Version: 1.5.4
Date: 16 March 2015
Authors: Aitor P. Acero, Cristina Rodríguez, Andreas Ciroth
Version Author Changes Date
Version 1.0 Acero, Rodríguez, 1st release 31 January 2014
Version 1.1 Acero, Rodríguez, Corrected normalization factors for CML 2001 3 February 2014
Version 1.2 Acero, Rodríguez, Added Social LCIA method, updated TRACI 2.0 to 17 February 2014
Ciroth TRACI 2.1, updated ILCD 2011
Version 1.3 Acero, Rodríguez, Updated TRACI 2.1 to add some ecoinvent specific flows 1 April 2014
Version 1.4 Acero, Rodríguez, Corrected CML and ReCiPe version 28 April 2014
Version 1.4.1 Acero, Rodríguez, Deleted EDIP 2003 methods as they need further 4 September 2014
Ciroth revision. Only in EcoSpold and openLCA 1.4 formats
Version 1.4.2 Acero, Rodríguez, Added normalization/weighting factors for intermediate 17 October 2014
Ciroth endpoint categories in ReCiPe. Only in EcoSpold and
openLCA 1.4 formats
Version 1.5 Acero, Rodríguez, ReCiPe 8 methods upgraded to version 1.10 from May 30 October 2014
Ciroth 2014. Only in EcoSpold and openLCA 1.4 formats
Version 1.5.1 Acero, Rodríguez, Some missing factors in ReCiPe 8 methods added. Only 11 November 2014
Ciroth in EcoSpold and openLCA 1.4 formats
Version 1.5.2 Acero, Rodríguez, Cumulative Energy Demand method added. Added 5 January 2015
Ciroth normalisation/weighting factors for intermediate endpoint
categories in Eco-Indicator 99. Weighting reference unit
corrected. Only in EcoSpold and openLCA 1.4 formats
Version 1.5.3 Acero, Rodríguez, ReCiPe methods: deleted wrong FEP CFs, added missing 4 February 2015
Ciroth FETP End (I) CFs, added new FDP CFs (Update method
to v.1.11). Only in EcoSpold and openLCA 1.4 formats.
Further information in:
Version 1.5.4 Acero, Rodríguez, CML methods updated to v.4.4.: abiotic depletion impact 16 March 2015
Ciroth categories updated, CFs for new flows in reference date
added, CFs which were originally from ecoinvent LCIA
methods were deleted or updated. Only in EcoSpold and
openLCA 1.4 formats. Further information in:
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 4
2 How to use the LCIA methods packs in openLCA ............................................................. 4
2.1 openLCA LCIA methods............................................................................................. 4
2.2 Social Hotspots Database (SHDB) LCIA Method ...................................................... 6
3 Environmental Impact Assessment Methods ...................................................................... 6
3.1 Impact assessment methods in the pack ...................................................................... 6
3.1.1 CML ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.2 Cumulative Energy Demand .............................................................................. 10
3.1.3 Eco-indicator 99 ................................................................................................. 11
3.1.4 Ecological Scarcity Method 2006 ...................................................................... 12
3.1.5 ILCD 2011.......................................................................................................... 12
3.1.6 ReCiPe ................................................................................................................ 13
3.1.7 TRACI 2.1 .......................................................................................................... 15
3.1.8 USEtox ............................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Limitations ................................................................................................................. 16
3.3 Impact categories ....................................................................................................... 16
3.3.1 Acidification ....................................................................................................... 17
3.3.2 Climate change ................................................................................................... 17
3.3.3 Depletion of abiotic resources ............................................................................ 18
3.3.4 Ecotoxicity ......................................................................................................... 18
3.3.5 Eutrophication .................................................................................................... 19
3.3.6 Human toxicity ................................................................................................... 19
3.3.7 Ionising radiation................................................................................................ 20
3.3.8 Land use ............................................................................................................. 20
3.3.9 Ozone layer depletion (Stratospheric ozone depletion) ..................................... 21
3.3.10 Particulate matter................................................................................................ 21
3.3.11 Photochemical oxidation (Photochemical ozone creation potential) ................. 21
4 Social Impact Assessment Method ................................................................................... 22
5 References ......................................................................................................................... 23
6 Contact .............................................................................................................................. 23
1 Introduction
The availability of diverse sources for life cycle inventory databases and Life Cycle Impact
Assessment (LCIA) methods should be an asset to better perform life cycle assessment studies.
