Environmental Social Report 2022

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Environmental and

Social Report 2022

Our contribution to more sustainability

BRAND. For lab. For life.®

Key figures from
the 2022 fiscal year

501 national and international

23 % under 30 years

99 % employed in Germany


53 % 80 %
reduction of CO2 emissions non-hazardous waste generation
compared with the base year 2020 for 2022

3% 11 %
Reduction of energy consumption Saving drinking water
compared with 2021 by groundwater (well water) in 2022


Foreword by the Management 5


Waste and resources 6

Waste 6
Reduce – Reuse – Recycle 9
Water 10

Energy and emissions 12
Energy 12
Emissions 14


Employees 20
Forward-looking employer 20
Education and training 24
Health management 25
Occupational safety 26
Reconciliation of career and family life 27


Employee data 28

Environmental and Social Report 2022






Dr. Christoph Schöler

Dear valued reader,

The Brand Group, with its BRAND, VACUUBRAND and VITLAB This report is based on the standards of the Global Reporting
brands, is an integral part of life science, pharmaceutical, Initiative (GRI). In the coming years, we will expand the scope
chemical, process analytics and renewable energy laborato- of our reporting and present a joint sustainability report for the
ries worldwide. With our products, our customers are work- entire Brand Group. To update our sustainability strategy, we
ing on solutions for the key issues of the future in health, are conducting a Group-wide materiality analysis, from which
nutrition and energy supply. we intend to derive the most important and effective actions.

The sustainable use of natural resources and responsible We invite you to join us on our journey towards a sustainable
corporate governance are an integral part of our operations future and hope you will find this report an interesting and
and are essential to the long-term success of the Group. stimulating read.

This Environmental and Social Report is part of our ongo- Best regards,
ing sustainability reporting. Our aim is to underline our
responsibility in the area of ESG (Environment, Social and
Governance) and to report transparently on our actions
and targets. The report covers key topics such as emissions,
waste, water and employees. In all these areas, we have been
working for many years to make a tangible contribution to Dr. Christoph Schöler
sustainability, regardless of the pressures of changing times. Chairman
We provide this for the laboratories of our customers, at our
worldwide sites, and along our global supply chains.

Waste and resources

Waste Management approach

We take responsibility for what we produce. That’s why The principle of the three Rs – reduce, reuse, and recycle –
avoiding and reducing waste is an important part of our is anchored in our environmental policy. Nevertheless, we
sustainable corporate management. With an effective waste still generate a certain amount of general waste, paper and
management strategy, we promote the development of a cardboard waste, and mixed waste (mixed packaging and
circular economy in which resources are used for as long as municipal waste) at our site. Waste management is part of
possible and waste is regarded as a by-product. We also want our ISO 14001-certified environmental management system
to do our part to conserve our planet’s limited resources by and thus helps us to keep our disposal volumes at a low level
recycling materials through regional partners. and reduce them even further. In this way, we keep material
consumption and disposal volumes as low as possible. We also
ensure strict waste separation and safe disposal. That’s why
we rely on trusting cooperation with certified waste disposal
companies close to our sites. To this end, the sources and
quantities of waste and the type of waste at the Wertheim site
are continuously recorded and compiled annually in a waste
balance sheet. According to the Circular Economy Act, waste is
divided into hazardous and non-hazardous waste.
We also systematically apply the principle of the three Rs to
our products for the entire product life cycle. This includes
material-saving designs, long service life, and good repair-
ability or recyclability through the selection of single-grade



Key figures and measures

Our regional partners recycle or dispose of the waste through pickling solution needed for a conversion project in the glass
various processes according to the Circular Economy Act. production area. In the absence of technical alternatives, it is
In 2022, the volume of waste at our sole production site in sometimes necessary to use hazardous materials. However,
Wertheim increased from 204 t to 230 t. This was partly due to our goal remains to keep the use of these materials to the
a Corona-related surge in sales. Our non-hazardous waste ac- absolute minimum. Apart from this one-off effect, we were
counted for 80 % of total waste generated in the 2022 reporting able to keep the volume of waste almost constant despite a
year. This increase in hazardous waste was due mainly to the considerable increase in production volumes.
one-off effect of the extraordinary disposal of around 15 t of

