2023 International Paper Sustainability Report

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Renewable by nature.
Made for a circular world.
Table of Contents
p.4 Introduction p.22 Healthy and Abundant Forests p.58 Sustainable Operations
A conversation with our CSO Protecting forests in the face Our Vision 2030 progress (GHG)
2023 sustainability highlights of a changing climate Our carbon footprint and reductions
Our Vision 2030 progress Our Vision 2030 progress (water)
p.8 About IP Responsible fiber procurement Advancing water stewardship
The IP Way Forest certification Watershed protection
Our key revenue streams Engaging with suppliers and partners A closer look: Teaching water
Awards and recognition A closer look: Longstanding conservation to the next generation
partnerships with
p.13 Responsible Governance conservation groups p.74 Thriving People and Communities
Ethics and integrity Our Vision 2030 progress
p.38 Renewable Solutions
Supplier network Promoting employee well-being
Our Vision 2030 progress and safety
p.16 Our Sustainability Strategy Circularity at International Paper Championing diversity and inclusion
Sustainability focus areas Renewable Solutions roadmaps by Recruitment, development
business group and retention
Sustainability oversight
Global Cellulose Fibers Honoring service, hiring veterans
Stakeholder engagement
Industrial Packaging Developing employees
Climate risk management
EMEA Packaging Retaining talent
Vision 2030 goals and targets
A closer look: Circular solutions are Community investment
always in fashion
A closer look: Working to end
period poverty

p.92 Index

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Introduction p.5
A conversation with our CSO

At International Paper (IP), sustainability wraps around 2023 sustainability highlights
everything we do. Simply put, we use renewable materials
to create low-carbon solutions for a circular world. Our
company is committed to doing this by being a diligent
steward of our forests, a leader in renewable fiber-based
packaging and pulp solutions, a responsible custodian of
our environment and a force for good in our communities.

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A Conversation With What does circularity mean to

IP and how does IP’s business
Our CSO model contribute to the
broader circular economy?
How have you seen IP evolve
Despite having eight corners, our boxes
throughout its sustainability journey
are circular by design because we
over the last ten years?
create them with the end use in mind.
Over the past decade, I’ve seen In other words, our boxes are designed
sustainability become an important value to be recovered, recycled and reused. At
driver for our customers, reinforcing International Paper, circularity begins in
our business model. During this time, the forest. We know that healthy forests
consumers have grown more aware of provide clean air and water, nurture
how their choices impact the environment, biodiversity and mitigate the harmful
creating demand for our renewable impacts of climate change. That’s why we
fiber-based products. Guided by Vision are committed to using only recovered
2030, our sustainability framework, fiber and sustainably managed wood
IP has continuously worked alongside fiber to make our products. Ultimately, we
customers and strategic partners to take this renewable and recovered fiber
become a leader in renewable fiber- and turn it into products using circular
based solutions and to help advance manufacturing processes. Through
a low-carbon, circular economy. Celebrating a decade with our company,
internal and external collaboration,
Sophie Beckham is vice president and chief
International Paper works with legislators,
sustainability officer at International Paper,
landowners and industry stakeholders
where she works across the enterprise to
to identify and advance renewable
advance sustainability strategy development
solutions that today’s consumers want.
and the company’s Vision 2030 goal
And finally, to help close the loop, our
implementation. She serves on several senior
recycling business recovers and transforms
leadership councils within IP, including the
used materials back into the global
Global Diversity and Inclusion Council.
economy to create new products.

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A Conversation With Our CSO

“We strive to create a better future
for people and our planet throughout
How is IP supporting a How does International Paper’s every step of our value chain. Our
low-carbon future? focus on sustainability extend
beyond the company’s core commitments to safe operations,
Last year, we fell short of our goals for
reducing our environmental impact in products and into the future? community engagement and advancing
water and greenhouse gas emissions. We Just as we focus on the resilience of our our Vision 2030 goals are helping drive
know how important sustainable fiber-
based products are to our customers
business, we focus on the generational
resilience of natural systems, human
important improvements within IP and
and the world, and we take seriously the systems and communities. In today’s often across our supplier and customer base.”
commitments we’ve made to be a good divided and complex world, it is imperative
steward of the environment. We’ve doubled for our employees to feel safe at work, Mark S. Sutton
down on a roadmap to decarbonize our heard and seen, and ultimately using their International Paper Chairman
operations, and created a dedicated skills and talents in work that matters to
team to focus on exploring opportunities them. Diversity of opinion and thought is
to provide low-carbon solutions. We’re essential. Without it, we won’t be able to
working with partners to begin exploring tackle the pressing issues of our current
real pathways to carbon capture and state and the future.
storage at our facilities.
Guided by our Vision 2030 goal
to improve the lives of 100 million
people by 2030, we are extending
our reach into our communities
and building resilience by helping to
meet their critical needs. In 2023, IP
contributed nearly $20M worldwide
to support charitable organizations
aligned with our signature causes.

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43M 70%
2023 Sustainability
For more than 125 years, International
Paper has championed the
tons of forest-based fiber purchased of our mill energy is derived from
sustainable management of natural
renewable biomass residuals
resources. As part of our commitment
to build a better future, we’re working

to advance our Vision 2030 goals

and targets to deliver sustainable
outcomes through our businesses (see
page 21). We believe that by using
resources responsibly and efficiently,
creating renewable fiber-based
solutions, taking action to reduce our tons of recovered fiber collected, of manufacturing waste was
emissions and water consumption, consumed and marketed beneficially used
and investing in our people and
our communities, we will ensure

732K+ $20M
our business is safe, successful and
sustainable for generations to come.

acres of significant forestland contributed to charitable

conserved and restored since 2020 organizations

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About p.9
The IP Way

International Paper p.10

At a glance

International Paper is a global producer of sustainable packaging, Our key revenue streams
pulp and other fiber-based products, and one of the world’s largest
recyclers. Headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, we employ more p.12
Awards and recognition
than 39,000 colleagues globally who are committed to creating
what’s next. We serve customers worldwide, with manufacturing
operations in North America, Latin America, North Africa
and Europe.

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The IP Way
We do the right things, in the right ways,
for the right reasons, all of the time.

Our vision Our mission Our core values

Our vision is to be Our mission is to Safety Think the Customer
among the most improve people’s lives,
successful, sustainable the planet and our Above all, we care about people. We look We will deliver on our customer promise
and responsible company’s performance out for each other to ensure everyone to do the right things for our customers, at
companies in the world. by transforming returns home safely. every moment, in every experience.
renewable resources
Ethics Include and Engage
into products people
depend on every day. We act honestly and operate with integrity We strive to intentionally build a culture
and respect. We promote a culture of in which each employee feels a sense of
openness and accountability. belonging and experiences an environment
in which to do their best work every day.
We are responsible stewards of people
and communities, natural resources and
capital. We strive to leave everything in
better shape for future generations.

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At a glance
Every day, the world moves
forward with new ideas,
new technologies and new
challenges. And every day,
net sales in 2023
International Paper forges

ahead, becoming more
committed, more
innovative and more
sustainable. Meeting
today’s needs and
preparing for tomorrow’s,
we are creating renewable customers worldwide
solutions for a circular

world that will build
our resilience for the
years ahead.

Global headquarters:
Memphis, Tennessee. employees globally

locations in more than 10
countries and 35 U.S. states

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Our key revenue In Europe, Middle East and Africa

(EMEA), we serve customers from our
Global Cellulose Fibers

streams network of two recycled containerboard

15% of our total revenue
mills and 23 box plants in France,
Building on more than 125 years of Italy, Morocco, Spain and Portugal.
dependability and innovation, we continue
to use renewable fiber sources to serve Global Cellulose Fibers
customers and create profitable growth
Cellulose fibers are renewable raw
and long-term value for our shareholders.
materials used in a variety of products
Industrial Packaging people depend on every day. We create
safe, quality pulp for a wide range
We create fiber-based packaging that

of applications like diapers, towel
protects and promotes goods, enables and tissue products, feminine care,
worldwide commerce and helps keep incontinence and other personal care
consumers safe. We meet our customers’ products that promote health and

most challenging sales, shipping, wellness. Additionally, our innovative
storage and display requirements with specialty pulps serve as a sustainable
sustainable solutions. In addition, our raw material used in textiles, construction
recycling business collects, consumes and materials, paints, coatings and more.
markets more than 7 million tons of paper
recovered annually in the United States,
Mexico, Spain and Morocco. We are one
of the world’s largest recyclers of recovered
office paper and corrugated boxes.

Fiber supply agreements

Industrial Packaging
2% of our total revenue
83% of our total revenue

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Awards and recognition

Fortune Magazine American Forest and Ethisphere — World’s MSCI ESG ratings FTSE4Good
World’s Most Admired Paper Association’s Most Ethical Received a rating of AA FTSE4Good Index
Companies® 2023 for (AF&PA) Award Companies in the MSCI ESG Ratings Series
20 years Recognized with the World’s Most Ethical assessment in 2023 An equity index series that
Leadership in Sustainability Companies® 2023 for is designed to facilitate
Award for Resilient 17 consecutive years investment in companies
U.S. Forests that meet globally
recognized corporate
responsibility standards

Computerworld American Opportunity

2023 Best Places to Index
Work in IT Best Employers 2023

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Responsible p.14
Ethics and integrity

Governance p.15
Supplier network

At International Paper, we know that our

reputation and success depend on the
decisions we make and the actions we
take. With strong support from our Board
of Directors and Senior Leadership Team,
we embed sustainability throughout the
organization with sound governance
structures that represent our values and
support the long-term well-being of our
forests, communities and the environment.

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Ethics and integrity Human rights in our workplace. We believe that

supporting human rights means providing
International Paper is committed to
The International Paper Code of Conduct a respectful workplace environment for
protecting and upholding the human
serves as a compass for how we conduct all of our employees, in which we treat
rights of our employees and any others
ourselves and helps us successfully each other with dignity and respect and
with whom we are in contact. Our
navigate ethical challenges as they arise. value diversity of thought, culture and
unwavering commitment to human
As we pursue our vision to be among background. We prohibit discrimination
rights is embodied in our Code of
the most successful, sustainable and and harassment on the basis of any
Conduct, our Third Party Code of
responsible companies in the world, characteristic protected by law. As part
Conduct and our corporate policies.
the Code gives us direction on acting of our firm commitment to these values,
Fundamentally, we believe International we provide a process for our employees
honestly and operating with integrity.
Paper can help promote respect for and the public to raise concerns about
It also supplies us with the tools we
human rights through the examples of potential violations. We train our
need to foster dignity and respect, and
our actions and our values. As global employees in this process and publicly
promote a culture of openness and
citizens, we ensure our products, no matter provide numerous avenues for contacting
accountability wherever we do business.
where they are made, are manufactured our Ethics and Compliance office.
Our policies, guidelines and best-practice under conditions that demonstrate
processes support the messaging in respect for the people who make them.
the Code by reinforcing our values and We are committed to working against
standards, including our commitment to human rights abuses. We also comply
act fairly and honestly in all our business with applicable labor and employment
dealings, safeguard natural resources laws of every country in which we operate.
and protect and advance human rights Additionally, we draw on internationally
around the world. As a company built recognized labor principles, like those
on ethics and integrity, we also seek contained in the UN Declaration of Human
out partnerships with third parties who Rights, in how we treat our employees
share our rigorous standards through and conduct our business. Therefore,
our Third Party Code of Conduct. IP does not tolerate child labor, forced
labor, physical punishment or abuse,
harassment, discrimination, or retaliation

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Supplier network At International Paper, we hold our

suppliers to high standards. We anticipate
with their affiliates and others who are
within their supply chain. 87% of our
Our global network is made up of that the products and services they provide spend in 2023 was covered by the Third-
more than 30,000 suppliers. Our will be competitive, sustainable and meet Party Code of Conduct or a supplier’s
suppliers’ contribution is pivotal our stakeholders’ expectations. To this own substantially similar code. We also
to our business success and the end, we have built our Third Party Code screen potential suppliers for a wide variety
implementation of our Vision 2030 of Conduct into contractual agreements. of risks, including corruption risks.
goals. We actively seek to work with This document sets out our expectations
suppliers who share our core values regarding workplace standards and
and commitment to ethical conduct. business practices of our suppliers, along

Building a diverse network Our Supplier Diversity program strives to by an individual or individuals in at least We nurture mutually beneficial
of suppliers develop, cultivate and promote diverse one of the following categories: relationships with these diverse suppliers
businesses while providing the highest at industry gatherings and other events.
A diverse supplier base is an integral part • Minority-owned business enterprise
quality materials and services at a Once onboarded with IP, diverse suppliers
of our supply chain, not only for what we • Woman-owned business enterprise
competitive total cost. The program has can also register to join a database that
procure but also in how we collaborate to
three strands: identifying new diverse • Disability-owned business enterprise is shared with other companies and
bring innovative ideas to the table. Having
suppliers, building their capacity and customers, allowing them to access
a broad and diverse supplier base helps • Small business enterprise
serving diverse communities. To be eligible further opportunities for growth.
us meet our stakeholders’ evolving needs. It
to be classified as a diverse supplier, • Veteran-owned business enterprise
also enables us to champion equitable and
suppliers must possess a valid certificate • Hub-zone business enterprise
resilient communities as we work to reach our
demonstrating that they are at least 51%
target of improving the lives of 100 million • Lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or
owned, operated, managed and controlled
people in the places where we do business. transgendered owned business enterprise

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Sustainability focus areas

Sustainability oversight


ESG governance
Stakeholder engagement

Climate risk management
Vision 2030 is our roadmap to becoming
one of the world’s most successful, p.21
sustainable and responsible companies. Vision 2030 goals and targets
Comprising four enterprise-wide goals
and eight targets, Vision 2030 outlines
how we will accelerate our progress while
remaining the supplier of choice for
customers, the company of choice for
employees and the investment of choice
for shareholders.

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Sustainability economic growth), 9 (industry, innovation

and infrastructure), 11 (sustainable cities and
focus areas communities), 12 (responsible consumption
and production), 13 (climate action), 15 (life
Our sustainability focus areas reflect the on land) and 17 (partnerships for the goals).
integration of our value of stewardship in
our business imperatives and priorities.
For all parts of our value chain, the most
significant impacts and dependencies are
captured in our Vision 2030 framework.
Our goals reflect our commitment to
advance circularity and contribute to a low-
carbon future, while prioritizing community
resilience and employee safety.
We conducted a materiality refresh in 2022
and identified key issues to both our
business and stakeholders (a complete list
can be found here). Our focus areas align
with these issues as well as the United
Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). Given the nature, scale and reach
of our company, we are making the most
meaningful contributions to 12 of the
17 SDGs (a complete list of the SDGs can
be found here). Specifically, we contribute
towards SDGs 1 (no poverty), 2 (zero
hunger), 4 (quality education), 6 (clean
water and sanitation), 7 (affordable and
clean energy), 8 (decent work and

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Sustainability oversight Our Stewardship Council is made up

of representatives from areas across
Rewarding our ESG performance International Paper’s stewardship value
is also a driver of long-term shareowner
The purpose of our incentive plans is to
International Paper has an integrated our businesses and functional teams. value. This is measured in our Long-Term
drive improved financial performance
board and executive-level governance In addition, the Manufacturing Council, Incentive Plan through the Total Shareholder
and results for the short- and long-term
structure to oversee and set the tone on Environment, Health and Safety Council Return metric, which determines 50%
success of the company. We work to
Environment, Social and Governance and the Global Diversity and Inclusion of the award. Every year, we evaluate
achieve our Vision 2030 goals because we
(ESG) topics across our businesses. The Council guide implementation of the the short- and long-term incentive plan
believe it’s the right thing to do.
full board periodically reviews components related Vision 2030 goals and assess metrics and make a recommendation
progress against them. Our Annual Incentive Plan (AIP), considers to our MDCC for approval.
of our sustainability strategy and
performance against our sustainability
performance including material ESG In support of the Stewardship Council,
targets when applying the individual
developments and issues. the Renewable Solutions Steering Team,
performance modifier for members of
Within our Board of Directors, the Public Global Certification and Sustainability
the Senior Leadership Team, corporate
Policy and Environment Committee (PPE) Task Team and the Energy and GHG
officers and their direct reports. We believe
has oversight over environmental topics as Steering Team develop the tactics needed
performance in this area enables the
well as public policy, legal, and health and to further advance implementation of our
achievement of our Vision 2030 goals.
safety issues or risks that could affect the Vision 2030 goals and targets.
We currently consider metrics in the
Company. The Audit and Finance Our Chief Sustainability Officer leads following areas when determining their
Committee (A&F) reviews processes and our Sustainability Team and is ultimately individual payout under AIP:
controls for external reporting, and the responsible for the development
• Health & Safety
Management Development and and execution of our sustainability
Compensation Committee (MDCC) strategy. In turn, the Sustainability • Environment & Sustainability
approves CEO stewardship-focused Team coordinates activities across IP • Human Capital & Culture
objectives and evaluates performance businesses and functional areas to
related to compensation. • Governance
deliver on our Vision 2030 targets.
At the management level, our CEO • Diversity & Inclusion
and Senior Leadership Team are
responsible for corporate sustainability
strategy and leadership, with function-
specific councils reporting to them.

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Full board A&F Governance PPE MDCC

ESG • Periodic review of • Review processes • Review and reassess • Review sustainability • Approve CEO
governance components of and controls for adequacy of, and and social impact ESG-focused
sustainability strategy external reporting oversee compliance policies, plans and objectives, evaluate
and performance of sustainability and with Corporate performance to performance
• Review material social impact data Governance continuously improve • Consider ESG
ESG-related and metrics Guidelines and comply with factors in Senior
developments and commitment to
• Review related • Seek Board Vice President (SVP)
issues stewardship
disclosures in candidates with compensation and
Sustainability Report diverse backgrounds • Review environmental overall compensation
and Form 10-K policies, plans, plan
performance and • Review related
social impact disclosures in CD&A

Stakeholder Our operations impact a wide range

of stakeholders, from employees and
engagement local communities, to customers and
Governments Employees
shareholders. Engaging with these diverse
groups allows us to gain valuable insights,
understand their expectations and address
their concerns. By fostering open and NGOs Customers
Our stakeholders
constructive dialogue, we can identify
material issues, prioritize emerging global
issues and industry trends, and gain vital Shareholders Suppliers
information to guide our sustainability
efforts and strategies (see page 99).

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Climate risk approved Science Based Target initiative

(SBTi) target, we continue to use the SBTi-
Climate Change, Forest and Water
Security questionnaires to transparently
by climate change. We believe that we
are more likely to experience an increase
management approved methodology to inform the disclose our risks and opportunities in in acute, rather than chronic, impacts
strategies we need to implement. those core areas of sustainability. related to extreme weather and water
Climate change is disrupting society and scarcity during this decade. We continue
business today. As we face physical and Our reporting also follows the Our latest TCFD Report maps out our
recommendations of the Task Force on to refine our climate scenario analyses
transition risks now and in the years ahead, climate-related risks and opportunities
Climate-related Financial Disclosures to plan effectively and communicate
identifying these risks and opportunities for as well as the corresponding mitigation
(TCFD), a framework for companies to transparently to our stakeholders.
our company and the communities where and adaptation strategies. As a leading
we operate is key. We’re working to better analyze and report on climate-related risks, producer of renewable fiber-based products, Learn more in this report’s Sustainable
understand these risks and determine the and to inform investors on exposure to we see significant opportunities in the Operations section and our Climate
best way to monitor, measure and address financial risks related to climate growing low-carbon circular economy. Change Statement.
them. As one of the first North American change. We additionally respond to However, we are already experiencing
pulp and paper companies to have an Climate Disclosure Project’s (CDP) weather-related impacts exacerbated

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Vision 2030 Goals Targets

goals and Healthy and Lead forest stewardship efforts globally Source 100% of our fiber Conserve and restore
targets Abundant Forests from sustainably managed 1 million acres (400,000
forests or recovered fiber hectares) of ecologically
while safeguarding forests, significant forestland
watersheds and biodiversity

Renewable Solutions Accelerate the transition to a low- Advance circular solutions throughout our value chain
carbon economy through innovative and create innovative products that are 100% reusable,
fiber-based products recyclable or compostable

Sustainable Operations Improve our climate impact and Reduce our Scope 1, 2 and Reduce our water use by 25%
advance water stewardship 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) and implement context-based
emissions by 35% water management plans at
all mills

Thriving People Promote employee well-being by Achieve 30% overall Implement regional diversity
and Communities providing safe, caring and inclusive representation of women plans, including 30%
workplaces and strengthen the and 50% women in minority representation in
resilience of our communities salaried positions U.S. salaried positions

Improve the lives of 100 Achieve zero injuries for

million people in our employees and contractors

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Protecting forests in the face of
a changing climate

Healthy and
Our Vision 2030 progress


Our approach


Responsible fiber procurement

ForSite™ in action

Healthy forests are essential to a healthy p.32

future for our planet: they mitigate climate Recognized for promoting bird
change through carbon sequestration, clean awareness and conservation

our water and provide habitat that wildlife

populations need to thrive. With more than
Forest certification
1.6 billion people reliant on them for their
livelihoods, forests also deliver substantial
economic benefits. And at International Paper, Engaging with suppliers
forests are at the heart of everything we do. and partners

Maintaining the health, well-being and

resilience of our forests is integral to Working with community
global ecosystems — and our business stakeholders
model. That’s why we are committed to
producing the products our customers p.36
need while being a responsible steward A closer
of the world’s natural resources.

