk vU; dk;ZØeksa ls lacaf/kr lkexzh] lHkh
lnL;ksa vkSj cká fo"k; fo'ks"kKksa ds lkFk ohfM;ks vkSj lewg izsl foKfIr;ksa] fufonkvksa] lkoZtfud lwpukvksa] okf"kZd
ppkZ fjdkWMZ djus ds fy, dh xbZ gSA fjiksVZ] foojf.kdk] fofHkUu dk;kZy;h QkWeZ vkSj fofo/k
o"kZ ds nkSjku ehfM;k bdkbZ us 11 ubZ ohfM;ks dk;ZØe] lkexzh dk fganh eas vuqokn fd;k x;kA HkrhZ fu;eksa dk
HkkSfrdh ij 3 eYVhehfM;k dk;ZØe iwjs fd, x, vkSj ik¡p fganh eas vuqokn fd;k x;k rFkk cgqr ls nLrkost+
eYVh&ehfM;k dk;ZØe fuekZ.kk/khu gSaA ^^Kku n'kZu** vkSj f}Hkk"kh rS;kj fd, x,A deZpkfj;ksa eas fganh ds iz;ksx dks
MhMh&1 pSuy ij izlkj.k ds fy, ohfM;ks dk;ZØeksa ds 70 yksdfiz; cukus ds fy, fganh i[kokM+k dk vk;kstu
dSIlwy cuk,A eq[;ky; vkSj {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ij fd;k x;kA deZpkfj;ksa
dks fganh eas dk;Z djus eas lgk;rk djus ds fy, dEI;wVj
1.9 jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk la?k ¼,udkWl½ izf'k{k.k vk;ksftr fd;s x,A
31-03-2011 dks Hkkjr esa 16 jkT; eqDr fo|ky; gaSA ;s 1.12 u, iz;kl
jkT; eqDr fo|ky; gSa %& vka/kz izn's k] vle] fcgkj] NÙkhlx<+]
xqtjkr] gfj;k.kk] tEew vkSj d'ehj] dukZVd] dsjy] e/; ,uvkbZvks,l us f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks csgrj vkSj egÙoiw.kZ
izns'k] mM+hlk] fnYyh dk jk-jk-{ks=k] iatkc] rfeyukMq] mÙkj lsok,¡ iznku djus ds fy, lnSo izoZruksa ds fy, iz;kl
izns'k vkSj if'pe caxkyA xksok] fgekpy izns'k] >kj[kaM] fd;k gSA fjiksVZ ds o"kZ esa fd, x, dqN iz;kl uhps fn,
egkjk"Vª vkSj es?kky; jkT; vius jkT; eqDr fo|ky; x, gSa %&
LFkkfir djus dh izfØ;k eas gSaA • ,uvkbZvks,l us vksMh,y dk;ZdÙkkZvksa ds izf'k{k.k
,uvkbZvks,l leFkZu dk;ZØe }kjk jkT;ksa ds lkFk muds ,oa l'kfDrdj.k vkSj Ldwyh Lrj ij uoLFkkfir
eqDr fo|ky; dk;ZØeksa dk Lrj c<+kus vkSj u, jkT; eqDr eqDr f'k{kk laLFkkvksa dh lgk;rk ds fy, ,d
fo|ky; LFkkfir djus ds fy, laidZ cuk, gq, gSA l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B dh LFkkiuk dh gSA
,udkWl dh okf"kZd cSBd 23&24 ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr • csaxyw: vkSj xka/khuxj esa u, {ks=kh; dsUnz LFkkfir
dh xbZ vkSj bldk mn~?kkVu Jh ,l-lh- [kwafV;k] la;qDr fd, x, vkSj vkjaHk fd, x,A fo'kk[kkiV~Vue esa
lfpo] Hkkjr ljdkj] Ldwyh f'k{kk foHkkx] ek-la-fo-ea- }kjk mi&{ks=kh; dsUnz LFkkfir fd;k x;kA iksVZ Cys;j]
fd;k x;kA vaMeku vkSj fudksckj }hilewg esa ,d izdks"B Hkh
LFkkfir fd;k x;kA ;s lHkh iz;kl ns'k ds fofHkUu
1.10 iqLrdky;] izys[ku vkSj iqjkys[k Hkkxksa eas f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa rd igq¡pus ds fy, fd, x,A
laca/kh lsok,¡
• fcgkj es a gq u j ifj;ks t uk dh lQyrk us
,uvkbZvks,l ladk; lnL;ksa vkSj muds cká fo'ks"kKksa ds ,uvkbZvks,l dks fnYyh esa Hkh ;g ifj;kstuk
fy, iqLrdksa vkSj tuZyksa dk ,d le ) ladyu iznku djrk izkjaHk djus dk izksRlkgu fn;kA bl ifj;kstuk
gSA o"kZ ds nkSjku fofHkUu fo"k;ksa ij 572 iqLrdsa [kjhnh xb± dk y{; 14+ vk;q lewg dh yM+fd;ksa dk dkS'ky
vkSj 32 nLrkost+ ekukFkZ vk/kkj ij izkIr fd, x,A fodkl vkSj izf'k{k.k djkuk gSA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 5

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
• ,uvkbZvks,l dks eqDr vkSj nwjLFk fo/kk }kjk ,d lgHkkxh laLFkk ds :i esa Hkkx fy;k ftldk fo"k;
izkFkfed Lrj ij f'k{kd izf'k{k.k iznku djus ds Fkk ,Dlsl ,.M lDlsl bu yfu±x % Xykscy MsoyieaV
fy, pquk x;k gSA pw¡fd 2015 rd izkFkfed Lrj ilZisfDVOlA ;g ik¡p fnolh; lEesyu dksph eas
ds lHkh f'k{kdksa dks izf'kf{kr djus dh vko';drk vk;ksftr fd;k x;k vkSj bleas 70 ns'kksa ds 600 ls
gSA dqN cSBdksa ds ckn ikB~;p;kZ ds vafre :i vf/kd izfrfuf/k;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA
fn;k x;kA
bl lEesyu esa ,uvkbZvks,l us vius izdk'ku vkSj
• eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds dk;ZdÙkkZvksa ds izf'k{k.k ,bZih laca/kh izpkj lkexzh dh izn'kZuh dhA v/;{k]
vkSj l{kerk fuekZ.k ds fy, ,d j.kuhfr ds :i ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj vU; mPp Lrjh; vf/kdkfj;ksa us
eas Vsyh&lEesyu vR;ar l'kDr midj.k gSA izi=k izLrqr fd, vkSj bl lEesyu dh izfØ;kvksa eas
f'k{k.k i{k ij bZ,eihlh bXuw dh rduhdh vkSj lfØ; :i ls Hkkx fy;kA
lajpukxr lg;ksx ls vkSj bXuw vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l
ds fofHkUu {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds LFkkuksa izkIrdrkZ i{k eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk esa vuqla/kku ij ,d iwoZ ihlh,Q&6
ij j[kdj fjiksVZ ds o"kZ esa Vsyh&vfHkfoU;kl lEesyu ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk 22&23 uoacj] 2010 dks
dk;ZØeksa dh ,d J a[kyk vk;ksftr dh xbZA fnYyh eas vk;ksftr fd;k x;k vkSj blesa dkWeuosYFk
• o"kZ 2010&11 dh ,d egÙoiw.kZ fo'ks"krk cgqr ls ns'kksa ds eqDr fo|ky;ksa ds 25 izeq[kksa vkSj Hkkjr ds vkB
jk"Vªh; vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; laxBuksa ds lkFk le>kSrk jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA
Kkiuksa ij gLrk{kj djuk gSA dksekslk dh okf"kZd egklfefr cSBd 21 uoacj] 2010
• lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ij iqLrdky; LFkkfir djus dks bafM;k gSfcVsV lsaVj eas vk;ksftr dh x;k ftldk
ds ,d u, iz;kl esa 14 {ks=kh; dsUnzksa@mi {ks=kh; cht Hkk"k.k & ,tqds'ku QkWj V~oaVhQLVZ lsapqjh % Vkbe
dsUnzksa dks iqLrdsa vkSj tuZy [kjhnus ds fy, QkWj vksiu LdwYl Vw jst ns;j xse fo"k; ij lj tkWu
izR;sd dks 50]000@& #i, dh vkjafHkd jkf'k nh Msfu;y] dkWeuosYFk ds v/;{k vkSj lhbZvks us fn;kA bl
xbZA le; ,uvkbZvks,l ;w,u,Qih, vkSj ek-la-fo-ea- ds lg;ksx
1.13 varjkZ"Vªh; lg;ksx ls fd'kksj f'k{kk dk;ZØe ¼,bZih½ ykxw dj jgk gSA bl
ifj;kstuk dk mn~ns'; ;qokvksa dks vko';d thou
Ldwyh Lrj ij eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ds {ks=k eas ,d
dkS'kyksa dk fodkl djuk gSA laLFkk ds :i eas ,uvkbZvks,l cgqr lh varjkZ"Vªh;
laLFkkvksa ds lkFk lg;ksx djrk gSA leh{kk/khu o"kZ esa 1.14 egÙoiw.kZ fnuksa dk vk;kstu
,uvkbZvks,l esa dksy ¼dkWeuyosYFk vkWQ yfu±x½ ds
lg;ksx ls eqDr fo|ky;ksa dh ekWuhVfjax vkSj ewY;kadu jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku us 20 uoacj] 2010
¼twu 21&23] 2010½ ij ,d varjkZ"Vªh; dk;Z'kkyk dks viuk 22oka LFkkiuk fnol euk;kA Jh fdj.k
vk;ksftr dhA bl dk;Z'kkyk esa ckaXykns'k] ikfdLrku] dkfuZd iwoZ v/;{k uSldkWe }kjk bUDywflo ,tqds'ku %
Jhyadk ds eqDr fo|ky;ksa vkSj eqDr fo'ofo|ky;ksa ds jksy vkWQ ehfM;k ,.M VsDuksykWth ij LFkkiuk fnol
varjkZ"Vªh; izfrfuf/k;ksa vkSj Hkkjr ds jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa O;k[;ku fn;kA
ds izfrfuf/k;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA VªkallsafMax cSfj;lZ % bUDywflo ,tqds'ku bu n dUVsDLV
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku us NBs iSu vkWQ vksiu Ldwfyax ij nks fnolh; laxks"Bh }kjk
dkWeuosYFk Qksje vkWu vksiu Ldwfyax ¼ihlh,Q&6½ esa varjkZ"Vªh; efgyk fnol dk 'krkCnh o"kZ euk;k x;kA

6 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

2 i`"BHkwfe
2.1 i "BHkwfe lrr vkSj f'k{kkFkhZ dsfUnzr xq.kkRed f'k{kk] dkS'ky mUu;u
vkSj izf'k{k.k iznku djrk gS rFkk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk
lwpuk vkSj lapkj izkS|ksfxdh dh mUufr ls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa vkSj
laxBuksa dh le:irk lqfuf'pr djrk gS] ftlds
f'k{kdksa ds chp dh nwjh de gqbZ gS vkSj f'k{kk dh izfØ;k
ifj.kkeLo:i ,d lfEefyr f'kf{kr lekt] ekuo lalk/ku
esa lqfo/kkvksa vkSj var%fØ;kRed cukus dh laHkkouk,¡ c<+h
fodkl] jk"Vªh; ,dhdj.k vkSj oSf'od le> fodflr
gSaA ifj.kkeLo:i] eqDr f'k{kk iz.kkyh fo'o Hkj eas fujarj
izxfr dj jgh gSA
uoacj 1989 eas f'k{kk foHkkx] ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=kky;] fe'ku
Hkkjr ljdkj us jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; ¼jk-eq-fo-½ dh LFkkiuk ,uvkbZvks,l Ldwyh Lrj ij iwoZ&Lukrd Lrj rd eqDr
dhA vc ;g jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ds :i f'k{kk iz.kkyh }kjk izklafxd] lrr vkSj fodklkRed f'k{kk
eas tkuk tkrk gS vkSj ek-la-fo- ea=kky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ds iznku djuk gS vkSj blds }kjk og fuEufyf[kr {ks=kksa esa
varxZr ,d Lok;Ùk laxBu gSA bldk vkjaHk jk"Vªh; f'k{kk viuk ;ksxnku nsuk gS %&
uhfr] 1986 }kjk nh xbZ laLrqfr;ksa }kjk gqvk Fkk vkSj ;g
1- f'k{kk dk lkoZHkkSfedhdj.k(
lkslkbVht+ iathdj.k vf/kfu;e 1860 ds varxZr iathd r
2- lekt esa vkSj vf/kd lerk vkSj U;k;( vkSj
gSA blls igys ;g 1979 ls dsanzh; ek/;fed f'k{kk cksMZ
¼lhch,lbZ½ dh ,d ifj;kstuk ds :i esa vkjaHk fd;k x;kA 3- ,d f'kf{kr lekt dk fodkl
14 flracj] 1990] dks Hkkjr ljdkj us ladYi ¼la[;k ,Q- ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kk dh jk"Vªh; iz.kkyh esa ,d vR;ar egÙoiw.kZ
5&24@90 vuq- 3 fnukad 14 flracj]1990] ds Hkkjr ds Hkwfedk fuHkkrk gS vkSj bldh viuh fo'ks"krk,¡ gSaA
jkti=k esa izdkf'kr½ }kjk ,uvkbZvks,l dks iwoZ&Lukrd ,uvkbZvks,l ds izeq[k mn~ns'; bl izdkj gSa %&
Lrj ds ikB~;Øeksa esa iathd r f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh ijh{kk ysus vkSj
1- ,sls cPpksa dks f'k{kk iznku djuk tks cgqr ls
mÙkh.kZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks nsus dk vf/kdkj iznku
lkekftd&vkfFkZd dkj.kksa ds pyrs ikjaifjd Ldwy
ugha tk ik,] lkFk gh ftUgksaus ,sls gh dkj.ko'k Ldwy
tqykbZ 2002 esa] ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky; us laLFkk dk vkSj fodklkRed f'k{kk ds volj [kks fn,(
uke jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; ls jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk 2- fofHkUu :i ls v{ke cPpksa dks 'kSf{kd vko';drkvksa
laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½ fd;k ftldk fe'ku vkSipkfjd
dh iwfrZ djuk(
f'k{kk iz.kkyh ds ,d fodYi ds :i eas eqDr fodYi ds :i
esa eqDr f'k{kk iz.kkyh }kjk izkFkfedrk izkIr lewgksa dks 3- f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks 'kSf{kd dk;ZØe ds O;kid fodYi
fo|ky; Lrj ij iwoZ&Lukrd Lrj rd izklafxd lrr iznku djuk(
f'k{kk iznku djuk gSA 4- chp eas gh Ldwy NksM+us okyksa ds fy, ^^,d lqj{kk ra=k**
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku us 'kSf{kd pqukSfr;ksa dk iznku djuk ftlls os vf'kf{kr u jg tk,¡(
fo'ks"kdj ^^f'k{kk oafprksa rd f'k{kk igq¡pkus** dh pqukSrh dk 5- fo|ky; ds Lrj ij lrr vkSj fodklkRed 'kSf{kd
lkeuk djus ds fy, [kqn dks rS;kj fd;k gSA fodkl ds fy, volj iznku djuk(
O;kid rkSj ij] ,uvkbZvks,l ds nks izeq[k mn~ns'; gSa% 6- Hkkjr ljdkj vkSj jkT;ksa dks ijke'kZ lsok,¡ iznku
(i) lrr vkSj fodklkRed f'k{kk iznku djuk] vkSj
7- nwjLFk f'k{kk vkSj eqDr f'k{kk ls lacaf/kr lwpuk ds
(ii) eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk dk Lrj c<+krs gq, funsZ'kkRed
izHkko'kkyh izlkj ds fy, ,d ek/;e ds :i eas dk;Z
vkSj leUo;kRed dk;Z djukA
fot+u 8- nwjLFk f'k{kk iz.kkyh vkSj jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa esa
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku dks varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij f'k{kk ds ekudksa dh igpku djuk vkSj mudk izlkj
ekU;rk izkIr gks jgh gS vkSj ;g eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk }kjk djuk(
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 7
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
9- ns'k esa nwjLFk vkSj eqDr f'k{kk esa ekudksa dk izlkj lh fo'ks"k izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa ¼,l,vkbZbZMh½ dks Hkh vè;;u
djrs gq, funsZ'kkRed vkSj leUo;kRed dk;Z djukA dsanz ds :i esa ekU;rk iznku nh xbZ gSA ,uvkbZvks,l dh ;s
izR;kf;r laLFkk,¡ ns'k ds fofHkUu jkT;ksa esa fLFkr gSa vkSj
,uvkbZvks,l ds eq[; y{; gSa %
budh la[;k fujarj c<+ jgh gSA ,uvkbZvks,l us lefiZr
¼i½ dkS'ky dsfUnzr f'k{kk vkSj vuqHko xSj ljdkjh laxBuksa vkSj ftyk lk{kjrk lfefr;ksa
¼ii½ izkjafHkd f'k{kk ds lkoZHkkSfedhdj.k ds lg;ksx ls eqDr csfld dk;ZØe dh 'kq#vkr djus dk
¼iii½ lkekftd lekurk vkSj U;k; dk izlkj( vkSj ,d egÙoiw.kZ dne mBk;k gSA ;g dk;ZØe 14 o"kZ ls de
¼iv½ ekuoh; vkSj f'kf{kr lekt dk fodklA vk;q ds cPpksa rFkk 14 o"kZ ls vfèkd vk;q ds izkS<+ksa ds fy,
vyx&vyx <ax ls rS;kj fd;k x;k gSA blds dkj.k
,uvkbZvks,l Hkkjr Hkj ls njfdukj fd, x, lewgksa] tSls izkFkfed ls iwoZ&Lukrd Lrj rd dh Ük a[kyk iwjh gksrh gSA
xzkeh.k ;qokvksa] ckfydkvksa] efgykvksa] vuqlwfpr tkfr]
vuqlwfpr tutkfr;ksa] fodykaxksa vkSj HkwriwoZ lSfudksa dks 2.3 izcaèku ,oa laxBukRed lajpuk
f'k{kk iznku djus dk iz;kl dj jgk gSA jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; lkslkbVh ds izcaèku ds fy,
2.2 dk;ZØe vkSj xfrfof/k;k¡ fuèkkZfjr lfefr;k¡ gSa% (i) egklfefr] (ii) dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~
rFkk (iii) foÙk lfefrA
,uvkbZvks,l us viuh igyh ek/;fed vkSj mPprj
ek/;fed ijh{kk tuojh 1991 esa vk;ksftr dhA ,uvkbZvks,l i) egklfefr
}kjk tkjh iz e Hkkjrh; fo'ofo|ky; la ? k] ,uvkbZvks,l dh egklfefr ,d ;g loksZPp lfefr gS tks
fo'ofo|ky; vuqnku vk;ksx ¼;wthlh½] cgqr ls fo'o ubZ n f"V iznku djrh gS vkSj O;kid uhfr lacèa kh funs'Z k nsrh
fo|ky;ksa vkSj mPp f'k{kk laLFkkuksa] cgqr ls f'k{kk cksMks±] gS D;ksafd mls ;g ftEesnkjh nh xbZ gS fd O;kogkfjd ,oa
ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=kky; ¼ek-la-fo-ea-½ rFkk Je vkSj mi;qDr lykg nsdj og lfefr dh lgk;rk djsA egklfefr
jkstxkj ea=kky; }kjk ekU;rk izkIr gSA lqfuf'pr djrh gS fd laLFkk viuh 'kfDr;ksa vkSj dk;ks± dk
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku 'kSf{kd] O;kolkf;d iz;ksx vius vfHk;ku vkSj lekt ds mís';ksa ds lkFk rkjrE;
,oa thou le f) ikB~;Øe iznku djrk gSA 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa cukrs gq, djs vkSj lkoZtfud :i ls fo'oluh; cuh jgsA
esa vkèkkj] ekè;fed ,oa mPprj ikB~;Øe 'kkfey gSaA 'kSf{kd dsUnzh; ekuo lalkèku fodkl ea=kh laLFkk ds vè;{k gSa vkSj
ikB~;Øeksa esa f'k{kkFkhZ viuh vko';drkvksa] #fp;ksa vkSj egklfefr dh cSBdksa dh vè;{krk djrs gSAa mudh vuqifLFkfr
{kerkvksa ds vuqlkj fo"k;ksa dk pquko djus ds fy, Lora=k esa] laLFkk ds mikè;{k ekuo lalkèku fodkl jkT;ea=kh
gSaA f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks 'kSf{kd fo"k;ksa ds lkFk&lkFk O;kolkf;d egklfefr dh cSBdksa dh vè;{krk djrs gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l
fo"k;ksa dks ysus ds fy, Hkh izksRlkfgr fd;k tkrk gS tks ds lfpo laLFkk dh egklfefr ds insu lnL; lfpo
vius vki esa ,d vuks[kh ckr gSA blls dk;Z ,oa dkS'kyksa gksrs gSaA
dks Kku ds leku gh egÙo izkIr gksrk gSA 31 ekpZ] 2011 ds vuqlkj egklfefr ds lnL;ksa dh lwph
,uvkbZvks,l 6 ekg ls 2 o"kZ dh vof/k okys O;kolkf;d ifjf'k"V&d ij nh xbZ gSA
f'k{kk dk;ZØe pykrk gSA blesa bathfu;fjax vkSj izkS|ksfxdh] ii) dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~
d f"k] x g foKku] LokLF; vkSj ijk fpfdRlk] f'k{kd izf'k{k.k]
O;kikj vkSj okf.kT;] dEI;wVj vkSj vkbZVh ds {ks=ksa esa yxHkx ,uvkbZvks,l dh dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~ ds ikl laLFkk ds dk;ks±
80 ikB~;Øe pyk, tk jgs gSaA bu ikB~;Øeksa dks f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks O;ofLFkr djus rFkk lqpk: ,oa izHkkodkjh <ax ls dk;Z
rd igq¡pkus ds fy, jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ds lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, lHkh 'kfDr;k¡ ekStwn gSaA dk;Zdkjh
vè;;u dsna kz as ds usVodZ esa 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, izR;kf;r ifj"kn~ fo'ks"k :i ls] uhfr dk;ZØeksa rFkk dkjZokbZ lacaèkh
laLFkkvksa ¼,vkbZ½ rFkk O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, izR;kf;r dk;ZØeksa dks vxzorhZ cukus dk dke djrh gS] izHkkodkjh
O;kolkf;d laLFkkvksa ¼,ohvkbZ½ dks 'kkfey fd;k x;k gSA fØ;kUo;u dks lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, mfpr fu.kZ; ysrh
gS ,oa le;&le; ij mudk ewY;kadu djrh gSA vè;{k]
,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kk iznku djus ds fy, vfrfjDr lajpukxr ,uvkbZvks,l bl ifj"kn~ ds vè;{k rFkk lfpo] ,uvkbZvks,l
lqfo/kk,¡ iznku ugha djrk gS cfYd og ifCyd vkSj jktdh; blds lnL; lfpo gksrs gSaA
fo|ky;ksa dh ekStnw k lajpukxr lqfo/kk,¡ tc mi;ksx esa u gks
rks mudk mi;ksx djrk gSA fofHkUu izdkj ds v{ke O;fDr;ksa 31 ekpZ] 2011 dks dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~ ds lnL;ksa dh lwph
rFkk oafprksa dh 'kSf{kd vko';drkvksa dh iwfrZ ds fy, cgqr ifjf'k"V&[k esa nh xbZ gSA

8 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
iii) foÙk lfefr 2.4 o"kZ 2010–11 ds nkSjku vk;ksftr egklfefr]
,uvkbZvks,l dh foÙk lfefr ys[kk vkSj ctV izkDdyuksa dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~ vkSj foÙk lfefr dh cSBdsa
dh tk¡p iM+rky djrh gS rFkk u, O;;ksa vkSj vU; foÙkh; ¼d½ egklfefr
ekeyksa ds izLrkoksa ij viuh flQkfj'ksa nsrh gSA vè;{k] egklfefr dh 19 oha ,oa 20 oha cSBdksa dk vk;kstu Øe'k%
,uvkbZvks,l foÙk lfefr ds v/;{k vkSj lfpo] ,uvkbZvks,l 16 uoacj] 2010 vkSj 10 Qjojh] 2011 dks fd;k x;kA
blds lnL; lfpo gksrs gSaA
¼[k½ dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~
31 ekpZ] 2011 dks foÙk lfefr ds lnL;ksa dh lwph ifjf'k"V&x
dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~ dh 56 oha vkSj 57 oha vkSj 58 oha cSBd Øe'k%
esa nh xbZ gSA
25 ebZ] 2010 vkSj 20 vDrwcj] 2010] dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~ dh 58
foHkkx oha cSBd 11 ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZA
vè;{k dh fu;qfDr Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk dh tkrh gS vkSj os ¼x½ foÙk lfefr
,uvkbZvks,l ds eq[; dk;Zdkjh gksrs gSaA mudh lgk;rk ds foÙk lfefr dh 41 oha] 42 oha vkSj 43 oha cSBdksa dk vk;kstu
fy, ik¡p foHkkxkè;{k gSa %& Øe'k% 14 ebZ] 2010] 30 flracj] 2010 dks] vkSj foÙk lfefr
1- lfpo] dh 43 oha cSBd dk vk;kstu 19 tuojh] 2011 dks fd;k x;kA
2- funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½] 2.5 ;kstuk] fØ;kUo;u vkSj ekWuhVfjax
3- funs'kd ¼O;kolkf;d f'k{kk½] ,uvkbZvks,l dk;ZØeksa dh rS;kjh] fØ;kUo;u vkSj ekWuhVfjax
ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l us foLr r ra=k rS;kj fd;k gSA ,uvkbZvks,l
4- funs'kd ¼ewY;kadu½ dh dk;ZØe fØ;kUo;u lfefr;k¡ bl izdkj gS%a &
5- funs'kd ¼fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡½] I) 'kSf{kd ifj"kn~ ¼,lh½
,uvkbZvks,l dh laxBukRed lajpuk dks i "B 10 ij fn, v/;{k % v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l la;kstd%
x, js[kkfp=k }kjk fn[kk;k x;k gSA funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½]
{ks=kh; dsanz
II) foHkkxksa ds ijke'khZ cksMZ ¼Mh,ch½
lewps ns'k esa jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ds dk;ZØeksa v/;{k % foHkkxk/;{k
dks izHkkodkjh <ax ls fØ;kfUor djus ds fy, nsgjknwu]
la;kstd % ,d ladk; lnL;
Hkqous'oj] csaxyq:] xka/khuxj] bEQky] dksydkrk] iq.ks] gSnjkckn]
xqokgkVh] dksph] paMhx<+] bykgkckn] iVuk vkSj t;iqj] Hkksiky III) vuqla/kku ijke'khZ lfefr ¼vkj,lh½
rFkk fnYyh ¼fnYyh&I vkSj fnYyh&II½ lfgr lksyg {ks=kh; dsna z v/;{k % v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l
LFkkfir fd, x, gSAa {ks=kh; dsUnzkas ds nks mi dsUnz fo'kk[kkiV~Vue la;kstd % funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½]
vkSj njHkaxk esa LFkkfir fd, x,A iksVZ Cys;j] fo'kk[kkiV~Vue eas ,uvkbZvks,l
,d izdks"B LFkkfir fd;k x;k gSA IV) ewY;kadu lfefr] ,uvkbZvks,l
dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~ us Hkh rfeyukMq] NÙkhlx<+] >kj[kaM] la;kstd % funs'kd ¼ewY;kadu½]
fgekpy izns'k] tEew vkSj d'ehj vkSj gfj;k.kk jkT; eas ,uvkbZvks,l
{ks=kh; dsUnz LFkkfir djus dks vuqeksfnr fd;k gSA V) {ks=kh; dsUæ dh ijke'khZ lfefr ¼vkjlh,lh½
deZpkjhx.k la;kstd % funs'kd] {ks=kh; dsUnz
31-3-2011 dks ,uvkbZvks,l ds deZpkfj;ksa dh Js.khokj
Lohd r la[;k n'kkZus okyk fooj.k ^ifjf'k"V ^M-* esa fn;k lacaf/kr foHkkxksa us Mh,ch dh cSBd vk;ksftr dh ftleas
x;k gSA okf"kZd ;kstuk,¡ 2010-11 ij fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k x;kA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 9

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

10 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

3 'kSf{kd dk;ZØe
3.0 ifjp; xfrfof/k;k¡ lapkfyr djrk gSA lkFk gh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds
ewY;kadu ds {ks=k esa Hkh lgk;rk iznku djrk gSA
'kSf{kd foHkkx vkSj O;kolkf;d f'k{kk foHkkx ,uvkbZvks,l
ds lcls egÙoiw.kZ foHkkx dgs tk ldrs gSaA ;s nks foHkkx ,uvkbZvks,l ds 'kSf{kd foHkkx dh fuEufyf[kr bdkbZ;k¡
f'k{kk dk;ZØe vkSj@vFkok ikB~;Øe rS;kj djrs gSa gSa %&
ftlls f'k{kkFkhZ viuh ilan ds ikB~;Øeksa dks iwjk djrs • eqDr csfld f'k{kk ¼vkschbZ½
gSaA nksuksa foHkkx f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ykHk ds fy, dk;kZRed • ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed ikB~;Øe
vkSj vko';drk vk/kkfjr ikB~;Øe rS;kj djus ds fy,
• vuqla/kku vkSj fodkl izdks"B
,d nwljs ds lkFk lg;ksx djrs gSaA
• l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B
'kSf{kd foHkkx 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa laca/kh dk;Z djrk gS • ,udkWl lfpoky;
ftlesa izkFkfed ls ysdj iwoZ Lukrd Lrj rd dh laiw.kZ
• dksekslk lfpoky;
lrr~ f'k{kk 'kkfey gSA 'kSf{kd foHkkx ikB~;p;kZ vkSj
Lo&v/;;u lkexzh ds fodkl] v/;;u lkexzh ds • xzkfQd bdkbZ
iqujh{k.k ds lkFk&lkFk vuqla/kku vkSj fodkl dh • iqLrdky; vkSj izys[ku lsok,¡

'kSf{kd foHkkx ds bu fof'k"V vaxksa ds vfrfjDr] nks vf/kfu;e ds izdk'k esa] ,uvkbZvks,l dks 2013 ds ckn
vR;ar egÙoiw.kZ ifj;kstuk,¡ Hkh foHkkx ls tqM+h gSaA 14 o"kZ dh vk;q ds cPpksa dks f'k{kk iznku djuk lekIr
;s gSa %& djuk gksxkA
1- fd'kksj f'k{kk dk;ZØe ¼,bZih½ Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk mPprj f'k{kk rFkk jkstxkj ds fy,
vkSipkfjd Ldwyh f'k{kk ds led{k eqDr csfld f'k{kk
2- izkFkfed f'k{kd izf'k{k.k laLFkku ¼if'pe caxky½ dks ekU;rk iznku dh xbZ gSA vkschbZ dk;ZØe ds rhu
ifj;kstuk Lrj gSa& d] [k vkSj x LrjA d Lrj vkSipkfjd f'k{kk
3.1 eqDr csfld f'k{kk iz.kkyh dh III d{kk] [k Lrj V d{kk rFkk x Lrj VIII
d{kk ds led{k gSA vkschbZ dk;ZØe ds dk;kZUo;u ds
,uvkbZvks,l esa vkschbZ ifj;kstuk dh 'kq#vkr 1994 esa
fy,] ,uvkbZvks,l bl le; 1976 ¼,d gtkj ukS lkS
eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ds ek/;e ls izkFkfed vkSj voj
NgÙkj½ ,tsafl;ksa ls Hkkxhnkjh dj jgk gS rFkk muds
izkFkfed Lrj dh f'k{kk iznku djus ds fy, gqbZA vc
v/;;u dsUnzksa ij f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks lqfo/kk,¡ iznku dj jgk
rd vkschbZ dk;ZØe cPpksa rFkk izkS<+ nksuksa ds fy,
gSA ,uvkbZvks,l viuh vksj ls lalk/ku lg;ksx iznku
vk;ksftr fd;k tkrk gSA blds f'k{kkFkhZ fuEu nks
djrk gS tSls ,uvkbZvks,l dh ekWMy ikB~;p;kZ dk
Jsf.k;ksa esa vkrs gSa %& (i) 6&14 vk;q oxZ ds cPps (ii) 15
vuqdwyu] v/;;u lkexzh] fo'ks"kKksa dk vfHkfoU;kl
;k mlls vf/kd vk;q ds iz k S < + A ;|fi vkjVhbZ
vkSj la;qDr izek.khdj.k nsuk bR;kfnA
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
lHkh 'kSf{kd vkSj O;kolkf;d dk;ZØeksa dh rjg vkschbZ ogha] vk/kkjHkwr Lrjksa ij dk;kZUo;u dk dk;Z jk"Vªh;
dk;ZØe dk vk/kkj [kqykiu ,oa yphykiu gSA iathdj.k lk{kjrk fe'ku izkf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk fd;k tk,xkA
dh vof/k izR;sd Lrj ds fy, c<+kdj ik¡p o"kZ dj nh dkS'ky fodkl&izkS<+&uolk{kjksa ds fy, thfodk vkSj
xbZ gS ftlls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks u dsoy fo"k;ksa dks pquus jkstxkj volj iznku djus ds fy, lk{kj Hkkjr fe'ku
esa lgwfy;r gksrh gS cfYd viuh ilan dk ek/;e pquus dk ,d egÙoiw.kZ dk;Z Hkh ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj ,u,y,e,
dh Hkh Lora=krk feyrh gSA f'k{kkFkhZ dks fganh] vaxzsth ;k }kjk lg;ksxkRed :i ls fd;k tk jgk gSA 27 ikB~;Øeksa
dksbZ Hkh {ks=kh; Hkk"kk dks v/;;u ds ek/;e ds :i esa dks vkjaHk djus dk fu.kZ; fy;k x;kA
pquus dh lqfo/kk gSA lHkh 'kSf{kd dk;ZØeksa dh rjg csfld lk{kjrk ewY;kadu
vkschbZ dk;ZØe eas Hkh dksbZ vf/kdre vk;q lhek ugha gS]
viuh izdkj ds igys iz;kl esa ,uvkbZvks,l us uolk{kjksa
;|fi 6 o"kZ ls de vk;q ds cPpksa dk iathdj.k bl
ds fy, csfld lk{kjrk ewY;kadu vk;ksftr djus ds
dk;ZØe esa ugha fd;k x;k gSA
fy, jk"Vªh; lk{kjrk fe'ku dks 'kSf{kd lgk;rk iznku
vkschbZ bdkbZ eas 'kSf{kd vkSj iz'kklfud nksuksa izdkj ds dhA igyk ewY;kadu 20 vxLr] 2010 dks vk;ksftr
dk;Z gksrs gSaA bdkbZ lHkh rhu Lrjksa ds fy, ikB~;p;kZ fd;k x;k vkSj nwljk ewY;kadu 6 ekpZ] 2011 dks
vkSj v/;;u lkexzh rS;kj djrh gS rFkk ns'kHkj eas QSyh vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA ;s uolk{kj ckn esa mi;qZDr eqDr
fofHkUu ,tsfa l;ksa eas ukekafdr ,sls lQy f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks izkS<+ f'k{kk dk;ZØe ds varxZr d] [k vkSj x Lrjksa eas
la;Dq r iznku djrh gS ftudk izo's k MkVk lacfa /kr viuh csfld f'k{kk tkjh j[k ldrs gSaA
,tsl a h }kjk ,uvkbZvks,l eas miyC/k djk;k tkrk gSA 3.1.2 eSldks&vfyQ ds lkFk lg;ksx
3.1.1 lk{kj Hkkjr fe'ku ds lkFk lg;ksx vjch ikB~;Øeksa ds fodkl@:ikarj.k ds fy, eSldks&
ikB~;p;kZ vkSj v/;;u lkexzh dk fodkl vfyQ & ,d gSnjkckn vk/kkfjr laxBu ls ,d izLrko
vkjaHk ls gh] vkschbZ bdkbZ ikB~;p;kZ vkSj v/;;u izkIr fd;kA laxBu us vkschbZ ds fofHkUu Lrj ij
lkexzh rS;kj djrh gS ftls lgHkkxh laLFkk,¡ viuk pyk, tk jgs fo"k;ksa eas vjch ds f'k{k.k dk izLrko fn;k
ldrh gSa vFkok LFkkuh; vko';drkvksa vkSj v/;;u ds fd ,d u;h Hkk"kk lh[kus ds bPNqd tu lkekU; vkSj
ek/;e ds vuqlkj <ky ldrh gSaA ijUrq vizSy 2010 esa enjlksa eas i<+ jgs cPpksa dks vjch i<+kbZ tk,xhA
f'k{kk dk vf/kdkj vkjaHk gksus ds dkj.k ,uvkbZvks,l dks vr% bl izdkj ds dk;ZØe dh mi;ksfxrk ds laca/k
dsoy 2013 rd 6&14 o"kZ dh vk;q lewg ds cPpksa dk esa izkjafHkd fopkj&foe'kZ ds fy, 30 tqykbZ] 2010 dks ,d
iathdj.k djus dh fu/kkZfjr vof/k nh xbZ gSA vr% jk"Vªh; Lrj dh cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZA bl vf[ky
8 uoacj] 2010 dks vk;ksftr ,d jk"Vªh; Lrj ds Hkkjrh; cSBd ds ,d fu"d"kZ ds :i esa rhuksa Lrjksa ij
lEesyu esa izkS<+ksa ds fy, lekarj volj vkjaHk djus ds ikB~;p;kZ rS;kj djus vkSj ikB ys[ku dk dk;Z vkjaHk djus
fu.kZ; dk Lo:i rS;kj fd;k x;kA ;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k ds fy, ,d dksj lfefr xfBr dh xbZA
fd lk{kj Hkkjr fe'ku ds lg;ksx ls izkS<+ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ¼15 rnuqlkj] eSldks&vfyQ dh lgk;rk ls ^d* Lrj ds
vkSj blls vf/kd½ ds fy, led{krk dk;ZØe pyk;k ikB~;Øe ds fy, lkexzh cukbZ xbZ] la'kksf/kr dh xbZ
tk,xkA vr% dqN ifjorZu fd, x, vkSj leku v/;;u vkSj eqnz.k ds fy, rS;kj dh xbZA
lkexzh cPpksa vkSj izkS<+ksa dks nsus ds LFkku ij ;g fu.kZ; ^[k* Lrj ij vjch ds fy, ikB ys[ku dk dk;Z Hkh fd;k
fy;k x;k fd izkS<+ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh fo'ks"k vko';drkvksa x;k vkSj 16&17 ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr ,d cSBd esa
vkSj t:jrksa dk /;ku j[kk tk,A bls eqDr izkS<+ f'k{kk ikBksa dk la'kks/ku dk;Z fd;k x;kA
dk;ZØe dgk tk,xkA 3.1.3 vkschbZ ikB~;Øeksa esa ukekadu
bl mís'; ds fy, rS;kj fd, mikxe izi=k ds vk/kkj vkschbZ bdkbZ ns'kHkj eas QSyh fofHkUu izR;kf;r ,tsafl;ksa
ij eqDr izkS<+ f'k{kk ds d] [k vkSj x Lrjksa ij pyk, ls izos'k MkVk izkIr djrh gSA ;s izR;kf;r ,tsafl;ka
tkus okys fofHkUu fo"k;ksa esa ikB~;p;kZ rS;kj djus dk izR;sd o"kZ viuh ,tsalh esa f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk izos'k djrh gSa
dk;Z iwjk fd;k x;k vkSj bl ikB~;p;kZ esa Lo&v/;;u vkSj fjdkWMZ ds fy, viuk MkVk ,uvkbZvks,l dks Hkstrh
lkexzh rS;kj djus dk dk;Z vkjaHk fd;k x;kA gSaA ekpZ] 2011 dks vkschbZ ds fofHkUu ikB~;Øeksa ¼cPpksa
;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k fd tgk¡ lk{kj Hkkjr fe'ku dks vkSj izkS<+ksa nksuksa½ esa dqy ukekadu 36] 325 Fkk tks fiNys
'kSf{kd lgk;rk ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk iznku dh tk,xh o"kZ dh vis{kk 2000 vf/kd gSA
12 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
3.1.4 vkschbZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, la;qDr la;qDr tkjh fd;k tkrk gSA 31 ekpZ] 2011 dks
,uvkbZvks,l ds vkschbZ dk;ZØe ds varxZr 34]102
vkschbZ ikB~;Øe dks lQyrkiwoZd iwjk djus ds ckn f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks fn, x, ftldk fooj.k uhps
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks izR;kf;r ,tsalh dh lgHkkfxrk ls ,d fn;k x;k gS %
rkfydk 3 : o"kZ 2010-11 esa vkschbZ dk;ZØe ds varxZr izkIr djus okys f'k{kkFkhZ

l=k Lrj d Lrj [k Lrj x dqy

2010-11 5560 11865 16677 34102

3.1.5 Mh-,y-,M dk;ZØe fo'ks"kK lfefr xfBr dh xbZ vkSj ikB~;p;kZ rS;kj dh
f'k{kk dk vf/kdkj ¼vkjVhbZ½ vf/kfu;e 2009 ds vkjaHk xbZ rFkk mls vafre :i fn;k x;kA
gksus ds QyLo:i 2015 rd izkFkfed Lrj ij dk;Zjr 3.2 ek/;fed rFkk mPprj ek/;fed ikB~;Øe
,uvkbZvks,l ds ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed
lHkh f'k{kdksa dks izf'k{k.k fn;k tkuk gSA ek-la-fo-ea-
ikB~;Øeksa esa cgqr cM+h la[;k eas ukekadu fd;k tkrk
}kjk ,uvkbZvks,l dks eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk }kjk
gSA izR;sd o"kZ bu nks Lrjksa ij pyk, tk jgs fofHkUu
vizf'kf{kr izkFkfed f'k{kdksa dks izf'k{k.k iznku djus ds ikB~;Øeksa eas yxHkx 4-5 yk[k f'k{kkFkhZ viuk ukekadu
fy, ,d laLFkk ds :i esa fu/kkZfjr fd;k x;k gSA ,d djkrs gSaA

ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrjksa ij ek/;eokj mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij dqy 2]32]676 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa esa
ukekadu MkVk ds ,d fo'ys"k.k ls ;g Kkr gqvk fd ls 1]29]453 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us i<+kbZ ds fy, fganh ek/;e
fganh lokZf/kd yksdfiz; ek/;e gSA ek/;fed Lrj ij pquk tcfd 1]02]655 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us vaxzsth ek/;e esa
ukekafdr dqy 2]08]466 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa esa ls 1]50]527 iathdj.k djk;k vkSj 568 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us mnwZ ek/;e
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us fganh ek/;e pquk tcfd 56]906 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa pqukA
us vaxzsth ek/;e vkSj 1]033 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us mnwZ ek/;e
ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij fo"k;okj
pquk ¼bl MkVk esa dsoy bu rhu ek/;eksa esa ukekafdr
ukekadu dk laf{kIr fo'ys"k.k uhps fn;k x;k gS %
f'k{kkFkhZ 'kkfey gSa½A

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 13

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
• vR;ar jkspd rF; ;g gS fd ek/;fed vkSj us vaxzsth fo"k; pqukA bldh rqyuk esa ek/;fed
mPprj ek/;fed Lrjksa ij vaxzsth fo"k; fganh ls Lrj ij 1]55]962 vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij
vf/kd yksdfiz; gSA ek/;fed Lrj ij 1]83]584 1]64]672 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us fganh fo"k; pqukA
vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij 2]09]007 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa

• ek/;fed Lrj ij 'kSf{kd l=k ds nkSjku lokZf/kd ys[kkadu] dEI;wVj foKku vkSj tho foKku tSls
sz h (183584), lkekftd foKku
pqus x, fo"k; gSa vaxt fo"k;ksa dh i<+kbZ ds fy, vaxzsth ek/;e dks ojh;rk
(160387), fganh (155962), foKku vkSj izkS|ksfxdh nsrs gSa tcfd bfrgkl] Hkwxksy] jktuhfr foKku]
(134125), (126425), x g foKku (82175), x g foKku] lekt'kkL=k vkSj fp=kdyk tSls fo"k;ksa
oMZ izkslsflax (79639)A ds fy, fganh ek/;e yksdfiz; gSA
• ek/;fed Lrj ij miyC/k djkbZ xbZ ukS {ks=kh;
Hkk"kkvksa esa ls iatkch eas lcls
vf/kd ukekadu (10059) vkSj
ey;kye eas lcls de ukekadu
jgk (565)A
• mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij
lokZf/kd pqus x, fo"k; gSa vaxzsth
( 209007 ), fga n h ( 164672 ),
jktuhfr foKku (92629),
(90295) vkSj bfrgkl(73944)A

• mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij ;g

ik;k x;k fd f'k{kkFkhZ]
HkkSfrdh] jlk;u foKku] okf.kT;]

14 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

3.2.1 ek/;fed ikB~;Øeksa dk iqujh{k.k ikB~;Øe MkVk ,aVªh dk;Z ¼fo"k; dksM 229½ vkjaHk fd;k
jk"Vªh; vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij u, fodkl vkSj ifjorZuksa x;kA
ls rknkRe; cukus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l dh uhfr gS fd 3.2.2 mPprj ek/;fed ikB~;Øe
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh vko';drk ds fy, izR;sd ik¡p o"kks± eas bl o"kZ rhu u, fo"k; & caXyk ¼fo"k; dksM 303½]
vFkok mlls igys ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed i;kZoj.k foKku ¼fo"k; dksM 333½ vkSj MkVk ,aVªh dk;Z
Lrj dh lkjh ikB~;Øe lkexzh dk iqujh{k.k fd;k ¼fo"k; dksM 336½ rS;kj fd, x,A 2011&12 ds 'kSf{kd
tk,A bu ikB~;Øeksa ds iqujh{k.k ds fy, fofHkUu laLFkkvksa l=k eas bUgsa vkjaHk fd;k tk jgk gSA mPprj ek/;fed
tSls ts,u;w] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;] bXuw] ,ulhbZvkjVh Lrj ij bfrgkl ¼fo"k; dksM 315½ eas la'kksf/kr ikB~;Øe
vkSj Ldwykas ds fo'ks"kKksa dks 'kkfey fd;k x;kA o"kZ 2010-11 l=k ls vkjaHk fd;k x;kA
2010&11 esa lHkh fo"k;ksa ¼{ks=kh; Hkk"kk,¡ NksM+dj½ dk
iqujh{k.k dk;Z vkjaHk fd;k x;k vkSj vk'kk dh tkrh gS 3.2.3 {ks=kh; Hkk"kk dk;ZØe
fd ;g 'kh?kz gh iw.kZ gks ldsxkA {ks=kh; Hkk"kk dk;ZØe ds varxZr] o"kZ 2010&11 ds fy,
;g mYys[kuh; gS fd ik¡p fo"k;ksa & fganh] vaxzsth] ek/;fed Lrj ij 11 {ks=kh; Hkk"kk ds fo"k;ksa ds fy,
lkekftd foKku] foKku vkSj izkS|ksfxdh rFkk x g vuqf'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z ¼Vh,e,½ rS;kj fd,
foKku dks fd'kksj f'k{kk dk;ZØe ds varxZr v/;;u x,A ek/;fed Lrj ds Vh,e, dk Hkh Hkh ik¡p {ks=kh;
lkexzh esa thou dkS'kyksa ds ,dhdj.k ds fy, pquk Hkk"kkvksa esa vuqokn fd;k x;k vkSj f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks fn,
x;kA ;g vk'kk dh tkrh gS fd bl ikB~;p;kZ laca/kh x,A
iz;kl ls vkSipkfjd Ldwyksa esa f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk i<+h tk ek/;fed Lrj ij xqtjkrh ek/;e esa foKku vkSj
jgh ikjaifjd ikB~;iqLrdksa eas ,d egÙoiw.kZ 'kq:vkr izkS|ksfxdh] x g foKku ds fy, iz;ksx'kkyk iqfLrdkvksa
gksxhA dk vuqokn fd;k x;k] lhvkjlh rS;kj dh xb± vkSj
ek/;fed Lrj ij] oMZ izkslsflax ¼dksM 219½ ikB~;Øe eqnz.k ds fy, eqnz.k bdkbZ dks tek dh xb±A xqtjkrh
vi;kZIr ik;s tkus ds dkj.k mlds LFkku ij ,d u;k ek/;e esa ek/;fed Lrj dh x g foKku iqLrd&2 dh
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 15
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
lhvkjlh Hkh izkIr dh xbZA ek/;fed Lrj ij dUuM+ 3.3 vuqla/kku vkSj fodkl izdks"B
Hkk"kk ¼fo"k; dksM 208½ ds fy, la'kksf/kr ikB~;Øe
jk"Vªh; Lrj ij ,d loksZPp laxBu gksus ds ukrs &
lkexzh cukbZ xbZ vkSj lhvkjlh rS;kj dh xbZA
,uvkbZvks,l dh xfrfof/k eas jk"Vªh; Lrj dk vuqla/kku
mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij rfey Hkk"kk eas ,d u, ,uvkbZvks,l ,d egÙoiw.kZ rÙo gSA vuqla/kku vkSj
ikB~;Øe ds fy, ikB~;p;kZ vkSj vf/kxe fu"d"kZ rS;kj fodkl izdks"B dh xfrfof/k;k¡ dk foLrkj eas fooj.k
fd, tk jgs gSaA o"kZ 2010&11 esa Lo&vuqns'kukRed vè;k; 11 esa fn;k x;k gSA
vè;;u lkexzh dk ys[ku vkSj la'kks/ku dk dk;Z py
3.4 l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B
jgk FkkA
l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B 2010 esa LFkkfir fd;k x;k
3-2-4 mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij iz'u cSad dk
ftldk mn~ns'; jk"Vªh; vkSj jkT; Lrjksa ij eqDr
foLrkj fo|ky; ds dk;ZdÙkkZvksa ds fu;fer vkSj lokZf/kd l{kerk
,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh ijh{kk ysus vkSj fuekZ.k dk;ZØeksa eas lgk;rk iznku djuk gSA bl izdks"B
nsus ds ,d jk"Vªh; cksMZ ds :i eas nks lkoZtfud ijh{kk,¡ }kjk dh tk jgh fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa dks v/;k; & 10
vk;ksftr djrk gS] lkFk gh vius f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ^tc esa 'kkfey fd;k x;k gSA
pkgks rc ijh{kk* ¼vksMhbZ½ dk fo'ks"k volj Hkh iznku
3.5 xzkfQd bdkbZ
djrk gSA blds fy, 'kSf{kd foHkkx }kjk izR;sd fo"k;
esa iz'u cSad rS;kj fd, x,A o"kZ 2009&10 esa mPprj o"kZ 2010&11 ds varxZr] cgqr ls 'kh"kZ doj] jaxhu
ek/;fed Lrj ij la'kksf/kr ikB~;Øe ds fy, yxHkx fp=k@xz k fQd vkfn rS ; kj fd, x,] fooj.k bl
lHkh fo"k;ksa eas vksM~l ds fy, iz'u cSad rS;kj fd,A fQj izdkj gaS %&
Hkh dqN fo"k; 'ks"k FksA vr% jktuhfr foKku] bfrgkl] • xzkfQd fp=k %
laLd r] i;kZoj.k foKku] dEI;wVj foKku] tu lapkj]
vkschbZ] bZoh,l] leqnk; LokLF;] csfld xzkeh.k izk|
S ksfxdh]
lekt'kkL=k vkSj fp=kdyk fo"k;ksa ds la'kksf/kr ikB~;Øe
i;kZoj.k foKku ¼mPprj ek/;fed Lrj½eas v/;;u
ds fy, ,d iz'u cSad rS;kj djus dk dk;Z fd;k x;kA
lkexzh vkSj lgk;d lkexzh ds fy, yxHkx 500 xzkfQd
lHkh ensa ¼laLd r NksM+dj½ vaxzsth vkSj fganh eas rS;kj dh
vkSj jaxhu fp=k rS;kj fd, x,A
• 'kh"kZ doj
3.2.5 vuqf'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z ¼Vh,e,½
dk fodkl i;kZoj.k foKku] okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2009&2010] csfld xzkeh.k
izkS|ksfxdh] dkWeuosYFk Ldwfyax ,lksfl,'ku ¼dksekslk½
ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij fofHkUu fo"k;ksa
vkSj O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, dqN vU; doj
eas fganh vkSj vaxzsth eas vuqf'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z
fMtkbu rS;kj fd, x,A
¼Vh,e,½ Vh,e, rS;kj fd, x,A ek/;fed Lrj ij
rsyqxw] ejkBh] ey;kye] mfM+;k] xqtjkrh] ek/;e esa Hkh 3.6 iqLrdky; vkSj izys[ku lsokvksa ij foLr r
miyC/k djk, x,A tkudkjh v/;k; 16 eas miyC/k gSA
3.2.6 vad ;kstukvksa dk ekudhdj.k 3.7 ,udkWl lfpoky;
,uvkbZvks,l lkoZtfud ijh{kk ds fy, izR;sd fo"k; eas jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk la?k ds eq[; mís'; bl
iz'u i=kksa ds rhu lsV ¼d] [k] x½ rS;kj djrk gSA izdkj gSa %
ewY;kadu esa fo"k; fu"Brk de djus ds fy, ek/;fed 1- jkT; f'k{kk foHkkxksa dks O;kolkf;d] rduhdh
vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrjksa ij lHkh fo"k;ksa ds fy, vkSj 'kSf{kd lgk;rk lsok,¡ iznku djds jkT;ksa
vad ;kstuk,¡ rS;kj dh xb± vkSj mudk ekudhdj.k esa jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa ¼jk-eq-fo-½ dh LFkkiuk dks
fd;k x;kA vizSy@ebZ] 2010 vkSj vDrwcj@uoacj] 2010 c<+kok nsukA
eas vk;ksftr lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa ds fy, fofHkUu fo"k;ksa 2- eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ¼vksMh,y½ ds fy, leFkZu
eas vad ;kstukvksa ds ekudhdj.k ds fy, cSBdsa vk;ksftr c<+kus vkSj Hkkjr esa eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk dk;Z Øe
dh xb ±A dk Lrj c<+kukA
16 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
3- fo|ky; Lrj ij eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ¼vksMh,y½ 3.9 'kSf{kd foHkkx esa ifj;kstuk,¡
esa lk/kuksa] fo'ks"kKksa vkSj vuqHkoksa dh lgHkkfxrk 3-9-1 fd'kksj f'k{kk dk;ZØe ¼,bZih½] ek-l-fo-ea-]
ls Hkkjr esa eqDr fo|ky;ksa eas usVofd±x eas lgk;rk
;w,u,Qih,] ,uvkbZvks,l dk lg;ksxkRed
nsuk vkSj lg;ksx LFkkfir djukA
4- fo|ky; Lrj ij eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk iz.kkyh ek-l-fo-ea- & ;w,u,Qih, ds lefiZr iz;kl ds varxZr
ds ekud fu/kkZj.k djuk rkfd eqDr fo|ky;ksa esa jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½
dk;ZØeksa vkSj xfrfof/k;ksa dk fodkl lqfuf'pr }kjk ,d iapo"khZ; dk;ZØe ds :i eas ,bZih dks ykxw
fd;k tk ldsA fd;k x;k gSA 2005 esa viuh LFkkiuk ds ckn NBk o"kZ
5- jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa Œ¼jk-eq-fo-½ esa vko';drk 2010, ,dhdj.k dk o"kZ FkkA igys ls fd, x, iz;klksa
vk/kkfjr fof'k"V ikB~;p;kZ rS;kj djus esa rFkk }kjk izkIr Kku dks ek/;fed Lrj ij thou dkS'kyksa ls
{ks=kh; Hkk"kkvksa eas Lo&v/;;u lkexzh rS;kj djus ifjiw.kZ v/;;u lkexzh ds fuekZ.k esa iz;ksx fd;k x;kA
esa lgk;rk djukA y{; vkSj iz;kl
6- eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk dk;ZØe dk MkVk csl jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½
cukukA 2005 ls ek-la-fo-ea- & ;w,u,Qih, lefFkZr fd'kksj
f'k{kk dk;ZØe ¼,bZih½ ykxw dj jgk gS ftldk mn~ns';
7- Hkkjr eas eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk esa vuqla/kku dks
gS fd 'kSf{kd izfØ;kvksa eas f'k{kkFkhZ ,slk Kku izkIr djsa
c<+kok nsukA
^^tks muds vuqHkoksa ls lacaf/kr gks] LoLFk vfHko fÙk;ksa dks
8- eqDr fo|ky;ksa esa dk;Zjr dkfeZdksa dh l{kerk c<+kok ns vkSj mUgsa vkykspukRed <ax ls lkspus eas leFkZ
fuekZ.k esa lgk;rk djukA cuk lds rFkk ldkjkRed vkSj mÙkjnkf;Roiw.kZ <ax ls
9- varjkZ"Vªh; ,tsafl;ksa ds lkFk leUo;u djukA okLrfod thou dh ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa <ky ldsA** ;g
dk;ZØe ;qok yksxksa ds izklafxd vuqHkoksa ij fufeZr gksrk
3.8 dksekslk lfpoky; gS vkSj thou dkS'ky dks c<+kus ij tksj nsrk gS ftlls
dksekslk ,d varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij i<+h tkus okyh if=kdk os okLrfod thou dh fLFkfr;ksa dk izHkko'kkyh <ax ls
gS ftldk izkjaHk 2009 esa ,uvkbZvks,l ds iz;klksa vkSj lek/kku dj ldrs gSaA
dkWeuosYFk vkWQ yfu±x ¼dksy½ ds lg;ksx ls fd;k bl y{; dks izkIr djus ds fy, mís'; ls ,uvkbZvks,l
x;kA bldk izdk'ku v/kZokf"kZd vk/kkj ij fd;k tkrk us fuEufyf[kr dk;Z fd, %&
gS vkSj bldk f}rh; vad fnlacj] 2010 esa izdkf'kr • ikB~;p;kZ laca/kh dk;Z
fd;k x;kA dksekslk ns'k vkSj fons'k ls fo}rkiw.kZ vkSj • l{kerk fuekZ.k iz;kl
'kks/k iz/kku ys[k vkeaf=kr djrk gSA bleas eq[; :i ls • fd'kksj lgk;rk dsUæz dh LFkkiuk
dkWeuosYFk ns'kksa eas eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk fo/kk ij tksj
• vkbZlhVh lgk;rk
fn;k tkrk gSA
if=kdk ds izeq[k mn~ns'; bl izdkj gSa %& ikB~;p;kZ laca/kh dk;Z
 dkWeuosYFk ns'kksa esa eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk@eqDr ,uvkbZvks,l fo|ky; u tkus okyh Hkkjrh; ;qokvksa dh
f'k{kk esa eqnn~ ksa vkSj fo"k;ksa ij fo}rkiw.kZ fopkj&foe'kZ cM+h tula[;k dks f'kf{kr djus eas izeq[k Hkwfedk fuHkkrk
ds fy, ,d eap iznku djukA gSA ,uvkbZvks,l bl rF; ij lger gS fd thou
dkS'ky o f) ,d lkFkZd iz;kl gS ftlls v/;;u
 'kks/k] fl)kar vkSj O;ogkjksa lfgr varfoZ"k;d
lkexzh dh laiw.kZ xq.koÙkk dks c<+kus esa egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk
v/;;u dk izlkj djukA
fuHkk jgk gSA pqfuank ik¡p fo"k;ksa x g foKku] lkekftd
,udkWl vkSj dksekslk lfpoky; ij foLr r fooj.k foKku] foKku vkSj Hkk"kkvksa ¼fganh vkSj vaxzsth½ esa thou
v/;k; 12 eas miyC/k gSA dkS'ky le f) lkexzh rS;kj djuk o"kZ 2010 esa ,bZih dk
izeq[k dk;Z jgkA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 17

