,, ,,, P. Manoj, and Mayank Narang: Joel D. Green Klaus M. Pontoppidan Megan Reiter Dan M. Watson Sachindev S. Shenoy
,, ,,, P. Manoj, and Mayank Narang: Joel D. Green Klaus M. Pontoppidan Megan Reiter Dan M. Watson Sachindev S. Shenoy
,, ,,, P. Manoj, and Mayank Narang: Joel D. Green Klaus M. Pontoppidan Megan Reiter Dan M. Watson Sachindev S. Shenoy
Why are (almost) all the protostellar outflows aligned in Serpens Main?
Joel D. Green,1 Klaus M. Pontoppidan,2 Megan Reiter,3 Dan M. Watson,4 Sachindev S. Shenoy,1 P. Manoj,5
and Mayank Narang6
1 STScI, 3700 San Martin Dr, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
2 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
3 Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
arXiv:2406.13084v1 [astro-ph.SR] 18 Jun 2024
We present deep 1.4-4.8 µm JWST-NIRCam imaging of the Serpens Main star-forming region and
identify 20 candidate protostellar outflows, most with bipolar structure and identified driving sources.
The outflow position angles (PAs) are strongly correlated, and aligned within ±24◦ of the major axis
of the Serpens filament. These orientations are further aligned with the angular momentum vectors of
the two disk shadows in this region. We estimate that the probability of this number of young stars
being co-aligned if sampled from a uniform PA distribution is 10−4 . This in turn suggests that the
aligned protostars, which seem to be at similar evolutionary stages based on their outflow dynamics,
formed at similar times with a similar spin inherited from a local cloud filament. Further, there is
tentative evidence for a systematic change in average position angle between the north-western and
south-eastern cluster, as well as increased scatter in the PAs of the south-eastern protostars. SOFIA-
HAWC+ archival dust polarization observations of Serpens Main at 154 and 214 µm are perpendicular
to the dominant jet orientation in NW region in particular. We measure and locate shock knots and
edges for all of the outflows and provide an identifying catalog. We suggest that Serpens main is
a cluster that formed from an isolated filament, and due to its youth retains its primordial outflow
3 1
4 2
10 11
Sh1 7
20 16
0.042 pc
18 20”
Figure 1. The central location of each outflow (green arrows) and suggested driving sources (blue stars) indicated on a
NIRCam-color image (F140M - blue, F210M - green, F360M - orange, F480M - red). The arrow and source locations are offset
from the outflow for clarity - refer to the coordinates in the catalogue for accurate outflow coordinates. This combined image
is centered at approximately 18:29:55.8 +01:14:34. Image processing credit: Alyssa Pagan.
Alignment of Outflows in Serpens Main 3
axis and thus trace the angular momentum vector of the sensitivity of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST;
star itself (Kwan & Tademaru 1988; Ouyed & Pudritz Gardner et al. 2023). Serpens Main is one of the dens-
1997; Banerjee & Pudritz 2006). est sections of the larger Aquila Rift, consisting of two
Jet material ejected from protostellar systems may regions of young stars (Eiroa et al. 2008; Duarte-Cabral
contain sufficient momentum to reach distances com- et al. 2010; Herczeg et al. 2019; Pokhrel et al. 2023),in-
parable to the entire cloud, giving rise to spectacu- cluding some of the densest young stellar associations
lar “parsec-scale” outflows (Eisloffel & Mundt 1997; within 500 pc (Pontoppidan et al. 2004), with an es-
Reipurth et al. 1997). As some protostellar outflows tra- timated age of 105 yr (Harvey et al. 2007). Class 0/I
verse molecular cloud core scales (∼1-2 pc) in less than sources are found primarily in the subcluster/central re-
the cloud life time, they provide an important feedback gions of both the NW and SE regions while Class II/III
mechanism that may act to limit the ability of a cloud to sources are spread out across the region (Winston et al.
