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NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 16| PAGE 1502-1511| DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.16.

Ethel Abaoet al / CIRO Model: A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in Developing Global Filipino Teachers’ Program

CIRO Model: A Monitoring and Evaluation

Framework in Developing Global Filipino
Teachers’ Program
Ethel Abao1, Isidro Max Alejandro2, Remedios Bacus3, Vincent Balo4
Helen Boholano5, Jeson Bustamante6, Janet Mananay7 1502
Tizza Marie Navarro8
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8Cebu Normal University, Cebu, Philippines


Project monitoring and evaluation take place when one is collecting and analysing pieces of information
to understand the extent of success, progress, and effectiveness of a particular project which is very
essential for project management. With it, the project completion will be ushered to facilitate its
successful completion. This paper presents the evaluation of the CHED-funded project on Developing
Global Filipino Teachers, which aims to capacitate the Filipino teachers in Cambodia with relevant
professional development through a series of webinars. This evaluative study made use of a descriptive
quantitative research design guided by the CIRO (Context, Input, Reaction, Output) Model espoused by
Warr, et al (1970). The participants who are teachers in Cambodia, rated very satisfactory, the project as a
whole, and expressed that it has created an impact on improving their academic qualifications and
attitude toward work. A policy brief is designed based on the evaluation findings to aid decisions about
future endeavors involving CHED funding and developing Filipino teachers globally.

Keywords:internationalization, project monitoring and evaluation, developing global Filipino teachers,

funded project.

DOI Number: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.16.880147 NeuroQuantology2022;20(16):1502-1511

interconnectedness and interdependence

with higher levels of complexity,
The massive advancement of science,
vulnerability, and inequality (UNESCO,
technology, and communication has
2018). The increasing interconnectedness
created a pivotal reconfiguration of the
among countries paves the way toward
varied systems of negotiations. The
making education interdisciplinary,
integration of technology in education can
multidisciplinary and interdependent. This
be seen as a tool and fundamental catalyst
reality further poses challenges as well as
for change (Waddell, 2015). Education has
opportunities for every citizen to become
become globalized. Human and material
well-informed about the world beyond their
resources become in demand as the
own national borders.
worldwide academic systems seamlessly
create comparable advantages in various
In recent years a number of people cross
areas of instruction. We are currently living
borders either as migrants primarily for
in a world where there is increasing
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 16| PAGE 1502-1511| DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.16.NQ880147
Ethel Abaoet al / CIRO Model: A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in Developing Global Filipino Teachers’ Program

employment or in some cases for leisure. As which promote realistic understanding of

reported by the United Nations in 2015, the the world.
number of international migrants —
persons living in a country other than where According to TeachCom (2020) going to
they were born — reached 244 million in another country to travel is an amazing and
2015 for the world. This report is a great opportunity to experience and
manifestation that people are not explore other cultures and places. But for
contained in their own home country but go teachers, teaching in other countries is a
out and find other varying opportunities significant educational experience. It gives
that somehow satiate their different needs. opportunities to learn more about their
According to Wu (2015), the increasing education, see how students learn in other
number of international migrants is related countries, explore different methods and
to the increasing significance of have experiences that most educators do
international migration. This became an not have. The Southeast Asian Ministers of
integral part of our societies and Education Organization stated that 1503
economies. He added that migration if Southeast Asian countries like the
managed well can bring benefits to Philippines have participated in discussions
different countries of origin, to the on the global agenda related to
migrants, and to their families as well. This international development goals. It added
report becomes a widespread scenario of that issues on harmonization of standards
people around the world with their have grown together with the chances to
different fields of endeavor to become facilitate regional educational development
potent resources and gain confidence as goals and improvement in such as their
they take a stature in the global economy. teaching competency standards, capacity
building programs, policies,
While teaching abroad can bring implementation, evaluation and monitoring
opportunities, it also brings challenges that activities. (SEAMEO INNOTECH 2010)
would resort to language barriers,
interaction with native speakers, classroom At present, there are Filipinos who are
management, lack of support from school based in other countries for employment.
administrators, and separation from family Some of them do teach. One of the
(Ospina & Medina, 2020). The results in countries in Asia where Filipinos and other
Southeast Asia of the 2019 Survey on nationalities go for teaching employment is
Overseas Filipinos, revealed that the Cambodia. Cambodia is listed as one of the
number of Overseas Filipino Workers easiest countries for anybody who wants to
(OFWs) abroad from April to September have a teaching job. The teaching salaries
2019 was estimated to be at 2.2 million. allow you to do more exploration of the
The Overseas Contract Workers (OCWs) or many attractions of Phnom Penh, ancient
workers with existing work contracts were temples in Angkor Wat or to enjoy a very
96.8 percent of the total OFWs in that relaxing weekend by the sea such as
period. (PSA Reference Number: 2020-099). Sihanoukville or Kep. (Go Overseas 2020)
In the field of education, teachers around
the world take advantage of their similar Based on the report, some teachers
claims towards quality and relevance in teaching there are either non- education
education. A number of them cross borders graduates or if some are but are not
with the consciousness that they can both licensed professionals. They express that
take the knowledge. skills and values to teaching in another country with a different
other countries as well as bring in the same culture is indeed challenging. Further, some
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 16| PAGE 1502-1511| DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.16.NQ880147
Ethel Abaoet al / CIRO Model: A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in Developing Global Filipino Teachers’ Program