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Protecting forests can also make ecosystems more resilient

to the shocks brought on by extreme
in the face of a weather events and a changing climate.
changing climate When these ecosystems are sustainably
managed, forests can play a critical role in
International Paper’s success depends mitigating climate change through carbon
on the sustainability of forests — and so sequestration. That’s why we work closely
does the future of our planet. The health with forest landowners, wood suppliers
of our forests and the species that call and other partners to avoid deforestation,
them home is intricately connected to promote responsible forestry practices that
a changing climate. To maintain the protect high conservation value forests,
powerful and diverse benefits that and ultimately ensure the integrity of
forests offer, we need to sustain working forests for the years and decades to come.
forest landscapes for generations to
come. That means enabling reliable
end markets for wood fiber so forest
landowners will choose to keep their
land forested and sustainably managed
rather than selling it for other uses.
Conserving rather than converting
forestland protects our planet by helping to
regulate the climate and sustain essential
ecosystems that support countless plant
and animal species. With biodiversity
loss accelerating and a growing number
of animals and plants threatened with
habitat loss, according to the United
Nations, healthy forests can act as a
safe harbor for nature. Healthy forests

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Our responsibility to the land To that end, we engage in responsible fiber

sourcing, which includes:
As diligent stewards, our responsibility
to protect natural resources begins with • Conducting due diligence throughout
our relationships with landowners and our supply chain
suppliers. Given our dependence on • Validating origin on direct uncertified
sourcing renewable fiber from working fiber purchases
forests, we aim to operate an unparalleled
fiber procurement system that is • Using mapping systems to monitor
consistent with our core values. Since harvest activities and policy compliance
nature-related impacts and dependencies via ForSite™, our geographic information
are location specific, we take local, system (GIS)
context-specific steps to responsible fiber
sourcing to enhance the environmental
values of the forests from which we source.

48M 5.2M
As we deliver on our Vision
2030 responsible fiber sourcing
target, in 2023 we purchased
and used:

tons of new and tons of recovered fiber

recycled fiber

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Goal Target
Our Vision Impact

2030 progress Lead forest stewardship

100% 89%
efforts globally
Our leadership in forest Source 100% of fiber 89% fiber is verified as derived from a
from sustainably sustainably managed forest
stewardship centers
managed forests
on two targets that are
driving progress toward
our Vision 2030 goal.

1M 73%
Conserve and restore 732,770 total acres of ecologically
1 million acres of significant forestland conserved
ecologically significant and restored
forestland (400,000 ha)

Our 2023 fiber sourcing in context • 100% direct sourcing verified no • 100% suppliers monitored to meet IP’s • 0% sourcing from peatlands or High
conversion of High Conservation Global Sourcing Policy Carbon Stock (HCS) forest
• 100% meets the Forest
Value Forests (HCVFs)
Stewardship Council® (FSC®) • 95.6% from forests within the U.S.: • 0% sourcing from Intact
Controlled Wood Standard • 100% indirect sourcing traceable to a 97% Southeast U.S., 3% Oregon Forest Lands (IFLs)
country and county level of origin
• 100% direct sourcing from uncertified • 3.5% from forests in Canada
forests traceable to origin (Alberta province)

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Conserve and restore 1 million

Source 100% of fiber from sustainably acres of ecologically significant
managed forests forestland

89% • 373,145 total acres of ecologically

 Verified ForSite™
significant forestland have
48% been conserved
 PEFC™+SFI* 79%
 FSC® • Improved forest management
 Recycled 38% on 3,145 acres as part of due
66% diligence efforts in ForSite™
• As part of our Forestland Stewards
Initiative with the National Fish and
Wildlife Foundation, we conserved
47% and restored 370,000 acres of forests
throughout North America
7% • Total goal completion progress: 732,770
28% 28% 27% acres improved (73%) since 2020

 Verified through ForSite™

 PEFC™+SFI® Certified Forest
 FSC® Certified Forest • The remaining 11% of fiber volume
 Recycled fiber complies with International Paper’s
4% 4% 4% 4%
Global Fiber Procurement Policy; we will
9% 10% 9% 10% continue to increase verification efforts
89% toward our Vision 2030 goal
Year 2020 2021
48% 2022 2023
Total tons sourced 5538% 54 50 48
24% International Paper - 2023 Sustainability Report
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Our approach Disclosure on nature

We will continue to gather
As complex ecosystems, forests support data on how we interact
countless plant and animal species, with biodiversity using
regulate freshwater cycles and contribute our GIS-based sourcing
to the overall ecological balance of our platform, ForSite™
planet. International Paper recognizes that (see page 29). In 2024,
a sustainably managed forest is one that International Paper will
maintains and enhances economic, social go through the scoping
and environmental values for the benefit phase of the Task Force
of present and future generations. As one on Nature-related
of the world’s largest users of wood fiber, Financial Disclosures
we are passionate about pursuing forest (TNFD) methodology
conservation and restoration activities across our sourcing and
that complement our commitment to manufacturing footprint,
sustainable forest management and with an intent to disclose
responsible sourcing. We further aim to information in 2025.
enable healthy forest landscapes beyond
our own supply chains by investing in
research, restoration and conservation
initiatives that benefit forests, watersheds
and biodiversity.
Our approach to forest stewardship has
three main elements: responsible fiber
procurement, forest certification and
collaboration with forest and wildlife
conservation partners.

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Responsible fiber • We maintain chain-of-custody

certification at all mills, including
procurement certification to the Forest Stewardship
Council® (FSC®) Controlled Wood
International Paper’s Global Fiber Standard and the Sustainable Forestry
Procurement Policy serves as the Initiative® (SFI®) Fiber Sourcing Standard
foundation of our commitment to healthy
and abundant forests. This policy states, • We have developed and continue to
“We will not knowingly accept fiber from support one of the largest private
illegally logged forests or from forests landowner assistance programs
where high conservation values are in the U.S. to offer FSC® Forest
threatened by management activities.” Management Certification

To achieve our goal to source 100% of • Our extensive fiber supply network
fiber from sustainably managed forests, and ForSite™ allow us to connect
we engage in responsible fiber sourcing, our forest conservation partners with
with the following highlights: private forest landowners to help
make a positive impact on-the-ground
• International Paper’s Fiber Supply and in the areas that matter most
Team is a diverse group of more
than 225 professionals who work
together to ensure fiber is responsibly
sourced across our mill footprint
• Our industry-leading mapping platform
ForSite™ (see page 29) exemplifies
transparency, risk mitigation and
targeted collaboration. It enables us
to know where our direct non-certified
wood purchases come from and ensures
that the right decisions are made
before the fiber enters our mill system

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ForSite™ By knowing the exact location of the

direct fiber we purchase, we ensure
ForSite™ is an innovative mapping tool
not only that our fiber is derived from
used by our Fiber Supply Team to verify
sustainably managed forests, but
and track the fiber they are sourcing.
also that it is delivered to the most
This system guides our responsible fiber
cost-effective facility location.
procurement on non-certified forestland
in the U.S. It follows the framework and Using ForSite™ technology across our
protocol of a HCVF Risk Assessment. United States sourcing area, we have:
This system uses GIS technology to display • Identified 23M acres where pre-harvest
and organize a variety of pieces of spatial due diligence can be applied
data — critical information that our Fiber • Made on-the-ground improvements to
Supply Team uses to make informed over 3,145 acres in ForSite™ since 2020
decisions prior to the fiber entering our
supply chain. ForSite™ data includes • Mapped every non-certified location of
an array of environmental and spatial purchased open-market fiber
attributes, including: • Monitored sensitive and
• Rare, threatened and endangered species high-priority locations
by NatureServe Global Conservation
Status Ranks (G1/G2, S1/S2)
• Priority forest types and landscapes
(bottomland hardwood)
• Forest/wildlife conservation priority areas
• Soil types, topography and hydrology
• Satellite imagery updated weekly
• Land ownership data
• Critical biodiversity areas

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Determined to
be low risk for
unique Yes to purchase

Yes to purchase
Possible risk if adequate

Source Assess Review Plan Deliver

identified for mitigation
unique efforts have
conservation been agreed to
All non-certified Performs due values Discussion with supplier by IP, supplier/- Discussion with Customers are
roundwood diligence using about responsible forest forest landowner supplier about confident that
purchased direct ForSite™ to assess management practices responsible forest fiber is sourced
from the forest the forest harvest needed to mitigate the management responsibly
area for the possible identified risk: practices needed
presence of unique to mitigate the
conservation values • Does the current harvest plan identified risk
provide protection for the
species and/or its habitat and/or No to purchase Additional monitoring
can the plan be modified to and follow-up with
mitigate the risk? supplier where indicated

• Will a no-harvest area be


• Type and seasonality of the


• Will current best management

practices (BMPs) adequately
protect the habitat or species?

ForSite ™
• Will there be a need for
enhanced stream buffers or
wildlife corridors?

• Will the species benefit from

enhanced tree retention best

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ForSite™ in action Outcome

The ForSite™ tool shows areas of potential
Since forest certification is not always environmental risk, and indicates the
feasible for private forest landowners, location of the fiber we are considering
International Paper recognized that our for purchase. Some of the species and
industry needed to find a way to assure plants we have identified using ForSite™
consumers and customers that our forests include the Northern Long-eared Bat, Bald
are being managed sustainably. The Eagle, Red-cocked Woodpecker, Louisiana
implementation of ForSite™ has changed Pine Snake, American Chaffseed and
IP’s procurement strategy. We now screen Gopher Tortoise, along with a variety of
every uncertified tract through ForSite™ rare freshwater mussel species. Thanks to
prior to purchase to determine whether the use of ForSite™, landowners are able to
additional due diligence is required before accomplish their management objectives
we accept timber from that tract. Our staff while protecting and improving habitats.
has access to this data both in the office
and in the forests on their mobile devices
and can monitor forest management
activity. To learn more about ForSite™,
watch this video.

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Recognized for bird conservation into our procurement

operations and value chain and provide a
Since 2021, working with the Avian
Research and Conservation Institute, nine
This past year, the transmitters allowed
researchers to document the amazing
promoting forest measurable contribution towards reversing STKIs have been trapped and fitted with journey made by one of the male STKIs
bird awareness and the decline of forest birds. radio transmitters near International captured in Georgia, named Barrington.
Paper mills in South Carolina, Georgia The bird’s migration started on the
conservation One of the significant outcomes of this
and Louisiana. This year alone, five Altamaha River, where it led the Georgia
partnership is targeted work with an iconic
STKIs have received transmitters. These Department of Natural Resources to a
In 2023, the American Forest & Paper bird species in the Southeastern U.S.: the
transmitters allow us and our conservation pre-migration roost of over 600 STKIs —
Association (AF&PA) honored International Swallow-tailed Kite (STKI). STKIs are one
partners to follow the STKIs’ movements the first of its kind outside of Florida. The
Paper with a Leadership in Sustainability of North America’s most beautiful birds
across the landscape so we can further trackers then followed Barrington for four
Award for Resilient U.S. Forests. The award of prey, with distinctive black and white
understand their specific habitat needs. months on a long and winding journey over
recognized our innovative approach to plumage and a long, forked tail. They are
Additionally, we can enter that data the Gulf of Mexico, including a 48-hour
promoting forest bird awareness and also long-distance migrants that spend
into our ForSiteTM mapping system stretch over water, before continuing
conservation within the forest product their spring and summer months in the
Southeastern forests of the U.S. and then to target conservation efforts and through South America into Bolivia and
supply chain in partnership with the
migrate to their wintering grounds in outreach in the most strategic areas. central Brazil — a truly incredible flight.
American Bird Conservancy (ABC). This
multi-year partnership aims to integrate South America.

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Forest certification Since 2012, CFM has enrolled and

maintained FSC forest management
Forest certification underpins our certification for:
commitment to sustainable forest
management. Our procurement

systems and mills are certified to the
Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®),
Programme for the Endorsement of
Forest Certification™ (PEFC™) and
Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®)
chain of custody standards and
the SFI Fiber sourcing standard. acres in
To meet the growing customer demand
for certified products, our internal FSC

forest management group, Certified
Forest Management (CFM) LLC, helps
small, private landowners become
FSC-certified cost-effectively. It has
become the largest privately run group
of certified landowners in the U.S. properties across


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Engaging with Working with forest supporting IP’s work to help understand
and protect natural wildlife in the region
suppliers and partners landowners through our partnership with the American
Bird Conservancy (see page 32).
As we move toward our target of For over two decades, IP has cultivated
conserving and restoring 1 million acres a strong relationship with Wise Batten Through best management practices and
of ecologically significant forestland who, together with his family, owns a conservation efforts, Batten is also helping
by 2030, we are working with strategic forest plantation covering thousands of save the land for generations. Alongside
partners to safeguard the long- acres in Black Swamp. Located along the community partners, Batten has helped
term resilience of our forests and the floodplain of the Savannah River, this land protect thousands of acres in perpetuity
communities they sustain. Our cooperation provides some of the valuable renewable at Black Swamp through conservation
with partners has three strands: fiber used in International Paper’s products. easements. These easements are
voluntary, legal agreements between the Wise Batten
Working with forest landowners like Batten Forest landowner
1. Working directly with wood landowner and land trust or government
is one way we live out our commitment
suppliers and forest landowners agency that permanently limit the use of
to responsible forest stewardship.
to promote sustainable the land to protect its conservation value.
With development steadily moving
management practices To help share the importance of
inland from the coast and demand for
residential housing and manufacturing sustainable forestry, International Paper
2. Engaging stakeholders in the teams up with landowners like Batten to
sites growing, selling the Loblolly pine
communities where we operate hold tours for customers who purchase IP
trees grown there offers Batten a way to
protect the land while also enjoying and products. During these tours, customers
3. Collaborating with conservation sharing the recreational opportunities can learn more about the practices that
organizations to enhance it affords to the community. create healthier and more abundant
ecologically important areas and forests and discover what sustainable
restore forests worldwide Black Swamp isn’t just a working forest; forestry means to landowners.
it also provides habitat for deer, turkey
and many other types of migratory and
non-migratory birds. Since the land sits in
a strategic location along the migration
path of the Swallow-tailed Kite, Batten is

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Working with lived on the property or paid the taxes.

Since its ownership is unclear, the land
community often ends up in forced sale, leading to
stakeholders forest fragmentation. This disproportionally
affects Black families, contributing to
The future of forests and the future of over 11 million acres of land lost in the last
local communities are closely intertwined. hundred years and counting.
Forests don’t just play a critical role in the That’s where the Center for Heirs’ Property
local socio-economic fabric; they also Preservation® (CHPP) comes in. Working
directly impact the quality of life of people in partnership with International Paper,
living nearby. Bearing this in mind, we have CHPP supports historically underserved
made it a priority to engage in meaningful communities to build intergenerational
partnerships with community stakeholders. resilience. In 2023, International Paper
This approach fosters a sense of shared announced its partnership with CHPP.
responsibility and helps build resilient The center works alongside the Mississippi
communities that are economically and Center for Justice to provide legal
environmentally connected to the forests. services, assistance and resources to help
historically underserved Mississippians,
Promoting social equity
with support from World Wildlife Fund
Our commitment to promoting social and Kimberly-Clark Corporation. This
equity entails re-examining certain barriers effort, known as the Mobile Basin
that prevent equal access to sustainable Heirs’ Property Support Initiative, is
resources. Heirs’ property is land passed designed to help families in Mississippi
down from generation to generation protect and keep their forestland, build
informally, often because landowners intergenerational wealth and promote
die without having written a will. In the productive, sustainably managed forests.
absence of a will, the land is considered
jointly owned by all heirs and split between
multiple family members regardless of
whether they have set foot on the land,

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Longstanding FSP was recently renewed for another

five-year period, with International Paper
logging and other disturbances to forest-
based wildlife species.
partnerships with committing $10 million for wildlife and With the first two phases completed,
conservation groups working forest conservation. To learn more our partnership is now scaling up efforts
about our work with NFWF, visit to inform responsible forestry, carbon
2023 was a milestone year for our work this website. sequestration and biodiversity
with conservation organizations. As monitoring on the ground in the
we celebrated a decade of partnering The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Central Appalachian region
with the National Fish and Wildlife Start-of-the-art forestry practices have of the U.S. and in Mexico.
Foundation, we also continued our been at the heart of our collaboration with
endeavors to preserve and protect our The Nature Conservancy (TNC) since 2018.
a closer look

planet’s delicate ecosystems together with This work reaches beyond International
other strategic conservation partners. Paper’s traditional supply chain in an effort
to identify nature-based climate solutions
National Fish and Wildlife that can be replicated anywhere around
Foundation (NFWF) the world. For instance, the first phase of
International Paper and NFWF began the Reduced-Impact Logging for Carbon
working together to restore and (RIL-C) initiative provided land managers
enhance forested ecosystems in 2013. in Indonesia and Gabon with practical,
Our Forestland Stewards Partnership science-based toolkits to improve carbon
(FSP) has delivered many significant sequestration in working forests. The
accomplishments, including establishing second phase of this engagement saw the
or enhancing more than 700,000 acres expansion of TNC’s RIL-C toolkit to new
of native forest and wildlife habitat to geographies in the Yucatan Peninsula of
date, including the iconic longleaf pine Mexico and the Republic of Congo. This
ecosystem. Now entering its second funding also allowed TNC and partners
decade, FSP has funded 177 projects at the University of Wisconsin to develop
across 13 states that, once completed, bioacoustics monitoring protocols, which
will restore, enhance or protect more than use sound recordings to measure forest
1.6 million acres of forest habitat. The biodiversity and understand the impacts of

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American Bird Conservancy (ABC) resilience through the Community Tree Other strategic
Since 2020, International Paper has
Recovery Program. This public-private partnerships to advance
been partnering with the American
partnership distributes free trees to forest sustainability
residents in communities affected by
Bird Conservancy, an organization • American Forest
natural disasters and supports the
dedicated to conserving wild birds and Foundation (see page 67)
restoration of affected forestland. As one
their habitats, to promote forest bird
of 17 founding members of the Arbor Day • Celebrate Planet Earth
awareness and conservation within our
Foundation’s Evergreen Alliance, we also • WBCSD Forest
supply chain. Our work engages IP’s
champion the Foundation’s ambitions Solutions Group
Fiber Supply Team, academia, forestry
to plant 500 million trees focusing on
and wildlife experts, our wood suppliers
neighborhoods and forests of greatest
and forest landowners in our mill basins
a closer look

need in the next five years.

in the Southeastern U.S. Specifically, we
hold field-based bird workshops, conduct World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
bird surveys, collaborate on academic
research and implement bird-friendly After working with WWF for more than
forest management practices on strategic a decade on responsible sourcing and
sites identified via ForSite™. In 2023, our landscape investments, International
work was recognized by the AF&PA with Paper was one of the first five U.S.
the Leadership in Sustainability Award for companies to join WWF’s Forests Forward
Resilient U.S. Forests (see page 32). program for corporate action in support
of nature, climate and people. Forests
The Arbor Day Foundation Forward engages with companies and
other stakeholders around the globe to
Our partnership with the Arbor Day
deliver effective nature-based strategies
Foundation dates back to 2019 and
for forests that help achieve their business
continued to flourish and deliver tangible
and sustainability goals. Most recently, we
benefits for people and the planet in 2023.
partnered with WWF to support the Mobile
In the past, we have joined with the Arbor Basin Heirs’ Property Support Initiative in
Day Foundation to strengthen community the Southeastern U.S. (see page 35).

