Further Invest of Low GWP Refr in Navy Chillers
Further Invest of Low GWP Refr in Navy Chillers
Further Invest of Low GWP Refr in Navy Chillers
Table 1 – Trend in U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Million Metric Tons CO2 Equivalent) (EPA 2023)
Gas/Source 1990 2005 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 5121.4 6132.4 5212.1 5378.0 5259.8 4714.4 5048.2
Methane (CH4) 868.7 791.2 762.8 774.2 767.8 742.3 727.4
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 396.7 405.1 402.8 418.5 399.1 377.7 384.8
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) 39 116.4 160.8 160.9 165.4 168.2 175.1
Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) 21.8 6.1 3.8 4.3 4 3.9 3.5
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) 30.5 15.5 7.2 7.1 7.8 7.5 8
Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3) < 0.05 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6
Total Gross Emissions 6,478.3 7466.9 6550.0 6743.4 6604.4 6014.5 6347.7
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
The AIM Act mandates that EPA allocate the limit would also override the state limits of 750
full quantity of HFC production and GWP on 1 January 2025.
consumption allowances for mission-critical
In 2022, the Office of Naval Research (ONR)
military end uses (MCMEU), which includes
began a program to research low GWP (GWP
Navy shipboard chillers. However, it also
<700) alternatives for HFC-134a (GWP-1430)
mandates that the EPA review the availability of
in naval surface ship chillers. This paper
substitutes not less than once every five years.
discusses findings and expands upon a previous
In addition, the EPA regulations implementing paper [Frank and Spector, 2022].
the AIM Act (40 CFR Subpart 84) require that
Department of Defense (DoD) provide, as part
of their annual HFC allowance allocation A preliminary hazard analysis (PHA) was
request for MCMEU, a description of plans to conducted to evaluate R-450A, R-513A,
transition to HFCs or HFC blends with a lower hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) -1234yf and HFO-
exchange value (exchange value is equivalent to 1234ze(E) as drop-in replacements for HFC-
GWP) or alternatives to HFCs, including not-in- 134a in naval surface ship centrifugal
kind substitutes. compressor chiller applications. The PHA
documents and assesses various risks associated
Furthermore, EPA granted petitions under the
with each alternative refrigerant and includes
Technology Transition Subsection (i) of the
topics such as pressure vessel safety,
AIM Act in October 2021, which called for a
flammability, toxicity, ignitions sources (and
2024 ban on the use of refrigerants with a GWP
how these all relate to various leak and rupture
greater than 750 in new stationary chillers. EPA
events), performance and material compatibility.
made the determination that suitable substitutes
The PHA identified 48 risks, in which additional
are available for commercial chillers. Similarly,
research and development (R&D), test and
several States including California, Washington,
evaluation (T&E) and/or analysis is required. It
and Virginia have passed regulations banning
is intended to guide the Navy, providing a
the use of HFC-134a and other refrigerants with
process that can be used to approve low-GWP
GWP greater than 750 in new stationary chillers
refrigerants for shipboard use.
effective 1 January 2024. In December 2022,
EPA issued a proposed technology transition Note that in accordance with the Environmental
rule to address the petitions that were granted. Protection Agency’s (EPA) Significant New
Although the petitions requested a GWP limit of Alternatives Policy (SNAP) [EPA, 2023], HFO-
750 for chillers, EPA made the determination 1234yf is not listed as an acceptable refrigerant
that suitable substitutes were available with for chillers. The SNAP program provides a list
GWPs of less than 700, and therefore proposed of acceptable and unacceptable substitutes for
this lower limit. The proposed rule would various end-uses based on an analysis of risks to
prohibit manufacture and import of chillers human health and the environment. HFO-
containing refrigerants with GWPs greater than 1234yf is an acceptable alternative for HFC-
700 by 1 January 2025. The one-year delay in 134a for use in mobile vehicle air conditioners.
the effective date was chosen to ensure Additional refrigerants can be submitted for an
compliance with the AIM Act which prohibits end use application by submitting a package to
an effective date that is less than 12-months the SNAP program for review.
