Choose the correct answer:
1. Casparian strips are present in the of the root.
a) cortex b) pith c) pericycle d) endodermis
2. The endarch condition i e characteristic cfeature of
a) root b) stem c) leaves d) flower
3. The xylem and phloem arranged side by side on same radius is called
a) radial b) amphivasal c) conjoint d) None of these
4. Which is formed during anaerobic respiration
a) Carbohydrate b) Ethyl alcohol c)Acetyl CoA d) Pyruvate
5. Kreb's cycle takes place in
a)chloroplast b)mitochondrial matrix c)stomata d)inner mitochondrial membrane
6. Oxygen is produced at what point during photosynthesis ?
alwhen ATP is converted to ADP b)when CO, is fixed c)when H,0 is splitted d)Alil of these
I. Fll in the blanks.
1. Cortex lies between Ans: Epldermal and vascular tissue
2. Xylem and phloem occurring on the same radius constitute a vascular bundle called
Ans:Conjoint bundles
3. Glycolysis takes place in Ans:Cytoplasam
4. The source of O2 liberated in photosynthesis is Ans:Water
5. is ATP factory of the cells Ans:Mitochondria
II. State whether the statements are true or false. Correct the false statement.
1. Phloem tissue is involved in the transport of water in plant.
Correct statement:xylum tissue is involved in the transport of water in plant. (or) Phloem
tissue is involved in the transport of food in plant
2. The waxy protective covering of a plant is called as cuticle.
Ans: True
3. In monocot stem cambium is present in between xylem and phloem.
Ans: False
Correct statement:Dicot stem cambium is present in between xylem and phloem.
4. Palisade parenchyma cells occur below upper epidermis in dicot root.
Ans: False
Correct statement: Palisade parenchyma cells occur below upper epidermis in dicot leaf
S. Mesophyll contains chlorophyll.
Ans: True
6. Anaerobic respiration produces more ATP than aerobic respiration.
Ans: False
Correct statement: Aerobic respiration produces more ATP than Anaerobic respiration
IV. Match the following
I. Amphicribal Dracaena
2. Cambium Translocation of food
3. Amphivasal Ferm
4. Xylem -Secondary growth
5. Phloem - Conduction of waler
IV. Match the following
1. Amphicribal - Fern
2. Cambium - Secondary growth
3. Amphivasal Dracaena
4. Xylem -Conduction of water
5. Phloem -Translocation of food
V. Answer in a sentence
1. What is collateral vascular bundle?
Xylem lies towards the centre and phloem lies towards the periphery.
2. Where does the carbon that is used in photosynthesis come from?
carbon dioxide in the Atmosphere
The carbon that is used in photosynthesis comes
3. What is the common step in aeroblc and anaerobic pathway?
Glycolysis is the common step in aerobic and anaerobic pathway
4. Name the phenomenon by which carbohydrates are oxidized to release ethyl alcohol.
Fermentation (or) Anarobic respiration
VIL. Short answer questions
1. Give an account on vascular bundle of dicot stem.
of a ring
Vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral, endarch and open. They are arranged in the form
around the pith.
2. Write a short note on mesophyll.
" The tissue pre between the upper and lower epidermis is called mesophyll.
eontiated into Palisade parenchyma and Spongy laychyma
It is the ground tissue that is present between s P l llayers.
+ The cells are irregularly arranged with inter-cellular spaces. These cells contain chloroplasts.
3. Draw and label the structure of oxysomes
7. Why should the light dependent reaction occur before the light independent reaction?
Light dependent photosynthesis (Hill reaction\ Light reaction)
This was discovered by Robin Hill (1939).
This reaction takes place in the presence of light energy in thylakoid membranes (grana) of
the chloroplasts. Photosynthetic pigments absorb the light energy and convert it into
chemical energy ATP and NADPH,.
The second steps (dark reaction or biosynthetic pathway) is carried out in the stroma.
During this reaction CO. is reduced into carbohydrates with the help of light generated ATP
and NADPH, This is also called as Calvin cycde and is carried out in the absence of light.
" In Calvin cycde the inputs are C02 from the atmosphere and the ATP and NADPH, produced
from light reaction.
8. Write the reaction for photosynthesis?
6 C02 + 12 H20 chlorophyll CoH120% +6H20 602
Carbon dioxide +Water Glucose Water + Oxygen
VIL. Long answer questions
1. Differentiate the following
a) Monocot root and Dicot root
S. No. Tissues Dicot Root Monocot Root
Number of Xylem Tetrarch Polyarch
Cambiumn Present(During secondary growth Absent
Secondary Growth Present Absent
A Pith Absent Present
b) Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration
Aerobic respiration
Aerobic respiration is the type of celluar respiration in which organic food is completely oxidized with
the heip of oxygen into carbon dioxide, water and energy. It occurs in most plants and animals.