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Our Vision 2030 progress


Solutions Our approach: Circularity at IP

The four key pillars of circularity

At International Paper, we’re advancing the

circular economy across our value chain, p.43
The sustainability benefits of
helping to lead the transition to a sustainable fiber-based packaging
low-carbon future. As a producer and recycler
of renewable fiber-based products, we’re p.44
closing the loop and creating innovative Renewable Solutions roadmaps
products that are 100% reusable, recyclable by business group

or compostable.
Global Cellulose Fibers roadmap

Industrial Packaging roadmap

EMEA Packaging roadmap

A closer look

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Our Vision Goal Target Impact

2030 progress Accelerate the transition

100% 97.2% 34.5%
to a low-carbon economy
through innovative fiber- Advance circular solutions 97.2% of International Paper pulp and 34.5% average recycled content in
based products throughout our value chain packaging products are recyclable, our North American corrugated
and create innovative reusable or compostable — including packaging products, including
products that are 100% 98% of our packaging products 28.7% post-consumer fiber
reusable, recyclable or and 94% of our pulp products

94% 48%
94% of projects support renewable 48% of manufacturing waste
solutions in the GCF innovation pipeline has been beneficially used rather
than disposed in a landfill

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Our approach: Circularity also touches on product design,

as engineers work to improve product
Circularity at quality and capability, while reducing
International Paper waste and increasing the amount of
recycled material that is used.
Circularity is a key strategy for International Embracing the circular economy means
Paper. It means that we prioritize the use of looking throughout our value chain for
resources that are renewable, sustainably opportunities to optimize and improve our
managed, recycled and reused through operations. In this regard, International
design, production and recovery across our Paper has a unique position in the market
value chain. For International Paper, as one of the world’s largest stewards
circularity begins in the forest, where we of wood and recovered fiber. As both a
encourage sustainable forest management producer of fiber-based products and a
and continual improvement in growing, consumer of recovered fiber, we have a
harvesting and processing practices. This marked impact on the overall circularity
carries through to our mills where we use of our industry.
this renewable material and give used fiber
products new life.
Circularity means recovering and reusing
as much wood fiber, energy, water and
other materials as possible in a continual
cycle from natural resource to finished
product and back again. Likewise, it means
Partnering for IT circularity defunct devices. This partnership includes
keeping as much material as possible from
computers, servers, hard drives, monitors
becoming waste destined for landfills. IP is also committed to green computing.
and miscellaneous equipment. In 2023,
Our IT team has a zero-landfill policy
we remarketed over 2,500 systems and
for end-of-life electronics. We partner
recycled 183,389 pounds of assets. That’s
with Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations to
the equivalent to taking 95 passenger
remarket our old electronic equipment for
vehicles off the road for a year.
reuse or, where that’s not possible, recycle

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The four key Using every part

of the tree
pillars of One way that we integrate sustainability
circularity at into our operations is by selling high-quality
International pine chemicals. These materials come

Paper Use circular

from pine trees and are a byproduct of the
kraft pulping process, which can be used
manufacturing to make a variety of everyday goods such
To achieve our Renewable
Source sustainable processes as biofuels, fragrances, cleaners and ink.
Solutions goal, we’ve Their small carbon footprints make these
implemented a circularity raw materials pine chemicals an eco-friendly alternative
strategy made up of to the petroleum-based materials used by
four pillars. These pillars the chemical industry. With demand for
help guide how we think some pine chemicals exceeding supply
about our impact across and expected to grow, we plan to rapidly
our value chain and scale our capabilities so we can sell 100%
identify implementation of our pine chemicals by 2027.
tactics within each of our
businesses that advance
circular solutions.

Create innovative Collaborate on

products solutions

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Source sustainable raw materials Use circular ​manufacturing Create innovative products Collaborate on solutions
International Paper’s primary raw material processes International Paper products make a Collaboration across our value chain is
is, of course, fiber. And this is where Circularity is at the heart of what we significant contribution to a low-carbon key to our success. That’s why we team
our sustainability strategy begins. We do at International Paper. Within our circular economy. We think about the up with our customers, supply chain
source both recycled and new, renewable manufacturing process, this is done by entire lifecycle of the product and how partners and thought leaders to develop
fiber from trees grown in sustainably designing for sustainability, minimizing changes in product design impact innovative ideas and gather diverse points
managed forests. Wherever possible, we waste and maximizing the recovery and decisions along its value chain. The result of view. The teams at our research and
use renewable, sustainable or recycled reuse of materials. is products that are: development centers are at the forefront of
materials — fibers, chemicals, packaging, these creative solutions.
By becoming more circular, designing • Made efficiently and sustainably, from
etc. — across our manufacturing process.
in efficiency, and improving our sourcing to production to transportation The circular solutions we create together
Our commitment to using sustainable raw environmental impact, we reduce our • Designed with end of life in mind not only respond to changing market
materials aligns with a core principle of greenhouse gas emissions and contribute conditions and consumer demands, but
circularity: regenerating natural systems. • Easily recovered, recycled, reused or
to a sustainable low-carbon future. In also have multiple lives through repeated
In a nutshell, since our products are made composted
2023, 48% of our manufacturing cycles of reuse, recovery and recycling.
from renewable resources, they replace waste was diverted from disposal Our product strategy is informed by the Learn more about some of our 2023
less sustainable, carbon-intensive non- for beneficial uses. Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the world’s collaborations here.
renewable alternatives. leading circular economy network.
Every year, our operations use 5.2 million Through our membership, we’re working
tons of recovered fiber to make new fiber- with the Foundation and its partners to
based products, making International advance our contributions to circular low-
Paper one of the world’s largest users of carbon solutions.
recovered fiber. Learn more about our 2023 product
innovations here.

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The Fiber-based packaging:

benefits of

is made from a renewable resource is easy to recycle is lightweight

so it is composed of both recycled and new so it can be turned into new paper so it can lower freight and handling
fiber grown in sustainably managed forests. products. Recycling paper ensures costs with fewer trucks on the roads,
Using paper packaging reduces the reliance a valuable renewable material is less fuel used and lower emissions
on non-renewable resources, like fossil fuels, recovered and reused, reducing from transportation.
and promotes sustainable practices. waste going into landfills.

has a lower carbon footprint keeps forests working

so it has a smaller impact on the climate. so they can continue to conserve
The production process of paper involves biodiversity and provide clean air and
fewer chemicals and energy than other water for communities. Responsibly grown,
packaging, which means that it generates managed and harvested forests provide
fewer greenhouse gas emissions. a sustainable supply of fiber for products,
while ensuring forestland remains forested.

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Renewable Solutions
roadmaps by business
To meet our overarching Vision 2030
Renewable Solutions goal, our business- Global Industrial EMEA
specific task teams have developed
Renewable Solutions roadmaps outlining
Cellulose Packaging Packaging
2030 targets specific to the opportunity Fibers At International Paper, As part of our Industrial
and impacts unique to each of our our North American Packaging business,
product offerings. Our Global Cellulose
Industrial Packaging Europe, Middle East and
Fibers (GCF) business
Each of our three business groups — Global business offers solutions Africa (EMEA) Packaging
brings comfort, dignity
Cellulose Fibers, Industrial Packaging and for today that package a specializes in making
and confidence to people
EMEA Packaging — requires customized better tomorrow. We are and selling recycled
around the world with
approaches and targets for the different a producer and recycler containerboard and
our fiber innovations.
products they make across their value of fiber-based packaging corrugated containers.
These fiber solutions help
chains and within the different regions solutions that protect and These products help our
differentiate our customers’
in which they operate. All three business promote goods, enable customers supply products
products in a crowded
groups share one guiding target: to marketplace —and move worldwide commerce and people depend on every
develop 100% recyclable, reusable or help keep consumers safe. day in numerous food and
us all toward a more
compostable products. industrial segments.
sustainable future.
The roadmaps and 2030 targets for
each business group is described
over the following pages.

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Renewable Solutions As part of our overarching strategy, GCF Innovation Projects Aligned
roadmap: Global Cellulose Fibers (GCF) is with Renewable Solutions
aligning with customers and delivering
Global against market needs towards In 2023:

the following main objectives:
Fibers 100% recyclable, reusable
or compostable

100% reusable, Our GCF business is demonstrating its

recyclable or commitment to the circular economy by
compostable setting a goal to create pulp products of projects in the innovation pipeline
that are 100% recyclable, reusable or
Replace plastic and compostable. As of 2023, 94% of pulp

petroleum-based products are considered recyclable.
materials In 2023, we began compostability
Reduce lifecycle certification for all existing GCF products
impacts, including for use as an additive according to
greenhouse gas EN 13432.
emissions, waste To serve the needs of our customers and of front-end innovation concepts
and water use deliver more sustainable product solutions,
Minimize overall raw we aim to have a minimum of 50% of

material consumption projects in the GCF innovation pipeline
support renewable solutions. We are
Improve end-of-life
working towards this goal via customer
solutions including
collaborations and partnerships, as well
compostability and
as by conscientiously tracking projects
within our innovation pipeline that include
sustainability and/or renewable attributes. of commercial new products

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Renewable Solutions Replace plastic and

roadmap: petroleum-based
Global We work with our
Cellulose customers to uncover

Fibers and respond to their

unmet needs and
desired outcomes while
100% reusable, effectively incorporating
recyclable or more cellulosic materials
compostable into absorbent hygiene
applications. We are also
Replace plastic and
developing new cellulose Our portfolio of outstanding fast liquid acquisition and ability to wick
fiber end-use applications alternatives to synthetic fibers against gravity, they are an outstanding
that replace petroleum- choice for absorbent hygiene products
Reduce lifecycle Engineered to provide excellent
based materials, such as with excellent fluid management. Both wet
impacts, including absorbency, improved wicking and higher
single-use packaging. All and dry, Helix® is a superb bulking agent
greenhouse gas pad integrity, Elegance® quickly moves
the while, we are reducing for specialty paper and packaging board,
emissions, waste wetness away from the skin, minimizing
lifecycle impacts and too, producing webs with high permeability
and water use the likelihood of rashes, skin irritation
minimizing overall raw and resistance to compression.
and leakage. Elegance® has a reduced
Minimize overall raw material consumption
product weight while maintaining the Our FloraCel® brand offers a cost reduction
material consumption through innovative and
same excellent absorption properties of all and performance enhancement solution
natural pulp products.
Improve end-of-life International Paper’s absorbent cores. A for making lyocell, an all-natural cellulose
solutions including thinner product helps optimize packaging, textile fiber. Wood pulps used to produce
compostability and enabling transport of more products per textiles like FloraCel® serve as extenders
recyclability shipment, which could result in fewer to dissolving wood pulp, incorporating the
trucks on the road. renewable and innovative materials that
consumers demand.
Our Helix® fibers are stiff, curly and
compression resistant. Thanks to their

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Renewable Solutions Reduce lifecycle impacts, including Minimize overall raw material In turn, we can use these LCAs to estimate
roadmap: greenhouse gas emissions, waste consumption the greenhouse gas emissions reduction
and water use We are optimizing manufacturing
gained by making certain process changes
Global We are focusing on ways to make products processes for new products including
such as reducing bleaching — meeting
our customers’ requests for more specific
Cellulose with less waste and reduced lifecycle absorbent hygiene applications, resulting in
information about potential savings.
Fibers impacts in terms of their greenhouse gas
emissions and water consumption. In
significant reduction and better utilization
of raw materials used in production.
2023, we completed life cycle assessments In 2023, we advanced work to reduce
100% reusable, (LCAs) aligned to the ISO 14044 standard chemical consumption at our mills. Our
recyclable or on some GCF products, covering their corporate technology team conducts mill
compostable environmental impact from cradle to audits and develops annual goals to reduce
gate. Our new LCA models touch on
Replace plastic and our use of chemicals. Our new reporting
fiber and raw material procurement,
petroleum-based software tracks bleach plant chemical usage
manufacturing and distribution. They
materials by mill in real time, with a focus on process
look at all of the impacts throughout
control and associated cost tracking. The
Reduce lifecycle the lifecycle, including greenhouse gas
team targets annual reductions in bleaching
impacts, including emissions, mineral resource scarcity
chemical consumption across all GCF
greenhouse gas and water consumption. This process is
mills. One mill, for instance, used insights
emissions, waste already yielding results, helping us better
from the dashboard to fix and replace
and water use quantify our impacts, identify areas where critical sensors, helping to deliver significant
Minimize overall raw we can reduce our carbon footprint improvements and make considerable
material consumption and better address customer requests savings. Chemical consumption data was
around our products’ sustainability.
Improve end-of-life also used in the development of our LCAs.
solutions including
compostability and

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Renewable Solutions Improve end-of-life solutions evaluating compostability certifications we are actively pursuing options like the
roadmap: including compostability for our modified fiber products. well-respected Nordic SWAN and EU
and recyclability Customers and consumers are Ecolabel by evaluating the comprehensive
Global We work with customers to help improve increasingly looking for visible and operational and testing requirements
needed to meet these rigorous standards.
Cellulose the end-of-life impacts of their products easily recognizable ways to identify
environmentally friendly products. That’s
Fibers through our innovations. For example, we
enable the use of 100% cellulosic fiber for where ecolabels come in. They help create
wipes, which can be biodegradable and transparency and differentiate products in
100% reusable, compostable, unlike those made from a competitive market. With more and more
recyclable or petroleum-based materials. We are also of our customers also pursuing ecolabels,
Replace plastic and
Reduce lifecycle
impacts, including
greenhouse gas
emissions, waste
and water use Ensuring product safety

Minimize overall raw International Paper operates under a global Product

material consumption Stewardship Performance Standard to ensure that all
products sold meet applicable regulatory and chemical of
Improve end-of-life concern requirements and are safe for their intended end
solutions including use. The elements of that standard include product hazard
compostability and assessments; good manufacturing practices; raw material
recyclability conformance and acceptability; representative product
testing; product event tracking and corrective actions;
product declarations; employee training and possible
audits. For more information, please visit our GRI Index.

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Renewable Solutions Our North American Industrial Packaging In 2023, nearly 98% of North American recyclability and repulpability. As of the
roadmap: business is making sustainable packaging products were recyclable. As we end of 2023, more than 99% of our total
improvements through innovation and work to make sure that all our manufactured containerboard production is recyclable
Industrial redesign, material replacement and packaging products are 100% recyclable, and more than 96% of our wet-strength
reduction, and recycling and recovery we are focusing our efforts on ensuring the linerboard products passed the FBA
Packaging towards the following main objectives: recyclability of our wet-strength linerboard standards for recyclability, with additional
products. These containerboard products results outstanding. Our teams are
100% recyclable, 100% recyclable, reusable or containing wet-strength additives, which working to ensure that the specifications
reusable or compostable compostable packaging protect fiber bonds from water that would for the remaining 4% are set to ensure full
packaging Focus areas: otherwise break them down, are not recyclability and performance
considered recyclable without additional moving forward.
Integrate circularity into • Ensure all manufactured packaging
testing. We tested all linerboard containing
key business checkpoints and containerboard products are 100%
wet-strength against the Fiber Box
Track product recyclable, reusable or compostable
Association (FBA) voluntary standard for
sustainability impacts and • Replace non-recyclable coatings with
opportunities for material recyclable alternatives
Set 2030 waste strategy
Expand partnerships
within recycling and
circularity Championing alternatives to ClimaGuard® containerboard is recyclable Our fully recyclable ClimaShield®
wax-based coatings and specially made to improve wet and coatings protect products in the toughest
dry strength and decrease wicking. It can environments, while also helping customers
Our ClimaGuard® and ClimaShield®
be used with any box design for added achieve their sustainability goals. Along
products are designed with recycling
strength when packing or handling under with offering water-resistant properties,
in mind, offering an alternative to non-
high-humidity conditions. ClimaGuard® ClimaShield® and Climaguard® meet the
recyclable wax-based coatings, and making
is also used in ClimaBin®, a triple- FBA certification standard for recyclability
sure that food, beverages and other items
wall container that protects packaging and repulpability.
arrive safely.
from costly failures when it is used in
high-humidity or wet conditions.

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Renewable Solutions Integrate circularity into key

roadmap: business checkpoints
Focus areas:
Industrial • Ensure sustainability considerations
Packaging are included across business processes
such as asset design, capital process,
100% recyclable, business strategy, innovation and
reusable or compostable product development
Integrate circularity into
key business checkpoints
Track product
sustainability impacts and
opportunities for material
Set 2030 waste strategy
Expand partnerships Building circularity into our bringing new improvements to areas from freight efficiency. Since more deliveries
within recycling and customer relationships design and graphics to lab testing and can fit into each container, fewer trips are
circularity mechanical packaging systems. needed to get products where they need
We are actively integrating sustainability
to go — meaning lower freight costs and
into our work with customers. Our Value Additionally, the VAS Customer Value
reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Added Services (VAS) team thinks about Analysis (CVA) team focuses on driving
our customers’ needs by understanding costs out of the supply chain by looking
opportunities, identifying solutions for ways to optimize packaging and line
and developing creative methods to efficiency. For example, IP works with
outperform the competition in delivering a national customer in our packaging
what our customers value the most. Our business to optimize freight by eliminating
experts focus on practical innovations and incoming wooden pallets and increasing

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Renewable Solutions Track product sustainability

roadmap: impacts and opportunities for
material replacements
Industrial Focus areas:
Packaging • Evaluate product- and material-level
sustainability impacts
100% recyclable, • Identify opportunities for sustainable
reusable or compostable materials improvements and expand
packaging circular solutions for customers
Integrate circularity into
key business checkpoints
Track product
sustainability impacts
and opportunities for
material replacements Packaging your protein
Set 2030 waste strategy Creating packaging that protects fresh
Expand partnerships foods and keeps consumers safe has
within recycling and always been a priority, but with our Leak
circularity Resistant Bliss Box, we package fresh
protein in a more sustainable way. This
unique design is stronger while using less
material and eliminates the wax coating,
so the box can be recycled. With these
containment capabilities, packers can
reduce the plastic liners needed while
lowering the risk of cross contamination
during distribution —preventing food waste
and protecting our consumers.

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Renewable Solutions Set 2030 waste strategy

roadmap: Focus areas:

Industrial • Identify waste reduction opportunities at

each containerboard mill and across our
Packaging box plant system
In order to reduce waste across all of its mill
100% recyclable, sites, Industrial Packaging has Waste Champions
reusable or compostable who look for strategic opportunities at each mill
packaging and share best practices with their counterparts
Integrate circularity into at other locations.
key business checkpoints
Track product
sustainability impacts and
opportunities for material
From landfill to new life
Set 2030 waste strategy
Our Newport, Indiana Containerboard Mill
Expand partnerships
produces 110 tons of pulper tail each month.
within recycling and
This reject material, the baling wire and
other contaminants that remain after the
pulping process, used to be hauled to the
landfill. Today, we are working with a partner
to divert this material and reclaim the
maximum amount of wire for recycling and
reuse. Under a two-year service agreement,
we now receive money for this pulper tail
rather than paying for landfill fees — and
ensure that these valuable materials have a
sustainable future.
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Renewable Solutions Expand partnerships within In addition to collecting recyclable we were able to find a long-term solution
roadmap: recycling and circularity materials, we place recovered fiber for the mountains of cardboard that
back into our own mill system to would otherwise pile up at its distribution
Focus areas:
Industrial • Improve circularity- and recycling-
make new paper-based products. centers. And, as the largest producer of
containerboard in the country, making
Packaging focused partnerships
When a major retail wholesaler lost
as much as a third of all U.S. corrugated
its outlet for the tens of thousands of
• Develop materials to expand capabilities tons of cardboard it generated each packaging, we could also guarantee that
100% recyclable, of sustainable fiber packaging year, our recycling team stepped in this national wholesaler’s old corrugated
reusable or compostable with a customized plan. Thanks to our containers (OCC) would be appropriately
As an aggregator and manufacturer,
packaging nationwide network of recycling plants, recycled and reused in new products.
International Paper can offer end-
Integrate circularity into to-end circularity for U.S. customers. transportation infrastructure and expertise,
key business checkpoints
Track product
sustainability impacts and
opportunities for material
Set 2030 waste strategy Improving consumer education the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries
Expand partnerships about recycling (ISRI) to educate consumers about the
within recycling and need to recycle and about the stable end
As one of the world’s largest recyclers, we
circularity markets that exist for recycled fiber. Along
collect, sort and process nearly 7 million
with conducting recycling campaigns,
tons of recovered paper annually, which
these organizations also develop and
we distribute to a global network of paper
share answers to commonly asked paper
manufacturers. But keeping the paper
recycling questions, amplify recycling best
recycling industry moving requires a steady
practices and explain how recycling works
inflow of fiber. That’s why we are working
to consumers via social media and other
to build public confidence in the fact
communication channels.
that recyclable material, once collected,
actually is recycled. We’re partnering with
industry associations like the AF&PA and

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Renewable Solutions EMEA Packaging contributes to

roadmap: our overarching target by applying
innovation, redesign and material
EMEA replacement strategies across the
following five objectives. In fact, our
Packaging EMEA Packaging business has already
met our Vision 2030 target of having
Innovate for circularity 100% recyclable packaging.
through material efficiency
and 100% recyclable,
reusable or compostable Innovate for circularity
packaging through material efficiency
and 100% recyclable, reusable
Further develop product or compostable packaging
range and capabilities to
substitute fiber products for Focus areas:
plastic • Eliminate all sales of non-recyclable
Reduce waste to landfill products
by targeting key areas for • Reduce basis weights at box plants
improvement across our by 5% vs. 2020
operations Combining tamper-proof Secure Box doesn’t require
In 2023, we continued projects to reduce
Expand partnerships for
security with sustainability adhesive tape or other materials
the average basis weight at our box plants,
for sending to the customer or
recycling and circularity achieving a reduction of 1.4% compared Our eCommerce Secure Box,
for returns to the sender, thereby
with 2020, and of 7.6% compared with which was developed by our
Contribute to improving eliminating single-use plastic
2018. We also maximized efficiency by Spanish corrugated packaging
industry recycling rate and materials. In 2023, the eCommerce
reducing fiber use at our facilities in team, isn’t just designed to prevent
fiber quality Secure Box was recognized with the
France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal and Spain. tampering and theft; it’s also better
World Packaging Organization’s
For instance, since 2020, the average basis for the environment than plastic-
prestigious 2023 WorldStar of
weight of all our recycled paper in France based alternatives. Made to be
Packaging Award.
has decreased by 7%. 100% recyclable, the eCommerce