form new stars (Hansen et al. 2012; Plunkett et al. 2015). 2007; Lee et al. 2014). The Serpens filament is known
Indeed, molecular clouds are known to form stars at a to display a large coherent magnetic field, possibly re-
relatively low conversion efficiency (Evans et al. 2009; lated to its formation (Kusune et al. 2019), making this
Federrath & Klessen 2012). region a good candidate for connecting alignments of
Previous searches for correlated protostellar spin axis young stars to filamentary structure. However, previ-
alignments have had mixed results. For instance, the ous wide-field imaging of CO outflows in Serpens used
UWISH2 survey (Froebrich & Makin 2016) of Cas- single-dish data at too low spatial resolution (∼15′′ ) to
siopeia/Auriga and Cygnus X (Makin & Froebrich 2018) obtain reliable statistics of outflow alignment (Graves
identified a large number of protostellar outflows and et al. 2010). In this paper, we present a JWST imag-
found uncorrelated outflow position angles (PAs) on ≳10 ing survey of protostellar outflows in the Serpens Main
pc scales. Baug et al. (2020) found no alignment in pro- cluster, and show that the orientations of the outflows
toclusters in H II regions using ALMA. More recently, are highly non-random, and perpendicular to the mag-
using JWST-NIRCam data, Reiter et al. (2022) also netic field lines of the Serpens filament. In Section 2 we
found random orientations of protostellar outflows in describe the NIRCam and ancillary observations. Sec-
NGC 3324 over a field almost 5 pc wide. Hull et al. tion 3 describes the analysis approach and the resulting
(2013) did not find evidence for alignment of the mag- outflow statistics. Finally, we interpret our findings in
netic field and outflow axes in protostars. However, Xu Section 4, and conclude with potential implications for
et al. (2022) found that outflow orientations in nearby the Serpens filament, and other star forming regions.
low mass star forming regions are significantly aligned
with dust polarization vectors at 335 GHz measured by 2. OBSERVATIONS
Planck on size scales > 0.5 pc. Further, the individual 2.1. NIRCam image
outflows are well-aligned with their immediate neighbors
We observed the Serpens Main field with the Near-
on these scales. As predicted by models (Misugi et al.
Infrared Camera (NIRCam; Rieke et al. 2023) on JWST
2023), Kong et al. (2019) found evidence of alignment
as a pre-image preparing for a Near-Infrared Spectrom-
in CO outflows perpendicular to the parent filament.
eter (NIRSpec; Jakobsen et al. 2022) survey of ices (PID
Thus, there is some prior evidence for coherence on core
1611; Pontoppidan et al. 2021). We used four medium-
(or filament) size scales that is not found on molecular
band filters, spanning 1.4 to 4.8 µm, targeting stellar
cloud scales. However, Hull et al. (2017) studied a wide
molecular bands, as well as the 2.12 µm rovibrational
range of scales in a single Serpens protostar and did not
H2 and 4.69 µm rotational H2 S(9) line. The dithering
find that the protostellar structure was aligned with a
strategy used for the JWST Early Release Observations
strong magnetic field.
(Pontoppidan et al. 2022) were used to optimize the uni-
Statistically complete, wide-field observations of the
formity of the depth over as large a fraction of the field as
youngest outflows are challenging because of the high
possible, and to minimize 1/F noise, cosmic rays and bad
dust extinction in the centers of protostellar cores
pixels. Specifically, the image is constructed as a 2×1
(AV >> 10) and the relatively small fields of view of mil-
mosaic with rows offset by 20% and with a combined
limeter interferometers. Thus, while many shock tracers
area of approximately 6.6 × 4.3 arcmin. The maximum
are found in the optical spectrum, these are not visi-
total depth in the field is 1800 s per filter, distributed
ble during the earliest stages of star formation. Con-
on 12 dithers and 7 groups using the BRIGHT2 read-
versely, infrared tracers (particularly rotational molec-
out pattern. The images were obtained in two visits on
ular hydrogen lines like H2 S(9) at 4.8 µm) are much
2023 26 Apr and 2023 12 May. We reduced the data
more accessible, in particular to the high resolution and
using the JWST calibration pipeline (Bushouse et al.