teach students who are in grade levels that how the training has created an impact on
they have not been exposed to. Few shared their teaching career.
that they are graduates of other degree
programs and not education. Noting this
The study determined the effectiveness of
scenario, it can be deduced that these
the CHED-funded program, Developing
Filipino teachers in Cambodia need
Global Filipino Teachers, measured in terms
assistance in terms of understanding the
of the teacher-participants’ extent of
learner, globalized education, new trends in
agreement and assessment to the program
education as well as soft skills of teachers.
component parameters using the CIRO
Considering that the aforementioned are
(Content, Input, Reaction, Output)
highly essential in professionalizing their
teaching career, there is really a need to
Specifically, it looked into the following:
take part in the continuing professional
1. How is the CIRO framework
advancement in order to help them review,
operationalized in the conduct of the
document and reinforce their learning and 1504
also to develop and update their
2. What challenges were encountered
professional knowledge and skills.
during the program planning, monitoring,
and evaluation?
Thus, the Commission on Higher Education
3. What relevant recommendations can be
in coordination with the Philippine Embassy
proposed based on the result of the
in Phnom Penh and Cebu Normal University
program monitoring and evaluation?
forged a partnership in the offering of the
professional development training program 3.METHODOLOGY
to Filipino teachers in Cambodia. The The study made use of a descriptive
training program through continuing quantitative research design to
professional development aims to systematically evaluate the CHED-funded
capacitate these teachers to become project on Developing Global Filipino
responsive to the varying needs of students Teachers. Guided by the CIRO (Context,
from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, this Input, Reaction, Output) Model espoused
program enables the teachers to acquire by Warr, et al. in 1970, the project, in the
the needed pedagogical and socio-cultural form of a webinar series, was evaluated to
competencies that will further equip them obtain relevant information on its
to become global Filipino teachers who are effectiveness and applicability to 16
globally competent possess the relevant teacher-participants working in Cambodia.
knowledge, positive attitudes as well as the They were selected based on (a)their
21st-century skills. attendance to the webinar series of six
themes with seven topics per theme, (b)
It is therefore the intent of this professional responses to the various tasks posted in the
development training program to provide Google classroom, (c) their active
these Filipino teachers in Cambodia with participation during each session, (d)
necessary academic preparations and willingness to answer the training
enhancements, thereafter, assess how evaluation tool.
much these have gained from the said
professional development program. This The research instrument was validated by
study aims to evaluate the training, experts. It has 4 four parts which captures
Developing Global Filipino Teachers in the essential aspects of the training context,
Cambodia. The study further investigates input, reaction, and output. The survey also
contains open-ended items to capture
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 16| PAGE 1502-1511| DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.16.NQ880147
Ethel Abaoet al / CIRO Model: A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in Developing Global Filipino Teachers’ Program