from the publication of the final rule which is
Pressure Vessel Safety
expected in the summer of 2023. If EPA
finalizes the rule as proposed, the 700 GWP The refrigerant saturation pressure at 150
degrees Fahrenheit (°F), or 65.6 degrees Celsius
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
(°C) is the maximum design pressure for the Table 2 – Refrigerant A2L Flammability
pressure boundary of all Navy mil-spec HFC- Parameter Definition
134a chillers based on a compartment casualty
Test Exhibits flame propagation when
condition with the chiller secured. For HFC- Condition tested per ASHRAE-STD-34 at 60°C
134a, this corresponds to 265 pounds per square (140°F) and 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia), and
at 50% relative humidity at 23°C
inch gauge (psig). The vapor pressure of each
(12°C dew point) and:
refrigerant alternative was evaluated at this
Lower > 0.10 kg/m³ (0.0062 lb/ft³), and
design condition, at which overboard pressure Flammable
relief valves actuate to protect the pressure Limit (LFL)
vessel. Minor differences were noted, with R- Heat of <19,000 kJ/kg (8169 BTU/lbm) and
513A having the highest saturation pressure
Burning ≤ 10 cm/s (3.9 in/s) when tested at
(greater than HFC-134a), but all are within safe Velocity 23°C (73.4°F) and 101.3 kPa (14.7
design margins. psia)
within the chillers and may have consequences HFO-1234ze(E) 6 A2L 800 ppm
in receiver sizing and onboard spare refrigerant R-450A, a blend of 58% HFO-
601 A1 880 ppm
1234ze(E) & 42% HFC-134a
storage. For example, between three to six HFC-134a 1430 A1 1000 ppm
additional cylinders would be required for the
Navy ships using our largest chillers if converted Industry testing has shown that the flammability
to use R-513A. of A2L HFO refrigerants increases with
humidity. Navy machinery spaces are typically
Safety not air-conditioned but are cooled by ventilation
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating with outside ambient air, in which the absolute
and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) humidity levels are often far greater than the
Standard 34 classifies the safety aspect of ASHRAE standard test condition. All medium
different refrigerants with a capital letter and a pressure (boiling pressure in evaporator greater
number. The first capital letter (A or B) than 15.7 but less than 75 pounds per square
classifies toxicity. “A” being less toxic and “B” inch absolute(psia)), low GWP refrigerants,
being more toxic. Next is a number from 1 to 3 intended for chillers are blends of a flammable
designating flammability with “1” being non- refrigerant and HFC-134a.
flammable, “2” being flammable and “3” being The semi-confined, naval machinery space with
extremely flammable. Subclass 2L was added, large refrigerant charge versus compartment
which designates mildly flammable with details volume poses a significant vapor cloud ignition
specified in Table 2. hazard in the event of a large leak or rupture.
There are numerous ignition sources within the
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
machinery room in which these chillers are with ASTM E2079 at the extremes of
installed, with some chillers collocated with gas operational temperature and humidity.
turbine generators.
As shown in Table 2, the 8-hour time weighted
ASHRAE Standard 15 provides machinery room average exposure limits for these refrigerants as
requirements when using an A2L refrigerant. specified within ASHRAE Standard 34 are 15%
There are many areas in which compliance to 50% less than legacy HFCs and may not have
would be difficult. The most difficult would be the same margin of chronic toxicity safety.
the requirement to secure all electrical power Further review by Navy Industrial Hygienists
sources (greater than 1 kilovolt-ampere) within a and Toxicologists is required to establish Navy
space and increase ventilation to as much 25,000 Occupation Exposure Limits (OEL) in
cubic feet per minute when the refrigerant accordance with Office of the Chief of Naval
concentration exceeds 25% of the lower Operations (OPNAV) M-5100.23 taking into
flammability limit. Securing power to an entire account that shipboard exposure can exceed 8-
space is not practical for a naval combatant hours per day and 40-hours per week.