Waste generation in t

2020 2021 2022

Waste (total) 256 204 230

Non-hazardous waste 234 185 185

Hazardous waste 21 19 45

Recycling rate (total)1 – – –

Proportion of non-hazardous waste

92 % 90 % 80 %
relative to total waste generation

There is currently no data available on the recycling rate



Waste and resources

Reduce – Reuse – Recycle

Environmental protection has always been a top priority at and safety software. For an operational emergency involving
BRAND. We are particularly proud of what we have achieved hazardous materials, there are operating instructions stored in
in the interests of our customers. With our products, we have the sam® occupational health and safety software as well as an
consistently been pioneers in terms of quality, durability, emergency and alarm plan.
and easy maintenance. In this way, we help minimize costs,
reduce waste, and improve working conditions wherever our Reuse
products are used. When developing new products and enhancing existing ones,
we set ourselves environmental and occupational safety tar-
Reduce gets at the design stage. Environmental impact assessment is
For many years, packaging waste from incoming goods has part of every specification at BRAND.
been avoided by using reusable and returnable packaging
(Fig. 1). In order to reduce our consumption of resources, we In the life cycle, product use by our customers and the product
have used our production technology to manufacture pipette end of life play an important role. That’s why, in addition to
tips in a particularly thin-walled design, thereby saving mate- high-quality raw materials to keep wear to a minimum, we
rial (Fig. 2). With the TipRack refilling system, we have reduced pay attention to ease of repair and durability right from the
the amount of waste by more than 20 % compared with the development stage (Fig. 3). The long service life, especially of
TipBox. We are also reducing the amount of waste by using our liquid handling instruments and volumetric instruments,
new technologies such as hot runner technology in injection reduces the consumption of resources for new equipment.
In addition to non-hazardous waste, hazardous waste such as When it comes to consumables, we pay equal attention to
machine oils or emulsions also accumulates at BRAND. These material savings during production and to reusability. In order
are stored in special storage locations until disposal by certi- to achieve the highest possible level of reusability of the waste
fied local disposal companies. Also hazardous materials are that is nevertheless produced, care is taken to ensure that
subject to special attention. These are procured and included waste is sorted by type in production and collected separately
in the hazardous materials register only according to a defined in our offices. This enables us to achieve a high recycling rate
process. The hazardous materials officer and the safety for waste (e.g., from plastic injection molding). In addition,
specialist are both actively involved in this process in order our TipBoxes can be autoclaved several times and are made of
to protect the environment and employees. This information single-grade plastic in order to ensure recyclability (Fig. 4).
can be viewed at any time via the sam® occupational health

1 2 3 4

Reusable packaging for Production of thin-walled High-quality materials ensure The TipBox can be used and
raw materials pipette tips long service life autoclaved multiple times

Waste and resources

Water Management approach

The limited resource of water is not only the basis of all life Our aspiration to use resources sparingly in the sense of the
on earth but also essential for the operation of industrial three Rs approach therefore also applies to water. Water
companies. Because of climatic changes, it is becoming management at BRAND is part of the ISO 14001-certified
increasingly important in our part of the world. In particular, environmental management system. Key figures on water con-
the increasing water shortages in large parts of Germany sumption are regularly collected, and measures are defined.
(increasing water stress) is showing its effects through Water management affects various areas: sanitary facilities,
challenges in agriculture and river navigation, among others. kitchens, and machinery and machine cleaning. For example,
This makes it all the more important for us as a company to the cleaning water is used several times by a cascade system,
use this important resource carefully and to further reduce and the consumption of cooling water is minimized by using
industrial water consumption. closed cooling systems.