However, the variability of nomenclature used in each source for e.g. the compounds and
compartments of the elementary exchanges impedes a straightforward combination of the
different data. Thus, an intense work has been conducted for openLCA in order to align and
harmonize the flows from different databases and LCIA methods.
The Nexus website ( contains currently over 30,000 data sets, from
different sources, which can be used independently or combined in a single system in openLCA.
And we are happy to be able to provide now a comprehensive pack of Life Cycle Impact
Assessment (LCIA) methods suitable for all the data sets in Nexus. This pack is meant to replace
the previous “impact methods” archive that was kindly provided by ecoinvent, which was
mainly addressing ecoinvent flows.
In addition, a pack containing a social LCIA method is also provided in order to use it with the
Social Hotspots Database, which is also available at Nexus.
.zolca file
The zolca file should be used in version 1.4 beta III or later. It contains characterization factors
for the different impact categories and normalization and weighting factors for some of the
methods (see section 3 for further details about the methods). The .zolca can be imported as a
new complete database or, in openLCA 1.4. beta IV or later versions, into an existing database
with reference data. In this last case, data already existing in the database would be maintained
and the LCIA methods would be included (fig. 1, 2). Please note that LCIA calculation results
are only displayed in openLCA 1.4 beta IV or later versions.
Figure 1. Option 1: Import .zolca file into an existing database
ecospold 1 file
The EcoSpold01 file contains characterization factors for the different impact categories but
not normalization factors. It should be imported into an existing database in openLCA
containing reference data. As it does not contain normalization data, it is recommended to use
it only when the impact assessment must be done in a previously created database using a
version of openLCA previous to 1.4 beta.
.olca file
The olca file contains characterization factors for the different impact categories and
normalization and weighting factors for some of the methods (see section 3 for further details
about the methods). It can be used in openLCA 1.3.4 or previous versions. The file should be
imported as a complete database in openLCA. The process data sets can be imported into the
database afterwards.
Please note that openLCA 1.3 databases can be migrated into the new openLCA 1.4 database
format (i.e. .zolca) after installing the correspondent plugin:
Figure 4. Migration of openLCA 1.3 databases (.olca) to openLCA 1.4 format (.zolca)
Please be aware that the normalization and weighting results are currently only available
using the “Quick Results” option in the calculation wizard.
Climate Resource Human Ionising Land matter/ Photochemical
METHODS Acidification Ecotoxicity Energy Use Eutrophication Odour layer
change depletion toxicity Radiation use Respiratory oxidation
CML (baseline) - - - - -
CML (non
baseline) - -
Energy Demand - - - - - - - - - - - -
eco-indicator 99
(E) - - -
eco-indicator 99
(H) - - -
eco-indicator 99
(I) - - -
2006 - - - - - - - - - - - -
ILCD 2011,
endpoint - - - -
ILCD 2011,
midpoint - -
Endpoint (E) - -
Endpoint (H) - -
Endpoint (I) - -
Midpoint (E) - -
Midpoint (H) - -
Midpoint (I) - -
TRACI 2.1 - - - -
USEtox - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 1: Availability of impact categories per method. represents that the impact category is contained in the correspondent method and - that not.
3.1.1 CML
This method created by the University of Leiden in the Netherlands in 2001 contains more than
1700 different flows that can be downloaded from their website. It has been published in a
handbook with several authors [1].