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Renewable Solutions Further develop product range Reduce waste to landfill by Expand partnerships for
roadmap: and capabilities to substitute fiber targeting key areas recycling and circularity
products for plastic for improvement across Focus areas:
EMEA Focus areas: our operations
• Evaluate opportunities for circularity/
Packaging • Substitute 6,000 tons of plastics with Focus areas: recycling collaborations and
fiber-based alternatives by 2030 • Reduce waste to landfill by 50% over partnerships throughout International
Innovate for circularity 2020 baseline by 2030 Paper’s value chain
Reflecting our ongoing commitment to
through material efficiency sustainability, we made two strategic Since 2020, we have reduced waste to We actively participate in the
and 100% recyclable, investments in Italy and in Morocco landfill across the EMEA region by 32%. Confederation of European Paper
reusable or compostable beginning in 2023. These projects aim to We continue to explore ways to reduce Industries (CEPI) 4evergreen alliance,
packaging expand our production of paper-based how much waste we consign to landfill which brings together over 100 members
Further develop product punnets—a sustainable alternative to across our mill and box plant system. across the entire lifecycle of fiber-based
range and capabilities to plastic packaging. These investments This entails both promoting activities packaging. The alliance’s main objective
substitute fiber products not only strengthen our foothold in the at our facilities to reduce our waste is to achieve a 90% recycling rate across
for plastic marketplace but also align with our footprint and examining ways to make Europe by 2030 through knowledge
ambition to end customers’ reliance on alternatives to landfilling more attractive. sharing—leading to the establishment of
Reduce waste to landfill plastic packaging. guidelines related to innovation, circular
by targeting key areas for design, collection and sorting. We are also
improvement across our As a result, in 2023, our operations in
the EMEA region produced enough fiber- a member of the European Federation of
operations Corrugated Board Manufactures (FEFCO).
based punnets to replace 828 tons of
Expand partnerships for plastic products, with a total of 2,680 tons
recycling and circularity replaced between 2021 and 2023.
Contribute to improving
industry recycling rate and
fiber quality

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Renewable Solutions Contribute to improving industry owned by International Paper and situated We have also embarked on circular
roadmap: recycling rate and fiber quality on the premises of our Madrid, Spain Mill, partnerships with several customers
CARPA is among the largest recyclers in Spain, in which IP’s packaging team
Focus areas:
EMEA • Increase education on the circularity and
in the wider Madrid area and recycles provides them with new boxes, and IP’s
paper, cartonboard, magazines and Old recycling business, CARPA, collects their
Packaging sustainability benefits of fiber packaging Corrugated Cardboard (OCC) collected OCC. Altogether, circularity projects
• Use partnerships to expand the amount in Madrid’s blue bins. In 2023, CARPA involving CARPA supply 45% of the
Innovate for circularity and quality of recovered fiber entered into a new circularity agreement recycled fiber needed to keep our
through material efficiency with the municipality of Getafe, near Madrid Mill running.
Our recycling operations in Spain (CARPA)
and 100% recyclable, Madrid, further shoring up recycled fiber
play a key role in how we bring the circular
reusable or compostable supply to the Madrid Mill. The mill also
economy to life in the country. Wholly
packaging uses clippings collected from our Spanish
and Portuguese box plants.
Further develop product
range and capabilities to
substitute fiber products for
Reduce waste to landfill
by targeting key areas for
improvement across our
Expand partnerships for
recycling and circularity
Contribute to improving
industry recycling rate
and fiber quality

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Circular solutions are that can carry tomorrow’s fashion back

to Nordstrom’s stores across the U.S.
always in fashion All these pieces come together in Cedar
Nordstrom, Inc. is a leading fashion Rapids, Iowa. IP Recycling collects
IP Recycling
retailer, offering compelling clothing, recycled boxes from Nordstrom’s local
Baled recycled boxes from
shoes and accessories for men, women distribution center and send the fiber
Nordstrom’s distribution
and kids. But getting the latest fashion to the nearby Cedar River Mill, which center are sent to the
from distribution and fulfillment centers makes 100% recycled containerboard. Nordstrom Cedar River Mill.

to over 350 Nordstrom, Nordstrom Local This containerboard is then sent to the distribution center
and Nordstrom Rack stores throughout Cedar Rapids Box Plant, which ships Cedar Rapids, Iowa
the U.S. generates significant waste from new boxes to Nordstrom’s Cedar Rapids
a closer look

products, packaging and operations. distribution center for immediate use.

That’s where International Paper comes We’re also working with Nordstrom to
in. Leveraging our circular fiber model, we optimize the weight and size of their
are working with Nordstrom to give new boxes––reducing deliveries and emissions Cedar River Mill
life to old boxes and materials. IP recycles as a result. In 2022, International Makes 100% recycled
fiber from six of Nordstrom’s nationwide Paper collaborated with Nordstrom to containerboard.
distribution centers and partners with check its shipment and box utilization
Nordstrom to create renewable solutions. history. We used our proprietary
e-Commerce Box Optimization Service
As one of the world’s largest users of (eBos™) tool to recommend a suite of
recovered fiber, we have the scale to boxes to reduce Nordstrom’s freight,
recover, reprocess or facilitate the sale of dunnage, product damage, and carbon Cedar Rapids
more than 7 million tons of recovered fiber footprint. In 2024, we plan to work Box Plant
each year — including Nordstrom’s boxes. together again to complete eBos™ The containerboard
We use the recovered fiber from old boxes evaluations for additional distribution
is sent to the Cedar
along with virgin fiber from sustainably Rapids Box Plant, which
points in the Nordstrom network. produces new boxes
managed forests to create brand new that are then sent back
renewable, recyclable corrugated boxes to Nordstrom.

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Sustainable p.59
Our Vision 2030 progress (GHG)

Operations p.60
Our approach

Climate change, in the form of rising Our carbon footprint and
temperatures and increasingly frequent and
severe natural disasters, is impacting people
and ecosystems globally. The latest science Our Vision 2030 progress (water)
has made it clear that decisive action must be
taken to avoid the worst impacts of climate p.69
change. International Paper is committed to Our approach
minimizing the impact that our manufacturing
processes have on our planet by decreasing p.70
greenhouse gas emissions and water risk Advancing water stewardship
specific to the watersheds of our facilities.
Watershed protection

A closer look

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Our Vision Goal Target Impact

2030 progress Improve our climate impact and advance

35% 8.6% increase in Scopes 1 and 2
water stewardship 6.2% decrease in Scope 3 emissions
(GHG) Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions Our combined Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions increased
by 35% in 2023 primarily due to an increase in the sale of
renewable energy certificates (RECs). This does not
amount to a change in actual emissions, but rather,
sales of environmental attributes from our renewable
GHG Emissions Progress Scope 1 Scope 2 REC Sales power generation. REC sales will continue in the short
(in metric tons CO2e) term but will eventually be retired in support of our
Vision 2030 target. Underlying these outcomes are the
difficult economic circumstances which resulted in less
Scope 1 and 2 Progress* Scope 3 Progress
production volume and significant pressures on costs.
These conditions obscured any other progress made in
12M 24M 2023. We achieved emissions reductions at some of our
10.71 11.45 11.50
10.58 10.60
22.95 23.03 sites, including our containerboard mill in Rome, Georgia
1.08 .90 .73 2.38 2.48
10M 23M and we announced a project that will reduce emissions at
our containerboard mill in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Reduced
8M 3.21 3.24 3.15 2.80 2.65 22M 21.85
21.54 biomass fuel use offset some of our project-related
GHG decreases.
6M 21M
Scope 3 emissions reduction results were a result of
6.29 6.57 6.72 6.26 6.37 lowered consumption and production, with improved
4M 20M
industry level emission factors.
2M 19M

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

*Consistent with the GHG Protocol, our reported Scope 1 GHG emissions and associated targets do not include biogenic GHG emissions, which were approximately
22.8 million metric tons in 2023. 

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Our approach
Our Sustainable Operations approach
addresses some of our most pressing
environmental impacts and reflects our
commitment to improving our footprint
across our businesses, operations and
value chain. We are working to reduce
our reliance on fossil fuels, improve
energy efficiency and expand our use
of renewable energy. We also aim to
decrease operational water use intensity
and address location-specific water
concerns throughout our business.

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Our carbon footprint SCOPE 3: Value chain emissions GHG emissions breakdown
(in metric tons CO2e)
and reductions These emissions are all other indirect
emissions that occur in our value GHG emissions (in metric tons CO2e)

We assess greenhouse gas (GHG) chain, both from the supply side Scope 1

emissions across three scopes, or (upstream) and on the customer side Scope 2
Scope 3
categories, that encompass our value (downstream). Upstream examples
chain. As part of our Vision 2030 include harvesting and transporting
goals, we’re working to track, report wood to our mills and the production End-of-life treatment
of sold products
Scope 1
and ultimately reduce greenhouse gas of other raw materials. Downstream 6,169,000

emissions at every link of our value chain. examples include transportation to our Downstream
customers, further processing of products
SCOPE 1: Direct emissions and final disposal. Scope 3 emissions Processing of sold products Scope 2 location-based

These are the GHG emissions from sources make up about two thirds of our total 4,462,000 2,654,000

that are directly owned and operated by footprint split equally between our Upstream
Downstream transportation
International Paper, such as burning fossil upstream and downstream emissions. 338,000 REC sales
fuels for energy and methane emissions Waste generated in operations
from our onsite landfills. Scope 1 emissions 590,000 Wood & recovered fiber
goods and
make up 19% of our total footprint.
Upstream transportation Pulp & paper products
751,000 1,165,000
SCOPE 2: Indirect emissions
Fuel and energy related activities Other raw materials
Scope 2 emissions refer to GHG emissions 1,666,000 1,834,000

from the generation of electricity, heat Capital goods Services

1,678,000 2,096,000
or steam, produced by utilities that
International Paper purchases for use.
We report market and location based
emissions. Our location-based emissions
make up 8% of our total footprint and
Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) sales
make up 7% of our footprint.

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Scopes 1 and 2 tracking • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency more accurate understanding of our GHG
and reporting Mandatory Reporting Rule (EPA MRR) emissions is essential for transparency and
• Multiple state, regional and national accountability, allowing us to effectively
Our 35% GHG emissions reduction target
reporting programs communicate our sustainability efforts to
for 2030 is aligned with the best-available
stakeholders and the wider community.
climate science and with the Paris • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Climate Agreement goal to limit global In 2023, we began developing a system
temperature rise to well below 2°C above • Sustainability Accounting Standards that automates the collection of data.
pre-industrial levels. As an industry leader, Board (SASB) This system, known as EGENZ, provides
we have committed to a science-based increased data accuracy and visibility
Improving data quality and
emissions target that was approved by compared with our previous tool. It also
taking action
the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) features built-in quality checks and
in 2021. We were one of the first North Robust data is the cornerstone of our consolidates enterprise-wide information
American pulp and paper companies efforts to reduce our greenhouse gas about our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions
to have an approved SBTi target. We emissions. After all, we need to have and water influent levels with strengthened
used the SBTi-approved methodology an accurate understanding of our control protocols. Our 2023 reports are the
to develop our target and to inform the current footprint to implement effective first to use the EGENZ tool.
strategies we need to implement to reduce and targeted strategies to reduce our
our contribution to climate change. We emissions. That’s why we are working to
will continue to use the most current and procure more accurate and actionable
accepted science available to adapt our data so we can identify key areas within
strategy for responsive impact. our operations where emissions are
We work with strategic partners to most significant and devise tailored
track and report our GHG emissions by solutions to mitigate them. This data-
participating in the following sustainability driven approach is a crucial component
reporting programs: of our GHG management program,
helping us to set realistic and measurable
• CDP (formerly known as Carbon
goals, monitor progress and make
Disclosure Project)
informed decisions that lead to tangible
• Task Force on Climate-related environmental improvements. Moreover, a
Disclosures (TCFD)

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Addressing our climate impact renewable sources. Recovery and recycling

of our packaging products further
As a company committed to long-term
contributes to a low-carbon economy.
sustainability, we are working to reduce
our carbon footprint in support of global Reducing our value chain GHG emissions
efforts to combat climate change. We is central to our climate-related work
support the 2015 Paris Agreement and and Vision 2030. Our goal to reduce
recognize the important role that policy emissions is ambitious, and it will take
action plays in limiting the increase in the time. At International Paper, we believe
global average temperature. Moreover, we that taking this step is the right thing
advocate for science-aligned and market- to do and also improves our resilience
based measures that promote effective and longevity as a company.
global and national climate policies. Our
climate strategy will continue to evolve
alongside developments in science,
technology and regulation.
While climate change presents a
significant challenge to our company and
to the world, there are opportunities for
our business in the transition to a low-
carbon economy. IP’s business model can
provide positive climate impact across
our value chain. For example, carbon
removals can be increased through
improved forest management, carbon
can be stored in forest products, and
non-renewable products made from
and with fossil fuels can be replaced
by fiber-based products made from

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Our Scope 1 and 2 reduction We anticipate that an overall increase and intend to support development of partners to implement land management
pathway in renewable electricity installations on renewable energy generation projects practices that not only enhance the
the grid will account for approximately where appropriate. In parallel, we are biodiversity value of forestland but also
In 2023, we worked diligently to refine a
8% of our future GHG reductions. In continuously improving the tracking, serve to sequester additional carbon
decarbonization plan that includes multiple
addition to these passive improvements, reporting and quality of our data to identify through improved forest management.
levers. As we work towards our Vision 2030
we will focus our efforts on reducing further opportunities for efficiency. This work is directly related to our Scope
target of reducing our Scope 1, 2 and 3
fossil fuel use and increasing the 3 emissions and beyond-value-chain
greenhouse gas emissions by 35%, IP Finally, we continue to explore the
use of biomass through equipment impacts and therefore not currently
has created a reduction pathway to help connection between nature and climate
improvements. We plan to end our sales included as part of our Scope 1 and 2
effectively plan out the steps we will need change by working with our strategic
of RECs as part of our reduction strategy reduction pathway.
to take along the way.

Passive Ongoing, Mill and machine Retire all Co-benefits from Renewable
improvements in-development closures announced generated RECs energy efficiency electricity
8% capital projects in 2023 26% capital projects engagement
Million Ton CO2e Reduction

9% 9% 21% and further
4.2 decarbonization
4 Reductions from
3.4 26%
3.1 identified cost
reduction projects May include power purchase
agreements, emerging
2.0 technology, and other
2 decarbonization tactics
Renewable electricity Cease sales of renewable
installations on the grid energy certificates


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Our reduction pathway (cont.) Our Mill of the Future initiative, which customers can subscribe to a portion of a
focuses on process efficiencies, shared solar installation and receive credits
Making capital investments automation and equipment health, has on their electricity bills based on the power
been successfully implemented at one produced. While IP will not retain the solar
We’re committed to making capital
of our facilities. The project will minimize RECs associated with these projects, these
investments to address Scope 1 GHG of our mill energy is derived from
variability and failures, making our mills state programs allow us to support the
emissions in our facilities over the next renewable biomass residuals
more stable and easier to run. This has addition of new solar power to the grid in
decade. We’re evaluating investments in
the additional impact of improving line with our sustainability commitments.
energy efficiency and fuel-switching for
safety by minimizing employee exposure
lower-carbon thermal energy sources As an anchor member responsible for
to hazards and reducing our footprint
in our operations. These initiatives often a portion of the project capacity, we
through efficiencies. Energy, chemicals
result in both cost savings and GHG are ensuring that this community-scale
and fiber usage are all expected to
emissions reductions by optimizing solar project has base load customers
be reduced as part of this project.
processes, upgrading equipment and to provide the financial backing to move
advancing energy conservation measures. Expanding renewable energy forward. Partnerships like this allow us to
play an important role in accelerating the
In 2023, we broke ground on a $103 million
The more renewable energy we generate, energy transition, expanding renewable
project to build and operate two natural-
the less we rely on utility-provided energy. energy access through creative models,
gas power boilers that will generate
We are exploring renewable power and reducing overall emissions from
steam for our containerboard mill in
initiatives to add renewable energy electricity consumption over time.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Construction work
capacity to the grid.
is now underway on the project, with
commissioning slated for the end of 2025. Our Auburn, Maine and Rochester,
The steam generated by the boilers will New York box plants will become
replace mostly coal-produced steam anchor members of community solar
supplied by the local utility. The switch to projects being developed by Novel
power boilers running on natural gas will Energy Solutions and PureSky Energy.
directly reduce Scope 1 and 2 combined As part of these states’ community
greenhouse gas emissions from the Cedar solar incentive programs to promote
River Mill by approximately 25%. wider renewable energy adoption, utility

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Scope 3 Data Driving change in our supply chain

Data collection for Scope 3 emissions International Paper recently joined with
is particularly challenging. Our short- Valmet, a leading global developer and
term focus is improving our data supplier of technologies, automation and
accuracy and understanding value services for the pulp, paper and energy
chain partner commitments to better industries, to discuss sustainability.
inform our strategy and prioritization. Valmet’s colleagues in North America
In parallel, we are actively looking explored ways that we can partner
for opportunities to collaborate with together to move towards a carbon-
strategic value chain partners. neutral future.

Collaborating with suppliers on

Scope 3
To mitigate GHG impacts outside our
direct operations, we team up with
our suppliers and customers to effect
meaningful change. We assess our supply
chain to identify areas of impact, and
we engage our suppliers and customers
to reduce emissions. This work is closely
tied to our goals for Renewable Solutions,
which focus on how customers use and
dispose of our products.

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Advancing nature-based solutions for and report GHG emissions and Helping family forest practices including afforestation
to climate change removals from land management, land landowners access of marginal or degraded
Forests cover more than 750 million
use change, biogenic products, carbon climate finance agricultural fields and improved
dioxide removal technologies, and forest management in native
acres in the U.S., about one-third of the Family forest landowners own and
related activities in GHG inventories. forests. IP’s ongoing support allows
country’s landmass. They represent the manage nearly 40% of America’s
the FFCP to invest in critically
country’s largest terrestrial carbon sink, International Paper is also exploring forestlands. With tracts measuring
important applied research to
continuously taking carbon out of the technology-based low-carbon solutions between 30 acres and 2,400 acres,
identify which forests provide the
atmosphere and storing it in trees. Yet to accelerate the transition to a circular they care deeply about the health
most additional carbon mitigation
forests also offer significantly greater low-carbon economy. In 2023, IP created of their woods, the future of their
when they enroll in the program.
potential for International Paper and a dedicated team focused on exploring land and the planet. They want to
the forest products industry to mitigate opportunities to provide low-carbon play an active role in protecting As a result of IP’s investment, the
carbon impacts through carbon-smart solutions, including Carbon Capture forests, but often struggle to realize FFCP is able to empower more
forest management. The products made and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture the full potential of their land for family farmers to help address
by IP not only replace non-renewable and Use (CCUS) of our biogenic CO2 carbon sequestration. IP is meeting climate change while earning
alternatives; they also can be recycled emissions. This work builds on our this need by providing financial and income from their land.
many times over, increasing the useful knowledge development with partners technical support to the Family
life of carbon stored in usable products. on nature-based solutions to climate Forest Carbon Program (FFCP).
change and reflects our commitment to This program, developed by the
In a changing climate where forest fires,
deliver sustainable outcomes through our American Forest Foundation (AFF)
insect disturbances and deforestation
business strategies. and The Nature Conservancy,
are on the rise, IP is working with
enables family forest owners to
landowners to implement best practices
access climate finance from
for land management that enhance
carbon markets. Thanks to IP’s
carbon removals in forests. In order to
support, the FFCP has scaled up
credibly account for carbon storage
in the Central Appalachian area of
and emissions from land use activities,
the U.S. while also expanding into
International Paper is providing input
other forest areas. The program is
to the GHG Protocol Land Sector and
on track to launch activities in the
Removals Guidance. This guidance
Southeastern U.S., with a variety of
explains how companies should account

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Our Vision Goal Target Impact

2030 progress Improve our climate

25% 7.3% increase in water use intensity As a result of these challenges, we
impact and advance initiated a process in 2023 to re-evaluate
(water) water stewardship and improve our water stewardship
Reduce our water use Several of our mills have successfully governance and processes. Our intended
intensity by 25% and reduced their water usage since 2019 water stewardship activities from 2024
implement context-based and have developed best practices that forward are more closely aligned with our
water management plans are useful for our enterprise-wide manufacturing objectives. This renewed
at all mills knowledge sharing. However, in 2023, approach will optimize integration of
while we decreased absolute water use, water reduction within our operations
our lowest since 2019, we made limited and ensure that our water stewardship
progress against our enterprise goal of efforts are more effective in the unique
reducing water use intensity by 25%. The context of our facilities. Additionally,
lack of progress was due in part to lower we will focus on context-based water
overall production, resulting from several management plans that reduce water
factors, including challenging macro- use risk and improve water basin health.
economic conditions. Because our water
reduction goal is based on water use per
ton, lower production output will have a
negative impact on our numbers. Our
production was approximately 7% lower
in 2023 than 2019.

