Use of Chemicals For Management of Water Quality

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Use of chemicals in Water Quality


Rajanbir Singh
Reg. No. PGDIF 133

Dr. Subhendu Datta
 It is desirable to provide cultured fish with conditions that are
within their favoured range for optimum growth and production.

 However, local environmental conditions may make a pond

unfavourable or completely unsuitable for fish culture.

 Problems that are frequently encountered include soft acidic

waters, low natural productivity, high clay turbidity, oxygen
depletion and acid sulfate soils.

 In such circumstances it is desirable to adjust the water

chemistry of a pond in order to bring it back into the favoured
range of the culture species.

 Lime, gypsum, alum and potassium permanganate are frequently

used in aquaculture to regulate water quality and the conditions
described above.
 Freshwater ponds with acidic waters is unsuitable for use in
fish culture without remedial action.

 Liming materials contain calcium, or calcium and

magnesium in combination with an anionic
redical capable of
neutralizing acidity
(Anon, 1998).

 Common liming materials include

agricultural limestone and liquid
lime, calcium hydroxide, calcium
LIME (continued…)
 Liming materials react with acidity as follows for dolomite:

CaMg(CO3)2 + 4H+ = Ca2+ + Mg2+ + 2H2O + 2CO2

 This reaction neutralizes acidity, increase pH and total hardness

of water, and results in an increase in total alkalinity.
LIME (continued…)
 The addition of lime can be used to increase these properties to
levels favoured by culture species.

 Rapid pH changes, even within the range normally tolerated by a

species, may also cause the death of fishes.

 Some liming materials such as calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide

can result in a pH increase above 11, which is considered to be the
alkaline death point for pond fishes.

 However, these materials will

react with atmospheric carbon
dioxide (CO2) to form less
hazardous carbonates if applied
to empty ponds several weeks
before refilling.

 This will prevent such excessive

increase in pH occurring from
the use of these materials.
LIME (continued…)
 Ponds with substantial populations of phytoplankton or aquatic
plants may also experience wide diurnal fluctuations in pH.
This is caused by fluctuations in CO2 concentration due to
respiration and photosynthetic activity (Boyd, 1990) .

 The addition of liming materials to increase the total alkalinity

of ponds has the desirable
effect of increasing
buffering capacity and
pH stability.
Liming to reclaim acid-sulfate soils

Aerial view: Acid sulfate soils are widespread Alluvial backswamp- An

along our estuarine floodplains and coastal lowlands. example of coastal lowlands

 Acid-sulfate soils contain iron pyrite, (iron sulfide) which is

oxidized to sulfuric acid if the soils are exposed to air as per the
following reaction.

FeS2 + 3.75 O2 + 3.5 H2O = Fe(OH)3 + 2SO4-2 + H+

 Drainage from acid sulfate soils can cause extremely low pH in
ponds outside the tolerable range of most species.

 Acid sulfate soils within a pond or its watershed must therefore be

treated if the pond is to be used for production.

 However, large amount of lime are typically required

and the technique may not be economically feasible
unless used in conjunction with other methods
(Sea water flushing, flooding and drying, use of
organic manure for algal growth etc.).

Lime being added to the lime slot, The

drain to left contains water to the pH < 3
Liming to increase the effectiveness of
fertilization programs in soft acidic waters

 Fertilization programs are usually ineffective in ponds with acidic waters

and sediments. This reduced response is caused by two factors.

 The first is a deficiency of carbon in this system, which cannot support

high rates of photosynthesis by phytoplankton and plants.

 The second is the increased adsorption of dissolved phosphorus in

sediments. Phosphorus is a key nutrient for phytoplankton growth and its
availability limits phytoplankton production.

 Liming materials may be used to support fertilization programs or to

improve productivity in acidic waters by addressing both of these factors.

 Lime is generally recommended as a treatment for ponds when total

alkalinity and total hardness are below 20 mg/liter (Pillai and Boyd, 1985).
 Heavy phytoplankton growth can deplete free CO2 which is
required by phytoplankton and aquatic plants for

 Bicarbonate ions provide an alternative carbon source for

photosynthesis in the absence of free CO2.

 Liming can therefore favour greater

rates of photosynthesis at times
when the availability of free
CO2 is limited, leading to
substantially higher phytoplankton
 Lime cannot be applied simultaneously with phosphate fertilizers as
this cause phosphorus to precipitate.

 This is due to the high calcium concentrations from the limestone

reaction with phosphate to from tricalcium phosphate.

 It is therefore desirable to add liming materials well in advance of


 Liming is not usually considered to be a form of fertilization.

 However, liming increases the concentration of calcium and/or

magnesium , which can be limiting nutrients, for phytoplankton, at low

 These nutrients are most likely to be limiting in waters of low total

 Lime must be periodically reapplied to remain

 Ponds treated with limestone or hydrated lime

have been reported to show increased
productivity for two to four years.

 Liminghas been reported to be ineffective in a

pond with a water retention time of less than
three weeks.
Alum (Aluminium sulfate)
 Clay turbidity restricts light penetration in ponds.

 This reduces the depth to which photosynthesis can occur and

reduces primary productivity.

 Choaking of fish gills.

 Clay turbidity is caused by

ultra-fine colloidal particles.

 These particles carry a

negative charge which
maintains them in
 Positive ions react to reduce the negative charge of
colloids, causing them to coagulate into large particles
and settle out.

 Electrolytes with appropriate positive ions can therefore

be added to water to remove colloidal particles.

 Alum (Aluminium sulfate),

hydrated lime
(calcium hydroxide) and
gypsum (calcium sulfate)
are often used as sources
of electrolytes for reducing
 Liming materials increase the concentration of calcium
and magnesium ions, which flocculate colloidal particles.

 Gypsum can also be used to flocculate colloidal by

increasing the concentration of calcium ions.

 However, in one comparative study, alum was found to be

more effective than lime or gypsum in the reduction of

 Alum reduced turbidity by 89 – 97% within 48 hours at

doses of 10-30 mg/litre. The cost of treatment with alum is
significantly lower than gypsum.
 Alum is acid forming and can substantially reduce total
alkalinity and pH as per the following reaction.

Al2 (SO4)3 + 6H2O = 2AI(OH)3 + 6H+ + 3SO42-

 This effect makes alum unsuitable for use in ponds with low
total alkalinity as it may lower pH to the point where it is
toxic to fish.

 Alum also reduces dissolved inorganic phosphate levels

through the precipitation of insoluble aluminium phosphate,
reducing phytoplankton growth.

 The use of alum may therefore necessitate the addition of

lime to correct total alkalinity and pH if these parameters fall
below acceptable levels.
Gypsum (calcium sulfate)
 Gypsum (calcium sulfate) is more soluble than lime
materials and can be used to increase the total hardness
of waters beyond that possible with lime, although it
does not neutralize acidity.

 The low cost and high solubility of gypsum makes it ideal

for use in the maintenance of calcium levels in hatchery

 Adequate levels of calcium are

critical for bone formation
in fish and exoskeleton
formation in crustaceans.
 The increased calcium concentrations associated with
the addition of gypsum to ponds may cause a
gradual, but substantial decline in total alkalinity, pH
and phytoplankton abundance (Wu and Boyd, 1990).

 High calcium concentrations have also been shown

no limit the concentration of dissolved phosphorus
through precipitation of insoluble tricalcium

 The use of gypsum may therefore reduce the productivity

of acidic ponds.

 It may be necessary to correct total alkalinity with lime and

increase phosphorus levels with fertilization if treatment
with gypsum causes these parameters to fall below
acceptable levels.
 The calcium ions supplied by gypsum act as
electrolytes in the flocculation of colloidal

 Forexample, gypsum applied at rates of 100 –

500 mg/litre substantially reduced turbidity in one

 However, similar reductions in turbidity were

achieved using 20-25 mg/litre of alum, which is a
more cost effective treatment (Boyd, 1990).
Potassium permanganate
Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is an oxidizing agent,
which is sometimes used as a pond treatment for oxygen
depletion. It is also sometimes used as a disinfectant or
treatment for fish.

 The addition of potassium

permanganate at concentrations
above 4mg/litre has been reported
to reduce the biological oxygen
demand of water in plastic pools.
Potassium permanganate (Continued…)

The effect lasted for one to two days post-treatment and was attributed
to reduction in the abundance of aerobic bacteria.

However, treatment also reduced daylight rates of oxygen gain by

suppressing photosynthesis and reducing algal abundance.

This technique may be detrimental since it is

only useful if potassium permanganate is
added in advance of oxygen depletion

However, this technique might possibly be of

some assistance as an emergency measure
if combined with additional
supplementary aeration to increase
dissolved oxygen levels.
Potassium permanganate (Continued…)
 This would be of particular benefit at night when
dissolved oxygen levels are at their lowest.

 Treatment of ponds with potassium permanganate has

been reported to substantially reduce the concentration
of dissolved orthophosphate concentrations.

 The loss was attributes to the formation of insoluble

precipitate formed upon the oxidation of ferrous iron by
potassium permanganate.

 Phosphorus is a key nutrient for phytoplankton and its

availability limits phytoplankton growth.
 Fertilization with phosphorous may be required after treatment with
potassium permanganate in order to maintain the primary productivity
of ponds.

 Potassium permanganate may also be used to oxidize the piscicides

such as rotenone and antimycin.

 However, potassium permanganate has been shown to be toxic in

itself, with adverse effects observed
in some fish at concentrations of
2 mg/L in tap water.

 The toxicity of potassium permanganate,

and its effectiveness as a treatment
appeared to be reduced by the
presence of organic matter in ponds.
 Liming materials may contribute substantially to fish yields
by improving conditions for fish, and by enhancing the
primary productivity of the pond.

 Alum is an effective flocculant for reducing clay turbidity.

 Gypsum is less useful in reducing the clay turbidity. But is

better suitable to raising hardness than lime or alum
because of its greater solubility.

 Potassium permanganate is a useful disinfectant, but may

actually be detrimental if added to ponds suffering from
oxygen depletion.

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