The method is divided into baseline and non-baseline, the baseline being the most common
impact categories used in LCA. The following table shows the categories it contains:
Method: CML (non-baseline)
Impact category group Name of the impact category in the method
Ozone layer depletion - ODP10
Ozone layer depletion - ODP15
Ozone layer depletion - ODP20
Ozone layer depletion - ODP25
Ozone layer depletion - ODP30
Ozone layer depletion - ODP40
Ozone layer depletion - ODP5
Photochemical oxidation - EBIR (low NOx)
Photochemical oxidation - high NOx (incl. NMVOC average)
Photochemical oxidation - high NOx (incl. NOx, NMVOC average)
Photochemical oxidation
Photochemical oxidation - low NOx
Photochemical oxidation - MIR (very high NOx)
Photochemical oxidation - MOIR (high NOx)
Table 3: Impact categories included in the method CML (non baseline)
CML (baseline) and (non baseline) contain normalization factors which include:
EU25+3, 2000 (Wegener Sleeswijk et al., 2008)
The Netherlands, 1997
West Europe, 1995
World, 1990
World, 1995
World, 2000 (Wegener Sleeswijk et al., 2008)
The characterization factors included are from version 4.4 of April 2013 and have been
obtained from:
For more information about the method, please visit:
Method: Cumulative Energy Demand (CED)
Impact category group Name of the impact category in the method Reference unit
Fossil MJ
Non-renewable resources Nuclear MJ
Primary forest MJ
Biomass MJ
Geothermal MJ
Renewable resources Solar MJ
Wind MJ
Water MJ
Table 4: Impact categories included in the method Cumulative Energy Demand
3.1.3 Eco-indicator 99
Eco-indicator 99 is probably still one of the most widely used impact assessment methods in
LCA. It has replaced Eco-indicator 95, the first endpoint assessment method. It allowed the
expression of the environmental impact in one single score.
This method analyses three different types of damage: human health, ecosystem quality and
resources. Relevant information about Eco-indicator 99 is that the standard unit given in all the
categories is point (Pt) or millipoint (mPt). Since the aim of this method is the comparison of
products or components, the value itself is not most relevant but rather a comparison of values.
The method distinguishes three different cultural perspectives or “Archetypes”:
■ H Hierarchist (default)
■ I Individualist
■ E Egalitarian
The following tables show the impact categories in each of the sub-methods of Eco-indicator
Method: Eco-indicator 99 (E), (H) & (I)
Midpoint/endpoint Impact category group Name of the impact category in the method
Ecotoxicity Ecosystem Quality - Land conversion (PDF·m2)
Ecotoxicity Ecosystem Quality - Land conversion (PDF·m2·year)
Ecotoxicity Ecosystems Quality - Acidification and Eutrophication
Ecotoxicity Ecosystems Quality - Ecotoxicity
Human toxicity Human Health - Carcinogenics
Human toxicity Human Health - Climate change
Human toxicity Human health - Ionising radiation
Human toxicity Human health - Ozone layer depletion
Human Health - Respiratory effects caused by inorganic
Human toxicity
Human Health - Respiratory effects caused by organic
Human toxicity
Depletion of abiotic Resources - fossil fuels
Depletion of abiotic Resources - minerals
Depletion of abiotic
Human toxicity Human Health-total
Ecotoxicity Ecosystems-total
Table 5: Impact categories included in the methods eco-indicator 99 (E), (H) & (I)
These intermediate endpoint categories are grouped into the three areas of protection: Human
Health, Resources and Ecosystems. For calculating the ecosystem damage category, a factor of
0.1 is applied to the ecotoxicity impact category. For the rest of the impact categories, a factor
of 1 is used.
The method contains different normalization and weighting factors for the various perspectives
and an average approach for Europe:
Europe EI 99 E/A
Europe EI 99 E/E
Europe EI 99 H/A
Europe EI 99 H/H
Europe EI 99 I/A
Europe EI 99 I/I
The characterization factors for Eco-indicator 99 are also included in the CML 2001
documentation (see section 2.1).
For more information about the method, please see [2].