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Our approach
As one of the most precious resources on
Earth, water is essential to sustaining life,
ecosystems and economic development.
It is also critical to IP’s operations; we
could not make our products without
large volumes of good quality, reliably
available fresh water. Water is used to
preserve wood, to produce steam and
energy, transport materials to process
equipment and to produce paper and
paperboard. In forests, we are working
to advance responsible practices that
protect watersheds and allow trees to
absorb and filter as much water as
possible. At our facilities, we are focusing
our water use reduction efforts on the
mills experiencing the most significant
water risks today and in the future.

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Advancing water 2023 Water use by source Water use intensity: (in m3/metric ton)

Water is essential to nearly every process in 50
our production facilities — pulping, steam
generation, papermaking and more. In
light of this resource’s critical importance 43
to our operations and communities around 41
40 40 39
the globe, IP is dedicated to conserving 40
and protecting local water resources. Our
water stewardship activities are closely
aligned with our manufacturing objectives.
This approach optimizes how we integrate
water reduction into our operations and 30
ensures that our water stewardship efforts
are more effective and impactful.
As we work toward our Vision 2030
target of reducing our water use per ton 20
of production by 25%, we are analyzing
risks and opportunities for water use
reduction at each of our facilities with
the ultimate objective of minimizing Public source
our impact on freshwater sources. We 10
Surface 8%
monitor water consumption at all of
our mills through flow metering and 77%
engineering methods, track this data
as part of our internal environmental
management system, and report as 0
required by our permits at all locations. 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

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Improving data completeness Water Wise water supply challenges to date. The Minimizing potable
and quality We also share best practices across our
second mill is in Madrid, Spain, and is water consumption in
As part of improving our internal data mill system through our internal Water
considered to have a “very high” level of Madrid
BWS. This recycled containerboard mill
controls process, we are including water Wise Campaign, which helps mills make We are completing a
uses primarily reclaimed wastewater in
influent data collection and automation operational improvements to water project to reduce potable
partnership with the local municipal utility
in our EGENZ system (see page 62). consumption. Based on prior performance water and use more
and minimizes impact to local water-
This work is ongoing, as incoming water and benchmarks, we are working with reclaimed water at our
stress challenges. In 2023, we continued
quantification can pose challenges at sites to decrease their water use to the Madrid, Spain Mill, which
to partner with WRI through its Aqueduct
certain sites with numerous water collection best applicable levels. This has resulted is located in an area of
Alliance program to stay connected to the
locations and methods. We expect to in a reduction of 1,744 gallons per year high water stress. The mill
latest research, tools and best practices
use this system to report for our 2024 at successful mills. In particular, our still requires potable water
across industries.
sustainability disclosures. Moreover, we containerboard mills in Valliant, Oklahoma for some of its overall
are ensuring that all mills have water and Springfield, Oregon have used use. The project will result
input meters that directly measure major awareness-raising measures, eliminated in an estimated 27%
sources of water flow, allowing us to move leaks and cleaned process systems to cut reduction in potable water
away from estimates. These flow meters their water use. International Paper intends use per ton of production.
will be regularly monitored and calibrated, to place greater emphasis on the Water This involves capital

and data consolidated at the corporate Wise campaign going forward. expenditure on pumps
level, monthly, in EGENZ. This will improve and pipelines to switch
data credibility and reduce unreliable data Water stress the effluent treatment
variability associated with water use. We use the World Resources Institute’s plant’s source from potable
(WRI) Water Aqueduct tool to assess to reclaimed water. The
Reducing water use water-related risks at our locations. Two of water used in our manufacturing result is a significant
We’ve addressed water consumption in of our mills are in basins considered to operations is returned to the contribution towards our
our operations through awareness-raising be water-stressed, they have a “high” or environment overall target to reduce
measures and by closely monitoring and greater level of Baseline Water Stress our water consumption.
recording how we use water. Some mills (BWS) per WRI Aqueduct Version 3.0. One
have completed mill water balances to mill is located along the U.S. Southeastern
find opportunities for water use reduction. Atlantic coast, which has not experienced

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Watershed protection partnership, 10 miles of the Savannah

River were protected, along with more than
All water issues are local. And every 4,000 acres across two states, impacting
watershed has unique characteristics, drinking water quality for local residents.
threats and opportunities. Healthy

watersheds are essential to communities,
the environment and the manufacturing of
our products. That’s why we are committed
to improving the long-term sustainability
of shared water resources and are working
to understand the characteristics of
each basin where we operate to address We were the first-ever private-sector
the most important water issues for our participant in the Savannah River Clean
company, local communities, other water Water Fund, where approximately 78%
users and ecosystems. We recognize of the basin is currently forested
that collaboration with the communities
in which we operate is fundamental to
strengthening water stewardship.
We were the first-ever private-sector
participant in the Savannah River Clean
Water Fund, where approximately
78% of the basin is currently forested.
International Paper, along with The Nature
Conservancy and a diverse set of partners,
are leveraging public and private dollars
to facilitate land production and better
forest management to benefit water
quality in the river basin. Through this

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Teaching water contributes to our signature cause of

education by teaching water conservation
conservation to the in schools and demonstrating how
next generation responsible water practices are good
for our facilities, our company, our
International Paper is also championing communities and our planet.
water conservation through an educational
outreach program. We are partnering
with local schools in our communities
to foster awareness and instill a sense
of responsibility towards this precious
a closer look

resource. At the heart of this initiative is

our Water is Wonderful curriculum, which
we developed to educate 1st through 3rd-
grade students on what it means to be a
good steward of the water we have.
In engaging lessons, children learn that
water is essential to life and makes up
more than 2/3 of our planet, though only
a small fraction of that water is available
for use by the billions of people on Earth.
From the scarcity of clean, fresh water
to how International Paper uses water in
our paper-making process, students learn
not only about the vital role water plays in
our daily lives but also how International
Paper uses water in its processes to make
products people depend on every day.
The Water is Wonderful program also

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Forests Renewable Solutions Operations People
People Index 74

Our Vision 2030 progress


Our approach
Promoting employee well-being and safety


People and
Championing Diversity and Inclusion


Recruitment, development and retention

Spotlight: Honoring service, hiring veterans

International Paper’s employees are the heart p.84

of our business. That’s why we have a steadfast Developing employees

commitment to fostering a work environment that

is not only inclusive and collaborative but also
Retaining talent
safe and conducive to overall well-being. Beyond
the workplace, we’re helping to build resilient and
prosperous communities, fostering a sustainable and Community investment
vibrant future for all and making a positive impact
that resonates far beyond our business operations. p.87
Our signature causes

Planting seeds for
the future

A closer

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Our Vision Goal Target 2023 Impact*

2030 progress Promote employee

0 In 2023, our safety metric performance encountered challenges, falling short of the
well-being by providing goal of zero LIFE injuries. We are mobilizing our resources to explore safer and more
safe, caring and inclusive Zero LIFE (Life-Changing effective work methods, placing a heightened emphasis on organizing Learning Events
workplaces Injuries and Fatality and training safety leaders. The 562 events conducted throughout the enterprise in
Elimination) injuries for 2023 served as collaborative and secure platforms for engaging our hourly employees
employees, contractors and Front Line Leaders. Together, we identified additional layers of protection and
and visitors improved control measures. With more than 2,700 safety leaders trained in 2023, our
workforce is intensely dedicated to fostering a resilient safety culture.

30% 18.2% 34.5% 24.6%

Achieve 30% representation overall women salaried women U. S. salaried minority
of women overall and 50% representation
women in salaried positions and
30% minority representation
in U.S. salaried positions

Strengthen the resilience

of our communities
100M $19.9M $3.1M 16.4M
Improve the lives of 100 in global giving in employee giving and lives impacted
million people in our company match
11,819 950,598
volunteer hours corrugated boxes, bags
and absorbent pulp
products donated

* This data includes employees and contractors

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Our approach to be part of the solution to prevent

injuries. In this culture, we anticipate and
• A culture of continuous learning
and improvement, ideally
Our approach to fostering healthy recognize unexpected events in order to before bad events happen
people and communities covers internal learn, prevent and adapt by enhancing our • Superior pre-task planning
imperatives — employee well-being, previous systems and procedures.
• Superior task execution to
diversity and inclusion, and recruitment, In a complex and challenging environment
include post-task evaluation
development and retention — as well as like manufacturing, equipment failure
investing in the communities in which we and human error can and will happen.
live and work. Our resilient safety culture challenges
our teams to think how we can use our
Promoting employee existing tools differently and what layers
well-being and safety of protection we can develop to prevent
injuries from happening when an error
At International Paper, safety is core to occurs. A resilient mindset requires us
who we are and how we operate. Nothing to use the skills and tools we have while
is more important than the safety of adding new ones.
our employees, contractors and visitors. Our resilient safety culture requires
Providing our employees with a safe excellence in the following five
and healthy workplace is among our competencies:
greatest responsibilities. We’re committed
• Truly embracing safety as a
to achieving zero serious injuries for
core value where safety is never
employees and contractors so everyone
compromised over production
can return home safe and unharmed at
the end of the day. • A highly engaged workforce that
has been provided psychological
Creating a resilient safety culture safety to speak up
We strive to build a resilient safety culture
where all employees feel empowered

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LIFE program or potential exposures identified by team Mental health matters

members reviewing a process or performing
On an enterprise level, our Life-changing Everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their
a task. In Learning Events, we use the
Injury and Fatality Elimination program mental health. Over the past few years, mental health
Hazard Identification Risk Assessment
fosters a learning culture to advance an has become a more prominent conversation topic
(HIRA) tool to identify and mitigate safety
injury-free workplace. By focusing on six inside and outside our company. We recently formed a
risks and prevent incidents in the first place.
key areas of workplace risk, our goal is to Mental Health Committee as part of our Joint Health
eliminate serious injuries and achieve zero Another way we help keep our employees and Safety team and marked Mental Health Month in
instances of injury. safe is with our Make Change Happen May by sharing mental health tips, facts and resources
program. In this initiative, we take a with our employees. In May and beyond, we continue to
Stopping accidents before proactive approach to identifying potential underscore that mental and emotional health is just as
they happen issues. For instance, at our Bilbao, Spain important as physical health and offer help to employees
At International Paper, we are not only box plant, we realized that employees who are struggling.
working to prevent injuries but to eliminate didn’t know how to respond in the event
them altogether. One way we do this is by of a fire on the roof. We organized
holding Learning Events. These activities training sessions to show employees the
serve as a tool to address any exposures appropriate actions and updated our
emergency response plan accordingly.

LIFE is focused on six areas of workplace risk:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Slips, trips Machine Harmful Motorized Driver Material
and falls safeguarding substance equipment safety handling
exposure accidents

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Championing Diversity we operate and we continually seek to

strengthen our commitment.
Cultivating a diverse workforce International Paper is a global company,
so our understanding of diversity
and Inclusion To highlight the importance of D&I to
Our team members around the world
bring different backgrounds, experiences
is impacted by specific workforce
demographics in each location. We
Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) are critical International Paper, we recently added and perspectives to the table, which help
realize that diversity means something
components of our sustainability strategy. “Include and Engage” as one of our core make us a stronger company. We know
different in every geography in which we
We believe that a diverse and inclusive company values (see page 9). “Include that a diverse workforce and inclusive
operate. For example, in the U.S., we’re
workforce strengthens our organization, and Engage” is defined as intentionally culture helps us attract, engage and retain
striving for greater representation; in the
creates long-term value and fosters building a culture in which each employees, which creates long-term value.
Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
collaboration — which in turn drives our employee feels a sense of belonging and
With an ongoing focus on hiring diverse region, our focus is on people with
company’s success. So, we work to build experiences an environment in which to
talent through college and military veteran disabilities and generational diversity.
and sustain a work environment that do their best work every day. By making
recruiting, we implement team member Understanding different cultural nuances
embraces individuality and teamwork this a core value, we are underscoring
training and development programs and preferences helps us navigate
equally to produce exceptional results. our commitment to a culture where
to prepare the best candidates for key successfully in a global marketplace.
each person is empowered, engaged
Our comprehensive diversity and inclusion positions. In 2023, we amplified our efforts
and contributes the diverse perspectives
strategy drives employee development, to improve diversity by establishing a
necessary for innovation and success.
allows access to all talent, improves lead diversity recruiter role at each of the
retention and increases engagement. nine core universities, located near our
We aspire to have a workforce that more largest US facilities, with which we have
closely represents the communities where recruitment partnerships.

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Cultivating a diverse workforce leaders as guest speakers, facilitators and

(cont.) panelists. The agenda for the day included
the keynote topic of Leading with Empathy
Strengthening governance of as well as learning and discussions about
Diversity and Inclusion allyship, inclusive behaviors, D&I stump
speeches and more.
Our goal is to have D&I integrated
and synonymous with the way we do
business. To do this successfully, we In 2023, the Diversity and Inclusion
recognize the need for good governance team completed:

of our D&I strategy. We are further
advancing Diversity and Inclusion by
putting in place structures and staffing
to support these areas. Additionally, we
are improving how we track and measure
our impact, with an emphasis on better
data and increased transparency. instructor-led training sessions
lasting almost 50 hours reaching
Leading with empathy
over 1K employees
The Diversity and Inclusion Team hosted a
full-day D&I Workshop in 2023. This event
focused on Leading with Empathy — a
style of leadership in which the leader is
invested in understanding other points of
Celebrating Juneteenth event at our Memphis campus
view and taking a genuine interest in the
people they lead, what inspires them and In 2023, our Black Employee Networking Circle (BEN) invited Memphis
what impacts them. The workshop hosted employees to an in-person event celebrating Juneteenth, short for “June
people leaders from around the company Nineteenth”. Juneteenth is a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in
as participants, with business and HR the United States. This holiday is a celebration of freedom for all Americans
and is considered the longest-running African-American holiday.

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Building bridges with Our Councils and Employee

Employee Networking Networking Circles
Circles Based at Global Headquarters with
Employee Networking Circles enterprise reach
(ENCs) are voluntary employee- • BEN — Black Employee Network
led groups that strive to build
• IPride — LGBTQ+ & Allies
a culture of belonging by
cultivating a diverse range of • IPVets — Veterans
perspectives, backgrounds, and • WIP — Women in International Paper
experiences. The mission of Department and business councils
ENCs is to support our business
• Global D&I Council
and D&I goals and invest in
our people — as a result, drive • IT Inclusion Council
innovation and retain top talent • Women in IT
committed to building a better Local councils
International Paper.
• Gender Balance (EMEA)
Through annual initiatives,
• Generations At Work (EMEA)
ENCs provide development
opportunities, encourage • Georgetown Women
cross collaboration, establish • IPWISE (International Paper Women in
connections with individuals Science and Engineering) in Federal Way
throughout the company, • LatAm Women in IP
and provide avenues for • People With Disabilities (EMEA)
networking. The ENCs for our • Savannah, Georgia Mill’s Supporting
Europe, Middle East and Africa Women in the Mill (SWIM)
(EMEA) Packaging business
focus on creating a sense of
belonging across genders,
generations and abilities.

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In 2023, our Employee Sharing our IPride

Networking Circles: In June, IPride ENC, our LGBTQ+ and
• Executed 30 initiatives Allies Employee Networking Circle,
• Engaged more than 1,000 employees hosted several events and engagement
through their events and initiatives opportunities to mark Pride Month. Its
goals were to celebrate the contributions
• Invested over $4,000 in our communities
of the people in the LGBTQ+ community
• Established cross-collaboration and bring awareness to the challenges
partnerships, including IPVets/Recruiting, that people in this community continue to
IPride/Government Relations and our face in society. Along with hosting Pride
four Memphis-based ENCs
101, a virtual event to build awareness
Looking ahead, our 2024 ENC strategy will and inclusivity at IP that welcomed 125
focus on connection. Connecting with one participants, IPride invited employees to
another not only provides community but join them in building a float for the Mid-
can strengthen our employees’ well-being South Pride Parade, which is located near
and mental health. Our Memphis-based our headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee.
ENCs are working on annual plans that We also held an #IamRemarkable
provide accessible and inclusive outlets workshop. This initiative empowers
for connection with fellow employees. everyone to speak openly about their
By fostering a workplace where every accomplishments to help overcome
voice is heard and every perspective unconscious bias and limiting beliefs.
is valued, we not only strengthen our
internal culture but also lay the foundation
for sustained innovation and success.
Embracing diversity is not just a goal; it is
an ongoing journey that propels us towards
a future where inclusion, respect and
collaboration flourish.

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Recruitment, all recruiting — hourly, salaried,

U.S. and EMEA. The key responsibilities
Academic recruiting In 2023, we received more than:

development and

of the GTA COE are branding and IP recruits co-op students, interns and recent
retention marketing, process and policies, data graduates from more than 65 schools, with
a focus on 9 core universities, as well as
analytics and reporting, systems and
Since our people are our greatest technology, and tools and resources. technical schools across the U.S. In 2023,
competitive advantage, it makes good our college recruiting efforts resulted in 134
business sense to attract and retain Harnessing the power of social media full-time hires, 67 of whom were previously
outstanding talent, provide employees with interns or co-ops with IP. We also recruited applications, filling
Leveraging social media for recruiting has 254 new interns and co-ops in 2023
competitive compensation, and generous

become indispensable in today’s business
benefits and develop their skills with training At the high school level, our Red River,
environment. Recognizing the growing
and advancement opportunities. Louisiana Mill partnered with Red River
importance of social media as a way
High School to develop a program that
Attracting talent for candidates to learn more about our
allowed selected graduating seniors an
company, we ramped up our presence on
Along with emphasizing external recruiting in opportunity to spend 12 weeks at the mill
these channels in 2023. Our profiles on
all facets of our business — manufacturing, learning the skills to be successful. The
LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram help us hourly vacancies and
supply chain, finance, etc. — we have also interns spent time in each department,
showcase our employer brand and engage
enhanced our internal processes and learning more about what we do and

with prospective hires. Our social media
maximized our recruiting expertise to how a paper mill operates. At the
accounts also give followers a behind-
better attract and hire talent. We have also conclusion of the internship, each intern
the-scenes look at what it’s like to work for
restructured our talent acquisition approach, had the option to apply for an entry-
International Paper, highlighting what we do
rolling out a decentralized model where each level operations position at the mill.
and how we do it.
business and staff function has dedicated
recruitment team members. In 2023, we expanded our social media
salaried vacancies
recruiting ads from one to four social media
With the new decentralized tactical
platforms and offered these recruiting ads
organizational structure, we established
to all U.S. facilities. This resulted in more
a Global Talent Acquisition Center of
than 100 recruiting ads attracting more
Excellence (GTA COE) to ensure consistency
than 13.8 million impressions and 97,000
and collaboration across the enterprise for
clicks. This is 4X more than in 2022.

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Spotlight: Honoring In June 2023, IP Vets teamed up with

IP Recruiting and American Corporate
Elsewhere, we have established a
relationship with Hire G.I. Our Port
service, hiring veterans Partners to hold a LinkedIn Live recruiting Wentworth, Georgia Mill took part in
lunch and learn. To date, this event has the organization’s first military career
Veterans contribute a unique set of skills, resulted in over 250 veterans joining fair at the Fort Stewart, Georgia
experiences and backgrounds to the our talent network, which is used by our base in September 2023, with five
workplace and to our communities. At recruiters to create pipelines of potential veterans and human resources staff
International Paper, we are grateful for the candidates. We collected resumes and from the mill in attendance. In 2024,
sacrifices that our U.S. military veterans contact details of those in attendance so we intend to launch the Hiring Our
have made. We also recognize the value we can send notifications of job openings Heroes — SkillBridge program, with our
and skills that veterans have to offer — and IP updates, and keep them informed Savannah Mill and box plant and Port
the proven ability to lead teams through about our efforts with military recruitment. Wentworth Mill serving as pilot locations.
ambiguous and challenging situations,
learn new skills and concepts, and deliver We also established a partnership with
timely results. One way we demonstrate the National Manufacturing Institute’s
our gratitude is by providing opportunities Heroes MAKE America program. This
across all levels and career areas. partnership seeks to build connections
between the military community and the
As we move from being Veteran manufacturing industry. Along with staging
Friendly to Veteran Ready, our Employee a virtual career fair in November, which
Network Circle IP Vets is creating a welcomed more than 370 participants,
corporate culture that promotes visibility, International Paper is also engaged
recruitment, retention and knowledge of with the Heroes MAKE America training
veterans. An open and inclusive group, program at our Savannah, Georgia Mill.
IP Vets is made up of International Paper
employees who are veterans of the armed
forces of their respective countries and
those who support veterans.