without potentially compromising the ships
Furthermore, while all fluorinated refrigerants
combat/defensive capability. Furthermore,
thermally decompose to hydrogen fluoride and
increasing ventilation to the specified
hydrofluoric acid, some industry testing
requirements would significantly impact the ship
indicates that the HFO refrigerants may
design, likely resulting in a larger ship with
decompose at lower temperature (approximately
reduced survivability and combat fight-through
10% less) and at a faster rate than HFC-134a.
capability. A military specification for a new
This becomes a potential risk for equipment
design compartment halocarbon (refrigerant)
having hot surface design temperature such as
monitor meeting the intent of ASHRAE
resistance ventilation heaters. Shipboard
Standard 15 is under development. It would
firefighting already uses in some spaces (but not
incorporate all applicable sensor and time
all) water spray cooling to minimize the
response features minus active control, which
halogenated acids generated from fluorinated
due to cybersecurity, is delegated to certified
fire extinguishing agents. It’s important to
supervisory systems such as the ship’s
understand that the secondary damage from fire
Machinery Control System.
related gases such as hydrofluoric acid can be
For these reasons, utilization of A2L mildly greater than the fire itself. Consequently, the
flammable refrigerants in a chiller on Navy ships Navy is investigating additional testing to better
is not feasible. There are also concerns with R- assess the onset of thermal decomposition and
450A and R-513A. For example, the National what actions may be necessary to mitigate the
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) risk.
conducted more stringent flammability tests
A simplified model was developed to evaluate
using a modified Japanese high-pressure gas law
refrigerant levels in a space using representative
(JHPGL) setup (similar to ASTM E918), in
minimal and maximum ventilation rates during a
which the pressure in a two-liter combustion
small and large pressure boundary failure. This
chamber is measured as a metric for
analysis was performed to determine the
flammability. Pressure rises for R-513A and R-
expected concentrations from these events and
450A at only 12°C (53.6°F) dewpoint were
the time experienced in the flammable zone, in
approximately 0.47, and 0.26 atmospheres, as
which the refrigerant concentration is between
compared to 0.12 for HFC-134a [Domanski and
the lower and upper flammable limits. In
McLinden, 2023]. Consequently, the Navy is
general, from an acute toxicity perspective, the
investigating additional flammability testing
four low GWP refrigerants do not present any
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
greater risk than already presented by HFC- These compressor maps are experimentally
134a. generated in dedicated compressor test facilities
and represent a significant investment by the
However, the large refrigerant charge versus manufacturer. To complicate this situation,
small compartment volume with a wide range of compressor performance is affected by various
ignition sources presents a transient risk that is control devices (pre-rotational vanes, variable
not unlike that used when evaluating large geometry diffuser, hot gas bypass, economizer
releases of liquid natural gas (LNG). control valve and/or variable speed drive). As
Consequently, the Navy analyzed the risks these details were not available, a generic
accordingly and the PHA summary compressor map was developed using
recommendation being “The use of any information obtained from back-calculating
refrigerant on a naval surface ship that can pose necessary parameters from various sets of
a risk of a vapor cloud explosion is not prudent certified test results of various military qualified
and should not be pursued.”. Ultimately, the centrifugal compressor chillers. Control
Navy’s goal is to perform additional analysis, algorithms were adopted within the model to
research, and testing to provide maximum account for their effects, when appropriate.
reasonable assurance of ship and crew safety in
the event of a casualty. It is also important to capture performance
differences within the evaporator and condenser
Modeling of Navy’s Chillers among the different refrigerants. All Navy
HFC-134a military specification chillers use seal
Flexible chiller models do not exist in the public
welded (for reduced emissions), enhanced
domain. The ability to accurately model chillers
copper tubes in the evaporator and finned
is crucial to assessing the impact of using lower
titanium tubes in the condenser. Boiling and
GWP refrigerants alternatives. Consequently,
condensing coefficients are often determined
being able to predict differences among different
using test rigs in which a number of individual
refrigerants, such as capacity differences at rated
tubes are tested with a range of water flow rates
conditions, energy difference within the
and heat fluxes at a desired boiling or
operational range and limitations is required. A
condensing temperature. To date, this testing
previous chiller model was refined to
has not been accomplished with any tubes used
incorporate additional fidelity. Fidelity
within Navy chillers using any of the HFC-134a
improvement focused on the compressor,
refrigerant alternatives. Boiling and condensing
controls, and the calculation of boiling and
coefficients were calculated based on several
condensing coefficients. The model calculates
correlations [Thome 2006] for each refrigerant
thermodynamic properties using NIST
alternative and compared with that of HFC-
Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport
134a. The proportion was then scaled to the
Properties (REFPROP) Version 10 functions
appropriate tube correlation with HFC-134a to
[Lemmon 2018].
