Samuel Brody Shma Buber Binationalism
Samuel Brody Shma Buber Binationalism
Samuel Brody Shma Buber Binationalism
M AY 2 0 1 1 | I YA R 5 7 7 1 [9]
movement, significant intellectual and histori- each perceive the other as atavistic: The post-
cal shifts have colluded to prevent its re-emer- Zionists see the entire Zionist spectrum, from
gence. Firstly, bi-nationalism was a product of parties such as Yahad to Yisrael Beiteinu, as im-
SHMA.COM the same intellectual environments that pro- prisoned by an obsolete 19th-century national-
duced 19th- and 20th-century European na- ist vision, while Zionist ideology continues to
tionalisms themselves, which asserted that the regard assimilationist liberalism as precisely the
world was divided into distinct peoples defined outdated worldview that Zionism originally
by shared language and territory. Its principle of emerged to correct. Meanwhile, the original re-
duality sought to acknowledge the reality of ligious underpinnings of the bi-nationalist idea
two peoples in Palestine while eliminating the have been phased out and replaced with a thor-
standard nation-state’s numerical determina- oughgoing secular framework. This may have
tion of power according to majority and minor- contributed to the current reputation of the sin-
ity. However, after 1948 and 1967, as favor for gle-state solution as the solution nobody wants.
a single-state solution migrated from being the If there is to be a renewed “bi-nationalism,” in
living motivating force of a small Zionist far-left the sense of an approach to living together
to being the polemical watchword of a non- based on the reality of two peoples sharing the
Zionist and anti-Zionist far left, it also assumed land, it will likely be forced to draw on the re-
the usual characteristics of a non-nationalist lib- sources of Judaism and Islam. Here too, both
eralism. This is the background behind the skeptics and adherents to conventional wisdom
early-’90s post-Zionist call for Israel to be a should be asked to defend the record of their
“state of all its citizens.” This has produced a own purportedly sober and realistic approaches
strange polemical situation in which two sides to conflict resolution.
[10] M AY 2 0 1 1 | I YA R 5 7 7 1