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Thriving People &


Developing employees From diapers to dialogues: one

family’s journey working at
International Paper’s people strengthen International Paper
our success. We’re committed to In 2023, International Paper’s internal
helping every employee reach their development efforts were profiled by
full potential through a range of WorkingNation. The video tells the story of
training, education and leadership a married couple working for International
development programs. International Paper: Tuesday Hairston, Global Sourcing
Paper believes that the continuity Lead for Energy Commodities, and
and consistency offered by internal Charles “Levell” Hairston, Vice President
development and internal promotion and General Manager of Recycling and
is a distinct strategic development. Recovered Fibers. Along with tracing
To help employees prepare for long-term Tuesday’s history with International Paper
success, we offer a series of capability- back to fifth grade, the story explores
specific training initiatives, including: the couple’s career trajectory across
different roles and mills, including leaves
• Global Manufacturing Training Initiative
of absence and promotions. Today,
• Finance Training Initiative Tuesday and Levell’s children have gone
• IT University from wearing the diapers made using IP
fiber to driving conversations at home
• HR University about International Paper’s efforts to
• Supply Chain University protect the climate and deliver renewable
products. Watch the video here.

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Thriving People &


Retaining talent A key component of retention is

employee engagement. We believe that
We believe that we have the best talent everyone — employees, managers and
in our company, and they contribute to senior leaders — plays a role in creating
our continued success. Retaining talent a culture that values mutual respect,
helps us remain a healthy and sustainable active listening, open communication
company. Over the past few years, keeping and contributions from all. We engage
talented employees has been a challenge employees by:
for all companies. So, we’ve doubled down • Enabling them to pursue purpose
on our retention efforts, providing not only and meaning by understanding
competitive compensation and benefit how their strengths fit into the
offerings, but also continual engagement. company’s mission and vision
Our highly competitive compensation and
• Sustaining a workplace culture
benefits package is designed to attract,
that facilitates efficiency,
engage and retain a skilled workforce by
teamwork and innovation
rewarding superior performance.
• Cultivating a sense of pride and
commitment through meaningful
experiences that are safe, open
and trusting and that contribute
to personal and professional
growth and development

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Thriving People &


Community investment How we’re making a difference

around the world
We are deeply committed to the In 2023, we made progress in expanding
communities where our facilities are our global community engagement
located. Our community engagement activities. As we continue to standardize
and giving strategy mobilizes our people, our tracking across our global footprint,
products and resources to address we launched an international donation
critical needs in the places where our and volunteer platform for global impact
employees live and work. In 2023, we reporting. Our Employee Relief Fund
again supported initiatives to address application is now accessible to all
our signature causes — education, employees worldwide.
hunger, health and wellness, and disaster
We also responded to devastating
relief — through a combination of locally
earthquakes in Turkey and Syria by
driven support, grant funding and
committing $50,000 to the Emergency
national and global collaborations.
Response Fund. This Fund was set up
Our Vision 2030 target challenges us to by our strategic partner, the Global
improve the lives of 100 million people Foodbanking Network, to benefit their
by decade’s end through initiatives that member food bank in Turkey, the Tider
address unmet basic needs. To track, Basic Needs Association. Our EMEA
measure and analyze our impact, we team Packaging facilities also donated boxes
up with our nonprofit partners to employ to local organizations in several countries
standardized metrics and reporting that that are supporting disaster relief efforts
quantify the number of lives improved with essential goods donations.
through our volunteers and contributions.
In 2023, International Paper contributed nearly $20 million worldwide
to support charitable organizations aligned with our signature causes,
positively impacting more than 10 million people. IP employees also
generously supported our communities through more than 11,819 volunteer
hours across 35 U.S. states and 9 countries. We’re proud of our volunteers’
contributions, including those of hourly employees.

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Thriving People &


Our signature causes

Education Health and Wellness Hunger Disaster Relief

We focus on literacy from birth through We engage our employees and work We partner with food banks and other We partner with agencies to help
third grade because reading skills form the with agencies to promote healthy agencies to address hunger and food communities prepare for and
foundation of all childhood learning. living habits and achieve measurable security for children, families and seniors. recover from natural disasters, and
improvements in health and wellness. we use our Employee Relief Fund to
support our affected colleagues.

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Thriving People &


Planting seeds for through our employee-giving campaign,

plus an additional $1 million from an
the future annual golf tournament. International
Paper provides 60% matching funds on
We address critical needs in the money raised for United Way, helping
communities where our employees live to make the mill a top-five donor in
and work through volunteerism, product UWSELA’s seven-parish service area.
donations and charitable giving.
Marking five decades in
Promoting community Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
empowerment and financial
well-being The Grande Prairie Mill has been a staple
in the community for 50 years, giving back
Low- to moderate-income citizens in to the local economy, providing for many
Bogalusa, Louisiana, now have access families and supplying the world with
to financial literacy and other workforce pulp products. We have commemorated
development services thanks to the this anniversary by planting multiple tree
Prosperity Center located right across groves over the past few years in key areas
the street from the entrance to our of the city and county in partnership
Bogalusa Mill. The Prosperity Center with the Arbor Day Foundation and Tree
in Washington Parish is a joint project Canada. To mark 50 years, 143 fruit trees
involving International Paper, United Way were planted at the Crosslink County
and the City of Bogalusa. Opening its Sportsplex in Clairmont, Alberta, bringing
doors in August 2023, the Center is a the total number of native trees planted
one-stop shop for services like financial with IP’s involvement to almost 850 over
coaching, access to federal and state the last three years — creating a lasting
benefits, workforce development soft impact and leaving a legacy.
skills and more. Our Bogalusa Mill is
helping to fund the center. Since 2013,
the mill has raised $1.2 million for United
Way of Southeast Louisiana (UWSELA)

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Thriving People &


Engaging with communities for trees and nature with arboretum

through urban clusters visitors. Since 2017, International Paper’s
foundation has donated more than
Our North American Container business
$300,000 to support local organizations
operates a number of box plants
in the Portland area, including the
in condensed geographic settings.
Hoyt Arboretum’s Youth Environmental
Harnessing the synergies that arise by
Education program. In recognition of
having multiple facilities in close proximity,
International Paper’s many contributions
we have formed Urban Clusters that
to the community, the Mayor of
bring together employees from different
Beaverton, Oregon, declared November
locations in collaborative community
14, 2023, as International Paper Day.
engagement efforts. Urban Clusters
serve local nonprofits that exemplify IP’s In 2023, our Urban Cluster in Indianapolis
values of using resources responsibly and helped to alleviate hunger by supporting
strengthening communities. We have eight the community non-profit Second
Urban Cluster Committees representing Helpings. Our staff collected and donated
69 facilities in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, over 500 pounds of pasta during their
Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Minneapolis/ ‘Gr8 Pasta Push’. Additionally, the Urban
St. Paul, Portland and St. Louis. Cluster partnered with Keep Indianapolis
Beautiful (KIB) on a tree planting
In 2023, our Portland Urban Cluster
event to provide cleaner air, prevent
partnered with the Hoyt Arboretum. We
flooding and decrease urban heat.
invited local officials to Manufacturing
Day, where the Hoyt Arboretum spoke to
students and highlighted IP’s community
partnership. International Paper also
sponsored summer family programs,
including the Family Forest Days, where
nature educators, volunteers and
community partners shared their passion

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Thriving People &


Providing a weekend of respite canned goods, and essential household

and renewal items like diapers and feminine care
products. This initiative, known as “Box Out
The families of people living with autism
Hunger”, underscores our commitment to
spectrum disorders often have to navigate
keeping food security at the forefront of
numerous challenges as they provide
our employees’ and communities’ minds.
care and support to their loved ones. In
recognition of the difficulties that primary In 2023, International Paper also
caregivers face, the Spanish organization supported Feeding America®, the
APANATE provides support for people with United States’ largest domestic hunger-
intellectual disabilities and their families. relief organization, with a $550,000
For instance, in 2023, APANATE teamed financial commitment. This commitment
up with International Paper and Fundación included support to #HelpFillTheBoxes
Cepsa to offer the Respiro Family Program with $200,000 allocated to support
in Spain. This program gives primary local food banks in the Feeding
caregivers the weekend off. As families America® network in communities
take time to recharge their batteries, where IP employees live and work.
individuals with intellectual disabilities
enjoy a memorable weekend in an adapted
hotel. Dedicated caregiving professionals
put minds at rest and provide fun and
relaxing experiences.

Boxing out Hunger with help from IP

Every year, during our Day of Caring event,
over 500 Memphis employees don their
distinctive green “Proud to Be IP” shirts
and head out to donate their time to the
community. Volunteers pack boxes for
local food banks, filling them with donated

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Thriving People &


Working to end This program is a natural fit for

International Paper: we manufacture the
period poverty pulp used in absorbent hygiene products
and the packaging that gets these vital
Period poverty is the lack of access to products where they need to go. In fact,
period products and education — it International Paper’s fluff pulp goes into
affects at least 500 million women more than 100 billion feminine care pads
and girls globally, even in the most each year. In 2023, our program continued
economically developed countries. In its global rollout, with eight facilities now
the U.S., one in five girls have missed participating in Mexico, eight facilities
school due to the lack of access to period in EMEA and 44 facilities in the U.S. and
products* — that is more than 3.5 million
a closer look

Canada. To raise awareness of the issue of

girls. It’s an issue that leads to problems period poverty and share our support for
like school truancy, reproductive issues, U.S. legislation that helps provide access
health risks and unnecessary shame. to menstrual products, we also held a
That’s why IP continues to advance its packing event in Washington D.C. that
award-winning Fighting Period Poverty welcomed members of the U.S. Congress
in Our Communities program by hosting and our Government Relations Team.
a series of period care packing and
donation events globally to provide Period
Care kits to people who need them
the most. In 2023, IP hosted 60 Period
Care kit packing events and, together
with Procter & Gamble’s Always® brand,
provided 30,000 Period Care kits to people
across the world, resulting in more than
720,000 units of product provided to
women and girls who need them most.

*Based on 1,000 U.S. females, 16-24 y.o, Research Now ‘17

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p. 93

GRI Index

p. 128
SASB Index

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Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index International Paper has reported the information cited in this GRI content index for the
period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 with reference to the GRI Standards

GRI Disclosure Description Responses

The organization and its reporting practices

International Paper
International Paper Company is a New York corporation. Certain operations are conducted by joint ventures that
we cannot operate solely for our benefit. International Paper’s common shares are publicly traded on the New York
Stock Exchange under the trading symbol IP.
2-1 Organizational details Global Headquarters 6400 Poplar Ave Memphis, TN 38197
2023 Sustainability Report, “About IP” pg. 8
2023 10-K “Business” pg. 5
Countries of operation: 2023 Annual Report, “General” pg. 21; “2023 Listing of Facilities” pg. 123

Entities included in the organization’s

2-2 2023 10-K, “Properties” pg. 28
sustainability reporting

2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point We report on an annual basis. All data are reported as of December 31, 2023, unless otherwise stated.

As a result of our ongoing efforts to improve our data collection and verification process for greenhouse gas
2-4 Restatements of information emissions, there were updates in our Scopes 1 and 2 data for 2019-2022 and Scope 3 data for 2019 that reflect the
most accurate, up-to-date data from our facilities.

2-5 External assurance We do not have external assurance.

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

The organization and its reporting practices (continued)

Sector, activities, products and services: Supply chain:

2023 Sustainability Report, “About IP” pg. 8 2023 Sustainability Report, “Supplier network”
pg. 15
Suppliers­— What We Procure
2023 10-K, “Business” pg. 5
Ethics and Compliance
Markets served:
Activities, value chain and other business Supplier Diversity
North America
Europe, Middle East and Africa Significant changes:
2023 Annual Report, “CEO Letter” pg. 4
South America
2023 10-K, “Note 7 Acquisitions” pg. 65 and “Note 8
Divestitures and Impairments of Businesses” pg. 69
Scale of organization:
2023 Annual Report, “IP at a Glance” pg. 3

2023 Sustainability Report, “Championing Diversity and Inclusion” pg. 78

2-7 Employees
2023 10-K, “Human Capital” pg. 6

2023 Sustainability Report, “Sustainability oversight” pg. 18

2-9 Governance structure and composition Governance Documents
2024 Proxy Statement, “Corporate Governance” pg. 27

Nomination and selection of the highest

2-10 2024 Proxy Statement, “Election of 11 Directors” pg. 18
governance body

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

The organization and its reporting practices (continued)

2-11 Chair of the highest governance body Mark Sutton, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO

2023 Sustainability Report, “Responsible Governance” pg. 13

2023 Sustainability Report, “Supplier network” pg. 15
2023 Sustainability Report, “Sustainability oversight” pg. 18
2023 Sustainability Report, “Stakeholder engagement” pg. 19

Role of the highest governance body in 2023 Sustainability Report, “ForSite™” pg. 29
overseeing the management of impacts 2023 Sustainability Report, “Sustainable Operations” pg. 58
2023 Sustainability Report, “Promoting employee well-being and safety” pg. 76
2024 Proxy Statement, “Corporate Governance” pg. 27
2023 10-K, “Risk Factors” pg. 15
2023 TCFD Report, “Governance” pg. 3; “Strategy” pg. 7

2023 Sustainability Report, “Responsible Governance” pg. 13

Delegation of responsibility for managing 2023 Sustainability Report, “Sustainability oversight” pg. 18
2024 Proxy Statement, “How We Build the Right Board for Our Company” pg. 18 and
“Corporate Governance” pg. 27

Our Disclosure Committee reviews and gives input on IP’s sustainability reporting each year. Significant changes to
Role of the highest governance body in reporting practices are vetted through our corporate councils and steering teams.
sustainability reporting
2023 TCFD Report, “Governance” pg. 3; “Risk Management” pg. 13

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

The organization and its reporting practices (continued)

Code of Conduct, “Conflicts of Interest” pg. 20

2-15 Conflicts of interest
Related Person Transactions Policy and Procedures

Code of Conduct
Company Ethics
2-16 Communication of critical concerns
Ethics IP
2024 Proxy Statement, “Commitment to Sound Corporate Governance and Ethical Conduct” pg. 40

Collective knowledge of the highest 2024 Proxy Statement, “Diversity of our Directors” and “Our Nominees” pg. 16
governance body 2023 TCFD Report, “Governance” pg.3

Evaluation of the performance of the highest 2024 Proxy Statement, “Annual Board, Committee and Individual Director Self-Assessment” pg. 28
governance body Governance

2-19 Remuneration policies 2024 Proxy Statement, “Compensation Discussion & Analysis (CD&A)” pg. 51

2-20 Process to determine remuneration 2024 Proxy Statement, “Compensation Discussion & Analysis (CD&A)” pg. 51

2-21 Annual total compensation ratio 2024 Proxy Statement, “Compensation Discussion & Analysis (CD&A)” pg. 51

Statement on sustainable development

2-22 2023 Sustainability Report, “A Conversation with our CSO” pg. 5

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

The organization and its reporting practices (continued)

2023 Sustainability Report, “Supplier network” pg. 15

2023 Sustainability Report, “Sustainability oversight” pg. 18
2-23 Policy commitments 2023 Sustainability Report, “Climate risk management” pg. 20
2023 Sustainability Report, “Vision 2030 goals and targets” pg. 21
2023 Sustainability Report, “Responsible fiber procurement” pg. 28

2023 Sustainability Report, “Ethics and integrity” pg. 14

2023 Sustainability Report, “Supplier network” pg. 15
2023 Sustainability Report, “Sustainability oversight” pg. 18
2-24 Embedding policy commitments 2023 Sustainability Report, “Stakeholder engagement” pg. 19
2023 Sustainability Report, “Climate risk management” pg. 20
2023 Sustainability Report, “Vision 2030 goals and targets” pg. 21
2023 Sustainability Report, “Responsible fiber procurement” pg. 28

Code of Conduct

Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising Company Ethics

concerns Ethics IP
2024 Proxy Statement, “Commitment to Sound Corporate Governance and Ethical Conduct” pg. 40

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

The organization and its reporting practices (continued)

Participation Participation Participation Participation

at the in Projects at the in Projects
Governance or Governance or
Organization Level Committees Organization Level Committees
American Forest and Paper National Association of Business
Association (AF&PA) X X Political Action Committees
Association of the Nonwoven (NABPAC) X X
Fabrics Industry (INDA) X National Association of
Manufacturers (NAM) X X
BlueGreen Alliance X
National Council for Air and Stream
Business Industry Political Action X X
Improvement (NCASI)
Committee (BIPAC) X X
National Industrial Transportation
Business Roundtable (BRT) X League (NITL) X X
Center for Baby & Adult Hygiene X
National Safety Council
Products (BAHP) X X
Community for Human Paper and Packaging Board X X
Organizational Learning X Programme for the Endorsement of
2-28 Membership associations Confederation of European Paper Forest Certification (PEFC) X X
Industries (CEPI) X X Pulp and Paper Safety Association X X
Congressional Black Caucus Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) X X
Institute X
Sustainable Packaging Coalition
Corporate Eco Forum X (SPC) X
Ellen MacArthur Foundation X TAPPI X X
European Federation of Corrugated Two Sides North America X X
Board Manufacturers (FEFCO) X X
U.S.-China Business Council X
Fibre Box Association X X
Women’s Business Enterprise
Forest Resources Association X X National Council X
Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) X X World Business Council for
Institute of Scrap Recycling Sustainable Development (WBCSD) X X
Industries (ISRI) X X World Containerboard Organization
International Conservation Caucus (WCO) X
Foundation X Find out more about our Corporate Collaborations.
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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

The organization and its reporting practices (continued)

COMMUNITIES • Community Advisory Councils • Ensuring that our Community

• Volunteerism Advisory Councils meet regularly
Importance and maintain open dialogue
• Media about community concerns and
• Our company succeeds when our
communities succeed • Product donations opportunities for collaboration and
• Maintaining strong relationships
Key Topics • Proactively engaging with
with our communities gives us
social license to operate • Air emissions community stakeholders to address
water-related issues within the
• Our business is a key component of • Economic impact watershed
the economic success of our local • Community engagement
2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement communities • Reducing our air emissions by:
• Sustainable jobs – Implementing efficient
• Our communities each face unique
challenges • Water use and water quality manufacturing technologies
– Investing in energy efficiency
How We Engage Our Response improvements
• Economic and charitable • Mobilizing our people, products – Fuel switching
relationships and resources to address critical – Operating our mills with
needs in the communities where our approximately 70% energy from
• Employee-led fundraising employees live and work carbon-neutral biomass residuals
• Plant tours rather than fossil fuels

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

The organization and its reporting practices (continued)

CUSTOMERS Key Topics • Collaborating with customers

• Forest Conservation to meet sustainability objectives
Importance through technology and innovation
• Sustainable fiber supply collaborations
• Without our customers, we would
not exist • Climate change • Measuring progress against our
• Customer expectations and needs • Water stewardship Vision 2030 targets related to key
influence our product and service customer focus areas
• Circular economy & product
innovation sustainability • Advancing sustainability throughout
• Changing technology and consumer our value chain
• Safety
demands present an opportunity for • Having our subject-matter experts
renewable, recyclable products to • Diversity & Inclusion
Approach to stakeholder engagement meet regularly to discuss product
2-29 provide sustainable solutions • Community Engagement and service innovation
• Actively engage and respond
How We Engage Our Response to surveys and questionnaires
• Sales relationships • Creating innovative, sustainable regarding our environmental
and circular products that help impacts and GHG emissions
• Regular site visits
customers achieve their objectives
• Meetings
• Establishing goals to produce the
• Surveys products our customers need while
• Special events being responsible stewards of
the world’s natural resources and
• Online communications contributing to a more sustainable,
• Onsite/forestry tours low-carbon future

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

The organization and its reporting practices (continued)

EMPLOYEES • Intranet sites • Achieving injury-free operations

• Presentations and Town Halls by providing safe work conditions,
Importance promoting accountability and
• Engagement and experience surveys responsibility and using a number
• International Paper is the most
successful and competitive • Company-wide communications of safety indicators to ensure safe
when our employees are safe, work actions
• Facility-level communications
engaged and appreciated • Executing our LIFE (Life-
• Engaged employees drive significant Key Topics Changing Injury and Fatality
and sustainable outcomes, and Elimination) initiative
• Diversity and inclusion
good leaders inspire colleagues • Striving for a collaborative
to drive team success • Employee development and inclusive workplace that
Approach to stakeholder engagement engages all employees
2-29 • Employee well-being and • Employee engagement
capabilities influence our • Safety • Providing the tools and
operational performance opportunities for employees
and value creation • Ethics to develop and succeed
• Stewardship • Measuring employee engagement
How We Engage
and experience through surveys,
• Safety programs Our Response and creating team improvement
• Looking out for our people each plans based on employee feedback
• Safety Leadership Training
day to ensure everyone returns
• Employee Networking Circles • Conducting diversity and inclusion
home safely
(ENCs) training and fostering employee
networking circles (ENCs)
• Employee training