other equally important aspects not professional well-being. In other words, all
covered in the above-mentioned items. of them strongly agreed that the training
Informed consent is then obtained from the program met their expectations.
participants indicating their voluntary
participation in the study. After permissions The aforementioned therefore highlighted
are secured, the questionnaires are the effectiveness of the said training
administered to the participants through program as noted in the participants’
online survey constructed using Google expression that topics were relevant and
Forms. The collected data are stored and well-delivered. Thus, these guided them in
managed in Microsoft Excel and analysed addressing the varying needs of their
using the Statistical Package for Social students. In a similar vein, this apparently
Sciences (SPSS). To maintain confidentiality, indicates that they have been capacitated
no names were used explicitly or implicitly. either towards becoming licensed
Continuous data were presented in mean professional teachers and/or towards their
and standard deviation while categorical continuing professional development. In the
data were reported in frequency and process, this can likewise be gleaned that
percentage. 95% confidence intervals were once this endeavour is conscientiously
computed to estimate the population pursued, these teachers teaching outside
parameters. their country can eventually become global
Filipino teachers.
CIRO : The Context
Based on the confidence interval all
participants in the Developing Global
The participants of the training program on
Filipino Teachers have strongly agreed with
the project Developing Global Filipino
the mean of 1.59 to the parameter
Teachers based on their accounts and
statements in Context. This indicated that
descriptive ratings noted that they all
they have acknowledged that awareness,
strongly agreed on the parameters
orientation, consultations, competencies,
indicated under the C-ontext ; I-nput; R-
support, and facilitation were in place prior
eaction and O-utcome (CIRO) Model.
to the start of the webinar series. As
effectiveness in providing the knowledge,
This denotes that the training program
skills, and attitudes of the Filipino teachers
basically succeeded in helping identify and
in Cambodia is contingent upon
assess the training and development needs
understanding the context, Lee et al. (2019)
of these Filipino teachers in Cambodia.
purported that this stage is important in
Further, the input and delivery of experts
determining the direction of the program.
on the respective topics were effectively
This is closely a kind to what Flint (nd)
carried out. The participants’ queries were
maintained that substantial preparation has
appropriately addressed by the resource
to be assessed as a form of formative
speakers who were experts in the identified
evaluation for internal quality.
academic fields. These therefore led to the
participants’ reactions/positive feedback
Setting the context in this training is very
about the training program. They too
essential because it clarifies the purpose or
identified certain areas which can still be
reason why the participants are attending.
further enhanced. Ultimately, the training
The participants having a clear idea of the
program was indeed significant as noted by
training context are motivated and
the participants. It created an impact on
encouraged to finish the training. Aharon
their personal as well as on their
(2021) emphasized that the training
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 16| PAGE 1502-1511| DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.16.NQ880147
Ethel Abaoet al / CIRO Model: A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in Developing Global Filipino Teachers’ Program

objectives for learning activities are one of input given in the training. Participants
the most essential parts of the training strongly agreed as shown in the table above
development cycle. Training objectives are the competencies and deliverables were
statements of what the participants should achieved. McBrien, Jones, and Cheng (2009)
be able to do after completing the training found in their study that despite some
program. technical difficulties, participants in an
The favorable responses in the various online course reported a positive
indicators measuring the Context provide experience.
the training team with the information to
align the program- its training scope, Online training provides a convenient and
content, objectives to the needs of the flexible approach to learning and the
participants. participants have the option to review the
input as it were recorded. The workshop or
CIRO : The Input output was to be addressed during the
Based on the confidence interval, it can be asynchronous sessions. The convenience is 1506
inferred that all participants in the akin to taking online courses which allow
Developing Global Filipino Teachers have students to have the option of studying
strongly agreed or agreed to the parameter even when they are working (Kim, Liu, &
statements in Input. Bonk, 2005). Deshtestani (2014) argues that
During the design of the training, the team online learning can assist students and
took into consideration what researchers teachers in their educational practice. The
found to be important factors that influence online courses or series of trainings given by
success in online learning experiences. the DGFT professional development project
Researchers found that three key factors successfully delivered the objectives.
contribute to a high-quality online learning
environment (Oliver and Herrington, 2003). CIRO : The Reaction
First, the quality of the instructional The data revealed that the participants
interface must be transparent and of high strongly agreed that there was a provision
quality. As with in-person training, for engagement in an open forum. The
participants must feel comfortable with and training management team ensured that
know how to locate necessary learning the program by themes would include the
tools in the online interface. Second, any open forum. This is an avenue by which the
online course needs to have an interactive, participants are able to raise their concerns
high-quality instructor. In the case of the relevant to the topics. Further, this also
project, high-caliber experts are asked to enables them to further solicit
deliver the different topics to cut across the reinforcements of inputs of the speakers.
competencies set for the professional
development training. Third, the speakers On the other hand, there were few
must be dynamic, and discussions among participants who noted that they have
the participants needed to be both missed this part. This probably depicts that
authentic and valuable. they might have unintentionally missed out
on checking communication in emails,
It was inevitable that challenges were group chat messages or program or
experienced especially with Internet regularly attended the training. Considering
connectivity since the professional that the participants are occupied with their
development training was conducted via work/teaching load, probably, this was
Zoom, however, these were minor and still inadvertently not given much attention.
did not affect the overall delivery of the There are cases though where participants
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 16| PAGE 1502-1511| DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.16.NQ880147
Ethel Abaoet al / CIRO Model: A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in Developing Global Filipino Teachers’ Program

