Biology Lesson 2
Biology Lesson 2
Biology Lesson 2
Homeostasis Why is homeostasis
important to human
Any auto-regulating process that a biological system uses to
What is the
maintain stability while continuously adjusting to surrounding
importance of
conditions is part of homeostasis. These adjustments made by the
insulin to diabetes
body are necessary for survival. When the process of homeostasis is
successful, life will continue. When it is unsuccessful, imbalance can
ensue and can lead to death. Homeostasis is defined as a self-
regulating process by which a living organism can maintain internal
stability while adjusting to changing external conditions.
The stimulus-response model shows the events that happen when a certain stimulus changes the
internal condition of the body. The following is a brief definition of the stimulus-response feedback
1. Stimulus - a structure that produces the change
2. Receptor - a structure that detects change
3. Control center - a structure that determines the appropriate response to the stimulus
4. Effector - can be organs, glands, or tissue that are appropriate response to the stimulus.
5. Response - the outcome of the adjustment that should remove the initial stimulus.
This type of mechanism allows the internal condition of the body to go back to its normal or ideal
state by inhibiting or removing stimulus. As the concentration of product or substance inside the
body increases, the rate of process decreases. One good example of this type of mechanism is when
your body absorbs a lot of glucose from the food you eat. As the glucose level in your blood
increases, the receptors in your body will signal the brain to command the pancreas to secrete
insulin into the blood. Once insulin is secreted, the blood sugar level effectively decreases. When
the sugar level in your blood finally reaches homeostasis, the pancreas will then stop secreting
Positive feedback mechanism is exactly the opposite of the negative feedback mechanism. Positive
feedback is amplifying or magnifying the change or output. The response effect is magnified so that
it can occur much faster. In this form of feedback, the output of the system is enhanced. A good
example of this can be observed during childbirth. As the mother labors, oxytocin is released inside
their body. Oxytocin, a hormone causes muscle contraction to speed up and intensify. An increase
in muscle contraction allows more oxytocin to be released until the baby is born.
Another example is maintaining internal temperature. The human body’s temperature regulatory
center is the hypothalamus in the brain. When the hypothalamus receives data from sensors in the
skin and brain that body temperature is higher than the set point, it sets into motion the following
Blood vessels in the skin dilate (vasodilation) to allow more blood from the warm body core
to flow close to the surface of the body, so heat can be radiated into the environment.
The body is constantly working to regulate the amount of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in
the blood stream. It is vital that the body responds to any changes in optimum levels of these gases
quickly and effectively.
The primary function of O2 is to provide our body with energy. It all happens within the cells, in
little organelles called mitochondria, which are real energy generators: they use oxygen to
transform nutrients from the digestive process into energy that can be used directly by the cell (ATP)
in a process called cellular respiration.
Gas exchange helps maintain homeostasis by supplying cells with O2, carrying away CO2 waste, and
maintaining proper pH of the blood.
Breathing (respiration) occurs due to repeated contractions and relaxation of the intercostal
muscles of the rib cage and a large muscle called the diaphragm. The rate of breathing is regulated
by the brain stem. The maintenance of consistent levels of O2 and CO2 in the blood is vital for
homeostasis and is maintained by peripheral chemoreceptors capable of detecting changes in the
partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide (PO2/PCO2).
The part of the respiratory system, along with the help of circulatory system aid in the intake of
oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide out of the body. Your body has voluntary control regarding
this process of gas exchange. Nerve impulses control the muscle and other organs of the respiratory
system. Respiratory controls lie in the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata at the brain base.
Blood pressure (BP) can provide insight into the workings of the
heart and vessels of the body. BP is controlled by a variety of
complex physiological mechanisms, which allow both short-term
adaptation, and longer-term maintenance of BP within a normal
Blood pressure, which is too high or too low, can lead to a wide
range of pathology (e.g. ruptured blood vessels, reduced
perfusion to organs) and therefore the mechanisms which
maintain BP homeostasis need to be happen. A healthy and
elastic blood vessel should stretch and recoil as the pressure goes
up and down, respectably. If the blood pressure is too high, it
might rupture the vessels but if it is too low, there will be an
adequate amount of oxygen and nutrients for the body.
On the other hand, if the blood glucose level decreases, the pancreas
detects this change and secretes glucagon. Glucagon is a hormone
produced by the pancreas that raises the blood glucose level by
stimulating the breakdown of glycogen into glucose and by allowing
glucose production from amino acid and fatty acid. The liver also break
down the stored glycogen to be secreted as blood glucose. When the
blood glucose level returns to normal, the secretion of glucagon is
Directions: Observe the data on the leading causes of death in the Philippines, then answer the given
guide questions below.
Leading causes of Death
in PH
1. Heart disease 83081 47259 35822 95.5 108 82.9
2. Vascular system disease 55466 30869 24597 63.8 706 56.9
3. Malignant neoplasm 43043 22472 20571 49.5 51.4 47.6
4. Pneumonia 34958 17166 17792 40.2 39.2 41.2
5. All form of tuberculosis 25860 17862 7997 29.7 40.8 18.5
6. Chronic lower
21216 14715 6501 24.4 33.6 15
respiratory disease
7. Diabetes mellitus 20239 9819 10421 23.3 22.4 24.1
8. Perinatal period 12334 7425 4909 14.2 17 11.4
9. Nephritis, nephrotic
11981 7107 4874 13.8 16.2 11.3
syndrome and nephrosis
10. Road traffic accident 6866 5380 1486 7.9 12.3 3.4
Guide Questions:
1. Based on the statistics, why is diabetes ranked seventh?
2. What is the total number of deaths for those who suffered from diabetes?
3. If the total rate of diabetes reaches 40, what will be its ranking among the diseases?
4. Describe the purposes of the negative feedback mechanism based on the diseases listed in the
5. Elaborate more examples of physiological processes, not listed above, regulated by negative
feedback mechanisms. (Cite 2 examples.)
Printed Materials:
Hoefnagels, M. (2016) Biology: The Essentials, Second Edition [General Biology: Books I and II].
Abiva Publishing House, Inc. (Copyright 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education)
Mirabete, G.S. (2020) General Biology 2: Second Edition. Makati City, Philippines, Diwa Learning
Systems, Inc.