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

The organization and its reporting practices (continued)

GOVERNMENTS Key Topics Our Response

• Health and safety • Advocating at all levels
Importance of government, including
• Climate policy
• Public policy and regulations policymakers, regulators and
created at national, regional and • Sustainable manufacturing staff, to inform and influence
local levels impact our business, • Supply chain resilience legislative and regulatory issues
forests and communities • Committing to meet or exceed legal
• Combatting illegal logging and
deforestation policy requirements to uphold our high
How We Engage ethical standards and to do the
• Legislative meetings • Sustainable forestry right things, in the right ways, for
• Trade associations meetings • Personal care products the right reasons — all of the time
Approach to stakeholder engagement
2-29 • Formal hearings • Workforce recruitment • Educating policymakers on our
(continued) commitment to sustainable forestry,
and retention
• Policy-based organizations third-party fiber certification,
collaboration • Product bans
reduced emissions, responsible
• Direct communications, • Extended producer responsibility resource management and
letters, emails • Transportation and infrastructure efficient use of renewable biomass,
recycling and commitment to
• Facility visits • Corporate tax reform the low carbon economy
• Global trade
• Corrugated paper recycling,
recovery and circularity
• Biomass residuals carbon neutrality

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NON-GOVERNMENTAL How We Engage • Health and wellness

ORGANIZATIONS • External communications • Hunger (food insecurity)
• InternationalPaper.com • Recycling
• Non-Governmental Organizations • Corporate email forms • Sustainable forestry
(NGOs) update us on social and • Participation in conferences • Water stewardship
environmental impact issues so and forums
that we can work continuously to Our Response
• Public-private partnerships and
improve our performance
Approach to stakeholder engagement engagement on select topics • Incorporating feedback in
2-29 • They encourage us to increase developing internal environmental
(continued) • Strategic partnerships and
transparency and communication and social programs
consultation on material issues
of our sustainability performance
• Establishing strategic partnerships
• NGOs provide opportunities for Key Topics to help us identify areas where
us to align our global citizenship we can make the greatest
• Air + GHG Emissions
strategy with other interested impact in sustainability
organizations • Climate change
• NGOs serve as a powerful partner • Disaster relief
to help accelerate positive • Education
sustainability outcomes

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

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SHAREHOLDERS How We Engage Key Topics

• Annual Shareholders Meeting • Business strategies and
Importance performance
• Quarterly earnings conference calls
• Our investors provide financial,
• Regular calls and in-person • Financial returns
institutional and various other types
of support that enable International meetings • Financial stewardship
Paper to continue to thrive as a • Business strategies and • Risk mitigation
global business performance
• Accountability to investors requires • Financial returns Our Response
us to monitor both financial and • Ensuring we are doing our part to
non-financial performance and • Financial stewardship
address environmental and social
issues material to our business • Risk mitigation issues material to our business
• Communicating performance to • Continually driving meaningful
investors strengthens our reputation business results by setting goals
Approach to stakeholder engagement
2-29 and targets and monitoring the
(continued) changing landscapes

SUPPLIERS How We Engage Our Response

• Supplier relationships • Outlining our expectations for
Importance workplace standards and business
• Supplier ESG assessments
• We view suppliers as an extension practices of our suppliers and
of our company and their • Onsite visits and audits others who are within their
responsibility and performance • Strategic meetings and partnerships supply chains with our Third
as a reflection of our own Party Code of Conduct
• Governance and ethical practices
• We take a partnership approach • Our approach is driven by three
to maintaining transparency with • Labor rights complementary pillars: promoting
suppliers to promote responsible transparency, mitigating risk and
best practices throughout Key Topics strengthening partnerships
our global supply chains • Environmental impact

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

The organization and its reporting practices (continued)

As of January 1, 2024, of our more than 33,000 U.S. employees, more than 23,000 were hourly, with unions
representing approximately 62% of hourly employees — approximately 46% of which were represented by the
2-30 Collective bargaining agreements
United Steelworkers Union (USW). International Paper, the USW and several other unions entered into four master
agreements covering various mills and converting facilities.

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 3: Material Topics

2023 Sustainability Report, “Supplier network” pg. 15

2023 Sustainability Report, “Sustainability focus areas” pg. 17
3-1 Process to determine material topics
2023 Sustainability Report, “Climate risk management” pg. 20
2023 Sustainability Report, “Responsible fiber procurement” pg. 28

2023 Sustainability Report, “Our Sustainability Strategy” pg. 16

MATERIAL ISSUES: Renewable Solutions Indirect economic value

Product design for circular economy Training & development
Healthy & Abundant Forests
Product material innovation Compensation
Forest stewardship
New product innovation Human rights
Product stewardship and safety Health & safety
Sustainable forestry
Recovered fiber & fiber efficiency Labor relations
Forestland conservation & restoration
Product end-of-use
Fiber sourcing & certification Responsible Business Practices
3-2 List of material topics Responsible marketing
Biodiversity Business ethics, bribery and
Thriving People & Communities corruption
Sustainable Operations
Charitable donations Transparency & disclosure
Climate change and GHG emissions
Employee engagement Cyber security
Energy consumption
Talent attraction & retention Government relations &
Renewable energy
Stakeholder responsiveness and public policy advocacy
Water stewardship
engagement Financial performance
Air emissions
Community engagement Responsible sourcing practices
Waste management
Diversity & equal opportunity Supplier diversity
Chemical use

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 201: Economic Performance

3-3 Management of material topics 2023 Annual Report, “CEO Letter” pg. 2

Direct economic value generated and

201-1 2023 Annual Report, “Our Businesses” pg. 8

Financial implications and other risks and 2023 Sustainability Report, “Climate risk management” pg. 20
opportunities due to climate change 2023 TCFD Report, “Strategy”, pg. 7

GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts

2023 Sustainability Report, “A Conversation with our CSO” pg. 5

2023 Sustainability Report, “Sustainability oversight” pg. 18
3-3 Management of material topics
Signature Causes
Our Renewable Future­— Addressing Critical Needs in Our Communities

2023 Sustainability Report, “Ethics and integrity” pg. 14

2023 Sustainability Report, “Supplier network” pg. 15
2023 Sustainability Report, “Sustainability oversight” pg. 18
2023 Sustainability Report, “Climate risk management” pg. 20
203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts
2023 Sustainability Report, “Vision 2030 goals and targets” pg. 21
2023 Sustainability Report, “Thriving People & Communities” pg. 74
2023 Sustainability Report, “Championing Diversity and Inclusion” pg. 78
Our Renewable Future­— Addressing Critical Needs in Our Communities

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 205: Anti-Corruption

Code of Conduct, “Anti-Corruption” pg. 22

International Paper is subject to the U.S. FCPA and anti-corruption regulations of other regions. We honor all
applicable laws and treaties wherever we operate, and we expect the same of our business partners.

3-3 Management of material topics We conduct risk assessments, which include a focus on corruption, procurement fraud and aspects of business
where we directly interact with government officials. Regional risk assessments account for variations in geographic
location, specific government interaction and local laws. We have established due diligence processes, internal
control procedures and financial safeguards to maintain accurate books and records. In addition, we provide
training to our employees on anti-corruption and other related topics.

Code of Conduct, “Anti-Corruption” pg. 22

Ethics training is mandatory for all full-time, salaried employees. Job-specific training addresses respective business
risks. Training covers topics such as compliance with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and other anti-
corruption standards; antitrust and competition law; fair labor practices; conflicts of interest; records management;
data privacy and insider trading. We provide ethics and compliance training tailored to the needs of each region.
We train all full-time, salaried employees on the International Paper Code of Conduct and compliance policies, with
Communication and training about anti- refresher training conducted periodically. Our training process includes:
corruption policies and procedures • Education of employees through periodic internal messaging.
• Training conducted on our internal learning management system.
• In-person trainings conducted by members of the legal department, the ethics and compliance office and occa-
sionally outside legal counsel.
Adherence to our Third Party Code of Conduct is required by all suppliers and is built into contractual agreements.
We screen potential suppliers for a wide variety of risks, including corruption risks.

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 301: Materials

2023 Sustainability Report, “Healthy and Abundant Forests” pg. 22

2023 Sustainability Report, “Renewable Solutions” pg. 38
3-3 Management of material topics
Global Fiber Procurement Policy
CDP Climate Change 2023, “F4. Governance”

301-1 Materials used by weight or volume 2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-430a.1” pg. 133

301-2 Recycled inputs materials used 2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-430a.1” pg. 133

GRI 302: Energy

2023 Sustainability Report, “Sustainable Operations” pg. 58

3-3 Management of material topics
2023 TCFD Report. “Governance”, pg. 3; “Strategy”, pg. 7

302-1 Energy consumption within the organization 2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-130a.1” pg. 129

26.85 GJ per metric ton of containerboard and pulp production.

Note that intensity is calculated using mill annual sellable production figures, and includes all fuel and energy
302-3 Energy intensity
sources at all IP manufacturing facilities.
2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-130a.1” pg. 129

302-4 Reduction of energy consumption 2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-130a.1” pg. 129

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GRI 303: Water and Effluents

2023 Sustainability Report, “Advancing water stewardship” pg. 70

3-3 Management of material topics 2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-140a.2” pg. 131
CDP Water Security 2023, “W6. Governance”

2023 Sustainability Report, “Advancing water stewardship” pg. 70

303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource
CDP Water Security 2023, “W6. Governance”

We work to protect water quality in mill watersheds. All of our mills are subject to strict legal and IP requirements
that govern the discharge of wastewater. The respective regulatory agencies periodically review and revise our water
discharge permits to maintain local water quality standards and designated uses of the water basins in which we
operate. In compliance with these standards, we work deliberately to improve the quality of the water we discharge.
Our mill teams focus on reducing losses to our water treatment systems, which decreases oxygen depleting
substances and further improves watershed quality. Our manufacturing teams share effluent improvement best
practices in routine sessions throughout the year.
Management of water discharge-related We hold all of our mills to the same high standards for achieving optimal discharged water treatment performance
impacts and sustainable compliance with their discharge permits. Every mill must measure and record the amount of
effluents generated, identify constraints impacting its quality, and treat and discharge all effluents leaving process
areas. Many of our mills are required to conduct regular water quality monitoring of receiving streams to ensure their
effluents are not having a negative impact on the water basin. Technical assessments of water treatment systems
by company subject matter experts identify system and operational opportunities to improve and optimize system
efficiency, which improves effluent quality. Periodic regulatory and systems audits ensure sites comply with permits,
regulatory rules and company-specific standards described above.
CDP Water Security 2023, “W1.2j”, “W3.1”

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 303: Water and Effluents (continued)

2023 Sustainability Report, “Advancing water stewardship” pg. 70

303-3 Water withdrawal 2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-140a.1” pg. 130
CDP Water Security 2023, “W1. Current State”

2023 Sustainability Report, “Advancing water stewardship” pg. 70

303-4 Water discharge 2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-140a.1” pg. 130
CDP Water Security 2023, “W1. Current State”

2023 Sustainability Report, “Advancing water stewardship” pg. 70

303-5 Water consumption 2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-140a.1” pg. 130
CDP Water Security 2023, “W1. Current State”

GRI 304: Biodiversity

3-3 Management of material topics 2023 Sustainability Report, “Healthy and Abundant Forests” p. 22

304-3 Habitats protected or restored 373,145 acres of ecologically significant forestland have been conserved and restored since 2020.

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 305: Emissions

2023 Sustainability Report, “Sustainable Operations” pg. 58

2023 TCFD Report, “Governance” pg. 3
3-3 Management of material topics Climate Change Statement
2023 Annual Report, “Climate Change” pg. 24
CDP Climate Change 2023, “C1. Governance”

2023 Sustainability Report, “Addressing our climate impact” pg. 63

2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-110a.1” pg. 128
Calculation methodology: Our Scope 1 GHG emissions calculations include combustion and non-combustion-
related emissions from all facilities that are fully owned and operated by International Paper. Our GHG emissions
305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions are measured and reported in accordance with the GHG Protocol. In the U.S., we follow the requirements for the
Environmental Protection Agency’s Mandatory Reporting Rule of Greenhouse Gases (MRR-GHG) to calculate our
Scope 1 emissions. Methodologies include use of default factors (2006 International Panel on Climate Change
[IPCC] guidelines), fuel tests and CO2 Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) devices on certain units.
Outside the U.S., sites follow the 2006 IPCC guidelines. Consistent with the GHG Protocol, our reported Scope 1
GHG emissions and associated targets do not include biogenic GHG emissions.

2023 Sustainability Report, “Addressing our climate impact” pg. 63

Calculation methodology: Our Scope 2 GHG emissions calculations include all facilities that are fully owned and
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions operated by International Paper. Our GHG emissions are measured and reported in accordance with the GHG
Protocol. For Scope 2 reporting, our sites follow the 2006 IPCC guidelines, and U.S. facilities use state-specific
emission factors provided by the Emissions and Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID).

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GRI 305: Emissions (continued)

2023 Sustainability Report, “Addressing our climate impact” pg. 63

Calculation methodology: We have partnered with the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI)
to develop a detailed supply chain GHG emissions calculator tailored to our industry, in order to establish a detailed
Scope 3 GHG emissions baseline and to track progress over time. The calculator uses internal company data
regarding annual consumption and spend on materials and services, combined with publicly available emission
factors for each input.
305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions
Scope 3 emissions should be understood as a detailed estimate; we will continually refine our calculation methods
year-over-year. We have evaluated all 15 Scope 3 categories per the GHG Protocol and determined that certain
categories comprise a negligible portion of our total. Therefore, those categories are not the focus of our reduction
strategy or reporting. Those categories are: employee travel and commuting, use of sold products, upstream and
downstream leased assets, investments and franchises.
2023 Sustainability Report, “Addressing our climate impact” pg. 59

Scope 1 & 2 intensity (based on market-based emissions): 0.79 MT CO2e/ton of production

305-4 GHG emissions intensity
Scope 3 intensity: 1.47 MT CO2e/ton of production

305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions 2023 Sustainability Report, “Addressing our climate impact” pg. 63

Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx),

305-7 2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-120a.1” pg. 129
and other significant air emissions

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GRI 306: Waste

2023 Sustainability Report, “Renewable Solutions” pg. 38

2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-150a.1” pg. 131
Regulatory and Company standards provide a framework for waste minimization and waste residual management,
including beneficial use alternatives and landfill requirements. Our EHS performance standard and program
elements for solid waste ensure we meet regulatory standards while promoting beneficial use and waste
3-3 Management of material topics minimization alternatives. As part of these standards, every site must identify, quantify, and document all generated
waste, their associated hazards, and have a waste reduction plan.
The sites strive to minimize waste generated and ensure proper management of waste residuals. We have an internal
network of professionals responsible for site-specific waste management. This network meets quarterly to discuss
current events, policy requirements and best practices. Some of our converting sites and mills are close to achieving
a zero-manufacturing waste-to-landfill status by stressing efficiency, beneficial use of byproducts and recycling
wherever possible­— but there is still progress to be made.

Waste generation and significant waste-

306-1 2023 Sustainability Report, “Our approach: Circularity at International Paper” pg. 40
related impacts

Management of significant waste-related

306-2 2023 Sustainability Report, “Our approach: Circularity at International Paper” pg. 40

306-3 Waste generated 1,676,838 metric tons

48% of manufacturing waste

Land applied: 18%
306-4 Waste diverted from disposal
Burned on site: 3%
Other beneficial use: 27%

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GRI 306: Waste (continued)


Non-hazardous waste disposal method breakdown (%) 2023

Landfilled 52%
306-5 Waste directed to disposal
Land applied 18%
Other beneficial use 27%
Burned on site 3%

GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment

Adherence to our Third Party Code of Conduct is required by all suppliers and is built into contractual agreements.
We screen potential suppliers for a wide variety of risks, including environmental compliance. Our Global Fiber
Procurement Policy and due diligence practices are particularly critical in ensuring environmental stewardship in
our fiber supply practices.
2023 Sustainability Report, “Supplier network” pg. 15
2023 Sustainability Report, “Healthy and Abundant Forests” pg. 22
3-3 Management of material topics
Responsible Supply Chain
Third Party Code of Conduct
Global Fiber Procurement Policy
Conflict Minerals Policy
California Transparency in Supply Chain Act Statement

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GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment (continued)

100% of our new suppliers are screened through a due-diligence process which includes environmental
compliance criteria.
New suppliers that were screened using
environmental criteria 2023 Sustainability Report, “Supplier network” pg. 15
2023 Sustainability Report, “Healthy and Abundant Forests” pg. 22

GRI 401: Employment

3-3 Management of material topics 2023 Sustainability Report, “Recruitment, development and retention” pg. 82

New hires in 2023 — Region by Gender Employee Turnover in 2023 — Region by Gender
Male Female Male Female
401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover North America 81% 19% North America 17% 20%
EMEA 67% 33% EMEA 4% 7%
Asia 67% 33% Asia 18% 5%
South America 58% 42% South America 4% 4%

Benefits provided to full-time employees that

401-2 are not provided to temporary or part-time 2023 Sustainability Report, “Recruitment, development and retention” pg. 82

GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety

3-3 Management of material topics 2023 Sustainability Report, “Promote employee well-being and safety” pg. 76

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GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety (continued)

Occupational health and safety

403-1 2023 Sustainability Report, “Promote employee well-being and safety” pg. 76
management system

2023 Sustainability Report, “Promote employee well-being and safety” pg. 76

The well-being and safety of our workforce remain our top priority. As part of our Vision 2030 objective, we are
ambitiously striving to achieve a goal of ZERO injuries for both employees and contractors. Collaboratively,
employees, leaders, and contractors share the responsibility of ensuring that everyone associated with International
Paper returns home safely every day. In 2021, International Paper furthered its commitment to safety by advancing
the longstanding LIFE (Life-changing Injuries and Fatality Elimination) initiative. This initiative focuses on fostering
a robust safety culture that anticipates and addresses unexpected events to learn, prevent, and adapt. Through the
403-6 Promotion of worker health enhancement of existing systems and procedures, the implementation of layered protective measures to sustainably
mitigate risks, and the active involvement of all employees in finding solutions, we are confident in our ability to
create an injury-free workplace.
2023 Focus Areas
• Safety Leadership: Revitalize the approach to safety leadership
• Learning Culture: Hourly team members proactively exploring layers of protection
• Safety Leading Indicators: Refreshed metrics training, proactive efforts for a safer workplace

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety (continued)

2023 Sustainability Report, “Promote employee well-being and safety” pg. 76

International Paper’s focus on eliminating life-changing Injuries and fatalities achieved a step-change improvement
in safety performance when compared with data from when the program was introduced in 2010. This was achieved
by recognizing safety culture changes, leveraging learnings, expanding employee engagement, verifying job
preparation and monitoring job execution.

Indicator 2021 2022 2023

Employee fatalities 0 0 3
Employee Other LIFE injuries 16 19 15
403-9 Work-related injuries
Total employee LIFE injuries 16 19 18

Contractor fatalities 1 1 1
Contractor LIFE injuries 2 2 3
Total contractor LIFE injuries 3 3 4

Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)1 1.1 1.06 1.02

Lost Workday Incident Rate (LWIR) 0.38 0.43 0.38

GRI 404: Training and Education

3-3 Management of material topics 2023 Sustainability Report, “Developing employees” pg. 84

Programs for upgrading employee skills and

404-2 2023 Sustainability Report, “Developing employees” pg. 84
transition assistance programs

Percentage of employees receiving regular

404-3 2023 Sustainability Report, “Recruitment, development and retention” pg. 82
performance and career development reviews

1. The rates have been calculated based on 200,000 hours worked. International Paper - 2023 Sustainability Report
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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity

2023 Sustainability Report, “Championing Diversity and Inclusion” pg. 78

3-3 Management of material topics Diversity and Inclusion
Supplier Diversity

2023 Diversity of Governance Bodies Employee Diversity 1/1/24

Male Female Employees 2023 — Region by Gender
Board of Directors 73% 27% Male Female
Senior Leadership Team 71% 29% North America 82% 18%
Officers     76% 24% EMEA 79% 21%
Asia 29% 71%
Diversity of governance bodies Under 30 31–50 Over 51 South America 81% 19%
and employees Board of Directors 0% 0% 100%
Senior Leadership Team 0% 29% 71% Employees 2023 — Region by Age
Officers     0% 30% 70% Under 30 31–50 51–60 61+
North America 19% 47% 24% 10%
EMEA 13% 54% 30% 3%
Asia 8% 67% 21% 4%
South America 26% 56% 16% 3%

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment

2023 Sustainability Report, • Third Party Code of Conduct — outlining our

“Responsible Governance” pg. 13 expectations of suppliers and their employment
practices, including the expectation to employ workers
Code of Conduct who have a legal right to work.
Global Fiber Procurement Policy
Our statement, policy and code ensure that as a
Human Rights Statement company, we:
Third Party Code of Conduct • Do not tolerate child labor, slave labor, physical
punishment or abuse.
Disclosure Statements
• Are alert to signs of human trafficking or slave labor.
California Transparency Act — 2021 Statement
• Do not tolerate deceitful or violent behavior.
UK Modern Slavery Act — 2021 Statement • Comply with the employment laws of every country
Conflict Minerals Policy where we operate.
3-3 Management of material topics • Recognize lawful employee rights of free association
Human Rights
and collective bargaining.
We promote human rights through our actions and • Comply with applicable laws requiring a declaration on
values, as noted in our: human trafficking and slavery, such as the California
• Human Rights Statement — reflecting our commitment Transparency in Supply Chains Act and the UK Modern
to protect and advance human rights globally. We Slavery Act.
respect international principles of human rights, • Seek to do business with suppliers who share our
including those expressed in the United Nations standards to reduce the potential for human rights
Declaration of Human Rights. abuses in our supply chain
• Human Rights Policy — applying to all employees, our • Support workers being free to terminate employment at
officers and our board of directors. It provides guidance any time upon reasonable notice.
on the importance of respecting human rights, as well
as of being aware of the company’s impact on human
rights in its operations across the world.