may not have given due attention to the became the highlights of the webinar
program nor to the open forum due to training hence, these formed part of the
connectivity issues. Anywhere in the training program. As expressed by the
Philippines or even outside the country participants, they shared ; that” the training
including Cambodia, internet connectivity improves quality of teaching; input is
remains an issue, thus this somehow applied to a real classroom situation.”
impacted on their participation and According to (Sims, 1990), training and
involvement in the said program. Based on development leads to improved profitability
their accounts, two participants shared,” and/or more positive attitudes toward
there are really cases that we experience profit orientation, improves the job
weak/unstable connectivity here.” This is knowledge and skills at all levels of the
supported by Osborne (2021) . according to organization, improves the morale of the
him. online learning can be a challenge. workforce and help the employees identify
With so many of us now spending a with organizational goals. This connotes
substantial amount of time at home, therefore that any employee for that 1507
especially when there are multiple people matter never came into the job fully
in the same property, the fight for capacity mastered with the skills needed by the
can lead to a host of connectivity issues. industry. For teachers, the more these
training become paramount as these
In a nutshell, as posited by Riggs, S. A., & eventually affect/influence the students’
Linder, K. E. (2016) the training program lives in particular. This, therefore, embodies
created a consciousness that any activity the child-centered education as espoused
which enables active engagement among by John Dewy.
participants apparently needs an open
forum that fosters interaction between the On a separate note, a few of the
speakers and the participants. participants expressed that since they are
The relevance of Inputs to participants’ teaching in the primary grades, they might
job/function, the data presented that the somehow find difficulty in simplifying
participants strongly agreed that the certain topics that could relate to the
topics/inputs of the seminar were relevant experiences of these young learners. In
to their current function. In the preparation addition. In addition, a few of them are not
stage of the training program, the education graduates and most of the topics
management team gave priority/emphasis are within the realms of teaching and
on capacitating these Filipinos teaching in learning. Possibly, this is attributed to the
Cambodia to become licensed professional findings as well.
teachers as well as providing them with
inputs toward their continuing professional Conscious of the idea that the students are
development (CPD). Education in the 21st the center of the educative process, this
century underscores the relevance, training program has generally responded
responsiveness, and sustainability of not only to the needs of the students but of
instruction. Thus identified topics that the teachers as well. This further implies
address the aforementioned like: that continuing professional development is
Globalization and Internationalization of not just a compliance/requirement to
Education; Global Issues in Education and becoming a licensed professional teacher
Research; New Trends in Education; The but an inculcation of passion for the
Fourth Industrial Revolution; Distance profession. Some of the participants share
Learning in the New Normal and Soft Skills that they want to pursue further education
and Emotional Intelligence for Educators after the training. This is a manifestation
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 16| PAGE 1502-1511| DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.16.NQ880147
Ethel Abaoet al / CIRO Model: A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in Developing Global Filipino Teachers’ Program