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
bl dk;Z ds egÙo vkSj O;kidrk dks /;ku eas j[krs gq, dk;ZØe* dh dbZ izfr;k¡ cukbZ xb± vkSj vuqf'k{kd
,uvkbZvks,l vkSj ;w,u,Qih, }kjk fo'ks"k dne mBk, izf'k{k.k dk;Z'kkykvksa ds lHkh izfrHkkfx;ksa dks
x, % iznku dh xb±A
• fo'ks"k ijke'khZ ,tsafl;ksa dh vo/kkj.kk vkjaHk dh ij
xbZA ,bZih ds osc i "Bksa ij 45 gtkj ls vf/kd fgV
• izLrko ds fy, vuqjks/k tkjh fd;k x;k vkSj fjdkWMZ fd, x,A
,tasfl;k¡ fu;qDr dh xb±A 3.9.2 if'pe caxky ds ihVhVhvkbZ izf'k{k.kkfFkZ;ksa dh
ikB ys[kdksa ds fy, l{kerk fuekZ.k dk;Z'kkyk,¡ vad o f) ds fy, ifj;kstuk
us'kuy baLVhV~;Vw vkWQ ck;ksykWftdYl] uks,Mk esa vDrwcj ;g ifj;kstuk if'pe caxky ljdkj ds lg;ksx ls
3&7] 2010 rd ,d l{kerk fuekZ.k dk;Z'kkyk vk;ksftr izkFkfed f'k{kd izf'k{k.k laLFkku ¼ihVhVhvkbZ½ izf'k{k.kkfFkZ;ksa
dh xbZ ftldk mn~ns'; ek/;fed Lrj ij ik¡p fo"k;ksa dh 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk dks c<+kus ds fy, l{kerk fuekZ.k
esa thou dkS'ky ls ifjiw.kZ v/;;u lkexzh rS;kj djus gsrq dh xbZA bl ifj;kstuk ds varxZr ,sls izkFkfed
ds fy, 100 ls vf/kd izfrHkkfx;ksa dk vfHkfoU;kl] fo|ky; f'k{kd izf'k{k.kkfFkZ;ksa dks ,uvkbZvks,l ds mPprj
tkx:drk vkSj l{kerk fuekZ.k djuk FkkA ik¡p fo"k;ksa ek/;fed dk;ZØe esa izos'k fn;k x;k ftuds mPprj
ds izHkkjh ,uvkbZvks,l vf/kdkjh] ikB ys[kdksa] xzkfQd ek/;fed Lrj ij 50 izfr'kr ls de vad Fks vFkok tks
fMtkbujksa vkSj iVdFkk ys[kdksa us bl xgu izf'k{k.k mPprj ek/;fed ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ ugha dj ik,A izf'k{k.kkfFkZ;ksa
dk;ZØe esa Hkkx fy;kA dks mudh ilan ds de ls de ,d vkSj vf/kdre ik¡p
vuqf'k{kd izf'k{k.k dk;Z'kkyk fo"k;ksa eas ukekadu djkus dh vuqefr nh xbZA bl
o"kZ 2010 esa vuqf'k{kdksa ds izf'k{k.k ds fy, dqN egÙoiw.kZ mn~ns'; ds fy, 'kSf{kd foHkkx us {ks=kh; dsUnz] dksydkrk
dk;Z'kkykvksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA bu dk;Z'kkykvksa }kjk ,uvkbZvks,l dh lkexzh dks caXyk ek/;e esa
ds fy, izf'k{k.k lkexzh Hkh rS;kj dh xbZ ftudk vuwfnr djus dk dk;Z fd;kA mPprj ek/;fed Lrj
vk;kstu fuEufyf[kr frfFk;ksa ij fd;k x;k % ij ,d u;k fo"k;] caXyk Hkk"kk Hkh rS;kj dh tk jgh gSA
& flracj 17&19] 2010 t;iqj] jktLFkku o"kZ 2010&11 ds varxZr 8 fo"k;ksa ¼HkkSfrdh] jlk;u
& vDrwcj 12&14] 2010 Hkqous'oj] mM+hlk foKku]] tho foKku] bfrgkl] Hkwxksy] jktuhfr
{ks=kh; dsUæksa vkSj jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa ds vf/kdkfj;ksa foKku vkSj lekt'kkL=k½ dh ikB~;Øe lkexzh ds vuqokn
dh tkx:drk dk dk;Z vkjafHkd rkSj ij if'pe caxky mPprj
ek/;fed f'k{kk ifj"kn~ ¼MCY;wchlh,p,lbZ½ dks fn;k
NBs iSu dkWeuosYFk Qksje vkWu vksiu yfu±x ¼ihlh,Q
x;kA dk;Z iwjk gksus eas nsjh ds dkj.k v/kwjs fo"k;ksa dks
6½ esa 24 ls 28 uoacj] 2010 dks dksPph] dsjy] Hkkjr
iwjk djus dk dk;Z ,llhbZvkjVh vkSj if'pe caxky
eas {ks=kh; dsUnzksa vkSj jkT; eqDr fo|ky; ds vf/kdkfj;ksa
izkFkfed f'k{kk cksMZ dks fn;k x;kA
dh tkx:drk vkSj l{kerk fuekZ.k dk;Z fd;k x;kA
{ks=kh; dsUnz] dksydkrk us MCY;wchlh,p,lbZ }kjk izkIr
fd'kksj lgk;rk dsUæ % Hkqous'oj dh LFkkiuk
vkB iqLrdksa dh 'kSyh vkSj izk:i dh tk¡p djus ds ckn
,uvkbZvks,l {ks=kh; dsUnz] Hkqous'oj esa gh fd'kksj dh if'pe caxky izkFkfed f'k{kk cksMZ dks lkSai nhaA
lgk;rk ds fy, ,d LFkku iznku djus ds ,d iz;ksxkRed
iz;kl ds :i esa f'k{kkFkhZ lgk;rk dsUnz ^fe=k* LFkkfir if'pe caxky ljdkj us jkT; eas lHkh 19 ftyksa eas 117
fd;k x;k gSA ^fe=k* fd'kksj laca/kh eqn~nks vkSj fo"k;ksa ij fo|ky;ksa dh igpku dhA if'pe caxky izkFkfed f'k{kk
dsfUnzr gksxk ftldk mís'; thou dkS'ky f'k{kk dh cksMZ ds lEesyu d{k esa 9 ekpZ] 2011 dks ,d izkjafHkd
fofHkUu uhfr;ksa }kjk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh ;ksX;rk dk fodkl cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa 90 fo|ky;ksa ds izeq[kksa
djuk gksxkA us Hkkx fy;kA bu ljdkjh fo|ky;ksa dh i "BHkwfe
laca/kh tkudkjh ,df=kr dh xbZ vkSj ladfyr dh xbZ
vkbZlhVh lgk;rk
rFkk ikbZ xbZ vfu;ferrkvksa dh lwpuk ckn esa funs'kd]
 izHkko'kkyh O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe ij fganh fo|ky; f'k{kk] if'pe caxky ljdkj dks nh xbZA
eas ,d vkWfM;ks dk;ZØe ^izHkkoh O;fDrxr laidZ
18 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
if'pe caxky izkFkfed f'k{kk cksMZ ls dqy 3107 izos'k & fofHkUu 'kSf{kd xfrfof/k;ksa ds fy, njksa dk la'kks/kuA
QkWeZ izkIr fd, x, ftuesa ls 933 f'k{kkFkhZ mPprj & O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe ¼ihlhih½ dks vfuok;Z
ek/;fed Lrj ij u, izos'k Fks tcfd 2084 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa cukuk vkSj vuqf'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;ks± ds
us viuk ukekadu mPprj ek/;fed ijh{kk ds vad fy, vad fu/kkZfjr djukA
c<+kus ds fy, fd;k FkkA 1415 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us ØsfMV & eqDr izkS<+ f'k{kk dk;ZØe ds d] [k vkSj x Lrj
LFkkukarj.k ¼Vhvkslh½ ds fy, vkosnu fd;k gSA ukekafdr ij ikB~;p;kZ vkSj ikB~;Øe lkexzh dk fodklA
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us pkj fHkUu ek/;e pqus gSa & ckaXyk] fganh]
& ,ulhVhbZ ds v/;{k f'k{kk ds fy, jk"Vªh; ikB~;p;kZ
vaxzsth vkSj mnwZ ukekafdr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa esa ls 100 f'k{kkFkhZ
lajpuk dk vuqlj.k djrs gq,A Mh-,y-,M dk;ZØe
jkstxkj izkIr gSa tcfd 2980 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ikl dksbZ
ds ikB~;Øe Lo:i ds elkSns dk vuqeksnuA
jkstxkj ugha gSA
& lkoZtfud futh lgHkkfxrk ¼ihihih½ ds vk/kkj
3.10 vU; egÙoiw.kZ xfrfof/k;k¡ ij u, vko';drk vk/kkfjr O;olkf;d ikB~;Øeksa
3.10.1 foHkkxh; ijke'khZ cksMZ dh cSBdsa dk izkjaHkA
'kSf{kd foHkkx ds foHkkxh; ijke'khZ cksMZ ¼Mh,ch½ dh & ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj vksiu ikWyhVSfDud vkWQ U;wthySM a
pkSFkh cSBd 2 Qjojh] 2011 vkSj ik¡poha cSBd 14 ds chp fo'ks"kdj dkS'ky fodkl ds {ks=k eas lg;ksx
Qjojh] 2011 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZA 2011&12 ds fy, ds fy, ,evks;w ij gLrk{kjA
foHkkx dh dk;Z ;kstuk pkSFkh Mh,ch cSBd esa vuqeksfnr & O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa eas ØsfMV iz.kkyh dk
dh xbZA fØ;kUo;uA
bu nks Mh,ch cSBdksa dk ,d egÙoiw.kZ fu.kZ; O;fDrxr lfefr ds lEekfur lnL;ksa }kjk fofHkUu lq>koksa vkSj
laidZ dk;ZØeksa ¼ihlhih½ vkSj vuqf'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu voyksduksa ij fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k x;k vkSj Hkfo"; eas
dk;ks± ¼Vh,e,½ dks ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, dkjZokbZ ds fy, uksV fd;k x;kA
vfuok;Z djuk FkkA ;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k fd ihlhih esa 3.10.3 22osa LFkkiuk fnol dk vk;kstu
50% mifLFkr vko';d gS vkSj 20% vad Vh,e, dks
fn, tk,axs ftUgsa vad lwph eas n'kkZ;k tk,xkA jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½ us
23 uoacj] 2010 dks viuk 22oka LFkkiuk fnol euk;kA
3.10.2 'kSf{kd lfefr dh cSBd vkjaHk eas Jh fdj.k dkfuZd] iwoZ v/;{k] uSldkWe us
'kSf{kd foHkkx }kjk 'kSf{kd lfefr dh 11oha cSBd 4 ^lfEefyr f'k{kk % ehfM;k vkSj izkS|ksfxdh dh Hkwfedk*
ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZA MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/ ij izFke LFkkiuk fnol O;k[;ku fd;kA ns'k esa vui<+
;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l us ,uvkbZvks,l ds dk;Z {ks=k dks yksxksa dh cM+h la[;k ij fpark O;Dr djrs gq,
c<+kus dh vko';drk ij tksj fn;k ftlls ukekadu Jh dkfuZd us Hksnksa dks Hkjus vkSj :dkoVksa dks nwj djus
c<+us ds lkFk&lkFk xq.kkRed lq/kkj Hkh gksa rkfd iz.kkyh ds fy, f'k{kk esa lexzrk dh vko';drk ij tksj fn;kA
dh fo'oluh;rk vkSj Lohdk;Zrk c<+kbZ tk ldsA mUgksaus ^lfEefyr f'k{kk og cht gS ftls ge lexzrk dk y{;
,uvkbZvks,l vkSj ,u,y,e, ds chp leUo;kRed iwjk dj ldrs gSa* ij ckr djrs gq, mUgksaus ,sls lewgksa
dk;ZØe ij Hkh tksj fn;kA bl cSBd esa fofHkUu dk;Z vkSj O;fDr;ksa rd f'k{kk dks igq¡pkus ds fy, :dkoVksa
lwph ensa izLrqr dh xb± tSls % & dks de djus esa izkS|ksfxdh vkSj ehfM;k dh egRoiw.kZ
Hkwfedk ij /;ku fnyk;k tks f'k{kk dh izfØ;k eas ihNs
& ihVhVhvkbZ dk;ZØe ds fy, caXyk ek/;e esa jg tkrs gSaA
mPprj ek/;fed ikB~;Øe dk vuqoknA
blls igys Lokxr Hkk"k.k esa MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/;{k]
& ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj lk{kj Hkkjr ds chp lg;ksxkRed ,uvkbZvks,l us Li"V fd;k fd dSls ,uvkbZvks,l
dk;ZØeksa ds fy, izLrko ij fopkj djukA lcls cM+h eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk iz.kkyh ds :i esa
& cPpksa ds fy, eqDr csfld f'k{kk dk;ZØe dks ekpZ fodflr gqvk ftlds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh lap;h la[;k 19
2013 rd tkjh j[kus ds Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk fn, yk[k gS vkSj ftldk 4000 v/;;u dsUnzksa dk ,d cM+k
x, funsZ'kA usVodZ gS ftuesa csfld f'k{kk Lrj ij f'k{kk iznku djus

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 19

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
ds fy, ,uthvks Hkh 'kkfey gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa gksA laxks"Bh eas f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa vkSj muds ifjokj ds lnL;ksa]
dh lgk;rk ds fy, vkbZlhVh ds mi;ksx ij ckr djrs ,uvkbZvks,l dh izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa] jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa
gq, mUgksaus 100% vkWu ykbu izos'k vkSj tc pkgks rc ds dkfeZdksa] fo|ky;ksa ds O;kolkf;d fo'ks"kKksa vkSj
ijh{kk ds vkjaHk ds ckjs esa crk;kA fd'kksj ekufld LokLF; fo'ks"kKkssa ds fofo/k lewg dks
lkFk vkus] lh[kus] l{kerk fuekZ.k djus vkSj lg;ksx
,uvkbZvks,l dks mlds 22osa LFkkiuk fnol ij c/kkbZ
djus ds fy, ,d lkekU; eap fn;kA
nsrs gq, lqJh Ýkafll Qjsjk] 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kK] dkWeuosYFk
vkWQ yfu±x ¼dksy½ us dgk fd eqDr fo|ky;ksa dks Ldwy blesa izeq[k fo"k;ksa tSls ^ck/kkvksa ds ikj* ij izi=k izLrqr
u tkus okys cPpksa ds fy, ,d lqj{kk ra=k iznku djuk fd, x, ftueas fyax ck/kk,¡ tSls yM+fd;k¡ vkSj efgyk,¡]
pkfg, vkSj bls nks;e njts ds :i esa ugha ns[kk tkuk {kerk lacaf/kr ck/kk ftuesa ekufld] 'kkjhfjd vkSj vf/
pkfg, cfYd ;g lHkh lqfo/kkvksa ds lkFk f'k{kk izkIr kxe {kerkvksa ds fofo/k Lrjksa ds f'k{kkFkhZ 'kkfey gSa vkSj
djus ds egRoiw.kZ ek/;e ds :i esa ns[kk tkuk pkfg,A vkfFkZd] lkekftd] lkaLd frd vkSj jktuhfrd ck/kkvksa
mUgksaus eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk esa vkbZlhVh dks 'kkfey ij l=k 'kkfey FksA
djus ij Hkh tksj fn;k ftlls f'k{kk dh miyC/krk ,d vR;ar ljkguh; l=k vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftldk
c<+sxhA 'kh"kZd Fkk ^varjkRek dh vkoktsa* ftleas vfHkHkkodksa vkSj
f'k{kk dh fo"k;&oLrq ds egÙo ij Jh ,l-lh- [kwafV;k] f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us vius futh vuqHko crk, fd os ,uvkbZvks,l
la;qDr lfpo] ek/;fed f'k{kk vkSj lk{kjrk] ek-la-fo-ea- ls dSls ykHkkfUor gq,A
] Hkkjr ljdkj us dgk fd vPNh iz.kkyh eas vk/kqfudre 3.10.5 eqDr f'k{kk if=kdk
izkS|ksfxdrk dk iz;ksx djrs gq, euksjatu vkSj f'k{kk dks eqDr f'k{kk if=kdk ¼vks,y,e½ ,d egÙoiw.kZ if=kdk gS
,dhd r djrs gq, f'k{kk iznku dh tkuh pkfg,A ftldk izdk'ku ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk Nekgh vk/kkj ij
3.10.4 laxks"Bh % vojks/kksa dks nwj djuk % eqDr vaxzsth vkSj fganh eas fd;k tkrk gSA bldk fnlacj vad
fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds ifjizs{; esa lfEefyr 2010 eas eqfnzr fd;k x;k ;g ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
f'k{kk ds fy, izdkf'kr dh tkus okyh eq[; :i ls ,d Kku
vk/kkfjr if=kdk gS ftlls os vius vklikl ds ifjos'k
laLFkk us 8 ls 9 ekpZ] 2011 dks bafM;k gsfcVsV lsaVj] ubZ
dks tku ldsa vkSj le> ldsa] tks bl czãkaM esa lHkh
fnYyh eas ^^vojks/kksa dks nwj djuk % eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk
izkf.k;ksa ds vfLrRo ds fy, vko';d gSA
ds ifjizs{; esa lfEefyr f'k{kk** ij nks fnolh; laxks"Bh
ds vk;kstu }kjk varjkZ"Vªh; efgyk fnol dk 'krkCnh 3.10.6 dksekslk if=kdk
o"kZ ds :i eas fpfàr fd;kA dksekslk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk if=kdk dks igys vad dk
bl laxks"Bh dk mn~ns'; ;g LFkkfir djuk Fkk fd eqDr foekspu 21 uoacj] 2010 dks dksekslk dh okf"kZd
vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ds ewyHkwr fl)kar fofo/krkvksa dks egklfefr dh cSBd ds nkSjku fd;k x;kA ,uvkbZvks,l
'kkfey djus ij vk/kkfjr gS vkSj bldk mn~ns'; }kjk izdkf'kr bl if=kdk esa 'kks/k izi=k] dsl v/;u vkSj
^ck/kk jfgr f'k{kk* izkIr djuk gS tks gj :i esa lgk;d iqLrd leh{kk,¡ 'kkfey gksrh gSaA

20 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

4 O;kolkf;d f'k{kk dk;Z Øe

4.0 izLrkouk orZeku O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øe 'kgjh vkSj xzkeh.k
jk"Vª ds f'k{kk laca/kh iz;kl dk ,d egÙoiw.kZ rÙo nksuksa {ks=kksa ls lacaf/kr gSaA
O;kolkf;d f'k{kk vkSj izf'k{k.k ¼osV½ gSA jk"Vª ds cnyrs 4.1 usVofd±x
ifjizs{; esa O;kolkf;d f'k{kk vkSj vf/kd izHkkoh <ax ls
,uvkbZvks,l izR;kf;r O;kolkf;d laLFkkvksa ds }kjk
viuh Hkwfedk fuHkk lds vkSj Hkkjr viuh cM+h tula[;k
vius f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks dkS'ky vk/kkfjr izf'k{k.k iznku
dk ykHk mBk lds] mlds fy, O;kolkf;d f'k{kk vkSj
djrk gSA ekStwnk laLFkkvksa] tSls & vkS|ksfxd izf'k{k.k
izf'k{k.k ds egÙoiw.kZ rÙoksa dks iqu% ifjHkkf"kr djus dh
vR;f/kd vko';drk gS ftlls og vf/kd lqfo/kkiw.kZ]
dsUnzk]as tu f'k{k.k laLFkkvks]a Ñf"k foKku dsUnzk]as fo|ky;ks]a
ledkyhu] izklafxd lfEefyr vkSj ltZukRed cu dkWystksa] ftyk f'k{kk ,oa izf'k{k.k laLFkkuksa ¼MkbV½]
ldsA ljdkj O;kolkf;d f'k{kk dh egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk ls fo'ofo|ky;ksa] ijkfpfdRlk izf'k{k.k dsUnzksa] xSj ljdkjh
Hkyh Hkkafr voxr gS vkSj blhfy, og bl {ks=k esa igys laxBuksa rFkk vU; LoSfPNd ,tsfa l;ksa ds yksx ,uvkbZvks,l
ls gh cgqr ls egÙoiw.kZ iz;kl dj jgh gSA ds lkFk O;kolkf;d f'k{kk iznku djus gsrq iz;kljr gaSA
bl le; Hkkjr eas fo|ky; vk/kkfjr O;kolkf;d f'k{kk fiNys dqN o"kksZa esa ,ohvkbZ dh la[;k esa larks"ktud
,d dsUnzh; izofrZr ;kstuk esa 'kkfey gSa ftl ij 1988 o f) gqbZ gSA o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku vkSj vf/kd
esa fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k x;k Fkk vkSj ftldk y{; ,ohvkbZ ds izR;k;u ls o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku dqy
mPprj f'k{kk dk vuqdj.k djrs gq, ,d fodYi iznku ,ohvkbZ dh la[;k 1356 FkhA
djuk FkkA 4.2 izos'k
,uvkbZvks,l ds O;kolkf;d f'k{kk dk;ZØe dk ,d fiNys dqN o"kksZa esa O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa esa
mís'; vFkZO;oLFkk ds fodflr gksrs gq, O;ofLFkr ,oaf'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ukekadu esa dqN vioknksa dks NksMd+ j fujarj
vO;ofLFkr nksuksa {ks=kksa ds fy, dq'ky ,oa eè;eoxhZ;
o f) gqbZ gSA O;kolkf;d f'k{kk essa izo's k ysus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
tu'kfDr dh vko';drk dks iwjk djuk gSA cktkj dh dh o"kZokj lwph rkfydk 4-1 esa n'kkZ;h xbZ gSA o"kZ
ekax vkSj f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh vko';drk ds vuqlkj O;kolkf;d
2010&2011 ds nkSjku fofHkUu O;kolkf;d fo"k;ksa esa ukekadu
f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa dk {ks=k fiNys o"kksZ esa c<+rk jgk gSA
djkus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k 22]779 FkhA
rkfydk 4-1 % O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa eas o"kZokj ukekadu
o"kZ ukekadu izfr'kr o f)
1997-1998 5,822 (+)51
1998-1999 7,164 (+)23
1999-2000 10,611 (+)48
2000-2001 12,026 (+)13
2001-2002 17,770 (+)48
2002-2003 22,321 (+)26
2003-2004 21,211 (-)5.0
2004-2005 20,985 (-)1.1
2005-2006 22,879 (+)8.9
2006-2007 22,166 (-)3.11
2007-2008 23,674 (+) 6.8
2008-2009 22343 (-) 5.6
2009-2010 19073 (-) 14.63
2010-2011 22,779 (+) 19.43

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 21

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

,uvkbZvks,l ds O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa esa izos'k fd;k x;kA O;kolkf;d {ks=k esa izo's k ysus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh
o"kZ Hkj [kqyk gSA o"kZ 2010-11 ds nkSjku fofHkUu ikB~;Øeksa la[;k 22]779 FkhA rkfydk 4-2 o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku
esa izo's k ns'k Hkj esa 1300 ls vf/kd ,ohvkbZ ds usVodZ }kjk ukekadu djkus okys jkT;@la?k 'kkflr izn's k dks n'kkZrh gSA
rkfydk 4-2% o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku O;kolkf;d f'k{kk
ikB~;Øeksa eas jkT;okj ukekadu
jkT; uke vkWQ ykbu vkWu&ykbu dqy %
vka/kz izns'k 234 234 1.03
vaMeku ,oa fudksckj }hilewg 2 2 0.01
vle 157 157 0.69
fcgkj 1127 1127 4.95
paMhx<+ 234 234 1.03
NRrhlx<+ 437 437 1.92
fnYyh 3598 21 3619 15.89
xksok 24 24 0.11
xqtjkr 192 192 0.84
gfj;k.kk 889 889 3.90
fgekpy izns'k 836 836 3.67
tEew ,oa d'ehj 229 229 1.01
>kj[kaM 274 274 1.20
dukZVd 368 1 369 1.62
dsjy 1607 32 1639 7.20
e/; izns'k 1378 1378 6.05
egkjk"Vª 459 1 460 2.02
mM+hlk 222 222 0.97
ikafMpsjh 100 100 0.44
iatkc 712 712 3.13
jktLFkku 4630 4630 20.33
rfeyukMq 468 38 506 2.22
f=kiqjk 10 10 0.04
mÙkj izns'k 3775 5 3780 16.59
mÙkjk[kaM 217 217 0.95
if'pe caxky 502 502 2.20
22681 98 22779 100.00

22 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
;fn ge ukekadu dk jkT;okj fo'ys"k.k djsa rks lcls lewg vkSj f=kiqjk {ks=k esa lcls de ukekadu gqvkA
T;knk ukekadu jktLFkku jkT; eas vkSj mlds ckn mÙkj rkfydk 4-3 esa 2010&11 ds nkSjku O;kolkf;d f'k{kk
izns'k vkSj fnYyh esa gqvk FkkA vaMeku vkSj fudksckj }hi ikB~;Øeksa eas {ks=kokj ukekadu n'kkZ;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 4-3 % o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku O;kolkf;d f'k{kk
ikB~;Øeksa eas {ks=okj ukekadu
{ks=k dqy %
{ks=k 01 gSnjkckn 603 2.65
{ks=k 02 iq.ks 484 2.12
{ks=k 03 dksydkrk 660 2.90
{ks=k 04 xqokgkVh 167 0.73
{ks=k 05 paMhx<+ 2378 10.44
{ks=k 06 dksph 2245 9.86
{ks=k 07 fnYyh 4959 21.77
{ks=k 09 t;iqj 4822 21.17
{ks=k 10 iVuk 1401 6.15
{ks=k 11 bykgkckn 1635 7.18
{ks=k 13 Hkksiky 1815 7.97
{ks=k 14 nsgjknwu 1544 6.78
{ks=k 15 Hkqous'oj 66 0.29
{ks = k ukeka d u iz o fÙk n'kkZ r h gS fd vf/kdre ukekadu gqvkA rkfydk 4-3 o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku
ukekadu fnYyh {ks=k esa vkSj mlds ckn jktLFkku O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~; Øeksa esa {ks=kokj ukekadu n'kkZrh
vkSj paMhx<+ esa gqvk FkkA Hkqous'oj {ks=k esa U;wure gSA
o"kZ 2010-11 ds nkSjku O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa esa {ks=kokj ukekadu

rkfydk 4-4% fyaxokj O;kolkf;d izos'k 2010&11

fyax dqy %
yM+ds 8902 39.08
yM+fd;k¡ 13877 60.92
dqy 22779 100.00

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 23

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
ukekadu vkadM+s n'kkZrs gSa yM+dksa dh vis{kk vf/kd la[;k vFkkZr~ 49-28% izfr'kr FksA O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa
eas yM+fd;k¡ O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa esa izos'k ys jgh gSaA esa izos'k ysus okys iq#"k vkSj efgykvksa dh la[;k esa
izos'k ysus okys yM+dksa dk izfr'kr 39-8 gS tcfd fHkUurk gSA tSlk fd O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa esa
yM+fd;ksa dk izos'k 60-92 izfr'kr jgkA izos'k ysus okys dqy f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k rkfydk 4-5 esa
ukekadu vkadM+s n'kkZrs gaS fd ,uvkbZvks,l ds O;kolkf;d n'kkZ;h x;h gS ftlesa 45 izfr'kr yM+ds rFkk 55 izfr'kr
f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa esa 14&20 o"kZ ds chp vf/kdre f'k{kkFkhZ yM+fd;k¡ FkhaA
rkfydk 4.5 % o"kZ 2010-11 ds nkSjku vk;qokj O;kolkf;d izos'k
vk;q&oxZ iq#"k efgyk dqy %
14 – 20 3439 7787 11226 49.28
21 – 25 3082 3185 6267 27.51
26 – 30 1095 1297 2392 10.50
31 – 35 555 817 1372 6.02
36 – 40 358 447 805 3.53
41 – 45 152 126 278 1.22
46 – 50 70 47 117 0.51
50 ls vf/kd 151 171 322 1.41
dqy 8902 13877 22779 100.00

rkfydk 4.6 o"kZ 2010-11 esa O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa eas Js.khokj ukekadu
ikB~;Øe lkekU; v-tk- v-tu- HkwriwoZ lSfud v{ke vU; fiNM+s oxZ dqy
O;kolkf;d 18123 3103 1292 20 94 147 22779
izfr'kr 79.56 13.62 5.66 .08 0.4 0.64 100
O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa esa ukekadu djkus okys blls Li"V gksrk gS fd izkjafHkd f'k'kq ns[kHkky ,oa
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa esa ls oafpr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k lcls f'k{kk] dVkbZ] flykbZ ,oa iks'kkd fuekZ.k] dEI;wVj
de vFkkZr~ 20-44 izfr'kr FkhA 'ks"k f'k{kkFkhZ lkekU; ,fIyds'ku esa izek.k i=k] lkeqnkf;d LokLFk dk;ZdÙkkZ ds FksA ¼tu&LokLF;½] fctyh rduhf'k;u] lkSan;Z lao)Zu]
O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa esa ls dqN ikB~;Øe cgqr ;ksx vkfn fo"k; f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa esa lokZf/kd yksdfiz;
yksdfiz; gSaA rkfydk 4-7 fo"k;okj ukekadu n'kkZrh gSA ikB~;Øe gSaA
24 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 4.7
fo"k;okj O;kolkf;d izos'k 2010-11

ikB~;Øe f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh
dqy la[;k
218 Vad.k ¼vaxt zs h½ 14
252 c<+bfZ xjh 12
254 ck;ks xSl ,uthZ rduhf'k;u 11
255 ykWUMªh lsok,¡ 100
256 csdjh vkSj dUQSD'kujh 218
257 osfYMax izk| S ksfxdh 149
322 Vad.k ¼Çgnh½ 7
323 Vad.k ¼vaxt zs h½ 127
324 vk'kqfyfi ¼Çgnh½ 22
325 vk'kqfyfi ¼vaxt sz h½ 66
326 lfpoh; i)fr 128
327 oMZ izkls Çs lx ¼vaxt zs h½ 386
351 ikS/k laj{k.k 6
356 x`g O;oLFkk ¼vdkseksM's ku lÆol½ 102
357 dSVÇjx izc/a ku 191
358 [kk| lalk/ku 9
359 [ksy osQUnz izc/a u 2
361 eqxhZ ikyu 16
362 e`nk ,oa [kkn izc/a ku 2
401 LokLF; ns[kHkky dh vk/kkjHkwr ckrsa 142
402 LokLF; ,oa i;kZoj.k 142
403 LokLF; f'k{kk 142
404 LokLF; izlkj xfrfof/k;ka 142
412 lfpoh; izfØ;k,¡ 67
413 dk;kZy; esa dEI;wVj vuqiz;ksx 67
414 O;olk; lai"zs k.k 67
415 vk'kqfyfi ys[ku 67
422 Vad.k ¼Çgnh½ 4
423 Vad.k ¼vaxt zs h½ 97
424 vk'kqfyfi ¼Çgnh½ 29
425 vk'kqfyfi ¼vaxt sz h½ 275
426 lfpoh; i)fr 303
427 oMZ izkls Çs lx ¼vaxt zs h½ 203
430 ,Dljs foHkkx dk vfHkfoU;kl 29
431 jsfM;ks/kehZ HkkSfrdh 29
432 ekuo 'kjhj jpuk vkSj 'kjhj fd;k foKku 29
433 MkdZ :e dh O;oLFkk vkSj izfØ;k,¡ 27
434 jhtuy jsfM;ksxzkQh vkSj dUVªkLV ehfM;k 27
435 ,MokaLM besftax vkSj fo'ks"k uSnkfud izfØ;k,¡ 23
436 iqLrdky; % dk;Z vkSj lsok,¡ 613
437 iqLrdky; lkexzh dh O;oLFkk 612
438 iqLrdky; vfHkys[k 612

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 25

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

439 f'k'kq dks le>uk 1796

440 izkjafHkd f'k'kq ns[kHkky vkSj f'k{kk&fl)kar vkSj izfØ;k,¡ 1799
441 izkjafHkd f'k'kq ns[kHkky vkSj f'k{kk&dsUnz dk vk;kstu vkSj izc/a ku vkSj f'k{kk 1798
442 ?kj vkSj LokLF; 60
443 o`Qf"k ¼i'kqikyu rFkk eqxhZikyu lfgr½ 60
444 lkexzh] ;kaf=dh] ÅtkZ vkSj i;kZoj.k 60
445 csfld tho foKku 16
446 mez ds fofHkUu i{k 15
447 o`)tuksa dh lkekU; ns[kHkky rFkk fo'ks"k vko';drk,a 15
448 o`)tuksa ds fy, ;ksx 15
449 csfld tho foKku 2486
450 ekr`d rFkk f'k'kq LokLF; ns[kHkky 2460
451 jksxksa ls cpko rFkk izc/a u 2486
601 gkml ok;fjax vkSj fctyh midj.kksa dh ejEer 96
602 eksVj vkSj Vªkla Qs keZj fjokbfUMax 14
605 dVkbZ vkSj flykbZ 5006
606 iks'kkd fuekZ.k 382
608 csfld dEI;wfVax esa 646
611 IyfEcax 104
612 lkSna ;Z lao)Zu ¼C;wVh dYpj½ 1416
613 MsLd VkWi ifCyf'kax esa ¼lhMhVhih½ 280
614 ;ksx esa 485
615 lqj{kk lsok esa ¼lh,l,l½ 823
616 dEI;wVj gkMZo; s j vlacs yh la;kstu rFkk j[kj[kko esa 338
622 osc fMtkbfuax esa 12
626 vfXu'keu rFkk vkS|ksfxd lqj{kk 88
628 Hkkjrh; d<+kbZ eas 23
701 gkml ok;fjax vkSj fctyh osQ midj.kksa dh ejEer 1814
702 eksVj vkSj Vªkla iQkeZj fjokbaZfMax 1809
703 jsfM;ks vkSj VsifjdkMZj dh ejEer 26
704 Vh-oh- dh ejEer 26
705 dVkbZ ,oa flykbZ 1259
706 iks'kkd fuekZ.k 1252
707 ykbczjs h lgk;d 8
708 ykbczjs h fyfid (ekWM~;y w -II) 8
709 jsfÝtjs'ku 583
710 ,;j daMh'kfuax 583
711 csfld dEI;wfVax fLdYl 1809
712 dEI;wVj ,fIyds'kUl 1812
713 nqifg;k okgu eSdfs uTe esa 54
718 gksE;ksiSFkh ,d ifjp; 289
719 gksE;ksiSFkh nok dk ifjp; 288
723 pkSifg;k okgu pSfll eSdfs uT+e 81
724 pkSifg;k okgu eSdfs uT+e 81
801 ifjiw.kZ efgyk 9
802 tu LokLF; 1

26 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
4.3 u, iz;kl ijh{kk] iz'kklu vkSj O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ds fo"k;ksa laca/kh
ekeyksa ij fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k x;k vkSj leL;kvksa dk
4-3-1 xq.kkRed lq/kkj
lek/kku fd;k x;kA bu ekeyksa ds vfrfjDr lek;kstdksa
X;kjgoha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk ds cM+s mís'; dks è;ku esa dks izos'k vkSj izR;k;u ds fy, izfØ;kvksa dks Hkh Li"V
j[krs gq,] ,uvkbZvks,l O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa dh fd;k x;kA bu cSBdksa dk vk;kstu ,uvkbZvks,l ds
Hkkoh ;kstuk vFkZiw.kZ] dkS'ky;qDr jkstxkj] f'kf{kr lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa eas fd;k x;kA ,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa
csjkstxkj ;qokvkas ds fy, izf'k{k.k nsuk gSA vkus okys dks gksus okys ifjorZuksa vkSj vkjaHk fd, x, u, ikB~;Øeksa
o"kks± esa ikB~;Øeksa ds fodkl dh ;kstuk] ijaijkxr vkSj ls voxr djk;k x;kA ,uvkbZvks,l esa uo ifjorZuksa ls
xSj ijaijkxr ikB~;Øeksa vkSj l{kerk vk/kkfjr ikB~;Øeksa voxr djkus ds fy, O;kolkf;d f'k{kk fo'ks"kKksa dks Hkh
dks 'kq: djuk gS ftudk cktkj vkSj vkS|ksfxd {ks=k dh vkeaf=kr fd;k x;kA
ek¡x ls lh/kk laca/k gSA 4.3.4 fnYyh esa gquj ifj;kstuk dk dk;kZUo;u
4.3.2 lkexzh fuekZ.k gquj dk;ZØe dh lQyrk ds ckn ftlesa fcgkj ds
,ohvkbZ ds ek/;e ls O;kolkf;d f'k{kk iznku djus ds lqfo/kkoafpr lewgksa dh yM+fd;ksa vkSj efgykvksa dks
fy, fofHkUu {ks=kksa] tSls & LokLF; vkSj ijkfpfdRlk] dkS'ky izf'k{k.k iznku fd;k x;k ,uvkbZvks,l us bl
bathfu;fjax vkSj izkS|ksfxdh] x g foKku] dEI;wVj ,oa dk;ZØe dks fnYyh eas vkjaHk djus dk fu.kZ; fy;kA
vkbZ Vh] Ñf"k] O;kikj ,oa okf.kT; vkSj f'k{kd izf'k{k.k y{; lewg dks dkS'ky izf'k{k.k nsus ds fy, ukS O;kolkf;d
esa cgqr ls ikB~;Øeksa dh la[;k 1991 esa dqN gh Fkh tks ikB~;Øe pqus x, tks gSa dVkbZ ,oa flykbZ] Qyksa ,oa
2010 rd 80 gks xbZ gSA ,uvkbZvks,l ds O;kolkf;d lfCt;ksa dk vuqj{k.k] izkjafHkd f'k'kq ns[kHkky ,oa f'k{kk]
f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa dk izos'k Lrj uo lk{kj ls 12oha ikl cs f ld dEI;w f Va x dkS ' ky] xz k e l[kh] Va d .k
rd gSA bl le; ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ¼fganh@mnwZ@vaxzsth½ vkSj lkSan;Z lao)ZuA lHkh izdkj dh
ij N% ekg ds ikB~;Øe] ,d o"kZ ds ikB~;Øe] i Fkd :i f'k{k.k vf/kxe lkexzh] f'k{kdksa dh iqfLrdk] ekWMy
ls fy, tkus okys ikB~;Øe] iSdst ikB~;Øe vkSj thou uewuk iz'ui=k vkfn O;kolkf;d foHkkx }kjk fn, x,A
le f) ikB~;Øe pyk, tk jgs gSaA jsfM;ksxzkQh esa 4.3.5 fofHkUu laxBuksa ds lkFk ,evks;w ij gLrk{kj
2 o"khZ; fMIyksek ikB~;Øe Hkh pyk;k tk jgk gSA u, ¼d½ U;wthySaM dk vksiu ikWyhVSfDud
ikB~;Øe tSls MkVk ,aVªh dk;Z] csfld xzkeh.k izkS|ksfxdh
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½
vkSj vk;qosZfnd fpfdRlk Hkh pyk, tk jgs gSaA
vkSj vksiu ikWyhVSfDud vkWQ U;wthySaM ds chp vkilh
ftu ikB~;Øeksa dks la'kksf/kr fd;k tkuk gS muesa izeq[k lg;ksx ds fy, le>kSrk Kkiu ¼,evks;w½ ij gLrk{kj
gSa% ,Dl&js rduhf'k;u ikB~;Øe] dVkbZ flykbZ ,oa fd, x,A nksuks ikfVZ;ksa us iwoZ&Lukrd Lrj rd nwjLFk
iks'kkd fuekZ.k esa fMIyksek] IyfEcax] fctyh rduhf'k;u] f'k{kk ds {ks=k esa nksuksa laLFkkvksa ds chp laca/kksa dks l'kDr
e/kqeD[kh ikyu vkfnA ,sls u, ikB~;Øe ftudks fodflr djus vkSj fodflr djus dh bPNk O;Dr dh vkSj
fd;k tk jgk gS] os gSa vkWijs'ku fFk;sVj rduhf'k;u esa vkfFkZd rFkk lkekftd fodkl ds ,d rRo ds :i eas
fMIyksek] fpfdRlk iz;ksx'kkyk izkS|ksfxdh esa fMIyksek] O;kolkf;d vkSj rduhdh f'k{kk ds egRo dh iz'kalk
ys[kk] cSfdax rFkk VsDls'ku esa fMIyksek] ,isjy fMtkbfuax dhA nksuksa ikfVZ;k¡ vkilh laca/kksa dks c<+kus ij Hkh lger
esa fMIyksekA gqb±A
4.3.3 VsyhdkUÝsaflax }kjk ,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa ¼[k½ ;wusLdks ds lkFk dk;Z vuqca/k
vkSj O;kolkf;d f'k{kk fo'ks"kKksa dh cSBdsa ,uvkbZvks,l us ;wusLdks ds lkFk dk;Z vuqca/k ij gLrk{kj
,uvkbZvks,l us v/;;u dsUnzksa ds dk;Z dks lqpk: :i fd, ftlds fuEufyf[kr mn~ns'; gSa %
ls pykus ds fy, v/;;u dsUnzksa ds lek;kstdksa ds  nwjLFk f'k{kk ek/;e }kjk vizf'kf{kr izkFkfed f'k{kdksa
fy, Vsyh vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe dh ,d J a[kyk dk ds izf'k{k.k ds fy, ,d mi;qDr f'k{kd izf'k{k.k
vk;kstu fd;k ftlls os ,uvkbZvks,l dh v/;;u iSdst fMtkbu djukA
dh ;kstuk esa gq, ifjorZuksa ds lkFk&lkFk ,uvkbZvks,l  ,uvkbZvks,l ds eqDr csfld f'k{kk ¼vkschbZ½ dk;ZØe
dh vU; xfrfof/k;ksa ls voxr gks ldsaA bu dk;ZØeksa esa eas ykbQ fdV dks ,d 'kSf{kd lgk;d lkexzh ds
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 27
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
:i ea s c<+ k ok ns u k vkS j lk{kj Hkkjr ds LFkk;h ukekadu dk ,d dkj.k gS fd O;kolkf;d f'k{kk
ek/;e ls pyk, tk jgs led{krk dk;ZØeksa esa ikB~;Øe ckt+kj dh ekax ds vuqlkj ugha gSaA vr%
iz;ksx ds fy, bls miyC/k Hkh djkukA ,uvkbZvks,l dk iz;kl gS fd lHkh ekStwnk ikB~;Øeksa
 ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj ;wusLdks] ubZ fnYyh ds lg;ksx dk iqujh{k.k fd;k tk, vkSj lkFk gh ,sls u, ikB~;Øe
ls rS;kj dh xbZ ykbQ fdV esa 'kkfey djus ds rS;kj fd, tk,¡ tks vko';drk vk/kkfjr gksa vkSj O;fDr
fy, fu/kkZfjr VhohbZVh ikB~;Øeksa dh Lrj o f) dks Lo&jkstxkj izkIr cuus vFkok dkedkt djus eas
djuk vkSj uo lk{kjksa dh f'k{kk dks dkS'ky fodkl lgk;rk djsaA ;g dk;Z ihihih vk/kkj ij xSj ljdkjh
ds lkFk ,dhd r djukA laxBu@izkbosV laLFkk dh lgk;rk ls fd;k tk,xkA

 fo|ky; {ks=k eas vksMh,y iz.kkyh ds fodkl ds dkS'ky fodkl ds jk"Vªh; mn~ns'; dks iwjk djus ds fy,
fy, iz.kkyh vk/kkfjr vuqla/kku djukA ,uvkbZvks,l ,sls futh ,oa ljdkjh laxBuksa ds izLrkoksa
dh tk¡p dj jgk gS tks izorZudkjh gksa vkSj ,sls {ks=kksa esa
¼x½ dk;kZRed O;kolkf;d izf'k{k.k izHkkoh <ax ls dkS'ky fodkl dj ldsa ftueas bldh
vuqla/kku vkSj lkslkbVh ¼,QohVhvkj,l½ vR;f/kd vko';drk gSA izkFkfedrk {ks=kksa esa dk;Zjr
,uvkbZvks,l vkSj ,QohVhvkj,l us feydj le>kSrk fofHkUu laLFkkvksa tSls lhvkbZvkbZ] fQDdh vkSj ;gk¡ rd
Kkiu ¼,evks;w½ ij gLrk{kj fd, ftlds fuEufyf[kr fd ;kstuk vk;ksx ls izLrko fy, tk jgs gSaA fu/kkZfjr
y{; gSa% fd, x, gSa] os gSa vkWVkseksckby@ vkWVks daiksusaV]
bysDVªkWfuDl] gkMZos;j] diM+k ,oa oL=k] peM+k vkSj
 ,sls dkS'kyksa esa izf'k{k.k iznku djuk ftudh cktkj
peM+s dk lkeku] jRu vkSj xgus] Hkou vkSj fuekZ.k]
eas ekax gS vkSj lkFk gh y{; lewgksa ds fy, f'k{kk
[kk| lalk/ku] vkbZ Vh vFkok lkW¶Vos;j lsok,¡] vkbZ Vh
lk{kjrk dk;ZØe pykukA
bZ ,l & chihvks lsok,¡] i;ZVu] vkfrF; vkSj ;k=kk
 dkS'ky izf'k{k.k dks 'kkfey djrs gq, ikjaifjd O;olk;] LokLF; ns[kHkky lsok,¡] caSfdax@chek vkSj
fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds egÙo dks c<+kukA foÙkA
 ns'k ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa eas ,QohVhvkj,l Hkkxhnkjksa bl mn~n's ; ds fy, O;kolkf;d f'k{kk foHkkx us ,Dliz'S ku
}kjk vk;ksftr dkS'ky izf'k{k.k esa Hkkx ysus okys vkWQ baVjsLV ¼bZvksvkbZ½ dk elkSnk rS;kj fd;k gS vkSj
izf'k{k.kkfFkZ;ksa dks nsukA futh laxBuksa ls izLrko vkeaf=kr fd,A bZvksvkbZ 8
Qjojh] 2011 ds lekpkj i=k esa izdkf'kr fd;k x;kA
 ek/;fed f'k{kk ds Lrj ij voljksa ds fuekZ.k }kjk
bZvksvkbZ ds mÙkj esa O;kolkf;d f'k{kk foHkkx esa 105
ikjaifjd dkS'ky izf'k{k.k ds egÙo dks c<+kukA
izLrko izkIr fd,A
,uvkbZvks,l us izorZudkjh dsUnzksa dh LFkkiuk djrs gq,
4-4-2 eqDr 'kSf{kd lalk/kuksa ¼vksbZvkj½ dk izkjaHk
lkFk esa dk;Z djus dk izLrko fn;kA tgk¡ izorZudkjh
dsUnzksa esa iathd r f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks O;kolkf;d vkSj 'kSf{kd ,uvkbZvks,l tSls nwjLFk f'k{kk iz.kkyh esa f'k{kkFkhZ]
ikB~;Øeksa dh f'k{kk nh tk,xhA bl dkS'ky izf'k{k.k ds f'k{kd ls nwj jgdj v/;;u djrk gSA vkbZlhVh eqDr
vfrfjDr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks m|e'khyrk izf'k{k.k Hkh fn;k 'kSf{kd lalk/kuksa ¼vksbZvkj½ ls bl izdkj ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
tk,xkA bl ,evks;w ds lkFk ,uvkbZvks,l oafpr {ks=kksa dh lgk;rk djus esa l{ke gS ftUgsa f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa vkSj
eas fo'ks"kdj 'kSf{kd n f"V ls fiNM+s oxks± rd igq¡pus esa f'k{kdksa }kjk iz;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gS] iqu% iz;kssx fd;k
leFkZ gksxkA tk ldrk gS vkSj ftUgsa vkil eas ckaVk tk ldrk gSA
,uvkbZvks,l i;ZVu vkSj vkfrF; izca/ku rFkk lqj{kk
4.4 vU; egÙoiw.kZ iz;kl
lsokvksa ds {ks=k esa vksbZvkj ds fodkl dh fn'kk esa dk;Z
4.4.1 ifCyd izkbosV ikVZujf'ki ¼ihihih½ vk/kkj dj jgk gSA
ij u, vko';drk vk/kkfjr O;kolkf;d 4-4-3 ,uvkbZvks,l esa ØsfMV iz.kkyh dk izkjaHk
ikB~;Øeksa dk izkjaHk
,uvkbZvks,l }kjk pyk, tk jgs ikB~;Øeksa ¼O;kolkf;d
O;kolkf;d f'k{kk foHkkx ds le{k izeq[k pqukSrh ;g gS vkSj 'kSf{kd½ ikB~;Øeksa esa lacaf/kr fo"k;ksa esa vko';drk
fd fiNys 13 o"kks± ds ukekadu vkadM+s yxHkx fLFkj gaSA vuqlkj fl)kar vkSj iz;ksxksa dks la;ksftr fd;k x;k gSA
28 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
bu ikB~ ; Øeks a vkS j muds va x ks a ds fy, va d fodklkRed f'k{kk ds fy, volj iznku djuk rFkk
fu/kkZfjr fd, x, gSaA lkekU; rkSj ij ;g vad fdlh Hkh vkRefo'okl vkSj Lojkstxkj ds fy, f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks
ikB~;Øe ds fy, viukbZ xbZ ewY;kadu iz.kkyh eas iz;ksx rS;kj djuk gSA
fd, tkrs gSaA ;|fi ,uvkbZvks,l esa cgqr ls
4-4-5 xz k eh.k Mkd ls o dks a ds fy, xz k eh.k
vkSj fMIyksek Lrj ds O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øe miyC/k gSaA
m|e'khyrk dk;ZØe
ijUrq ;g fu/kkZfjr djus ds fy, dksbZ fu;e ugha gSa fd
dkSu lk ikB~;Øe gksuk pkfg, vFkok fMIyksek] lapkj vkSj lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh ea=kh us bPNk O;Dr dh gS
fdruk dk;Z 'kkfey fd;k tk,xk] fdlh ikB~;Øe fd ,d ,slk dk;ZØe rS;kj fd;k tk, tks xzkeh.k Mkd
fo'ks"k dh fdruh vof/k gksuh pkfg, vkfnA lsodksa@'kk[kk iksLV ekLVjksa dks xzkeh.k {ks=kksa esa fodkl
ds volj iznku djsA ;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k fd Mkd
bl izdkj ds iz'uksa vkSj lhekvksa dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, foHkkx xzkeh.k {ks=kksa esa 'kk[kk iksLV ekLVjksa ds fy, ,d
;g vuqHko fd;k x;k fd f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds dk;Z Hkkj ds dk;ZØe rS;kj djsxk vkSj jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk
ekudhdj.k ds fy, fu;e cukus vkSj muds cgq izos'k laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½ vkSj VkVk lkekftd foKku
vkSj cgq fuxZe lqfo/kkvksa ds fy, ,d ra=k fodflr djus laLFkku] eqacbZ bl dk;ZØe dks rS;kj djus eas lgk;rk
dh vko';drk gSA fofHkUu izdkj ds dk;ZØeksa ds fy, djsaxsA
vadksa vkSj fo"k; oLrq ds ekudhdj.k ds mn~n's ; ds fy,
;g izLrko fn;k x;k fd ,uvkbZvks,l esa ØsfMV iz.kkyh bl dk;ZØe dk mn~ns'; xzkeh.k Mkd lsodksa dks dkS'ky
vkjaHk dh tk,A igys pj.k esa O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa esa vkSj Kku iznku djuk gS ftlls Mkd O;olk; dks ,d
bldk iz;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj ckn esa bls 'kSf{kd m|e ds :i eas fodflr fd;k tk ldsA ;g dk;ZØe
ikB~;Øeksa eas Hkh ykxw fd;k tk ldrk gSA fodflr izfrHkkfx;ksa dks foÙkh; lk{kjrk] y?kq m|e dh
LFkkiuk djus vFkok Lo&lgk;rk lewgksa ds lg;ksx ds
4-4-4 mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij O;kolkf;d fy, Hkwfedk fuHkkus eas l{ke cuk,xkA
ikB~;Øeksa dk vkjaHk
dk;ZØe dk y{; lewg Mkd foHkkx eas dk;Zjr iksLV
mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij bldk vkjaHk egÙoiw.kZ gS ekLVj] lqiqnZxh ,tasV vkSj Mkd okgdksa ds :i eas xzkeh.k
D;ksafd blls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks cgqr lkjs fo"k;ksa dk fodYi Mkd lsod gSaA ;g dk;ZØe 10oha ikl lHkh xzkeh.k Mkd
feyrk gSA nks o"kks± dh vof/k ds nkSjku f'k{kkFkhZ viuh lsodksa ds fy, [kqyk gS vkSj dk;ZØe dh vof/k ,d o"kZ
ilan vkSj vfHk#fp;ksa ds vuqlkj v/;;u ds ikB~;Øe gSA ikB~;p;kZ eas laisz"k.k dkS'ky] dEI;wVj dkS'ky] Hkkjr
pqurs gSaA bl LVªhe esa f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks jkstxkj ds {ks=k esa dh uhao] m|e'khyrk] ys[kkadu vkSj foÙk] cSafdax vkSj
tkus ds fy, jkstxkj vuqdwy O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa dks chek vkfn ekWM~;wy 'kkfey gSaA izkjafHkd rkSj ij ;g
pquus vFkok mPprj f'k{kk ds {ks=k eas tkus ds fy, dk;ZØe 6 jkT;ksa % vle] xqtjkr] dukZVd] egkjk"Vª]
O;kolkf;d vkSj 'kSf{kd nksuksa izdkj ds ikB~;Øeksa ds jktLFkku vkSj mÙkj izns'k eas vkjaHk fd;k tk,xkA bl
la;kstu dks pquus dh Lora=krk nh tkrh gSA LVªhe ds izk;ksfxd dk;ZØe esa 2000 xzkeh.k Mkd lsodksa dks
izeq[k mn~ns'; bPNqd f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks lrr~ vkSj 'kkfey djus dh laHkkouk gSA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 29

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

5 fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡

5.0 ifjp;  f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh leL;kvksa vkSj f'kdk;rksa dk fuokj.kA
eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f'k{kk iz.kkyh ds varxZr] f'k{kkFkhZ dh 5.2 o"kZ ds nkSjku izeq[k uhfrxr iz;kl vkSj
lgk;rk vR;f/kd egÙoiw.kZ gSA bl izdkj dh lgk;rk miyfC/k;k¡
fuEufyf[kr lsok,¡ iznku djds dh tk ldrh gS %&
o"kZ ds nkSjku uhfrxr iz;kl vkSj miyfC/k;k¡ bl izdkj
 le; ij mi;qDr 'kSf{kd lgk;rk iznku djds gSa %&
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks csgrj <ax ls i<+us esa lgk;rk djuk  bZ&xous±l dks c<+kok nsuk vkSj dk;kZUo;u ds izeq[k
 v/;;u dsUnzksa@f'k{kk dsUnzksa ds ek/;e ls mudh {ks=kksa tSls izos'k] izR;k;u] ijh{kk vkSj vU;
leL;k,¡ lqy>kus esa lgk;rk djuk xfrfof/k;ksa esa ,uvkbZvks,l dh dk;Z{kerk dks
c<+kukA ,uvkbZvks,l esa LVªhe&I ds fy, vkWu
 v/;;u dsUnzksa dh LFkkiuk] dk;Z vkSj izca/ku esa ykbu izos'k dk izlkj fd;k gS vkSj o"kZHkj ¼24×7½
leUo; vkSj ekWuhVj djukA vkWu ykbu ls izR;k;u izfØ;k Hkh izkjaHk dh gS vkSj
5.1 fofHkUu dk;Z ijh{kk 'kqYd Hkh vkWu ykbu tek djus dh lqfo/kk
izkjaHk dh gSA
,uvkbZvks,l ds fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ ¼fo-l-ls-½ foHkkx
ds izeq[k dk;Z fuEufyf[kr gSa %&  bl o"kZ 2010&11 ls ,uvkbZvks,l us iathdj.k
djkus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh lgk;rk ds fy, 100%
 f'k{kkFkhZ ukekadu vkSj iathdj.k ls lacaf/kr uhfr
vkWu&ykbu izos'k vkjaHk fd;k gSA vkWQ&ykbu
dks lw=kc) djuk vkSj ;kstuk fuekZ.kA
izos'k dksVk blh esa 'kkfey fd;k x;k gSA
 ,uvkbZvks,l ds dk;ZØeksa dk leFkZu vkSj izpkjA
 ns'k Hkj esa ekU;rk izkIr vkSj izfl) 'kSf{kd laLFkkvksa
bl ;kstuk ds varxZr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ikl rhu fodYi
esa ls izR;k;u ds fy, v/;;u dsUnzksa dh igpku gksaxs %
vkSj LFkkiuk djuk vkSj izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa ¼,vkbZ½] ¼i½ og viuk iathdj.k lh/ks vkWu&ykbu }kjk dj
izR;kf;r O;kolkf;d laLFkkvksa ¼,ohvkbZ½ vkSj izR;kf;r ldrs gSaA
,tsfa l;ksa ¼,,½ ds ,d usVodZ dk fuekZ.k djukA
¼ii½ os vius fudVre ,vkbZ ¼v/;;u dsUnz½@lgk;rk
 ,uvkbZvks,l ds ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed
f'k{kk Fk;ksa dk ukekadu vkSj iathdj.kA
dsUnz esa tk ldrs gSa vkSj vkWu&ykbu iathdj.k
ds fy, mudh lgk;rk ys ldrs gSaA
 v/;;u dsUnzksa ds fØ;kUo;u vkSj O;fDrxr laidZ
dk;ZØeksa dh ekWuhVfjaxA ¼iii½ os vius {ks=kh; dsUnz esa tk ldrs gSa vkSj vkWu&ykbu
 vuqf'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;ks± }kjk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa iathdj.k ds fy, mudh lgk;rk ys ldrs gSaA
ds lrr ewY;kadu ds fy, uhfr dk fodklA o"kZ 2010-11 ds nkSjku ukekafdr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh dqy
 f'k{kkfFk;ksa dks le; ij vf/kd izHkko'kkyh lgk;rk la[;k 4]58]055 FkhA fiNys o"kks± ls bl o"kZ 9-13% dh
iznku djus ds fy, {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds lkFk leUo;uA o f) gqbAZ

30 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
fiNys ik¡p o"kks± ds nkSjku izos'k dh fLFkfr;k¡ bl izdkj jgha %

 ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds izos'k dh iqf"V gksus ds ukxfjdksa dks eqDr f'k{kk iz.kkyh }kjk 'kSf{kd lqfo/kk,¡
ckn f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks nsus ds fy, v/;;u dsUnzksa dks nsuk gSA
v/;;u lkexzh Hkstrk gSA ,uvkbZvks,l us vc vkWu ykbu izos'k dh dqN izeq[k fo'ks"krk,¡ bl
vkWQ ykbu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, v/;;u dsUnzksa ij izdkj gSa %&
v/;;u lkexzh Hkstus ds lkFk&lkFk vkWu ykbu µ 'kh?kz vkSj vklku izos'k % ,uvkbZvks,l ls lh/kk
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, muds vkoklh; irksa ij Hkh laidZ
v/;;u lkexzh Hkstuh vkjaHk dh gSA µ v/;;u dsUnz dk p;u % viuh ilan dk v/;;u
 ,uvkbZvks,l vius v/;;u dsUnzksa esa udn@cSad dsUnz pquus dh Lora=krk
MªkW¶Vksa }kjk izos'k ,oa ijh{kk 'kqYd ,df=kr djrk µ izos'k 24x7 [kqys gSa : LVªhe 3 vkSj 4 ds varxZr
gSA vc ,uvkbZvks,l us vkWu ykbu ^Hkqxrku dk Øe'k% ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed ikB~;Øe
rjhdk* nsdj izos'k vkSj ijh{kk 'kqYd ds fy, esa ^tc pkgks rc ijh{kk* gsrq f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy,
vklku Hkqxrku lqfo/kk vkjaHk dh gS ftleas f'k{kkFkhZ o"kZHkj izos'k [kqys gSaA
ØsfMV dkMks± }kjk viuk 'kqYd tek djk ldrs gSaA
µ csgrj lgk;rk lsok,¡ % ,uvkbZvks,l ds lkFk
5.2.1 vkWu ykbu izos'k }kjk igq¡p f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk lh/kk laidZ] leL;kvksa dk rhozrj
vc vkWu ykbu izos'k o"kZ Hkj eas nks CykWdksa esa miyC/k gSA fuokj.kA
,uvkbZvks,l ds lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ,oa mi&dsUnz ij ,d µ vklku Hkqxrku % vkWu ykbu 'kqYd dk Hkqxrku
vkWu ykbu izdks"B vkSj lgk;rk dkmaVj dh LFkkiuk ØsfMV dkMZ vFkok cSad MªkW¶V }kjkA
djds vkWu ykbu izos'k dh lqfo/kk fodsfUnzr dh xbZA uh&vkWu ifj;kstuk dks lQy vkSj f'k{kkFkhZ lgk;d
lHkh vkWu ykbu izdks"B dh vyx ls LFkkiuk djds vkWu cukus ds fy, rFkk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh fofHkUu vko';drkvksa
ykbu izos'k dk dk;Z djus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l ds dks /;ku j[krs gq, vkWu ykbu izos'k ds pkj LVªhe vkjaHk
{ks=kh; dsUnzksa dks vko';d deZpkjhx.k ,oa lajpukRed fd, x, gSaA vkWu ykbu izos'k ds fy, LVªheksa esa izos'k
lqfo/kk,¡ iznku dh xb±A o"kZ 2010&11 esa izo's k ,uvkbZvks,l iw.kZr% fHkUu gSa vkSj f'k{kkFkhZ buesa ls dsoy ,d pqu
ds ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed ikB~;Øeksa esa izos'k ldrs gSaA blds vfrfjDr izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa ¼,vkbZ½ ds
tqykbZ vkSj vxLr ekg esa Hkkjr Hkj eas vkSj fons'k esa ek/;e ls izos'k dh ekStwnk fof/k Hkh tkjh j[kh xbZ] ftls
usiky vkSj e/; iwoZ ns'kksa ¼nqcbZ] vkcw/kkch vkSj dqoSr½ esa vc ^vkWQ ykbu izos'k* dgk tkrk gSA
QSys 2482 izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa ¼,vkbZ½ ds ,d usVodZ ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij jkT;@dsUnz
}kjk fd, x,A bu ,vkbZ dks lkekU;r;k v/;;u dsUnz 'kkflr izns'kokj ukekadu rkfydk 5-1 eas n'kkZ;k x;k gS
Hkh dgk tkrk gSA Hkkjr ds ckgj v/;;u dsUnz cukus dk vkSj 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa eas {ks=kokj ukekadu rkfydk
y{; ogk¡ jg jgs xSj&vkoklh; Hkkjrh; vkSj vU; 5-2 esa n'kkZ;k x;k gSA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 31

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 5-1 % 2010&11 ds 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa esa jkT;@dsUnz 'kkflr&okj ukekadu
izos'k vkWu ykbu izos'k vkWu ykbu
LVªhe I LVªhe I

jkT;@dsUnz 'kkflr vkWQ ykbu vizSy] 2011 vDrwcj] 2011 vkWu ykbZu vkWu ykbZu dqy %
}kjk izos'k ijh{kk ds fy, ijh{kk ds fy, LVªhe II LVªhe III vkSj IV

izn's k ek- mPp-ek- ek- mPp-ek- ek- mPp-ek- ek- mPp-ek- ek- mPp-ek- ek- mPp-ek- dqy izfr'kr

,ihvks 262 211 1 6 2 1 265 218 483 0.11

vaMeku ,oa fudksckj 113 134 1309 1455 222 250 4 8 1648 1847 3495 0.76

vka/kz izn's k 128 559 1050 5499 866 2203 1176 4365 13 50 3233 12676 15909 3.47

v#.kkpy izn's k 66 77 2296 1707 500 503 3 3 2865 2290 5155 1.13

vle 56 77 1298 1292 570 458 47 86 5 38 1976 1951 3927 0.86

fcgkj 40 31 8243 9433 5623 3963 1778 3100 25 93 15709 16620 32329 7.06

paMhx<+ 30 35 1777 1038 257 282 53 94 18 54 2135 1503 3638 0.79

NÙkhlx<+ 63 31 1456 749 1064 461 1185 309 3768 1550 5318 1.16

fnYyh 173 162 23094 31853 6968 9244 2225 3579 32460 44838 77298 16 . 8 8

xksok 26 8 2536 967 257 147 5 4 2824 1126 3950 0.86

xqtjkr 12 16 1043 753 318 255 119 103 1492 1127 2619 0.57

gfj;k.kk 341 361 23966 26379 12938 11806 1205 2422 38450 40968 79418 17 . 3 4

fgekpy izn's k 68 247 2334 6795 1046 2682 166 393 3614 10117 13731 3.00

tEew ,oa d'ehj 53 59 559 925 287 578 5 10 935 1424 1839 2996 4835 1.06

>kj[kaM 15 27 2722 2198 915 822 37 364 3689 3411 7100 1.55

dukZVd 66 69 490 1083 149 776 2 264 707 2192 2899 0.63

dsjy 284 181 5852 7727 840 2401 18 123 3 33 6997 10465 17462 3.81

y{k}hi 1 21 7 37 6 13 14 71 85 0.02

e/; izn's k 269 136 6685 3002 2363 1450 2779 948 73 119 12169 5655 17824 3.89

egkjk"Vª 244 60 6104 3270 677 652 24 42 7 49 7056 4073 11129 2.43

ef.kiqj 298 86 1087 1145 458 301 971 620 2814 2152 4966 1.08

es?kky; 516 38 1084 58 174 13 18 0 1792 109 1901 0.42

fetksje 18 10 1823 1832 1081 1175 69 154 2991 3171 6162 1.35

a 101 32 1508 978 1045 483 571 198 3225 1691 4916 1.07

usiky 12 165 666 900 413 1106 1 6 1092 2177 3269 0.71

mM+hlk 183 26 3909 2061 2274 1046 1860 972 8226 4105 12331 2.69

ikafMpsjh 2 1 6 1 8 9 0.00

iatkc 115 74 8919 1872 757 360 246 225 10037 2531 12568 2.74

drj 8 32 2 5 10 37 47 0.01

jktLFkku 41 38 2824 2399 1144 1103 1981 1048 153 324 6143 4912 11055 2.41

flfDde 75 32 1252 1022 221 244 1 1548 1299 2847 0.62

rfeyukMq 78 25 454 518 108 123 2 5 642 671 1313 0.29

f=kiqjk 395 48 1172 671 566 212 3 1 2136 932 3068 0.67

;w-,-bZ- 71 124 144 294 26 65 241 483 724 0.16

mÙkj izn's k 603 470 8835 10755 2265 2740 4371 6899 44 132 16118 20996 37114 8.10

mÙkjkapy 231 129 6145 7227 1214 2011 3021 3582 36 73 10647 13022 23669 5.17

if'pe caxky 278 81 8198 8427 2571 2844 645 315 71 62 11763 11729 23492 5.13

5325 3880 140850 14631 50188 52784 24590 30243 1383 2451 22236 235719 458055 100.00

32 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku {ks=kh; dsUnzksa us ,vkbZ }kjk ykbZu }kjk fuEufyf[kr la[;k eas f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks izos'k
rFkk LVªhe&I vkSj II eas vius lacaf/kr {ks=kksa eas vkWu fn;k ftls rkfydk 5-2 esa n'kkZ;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 5-2 % 2010&11 ds 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa esa {ks=kh; dsUnz&okj ukekadu
{ks=kh; dsUnz vkSj 'kkfey jkT;@ ukekadu dqy izfr'kr
dsUnz 'kkflr izns'k
ek/;fed mPp- ek/;fed
bykgkckn 8844 12456 21300 4.65
Hkksiky 15937 7205 23142 5.05
Hkqous'oj 8225 4105 12330 2.69
paMhx<+ 44552 43151 87703 19.15
fnYyh 46005 62703 108708 23.73
nsgjknwu 15704 18395 34099 7.44
xqokgkVh 17799 12296 30095 6.57
gSnjkckn 3172 11336 14508 3.17
t;iqj 7621 6037 13658 2.98
dksPph 7653 11215 18868 4.12
dksydkrk 14960 14875 29835 6.51
,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; 1808 3183 4991 1.09
iVuk 19399 20031 39430 8.61
iq.ks 9889 5199 15088 3.29
fo'kk[kkiV~Vue 768 3532 4300 0.94
dqy 222336 235719 458055 100.00

{ks=kokj ukekadu eas lcls vf/kd ukekadu fnYyh {ks=k (23.73%), mlds ckn
paMhx<+ {ks=k (19.15%) vkSj mlds ckn iVuk {ks=k (8.61%) esa FkkA
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 33
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
5.2.2 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øe % f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh :ijs[kk ek/;eokj] Js.khokj] fyaxokj] vk;qokj vkSj /keZokj
l=k 2010&11 ds nkSjku f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh ikB~;Øeokj] :ijs[kk,¡ rkfydk 5-3 ls 5-8 rd nh xbZ gSaA

rkfydk 5-3 % 2010&11 ds nkSjku fofHkUu ikB~;Øeksa esa iathd r f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k vkSj izfr'kr

ikB~;Øe f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k izfr'kr

ek/;fed 222336 48.53
mPprj ek/;fed 235719 51.47
dqy 458055 100

rkfydk 5-4 % 2010&11 ds nkSjku ukekafdr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk {ks=kh; Hkk"kkokj forj.k

ek/;e f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k

ek/;fed mPprj ek/;fed
rsywxw 1861
mnwZ 1034 569
ejkBh 2001
ey;kye 5923
xqtjkrh 565
mfM+;k 972

dqy 12356 569

34 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 5-5 % 2010&11 ds nkSjku Js.khokj ukekadu
Ø-la- ukekadu izfr'kr
1 lkekU; 330883 72.23%

2 vuqlwfpr tkfr 57718 12.60%

3 vuqlwfpr tutkfr 33819 7.38%

4 HkwriwoZ lSfud 209 0.05%

5 v{ke 1904 0.42%

6 vU; fiNM+s oxZ 33522 7.32%

dqy 458055 100%

rkfydk 5-6 % 2010&11 ds nkSjku fyaxokj ukekadu

fyax ek/;fed mPprj ek/;fed dqy izfr'kr
iq#"k 154736 164820 319556 69.76%
efgyk 67600 70899 138499 30.24%

dqy 222336 235719 458055 100%

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 35

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

rkfydk 5.7 : 2010-11 ds nkSjku f'k{kkFkhZ ukekadu dk vk;qokj fooj.k

vk;q&oxZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k dqy %

ek/;fed mPprj ek/;fed

14 – 20 150702 128084 278786 60.86
21 – 25 42486 63978 106464 23.24
26 – 30 15220 23279 38499 8.40
31 – 35 7201 10657 17858 3.90
36 – 40 3288 5206 8494 1.85
41 – 45 1852 2816 4668 1.02
46 – 50 909 1187 2096 0.46

50 ls vf/kd 678 512 1190 0.26

dqy 222336 235719 458055 100.00

36 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk % 5.8 : 2010-11 ds nkSjku ukekafdr f'k{kk£Fk;ksa dh /keZokj ukekadu izo fÙk
/keZ ek/;fed mPprj ek/;fed dqy izfr'kr

fganw 179942 199392 379334 79.06

eqfLye 20520 19277 39797 10.04

blkbZ 14084 12572 26656 7.38

fl[k 6467 3160 9627 2.78

tSu 138 205 343 0.10

ckS) 1150 1077 2227 0.61

ikjlh 24 29 53 0.02

;gwnh 11 7 18 .01

dqy 222336 235719 458055 100 . 00

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 37

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
5.3 foojf.kdk 2010&11 dk fuekZ.k ,vkbZ dks rhu Jsf.k;ksa esa ck¡Vk x;k gSA ^,* okys
,vkbZ ftuds ikl cgqr vPNh lajpukRed lqfo/kk,¡ vkSj
foojf.kdk gh og nLrkost+ gS ftlds ek/;e ls
f'k{kd gSa] os 500 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa rd dk ukekadu dj ldrs
,uvkbZvks,l esa izos'k fd;s tkrs gSaA foojf.kdk dh
gSaA ^ch* okys ,vkbZ tks 300 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa rd dk
,dek=k iqfLrdk esa 'kSf{kd dk;ZØeksa ds fooj.k ds
ukekadu dj ldrs gSaA ^lh* okys ,vkbZ ftUgsa
lkFk&lkFk izos'k dh izfØ;k Hkh gksrh gSA o"kZ 2010&11 ds
dsoy 150 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ukekadu dh vuqefr gSA
nkSjku foojf.kdk dks vkSj vf/kd f'k{kkFkhZ vuqdwy cukus
,uvkbZvks,l dh ejkBh] rsyqxw] xqtjkrh] ey;kye]
vkSj ;g lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, fd ,uvkbZvks,l ds
mfM+;k vkSj mnwZ tSls {ks=kh; ekè;eksa ds fy, Hkh izR;kf;r
ckjs esa ns'k ds nwjLFk fLFkr {ks=kksa esa yksxksa dks lwpuk nh
laLFkk,¡ gSaA
tk,] cgqr ls egÙoiw.kZ fu.kZ; fy, x,A
,uvkbZvks,l ds ,vkbZ ds :i esa dk;Z djus ds fy,
5.4 izos'k ds fy, ekud dk;Z iz.kkyh dk Hkkxhnkj cus f'k{kky;ksa@laLFkkvksa esa ljdkjh fo|ky;]
iqujh{k.k ljdkjh lgk;rk izkIr fo|ky;] dsUnzh; fo|ky;] uoksn;
o"kZ 2010-11 ds nkSjku izos'k ds fy, ekud dk;Z iz.kkyh fo|ky;] lkoZtfud ,oa futh fo|ky; vkSj fo'ks"k
¼,lvksih½ dk iqujh{k.k fd;k x;k vkSj bu fn'kk&funsZ'kksa vko';drkvksa okys cPpksa ds fy, fo|ky; Hkh 'kkfey
esa cgqr ls u, izko/kku 'kkfey fd, x,A ,vkbZ ds gSaA
leUo;dksa ds fy, cuh bl iqLrd esa 2010-11 ds 'kSf{kd fu/kkZfjr ekunaM ds vk/kkj ij vkosnuksa dh l[r Nkuchu
l=k ls fd, x, egÙoiw.kZ ifjorZu 'kkfey fd, x, gSaA vkSj fo'ks"kKksa }kjk laLFkkvksa ds fujh{k.k ds ckn gh
;g foLr r nLrkost blfy, rS;kj fd;k x;k gS ftlls vè;;u dsUnzksa dks izR;k;u fd;k tkrk gSA fo|ky; ds
leUo;d Hkh foojf.kdk ds u, ifjorZuksa ds lHkh igyqvksa izkpk;Z@mi&izkpk;Z ,uvkbZvks,l ds v/;;u dsUnz ds
ls voxr gks tk,¡A :i esa dk;Z dj jgs ,vkbZ ds lek;kstd ds :i esa dk;Z
5.5 laLFkkvksa dk izR;k;u djsaxsA ,vkbZ ds deZpkjh vkSj f'k{kd vius lkekU;
dk;ks± ds vfrfjDr v/;;u dsUnzksa esa ,uvkbZvks,l ds
,d eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk laLFkku ds :i esa ,uvkbZvks,l dk;ZØeksa ds fy, dk;Z djsaxsA
f'k{kkFkhZ izos'k ysus ds le; ls mlds lQyrkiwoZd ysus rd fofHkUu :i ls ;kstukc) oS;fDrd 31 ekpZ] 2011 dks 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øe vk;ksftr djus ds
lgk;rk iznku djrk gSA vklkuh ls miyC/k gksus ds fy, ns'kHkj ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa eas LFkkfir ,vkbZ dh dqy
lkFk&lkFk lgk;rk iznku djus ds fy,] ,uvkbZvks,l la[;k 2482 Fkh ftleas 83 oafprkssa dh f'k{kk ds fy,
laLFkkvksa dks Hkkxhnkj ds :i esa izR;kf;r djds csgrj fo'ks"k izR;kf;r laLFkku ¼,l,vkbZbZMh½ gSaA 31 ekpZ]
lsok,¡ iznku djds miyC/k lalk/kuksa dk mi;ksx djrk 2011 dks ,vkbZ dk jkT;okj forj.k rkfydk 5-9 eas fn;k
gSA bl izdkj dh Hkkxhnkj laLFkk,¡ izR;kf;r laLFkk,¡ x;k gSA
¼,vkbZ½ dgykrh gSa vkSj ;s ns'k Hkj esa QSyh gSaA v/;;u {ks=kh; vko';drkvksa dh iwfrZ ds fy, {ks=kh; ek/;eksa esa
dsUnzksa ds :i esa dk;Zjr ;s ,vkbZ lkekU;r;k vkSipkfjd ikB~;Øe pykus ds fy, cgqr ls ,vkbZ dh LFkkiuk dh
fo|ky; gSa] tks lhch,lbZ] vkbZlh,llhbZ vkSj jkT; xbZA blesa ejkBh ek/;e eas 56 ,vkbZ] rsywxq ek/;e esa
cksMks± vFkok lqfo/kkoafpr vkSj v{ke f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh lkekftd 24 ,vkbZ] mnwZ ek/;e esa 101 ,vkbZ] xqtjkrh ek/;e esa
vkSj 'kSf{kd xfrfof/k;ksa esa yxh izfl) laLFkkvksa ls 17 ,vkbZ] ey;kye ek/;e esa 47 ,vkbZ vkSj mfM+;k
ekfur vkSj ekU;rkizkIr gSaA ,vkbZ lc rd f'k{kk dk ek/;e eas 42 ,vkbZ 'kkfey gSaA o"kZ ds nkSjku O;kolkf;d
izlkj djus ds fy, fofHkUu dk;ks± esa ,uvkbZvks,l dh laLFkkvksa ¼,ohvkbZ½ vkSj eqDr csfld f'k{kk ikB~;Øe
lgk;rk djrs gSaA pyk jgh izR;kf;r ,tsafl;ksa ¼,,½ ds izR;k;u dks fo|kFkhZ
miyC/k lajpukRed lqfo/kkvksa vkSj fo|eku laLFkkvksa lgk;rk lsok,¡ foHkkx ds varxZr yk;k x;kA ,uvkbZvks,l
dh izÑfr dks vk/kkj cukdj 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, ds lgHkkxh laLFkkvksa dh lwph vxys i "B ij nh xbZ gS%&

38 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 5.9 ,vkbZ vkSj ,l,vkbZbZMh dk dqy jkT;okj forj.k (31.03.2011)
jkT; dk uke@dsUnz 'kkflr ,vkbZ dh la[;k ,l,vkbZbZMh ,ohvkbZ vkschbZ vYila[;dgquj dqy
izns'k ¼{ks=kh; Hkk"kkvksa ds la[;k
,vkbZ lfgr½ ek-@mPp-ek-

vaMeku ,oa fudksckj }hi lewg 16 - 02 - - - 18

vka/kz izns'k 74 - 16 06 - - 96
,ihvks 3 - - - - - 3
v#.kkpy izns'k 21 - 01 - - - 22
vle 47 - 07 02 - - 56
fcgkj 263 4 55 17 08 1526 1873
paMhx<+ 8 - 06 02 - - 16
NÙkhlx<+ 23 - 22 01 01 - 47
nknj ,oa uxj gosyh - - - - - - -
neu ,oa nhm - - - - - - -
fnYyh 192 10 239 30 06 16 493
xksok 15 - 05 01 - - 21
xqtjkr 47 - 16 06 02 - 71
gfj;k.kk 197 3 52 37 02 - 291
fgekpy izns'k 52 - 50 01 - - 103
tEew ,oa d'ehj 26 1 22 03 - - 52
>kj[kaM 56 7 27 11 - - 101
dukZVd 23 6 28 11 02 - 70
dsjy 102 4 99 15 19 - 239
y{k}hi 2 - - - - - 2
e/; izns'k 126 3 100 17 03 - 249
egkjk"Vª 154 5 42 20 01 - 222
ef.kiqj 35 - 02 01 - - 38
es?kky; 12 - 02 - - - 14
fetksje 13 - - - - - 13
ukxkySaM 21 - 02 - - -
mM+hlk 125 7 26 13 01 - 172
ikafMpsjh 2 - 02 01 - - 5
iatkc 69 1 35 05 - - 110
jktLFkku 83 1 194 50 01 - 329
flfDde 21 - - - - - 21
rfeyukMq 30 6 65 41 - - 142
f=kiqjk 19 - 01 01 - - 21
mÙkj izns'k 349 15 178 44 30 - 616
mÙkjk[kaM 89 - 34 10 - - 133
if'pe caxky 66 7 23 11 01 - 108
fons'k 18 2 03 - - - 23

dqy 2399 82 1356 357 77 1542 5813

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 39

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
5.6 O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe iwoZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks izsfjr djus ds fy, ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k
,uvkbZvks,l ds f'k{kkFkhZ Lo v/;;u lkexzh }kjk Lo;a ;kstuk dh 'kq#vkr dh gSA ;g mu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy,
i<+kbZ djrs gSaA ;|fi vè;;u djrs gq, os leL;kvksa dk gS tks viuh ijh{kk eas mÙkh.kZ ugha gks ik;s gSa mUgsa
lkeuk djrs gSa vkSj mUgsa lgk;rk@ekxZn'kZu dh vko';drk ,uvkbZvks,l viuh vè;;u ;kstuk ds vuqlkj nwljs
gksrh gSA muds lansgksa dks nwj djus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l cksMks± ls vfèkdre nks fo"k;ksa eas rFkk ,uvkbZvks,l ds iwoZ
fl)kar fo"k;ksa ds fy, 30 O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØeksa dk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks vfèkdre pkj fo"k;ksa dk ØsfMV iznku
vk;kstu djrk gS ftlesa ls 15 vfuok;Z gSaA iz;ksx okys djrk gSA Vhvkslh ds vuqjks/k dh lw{erk ls tk¡p djus
fo"k;ksa esa 5 vfrfjDr ihlhih fn, x, gSaA ;s d{kk,a ds fy, {ks=kh; funs'kd dh v/;{krk esa ,d ØsfMV
vè;;u dsUnzksa ij 'kfuokj] jfookj@vU; vodk'k okys LFkkukarj.k lfefr cukbZ xbZA ;g lfefr ewy vad i=k
fnuksa esa vFkok dk;Zfnolksa esa ls fdlh Hkh lqfo/kktud ls vadksa dk lR;kiu djrh gS rFkk lgh ekeyksa
le; ij vk;ksftr dh tkrh gSaA dks ,uvkbZvks,l ds eq[;ky; eas vuqeksnu ds fy,
Hkstrh gSA
5.7 vuqf'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z ¼Vh,e,½
,uvkbZvks,l us f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk izHkko'kkyh vè;;u fd, 5.9 ,uvkbZvks,l ikB~;Øeksa dh ekU;rk
tkus ds fy, cgqr ls lkèku vkSj j.kuhfr;k¡ rS;kj dh gSAa ,uvkbZvks,l o"kZ 1991 ls Hkkjr ljdkj dh vfèklwpuk
Vh,e, muesa ls ,d gSAa fyf[kr dk;Z eqDr ,oa nwjLFk ds vuqlkj izkIr izkfèkdkj ds varxZr vf[ky Hkkjrh;
f'k{kk foèkk ds ekè;e ls vè;;u esa ,d egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk Lrj ij ijh{kkvksa dk vk;kstu dj jgk gSA Hkkjr esa
fuHkkrs gSAa ;s f'k{kkFkhZ dks mldh izxfr vkSj Kku Lrj ekè;fed f'k{kk cksMZ ifj"kn~ ¼lhvksch,lbZ½ vkSj Hkkjrh;
tkuus rFkk fu;fer vè;;u djus dh vknrsa fodflr fo'ofo|ky; laxBu ¼,vkbZ;w½ us ,uvkbZvks,l ds
djus esa enn djrs gSAa Vh,e, f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ihlhih esa ikB~ ; Øeks a dks mPprj f'k{kk la L Fkkvks a es a iz o s ' k
Hkkx ysus ds fy, izfs jr djrk gS vkSj bl izdkj mUgsa rFkk fofHkUu laLFkkvksa }kjk jkstxkj ds fy, ekè;fed
fu"Bkoku ,oa vuq'kkflr cukrk gSA fyf[kr dk;Z ihlhih vkSj mPprj ekè;fed Lrjksa ds led{k ekU;rk iznku
ds nkSjku funkukRed ,oa mipkjkRed f'k{k.k vfèkxe dh gSA
dk;ZØeksa dks fMtkbu djus esa mi;ksxh fl) gq, gSAa
,uvkbZvks,l us 3 Vh,e, esa ls de ls de 1 Vh,e, dks vc rd 144 cksMks±@fo'ofo|ky;ksa us ,uvkbZvks,l ds
vfuok;Z cukus dk fu.kZ; fy;kA Vh,e, ds fy, xzsM ikB~;Øeksa dks ekU;rk iznku dh gSA buesa 19 jkT;ksa@dsUnz
iz.kkyh gS tks vad rkfydk esa vyx ls n'kkZ;h tkrh gSA 'kkflr izns'kksa ds 24 cksMZ] 27 jkT;ksa@dsUnz 'kkflr
izns'kksa ds 111 fo'ofo|ky; rFkk 8 jkT;ksa@dsUnz 'kkflr
,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; eas f'k{kkFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ izns'kksa ds 9 vU; djus okyh laLFkk,¡ 'kkfey
foHkkx ,uvkbZvks,l ds vè;;u dsUnzksa vkSj {ks=kh; gSaA 2010-11 ds nkSjku 'ks"k jkT; cksMks± ls ,uvkbZvks,l
dsUnzksa ds lkFk feydj Vh,e, lacaèkh ekeyksa ij dk;Z dh ekU;rk o led{krk Lohdkj djus ds fy, vuqjksèk
djrk gSA o iz;kl fd, x,A ,uvkbZvks,l ds ikB~;Øeksa dks
5.8 ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k ¼Vhvkslh½ ekU;rk nsusokyh laLFkkvksa dk jkT;okj fooj.k rkfydk
,uvkbZvks,l us ekU;rk izkIr fo|ky; f'k{kk cksMks± ds 5.10 esa fn;k x;k gSA

40 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 5.10: ,uvkbZvks,l ikB~;Øeksa dks ekU;rk nsus okyas cksMks±@fo'ofo|ky;ksa@
vU; djus okyh laLFkkvksa dk jkT;okj fooj.k (31.03.2011 rd)
jkT;@dsUnz 'kkflr izns'k cksMks± dh fo'ofo|ky;ksa vU; laLFkk,a dqy
la[;k dh la[;k nsus okyh
vka/kz izns'k 2 8 - 10
v:.kkpy izns'k - 1 - 1
vle 1 2 - 3
fcgkj - 1 - 1
>kj[kaM 1 4 - 5
fnYyh 2 7 1 10
xksok 1 1 - 2
xqtjkr - 5 - 5
gfj;k.kk 1 5 1 7
fgekpy izns'k 1 2 - 3
tEew ,oa d'ehj 1 2 - 3
dukZVd - 7 - 7
dsjy - 5 - 5
e/; izns'k 1 7 1 9
NÙkhlx<+ - 1 - 1
egkjk"Vª 1 8 1 10
ef.kiqj - 1 - 1
es?kky; 1 - - 1
fetksje 1 - - 1
ukxkySaM 1 1 - 2
mfM+lk 2 2 - 4
iatkc 1 4 - 5
jktLFkku 1 10 2 13
flfDde - 1 - 1
f=kiqjk 1 1 - 2
rfeyukMq - 10 1 11
mÙkj izns'k 1 8 1 10
mÙkjk[kaM 1 2 - 3
if'pe caxky 2 5 1 8
vaMeku ,oa fudksckj }hilewg - - - -
paMhx<+ - - - -
nknj ,oa uxj gosyh - - - -
neu ,oa nhm - - - -

dqy 24 111 9 144

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 41

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
5.10 ,vkbZ ds leUo;dksa ds fy, vfHkfoU;kl vè;;u dsUnzksa dh dk;Z i)fr ds ckjs esa ,uvkbZvks,l
dk;ZØe ¼izR;{k½ }kjk fy, x, fu.kZ;ksa }kjk uhfr;ksa ,oa izfØ;k esa ifjorZu
dks izLrqr djuk FkkA ijh{kk] iz'kklu ,oa 'kSf{kd ekeyksa ls
fiNys o"kks± dh Hkkafr ,uvkbZvks,l us 2010-11 ds nkSjku lacfèkr fofHkUu ekeyksa ij Hkh ppkZ gqbZ rkfd lek;kstd
Hkh vè;;u dsUnzksa ds leUo;dksa ds fy, vfHkfoU;kl izHkkoh <ax ls dk;Z dj ldsAa ,vkbZ ds lek;kstdksa ds fy,
dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu fd;kA bl dk;ZØe dk mn~ns'; vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu fuEuor {ks=kokj gqvk%

Øe la- {ks=kh; dsUnz cSBd dh frfFk

1. bykgkckn 21.02.2011 vkSj 22.02.2011

2. Hkksiky 18.02.2011, 26.02.2011,07.03.2011

vkSj 12.03.2011
3. Hkqous'oj 1.02.2011,11.02.2011,19.02.2011

vkSj 26.02.2011
4. paMhx<+ 26.03.2011

5. fnYyh 27.07.2010

6. nsgjknwu 27.01.2011,17.02.2011,21.02.2011

vkSj 24.02.2011
7. xqokgkVh 16.03.2011

8. gSnjkckn 30.03.2011

9. t;iqj 10.03.2011 vkSj 16.03.2011

10. dksPph 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 vkSj 15

Qjojh, 2011
11 dksydkrk 29.12.2010 vkSj 11.03.2011

12. iVuk 03.02.2011, 17.02.2011 vkSj 24.02.2011

5.10.1 VsyhdkWUÝsaflax }kjk ,vkbZ@,ohvkbZ ds vkSj lajpukxr lg;ksx ls vkSj izkIrdÙkkZ i{k ij
lek;kstdksa@'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa ds fy, bXuw@,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds fofHkUu LFkkuksa
vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe ij fuEufyf[kr Vsyh&vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe fo|kFkhZ
f'k{k.k i{k ij bZ,eihlh] bXuw] ubZ fnYyh ds rduhdh lgk;rk lsok,¡ foHkkx }kjk vk;ksftr fd, x,A

42 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
dk;ZØe dh izfrHkkxh lewg dk;ZØe dk mn~ns'; mi;ksx esa yk, izfrHkkfx;ksa
frfFk x, LFkkuksa dh dh la[;k
23.09.2010 ,uvkbZvks,l dh 38 LFkku ¼bXuw ds 605
,vkbZ dh Hkwfedkvksa vkSj dk;ks± ij
izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa 31 LFkku vkSj
¼,vkbZ½ ds fopkj&foe'kZ djuk
,uvkbZvks,l ds
lek;kstd O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØeksa ¼ihlhih½ ds 7 LFkku½
egÙo ij izdk'k Mkyuk
vuqf'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;ks±
¼Vh,e,½] tc pkgks rc ijh{kk vkSj
lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa vkfn dh izfØ;kvksa
dks le>kuk

,uvkbZvks,l u, LFkkfir v/;;u dsUnzksa ds 34 LFkku ¼bXuw

05.10.2010 275
izR;kf;r lek;kstdksa dks izfØ;kvksa vkSj ds 29 LFkku
O;kolkf;d laLFkkvksa vkSj
mudh Hkwfedkvksa ds ckjs esa Li"V
¼,ohvkbZ½ ds ,uvkbZvks,l
djuk ds 5 LFkku½
ek-la-fo-ea- ds ifjizs{; vkSj O;kolkf;d
f'k{kk ls mUgsa voxr djkuk

19.01.2011 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kK 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa dks ,uvkbZvks,l ds 20 LFkku 271

dk;ZØeksa vkSj xfrfof/k;ksa ds ckjs eas
ds 17 LFkku
voxr djkuk vkSj bXuw ds 3
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh f'kdk;rksa vkSj leL;kvksa
ds lek/kku esa 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa dh Hkwfedk
ij izdk'k Mkyuk

'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa dks rS;kj djuk fd os

v/;;u dsUnzksa vkSj f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds chp
fdl izdkj ,d mRizsjd dh Hkwfedk
fuHkk ldrs gSaA

5.11 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kK o"kZ 2010-11 ds nkSjku ns'k Hkj esa 599 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa dh
{ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds dk;ks± eas lg;ksx djus rFkk ,vkbZ ds lkFk fu;qfDr dh xbZA 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kK f'k{kk ds {ks=kk ds lsokfuo Ùk
O;kid lacaèk cuk, j[kus ds fy, 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa dh fo|ky;@dkWyst ds izkpk;Z] ofj"B f'k{kd gksrs gSaA fu;qDr
voèkkj.kk fodflr dh xbZA ftu yksxksa ds ekè;e ls lg;ksx dk fd, x, 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKkas dh la[;k uhps rkfydk 5.11 esa nh
dk;Z fd;k tkrk gS] mUgsa 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kK dgk tkrk gSA xbZ gSA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 43

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk : 5.11 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa ¼'kS- fo-½ dh {ks=kokj fLFkfr
Ø-la- {ks=kh; dsUnz 'kS-fo- dh dqy la[;k
1. bykgkckn 70
2. Hkksiky 26
3. Hkqous'oj 30
4. paMhx<+ 24
5. nsgjknwu 78
6. fnYyh 44
7. xqokgkVh 54
8. t;iqj 27
9. dksph 62
10. dksydkrk 24
11. iVuk 92
12. iq.ks 32
13. gSnjkckn 30
14. fo'kk[kkiV~Vue 6

dqy 599

5.12 ,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; funs'kdksa dh cSBd izkFkfedrk izkIr f'k{kkFkhZ lewgksa ds fy, jk"Vªh; f'k{kk uhfr
,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; dsUnz {ks=kh; Lrj ij dk;kZRed 1986 vkSj dkjZokbZ ;kstuk ¼ihvks,½] 1992 ds fØ;kUo;u
lkèku gSaA le;&le; ij {ks=kh; izeq[kksa ds lkFk cSBdsa ds fy, vR;ar egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkrk gSA ;g edrcksa
vk;ksftr dh tkrh gSa ftlls lHkh u, iz;klksa ds ckjs esa mUgsa vkSj enjlksa dks izR;k;u iznku djds oSdfYid fo|ky;h
lwfpr fd;k tk,A {ks=kh; funs'kdksa vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l ds f'k{kk }kjk eqfLye cPpksa dks f'kf{kr djus dk iz;kl dj
eq[;ky; ds vf/kdkfj;ksa ds chp vkeus&lkeus dh ppkZ ds jgk gSA bl izdkj vYila[;d izdks"B lPpj lfefr vkSj
fy, ,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; funs'kdksa dh cSBdsa 19-20 iz/kkuea=kh ds 15 fcanq dk;ZØe dh laLrqfr;ksa ds izdk'k eas
tqykbZ] 2010 vkSj 20-21 fnlacj] 2010 dks vk;ksftr dh fo|ky; Lrj ij eqfLye vYila[;dksa ds fy, f'k{kk ds
x;haA volj c<+kus ds fy, Hkkjr ljdkj ds uhfrxr iz;klksa dk
,d izeq[k midj.k cu x;k gSA
{ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds izeq[k eqn~nksa] tSls O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe]
vuqf'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z vkSj izR;k;u ij Hkh foLrkj vYila[;d izdks"B vYila[;d laLFkkvksa ds fy, fo'ks"k
ls ppkZ gqbZA {ks=kh; funs'kdksa dks ;g volj fn;k x;k fd :i ls rS;kj fd, x, fu;eksa eas dkQh NwV nsdj izR;k;u
os foLrkjiwoZd crk,¡ fd ,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ij iznku djrk gSA blls eqfLyeksa dh ikjaifjd 'kSf{kd laLFkkvksa
dk;Z djus esa dkSu&dkSu lh leL;k,¡ ns[krs gSa rFkk eq[;ky; tSls enjlksa] edrcksa vkSj nk:y&myweksa dks f'k{kk dh
ls fdl izdkj dh lgk;rk dh vis{kk djrs gSaA izeq[k /kkjk ls tksM+us eas lgk;rk feyrh gSA
5.13 vYila[;d izdks"B dh LFkkiuk leh{kk/khu o"kZ eas vYila[;d izdks"B csgrj ekxZn'kZu vkSj
vYila[;d leqnk;ksa dh leL;kvksa ds lek/kku ds fy, izHkkoh ekWuhVfjax ds fy, fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ ds varxZr
2006 esa vYila[;d izdks"B cuk;k x;kA ;g izdks"B yk;k x;kA

44 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
vYila[;d izdks"B }kjk vYila[;d f'k{kk ds fy, dh xbZ ,lihD;wbZ,e ,d ekax vk/kkfjr ;kstuk gSA ;g ;kstuk
xfrfof/k;k¡ fuEufyf[kr gSa % X;kjgoha ;ks t uk vof/k ds nkS j ku ns ' kHkj es a dq y
& Ldwyh f'k{kk ds {ks=k eas ,uvkbZvks,l dk;ZØeksa dh 4]500&6]000 enjlksa dks 'kkfey djus dk iz;kl djsxh
mi;ks f xrk ls la c a f /kr lekt ds nfer vkS j vkSj enjlksa esa yxHkx 13]500&18]000 f'k{kdksa dks ekuns;
lqfo/kkoafpr oxks± esa tkx:drk c<+kus ds fy, iznku djsxhA
nwjLFk@igkM+h vkSj fiNM+s gq, {ks=kksa eas lfØ; :i ls foKku]] lkekftd v/;;u Hkk"kk,¡ vkSj dEI;wVj
leFkZu dk;ZØe tSls cSBdsa] laxksf"B;k¡] losZ{k.k] ,fIyds'ku dks i<+kus ds fy, f'k{kdksa dks fu;qfDr gsrq izR;sd
tutkx:drk dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, x,A iw.kZdkfyd Lukrd f'k{kd dks 12 ekg ds fy, 6]000@&
& ,vkbZ@,ohvkbZ@,, ds lek;kstdksa ds lkFk cSBdsaA #i;s izfrekg dh nj ij osru iznku fd;k tk,xkA izkFkfed@
feMy@ek/;fed vkS j mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij
& eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds izlkj ds fy, vYila[;d
iqLrdky;ksa@iqLrd cSadksa dks vkSj csgrj cukus ds fy,
leqnk;ksa ds ,vkbZ@,ohvkbZ@,, esa tkus&ekus fo}kuksa
izR;sd enjlk dks 50]000@& #i;s dh ,d eq'r lgk;rk
ds lkFk cSBdasA
vkSj ckn esa 5]000@& #i;s dk okf"kZd vuqnku fn;k
& mnwZ lekpkj i=kksa vkSj if=kdkvksa }kjk izlkjA tk,xkA ek/;fed@mPprj ek/;fed Lrjksa ij enjlksa us
5.13.1 enjlksa eas xq.kkRed f'k{kk iznku djus ds foKku@dEI;wVj iz;ksx'kkykvksa dh LFkkiuk ds fy,
fy, dsUæh; izofrZr ;kstuk ¼,lihD;wbZ,e½ 10]000@& #i;s dh vf/kdre foÙkh; lgk;rk iznku dh
tk,xhA ,uvkbZvks,l ds ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed
jk"Vªh; f'k{kk uhfr ¼,uihbZ½ us jk"Vªh; f'k{kk iz.kkyh dh Lrjksa }kjk v/;;u dk fodYi ysus okys izR;sd fo|kFkhZ ds
ladYiuk viukbZ gS ftldk vFkZ gS fd ,d Lrj fo'ks"k rd fy, iathdj.k 'kqYd] ijh{kk 'kqYd vkSj jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h
lHkh fo|kFkhZ pkgs os fdlh tkfr /keZ] Hkk"kk vFkok fyax ds f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½ }kjk nh xbZ v/;;u lkexzh
gksa] mUgas leku xq.koÙkk dh f'k{kk nh tk,xhA jk"Vªh; f'k{kk ds ewY; gsrq 100% rd foÙkh; lgk;rk iznku dh tk,xhA
uhfr us 'kSf{kd :i ls fiNM+s gq, vYi la[;dksa ds mRFkku enjls ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk fu/kkZfjr fu;eksa vkSj ekun.Mksa
ds fy, gj laHko lk/ku iznku djus dk ladYi fy;k gSA dh iwfrZ djrs gq, ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk pyk, tk jgs
mUgsa vk/kqfud fo"k;ksa esa f'k{kk iznku djus ds fy, dsUnz O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa dk pquko Hkh dj ldrs gSaA
ljdkj {ks=k xgu vkSj enjlk vk/kqfudhdj.k ;kstuk ykxw
dj jgh gSA vYila[;dksa dh f'k{kk ds fy, jk"Vªh; ekWuhVfjax ,sls enjls tks de ls de rhu o"kks± ls dk;Z dj jgs gSa vkSj
lfefr ¼,u,elh,ebZ½ dk xBu 2004 eas vYila[;dksa dh dsUnzh; vFkok jkT; ljdkj vf/kfu;eksa vFkok enjlk cksMZ
f'k{kk ds lHkh igyqvksa dh ns[kHkky ds fy, fd;k x;kA vFkok oDQ cksMks± vFkok ,uvkbZvks,l ds varxZr iathd r
fo'ks"kK lfefr us lq>ko fn;k fd enjlksa dks 'kSf{kd Lrjksa gSa os bl dk;ZØe ds varxZr lgk;rk ds fy, vkosnu djus
ds] O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ds lkFk laidZ vkSj gsrq ;ksX; gSaA ,sls lHkh enjls tks nwjLFk f'k{kk fo/kk }kjk
vk/kqfud fo"k;ksa eas f'k{kk dh xq.koÙkk c<+kus ds fy, jk"Vªh; 'kkfey gksuk pkgrs gSa vkSj ljdkjh vuqnku dk ykHk ysuk
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½ ds lkFk lac) pkgrs gSa mUgsa ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk izR;kf;r gksus dh vko';drk
fd;k tk,A gSA ;kstuk ds varxZr foÙkh; lgk;rk ds fy, vkosnu djus
okys enjlksa dks jkT; ljdkj dks jkT; enjlk cksMks±@
bl ;kstuk dk mn~ns'; izkjaifjd laLFkkuksa tSls enjlksa ,uvkbZvks,l ds varxZr viuh ekU;rk@izR;k;u dk
vkSj edrcksa dks foKku]] lkekftd v/;;u] fganh nLrkost+h izek.k nsuk gksxkA bl mn~ns'; ds fy, enjlksa dks
vkSj vaxzsth fo"k;ksa dh ikB~;p;kZ vkjaHk djus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l esa izR;k;u@ekU;rk ds fy, ,d vkosnu
izksRlkfgr djuk gS ¼foÙkh; lgk;rk iznku djds½A ;|fi Hkstuk gksxkA X;kjgoha ;kstuk ds nkSjku dsUnz ljdkj bl
ikjaifjd enjlksa vkSj edrcksa ds vk/kqfudhdj.k dh izfØ;k ;kstuk ds fy, 100% vuqnku iznku djsxhA ;kstuk ds
LoSfPNd gksxhA elrc@enjls@nkj&my&mywe mPprj varxZr okf"kZd vk/kkj ij foÙkh; lgk;rk mu jkT;@
ek/;fed Lrj ds dk;ZØe pykus ds fy, jk"Vªh; eqDr ljdkjksa@dsUnz 'kkflr izns'kksa ds iz'kklu }kjk nh tk,xh
fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ds izR;kf;r v/;;u dsUnz cuus dk ftuds {ks=kkf/kdkj eas laLFkku fLFkr gSaA
fodYi pqu ldrs gSaA ;g ;kstuk enjlksa esa i<+ jgs cPpksa
ds O;kolkf;d izf'k{k.k ds fy, volj iznku djus dk Hkh ;g ;kstuk jkT; ljdkjksa }kjk ykxw dh tk,xh ,d fu;e
iz;kl djsxh ftlls os jkstxkj cktkj eas izos'k dj ldsaxs ds :i eas foÙkh; lgk;rk ds fy, lHkh vuqjks/k fu/kkZfjr
vkSj m|e'khyrk dks c<+k;k tk ldsxkA vkosnu QkeZ esa jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu"ikfnr fd, tk;saxsA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 45

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
5.13.2 fcgkj esa eqfLye yM+fd;ksa ds fy, gquj 5.13.4 gquj ifj;kstuk fnYyh
ifj;kstuk ,uvkbZvks,l us fnYyh eas gquj ifj;kstuk vkjaHk dhA 26
2008&09 ls ,uvkbZvks,l us fcgkj f'k{kk ifj;kstuk ifj"kn~ Qjojh] 2011 dks fnYyh eas vk;ksftr ,d lekjksg esa bl
¼chbZihlh½ ds lg;ksx ls fcgkj esa eqfLye yM+fd;ksa dks lkr dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu ekuuh; ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=kh
O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa esa dkS'ky izf'k{k.k iznku djus ds Jh dfiy flCcy vkSj fnYyh dh eq[;ea=kh Jherh 'khyk
fy, gquj ifj;kstuk vkjaHk dh gSA xzke l[kh] dVkbZ] flykbZ nhf{kr ds lkFk&lkFk vU; x.kekU; O;fDr;ksa us fd;kA
,oa iks'kkd fuekZ.k] csfld xzkeh.k izk|
S ksfxdh] twV mRiknu] yM+fd;ksa dks fu%'kqYd ukekadu djkus vkSj dkS'ky izf'k{k.k
csdjh ,oa duQsD'kujh] lkSna ;Z lao)Zu vkSj izkjafHkd f'k'kq iznku djus ds fy, bl dk;ZØe ds varxZr yxHkx 16
ns[kHkky ,oa f'k{kk tSls ikB~;Øeksa esa dqy 13768 eqfLye laLFkk,¡ izR;kf;r dh xb±A bu laLFkkvksa eas yxHkx 500
yM+fd;ksa dks dkS'ky izf'k{k.k fn;k tk jgk gSA yM+fd;k¡ ukekadu djk pqdh gSaA
5.13.3 gquj ifj;kstuk pj.k&II vU; jkT;ksa esa Hkh gquj ifj;kstuk vkjaHk dh tk jgh gSA
bl ifj;kstuk dh lQyrk dks ns[krs gq, fcgkj ljdkj us
5.13.5 vYila[;d izdks"B }kjk vk;ksftr leFkZu
,uvkbZvks,l dks pj.k&II ds fy, tkjh j[kus ds fy, dgk
vkSj l=k 2010&11 ds fy, eqfLye] vuq-t-] vuq-t-t- vkSj
vf/kdka'k fiNM+s leqnk;ksa dh 50]000 ls vf/kd yM+fd;ksa fjiksVZ ds o"kZ eas vYila[;d izdks"B }kjk rhu leFkZu
dks f'kf{kr djus dk y{; fn;kA yxHkx 45]298 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, x,A ,d dk;ZØe y[kuÅ eas 15
us ukekadu djk;k vkSj 23 vkSj 24 tqykbZ] 2011 dks fnlacj] 2010 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;k] nwljk dk;ZØe
vk;ksftr ijh{kk eas 12]252 f'k{kkFkhZ cSBs] gquj pj.k&I ds Hkksiky esa 22 tuojh] 2011 dks vkSj rhljk dk;ZØe iq.ks eas
varxZr 'kkfey 298 izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa ds vfrfjDr bl 30 ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA bl izdkj ds
dk;ZØe dks pykus ds fy, 723 u, vksch,p v/;;u dsUnzksa dk;ZØeksa ds vk;kstu }kjk vYila[;d izdks"B us enjlksa
dks izR;kf;r fd;k x;kA ;s 723 vksch,p v/;;u dsUnz ls yxHkx 140 vkosnu izkIr fd,A bu vkosnuksa ij NwV
chbZihlh }kjk laLrqfr izkIr ekWMy] Ldwy] laLFkk,¡ vkSj izkIr fu;eksa ds vuqlkj dk;Z fd;k x;kA
,uthvks gSaA

46 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

6 ewY;kadu vkSj tk¡p

6.0 ifjp; 6.2 iz'u i=kksa dh xq.koÙkk vkSj ekunaM
ewY;kadu vkSj fu/kkZj.k fdlh Hkh f'k{k.k vf/kxe iz.kkyh ,uvkbZvks,l dh ijh{kk iz.kkyh dh ;FkkFkZrk] oS/krk vkSj
dk ,d egÙoiw.kZ rRo gSA lu~ 1990 esa Hkkjr ljdkj us fo'oluh;rk iznku djus ds fy, vusd tk¡p fcUnq bl
,uvkbZvks,l ds iwoZ Lukrd Lrj rd ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh iz.kkyh esa 'kkfey fd, x, gSa rkfd visf{kr y{; izkIr
ijh{kk ysus vkSj mÙkh.kZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks nsus dk fd;k tk ldsA 'kS{kf.kd vkSj O;kolkf;d foHkkx iz'u
vf/kdkj fn;k gS vkSj bl izdkj ,uvkbZvks,l jk"Vªh; i=kksa dks fMtkbu djrk gS vkSj ,d uewuk iz'u&i=k
ijh{kk cksMks± esa ,d cksMZ cukA ;g ,slk vdsyk cksMZ gS tks rS;kj djrk gS tks fd fMtkbu vkSj Cyw fizaV ij
izR;sd o"kZ nks ckj lkoZtfud ijh{kk,a vk;ksftr djrk vkèkkfjr gksrk gSA iz'ui=k fuekZrkvksa dks larqfyr iz'ui=k
gSA f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh miyfC/k;ksa dks ekius vkSj muds cukus ds fy, ikB~;Øe fooj.k] v/;;u lkexzh] uewuk
ifj.kke dk ewY;kadu djus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l o"kZ iz'ui=k rFkk iz'ui=k fMtkbu fn;k tkrk gS ftlesa
1991 ls lkoZtfud ijh{kk vk;ksftr dj jgk gS vkSj rc y?kqÙkjh;] vfr y?kqÙkjh;] O;k[;kRed rFkk oLrqfu"B
ls o"kZ 2010&11 rd 40 lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa dk vk;kstu iz'u 'kkfey gksrs gSa tks fd Kku] le> vkSj vuqiz;ksx
fd;k x;k gSA ij vk/kkfjr gksrs gSaA lacaf/kr fo"k; fo'ks"kKksa }kjk
iz'ui=kksa dk iqu% ekWMjs'ku fd;k tkrk gS rkfd iz'u
6.1 ,uvkbZvks,l dh vuks[kh fo'ks"krk,¡ ikB~;Øe esa ls gksaA os u rks cgqr dfBu vkSj u gh cgqr
ijh{kk iz.kkyh vklku gksa vkSj rS;kj dh xbZ vad ;kstuk Bhd gks vkSj
iz'uksa ds lHkh Hkkx mlesa lfEefyr gksaA
• ,uvkbZvks,l ds ikl dksbZ ewyHkwr lqfo/kk,¡ ugha gSaA fiNys o"kks± dh gh Hkkafr] 2010&11 ds nkSjku Hkh
;g ifCyd vkSj izkbosV lsDVj }kjk LFkkfir laLFkkvksa ,uvkbZvks,l us ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed ijh{kkvksa
ds ek/;e ls ijh{kk,¡ djkrk gS vkSj muds 'kS{kf.kd ds fy, lHkh izeq[k fo"k;ksa esa iz'u i=kksa ds ik¡p lsV
dk;ZØe dks Hkh ckf/kr ugha djrkA rS;kj fd,A lHkh fo"k;ksa ds iz'ui=k xksiuh; izsl }kjk
• ,uvkbZvks,l ijh{kk ls lacaf/kr ekeyksa esa vR;f/kd eqfnzr fd, x,A mudks cSadksa@iqfyl LVs'kuksa esa j[kk
lqfo/kk,a nsrk gS tSls& f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk lqfo/kkuqlkj x;k vkSj ogha ls mudk forj.k fd;k x;kA o"kZ 2010&11
,d vFkok vf/kd fo"k; esa cSB lduk] mÙkh.kZ ds nkSjku ek/;fed Lrj ij lkoZtfud ijh{kk,a vk;ksftr
fo"k;ksa ds ØsfMVksa dk ,d=k gksuk] ik¡p o"kZ dh vofèk djus ds fy, fgUnh vkSj vaxzsth ekè;eksa ds lkFk&lkFk
esa ukS ckj lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa esa cSBus ds volj] mnwZ ,oa {ks=kh; ek/;eksa ¼rsyqxw] xqtjkrh] ejkBh] ey;kye
vU; pqfuank cksMks± ls nks fo"k; vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l ls vkSj mfM+;k½ esa Hkh rS;kj fd, x,A
pkj fo"k;ksa ds vad dk LFkkukarj.kA 6.3 izeq[k xksiuh; vf/kdkfj;ksa vkSj xksiuh;
• f'k{kkFkhZ ijh{kk esa vius mRrj Hkkjr dh fdlh Hkh vf/kdkfj;ksa dk vfHkfoU;kl
vuqlwfpr Hkk"kk esa ls fdlh Hkk"kk esa Hkh fy[k ldrk ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dh igpku dks xqIr j[kus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l
gS] pkgs mlus og ek/;e fy;k Hkh u gksA mudk okLrfod uke vkSj ukekadu la[;k fNikrk gS
• ek/;fed Lrj ij vkSj dqN fo"k;ksa esa mPprj vkSj mUgsa dkYifud la[;k,¡ nsrk gS tks dsoy lacaf/kr
ekè;fed Lrj ij tc pkgks rc ijh{kk ftlds xksiuh; nyksa dks gh miyC/k djk, tkrs gSaA pwafd izeq[k
ekè;e ls f'k{kkFkhZ viuh lqfo/kkuqlkj fdruh gh xksiuh; vf/kdkjh ¼lh,lvks½ vkSj vU; xksiuh; ny
ckj ijh{kk esa cSB ldrk gSA lnL;ksa dks ckgjh fo'ks"kKksa esa ls pqus tkrs gSaA blfy,
dkYifud la[;kvksa dh vo/kkj.kk vkSj bl laca/k esa