determine the magnitude of degradation or
The ability to model the compressor is of utmost enhancement to this thermal resistance.
importance as this is where most of the cycle
After these updates, the model, which includes
inefficiencies occur while operating at various
over sixty inputs, was able to calculate
load conditions in environments ranging from
performance of a centrifugal compressor chiller
arctic to tropical. Unfortunately, obtaining
using various refrigerants. Results of the model
information to accurately model the compressor
were compared with applicable factory certified
is difficult because detailed analysis requires
first article test data, as recorded by the
access to proprietary compressor maps from the
manufacturer for two HFC-134a chillers, the
manufacture that are generally not released.
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
350-ton variable speed High Efficiency Super emission of refrigerants to the atmosphere
Capacity (HESC) chiller and the fixed speed through its service life from leaks, servicing, and
500-ton chiller. Model results were generally disposal; and indirect emissions from CO2 that
within five percent throughout the tested range. are emitted by generating the electrical power to
Differences among refrigerant candidates R- drive the chiller over its lifetime. This becomes
450A, R-513A and HFO-1234yf could then be complex as Navy ships are generally powered by
determined. HFO-1234ze(E) was not evaluated shore power supplied from the electrical grid
in detail since this refrigerant is not applicable when in-port and reliant on shipboard power
for drop-in/back-fit due to excessive loss of plants at sea. And at-sea, the cooling load will
capacity (>15%). vary widely based on time of year, world-wide
location, and ship operating condition. LCCP
A total of three chillers were analyzed. With the
also includes embodied emissions to capture the
exception of the 200-ton chiller with R-450A,
global warming effects of manufacturing,
the 350-ton HESC and 500-ton chillers are
transport, installation, and disposal of this
expected to lose some capacity when operating
equipment. The lower the LCCP is, the better it
with the evaluated low GWP refrigerants at their
is for the environment.
rated design conditions. Summary of the results
compared to HFC-134a cooling capacity are With most ships being fossil fueled, it is
shown in Table 4. obviously desirable that any lower GWP
Table 4 – Low GWP Cooling Capacity as
refrigerant replacement provides energy
Compared with HFC-134a efficiency not less than comparable to that of the
HFCs currently in use. If not, the benefits from
Chiller R-450A R-513A HFO-1234yf direct (leakage) emissions will be offset by
200-ton 102.9% 95.4% 95.4% indirect (fuel burned for power) emissions. To
analyze the energy usage difference for the
HESC 95.6% 97.1% 94.0%
various low GWP refrigerants, an annual ship
500-ton 90.2% 94.9% 89.9% operating profile was used, and is briefly
summarized in Table 5. The actual profile
breaks down estimated hours at load between
Loss of capacity is a serious concern for the 20-100% and seawater temperatures between
Navy. The growing emergent need for advanced 28-95°F.
electronic countermeasure and warfare systems
are all competing for more power and cooling. Table 5 – Annual Ship Operating Profile
Additionally, ships are designed for a finite Operating Condition Hours Operating
amount of cooling service life margin, and any
In-Port 3500
loss of capacity is a major concern. For the
HESC and the 500-ton chillers, there are Anchor (at-sea) 880
equipment modifications that can be made to Battle (at-sea) 880
pull-back the loss of capacity but not without
Cruise (at-sea) 3500
considerable investment and not without using
more power.