Method: ILCD 2011 recommended methods
Impact category group Recommended method Midpoint / Endpoint Comments
Seppala et al 2006
Midpoint Terrestrial
Posch et al 2008
Eutrophication ReCiPe Midpoint Freshwater
ReCiPe Midpoint Marine
ReCiPe Endpoint Freshwater
USEtox Midpoint Cancer human health effects
USEtox Midpoint Non-cancer human health effects
Human toxicity
USEtox Endpoint Cancer human health effects
USEtox Endpoint Non-cancer human health effects
Frishknecht et al 2000 Midpoint Human health
Ionising radiation Garnier-Laplace et al 2008 Midpoint Ecosystem
Frishknecht et al 2000 Endpoint Human health
Mila i Canals et al 2007 Midpoint ---
Land use
ReCiPe Endpoint ---
WMO 1999 Midpoint ODP
Ozone depletion
ReCiPe 2008 Endpoint Human health
Rabl and Spadaro 2004 Midpoint Respiratory inorganics (PM2.5)
Particle matter
Humbert et al 2009 Endpoint Respiratory inorganics (DALY)
Van Zelm et al 2008 Midpoint Human health
Photochemical oxidation Van Zelm et al 2008 Endpoint Human health
ReCiPe Endpoint Mineral, fossils and renewables
Table 7: Impact categories included in the compilation of methods from ILCD 2011
These intermediate endpoint categories have been grouped into the three areas of protection:
Human Health, Resource depletion and Ecosystems.
The characterization factors included are from version 1.0.5 of February 2013 and have been
obtained from:
Further information in the assessment done by the International Reference Life Cycle Data
System can be obtained in
3.1.6 ReCiPe
The main objective of the ReCiPe method is to provide a method that combines Eco-Indicator
99 and CML, in an updated version.. ReCiPe distinguishes two levels of indicators:
■ Midpoint indicators
■ Endpoint indicators with the following categories: damage to human health, damage to
ecosystems and damage to resource availability
The table below shows the impact categories of this method:
Method: ReCiPe endpoint (E, H & I)
Name of the impact category in the
Impact category group E H I
Urban land occupation ULOPinf EQ-E ULOP100 EQ-H ULOP20 EQ-I
Natural land transformation LTPinf EQ-E LTP100 EQ-H LTP20 EQ-I
Ozone layer depletion Ozone depletion ODPinf HH-E ODP100 HH-H ODP20 HH-I
Particulate matter Particulate matter formation PMFPinf HH-E PMFP100 HH-H PMFP20 HH-I
Photochemical oxidation Photochemical oxidant formation POFPinf HH-E POFP100 HH-H POFP20 HH-I
Table 8: Impact categories included in the method ReCiPe 8 endpoint (E, H & I)
E= Egalitarian / H= Hierarchist / I= Individualist
HH= Human Health / EQ = Ecosystem / RD= Resources
These intermediate endpoint categories have been grouped into the three areas of protection:
Human Health, Resources and Ecosystems.
ReCiPe endpoint (E, H & I) contains the following normalization and weighting:
Europe ReCiPe E/A; Europe ReCiPe H/A; Europe ReCiPe I/A
Europe ReCiPe E/A, 2000; Europe ReCiPe H/A, 2000; Europe ReCiPe I/A, 2000
Europe ReCiPe E/E; Europe ReCiPe H/H; Europe ReCiPe I/I
Europe ReCiPe E/E; 2000, Europe ReCiPe H/H; 2000, Europe ReCiPe I/I, 2000
World ReCiPe E/A; World ReCiPe H/A; World ReCiPe I/A
World ReCiPe E/A, 2000; World ReCiPe H/A, 2000; World ReCiPe I/A, 2000
World ReCiPe E/E; World ReCiPe H/H; World ReCiPe I/I
World ReCiPe E/E, 2000; World ReCiPe H/H, 2000; World ReCiPe I/I, 2000
ReCiPe midpoint (E, H & I) contains the following normalization and weighting factors:
Europe ReCiPe Midpoint (E); Europe ReCiPe Midpoint (H); Europe ReCiPe Midpoint
Europe ReCiPe Midpoint (E), 2000; Europe ReCiPe Midpoint (H), 2000; Europe
ReCiPe Midpoint (I), 2000
World ReCiPe Midpoint (E); World ReCiPe Midpoint (H); World ReCiPe Midpoint (I)
World ReCiPe Midpoint (E), 2000; World ReCiPe Midpoint (H), 2000; World ReCiPe
Midpoint (I), 2000
The characterization factors included in the method pack are from version 1.11 of Agustu 2014
and have been obtained from: The new
normalization/weighting factors were taken from the SimaPro 8.0.3 implementation as
indicated by the method developers.