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 47

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
mudh Hkwfedk ds ckjs esa mudks vfHkfoU;kl djkus dh djus ds fy, lHkh lko/kkfu;ka cjrus gsrq foLr r fn'kk
vko';drk gksrh gSA 2010&11 ds nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l funsZ'k fn, x,A ijh{kkvkssa dh izHkko'kkyh ns[kjs[k ds
ds ewY;kadu foHkkx us vizSy 2010 vkSj vDrwcj 2010 fy, izR;sd ijh{kk d{k esa nks fujh{kd fn, x,A
dh ijh{kkvksa ds lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds izeq[k xksiuh;
6.6 vad ;kstukvksa dk ekudhdj.k
vfèkdkfj;ksa vkSj xksiuh; vf/kdkfj;ksa ds fy, vfHkfoU;kl
dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu fd;kA ,uvkbZvks,l ds 'kSf{kd ladk; vkSj cká fo'ks"kKksa dh
lgk;rk ls vizSy 2010 vkSj vDrwcj 2010 ijh{kkvksa ds
6.4 2010-11 ds nkSjku lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa
fy, ek/;fed ikB~;Øe ds 12 fo"k;ksa vkSj mPprj
dk vk;kstu ekè;fed ikB~;Øe ds 17 fo"k;ksa ds iz'u i=kksa ds rS;kj
,uvkbZvks,l us nks lkoZtfud ijh{kk,¡ vFkkZr~ ,d gksrs gh mudh vad ;kstukvksa dk ekudhdj.k fd;k x;k
ijh{kk vizSy 2010 esa rFkk vU; ijh{kk vDrwcj 2010 esa mUgsa vafre :i fn;k x;kA fofHkUu fo"k;ksa dh rS;kj
vk;ksftr dhaA o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku 'kSf{kd vkSj vad ;kstukvksa dks {ks=kh; dsUnzksa dks bZ&esy }kjk Hkstk
O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa esa 6]90]382 f'k{kkFkhZ cSBAs 2010&11 x;k ftldk mi;ksx ewY;kadudrkZvksa }kjk fofHkUu fo"k;ksa
ds nkSjku lkjs f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa esa ls ek/;fed dh mÙkj iqfLrdkvksa ds ewY;kadu ds fy, fd;k x;kA
ikB~;Øe ijh{kk ds fy, 3]25]339 f'k{kkFkhZ vkSj mPprj 6.7 mÙkj iqfLrdkvksa dk ewY;kadu
ek/;fed ikB~;Øe ijh{kk ds fy, 3]41]665
f'k{kkFkhZ rFkk O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, 23]378 fofHkUu fo"k;ksa ds ny izeq[k vkSj ewY;kadudÙkkZ {ks=kh;
f'k{kkFkhZ ns'kHkj esa vkSj fons'k esa QSys 2088 ijh{kk dsUnzksa dsUnzksa }kjk fu/kkZfjr ewY;kadu dsUnzksa ij mÙkj iqfLrdkvksa
esa cSBsA 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, vizSy 2010 rFkk dk ewY;kadu djrs gSaA bu ewY;kadu dsUnzksa dh ns[kjs[k
vDrwcj] 2010 dh ijh{kk Øe'k% 1197 rFkk 894 ijh{kk vkSj ekWuhVfjax ,uvkbZvks,l ds lacaf/kr {ks=kh; dsUnzksa
dsUnzksa ij vk;ksftr dh xbZA }kjk dh xbZ vkSj funs'kd ¼ewY;kadu½ dks vad fooj.k
Hksts x,A var esa ifj.kke rS;kj fd, x, vkSj ijh{kkvksa
o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku ns'k Hkj esa QSys 341 ijh{kk
ds lekIr gksus ds pkj&ik¡p lIrkgksa esa lkekU; rkSj ij
dsUnzksa esa dqy 23]378 f'k{kkFkhZ fofHkUu O;kolkf;d f'k{kk
budh ?kks"k.kk dh xbZA ifj.kkeksa dks vafre :i nsus ls
ijh{kkvksa esa cSBsA vizSy 2010 ds nkSjku 174 ijh{kk dsUnzksa
igys ekWMjs'ku lfefr }kjk fopkj&foe'kZ ds ckn ifj.kke
ds ek/;e ls 10]889 f'k{kkFkhZ O;kolkf;d ijh{kk esa cSBsA
dk iqujh{k.k vkSj ekWMjs'ku fd;k x;kA
tcfd vDrwcj 2010 ds nkSjku 12]489 f'k{kkFkhZ 167
ijh{kk dsUnzksa ds ekè;e ls ijh{kk esa cSBsA 6.8 ;w,Q,e lfefr dh cSBdsa
6.5 ,uvkbZvks,l dh lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa dh ewY;kadu foHkkx ds xksiuh; vuqHkkx us vizSy 2010 vkSj
ekWuhVfjax vkSj fujh{k.k vDVwcj 2010 dh nks ijh{kkvksa ds varxZr vuqfpr
O;ogkj laca/kh 4]446 ekeykas ij dkjZokbZ dhA bu
ijh{kk ds leqfpr laiknu ds fy, izR;sd ijh{kk dsUnz ekeyksa ij ,d mPp Lrjh; lfefr us ppkZ dh vkSj
ij ,d iw.kZdkfyd fo'ks"k dk;Z vf/kdkjh rSukr fd;k muds le{k f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks vius fopkj j[kus dk volj
x;kA blds vfrfjDr ijh{kk dsUnz ij tkap ny Hkh Hksts fn;k x;kA
x,A o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds ijh{kk
dsUnzksa ij tk¡p ny Hkstus ds fy, fo'ks"k bartke fd, vizSy&ebZ 2010 dh ek/;fed] mPprj ek/;fed vkSj
x,A leqfpr <ax ls ,uvkbZvks,l dh ijh{kk ds lapkyu O;kolkf;d f'k{kk dh ijh{kkvksa ds nkSjku lkewfgd
lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, jkT; f'k{kk ,tsafl;ksa ls lgk;rk udy vkSj vuqfpr O;ogkj ds ekeyksa ij fopkj djus
ekaxh xbZA bl lanHkZ esa gfj;k.kk Ldwy f'k{kk cksMZ us ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l ds vuqfpr O;ogkj ekeys dh
mi;qZDr dne mBkrs gq, gfj;k.kk jkT; esa ,uvkbZvks,l lfefr dh cSBd ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; esa 1]2 vkSj 6
ijh{kkvksa ds fujh{k.k ,oa i;Zo{s k.k ds fy, vius vfèkdkfj;ksa tqykbZ] 2010 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa 2155 ekeyksa
ds fo'ks"k ny rS;kj fd,A ij fopkj fd;k x;kA blh izdkj vDrwcj 2010 ijh{kkvksa
ds ;w,Q,e ekeyksa dh tkap djus ds fy, ;w,Q,e
ijh{kk dsUnzksa ds dsUnz v/kh{kdksa dks muds lacaf/kr ijh{kk lfefr dh cSBd 11] 12] 17 rFkk 18 tuojh] 2011 dks
dsUnzksa esa lqpk: :i ls ijh{kkvksa dk vk;kstu lqfuf'pr ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; esa gqbZ ftlesa 2]291 ekeyksa ij
48 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
fopkj fd;k x;kA vuqfpr O;ogkj ekeyksa esa fyIr ,uvkbZvks,l us ,u,y,e, ds lg;ksx ls o"kZ 2010&11
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh oS;fDrd lquokbZ ds fy, lfefr ds eas uolk{kjksa dk ewY;kadu nks pj.kksa esa vFkkZr~ 20 vxLr]
le{k mifLFkr gksus ds fy, cqyk;k x;kA lfefr us 2010 vkSj 6 ekpZ] 2011 vk;ksftr fd;kA 20 vxLr]
lHkh ekeyksa ij fopkj fd;k vkSj fl) ekeyksa esa 2010 dks fd, x, ewY;kadu esa 16 jkT;ksa us Hkkx fy;k]
mi;qZDr n.M dh laLrqfr dhA ;w,Q,e lfefr }kjk dqy 5]18]385 ijh{kkFkhZ ijh{kk esa cSBs ftuesa ls 3]24]232
ftu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk nks"k fl) ugha gqvk mUgsa funksZ"k ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks mÙkh.kZ ?kksf"kr fd;k x;k rFkk mUgsa
?kksf"kr fd;k x;kA fn, x,A 6 ekpZ] 2011 dks ewY;kadu esa 15
jkT;ksa ds dqy 43,58,650 yk[k ijh{kkFkhZ ijh{kk esa cSBs
6.9 mÙkj iqfLrdkvksa dk iqu% ewY;kadu ftuesa ls 13 jkT;ksa ds 38]35]414 ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ifj.kkeksa
,uvkbZvks,l us vizSy] 2010 dh ijh{kk ls mPprj dh ?kks"k.kk dh xbZ gS vkSj lHkh dks xzM
s 'khV lg&
ek/;fed Lrj ij mÙkj iqfLrdkvksa ds iqu% ewY;kadu dk tkjh fd;k x;k gSA 'ks"k nks jkT;ksa ds ifj.kkeksa dh
dk;Z vkjaHk fd;k gSA vizy S ] 2010 dh ijh{kk esa dqy 1288 ?kks"k.kk ,l,y,e, ls vkadM+s izkIr gksus ds ckn rqjar dh
ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa us blds fy, vkosnu fd;k ftlesa ls 417 tk,xhA
ekeyksa esa vad eas ifjorZu fd;k x;k tcfd 871 ekeyksa esa bl ewY;kadu ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk dh xbZ izeq[k
dksbZ ifjorZu ugha FkkA vDrwcj] 2010 dh ijh{kk esa 753 xfrfof/k;k¡ bl izdkj gSa%&
ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa us vkosnu fd;k ftueas ls 332 ekeyksa esa vadksa
esa ifjorZu fd;k x;k vkSj 421 ekeyksa esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha 1. ,l,y,e, dks iz'u&mÙkj iqfLrdk dk fodkl]
FkkA fMtkbu vkSj vkiwfrZ djukA

6.10 ,u,y,e, ifj;kstuk ds varxZr ijh{kk dk 2. ewY;kadu dk;ZØe ds vk;kstu ds fy, ekxZ&funsZ'k
xfrfof/k pkVZ vkSj iVZ pkVZ rS;kj djukA
3. izos'k vkSj ijh{kk ds vkadM+s ,df=kr djus ds fy,
varjkZ"Vªh; lk{kjrk fnol 8 flracj] 2009 dks ekuuh; lkW¶Vos;j dk fodklA
iz/kkuea=kh th us lk{kj Hkkjr dk mn~?kkVu fd;k tks
Ldwyh f'k{kk vkSj lk{kjrk foHkkx ¼Mh,lbZ,y½] ekuo 4. izos'k vkSj ijh{kk fjdkWMks± ds fy, izk:i dk fodklA
lalk/ku fodkl ea=kkky; ¼ek-la-fo-ea-½] Hkkjr ljdkj 5. fHkUu lgHkkxh ds vfHkfoU;kl@izf'k{k.k ds fy,
dh ,d dsanzh; izofrZr ;kstuk gSA lk{kjrk Hkkjr dks ,u,y,e, ds lkFk vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe vkSj
jk"Vªh; lk{kjrk fe'ku ds ,d u, izdkj ds :i esa rS;kj VsyhdkWUÝsaflax dk vk;kstuA
tk jgk gSA lk{kj Hkkjr eas 15$ ds vk;q lewg ds lHkh
6. ijh{kk vkSj ewY;kadu izfØ;k ds vk;kstu dh
o;Ld 'kkfey gSaA lk{kj Hkkjr ;kstuk ds varxZr
lk{kjrk dk;ZØe dk y{; ;kstuk ds izFke mn~ns';
^^uolk{kj o;Ldksa dks dk;kZRed lk{kjrk iznku 7. ifj.kkeksa dh izkslsflax vkSj ?kks"k.kkA
djuk gSA 8. xzsM 'khV&lg& dk eqnz.k vkSj vkiwfrZA
ewY;kadu vkSj iznku djus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l 20 vxLr] 2010 ijh{kk vkSj 6 ekpZ] 2011 ijh{kk ds
dks ,u,y,e, }kjk lkoZtfud futh lgHkkfxrk ¼ihihih½ fy, jkT;&okj ifj.kke rkfydk 6-1 vkSj 6-2 ij fn,
ds varxZr ,d uksMy ,tsalh ds :i esa j[kk x;k gSA x, gSaA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 49

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 6.1 : 20 vxLr] 2010 dks vk;ksftr ,u,y,e, & csfld lk{kjrk dk;Z Øe
jkT;okj ifj.kke ,d ut+j esa

jkT; ijh{kk dsUnz cSBs lk{kj lk{kj (%)

dqy 20643 518385 334507 64.53

fyax okj iq#"k 194068 122204 62.97

efgyk 324317 212303 65.46

vka/kz izns'k 1892 66010 44874 67.98

vle 307 21048 10908 51.82

ef.kiqj 10 956 526 55.02

fcgkj ¼nhik;k½ 257 39129 29881 76.37

iVuk ,MhvkjvkbZ 357 16402 13611 82.98

>kj[kaM 990 37611 27918 74.23

xqtjkr 400 19073 13976 73.28

if'pe caxky 1364 105497 40866 38.74

flfDde 72 1510 870 57.62

rfeyukMq 2039 32430 25513 78.67

NÙkhlx<+ 1274 9729 7990 82.13

gfj;k.kk 97 2402 1646 68.53

mÙkj izns'k 1078 43506 30549 80.56

fgekpy izns'k 152 1262 928 73.53

jktLFkku 900 50717 29507 58.18

mÙkjk[kaM 2154 26233 20475 78.05

egkjk"Vª 7300 44870 29969 66.79

50 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 6.2 : 6 ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr ,u,y,e, & csfld lk{kjrk dk;Z Øe
jkT;okj ifj.kke ,d ut+j esa
jkT; ijh{kk dsUnz cSBs lk{kj lk{kj (%)

iq#"k efgyk dqy iq#"k efgyk dqy iq#"k efgyk dqy

1. vka/kz izns'k 84764 998872 1083636 45579 512700 558279 8.16 91.84 51.52

2. ef.kiqj 2222 7273 9495 1528 5347 6875 22.23 77.77 72.41

3. fcgkj 278462 1743150 2021612 226897 1349902 1576799 14.39 85.61 78.00

4. dukZVd 64432 92133 156565 49715 69510 119225 41.70 58.30 76.15

5. if'pe caxky 23338 47964 71302 18067 37724 55791 32.38 67.62 78.25

6. flfDde 506 3379 3885 155 816 971 15.96 84.04 24.99

7. rfeyukMq 65010 158029 223039 65010 158028 223038 29.15 70.85 100.00

8. NÙkhlx<+ 52564 162165 214729 37125 124583 161708 22.96 77.04 75.31

9. fgekpy izns'k 1892 3441 5333 1387 2385 3772 36.77 63.23 70.73

10. egkjk"Vª 20411 25407 45818 15313 19590 34903 43.87 56.13 76.18

11. mÙkjk[kaM 18531 64875 83406 14506 44130 58636 24.74 75.26 70.30

12. xqtjkr 42969 69591 112560 23070 36733 59803 38.58 61.42 53.13

13. >kj[kaM 42868 40566 83434 25579 41958 67537 37.87 62.13 80.95

dqy 697969 3416845 4114814 523931 2403406 2927337 17.90 82.10 71.14

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 51

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
6.11 2010-11 ds nkSjku ijh{kk esa f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh fu"ifÙk
fiNys nl o"kks± esa ,uvkbZvks,l dh ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed ijh{kkvksa esa izfrHkkfxrk esa o f) uhps rkfydk
esa nh xbZ gS %
rkfydk 6.3 : ,uvkbZvks,l ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed ijh{kkvksa esa izfrHkkfxrk esa o f)
izfrHkkfxrk of)
ijh{kk ek/;fed mPprj ek/;fed dqy
tuojh-91 44636 31522 76158 ykxw ugha
uoacj-91 15193 10504 25697 ykxw ugha
ebZ-92 24507 15191 39698 48% dh deh
uoacj-92 13683 8633 22316 13% dh deh
ebZ-93 34035 22275 56310 42% dh o f)
uoacj-93 18418 13019 31437 41% dh o f)
ebZ-94 37860 28054 65914 17% dh o f)
uoacj-94 18200 14209 32409 03% dh o f)
ebZ-95 25393 22383 47776 27% dh deh
uoacj-95 28161 22644 50805 57% dh o f)
ebZ-96 50640 34049 84689 77% dh o f)
uoacj-96 31287 21786 53073 04% dh o f)
ebZ-97 63387 39483 102870 21% dh o f)
uoacj-97 38640 24283 62923 19% dh o f)
ebZ-98 76845 48202 125047 22% dh o f)
uoacj-98 45326 28955 74281 18% dh o f)
ebZ-99 90380 57761 148141 18% dh o f)
uoacj-99 53320 34806 88126 19% dh o f)
ebZ-00 98948 71453 170401 15% dh o f)
uoacj-00 52039 36842 88881 01% dh o f)
ebZ-01 122101 93175 215276 26% dh o f)
uoacj-01 58880 48403 107283 21% dh o f)
ebZ-02 143782 100942 244724 14% dh o f)
uoacj-02 70263 56100 126363 18% dh o f)
ebZ-03 172533 117872 290405 19% dh o f)
uoacj-03 69896 70385 140281 11% dh o f)
ebZ-04 237300 170052 407352 40% dh o f)
uoacj-04 100680 84474 185154 32% dh o f)
vizSy-05 167169 136560 303729 25% dh deh
vDrwcj-05 86262 75605 161867 23% dh deh
vizSy-06 175699 148883 324582 07% dh o f)
vDrwcj-06 79170 69834 149004 08% dh deh
vizSy-07 182680 162371 345051 06% dh o f)
vDrwcj-07 91740 84365 176105 18% dh o f)
vizSy-08 204477 189979 394456 14% dh o f)
vDrwcj-08 93782 93016 186798 06% dh o f)
vizSy-09 204166 204383 408549 04% dh o f)
vDrwcj-09 110536 113187 223723 20% dh o f)s
vizSy-10 196882 199682 396564 03% dh deh
vDrwcj-10 128457 141983 270440 21% dh o f)

52 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
6.11.1 'kSf{kd ikB~;Øeksa esa fo"k;okj fu"ifÙk
ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, fo"k;okj mRrh.kZ izfr'kr uhps fn;k x;k gS %

rkfydk 6-4 ek/;fed ijh{kk esa fo"k;okj mRrh.kZ izfr'kr

vizSy@ebZ-2010 vDrwcj@uoacj-2010

jkT; cSBs ikl % fo"k; cSBs ikl %

201 fganh 111202 83662 75.23 201 fganh 39731 34111 85.85

202 vaxt
sz h 148347 94418 63.65 202 vaxt
sz h 59161 40593 68.61

203 caxkyh 1156 666 57.61 203 caxkyh 550 356 64.73

204 ejkBh 2835 1719 60.63 204 ejkBh 531 341 64.22

205 rsyxq w 2225 1851 83.19 205 rsyxq w 1071 936 87.39

206 mnwZ 2466 1824 73.97 206 mnwZ 860 780 90.7

207 xqtjkrh 765 587 76.73 207 xqtjkrh 109 63 57.8

208 dUuM+ 78 65 83.33 208 dUuM+ 56 51 91.07

209 laLd r 6546 3414 52.15 209 laLd r 3027 1695 56

210 iatkch 3242 2433 75.05 210 iatkch 720 493 68.47

211 101266 52071 51.42 211 49787 29919 60.09

212 S ksfxdh 112148

foKku ,oa izk| 53820 47.99 212 foKku ,oa izk|
S ksfxdh 55824 34049 60.99

213 lkekftd foKku 133597 68277 51.11 213 lkekftd foKku 62572 35534 56.79

214 vFkZ'kkL=k 55625 29247 52.58 214 vFkZ'kkL=k 22738 13578 59.72

215 O;olk; v/;;u 44321 24931 56.25 215 O;olk; v/;;u 15577 8872 56.96

216 x g foKku 67282 41930 62.32 216 x g foKku 24036 15034 62.55

217 Vad.k ¼fganh½ 12 3 25 217 Vad.k ¼fganh½ 4 1 25

218 Vad.k ¼vaxt

sz h½ 132 44 33.33 218 Vad.k ¼vaxt
sz h½ 34 19 55.88

219 oMZ izkl

s fs lax 58889 46849 79.55 219 oMZ izkl
s fs lax 18548 16682 89.94

221 Vad.k ¼mnw½Z 2 0 0 221 Vad.k ¼mnw½Z 1 1 100

222 euksfoKku 7066 2842 40.22 222 euksfoKku 2912 1665 57.18

223 Hkkjrh; laLd fr ,oa 223 Hkkjrh; laLd fr ,oa

fojklr 16440 7950 48.36 fojklr 7440 4531 60.9

225 isfa Vax 10525 7881 74.88 225 isfa Vax 7266 6235 85.81

228 vlfe;k 261 152 58.24 228 vlfe;k 77 36 46.75

231 usikyh 2603 1797 69.04 231 usikyh 669 570 85.2

232 ey;kye 5891 3757 63.78 232 ey;kye 758 585 77.18

233 mfM+;k 4610 2837 61.54 233 mfM+;k 3965 3701 93.34

235 vjchd 294 243 82.65 235 vjchd 72 71 98.61

236 ikjlh 2 1 50 236 ikjlh 1 0 0

237 rfey 314 254 80.89 237 rfey 72 57 79.17

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 53

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 6-5 % mPprj ek/;fed ijh{kk esa fo"k;okj mRrh.kZ izfr'kr
vizSy@ebZ 2010 ijh{kk vDrwcj@uoacj 2010 ijh{kk
fo"k; cSBs ikl % fo"k; cSBs ikl %

301 fganh 105781 84289 79.68 301 fganh 41635 33865 81.34

302 vaxt
sz h 145699 113422 77.85 302 vaxt
sz h 69050 55521 80.41

306 mnwZ 1684 1400 83.14 306 mnwZ 548 489 89.23

309 laLd r 1108 868 78.34 309 laLd r 654 603 92.2

311 43252 33104 76.54 311 25746 18866 73.28

312 HkkSfrdh 45528 35430 77.82 312 HkkSfrdh 28033 20514 73.18

313 jlk;u 43916 34470 78.49 313 jlk;u 25914 19027 73.42

314 tho foKku 22202 17357 78.18 314 tho foKku 12498 10076 80.62

315 bfrgkl 52137 40929 78.5 315 bfrgkl 20049 16650 83.05

316 Hkwxksy 24215 18840 77.8 316 Hkwxksy 9929 8049 81.07

317 jktuhfr foKku 65204 50361 77.24 317 jktuhfr foKku 26182 21183 80.91

318 vFkZ'kkL=k 50810 39398 77.54 318 vFkZ'kkL=k 24637 18480 75.01

319 O;olk; v/;-@ 33851 25780 76.16 319 O;olk; v/;-@ 15482 11023 71.2
okf.kT; okf.kT;
320 ys[kkadu 24219 19102 78.87 320 ys[kkadu 12916 9216 71.35

321 x g foKku 46489 36391 78.28 321 x g foKku 18387 14329 77.93

322 Vad.k ¼fg-½ 14 13 92.86 322 Vad.k ¼fg-½ 2 2 100

323 Vad.k ¼va-½ 117 104 88.89 323 Vad.k ¼va-½ 51 49 96.08

324 vk'kqfyfi ¼fg-½ 4 3 75 324 vk'kqfyfi ¼fg-½ 1 1 100

325 vk'kqfyfi ¼va-½ 5 5 100 325 vk'kqfyfi ¼va-½ 2 2 100

326 lfpoh; i)fr 248 211 85.08 326 lfpoh; i)fr 74 70 94.59

327 oMZ izkslflax 53329 41045 76.97 327 oMZ izkslflax 25289 17409 68.84

328 euksfoKku 6206 4870 78.47 328 euksfoKku 2573 2048 79.6

330 dEI;wVj foKku 11091 8795 79.3 330 dEI;wVj foKku 4912 3773 76.81

331 lekt'kkL=k 38653 29874 77.29 331 lekt'kkL=k 14890 11927 80.1

332 isafVax 14607 11366 77.81 332 fp=kdyk 7297 4674 64.05

335 tu lapkj 1051 778 74.02 335 tu lapkj 826 566 68.52

54 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 6.6 : dqy 'kSf{kd ijh{[email protected] 2010&11

ijh{kk ek/;fed mPprj ek/;fed

cSBs ikl cSBs ikl

vizSy@ebZ 196882 86960 199682 81963

vDrwcj@uoacj 128457 51033 141983 55166

rkfydk 6.7: vizSy 2010 ijh{kk esa fyaxokj fu"ifRr

fyax ek/;fed mPprj ek/;fed
cSBs ikl ikl % cSBs ikl ikl %

iq#"k 136293 59225 45.45 139478 55681 39.92

efgyk 60589 27735 45.77 60204 26282 43.65
dqy 196882 86960 45.61 199682 81963 41.05

rkfydk 6.8 vDrwcj 2010 ijh{kk esa fyaxokj fu"ifRr

fyax ek/;fed mPprj ek/;fed

cSBs ikl ikl % cSBs ikl ikl %
iq#"k 90672 35472 39.12 101387 38340 37.82
efgyk 37785 15561 41.19 40596 16826 41.45
dqy 128457 51033 39.73 141983 55166 38.85

6.11.3 ek/;eokj fu"ifRr vizSy 2010 vkSj vDVwcj 2010 dh ijh{kkvksa ds nkSjku
2010&11 ds nkSjku ek/;fed Lrj ij ijh{kk,¡ fganh ek/;fed Lrj ij fofHkUu ek/;eksa esa cSBus okys vkSj
vkSj vaxzsth ek/;e ds lkFk&lkFk mnwZ] rsyqxw] ejkBh] izkIr djus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k uhps
ey;kye] mfM+;k vkSj xqtjkrh esa Hkh vk;ksftr dh xb±A rkfydkvksa esa nh xbZ gS %

rkfydk 6-9 % ek/;fed Lrj ij ek/;eokj fu"ifRr

vizSy@ebZ-2010 ijh{kk vDrwcj@uoacj-2010 ijh{kk
fo"k; cSBs ikl % cSBs ikl %
fganh 130878 57517 43.95 87658 34174 38.99
vaxzsth 53618 24462 45.62 34953 14784 42.30
ejkBh 1864 809 43.4 675 231 34.22
rsyqxw 1767 1479 83.7 1234 403 32.66
mnwZ 1326 595 44.87 664 275 41.42
xqtjkrh 573 233 40.66 263 109 41.44
ey;ke 6630 1682 25.37 2791 937 33.57
mfM+;k 226 183 80.97 219 120 54.79

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 55

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
2010&11 ds nkSjku mPprj ek/;fed ijh{kk,¡ Çgnh] ek/;eksa esa cSBs vkSj mÙkh.kZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k uhps nh
zs h rFkk mnwZ ek/;eksa esa vk;ksftr dh xb±A vizSy xbZ gSA
2010 rFkk vDrwcj 2010 ijh{kkvksa ds nkSjku fofHkUu

rkfydk 6-10 % mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij ek/;eokj fu"ifRr

ek/;e vizSy@ebZ-2010 vDrwcj@uoacj-2010

cSBs ikl % cSBs ikl %

fganh 119420 47250 39.57 82335 29944 36.37
vaxzsth 79601 34438 43.26 59296 25075 42.29
mnwZ 661 275 41.60 352 147 41.76

6.11.4 O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa esa fo"k;okj fu"ifRr x;kA izo's k ds le; LdSu fd, x, QksVks dks mÙkh.kZ
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh vad lwfp;ksa vkSj ij eqfnzr
2010&11 ds nkSjku O;kolkf;d ijh{kk esa yxHkx fd;k x;kA ijh{kk esa cSBs vkSj izkIr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
23]378 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk iwoZ ijh{kk MkVk rS;kj fd;k dh fLFkfr uhps nh xbZ gS %

rkfydk 6.11 : dqy O;kolkf;d ijh{[email protected] fLFkfr 2010&11

ijh{kk O;kolkf;d %

cSBs mÙkh.kZ
vizSy@ebZ 10889 6943 63.76
vDrwcj@uoacj 12489 7206 57.70

rkfydk 6.12 : fyaxokj O;kolkf;d ijh{kk ifj.kke 2010&11

vizSy@ebZ-2010 vDrwcj@uoacj-2010
fyax cSBs mÙkh.kZ % cSBs mÙkh.kZ %

iq#"k 5433 2940 54.11 4392 2504 57.00

efgyk 5456 4003 73.37 8097 4702 58.07

dqy 10889 6943 63.76 12489 7206 57.70

56 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 6.13 : {ks=kokj O;kolkf;d ijh{kk ifj.kke vizSy 2010@vDrwcj 2010
{ks=k vizSy@ebZ-2010 vDrwcj@uoacj-2010

cSBs ikl % cSBs ikl %

{ks=k 01 gSnjkckn 364 251 68.96 322 157 48.75
{ks=k 02 iq.ks 478 414 86.61 276 191 69.20
{ks=k 03 dksydkrk 463 321 69.33 296 222 75.00
{ks=k 04 xqokgkVh 43 34 79.07 123 34 27.64
{ks=k 05 paMhx<+ 2036 913 44.84 2022 1052 52.02
{ks=k 06 dksPph 1666 1101 66.09 1191 436 36.60
{ks=k 07 fnYyh 2315 1480 63.93 2928 1895 64.71
{ks=k 09 t;iqj 521 334 64.11 378 205 54.23
{ks=k 10 iVuk 636 503 79.09 924 664 71.86
{ks=k 11 bykgkckn 121 844 69.12 544 345 63.49
{ks=k 13 Hkksiky 900 669 74.33 948 638s 67.29
{ks=k 14 nsgjknwu 246 79 32.11 472 204 43.22
{ks=k 15 Hkqous'oj [kqys ugha [kqys ugha – 90 61 67.78
{ks=k 16 fo'kk[kkiV~Vue [kqys ugha [kqys ugha – 112 92 82.14

rkfydk 6.14 : jkT;okj O;kolkf;d ijh{kk ifj.kke vizSy 2010@vDrwcj 2010

vizSy@ebZ-2010 vDrwcj@uoacj-2010
jkT; jkT; dk uke cSBs ikl % cSBs ikl %
51 vka/kz izns'k 49 33 67.35 112 92 82.14
58 dukZVd 315 218 69.21 116 94 81.03
61 egkjk"Vª 417 365 87.53 226 172 76.11
78 xksok 61 49 80.33 0 0 0.00
65 mM+hlk 342 240 70.18 90 61 67.78
72 if'pe caxky 121 81 66.94 133 109 81.95
52 vle 43 34 79.07 63 21 33.33
70 xksok 0 0 0.00 12 5 41.67
55 gfj;k.kk 564 448 79.43 599 463 77.30
56 fgekpy izns'k 783 404 51.60 543 292 53.78
57 tEew ,oa d'ehj 133 72 54.14 79 33 41.77
66 iatkc 722 145 20.08 605 306 50.58
75 paMhx<+ 139 84 60.43 148 63 42.57
45 ,l,vkbZbZMh 7 7 100.00 0 0 0.00
59 dsjy 1190 742 62.35 686 330 48.10
69 rfeyukMq 373 257 68.90 313 235 75.08
81 ikafMpsjh 96 95 98.96 0 0 0.00
99 fnYyh 1659 1015 61.18 2145 1289 60.09
54 xqtjkr 150 71 47.33 63 18 28.57
67 jktLFkku 371 263 70.89 3633 1446 39.80
53 fcgkj 462 384 83.12 419 355 84.73
76 >kj[kaM 174 119 68.39 77 47 61.04
71 mÙkj izns'k 1794 1143 63.71 1777 1204 67.75
60 e/; izns'k 710 486 68.45 595 416 69.92
79 NÙkhlx<+ 190 183 96.32 192 166 86.46
84 mÙkjk[kaM 24 6 25.00 108 56 51.85

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 57

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 6.15 : vizSy 2010 esa O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ijh{kk esa fo"k;okj mÙkh.kZ %
ikB~;Øe cSBs mÙkh.kZ %

252 c<+bZfxjh 4 1 25.00

255 ykaMªh lsok,¡ 39 33 84.62
256 csdjh vkSj dUQSD'kujh 268 246 91.79
257 oSfYMax izkS|ksfxdh 179 145 81.01
322 Vad.k ¼fganh½ 5 3 60.00
323 Vad.k ¼vaxzsth½ 28 8 28.57
324 vk'kqfyfi ¼fganh½ 76 45 59.21
325 vk'kqfyfi ¼vaxzsth½ 10 7 70.00
326 lfpoh; i)fr 54 45 83.33
327 oMZ izkslsflax ¼vaxzsth½ 290 211 72.76
355 bysDVªksIysfaVax (fl)kar) 1 0 0.00
356 x g O;oLFkk ¼vdkseksMs'ku lfoZl½ ¼fl)kar½ 64 54 84.38
357 dSVfjax izca/ku 190 163 85.79
359 [ksy dsanz izca/ku 24 21 87.50
360 gksVy Lokxr dk;kZy; lapkyu 9 9 100.00
363 Qy ,oa lfCt;ksa dk laj{k.k 2 2 100.00
401 LokLF; ns[kHkky dh vk/kkjHkwr ckrsa 49 39 79.59
402 LokLF; ,oa i;kZoj.k 49 41 83.67
403 LokLF; f'k{kk 49 47 95.92
404 LokLF; izlkj xfrfof/k;ka 49 47 95.92
412 lfpoh; izfØ;k,¡ 38 34 89.47
413 dk;kZy; esa dEI;wVj ,fIyds'kUl 38 36 94.74
414 O;olk; laizs"k.k 39 34 87.18
415 vk'kqfyfi ys[ku 41 21 51.22
422 Vad.k ¼fganh½ 3 0 0.00
423 Vad.k ¼vaxzsth½ 6 1 16.67
424 vk'kqfyfi ¼fganh½ 29 21 72.41
425 vk'kqfyfi ¼vaxzsth½ 144 116 80.56
426 lfpoh; i)fr 156 140 89.74
427 oMZ izkslsflax ¼vaxzsth½ 153 137 89.54
430 ,Dljs foHkkx dk vfHkfoU;kl 33 21 63.64
431 jsfM;ks/kehZ HkkSfrdh 42 18 42.86
432 ekuo 'kjhj jpuk vkSj 'kjhj fØ;k foKku 56 20 35.71
433 MkdZ :e dh O;oLFkk vkSj izfØ;k,¡ 36 22 61.11
434 jhtuy jsfM;ksxzkQh vkSj dUVªkLV ehfM;k 45 16 35.56
435 ,MokaLM besftax vkSj fo'ks"k uSnkfud izfØ;k,¡ 41 18 43.90
436 iqLrdky; % dk;Z vkSj lsok,¡ 356 280 78.65
437 iqLrdky; lkexzh dh O;oLFkk 340 298 87.65
438 iqLrdky; vfHkys[k 346 310 89.60
439 f'k'kq dks le>uk 989 874 88.37
440 izkjafHkd f'k'kq ns[kHkky vkSj f'k{kk&fl)kar vkSj izfØ;k,¡ 983 866 88.10

58 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

441 izkjafHkd f'k'kq ns[kHkky vkSj f'k{kk&dsUnz dk vk;kstu vkSj izca/ku vkSj f'k{kk 980 865 88.27
445 csfld tho foKku 6 5 83.33
446 mez ds fofHkUu i{k 6 5 83.33
447 o )tuksa dh lkekU; ns[kHkky rFkk fo'ks"k vko';drk,a 6 5 83.33
448 cqtqxks± ds fy, ;ksx 6 6 100.00
449 csfld thou foKku 683 592 86.68
450 ekr ,oa f'k'kq LokLF; ns[kHkky 651 602 92.47
451 jksxksa dh jksdFkke ,oa izca/ku 690 632 91.59
601 gkml ok;fjax vkSj fctyh midj.kksa dh ejEer 45 18 40.00
602 eksVj vkSj VªkalQkeZj fjokbfUMax 10 0 0.00
604 Vh-oh- ejEer 8 0 0.00
605 dVkbZ ,oa flykbZ 429 362 84.38
606 iks'kkd fuekZ.k 20 17 85.00
607 iqLrdky; ifjpkyd 11 4 36.36
608 csfld dEI;wfVax esa 269 111 41.26
611 IyfEcax 62 55 88.71
612 lkSan;Z lao)Zu 614 561 91.37
613 MsLd VkWi ifCyf'kax esa ¼lhMhVhih½ 280 183 65.36
614 ;ksx 347 228 65.71
615 lqj{kk lsok esa ¼lh,l,l½ 82 29 35.37
616 dEI;wVj gkMZos;j vlascyh la;kstu rFkk j[kj[kko esa 199 96 48.24
617 thou foKku esa 13 4 30.77
622 osc fMtkbfuax ¼fl)kar½ 11 3 27.27
626 vkx dh jksdFkke o vkS|ksfxd lqj{kk 41 15 36.59
701 gkml ok;fjax vkSj fctyh ds midj.kksa dh ejEer 1157 677 58.51
702 eksVj vkSj VªkaliQkeZj fjokbaZfMax 1076 659 61.25
703 jsfM;ks vkSj Vh-oh- rduhf'k;u 52 39 75.00
704 Vh-oh- dh ejEer 61 40 65.57
705 dVkbZ ,oa flykbZ 648 607 93.67
706 iks'kkd fuekZ.k 492 467 94.92
707 iqLrdky; vkSj lekt rFkk iqLrdky; laxBu 4 3 75.00
708 lwphdj.k ¼dSVykWfxax½] oxhZdj.k vkSj iqLrdky; laxBu 2 2 100.00
709 jsfÝtjs'ku 387 319 82.43
710 ,;j daMh'kfuax 245 193 78.78
711 csfld dEI;wfVax dkS'ky 895 469 52.40
712 dEI;wVj ,fIyds'kUl 1166 563 48.28
713 nqifg;k okgu eSdsfuTe esa 21 15 71.43
716 QqVfo;j fMtkbu ,oa mRiknu 1 1 100.00
718 gksE;ksiSFkh % ,d ifjp; 91 40 43.96
719 gksE;kiSFkh fpfdRlk dk ifjp; 74 30 40.54
723 pkSifg;k okgu pSfll eSdsfuT+e 88 61 69.32
724 pkSifg;k okgu eSdsfuT+e 58 42 72.41
802 tu LokLF; 468 371 79.27

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 59

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 6.16 : vDrwcj 2010 esa O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ijh{kk esa fo"k;okj mÙkh.kZ %
ikB~;Øe cSBs mÙkh.kZ %

218 Vad.k ¼vaxzsth½ ¼fl)kar ,oa iz;ksx½ 4 1 25.00

252 c<+bZfxjh (fl)kar) 8 6 75.00

253 lkSj ÅtkZ rduhf'k;u ¼fl)kar½ 14 10 71.43

254 ck;ks xSl ÅtkZ rduhf'k;u (fl)kar) 1 0 0.00

255 ykaMªh lsok,¡ (fl)kar) 5 5 100.00

256 csdjh vkSj dUQSD'kujh (fl)kar) 58 52 89.66

257 oSfYMax izkS|ksfxdh (fl)kar) 71 59 83.10

322 Vad.k ¼fganh½ fl)kar ,oa iz;ksx 7 4 57.14

323 Vad.k ¼vaxzsth½ fl)kar ,oa iz;ksx 70 27 38.57

324 vk'kqfyfi ¼fganh½ (fl)kar ,oa iz;ksx) mPprj ek/;fed Lrj 5 2 40.00

325 vk'kqfyfi ¼vaxzsth½ (fl)kar ,oa iz;ksx) mPprj ek/;fed Lrj 23 13 56.52

326 lfpoh; i)fr ¼mPprj ek/;fed Lrj½ 80 71 88.75

327 oMZ izkslsflax ¼vaxzsth½ ¼fl)kar½ mPprj ek/;fed Lrj 85 61 71.76

353 vks,LVj e'k:e mRiknu izkS|ksfxdh ¼fl)kar½ 5 5 100.00

356 x g O;oLFkk vdkseksMs'ku l ol ¼fl)kar½ 38 20 52.63
357 dSVfjax izca/ku ¼fl)kar½ 84 63 75.00

358 [kk| lalk/ku ¼fl)kar½ 1 1 100.00

363 Qy ,oa lfCt;ksa dk laj{k.k ¼fl)kar½ 7 5 71.43
401 LokLF; ns[kHkky dh vk/kkjHkwr ckrsa 105 98 93.33
402 LokLF; ,oa i;kZoj.k 103 96 93.20
403 LokLF; f'k{kk 98 93 94.90
404 LokLF; izlkj xfrfof/k;ka 97 91 93.81
412 lfpoh; izfØ;k,¡ ¼fl)kar½ 8 5 62.50
413 dk;kZy; esa dEI;wVj ,fIyds'kUl ¼fl)kar½ 7 5 71.43
414 O;olk; laizs"k.k 8 6 75.00
415 vk'kqfyfi ys[ku ¼fl)kar ,oa iz;ksx½ 13 8 61.54
422 Vad.k ¼fganh½ ¼fl)kar ,oa iz;ksx½ 8 4 50.00
423 Vad.k ¼vaxzsth½ ¼fl)kar ,oa iz;ksx½ 14 13 92.86
424 vk'kqfyfi ¼fganh½ ¼fl)kar ,oa iz;ksx½ 8 4 50.00
425 vk'kqfyfi ¼vaxzsth½ ¼fl)kar ,oa iz;ksx½ 28 17 60.71
426 lfpoh; i)fr ¼mPprj ek/;fed½ 35 27 77.14

427 lfpoh; i)fr ¼vaxzsth½ ¼fl)kar½ mPprj ek/;fed Lrj 16 11 68.75

430 ,Dljs foHkkx dk vfHkfoU;kl 25 14 56.00
431 jsfM;ks/kehZ HkkSfrdh 37 25 67.57
432 ekuo 'kjhj jpuk vkSj 'kjhj fØ;k foKku 44 18 40.91
433 MkdZ :e dh O;oLFkk vkSj izfØ;k,¡ 34 13 38.24
434 jhtuy jsfM;ksxzkQh vkSj dUVªkLV ehfM;k 50 28 56.00
435 ,MokaLM besftax vkSj fo'ks"k uSnkfud izfØ;k,¡ 42 16 38.10

60 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

436 iqLrdky; % dk;Z vkSj lsok,¡ 256 184 71.88

437 iqLrdky; lkexzh dh O;oLFkk 234 176 75.21
438 iqLrdky; vfHkys[k 231 181 78.35
439 f'k'kq dks le>uk 999 794 79.48
440 izkjafHkd f'k'kq ns[kHkky vkSj f'k{kk&fl)kar vkSj izfØ;k,¡ 987 788 79.84
441 izkjafHkd f'k'kq ns[kHkky vkSj f'k{kk&dsUnz dk vk;kstu vkSj izca/ku vkSj f'k{kk 989 784 79.27
442 ?kj vkSj LokLF; 67 50 74.63
443 d f"k ¼i'kqikyu vkSj eqxhZikyu lfgr½ 67 56 83.58
444 ;kaf=kdh] ÅtkZ vkSj i;kZoj.k 62 56 90.32
449 csfld thou foKku 954 820 85.95
450 ekr ,oa f'k'kq LokLF; ns[kHkky 927 859 92.66
451 jksxksa dh jksdFkke ,oa izca/ku 911 848 93.08
601 gkml ok;fjax vkSj fctyh midj.kksa dh ejEer 24 19 79.17
602 eksVj vkSj VªkalQkeZj fjokbfUMax 11 7 63.64
604 Vh-oh- ejEer 7 1 14.29
605 dfVax ,oa Vsyfjax 3509 1530 43.60
606 iks'kkd fuekZ.k 184 94 51.09
607 iqLrdky; ifjpkyd 2 0 0.00
608 csfld dEI;wfVax esa ¼fl)kar½ 397 228 57.43
611 IyfEcax 25 24 96.00
612 lkSan;Z lao)Zu 641 608 94.85
613 MsLd VkWi ifCyf'kax esa ¼lhMhVhih½ 98 43 43.88
614 ;ksx 382 180 47.12
615 lqj{kk lsok esa ¼lh,l,l½ 196 54 27.55
616 dEI;wVj gkMZos;j vlascyh la;kstu rFkk j[kj[kko esa 135 87 64.44
622 osc fMtkbfuax ¼fl)kar½ 8 7 87.50
626 vkx dh jksdFkke o vkS|ksfxd lqj{kk 49 13 26.53
628 Hkkjrh; d<kbZ esa 11 10 90.91
701 gkml ok;fjax vkSj fctyh ds midj.kksa dh ejEer 838 580 69.21
702 eksVj vkSj VªkaliQkeZj fjokbaZfMax 836 520 62.20
703 jsfM;ks vkSj Vh-oh- rduhf'k;u 27 25 92.59
704 Vh-oh- dh ejEer 34 29 85.29
705 dVkbZ ,oa flykbZ 541 501 92.61
706 iks'kkd fuekZ.k 584 546 93.49
707 iqLrdky; vkSj lekt rFkk iqLrdky; laxBu 3 2 66.67
708 lwphdj.k ¼dSVykWfxax½] oxhZdj.k vkSj iqLrdky; laxBu 2 2 100.00
709 jsfÝtjs'ku 228 185 81.14
710 ,;j daMh'kfuax 322 272 84.47
711 csfld dEI;wfVax fLdYl 907 477 52.59
712 dEI;wVj ,fIyds'kUl 991 304 30.68
713 nqifg;k okgu eSdsfuTe esa 7 7 100.00
718 gksE;ksiSFkh ,d ifjp; 131 80 61.07
719 gksE;kiSFkh fpfdRlk dk ifjp; 137 94 68.61
723 pkSifg;k okgu pSfll eSdsfuT+e 22 14 63.64
724 pkSifg;k okgu eSdsfuT+e 55 39 70.91
802 tu LokLF; 79 54 68.35

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 61

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rkfydk 6.17 : {ks=kokj ifj.kke vizSy 2010 ijh{kk
ek/;fed mPprj ek/;fed
{ks=k cSBs mÙkh.kZ ikl % cSBs mÙkh.kZ ikl %

gSnjkckn 3149 2222 70.56 9296 6674 71.79

iq.ks 12957 4433 34.21 6524 1700 26.05
dksydkrk 22649 10511 46.40 18048 7243 40.13
xqokgkVh 12811 5605 43.75 9164 3529 38.50
paMhx<+ 32988 14297 43.34 37085 15370 41.44
dksPph 8262 2465 29.83 7413 1723 23.24
fnYyh 53135 20628 38.82 63526 23971 37.70
,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; 1094 609 55.66 1952 768 39.34
t;iqj 6149 2223 36.15 4488 1739 38.74
iVuk 10109 6831 67.57 12809 7582 59.19
bykgkckn 7968 4288 53.81 8850 4801 55.37
Hkksiky 11330 5431 47.93 5744 2027 35.28
nsgjknwu 14281 7417 51.93 14783 4736 32.03
dqy 196882 86960 45.61 199682 81963 41.05

rkfydk 6.18 : {ks=kokj ifj.kke vDrwcj 2010 ijh{kk

ek/;fed mPprj ek/;fed
{ks=k cSBs mÙkh.kZ ikl % cSBs mÙkh.kZ ikl %

gSnjkckn 2424 893 36.84 8482 4245 50.05

iq.ks 6020 1734 28.80 3389 772 22.78
dksydkrk 9406 3147 33.46 9007 2936 32.60
xqokgkVh 9505 4043 42.54 6520 2872 44.05
paMhx<+ 20479 7537 36.80 24545 9291 37.85
dksPph 3512 1165 33.17 4496 1069 23.78
fnYyh 32470 11689 35.99 43643 15217 34.86
,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; 559 291 52.06 1125 271 24.09
t;iqj 5508 2652 48.15 3382 1259 37.23
iVuk 5132 3142 61.22 7756 4828 62.25
bykgkckn 5651 2292 40.56 8082 3904 48.30
Hkksiky 9512 3867 40.65 4762 1852 38.89
nsgjknwu 11673 4747 40.67 13609 4400 32.33
Hkqous'oj 6606 3834 58.04 3185 2250 70.64
dqy 128457 51033 39.73 141983 55166 38.85

62 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
6.12 tc pkgks rc ijh{kk dsUnzksa ds vU; 11 ijh{kk dsUnzksa ij vk;ksftr dh tkrh
,uvkbZvks,l igys o"kZ Hkj tc pkgks rc ijh{kk dk gSaA fo'kk[kkiV~Vue {ks=kh; mi dsUnz eas Hkh vius dsUnz eas
vk;kstu dsoy eq[;ky;] uks,Mk esa gh vk;ksftr djrk tc pkgks rc ijh{kk vk;ksftr djuh vkjaHk dj nh gSA
Fkk vkSj vc ;g ijh{kk ,uvkbZvks,l ds fofHkUu {ks=kh; LFkku vkSj miyC/k LFkku bl izdkj gSa %
rkfydk 6.19: tc pkgks rc ijh{kk lqfo/kk okys {ks=kh; dsUæ dk;kZy;
Ø-la- LFkku dk dsUnz ekStwnk LFkkuksa dh la[;k
1. eq[;ky;] uks,Mk 300
2. {ks-ds- gSnjkckn 30
3. {ks-ds- iq.ks 50
4. {ks-ds- dksydkrk 40
5. {ks-ds- xqokgkVh 50
6. {ks-ds- paMhx<+ 20
7. {ks-ds- dksPph 25
8. {ks-ds- t;iqj 50
9. {ks-ds- iVuk 25
10. {ks-ds- bykgkckn 30
11. {ks-ds- Hkksiky 50
12. {ks-ds- nsgjknwu 25
13. mi {ks-ds- fo'kk[kkiV~Vue 30

o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku ¼vizSy] 2010 ls ekpZ] 2011 ftUgs a iz o s ' k ds le; ij LdS u fd;k x;k Fkk]
rd½] tc pkgks rc ijh{kk ds varxZr 12] 314 vad lwfp;ksa vkSj ij eqfnzr fd, x,A ijh{kk
ijh{kkFkhZ ijh{kk esa cSBs vkSj 4]355 ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks esa cSBs vkSj mÙkh.kZ gq, ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dh fLFkfr uhps nh
mÙkh.kZ ?kksf"kr fd;k x;kA lQy vH;fFkZ;ksa ds QksVks xbZ gS %
rkfydk 6.20: tc pkgks rc ijh{kk ds varxZr ijh{kk esa cSBs vkSj ikl gq,
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh fo"k;okj la[;k ¼vizSy] 2010 ls ekpZ] 2011 rd½
ek/;fed mPprj ek/;fed
fo"k; cSBs ikl % fo"k; cSBs ikl %

201 fganh 1675 592 35.34 301 fganh 1982 940 47.43
202 vaxt
sz h 2119 536 25.29 302 vaxt
sz h 1899 445 23.43
209 laLd r 60 27 45.00 311 2446 901 36.84
211 1618 313 19.34 312 HkkSfrdh 2059 450 21.86
212 foKku ,oa izkS|ksfxdh 1505 180 11.96 313 jlk;u 1570 365 23.25
213 lkekftd foKku 1541 736 47.76 314 tho foKku 487 150 30.80
214 vFkZ'kkL=k 977 343 35.11 316 Hkwxksy 409 166 40.59
215 O;olk; v/;;u 1134 353 31.13 317 jktuhfr foKku 1088 391 35.94
216 x g foKku 1291 617 47.79 318 vFkZ'kkL=k 1350 596 44.15
219 oMZ izkslsflax 1321 377 28.54 319 O;olk; v/;;u 1342 550 40.98
222 euksfoKku 155 55 35.48 320 ys[kkadu 629 50 7.95
321 x g foKku 1268 671 52.92
328 euksfoKku 275 106 38.55

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 63

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

7 iz'kklu vkSj ys[kk

7.0 izLrkouk (x) lalnh; iz'u bR;kfnA
,uvkbZvks,l dk iz'kklu foHkkx lfpo ds v/khu dk;Z o"kZ 2009&10 ds nkSjku iz'kklu foHkkx ds dk;ZØeksa ,oa
djrk gS rFkk fuEufyf[kr ekeyksa dks ns[krk gS& xfrfofèk;ksa dk laf{kIr fooj.k bl izdkj gS%
(i) ,uvks,l lkslkbVh dk la?k Kkiu( 7.1.1 lfpo dk dk;ZHkkj xzg.k
(ii) ,uvkbZvks,l dh fofHkUu lfefr;ksa dk xBu - Jh th-th- lDlsuk] vkbZ,,l us 11-06-2010 dks
rFkk mPpLrjh; lfefr;ksa dh cSBdksa dk vk;kstu( lfpo dk dk;ZHkkj xzg.k fd;k
(iii) dkfeZdksa ls lacafèkr ekeys( 7.1.2 inksUufr
(iv) fofèk lacaèkh ekeys( - Mhihlh vk;ksftr dh xbZ vkSj MkW- ckyd ".k jk;
(v) ctV@ys[kk( dks fnukad 10-12-2010 ls 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh ds
:i eas inksUufr iznku dh xbZA
(vi) lkexzh mRiknu ,oa forj.k(
7.1.3 lsok ls fuo fÙk
(vii) midj.kksa dh [kjhn RkFkk vkiwfrZ(
- Jh ,e-lh- 'kekZ] 'kSf{kd funs'kd ¼iz'kklu½ dks
(viii) j[kj[kko( 60 o"kZ dh vk;q ds gksus ij fnukad 30-07-2010
(ix) fgUnh ¼jktHkk"kk½ dk izlkj( dks ,uvkbZvks,l dh lsokvksa ls eqDr fd;k x;kA

Øe la- uke inuke dk;ZHkkj xzg.k djus dh frfFk

1. Jh Mh-,u- mizsrh izdk'ku vf/kdkjh 07-07-2010
2. Jh vfnfr jatu jkmr mi funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½ 07-07-2010
3. Jh ds-,y- xqIrk mi funs'kd ¼iz'kk-½ 02-08-2010
4. Jh vfuy dqekj mi funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½ 05-08-2010
5. lqJh r:.k 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh 31-12-2010
6. MkW- vkyksd dqekj 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh 07-01-2011
7. MkW- 'kq,c jt+k [kku 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh 12-01-2011
8. MkW- euh"k pqx 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh 12-01-2011
9. Jh jktho izlkn 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh 24-02-2011
10. Jh pqUuq izlkn 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh 01-03-2011
11. lqJh f'kokyh pkoyk 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh 24-03-2011
12. Jh jke ukjk;.k ehuk 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh 25-03-2011
13. Jh ,l- egsUnzu vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh 21-01-2011
14. Jh nso izdk'k ukjk;.k vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh 20-02-2011
15. Jh egs'k izlkn lgk vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh 28-02-2011
16. Jh efgiky vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh 07-03-2011
17. Jh Kku jatu lkgw vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh 09-03-2011
18. Jh ih- lqczge.;e vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh 10-03-2011

64 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
7.1.4 HkrhZ HkrhZ ds vk/kkj ij fu;qDr fd;k x;k %
- o"kZ ds nkSjku fuEufyf[kr vf/kdkfj;ksa dks lh/kh
Øe la- uke inuke dk;ZHkkj xzg.k djus dh frfFk
1. Jh lh- /kk:eu funs'kd ¼ewY;kadu½ 24-06-2010
2. MkW- ds-ih- oklfud funs'kd ¼O;kolkf;d f'k{kk½ 02-08-2010
3. MkW- dqynhi vxzoky funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½ 04-11-2010
4. Jherh uhye xkSre mi funs'kd ¼ys[kk½ 28-02-2011
5. Jh lh- uhyki mi funs'kd@{ks=kh; funs'kd 12-08-2010
6. Jh :'kh dqekj jFk mi funs'kd@{ks=kh; funs'kd 01-09-2010
7. Jh vt; dqekj [kaMwM+h mi funs'kd@{ks=kh; funs'kd 30-09-2010
8. Jh cM+xy ok'k izlknk jko mi funs'kd@{ks=kh; funs'kd 30-09-2010
9. Jh vfuy dqekj ys[kk vf/kdkjh 15-09-2010
10. Jh d ".k dkar lkxj bysDVªkWfud bathfu;j 19-01-2011
11. Jh izeksn dqekj Vh-ds- lgk;d funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½ 29-03-2011
12. MkW- ,-ds- flag lgk;d funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½ 28-02-2011
13. Jh ch-,l-vkj-ds- okjk izlkn vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh 10-03-2011

7.1.5 izfrfu;qfDr fd;kA vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh Lrj rd ds lHkh vf/kdkfj;ksa

o"kZ ds nkSjku fuEufyf[kr vf/kdkjh izfrfu;qfDr us blesa Hkkx fy;kA blesa vkbZ,lVh,e fo'ks"kKksa }kjk
vk/kkj ij fu;qDr fd, x, % izf'k{k.k fn;k x;kA

7.1.6 lalnh; bdkbZ 7.2 Hkou] j[kj[kko vkSj Ø;

lalnh; bdkbZ us lalnh; l=k ds nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l ls Hkou] j[kj[kko vkSj Ø; ds varxZr ,uvkbZvks,l dk
lacaf/kr lwpuk iznku djus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l ds fofHkUu flfoy] fctyh] e'khu laca/k dk;Z] ckxokuh] okrkuqdwyu]
foHkkxksa ds lkFk leUo; fd;kA 'kh?kz gh lgh lwpuk le; vfXu'keu] okguksa ls vkoktkgh vkSj dSaVhu lsokvksa]
ij lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, izR;sd foHkkx esa uksMy ekWMy ijh{kk dasUnzksa ds izca/k] ukekafdr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds
vf/kdkjh fu;qDr fd, x, vkSj 12 lalnh; iz'uksa ds mÙkj fy, Lo&v/;;u lkexzh ds eqnz.k ds fy, fofHkUu izdkj
ek-la-fo-ea- dks Hksts x, ds dkxt dh [kjhn vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l ds foHkkxk/;{kksa }kjk
7.1.7 izf'k{k.k vU; enksa dh vko';drk dh iwfrZ djuk 'kkfey gSA
- Jh ,l-ds- r¡oj] mi funs'kd ¼iz'kk-½ us fnukad ,&31] lsDVj&62] uks,Mk esa miyC/k vfrfFkx g ds dk;Z]
18-08-2010 ls 20-08-2010 rd osru fu/kkZj.k] Lokxr d{k dk uohdj.k vkSj fodkl ftlls og
,e,lhih] isa'ku] Vh-,-] ,yVhlh] vodk'k vfxze ls lgk;rk dsUnz ds :i esa dk;Z dj lds] lEesyu d{kksa esa
lacaf/kr ekeyksa ij baVhxzsfVM Vªsfuax vkWQ ikWfylh QuhZpj dh vkiwfrZ] dkxt dh [kjhn rFkk foHkkxk/;{kksa
fjlpZ ¼vkbZlhihvkj½] ubZ fnYyh esa izf'k{k.k izkIr dh ekax dh xbZ vU; lkexzh dh [kjhn dk dk;Z fd;k
fd;kA x;kA
- Jherh izohu pkSgku] ofj"B dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh us 7.2.1 LFkk;h fctyh dusD'ku
29-11-2010 ls 01-12-2010 rd bdkWjiksjsfVax tsaMj
,&24&25] lsDVj&62] uks,Mk Hkou ds fy, iw.kZrk
dUlalZ ij Hkkjrh; yksd iz'kklu laLFkku esa izf'k{k.kÙk vkSj LFkk;h fctyh dusD'ku
esa Hkkx fy;kA izkIr fd;k x;kA blls Mhth lsVksa dks pykus dh ykxr
- ,uvkbZvks,l us ifjlj esa gh vkjVhvkbZ ij esa i;kZIr fxjkoV vkbZ vkSj fctyh ds midj.kksa ds ál
31-12-2010 dks ,d fnolh; dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu esa Hkh deh vkbZA
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 65
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
7.2.2 ,uvkbZvks,l Hkouksa dk j[kj[kko o"kZ 2010-11 ds nkSjku {ks=kh; dsUnzksa dk ys[kk ijh{kk
ewyHkwr lqfo/kk,¡ tSls x gO;oLFkk lsok,¡] tujsVj pykuk] dk;Z fd;k x;k vkSj foÙkh; 'kfDr;k¡ lkSaih xbZA
fy¶V lsok,¡ pykuk] lqj{kk izca/k djuk] ckxokuh dk {ks=kh; dsUnzksa dh ys[kk ijh{kk % vkarfjd ys[kk ijh{kk
dk;Z] lapkj lsok,¡ ,uvkbZvks,l ds nksuksa Hkouksa eas iznku ny dk xBu {ks=kh; dsUnzksa dh ys[kk ijh{k ds fy, fd;k
dh xbZ gSaA nksuksa Hkouksa eas lHkh eaftyksa ij vfXu'keu x;k ftUgksaus dqN {ks=kh; dsUnzksa tSls fnYyh] t;iqj]
midj.k Hkh j[ks x, gSaA iVuk] paMhx<+] nsgjknwu] bykgkckn vkfn dh ys[kk
ijh{kk dhA ys[kk ijh{kk ny us {ks=kh; dsUnz eas dq'kyrkiwod
7.2.3 fj;k;rh njksa ij ;krk;kr vkSj dSaVhu lsok,¡
dk;Z djus ds fy, lgh izfØ;k ds ckjs esa le>k;kA
deZpkfj;ksa ds fgr ds ,d i{k ds :i esa ,uvkbZvks,l
foÙkh; 'kfDr;k¡ lkSaiuk % o"kZ ds nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l us
dks fj;k;rh nj ij nh tk jgh ;krk;kr dh lqfo/kk bl
,uvkbZvks,l dh foÙkh; lfefr vkSj dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~
o"kZ Hkh tkjh jghA nksuksa Hkouksa esa fj;k;rh njksa ij dSaVhu
ds vuqeksnu ls foÙkh; 'kfDr;k¡ lkSaius ds dk;Z dks
dh lqfo/kk,¡ Hkh iznku dh xb±A
la'kksf/kr fd;kA foÙkh; 'kfDr;k¡ fodsfUnzd r dh xb±
7.2.4 ekWMy ijh{kk dsUnzksa dk izca/k vkSj ;s {ks=kh; dsUnzksa dks foÙkh; 'kfDr;k¡ lkSaih xb±
,uvkbZvks,l ijh{kkvksa dh fo'oluh;rk cuk, j[kus ftlls os viuh vius dÙkZO; vkSj mÙkjnkf;Ro dq'kyrk
vkSj muesa vuqfpr O;ogkjksa dks jksdus ds fy, vizSy iwoZd dj ldsaA
2009 ls ijh{kkvksa ds fy, izorZudkjh dne mBk, x,A 7.3.2 ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk vftZr dh xbZ vk;
,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; vkSj lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa esa ekWMy
,uvkbZvks,l }kjk dh xbZ vk; }kjk lHkh xSj ;kstukxr
ijh{kk dsUnz LFkkfir fd, x,A lhlhVhoh yxkuk] ijh{kk
O;; fd, tkrs gSa ;g vk; ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds
ds nkSjku ohfM;ks fjdkWfM±x] lqj{kk izca/k] lkoZtfud
izos'k ,oa ijh{kk 'kqYd vkSj izdk'ku ds foØ; }kjk] izkIr
lacks/ku iz.kkyh vkSj vU; lqfo/kkvksa dk izca/k fd;k x;k
C;kt vkSj vU; fofo/k vk; }kjk gksrh gSA o"kZ 2010-11
ftudh vko';drk ijh{kk dks lqpk: :i ls pykus ds
ds nkSjku 'kqYd ls izkIr vk; #- 7980.93 yk[k Fkh
fy, iM+rh FkhA ,uvkbZvks,l ifjlj esa gh yxHkx 500
tcfd 2009&10 ds nkSjku #- 7220-51 yk[k dh vk;
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh ijh{kk nsus ds fy, cSBus dk izca/k fd;k
izkIr gqbZ FkhA vU; Lkzksrksa ls izkIr gqbZ vk; #- 1925.76
yk[k Fkh tcfd fiNys o"kZ ;g jkf'k #- 1715-40 yk[k
7.2.5 Ø; vkSj izkfIr FkhA fiNys nl o"kks± ls ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk izkIr dh xbZ
ukekafdr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, Lo&v/;;u lkexzh vk; dh izo fÙk layXud&1d vkSj 1[k ij nh x;h gSA
¼,lvkbZ,e½ ds eqnz.k ds fy, fofHkUu izdkj dk dkxt 7.3.3 O;;
[kjhnk x;kA bl o"kZ 17-7 djksM+ #i;s dk 4450
o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku 7198.19 yk[k :- dk xSj
eh-V- dkxt [kjhnk x;kA th,Qvkj 2005 ds ;kstukxr O;; gqvk tcfd fiNys o"kZ ;g 6975-04
vuqlkj miHkksX; vkSj xSj&miHkksX; enksa dk Ø; Hkh yk[k :i, FkkA o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku ;kstukxr O;;
fd;k x;kA ehfM;k bdkbZ esa feuh LVwfM;ks dh LFkkiuk 819.03 yk[k #i, gqvk tks fd fiNys o"kZ 1160.92yk[k
dh tk jgh gS vkSj bldk mn~?kkVu 'kh?kz gh djk;k #i, FkkA 1999&2000 ls ,uvkbZvks,l dk xSj&;kstukxr
tk,xkA O;; dh fp=kkRed izLrqfr layXud II vkSj III ij nh
7.3 ys[kk xbZ gSA
7.3.1 ys[kk bdkbZ iz'kklu foHkkx dh ,d izeq[k 7.3.4 ,uvkbZvks,l dks ctV lgk;rk
'kk[kk gS tks ,uvks,l lfefr ds le>kSrk Kkiu ek-la-fo-ea- }kjk 2010&11 ds nkSjku ;kstukxr ds varxZr
vkSj Hkkjr ljdkj ds funs'kksa dk ikyu djrs gq, ,uvkbZvks,l dks izkIr ctV lgk;rk #- 1125 yk[k
,uvkbZvks,l dk okf"kZd ys[kk rS;kj djrh gSA ;g FkhA o"kZ 1999&2000 ls ek-la-fo-ea- ls ,uvkbZvks,l dks
,uvkbZvks,l dh lHkh xfrfof/k;ksa vkSj dk;ZØeksa ds izkIr ctV lgk;rk dh fp=kkRed izLrqfr layXu–IV
ij nh xbZ gSA
lac/a k eas lkjh vk; vkSj O;; dk ys[kk j[krh gSA

