Russian Jet Engines

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Turbojet Engine
The R25-300 two-shaft, two-rotor engine with
afterburner has a three-stage low-pressure
compressor and a five-stage high-pressure
compressor, a cannular combustion chamber,

single-staged low- and high-pressure turbines,

and a fixed-area nozzle. The two-stage after-
burner allows high-altitude air combat.

Basic specifications
Thrust (H=0, M=0, ISA), kgf: The engine’s main advantages are conven-
emergency thrust 7,100* ient maintenance, a continuous range of after-

afterburner 6,850 burning modes control with smooth thrust

Specific fuel consumption, kg/kgf/h 0.91 change, and easy single-handle control. The
Air consumption, kg/sec 68.5 engine has two afterburning modes: afterburn-
Pressure ratio 9.1 er and emergency thrust. The engine is
Gas temperature before the turbine, oK 1,353 designed to power the MiG-21 family aircraft.
Dimensions, mm: The R25-300-94 is designed to power the
length 4,615 MiG-21-93 aircraft. It has an integrated hydrob-
max diameter 907 lade drive generator with multiplier and a rein-
Engine dry weight, kg 1,215 forced gearbox drive chain.
* - 9,900 kgf at M=1.0

R-95Sh, R-195
Turbojet Engines

The R-95Sh and R-195 engines feature a

two-shaft configuration and a modular design.
There is a three-stage low-pressure compres-
sor without a guide vane, and a five-stage
high-pressure compressor. The cannular com-
bustion chamber has twin nozzles. The low-
and high-pressure turbines are single-staged.
There is no afterburner, and the nozzle is of a The engines are noted for ease of operation,
fixed-area type. high reliability and combat survivability. They
can withstand 23mm round hits, and retain
Basic specifications operability after considerable damage (com-
R-95Sh R-195 bat proven cases).
Thrust, kgf: The R-195 engine is a derivative of the
max continuous (H=0, M=0) 4,100 4,300 R-95Sh engine. It features increased thrust,
emergency (H=0, M=0) – 4,500 improved maintainability, reduced IR signature,
Specific fuel consumption and enhanced stability during missile launch.
at take-off, kg/kgf/h 0.860 0.890 The R-195 is fully interchangeable with the R-
Air consumption, kg/sec 67 66 95Sh engine.
Pressure ratio 8.7 9.0
Gas temperature before the turbine, oK 1,148 1,188 Variants
Dimensions (without accessories), mm: The R-95Sh engine is fitted on Su-25K, Su-
length 2,700 2,880 25UBK, and Su-25SMK aircraft.
max diameter 772 805 The R-195 engine is designed for the Su-39
Engine dry weight, kg 830 860 aircraft.

70 R O S O B O R O N E X P O R T

Turbojet Engine

installed to ensure internal cooling. The fully vari-

able area propelling nozzle consists of the sub-
sonic convergent and supersonic divergent rims.

Basic specifications
Thrust (H=0, M=0, ISA), kgf:
max continuous 7,800
min afterburner 9,700
The AL-21F-3 engine features a single-shaft full afterburner 11,250
configuration. The 14-stage compressor has a Specific fuel consumption, kg/kgf/h:

sophisticated control system. The cannular com- economy power (H=0, M=0) 0.80
bustion chamber has 12 flame tubes. cruising mode 0.76
The three-stage turbine is of an impulse-reaction max continuous 1.86
type. The blades of the first and second turbine Air consumption, kg/sec 104
stages are cooled with the bleed air taken from Pressure ratio 14.55
the compressor. The afterburner has three annu- Gas temperature before the turbine, oK 1,385
lar stabilisers and six fuel manifolds with spray Dimensions, mm:
and swirl-type nozzles. A perforated screen is length /diameter 5,340/1,030
Engine dry weight, kg 1,800

Turbofan Engine Family

Mirage F1 fighter upgrade. It has a bottom gear-

box, and can also be fitted on MiG-21 and
Mirage III aircraft upgrades.
The RD-33 engine has a two-shaft turbine con- The RD-93 engine was developed for the
figuration with exhaust mixing in the afterburner. Chinese FC-1 aircraft.
The engine features a modular design. The low- The RD-133 engine is designed for the MiG-
pressure compressor has four stages; the high- 29 aircraft. It features a fully variable nozzle
pressure compressor has nine stages. The engine with thrust vectoring and a new automatic
has a short annular combustion chamber and hydromechnical electronic control system.
single-stage low- and high-pressure turbines. The
afterburner is common for both ducts. The engine
features a variable-area supersonic propelling Basic specifications
nozzle. RD-33 RD-133
Due to good gas-dynamic stability, the RD-33 Thrust (H=0, M=0), kgf:
engines do not impose any limitations on pilot- max continuous 5,040 5,600
ing and feature high spool-up capacity. full afterburner 8,300 9,000
The RD-33 is designed to power the MiG-29 Specific fuel consumption,
fighter family. max continuous (H=0, M=0), kg/kgf/h 0.74 0.77
Bypass ratio 0.46 0.437
Variants Gas temperature before the turbine, oK 1,680 1,720
The RD-33 Series 3 engine with an extended Dimensions, mm:
service life is designed to power MiG-29M, MiG- length 4,230 4,230
29M2, MiG-29K and MiG-29KUB aircraft. max diameter 1,040 1,040
The RD-33N engine is designed to power the Engine dry weight, kg 1,055 1,145