4 Green et al.
2023). However, given the lack of high-quality Gaia this band mainly confirms the presence of an outflow
astrometric reference stars, we processed the data in (see Figure 2 for a comparison). The detailed similarity
two steps. The first step processed the F360M filter of outflow candidates in the F360M and F480M bands
with the tweakreg step switched off. We then used the supports that H2 S(9) is the most likely dominant source
photutils package to detect point sources and create of emission in F480M.
an astrometric reference catalog. The remaining three The extended emission in the F210M band is likely
filters were then reduced aligning to the F360M cata- dominated by H2 v=1-0 rovibrational emission from S(0)
log to obtain a high-quality relative registration of the to S(4), with a contribution from reflection nebulosity.
image. The absolute frame was then registered with However, this band may also contain Br γ emission,
the same offset to a new frame manually adjusted to which could come from irradiated cloud edges or disso-
a combination of Gaia and 2MASS stars. The images ciative shocks and is not easily separated from molecular
were processed with version 11.16.21 of the calibration emission. On the other hand, based on the similarity of
pipeline and context jwst 1084.pmap of the Calibration the emission in the F480M band, we assume that the
Reference Database System (CRDS). The spatial reso- H2 dominates both filters. Rovibrational H2 lines are
lution of NIRCam at 4 µm is 0.′′ 13, or about 0.′′ 16 at excited under different conditions than the rotational
F480M. The properties of the filters are summarized in H2 S(9) line, and suffer from greater extinction. Con-
Table 1. sequently, only a subset of outflows appear clearly in
both F210M and F480M (Figure 2). 15 of 20 outflows
Table 1. NIRCam filter summary. are observed in F210M, although 5 of those 15 are only
partially detected compared with the full F480M mor-
Filter Wavelength Tracers phology.
µm Finally, the F140M band is dominated by reflection
nebulosity, with prominent illuminating sources such as
F140M 1.3-1.5 Reflection nebulosity
EC 82 (the Great Disk Shadow; Pontoppidan et al. 2020)
F210M 2.0-2.2 H2 v = 1 − 0 S(1) and EC 90 lighting up the SE region. We use the two
F360M 3.4-3.8 H2 v = 0 − 0 S(14)-S(18) disk shadows seen in the reflection nebulosity to aug-
F480M 4.66-5.0 v = 0 − 0 H2 S(9) ment our sample of protostars with measured position
CO v = 1 − 0 P(1)-P(32) angles (see Section 3.4), and are identified as Sh1 and
CO v = 2 − 1 P(4)-P(25) Sh2 respectively in Figure 1. We summarize the tracers
[Fe II] a4F7/2 - a6D7/2 in each filter in Table 1. Most of the north-eastern core
is not visible in F140M due to extinction.
Distance [arcsec]
5 F480M 5 F480M
0 0
5 5
20 10 0 10 20 20 10 0 10 20
Distance along outflow [arcsec] Distance along outflow [arcsec]
5 Outflow 10 / EC 53 F140M 5 Outflow 8 / SMM 1a F140M
0 0
5 5
5 F210M 5 F210M
0 0
5 5
5 F360M 5 F360M
0 0
5 5
Distance [arcsec]
Distance [arcsec]
5 F480M 5 F480M
0 0
5 5
20 10 0 10 20 20 10 0 10 20
Distance along outflow [arcsec] Distance along outflow [arcsec]
Figure 2. Bandpass comparison of four prominent outflows. The outflows have been rotated with the position angle in Table 3
to align them with the horizontal axis. At a distance of 430 pc, the extent of each image along the x-axis corresponds to 0.1 pc.
The HAWC+ Band E data was re-processed using the perpendicular to the magnetic field, the direction of the
SOFIA Data Reduction software, SOFIA Redux Version magnetic field in the plane of the sky can be obtained by
1.3.3 (HAWC+ DRP Version 3.2.0). The resulting level adding π/2 to the polarization angle θ and is included in
4 mosaic of HAWC+ Band E polarization maps have a the level 4 mosaic (Hoang et al. 2014; Andersson et al.
pixel size of 4.′′ 55 and effective beam size of 18.′′ 2. The fi- 2015 and references therein). For a detailed calculation
nal level 4 data product includes Stokes parameters I, Q of each of these quantities we refer the readers to the
and U, the polarization fraction P, the polarization an- HAWC+ DRP User’s Manual and Gordon et al. (2018).