66 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
7.3.5 izkFkfed lewgksa dks 'kqYd esa NwV • ,uvkbZvks,l ds o"kZ 2009&10 ds ys[kk dk
Mhthlh,vkj }kjk 11-06-2010 ls 25-06-2010 rd
o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku efgykvksa] vuqlwfpr tkfr]
vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA
vuqlwfpr tutkfr;ksa HkwriwoZ lSfudksa ,oa fodykaxksa tSls
lekt ds detksj oxZ ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ftuesa 'kkfey gS] • o"kZ 2009&10 ds okf"kZd ys[kk dk ys[kk ijh{kk
vuqlwfpr tkfr] vuqlwfpr tutkfr] HkwriwoZ lSfud ,oa izek.k i=k Mhthlh,vkj ls izkIr fd;k x;k vkSj
fodykax dks izos'k 'kqYd esa 722.04 yk[k #i, dh NwV laln is'k djus ds fy, Hkstk tk pqdk gSA
nh xbZ vkSj bl èkujkf'k dks jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h • VSyh iSdst vkSj ys[kkadu iz.kkyh ij ,d izf'k{k.k
f'k{kk laLFkku }kjk tqVk, x, /ku ls iwjk fd;k x;kA dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu 10 vkSj 11 flraacj] 2010 dks
bl o"kZ dqy 2,01,599, ¼vuqlfw pr tkfr 57420, vuqlfw pr ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; eas fd;k x;kA
tutkfr] 33,512, HkwriwoZ lSfud] 205 'kkjhfjd fodyakx] o"kZ 2010-2011 ds nkSjku izos'k vkSj ijh{kk 'kqYd rFkk
1895, efgyk,a 1,08,567 ¼vuqlwfpr tkfr@tutkfr izdk'ku vkfn ds foØ; ls #- 9909.69 yk[k dh fuf/k;k¡
efgykvksa ds vykok vU; efgyk,a½ O;fDr;ksa us 'kqYd esa izkIr gqb± tcfd 2009-2010 ds nkSjku ;g jkf'k
NwV dk ykHk mBk;kA #- 8935.91 yk[k #i, FkhA jktLo esa 10.87% dh o f)
dk dkj.k ¼d½ ukekafdr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k esa o f)
vè;;u ds ikB~;Øe vkSj fyax ds vkèkkj ij 'kqYd esa vkSj ijh{kkvksa eas cSBus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k esa o f)]
NwV dh nj 250 ls 450 :i, izfr f'k{kkFkhZ FkhA o"kZ ¼[k½ fofo/k 'kqYd dh izkfIr esa o f)] vkSj ¼x½ cSad esa
1999&2000 ls 2010&2011 rd dh o"kZokj 'kqYd esa NwV lkof/k tek ij C;kt izkfIr ds dkj.k gqbZA ,uvkbZvks,l
dk fooj.k layXud V ij fn;k x;k gSA }kjk 2010-11 ds nkSjku vk; ij 1124.01 yk[k :- C;kt
7.3.6 egÙoiw.kZ xfrfof/k;k¡ vftZr fd;k x;kA 1999-2000 ls vcrd ,uvkbZvks,l
}kjk izkIr vk; dh izo fÙk layXud&I ij n'kkZ;h xbZ gSA
o"kZ 2010-11 ds nkSjku
7.4 eqnz.k bdkbZ
• ys[kk fofèk dk vuqikyu djrs gq,] ,uvkbZvks,l 7.4.1 ,d voyksdu
dh fuf'pr lEifÙk ij de ewY; vk¡dk x;kA
,uvkbZvks,l cM+s ljdkjh izdk'kdksa esa ls ,d gSA fdlh
• udn izokg rFkk fufèk izokg ds fooj.k dh lgk;rk Hkh nwjLFk f'k{kk iz.kkyh esa eqfnzr lkexzh ,d vR;ar
ls dk;Z iwath dk dq'ky izcaèku izHkkfor gqvkA egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkrh gSA le; ij eqnz.k vkSj izs"k.k
,uvkbZvks,l dk ,d vR;ar egÙoiw.kZ dk;Z gSA
• fofèkor izksQkekZ esa fuf'pr lkèkuksa dh ;kstuk
,uvkbZvks,l dh eqnz.k bdkbZ fofHkUu eqnzdksa ls v/;;u
rS;kj djrs gq, fuf'pr lkèkuksa ij izHkkoh fu;a=k.k
lkexzh dk eqnz.k djkrh gS vkSj mls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks
fd;k x;kA
forfjr djus ds fy, jk.kk izrki ckx] fnYyh esa fLFkr
• thih,Q vkSj isa'ku fuf/k ds laca/k esa vyx ls lkexzh forj.k bdkbZ dks nsrh gSA
rqyu i=k] vk; vkSj O;; ys[kk rFkk izkfIr vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l cgqr lh Hkk"kkvksa esa fofHkUu fo"k;ksa vkSj
Hkqxrku ys[kk rS;kj fd, x,A ikB~;Øeksa dh v/;;u lkexzh dk eqnz.k djrk gSA
• ,uvkbZvks,l dk okf"kZd ys[kk ¼izksn~Hkou vk/kkj ij vf/kdka'k fo"k;ksa eas 2 ls 3 vFkok vf/kd Hkkx gksrs gSaA
rS;kj fd;k x;k rFkk bls lHkh dsUnzh; Lok;Rr o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l us ek/;fed]
fudk;ksa esa iz;ksx gksus okys vkSj foRr ea=kky;] mPprj ek/;fed vkSj O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øeksa dh
Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk fufnZ"V izk:i ds vuqlkj rS;kj yxHkx 46 yk[k izfr;k¡ eqfnzr dhaA fganh] vaxzsth] rsyqxw]
fd;k x;kA ejkBh] ey;kye] xqtjkrh] mnwZ vkSj mfM+;k eas v/;;u
lkexzh eqfnzr dh xbZA ,uvkbZvks,l jktLFkku jkT;
• ,uvkbZvks,l ds lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa esa ys[kk ds eqDr fo|ky; vkSj vka/kz izns'k jkT; eqDr fo|ky; ds
dEI;wVjhdj.k dh dkjZokbZ dh xbZ rFkk ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, v/;;u lkexzh eqfnzr djrk gS vkSj
ds lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ij VSyh 9-0 dk;ZØe yxk, izsf"kr djrk gSA o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku dkxt vkSj
x, gSaA lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds VSyh MkVk dk v/;;u lkexzh ds eqnz.k ij yxHkx 2035.12 yk[k
flØksukbts'ku 2011-12 esa vkjaHk fd;k tk,xkA #i;s dk O;; gqvkA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 67

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l us eSllZ fganqLrku 3- izos'k lacaèkh lkexzh
isij feYl] Hkkjr ljdkj ds ,d miØe ls 60 th,l,e 4- ,uvkbZvks,l ds vU; egÙoiw.kZ izdk'ku tSls okf"kZd
dk eqnz.k dkxt [kjhnkA o"kZ 2010&2011 ds nkSjku fjiksVZ] okf"kZd ys[kk 2010-11] ^eqDr f'k{kk if=kdk*
,uvkbZvks,l us vius fofHkUu izdk'kuksa ds doj i "B rFkk dksekslk if=kdk
eqfnzr djus ds fy, 220 th,l,e ,eth iYi cksMZ dk
iz;ksx fd;kA bl lcls ,uvkbZvks,l izdk'kuksa ds eqnz.k 5- vU; foHkkxksa dh fofo/k lkexzh ¼iz'kklu] ewY;kadu]
dh xq.koÙkk c<+hA fo-l-ls] O;kolkf;d f'k{kk] 'kSf{kd foHkkx rFkk
{ks=kh; dsUnz½
7.4.2 ,uvkbZvks,l izdk'kuksa dh vuks[kh fo'ks"krk,¡
6- fofHkUu lsfeukjksa@lEesyuksa dh fjiksVs±
• vkdkjksa ds varjkZ"Vªh; ekudhdj.k dk vuqlj.k
djrs gq, ,&4 vkdkj esa [kwclwjr [kkdkA 7.4.4 ijh{kk laca/kh lkexzh

• fo"k;oLrq esa v{kjksa dk 10&12 IokabV dk iz;ksx – ek/;fed] mPprj ek/;fed vkSj O;kolkf;d
vkSj i<+kbZ dks vkd"kZd cukus ds fy, rFkk ikB~;Øeksa dh vDrw-@uoa 2010 vkSj vizSy@ebZ
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk uksV~l fy[kus ds fy, i;kZIr 2011 ijh{kkvksa ds fy,
fjDr LFkku NksM+k tkukA • mÙkj iqfLrdk,¡
• i<+kbZ dks vkd"kZd cukus ds fy, fo"k; oLrq ds • ijh{kk frfFk;k¡
chp esa xzkfQDl dk iz;ksxA
• 60 th,l,e dk iz;ksx djuk& vè;;u lkexzh ds
• vad lwfp;k¡] vLFkk;h vkSj ekbxzs'ku
eqn.z k ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l ds okVj ekdZ dkxt
dk iz;ksx vkSj iqLrdksa ds cgqjaxh doj i "Bksa ds
eqn.z k ds fy, 220 th,l,e iYi cksMZ ¼th,l,e½ – 'kSf{kd rFkk O;kolkf;d ijh{kkvksa ds fy, dsUnz
dk iz;ksx djukA v/kh{kdksa ds fy, fn'kk&funsZ'k
• fdrkcksa dh vPNh ckbZafMax vkSj flykbZ ftlls – ijh{kk ds fy, ewY;kadu foHkkx }kjk ekaxh xbZ
i<+rs le; lqfo/kk gks lds vkSj ifjogu ds fofo/k ensaA
nkSjku lgh gkyr esa cuh jgsaA 7.4.5 izos'k laca/kh lkexzh
• ifjogu ds nkSjku [kjkch ls cpkus ds fy, o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku fuEufyf[kr 'kSf{kd foojf.kdkvksa
fo"k;ksa ds Hkkxksa dks iksfyFkhu dkxt esa yisVuk] dk eqnz.k fd;k x;k
ftlls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks lHkh Hkkx ,d lkFk
fey ldas vkSj ifjogu ds nkSjku dksbZ uqdlku (i) fganh] vaxzsth] rsyqxw] mnwZ] xqtjkrh] ejkBh] ey;kye
u gksA eas 'kSf{kd foojf.kdk,¡

7.4.3 o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk (ii) vaxzsth vkSj fganh ek/;e eas O;kolkf;d foojf.kdk
eqfnzr izdk'ku ¼2010&11½
(iii) blds lkFk&lkFk O;kolkf;d foojf.kdk ¼mnwZ½ dk
1- v/;;u lkexzh
Hkh eqnz.k fd;k x;kA
• ek/;fed ikB~;Øe
(iv) 'kSf{kd vkSj O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, iz'kklfud
• mPprj ekè;fed ikB;Øe fn'kk&funsZ'kA
• O;kolkf;d fo"k; 7.4.6 vU; izfl) izdk'ku
• ek/;fed Lrj ij xqtjkrh] ey;kye] rsyqxw] & ,uvkbZvks,l ,d :ijs[kk] 2010
mfM+;k] ejkBh {ks=kh; Hkk"kkvksa
& dksekslk tuZy] tqykbZ&fnlacj 2010
2- ijh{kk lacaèkh lkexzh
& vksiu Ldwfyax] frekgh lekpkj cqysfVu

68 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
& okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2009-10 7.5.3 v/;;u lkexzh dk foØ;
& okf"kZd ys[kk 2009&10 • f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks
7.4.7 MhVhih bdkbZ • jkT; eqDr fo|ky;
,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; esa ,d MhVhih bdkbZ gSA blesa • iqLrd foØsrk ¼izfØ;k/khu½
lHkh izdkj ds egRoiw.kZ vkSj izdk'ku tSls& foojf.kdk • ,ohvkbZ dks foojf.kdk dk foØ;
okf"kZd fjiksVZ] izek.k i=k] vad rkfydk] okf"kZd ys[kk 7.5.4 v/;;u lkexzh dk izs"k.k
,uvkbZvks,l % :ijs[kk] mÙkj iqfLrdk,¡] eqDr f'k{kk]
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk] lekpkj if=kdk] ijh{kk lacafèkr eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f'k{kk ¼vksMh,y½ dk;ZØe dh lQyrk
lkexzh vkSj xksf"B;ksa ,oa lEesyuksa dh fofHkUu fjiksVks± f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh vè;;u lkexzh ds le; ij forj.k ij
dh Vkbi lsfVax dh tkrh gSA fuHkZj djrh gS ftlls os vius vuqlkj f'k{kk izkIr dj
ldsA vuqns'kkRed lkexzh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks miyCèk djkbZ
7.5 lkexzh forj.k bdkbZ tkrh gSA ,uvkbZvks,l ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks vuqns'kkRed
lkexzh forj.k bdkbZ ¼,eMh;w½ lsaVªy os;jgkml fo"k; dh lkexzh Bhd izdkj ls iksfyFkhu doj esa
dkWjiksjs'ku] jk.kk izrki ckx] fnYyh esa fLFkr gSA lkexzh j[kdj iznku dh tkrh gSA nwjLFk f'k{kk iz.kkyh esa
forj.k bdkbZ dk dk;Z dkxt dk HkaMkj.k djuk@tkjh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks lgh le; ij v/;;u lkexzh miyC/k
djuk] 'kSf{kd vkSj O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, djkuk ,d cgqr cM+h pqukSrh gSA o"kZ 2010&11 ls
foojf.kdk] mÙkj iqfLrdk,¡ vkSj vU; eqfnzr lkexzh ,oa ,uvkbZvks,l us ukekadu djkus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh
vkWfM;k@ohfM;ks lhMh izkIr djuk vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l ds lgk;rk ds fy, gj le; 100 izfr'kr vkWu ykbu
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa] izR;kf;r O;kolkf;d laLFkkvksa] ijh{kk dsUnzksa izos'k izkjaHk fd;k gSA ,e-Mh- bdkbZ us LVªhe&I ds vkWu
vkSj jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa eas forj.k djuk gSA ykbu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh v/;;u lkexzh irs ij Hkstus ds
fy, muds v/;;u dsUnzksa dks izsf"kr djuh vkjaHk dj nh
lkexzh forj.k bdkbZ ds izeq[k dk;Z gSa %&
gSaA ;g LVªhe o"kZHkj [kqyk gSA vkWu ykbu izos'k ds rhu
7.5.1 lkexzh dh izkfIr vU; LVªhe 2, 3 ,oa 4 gaS tks fo'ks"k :i ls ,sls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
• dkxt feyksa ls fofHkUu vkdkj ds eqnz.k dkxt ds fy, cuk, x, gSa tks 'kh?kzre miyC/k volj ij
,uvkbZvks,l dh ijh{kk nsuk pkgrs gSaA ;s f'k{kkFkhZ
• eqnzdksa ls v/;;u lkexzh Hkqxrku djus ij v/;;u lkexzh izkIr dj ldrs gSaA
• ,vkbZ@,ohvkbZ ds fy, foojf.kdk ,e-Mh- bdkbZ bl izdkj ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk fjdkWMZ j[krh
• fjDr mÙkj iqfLrdk,¡ gS vkSj Hkkjrh; Mkd foHkkx dh ,DizSl iklZy iksLV
¼bZihih½ lsok }kjk muds fuokl ij v/;;u lkexzh
• vkWfM;ks@ohfM;ks lhMh Hkstrh gSA o"kZ 2010-11 esa vkWu ykbu iathd r 3.93
• vU; fofo/k eqfnzr lkexzh yk[k f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks v/;;u lkexzh Hksth xbZA O;kolkf;d
ikB~;Øeksa esa izos'k izkIr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks nsus ds fy, Mkd
7.5.2 lkexzh dk izs"k.k
foHkkx }kjk 698 ls vf/kd izR;kf;r O;kolkf;d laLFkkvksa
• eqnzdksa ds dkxt tkjh djuk dks v/;;u lkexzh vxzzsf"kr dh xbZA
• ,uvkbZvks,l ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks v/;;u lkexzh dk 7.6 fof/k izdks"B
7.6.1 fof/kizdks"B dk dk;Z O;kid :i ls rhu oxks± esa
• jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa dks v/;;u lkexzh foHkkftr fd;k x;k gS %
• {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds v/;;u lkexzh vkSj foojf.kdk 1. vuqjks/k Lohdkj djuk % vuqca/kksa vkSj le>kSrk
• ijh{kk dsUnzksa vkSj {ks=kh; dsUnzksa dks mÙkj iqfLrdk,¡ Kkiuksa }kjk vU; laLFkkvksa ds lkFk dkuwuh nLrkost+
rS;kj djukA
• ,vkbZ vkSj ,ohvkbZ dks foojf.kdk
2. eqdnes % fofHkUu U;k;ky;ksa@eapksa@fVªC;wuyksa eas
• vkWfM;ks@ohfM;ks vkSj vU; fofo/k izs"k.k ,uvkbZvks,l ds fgr dh j{kk djukA
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 69
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
3. vfHker % ijh{kk vkSj lkekU; iz'kklu ds fofHkuu 7.7 tulaidZ
eqn~nksa ij vfHker fn;k tkukA
tu laidZ laca/kh fo"k;ksa ij izHkkoh vkSj 'kh?kz dkjZokbZ ds
7.6.2 egÙoiw.kZ {ks=k fy, tulaidZ bdkbZ dks iz'kklu foHkkx eas 'kkfey
fd;k x;kA
egÙoiw.kZ ,evks;w@vuqca/k ftUgsa bl vof/k ds nkSjku
tu laidZ bdkbZ ds egÙoiw.kZ {ks=k fuEufyf[kr gSa %&
vafre :i fn;k x;k] os fuEufyf[kr gSa %&
• Hkkoh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks
1. vuqca/k ¼chbZlhvkbZ,y½ vkWfM;ks LVwfM;ks dsUnz dh lwfpr djus ds fy, vkWu ykbu izos'k ds fofHkUu
LFkkiuk ¼tek dk;Z ds :i eas lsok,¡½ LVªheksa] ijh{kk lwpukvksa ls lacaf/kr foKkiu jk"Vªh;
2. vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa vuqlwfpr tutkfr fodkl vkSj {ks=kh; nSfud lekpkj i=kksa eas izdk'ku ds
foHkkx] mM+hlk ljdkj ds chp vuqca/k ¼iV~Vk½ fy, fn,A
• izeq[k lekpkj i=kksa }kjk fufonk,¡] fjfDr lwpuk,¡]
3. ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj vksVhbZ,u ds chp ,evks;w fo'ks"k vk;kstu laca/kh foKkiu izdkf'kr djk,
4. Hkkjrh; Mkd ds lkFk vuqca/k x,A
• ,uvkbZvks,l dh ;kstukvks]a ikB~;Øeksa vkSj dk;ZØekas
5. ,uvkbZ v ks , l vkS j v'kks d ba L VhV~ ; w V vkW W Q
ds izpkj ds fy, yksdfiz; if=kdkvksa esa foKkiu
gkWfLiVsfyVh vkSj VwfjT+e eSusteasV ds chp ,evks;wA
fn, x,A
6. ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj bafM;u esfMdy ,lksfl,'ku • ,uvkbZvks,l xfrfof/k;ksa vkSj dk;ZØeksa dh dojst+%
¼vkbZ,e,½ ds chp ,evks;w ,uvkbZvks,l dk;ZØeksa@xfrfof/k;ksa vkSj jkstejkZ
7. ,uvkbZvks,l esa ijke'kZnkrk ds fy, lafonk dh xfrfof/k;ksa tSls izos'k] ijh{kk ds fy, izsl
vk/kkj ij jkstxkj ds fy, vuqca/k foKfi;k¡ rS;kj djuk vkSj ehfM;k eas bu izsl
foKfIr;ksa dk forj.k djukA
8. ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj ;'koarjko pOgk.k egkjk"Vª eqDr • fu;fer :i ls ,uvkbZvks,l dh lekpkj if=kdk
fo'ofo|ky; ¼okbZlh,evks;w½ ds chp ,evks;w izdkf'kr djkukA blds fy, lwpuk@MkVk@QksVks
9. ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj U;wthySaM ds vksiu iksfyVsfDud ,df=kr] ladfyr djuk] ys[k rS;kj djuk vkSj
ds chp ,evks;wA mudk laiknu djukA

70 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

8 {ks=kh; lsok,¡
8.0 ifjp; • {ks=kh; Hkk"kkvksa esa vkWfM;ks vkSj ohfM;ks dk;ZØeksa
dk fodkl vko';drkuqlkj djukA
,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; dsUnz v/;;u dsUnzksa vkSj
,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; ds chp] jkT; ljdkjksa vkSj • eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ls lacfa èkr yksxksa ds fy,
,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; ds chp] v/;;u dsUnzksa vkSj vYidkyhu izf'k{k.k dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu djukA
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds chp] 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa vkSj v/;;u dsUnzksa • ,uvkbZvks,l ls mÙkh.kZ gq, f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk C;kSjk
ds chp rFkk ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj tulk/kkj.k ds chp ,d vkSj lQyrk dh xkFkk,¡ vkSj ladyu djukA
egRoiw.kZ dM+h dh Hkwfedk fuHkkrs gSaA fdlh {ks=k esa • Hkk"k.kks]a izn'kZfu;ksa vkSj vU; dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu
,uvkbZvks,l dk;ZØeksa vkSj uhfr;ksa dh lQyrk ml djukA
{ks=k ds dsUnzh; Hkwfedk ij fuHkZj djrh gSA bl le; • lek;kstdksa] dsUnz vèkh{kdksa vkSj 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa
,uvkbZvks,l ns'k ds fofHkuu Hkkxksa esa 16 {ks=kh; dh cSBdsa vk;ksftr djukA
dsUnzksa %& bykgkckn] cSaxyw:] Hkqous'oj] Hkksiky] paMhx<+] 8.1.2 iz'kklfud dk;Z
fnYyh ¼fnYyh&I vkSj fnYyh&II½] nsgjknwu] xka/khuxj]
xqokgkVh] gSnjkckn] t;iqj] dksph] dksydkrk] iVuk vkSj • izos'k lacaèkh xfrfofèk;k¡& tSl]s foojf.kdk dh
iq.ks }kjk dk;Z dj jgk gSA blds njHkaxk vkSj fcØh] 'kqYd] izos'k vkadM+ksa dk fjdkWMZ j[kuk]
fo'kk[kkiV~Vue esa midsUnz gSaA ,d izdks"B vaMeku ,oa izos'k vkadM+ksa dh tk¡p&iM+rky] vè;;u dsUnzksa
fudksckj }hilewg esa iksVZ Cys;j esa Hkh LFkkfir fd;k dks lwph Hkstuk] igpku&i=kksa dks tkjh djuk]
x;k gSA ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k ¼Vhvkslh½ dh tk¡p ,oa lR;kiu
djuk rFkk mUgsa eq[;ky; esa Hkstuk] fo"k;
8.1 {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds dk;Z ifjorZu@vfrfjDr fo"k;A
{ks=kh; dasnz eq[;r;k pkj izdkj dh xfrfofèk;k¡ djrs • f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds izos'k lacaèkh fjdkMZ vkSj ijh{kk
gSa %& fjdkMZ dks j[kuk ¼ik¡p o"kks± ls lacaf/kr fjdkWMZ½A
¼1½ 'kSf{kd • vè;;u lkexzh ds forj.k ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l]
¼2½ iz'kklfud eq[;ky; ls laidZ djuk] f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa@f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
¼3½ izpkj&izlkj dh f'kdk;rksa dks lquukA
¼4½ ;kstuk fuekZ.k vkSj ekWuhVfjaxA • ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; ds lkFk laidZ ds nkSjku
iz o s ' k vka d M+ k s a es a vko';drk ds vuq : i
lkekU; rkSj ij {ks=kh; dsUæksa }kjk fd, tk jgs dk;ks± dh
la'kksèku@lqèkkj djukA
,d laf{kIr fooj.k uhps fn;k x;k gS %
• lR;kiu ds fy, ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k ¼Vhvkslh½
8.1.1 'kSf{kd dk;Z lfefr dh cSBdksa dk vk;kstu djukA
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds {ks=k esa vuqla/kku dk;Z vk;ksftr • ijh{kk lacaèkh xfrfofèk;k¡ tSls& 'kqYd ysuk]
djuk rFkk izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa ¼,vkbZ½] izR;kf;r ijh{kk dsUnzkas dk fuèkkZj.k] f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks gkWy fVdV
O;kolkf;d laLFkk,¡ ¼,ohvkbZ½ vkSj izR;kf;r ,tsafl;ksa tkjh djuk] mÙkj&iqfLrdkvksa dks izkIr djuk]
¼,,½ ds dk;kZUo;u ij QhMcSd izkIr djukA ewY;kadu dk xksiuh; dk;Z] mÙkj&iqfLrdkvksa dk
• eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk dh vè;;u lkexzh ls fuf'pr LFkku ij ewY;kadu] eq[;ky; dks vad
lacfa èkr vko';drk vkèkkfjr vuqn's kkRed lkexzh] lwph Hkstuk] iqu% ewY;kadu bR;kfnA
ftlesa {ks=kh; Hkk"kkvksa vkSj izf'k{k.k iSdst bR;kfn • ,uvkbZvks,l dh ijh{kkvksa dk O;ofLFkr vk;kstu
'kkfey gS] dk fodkl djukA lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, uksMy vfèkdkfj;ksa]
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 71
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
fujh{kdksa vkSj fujh{k.k nyksa dh fu;qfDr djuk] • O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØeksa ¼ihlhih½ vkSj vuqf'k{kd
fujh{kdksa dh fjiksVZ dk fo'ys"k.k ,oa ladyu] ewY;kafdr dk;Z ¼Vh,e,½ lfgr ,uvkbZvks,l ds
vko';d dkjZokbZ] ijh{kk lacèa kh fcyksa dk lR;kiu dk;ZØeksa dks izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa esa ykxw djuk
djukA vkSj mldh ekWuhVfjax djukA
• lfpo ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kdksa ds ys[kk dk j[k&j[kkoA • vè;;u dsUnzksa esa 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa dh igpku
• ,uvkbZvks,l esa izos'k] dk;ZØeksa ds izpkyu vkSj vkSj fu;qfDr djukA
ijh{kkvksa vkfn ls lacafèkr fofoèk dk;ZA • vè;;u dsUnzksa esa pqus x, 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa bR;kfn
• tu&laidZ vkSj f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh f'kdk;rksa ls ds }kjk 'kSf{kd lekèkku ls lacafèkr ekeysA
lacafèkr ekeys bR;kfnA • {ks=kh; Lrj ij ekWuhVfjax rFkk 'kSf{kd izlkj ds
• ;g lqfuf'pr djuk fd Vh,e, f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk fy, izos'k dk MkVk csl] rFkk ekuo lalkèku dk
gh fd;k x;k gS vkSj mudk ewY;kadu vè;;u j[kj[kko djuk
dsUnzksa ij gh gqvk gSA • 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa dh fjiksVks± dk fo'ys"k.k djuk
• Vh,e, vadksa vkSj fcyksa dks ;kstuk ds vuqlkj rFkk frekgh vkèkkj ij lesfdr fjiksVZ ij
fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ foHkkx ds ikl Hkstuk vko';d dkjZokbZ djuk rFkk mls eq[;ky; esa
rFkk {ks=kkh; dsUnz esa mldk fjdkMZ j[kukA HkstukA
• Vh,e, ds 5% uewuksa dh tk¡p djukA • ,vkbZ@,ohvkbZ@vkschbZ dsUnzksa ds lqxe lapkyu
• {ks=k esa vkWu fMekaM ijh{kk ds fy, ukekafdr dks lqfuf'pr djukA
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, ijh{kk dk vk;kstu djukA 8. 2 {ks=kh; dsUæksa ds dk;ZØe vkSj xfrfof/k;ksa
8. 1. 3 izlkjkRed dk;Z dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk,¡
• ,uvkbZvks,l ds vè;;u dsUnzksa ds :i esa dk;Z fofHkUu {ks=kh; dsUnzksa dh nSfud xfrfof/k;ksa ds vfrfjDr
djus gsrq vPNs fo|ky;ksa@laLFkkvksa dh igpku dk;ZØeksa vkSj xfrfof/k;ksa dk laf{kIr fooj.k bl izdkj
djukA gS %
• izR;k;u lacaèkh dk;Z tSls& fo|ky;ksa@laLFkkvksa 8.2.1 bykgkckn
ds izR;k;u gsrq fujh{k.k djuk] vè;;u dsUnzksa • izlkjkRed xfrfof/k;k¡
ls laidZ djuk] vè;;u dsUnzksa dk izR;k;u enjlksa ds fy, leFkZu dk;ZØe & f'k{kk oafprksa
lekIr djus ls lacafèkr ekeysA rd f'k{kk igq¡pkukA
• ,uvkbZvks,l ds dk;ZØeksa&izos'k] ijh{kk vkSj mÙkj iz n s ' k ds nl ftyks a ds enjlks a dks
izpkj&izlkj ds fy, foKkiu nsukA ,uvkbZvks,l ds lkFk tksM+us ds fy, 15 fnlacj]
• jkT; leUo;u lfefr;ksa ds ekè;e ls eqDr 2010 dks {ks=kh; foKku uxj] y[kuÅ esa enjlksa
fo|ky; f'k{kk dh vko';drkvksa dh igpku ds fy, ,d leFkZu dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k
djukA x;kA leFkZu dk;ZØe esa 104 izfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx
• {ks=k ds vanj jkT; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk 'kq: fy;k vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l ds vf/kdkfj;ksa ds lkFk
djus ds fy, iz;kl djuk vkSj lacafèkr jkT;ksa ckrphr dhA MkW - lq f "erk fe=kk] funs ' kd
dks jkT; eqDr fo|ky; ¼,lvks,l½ LFkkfir ¼fo-l-ls-½] MkW- dqynhi vxzoky] funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½]
djus esa ijke'kZ@lgk;rk djukA izks- lcjk gchc] Jherh vuhrk uk;j] lgk;d
• jkT;ksa ds lkFk laidZ djuk rFkk eqDr fo|ky;h funs'kd ¼fo-l-ls-½ Jh ,l-,l- nkl] lgk;d
f'k{kk esa leUo;u rFkk vU; dk;Z djukA funs'kd] {ks=kh; dsUnz] bykgkckn us izfrHkkfx;ksa ls
• lk{kjrk dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu djukA ckrphr dh vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l dh xfrfof/k;ksa ds
ckjs esa tkudkjh nhA
8. 1. 4 ;kstuk vkSj ekWuhVfjax dk;Z
• vkWu ykbu izos'k ds fy, frfFk;ksa dks c<+kus dh
• {ks=kh; dsUnzkas dh Hkkoh ;kstuk vkSj okf"kZd ;kstukvksa lwpuk nsus ds fy, LFkkuh; lekpkj i=kksa eas
dks rS;kj djukA foKkiu izdkf'kr fd, x,A
72 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
• ,vkbZ ds lek;kstdksa dh okf"kZd cSBd lheSV Jh th-th- lDlSuk] lfpo] ,uvkbZvks,l] MkW- lqf"erk
bykgkckn esa 21-02-2011 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZA fe=kk] funs'kd ¼fo-l-ls-½] lqJh vuhrk uk;j] lgk;d
MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/;{k ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj izks- funs'kd ¼fo-l-ls-½] lqJh xksik fcLokl] la;qDr
ukxs'oj jko] dqyifr] ;wihvkjVhvks;w us lek;kstdksa funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½ us ,uvkbZvks,l ds dk;ZØeksa
dh lHkk dks lacksf/kr fd;kA cSBd eas yxHkx 88 vkSj uhfr;ksa ds fofHkUu igyqvksa ij vius fopkj
lek;kstdksa us Hkkx fy;k vkSj fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa O;Dr fd,A
ij ckrphr dhA izks- gyhe [kku] iwoZ v/;{k] e/; izns'k enjlk
• ,ohvkj ¼O;kolkf;d½ ds lek;kstdksa dh okf"kZd cksMZ] Jh dqyoar flag] lnL;] e-iz- vYila[;d
cSBd 22-02-2011 dks lheSV] bykgkckn esa vk;ksftr vk;ksx] ekSykuk gQht+ lkfgc iwoZ v/;{k efLt+n
dh xbZA izks- ih-ds- lkgw] vkSj MkW- ufyuh JhokLro] lfefr vkSj lnL; e-iz- enjlk cksMZ vkSj ekSykuk
,lksfl,V izksQslj us lek;kstdksa dh lHkk dks erhu] lnL;] e-iz- enjlk cksMZ Hkh cSBd eas
lacksf/kr fd;kA yxHkx 60 lek;kstdksa us cSBd esa mifLFkr FksA
Hkkx fy;k vkSj fopkj&foe'kZ fd;kA ;g leFkZu dk;ZØe ,vkbZ vkSj ,ohvkbZ rFkk
• ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; }kjk bZ,eihlh bXuw dh enjlksa eas ukekadu la[;k c<+kus eas lgk;d gqvkA
lgk;rk ls vk;ks f tr Vs y h&vfHkfoU;kl@ {ks=kh; dsUnz ijke'khZ ¼vkjlh,lh½ cSBd
Vsyh&dkWUÝsfa lax dk;ZØe y[kuÅ] vyhx<+] okjk.klh vkjlh,lh dh cSBd 18 ekpZ] 2011 dks ,uvkbZvks,l
vkSj bykgkckn eas fofHkUu frfFk;ksa esa izkIr fd, {ks=kh; dsUnz] Hkksiky esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA
cSBd esa ftu dk;Zo Ùk ds fcanqvksa ij fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k
• foKku ds vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, ,d vfHkfoU;kl x;k] os Fks%
dk;ZØe dsUnzh; fo|ky;] iqjkuh Nkouh] bykgkckn
• v/;;u dsUnzksa vkSj ijh{kk dsUnzksa dh le;&le;
esa 10-02-2011 vkSj 11-02-2011 dks vk;ksftr fd;k
ij ekWuhVfjax(
x;kA yxHkx 21 izfrHkkfx;ksa us vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe
esa Hkkx fy;kA bykgkckn fo'ofo|ky; ls f'k{kk] • ,sls ftyksa eas ,vkbZ vkSj ,ohvkbZ dk forj.k tgk¡
HkkSfrdh] jlk;u foKku vkSj tho foKku eas lqizfl) ukekadu de gS(
fo}kuksa us izfrHkkfx;ksa dk ekxZn'kZu fn;k ,oa • ,uvkbZvks,l ds O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa eas ukekadu
fopkj fd;kA eas c<+ksrjh(
• {ks=kh; dsUnz] bykgkckn eas 14 flracj] 2010 ls 28 • vizSy 2011 ijh{kk ds fy, ijh{kk dsUnzksa dk
flracj] 2010 rd fganh i[kokM+k vk;ksftr fd;k fu/kkZj.k(
x;kA fofHkUu izfr;ksfxrk,¡ tSls iz'u eap] dfork • 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa ¼,,Q½ ds iSuy vkSj ftykokj
ikB] dgkuh dguk] vkfn dk vk;kstu {ks=kh; fLFkfr dh leh{kk(
dsUnz] bykgkckn esa fd;k x;kA lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnz • u, 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa dks {ks=kh; dsUnz ds lkFk
ds deZpkfj;ksa us izfr;ksfxrkvksa esa Hkkx fy;kA tksM+us dh j.kuhfr;k¡(
iqjLdkj forj.k lekjksg 29 flracj] 2010 dks
• u, dsUnzksa ds izR;k;u ds fLFkfr dh leh{kk(
vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA
• {ks=kh; dsUnz esa 'kSf{kd :i ls fiNM+s gq, CykWdksa dh
8.2.2 Hkksiky leh{kk vkSj bu CykWdksa esa u, dsUnz LFkkfir djus
• eqfLye vYila[;d laLFkkvksa ds fy, leFkZu dh j.kuhfr;k¡A
dk;ZØe ,uvkbZvks,l ds ,vkbZ vkSj ,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa dh
,uvkbZvks,l }kjk enjlksa ds fy, ,d leFkZu lkewfgd cSBd
dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu 29 tuojh] 2011 dks Hkksiky ,uvkbZvks,l ds ,vkbZ vkSj ,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa dh
esa fd;k x;kA ekuuh; uxj iz'kklu ea=kh fu/kkZfjr lkewfgd cSBd 18 Qjojh] 10 ekpZ vkSj 14
e/; izns'k ljdkj] Jh ckcwyky th xkSM+ dk;ZØe ekpZ] 2011 dks Hkksiky] tcyiqj vkSj Xokfy;j eas vk;ksftr
ds eq[; vfrfFk FksA dh xbZA
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 73
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
{ks=kh; dsUnz esa lek;kstdksa dh leL;kvksa dks lquk tkrk VsyhdkWUÝsaflax
gS vkSj leL;kvksa dk rqjar fuokj.k fd;k tkrk gSA {ks=kh; dsUnz us dk;kZy; esa lEesyu dh lqfo/kk vkjaHk dh gS
8.2.3 paMhx<+ vkSj vc rd rhu VsyhdkWUÝsfa lax vk;ksftr dh xbZ gSAa
{ks=kh; dsUnz] paMhx<+ ds fy, o"kZ 2010&11 lqpk: • f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh lHkh vko';drkvksa@iz'uksa ds fy,
xfrfof/k vkSj dk;ks± dk o"kZ jgk gSA fnu&izfrfnu ds {ks=kh; dsUnz eas ,dy f[kM+dh lek/kku LFkkfir
dk;Z ds lkFk&lkFk {ks=kh; dsUnz ds deZpkfj;ksa esa fd;k x;k gSA
l tukRedrk] izorZu vkSj izksRlkgu ns[kk x;k gS % • izR;k;u dk;Z % 46 laLFkk,¡ izR;k;u ds fy,
• izos'k % CykWd&I vkSj CykWd&II ds izos'k le; ij fopkjk/khu gSaA ftu {ks=kksa esa ,vkbZ de gSa fo'ks"kdj
fd, x,A bu nks CykWdksa esa dqy 87]703 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa 'kSf{kd n f"V ls fiNM+s gq, CykWdksa dh vko';drkvksa
dk ukekadu fd;k x;kA dh igpku ds fy, ,vkbZ ds ekufp=k.k dk dk;Z
• CykWd II ds lkjs izos'kksa ds fy, vkSj CykWd I ds dqN fd;k x;kA gfj;k.kk ds N% dkjkxkjksa esa ,vkbZ
izos'kksa ds fy, igpku i=kksa dk bu gkml eqnz.k LFkkfir fd, x, gSSaA cgqr ls tokgj uoksn;
fd;k x;k ftlls csgrj xq.koÙkk vkbZ vkSj ftlls fo|ky;ksa dks ,uvkbZvks,l v/;;u dsUnz cuus ds
tkyh igpku i=k u cu ldsaA fy, rS;kj fd;k x;kA
• ijh{kk : vizSy&ebZ] 2010 ds fy, 161 ijh{kk dsUnz • lek;kstdksa vkSj f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds lkFk csgrj laizs"k.k
rS;kj fd, x, vkSj ijh{kk ds lqpk: vk;kstu dks ds fy, ,vkbZ@,ohvkbZ ds fy, ,d MkVk csl
ekWuhVj djus ds fy, 140 vks,lMh fu;qDr fd, rS;kj fd;k x;kA
x,A • paMhx<+] {ks=kh; dsUnz }kjk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa] ,vkbZ vkSj
• igyh ckj {ks=kh; dsUnz us f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, tu lkekU; dh vko';d lwpuk ds fy, ,d
bu&gkml lwpuk i=k eqfnzr djk,A bu&gkml osclkbV rS;kj dh tk jgh gSA
fuf'pr LFkku ij ewY;kadu • deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, ,d iqLrdky; rS;kj fd;k
ewY;kadu dk;Z vkjaHk gksus ls igys ny izeq[kksa dh cSBdsa x;k gS ftleas 70]000@& #i, dh iqLrdas [kjhnh
vk;ksftr dh xb± ftlesa 85 ny izeq[kksa us Hkkx fy;kA xbZ gSaA vf/kdka'k iqLrdsa fganh Hkk"kk eas gSa vkSj vU;
2010 ds ekStwnk iSuy esa cgqr ls ewY;kadu dÙkkZvksa dks iqLrdas ys[kk] dk;kZy; izca/ku vkSj O;fDrRo fodkl
'kkfey fd;k x;k vkSj lqpk: :i ls ewY;kadu dk;Z ls lacaf/kr gSaA
djkus ds fy, 51 vks,lMh fu;qDr fd, x,A 'kSf{kd
foKkiu • mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij iatkch Hkk"kk eas ikB~; Øe
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds izlkj ds fy, fganh] vaxzsth] mnwZ rS;kj djus dk dk;Z vkjaHk fd;k x;kA
vkSj iatkch eas JO; n '; foKkiu vfHk;ku vk;ksftr • rhu O;kolkf;d ikB~; Øeksa dk la'kks/ku dk;Z
fd;k x;kA eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds izlkj ds fy, vkjaHk fd;k x;kA
{ks=kh; dsUnz }kjk fofM;ks fDyfiax rS;kj dh xb±A • {ks=kh; dsUnz us dk;kZy; ds fy, LFkku ns[kus dk
• ,vkbZ vkSj ,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa ds cSBd dk dk;Z vkjaHk fd;k vkSj iatkc ljdkj us fl)kar
vk;kstu 26-03-2011 dks fd;k x;k ftls MkW- ,l- :i esa Hkou fuekZ.k ds fy, Hkwfe iznku djus dh
,l- tsuk] v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l us lacksf/kr fd;kA lgefr nh gSA
• {ks=kh; dsUnz ijke'khZ lfefr ds fy, {ks=k ds izeq[k 8.2.4 nsgjknwu
f'k{kkfonksa dks 'kkfey djrs gq, vkjlh,lh dk 'kSf{kd
xBu fd;k x;kA • nks i Fkd :i ls fy, tkus okys O;kolkf;d
lsokdkyhu foKku f'k{kdksa ds fy, dk;Z'kkyk ikB~;Øeksa ¼ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrj½
• lsokdkyhu foKkiu vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, ,d dk la'kks/ku dk;Z vkjaHk fd;k x;kA
dk;Z'kkyk ekpZ] 2011 esa vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftleas • vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, iqfLrdk ds elkSns ij fVIif.k;k¡
34 f'k{kdksa us Hkkx fy;kA eq[;ky; ds le{k izLrqr dh xb±A
74 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
l{kerk fuekZ.k • jk"Vªh; lk{kjrk fe'ku }kjk 20-08-2010 vkSj
• ihlhih f'k{kdksa ds fy, ^^dk;Z LFkku esa mRikndrk 06-03-2011 dks uolk{kjksa ds fy, csfld lk{kjrk
c<+kus eas izkS|ksfxdh dk mi;ksx** ij rhu fnolh; ewY;kadu dh ekWuhVfjax vk;ksftr dh xbZA
dk;Z'kkyk ¼baVsy ds lg;ksx ls½ 22&24 vDrwcj] VsyhdkWUÝsaflax ds fy, izkIrdÙkkZ uksM
2010 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZA dk;Z'kkyk eas 28 • 23 flracj] 2010 dks pkj LFkkuksa % {ks=kh; dsUnz]
f'k{kdksa us Hkkx fy;kA fnYyh] bZ,eihlh] bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; eqDr
• nsgjknwu ds foKku fo"k; ds vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, fo'ofo|ky; ¼bXuw½] }kjdk vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l
21&22 Qjojh dks nks fnolh; vfHkfoU;kl dk;Z Øe eq[;ky; esa ,vkbZ lek;kstdksa ds vfHkfoU;kl ds
vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA MkW- Hkkjrh ljdkj dks fo'ks"kK fy, VsyhdkWUÝsaflax dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA
O;fDr ds :i esa vkeaf=kr fd;k x;kA dk;Z'kkyk • bZ,eihlh] bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; eqDr fo'ofo|ky;
esa 32 izfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA ¼bXuw½ eas 08-12-2010 dks vaxzsth vuqf'k{kdksa
VsyhdkWUÝsal }kjk izf'k{k.k vfHkfoU;kl ds fy, VsyhdkWUÝsaflax vk;ksftr dh
o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku {ks=kh; dsUnz esa ,uvkbZvks,l ds xbZA
ik¡p VsyhdkWUÝsal dk;ZØe izkIr fd,A ;k=kk ds le; • bZ,eihlh] bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; eqDr fo'ofo|ky;
vkSj ykxr dks de djus ds fy, {ks=k ds izfl) ,vkbZ ¼bXuw½ eas 19-01-2011 dks 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa ds
eas pkj vU; xzg.kdrkZ uksM LFkkfir fd, x,A Kku vfHkfoU;kl ds fy, VsyhdkWUÝsaflax vk;ksftr dh
n'kZu&II ds ek/;e ls dk;ZØe izkIr djus ds fy, xbZA
vko';d lajpuk,¡ LFkkfir dh xb±A • 25 Qjojh] 2011 dks ^^LokLF; vkSj ijkfpfdRlk
{ks=kh; dsUnz eas iqLrdky; dk;ZØeksa** ds izlkj ij Vsyh vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe
{ks=kh; dsUnz esa iqLrdky; LFkkfir fd;k tk jgk gSA vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA
pkj if=kdk,¡ eaxkbZ tk jgh gSa vkSj lkekU; :fp dh • vizSy&ebZ] 2011 ijh{kk ds fy, dsUnz v/kh{kdksa
yxHkx 50 iqLrdsa izkIr dh tk jgh gSaA v/;;u d{k vkSj vks,lMh ds vfHkfoU;kl ds fy, rhu LFkkuksa]
,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, dk;Z fnolksa ds nkSjku {ks=kh; dsUnz] fnYyh] bZ,eihlh] bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh;
[kqyk jgrk gSA eq D r fo'ofo|ky; ¼bXuw ½ vkS j }kjdk es a
,dy f[kM+dh lgk;rk&MsLd VsyhdkWUÝsaflax vk;ksftr dh xbZA
fdlh Hkh leL;k@iz'u ds fy, f'k{kkFkhZ {ks=kh; dsUnz eas foKku vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe
,dy f[kM+dh lgk;d&MsLd dk ykHk ys ldrs gSaA • fnYyh vkSj ,ulhvkj {ks=k dh ubZ izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa
lek;kstdksa dh cSBd ds foKku vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, 3 vkSj 4 ekpZ] 2011
dks fnYyh {ks=kh; dsUnz esa ,d izR;{k vfHkfoU;kl
,vkbZ vkSj ,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa ds lkFk laidZ c<+kus
dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA bl dk;ZØe esa 14
ds fy, Qjojh vkSj ekpZ] 2011 ds chp esa nsgjknwu ds
u, izR;kf;r ,vkbZ ds 28 f'k{kdksa us Hkkx fy;kA
lkFk gY}kuh] gfj}kj vkSj esjB esa cSBdsa vk;ksftr dh
bl dk;ZØe dk mn~ns'; vkSipkfjd fo|ky;h
xb±A bu cSBdksa dk mn~ns'; lek;kstdksa dh leL;kvksa
iz.kkyh ds bu f'k{kdksa dks eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk
dks lacksf/kr djuk Fkk vkSj mUgsa ,uvkbZvks,l dh
iz.kkyh ds fl)kar vkSj f'k{k.k fof/k rFkk foKku ds
uhfr;ksa vkSj izfØ;kvksa ls lacaf/kr v|ru tkudkjh
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe ds
iznku djuk FkkA
ckjs esa vfHkfoU;kl iznku djuk FkkA
8.2.5 fnYyh
vU; xfrfof/k;k¡
ijh{kk laca/kh
• {ks=kh; dsUnz] fnYyh eas fganh i[kokM+k 14 ls 29
• {ks = kh; ds U nz fnYyh es a viz S y & 2010 vkS j flracj] 2010 rd euk;k x;kA
vDrwcj&2010 ijh{kk ds nkSjku vuqfpr dk;ks± dks
• {ks=kh; dsUnz ijke'khZ lfefr ¼vkjlh,lh½ dh cSBd
jksdus ds fy, ,d ekWMy ijh{kk dsUnz LFkkfir
28 ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZA
fd;k x;kA
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 75
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
8.2.6 xqokgkVh fy, Mhlh] dke:i esVªks ds lkFk ,d cSBd
'kSf{kd vk;ksftr dh xbZA
• ek/;fed ikB~;Øeksa dk vlfe;k Hkk"kk eas vuqokn 8.2.7 t;iqj
dk;Z vkjaHk fd;k x;kA • 17 ls 19 flracj] 2010 dks ,bZih bdkbZ ds fy,
izlkjkRed xfrfof/k;k¡ vuqf'k{kd izf'k{k.k dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA
• D;k eSa vkidh lgk;rk dj ldrk gw¡ dkmaVj • 23&24 Qjojh] 2011 dks t;iqj eas ,uvkbZvks,l
izos'k@ijh{kk ds fy, f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh lgk;rk djus ds foKku vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe
gsrq LFkkfir fd;k x;kA vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA
• ,vkbZ vkSj ,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa dh cSBd 16 • ,vkbZ vkSj ,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa dh cSBd 10
ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZA ekpZ] 2011 dks vgenkckn eas vkSj 16 ekpZ] 2011
dks t;iqj esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA
• O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds izlkj ds fy, jksVjh
Dyc] vle dh lgk;rk ls cgqr lh cSBdsa vk;ksftr 8.2.8 dksph
dh xb±A fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡
• vkbZVhvkbZ ds lHkh funs'kky;ksa dks i=k Hkstk x;k fd • bl vof/k ds nkSjku 31 u, v/;;u dsUnzksa dks
os mÙkj&iwoZ ds vkbZVhvkbZ dks ,uvkbZvks,l ds ,ohvkbZ izR;kf;r fd;k x;kA blls v/;;u dsUnzksa dh dqy
cuus ds fy, vkosnu djus ds fy, funs'Z k nsAa la[;k 360 ls c<+dj 391 gks xbZA
• es?kky; esa jkT; eqDr fo|ky; LFkkfir djus dh • {ks=k eas fiNys o"kZ dh rqyuk eas 'kSf{kd ukekadu esa
izfØ;k vkjaHk dh xbZA MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/;{k] 15 izfr'kr dh okf"kZd o f) gqbAZ
,uvkbZvks,l vkSj ekuuh; f'k{kk ea=kh] es?kky;
ljdkj ds chp ,d cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZA
vU; xfrfof/k;k¡
• ,vkbZ ds lek;kstdks@
a 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa vkSj vuqf'k{kdksa
ds fy, Vsyh vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe jk"Vªh; eqDr
fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku] eq[;ky;] uks,Mk }kjk
iznku fd, x, le; ij izkIr fd, x,A
• {ks=kh; dsUnz xqokgkVh eas ,d iqLrdky; LFkkfir
fd;k x;k rFkk ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; }kjk iznku
dh xbZ lwph ds vuqlkj iqLrdsa [kjhnh xb±A ,vkbZ lek;kstdksa dh lkewfgd cSBd
• tc pkgks rc ijh{kk ds fy, gkWy rS;kj djk;k • vkWu&ykbu iathdj.k ds fy, {ks=kh; dsUnz esa
x;kA vxLr] 2010 ls ,d lgk;rk dkmaVj vkjaHk fd;k
• VsyhdkWUÝsaflax dk;ZØe dh csgrj izLrqfr ds fy, x;kA ;g lgk;rk dkmaVj 1 vxLr ls 10 flracj]
lHkkxkj esa LØhu ds lkFk ,ylhMh izkstsDVj 2010 vkSj Qjojh] 2011 ds nkSjku jfookj lfgr
yxk;k x;kA vodk'kksa esa Hkh dk;Zjr FkkA {ks=kHkj esa fofHkUu
,ohvkbZ esa 50 lgk;rk dsUnz dk;Zjr FksA izsl
• ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, Kku n'kZu izlkj.k
foKfIr;ksa vkSj cSuj }kjk lgk;rk dsUnzksa ds
gsrq MhVh,p fM'k ,afVuk yxk;k x;kA
dk;kZUo;u ds ckjs esa O;kid izpkj fd;k x;kA
• fiNys o"kZ dh rqyuk eas ukekadu esa 18.96% dh
csfld lk{kjrk ewY;kadu
o f) gqbAZ
• 20-08-2010 dks rfeyukMq esa ,u,y,e, ijh{kk,¡
• bl {ks=kh; dsUnz ds LFkk;h Hkou ds fuekZ.k ds fy,
¼5 ftyksa] 69 CykWdksa vkSj 2091 xk¡o½ vk;ksftr dh
de ls de nks@rhu ,dM+ Hkwfe iznku djus ds
xb± ftuesa 41 i;Zos{kdksa }kjk ekWuhVfjax dh xbZA
76 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
• 06-03-2011 dks rfeyukMq esa ,u,y,e, ijh{kk,¡ fodklkRed xfrfof/k;k¡
¼5 ftyksa] 69 CykWdksa vkSj 2091 xk¡o½ vk;ksftr dh
• dk;kZy; ds fy, xzsVj dksphu fodkl izkf/kdj.k
xb± ftuesa 110 i;Zos{kdksa }kjk ekWuhVfjax dh xbZA
¼thlhMh,½ ds varxZr 5000 oxZ QhV dk fufeZr
foKkiu LFkku fu/kkZfjr fd;k x;kA bl LFkku dk fujh{k.k
• fuEufyf[kr foKkiu izdkf'kr djk, x, % ,uvkbZvks,l ny }kjk 26 uoacj] 2010 dks fd;k
- vkWu ykbu iathdj.k CykWd&1] 2010 ij foKkiu x;kA dCtk ysus dk ekeyk lfØ; :i ls
3 flracj] 2010 dks 5 izeq[k lekpkj i=kksa }kjk fopkjk/khu gSA
izdkf'kr djk;k x;kA • bl vof/k ds nkSjku {ks=kh; dsUæ] psUubZ ds fy,
- vkW u ykbu ia t hdj.k CykW d & 2] 2010 vkS j LFkku ds fu/kkZj.k ds ekeys ij psUubZ esa f'k{kk
O;kolkf;d CykWd&1] 2011 ij foKkiu 13 Qjojh] foHkkx ds lkFk fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k x;kA
2011 dks 4 izeq[k lekpkj i=kksa }kjk izdkf'kr
l{kerk fuekZ.k dk;ZØe
djk;k x;kA
- bl vof/k ds nkSjku LFkkuh; lekpkj i=kksa vkSj • ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky;] uks,Mk eas 10 vkSj 11
jsfM;ks }kjk cgqr lh vU; izsl foKfIr;k¡ tkjh dh flracj dks vk;ksftr VSyh izf'k{k.k eas ,d dk;Zdkjh
xb±A vf/kdkjh us Hkkx fy;kA
izn'kZfu;k¡ • 8 fnlacj] 2010 dks ,uvkbZvks,l] eq[;ky; }kjk
• 24 ls 28 uoacj] 2010 rd yh eSfjfM;u dUosa'ku vk;ksftr VsyhdkWUÝsaflax }kjk vaxzsth f'k{kdksa dk
lsaVj esa ihlh,Q&6 esa nks izn'kZfu;k¡ vk;ksftr dh vfHkfoU;kl {ks=kh; Lrj ij izkIr fd;k x;kA
xb±A nks LVkWy yxk, x,] ,d ,uvkbZvks,l ds 26 f'k{kd dksPph eas vkSj 17 f'k{kd psUubZ eas
fy, vkSj ,d fd'kksj f'k{kk dk;ZØe ¼;w,u,Qih,½A mifLFkr FksA
,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; ls v/;{k] lfpo] funs'kd • 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa ds fy, Vsyh vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe
¼fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡½] funs'kd ¼O;kolkf;d½] 1 tuojh] 2011 dks vk;ksftr fd, x,A dsUnz
izdk'ku vf/kdkjh] 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh ¼fganh½ vkSj v/kh{kdksa vkSj vks,lMh ds fy, Vsyh vfHkfoU;kl
fd'kksj f'k{kk dk;ZØe ds ifj;kstuk lek;kstd dk;ZØe 23 ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr fd, x, vkSj
rFkk {ks=kh; dsUnz] dksPph ds {ks=kh; funs'kd vkSj eq[;ky; }kjk vk;ksftr vU; VSyh lEesyu {ks=kh;
deZpkjh mifLFkr FksA dsUnz }kjk izkIr fd, x,A
• foKku f'k{kdksa ds fy, nks fnolh; izf'k{k.k dk;ZØe
25&26 Qjojh] 2011 dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA
bl dk;ZØe esa 18 ,vkbZ ds 34 f'k{kdksa dks
izf'kf{kr fd;k x;kA
• {ks=kh; dsUnz dksPph us ,vkbZ ds lek;kstdksa ds
fy, 5 ls 12 Qjojh] 2011 rd vkSj ,ohvkbZ ds
lek;kstdksa ds fy, 31-03-2011 dks lkewfgd Lrj
dh cSBd vk;ksftr dhA
• ,ohvkbZ lek;kstdksa vkSj fofHkUu lsok iznku djus
utjkDdy eas ihvkbZch izn'kZuh
okyksa ds fy, ,d leFkZu dk;ZØe 31 ekpZ] 2011
• lwpuk vkSj izlkj.k ea=kky;] Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk dks vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA vkfrF; izca/ku] y?kq
dksPph eas 09-01-2011 ls 11-01-2011 rd eatwju Lrj ds m|ksx] dsohvkbZlh] Likblhl cksMZ] jkstxkj
gkml] utjkDdy] ,jukdqYye esa vk;ksftr tu dk;kZy; vkfn ds fo'ks"kK O;fDr;ksa us 50
lwpuk vfHk;ku esa ,uvkbZvks,l dk LVkWy yxk;k izfrHkkfx;ksa dks lacksf/kr fd;kA
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 77
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
'kSf{kd xfrfof/k;k¡
• foojf.kdk 2009&2010 vkSj ek/;fed Lrj ij 9
fo"k;ksa esa Vh,e, dk vuqokn ey;kye ek/;e eas
fd;k x;kA
• mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij Hkk"kk ds :i esa rfey
ds fy, v/;;u lkexzh rS;kj djus ds fy, 2
dk;Z'kkyk,¡ tqykbZ] 2010 vkSj tuojh&Qjojh]
2011 dks vk;ksftr dh xb±A mRlo
• {ks=kh; dsUnz esa fØlel vkSj 31 fnlacj] 2010 dks
uo o"kZ la/;k eukbZ xbZA
8.2.9 dksydkrk
'kSf{kd xfrfof/k;k¡
• mPprj ek/;fed ikB~;Øe ds fy, caXkyk ¼fo"k;
vjch ikB~;Øe rS;kj djus ds fy, dk;Z'kkyk
dksM 303½ dh v/;;u lkexzh dks vafre :i fn;k
• ,d Nekgh O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øe & lEizs"k.kkRed
x;k vkSj eqnz.k ds fy, eq[;ky; Hkstk x;kA
vjch ds fy, v/;;u lkexzh rS;kj djus gsrq nks
fnolh; dk;Z'kkyk 17 vkSj 18 flracj] 2010 dks • eqDr fo|ky;ksa esa v/;;u dsUnz ds vuqf'k{kdksa ds
vk;ksftr dh xbZA fy, iqfLrdkvksa ¼ckaXyk laLdj.k½ dk vuqokn caxkyh
ek/;e esa fd;k x;k vkSj lhvkjlh dks eqnz.k ds
• nks Nekgh O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa & ,DokdYpj
fy, dkWeuosYFk vkWQ yfu±x] dukMk Hkstk x;kA
vkSj vkWukZeasVy fQ'k dYpj ds fy, v/;;u
lkexzh rS;kj djus gsrq nks fnolh; dk;Z'kkyk 17 • 2010&11 dh 'kS f {kd foojf.kdk dk mfM+ ; k
vkSj 18 flracj] 2010 dks d f"k egkfo|ky; iuux<+] ek/;e eas vuqokn fd;k x;kA
dksPph esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA • ek/;fed ikB~;Øe ds fy, fp=kdyk dh v/;;u
vuqla/kku vkSj ewY;kadu ¼,uvkbZvks,l ds mÙkh.kZ lkexzh dk vuqokn mfM+;k ek/;e eas fd;k x;kA
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa laca/kh tkudkjh ij v/;;u½ lhvkjlh dks eqnz.k ds fy, eq[;ky; Hkstk x;kA
• 14 ,ohvkbZ ds ,uvkbZvks,l ds O;kolkf;d f'k{kk • ek/;fed Lrj ij ukS fo"k;ksa ds Vh,e, dk vuqokn
ds mÙkh.kZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds jkstxkj vkSj lac/a kh tkudkjh mfM+;k ek/;e eas fd;k x;kA
ij fjiksVs± ,df=kr dh xb±A 645 mÙkh.kZ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa • 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa ds fy, iqfLrdk dk la'kks/ku
ls lacaf/kr tkudkjh dk fo'ys"k.k {ks=kh; dsUnzksa fd;k x;k vkSj eqnz.k ds fy, vafre :i fn;k
}kjk fd;k x;kA x;kA
vU; xfrfof/k;k¡ ifj;kstuk % 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk,¡ c<+kus ds fy, ihVhVhvkbZ
•] dsjy dk jk"Vªh; mRlo] 21-09-2010 dks izf'k{k.kkfFkZ;ksa dk l{kerk fuekZ.k
euk;k x;kA deZpkfj;ksa }kjk ,d lqanj ^^iwDdye** ,uvkbZvks,l us if'pe caxky ljdkj ds lg;ksx ls
¼Qwyksa dk xyhpk½ rS;kj fd;k x;kA 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk,¡ c<+kus ds fy, ihVhVhvkbZ izf'k{k.kkfFkZ;ksa
• 14 ls 28 flracj] 2010 rd fganh i[kokM+k euk;k dk l{kerk fuekZ.k ifj;kstuk vkjaHk dh gSA bl ifj;kstuk
x;kA dk mn~ns'; ,sls vH;fFkZ;ksa dks volj iznku djuk gS
ftUgksaus 2000&2001 ls 2005&2006 rd ds fdlh
• 25 vDrwcj ls 1 uoacj] 2010 rd lrZdrk
'kSf{kd l=k esa ,d o"kZ dk izkFkfed f'k{kdksa ds fy,
tkx:drk lIrkg euk;k x;kA
izf'k{k.k ikB~;Øe vFkok nks o"kZ dk iwoZ izkFkfed f'k{kdksa
78 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
dk izf'k{k.k lQyrkiwoZd iwjk fd;k gS vkSj ftUgsa vHkh ds dk;kZy; esa nks lkewfgd cSBdsa vk;ksftr dh xb±A
rd ljdkjh ukSdjh izkIr ugha gqbZ gS] mUgsa f'k{kdksa ds lek;kstdksa dks v|ru ifjorZuksa ds ckjs esa ekxZn'kZu
izf'k{k.k ds fy, ,d o"kZ ds lsrq ikB~;Øe esa izos'k ds iznku djus ds fy, vkSj mudh leL;kvksa vkSj f'kdk;rksa
fy, ;ksX; cukus gsrq mPprj ek/;fed ijh{kkvksa esa de ij fopkj foe'kZ djus ds fy, ,d cSBd iksVZ Cys;j esa
ls de 50 izfr'kr vad izkIr gks ldsaA ,uvkbZvks,l vk;ksftr dh xb AZ
{ks=kh; dsUnz] dksydkrk bl ifj;kstuk dk leUo;u dj eqfLye vYila[;d laLFkkvksa ds fy, leFkZu dk;ZØe
jgk gSA vc rd mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij lHkh izeq[k
iksVZ Cys;j esa dk;Zjr eqfLye vYila[;d 'kSf{kd laLFkkvksa
fo"k;ksa dh v/;;u lkexzh dk ckaXyk ek/;e esa vuqokn
ds fy, ,d leFkZu dk;ZØe 14 ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr
fd;k x;k gSA if'pe caxky izkFkfed f'k{kk cksMZ esa
dh xbZA MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj
izos'k ds fy, bl ;kstuk dh vf/klwpuk nh gS vkSj
Jh th-th- lDlSuk] vkbZ,,l] lfpo] ,uvkbZvks,l us
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ls vkosnu vkeaf=kr fd, gSaA izkFkfed f'k{kdksa
izfrHkkfx;ksa dks lacksf/kr fd;k vkSj mUgsa ,uvkbZvks,l
ds izf'k{k.k laLFkkuksa ds izeq[kksa vkSj v/;;u dsUnzksa ds
dh ;kstukvksa vkSj vYila[;d laLFkkvksa ds fy,
izeq[kksa dks ,uvkbZvks,l ds ckjs eas foLr r tkudkjh rFkk
,uvkbZvks,l }kjk nh tk jgh fo'ks"k lqfo/kkvksa ds ckjs eas
mudh Hkwfedkvksa vkSj dk;ks± ds ckjs eas tkudkjh iznku
tkudkjh nhA
djus ds fy, vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k
x;kA {ks=kh; dsUnz] dksydkrk esa vkbZlhVh
VsyhdkWUÝsal vk/kqfudre lwpuk vkSj lEizs"k.k izkS|ksfxdh dh lgk;rk
ls {ks=kh; dsUnz dksydkrk us] bZ&xous±l ds fy, viuk
{ks=kh; dsUnz us o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l ds lkWQ~Vos;j fMtkbu fd;k gSA ySu ds ek/;e ls i=kksa
5 VsyhdkWUÝsal dk;ZØe dks izkIr djus dk izca/k fd;kA
vkSj nLrkostk+sa dh izkfIr vkSj izs"k.k ds ckjs eas lkjh
Kku n'kZu & II }kjk dk;ZØe izkIr djus ds fy, {ks=kh; tkudkjh vkWu&ykbu ij miyC/k gSA blls f'kdk;rksa@
dsUnz] dksydkrk ds dk;kZy; esa fM'k ,afVuk yxk;k x;k leL;kvksa dks [kkstus] ekWuhVj djus vkSj muds 'kh?kz
vkSj fo'ks"k izca/k fd, x,A mUewyu esa lgk;rk djrk gSA vkWu&ykbu vkSj ok;jysl
izos'k laca/kh ijke'kZ l=k vkjaHk fd, x, iz.kkyh }kjk czkWM cSaM baVjusV dusD'ku lfØ; djk;k
{ks=kh; dsUnz] dksydkrk us ,uvkbZvks,l] lkekU; :i ls x;k gSA vkarfjd lgk;d iz.kkyh dh lgk;rk ls {ks=kh;
bldh fo'ks"krkvksa vkSj fo'ks"k :i ls izos'k izfØ;k ds dsUnz] dksydkrk us viuh osclkbV rS;kj dh gSA Kku
ckjs esa foLr r tkudkjh iznku djus ds fy, f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa n'kZu pSuy II }kjk dk;ZØe izkIr djus ds fy, fM'k
vkSj vfHkHkkodksa dh lgk;rk gsrq izR;sd c gLifrokj dks ,afVuk yxk;k x;k gSA
ijke'kZ l=k vkjaHk fd;k gSA cky vijk/kh cksMZ] dksydkrk foKku vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe
ds f'k{kkFkhZ Hkh bl lqfo/kk dk ykHk mBk jgs gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l v/;;u dsUnzksa ds foKku vuqf'k{kdksa ds
,uvkbZvks,l izdks"B iksVZ Cys;j dk mn~?kkVu fy, nks fnolh; vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu 29
iksVZ Cys;j eas ,uvkbZvks,l izdks"B dk mn~?kkVu vkSj 30 ekpZ] 2011 dks ,uvkbZvks,l {ks=kh; dsUnz]
MkW- flrka'kq 'ks[kj tsuk] v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk 14 dksydkrk eas fd;k x;kA fofHkUu l=kksa eas vfHkfoU;kl
ekpZ] 2011 dks izkS<+ f'k{kk izdks"B] f'k{kk lnu] iksVZ dk;ZØe ds vk;kstu ds fy, Ng fo'ks"kKksa dks vkeaf=kr
Cys;j] vaMeku vkSj fudksckj }hi lewg esa fd;k x;kA fd;k x;kA bl dk;ZØe eas dksydkrk] mÙkjh 24 ijxuk
iksVZ Cys;j esa ,d izdks"B LFkkfir djus dk izeq[k ds v/;;u dsUnzksa ds foKku vuqf'k{kdksa us lfØ; :i ls
mn~ns'; ,uvkbZvks,l ds ekStwnk v/;;u dsUnzksa dks Hkkx fy;kA
ekWuhVj djuk vkSj lgk;rk iznku djuk rFkk vaMeku 8.2.10 iVuk
vkSj fudksckj }hi lewg esa ,uvkbZvks,l dh xfrfof/k;ksa o"kZ 2010-11 esa {ks=kh; dsUnz] iVuk esa dh xbZ xfrfof/k;k¡
dk izlkj djuk gSA vkSj dk;Z fuEufyf[kr gSa %
lek;kstdksa dh cSBd ijh{kk dk vk;kstu
{ks=kh; dsUnz] dksydkrk }kjk lek;kstdksa ds fy, rhu • iVuk {ks=k dh vizy S @ebZ] 2010 vkSj vDrwcj@uoacj
izR;{k cSBdsa vk;ksftr dh xb±A {ks=kh; dsUnz] dksydkrk 2010 ijh{kk,¡ lqpk: :i ls vk;ksftr dh xbZA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 79