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment (continued)

We participate in customer-driven data requests and facility audits related to human rights, forced labor, child labor,
ethics, and related topics. We are a Sedex member and committed to being a responsible and sustainable business.
Using Sedex tools and services helps our company improve our responsible business practices. In 2023, 74 of our
manufacturing facilities updated their Sedex Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ) responses, and we completed
Operations that have been subject to human on-site Sedex Member Ethical Trade Audits (SMETA) at 14 manufacturing facilities.
rights reviews or impact assessments
In addition, several more manufacturing facilities participated in customer-specific on-site audits similar in scope
We also complete several data requests from customers and investors each year regarding human rights and
related topics.

GRI 413: Local Communities

3-3 Management of material topics 2023 Sustainability Report, “Community investment” pg. 86

2023 Sustainability Report, “Community investment” pg. 86

Operations with local community
413-1 engagement, impact assessments, Community Partners
and development programs

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GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment

Adherence to our Third Party Code of Conduct is required by all suppliers and is built into contractual agreements.
We screen potential suppliers for a wide variety of risks, including human rights and corruption risks.
2023 Sustainability Report, “Supplier network” pg. 15
Responsible Supply Chain

3-3 Management of material topics Human Rights Statement

Third Party Code of Conduct
Global Fiber Procurement Policy
Conflict Minerals Policy
California Transparency in Supply Chain Act Statement

New suppliers that were screened using

414-1 2023 Sustainability Report, “Supplier network” pg. 15
social criteria

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 415: Public Policy

Public Policy Issues taken by these groups on every issue Energy Diversity and Efficiency
We believe that public policy has overall, we believe membership and We support policies that promote
a significant impact on creating engagement with trade associations, energy diversity and economic
the conditions for our success. We coalitions and other groups is critical development, consistent with our
advocate and engage on a range for sharing industry best practices, principles of responsible, efficient and
of issues including sustainable research and data analysis which sustainable use of natural resources.
manufacturing, climate, recycling, drives collaborative action and
supply chain resilience, combatting process improvements across a Carbon Neutrality of Biomass
illegal logging, deforestation, safety range of issues. We regularly review Residuals
and others. We have a government our needs and perspectives along The regulatory uncertainty around
relations team in Washington, D.C., with those of our trade associations, our industry’s use of biomass residual
various state capitals across the coalitions and other membership energy puts U.S. forest products at a
3-3 competitive disadvantage compared
U.S. and in other countries where groups.
we operate. We regularly meet with to other countries. We support policies
Management of material topics 2023 PUBLIC POLICY that level the playing field for U.S.
public officials and policymakers
FOCUS AREAS forest manufacturers and recognize
and engage trade and business
associations, customers, suppliers, Health and Safety our biomass use as carbon neutral.
employees, communities, labor and Safety is a core value and nothing
environmental groups on issues of is more important than the safety Recycling
mutual concern. Our policy positions of our employees, contractors and As one of the world’s largest
are generally consistent with the trade visitors. We promote and demonstrate recyclers of paper and corrugated
associations, coalitions and other safety leadership through proactive packaging, we support investment
organizations in which we participate. programs that build a resilient in programs and technologies
IP consistently advocates our views safety culture in which we focus that bring more clean residential
on issues within organizations on learning and improving — ­ not and commercial material into the
recognizing others may hold different only to prevent injuries but to system, without distorting the robust
policy priorities or solutions. While eliminate them completely. recycling marketplace for paper-
we may not agree with every position based materials. We also support

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 415: Public Policy (continued)

efforts to collect data on existing encourages investment. We support Supply Chain Resilience
recycling collection infrastructure preserving the corporate tax rate at As a leading shipper of freight, we
to demonstrate where investments 21%. It is essential that any changes support policies that make our truck,
are needed to increase collection to the U.S. tax system must prioritize port and rail shipments more efficient
and to increase access to recycling job growth, investment, research and to support our global competitiveness.
services through pilot programs for development and provide economic We advocate for long-term supply
underserved areas. benefits that allow U.S. manufacturers chain policy solutions that address
to be more globally competitive. systemic issues and ensure a resilient
Global Trade supply chain to better support the
As a major exporter to more than Infrastructure needs of U.S. freight shippers.
100 countries of packaging and We support government and private
pulp, we support trade policies investments to upgrade energy, Extended Producer
3-3 Management of material topics that open markets, improve our water, broadband and transportation Responsibility (EPR)
(continued) competitiveness and increase infrastructure where we operate. We support policies that recognize
business predictability to reach corrugated packaging’s high recycling
new customers abroad. We support Deforestation rates. We oppose government
full implementation of the United IP is a leader in sustainable forestry mandates that distort markets and
States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and we strongly support international require producers of paper-based
(USMCA) to ensure all parties are efforts to address deforestation. packaging to pay into a system that
compliant, specifically with respect We support full implementation of is designed for products with low
to the illegal logging language. policies like the Lacey Act and the recovery rates. Paper-based packaging
illegal logging language included is a leading product in the circular
Corporate Tax Reform in USMCA and will work to ensure economy because of its recyclability
International Paper supports a the inclusion of similar language and robust end markets, which sets
simplified tax code that provides in future trade agreements. it apart from other commodities.
certainty and consistency and

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GRI 415: Public Policy (continued)

Due to private investment and strong Workforce Recruitment education funding is directed toward
market dynamics, paper and paper- and Retention in-demand workforce needs.
based packaging’s recovery rates are We support diversity and inclusion
part of the solution without need for as well as efforts at both the state Personal Care Products
government intervention. and federal levels of government As one of the largest producers
to implement workforce programs of renewable pulp for essential
Management of material topics Products Bans personal care products like diapers
3-3 that advance career and technical
(continued) We oppose policies that limit and menstrual products that
education and the critical technical
consumer choice by placing a skills sought by local employers. We promote health and wellness,
ban or fee on paper products, like support programs that help grow the we support policies focused on
paper bags. pipeline of skilled employees as well as product accessibility, consistency
encourage public-private partnerships for ingredient labeling, product safety
to ensure federal career and technical and sustainability.

We sponsor the International Paper Political Action Committee (IP-PAC) in the U.S., which is funded by eligible
employees who voluntarily choose to support political candidates and committees. All IP-PAC reports are available
on the Federal Election Commission website.
International Paper publishes a voluntary report of political contributions on a semi-annual basis. For the seventh
year in a row, International Paper earned the designation of CPA-Zicklin Index Trendsetter by the Center for Political
415-1 Political contributions Accountability who publishes an annual Corporate Political Disclosure and Accountability report to measure the
political transparency and oversight practices of the entire S&P 500. We are one of 100 Trendsetter Companies to
receive the top ranking for political disclosure and accountability due to our voluntary reporting efforts. Learn more
about contribution information.
2023 Mid-Year Voluntary Report of Political Contributions (Jan-June)
2023 Year End Voluntary Report of Political Contributions (July-Dec)

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety

International Paper operates under a global Product Stewardship Performance Standard to ensure that all products
sold meet applicable regulatory and chemical of concern requirements and are safe for their intended end use.
The elements of that standard include product hazard assessments; good manufacturing practices; raw material
conformance and acceptability; representative product testing; product event tracking and corrective actions;
product declarations; employee training and possible audits.
Conformance and acceptability of raw materials is carried out using a matrix of raw material requirements that vary
by end use application, regulatory jurisdiction and applicable industry standards. Requirements include regulatory
compliance and substance of concern prohibitions or use restrictions as appropriate. New raw materials are
assessed for conformance prior to use in our products. Existing raw materials are subject to regular reassessment as
3-3 Management of material topics regulations change and new chemicals of concern emerge.
Chemical of concern, regulatory and exposure assessment testing (i.e., food contact migration testing and skin
irritation or sensitization testing) of representative products is carried out regularly to demonstrate ongoing
acceptability and safety of our products.
Raw material conformance and acceptability is also a key component of our process for the development of new
products. Potential raw materials are evaluated early in the process to quickly rule out unacceptable materials and
identify appropriate screening needs. New products under development may be screened for chemicals of concern
or to evaluate impact of exposures.
2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-250a.2” pg. 132

Incidents of non-compliance concerning

416-2 the health and safety impacts of products 2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-250a.1” pg. 132
and services

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GRI Disclosure Description Responses

GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling

Our products must meet specific regulatory requirements within the countries of manufacture and eventual use­—
and meet customer expectations regarding product safety and chemicals of concern. Complying with regulatory
3-3 Management of material topics requirements is also critical in our choice of materials. Many of our products hold voluntary ecolabel certifications,
which recognize products that meet high environmental standards throughout their life cycle. We continually monitor
developments in these areas to ensure we comply with all applicable regulations.

Requirements for product and service

417-1 2023 Sustainability Report, “SASB RT-CP-250a.2” pg. 132
information and labeling

Incidents of non-compliance concerning We had no incidents of non-compliance with product safety regulations or voluntary codes concerning product and
product and service information and labeling service information and labeling in 2023.

Incidents of non-compliance concerning

417-3 We had no incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications
marketing communications

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Sustainability Accounting Our reporting aligns with the SASB

Resource Transformation sector standards
Standards Board (SASB) Index (Containers & Packaging Industry).

SASB Code Accounting Metric Unit Reference

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Gross global Scope 1 emissions MT CO2e 6,365,636

% of global Scope 1 emissions covered under
% 4%
emissions-limited regulations1

Discussion of long-term and short-term

strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions,
2023 Sustainability Report, “Addressing our climate impact” pg. 63
emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of
performance against those targets
Reduce our Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions by 35% from 2019-2030, aligned with the best-
Emissions reduction targets and analysis of available climate science (SBTi-approved as “well-below 2-degree C” pathway)
performance against those targets
2023 Sustainability Report, “Addressing our climate impact” pg. 63

1. Our Madrid, Spain recycled containerboard mill and Grande Prairie mill in Canada operate under federal or regional emissions trading systems

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SASB Code Accounting Metric Unit Reference

Air Quality

NOx (excluding N2O) MT 20,224

SOx MT 11,393
volatile organic compounds (VOCS) MT 18,515

Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) MT 3,674

Energy Management

Total energy consumed in 20231 GJ 392,327,354

Total energy consumed in 2022 GJ 403,053,814

Total energy consumed in 2021 GJ 411,270,928

Percentage grid electricity % 6%

Percentage renewable % 65%

Total self-generated energy2 GJ 369,268,709

1. Includes aggregated energy consumption across all manufacturing sites (mills, converting, and recycling facilities)
2. Total energy consumption minus net purchased electricity

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SASB Code Accounting Metric Unit Reference

Water Management

2023: 629,650
Water withdrawn 2022: 631,970
Cubic meters
2021: 646,135

2023: 560,103
Water effluent 2022: 557,348
Cubic meters
2021: 600,832

2023: 69,547
Water consumed 2022: 74,621
Cubic meters
2021: 45,303
Water withdrawn in locations with High or
Extremely High Baseline
% 7%
Water Stress as a percentage of the total
water withdrawn

Water consumed in locations with High or

Extremely High Baseline
Water consumed in locations with High or % 5%
Extremely High Baseline Water Stress as a
percentage of the total water consumed

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SASB Code Accounting Metric Unit Reference

Water Management (continued)

Water is a critical input for our process. We conduct a comprehensive facilities water risk
assessment through an in-house methodology combining relevant internal and third-party data.
Key factors include the World Resource Institute’s (WRI) Aqueduct Baseline Water Stress (BWS)
indicator, regulatory requirements, community relations and qualitative input from internal
1) Description of water management risk and experts. This assessment serves as the foundation for our water stewardship strategy, including
RT-CP-140a.2 2) discussion of strategies and practices to facility-level plans for context-based water stewardship under our Vision 2030 goals. Specifically,
mitigate those risks we use the assessment to prioritize sites for water-related operational improvements and
watershed protection efforts.
2023 Sustainability Report, “Advancing water stewardship” pg. 70
CDP Water Security 2023, “W3.3”, “W4”

Number of incidents of non-compliance Zero significant incidents of non-compliance associated with water quality permits, standards,
RT-CP-140a.3 associated with water quality permits, Number and regulations in the reporting year.
standards, and regulations 2023 10-K “Legal Proceedings” pg. 45

Waste Management

RT-CP-150a.1 Amount of hazardous waste generated MT 95.1

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SASB Code Accounting Metric Unit Reference

Product Safety

RT-CP-250a.1 Number of recalls issued, total units recalled. Number 0

International Paper operates under a global Product Stewardship Performance Standard to

ensure that all products sold meet applicable regulatory and chemical of concern requirements
and are safe for their intended end use. The elements of that standard include product hazard
assessments; good manufacturing practices; raw material conformance and acceptability;
representative product testing; product event tracking and corrective actions; product
declarations; employee training and possible audits.

Conformance and acceptability of raw materials is carried out using a matrix of raw material
requirements that vary by end use application, regulatory jurisdiction and applicable industry
standards. Requirements include regulatory compliance and substance of concern prohibitions
or use restrictions as appropriate. New raw materials are assessed for conformance prior to use
Discussion of process to identify and manage
RT-CP-250a.2 in our products. Existing raw materials are subject to regular reassessment as regulations change
emerging materials and chemicals of concern
and new chemicals of concern emerge.

Chemical of concern, regulatory and exposure assessment testing (i.e., food contact migration
testing and skin irritation or sensitization testing) of representative products is carried out
regularly to demonstrate ongoing acceptability and safety of our products.

Raw material conformance and acceptability is also a key component of our process for
the development of new products. Potential raw materials are evaluated early in the process
to quickly rule out unacceptable materials and identify appropriate screening needs. New
products under development may be screened for chemicals of concern or to evaluate the
impact of exposures.

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SASB Code Accounting Metric Unit Reference

Product Lifecycle Management

10% of our fiber purchased is recycled content

% of raw materials from recycled content % by weight 34.5% average recycled content in our North American packaging products, including 28.7%
post-consumer fiber
% of raw materials from renewable resources % by weight 100% of our sourced wood and recovered fiber are from renewable resources

% of raw materials from renewable and

% by weight 100% of our sourced wood and recovered fiber
recycled content

Revenue from products that are reusable,

RT-CP-410a.2 % by weight 97.2% of our products are reusable, recyclable, and/or compostable
recyclable, and/or compostable

Discussion of strategies to reduce the

2023 Sustainability Report, “Renewable Solutions” pg. 38
RT-CP-410a.3 environmental impact of packaging throughout
2023 Sustainability Report, “Our approach: Circularity at International Paper” pg. 40
its lifecycle

Supply Chain Management

Total weight (in metric tons) of wood-fiber-based 48,400,596

raw materials procured This includes virgin and recycled wood fiber procured as raw material
Total wood fiber procured, percentage from 31% of total wood fiber procured is from forests managed to certified to FSC® PEFC™ or SFI®
certified sources Forest Management standards

Total aluminum purchased, percentage from

RT-CP-430a.2 t CO2e, % NA
certified sources

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SASB Code Accounting Metric Unit Reference

Activity Metrics

RT-CP-000.A Amount of production, by substrate 2022 MT 2023 Annual Report, “Sales Volumes by Product” pg. 23

Percentage of production as: (1) paper/wood,

RT-CP-000.B % by revenue 100% paper/wood
(2) glass, (3) metal, and (4) plastic

RT-CP-000.C Number of employees Number 39,000

International Paper - 2023 Sustainability Report

©2024 International Paper Company. This Sustainability Report contains certain forward- demand and pricing for our products, and conditions World Headquarters
looking statements based on management’s current impacting the credit, capital and financial markets; (iv)
All rights reserved. The International assumptions and expectations, including statements the costs of compliance, or the failure to comply with, International Paper
Paper logo is a trademark of regarding our ESG targets, goals, commitments existing and new environmental (including with respect
International Paper Company and programs and other business plans, initiatives to climate change and GHG emissions), tax, labor and 6400 Poplar Avenue
and objectives, including but not limited to our employment, privacy, anti-bribery and anti-corruption,
or its affiliates. Vision 2030 goals. Certain statements in this report and other U.S. and non-U.S. governmental laws and Memphis, TN 38197
that are not historical in nature may be considered regulations; (v) any material disruption at any of our United States of America
From Fortune ©2023. Fortune Media IP “forward-looking statements” within the meaning manufacturing facilities or other adverse impact on
Limited All rights reserved. FORTUNE is of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of our operations due to severe weather, natural disasters,
1995. Forward-looking statements can be identified climate change or other causes; (vii) our ability to
a registered trademark of Fortune Media by the use of forward-looking or conditional words realize expected benefits and cost savings associated EMEA Headquarters
IP Limited and is used under license. such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “aspires,” “believes,” with restructuring initiatives; (vii) our ability to achieve
“estimates,” “could,” “should,” “can,” “forecast,” “intend,” the benefits expected from, and other risks associated International Paper
Fortune and Fortune Media IP Limited are “look,” “may,” “will,” “remain,” “confident,” “commit” with, acquisitions, joint ventures, divestitures, spinoffs,
not affiliated with, and do not endorse and “plan” or similar words and expressions. Our capital investments and other corporate transactions, Chaussée de la Hulpe, 166
actual future results, including the achievement of our (viii) cybersecurity and information technology
products or services of, International targets, goals or commitments, could differ materially risks, including as a result of security breaches and
1170 Brussels, Belgium
Paper Company. “World’s Most Ethical from our projected results and commitments as the cybersecurity incidents; (ix) loss contingencies and
Companies” and “Ethisphere” names result of changes in circumstances, assumptions pending, threatened or future litigation, including with
not being realized, or other risks, uncertainties and respect to environmental related matters; (x) our ability
and marks are registered trademarks of factors. These statements are not guarantees of to attract and retain qualified personnel, particularly
Ethisphere LLC. FTSE Russell (the trading future performance and reflect management’s in light of current labor market conditions; and (xi)
current views and speak only as to the dates the risks arising from conducting business internationally,
name of FTSE International Limited statements are made and are subject to risks and domestic and global geopolitical conditions, military
and Frank Russell Company) confirms uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ conflict (including the Russia/Ukraine conflict, the
materially from those expressed or implied in these conflict in Israel and surrounding areas, the possible
that International Paper has been statements. Factors which could cause actual results expansion of such conflicts, and the potential
independently assessed according to the to differ include but are not limited to: (i) risks with geopolitical and economic consequences associated
FTSE4Good criteria, and has satisfied the respect to climate change and global, regional, and therewith), changes in currency exchange rates,
local weather conditions, as well as risks related to trade protectionist policies, downgrades in our credit
requirements to become a constituent of our ability to meet targets and goals with respect ratings, and/or the credit ratings of banks issuing
the FTSE4Good Index Series. Created by to climate change and the emission of greenhouse certain letters of credit, issued by recognized credit
gases (GHG) and other environmental, social and rating organizations. These and other factors that
the global index provider FTSE Russell, the governance matters, including our other Vision could cause or contribute to actual results differing
FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to 2030 goals; (ii) the emergence and implementation materially from such forward-looking statements can
of mandatory climate reporting standards and the be found in our annual report on Form 10-K and other
measure the performance of companies continued development of voluntary standards and reports we file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
demonstrating strong Environmental, frameworks that may result in definitional or other Commission from time to time. In addition, other risks
Social and Governance (ESG) practices. changes, including those that may alter how our and uncertainties not presently known to the Company
GHG emissions are calculated and reported both or that we currently believe to be immaterial could
The FTSE4Good indices are used by historically and prospectively; (iii) the impact of global affect the accuracy of any forward-looking statements.
a wide variety of market participants and domestic economic conditions and industry The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly
conditions, including with respect to current negative update any forward-looking statements, whether as a
to create and assess responsible macroeconomic conditions, inflationary pressures and result of new information, future events or otherwise,
investment funds and other products. changes in the cost or availability of raw materials, unless required by law.
energy sources and transportation sources, supply
All product names, logos and brands chain shortages and disruptions, competition we face,
are property of their respective owners. cyclicality and changes in consumer preferences,

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