gle θ and their uncertainties. Since the thermal emission To ensure the highest quality polarization measure-
from interstellar dust grains is preferentially polarized ments and exclude low SNR pixels, we masked our Band
6 Green et al.
E array, including only pixels with SNR ≥ 150 in total 3.3. Measuring position angles
intensity (Stokes I), < 50% in percent polarization, and The outflow PAs are measured relative to the candi-
a SNR of > 3 in polarization fraction. We measured date driving source, or a central position within the out-
the average polarization angle in a half beam (9.′′ 1 ra- flow itself if no unambiguous driving source can be iden-
dius circle) around each of our targets and include it in tified. For outflows without an obvious driving source,
Table 2. the central position is based on the orientation and posi-
tion of knots and bow shocks. The central positions are
3. ANALYSIS listed in Table 2. The PA is estimated by calculating a
3.1. The Serpens Main cluster separate PA from the driving source to each identified
knot in the flow (see Figure 4). These are then averaged
Figure 1 shows a color-composite of the NIRCam im- to produce a single value. To estimate the uncertainty
age. The NW and SE regions together form a flow axis in PA, we take the width of the outermost bow shock
that constitutes the Serpens Main region; considerably edge and calculate the range of allowable angles rela-
off the south edge of the mosaic is Serpens South (Guter- tive to the central/driving source. For outflows with
muth et al. 2008). It is clear that the NW and SE re- clearly defined morphologies, this uncertainty varies be-
gions contain the densest and most opaque material in tween 1 and 10◦ , but is as high as ∼ 20◦ for nebulous,
this region. wide angle, or overlapping flows. The longer an outflow
is, or the narrower the morphology appears, the better
3.2. Identifying outflows constrained the PA becomes. Thus, outflows or tightly
It is visually apparent from Figure 1 that most out- collimated jet-like structures with clear driving sources
flows in the region appear to be aligned in position an- have the lowest uncertainty.
gle. However, to quantify the alignment, we identify An example of the identified knot structures used for
outflows in the NIRCam images based on a hierarchy the PA determination is provided for one outflow in Fig-
of criteria. Using the F480M image, which includes the ure 4 and Table 3. In this case, some of the change
strongest and least extinguished outflow lines, we visu- of PA knot-to-knot appears systematic, perhaps due to
ally searched for extended structure with a “bow shock” precession, suggesting that our PA uncertainty estimate
type morphology, defined as a ∼180 degree ‘C’ shaped is slightly conservative.
arc. Since the bow shocks are directional, we tracked
each backward until locating either: 1) another bow
shock with similar orientation, 2) a series of compact
knots indicative of a jet along the same orientation, or 3) 3.4. Position angles for edge-on disks
a continuum source that could plausibly be driving the There are two edge-on disks in the field that supple-
outflow. Any system meeting this criteria is collectively ment the source position angles indicated by the out-
considered an outflow candidate (lowest confidence class flows: EC 82 and “Shadow Jr.” (or “Shd 2”, as re-
C). For each candidate, the F360M and F210M images ferred to in this work; see Figure 1). The disk around
were inspected for counterparts to the bow shocks seen the intermediate-mass young star EC 82 casts a large
in the F480M image. If the outflow is recovered in at shadow on surrounding reflection nebulosity, giving rise
least one of the F210 or F360M filters (but not F140M, to the so-called “Great Serpens Disk Shadow”, first ana-
which does not typically reveal outflows due to extinc- lyzed using data from the Hubble Space Telescope (Pon-
tion and lack of H2 lines), the outflow candidate is given toppidan et al. 2020). The expansive shadow is most
confidence class B. Finally, if 1) a driving source can noticeable in the F140M image. Because the disk po-
plausibly be identified, or 2) another bow shock oriented sition angle is well-established, it represents a comple-
in the opposite direction, and along the outflow axis is mentary star for which the rotation axis is likely known,
detected, the outflow candidate is given the highest con- assuming it is traced by its disk. Additionally, a second,
fidence class A. Although the catalog includes outflow much smaller, disk shadow, noted in Pontoppidan et al.
candidates from all confidence classes, only those with (2020), is also visible east of EC 82. The orientation
confidence A are included in our statistics in the follow- of this second disk shadow is similar to that of EC 82.
ing analysis. The location of each outflow is shown in Although we do not clearly detect jets/outflows around
Figure 1, an aligned gallery is shown in Figure 3, and these two sources in the F480M data, they cannot be
the catalog itself is presented in Table 2. ruled out. Both angles are provided in Table 1, rotated
by 90◦ to match the outflow axes for the rest of the
sample, assuming these are perpendicular to the disk.
Alignment of Outflows in Serpens Main 7
Table 2. Average position angle and uncertainty, and likely driving source for each outflow in this work. RA/Dec are given
for the central/driving source coordinates. Pol. is the dust polarization angle as measured in the HAWC+ Band E (216 µm
archival data (see text).
Table 3. Location, PA, and distance from center (bright cavity can no longer be easily distinguished from back-
source) position of Outflow 3. ground nebulosity; for an illustration of these parame-
ters, see the top part of Figure 4. In this example, the
Knot RA Dec PA Dist Shock2W position represents the point of the bow shock.
degree degree degree arcsec We measure the full width of the bow shock by visual
identification of where each side is detected above the
Shock2W 277.44954 1.28342 -72.4 (107.6) 13.18
background. We perform a similar estimation for each
S68Nc 277.45296 1.28233 – 0 outflow knot. We may observe a weak but positive cor-
W4 277.45392 1.28203 107.9 3.78 relation between outflow length and width, but in gen-
W3 277.45433 1.28183 110.0 5.31 eral conclude that these parameters are not predictive
W2 277.45479 1.28164 110.8 7.10 of each other.
W1 277.45513 1.28156 109.8 8.38 The length of the outflows with bipolar morphology
C 277.45521 1.28136 113.6 8.96 varies considerably, from ∼ 9 − 65′′ . At a typical 430 pc
E1 277.45546 1.28142 110.4 9.73 distance to Serpens Main (Herczeg et al. 2019), assum-
E2 277.45571 1.28131 110.5 10.75 ing a shock speed of 100 km/s (Reiter et al. 2022) we
E2.5 277.45583 1.28125 110.7 11.26 find that the dynamic age of the outflows ranges from
E3 277.45600 1.28108 112.5 12.10 200 - 1400 yr, considerably younger than many of the
E4 277.45633 1.28083 114.1 13.50 outflows in the NGC 3324 study, which generally found
ShockE 277.45675 1.28058 117.5 15.30 kinematic ages of 1000–10000 yr.
Shock2E 277.45813 1.27928 120.7 21.25
4.1. Outflow Density
The surface density of young stars of all classes in Ser-
pens Main has been estimated at 79 YSO per pc2 (scaled
to the correct distance to Serpens; Harvey et al. 2007).
The 20 outflows we are identify are contained in a region
measuring approximately 0.6 pc × 0.5 pc, or about 66
Serpens filament PA NW region SE region
5 150
0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 Distance along Serpens filament [arcsec]
Rotation axis position angle [E of N degrees]
Figure 5. Distribution of measured average position angles Figure 6. PA as a function of position along the filament.
for all 22 sources, clustering around the filament PA = 139◦ . The PAs of the NW region are more correlated than the
The black curve is a Gaussian fit to the distribution with pa- SW region. The line is the best linear fit after removing
rameters (mean and standard deviation) given in the legend. three outliers with the highest and lowest measured PA. The
shaded region shows the 99% confidence level of the fit.
high confidence orientations falling within a ±10◦ span.
Further, 14 of 17 objects have PAs falling within a ±30◦ metrical lobes are not a direct indicator of an edge-on
span. inclination system, because of the local extinction or
We used a simple Monte Carlo analysis to test the null distortion through interaction with the local cloud ma-
hypothesis that the catalogued outflow orientations are terial, it is likely that strongly inclined outflows would
randomly distributed. For all of the calculations here, not show such symmetry across the sample. For exam-
we assumed a uniform distribution of outflow PAs be- ple, Habel et al. (2021) consider this criteria in identify-
tween 0 and 180◦ . To determine the likelihood of the ing bipolar outflows with more edge-on systems. The
PA distribution arising randomly from a uniform distri- close symmetry is at least consistent with relatively
bution, we used the numpy random number generator to edge-on, and therefore relatively similar inclination an-
produce 105 instances and note the number of occur- gles. Considering this inclination constraint along with
rences with at least the observed PA clustering. The the tight clustering of position angles, this supports
odds of 10 of 17 uniformly distributed sources falling in the idea that these outflows are similarly oriented in
a single 20◦ bin is ∼ 0.002%, and the odds of 14 of 17 3-dimensional space. However, as many of these out-
high confidence sources being aligned in a 60◦ bin is only flows extend considerably beyond common protostellar
slightly higher at about 0.005%. envelope scales, or have asymmetric structures close to
Figure 6 shows the distribution of outflow position the driving source, bipolar symmetry at large distances
angles as a function of driving source position along the is suggestive rather than conclusive.
axis of the Serpens filament. The axis is estimated to
be at PA of 139◦ , along the line connecting the centers
of mass from the SW to the NE regions from the FIR 4.3. Outflow orientation vs. dust polarization vectors
imagery of the Serpens region / Aquila Rift (Gong et al. To compare the filament and individual outflow ori-
2021). This parameter is used as a measure of location entations with the larger scale magnetic field, we com-
along the filament; north-west to south-east. There is pared our results with archival datasets. First we com-
a strong correlation with the north-western part of out- pared Figure 2 from Kwon et al. (2022) - their map of
flows clustering in position angle around a mean of 136◦ . the inferred magnetic field vectors - with our NIRCam
mosaic. It was immediately apparent that the magnetic
4.2.1. Are the outflows at similar inclination angles?
field lines were roughly perpendicular to the outflow di-
Outflows 1-4. 7-9, 11 and 12 are all bipolar, with rection in the NW region, but are less organized and
their lobe length ratios between 1.02 and 1.29 (ie. 2 - systematic in the rest of the field, except along the iden-
29% deviation from perfect symmetry). Although sym- tified filaments from the Kwon et al. (2022) analysis.
Alignment of Outflows in Serpens Main 11
Figure 7. Left: Overlay of HAWC+ Band E polarization vectors (white arrows) on the full 6.6 × 4.3 arcmin NIRCam F480M
image from this work. The SOFIA vectors match well with SCUBA maps from Kwon et al. (2022). Right: Zoom on the NW
region filament, where the most aligned outflows are located. This inset region spans approximately 1.7 × 1.9 arcmin (N-S ×
E-W extent, respectively).
To improve the resolution and better resolve individ- 4.4. Comparison to outflow alignments in other regions
ual driving sources/cores, we re-reduced and interpo- Outflow surveys in other star-forming regions of-
lated the HAWC+ Band E dust polarization vectors to ten find no preferred outflow orientation, but typically
the positions of each of the 22 center positions, shown on much larger scales than Serpens Main (5-10 pc;
in Table 3, and displayed them in Figure 7 overlaid on Stephens et al. 2017; Baug et al. 2020; Reiter et al.
the F480M NIRCam image. For display purposes, we 2022). The sensitivity and spatial resolution of NIRCam
scaled the lengths of the polarization vectors for easier to detect a statistically significant number of outflows on
visual comparison with outflow orientations. It is ap- scales smaller than ∼1 pc may explain, in part, why we
parent that the Band E vectors closely track most of detect the alignment in Serpens Main. Indeed, there is
the outflows, and a comparison of the position angles in existing evidence of relative alignment between outflow
Table 2 confirms this. Of the 12 outflows in the NW axes on such scales for the youngest clusters in filaments
region (see the rightmost panel of Fig 7 for a zoomed-in (e.g., Davis et al. 2007; Kong et al. 2019). Thus, we
view), all but 2 are within 25 degrees of alignment with suggest that our NIRCam image indicates that align-
their respective magnetic field polarization vectors. One ment has a coherence scale of ≲ 1 pc, and that align-
of those 2 (outflow 9) has no identified driving source. ment is rapidly degraded with time due to precession
The other, outflow 6, is the only significant outlier in and binary interactions. Misalignment processes are
this region. The alignment with the magnetic field in the predicted to occur on timescales of 105 - 106 yr (Lai
SE region is less correlated. Of outflows 13-20, only 2 2014). If these effects randomized spins on timescales
(outflows 18 and 20) are closely aligned with the nearby much shorter than that, the observed alignment would
polarization vectors. The polarization vectors do not not be possible. While Misugi et al. (2023) predicts
align with the two disk shadows either. Conversely, the that the core rotation axes (not necessarily individual
polarization fraction, indicated by the vector length, is outflows) are perpendicular to the filament, and Kong
larger in the SE region, and around the disk shadows, et al. (2019) find an example of this, this is inconsistent
than it is in the NW region. with the dominant orientation of the Serpens outflows,
12 Green et al.
which instead appear to be aligned with the filament this paper. Using the same outflow tracers would pro-
axis (Figure 5). However, the large-scale orientation of vide a more direct comparison of the outflow orientation
the dynamical filament in the Serpens Main region may of these regions.
be different than the simplified axis defined by the vec- Weaker fields may also lead to less outflow alignment
tor between the NW to SE clusters. The filament seen in a given region. Xu et al. (2022) propose that weaker
in the extinction map in Fiorellino et al. (2021) (their field strengths may contribute to the lack of outflow
Figure 15) presents an arc, rather than a linear struc- alignment in Perseus (Stephens et al. 2017). If true,
ture, suggesting a more complex arrangement in which this predicts a stronger magnetic field in Serpens Main
the orientation of the filament potentially changed since (≈ 60 − 300µG; Kwon et al. 2022). However, a more di-
the initial fragmentation of the cluster. Thus, while we rect comparison of the degree of outflow alignment with
note the discrepancy in the protostellar alignment with the local magnetic field is required to test this hypothe-
the apparent filament orientation compared to the theo- sis. Nevertheless, our results are consistent with several
retical expectation (parallel rather than perpendicular), other studies that find a higher degree of outflow align-
this is not necessarily strong evidence against the the- ment in the youngest, darkest regions of the cloud (e.g.
oretical prediction. Further dynamical modeling is re- Davis et al. 2007; Makin & Froebrich 2018).
quired to explain the apparent parallel alignment of the
Serpens outflow axes with the elongation of the local
Serpens cloud. We observed the Serpens Main star forming region
How are alignments related to the magnetic field? Re- with JWST-NIRCam, at 1.4, 2.1, 3.6, and 4.8 µm. In
cently, Xu et al. (2022) showed that outflow orientations addition to new views of the star forming complex, the
are not random compared to the large-scale magnetic images were sensitive to protostellar outflows.
field. We see close alignment in magnetic field orienta- We identified 20 outflows by their bow shock mor-
tion and the outflows in the NW region presented here, phology and ancillary data on driving sources, devel-
but not in the SE region. These alignments suggest oping a catalog of outflows including knot locations,
that the large-scale magnetic fields that help funnel ma- radii, length, and position angle. 15 of the 20 out-
terial onto filaments also determine the initial orienta- flows fall into our highest confidence detection bins, with
tion of the outflow axes. Observations suggest less out- identified driving sources, most noted in previous sur-
flow alignment over time as stellar feedback disrupts the veys. We examined dust polarization images taken by
magnetic field alignment and anisotropic accretion alters SOFIA/HAWC+ to provide magnetic field alignment
the outflow axes of the embedded protostars. An alter- and context, considering published ancillary measure-
nate, larger scale effect could be cloud-cloud collisions. ments from JCMT-SCUBA, ALMA, and Spitzer-IRAC.
Duarte-Cabral et al. (2010) also identified the NE region We analyzed the outflows and summarize our results
as containing more uniform conditions for young stars, below:
but they argued instead the SE region was “perturbed”
• NIRCam/F480M is particularly well-suited to
by a cloud-cloud collision in progress, while the NW re-
detect outflows because it contains molecular,
gion was “homogeneous”. We argue here that the align-
atomic, and ionic tracers that all emit strongly in
ment of spin axes is further evidence for a lack of per-
protostellar outflows/jets. The result is a mixed
turbation of the NW clump. Alignments are more pro-
morphological catalog with a high detection rate.
nounced in young regions (e.g., Kong et al. 2019) while
there is less evidence for a preferential outflow direction • 12 outflows were identified in the northwestern
in older regions and those significantly affected by stel- filament/region, while 8 outflows were identified
lar feedback (e.g., Feddersen et al. 2020). This suggests in the southeastern filament/region. Additionally,
that outflow alignment may be common in young re- two prominent disk shadows were confirmed in the
gions but quickly disrupted. The disruption time likely central region.
depends on the strength of the magnetic field and the
• The axes of the 12 outflows in the NW region are
density of the region.
inconsistent with random orientations and align
Serpens Main is similar to Ophiuchus in age, mass,
with the filament direction from NW to SE. Ad-
and average density (Evans et al. 2009). However, Xu
ditionally, the position angle of jets/outflows from
et al. (2022) find a larger range of CO outflow position
the 2 identified disk shadows align with the fil-
angles in Ophiucus than we find in Serpens Main. Mil-
ament axis. We estimate <0.005% probability of
limeter CO emission tends to trace less collimated out-
the the observed alignments if sampled from a uni-
flow components than the infrared emission presented in
form distribution in position angle.
Alignment of Outflows in Serpens Main 13
increases the uncertainty of the PA, but the consistent arc suggests a slow precession. If we neglect the final Shock2E
location, we find a mostly symmetric outflow with a steady precession rate of 5◦ over 14′′ of flow. Assuming a flow
velocity of 100 km/s, that translates to a precession rate of ∼ 1◦ per 57 yr. This is comparable to the rate of some
other known precessing protostellar systems traced via outflow ejecta (e.g. Cunningham et al. 2009).
A.8. Outflow 9
This has in the past been associated with the SMM 1 outflow (Caratti o Garatti et al. 2006). However, we identify
bipolar shapes that appear as bow shocks, which could be contrary to this interpretation. The orientation points back
to SSTc2d J182950.5+011417 (Harvey et al. 2007), although this would be newly identified as a driving source.
A.10. Outflow 11
This outflow may be driven by Serpens 20. The center point is coincident with J182952.22+011547.4 (Gutermuth
et al. 2009), a young stellar object identified in the Spitzer catalog.
A.11. Outflow 12
It is unclear where in this morphologically complex flow the origin/driving source lies. There are a few options
of nearby sources, including EC 55 (Eiroa & Casali 1992), which lies at the western terminus of the outflow as we
characterize it in this catalog. For our purposes, we identify a knot of emission in the center that we ascribe to a previ-
ously unknown candidate driving source. While the well-characterized shape of the flow and clear directionality lends
confidence in our identification of the outflow, a future proper motion observation would be required for confirmation.
A.12. Outflow 13
Outflow 13 is only detected via a single bow shock and no driving source is identified. The bow shock does not
appear in F140M, which supports the shock interpretation, rather than scattered light off a pillar. The closest YSO is
J18295354+0113051, a 2MASS source (Cutri et al. 2003) and detected with Gaia (Herczeg et al. 2019).
16 Green et al.
A.14. Outflow 15
Outflow 15 is only detected via a single bow shock and no driving source is identified. The bow shock does appear in
F210M (and not F140M), which supports the shock interpretation. The closest YSO is J18295914+0114411, a 2MASS
source (Cutri et al. 2003).
A.16. Outflow 17
Serpens 9, a radio (VLA) source and protostar to the east of the main cluster (Bontemps et al. 1996), is well-aligned
with the unipolar outflow, and we identify it as the driving source candidate.
A.17. Outflow 18
This outflow falls into our lowest confidence bin because of a non-visible driving source, and the somewhat disorga-
nized shape of the knots to which we ascribe it, but does appear to be a symmetric bow shock around a submm source
SMM11 (Aso et al. 2017).
A.18. Outflow 19
This outflow candidate falls into our lowest confidence bin. First, although we identify a potential driving source
(Ser-emb 4E; Enoch et al. 2011) based on the orientation of the bow shocks, there is no obvious nebulosity link between
it and the outflow. Second, the outflow does not appear in the F210M band at all, suggesting it could have a different
origin than shocked emission. Third, the tip resembles a cloud pillar, and sits near the highest extinction region in the
southern region.
A.18.1. Outflow 20
No apparent driving source is identified, but this object was previously noted as HH 459 (Ziener & Eislöffel 1999).
A candidate driving source is 2MASS J18300491+0114393.
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