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
• 18 yk[k ls vf/kd f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, 6 ekpZ] djus vkSj ekWuhVfjax ds fy, 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa dh
2011 dks ,u,y,e, ijh{kk lqpk: :i ls vk;ksftr fu;qfDr dh xbZA
dh xbZA gqu+j ifj;kstuk
lek;kstdksa dh cSBd
fcgkj ljdkj dh fcgkj f'k{kk ifj;kstuk ifj"kn~ ¼chbZihlhY
,vkbZ ds lek;kstdksa dh okf"kZd cSBd njHkaxk esa ds lg;ksx ls gqu+j pj.k-II dks ykxw fd;k x;kA chbZihlh]
12.02.2011, iVuk esa 18.02.2011 vkSj >kj[kaM ds ,uvkbZvks,l vf/kdkfj;ksa vkSj ek-la-fo-ea- ds lkFk cSBdksa
lek;kstdksa ds fy, jkaph esa 24.02.2011 dks vk;ksftr dh ,d J a[kyk vk;ksftr dh xbZA uksMy ,tsafl;ksa vkSj
dh xbZA u, v/;;u dsUnzksa dh igpku vkSj fujh{k.k fd;k x;kA
ys[kk dk j[kj[kko fujh{k.k izksQkWekZ rS;kj fd;k x;kA vksch,p eas f'k{k.k&
vf/kxe izfØ;kvksa dh ekWuhVfjax dh xbZA
lfpo ds ys[kk ds lkFk&lkFk {ks=kh; funs'kd ds ys[kk
jftLVjksa ds lkFk&lkFk dEI;wVj esa Hkh lqpk: :i ls gquj ds igys pj.k esa yxHkx 13,000 vYila[;d
rS;kj fd, x,A ckfydkvksa dks O;kolkf;d izf'k{k.k fn;k x;k vkSj nwljs
pj.k eas vYila[;d ckfydkvksa ds lkFk&lkFk vuq-tk@
laLFkkvksa dk fujh{k.k
vuq-tu- vkSj egknfyrksa dh ckfydkvksa dks O;kolkf;d
vizSy] 2010 ls ekpZ] 2011 ds chp 'kSf{kd] vkschbZ vkSj izf'k{k.k iznku djus ds fy, pquk x;k gSA 12,257
O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, izR;k;u iznku djus gsrq vH;fFkZ;ksa dh ijh{kk fcgkj ds 32 ftyksa eas 23 vkSj 24
mUuhl (19) laLFkkvksa dk fujh{k.k fd;k x;kA tqykbZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZA
fganh i[kokM+k dk vk;kstu 8.2.11 iq.ks
{ks=kh; dsUnz iVuk esa flracj] 2010 esa fganh i[kokM+k dk
• izlkjkRed xfrfof/k;k¡
vk;kstu fd;k x;k rFkk fganh ds izlkj gsrq fofHkUu
xfrfof/k;k¡ vk;ksftr dh xb± vkSj fotsrkvksa dks iqjLdkj eqfLye vYila[;d laLFkkvksa ds fy, leFkZu dk;ZØe
fn;k x;kA vYila[;d leqnk;] fo'ks"k :i ls eqfLye vYila[;dkas
vuqf'k{kd izf'k{k.k dk;ZØe ds chp ,uvkbZvks,l dk izpkj djus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l
us iq.ks eas egkjk"Vª dkWLeksikWfyVsu ,tqds'ku lkslkbVh
{ks=kh; dsUnz] iVuk eas 4 ls 5 ekpZ] 2011 dks vuqf'k{kd
izf'k{k.k dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA bl izf'k{k.k
dk;ZØe eas fcgkj vkSj >kj[kaM ds izfl) ,vkbZ ds 40
foKku f'k{kdksa us Hkkx fy;kA
izlkjkRed xfrfof/k;k¡
,uvkbZvks,l {ks=kh; dsUnzksa rFkk ijh{kk dsUnzksa ds fy,
izfl) fo|ky;ksa dh igpku dh xbZA izos'k] ijh{kk vkSj
,uvkbZvks,l dk;ZØeksa ds izpkj ds fy, foKkiu rS;kj
fd, x,A ,uvkbZvks,l dk;ZØekas dk izpkj jk"Vªh; vkSj
{ks=kh; nSfud lekpkj i=kksa eas izsl foKfIr;ksa }kjk rFkk
fcgkj vkSj >kj[kaM eas jsfM;ks vkSj Vsyhfotu pSuyksa vYila[;d laLFkkvksa ds fy, leFkZu dk;ZØe eas izfrHkkxh
}kjk fd;k x;kA vYila[;d leqnk;ksa ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ¼,elhbZ,l½ ifjlj eas 30 ekpZ] 2011 dks ,d fnolh;
fy, ,lihD;wbZ,e dk;ZØe ds fØ;kUo;u ds fy, fcgkj leFkZu dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;kA ,elhbZ,l ds
ljdkj ds vYila[;d foHkkxkas ds vf/kdkfj;ksa ds lkFk Jh ukflj [kku] MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/;{k ,uvkbZvks,l]
cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZA MkW- lqf"erk fe=kk] funs'kd ¼fo-l-ls-½] Jh lat; dqekj
;kstuk fuekZ.k vkSj ekWuhVfjax flUgk] {ks=kh; funs'kd] Jherh vfcnk bZukenkj]
fofHkUu ,vkbZ ds O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØeksa ¼ihlhih½ dh mik/;{k] ,llhbZ,l us dk;ZØe esa Hkkx fy;kA izfrHkkfx;ksa
ekWuhVfjax dh xbZA v/;;u dsUnzksa us lgk;rk iznku ds ykHk ds fy, eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk dh fo'ks"krk,¡

80 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
rFkk ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk pyk, tk jgs fofHkUu dk;ZØeksa MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l us f'k[kj lEesyu
ij foLrkj ls fopkj&foe'kZ gqvkA dks lacksf/kr fd;k vkSj eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk eas
fo'o MhvkbZMh,lh bafM;k izn'kuhZ vkSj lEesyu ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk fd, tk jgs izorZudkjh iz;klksa ij
oDrO; fn;kA Hkkjr vkSj fons'kksa ls 40 ls vf/kd fo'ks"k
,uvkbZvks,l us 23 ls 25 flracj] 2010 ds nkSjku gkWy oDrkvksa us bl lEesyu eas cgqewY; lq>ko fn,A
la[;k 6] eqacbZ eas cEcbZ izn'kuh dsUnz esa vk;ksftr lHkh MkW- ds-ih- oklfud] funs'kd ¼O;kolkf;d½ vkSj lat;
Lrjksa vkSj {ks=kksa ds fy, 'kSf{kd lkexzh] izf'k{k.k vkSj dqekj flUgk] {ks=kh; funs'kd Hkh mifLFkr FksA
izkS|ksfxdh vk/kkfjr lek/kkuksa ij fo'o MhvkbZMh,lh
{ks=kh; dsUnz] iq.ks eas Vsyh&vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe
bafM;k izn'kZuh vkSj lEesyu esa Hkkx fy;kA
{ks=kh; dsUnz] iq.ks fu;fer :i ls Vsyh lEesyu izkIr
izn'kZuh ds 3 fnuksa ds nkSjku] bl varjkZ"Vªh; volj ij djrk jgrk gS ftldk mn~ns'; lek;kstdksa] ewY;kadu
15 ls vf/kd ns'kksa ls izn'kZdksa us Hkkx fy;k ftUgksaus
drkZvksa] dsUnz v/kh{kdksa] vuqf'k{kdksa vkSj vU; lgHkkfx;ksa
vk/kqfudre vkSj izorZudkjh izk| S ksfxdh] vk/kqfud midj.k dks iw.kZ :i ls voxr djkuk gSA o"kZ 2010 esa {ks=kh;
vkiwfrZ vkSj izf'k{k.k lek/kku] lajpukRed lqfo/kk,¡] dsUnz iq.ks eas fuEufyf[kr dk;Z fd, x,A
vkfo"dkjd lkexzh] vk/kqfudre f'k{k.k fof/k] ledkyhu
'kSf{kd fof/k;k¡ vkSj lsok,¡ n'kkZ;ha ftlls f'k{k.k 'kSf{kd dk;ZØe
vf/kxe vkSj dkS'ky fodkl eas lgk;rk fey ldrh gSA foKku vuqf'k{kdksa ds vfHkfoU;kl ds fy, dk;Z'kkyk
vafre lekjksg esa vkxUrqdksa }kjk ,uvkbZvks,l ds LVkWy {ks=kh; dsUnz] iq.ks esa foKku vuqf'k{kdksa ds vfHkfoU;kl ds
dh iz'kalk dh xbZA fy, gkseh HkkHkk foKku f'k{kk dsUnz] eqacbZ ds lg;ksx ls
15&16 ekpZ] 2011 ds nkSjku ,d rhu fnolh; dk;Z'kkyk
vk;ksftr dh xbZA bl dk;ZØe eas egkjk"Vª vkSj xksok ds
mu 28 foKku vuqf'k{kdksa us Hkkx fy;k dk;Z'kkyk dks
lacksf/kr djus okys fo'ks"kK Fks izk-s okbZ-vkj- ok?kejs]
izk-s ,e-,u- ns'keq[k vkSj izk-s ,l-lh- fHkM+]s Jh lat; dqekj
flUgk] {ks=kh; funs'kd us Hkh lHkk dks lacksf/kr fd;kA

,uvkbZvks,l LVkWy esa izfrfuf/k;ksa ds lkFk ckrphr djrs gq,

MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l

izn'kZuh ds lHkh fnuksa ds nkSjku fofHkUu eaf=k;ksa] jkT;

lfpoksa] dsUnz vkSj jkT; Lrj ij f'k{kk vkSj Je ea=kky;
ls x.kekU; O;fDr;ksa dh mifLFkfr ns[kh xbZA oSf'od
f'k{kk vkSj dkS'ky lEesyu] 2010 ds varxZr ,d lEesyu foKku vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe
dks lacaf/kr djrs fo'ks"kK
vk;ksftr Hkh vk;ksftr fd;k x;k ftldk fo"k; Fkk
^^bfuf'k,V buksosV bfEIyeasV** rhu fnolh; lEesyu esa vkjafHkd rkSj ij l=k vkbZlh,l,lvkj] lEesyu d{k]
Hkkjr vkSj fo'o ds f'k{kk vkSj izf'k{k.k {ks=k esa Økafrdkjh dfyuk ifjlj] eqacbZ fo'ofo|ky; esa vk;ksftr fd,
ifjorZ u ykus okys u, fodkl ds lk/kuks a ij x,A ckn eas izk;ksfxd l=k gkseh HkkHkk foKku f'k{kk
fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k x;kA dsUnz] eqacbZ eas vk;ksftr fd,A

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 81

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

9 u, izorZu
9.0 ,uvkbZvks,l tSls fodklksUeq[k laLFkk ds fy, 10 v/;;u dsUnzksa esa 3000 ls vf/kd f'k{kkFkhZ izos'k ds
;g LokHkkod gS fd izR;sd o"kZ u, izorZu fd, izFke CykWd esa ,uvkbZvks,l ls tqM+sA bu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds
tk,a ftlls laxBu u, ifjorZuksa ds lkFk&lkFk ikl }hi ij gh ,uvkbZvks,l ds lkFk laidZ djus dk
viuh iz.kkyh ds nks"kksa dks lq/kkjs vkSj xq.koÙkk volj gksxkA
c<+k,A o"kZ 2010&11 esa Hkh dqN u, ifjorZu gq,% 9.4 ^gquj* ifj;kstuk fnYyh esa vkjaHk
9.1 fo'kk[kkiV~Vue esa 'kSf{kd xfrfof/k;ksa dk jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½ us
izlkj ¼24 tqykbZ 2010½ lqfo/kkoafpr leqnk;ksa esa fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds izlkj ds
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½ dk iz;kl ds vax ds :i esa 26 Qjojh] 2011 dks fnYyh esa
,d mi {ks=kh; dsUnz] fo'kk[kkiV~Vue dk mn~?kkVu dkS'ky fodkl vkSj izf'k{k.k ds fy, ^gquj* ifj;kstuk
Jherh Mh- iqjans'ojh] ekuo lalk/ku fodkl jkT; ea=kh vkjaHk dhA dk;ZØe dk mn~?kkVu Jh dfiy flCcy]
}kjk 24 tqykbZ] 2010 dks fd;k x;k ftldk mís'; {ks=k dsUnzh; ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=kh] Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk
esa Hkkoh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f'k{kk fof/k;ksa fnYyh uxj fuxe Ldwy Hkou] fnYyh iqfyl Hkou ds
}kjk f'k{kk ds volj iznku djuk gSA ikl] vklQ vyh jksM] fnYyh & 110006 esa fd;k x;kA
9.2 csaxyw# vkSj xka/khuxj eas {ks=kh; dsUnz Jherh 'khyk nhf{kr] fnYyh eq[;ea=kh] fnYyh vkSj
Jh gk#u ;qlwQ] [kk| vkSj ukxfjd vkiwfrZ vkSj ÅtkZ
dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~ }kjk bldh 55 oha cSBd esa igys ls
ea=kh] fnYyh ljdkj Hkh bl volj ij mifLFkr FksA
vuqeksfnr csaxyw# vkSj xka/kh uxj eas u, {ks=kh; dsUnz
bl volj ij gquj ifj;kstuk ds f'k{kdksa ds fy,
LFkkfir fd, x, vkSj buesa dk;Z vkajHk fd;k x;kA ;s
iqfLrdk vkSj ,d gquj QksYMj dk foekspu Hkh fd;k
{ks=kh; dsUnz Øe'k% dukZVd vkSj xqtjkr {ks=k ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
ds fy, gSaA
gquj ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk ladfYir ,d vuks[kh vkSj
9.3 iksVZ Cys;j eas ,uvkbZvks,l izdks"B dk
egÙoiw.kZ ifj;kstuk gS ftldk mn~ns'; iw.kZ :i ls
mn~?kkVu leqnk; vk/kkfjr f'k{kk iznku djuk gSA 14$ vk;q lewg
,uvkbZvks,l ds fy, iksVZ Cys;j esa ,d izdks"B ds esa lqfo/kkoafpr yM+fd;ksa ds laiw.kZ l'kfDrdj.k djuk
mn~?kkVu dh ?kks"k.kk djuk vR;ar xoZ dk fo"k; gS tks gSA f'k{kkFkhZ lewg ds fy, f'k{kk iznku djus ds lkekftd&
bl nwjfLFkr lqanj }hi ij eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f'k{kk }kjk /kkfeZd vk;ke ds egÙo dks Hkh /;ku esa j[krs gq, ;g
f'k{kk iznku djus esa lgk;rk djsxkA ;g izdks"B f'k{kk bl ifj;kstuk dk y{; vklkuh ls izkIr djus ;ksX;
lnu] iksVZ Cys;j esa [kksyk x;k gS vkSj bldk vkSipkfjd vkSj leqnk; vk/kkfjr dkS'ky fodkl iznku djuk gSA
mn~?kkVu v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l] MkW- flrka'kq 'ks[kj tsuk]
9.5 ,uvkbZvks,l esa l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B dh
}kjk 14 ekpZ] 2011 dks f'k{kk lnu] iksVZ Cys;j esa fd;k
x;kA mn~?kkVu lekjksg esa Jh th-th- lDlSuk] vkbZ,,l] LFkkiuk
lfpo] ,uvkbZvks,l] Jh lat; dqekj lDlSuk] lfpo] Hkkjr eas eqDr fo|ky;ksa ds fy, ,d loksZPp laxBu ds
f'k{kk] vaMeku ,oa fudksckj iz'kklu] MkW- vkj- nsonkl] :i eas jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½
f'k{kk funs'kd] vaMeku ,oa fudksckj }hi lewg Hkh bl fo'o eas lcls cM+k eqDr fo|ky; gS vkSj blds vfrfjDr
volj ij mifLFkr FksA ;g Hkkjr esa eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds izf'k{k.k vkSj
;g vk'kk dh tkrh gS fd iksVZ Cy;sj esa bl izdks"B dh vuqla/kku ds fy, mÙkjnk;h gSA ns'k esa eqDr fo|ky;h
LFkkiuk ls ,uvkbZvks,l ds ekStwnk v/;;u dsUnzksa dh f'k{kk dh rhoz izxfr ls bu laLFkkvksa ds fy, izf'k{k.k
izHkkoh ekWuhVfjax vkSj lgk;rk iznku djus esa enn vkSj lgk;rk dh vko';drk le{k vk jgh gSA bu esa ls
feysxhA o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku iwjs }hi esa QSys yxHkx cgqr lh laLFkk,¡ uofufeZr gSaA
82 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
,uvkbZvks,l }kjk l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B ¼lhchlh½ dh 2010 dks ,d izkS|ksfxdh vfHkfoU;kl dk;Z'kkyk dk
LFkkiuk dkWeuosYFk vkWQ yfu±x] oSadwoj }kjk djk, x,] vk;kstu fd;kA
,d v/;;u esa dh xbZ laLrqfr;ksa ds vk/kkj ij dh xbZ dk;Z'kkyk eas izHkko'kkyh laizs"k.k ds fy, osc dks [kkstus
gSaA izdks"B dk y{; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk iz.kkyh eas vkSj vkWu ykbu Qksjeksa ds leUo;u vkSj vk;kstu ds
fofHkUu Hkkxhnkjksa ds dkS'kyksa vkSj {kerkvksa dk fodkl osc [kkstus ij l=k 'kkfey FksA
djuk gSA
9.9 fofHkUu laxBuksa ds lkFk ,evks;w ij gLrk{kj
9.6 izkjafHkd f'k{kk eas fMIyksek
¼d½ dk;kZRed O;kolkf;d izf'k{k.k vuqla/kku vkSj
f'k{kk ds vf/kdkj ¼vkjVhvkbZ½ vf/kfu;e] 2009 ds
lekt ¼,QohVhvkj,l½ %
varxZr izkjafHkd Lrj ij dk;Zjr lHkh f'k{kdksa dk 2015
rd izf'kf{kr fd, tkus dh vko';drk gSA ek-la-fo-ea- ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj ,QohVhvkj,l esa le>kSrk Kkiu
}kjk ,uvkbZvks,l dks ,d ,slh laLFkk ds :i esa pquk ¼,evks;w½ ij gLrk{kj fd, ftuds fuEufyf[kr y{; Fks%
x;k gS tks eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f'k{kk fo/kk }jk vizf'kf{kr • y{; lewgksa ds fy, lk{kjrk dk;ZØeksa ds lkFk
f'k{kdksa ds izf'k{k.k eas ;ksxnku ns ldrk gSA bl ,sls dkS'kyksa esa izf'k{k.k iznku djuk ftudh ckt+kj
dk;ZØe dk vuqeksnu 4 ekpZ] 2011 dks vk;ksftr esa ekax gSA
'kSf{kd ifj"kn~ dh cSBd esa fd;k x;kA o"kZ ds nkSjku dbZ
• dkS'ky izf'k{k.k dks 'kkfey djds ikjaifjd Ldwyh
cSBdksa eas ikB~;p;kZ dks vafre :i fn;k x;kA v/;;u
lkexzh rS;kj djus dk dk;Z vkjaHk gks pqdk gSA f'k{kk dks vkSj vf/kd egÙoiw.kZ cukukA
• ns'k ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa eas ,QohVhvkj,l Hkkxhnkjksa
9.7 ,uvkbZvks,l dh izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa ¼,vkbZ½
}kjk vk;ksftr dkS'ky izf'k{k.k esa Hkkx ysus okys
ds lek;kstdksa ds fy, Vsyh&vfHkfoU;kl
izf'k{k.kkfFkZ;ksa dks iznku djukA
• f'k{kk ds ek/;fed Lrj ij volj mRiUu djds
Kku dh mUufr vkSj bls v|ru djus pqukSfr;ksa lkeuk ikjaifjd dkS'ky izf'k{k.k vkSj vf/kd egÙoiw.kZ
djus ds fy, izorZudkjh izkS|ksfxfd;k¡ vkSj f'k{k.k cukukA
j.kuhfr;ksa dk mi;ksx fujarj c<+ jgk gS vkSj lapkj
}kjk vf/kxe ds laHko volj iznku dh tk jgh gSA ,uvkbZvks,l izorZudkjh dsUnzksa dh LFkkiuk }kjk lkFk
esa dke djus dk izLrko nsrk gS ftlds }kjk ukekafdr
nw j la p kj ds fodkl ls la L Fkkvks a ds fy, vius
fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks O;kolkf;d vkSj 'kSf{kd izf'k{k.k fn;k
f'k{kkfFkZ;ks@izfrHkkfx;ksa rd igq¡pus ds fofHkUu izdkj dh
tk,xkA vklku dkS'ky izf'k{k.k ds lkFk&lkFk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
j.kuhfr;ksa dk iz;ksx djuk laHko gks ik;k gSA Vsyh
dks izf'k{kqrk izf'k{k.k Hkh iznku fd;k tk,xkA bl
dkUÝsaflax ,d ,slh j.kuhfr gS ftlesa nwjLFk f'k{kk vkSj
le>kSrksa ds lkFk ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kk oafprksa rd fo'ks"kr%
izf'k{k.k l{kerk fuekZ.k] fu.kZ; ysus vkSj ekWuhVfjax dh
'kSf{kd n f"V ls fiNM+s gq, CykWdksa ¼bZchch½ esa igq¡p
vR;f/kd {kerk gSA
f'k{k.k eap ds :i eas bZ,eihlh] bXuw] ubZ fnYyh ds
¼[k½ eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f'k{kk ds {ks=k esa okbZlh,evks;w ds
rduhdh vkSj lajpukxr lg;ksx ls {ks=kh; dsUnzksa dks
lkFk le>kSrk Kkiu ij gLrk{kj
ysdj ,vkbZ lek;kstdksa] ,ohvkbZ] lek;kstdksa] 'kSf{kd
fo'ks"kKksa vkSj vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l ds fofHkUu ukfld ds ;'koarjko pOgk.k egkjk"Vª eqDr fo'ofo|ky;
foHkkxksa }kjk cgqr ls Vsyh&vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe vk;ksftr ¼okbZlh,evks;w½] jkT; ds dkuwu ds varxZr cuk, x,
fd, x,A fo'ofo|ky; vkSj jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
¼,uvkbZvks,l½] fo'o eas lcls cM+h eqDr f'k{kk iz.kkyh
9.8 izHkko'kkyh laizs"k.k vkSj vkWu&ykbu eapksa ij
ftldk eq[;ky; uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k esa fLFkr gS ds chp
izkS|ksfxdh vfHkfoU;kl dk;Z'kkyk 8 Qjojh] 2011 dks lalk/kuksa dh Hkkxhnkjh }kjk eqDr
dEI;wVj bdkbZ us l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B ¼lhchlh½ dh vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ¼vksMh,y½ iz.kkyh dk mi;ksx djrs
enn ls ,uvkbZvks,l] vf/kdkfj;ksa ds fy, baVsy ds gq, la;qDr :i ls fu/kkZfjr 'kSf{kd@O;kolkf;d dk;ZØe
lg;ksx ls dEI;wVj izf'k{k.k iz;ksx'kkyk esa 13 vDrwcj] pyk, tkus ds fy, le>kSrk Kkiu ij gLrk{kj fd,
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 83
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
x,A le>kSrk Kkiu ds varxZr la;qDr xfrfof/k;ksa eas & chihvks lsok,¡] i;ZVu vkfrF; vkSj ;k=kk] O;olk;]
f'k{kkfFkZ;kas dks Ldwyh Lrj ls fo'ofo|ky; Lrj ij LokLF; ns[kHkky lsok,¡] cSafdax@chek vkSj foÙkA
vxzlj djus ds fy, ,d oSdfYid ekxZ iznku djuk( O;kolkf;d f'k{kk foHkkx us bl mn~ns'; ds fy,
f'k{kk ds izlkj dks fo'ks"k :i ls ns'k eas nwjLFk xzkeh.k] ,Dlizs'ku vkWQ baVjsLV ¼bZvksvkbZ½ rS;kj fd;k vkSj
tutkrh; vkSj lqfo/kkoafpr {ks=kksa esa c<+kus ds fy, futh laxBuksa ls izLrko vkeaf=kr fd, gSaA bZvksvkbZ
lalk/kuksa dh Hkkxhnkjh ds fy, ,d ra=k rS;kj djuk 8 Qjojh] 2011 dks lekpkj i=kksa eas izdkf'kr gqvkA
vkSj v/;;u dsUnzksa dk ,d O;kid usVodZ cukuk( bZvksvkbZ ds mÙkj esa] O;kolkf;d f'k{kk foHkkx us 105
Hkkxhnkj laLFkkvksa dh fo'ks"krkvksa vkSj fu;eksa ds vuqlkj izLrko izkIr fd,A
bl izdkj ds dk;ZØeksa ds la;qDr ds fy,
dkS'ky fodkl dk;ZØeksa ds izlkj ,oa j.kuhfr;k¡ fodflr 9.11 lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa esa iqLrdky;ksa dh LFkkiuk
djus ds fy, fo'ks"k :i ls O;kolkf;d f'k{kk vkSj lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa eas iqLrdky; LFkkfir djus ds ,d
izf'k{k.k ¼ohbZVh½ ds {ks=kksa esa nksuksa laLFkkvksa }kjk pyk, u, iz;kl esa] 14 {ks=kh; dsUnz@mi&{ks=kh; dsUnzksa dks
tk jgs dk;Z Ø eks a dks viukuk@:ika r j.k djuk iqLrdas vkSj tuZy [kjhnus ds fy, izR;sd dks 50]000 dh
'kkfey gSA izkjafHkd jkf'k nh xbZA eq[;ky; esa iqLrdky; }kjk
iqLrdksa dh lwph lq>kbZ xbZ gSA
9.10 lg;ks x kRed ea p ij vk/kkj ij u,
vko';drk vk/kkfjr O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øe 9.12 ,uvkbZvks,l dh lgk;rk ls u, jkT; eqDr
dk izkjaHk fo|ky; LFkkfir
fiNys rsjg o"kks± ls O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa esa ukekadu fjiksVZ ds o"kZ esa] xqtjkr jkT; eqDr fo|ky; dh
ds ikB~;Øeksa dk ckt+kj dh ekax ds vuqlkj u gksuk gSA LFkkiuk dh vf/klwpuk tkjh dh xbZ gSA fcgkj jkT;
vr% ,uvkbZvks,l dk iz;ksx vius ekStwnk ikB~;Øeksa dh eqDr fo|ky; dh LFkkiuk izfØ;k/khu gS vkSj ;g vk'kk
laoh{kk djuk vkSj rFkk vko';drk vk/kkfjr u, ikB~;Øe dh tkrh gS fd 'kh?kz gh bl laca/k eas vf/klwpuk tkjh
rS;kj djuk vkSj O;fDr dks vkRefuHkZj vFkok jkstxkj dh tk,xhA
izkIr djus esa lgk;rk djuk gSA 9.13 ,uvkbZvks,l esa vkj,e,l, ds rduhdh
;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k gS fd bu ikB~;Øeksa dks lkoZtfud lg;ksx lewg dh LFkkiuk
futh lgHkkfxrk ds vk/kkj ij ,uthvks@futh laLFkkvksa jk"Vªh; ek/;fed f'k{kk vfHk;ku & ek/;fed f'k{kk ds
dh lgk;rk ls rS;kj fd;k tk,A ,sls {ks=k ftldh lkoZHkkSfedhdj.k ds fy, Hkkjr ljdkj ds ,d egÙoiw.kZ
vR;ar vko';drk gS os gSa vkWVkseksckby@vkWVks daiksusaV] dk;ZØe ds lkFk fujarj laidZ cuk, j[kus ds fy,
bysDVªkWfud gkMZos;j] VSDlVkbYl vkSj xkjeaV~l] peM+k rduhdh lgk;rk lewg dk ,d dk;kZy; lsDVj&62]
vkSj peM+s ds mRikn] jRu vkSj xgus] Hkou vkSj fuekZ.k] uks,Mk] m-iz- ds ,uvkbZvks,l {ks=kh; dsUnz esa LFkkfir
[kk| lalk/ku] vkbZ Vh vFkok lkW¶Vos;j lsok,¡] vkbZVhbZ,l fd;k x;k gSA

84 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

10 l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B

10.1 ifjp; 10.3.1 vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, VsyhdkWUÝsaflax
dkWeuosYFk vkWQ yfu±x ds ekxZn'kZu esa Qjojh] 2010 dks bysDVªkWfud ehfM;k izksMD'ku lsaVj ¼bZ,eihlh½] bXuw vkSj
vk;ksftr ,d v/;;u dh laLrqfr;ksa vkSj 20 vDrwcj] ns'kHkj esa QSys mlds fofHkUu dsUnzkas ds lg;ksx ls ,uvkbZvks,l
2010 dks vk;ksftr dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~ dh 57 oha cSBd ds dh izR;kf;r laLFkkvksa ds vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, ,d
vuqeksnu ij uoacj] 2010 esa ,uvkbZvks,l esa l{kerk VsyhdkWUÝsaflax dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ;g fo"k; fof'k"V
fuekZ.k izdks"B cuk;k x;kA tc rd eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk VsyhdkWUÝsal ,sls vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, vk;ksftr dh xbZ Fkh
esa l{kerk fuekZ.k foHkkx dh LFkkiuk ugha gksrh] rc rd ;g tks O;fDrxr laidZ dk;Z Øeksa ¼ihlhih½ ds nkSjku vaxzsth
,d rkRdkfyd izca/k FkkA bl v/;;u esa ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj fo"k; ns[krs gSaA 8 fnlacj] 2010 dks ,uvkbZvks,l ds 14
Hkkjr esa rhu vU; jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa ds fy, l{kerk {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds 21 fofHkUu LFkkuksa esa 342 vuqf'k{kdks us
fuekZ.k {ks=kksa dk fu/kkZj.k vkSj izkFkfedrk nsuk vkSj l{kerk dk;Z Øe esa Hkkx fy;kA Hkqous'oj] iVuk vkSj dksydkrk ds
fuekZ.k izdks"B ds fy, rhu o"kZ dh dkjZokbZ ;kstuk lq>kus ,uvkbZvks,l {ks=kh; dsUnzkas us dk;ZØe Lo;a vk;ksftr fd;kA
dk dk;Z fd;k x;kA
l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B dh LFkkiuk cgqr ls dkj.kksa ls
egÙoiw.kZ gSA izFke] jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; ds jk"Vªh; eqDr
fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ds :i esa iqu% ukedj.k 'kSf{kd vkSj nsus ds dk;ks± ds lkFk&lkFk izf'k{k.k vkSj
vuqla/kku ij fo'ks"k egRo |ksfrr gksrk gSA f}rh;] Hkkjr
ljdkj ds jk"Vªh; ek/;fed f'k{kk vfHk;ku ¼vkj,e,l,½
nLrkost+ esa ;g fu/kkZfjr fd;k x;k gS fd ek/;fed Lrj ij
dqy 15 izfr'kr f'k{kkFkhZ tula[;k dks eqDr vkSj nwjLFk
f'k{kk iz.kkyh }kjk f'kf{kr fd;k tk,xkA vr% ,uvkbZvks,l
vkSj jkT; eqDr fo|ky; nksuksa bl pqukSrh dk lkeuk djus
ds fy, vPNh rjg ls rS;kjh dj ysa vkSj bl Lrj ij
lkoZHkkSfedhdj.k dh vksj pyrs gq, xq.kkRed ek/;fed vaxzsth vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, VsyhdkaÝsal ¼dksph½
f'k{kk iznku djus dk dk;Z djsaA
10.3.2 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa ds fy, Vsyh vfHkfoU;kl
10.2 mn~ns'; dk;ZØe
izdks"B dk mn~ns'; ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa ns'kHkj esa 19 LFkkuksa ij 19 tuojh] 2011 dks ,uvkbZvks,l
eas LFkk;h l{kerk fuekZ.k djus ds fy, dk;Z djuk gS vkSj ds 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa ds fy, ,d fnolh; Vsyh vfHkfoU;kl
fofHkUu lgHkkfx;ksa ds fy, eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds fofHkUu vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA yxHkx 271 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa us
{ks=kksa esa xfrfof/k;k¡ vk;ksftr djuk gSA dk;ZØe esa Hkkx fy;kA MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l
us vius izkjafHkd Hkk"k.k ¼'kh"kZd & ,uvkbZvks,l % bV~l
10.3 xfrfof/k;k¡ fot+u ,.M fe'ku Vw jhp vkmV QkWj DokfyVh ,tqds'ku½ esa
vius izkjafHkd o"kZ esa l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B us ,vkbZ@,ohvkbZ Li"V fd;k fd bu o"kks± esa bl izdkj ,uvkbZvks,l us ,sls
ds lek;kstdksa] 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa vkSj vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, lqfo/kkoafpr vkSj chp esa gh i<+kbZ NksM+ nsus okys f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
Vsyh vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØeksa dh ,d J a[kyk vk;ksftr dhA dks f'kf{kr djus dk iz;kl fd;k gS tks fdlh u fdlh
bldk fooj.k fuEufyf[kr gS % dkj.k ls vkSipkfjd f'k{kk ls oafpr jg x;s gSaA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 85

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
v/;;u dsUnzksa }kjk 'kSf{kd lgk;rk ij l=k eas MkW- dqynhi esa ,d izkS|ksfxdh vfHkfoU;kl dk;Z'kkyk vk;ksftr dhA
vxzoky] funs'kd] 'kSf{kd foHkkx us vf/kxe izfØ;k esa dk;Z'kkyk esa izHkko'kkyh laizs"k.k vkSj osc 2-0 izkS|ksfxfd;ksa
v/;;u dsUnzksa }kjk fuHkk, tk jgh izeq[k Hkwfedk dks Li"V ds mi;ksx ds fy, osc dks vkSj vf/kd tkuus ds laca/k esa
fd;k vkSj dSls mUgas O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe ¼ihlhih½ l=k 'kkfey Fks ftlls vkilh lg;ksx fd;k tk lds vkSj
vk;ksftr djds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh lgk;rk djuh pkfg,A vkWu&ykbu eap Qksje vk;ksftr fd, tk ldsaA lHkh
10.3.3 ,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa ds fy, VsyhdkWUÝsfa lax ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, vkilh laidZ vkSj fopkjksa
dk;ZØe ds vknku&iznku ,d lkekU; eap ds :i esa ,d vkWu&ykbu
leq n k; mRiUu djus ij ,d vke lgefr cuhA
,uvkbZvks,l dh LokLF; vkSj ijkfpfdRlk dk;ZØeksa ds ,uvkbZvks,l vf/kdkfj;ksa dh fo'ks"k vko';drkvksa dks /
izlkj ds fy, lek;kstdksa dks rFkk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa eas dkS'ky ;ku esa j[krs gq, Ldkbi ,fIyds'kUl dk mi;ksx djrs gq,
fodkl ij vuqns'kdksa ¼f'k{k.k LVkWQ½ dk vfHkfoU;kl djus ,d izn'kZu fd;k x;kA ,uvkbZvks,l vkWu&ykbu leqnk;
ds mn~ns'; ls ,uvkbZvks,l us 25 Qjojh] 2011 dks ,d ¼http://rdonlinecommunity.blogspot.com½ Hkh n'kkZ;k x;k
VsyhdkWUÝsaflax dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;kA Jh Mh-ds- Hkolkj] vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l tSls nwjLFk f'k{k okrkoj.k esa bl izdkj
,bZ, ¼O;kolkf;d f'k{kk½] ek-la-fo-ea-] Hkkjr ljdkj bl ds vkWu&ykbu leqnk;ksa dh mi;ksfxrk ij fopkj&foe'kZ
VsyhdkWUÝsal eas vU; fo"k; fo'ks"kKksa ds lkFk fo'ks"k vfrfFk fd;k x;kA
FksA izFke mipkj] o )ksa dh ns[kHkky vkSj ekjek fpfdRlk
ij fo'ks"kKksa }kjk O;k[;ku vkSj fu#i.k l=k vk;ksftr 10.5 foKku vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, izR;{k vfHkfoU;kl
fd, x, ftleas f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks izf'k{k.k nsus ds fy, f'k{k.k dk;ZØe
midj.k] fo"k; lkexzh vkSj fu:i.k rduhdksa ds mi;ksx bl vof/k ds nkSjku l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B us ,d vU;
ij tksj fn;k x;kA ,d fopkj&foe'khZ l=k ls lek;kstdksa lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzksa esa foKku vuqf'k{kdksa ds fy, izR;{k
vkSj vuqns'kdksa dks ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk pyk, tk jgs vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu fd;kA bl nks fnolh;
O;kolkfld ikB~; Øeksa ds ckjs esa izklafxd tkudkjh izkIr vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe dk mís'; eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ds
djus esa lgk;rk feyhA ckjs eas tkx:drk mRiUu djuk vkSj foKku vuqf'k{kdksa dks
10.3.4 VsyhdkWUÝsaflax }kjk ,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa
eqDr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds lanHkZ esa muds dk;ks± vkSj mÙkjnkf;Roksa
ds ckjs eas voxr djkuk FkkA ;g vis{kk dh xbZ fd blls
vkSj O;kolkf;d f'k{kk fo'ks"kKksa ¼ohbZ,Q½ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fgr esa vuqf'k{kd] O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØeksa
dh cSBdsa esa vkilh foPkkj&foe'kZ dh izfØ;k dk mi;ksx djus esa
,uvkbZvks,l us v/;;u dsUnzksa ¼,ohvkbZ½ ds lek;kstdksa ds l{ke gksaxs vkSj mUgsa lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa ds fy, rS;kj dj
fy, Vsyh vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe dh ,d J a[kyk vk;ksftr ldasxsA {ks=kh; funs'kdksa dks 40 izfrHkkfx;ksa dks vkeaf=kr
dh ftlls mUgas v/;;u dsUnzksa ds dk;Z eas lgk;rk fey lds djus dk vkxzg fd;k x;k Fkk ftlesa ls 50 izfr'kr efgyk
vkSj os ,uvkbZvks,l dh v/;;u ;kstuk ds lkFk&lkFk f'k{kd gksaA
vU; xfrfof/k;ksa esa gks jgs ifjorZuksa ls voxr gks ldsaA bu lHkh 14 {ks=kh; dsUnzksa esa Qjojh&ekpZ] 2011 esa ;g dk;ZØe
dk;ZØeksa esa ijh{kk] iz'kklu vkSj O;kolkf;d 'kSf{kd fo"k;ksa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA
ij fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k x;k vkSj leL;kvksa dk lek/kku
fd;k x;kA bu ekeyksa ds lkFk&lkFk lek;kstdksa dks izos'k
vkSj izR;k;u dh izfØ;kvksa ds ckjs esa Hkh Li"V fd;k x;kA
;s cSBdsa ,uvkbZvks,l ds lHkh {ks=kh; dsUnzkas esa vk;ksftr dh
xbZA ,ohvkbZ ds lek;kstdksa dks vkjaHk fd, x, u,
ikB~;Øeksa vkSj vU; ifjorZuksa ls voxr djk;k x;kA mUgsa
,uvkbZvks,l esa vU; ifjorZuksa ds ckjs eas Li"V djus ds
fy, Hkh vkeaf=kr fd;k x;kA
10.4 izHkko'kkyh laizs"k.k vkSj vkWu ykbu eapksa ij
izkS|ksfxdh vfHkfoU;kl dk;Z'kkyk
dEI;wVj bdkbZ us l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B ¼lhchlh½ d
lgk;rk ls baVsy ds lg;ksx ls ,uvkbZvks,l vf/kdkfj;ksa ,pchlh,lbZ ¼iq.ks½ dh iz;ksx'kkyk esa foKku vuqf'k{kd iz;ksx
ds fy, 13 vDrwcj] 2010 dks dEI;wVj izf'k{k.k iz;ksx'kkyk laca/kh tkudkjh ysrs gq,

86 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

11 vuqla/ku vkSj fodkl

11.0 i "BHkwfe vuqla/kku ijke'khZ lfefr dh vU; cSBd 25 Qjojh]
2011 dks vk;ksftr dh xbZ ftlesa lnL;ksa us fuEufyf[kr
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds {ks=k esa vuqla/kku xfrfof/k;k¡ lq>ko fn, %&
djus ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l dk vuqla/kku vkSj fodYi
• ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk vuqla/kku laLFkkvksa vkSj O;fDr;ksa
izdks"B fnlacj] 2009 esa cuk;k x;kA /khjs&/khjs jk"Vªh;
dh igpku
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk la?k ¼,udkWl½] ;kstuk fuekZ.k]
ekWuhVfjax vkSj ewY;kadu ¼ih,ebZ½] tulaidZ] eqDr f'k{kk • eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk esa vuqla/kku esa ojh;rk izkIr
if=kdk vkSj dksekslk if=kdk dks bl izdks"B eas 'kkfey {ks=kksa ij fopkj djukA
fd;k x;kA bl ifjizs{; esa ijke'kZ ds fy, ,d • o"kZ 2011&12 ds fy, vuqla/kku vkSj fodkl izdks"B
vuqla/kku ijke'khZ lfefr ¼vkj,lh½ dh xbZA dh dkjZokbZ ;kstuk ij fopkj djuk vkSj vuqeksnu
31 ekpZ] 2011 dks] vkj,lh esa fuEufyf[kr 'kkfey FksA djukA
bl cSBd esa MkW- oh- os.kqxksiky jsM~Mh us vuqla/kku vkSj
11.1 vuqla/kku ijke'khZ lfefr cSBdas izf'k{k.k ds fy, laLFkkxr laidks± ij tksj fn;kA mUgksaus
bl o"kZ ds nkSjku] vkj,lh dh mi lfefr dh ,d cSBd bafxr fd;k fd bXuw pqfuank vuqla/kku dsUnzksa dks ekU;rk
20 vkSj 21 tqykbZ] 2010 dks ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; eas
nsrk gS vkSj dksbZ ,d muds ek/;e ls vuqla/kku vk;ksftr
vk;ksftr dh xbZA vkj,lh ds le{k fuEufyf[kr pkj ftldk izlkj dj ldrs gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l blds fy,
vkosnu dj ldrk gS vFkok bl laca/k eas le>kSrk
izLrko j[ks x, %&
Kkiu ij gLrk{kj dh izfØ;k vkjaHk dj ldrk gSA
(1) e/; izns'k vkSj NÙkhlx<+ esa eqDr fo|ky;h MkW- ih-ds- lkgw us dgk fd bykgkckn fo'ofo|ky;]
f'k{kk }kjk O;kolkf;d f'k{kk dh lQyrk ls f'k{kk foHkkx ,e,M@,e-fQy ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk eqDr
lacaf/kr ?kVdksa dh igpku djukA fo|ky;h f'k{kk eas vuqla/kku ds izlkj esa lgk;rk dj
ldrk gSA mUgksua s ;g Hkh lq>ko fn;k fd ih-,pMh ds fy,
(2) jk"Vª h ; eq D r fo|ky;h f'k{kk la L Fkku Hkh vksMh,y ls lacfa /kr fo"k; fy, tk ldrs gSAa MkW- Hkkjrh
¼,uvkbZvks,l½ ds fofHkUu 'kSf{kd fo"k;ksa dks ukekadu costk us tksj fn;k fd lhvkbZbZ vius ;gk¡ vuql/a kku djus
izo fÙk;ksa eas ,d tk¡p iM+rky djukA okys fo|ky;ksa }kjk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk esa vuqla/kku
(3) VsyhdkLV@czkWMdkLV ds lkFk&lkFk xSj czkWM dkLV ds izlkj ds fy, lg;ksx dj ldrk gSA
eksM esa ,uvkbZvks,l ds JO;&n '; dk;ZØeksa dks 11.2 eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk esa vuqla/kku ij
ns[kus dh mi;ksfxrk dk v/;;uA dk;Z'kkyk
(4) ,uvkbZvks,l ds mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ds pqfuank dkWeuosYFk vkWQ yfu±x ¼dksy½ ds usr Ro eas eqDr fo|ky;h
Lo v/;;u lkexzh ¼,l,y,e½ dk ewY;kaduA f'k{kk eas vuqla/kku ij iwoZ&ihlh,Q&6 dk;Z'kkyk dk
vk;kstu ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk 21&23 uoacj] 2010 dks
lfefr ds lnL;ksa us lq>k;k fd bu izLrkoksa dks 'kh"kZdksa] fd;k x;kA dkWeuosYFk ns'kksa] jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa vkSj
mn~ns';ksa] vko';drk vkSj vkSfpR;] f'k{k.k fof/k vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l ds fofHkUu foHkkxksa ls izfrfuf/k;ksa us bl
ctV izLrkoksa ds lanHkZ eas iqu% la'kks/ku dh vko';drk dk;Z'kkyk esa Hkkx fy;k vkSj eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ij
gSA izeq[k [kkstdrkZvksa dks la'kks/kuksa ds lkFk iqujhf{kr vuqla/kku vk;ksftr djus dh fof/k;ksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh
izLrko tek djus ds fy, dgk x;kA izkIr dhA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 87