Energy usage is then calculated for the
Life Cycle Climate Performance
operational profile using results from the chiller
Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP) is an model. Energy usage under each condition is
evaluation method to evaluate the global tabulated to determine total chiller power usage
warming impact from manufacturing to disposal. in megawatts-hours (MW-hrs). After which, the
This method analyzes the combined direct chiller total power usage is converted to mega
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
Table 4, additional capacity is expected when hermetic motor burn-out in over 25 years.
operating with R-450A. Additionally, not being Overall, the risk of current materials proving to
a low emissions design, the 200-ton chiller be incompatible with candidate low GWP
benefits the most from any low GWP refrigerant refrigerants is low.
with regard to direct emissions.
The risks and hazards identified by the PHA
must be mitigated before a low-GWP refrigerant
is approved for shipboard use; the primary
concerns as previously addressed being safety
and performance. Thus far, and consistent with
industry, R-513A is the best available candidate
for a near universal refrigerant replacement for
HFC-134a with a GWP value less than 700, but
is not without risk. The one anomaly, which
came as a surprise, was the gain of cooling
capacity by using R-450A with the 200-ton
chiller, which has very limited risk. Of the two
Figure 3 – Equivalent Annual CO2 Emissions for A2L refrigerants, HFO-1234yf is significantly
Ship with 200-ton Chillers using Operating Profile
more flammable than HFO-1234ze(E), which is
Material Compatibility the base of the R-450A blend having the higher
In general, these low-GWP refrigerants are With the exception of the 200-ton chiller and
expected to behave similarly to HFC-134a. reflected in Table 6, all subsequent new surface
Many specific manufacture seals, gaskets ship chiller designs are essentially low emissions
polymers and motor materials have already been designs. The overall direct emissions,
tested with HFO-1234yf and HFO-1234ze(E) environmental benefit of moving to a low GWP
refrigerants using typical lubricants [Majurin et refrigerant is marginal as noted in Figure 2, the
al, 2014]. performance deficit noted in Table 4
However, elastomer manufacturers often notwithstanding.
develop proprietary formulations so that The 200-ton is the one chiller that could benefit
compatibility of generic material categories such both in performance and environmentally from
as neoprene can vary. Consequently, original being converted to low GWP R-450A. While
equipment manufacturers (OEM) of chillers this chiller is no longer in production (replaced
often develop proprietary elastomeric by the HESC), it is currently the dominant HFC-
formulations to optimize acceptable 134a chiller in the Navy with over 200 units
performance such as compression set and swell. installed. Consequently, any low GWP
Consequently, the Navy, for critical chiller Conversion Program should first focus on the
applications, restricts elastomers to those 200-ton chiller accordingly with testing an
approved by the OEM. actual unit a priority. A complication is that the
It is also noted that sample rotorettes and Navy does not have a land-based 200-ton chiller
motorettes from hermetic motors with vacuum for testing, and with Fleet assets already stressed
sealed insulation systems will require testing for by current commitments, using a Fleet asset is
validation purposes. The Navy has not had a not practical.
