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Everything You Need to Know About

the Functions of

Fats in Foods
Think for a moment of your favorite foods...
What is it about them They contain fats. Fats provide much of the great
you enjoy most? The taste and texture for which we prize these and
flavor of a succulent other foods.
steak or delicious Indeed, the fats in foods play a vital role in their
hamburger? The ultimate acceptability. Neither the amount nor type of
creaminess of ice cream fats can be changed indiscriminately without changing
or chocolate as it melts the very features that make a food appealing.
on your tongue? The
Without fats, foods—and eating—just wouldn’t be
pleasing contrast of a silky smooth salad dressing
the same. But with attention focused on reducing fats
with the crunch of fresh vegetables? That satisfied
in our diets, we may forget the important role fats
feeling that follows a snack of cheese or peanut
play in foods.
butter on crispy crackers or celery?
This brochure explains why fats are necessary in
These foods, all of which rank high on many
many foods as well as their place in a healthful diet.
people’s lists of favorites, share a common trait.

What are fats?

What foods contain fats?
Fatty acids may be thought of as the “building
blocks” of fats. All fats are a mixture of saturated, Many foods naturally contain
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. fats. Meats, dairy products,
They differ in the poultry, fish, nuts and vegetable oils supply most of
amount of hydrogen the fats Americans eat. Whole grains and vegetables
they contain. Saturated contain only small amounts of fats when prepared
fatty acids contain the without added fats. Fruits (except avocados, coconut
most hydrogen (they and olives) contain virtually no fats.
are “saturated” Many prepared foods also contain fats. Whether a
with hydrogen). cake is made from “scratch” at home, from a mix or
Polyunsaturated fatty purchased at the bakery, fats are frequently a key
acids contain the least ingredient of baked goods. Further, there are grocery
amount of hydrogen. staples that are fats, such as butter, margarine
products, shortening and oil.

A Publication of the International Food Information Council Foundation

Why do we need different products like butter, shortening, margarine products and oil?

Fats serve a variety of While butter, shortening, margarine products and oils
functions in foods. contain fat, each have different properties that affect
Their unique mouthfeel how they work. Thus, they produce different results
supplies the rich, smooth, that can be key to the acceptance of many foods.
creamy sensation that Shortening works best for some types of baking
distinguishes many foods. because it contains no water that would otherwise mix
Fats also absorb and blend with flour and form gluten that toughens a product.
ingredient flavors and aromas As a result, shortening produces tender, flaky pie crusts
to produce the distinct taste and biscuits. Butter and margarine products contain
of individual foods. water and hence produce a different, but still
In baked goods such as cakes, fats help produce a acceptable, texture. Vegetable oil (with the exception of
high, fine texture. When “creaming” fats and sugar— olive oil) yields the best results in many box cake mixes.
the first step in mixing many cake batters—fats trap The flavor of fat-containing products affects their use
tiny air bubbles that help the batter to rise. Fats also as well. While many people prefer olive oil for
help keep dough and batter from separating and sautéing, its distinctive taste may not be right for other
falling. And fats coat the proteins in flour to make a uses, such as in baked products.
tender or flaky product.

What is the difference between solid fats like butter and shortening and liquid fats such as vegetable oils?

The difference between solid and liquid fats primarily hydrogenated. These products are
relates to the type of fats they contain. All fats contain hydrogenated only as much as needed to
both saturated and unsaturated fats. Fats with a higher produce the desired texture and taste.
level of saturated fats are firmer at room temperature and Hydrogenation increases the firmness and
need more heat to melt. Fats with a higher level of melting point of oils. Partially hydrogenated
unsaturated fats tend to be liquid at room temperature. products contain more unsaturated than
These properties help guide functional use in food saturated fats. However, trans fats are
preparation. For instance, more saturated (solid) fats produced when unsaturated fats and
perform better in certain cases, such as creaming a cake oils are partially hydrogenated. Trans
batter. More unsaturated (liquid) fats may function better fats also occur naturally in small
in other applications, such as making salad dressings. amounts in meats and dairy products.
The chart at the end of this brochure describes how Many margarine products,
different fat-containing products work in different uses. particularly softer margarines, are now
Some shortenings and maragarine products are made being produced with less or no trans fats.
from liquid vegetable oils that have been partially

What role do dietary fats play in the diet?

The fats that we get from food are vital to good and help the body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A,
health. They provide energy—nine calories per D, E and K. What’s more, dietary fats help us feel
gram—and essential fatty acids for healthy skin and satisfied following meals.
important hormone-like substances. Fats also carry

A Publication of the International Food Information Council Foundation

How do dietary fats affect blood cholesterol?

The type and amount of dietary fats may affect levels sources. Unsaturated fats are found
of blood cholesterol. High blood cholesterol levels are in higher amounts in fish, nuts,
one risk factor for coronary heart disease. Studies and liquid vegetable oils. Research
show some saturated fats raise blood cholesterol levels suggests that foods containing
and unsaturated fats lower levels. The exception is trans fats have a similar effect as
stearic acid, a saturated fat that appears not to affect saturated fat in raising levels of
blood cholesterol. total and LDL-cholesterol (the
Saturated fats are typically found in higher amounts “bad” cholesterol). However, as with saturated fats,
in meats, egg yolks, whole milk and milk products, as not all trans fats are created equal. Some research
well as palm, palm kernel, and coconut oils. Stearic shows that certain trans fats from animal sources may
acid is primarily supplied by cocoa butter and animal have a neutral or beneficial effect on blood cholesterol.