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Tauberhafen in Wertheim ENVIRONMENT

514 m 3


Key figures and measures

Our partner for water supply in the region is Stadtwerke Wert- According to the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, our Wertheim site
heim GmbH. The basis for the data are consumption values is located in an area of high water stress in which 40 – 80 %
recorded by meters of the public utility company as well as the of the renewable water supply is used. This means a burden
meters installed in our company. In 2022, BRAND used 4,814 m3 on the environment and a threat to the water supply. We are
of water; of this, 4,300 m³ was potable water. therefore acutely aware of our responsibility to safeguard the
precious resource of water. A well was constructed on the site
in order to reduce the use of potable water. This is used to sup-
ply water to the restrooms. This saved 514 m³ of drinking water
in 2022; this corresponds to 11 % of total consumption.

Water consumption in m3

2020 2021 2022

Water consumption 4,587 2,896 4,814

of which fresh water 4,454 2,4641 4,300

of which groundwater (well water) 133² 432 514

Water consumed in water stress areas3 4,587 2,896 4,814

It was not possible to retroactively reconstruct defective public utility meter consumption
² First use of the meter as of September 2020
³ Classified according to Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas

© Dr. Schönheit + Partner

Energy and emissions

Energy Management approach

As a company, we have a duty to closely monitor our energy The increased efficiency in our production and the efficient use
consumption, to question it time and again, and to reduce of resources in our office buildings represent are an important
it as much as possible. This means not only lower costs and influencing factor for greenhouse gas emissions. Every kilowatt
higher efficiency for us but also less greenhouse gases re- hour saved – also as electricity from renewable sources – leads
leased into the environment. By taking advantage of poten- to a long-term saving of resources and emissions. That’s why
tial savings, we remain competitive and make a contribution we have long been committed to using resources sustainably
to climate protection. This enables us to combine economic and producing in an environmentally-friendly manner.
and sustainable action.
Our goals for energy are also defined in our corporate policy.
The focus is on the efficiency of our energy-related perfor-
mance, which we are continually improving. We provide the
necessary information and resources for this purpose. In this
way, we are doing our part for the sake of the environment.
The three Rs also play an important role in energy manage-



In doing so, we strive to reduce our energy consumption and At BRAND, the top management level in the “Quo Vadis” strat-
use renewable energies (i.e., reuse). We are also committed to egy group is responsible for monitoring target achievement in
energy recycling. cooperation with the energy management officer.

As part of energy management, all energy consumption is con-

tinuously recorded and evaluated in order to identify potential
savings. The energy management officer is responsible for this.

In 2022, we set ourselves a quantitative target for energy

consumption at our sole production site in Wertheim and
published it on our website (www.brand.de). In order account
for projected growth, we have chosen to use electrical energy
intensity (kWh per EUR million of sales). Starting from the base
year 2020, we will reduce our energy intensity by an average
of 4 % per year until 2030.

Energy and emissions


Key figures and measures

In 2022, the total energy consumption of BRAND was 10,103 At BRAND, energy intensity – the ratio of energy consumption
MWh. This changed slightly compared with the previous year. (consisting of purchased electricity and natural gas) to sales –
Even though fuel and electricity consumption increased developed positively. Our energy intensity decreased by 12 %
slightly, we were able to reduce natural gas consumption. from 129,161 kWh/million EUR of sales in the base year to
In 2022, electricity and heat demand at our sole production 113,124 kWh/million EUR of sales in 2022. We are thus consid-
site in Wertheim was 9,433 MWh of energy (down 3 % from erably exceeding the linearized savings target in relation to
2021). Compared with the 2020 baseline, this demand the base year 2020. In addition to the accelerated reduction in
represents a 2 % increase in energy. At the same time, sales gas consumption as a result of Russia’s war of aggression on
increased at a much higher rate. Ukraine, economies of scale also contributed to this exception-
ally favorable development.



Energy consumption in MWh and energy intensity in kWh per million EUR of sales

2020 2021 2022

Total energy demand 9,968 10,341 10,103

Power and heat demand 9,272 9,683 9,433

Amount of electricity purchased 4,932 4,678 5,186

of which from renewable energies 0 4,678 5,186

Natural gas 4,340 5,005 4,247

Vehicle fleet2 696 659 670

Fuels (diesel and gasoline) 696 659 670

Energy intensity (electricity and heat consumption in kWh)

129,161 128,186 113,124
per million EUR of sales

Conversion of fuel consumption (diesel and gasoline) taken from the information sheet for determining total energy consumption of the Federal Office for Economic
Affairs and Export Control

With various measures, we at BRAND are helping to decrease For the coming years, we plan to invest further in increasing
our energy consumption and increase energy efficiency. In our energy efficiency. For example, through the targeted
2022, this will include optimizing our ventilation systems. We procurement of energy-efficient machinery and equipment as
also equipped our production area with lighting management part of replacement and expansion investments.
to allow for individual adjustment. In addition to the techno-
logical measures already implemented, the conversion of our
ventilation system will result in an estimated saving of approx.
36,000 kWh.

Energy consumption in MWh Energy intensity in kWh per million EUR of sales

140,000 129,161 128,186
10,000 659 670 120,000 113,124

8,000 100,000
4,340 5,005 4,247 80,000
4,932 4,678 5,186
2,000 20,000

0 0
2020 2021 2022 2020 (base year) 2021 2022

Amount of electricity Natural gas Fuels (diesel and gasoline)


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Energy and emissions

Emissions Management approach

One goal of the German Federal Climate Change Act is to Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and pollutants play a critical
reduce emissions from industry by at least 88 % by 2040 com- role in the development and impacts of climate change. We are
pared with 1990 levels. The greenhouse gas carbon dioxide therefore aware of our responsibility to minimize emissions
(CO2) is the most relevant. One of the necessary measures is during the manufacture and use of our products at all stages
the switch to renewable energy. At BRAND, we also follow of the value chain. The greatest effect we have on the environ-
this path. In recent years, we have considerably reduced ment is through the emission of greenhouse gases, primarily
greenhouse gas emissions by switching to electricity from carbon dioxide. In greenhouse gas accounting, the Greenhouse
renewable sources (essentially hydroelectric power). Gas Protocol divides emissions into three scopes.

Scope 1 includes direct emissions that arise directly from our

actions. These include the use of natural gas for our combined
heat and power plant or the operation of our vehicle fleet
with fuels. Scope 2 and 3 include indirect emissions that are
not directly caused by us as a company. Scope 2 includes
emissions caused by our electricity purchases because we do
not produce the electricity ourselves but nevertheless require
it for our site or production. Scope 3 includes all other emis-
sions in the upstream and downstream value chain. Upstream
emissions arise from the manufacture and transport of raw
materials for our production and operations. Downstream
emissions arise from the transport of our products to our
customers and the disposal of our waste. Most greenhouse gas
emissions (Scope 1) generated within the company result from
the combustion of primary energy sources such as natural gas



and fuel. By using natural gas, we generate electricity and heat we would like to contribute to supporting the sectoral goals of
for our offices and production area. Because of our field of the Climate Change Act and the goal of the Paris Agreement,
activity, other gases or further emissions do not occur or occur which is based on the United Nations Framework Convention
only in small quantities. on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

When reporting greenhouse gas emissions, we are guided by At BRAND, the top management level in the “Quo Vadis” strat-
the international Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) egy group is responsible for monitoring target achievement.
standard for companies. We use the greenhouse gas equiva- This ensures an interdisciplinary approach because the Quo
lents from the Emission Factor Database (EFDB) of the Inter- Vadis team includes management from all business and spe-
governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Stadtwerke cialist units, including Shared Services.
Wertheim GmbH as the unit of measurement.

In order to raise awareness of this important topic, we also

address our environmental management as part of the training
plan for new employees.

For GHG emissions in Scope 1 and 2, in July 2022, we adopted

a strategy and targets for 2030 based on the present GHG bal-
ance and published them on our website (www.brand.de). We
chose 2020 as the base year because this year approximates
the state before the major COVID-19-related changes that im-
pacted our market starting in early 2021. Our goal is to reduce
the absolute emissions of our activities at our production site
by 70 % between 2020 and 2030 (Scope 1 and 2). In this way,

Energy and emissions

Key figures and measures

After a strong 46 % reduction in GHG emissions in 2021 com- In addition to economies of scale resulting from a considerable
pared with 2020, achieved primarily through the purchase of increase in sales, targeted energy management measures
CO2 neutral electricity from renewable sources, we were also according to ISO 50001 were the main contributors to this
able to considerably reduce emissions by 13 % in 2022. Emis- success. Further information can be found in the “Energy”
sion intensity decreased from 15 t CO2 / million EUR of sales chapter. The gradual conversion of our vehicle fleet to electric
(2021) to 12 t of CO2 / million EUR of sales (2022). vehicles is also helping to reduce emissions (albeit currently
to a lesser extent).

Greenhouse gas emission in t of CO2

2020 (base year) 2021 2022

Emission Scope 1 + 2 2,169 1,167 1,015

Emission Scope 1 1,045 1,167 1,015

Emission Scope 2 1,124 0 0



Our greatest contribution to the environment: since 2021, we Measures were also taken outside Scope 1 and Scope 2 to re-
have been receiving “Main-Tauber-Naturstrom” from certified duce GHG emissions. These include promoting environmental-
hydroelectric power plants operated by Stadtwerke Wertheim ly friendly mobility (bicycle parking), replacing air freight with
GmbH as our regional partner. This saves us 1,000 t of CO2 per sea and land transport, and optimizing freight consolidation in
year. We were already able to reduce part of the electricity by order to reduce truck trips in the EU. These Scope 3 measures
operating a combined heat and power plant. This has led to are not included in the GHG accounting at this time.
lower emissions.

1,000 t
CO2 savings
per year

Greenhouse gas target by 2030 in t of CO2




1,000 173 162

500 872 1,006 854






















Natural gas (Scope 1) Fuel (Scope 1) Purchased electricity volume (Scope 2) Absolute greenhouse gas target


Forward-looking employer Corporate culture

As part of the Brand Group, our company makes a sustain- Respect and appreciation for our employees are a natural part
able contribution to society at our sites and beyond. This will of the values we live by. In order to give our common under-
ensure our long-term international success. We offer our em- standing of values as broad a basis as possible, workshops and
ployees a secure, modern workplace in an owner-managed, discussion rounds were held in all Brand Group companies.
medium-sized company. We can achieve our corporate goals Together with the employees, we developed and defined the
of long-term success and economic independence only as a following values of the Brand Group:
community with a motivated and highly qualified workforce.
Therefore, the personal and professional development of
each individual is important. Starting with our trainees and
dual-study students, we place a strong emphasis on optimal Appreciative communication
training and continuing education in terms of lifelong learn- Mutual trust
ing. We also promote the development of our employees
Promoting collaboration
with structured measures such as training courses.
Living diversity
Holistic responsibility
Forward-looking development

Throughout the Group, these values are brought to life in dis-

cussion groups so that all employees can better orient them-
selves to them. We will also continue to offer regular training
sessions in order to further consolidate our shared values.

© Dr. Schönheit + Partner
© Dr. Schönheit + Partner


Employee data
As of December 31, 2022, BRAND employed 501 people world- An elected works council is available to represent interests and
wide; of these, 495 were employed in Germany. The other serve as a contact. Numerous company agreements regulate
employees worked in the Netherlands, Colombia, Mexico, and central issues. 79 % of employees are covered by collective
Brazil. The workforce consisted of 49 % men and 51 % women. bargaining agreements. The remaining 21 % are managers
and directors and as such are not covered by the collective

Employees in figures by gender in 2022 Employees in figures by region in 2022


51 %
49 %

502 Personen

Women Men Germany The Netherlands Mexico

Brazil Colombia


At BRAND GMBH + CO KG, 16 % of the total workforce was employed on a fixed-term contract in 2022. In terms of the total work-
force, 8 % were male and 8 % female temporary employees. According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the temporary
employment rate in Germany was 7 % of employees aged 25 and over in 2021.

Employees in figures Employees in figures

by employment status and gender in 2022 by employment type and gender in 2022

16 %

41 %
47 %

43 %
35 %


Women (permanent) Men (permanent) Women (full-time) Men (full-time)

Women (temporary) Men (temporary) Women (part-time) Men (part-time)


Age distribution of new employees in 2022 Distribution of new employees by gender in 2022

12 %

40 % 44 %

48 %
56 %

under 30 years 30 – 50 years over 50 years Women Men

In the reporting period from January 1 to December 31, 2022, The turnover by gender breaks down similarly to the overall
BRAND GMBH + CO KG hired 52 people. This corresponds to a workforce distribution by gender. This includes all employee
new hire rate of 10 %. By contrast, employee turnover was 9 % and employer terminations, severance agreements, retire-
(47 people); 47 % of this was people under 30. ments, and deaths.


Employee turnover by age in 2022 Employee turnover by gender in 2022

25 %

47 % 49 %

51 %

28 %

under 30 years 30 – 50 years over 50 years Women Men

Education and training

The personal and professional development of our employ- The BRAND Personnel Development Program is run on a
ees is important to us. That’s why we offer in-house training cross-divisional basis with participants from the entire Brand
on a wide range of topics. Individual needs are met through Group and serves to prepare employees for specialist and
external seminars and training. management tasks with suitable training.

Lifelong learning is lived practice at BRAND. During the

on-boarding process, new employees receive an overview of
the company as well as instruction in occupational safety and
energy, quality, and environmental management. Feedback
sessions with supervisors are then used to identify personal
training needs – ranging from further training in IT to languag-
es and soft skills (e.g., communication) to certificate courses
and Master’s degrees. The medium-term goal is to develop a
company-internal knowledge management system from which
our employees and our company will benefit equally.



Health management

The health and well-being of our employees are essential In cooperation with external consultants, we offer our employ-
to the success of BRAND in the corporate group and are ees the opportunity to participate in the Employee Assistance
therefore close to our hearts. We want our employees to be Program (EAP). They receive help in all situations in life – for
healthy and fit. We therefore offer a comprehensive range of example, to cope with stress or to achieve a (better) work–life
services to promote and maintain health as part of our active balance.
health management.
Our company physician is available to all employees for advice
Our employees have access to fresh and nutritious meals every and support on all questions relating to occupational health
day in the “Mainschmecker” canteen. There is also an addi- and safety. The company physician also offers vaccinations
tional salad bar and fruit day. In addition to catering, we work such as the flu shot. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the
with the Brand Group to support various athletic events such occupational health vaccination program was release by the
as company soccer tournaments and runs and offer weekly legislature occurred. As a result, our corporate group was one
fitness classes such as yoga and full-body workouts. For relax- of the first in the country to operate its own vaccination center
ation, our employees can take advantage of the weekly mobile on the factory premises.
massage during break times.

Occupational safety

Occupational safety is a central component of preventive Many years of continuous optimization of occupational safety
health management and is overseen by a qualified occu- measures are now showing measurable results. For example,
pational safety specialist. In order to prevent hazards and in 2022, the rate of reportable accidents was 6 accidents per
accidents at work and to enable safe and ergonomic work, the 1,000 employees at BRAND. In 2021, the rate was 8 reportable
work rooms, operating equipment, machines, and devices are accidents per 1,000 employees; we were thus able to reduce
designed accordingly. Potential hazards are regularly assessed, our rate by 27 %. Compared with the administrative occupa-
and software-supported risk analyses are carried out. Mea- tional injury rates1 for workplace accidents, there are consider-
sures derived from this (e. g. , the use of protective equipment) ably fewer reportable accidents at BRAND.
are implemented. In addition, regular software-based training 1
for our employees is a mandatory standard. au-1000-vollarbeiter/index.jsp

Reportable accidents

2020 2021 2022

Occupational accidents
For every 1,000 full-time workers, 10 8 6
there are reportable accidents

Absolute accident figures 5 4 3



Reconciling career and family life

For us, reconciling the professional and private interests of our Part-time employees by gender in 2022
employees is an important concern. Therefore, among other
things, they have flexible working hours and, as far as possible, v. teilzeitbeschäftigte Angestellte
alternative work locations at their disposal. In order to offer
our employees the highest flexibility, we have introduced a 8%
framework working time from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm. Particularly 7%
attractive is the possibility for full-time employees to meet the
daily minimum working time by means of a core duration of
four hours, which can also be distributed over several non-con-
tiguous blocks.