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds

izlkj ds fy, usVodZ
12.0 jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk la?k ¼,udkWl½ 12.4 Hkkjr eas jkT; eqDr fo|ky; ¼jk-eq-fo-½
12.1 i "BHkwfe 31-03-2011 ds vuqlkj Hkkjr esa 16 jkT; eqDr fo|ky;
jk"Vª h ; Lrj ij ¼,uvkbZ v ks , l½ vkS j jkT; Lrj ¼jk-eq-fo-½ FksA vka/kz izn's k] vle] fcgkj] NRrhlx<+] xqtjkr]
¼jk-eq-fo-½ ij eqDr fo|ky;ksa esa fopkj&foe'kZ vkSj gfj;k.kk] tEew ,oa d'ehj] dukZVd] dsjy] e/; izns'k]
vkilh ijke'kZ dks O;ofLFkr djus ds fy, eqDr fo|ky;h jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks=k ¼,ulhVh½] fnYyh] iatkc] jktLFkku]
f'k{kk ds fy, ,d la?k dk xBu mfpr FkkA jk"Vªh; rfeyukMq] mÙkj izns'k vkSj if'pe caxky esa jk-eq-fo-
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk la?k ¼,udkWl½ dk izkjaHk flracj] LFkkfir fd, x, gSaA
1997 eas fd;k x;k Fkk ftldk mn~ns'; ns'k esa fo|ky; o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku xqtjkr vkSj fcgkj jkT;ksa us
Lrj ij eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ¼vksMh,y½ iz.kkyh eas jk-eq-fo- LFkkfir fd,A vc rd mÙkj izns'k vkSj fnYyh
csgrj lg;ksx] leUo;u c<+kus vkSj ekud fu/kkZfjr esa jk-eq-fo- i=kkpkj fo|ky;ksa ds :i eas pyk, tkrs gSaA
djuk FkkA rfeyukMq jkT; vius jk-eq-fo- dks iqu% lfØ; djus ds
fy, dne mBk jgk gS tks o"kZ 1984 ls 2002 rd dk;Z
12.2 ,udkWl ds mn~ns';
dj jgk FkkA tEew ,oa d'ehj jkT; vius jk-eq-fo- dks
,uvkbZ v ks , l dh LFkkiuk jkT; eq D r fo|ky;ks a pykus ds fy, igys gh dne mBk jgk gS ftlds
¼jk-eq-fo-½ dh LFkkiuk dks c<+kus vkSj eqDr vkSj nwjLFk fy, o"kZ 2011 eas vf/klwpuk tkjh dh xbZA xksok]
f'k{kk ¼vksMh,y½ ds fy, 'kSf{kd vkSj rduhdh lgk;rk fgekpy izns'k] >kj[kaM] egkjk"Vª vkSj es?kky; ds jkT;
iznku djus rFkk Hkkjr eas eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk dk;ZØeksa vius jk-eq-fo- LFkkfir djus dh izfØ;k esa gSaA jk"Vªh;
dh izxfr ds mn~ns'; ls dh xbZ gSA eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½ ekStwnk jk-
12.3 vkj,e,l, ds varxZr eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk eq-fo- ds dk;ZØeksa ds l=k dks c<+kus ds fy, vkSj leFkZu
}kjk Ldwy u tkus okys cPpksa dh f'k{kk ekxZn'kZu vkSj lgk;rk }kjk u, jk-eq-fo- LFkkfir djus
ds fy, jkT;ksa ds fujarj laidZ esa gSA
ek/;fed f'k{kk ds lkoZHkkSfedhdj.k ij dsc lfefr us
lq>ko fn;k fd eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds usVodZ dks 12.5 jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk la?k ¼,udkWl½
ek/;fed f'k{kk eas 15 izfr'kr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks f'kf{kr dh okf"kZd cSBd
djuk pkfg,A ,uvkbZvks,l us bl cM+h pqukSrh dks jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk la?k ¼,udkWl½ dh okf"kZd
fy;k vkSj fofHkUu ;kstuk,¡ cukb±A ,uvkbZvks,l eqDr cSBd 23 vkSj 24 ekpZ] 2011 dks gksVy lezkV] pk.kD;iqjh]
fo|ky;h f'k{kk usVodZ ds izlkj dh fn'kk esa dk;Z dj ubZ fnYyh esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA Jh ,l-lh- [kwafV;k]
jgk gS ftlls ;g lqfuf'pr fd;k tk lds fd izR;sd la;qDr lfpo Hkkjr ljdkj] ekuo lalk/ku fodkl
jkT; viuh {ks=kh; Hkk"kk }kjk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ea=kky; ¼ek-la-fo-ea-½ us jk"Vªh; ek/;fed f'k{kk &
lqfo/kk iznku djsA vfHk;ku ¼vkj,e,l,½ ds ifjizs{; eas eqDr fo|ky;h
vkj,e,l, ds izk:i ds vuqlkj eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk f'k{kk dh vko';drk ij tksj fn;kA bl lq>ko ds
iz.kkyh esa fuEufyf[kr fcanqvksa ij tksj fn;k tkuk ifjizs{; eas fd ek/;fed Lrj ij 15 izfr'kr f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
pkfg,A dks eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk iz.kkyh }kjk f'kf{kr fd;k
(i) jk"Vªh; vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij ,uvkbZvks,l dks tk,] jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk esa ,d l'kDr fo'ks"kK laxBu vkSj jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa dks o"kZ 2016&17 rd
ds :i esa fodflr djukA ek/;fed Lrj ij yxHkx 120 yk[k f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk
ukekadu djuk gksxkA bl y{; dh iwfrZ ds fy, ns'k esa
(ii) ekStwnk lksyg jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa ds dk;ZØeksa
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk dk;Z Øe ds Lrj dks c<+k, tkus
dk Lrj c<+kukA dh vko';drk gSA ,sls jkT; tgk¡ jk-eq-fo- dk;Zjr gSa
(iii) Hkkjr ds 'ks"k jkT;ksa esa jk-eq-fo- dh LFkkiuk djukA vFkok ,sls jkT; tks jk-eq-fo- LFkkfir djus dh izfØ;k esa
88 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
gSa os ek-l-fo-ea- ls foÙkh; lgk;rk ekax ldrs gSaA f'k{kk fy, Ldwyh f'k{kk ds izorZudkjh] mPp xq.koÙkk okys]
ds vf/kdkj ¼vkjVhbZ½ ds laca/k esa ,uvkbZvks,l ,sls izklafxd] lerk vk/kkfjr] fyax laosnu'khy vkSj de
fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks lsrq dk;ZØe iznku dj jgk gS tks Ldwy ykxr okys dk;ZØeksa ds fodkl] izlkj vkSj izkjaHk ds
ugha tk lds ijUrq mudh vk;q ds vuqlkj mUgsa izos'k fy, lg;ksx djrk gSA
nsus dh vko';drk gSA ;g rF; ns[krs gq, fd cgqr ls Hkkjr ds MkW- flrka'kq 'ks[kj tsuk] v/;{k] jk"Vªh; eqDr
jkT;ksa eas de f'k{kk izkIr vkSj vizf'kf{kr f'k{kdksa dh ,d fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½ dks ,d xqIr
cM+h la[;k gS] ,uvkbZvks,l dks eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ernku }kjk ,d o"kZ ds dksekslk ds laLFkkid v/;{k ds
¼vksMh,y½ }kjk ,sls f'k{kdksa ds fy, vkjafHkd f'k{kd :i eas pquk x;kA cksRlokuk dh lqJh QSalh ,eS dks
izf'k{k.k dk;ZØe pykus dk mÙkjnkf;Ro iznku fd;k mik/;{k] f=kfuMkM vkSj VkscSxks ls lqJh fyLVªk lSElu
x;k gSA ,uvkbZvks,l us eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds vksfon dks lfpo ds :i esa tEew vkSj d'ehj jkT; eqDr
dk;ZdÙkkZvksa ds izf'k{k.k ds fy, l{kerk fuekZ.k izdks"B fo|ky;] Hkkjr] izks- ns'kca/kq xqIrk dks"kk/;{k ds :i eas
¼lhch,l½ dh Hkh LFkkiuk dh gSA vU; dqN fo'ks"k pqus x,A 21 uoacj] 2010 dks dksekslk dh egklfefr
lq>koksa esa 'kkfey gSa % (i) lHkh jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa }kjk dh cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZA bl cSBd esa v/;{k]
,uvkbZvks,l dh tc pkgks rc ijh{kk iz.kkyh] (ii) eqDr ,uvkbZvks,l ds usr Ro esa dk;kZy; inkf/kdkfj;ksa ds ny
fo|ky;h f'k{kk dh yxHkx lHkh izfØ;kvksa esa vkbZlhVh dks iqu% fuokZfpr fd;k x;kA lnL;ksa }kjk lgefr
dk c<+rk mi;ksx] (iii) ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj lhvkbZbZVh trkbZ xbZ fd dksekslk dk igyk lfpoky; ,uvkbZvks,l
¼,ulhbZvkjVh½ ds dk;ZØekas ds izlkj.k ds fy, ,d ifjlj] Hkkjr eas fuf'pr fd;k tk,A
24×7 pSuy vkSj (iv) eqDr fo|ky;ksa dh lfØ; lac)rkA
12.7 dksekslk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk if=kdk
24 ekpZ] 2011 dks 16 jkT; eqDr fo|ky; ¼jk-eq-fo-½ FksA
dksekslk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk if=kdk eqDr f'k{kk
fcgkj vkSj xqtjkr jkT;ksa us gky gh esa jk-eq-fo- LFkkfir
fof/k ds }kjk fo|ky; f'k{kk ds fy, ladYic) gSA bl
fd, gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l us jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa dks
if=kdk varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij gh blesa ;ksxnku fn;k tkrk
ekxZn'kZu vkSj lalk/kuksa }kjk lgk;rk dk vk'oklu
gS rFkk ;g eaxk;h tkrh gSA ;g iathd r djk;h xbZ gS
vkSj bls varjkZ"Vªh; ekud Øe la[;k ¼vkbZ,l,l,u½
osV ds varxZr fuEufyf[kr pj.k fd, x, (i) oSV 0976&0407 nh xbZ gSA dksekslk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk
dk;ZØe dk Lrj c<+kuk] (ii) l{kerk vk/kkfjr ekWM~;wyj ds ekeys laikndh; ijke'khZ cksMZ vkSj laiknd eaMy
ikB~;Øe pykuk] (iii) ØsfMV@xzsM iz.kkyh viukuk] (iv) dh lgk;rk ls fuiVk, tkrs gSaA
oSV laxBuksa esa usVofd x± ] (v) izoZrudkjh dk;ZØe izlkj]
if=kdk ds y{; vkSj mís'; bl izdkj gSa %&
(vi) oSV dk;ZdÙkkZvksa dh izk;ksfxd@lsokdkyhu izf'k{k.k]
• eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk@eqDr f'k{kk eas izeq[k fo"k;ksa
l{kerk fuekZ.k] vkSj (vii) oSV dk;ZØe dh izHkko'kkyh
ekWuhVfjaxA ,uvkbZvks,l jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa dks ij fo)rkiw.kZ fopkj foe'kZ ds fy, dkWeuosYFk
fo'ks"kr% {ks=kh; Hkk"kkvksa }kjk oSV ikB~;Øe pykus ds ns'kksa esa ,d eap iznku djukA
fy, rS;kj djsxk vkSj mUgsa lalk/ku lgk;rk iznku • vuqla/kku] fl)kar vkSj O;ogkj ftlesa var&foZ"k;d
djsxkA v/;;u Hkh 'kkfey gSA
okf"kZd cSBd us vius dk;Zo Ùk ij lkr l=kksa eas fopkj dksekslk if=kdk eas eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ij vuqla/kku
foe'kZ fd;kA eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds fofHkUu igyqvksa izi=kksa] ys[kksa] vuqla/kku dk iqujh{k.k] vkSj dkWeuosYFk
ij fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k x;kA f'k{kk ds vf/kdkj vkSj ns'kksa esa eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk eas dk;ZØeksa vkSj
jk"Vªh; ek/;fed f'k{kk vfHk;ku ds ifjizs{; esa eqDr xfrfof/k;ksa ij izdk'k Mkyuk gSA
fo|ky;h f'k{kk ls eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds izlkj ds o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku] dksekslk lfpkoky; us dksekslk
fy, ,udkWl ds xBu ij fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k x;kA eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk if=kdk dk izFke vad izdkf'kr
fd;kA bl if=kdk dk foekspu lj tkWu MSfu;y] dksy
12.6 dkWeuosYFk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laxBu
ds v/;{k vkSj lhbZvks }kjk 21 uoacj] 2010 dks fd;k
¼dksekslk½ x;kA blesa lj tkWu MSfu;y }kjk ,d ys[k ^^,tqds'ku
dkWeuosYFk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk la?k ¼dksekslk½ dh QkWj n 21 lsapqjh % Vkbe QkWj vksiu LdwYl Vw jst+ ns;j
LFkkiuk 23 uoacj] 2009 dks dkWeuosYFk vkWQ yfu±x xse** 'kkfey gSA blds lkFk gh eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk esa
¼dksy½ }kjk dh xbZA ;g eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk egÙowi.kZ eqn~ns ij ys[k 'kkfey gSaA if=kdk ds vad&II
¼vksMh,y½ fo/kk ls dkWeuosYFk ns'kksa esa LFkk;h fodkl ds ij dk;Z py jgk gSA
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 89
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

13 ehfM;k lgk;rk
13.1 ehfM;k dk;ZØe % ,d ifjp; 1 vizSy] 2010 ls 31 ekpZ] 2011 rd dqy 11 ohfM;ks
dk;ZØe cuk, tk pqds gSa] 7 ohfM;ks dk;ZØe 'kwfVax ds
,uvkbZvks,l dh eq[; xfrfofèk;ksa esa ls ,d eq[;
lrj ij gSa vkSj 10 ohfM;ks dk;ZØe vHkh iVdFkk
dk;Z nwjLFk f'k{kk esa vkèkqfud laizs"k.k vkSj 'kSf{kd
ys[ku ds Lrj ij gSaA
izkS|ksfxdh ds vk/kqfud lk/kuksa dk iz;ksx djuk gSA
,uvkbZvks,l }kjk vè;;u ds fofHkUu ikB~;Øeksa esa 13.3 fjdkWfMax LVwfM;ks
djk, tkus okys JO; vkSj n '; dk;ZØe] eqfnzr Lo ,uvkbZvks,l dh ehfM;k bdkbZ esa 13 vizSy] 2011 dks
vè;;u lkexzh ds iwjd vkSj lgk;d gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l ekuuh; Jherh Mh- iqjans'ojh] jkT; ea=kh ¼ek-la-fo-½]
us JO; vkSj n '; dk;ZØeksa dk fodkl eqDr csfld Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk ,d LVSaMMZ MsfQus'ku fjdkWfM±x
f'k{kk] ekè;fed] mPprj ekè;fed vkSj O;kolkf;d LVwfM;ks dk mn~?kkVu fd;k x;kA fjdkWfM±x LVwfM;ks
ikB~;Øeksa ds fy, fd;k gSA blds vfrfjDr blusa dk mi;ksx 'kSf{kd vkSj O;kolkf;d fo"k;ksa esa ls
thou dkS'ky o f)] leFkZu vkSj foKkiu ds fy, dfBu 'kh"kZd ,oa ladYiukvksa ij ohfM;ks V~;wVksfj;y
lkekU; dk;ZØe Hkh rS;kj fd, gSaA vkSj lewg ifjp;kZvksa dks fjdkWMZ djus ds fy, fd;k
ehfM;k bdkbZ ds eq[; dk;Z bl izdkj gSa %& tk,xk ftueas ,uvkbZvks,l ds ladk; lnL; vkSj
cká fo"k; fo'ks"kK 'kkfey gksaxsA
 ,uvkbZvks,l ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksas ds fy, vkWfM;ks@
ohfM;ks dk;ZØe rS;kj djukA 13.4 eYVhehfM;k dk;ZØe

 vkWfM;ks@ohfM;ks dk;ZØeksa dk izlkj.k fofHkUu o"kZ 2010& 2011 ds nkS j ku HkkS f rdh fo"k; ij
3 eYVhehfM;k dk;ZØe iwjs fd, x,A bl le;
pSuyksa ij djukA
5 eYVhehfM;k dk;ZØe fuekZ.kk/khu gSaA
 izpkj&izlkj ds mn~n's ; ds fy, vkWfM;ks@ohfM;ks
13.5 dSIlwy cukuk
LikWV rS;kj djukA
^Kku n'kZu* vkSj MhMh&1 pSuy ij ,uvkbZvks,l ds
 ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, eYVhehfM;k
ohfM;ks dk;ZØeksa ds fy, miyC/k le; LykWVksa ds fy,
dk;ZØe dk mRiknu
ohfM;ks dk;ZØeksa ds 70 dSIlwy rS;kj fd, x, vkSj
 vkWfM;ks@ohfM;ks dk;ZØeksa ls vkWfM;ks dSlsV] izlkj.k ds fy, lhvkbZbZVh] ,ulhbZvkjVh dks Hksts x,A
ohlhMh ,oa vU; LVksjst ehfM;k dh izfr rS;kj
13.6 vkWfM;ks ohfM;ks dk;ZØe ds dk;kZUo;u dk
 egÙoiw.kZ lekjksgksa@laxksf"B;ksa] dk;Z'kkykvksa vkfn
 ohfM;ks dk;ZØe dk nwjn'kZu ds jk"Vªh; pSuy
dk ohfM;ks dojst djukA
¼MhMh&1½ ij gj 'kqØokj dks izkr% 5-02 cts ls
13.2 ohfM;ks dk;ZØe izkr% 5-25 cts rd izlkj fd;k tkrk gS vkSj Kku
vf/kdka'k ohfM;ks dk;ZØe vaxzsth vkSj fganh Hkk"kk esa n'kZu ij izfrfnu lk;a 6-30 cts ls 7-00 cts rd
cuk, x,A fo"k;ksa dks lkekU;] jkspd rjhds ls izLrqr izlkj.k fd;k tkrk gSA
djus ds fy, o Ùkfp=k] o Ùk&ukfVdk vkSj vU; :iksa dk  izR;sd 'kqØokj] 'kfuokj vkSj jfookj dks izkr%
iz;ksx fd;k x;k] ftlls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksas dks fo"k;oLrq dh 8-30 cts ls 9-00 cts rd ¼,Q,e
,d Li"V le> gks ldsA Hkk"kkvksa ds dk;ZØe fganh] pSuy½ 106-5 esXkk gVZt ij vkWfM;ks dk;ZØe
vaxzsth vkSj mnwZ esa rS;kj fd, tkrs gSaA ohfM;ks dk;ZØeksa izlkfjr fd, x, vkSj lk;a 4-30 cts ls 5-00 cts
dh vof/k 15 ls 20 feuV rd fHkUu&fHkUu gksrh gSA rd ;s dk;ZØe nksckjk izlkfjr fd, x,A

90 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
 ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk rS;kj vkWfM;ks@ohfM;ks dk;ZØe 13.7 ohfM;ks dojst
,uvkbZvks,l ds vè;;u dsUnzksa ij Hksts tkrs gSa o"kZ 2010&2011 ds nkSjku ehfM;k bdkbZ us ,uvkbZvks,l
rkfd O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe esa mudk bLrseky }kjk vk;ksftr fd, x, 30 fofHkUu jk"Vªh; ,oa varjkZ"Vªh;
gks ldsA dk;ZØeksa@dk;Z'kkykvksa ds ohfM;ks dojst dk izca/k
 f'k{kkFkhZ vè;;u dsUnz ls dSlsV vkSj lhMh ,d fd;kA
lIrkg ds fy, mèkkj ys ldrs gSaA 13.8 Hkkoh ifjn ';
 vkWfM;ks ohfM;ks dk;ZØeksa dh lhMh vkSj dSlVs ,uvkbZvks,l dk;kZy; eas gh dk;ZØe fuekZ.k ds fy,
foØ; ds fy, miyCèk gaAS ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa vkWfM;ks ,oa ohfM;ks LVwfM;ks lqfo/kkvksa ds fy, eq[;ky;
,oa vU; yksxksa ds ykHk ds fy, vkWfM;ks&ohfM;ks esa ,d ehfM;k dsUnz vkSj leqnk; jsfM;ks LVs'ku LFkkfir
lhMh dh iwjh lwph ,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV djus dh ;kstuk cuk jgk gSA ij miyC/k gSA
fudV Hkfo"; esa ,d 24×7 'kSf{kd pSuy vkjaHk fd,
 vkWfM;ks vkSj ohfM;ks dk;ZØe ;w V~;wc ij Hkh tkus dk laHkkouk gSA ,uvkbZvks,l] lhvkbZbZVh]
miyC/k gSA iz;ksxdÙkkZ ,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV ,ulhbZvkjVh ds lg;ksx ls ;g pSuy la;qDr :i ls
ds gkse i "B ij ehfM;k fyad ij fDyd djds ;s pyk,xkA ,uvkbZvks,l ohfM;ks dk;ZØe bl pSuy ij
dk;ZØe ns[k ldrs gSaA izlkfjr gksaxsA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 91

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

lwpuk vkSj laizs"k.k izkS|ksfxdh

14.0 jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku esa vkWu ykbu izo's k ds fy, fofHkUu LVªheksa eas dqy 4]58]055
vkbZlhVh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa us izos'k fy;k tks fiNys o"kZ ds izos'k ls
yxHkx 9% dh o f) n'kkZrk gSA
eqDr f'k{kk esa] vkeus&lkeus dk laidZ vR;ar lhfer
gksrk gS vkSj f'k{kkFkhZ nwj jgrs gSa rFkk f'k{k.k fof/k ijh{kk,¡
nwjLFk f'k{kk iz.kkyh }kjk gksrh gSA bl izdkj ds iwoZ&ijh{kk xfrfof/k;k¡ ¼vizSy 2010 vkSj vDrwcj 2010
ifjn '; esa] eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk dks lwpuk vkSj laizs"k.k ijh{kk½
izkS|ksfxdh ¼vkbZ-lh-Vh½ ij izeq[k :i ls fuHkZj gksuk o"kZ ds nkSjku] 'kS{kf.kd vkSj O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds
iM+rk gSA ,uvkbZvks,l ds dk;ZØe vkSj xfrfof/k;ksa esa yxHkx 690 gtkj f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds vkadM+ksa dh izfof"V dh
vkbZlhVh dk mi;ksx f'k{kk oafprksa rd f'k{kk igq¡pkus xbZ tks fiNys o"kZ ds nkSjku 677 gtkj FkhA dk;Z esa
vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l ds izca/ku esa ,d izeq[k j.kuhfr ds ijh{kk lwfp;ksa vkSj ijh{kk Qkeks± dh MkVk ,aVhª ] mudk
:i esa fd;k tk jgk gSA lR;kiu] ijh{kk vk;kstu ds fy, ijh{kk dsUnzkas }kjk iz;Dq r
14.1 lajpuk ,oa vuqiz;ksx ds {ks=k dh xbZ fofHkUu fjiksVks± dk uohuhdj.k vkSj fuekZ.k djuk
'kkfey gSA
,uvkbZvks,l us vR;ar lhfer lk/kuksa ds lkFk NksVh lh
ijh{kk ifj.kke laca/kh dk;Z ¼vizSy 2010 vkSj vDrwcj
'kq#vkr dh FkhA vkt blds ikl gj fdLe dh rduhd
2010 ijh{kk½
ls ySl daI;wVj lsaVj gSa ftlesa vk/kqfudre daI;wVj]
fizVja vkSj usVofd±x gSAa bZ&xousl
± ds {ks=k esa ,uvkbZvks,l vizSy 2010 vkSj vDrwcj 2010 ijh{kk ds nkSjku yxHkx
vkWu ykbu ,d izeq[k vkbZlhVh iz;kl gSA vkt osc oYMZ 690 gtkj f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk ijh{kk ifj.kke rS;kj fd;k
ds eap ij ,uvkbZvks,l baVjusV }kjk lHkh lwpuk,¡ x;kA lHkh lQy f'k{kkfFkZ;kas ij izos'k ds le; LdSu
iznku djds vkSj vf/kdka'k lsokvksa dks vkWu ykbu cuk dh xbZ QksVks Hkh Nih FkhaA blds vfrfjDr o"kZ ds nkSjku
dj ,d egÙoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkk jgk gSA ,uvkbZvks,l tc pkgks rc ijh{kk dk ifj.kke Hkh rS;kj fd;k x;kA
vkosnuksa ds fy, lhMsd uks,Mk eas rhu osc loZj vkSj fiNys ekg ds nkSjku vk;ksftr vkWu fMekaM ijh{kk dk
esy loZj }kjk lsok,¡ iznku djrk gSA ifj.kke gh ekg esa rS;kj fd;k tkrk gSA o"kZ ds nkSjku
vkWu fMekaM ijh{kk ds varxZr 12]314 f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dk
14.2 f'k{kkFkhZ lwpuk iz.kkyh ifj.kke rS;kj fd;k x;kA
f'k{kkFkhZ lwpuk iz.kkyh dk;kZy; esa fodflr dh xbZ gS 14.3 ,uvkbZvks,l vkWu ykbu
ftlesa iathdj.k ls vkjaHk djrs gq, tkjh
djus rd lHkh izfØ;k,¡ daI;wVjhÑr gSaA vkWu ykbu f'k{kkFkhZ lwpuk iz.kkyh
,uvkbZvks,l ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, vkSj vkWu ykbu
izos'k 2010&11 % vkWu ykbu izos'k
izos'k laca/kh tkudkjh ,uvkbZvks,l dh osclkbV ij
o"kZ ds nkSjku vkWu ykbu izos'k dh lqfo/kk dk izlkj cM+s ,dy f[kM+dh f'k{kkFkhZ lwpuk iz.kkyh nh xbZ gSA bl
iSekus ij fd;k x;kA 100% vkWu ykbu izos'k ds fy, Hkkx eas izR;sd f'k{kkFkhZ ds ckjs esa lwpuk nh xbZ gSA v/
rduhdh ewyHkwr O;oLFkk,¡ dh xb±A 100% vkWu ykbu ;;u dsUnz ¼, vkbZ½ okj lwpuk Hkh 'kkfey dh xbZ gSA
izos'k dks laHkkyus ds fy, vkWu ykbu vkosnu vkSj blesa izos'k] vuqf'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu dk;Z] ikB~;Øe
MkVkcsl eas vko';d ifjorZu fd, x,A vkWu ykbu lkexzh] ikB~;Øe vkSj uewuk iz'u i=k] fiNys o"kZ ds
izos'k ,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; dsUnzksa }kjk fu/kkZfjr lgk;rk iz'u i=k vkSj f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh fu"ifÙk ds ckjs esa tkudkjh
dsUnzksa }kjk fd, x,A 'kkfey gSA

92 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
izos'k vkSj ijh{kk ds fy, vkWu ykbu iathdj.k ds ckn ijh{kk eas cSBus ;ksX; Fks ijUrq cSB ugha lds vkSj
,uvkbZvks,l us 2007&08 ds nkSjku izk;ksfxd vk/kkj ij vkWu ykbu izos'k dk ;g LVªhe lHkh vlQy f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
vkWu ykbu izos'k dh lqfo/kk vkjaHk dh Fkh vkSj bls o"kZ dks ,uvkbZvks,l ijh{kk esa cSBus dk ,d rqjar volj
ds nkSjku c<+kdj 100% vkWu ykbu izos'k dj fn;k nsrk gSA
x;kA f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh fofHkUu vko';drkvksa dh iwfrZ ds vkWu ykbu izos'k LVªhe&4 ,sls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, tks
fy, vkWu ykbu izos'k ds pkj LVªheksa dh lqfo/kk vkjaHk mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij ,uvkbZvks,l dh tc pkgks
dh FkhA bu pkjksa LVªheksa esa izos'k furkar fHkUu gSa vFkkZr~ rc ijh{kk ¼vksM~l½ iz.kkyh esa cSBuk pkgrs gSa % vkWu
f'k{kkFkhZ buesa ls dsoy ,d gh pqu ldrk gSA vkWu ykbu izos'k dk ;g LVªhe o"kZ Hkj ,sls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksas ds
ykbu izos'k ds pkj LVªhe bl izdkj gSa %& fy, [kqyk gS tks mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij lkoZtfud
lHkh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, vkWu ykbu LVªhe 1 % vkWu ijh{kk esa cSBs ijUrq nks mÙkh.kZ fo"k;ksa ds fy, ØsfMV
ykbu izos'k dk ;g LVªhe ek/;fed vkSj mPprj LFkkukarj.k lqfo/kk ds lkFk mÙkh.kZ u dj lds vFkok
ek/;fed Lrjksa ds fy, fu/kkZfjr ekunaMksa ds vuqlkj ,sls f'k{kkFkhZ tks vius v/;;u dh vof/k iwjh gksus ds
lHkh f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, [kqyk gSA vkWu ykbu izos'k dk ckn ijh{kk eas cSBus ;ksX; Fks ijUrq cSB ugha lds vkSj tc
;g LVªhe uhps nh xbZ lkoZtfud ijh{kk ds fy, pkgks rc ijh{kk ds }kjk cSBuk pkgrs gSaA
fu/kkZfjr frfFk;ksa ds lkFk o"kZ Hkj [kqyk gS % ,uvkbZvks,l ds fu;ekuqlkj vkWu ykbu izos'k ds lHkh
• izFke CykWd % 1 ekpZ ls 31 vxLr LVªheksa esa vf/kdre nks mÙkh.kZ fo"k;ksa ds ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k
igyh lkoZtfud ijh{kk vxys dh lqfo/kk ykxw gSA
o"kZ vizSy esa mi;qZDr ds vfrfjDr O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa ds fy,
• f}rh; CykWd : 1 flracj ls 28 Qjojh vkWu ykbu izos'k dk izko/kku Hkh gSA
igyh lkoZtfud ijh{kk mlh Hkqxrku dk fodYi %
o"kZ vDrwcj esa 'kqYd ds Hkqxrku ds rhu fodYi gSa %
vkWu ykbu LVªhe&2 mu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, vkWu ykbu ¼d½ 'kqYd ØsfMV dkMZ ¼ekLVj@ohtk½ MsfcV dkMZ
izos'k tks vDrwcj&uoacj 2010 ijh{kk esa cSBuk pkgrs gSa% pqfuank cSadksa dk ohtk½ }kjk tek fd;k tk
vc vkWu ykbu izos'k dk ;g LVªhe mu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ldrk gS vFkok]
fy, gS ;k tks lkoZtfud ijh{kk esa cSBs ijUrq nks mÙkh.kZ
fo"k;ksa rd ds fy, ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k lqfo/kk ds lkFk [k½ fdlh Hkh jk"Vªh;d r cSd a ls lfpo] ,uvkbZvks,l
mÙkh.kZ u gks lds vFkok ,sls f'k{kkFkhZ tks viuh v/;;u ds i{k esa LVªhe 1 ds ekeys esa ,uvkbZvks,l ds
dh vof/k iwjh gksus ds ckn ijh{kk esa cSBus ;ksX; Fks ijUrq lacaf/kr {ks=kh; dsUnzksa vkSj LVªhe 2] 3 vkSj 4 ds
cSB ugha ldsA vkWu ykbu izos'k dk ;g LVªhe lHkh ekeyksa esa uks,Mk eas ns; cSad MªkW¶V }kjk
vlQy f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ,uvkbZvks,l ijh{kk eas cSBus dk x½ vko';d izos'k 'kqYd bafM;u cSad dh fdlh Hkh
rRdky volj nsrk gSA 'kk[kk ls udn pkyku iz.kkyh }kjk tek fd;k
vkWu ykbu izos'k LVªhe&3 mu f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, tks tk ldrk gSA cSad 'kk[kk 'kqYd ysxh vkSj ikorh
ek/;fed Lrj ij tc pkgks rc ijh{kk ¼vksM~l½ esa tkjh djus vkSj cSad pkyku jlhn ij ,d
cSBuk pkgrs gSa % vkWu ykbu izos'k dk ;g LVªhe o"kZ Hkj fof'k"V la[;k fy[kus ds ckn cSad pkyku dh
,sls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksas ds fy, [kqyk gS tks ek/;fed Lrj ij nks izfr;k¡ ykSVk nsxhA
lkoZtfud ijh{kk esa cSBs ijUrq nks mÙkh.kZ fo"k;ksa ds fy, Hkqxrku ds mi;qZDr rhu fodYi izos'k] ijh{kk] tc pkgks
ØsfMV LFkkukarj.k lqfo/kk ds lkFk mÙkh.kZ u dj lds rc ijh{kk] izR;k;u ds fy, lHkh vkWu ykbu vkosnuksa
vFkok ,sls f'k{kkFkhZ tks vius v/;;u dh vof/k iwjh gksus vkSj vU; vkWu ykbu lsokvksa ds fy, ykxw gksxhA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 93

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
vkWu ykbu izos'k ds fy, ^^f'k{kkFkhZ** iz;ksxdÙkkZ ds fy, izfØ;k izokg

14.4 bZ&izR;k;u 1- vka/kz izns'k jkT; eqDr fo|ky;

,uvkbZvks,l ds 'kSf{kd@O;kolkf;d@eqDr csfld f'k{kk 2- gfj;k.kk jkT; eqDr fo|ky;
dk;ZØe ds fy, izR;k;u gsrq QkeZ tek djus] ekWuhVfjax 3- tEew ,oa d'ehj jkT; eqDr fo|ky;
vkSj izR;k;u iznku djus gsrq vkWu ykbu iz.kkyh izkjaHk
dhA ,uvkbZvks,l ds v/;;u dsUnz cuus ds bPNqd 4- vle jkT; eqDr fo|ky;
fo|ky; vkSj laLFkku izR;k;u izkIr djus ds fy, vkWu 5- jktLFkku jkT; eqDr fo|ky;
ykbu }kjk vkosnu djrs gSaA bZ&izR;k;u eas ,sls izko/kku
fd, x, fd vkWQ ykbu vkosnu dks vkWu ykbu vkosnu lhvkbZ,l ls fo'ks"kK Fks % iz'kkar oekZ] euh"k vxzoky
esa cnyk tk lds ftlls izR;k;u ds fy, MkVk
bySDVªkWfud :i esa miyC/k gksa vkSj vkosnu tek djus
ls izR;k;u iznku djus rd lHkh izfØ;k,¡ vkWu ykbu
bZ&izR;k;u }kjk iw.kZ dh xb±A
14.5 dEI;wVj izf'k{k.k
os c ,Dls f lfcfyVh ds lkFk os c fMtkbfua x ij
izf'k{k.k&lg&vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe
lsaVj QkWj baVjusV ,oa lkslkbVh ¼lhvkbZ,l½ ds lg;ksx
ls ,uvkbZvks,l dEI;wVj izf'k{k.k iz;ksx'kkyk eas 17&18
vizSy] 2010 dks osc ,DlslsfcfyVh ds lkFk osc fMtkbfuax lhvkbZ,l ds fo'ks"kKksa ds lkFk ,uvkbZvks,l]
ij nks fnolh; izf'k{k.k lg vfHkfoU;kl dk;ZØe vk;ksftr jkT; eqDr fo|ky; vkSj ,udkWl ds izfrHkkxh
fd;k x;kA izf'k{k.k dk;ZØe dk izeq[k dsUnz miyC/krk dh n f"V ls
dk;Z'kkyk eas ik¡p jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l osc fMtkbfuax ij Fkk D;ksafd cM+h la[;k esa fo'ks"k
eq[;ky; ds vf/kdkfj;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA ik¡p jkT; eqDr vko';drkvksa okys f'k{kkFkhZ vius ikB~;Øe eqDr fo|ky;h
fo|ky; Fks % f'k{kk }kjk djrs gSaA

94 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
14.6 izHkko'kkyh laizs"k.k vkWu ykbu eapksa ij rc ijh{kk** dk vk;kstu] uks,Mk] ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky;
izkS|ksfxdh vfHkfoU;kl dk;Z'kkyk vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l ds {ks=kh; dsUnzksa esa vk;ksftr dh tkrh
,uvkbZvks,l vf/kdkfj;ksa ds fy, baVsy ds lg;ksx ls gSaA vksM~l ds fy, iathdj.k vkWu ykbu fd;k tkrk gS
,d izkS|ksfxdh vfHkfoU;kl dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu vkSj f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh lgk;rk ds fy, vf/kd ls vf/kd
13 vDrwcj] 2010 dks dEI;wVj izf'k{k.k iz;ksx'kkyk esa lhVsa miyC/k djk;h tk jgh gSaA
fd;k x;kA dk;Z'kkyk esa izHkko'kkyh laizs"k.k ds fy, osc
fo"k; Lrj ij yxHkx 50]000 f'k{kkFkhZ vkSj ukekadu
dks vkSj vf/kd tkuus rFkk vkWu ykbu Qksjeksa ds
lg;ksx ,oa vk;kstu ds fy, osc 2-0 izkS|ksfxfd;ksa ds Lrj ij 12]314 f'k{kkFkhZ ^^tc pkgks rc ijh{kk** }kjk
mi;ksx ij vk/kkfjr l=k 'kkfey FksA ,uvkbZvks,l ds ijh{kk eas cSBsA
lHkh f'k{kkfFkZ ; ks a }kjk vius fopkjks a ds vknku&
^^tc pkgks rc ijh{kk** ds fy, mPprj ek/;fed Lrj
iznku ds fy, ,d vke eap ds :i eas ,d vkWu ykbu
gsrq iz'u cSad dk fuekZ.k
leqnk; cukus ij vke jk; cuhA ,uvkbZvks,l dh
fof'k"V vko';drkvksa dks /;ku eas j[krs gq, Ldkbi o"kZ ds nkSjku] vaxzsth ¼302½] jktuhfr foKku ¼317½]
,fIyds'ku ds mi;ksx ij ,d izn'kZu dk vk;kstu
ys[kkadu ¼320½ vkSj x g foKku ¼321½ eas mPprj
fd;k x;kA ,uvkbZ v ks , l vkW u ykbu leq n k;
( Hkh fn[kk;k
ek/;fed ikB~;Øe ds fy, u, ikB~;Øe ij vk/kkfjr
x;k vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ds ekgkSy esa ,uvkbZvks,l tSls iz'u cSad rS;kj fd;k x;kA bu fo"k;ksa ds lkFk ek/
vkWu ykbu leqnk;ksa dh mi;ksfxrk ij fopkj&foe'kZ ;fed Lrj ij 11 fo"k;ksa vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrj
fd;k x;kA ij 13 fo"k;ksa esa ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; vkSj {ks=kh;
14.7 tc pkgks rc ijh{kk iz.kkyh ds lkFk vkWu dsUnzksa eas vksM~l ijh{kk yh tk jgh gSA bl le; f'k{kkFkhZ
ykbu iathdj.k lqfo/kk dsoy fuEukafdr fo"k;ksa esa gh vksM~l }kjk ijh{kk ns
ek/;fed vkSj mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij ^^tc pkgks ldrk gSA

ikB~;Øe Lrj dksM lfgr fo"k;

ek/;fed fganh ¼201½] vaxzsth ¼202½] laLd r ¼209½] ¼321½] foKku vkSj izkS|ksfxdh
¼212*½] lkekftd foKku ¼213½] vFkZ'kkL= ¼214½] O;olk; v/;;u ¼215½]
x g foKku ¼216*½] oMZ izkslsflax ¼219*½ vkSj euksfoKku
mPprj aek/;fed fganh ¼301½] vaxzsth ¼302½] ¼311½] HkkSfrdh ¼312*½] jlk;u foKku
¼313*½] tho foKku ¼314*½] Hkwxksy ¼316*½] jktuhfr foKku ¼317½] vFkZ'kkL=k
¼318½] O;olk; v/;;u ¼319½] ys[kkadu ¼320½] x g foKku ¼321*½] euksfoKku
* n'kkZrk gS fd mu fo"k;ksa ds lkFk iz;ksx ijh{kk Hkh gSA
14.8 f'k{kkFkhZ lgk;rk dsUæ ¼,y,llh½
dkWy lsaVj ds gh izk:i ij] ,uvkbZvks,l us f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
dh lgk;rk ds fy, f'k{kkFkhZ dsUnz vkjaHk fd;kA ,y,llh
,d iz;ksxdrkZ vuqdwy] lk/kkj.k] lqfo/kktud vkSj l{ke
iz.kkyh gS fldk VkWy Ýh uacj 1800 180 9393 gSA
,y,llh eas vkbZohvkj,l dk Hkh iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
,y,llh esa f'k{kkFkhZ lgk;rk vf/kdkjh dk;Zjr gSaA
,y,llh eas f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh vksj ls cgqr cM+h la[;k esa
dkWyksa dk mÙkj fn;k tkrk gSA vkSlru] ,y,llh esa
izR;sd vf/kdkjh izfrfnu yxHkx 140-150 dkWyksa dk
mÙkj nsrs gSaA blds vfrfjDr ,y,llh izfrfnu 80&100 f'k{kkFkhZ lgk;rk dsUnz
bZ&esyksa dk Hkh mÙkj nsrk gSA
okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 95
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
vizSy 2010 ls ekpZ 2011 dh ,y,llh dkWy fjiksVZ
ekg izkIr dkWyksa iwNrkN
dh la[;k izR;k- O;k- ifj- 'kSf{kd ijh{kk izos'k igpku i=k iqLrd la'kks/ku ,uvkbZvks,l Vh,e, fofo/k

vizSy 10932 32 43 589 135 2254 5526 751 942 85 59 48 468

ebZ 8397 26 59 576 145 1920 4056 260 389 492 41 53 380
twu 10313 22 50 480 138 2658 5546 180 424 59 74 72 610
tqykbZ 11066 46 116 682 195 2859 5679 297 428 95 74 64 531
vxLr 10251 38 105 924 189 1875 5973 127 312 94 81 41 492
flracj 13597 53 87 1177 130 3887 6068 592 192 559 159 149 544
vDrwcj 9394 23 123 672 59 1366 6018 121 278 65 62 67 540
uoacj 9883 29 57 685 121 912 6695 209 383 61 46 77 608
fnlacj 10079 44 52 580 156 1818 5440 459 878 87 48 44 473
tuojh 10722 37 47 563 122 2966 4004 678 1475 88 78 83 581
Qjojh 9670 54 219 841 96 1161 3563 675 1797 96 104 164 900
ekpZ 10731 36 46 562 122 2964 4003 677 1474 88 78 83 580
dqy ;ksx 115035 440 1004 8331 1608 26640 62571 5026 8972 1869 904 945 6707

izR;k- -> izR;k;u, O;k--> O;kolkf;d, ifj->ifj.kke, 'kS--> 'kSf{kd, ijh -> ijh{kk, izos'k-> izos'k, i- i=k-> igpku i=k,
iqLrdsa -> ikB~;Øe lkexzh, la'kks--> la'kks/ku, ,uvkbZvks,l-> ,uvkbZvks,l ds ckjs esa, fofo/k-> fofo/k

14.9 lwpuk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e ds varxZr ,l,e,l }kjk Lopkfyr tkudkjh % bl iz.kkyh ds
tkudkjh varxZr f'k{kkFkhZ ,l,e,l }kjk vius vkWu ykbu izos'k
vkjVhvkbZ vf/kfu;e ds vuqlkj gkse i "B ij fyad ls lacaf/kr Lopkfyr tkudkjh izkIr djrk gSA
vkjVhvkbZ vf/kfu;e ds varxZr tkudkjh nh xbZ gSA & vkWu ykbu izos'k dk iathdj.k
lHkh vkosnuksa dh fLFkfr fjiksVZ osclkbV ij miyC/k
djk;h xbZA & ukekadu vkSj v/;;u dsUnz dh iqf"V vkSj vkcaVu
14.10 eksckby izkS|ksfxdh ¼,e&lgk;rk½
,l,e,l }kjk ,uvkbZvks,l xfrfof/k;ksa ds ckjs eas
,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks fofHkUu tkudkjh vkSj tkudkjh % ,uvkbZvks,l f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ,uvkbZvks,l
lgk;rk lsokvksa ds forj.k ds fy, eksckby izkS|ksfxdh dh fuEufyf[kr fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa ds ckjs eas ,l,e,l
dk iz;ksx djrk gSA ;g fofHkUu leFkZu dk;ZØeksa ds }kjk lwfpr fd;k tkrk gSA
fy, Hkh iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA ;g tkudkjh ,l,e,l
ds ek/;e ls Hksth tkrh gSA ijh{kk 'kqYd tek
,l,e,l }kjk izlkjkRed xfrfof/k;k¡ % o"kZ ds ijh{kk dsUæ]
nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l ds vkWu ykbu izos'k dk izlkjkRed ijh{kk dh frfFk lwph vkSj
izpkj laca/kh tkudkjh ns'kHkj esa 40 yk[k ls vf/kd
eksckby iz;ksxdrkZvksa dks ,l,e,l }kjk Hksth xbZA ifj.kke

96 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

15 varjkZ"Vªh; lg;ksx
15.0 ifjp;
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds {ks=k eas ,uvkbZvks,l ,d
laxBu ds :i easa] vU; jk"Vªh; laxBuksa ds lkFk gh
lg;ksx gh ugha djrk vfirq leku Lrj ij dk;Zjr
varjkZ"Vªh; laxBuksa ds lkFk j.kuhfrxr lg;ksx Hkh
vkjaHk djrk gSA bu varjkZ"Vªh; laLFkkvksa esa lcls vkxs
dkWeuosYFk vkWQ yfu±x ¼dksy½ vkSj ;wusLdks gSaA
bl v/;k; eas blh izdkj ds varjkZ"Vªh; lg;ksxkRed
iz;klksa dh dqN fo'ks"krkvksa ij izdk'k Mkyk x;k gSA
15.1 dkWeuosYFk vkWQ yfu±x ¼dksy½ ds lkFk
bl dk;Z'kkyk ds fu"d"kZ Fks (i) ekWuhVfjax ds izfr le> eas
lg;ksx o f)] (ii) eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk esa muds dk;Z laaca/kh lwpdksa
eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ds fy, c<+rh ekax ls fuiVus ds fy, dks fy[kus dh ;ksX;rk vkSj ekWuhVfjax vkSj ewY;kadu lajpuk
,uvkbZvks,l us Hkkjr eas eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk dh ;kstuk easa ;ksxnku fn;k tk ldsA dk;Z'kkyk us ekWuhVfjax vkSj
cukus vkSj ykxw djus ds fy, l{kerk fuekZ.k ds fy, dksy ewY;kadu midj.kksa ds fodkl vkSj rduhdksa rFkk lwpdksa ds
ds lkFk lg;ksx fd;k gSA dksy dkWeuosYFk ns'kksa ds eqDr fy, vko';d Kku vkSj dkS'kyksa ls lacaf/kr igyqvksa ij
fo|ky;ksa dks ,d eap Hkh iznku djrk gS tgk¡ os vius tksj fn;k ftldk y{; ,d LFkk;h iz.kkyh dks bt+kn
vuqHkoksa dk vknku&iznku dj ldsA o"kZ 2010&11 ds djuk vkSj lcds fy, f'k{kk ds y{; dks izkIr djuk gSA
nkSjku fofHkUu dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, x,A 15.1.2 dksekslk dh egklfefr dh okf"kZd cSBd
15.1.1 eqDr fo|ky;ksa ds fy, ekWuhVfjax vkSj dkWeuosYFk vkWQ yfu±x ¼dksy½] dukMk ds usr Ro eas
ewY;kadu ij varjkZ"Vªh; dk;Z'kkyk jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½ eas
dkWeuosYFk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk la?k ¼dksekslk½ dh
xq.kkRed f'k{kk iznku djus ds fy, eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk egklfefr dh okf"kZd cSBd 21 uoacj] 2010 dks bafM;k
iz.kkyh dh xfrfof/k;ksa dh ekWuhVfjax vkSj ewY;kadu djuss
gSfcVsV lsaVj] ubZ fnYyh eas vk;ksftr dh xbZA ;g eqDr
vkSj Lo:i fodflr djus dh n f"V ls gky gh eas
vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ¼vksMh,y½ fo/kk ls dkWeuosYFk ns'kksa esa
dksekslk ds fy, izFke dk;Z'kkyk ds :i esa ^eqDr fo|ky;ksa
LFkk;h fodkl ds fy, Ldwyh f'k{kk ds izorZudkjh] mPp
ds fy, ekWuhVfjax vkSj ewY;kadu* ij ,d varjkZ"Vªh;
xq.koÙkk okys] izklafxd] lerk vk/kkfjr] fyax laosnu'khy
dk;Z'kkyk vk;ksftr dh xbZA dkWeuosYFk eas ,f'k;k ds {ks=k ds
fy, fu/kkZfjr bl dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu 21&23] 2010 dks vkSj de ykxr okys dk;ZØeksa ds fodkl] izlkj vkSj
lsVa j QkWj xqM xousl
± ] mÙkjk[kaM vdsMeh vkWQ ,MfefuLVª's ku] izkjaHk ds fy, lg;ksx djrk gSA MkW- flrka'kq 'ks[kj tsuk]
uSuhrky] mÙkjk[kaM] Hkkjr esa vk;ksftr dh xbZA v/;{k] jk"Vª h ; eq D r fo|ky;h f'k{kk la L Fkku
¼,uvkbZvks,l½ dks dksekslk ds v/;{k ds :i esa iqu%
bl dk;Z'kkyk eas eqDr fo|ky;ksa ds varjkZ"Vªh; izfrfuf/k;ksa fuokZfpr fd;k x;kA cksRlokuk dh lqJh QSalh ,eS dks
vkSj ckaXykns'k] ikfdLrku vkSj Jhyadk ds eqDr fo'ofo|ky;ksa mik/;{k] f=kfuMkM vkSj VkscSxks ls lqJh fyLVªk lSElu
us Hkkx fy;kA blds vfrfjDr vka/kz izns'k] tEew vkSj d'ehj] vksfon dks lfpo ds :i esa] tEew vkSj d'ehj jkT; eq
jktLFkku] e/; izns'k] NÙkhlx<+] dsjy] gfj;k.kk vkSj psUubZ Dr fo|ky;] Hkkjr ds izks- ns'kca/kq xqIrk dks dks"kk/;{k ds
ds jkT; eqDr fo|ky;ksa ds izfrfuf/k;ksa us bl varjkZ"Vªh; :i eas dksekslk inkf/kdkfj;ksa ds :i eas iqu% fuokZfpr
dk;Z'kkyk esa Hkkx fy;kA
fd;k x;kA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 97

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
izeq[k Hkk"k.k ^^,tqds'ku QkWj n 21 lsapqjh % Vkbe QkWj 15.1.4 ^^eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk esa vuqla/kku** ij
vksiu LdwYl Vw jst ns;j xse* lj tkWu Msfu;y] iwoZ&ihlh,Q 6 varjkZ"Vªh; dk;Z'kkyk
v/;{k ,oa lhbZvks dkWeuosYFk vkWQ yfu±x }kjk fn;k eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk iz.kkyh ls lacaf/kr vuqla/kku dks
x;kA oDrO; nsrs gq, mUgksaus dgk fd fo'o ds ,d cM+s l'kDr djus dh n f"V ls ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk ^^eqDr
Hkkx ds fy, 21oha lnh eqDr fo|ky;ksa dh gSA 'kSf{kd fo|ky;h f'k{kk esa vuqla/kku** ij iwoZ&ihlh,Q 6
iz.kkyh ds vR;f/kd oxhZdj.k vkSj fofHkUu foHkkxksa eas varjkZ"Vªh; dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA dk;Z'kkyk
leUo; dh deh ij fpark trkrs gq, mUgksaus 'kSf{kd dk izkjafHkd l=k 22 uoacj] 2010 dks vk;ksftr fd;k
iz.kkyh dh vko';drk ij tksj fn;k ftlesa f'k{kk x;k vkSj bldh v/;{krk lqJh foHkk iqjh nkl] vkbZ,,l]
ea=kky;] fo|ky;] v/;kid f'k{kk laLFkk,¡ vkSj leqnk; lfpo] mPprj f'k{kk] Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk dh xbZA MkW-
'kkfey gksaA VsLlk dk;ZØe dk mnkgj.k nsrs gq, mUgksaus oh-,- jktk'ks[kju fiYyS] bXuw ds dqyifr eq[; vfrfFk
dgk fd ,dhd r :i lcls izHkko'kkyh gksxk D;ksafd FksA MkW- larks"k ikaMk] dk;Z'kkyk fo'ks"kK us l=k dk izkjaHk
blls f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa dh vko';drk,¡ rks iwjh gksaxh gh] lkFk ^^nwjLFk f'k{kk@eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk ij laLFkkxr
gh ;g jk"Vªh; Lrj ij ,d mRizsjd vkSj dk;Z fuiVku vuqla/kku % uhfr vkSj izkFkfedrk,¡** ij fopkj&foe'kZ
lk/ku ds :i esa Hkh dk;Z djsxkA
15.1.3 dksekslk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk if=kdk % 21
uoacj] 2010
dksekslk eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk if=kdk dk igys vad dk
mn~?kkVu 21 uoacj] 2010 dks dksekslk dh egklfefr
dh okf"kZd cSBd ds nkSjku fd;k x;k ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk
izdkf'kr bl if=kdk eas 'kks/k izi=k] dsl v/;;u vkSj
iqLrd leh{kk,¡ 'kkfey FkhaA blds ys[kd dukMk]
cakXykns'k] cksRlokuk] dksfj;k] ikiwvk U;wxhfu;k] nf{k.k
,f'k;k vkSj Hkkjr ds nwj fLFkfr LFkkuksa ls vk, FksA ;g
if=kdk vf/kxe uhfr;ksa vkSj O;ogkj dks ifjofrZr djus ls fd;kA nwjLFk f'k{kk ds mn~Hko ls eqDr fo|ky;h
f'k{kk ds orZeku ekWMyksa ij ppkZ djrs gq, mUgksaus tksj
esa nwjLFk f'k{kk fo/kk ds ;ksxnku ls ysdj 'kSf{kd
fn;k fd ikjn'khZ vkSj izHkko'kkyh vuqla/kku vk;ksftr
dk;ZØeksa dh xq.koÙkk lqfuf'pr djus dh izfØ;k ds fy,
djus ds fy, ,d laLFkkxr vuqla/kku uhfr vko';d
izkjafHkd ewY;kadu vkSj O;olkf;d f'k{kk esa eqDr nwjLFk gSA vuqla/kku ds ftu {ks=kksa ij ppkZ dh xbZ] muesa
dk;ZØeksa dh l'kDrrk ls lacaf/kr egÙoiw.kZ ys[kksa dks ikB~;p;kZ@ikB~;Øe ;kstuk fuekZ.k vkSj fodkl] ehfM;k
izdkf'kr djus esa lQy gqbZ gSA vkSj izkS|ksfxdh] nwjLFk f'k{kk dk vFkZ'kkL=k] o f) vkSj
fodkl f'k{kk] lekurk vkSj miyC/krk] f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ls
QhMcSd vkfn 'kkfey FksA fopkj&foe'kZ ds ckn dqN
ojh;rk izkIr {ks=k le{k vk, muesa ikB~;p;kZ vkSj
ikB~;Øe fodkl] v/;kid f'k{kk ftlesa lsokdkyhu izf'k{k.k
'kkfey gks] ekWuhVfjax vkSj ewY;kadu] izHkko v/;;u vkSj
fo|ky; Lrj ij O;kolkf;d f'k{kk 'kkfey FksA
dkWeuosYFk ns'kksa ds eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk izeq[k vkSj
vkLVªsfy;k] csfyt+] cksRlokuk] dukMk] fQth] ?kkuk]
ekstkefcd] ukehfc;k] lh'khYl] Jhyadk] ratkfu;k]
f=kfuMkM ,oa Vkscsxks] tkfEc;k] Hkkjr] nf{k.k vÝhdk
ns'kksa ls 25 izfrHkkfx;ksa rFkk Hkkjr ds 8 jkT; eqDr
fo|ky;ksa us bl cSBd esa Hkkx fy;kA

98 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
15.1.5 isu dkWeuosYFk Qksje 6 vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk vkSj fodkl ds {ks=kksa esa dk;ZdrkZvksa]
'kks/kdrkZvksa] ;kstuk fuekZrkvksa vkSj uhfr fuekZrkvksa us
ihlh,Q 6 us ,d varjkZ"Vªh; lEesyu ds :i esa gj Lrj Hkkx fy;kA izfrHkkxh dkWeuosYFk] ,f'k;k vkSj bl {ks=k esa
ij f'k{kk dh miyC/krk c<+kdj varjkZ"Vªh; fodkl ds lfØ; varjkZ"Vªh; laLFkkvksa vkSj ,tsafl;ksa ls Fks ftuesa
y{;ksa ds laca/k esa eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ds ;ksxnku dks fuf/k miyC/k djkus okys fudk; vkSj VSDuksykWth iznku
ij[kk gSA bl lEesyu esa 70 ls vf/kd ns'kksa ds eqDr djus okys Hkh 'kkfey FksA

uoacj] 24 ls 28] 2010 dks dksPph Hkkjr eas pkj fnolh; vf/kxe dh xq.koÙkk c<+kus ds fy, eksckby Qksu dk
lEes y u vk;ks f tr fd;k x;k ftlea s 600 ls iz;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gS* ij ,d izi=k izLrqr fd;k
vf/kd izfrfuf/k;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA lEesyu dk fo"k; rFkk fjiksVZj dh izeq[k Hkwfedk Hkh fuHkkbZA MkW- ckyd ".k
^^,Dlsl ,.M lDlsl bu yfu±x % Xykscy MsoyiesaV jk;] 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh ¼fganh½ us ^f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa esa ruko de
ilZisfDVOl** FkkA djus esa eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk dh Hkwfedk* ij ,d
izi=k izLrqr fd;kA

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku us ihlh,Q 6 esa

,d lgHkkxh laLFkk ds :i eas Hkkx fy;k vkSj bl
lqJh vkf'kek flag] ifj;kstuk lek;kstd] fd'kksj f'k{kk
varjkZ"Vªh; lEesyu esa izeq[k Hkwfedk fuHkk;hA bl lEesyu
dk;ZØe us ^^jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku dh
us vuqHkoksa vkSj Kku ds vknku&iznku vkSj Hkkoh uhfr
ek/;fed Lrj dh ikB~;p;kZ esa thou dkS'kyksa ds
vkSj izko/kku esa ;ksxnku nsus dk volj iznku fd;kA
,dhdj.k** ij ,d lewg ppkZ vk;ksftr dhA bl l=k
lj tkWu Msfu;y] lhbZvks vkSj v/;{k] dkWeuosYFk vkWQ dk vk;kstu v/;;u lkexzh esa thou dkS'kyksa ds
yfu±x] dksy us dksPph esa vius lk{kkRdkj esa] lkFk gh ,dhdj.k ds vuqHko ds vknku&iznku dks ysdj fd;k
vius CykWd esa lEesyu ds nkSjku eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk x;kA MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj
ds {ks=k esa ,uvkbZvks,l dh Hkwfedk dh ljkguk dhA MkW- osadVs'k Jhfuoklu] lgk;d izfrfuf/k] ;w,u,Qih,
MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l us dkS'ky fodkl fopkj&foe'kZ eas 'kkfey Fks tcfd vkf'kek flag vkSj MkW-
ij ,d lewg ppkZ esa Hkkx fy;k vkSj lEesyu ds nkSjku t;k] dk;ZØe vf/kdkjh] ;w,u,Qih, us izLrqfr dhA
,d oDrO; Hkh fn;kA MkW- lqf"erk fe=kk] funs'kd] ,uvkbZvks,l us ^eqfnzr] vkWfM;ks vkSj ohfM;ks :i eas
fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ us ^D;k eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk eas vFkok nksuksa ds la;kstu esa rS;kj Js"B lkexzh dks

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 99

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
lEeku* oxZ eas iqjLdkj ds fy, ek/;fed Lrj ij ik¡p muds thou
fo"k;ksa esa thou dkS'ky ifjiw.kZ ikBksa dks izLrqr fd;k gSA dkS'kyksa dks c<+kus
,uvkbZvks,l us vius izdk'kuksa vkSj fd'kksj f'k{kk dk;ZØe eas lQy gksxk vkSj
¼,bZih½ laca/kh izlkjkRed lkexzh & eqfnzr vkSj xSj mUgs a thou dh
eqfnzr :i eas ihlh,Q 6 ds ,d LVkWy eas iznf'kZr fd;kA okLrfod fLFkfr;ksa
bl izn'kZuh esa Iyst iksy] thou dkS'kyksa dh vo/kkj.kk dks izHkko'kkyh <ax
dks vkjaHk djus dh ,d var% fØ;kRed fof/k lcls ls O;ogkj djus
vf/kd yksdfiz; izfrfuf/k;ksa esa ls ,d FkhA dh l'kDrrk iznku
djsxkA ;g jk"Vªh;
15.2 la ; q D r jk"Vª 'kS f {kd] oS K kfud vkS j ikB~;p;kZ lajpuk
lkaLd frd laxBu ¼;wuLs dks½ ¼,ulh,Q½] 2005
,uvkbZvks,l us ;wusLdks ds lkFk ,d dk;Z vuqca/k ij dh laLrqfr;ksa ds
gLrk{kj fd, gSa ftldk mn~ns'; nwjLFk f'k{kk fo/kk vuqlkj gS tks Li"V
}kjk vizf'kf{kr izkjafHkd f'k{kdksa ds izf'k{k.k ds fy, ,d djrh gSa fd 'kSf{kd
mi;qDr f'k{kd izf'k{k.k iSdst rS;kj djuk gS vkSj izfØ;k,¡ f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa
,uvkbZvks,l ds eqDr csfld f'k{kk ¼vkschbZ½ dk;ZØe eas ds izklafxd vuqHkoksa dks Kku mRiUu djus esa 'kkfey
,d 'kSf{kd lgk;d lkexzh ds :i esa thou fdV ds djs]a LoLFk vfHko fÙk;ksa dk izlkj djsa vkSj mUgsa vkykspukRed
iz;ksx dk izlkj djuk gSA ;g Hkh vis{kk dh xbZ gS fd :i esa lkspus ds fy, l{ke cuk,¡ rFkk ldkjkRed vkSj
bls lk{kj Hkkjr ds ek/;e ls pyk, tk jgs led{krk mÙkjnkf;Ro iw.kZ :i esa thou dh okLrfod fLFkfr;ksa ls
dk;ZØe esa mi;ksx ds fy, miyC/k djk;k tk,xkA fuiVus ds fy, ;ksX; cuk,¡ %
dk;Z vuqca/k esa thou fdV esa ,dhdj.k ds fy, fu/kkZfjr • f'k{k.k izf'k{k.k dh lgHkkfxrk iw.kZ fof/k esa izR;kf;r
VhohbZVh ikB~;Øeksa ds mUu;u ds lkFk&lkFk dkS'ky laLFkkvksa ds vuqf'k{kdksa dks izf'kf{kr djus ds fy,
fodkl ds fy, uolk{kjksa dh f'k{kk dk ,dhdj.k Hkh ^izHkko'kkyh O;fDrxr laidZ dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu*
'kkfey gSA o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku thou fdV ds fganh tSlh l{kerk fuekZ.k dk;Z'kkykvksa dk vk;kstu
vkSj mnwZ vuqokn vkjaHk fd, x,A bl mn~ns'; ds fy, fd;k x;kA
rS;kj fd, x, ikB~;Øeksa esa iwoZ f'k{kk dks egÙo ds • fe=k & fd'kksj lgk;rk dsUnz fe=k dh LFkkiuk
eqn~nksa ls lacaf/kr igyqvksa ij tksj nsuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA Hkqous'oj {ks=kh; dsUnz eas izk;ksfxd vk/kkj ij dh
bl vuqca/k ds varxZr Ldwy {ks=k esa eqDr vkSj nwjLFk xbZ ftldk mn~ns'; {ks=kh; dsUnz esa gh fd'kksj
f'k{kk iz.kkyh ¼vksMh,y,l½ ds fodkl ds fy, iz.kkyh lgk;d okrkoj.k cukuk rFkk f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa laca/kh
vk/kkfjr vuqla/kku Hkh 'kkfey gSA ekeyksa vkSj leL;kvksa dks lqy>kuk FkkA
15.3 la;qDr jk"Vª tula[;k fuf/k ¼;w,u,Qih,½ 15.4 varjkZ"Vªh; laLFkkvksa ds lkFk ,evks;w
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½] vksiu ikWyhVSfDud vkWQ U;wthySaM
fd'kksj f'k{kk dk;ZØe ¼,bZih½ dks ek-la-fo-ea- & ;w,u,Qih, jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ¼,uvkbZvks,l½]
lefFkZr fo'ks"k dk;ZØe ds :i esa ,d ik¡p o"khZ; Hkkjr vkSj vksiu ikWfyVSfDud vkWQ U;wthySaM ds chp 21
dk;ZØe ykxw dj jgk gSA ifj;kstuk ds dk;kZUo;u ds uoacj] 2010 dks le>kSrk Kkiu ¼,evks;w½ ij gLrk{kj
NBs o"kZ esa ifj;kstuk 'kh"kZd % daVªh izksxzke VII, 2010 fd, x, ftldk mn~ns'; eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ds {ks=k
,dhdj.k dk o"kZ FkkA blls igys fd, x, iz;klksa }kjk eas vkilh lg;ksx djuk FkkA ,evks;w ij gLrk{kj djus
izkIr Kku dks ek/;fed Lrj ij thou dkS'ky le ) dk mn~ns'; iwoZ Lukrd Lrj rd xq.kkRed O;kolkf;d
v/;;u lkexzh ds fodkl esa iz;ksx fd;k x;kA ;s ikB vkSj rduhdh f'k{kk ds {ks=k esa dk;Z djus ds fy, nks
vkykspukRed fparu] lewg dk;Z vkSj cgqr ls vU; laLFkkvksa ds chp laca/k dks l'kDr djuk FkkA ;g Kkiu
thou dkS'kyksa dh ;ksX;rk,¡ fodflr djus ds fy, cgqr Jh th-th- lDlSuk] lfpo] ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj MkW- dSjksyhu
ls volj iznku djrs gSaA ;g vuqHko fd;k x;k fd flfyt dk;Zdkjh funs'kd vksiu ikWyhVsfDud vkWQ
f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds izklafxd vuqHkoksa ij fufeZr dk;ZØe U;wthySaM }kjk Jh ,l-lh- [kwafV;k] la;qDr lfpo
100 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
¼ek/;fed f'k{kk vkSj lk{kjrk½ ek-la-fo-ea-] Hkkjr ljdkj] 15.5 ,uvkbZvks,l vf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk varjkZ"Vªh;
lj tku Msfu;y] v/;{k vkSj lhbZvks] dkWeuosYFk vkWQ lEesyuksa esa izfrHkkfxrk
yfu±x] MkW- ,l-,l- tsuk] v/;{k] ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj
MkW- flrka'kq 'ks[kj tsuk] v/;{k ,uvkbZvks,l us
dksekslk ds izfrfuf/k;ksa dh mifLFkfr eas fd;k x;kA
fuEufyf[kr varjkZ"Vªh; dk;ZØeksa eas Hkkx fy;k %&
fons'k esa f'k{kkfonksa vkSj fo'ks"kKksa }kjk fn, x, oDrO;
 vÝhdk esa 16&20 vxLr] 2010 dks vk;ksftr
Lo&f'k{k.k esa lqxkrk fe=kk ds u, iz;ksxA
dkW e uos Y Fk vkW Q yfu± x % ekW u hVfja x ,.M
izk-s lqxkrk fe=kk] izkQ
s l
s j boSY;w,'ku QkWj vksiu LdwYl odZ'kki ij
'kSf{kd izkS|ksfxdh] varjkZ"Vªh; dk;Z'kkyk dk pkj fnolh; dk;ZØe
dE;wfuds'ku ,.M ysaXost
lkb±flt] U;wdSly
fo'ofo|ky;] ;wds us
flra c j 7] 2010 dks
,uvkbZvks,l esa vius
gksy bu n okWy iz;ksx]
tc os ,uvkbZvkbZVh esa izeq[k oSKkfud Fks ij ,d
oDrO; fn;kA os fo'o eas f'k{kk ij lokZf/kd vkeaf=kr
oDrkvksa esa ls ,d gSaA mUgksaus Li"V fd;k fd os fdl
izdkj f'k{kk dh lokZf/kd cM+h leL;kvksa esa ls ,d
leL;k & loZJs"B f'k{kdksa vkSj fo|ky;ksa dh vko';drk
tgk¡ lokZf/kd gksrh gS ogk¡ os miyC/k ugha gksrs dk
 10&14 uoacj] 2010 dks nqcbZ eas ^ysftfVekbts'ku
lekèkku fd;kA mUgksaus ubZ fnYyh ls nf{k.k vÝhdk ls
vkWQ ,uvkbZvks,l izksxzkEl* ij ,d pkj fnolh;
bVyh rd ds vius okLrfod thou ds cgqr ls vuqHkoksa
ls cPpksa dks osc dh LofunsZf'kr miyC/krk iznku dh
vkSj ,sls ifj.kke izkIr fd, ftuls f'k{k.k ds izfr vo/  24&28 uoacj] 2010 rd dksph] Hkkjr esa vk;ksftr
kkj.kk esa Økafrdkjh ifjorZu yk, tk ldsaxsA ihlh,Q 6 esa mUgksaus l=kksa dh v/;{krk dh vkSj
dbZ egÙoiw.kZ oDrO; fn,A
13 fnlacj] 2010 dks
^vkSipkfjd fo|ky;h  25&30 tuojh] 2011 dks vksbZlhMh eq[;ky; esa
f'k{kk iz.kkyh esa eqDr vkSj ^izksxzkEl QkWj n baVjus'kuy vlslesaV vkWQ ,MYV
nwjLFk f'k{kk dk mi;ksx dEihVsl a ht+ ¼ihvkbZ,,lh½ ij varjkZ"Vªh; lEesyuA
& ,d fQyhLrhuh vuqHko MkW- lqf"erk fe=kk] funs'kd ¼fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡½ us
ij ,d okrkZ izks- eksgu 27 uoacj] 2010 dks dksph] Hkkjr esa vk;ksftr ihlh,Q
esuu] iwoZ f'k{kk fo'ks"kK] 6 esa ^dSu eksckby QksUl ch ;wT+M Vw bEiwzo n DokfyVh
fo|ky; fodkl vkS j
dkWeuosYFk vkWQ yfu±x }kjk dh xbZ tgk¡ os dkWeuosYFk
ns'kksa vkSj laLFkkvksa dks f'k{kdksa vkSj vU; f'k{kk dkfeZdksa
ds O;kogkfjd fodkl ds fy, eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ds
mi;ksx ij vkSj vf/kd egÙo nsus esa lgk;rk djus ds
fy, mÙkjnk;h gSA mUgksaus vkSipkfjd fo|ky;h f'k{kk
vkSj eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk nks fHkUu iz.kkfy;ksa dh vis{kk
,d&nwljs ds iwjd ds :i es izdk'k Mkyk fQyhLrhuh
vuqHko dk mnkgj.k nsrs gq, mUgksaus dfBu ifjfLFkfr;ksa
okys {ks=kksa eas jg jgs yksxksa dks f'k{kk iznku djus ds fy,
eqDr vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk dh Hkwfedk ij tksj fn;kA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 101

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
vkWQ yfu±x bu vksiu Ldwfyax* 'kh"kZd ij ,d izi=k vkWQ lkmFk ,f'k;u daVªhl* fo"k; ij nf{k.k
izLrqr fd;kA ,f'k;kbZ lEesyu esa ^ykbQ fLdYl bfUjOM lsYQ
lqJh vkf'kek flag] ifj;kstuk lek;kstd ¼,bZih½ yfu±x eSVhfj;Yl QkWj yuZlZ vkWQ vksiu fMLVsal
,tqds'ku ,V Ldwy ysoy ij ^,d izi=k izLrqr
 26 uoacj] 2010 dks dksph] dsjy eas eqDr f'k{kk fd;kA
ij NBs iSu dkWeuosYFk Qksje ¼ihlh,Q 6½ esa MkW- ckyd ".k jk;] 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh ¼fganh½ us 25
^MsoyiesaV vkWQ ykbQ fLdYl bfUjPM LVMh uoacj] 2010 dks dksph] Hkkjr esa vk;ksftr ihlh,Q&6
eSVhfj;y* ij lewg ppkZ vk;ksftr dhA esa ^jkssy vkWQ vksiu ,.M fMLVsal yfu±x bu fjM~;wflax
n LVªSl veax n yuZlZ* ij ,d izi=k izLrqr fd;kA

 1 ekpZ] 2011 dks ^fjLikWfMax Vw n uhM~l vkWQ

vkmV vkWQ Ldwy vMksykslsaV~l & ,Dihfj;sflt

102 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

iqLrdky;] izys[ku vkSj

iqjkys[k laca/h lsok,¡
16.0 iqLrdk;] izys[ku vkSj iqjkys[k lsok,¡ 16.1 ,uvkbZvks,l dh iqLrdky;&lg&izys[ku
,uvkbZvks,l dk iqLrdky; izys[ku vkSj iqjkys[k bdkbZ
vkSj vfHkys[kkxkj bdkbZ fuEufyf[kr lsok,¡
esa eqfnzr rFkk xSj eqfnzr lkefxz;ksa dk ,d fo'kky laxzg iznku djrh gS %
gS ftleas 'kkfey gSa 17,539 iqLrdsa] 312 ekukFkZ iqLrdsa rduhdh izkslsflax
vkSj 15,280 tuZy ds vad vkSj 727 JO;@n '; dSlVs tks ,uvkbZvks,l iqLrdky; esa izkIr lHkh iqLrdksa vkSj
fd f'k{kk] nwjLFk f'k{kk vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk fofHkUu oxhZdj.k vkSj lwphdj.k fd;k x;k blds fy, M~;woh
ikB~;Øeksa tSls eqDr csfld f'k{kk] ek/;fed] mPprj MSlhey DykflfQds'ku 20oha laLdj.k ;kstuk vkSj
ek/;fed f'k{kk vkSj O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ij pyk, tk lwphdj.k ds fy, ,aXyks&vesjhdh lwphdj.k fu;e dk
jgs fo"k;ksa ls lacaf/kr gSaA bl laLFkk esa yxHkx 90 iz;ksx djrk gSA o"kZ 2010-11 ds nkSjku 380 ls vfèkd
jk"Vªh;@varjkZ"Vªh; tuZy] 23 if=kdk,¡] 19 nSfud lekpkj iqLrdksa dk oxhZdj.k ,oa lwphdj.k fd;k x;k A
i=k vkSj 2 lkIrkfgd lekpkj i=k Hkh e¡xk, vFkok
lEekukFkZ vk/kkj ij izkIr fd, tkrs gSaA ;g fofHkUu
iqLrdky; MkVk csl dk v|ruhdj.k
'kSf{kd laLFkkvksa] tSls&lhch,lbZ] dkscls] dksy] MSyusV] ,uvkbZvks,l iqLrdky; }kjk izkIr iqLrdsa vkSj tuZyksa
bXuw] U;wik] ,ulhbZvkjVh] ,ulh,lVhlh] ,u,y,e vkSj dh izfof"V;k¡ djds iqLrdky; MkVk csl dks v|ru
;wusLdks lEekukFkZ vk/kkj ij U;wt ysVj Hkh izkIr fd;k x;kA iqLrdksa dks tkjh djus@okilh ls lacaf/kr
djrk gSA MkVk dh Hkh izfof"V;k¡ dh xb±A
'kS{kf.kd vkSj iz'kkldh; deZpkfj;ksa ds lkFk&lkFk 'kSf{kd lekpkjksa dh LdSfuax
,uvkbZvks,l ds f'k{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, ikB~;p;kZ] v/;;u o"kZ 2010-11 ds nkSjku f'k{kk] nwjLFk f'k{kk ij lekpkj
lkexzh cukus esa yxs vU; 'kSf{kd fo'ks"kKksa dh enksa vkSj fofHkUUk lekpkj i=kksa esa fo'ks"k :i ls
vko';drkvksa dh iwfrZ djrk gSA ,uvkbZvks,l lekpkj dh igpku djus ds fy, 4,800
ls vf/kd lekpkj i=kksa@if=kdkvksa@tuZyksa dks LdSu
iqjkys[k vuqHkkx % ;g vuqHkkx ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk fd;k x;kA
izdkf'kr lHkh nLrkostk+ as tSls & okf"kZd fjiksV]±s foojf.kdk,¡]
lEesyu fjiksV±s vkSj okf"kZd vU; lHkh egÙoiw.kZ nLrkostksa ,uvkbZvks,l iqLrdky; fuEu lsok,¡ iznku djrk gS %
dks eqfnzr vkSj xSj&eqfnzr :i esa lajf{kr j[krk gS ifjpkyu lsok
ftudh vU; eqDr nwjLFk f'k{kk iz.kkyh ds fy, egÙoiw.kZ blesa iqLrdksa] if=kdkvksa] tuZyksa] JO;@n '; dSlsVksa dks
'kSf{kd ,oa vfHkys[kkRed egÙo gksrk gSA bl le; tkjh djuk] okfil ysuk] u, lnL;ksa dk iathdj.k vkSj
vfHkys[kkxkj vuqHkkx esa 266 nLrkostk+ as dk laxzg gSA ^dksbZ cdk;k ugha* tkjh djuk 'kkfey gSA
{ks=h; dsUnzksa eas iqLrdky; % iqLrdky; bdkbZ }kjk iqLrdky; ds ikap u, lnL;ksa dks 73 ubZ iqLrdky;
{ks=h; dsUnzkas ij iqLrdky; lsok, vkjaHk djus dk uo fVdVsa nh xb± vkSj 12 lnL;ksa dks ^^dksbZ cdk;k ugha
iz;kl fd;k gSA {ks=h; dsUnzkas esa iqLrdky; LFkkfir fd, x,A fu;r le; ls vf/kd le;
djus ds fy, 14 {ks=h;@mi {ks=h; dsUnzkas dks 50]000@& j[k ysus okys iqLrdky; lnL;ksa dks vuqLekjd Hkh Hksts
#i;s dh vkjafHkd jkf'k iznku dh xbZA iqLrdky; x,A
LFkkfir djus ds fy, fn'kk&funs'Z k vkSj ,df=r dh variqZLrdky; m/kkj
tkus okyh iqLrdksa dh lwph rS;kj dh xbZ vkSj {ks=h; bl lsok ds varxZr ;fn dksbZ vko';d izy[s k ,uvkbZvks,l
dsUnzkas dks Hksth xbZ rFkk bu iqLrdksa vkSj tuZyksa dks iqLrdky; esa miyC/k ugha gS rks os izys[k variqZLrdky;
tqVkus esa lgk;rk Hkh iznku dh xbZA m/kkj ds vkèkkj ij iz;ksxdrkZ dks miyC/k djk, tkrs

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 103

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
gSaA MsyusV ¼Msoyfiax ykbczsjh usVodZ½ ds }kjk djuk 'kkfey gSA o"kZ ds nkSjku 350 iz'uksa ds mÙkj fn,
,uvkbZvks,l ds iqLrdky; lnL;ksa ds fy, fofHkUu x, rFkk yksxksa dh tkudkjh ds fy, 440 nLrkostksa dh
iqLrdky;ksa ls 60 ls vf/kd nLrkost miyC/k djk;s [kkst dh xbZA baVjusV ls ,sls egRoiw.kZ nLrkostksa dks
x,A MkmuyksM fd;k x;k ftudh ekax dh xbZ Fkh vFkok
orZeku tkx#drk lsok ¼lh , ,l½ ftuds ekaxs tkus dh laHkkouk Fkh vkSj ,uvkbZvks,l ds
vf/kdkfj;ksa dks miyC/k djk, x,A ,uvkbZvks,l
;g ekfld vk/kkj ij iznku fd;k tkrk gSA bl lsok iqLrdky; lnL;ksa ds vfrfjDr 350 ls vf/kd yksxksa us
esa] tuZyksa ds u, vad dks eqfnzr :i esa ladfyr dj ckgj ls 75 yksxksa us lanHkZ ds fy, rFkk lanHkks± dh [kkst
v/;{k ,oa foHkkxk/;{kksa dks fn;k tkrk gSA bldh ,d ds fy, iqLrdky; dk mi;ksx fd;k ftuesa fo"k;
izfr iqLrdky; eas lanHkZ ds fy, j[kh tkrh gSA fo'ks"kK vkSj f'k{kkFkhZ 'kkfey FksA
nSfud f'k{kk lekpkj cqysfVu jsQjy lsok,¡
bl lsok ds varxZr] f'k{kk vkSj nwjLFk f'k{kk ij lekpkjksa
bl lsok ds varxZr] ;fn vko';d izys[k ,uvkbZvks,l
dk ladyu fd;k tkrk gS vkSj mudh izfr;k¡ v/;{k vkSj
iqLrdky; esa miyC/k ugha gaS vkSj nwljs iqLrdky; ls
foHkkxk/;{kksa ds fy, miyC/k djk;h tkrh gSaA f'k{kk ,oa
m/kkj ij miyC/k ugha djk;s tk ldrs rks iz;ksxdrkZ
,uvkbZvks,l ls lacaf/kr egRoiw.kZ lekpkjksa dks lHkh
dks vU; iqLrdky;ksa esa Hkstk tk ldrk gSA
,uvkbZvks,l ds vf/kdkfj;ksa dks bZ&esy Hkh fd;k
tkrk gSA jsizksxzkfQd lsok
u, vkxeu dk cqysfVu ek¡xs tkus ij lanHkZ lkexzh dh QksVks izfr;k¡ iz;ksxdrkZvksa
bl lsok ds varxZr iqLrdky; esa ubZ iqLrdksa dh lwph dks miyC/k djk;k tkrk gSA iqLrdky; ds lnL;ksa }kjk
ftuesa iqLrdas] tuZy vkSj vU; nLrkost+ 'kkfey gSa] ekaxs tkus ij lanHkZ lkexzh dh 3000 ls vf/kd QksVks
,uvkbZvks,l ds lHkh vf/kdkfj;ksa ds bZ&esy }kjk Hksth izfr;k¡ miyC/k djk;h xb±A
tkrh gSa ftlls os u, vkxeuksa ls voxr gks ldsaA o"kZ iqLrdky; dk;Zfof/k
ds nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l iqLrdky; fofHkUu fo"k;ksa ls
lacaf/kr 572 iqLrdsa [kjhnh xbZ vkSj ekukFkZ vk/kkj ij ,uvkbZvks,l iqLrdky; lkWQ~Vos;j ^^fycfll** dk
32 nLrkost+ izkIr fd, x,A
iz;ksx djrk gSA ;g ,d iw.kZr% ,dhd r iqLrdky;
iz.kkyh gS tks bfDoft+'ku] dSVykWfaxax] ifjpkyu vkSj
lanHkZ&lsok Øec) djus ls lacaf/kr lHkh xfrfof/k;ksa esa lgk;rk
;g lsok iwokZuqeku ij rFkk ekax djus ij iznku dh djrh gSA ,uvkbZvks,l iqLrdky; vius lnL;ksa dks
tkrh gSA blesa iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk rFkk lanHkks± dh [kkst fu%'kqYd baVjusV lfQ±x Hkh iznku djrh gSA

104 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

17 lwpuk dk vf/dkj
17.0 izLrkouk ¼ihvkbZvks½ dks rSukr dj lda]s djsAa rnuqlkj] ,uvkbZvks,l
ds lHkh foHkkxksa ls lwpuk j[kus vkSj ,d=k djus ds dk;Z dks
ekuo lalkèku fodkl ea=kky;] Hkkjr ljdkj ds lwpuk
iz'kklu foHkkx dks lkSia k x;kA
vfèkdkj vfèkfu;e] 2005 dks funsZ'kkuqlkj ,uvkbZvks,l
esa vDrwcj] 2005 esa ykxw fd;k x;kA vfèkfu;e esa tksj bl laca/k eas 24 fnlacj] 2010 dks ,d u;k vkns'k tkjh
fn;k x;k fd izR;sd yksd vfèkdkjh vius vfèkdkj esa fd;k x;k ftlesa uhps fn, x, fooj.k ds vuqlkj
vkusokyh lHkh iz'kklfud bdkb;ksa vFkok dk;kZy;ksa esa fofHkUu Lrjksa ds vf/kdkjhx.k dks ,ihvkbZvks] lhihvkbZvks
lwpuk ds fy, fuosnu djus okys O;fDr;ksa dks lwpuk vkSj loksZPp izkf/kdkjh dks fu;qDr fd;k x;k %
iznku djus gsrq ftrus vfèkd yksd lwpuk vfèkdkfj;ksa

,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky;
Øe laa- foHkkx lgk;d yksd lwpuk vf/kdkjh dsæa h; yksd lwpuk vf/kdkj loksPZ p izkf/kdkjh
¼,ihvkbZvks½ ¼lhihvkbZvks½
1. iz'kklu Jh jkts'k xkSre Jh ch-,y- ckVyk
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh lg funs'kd
Jh lquhy dkSM+k
la;qDr funs'kd
2. foÙk ,oa ys[kk Jh xq:nso flag Jh ,l-ds- r¡oj
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh mi funs'kd ¼ys[kk½
3. 'kSf{kd bdkbZ Jh ch-ds- jk; Jherh xksik foLokl MkW- dqynhi vxzoky
'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh mi funs'kd funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½
4. ewY;kadu Jh ds-ds- fxfj Jh ,l-ih- lsYou Jh lh- /kk:eu
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh mi funs'kd funs'kd ¼ewY;kadu½
5. O;kolkf;d f'k{kk Jherh dkS'kY;k ckfjd Jherh eerk JhokLro MkW- ds-ih- oklfud
lgk;d funs'kd mi funs'kd funs'kd ¼O;kolkf;d½
6. fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ Jherh ohuk lgxy Jherh vuhrk uk;j MkW- ,l- fe=kk
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh lgk;d funs'kd funs'kd ¼fo-l-ls-½
7. dEI;wVj bdkbZ Jh izeksn JhokLro Jh ,l-ds- izlkn
bZMhih lqijokbtj ,l,@ih
8. ehfM;k bdkbZ Jh fouksn dqekj mik/;k; MkW- vkj-ds- vk;Z
dSejkeSu la;qDr funs'kd ¼ehfM;k½

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 105

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
,uvkbZvks,l {ks=kh; dsUnzksa ds fy,
Øe la- foHkkx lgk;d yksd lwpuk vf/kdkjh dsæa h; yksd lwpuk vf/kdkj loksPZ p izkf/kdkjh
¼,ihvkbZvks½ ¼lhihvkbZvks½
1. {ks-ds- & paMhx<+ MkW- jpuk HkkfV;k MkW- jkts'k dqekj
lgk;d funs'kd la;Dq r funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
2. {ks-ds- & fnYyh Jherh eatq xqIrk Jh ,l- ds- feJk
mi funs'kd la;Dq r funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
3. {ks-ds- & iq.ks Jh fnyhi jkt Jh lat; dqekj flUgk
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh la;Dq r funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
4. {ks-ds- & dksydkrk Jh osn izdk'k Jh vfnfr jatu jkmr
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
5. {ks-ds- & iVuk MkW- Vh-,u- fxfj
mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
6. {ks-ds- & bykgkckn Jh ,l-,l- nkl Jh vfuy dqekj MkW- ,l- fe=kk
lgk;d funs'kd mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd funs'kd] fo-l-ls-
7. {ks-ds- & gSnjkckn Jh lh- uhyki
mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
8. {ks-ds- & Hkksiky Jh ,-ds- 'kekZ
mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
9. {ks-ds- & dksph Jh oh-,l- johanuz
mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
10. {ks-ds- & t;iqj v'kksd dqekj Jh ,e-,l- ykEck
mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
11. {ks-ds- & xqokgkVh Jh v'kksd dqekj Jh ds- ,y- xqIrk
mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
12. {ks-ds- & nsgjknwu MkW- la/;k dqekj Jh vt; dqekj [kaMMw h+
mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
13. midsUnz&fo'kk[kkiV~Vue Jh vkj- HkkLdj Jh ch-oh- izlknk jko
mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd
14. {ks-ds- & Hkqous'oj & Jh :'kh dqekj jFk
mi funs'kd ,oa {ks=kh; funs'kd

vf/kfu;e ds izHkko dks ns[krs gq, ,uvkbZvks,l us lHkh 4- izos'k izfØ;k

vkosndksa dks fu/kkZfjr le; lhek esa lwpuk iznku djus
5- O;kolkf;d f'k{kk dk;ZØe
ds fy, izko/kku cuk, gSaA ,uvkbZvks,l us vf/kfu;e dh
/kkjk 4 ds varxZr yksd izkf/kdkjh ds dÙkZO; ls lacaf/kr 6- ,uvkbZvks,l ds HkrhZ fu;e
fuEufyf[kr lwpuk dks viuh dk;kZy;h osclkbV ij
viyksM Hkh fd;k gSA 7- cká ijh{kkvksa ds fy, dsUnz vèkh{kdksa gsrq
1- ,uvkbZvks,l% ,d ut+j esa
2- ,uvks,l lkslkbVh dk la?k Kkiu ¼,evks,½ 8- vks c hbZ ] ekè;fed vkS j mPPkrj ekè;fed
Lrj ds fy, ikB~;Øeksa vkSj lkexzh laca/kh
3- ,vkbZ] ,ohvkbZ vkSj izR;kf;r ,tsafl;ksa ds izR;k;u
ds fy, fn'kk&funsZ'k

106 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
9- vkjlh,lh ds lnL;ksa dh lwph lwpuk ds vfèkdkj vfèkfu;e dh èkkjk 4 esa fofnr
nLrkostksa dks rS;kj djkus vkSj muds j[k&j[kko dk
10- ,uvkbZvks,l ctV% ,d utj esa] okf"kZd ys[kk dk;Z O;oLFkk fo'ys"kd@izksxzkej dks lkSaik x;k gSA
vkSj ys[kk ijh{kk fjiksVZ
,uvkbZvks,l us bl vf/kfu;e ds rgr~ izkIr vkosnuksa
11- fufonk lwpuk]ijh{kk gkWy fVdV] ifj.kke] jk"Vªh; vkSj fuiVk, x, vkosnuksa ds lHkh fjdkMks± dks dEI;wVjhÑr
izfrHkk izkRs lkgu ;kstuk] fo|kFkhZ dsUnz irk&iqfLrdk fd;k gSA bl vf/kfu;e ds rgr~ dsUnzh; lrdZrk
laca/kh vfèklwpuk,¡ vk;ksx vkSj ek-la-fo-ea- dks vko';d fjiksVs± vFkkZr~ okf"kZd
fjVuZ] frekgh fjVuZ ,oa ekfld fjVuZ Hkh Hksth tk jgh gSA
12- ihvkbZvks] ,ihvkbZvks] {ks=kh; izeq[k] ,l,ih ds
o"kZ 2010&11 ds nkSjku ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk 657 vkosnu
fy, dk;kZy; vkns'k
izkIr fd, vkSj mu ij dk;Z fd;k x;kA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 107

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

18 fganh dk izlkj
18.0 izLrkouk • ,uvkbZvks,l dh fofHkUu dk;kZy;h xfrfof/k;ksa
ij vk/kkfjr o"kZ 2009&2010 dh okf"kZd fjiksVZ
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku Hkkjr ljdkj ds
dk fganh vuqokn fd;k x;kA
x g ea=kky; }kjk le;&le; ij tkjh jktHkk"kk ds
dk;kZUo;u ds izko/kkuksa laca/kh fn'kk&funsZ'kksa ds vuqlkj • fofHkUu {ks=kksa ds fy, foojf.kdk ¼'kS{kf.kd½ ,oa
fganh ¼jktHkk"kk ds :i esa½ ds O;kid iz;ksx ds fy, foojf.kdk ¼O;kolkf;d f'k{kk ikB~;Øe½ dk fganh
vusd dne mBk jgk gSA ,uvkbZvks,l] eq[;ky; dk vuqokn fd;k x;k vkSj vkWuykbu izos'k ds fy,
jktHkk"kk vuqHkkx lHkh foHkkxksa eas fganh ds O;kid iz;ksx lwpuk cqysfVuA
laca/kh ekeyksa dh ns[kjs[k djrk gSA lacaf/kr vuqHkkxksa esa • ,uvkbZvks,l dk okf"kZd ys[kk rFkk okf"kZd ys[kk
jktHkk"kk dh izxfr dks ekWuhVj djus ds fy, le;&le; ijh{kk fjiksVZ f}Hkk"kh rS;kj dh xbZA
ij fujh{k.k vk;ksftr fd, x,A vf/kdkfj;ksa dks jktHkk"kk • ewY;kadu] eqDr csfld f'k{kk] iz'kklu] izR;k;u
ds fØ;kUo;u eas gksus okyh leL;kvksa ij frekgh cSBdksa vkSj vYila[;d vuqHkkxksa ls lacaf/kr fofHkUu
esa fopkj&foe'kZ fd;k x;k vkSj muds lek/kku ds }kjk dk;kZy;h QkWeksZ dk fgUnh esa vuqokn fd;k x;kA
gj laHko dne mBk, x,A bldk mn~ns'; fganh esa
• ^jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku % ,d ut+j
dkedkt ds fy, #fp mRiUu djuk gSA ;g vuqHkkx
esa* dks f}Hkk"kh :i eas rS;kj fd;k x;kA
fganh ds O;kid iz;ksx ds fodkl rFkk fn'kk&funsZ'kksa dk
ikyu djrk gS] dk;kZUo;u laca/kh dk;ZØeksa dk laiknu • ,uvkbZvks,l vkSj ,vkbZ] ,ohvkbZ ds chp le>kSrk
djrk gS rFkk ,uvkbZvks,l ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa dks jktHkk"kk Kkiu Hkh f}Hkk"kh rS;kj fd;s x;sA
ds iz;ksx eas lgk;rk iznku djrk gSA 18.1.2 dk;kZUo;u laca/kh xfrfof/k;k¡
18.1 jktHkk"kk vuqHkkx dh xfrfof/k;k¡ fganh i[kokM+k
o"kZ 2010-2011 ds nkSjku jktHkk"kk vuqHkkx us x g 14 ls 28 flracj] 2010 rd fganh i[kokM+k lekjksg
ea=kky; ds }kjk tkjh jktHkk"kk laca/kh fn'kk&funsZ'kksa ds mRlkgiwod
Z euk;k x;kA blesa ,uvkbZvks,l ds deZpkfj;ksa
dk;kZUo;u ds fy, vusd dne mBk;sA bl vuqHkkx us fuEufyf[kr izfr;ksfxrkvksa eas fgLlk fy;k %
}kjk fd;s x;s fØ;kdyki bl izdkj gSa % (i) jktHkk"kk Kku
18.1.1 vuqokn laca/kh xfrfof/k;k¡ (ii) dEI;wVj ij fganh Kku
• o"kZ 2010-2011 ds vuqlkj ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk (iii) okn fookn
vk;ksftr fofHkUu lEesyuksa] laxksf"B;ksa rFkk vU; (iv) fuca/k ys[ku
dk;ZØeksa dh izsl foKfIr;k¡ ,oa lkexzh fganh esa (v) iz'u eap
rS;kj dh xb±A ns'k Hkj ds fganh rFkk vaxzsth ds (vi) gkL; vfHku;@dfork vkSj pqVdys
izeq[k lekpkj i=kksa esa izdkf'kr dh xb±A fofHkUu izfr;ksfxrkvksa eas yxHkx 130 vf/kdkfj;ksa vkSj
• ,uvkbZvks,l dh fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa ls laacaf/kr deZpkfj;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA izFke] f}rh;] r rh; fotsrkvksa
foKkiu fufonk,¡] lkoZtfud lwpuk,¡ fganh esa dks Øe'k% iqjLdkj iznku fd;s x;sA ,uvkbZvks,l ds
rS;kj dh xb± vkSj ns'k ds fganh ds izeq[k lekpkj {ks=kh; dsUnzksa us Hkh blh izdkj dh izfr;ksfxrkvksa dk
i=kksa esa izdkf'kr dh xb±A vk;kstu fd;kA

108 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
(viii) tc pkgks rc ijh{kk iz.kkyh ¼vksM~l½ f'k{kkFkhZ
iqfLrdk f}Hkk"kh rS;kj dh xbZA
(ix) fofHkUu fo"k;ksa ds iz'u cSadksa ds iz'uksa dk vuqokn
fd;k x;kA
(x) ek/;fed f'k{kk ds lkoZHkkSfedhdj.k] O;kolkf;d
f'k{kk] fd'kksj f'k{kk ifj;kstuk & ,d utj esa]
gquj] eqDr csfld f'k{kk ij vk/kkfjr fofHkUu
¶yk;j f}Hkk"kh :i esa rS;kj fd, x,A
(xi) ,uvkbZvks,l HkrhZ fu;e f}Hkk"kh :i eas rS;kj
fd, x,A
(xii) uolk{kjksa ds ewY;kadu vkSj nsus ds fy,
18.2 fganh dk iz;ksx
fn'kk&funsZ'kksa dks f}Hkk"kh :i esa rS;kj fd;k
o"kZ 2010-2011 ds nkSjku fgUnh ds O;kid iz;ksx ds ckjs x;kA
esa egÙoiw.kZ fu.kZ; fy, x,A ;s fu.kZ; Fks %&
(xiii) fd'kksj f'k{kk ifj;kstuk dh osclkbV lkexzh dk
(i) fganh eas izkIr i=kksa dk mÙkj fganh eas gh fn;k vuqokn fd;k x;kA
tk,A 18.3 fofo/k
(ii) vf/kd fVIi.k vkSj izk:i.k fgUnh esa fd;k tk,A 18.3.1 dEI;wVj izf'k{k.k
(iii) vf/kdka'k Qkby dojksa ij 'kh"kZd fganh esa fy[ks lwpuk ,oa izlkj.k ea=kkky; }kjk rS;kj u;s fgUnh
tk,¡A dEI;wVj lkW¶Vos;j dks ,uvkbZvks,l eq[;ky; ds lHkh
(iv) izR;sd dEI;wVj esa fgUnh lkW¶Vos;j Mkyk tk,A foHkkxksa ,oa {ks=kh; dsUnzkas dks fn;k x;kA bl dk;ZØe ds
fy, deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, izf'k{k.k l=k Hkh vk;ksftr fd,
(v) ukeiV~V] lkbu cksMZ] jcM+ dh eksgjsa f}Hkk"kh x,A
rS;kj dh tk,¡A
18.3.2 fujh{k.k
(vi) fganh frekgh izxfr fjiksVZ ek-la-fo-ea- esa fu;fer fgUnh ds iz;ksx dh okLrfod fLFkfr Kkr djus ds fy,
:i ls Hksth tk,¡A fofHkUu Lrjksa ij fgUnh ds izlkj dh laHkkoukvksa dh
(vii) f'k{kkFkhZ lgk;rk dsUInz ds fy, lwpuk iqfLrdk [kkst ds fy, ,uvkbZvks,l ds foHkkxksa ds fofHkUu vuqHkkxksa
dk fganh eas vuqokn fd;k x;kA dk fujh{k.k fd;k x;kA

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 109

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku


okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 111

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

'kqYd ls gqbZ vk; dh izo fÙk

¼izos'k ,oa ijh{kk 'kqYd½

8000 7980.93




6000 5840.25


5000 4760.63





00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11
¼#i;s yk[k esa½

112 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
vU; vk; dh izo fÙk;k¡
¼izdk'kuksa dk foØ;] izkIr C;kt vkSj fofo/k 'kqYd½









600 567.56

488.33 489.81



00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11
¼#i;s yk[k esa½

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 113

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

,uvkbZvks,l dk xSj&;kstukxr O;; ¼1999-2000 ls vkxs rd½

¼#i;s yk[k esa½

7200 7198.19




4800 4685.89 4685.89

4400 4339.34
4017.85 3919.42
xSj&;kstukxr O;;


2800 2489.70


2000 1804.36





99-2000 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 07-08 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11


114 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

,uvkbZvks,l dk ;kstukxr O;; ¼1999-2000 ls vkxs rd½

¼#i;s yk[k esa½

1500 ;kstukxr
1234 ,ubZvkj





;kstukxr O;;

830.00 819.03



506.45 518.94
500 469.22





99-2000 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11


okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 115

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

1999-2000 ls ek-la-fo-ea- ls
,uvkbZvks,l dks izkIr o"kZokj ctV lgk;rk
¼#i;s yk[k esa½







ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=kky; }kjk vuqnku













99-2000 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11

¼o"kZ 1999-2000 ,uvkbZvks,l ctV lgk;rk dsoy ^;kstuk* 'kh"kZ ds varxZr izkIr dj jgk gS½

116 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
1999-2000 ls izkFkfedrk izkIr lewgksa dks
,uvkbZvks,l }kjk fn, x, vuqnku
¼#i;s yk[k esa½


650 641.20


450 433.86 440.96

vkfFkZd lgk;rk



210 193.44





99-2000 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11


okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 117

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
ifjf'k"V & d
egklfefr ds lnL;ksa dh lwph
¼31.3.2011 ds vuqlkj½

v/;{k izks- vkj- xksfoUnk

Jh dfiy flCcy dqyifr
ekuuh; ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=kh jk"Vªh; 'kSf{kd ;kstuk ,oa
ek-la-fo-ea-] 'kkL=kh Hkou] iz'kklu fo'ofo|ky;
ubZ fnYyh&110001 17 ch] Jh vjfoan ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh&110016

Jh fouhr tks'kh] Hkk-iz-ls-

Jherh Mh- iqjans'ojh
ekuuh; jkT; ea=kh ¼ek-la-fo-½
dsUnzh; ek/;fed f'k{kk cksMZ]
¼ek/;fed vkSj mPprj f'k{kk½ f'k{kk dsUnz 2, lkeqnkf;d dsUnz],
ek-l-fo-ea-] 'kkL=kh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001 izhr fogkj, ubZ fnYyh - 110 092
lqJh va'kq oS'k] Hkk-iz-ls-
Jh oh-ch- I;kjsyky
lfpo ¼,lbZ ,oa ,y½
la;qDr lfpo ¼ih ,oa ,½
f'k{kk foHkkx] ek-la-fo-ea-
lwpuk ,oa izlkj.k ea=kky;
'kkL=kh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001
d{k la- 552] , foax]
MkW- ,l-lh- [kwafV;k] Hkk-iz-ls- 'kkL=kh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001
la;qDr lfpo ¼,lbZ½
Jh th- t;yky ¼ih½
f'k{kk foHkkx] ek-la-fo-ea-
mi egkfuns'kd ¼Mh½
'kkL=kh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001
mi egkfuns'kd dk;kZy;
MkW- flrka'kq 'ks[kj tsuk vkWy bafM;k jsfM;ks] laln ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh&110007
vfrfjDr egkfuns'kd ¼,½
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k izlkj Hkkjrh ¼chlhvkbZ½
lsDVj&62, uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k egkfuns'kd % nwjn'kZu] nwjn'kZu Hkou] ihVhvkbZ
fcfYMax] laln ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh&110001
Jh ,l-ds- js
Jh foosd tks'kh] Hkk-iz-ls-
,,l ,oa foÙkh; lykgdkj ¼eka-la-fo-½]
la;qDr lfpo ¼lhMCY;w½
f'k{kk foHkkx] ek-la-fo-ea-]
efgyk vkSj cky fodkl foHkkx
'kkL=kh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001
'kkL=kh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001
izks- th- jfoUnzk izks- oh-,u- jkt'ksdju fiYybZ
funs'kd ¼izHkkjh½ dqyifr
jk"Vªh; 'kSf{kd vuqla/kku vkSj izf'k{k.k ifj"kn~ bafnjk xka/kh jk"Vªh; eqDr fo'ofo|ky;
Jh vjfoan ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh&110016 eSnku x<+h] ubZ fnYyh&110068

118 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

Jh txeksgu flag jktw Jh paæthr cuthZ

la;qDr lfpo ¼,bZ½ ,oa egkfuns'kd egkfuns'kd
jk"Vªh; lk{kjrk fe'ku daQMjs'ku vkWQ bafM;u baMLVªh
lhvkbZvkbZ eq[;ky;
'kkL=kh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001
earks"k lksa/kh dsUnz
Jh ih-ih- fe=kk 23] baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] yks/kh jksM
la;qDr lfpo ¼chlh½ ubZ fnYyh & 110003
lkekftd U;k; vkSj l'kfDrdj.k ea=kky; izks- ,-ds- 'kekZ
'kkL=kh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001 iwoZ funs'kd
Jh 'kkjnk izlkn ,ulhbZvkjVh
la;qDr lfpo ,oa egkfuns'kd lh&3] lsDVj&48] uks,Mk&201304
jkstxkj vkSj izf'k{k.k ea=kky;] Je ea=kky; ftyk xkSre cq) uxj ¼m-iz-½
Je 'kfDr Hkou] jQh ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh
izks- jke- th- Vdokys
Jh jkds'k eksgu] Hkk-iz-ls- iwoZ dqyifr] bXuw
f'k{kk lfpo 162@4,] uosyh]
fnYyh ljdkj ¼jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks=k½ vUuiw.kkZ gkmflax lkslkbVh
iqjkuk lfpoky;] ubZ fnYyh & 110054 Mh-ih- jksM] vkSa/k] iq.ks & 411007

Jh /kus'oj gfjpanu izks- vuq ts- FkkWel

funs'kd izksQslj
nwjLFk ,oa eqDr f'k{kk laLFkku Ldwy vkWQ tsaMj ,.M MsoyiesaV LVMht+
eqacbZ fo'ofo|ky; bXuw] eSnku x<+h] ubZ fnYyh & 110068
fo|kuxjh] dfyuk] lkarkØqt ¼bZ½] eqEcbZ&400098 izks- eqgEen fe;ka
Jh vfouk'k nhf{kr dqyifr
vk;qDr ekSykuk vkt+kn jk"Vªh; mnwZ fo'ofo|ky;
dsUnzh; fo|ky; laxBu] 'kghn thr flag ekxZ xPphckoyh] gSnjkckn & 500032
ubZ fnYyh&110016 izks- eaxyk lqanj
Jh eukst flag] Hkk-iz-ls- jlk;u'kkL=k izksQslj ,oa
vk;qDr us'kuy dks&vkWfMZusVj ,eihVhbZ,y ifj;kstuk
vkbZvkbZVh] enzkl]
uoksn; fo|ky; lfefr]
rkjkeuh] psUubZ & 600036
,&28] dSyk'k dkWyksuh] ubZ fnYyh&110048
izks-¼Jherh½ th- ljkstEek &vof/k 4-2-11 dks lekIr izks- lh-,y- vkuan
dqqyifr iwoZ dqyifr] v#.kkpy fo'ofo|ky;
Jh in~ekorh efgyk fo'ofo|ky; 2536] lsDVj&37lh]
fr#ifr paMhx<+&160036
Jh jktw paæ'ks[kj Jh fxYgeZ okt+
ijke'kZnkrk ijke'kZnkrk
47,] Hkwfery] uoka izeq[k gkWy] vkbZvkjvkbZ,l] ik¡poka ry
rhljk Lrj] csaxyq: & 560075 ¶ySV&20] dSQs ijsM] eqEcbZ & 400005

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 119

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku

MkW- vkj- Jh/kj Jh lh- /kk:eu

funs'kd funs'kd ewY;kadu
lsEdk] 8@4] loZfiz;k fogkj] jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
ubZ fnYyh ,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy] lsDVj&62
uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
izks- olq/kk dker
dqyifr MkW- lqf"erk fe=kk
,l,uMhVh efgyk fo'ofo|ky;] funs'kd ¼fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡½
1 ukfFkckbZ Fkkodjls jksM] jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
U;w eSjhu ykbUl ,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy] lsDVj&62
eqacbZ & 400020 uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
izks- ,l- Mh- 'kekZ MkW- ds-ih- oklfud
iwoZ funs'kd funs'kd ¼O;kolkf;d f'k{kk½
lsaVj QkWj dfUVU;qbax ,tqds'ku] bXuw jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
lh&142] ikWdsV & 3] MhMh, ¶ySV] ,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy] lsDVj&62
fcankiqj] ubZ fnYyh uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
MkW- dqynhi vxzoky
Jh th-th- lDlSuk
funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy] lsDVj&62
,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy] lsDVj&62
uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k

120 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
ifjf'k"V & [k
dk;Zdkjh ifj"kn~
¼31.3.2011 ds vuqlkj½

MkW- flrka'kq 'ks[kj tsuk izks- olq/kk dker

v/;{k dqyifr
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ,l,uMhVh efgyk fo'ofo|ky;]
,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62 1 ukfFkckbZ Fkkodsls jksM]' U;w eSjhu ykbUl
uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k eqacbZ & 400020
izks- ,l- Mh- 'kekZ
MkW- ,l-lh- [kwafV;k] Hkk-iz-ls-
iwoZ funs'kd
la;qDr lfpo ¼,lbZ½
lsaVj QkWj dfUVU;qbax ,tqds'ku] bXuw
f'k{kk foHkkx] ek-la-fo-ea-
lh&142] ikWdsV & 3] MhMh, ¶ySV]
'kkL=kh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001
fcankiqj] ubZ fnYyh
Jh ,l-ds- js Jh th-th- lDlSuk
,,l ,oa foÙkh; lykgdkj] ek-la-fo-ea-] lfpo
'kkL=kh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001 jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62
izks- eqgEen fe;ka uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
ekSykuk vkt+kn jk"Vªh; mnwZ fo'ofo|ky; Jh lh- /kk:eu
xPphckoyh] gSnjkckn & 500032 funs'kd ¼ewY;kadu½
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
izks- vuq- ts- FkkWel
,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62
Ldwy vkWQ tsaMj ,.M MsoyesaV LVMht+ uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
bXuw] eSnku x<+h] ubZ fnYyh & 110068 MkW- lqf"erk fe=kk
izks- eaxyk lqanj funs'kd ¼fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡½
jlk;u'kkL=k izksQslj ,oa jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
us'kuy dks&vkWfMZusVj ,eihVhbZ,y ifj;kstuk ,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62
vkbZvkbZVh] enzkl] rkjkeuh] psUubZ & 600036 uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
izks- lh-,y- vkuan MkW- ds-ih- oklfud
iwoZ dqyifr] v#.kkpy fo'ofo|ky; funs'kd ¼O;kolkf;d f'k{kk½
2536] lsDVj&37lh] paMhx<+&131305 jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
Jh fxYgeZ okt+ ,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62
ijke'kZnkrk] eqacbZ uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
vkbZvkjvkbZ,l] ik¡poka ry MkW- dqynhi vxzoky
¶ySV&20] dQ ijsM] eqEcbZ & 400005 funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
MkW- vkj- Jh/kj
funs'kd] lsedk ,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62
8@4] loZfiz;k fogkj] ubZ fnYyh uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 121

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
ifjf'k"V & x

foÙk lfefr
¼31.3.2011 ds vuqlkj½

MkW- flrka'kq 'ks[kj tsuk izks- iwju pan

v/;{k iwoZ la;qDr funs'kd]
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku lhvkbZbZVh] ,ulhbZvkjVh
,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] ikWdsV & lh&283] MhMh, ,l,Q,l ¶ySV]
lsDVj&62] uks,Mk 'ks[k ljk;] Qst&I] ubZ fnYyh & 110017

Jh ,l-lh- [kwafV;k Jh th-th- lDlSuk

la;qDr lfpo ¼,lbZ½
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
f'k{kk foHkkx] ek-la-fo-ea- ,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62
'kkL=kh Hkou] uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
ubZ fnYyh&110001
Jh lh- /kk:eu
Jh ,l-ds- js funs'kd ¼ewY;kadu½
,,l ,oa foÙkh; lykgdkj ¼eka-la-fo-½] jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
f'k{kk foHkkx] ek-la-fo-ea-] ,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62
'kkL=kh Hkou] uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
ubZ fnYyh&110001
MkW- lqf"erk fe=kk
Jh vkj-ds- HkkfV;k funs'kd ¼fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡½
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
ys[kkijh{kk egkfuns'kd ¼lsokfuo Ùk½
,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62
fnYyh ljdkj uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
lh&7@149] ds'ko iqje]
MkW- ds-ih- oklfud
fnYyh & 110035 funs'kd ¼O;kolkf;d f'k{kk½
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
Jh ,y- xq#ewfrZ
,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62
funs'kd uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
baLVhV~;wV,vkbZ vkWQ dkWLV ,oa oDlZ
MkW- dqynhi vxzoky
vdkmaV~l vkWQ bafM;k
funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½
vkbZlhMCY;w ,vkbZ Hkou] la-&3]
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] ,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62
yks/kh jksM] ubZ fnYyh & 110003 uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k

122 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
ifjf'k"V & ?k
'kSf{kd ifj"kn~
¼31.03.2011 rd½

v/;{k izks- Hkkjrh costk

f'k{kk foHkkx
MkW- flrka'kq 'ks[kj tsuk
v/;{k fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;] fnYyh&110007
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku izks- ,-ds- 'kekZ
,&24/25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] iwoZ funs'kd
lsDVj&62] uks,Mk ,ulhbZvkjVh ] lh&3] lsDVj&48] uks,Mk
MkW- ';ke flag 'kf'k MkW- ¼Jherh½ ohjk xqIrk]
fjlpZ QkmaMs'ku baVjus'kuy lfpo
lh,llh&5] f'k{kk Hkou dsanzh; ek/;fed f'k{kk cksMZ]] lsDVj&9] fnYyh&110085 2 leqnk; dsanz] izhr fogkj] fnYyh&110092

izks- ,p-lh- iz/kku Jh ds- lrh'k uEcwnjhikn

dsUæ funs'kd funs'kd ¼,lbZ½
gkseh HkkHkk lsaVj QkWj lkbal ,tqds'ku fo|ky; f'k{kk foHkkx
VkVk baLVhV~;wV vkWQ QaMkesaVy fjlpZ ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=kky;
oh-,u- iwoZ ekxZ] eu[kqn]Z eqca bZ & 400088 'kkL=kh Hkou] ubZ fnYyh & 110001
izks- lh-,l- ukxkjktw
iwoZ izkpk;Z] vkjvkbZbZ] eSlwj Jh th-th- lDlsuk
255 ch] jsadk dkWyksuh lfpo ¼iz'kklu foHkkx½
cUusj?kV~Vk jksM] caxykSj&560076 jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
Jh jkds'k caly] Hkk-iz-ls- ,&24@25, baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k]
v/;{k lsDVj&62] uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
e-iz- jkT; eqDr fo|ky;] fo|ky; f'k{kk foHkkx]
e/; izns'k ljdkj] f'kokth uxj] Hkksiky&462011 ¼e-iz-½ Jh lh- /kk:eu
funs'kd ¼ewY;kadu foHkkx½
MkW- lSfcLrku x¶Qkj jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
v/;{k ,&24@25, baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k]
ckfydk f'k{kk lfefr] Hkkjr ljdkj lsDVj&62] uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
jk"Vªh; vYila[;d f'k{kk laLFkku vk;ksx
xsV la- 4] izFke ry] thou rkjk fcfYMax
5] laln ekxZ] iVsy pkSd] MkW- lqf"erk fe=kk
ubZ fnYyh & 110001 funs'kd ¼fo|kFkhZ lgk;rk lsok,¡ foHkkx½
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
Jh ch-ih- iar ,&24@25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k]
funs'kd lsDVj&62] uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
yscj bEIykW,esaV ,.M fLdy MsoyiesaV
fQdh] QsMjs'ku gkml] MkW- ds-ih- oklfud
rkulsu ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh & 110001 funs'kd ¼O;kolkf;d f'k{kk foHkkx½
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
izks- vatq lgxy xqIrk ,&24@25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k]
,l &11,] f}rh; ry lsDVj&62] uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k
xzsVj dSyk'k] ikVZ-II
lukru /keZ eafnj ds ikl] ubZ fnYyh&110048 MkW- dqynhi vxzoky
funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd foHkkx½
MkW- xkSjh JhokLro jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
efgyk v/;;u foHkkx ,&24@25 baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k]
,ulhbZvkjVh] ubZ fnYyh&110016 lsDVj&62] uks,Mk] mÙkj izns'k

okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11 123

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
ifjf'k"V & M+

jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku ds deZpkfj;ksa ds LohÑr inksa dh lwph

Øe la- in dk uke is cSaM vkSj xzsM is dqy inksa dh la[;k

1. v/;{k ¼#- 37400-67000 + GP 10000) 1

2. lfpo ¼#- 37400-67000 + GP 8700) 1
3. funs'kd ¼'kSf{kd½ ¼#- 37400-67000 + GP 8700) 1
4. funs'kd ¼ewY;kadu@O;kolkf;d f'k{kk@,l-,l-,l½ ¼#- 37400-67000 + GP 8700) 3
5. la;qDr funs'kd ¼#- 37400-67000 + GP 8700) 6
6. mi funs'kd ¼#- 15600-39100 + GP 7600) 14
7. flLVe ,usfyLV@izksxzkej ¼#- 15600-39100 + GP 7600) 1
8. izdk'ku vf/kdkjh ¼#- 15600-39100 + GP 7600) 1
9. lgk;d funs'kd ¼#- 15600-39100 + GP 6600) 20
10. ys[kk vf/kdkjh ¼#- 15600-39100 + GP 6600) 1
11. 'kSf{kd vf/kdkjh ¼#- 15600-39100+ GP 5400) 21
12. 'kks/k vkSj ewY;kadu vf/kdkjh ¼#- 15600-39100 + GP 5400) 1
13. iqLrdky;k/;{k ¼#- 15600-39100 + GP 5400) 1
14. vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4600) 27
15. v/;{k ds futh lfpo ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4600) 1
16. tulEidZ vf/kdkjh ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4600) 1
17. lgk;d ys[kk ijh{kk vf/kdkjh ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4600) 1
18. fgUnh vf/kdkjh ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4600) 1
19. xzkfQd vkfVZLV ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4200) 1
20. bZ-Mh-ih- lqijokbtj ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4200) 1
21. dSejkeSu ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4200) 1
22. laiknd ¼ehfM;k½ ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4200) 1
23. v/kh{kd ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4200) 10
24. rduhdh lgk;d ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4200) 2
25. futh lgk;d ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4200) 3
26. lgk;d iqLrdky;k/;{k ¼#- 9300-34800 + GP 4200) 1
27. vuqoknd ¼#- 5200-20200 + GP 2800) 1
28. fuekZ.k lgk;d ¼#- 5200-20200 + GP 2800) 1
29. iqLrdky; lgk;d ¼#- 5200-20200 + GP 2400) 1
30. lgk;d@vkarfjd ys[kk ijh{kd ¼#- 5200-20200 + GP 2400) 42
31. vk'kqfyfid ¼#- 5200-20200 + GP 2400) 6
32. dfu"B lgk;d ¼#- 5200-20200 + GP 1900) 53
33. LVkQ dkj Mªkboj ¼#- 5200-20200 + GP 1900) 3
34. bysDVªhf'k;u ¼#- 5200-20200 + GP 1900) 1
35. QksVksdkWih;j vkWijsVj ¼#- 5200-20200 + GP 1900) 1
36. pijklh vkSj ekyh ¼#- 5200-20200 + GP 1800) 19
dqy 251

124 okf"kZd fjiksVZ 2010&11

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