The characterization factors were kindly provided by the US EPA. The normalization factors
were obtained from [5]. TRACI 2.1. contains normalization data for the following reference
US 2008
US 2008 – Canada 2005
The normalization factors are shown as the geographical areas total potential environmental
impact per year, and as the impact in person-years.
3.1.8 USEtox
USEtox [6],[7] is a method to calculate environmental impact based on scientific consensus to
identify and obtain human and eco-toxicological impact values of chemicals in life cycle impact
assessment. The main output includes a database of recommended and interim characterization
factors including environmental fate, exposure, and effect parameters for human toxicity and
Characterization factors for metals are considered interim and, therefore, should be interpreted
with care.
The characterisation factors included correspond to the results of the USEtox model version
1.01 from 15th February 2010 and were obtained from Both the inorganic and
organic results are included in the different impact categories. The mapping of USEtox
compartments to those in openLCA reference data was performed following the indication from
USEtox website.
The following table shows the impact categories that are contained in this method:
Method: USEtox
Impact category group Name of the impact category in the method
Ecotoxicity Freshwater ecotoxicity
Human health - carcinogenic
Human toxicity Human health - non-carcinogenic
Human health - total impact
Table 12: Categories included in the method USEtox
3.2 Limitations
The characterisation factors in the methods refer to elementary flows contained in the reference
data of openLCA. This data includes all the elementary flows from the databases available in
the Nexus site and additional flows used in the methods. There are numerous elementary flows
from the methods that are not included in the reference list. The ones that have been added to
openLCA reference data are:
- those flows whose chemical compound exists in any of the Nexus databases but for
different compartments, and
- those flows recurrently appearing in various methodologies using the same
It has not been considered a priority to map the rest of the elementary flows because they are
not currently used by any of the most important LCA databases available.
The mapping between the elementary flows in the methods and those in the openLCA list was
done by comparing compartments, names, CAS numbers and formulas from the original files
with our reference data. However, the last two were not always available in the documentation
provided by the method developers, which made the correct identification of the correspondent
flows more difficult. In addition, several errors were encountered in the original files during the
mapping due to incorrect CAS numbers or synonyms. Moreover, in some cases, duplicate flows
with different characterisation factors were observed. For them, the flow with higher
characterisation factors, as conservative approach, were kept.
Some elementary flows from ecoinvent (e.g. Aluminium, 24% in bauxite, 11% in crude ore, in
ground; Carbon dioxide, fossil) were not included as such in the original documentation of any
methodology. Therefore, data from the ecoinvent pack of methods was used in our compilation.
There are some methods from the ecoinvent pack that have not been included already in the
openLCA compilation, such as IPCC 2007 or Impact 2002+, which will be added in the near
future along with other methodologies. IPCC 2007 is already included though as climate change
category in many of the other methods that are already present in the method pack.
3.3.1 Acidification
Acidic gases such as sulphur dioxide (SO2) react with water in the atmosphere to form “acid
rain”, a process known as acid deposition. When this rain falls, often a considerable distance
from the original source of the gas (e.g. Sweden receives the acid rain caused by gases emitted
in the UK), it causes ecosystem impairment of varying degree, depending upon the nature of
the landscape ecosystems. Gases that cause acid deposition include ammonia (NH3), nitrogen
oxides (NOx) and sulphur oxides (SOx).