As a family-friendly company, we provide special support for

expectant mothers. In close coordination with our company
physician, the occupational safety specialist, and the HR
department, we take care to implement all measures in order
to ensure the health and well-being of expectant mothers at 81%
92 %
the workplace. The opportunities offered by statutory parental
and child-raising leave are regularly taken up.
Women Men
The use of part-time models was taken up by 18 % of employ-
ees in 2022. This was divided between 92 % women and 8 %
men in the part-time model.


Reporting period January 1 – December 31, 2022

Women Men Overall

GRI 2-7a employees

Employees, total1 International 258 243 501
of which in Germany 253 242 495
of which in the Netherlands 1 0 1
of which in Mexico 2 0 2
of which in Brazil 1 1 2
of which in Colombia 1 0 1
i. permanent employees International 218 205 423
of which in Germany 214 204 418
of which in the Netherlands 0 0 0
of which in Mexico 2 0 2
of which in Brazil 1 1 2
of which in Colombia 1 0 1
ii. temporary employees International 40 38 78
of which in Germany 39 38 77
of which in the Netherlands 1 0 1
of which in Mexico 0 0 0
of which in Brazil 0 0 0
of which in Colombia 0 0 0
Proportion of fixed-term employees
16 % 16 % 16 %
in total employees by gender
Proportion of women among
16 %
temporary employees
iii. Employees with non-guaranteed
0 0 0
working hours2
iv. full-time employees International 177 236 413
of which in Germany 173 235 408
of which in the Netherlands 0 0 0
of which in Mexico 2 0 2
of which in Brazil 1 1 2
of which in Colombia 1 0 1
v. part-time employees International 81 7 88
of which in Germany 80 7 87
of which in the Netherlands 1 0 1
of which in Mexico 0 0 0
of which in Brazil 0 0 0
of which in Colombia 0 0 0
Proportion of part-time employees
31 % 3% 18 %
relative to total employees
GRI 2-30 Employees in
79 %
collective bargaining agreement
Employees not in
21 %
collective bargaining agreement


Women Men Overall

GRI 401-1 employees

Employees Overall 501
under 30 years 117
30 – 50 years 222
over 50 years 162
a. Total number³ of new employees
Overall 29 23 52
during the reporting period
under 30 years 11 10 21
30 – 50 years 15 10 25
over 50 years 3 3 6
Proportion of entrants of an age group
relative to the total number of employees Overall 10 %
in the respective age group
under 30 years 18 %
30 – 50 years 11 %
over 50 years 4%
b. Total number³ of employee turnover
Overall 24 23 47
during the reporting period
under 30 years 7 15 22
30 – 50 years 9 4 13
over 50 years 8 4 12
Proportion of persons of an age group leaving
relative to the total number of employees Overall 9%
in the respective age group
under 30 years 10 %
30 – 50 years 8%
over 50 years 23 %
GRI 404-1 further training
Average training time 4 sam® in hours
per full-time equivalent

All data used refer to the reporting date of December 31, 2022

² This includes the use of temporary workers, mini-jobbers, student trainees, and vacation workers
³ This data is a total in the period January 1 to December 31, 2022
Only data from sam® training periods. The full-time equivalent (FTE) of 441.6 was used in the calculation.
Data from other training measures is missing because data has not yet been collected.

We are convinced that environmental protection will be an
important topic in the laboratory of the future, and we plan
to consistently align our corporate strategy accordingly.

As part of the Brand Group, we are working closely

with VACUUBRAND and VITLAB in order to collectively and
sustainably develop this environmental strategy.
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P.O. Box 1155 | 97861 Wertheim | Germany
T +49 9342 808 0 | F +49 9342 808 98000 | [email protected] | www.brand.de

BRAND. For lab. For life.®

BRAND®, BRAND. For lab. For life.®, as well as the figurative marks depicted here and the BRAND

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