that the training program/directly indirectly people's success. Further, he said that
motivates them towards professional besides just information, you want a
advancement. resource speaker that creates an emotional
impact on your participants — so they will
According to Simplilearn (2022), over the move to action once the seminar has
years, the leading organizations have put ended. The training team has been
their investments heavily in the training and conscious on this matter, thus the
development of employees because this preference.
will lead to more benefits for the diverse
and immense employers. Employee training One of the participants expressed that
recently became a vital business strategy to some of the topics presented to them are
retain the workers and employees as well as challenging. This account implies that a
to create a workforce equipped with skills certain topic may not have sipped in to the
for the future. Any training, therefore, is a understanding of the teacher-participants.
foreground towards continuous It’s either the participants found difficulty 1508
improvement that would eventually affect translating the topic/activities to his/her
quality in the delivery of services. To learners’ level understanding or they may
teachers, this is paramount as this becomes lack exposure to these topics. As noted in
a bedrock in its quest towards sustaining the aforementioned, some of these
relevance in the 21st-century education participants are either in undergraduate
studies at the time of this training or their
In terms of the resource speakers’ expertise baccalaureate degree is on another degree
assigned to them, the data apparently program and not on Education. Moreover,
depict that the participants expressed these participants might not have been able
strong agreement on the resource speakers to give much attention to the training
on their assigned topics. The management proper because there were instances that in
team consciously observed judiciousness in the course of the training, internet
identifying resource speakers based on connectivity issues were experienced by
their expertise. Initially, there were several both the participants and the speakers, thus
of them, but the management team an attribution to the findings.
shortlisted them as to their preparation and
experience to ensure excellence in content The participants strongly agreed that the
and delivery. The majority of the speakers presentations were interesting and well-
coming from the university where this delivered. This reaction from the
project is conducted are doctorate degree participants clearly signifies that the
holders and a few are master’s degree training was successful in showcasing well-
holders. They are as well taking key planned presentations and consistently
positions in the same university. The guest providing timely and interesting topics fit to
speakers are doctorate degree holders, and the needs of the participants. The
prominent educators in the Philippines and management team conducted reviews and
abroad. They too take significant final checking before the resource speakers
responsibilities in their respective present their scheduled lectures.
institutions. As posited by Tampon (2022), Consequently, resource speakers were
the best resource speaker in the Philippines requested to do a run-through of their
that you should be looking for is an industry presentation before their actual lecture to
expert who can deliver a speech with check their material and review their
substantial content based on their delivery. Tsang (2020) emphasized that
experiences and observations of other presentations play a role in students’
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 16| PAGE 1502-1511| DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.16.NQ880147
Ethel Abaoet al / CIRO Model: A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in Developing Global Filipino Teachers’ Program

acquisition of knowledge and are often a activities to improve their skills in teaching
mode of assessment in all disciplines. Thus, online skills (Matheos & Curry, 2004) as
a careful and well-planned presentation cited in Hilliard (2015). Therefore, the
leads to the fruitful acquisition of necessary programs and technology tools
knowledge for the participants, and these are now a must for colleges and students
are visible in the result of their responses to and can be accessed from their home
the questionnaire. environment anywhere in the world. The
training program also helped the teachers
The participants revealed that the training to face challenges and succeed in their
as valuable to them. The data shows that work. The teachers show improvement in
the participants have affirmed that training their performance in the classroom as an
program was valuable to them. Truitt outcome of the training program.
(2011) found out that there is a direct
relationship between one’s positive training
The relevance of professional development
experiences and attitudes and one’s
of teachers cannot be overemphasized. The
proficiency. 1509
training programs have the greatest impact
With the participants seeing the value of
on improving teachers' academic
the training, it can be implied that they will
qualifications and their attitude toward
be more proficient teachers in their
work. The Filipino teachers in Cambodia
subjects. This training has become a vital
succeeded in attending the said program
aspect in improving their performance in
and with all their comments and evaluation,
teaching as they find it valuable to them.
the project was able to impact them in one
This clearly indicates that the participants
way of another. The project monitoring
have seen the significance of this training to
and evaluation of the online training of
themselves. This training also creates an
DGFT revealed the importance of check and
impact to their continuous aim for
balance on the side of the implementer and
professional growth and development.
participants. All these are deemed
important for the improvement of the
CIRO : The Outcome
programs and projects offered by the
Teacher trainings are focused on
continuously improving teacher quality and
student performance and engaging in a 6. RECOMMENDATION
variety of professional development Based on the evaluation findings, the team
activities to enhance their ability to provide recommends crafting of a policy brief to
quality instruction to all students (Pharis, address challenges in the project
Wu, Sullivan & Moore, 2019). Based on the implementation. Although all the Filipino
data gathered, the training matched the teacher participants in Cambodia were
training needs and professional satisfied with the program and believed
development of the Filipino teachers in they have been capacitated, there are
Cambodia. One of the teachers’ participants certain issues, especially on the overarching
expressed that the seminar helped them to principle of accountability of the
improve their abilities in adapting to participants which may guide future CHED-
learner-centered classroom instruction and funded endeavors.
expressed gratitude to the speakers of the
This implies that teachers must continue to
participate in professional development
NeuroQuantology|November2022| Volume 20 | Issue 16| PAGE 1502-1511| DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.16.NQ880147
Ethel Abaoet al / CIRO Model: A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in Developing Global Filipino Teachers’ Program

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