Acidification potential is expressed using the reference unit, kg SO2 equivalent. The model does
not take account of regional differences in terms of which areas are more or less susceptible to
acidification. It accounts only for acidification caused by SO2 and NOx. This includes
acidification due to fertiliser use, according to the method developed by the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). CML has based the characterisation factor on the RAINS
model developed by the University of Amsterdam.
Climate change is one of the major environmental effects of economic activity, and one of the
most difficult to handle because of its broad scale.
The Environmental Profiles characterisation model is based on factors developed by the UN’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Factors are expressed as Global Warming
Potential over the time horizon of different years, being the most common 100 years (GWP100),
measured in the reference unit, kg CO2 equivalent.
Greenhouse gases1 and their global warming potential (GWP), e.g.
methane, sulphur hexafluoride, etc.
Crops, forests, coral reefs, etc. (biodiversity decrease in general)
Damage categories
Temperature disturbances
Climatic phenomenon abnormality (e.g. more powerful cyclones, torrential storms, etc.)
Unit Kg CO2 equivalent
Table 14: Climate change category outline
1 Greenhouse gases (GHG): gas that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range.
3.3.3 Depletion of abiotic resources
There are many different sub-impacts to be considered in this case. In a general way, this impact
category in referred to the consumption of non-biological resources such as fossil fuels,
minerals, metals, water, etc.
The value of the abiotic resource consumption of a substance (e.g. lignite or coal) is a measure
of the scarcity of a substance. That means it depends on the amount of resources and the
extraction rate. It is formed by the amount of resources that are depleted and measured in
antimony equivalents in some models or water consumption (in m3), kg of mineral depletion
and MJ of fossil fuels.
Kg antimony equivalent
Unit Kg of minerals
MJ of fossil fuels
m3 water consumption
Table 15: Depletion of abiotic resources category outline
3.3.4 Ecotoxicity
Environmental toxicity is measured as three separate impact categories which examine
freshwater, marine and land. The emission of some substances, such as heavy metals, can have
impacts on the ecosystem. Assessment of toxicity has been based on maximum tolerable
concentrations in water for ecosystems. Ecotoxicity Potentials are calculated with the USES-
LCA, which is based on EUSES, the EU’s toxicity model. This provides a method for
describing fate, exposure and the effects of toxic substances on the environment.
Characterisation factors are expressed using the reference unit, kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene
equivalent (1,4-DB), and are measured separately for impacts of toxic substances on:
Toxicological responses of different species
Nature of the chemicals in the ecosystem
Damage categories
Damage to the ecosystem quality and species extinction
Depending on the model:
Kg 1,4-DB equivalent
PDF (Potentially Disappeared Fraction of species)
PAF (Potentially Affected Fraction of species)
Table 16: Ecotoxicity category outline
3.3.5 Eutrophication
Eutrophication is the build-up of a concentration of chemical nutrients in an ecosystem which
leads to abnormal productivity. This causes excessive plant growth like algae in rivers which
causes severe reductions in water quality and animal populations. Emissions of ammonia,
nitrates, nitrogen oxides and phosphorous to air or water all have an impact on eutrophication.
This category is based on the work of Heijungs, and is expressed using the reference unit, kg
PO43- equivalents.
Direct and indirect impacts of fertilisers are included in the method. The direct impacts are from
production of the fertilisers and the indirect ones are calculated using the IPCC method to
estimate emissions to water causing eutrophication.
Impact indicator
Increase of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations
Formation of biomass (e.g. algae)
Considerations Transportation of the nutrients (air, water, wash-off from land)
Damage categories
Damage to the ecosystem quality
Depending on the model:
Toxicological responses of humans
Nature of the chemicals in the human body
Damage categories
Human health
Depending on the model:
Kg 1,4-DB equivalent
DALY (Disability-adjusted life year)2
Table 18: Human toxicity category outline
The category takes into account the radiation types α-, β-, γ-rays and neutrons. The
characterization model considers the emissions and calculation of their radiation behaviour and
burden based on detailed nuclear-physical knowledge. The unit the impact is given is kg of
uranium-235 (U235).