What is the difference between dietary cholesterol and fats in foods?

Foods with fats do not necessarily contain dietary vegetable oils, margarine, egg whites or plant foods
cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol, a fat-like substance, is like grains, fruits and vegetables. In addition, the body
found only in animal products such as meats, dairy makes its own supply of cholesterol.
products, butter and egg yolks. It is not found in

How much of each dietary fat is recommended?

A balanced diet contains foods from all food groups ■ Most fats should come from sources of
and moderate amounts of total fats. The 2005 Dietary polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids,
Guidelines for Americans advise us to consume 20-35 such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oils.
percent of our calories from fats. ■ When selecting and preparing meat, poultry, dry
Specific recommendations focus beans, and milk or milk products, make choices that
on “knowing your fats.” 2005 are lean, low-fat, or fat-free.
Dietary Guidelines recommend: To moderate fats, health experts recommend an eating
■ Consuming less than 10 pattern rich in a variety of grains, fruits and vegetables.
percent of calories from To reduce trans and saturated fats, the American Heart
saturated fatty acids and less Association recommends choosing vegetable oils, with
than 300 mg/day of cholesterol, the exception of tropical oils, and soft margarines instead
and keep trans fatty acid of solid shortenings, stick margarines, and butter.
consumption as low as possible.

What tools are available to manage fats in the diet?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates each of these fats is present per serving. Currently,
messages about nutrients and content declarations on the FDA requires that total fat, saturated fat, trans
the food label. In light of dietary guidance, fat, and cholesterol be listed on the Nutrition Facts
particularly on trans fat and saturated fats intake, panel. When comparing two products, consider the
consumers are advised to check the Nutrition Facts combined amount of saturated and trans fats and
panel to compare products based on how much of choose the product with the lower combined value.

A Publication of the International Food Information Council Foundation

What if a product is labeled “0 grams trans fat” but contains partially hydrogenated oil in the ingredients list?

Partially hydrogenated oils often are used at such low ingredients appear in descending order based on
levels in food products (i.e., seasoning, blending, predominance by weight.
freshness) that they don’t contribute a significant amount It is also important to note the difference between the
of trans fat to the product by FDA standards, and are terms “hydrogenated” and “partially hydrogenated.”
thus labeled “zero.” In this case, partially hydrogenated oil Hydrogenated oils are fully saturated with hydrogen and,
appears near the end of the ingredients list, as the therefore, do not contain any trans fat.

What is the bottom line concerning fats in foods?

Fats play a vital role in the taste, texture and appearance modifying the partial hydrogenation process to
of foods. Consumers select fat-containing products produce less trans fats.
according to how they intend to use them at home. Above all, it’s important to remember that the principles
Likewise, manufacturers choose different products to of balance, variety and moderation form the basis for a
balance flavor, texture, shelf stability, and nutritional healthful diet. Along with appropriate amounts of
aspects. A manufacturer might make a cookie, for whole grains, vegetables, fruits, low-fat or fat-free dairy
example, using shortening because it produces the products and lean meats/meat alternatives consumers
texture, flavor and freshness qualities consumers want. can enjoy moderate amounts of fat-containing products
Olive oil might be added to a salad dressing to give it to add appeal to foods and good nutrition. Just
a certain flavor. remember to keep total fat intake between 20 to 35
Foods in the marketplace are currently undergoing percent of calories, with most fats coming from sources
changes in their fatty acid profiles, as scientists of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. The
develop alternative formulations that have those fat- Nutrition Facts panel on the food label can help you
like characteristics listed above, to replace trans fats determine the amount of total, saturated, and trans fats
without increasing levels of saturated fats. Changes and cholesterol in foods. By balancing high-fat items
include producing for naturally functional oils and with low-fat choices, Americans can reduce dietary fat
fats, fully hydrogenating vegetable oils, and further while continuing to take pleasure in eating.


Butter & Margarine Adds flavor; produces tender, crisp, chewy and Pan sautéing; burns easily Suitable for spreading directly on foods
(80% fat) brown cookies; tender pie crusts; cake frostings

Margarine Spreads Cookies have “cake-like” texture; not suitable May not be suitable Suitable for spreading directly on foods
(20% - 60% fat) for pie crusts

Non-fat/Very Low-fat Spreads Not suitable Not suitable Suitable for spreading directly on foods
(0% - 10% fat)

Salad/Cooking Oils For special recipes such as carrot cake, Pan sautéing; frying and Mix with vinegar or herbs/spices
box cake mixes and quick breads deep-fat frying

Shortening Produces tender, light, moist texture; best for Pan sautéing; frying and May not be suitable
flaky pie crust; thick cake frostings deep-fat frying

Cooking Sprays Pan coating Can be used to sauté in non- Not suitable
stick pans, if watched carefully

Dressings/Spreads Special recipes; some box cake mixes May not be suitable Suitable for use directly on/in foods
and in marinades

Spray Salad Dressings May not be suitable May not be suitable Suitable for spraying directly on foods

If You Want to Know More

A registered dietitian (R.D.) is an authority on food, nutrition and health and can provide valuable
information and advice. To locate a registered dietitian in your area, visit www.eatright.org.
This brochure was developed with technical assistance from the American Dietetic Association.
For more information visit http://ific.org
International Food Information Council Foundation ■ 1100 Connecticut Avenue, NW ■ Suite 430 ■ Washington, DC ■ 20036

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