R O S O B O R O N E X P O R T 71


Turbofan Engine Family

The AL-31F engines have modular design, operational in a wide altitude/airspeed enve-
with a four-stage variable low-pressure com- lope, and provide stable operation in deep air
pressor and a two-shaft turbine. The nine-stage intake surge modes at Mach numbers of up to
high-pressure compressor has a variable-area 2.0, in controlled, inverted and flat spins, and
first group of stages. The combustor is of an enable execution of aerobatics in the dynamic
annular type. The single-stage high and low- operation mode at negative airspeeds of up to
pressure turbines have active radial clearance 200 km/h.
control. The air-to-air heat exchanger of the tur- The engines boast high gas-dynamic stability
bine cooling system is placed in the external and durability, enabling their operation in
duct, and is fitted with a device preventing air extreme conditions with air intake pressure
flow in dry-thrust engine operation mode. The irregularities and pulsing.
afterburner is common for both ducts.
The supersonic nozzle has a variable-area
design. The engine has a top-mounted gearbox, The AL-31F engine is designed for installa-
a looped oil system, and an autonomous start- tion in the Su-27, Su-30, Su-32, and Su-35 air-
up system. The main control system is electron- craft.
ic, while the auxiliary one is hydraulic. The The AL-31F Series 3 engine is designed to
engine features a surge termination system and power the Su-33 aircraft.
high gas-dynamic stability of the compressor. The AL-31FN engine is a development of the
The AL-31F engines are available both in AL-31F engine featuring both bottom and top
standard and tropicalised variants. They are gearboxes designed for the Chinese J-10A air-
Basic specifications The AL-31FP engine is another development
AL-31F AL-31FN AL-31FP of the AL-31F engine with a swiveling nozzle for
Thrust, full afterburner, kgf 12,500 12,500 12,500 the Su-30MK.
Specific fuel
consumption, kg/kgf/h
economy power (H=0, M=0) 0.670 0.685 0.670
Dimensions, mm:
length 4,950 4,897 4,990
max diameter 1,240 1,140 1,280
Engine dry weight, kg 1,530 1,547 1,570

72 R O S O B O R O N E X P O R T

Turbofan Engine

The NK-25 three-stage bypass turbofan flows. The engine has an anti-surge protection
engine features turbine blade radial clearance with automatic recovery of the initial operation
active control and stator rings perforation for mode. The engine control system is electronic.

increased compressor stability. The rotor blades The NK-25 engine is designed for the
and the nozzle vanes are cooled with vortex Tu-22M3E multirole aircraft.

Basic specifications
Thrust at take-off
(H=0, M=0, ISA), kgf 25,000

Specific fuel consumption
at take-off, kg/kgf/h 2.08
Pressure ratio 25.9
Bypass ratio 1.45
Gas temperature before the turbine, oK 1,600

Turbofan Engine

systems. The electro-hydraulic engine control

system is backed up with the hydraulic system
activated if the electronic one has failed to
ensure flight safety and effective mission accom-
The engine has unique altitude and airspeed
performance, providing maximum airspeed of
3,000 km/h at altitude and 1,500 km/h near
The D-30F6 engine is designed to power the
The D-30F6 engine features a two-shaft con- MiG-31E fighter/interceptor.
figuration with exhaust mixing from both ducts.
The engine consists of seven modules. It has a
low-pressure five-stage compressor, a high-pres- Basic specifications
sure ten-stage compressor and a cannular com- Thrust, kgf:
bustion chamber. The low- and high-pressure tur- max continuous (H=0, M=0, ISA) 9,500
bines are two-staged. The nozzle vanes and high- full afterburner 15,500
pressure turbine rotor blades are cooled. The Specific fuel consumption, kg/kgf/h:
afterburner houses the exhaust mixer and has max continuous (H=0, M=0) 0.20
four ring flame stabilisers. The multivane super- full afterburner 1.90
sonic nozzle is cooled. The engine design Bypass ratio 0.57
enables onboard parameter monitoring. Air consumption, kg/sec 150
Reliability of the engine is ensured by the protec- Pressure ratio (total) 21.15
tion, backup, and early malfunction detection Gas temperature before the turbine, oK 1,640
Engine dry weight, kg 2,416

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