Radiation behaviour of the substances
Toxicological responses of humans and other species
Damage categories
Human health and ecosystem quality
Depending on the model:
Analysis of the land area to be altered
Observations of biodiversity that could be damaged
Damage categories
Natural resource (non- and renewable) depletion
Depending on the model:
Unit PDF/m2
m2 a
2 DALY = YLD (years lived with disability) + YLL (years of life lost)
Table 20: Land use category outline
Atmospheric residence time of ozone depleting substances
EESC (Equivalent Effective Stratospheric Chlorine)
Damage categories
Human health and ecosystem quality
Unit Kg CFC-11 equivalent
Table 21: Ozone layer depletion category outline
Europe (UNECE) trajectory model (including fate) and expressed using the reference unit, kg
ethylene (C2H4) equivalent.
Meteorology, the chemical composition of the atmosphere and
emissions of other pollutants
Damage categories
Human health and ecosystem quality
Depending on the model:
Kg ethylene equivalent
Kg formed ozone
Table 23: Photochemical oxidation category outline
The SHDB is at present the only existing, comprehensive database for social assessments over
the entire life cycle. It provides social risk data on a sector and country level, and it is integrated
with a global input-output model derived from the GTAP database.
5 References
[1] Guinée, J.B.; Gorrée, M.; Heijungs, R.; Huppes, G.; Kleijn, R.; Koning, A. de; Oers, L.
van; Wegener Sleeswijk, A.; Suh, S.; Udo de Haes, H.A.; Bruijn, H. de; Duin, R. van;
Huijbregts, M.A.J. Handbook on life cycle assessment. Operational guide to the ISO
standards. I: LCA in perspective. IIa: Guide. IIb: Operational annex. III: Scientific
background. Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-0228-9, Dordrecht, 2002, 692
[2] Goedkoop M., Spriensma, R. : The Eco-indicator 99 - A damage oriented method for
Life Cycle Impact Assessment. Methodology Report". Amersfoort 2001, Third edition
[3] Hauschild, M., Potting, J.: Spatial differentiation in Life Cycle impact assessment – The
EDIP2003 methodology. Institute for Product Development. Technical University of
Denmark. Environmental News No. 80, 2005.
[4] Hischier R., Weidema B., Althaus H.-J., Bauer C., Doka G., Dones R., Frischknecht R.,
Hellweg S., Humbert S., Jungbluth N., Köllner T., Loerincik Y., Margni M. and
Nemecek T. (2010) Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods.
ecoinvent report No. 3, v2.2. Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf.
[5] Ryberg, M., Vieira, M.D.M., Zgola, M., Bare, J., Rosenbaum, R.K. Updated US and
Canadian normalization factors for TRACI 2.1. Clean Technologies and Environmental
Policy (ISSN: 1618-954X) (DOI:, 2013.
[6] Rosenbaum, R.K., Bachmann, T.M., Gold, L.S., Huijbregts, M.A.J., Jolliet, O., Juraske,
R., Koehler, A., Larsen, H.F., MacLeod, M., Margni, M.D., McKone, T.E., Payet, J.,
Schuhmacher, M., van de Meent, D., Hauschild, M.Z., 2008. USEtox - The UNEP-
SETAC toxicity model: Recommended characterisation factors for human toxicity and
freshwater ecotoxicity in life cycle impact assessment. The International Journal of Life
Cycle Assessment 13, 532-546.
[7] Hauschild, M.Z., Huijbregts, M.A.J., Jolliet, O., Macleod, M., Margni, M.D., van de
Meent, D., Rosenbaum, R.K., McKone, T.E., 2008. Building a Model Based on
Scientific Consensus for Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Chemicals: The Search for
Harmony and Parsimony. Environmental Science and Technology 42, 7032-7037.
6 Contact
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.