Fat For Fairy Cakes
Fat For Fairy Cakes
Fat For Fairy Cakes
Fats are used by the food industry in the manufacture of a wide variety of food products, as well as in our
own kitchens. This factsheet will look at some of the common foods that fat plays a key role in, as well as
some of the ways we use fats in cooking at home.
Mayonnaise and salad
Chocolate confectionery
These are oil-in-water
contains cocoa butter, a
emulsions, typically made with
Spreadable fats naturally occurring fat found in
vegetable (rapeseed) oil. Lower
These can be made from either the cocoa bean. Cocoa butter is
fat mayonnaise will use less oil,
vegetable or animal fats, but the primarily made of three fatty
around 25% compared to the
overall percentage of fat in acids in varying amounts
regular version (around 80%).
different types (e.g. butter, low fat depending on country of origin,
spreads, margarine) is regulated. which affects its solid fat
For example, the legal definition of content and melting properties.
butter is the product with a milk fat Premium chocolate has a higher
content of not less than 80% but use of cocoa butter and lower
less than 90%, a maximum water use of vegetable fats.
content of 16% and a maximum dry
Fried foods
non-fat milk material content (e.g.
Deep frying foods such as
milk proteins, of 2%).
snack foods (e.g. potato
crisps), chips, battered or
breaded fish and bakery
goods (e.g. doughnuts) gives Pastry
a characteristic flavour, Fat is added to dough to help
crisp texture and golden separate the layers of gluten and
appearance. The oil used Ice cream starch when making flaky or puff
must be stable to withstand Fat is an essential ingredient in ice pastry. Traditionally, butter is
high temperatures and cream, providing flavour, a firmer used but other types of fat, such
prevent a reduction in and more stable structure, and a as modified vegetable oils, are
quality. Heating oils to very creamier and thicker taste. being used in the manufacture of
high temperatures can Premium ice creams tend to have ready-made puff pastry, allowing
produce trans fats. a higher milk fat content. them to be suitable for vegan
Fats are also used in baking and Cooking with fats at home Oils can be used in deep frying,
cooking at home, for example to add sautéing and pan frying as an efficient
texture when baking a cake or making heat-transfer medium. Oils with a high
shortcrust pastry and biscuits, or for smoke point (e.g. sunflower, rapeseed,
adding flavour to foods during cooking. olive, peanut) are more stable and
Consumer trends for veganism/free- suitable for deep frying – the smoke
from have seen more recipes available point is the temperature at which the
for baked goods that do not use butter oil starts to give off smoke, a sign it is
but for example use oil, creating a starting to break down.
denser texture.