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
Follow-on flammability testing is required Matthew V. Frank, P.E. and Mark S. Spector,
to ensure R-513A is acceptable in the PhD., “Investigations of Low Global Warming
confined space and environmental Potential Alternatives in Navy Chillers”,
temperature and humidity conditions Advanced Machinery Technology Symposium,
experience within Navy ships. July 2022
Except for the 200-ton chiller, converting
other Navy HFC-134a chillers to currently Environmental Protection Agency, Significant
available low GWP refrigerants will result in New Alternatives Policy, March 2023,
loss of capacity without equipment https://www.epa.gov/snap/substitutes-
modifications. centrifugal-chillers
Except for the 200-ton chiller, converting
HFC-134a chillers to operate with a low Piotr A. Domanski and Mark O. McLinden,
GWP refrigerant is unlikely to result in “Low-GWP Non-Flammable Alternative
overall reduction in equivalent carbon Refrigerant Blends for HFC-134a: Final
dioxide emissions. Report”, Strategic Environmental Research and
Low pressure, very low GWP refrigerants Development Program Project: WP 19-1385,
present a long-term solution for new designs January 2023
but not without significant technical
challenges. OPNAV M-5100.23, Navy Safety and
Utilization of a multitude of different Occupational Health Manual, June 2020
refrigerants in the Fleet presents a challenge
to supply, ship’s training and manning. Majurin, J.A., Sorenson, E., Staats, S.J., Gilles,
W., and Kujak, S.A., “Material Compatibility
The Navy, similar to commercial industry and and Lubricants Research for Low GWP
other DoD agencies, is working to find safe, Refrigerants – Phase II: Chemical and Material
effective, and practical solutions to the global Compatibility of Low GWP Refrigerants with
phase-down of HFCs and its corresponding HVAC&R Materials of Construction”, AHRI
reduction of GWP. The Naval Technical Report No. 08007-01, 2014
Authorities have established extraordinarily
high-quality assurance criteria for acceptable Lemmon, E.W., Bell, I.H., Huber, M.L.,
alternatives. In the end, these standards are used McLinden, M.O. NIST Standard Reference
to protect high value tactical and strategic Database 23: Reference Fluid Thermodynamic
platforms and systems whose failure could risk and Transport Properties-REFPROP, Version
National Security, result in serious injury or 10.0, National Institute of Standards and
death to military personnel, or have unintended Technology, Standard Reference Data Program,
consequences to civilian populations and the Gaithersburg, 2018
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
David Behringer, PhD, Felix Heydel, PhD, Matthew V. Frank, PE is a Senior Mechanical
Barbara Gschrey, Steffi Osterheld, Winfried Engineer in the Energy Conversion Research
Schwarz, Kristina Warncke, Finnian Freeling, and Development (R&D) Branch at the Naval
Karsten Nodler, PhD, Stephan Henne, PhD, Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division
Stefan Reimann, PhD, Markus Blepp, Wolfram (NSWCPD Code 325). He is an expert in
Jorb, Ran Liu, Sylvie Ludig, PhD, Ina shipboard thermal management and responsible
Rudenauer and Stefan Gartiser, PhD, “Persistent for conducting R&D for thermal management
degradation products of halogenated refrigerants and architectures. In his 30+year career, he has
and blowing agents in the environment: type, been actively involved in all aspects of the
environmental concentrations, and fate with ship’s life cycle for Heating, Ventilation, AC
particular regard to new halogenated substitutes and Refrigeration systems, including R&D,
with low global warming potential”, German Ships Acquisitions, System Engineering, Fleet
Environment Agency, May 2021 Modernization, Maintenance and Logistics. He
graduated from the Pennsylvania State
American Society for Testing and Material, University with a Bachelor of Science degree in
Standard Practice for Determining Limits of Mechanical Engineering and from Villanova
Flammability of Chemicals at Elevated University with a Master’s degree in Mechanical
Temperature and Pressure ASTM E918 Engineering. He was a member of the Ozone-
Depleting Substance Elimination team
American Society for Testing and Material, recognized by the EPA for their "exceptional
Standard Test Methods for Limiting Oxygen contributions to global protection" in 1996,
(Oxidant) Concentration in Gases and Vapors "Best of the Best" in 1997 and Individual/Team
ASTM E2079 Category in 2000. He is a licensed Professional
Engineer in the state of Pennsylvania, authored
American National Standard for Leakage Tests over 50 publications and holds a patent.
on Packages for Shipment of Radioactive
Materials, ANSI N14.5, 2022 Dr. Mark S. Spector is a Program Officer in the
Advanced Naval Platforms Division at the
Anderson, B. L., Carlson, R. W., and Fisher, L. Office of Naval Research where he leads a
E., “Predicting the Pressure Driven Flow of science and technology portfolio of research
Gases Through Micro-Capillaries, and Micro- programs in thermal science, metamaterials, and
Orifices”, NUREG/CR-5403, 1994 climate resiliency. In addition, he sits on the
DISTRIBUTION A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited