16DNH Product Data v1.0

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Product High COP, Direct-Fired,

Data Double Effect, Hermetic Absorption
Liquid Chiller/Heater
100 to 660 Nominal Tons (352 to 2321 kW)

Carrier’s 16DNH direct-fired, double

effect, hermetic absorption liquid
chiller/heater offers a viable
alternative to traditional electric
driven chillers. Fired by natural gas
or No.2 oil, the 16DNH reduces
costly electricity bills and qualifies
for utility rebates and incentives as a
gas cooling product. The 16DNH
can operate in the heating mode to
provide hot water, thereby reducing
the size of the required boiler or
even eliminating the need for a
• no CFCs; environmentally friendly
• two-stage high efficiency design
reduces energy costs
• fired by clean burning natural gas
or No. 2 oil
• operates as a chiller or heater
• quiet. vibration-free operation
• few moving parts equates to high

Direct-fired, double effect
absorption provides efficient,
economical water chilling
or heating with minimal use
of electricity.
Cost-effective cooling and
Alternative-energy chiller/heater
– The 16DNH offers an alternative for
building owners who want to avoid the
high operating costs associated with
electric-driven chillers. Fired by natural
gas or No. 2 oil, the Carrier 16DNH
direct-fired, double effect, absorption
chiller/heater not only reduces or
eliminates electric demand, but also
allows the owner to take advantage of
gas cooling rebates and incentive
programs offered by many utility
Several configurations of heating mode
Copyright 2009 Carrier Korea Operations
operation provide hot water for a variety heating mode by selecting a heating
of applications. mode operation from the control panel. Combined use of absorption and
High-efficiency, double effect, Application versatility electric-driven chillers – Utilizing
Absorption cooling cycle – The Ideal for new or retrofit both absorption and electric chillers in a
16DNH design incorporates a high- applications – Whether intended for central plant offers the flexibility to
temperature generator and a low- replacement of existing chiller and/or base load one chiller, while using the
temperature generator (double effect) boiler systems or for new construction other to handle peak load requirements.
that provide 2 stages of solution re- purposes, the 16DNH is well suited to Hybrid chiller systems have proven to
concentration. As a result of this meet the needs of most cooling/heating be an economical solution for many
double-effect cycle, the 16DNH has applications for which a supply of comfort cooling installations. In many
lower operating costs than single-effect natural gas or No. 2 oil is available. The geographical areas, operating the
machines. When using natural gas, full 16DNH’s 17 model sizes, spanning a electric chiller as the base loaded
load cooling operation results in a COP capacity range of 100 to 660 tons, make machine, while using the absorption
(coefficient of performance) of 1.21 at the 16DNH direct-fired, double effect, chiller during peak load conditions,
standard ARI (Air Conditioning and absorption chiller/heater the ideal reduces or avoids electric demand
Refrigeration Institute) operating choice for comfort cooling and /or light charges. Depending on utility rate
conditions. industrial applications. Carrier’s structures, the 16DNH direct-fired
Superior part-load performance – computerized performance ratings assist absorption chiller/heater used in
The 16DNH’s standard concentration in the selection of the correct size conjunction with an electric-driven
control system allows stable, part-load machine to meet exact job requirements. chiller may be the most efficient and
operation at cooling water temperatures Dependable operation, as well as low cost-effective combination available.
as low as 60.8 F (16 C) without the need sound and vibration levels, ensures
for a cooling tower bypass. For occupant comfort, even when the
maximum efficiency, a variable machine is installed on upper floors.
frequency drive pump automatically
maintains optimum solution flow to the
high- and low-temperature generators at
all operating conditions. This will result Table of contents
in improved part-load efficiency and
eliminate the need for manual setup Page
adjustments of the solution flow. The Features/Benefits ………………………………………………………………..….1-8
16DNH has a continuous operating Model Number Nomenclature………………………………………………………..2
range from 100% to 25% capacity, Options and Accessories………………………………………………………… …..9
based on minimum fire requirements for Machine Components…………………………………………………………… …...9
the burner.
Physical Data……………………………………………………………………..10-11
Operates in the heating mode for
additional savings – In the heating Dimensions………………………………………………………………………..…12
mode, the 16DNH can deliver hot water Performance Data…………………………………………………………………13-15
for space heating or other applications Application Data………………………………...………………………………..16-20
to reduce or eliminate dependency on Typical Control Sequence…………………………………………………………21-26
existing or supplemental boilers. Guide Specifications…………………………………………………….………..27-31
Operation in the heating mode can be
done instead of cooling mode operation.
When operated as a heater, hot water
temperatures of 140 F (60 C) are
standard and do not require additional
components. In the heating mode, the Model number nomenclature
evaporator is used as the heating bundle
16 DNH 018
and the machine is configured as a 2-
pipe system with the chilled water Absorption Chiller
nozzles serving as hot water nozzles. Unit Size
Quick changeover from cooling to
heating is accomplished by switching Direct-Fired Double Effect High COP
the positions of two hand valves,
draining the absorber-condenser water
circuit, and putting the machine into
Location and installation savings This facilitates easier and quicker installation and reduces
Ease of installation – All 16DNH units are completely jobsite costs. It also ensures that all burner-related components
fabricated, assembled, and wired in the factory as single-piece are properly installed and wired to the main chiller center for
units. Standard shipping configuration is either 1 or 2 piece, proper control.
depending on size. Refer to the 16DNH Standard Shipping
Configuration table below.


010-070 X Factory Installed


Single-point box electrical connection – Installation costs

are further reduced by eliminating field wiring between
machine components. On units shipped as a single assembly,
all unit-mounted electrical items, including the burner control
center, are factory-wired to the chiller microprocessor control
center. Only a single-point electrical connection to the machine
from the building’s electrical service is required. When units
are shipped in multiple pieces, a wiring harness is provided for
interconnection between the burner control center and chiller
control center. A multi-tap transformer, mounted in the chiller
control center, provides secondary, single-phase power for the
The 16DNH010-066 machines are shipped completely 16DNH controls.
assembled as a standard feature with an option for 2-piece Low noise and vibration allows location flexibility –
shipment. The 2-piece option is ideal for retrofit or Low sound and vibration levels are characteristic of absorption
replacement installations where access into the equipment chillers, primarily due to the fact that the only rotating parts
room may be limited. On 16DNH010-066 machines, the are the refrigerant and solution pumps. The overall sound level
burner and gas train are installed at the factory to minimize of a Carrier 16DNH is typically 80 dbA. This allows the
field assembly. Job-site reassembly and alignment of machines machines to be installed near occupied spaces or in areas with
shipped in multiple sections is simplified by pre-erecting the strict sound requirements. Low vibration levels also make it
machine in the factory and by incorporating weld-type possible to install the chiller/heater on upper floors without
assembly flanges on all interconnecting piping. special consideration for vibration dampening systems.
Flanged waterbox nozzles – To simplify chiller installation
and field piping, all waterbox nozzles on the evaporator,
absorber, and condenser are factory-supplied with ANSI
(American National Standards Institute) raised face (RF)
Factory-installed burner – Every 16DNH machine
through 660 tons is shipped from the factory with the burner,
refractory assembly, and gas train installed in the high-
temperature generator to simplify the chiller/heater installation.
Features/Benefits (cont)
Low maintenance Proven reliability brazed plate heat exchanger –
Standard features allow simple maintenance 16DNH machine use several compact plate heat exchangers
procedures – Every 16DNH machine has numerous standard whose excellent single phase heat transfer performance meets
design features that provide for convenient and simple high efficiency and for freedom from leak. The plate materials
maintenance. Hinged waterbox cover on the absorber, and are stainless steel, in ANSI 316 vacuum brazed with a pure
condenser facilitate tube and waterbox inspection. A flange copper filler.
type refractory door on the high-temperature generator
simplifies inspection and cleaning of the combustion chamber
and smoke tubes. In addition, epoxy coating of the waterboxes HIGH EFFICIENCY
and covers, standard on all machines, protects against SOLUTION HEAT EXCHANGER
corrosion and extends machine life. All moving parts are easily
accessible for inspection or replacement, as required.

Factory-trained service organization – Carrier’s

extensive service organization offers trained and experienced
service technicians in every major city. In addition to routine
maintenance and repair services, Carrier also offers a wide
array of preventative maintenance, full maintenance, and/or
extended service contracts that can be custom tailored to any
level of service.

Leak-proof hermetic pumps/motors cut maintenance

costs – Carrier’s proven solution and refrigerant pumps/
motors are leak-proof, completely self-contained, and
hermetically sealed. The hermetic design eliminates the need
for a separate, complicated, and possibly leak-prone seal water
system while providing leak tightness and longer machine life.
Specially designed bearings absorb both radial and axial
thrusts to ensure correct fit at all times. There is no possibility
of external contamination since the fluid being pumped
lubricates and cools the pump and motor assemblies. In
addition, both the rotor and the stator are separated by a
stainless steel liner that protects the windings from the fluid
being pumped. As an additional safety feature, thermal
overload switches are embedded in the stator to protect against
high winding temperatures. The pumps are field serviceable.
Inspection is recommended after 5 years or 20,000 hours of
operation, whichever comes first. Pump isolation valves are
included on 16DNH machines to make field service easy, if



Reliable operation Rugged machine construction – Every Carrier 16DNH
Microprocessor control center continuously monitors chiller/heater offers numerous standard features designed to
machine operation, ensuring precise control – Each provide reliable, trouble-free operation. The machine is
Carrier 16DNH direct-fired chiller/heater includes a factory fabricated to meet stringent manufacturing and design
mounted and wired microprocessor control center that is requirements and is UL-listed to ensure product safety and
functionally tested prior to shipment. Continuous monitoring machine integrity. Non-clogging, corrosion proof spray
and control of machine operation are performed automatically. nozzles protect the 16DNH from corrosion and blockage for
A multi-language display on the front of the control center continuous, reliable operation. Horizontally-positioned, carbon
identifies operational status and fault indication. All control steel fire tubes with flue gas on the inside and lithium bromide
center components and the assembly will meet local codes on the outside are located above the combustion chamber to
including UL (Underwriters’ Laboratories), CE, and KS where allow easy soot removal and tube cleaning. This design feature
appropriate and include a microprocessor CPU (central also prevents the flame inside the combustion chamber from
processing unit) board, molded case circuit breaker, pump direct contact with the fire tubes to ensure maximum life and
contactors, ambient compensated 3-phase pump overload reliability. A heated palladium cell is provided as a standard
protection, multi-tap control power transformer, and all other feature. As part of the purge system, the heated palladium cell
necessary safeties and controls. assists in the removal of hydrogen gas from inside the 16DNH.
As part of the start-up sequence, the chiller microprocessor This action minimizes the need for manual evacuation of the
control center and the burner combustion controller initiate a purge storage chamber. The above standard features are
self-diagnostic system check to verify that all sensors are in evidence of Carrier’s commitment to building a direct-fired,
range. Other standard features include a remote start/stop double effect chiller/heater able to withstand the most rigorous
switch and a key-locked control center door that protects comfort cooling or light industrial applications.
against unauthorized access.
Automatic, motorless purge system extends machine
life and ensures optimum efficiency and performance
16DNH CONTROL CENTER – The purge system of an absorption chiller is critical to
ensuring efficient operation and long machine life. Even when
machines are vacuum tight or properly inhibited, all absorption
chillers generate hydrogen and other noncondensable gases in
small quantities. Since these gases are present in sufficient
volume to interfere with proper machine operation, they must
be removed to protect the unit from internal corrosion, lithium
bromide solution crystallization, and/or a reduction in chiller
capacity. Carrier’s motorless purge system protects 16DNH
machines from these potential hazards by working
continuously during machine operation.

Motorless purge system operation – During operation, non-

condensables tend to accumulate in the absorber section,
which operates at the lowest internal pressure. A slip-stream of
lithium bromide solution from the solution pump discharge
flows through an eductor, creating a suction that draws
Superior corrosion protection – Absorption chillers must noncondensables from the absorber. The noncondensables are
be protected from the possibility of internal corrosion that is then entrained by the solution flowing through the eductor.
always present when lithium bromide solution is in contact The eductor discharges the solution and noncondensables into
with internal machine surfaces. The Carrier 16DNH absorption a separator in a purge chamber, where the noncondensables are
chiller/heater incorporates a highly effective corrosion separated from the solution. The noncondensables flow to a
inhibitor to provide an extra margin of protection against storage tank, while the solution returns to the absorber sump.
internal corrosion. Other inhibitors may require the use of Typically, most of the noncondensable gas is composed of
exotic tube materials in certain heat exchangers since they are hydrogen, which is automatically dissipated to the atmosphere
less effective and require frequent maintenance and analysis. through a heated palladium cell.
The superior corrosion protection of the Carrier inhibitor As noncondensables accumulate in the external storage tank,
allows for the use of standard copper tubes throughout the they are isolated from the chiller and cannot reenter the
machine (except for the high-temperature generator fire tubes machine (even during shutdown). These gases must
that are made of carbon steel and the high temperature solution periodically be exhausted (as required) from the storage tank
heat exchanger tubes made of cupronickel). This results in by a simple procedure performed while the machine is running.
long machine life and dependable operation. Evacuation is performed by a unit-mounted vacuum pump that

Features/Benefits (cont)
is connected to the purge evacuation valve. atmospheric pressure with lithium bromide solution is not
Evacuation through the vacuum pump is necessary because the permitted. The unit-mounted vacuum pump can also be used
palladium cell will be damaged if wetted by the lithium during chiller maintenance or service to remove
bromide solution. Therefore, pressurizing the purge tank above noncondensables directly from the machine.


Anti-crystallization controls maintain proper solution 16DNH high COP, direct-fired, double effect,
concentration – The 16DNH automatically limits solution absorption cooling cycle – The 16DNH high COP, direct-
concentration in several ways to avoid both crystallization and fired double effect, absorption chiller/heater consists of an
overdilution to provide dependable, trouble-free operation. evaporator, absorber, condenser, high and low-temperature
Crystallization of the lithium bromide solution depends on the generators, solution heat exchangers, condensate and flue gas
combination of temperature and concentration. Carrier’s heat exchangers, refrigerant/solution/aux. solution pumps,
concentration control system automatically monitors the burner and gas train assembly, purge, controls and auxiliaries.
refrigerant water level in the evaporator in conjunction with Water is used as the refrigerant in vessels maintained under
the solution temperature returning to the absorber. Because low absolute pressure (vacuum). In the cooling mode, the
concentration varies with the amount of water in the lithium chiller operates on the principle that under vacuum, water boils
bromide solution, a rising evaporator level indicates less water at a low temperature. In this case water boils at approximately
in the solution and thus a higher solution concentration. When 40 F (4.4 C), thereby cooling the chilled water circulating
the refrigerant in the evaporator rises to a weir level, water is through the evaporator tubes. A refrigerant pump is used to
transferred from the evaporator to the absorber thus preventing circulate the refrigerant water over the evaporator tubes to
overconcentration to ensure continuous, reliable operation improve heat transfer.
even at cooling water temperature as low as 60.8 F (16 C). To make the cooling process continuous, the refrigerant
Overdilution (and possible refrigerant pump cavitation) shall vapor must be removed as it is produced. To accomplish this,
be controlled by transferring an additional amount of a lithium bromide solution (which has a high affinity for
refrigerant from the condenser to the evaporator. water) is used to absorb the water vapor. As this process
The 16DNH also incorporates a simple, passive method of continues, the lithium bromide becomes diluted, reducing its
control to correct any crystallization that would typically start absorption capacity. A solution pump then transfers this
to occur on the shell-side of the low temperature solution heat weak (diluted) solution to the generators where it is
exchanger under abnormal conditions. As the hot solution reconcentrated in 2 stages to boil off the previously absorbed
begins to back up in the generator, as a result of any shell-side water. A variable frequency drive pump automatically
blockage, it rises above the overflow pipe and returns directly maintains optimum solution flow to the generators at all
to the absorber. It is subsequently pumped through the tube- operating conditions for maximum efficiency. The diluted
side (heating the shell-side) to restore proper operation. solution is pumped to the high-temperature generator where it
In addition, the 16DNH automatic dilution cycle ensures is heated and reconcentrated to a medium concentration
proper concentration after unit shutdown so that the unit will solution by the heat from the combustion of natural gas or No.
not crystallize when the machine cools to ambient or machine 2 oil. The medium concentration solution from the high-
room temperature. The dilution cycle controls operation of the temperature generator flows to the low-temperature generator
pumps for a set period of time after shutdown to dilute the where it is heated and reconcentrated to a strong solution by
solution to prevent an overconcentration condition. the high temperature water vapor released from the solution in





Evaporator Absorber Solution


Flue Gas

the high-temperature generator. (cont)
Since the low-temperature generator acts as the condenser acts solution heat exchanger is passed through flue gas heat
as the condenser for the high-temperature generator, the heat exchanger to pre-heat the weak solution. Secondly, condensate
energy first applied in the high-temperature generator is used from low temperature generator is passed through the
again in the low-temperature generator thus reducing the heat condensate heat exchanger to pre-cool the condensate by weak
input by approximately 45% as compared to an absorption solution from solution pump.
chiller with a single stage of reconcentration. The water vapor 16DNH high COP, direct-fired, double effect,
released in the shellside of the low-temperature generator, in absorption heating cycle – The 16DNH high COP, direct-
addition to the now condensed water vapor from the tubeside fired, double effect, absorption chiller/heater can also be
of the low-temperature generator, enters the condenser to be operated in a non-simultaneous heating (only) mode to provide
cooled and returned to a liquid state. The refrigerant water then 140 F (60 C) hot water for space heating or other purposes
returns to the evaporator to begin a new cycle. without any additional components. In this mode, the cycle
To remove heat from the machine, relatively cool water follows a different vapor flow path than that undertaken for
from a cooling tower or other source is first circulated through cooling and does not use the absorption process. In addition,
the tubes of the absorber to remove the heat of vaporization. the absorber-condenser cooling water circuit is drained, and
The water is then circulated through the tubes of the condenser. thus not operated, since all heat rejection from the machine is
The strong (reconcentrated) solution from the low-temperature designed to take place through the evaporator (now the heating
generator flows back to the absorber to begin a new cycle. For bundle) in a classic 2-pipe system which utilizes only the
efficiency reasons, the medium concentration solution from the evaporator nozzles. High temperature water vapor produced in
high-temperature generator is passed through the high- the high-temperature generator section is passed directly to the
temperature solution heat exchanger to pre-heat the weak evaporator via absorber where it condenses and transfers its
solution, while pre-cooling the medium concentration solution. heat to the water circulating through the evaporator tubes. This
The strong solution from the low-temperature generator is condensed water then flows to the absorber section where it
passed through the low-temperature solution heat exchanger to mixes with the concentrated solution returning from the high-
preheat/precool the solution before being returned to the temperature generator. The diluted solution is then pumped
absorber. To achieve high COP, there are two additional back to the high-temperature generator to repeat the vapor
component. Firstly, the weak solution from low temperature generation phase for the heating function.

Options and accessories


250 psig (1724 kPa)/300 psig (2068 kPa)
Special Tubing X
Unit Voltage (208, 230, 400, 460, or 575-3-60/50) X LEGEND
Dual-Fuel Burner X FM – Factory Mutual
Shipping Configuration (1 or 2-piece) X IRI – Industrial Risk Insurers
Isolation Package X
*Factory installed.
Condenser Water Flow Switch X +Field installed.
9 Machine components





7 8

1 – Low-Temperature Generator 6 – Solution Heat Exchanger

2 – High-Temperature Generator 7 – Absorber
3 – Exhaust Gas Outlet/ Flue Gas Heat Exchanger
LEGEND 8 – Evaporator
4 – Burner Assembly and Control Center 9 – Condenser
5 – Chiller/Heater Control Center 10 – Auxiliary Solution Pump
11 – CHX(Condensate Refrigerant
Heat Exchanger)

Physical data
Unit 16DNH 010 012 015 018 021 024
NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 100 120 150 180 021 024
Absorber/Evaporator/G2/Condenser 6,810 7,080 8,420 8,950 10,250 10,930
G1 (Includes Burner) 2,580 2,930 3,130 3,240 3,570 4,030
Total 9,390 10,010 11,550 12,190 13,820 14,960
OPERATING WEIGHT (lb) 12,010 12,830 15,080 16,050 18,630 20,060
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (gal) 104 112 140 155 187 197
REFRIGERANT (WATER) CHARGE (gal) 40 37 60 60 82 79
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 4 4 4 4 5 5
No. Passes 4 4 3 3 3 3
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 5 5 5 5 6 6
No. Passes
Absorber 3 3 2 2 2 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 1
Standard Pipe Connection Size, NPT (in.) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2
Nominal Flange Connection Size (in.) 16 x 9 16 x 9 19 x 11 19 x 11 24 x 11 24 x 11

Unit 16DNH 028 033 036 040 045 050

NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 280 330 360 400 450 500
Absorber/Evaporator/G2/Condenser 13,230 13,730 14,750 15,850 19,440 19,820
G1 (Includes Burner) 4,540 5,070 5,840 6,550 7,940 8,730
Total 17,770 18,800 20,590 22,400 27,380 28,550
OPERATING WEIGHT (lb) 24,580 26,010 28,480 30,670 37,500 39,200
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (gal) 277 290 293 309 412 433
REFRIGERANT (WATER) CHARGE (gal) 116 114 135 132 138 135
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 6 6 6 6 8 8
No. Passes 2 2 2 2 2 2
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 8 8 8 8 10 10
No. Passes
Absorber 2 2 2 2 2 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 1
Standard Pipe Connection Size, NPT (in.) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Nominal Flange Connection Size (in.) 24 x 11 24 x 11 26 x 14 26 x 14 26 x 16 26 x 16

Unit 16DNH 056 060 063 066

NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 560 600 630 660
Absorber/Evaporator/G2/Condenser 29,790 29,650 29,650 31,220
G1 (Includes Burner) 9,460 10,520 10,520 11,530
Total 39,250 40,170 40,170 42,750
OPERATING WEIGHT (lb) 48,850 55,070 55,070 59,520
REFRIGERANT (WATER) CHARGE (gal) 206 220 220 238
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 8 8 8 8
No. Passes 2 2 2 2
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 12 12 12 12
No. Passes
Absorber 2 2 2 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1
Standard Pipe Connection Size, NPT (in.) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Nominal Flange Connection Size (in.) 31 x 18 32 x 18 32 x 18 37 x 18
G1 – High-Temperature Generator
G2 – Low-Temperature Generator
*Standard shipping configuration is 1-piece for sizes 010-070.
Physical data
Unit 16DNH 010 012 015 018 021 024
NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (kW) 352 422 528 633 739 844
Absorber/Evaporator/G2/Condenser 3,090 3,210 3,820 4,060 4,650 4,960
G1 (Includes Burner) 1,170 1,330 1,420 1,470 1,620 1,830
Total 4,260 4,540 5,240 5,530 6,270 6,790
OPERATING WEIGHT (kg) 5,450 5,820 6,840 7,280 8,450 9,100
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (kg) 640 690 860 950 1,150 1,210
REFRIGERANT (WATER) CHARGE (kg) 150 140 230 230 310 300
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 4 4 4 4 5 5
No. Passes 4 4 3 3 3 3
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 5 5 5 5 6 6
No. Passes
Absorber 3 3 2 2 2 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 1
Standard Pipe Connection Size, NPT (in.) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2
Nominal Flange Connection Size (mm.) 400 x 232 400 x 232 485 x 290 485 x 290 600 x 290 600 x 290

Unit 16DNH 028 033 036 040 045 050

NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (kW) 985 1161 1266 1407 1583 1758
Absorber/Evaporator/G2/Condenser 6,000 6,230 6,690 7,190 8,820 8,990
G1 (Includes Burner) 2,060 2,300 2,650 2,970 3,600 3,960
Total 8,060 8,530 9,340 10,160 12,420 12,450
OPERATING WEIGHT (kg) 11,150 11,800 12,920 13,910 17,010 17,780
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (kg) 1,700 1,780 1,800 1,900 2,530 2,660
REFRIGERANT (WATER) CHARGE (kg) 440 430 510 500 520 510
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 6 6 6 6 8 8
No. Passes 2 2 2 2 2 2
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 8 8 8 8 10 10
No. Passes
Absorber 2 2 2 2 2 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1 1 1
Standard Pipe Connection Size, NPT (in.) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Nominal Flange Connection Size (mm.) 600 x 290 600 x 290 650 x 348 650 x 348 670 x 406 670 x 406

Unit 16DNH 056 060 063 066

NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITY (kW) 2,110 2,110 2,321 2,321
Absorber/Evaporator/G2/Condenser 11,700 13,450 13,450 14,160
G1 (Includes Burner) 4,290 4,770 4,770 5,230
Total 15,990 18,220 18,220 19,390
OPERATING WEIGHT (kg) 22,160 24,980 24,980 27,000
LITHIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION CHARGE (kg) 3,210 3,420 3,420 3,700
REFRIGERANT (WATER) CHARGE (kg) 780 830 830 900
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 8 8 8 8
No. Passes 2 2 2 2
Pipe Connection Size (in.) 12 12 12 12
No. Passes
Absorber 2 2 2 2
Condenser 1 1 1 1
Standard Pipe Connection Size, NPT (in.) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Nominal Flange Connection Size (mm.) 780 x 460 780 x 460 780 x 460 780 x 460
G1 – High-Temperature Generator
G2 – Low-Temperature Generator
*Standard shipping configuration is 1-piece for sizes 010-066.
16DNH SIZES 010-066

UNIT 16DNH 010 012 015 018 021 024 028 033 036 040 045 050 056 060 063 066
Overall LengthA 9- 9 9- 9 11-11 11-11 12- 1 12- 1 15- 8 15- 8 15- 9 15- 9 16- 0 16- 0 16- 8 18- 6 18- 6 20- 2
Overall Width B 5-11 5-11 6- 2 6- 2 6- 8 6- 8 6-10 6-10 7- 7 7- 7 8- 2 8- 2 9- 5 9- 5 9- 5 9- 5
Overall HeightC 6-10 6-10 6- 9 6- 9 7- 7 7- 7 7-10 7-10 8- 8 8- 8 9- 4 9- 4 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-1
Width D* 4- 3 4- 3 4- 0 4- 0 4- 4 4- 4 4- 8 4- 8 4- 9 4- 9 5- 2 5- 2 6- 1 6- 1 6- 1 6- 1
UNIT 16DNH 010 012 015 018 021 024 028 033 036 040 045 050 056 060 063 066
Overall LengthA 2,966 2,966 3,638 3,638 3,679 3,679 4,780 4,780 4,788 4,788 4,867 4,867 5,090 5,640 5,640 6,142
Overall Width B 1,797 1,797 1,830 1,830 2,034 2,034 2,072 2,072 2,299 2,299 2,493 2,493 2,866 2,866 2,866 2,866
Overall HeightC 2,082 2,082 2,056 2,056 2,313 2,313 2,381 2,381 2,630 2,630 2,820 2,820 3,102 3,102 3,102 3,102
Width D* 1,283 1,283 1,209 1,209 1,328 1,328 1,413 1,413 1,456 1,456 1,614 1,614 1,854 1,854 1,854 1,854

*Standard shipping configuration is 1-piece for sizes 010-066. NOTES:

1. All dimensions in mm are accurate and take into account absorber-
Dimension “D” is width of absorber, evaporator, condenser, G2 section for condenser crossover piping.
2-piece shipment. The G1 assembly is shipped separately. 2. For routine maintenance, allow 3 ft (1 m) clearance on all sides and 6 in.
(150 mm) above chiller.
3. For service access, allow clearance as follows:
a. For tube removal, allow space equal to “A” dimension (length) at either
end of the chiller.
b. To open waterbox cover, allow clearance space equal to half of “D”
dimension (width) on the waterbox end of the chiller.

Performance data

UNIT 16DNH 010 012 015 018 021 024

COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 100 120 150 180 210 240
HEATING CAPACITY (MBh) 853 1,024 1,280 1,535 1,790 2,047
Flow Rate (gpm) 240 288 360 432 504 576
Pressure Drop (ft) 19.6 21.2 25.1 27.2 26.1 26.7
Flow Rate (gpm) 400 480 600 720 840 960
Pressure Drop (ft) 14.1 15.4 21.3 24.4 17.2 19.1
Flow Rate (gpm) 195 234 292 351 409 468
Pressure Drop (ft) 11.6 12.9 14.7 16.3 15.2 15.8
Natural Gas (MBh) 992 1,190 1,487 1,785 2,082 2,380
No. 2 Oil (gph) 7.1 8.5 10.6 12.8 14.9 17.0
Natural Gas 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21
No. 2 Oil 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21

UNIT 16DNH 028 033 036 040 045 050

COOLING CAPACITY (ton) 280 330 360 400 450 500
HEATING CAPACITY (MBh) 2,388 2,814 3,070 3,410 3,838 4,265
Flow Rate (gpm) 672 792 864 960 1,080 1,200
Pressure Drop (ft) 17.5 18.4 18.1 18.6 18.1 18.2
Flow Rate (gpm) 1,120 1,320 1,440 1,600 1,800 2,000
Pressure Drop (ft) 26.0 27.8 30.4 31.9 28.1 29.0
Flow Rate (gpm) 546 643 701 779 877 974
Pressure Drop (ft) 10.2 10.9 10.9 11.4 10.4 10.6
Natural Gas (MBh) 2,777 3,272 3,570 3,966 4,463 4,959
No. 2 Oil (gph) 19.9 23.4 25.5 28.3 26.6 35.4
Natural Gas 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21
No. 2 Oil 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21

UNIT 16DNH 056 060 063 066

COOLONG CAPACITY (ton) 560 600 630 660
HEATING CAPACITY (MBh) 4,776 5,118 5,373 5,630
Flow Rate (gpm) 1,344 1,440 1,512 1,584
Pressure Drop (ft) 12.4 16.3 16.7 21.3
Flow Rate (gpm) 2,240 2,400 2,520 2,640
Pressure Drop (ft) 18.9 25.5 25.8 33.4
Flow Rate (gpm) 1,091 1,169 1,228 1,286
Pressure Drop (ft) 9.7 12.7 13.1 16.5
Natural Gas (MBh) 5,553 5.951 6,248 6,546
No. 2 Oil (gph) 39.6 42.5 44.7 46.7
Natural Gas 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21
No. 2 Oil 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21

ARI – Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
HHV – Higher Heating Value
MBh – Btuh in thousands

Note: Ratings are based on ARI 560, latest edition, 54/44 F (2.4 gpm/ton) chilled water;
85 F (4.0 gpm/ton) cooling water; 130/140 F hot water; fouling factor .00025 ft2-hr-oF/Btu
for absorber and condenser, .0001 ft2-hr-oF/Btu for evaporator; natural gas heating value
1,000 Btu/ft3 (HHV); No 2 oil heating value 140,000 Btu/gal. Higher Heating Capacity is Available.
Performance data (cont)

UNIT 16DNH 010 012 015 018 021 024

COOLONG CAPACITY (kW) 352 422 528 633 739 844
HEATING CAPACITY (kW) 250 300 375 450 525 600
Flow Rate (L/s) 15.1 18.1 22.7 27.3 31.8 36.3
Pressure Drop (kPa) 58.5 63.4 75.0 81.2 77.9 79.7
Flow Rate (L/s) 25.3 30.4 37.9 45.4 53.0 60.6
Pressure Drop (kPa) 42.0 46.1 63.6 72.9 51.3 57.0
Flow Rate (L/s) 12.3 14.8 18.4 22.1 25.8 29.5
Pressure Drop (kPa) 34.8 38.4 44.1 48.6 45.6 47.3
Natural Gas (M3/hr) 28.0 33.7 42.2 50.6 59.0 67.4
No. 2 Oil (L/hr) 26.8 32.2 40.2 48.2 56.3 64.4
Natural Gas 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21
No. 2 Oil 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21

UNIT 16DNH 028 033 036 040 045 050

COOLONG CAPACITY (kW) 985 1161 1,266 1,407 1,583 1,758
HEATING CAPACITY (kW) 700 825 900 1,000 1,124 1,248
Flow Rate (L/s) 42.4 50.0 54.5 60.6 68.1 75.7
Pressure Drop (kPa) 52.4 54.9 54.2 55.7 54.1 54.5
Flow Rate (L/s) 70.7 83.3 90.8 100.9 113.6 126.2
Pressure Drop (kPa) 77.8 83.0 90.9 95.2 83.9 86.8
Flow Rate (L/s) 34.4 40.6 44.3 49.2 55.3 61.5
Pressure Drop (kPa) 30.6 32.6 32.6 34.1 31.1 31.6
Natural Gas (M3/hr) 78.6 92.7 101.1 112.4 126.4 140.4
No. 2 Oil (L/hr) 75.1 88.5 96.6 107.3 120.7 134.1
Natural Gas 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21
No. 2 Oil 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21

UNIT 16DNH 056 060 063 066

COOLONG CAPACITY (kW) 1,969 2,110 2,216 2,321
HEATING CAPACITY (kW) 1,398 1,498 1,574 1,648
Flow Rate (L/s) 84.7 90.7 95.3 99.8
Pressure Drop (kPa) 36.9 48.8 49.9 63.6
Flow Rate (L/s) 141.8 151.9 159.5 167.1
Pressure Drop (kPa) 56.6 76.3 77.1 99.8
Flow Rate (L/s) 68.9 73.8 77.5 81.2
Pressure Drop (kPa) 29.0 38.0 39.1 49.4
Natural Gas (M3/hr) 157.3 168.5 177.0 185.4
No. 2 Oil (L/hr) 150.2 160.9 168.9 177.0
Natural Gas 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21
No. 2 Oil 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21

ARI – Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
HHV – Higher Heating Value

Note: Ratings are based on ARI 560, latest edition, 12.2/6.7 C (.043 L/s-kW) chilled
water; 29.4 C (.072 L/s-kW) cooling water; 54.4/60 C hot water; fouling factor
.000044 m2-hr-oC/W for absorber and condenser, .0000176 m2-hr-oC/W for evaporator;
natural gas heating value 8899 kcal/m3 (HHV); No 2 oil heating value 9320 kcal/L Higher Heating Capacity is available.

Gas: Fuel Consumption MBh = Full Load Consumption
Fuel heating values (MBh) x FCR x Percent Capacity
In accordance with ARI 560, latest edition, performance Oil: Fuel Consumption (gph) = Full Load Oil Consumption
ratings of the Carrier 16DNH are based on the gross or higher (gph) x FCR x Percent Capacity
heating value (HHV) of the fuel employed which accounts for Fuel consumption for natural gas, expressed as a volumetric
condensation of water vapor formed during the combustion flow rate (ft3/hr), is determined by dividing the fuel
process. In comparison, the net or lower heating value (LHV) consumption (in units of Btuh) by the higher heating value of
is approximately 90% of the higher heating value, since it does the natural gas (in units of Btu/ft3).
not account for the latent heat of vaporization of water formed As shown on the part-load performance curve, the
during combustion. The use of higher heating value is a continuous operating range for the 16DNH is approximately
customary practice in North America. Typical HHVs are 1,000 25 to 100% of full load when operated on either natural gas or
Btu/ft3 (8,889 kcal/m3) and 140,000 Btu/gal (9,320 kcal/L) for No. 2 oil, based on minimum fire requirements of the burner.
No. 2 oil. Actual HHV may differ and will directly impact Below 25% the burner will cycle on and off to meet the
the required volumetric flow rate of the fuel. The required required load and water temperature.
MBh (Btuh in thousands) input to the burner remains ARI 560, latest version, defines Integrated Part Load Value
unchanged. (IPLV) as a measure of part-load efficiency representing the
Part-load performance weighted average of overall chiller performance calculated by
To determine part-load performance, refer to the 16DNH Part- the following equation:
Load Performance curve shown below. This curve depicts IPLV = .01A + .42B + .45C + .12D
Fuel Consumption Ratio (FCR) versus Percent Capacity at Where A = COP at 100%
several cooling water temperatures and in accordance with the B = COP at 75%
ARI load line which is based on a 2.5 F (1.4 C) reduction in C = COP at 50%
cooling water temperature for every 10% reduction in load. D = COP at 25% or minimum load
Fuel requirements at part-load can be calculated with one of NOTE: COP is the Coefficient of Performance.
the following equations: Therefore,
IPLV = .01 (1.21) + .42 (1.22) + .45 (1.39) + .12 (1.49)
= 1.33





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Application data
Vent and drain connections
All vents and drain connections are found on the waterbox
covers. Connection size is 3/4-in. FPT. RUPTURE DISK
Provide high points of the machine piping system with vents CONNECTION SIZE
and the low points with drains. If shutoff valves are provided 16DNH010-070 3 in. 300 psig RF flange
in the main water pipes near the unit, a minimum amount of LEGEND
the system water is lost when the heat exchangers are drained. RF – Raised Face
It is recommended that pressure gages be provided at points
of entering and leaving water to measure pressure drop MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS
through the heat exchanger. Gages may be installed as shown
in the table below. Pressure gages installed at the vent and ITEM MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS
drain connections do not include nozzle pressure losses. Evaporator Steel ASTM A283
Use a reliable manometer to measure pressure differential Absorber Steel ASTM A283
when determining water flow. Regular gages are insensitive Condenser Steel ASTM A283
and do not provide accurate measurement of flow conditions. G1 Steel ASTM A283
G2 Steel ASTM A283
Evaporator Steel ASTM A283
1, 3 One gage in each waterbox Absorber Steel ASTM A283
2, 4 Two gages in waterbox with nozzles Condenser Steel ASTM A283
G1 Steel ASTM A283
G2 Steel ASTM A283
Range of application WATERBOX:
The 16DNH absorption chiller/heater is designed for standard Evaporator Steel ASTM A283
water chilling applications of 100 to 660 tons (352 to 2462 Absorber Steel ASTM A283
kW) at standard ARI rating conditions. Condenser Steel ASTM A283
G1 Steel ASTM A283
UL listing G2 Steel ASTM A283
The burner assembly, unit control center, machine mounted TUBES:
controls, wiring, and the entire chiller/heater are listed together Evaporator Copper ASME SB359
as a whole, in accordance with the requirements of UL-795, Absorber Copper ASME SB75
UL-726, UL-296, and UL-465, as well as other associated UL Condenser Copper ASME SB75
G1 Steel ASTM A53
standards as applicable. G2 Copper ASME SB75
Rupture disk piping PIPING Steel ASTM A53
The 16DNH is equipped with a rupture disk (optional) or a LEGEND
fusible plug on the high-temperature generator. It is ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers
recommended that piping from these devices be routed to ASTM -- American Society for Testing and Materials
appropriate areas away from the machine in accordance with G1 -- High-Temperature Generator
Carrier’s written installation instructions, the current version of G2 -- Low-Temperature Generator
ANSI/ASHRAE 15 (American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers), and any local Thermal insulation
jurisdictional requirements that may apply. Piping should be Application of cold/hot surface thermal insulation should be
adequately supported and the proper fittings should be done after final installation at jobsite and machine leak
provided to allow periodic inspection of the disk. Refer to integrity has been verified. Refer to Carrier certified
Carrier certified drawings for exact location of the rupture disk drawings for material specifications and recommended
on the chiller. chiller/heater insulation requirements.


UNIT SIZE 010,012 015, 018 021, 024 028, 033 036, 040 045, 050 056 060, 063 066
COLD SURFACE 47.4 63.5 72.1 77.5 91.5 105.5 128.1 138.9 148.6
HOT SURFACE 110.9 154.8 173.4 208.9 235.7 287.5 338.1 338.1 345.6


UNIT SIZE 010,012 015, 018 021, 024 028, 033 036, 040 045, 050 056 060, 063 066
COLD SURFACE 4.4 5.9 6.7 7.2 8.5 9.8 11.9 12.9 13.8
HOT SURFACE 10.3 14.4 16.1 19.4 21.9 26.7 31.4 31.4 32.1



OVER Pass Inlet Pass Inlet Pass Inlet
UNIT Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet PIPE 010-012 4 L or R 2 L 1 L
010- 015-024 3 L or R 2 L 1 L
N N M M M M Included 028-070 2 L or R 2 L 1 L
M -- Marine Waterbox L -- Left End Inlet
N -- Nozzle-In-Head Waterbox R -- Right End Inlet



1-Pass 2-Pass 3-Pass 4-Pass 1-Pass 2-Pass 3-Pass 4-Pass
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
010 – – 218 868 145 578 114 453 010 – – 14 54 9 36 7 27
012 – – 260 1043 175 694 136 529 012 – – 17 65 11 43 9 32
015 – – 218 868 145 578 114 453 015 – – 14 54 9 36 7 27
018 – – 260 1043 175 694 136 529 018 – – 17 65 11 43 9 32
021 – – 316 1264 211 844 159 632 021 – – 20 79 14 53 10 39
024 – – 348 1393 232 929 175 697 024 – – 22 87 15 59 11 44
028 619 2472 310 1242 207 827 – – 028 39 156 20 78 13 52 – –
033 722 2888 362 1447 161 965 – – 033 46 182 23 91 10 60 – –
036 779 3132 390 1553 260 1043 – – 036 50 197 25 98 17 65 – –
040 861 3463 432 1731 287 1154 – – 040 55 218 28 109 19 72 – –
045 969 3894 486 1946 333 1298 – – 045 62 245 31 122 21 81 – –
050 1075 4326 538 2162 359 1440 – – 050 68 272 34 136 23 90 – –
056 1317 5261 657 2630 – – – – 056 82 327 41 163 – – – –
060 1317 5261 657 2630 – – – – 060 82 327 41 163 – – – –
063 1317 5261 657 2630 – – – – 063 82 327 41 163 – – – –
066 1317 5261 657 2630 – – – – 066 82 327 41 163 – – – –

*Flow rates based on standard tubes. Minimum flow based on tube *Flow rates based on standard tubes. Minimum flow based on tube
velocity of 3 ft/sec; maximum flow based on 12 ft/sec. velocity of .9 m/sec; maximum flow based on 3.6 m/sec.

2-Pass/1-Pass 3-Pass/1-Pass 2-Pass/1-Pass 3-Pass/1-Pass
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
010 – – 293 983 010 – – 19 61
012 – – 355 1182 012 – – 22 73
015 362 1169 – – 015 23 73 – –
018 409 1401 – – 018 26 88 – –
021 536 2073 – – 021 34 130 – –
024 611 2373 – – 024 38 149 – –
028 576 2044 – – 028 37 129 – –
033 674 2387 – – 033 43 150 – –
036 666 2631 – – 036 42 166 – –
040 746 2931 – – 040 47 184 – –
045 830 3301 – – 045 53 208 – –
050 922 3660 – – 050 59 230 – –
056 1460 4625 – – 056 91 287 – –
060 1460 4625 – – 060 91 287 – –
063 1460 4625 – – 063 91 287 – –
066 1460 4625 – – 066 91 287 – –

*Flow rates based on standard tubes. Minimum flow based on tube *Flow rates based on standard tubes. Minimum flow based on tube
velocity of 3 ft/sec; maximum flow based on 12 ft/sec. velocity of .9 m/sec; maximum flow based on 3.6 m/sec.

Application data (cont)
Burner mounting On models where field-installation is required, rigging
Depending on unit size, burner assemblies on the 16DNH are should be used to position both the front plate assembly and
either factory-installed as an integral part of the chiller or the burner assembly because of their heavy weights. For the
shipped as a separate component for field installation. The front plate, either webbed strapping placed around the
16DNH010-066 models are shipped with the burner factory- refractory or a lifting bar in the center opening may be used.
installed in the high-temperature generator. For burner assemblies that do not have lifting lugs, place
webbed strapping around a central balance area of the burner.
Rig burner assemblies that have lifting lugs in accordance with
standard rigging procedures.


RANGE (MBh) (gph)
010 P45M 7.9 to 157 in. wg 992 7.1
012 P45M 7.9 to 157 in. wg 1,190 8.5
015 P60M 7.9 to 157 in. wg 1,487 10.6
018 P60M 7.9 to 157 in. wg 1,785 12.8
021 P65M 7.9 to 157 in. wg 2,082 14.9
024 P7M 7.9 to 157 in. wg 2,380 17.0
028 P7M 40 to 157 in. wg 2,777 19.9
033 P72M 40 to 157 in. wg 3,272 23.4
036 P72M 40 to 157 in. wg 3,570 25.5
040 P91M 40 to 157 in. wg 3,966 28.3
045 P91M 40 to 157 in. wg 4,463 31.9
050 P91M 40 to 157 in. wg 4,959 35.4
056 P92M 40 to 157 in. wg 5,553 39.6
060 P11M 40 to 157 in. wg 5,951 42.5
063 P11M 40 to 157 in. wg 6,248 44.7
066 P11M 40 to 157 in. wg 6,546 46.7

MBh -- Btuh in thousands
NOTE: Actual gas train size is dependent on gas pressure, agency approvals, gas
specifications, burner input and the required burner manifold gas pressure. Higher
gas pressures than those listed above are available.





Fuel systems the particular job requirements. UL certification is standard
The gas train and oil supply systems are supplied pre- on every system supplied with an option to provide FM
assembled and with pre-installed interconnection fittings. (Factory Mutual), IRI (Industrial Risk Insurers) or other code
Specific fuel system components and instrumentation will vary requirements that may be necessary.
depending on local regulations, codes, and ordinances and on


1 4 2 3 7

1 Ball Valve


12 5
: Supply Line
: Return Line

1 Oil Pump without Oil Solenoid
3 2 Filter
3 Oil Solenoid
4 Oil Solenoid
2 5 Nozzle Holder with Integral Shutoff Device
6 Oil Solenoid
9 7 Oil Flow Regulator
8 Oil Pressure Switch
9 Oil Solenoid
10 Nozzle Supply Line
1 11 Nozzle Return Line
12 Nozzle Control Circuit
13 System Return Line
14 System Supply Line


Application data (cont)
Combustion air supply Cross-sectional area of the stack is determined by
An adequate supply of combustion air is required by the burner calculating the volumetric flow rate of the exhaust gases and
for proper, efficient operation and to ensure complete then selecting a diameter that results in an exhaust gas velocity
combustion. It is recommended that excess air be provided to of no greater that 12 to 15 ft/sec (3.6 to 4.6 m/sec).
the burner to account for variations in fuel properties and Height of the stack is determined by the length of the
air/fuel supply rates. As a general rule, 12 cu ft of horizontal run and the number of 90 degree bends. As a
combustion air should be supplied for every 1000 Btu of fuel general rule, provide 7 in. (180 mm) of stack height for every 1
provided to the burner. This equates to approximately 20% ft (300 mm) of horizontal length and 4 ft (1.20 m) for every 90
excess air for natural gas and ensures complete combustion degree bend. The location, height, and positioning of the
and efficient operation while minimizing smoke, soot, and the stack outside the building should consider roof patterns,
formation of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (Nox). projections, ancillary equipment, aesthetics, and wind flow.
The source of combustion air to the burner should be in In situations where multiple machines will utilize a common
accordance with all local codes and regulations. exhaust gas flue stack, individual dampers and/or draft control
Exhaust gas flue and stack recommendations systems for each unit are recommended.
Design and construction of the flue stack should comply with Connection of the stack to the 16DNH exhaust gas outlet
all municipal, state, and federal codes and regulations, as flange should be made using a rectangular-to-round transition
applicable. Typical exhaust gas temperature for the 16DNH piece. Dimensions of the exhaust gas flange can be found on
is 375 F (190 C). However, the stack design temperature the appropriate 16DNH certified drawings.
should be no less than 675 F (360). It is recommended that Service access
insulated, double-wall, round ducting be used in all To perform routine maintenance, allow 3 ft (1 m) clearance on
applications. Flat-sided ducting should not be used since it has all sides of machine and 6 in. (150 mm) above the
a tendency to flex. Flexing causes pulsations in the flue stack, chiller/heater. For proper tube removal, a clearance equal to
inefficient combustion, and possibly erratic chiller/heater the overall length of the machine should be provided on each
operation. Proper stack design should allow continuous flow end of the 16DNH. To service the high-stage generator,
by avoiding sharp bends and should be sized to maintain a provide a clearance equal to the length of the high stage
static pressure between 0 to –0.20 in. wg (0 to –5 mm) at the generator assembly on both ends of the machine. To allow
stack entrance. Use of a barometric damper or sequential for opening of hinged waterbox cover, clearance area must be
motorized draft control is required to properly regulate exhaust provided at the waterbox end of the chiller. The space
gas static pressure and maintain optimum performance. A opposite the water nozzle must be equal to half the width of
vent cap, lighting arrestor, and provisions for a condensate dimension “D” on page 11.
drain are also required.

Typical control sequence



Verify All Sensors

Sensor Fault/
in range No
Prestart Alerts
Inc Prestart safeties


Start Chill/Hot Water Pump





No Yes Chill/Hot Water Fault
Water Flow timer elapsed?


Recycle Condition Yes

Monitor Chilled Water Temp

for Recycle Restart

Start Cooling Water Pump



Verify Cooling GO TO NEXT PAGE:

NO Water Flow



timer elapsed?


Cooling Water Fault



Start Tower Control

Start Solution Pump

Start 5min Aux. Solution pump


Start Burner
Combustion Signal=ON

Load 2 Min Burner Ignition



Verify Burner Burner Igniton

No Yes Burner Ignition Fault
Ignition Feedback Timer Elapsed


Aux. Solution pump
Timer elapsed?

Start Aux. Solution Pump

Start 2.5min Refrigerant

Pump Delay timer

REF Pump Timer


Start Refrigerant Pump

Machine Running
Start Ramp Loading

Typical control sequence (cont)



Verify All Sensors

Sensor Fault/
in range No
Prestart Alerts
Inc Prestart safeties


Start Chilled/Hot Water Pump




Verify Chilled/ Hot WATER FLOW VERIFY

No Yes
Water Flow timer elapsed? Chilled/Hot Water Fault


Recycle Condition Yes

Monitor Chilled/ Hot Water

Temp for Recycle Restart

Start Solution Pump

Start Burner
Combustion Signal=ON

Start 2min Burner Ignition


Verify Burner Machine Running

NO Ignition Feedback Start Ramp Loading


Burner Ignition
Timer Elapsed?


Burner Ignition Fault




Drive Capacity
Valve to 0

Start Ref Pump

Dilution Timer

Start Sol Pump

Dilution Timer 15

Chilled Water Low Chilled Sol. Pump

Yes No No
Flow Water Temp Overload

Yes Yes

Ref Pump
No D Yes

No No

Ref Pump
Timer elapsed


Stop Ref pump

Sol Pump Timer



Stop Solution

Stop Aux. Solution


Stop Cooling
A Water Pump and
Tower Fan Control


Stop Cooling
Stop Ref Water Pump Stop Solution
pump and Tower Fan Pump

Stop Aux. Solution


Start Chilled


Low Chilled Water


No No

Water Pump timer



Stop Chilled
Water Pump

Safty shutdown

Recycle Shutdown Yes Monitor for Recycle



Stop Chilled Water


Shutdown Complete
Ready to Start




Drive Capacity
Valve to 0

Chilled Water


Sol. Pump Stop Chilled

Overload Water Pump


Start 5 min
dilution timer
Stop Solution

Dilution timer
Safty shutdown

Stop Solution



Monitor for Stop Chilled

Recycle start Water Pump

Ready to Start

Guide specifications
Hermetic Absorption Liquid Chiller/Heater check that painting of the unit is as specified,
Size Range: 100 to 660 tons (352 to 2462 kW) nameplate data is correct, and that all accessories are
Carrier Model Numbers: 16DNH furnished as required.
A. Unit shall be stored and handled in accordance with
the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Electronically controlled, double-effect absorption liquid
B. Unit shall be factory-charged with lithium bromide
chiller/heater utilizing hermetic refrigerant and solution
solution and performance tested before shipping. But
pumps, lithium bromide solution as the absorbent, and
if customer requires, unit shall not be factory-charged
water as the refrigerant. The combustion of natural gas or
with lithium bromide solution to prevent possible
No. 2 oil within the generator shall serve as the heat
internal corrosion damage from occurring should the
inside of the machine be accidentally exposed to air
1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE during shipment and/or installation. Charging of
A. Chiller performance shall be rated in accordance with lithium bromide solution shall be performed at the
ARI Standard 560 (latest edition). jobsite in accordance with the manufacturer’s written
B. Chiller shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI/ instructions.
ASHRAE 15 (latest edition), Safety Code for Mechanical C. Machines shipped shall be pressurized with nitrogen to
Refrigeration or JIS B8622 (Japanese Industrial Standard), 5 psig (34 kPa).
as applicable. D. Burner, burner control center and gas train (or oil
C. Chiller shall be designed and constructed to meet control system) shall be factory-installed for sizes
applicable (UL or CE) requirements and shall bear the UL 16DNH010-066.
or CE label.(If required) E. Chiller shall be shipped with nameplates indicating
D. Each chiller shall undergo a series of standard factory tests name of manufacturer, model size, serial number, and
to ensure that the unit is leak tight, that all electrical all other pertinent machine data.
components operate as intended, and that every aspect of
the unit fabrication meets stringent quality standards in
Manufacturer shall guarantee the chiller against defects
accordance with good practice and the manufacturer’s
in materials or workmanship for a period of one year
quality assurance requirements.
from date of initial operation or 18 months from date of
1. The shellside of each chiller shall be leak tested by
shipment, whichever occurs first. Manufacturer shall
pressurizing to 11 psig (76 kPa) with nitrogen and then
provide the labor to repair or replace any part found to
checked by spraying a soap/water mixture on all welds,
be defective in material or workmanship within the
tube joints, and/or gasketed joints to identify any major
warranty period.
leaks. Afterward, a mass spectrometer test shall be
performed by evacuating the unit to .001mmHg
absolute, covering the machine with a vinyl tent, and Part 2 – Products
introducing helium gas under the tent. Any remaining 2.01 EQUIPMENT
leaks will allow the helium to be drawn into the A. General:
shellside of the machine. The acceptable leak rate as Absorption liquid chiller/heater shall include
measured by the mass spectrometer test shall not evaporator, absorber, condenser, high- and low-
exceed .00001 cc/sec standard air. temperature generators, solution heat exchanger,
2. The tubeside of the evaporator, absorber, and burner/gas train (or burner/oil control system)
condenser shall be hydrostatically tested at 1.5 times assembly, refrigerant/ solution pumps, purge system,
rated design pressure and held for one hour. piping, wiring, controls, and auxiliaries. Shipment of
3. The refrigerant and solution pump/motors shall the machine shall be in 1 piece with an option for 2-
undergo standard factory tests to ensure proper head piece shipment. Initial charge of lithium bromide can
flow, and motor output characteristics. be included with the chiller/heater for charging at the
4. All machine wiring shall undergo an insulation jobsite. The high-temperature generator shall be
resistance test. The chiller/heater control center and all configured such that the fire tubes are horizontally
electrical components shall also be functionally tested positioned above the combustion chamber with flue
to verify continuity and proper electrical operation. gas inside the tube and lithium bromide solution on the
5. Final assembly inspection shall consist of verifying outside of the tubes. This design shall simplify the
that all valves, controls, instrumentation, pumps, purge process of tube cleaning and shall prevent the flame
components, and all other machine components have from coming into direct contact with the tubes. This
been properly installed on the machine. shall ensure maximum life and reliability.
6. Each unit shall then be checked for overall appearance B. Operating Characteristics:
and dimensional accuracy. 1. Chiller operation shall be characteristic of a double-
7. Final inspection shall be performed on each unit to effect absorption cycle with series solution flow.

Guide specifications (cont)
The weak solution from the absorber shall be shall be provided in each fire tube to increase heat
entering the high-temperature generator via the low- transfer. Access to the high-temperature generator
and the high-temperature solution heat exchangers. shall be provided via a flange type refractory door
A variable frequency drive pump shall automatically on the end opposite the burner. A sightglass shall be
regulate the flow of solution to the generators to provided in the chamber to observe flame size and
maintain optimum flow at all operating conditions. shape. A flanged rectangular flue gas outlet
This shall result in improved part-load efficiency connection shall be located on the burner end above
and eliminate the need for manual set-up the burner assembly.
adjustments of the solution flow. 4. A high-temperature and a low-temperature solution
2. Unit shall be capable of continuous operation from heat exchanger shall be an integral part of the
100 to 25% capacity, with entering cooling water machine to increase efficiency by pre-heating weak
temperatures as low as 60.8 F (16 C), without the solution with strong solution from high-temperature
need for a cooling tower bypass valve. Thermostat generator. Also CHX(condensate refrigerant heat
ON/OFF control of the cooling tower fan is exchanger) shall be furnished to further improve
recommended when cooling water temperature falls efficiency to pre-heat the weak solution with steam
below 64 F (18 C). condensate from low-temperature generator.
3. Standard chiller design shall be based on a 2 –pipe Solution heat exchanger shall be single-pass, ANSI
system capable of operation in either the cooling or type 316 stainless steel, brazed plate construction.
heating mode. When in the heating mode, the 5. Spray heads for the evaporator and absorber shall
evaporator tube bundle shall be utilized as the be of a non-clogging design, specifically designed
heating bundle supplying hot water through the for the intended duty, and shall be fabricated of a
standard evaporator nozzle connections to simplify corrosion-proof material to ensure continuous,
piping. The hot water temperature leaving the unit high-efficiency operation.
shall be 140 F (60 C). 6. Heat exchanger tube material and minimum wall
C. Heat Exchangers: thickness shall be contingent on the type of
1. All heat exchangers except solution heat exchanger corrosion inhibitor used in the machine. For
shall be of shell and tube construction with shells, molybdate systems, the following tube
tubesheets, tube support sheets, and waterboxes specifications shall apply to ensure long machine
fabricated of carbon steel. Shell and tube heat life and continuous operation:
exchangers shall incorporate straight tubes. All Evaporator……………….copper, externally-finned
tubes shall be rolled into grooveless tubesheets and Absorber………...….…………..copper, corrugated
expanded into tube support sheets, except for the Condenser. ……………..………copper, corrugated
high- and low-temperature generator tubes. High- Low-Temperature Generator…copper, externally-
temperature generator tubes shall be welded into finned
tube sheets. All tubes shall be individually High-Temperature Generator…………carbon steel,
replaceable. Low-temperature generator tubes shall prime surface
be rolled into grooved tubesheets and expanded If chiller manufacturer requires the use of tube
into tube support sheets materials other than as listed above, due to the use
2. The evaporator, absorber, and condenser water- of a less effective inhibitor, the chiller manufacturer
boxes shall be designed for 150 psig (1034 kPa) shall guarantee performance of the machine for its
working pressure. Nozzle-in-head (NIH) type design life and shall replace tubes and/or tube
waterboxes shall be supplied on the evaporator bundles as necessary during this period at no
while the absorber-condenser waterboxes shall be additional cost to the owner.
either marine type. All waterboxes shall be D. Pump/Motors:
provided with vent and drain connections. ANSI Refrigerant and solution pump/motors shall be self-
150 psig RF flanges shall be furnished on all contained, leakproof, hermetic type, with isolation
waterbox nozzle connections. valves, and internal seal water system to minimize air
3. The high-temperature generator shall incorporate a leakage into the machine. Lubrication and cooling
cylindrical combustion chamber and contain flue shall be accomplished by the fluid being pumped;
gas heat exchanger in order to increase cycle auxiliary water piping for cooling and lubrication shall
efficiency by preheating the weak solution on its not be acceptable. Pump/motor assemblies shall be
way to the high-temperature solution heat designed for a minimum of 5 years (or 20,000 hours)
exchanger while pre-cooling the exhaust gas from normal operation between inspections. If pump/motor
high-temperature generature. The carbon steel assemblies are furnished with less than a design of
(boiler type) fire tubes shall be located above the 20,000 hours between inspections, they must be
combustion chamber in a horizontal position and provided with a bearing monitoring system to aid in
shall be seal welded to the tubesheets. Turbulators diagnosing and performing on-going maintenance.
E. Purge System The system controls cooling capacity within the set
An automatic, motorless purge system shall be point plus the deadband by sensing the leaving
furnished to provide a continuous purging action chilled water and regulating the burner capacity
whenever the chiller is in operation to assure long valve via a mechanically linked actuator motor.
machine life and efficient performance. 2. 16DNH Series PIC (Product Integrated Control)
Noncondensables shall be removed from the absorber The Product Integrated Control (PIC) is the control
by a liquid eductor, which shall use flow from the system on the machine. The PIC controls the
solution pump to create a suction. Noncondensables operation of the machine by monitoring all
shall be stored external to the unit and shall be operating conditions. The PIC can diagnose a
prevented from diffusing back into the machine when problem and let the operator know what the
the unit is not operating. A palladium cell shall be problem is and what to check. It promptly
provided to automatically vent hydrogen gas from the positions the burner capacity valve to maintain
purge tank to the atmosphere to minimize the need for leaving chilled water temperature. It can interface
manual evacuation of the storage tank. Evacuation of with auxiliary equipment such as pumps and
the external storage tank shall be accomplished by the cooling tower fans. It continually checks all
use of a unit-mounted vacuum pump to ensure that the safeties to prevent any unsafe operating condition.
palladium cell is not wetted with lithium bromide The PIC can be interface with the Carrier Comfort
solution. The vacuum pump shall be factory mounted Network (CCN). It can communicate with other
on the chiller and wired to the control center by the PIC-equipped chiller and CCN device.
chiller manufacturer. z ICVC (International Chiller Visual
F. Burner Assembly: Controller): The ICVC contains all the
1. Burner shall be manufactured by Weishaupt Co. or information of control which feed all input
supplier with equivalent quality and shall be of the signals by SIO from CCM. It controls output
turbo-ring forced draft type with stainless steel making CCM generate output signals. Also it
flame retention-type combustion head to assure provides user interface by LCD and five
stable, pulsation-free operation. Primary-secondary keypads. Using CCN, it can communicate
air ratio and total air volume shall be manually with PC or other monitoring systems.
adjustable to provide control at the firing head for z CCM (CHILLER I/O MODULE):
optimum burner efficiency. The burner shall The CCM is SIO slave which sends the
incorporate its own sequence, combustion, chiller condition to ICVC, there are 13 of
supervision, and safety controls but shall operate 5KΩ or 100KΩ thermistor inputs, 4 of
under the direction of the chiller microprocessor. differential pressure inputs and 2 of 4~20mA
Interfacing with the chiller control center shall be outputs and 6 of triac outputs which
done via a field-installed wiring harness. The associated with triac/timed-triac.
burner assembly shall be UL listed. 3. ICVC Operation & Menus
2. The burner assembly and gas train (or oil control 1) The ICVC may be configured in English or
system) shall consist of strainers, shutoff valves, SI units, through the ICVC configuration
regulators, control valves, safety valves, ignition screen.
transformers, flame detectors, and pressure 2) Local Operation: By pressing the LOCAL
switches as necessary to meet national, state, and/or softkey, the PIC is in the LOCAL operation
local code requirements. The burner control center mode and the control will accept
shall house the blower motor contactor, overloads, modification to programming from the
combustion safety controls, and all other ICVC only. The PIC will use the Local Time
components for safe, proper operation. Schedule to determine machine start and
3. Burner shall be capable of operation on either stop times.
natural gas, No. 2 oil, or both (dual-fuel). A fuel 3) CCN Operation: By pressing the CCN
transfer switch shall be provided on the burner softkey, the PIC is in the CCN operation
control center to enable switching between gas and mode and the control will accept
oil when configured for dual-fuel operation. modification from any CCN interface or
G. Controls: module, as well as the ICVC. The PIC will
1. General use the CCN time schedule to determine
The 16DNH series chiller contains a start and stop time.
microprocessor-based control center that monitors
and controls all operations of the machine. The
microprocessor controls system matches the
cooling capacity of the machine to the cooling load
while providing state-of-the-art machine protection.
Guide specifications (cont)
operates and alarm indicator is blinking. The alarm
DATE is saved in the ICVC alarm history table to correct
the problems.
MESSAGE MESSAGE 6. Remote Start/Stop Control
A remote device, such as a time clock which uses a
set of contacts, may be used to start and stop the



COND.OUT 7. Spare Safety Inputs
25.0 25.0 25.0
0% TIME Normally closed (NC) digital inputs for additional
CCN LOCAL RESET MANU field-supplied safeties may be wired to the spare
protective limits input channel in place of the
factory-installed jumper. (Wire multiple inputs in
series.) The opening of any contact will result in a
safety shutdown and ICVC display.
8. Tower-Fan Relay
The tower-fan relay control is in cooling mode. It
4. PIC System Functions operates when the cooling water pump is running,
z Capacity Control: cooling water flows and temperature of the weak
The PIC controls the chiller capacity by solution leaving from absorber is 30 C. it may stop
modulating the capacity valve in response to when the cooling water pump is stopped, cooling
chilled water temperature changes away from the water does not flow or the weak solution
CONTROL POINT. The CONTROL POINT may temperature leaving from absorber is below 25C.
be changed by a CCN network device, or is 9. Auto Restart After Power Failure
determined by the PIC adding any active chilled If the control power is interrupted during operation,
water reset to the ECW (Entering Chilled Water) the chiller stops immediately without the normal
SET POINT or LCW (Leaving Chilled Water) SET shutdown sequence and dilution. Solution
POINT. crystallization can occur if the concentration is
z Entering Chilled Water Control (Optional): high (chiller was operating with a relatively large
The PIC uses ENTERING CHILLED WATER load). The machine will start automatically when
temperature to modulate the vanes instead of the power is back on.
LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature. 10. Water Temperature Reset
z Chiller Timer: This process shall only run when the Heat/Cool
The PIC maintains 2 runtime clocks, known as Mode is set to Cooling. Three types of chilled
SOLUTION PUMP ONTIME AND SERVICE water reset are available and can be viewed or
ONTIME. SOLUTION PUMP ONTIME indicates modified.
the total lifetime. The SERVICE ONTIME is a z mA Reset
resettable timer that can be used to indicate the z Remote Temp Sensor Reset
hours since the last service visit or any other reason.
z Machine Delta T Reset
z Occupancy Schedule:
This schedule determine when the chiller is either H. Machine Safety Devices:
occupied or unoccupied. The chiller will shut 1. Machine safety and limit devices shall be included
down when the schedule goes to UNOCCUPIED. as follows:
These schedules can be set up to the follow the a. High G1 solution temperature cutout
building schedule or to be 100% OCCUPIED if b. Low chilled water temperature cutout
the operator wishes. The schedules also can be c. High flue gas temperature cutout
bypassed by forcing the Start/Stop command on d. Low chilled water flow cutout
the PIC Status screen to start. The schedules also e. Low cooling water flow (option)
can be overridden to keep the unit in an f. High motor winding temperature –
OCCUPIED mode for up to 4 hours, on a one-time refrigerant/solution/aux solution pump
basis. g. High motor amperage – refrigerant/solution/
5. Safety Control aux solution pump
The PIC monitors all safety control inputs and if h. Low fuel pressure
required shuts down the chiller to protect the i. Low combustion airflow
chiller from possible damage from any of the j. Flame failure
critical conditions. The ICVC screen displays 2. Chiller shall include a rupture disk (optional) or a
primary and secondary massage if the controller fusible plug to protect against accidental
starts safety controls to stop, the alarm relay overpressure.
I. Electrical Requirements: c. Field Wiring Diagrams
1. Power supply to the unit shall be 3-ph, 60Hz with N. Options and Accessories:
voltages of 208, 230, 460, or 575, 3-ph, 50Hz, with 1. High-Pressure Waterboxes:
220V, 380V, 400V or 440V as specified on the Waterboxes rated for 250 psig (1724 kPa) or 300
equipment schedule. A multitap transformer shall psig (2068 kPa) working pressure shall be furnished
provide 100, 110 or 200, 220 shingle-phase when specified on the equipment schedule
secondary power for the control center. 2. Special Tubing:
2. Contractor shall supply and install the electrical Tubing of non-standard materials and/or wall
power line and all auxiliary electrical protection thickness shall be provided when specified on the
devices per local code requirements and as equipment schedule.
indicated necessary by the chiller manufacturer. 3. Dual-Fuel Burner:
3. Contractor shall supply and install electrical wiring A burner capable of operation on either natural gas
and devices required to interface the chiller or No. 2 oil shall be furnished when specified on the
controls with the building control system, if equipment schedule.
applicable. 4. Shipping Configuration:
J. Piping Requirements: Chiller shall ship in 1 or 2 pieces, as specified on the
1. Piping and instrumentation for the chilled water, equipment schedule.
cooling water, fuel (except for the gas train), and 5. Isolation Package:
exhaust duct shall be supplied and installed by the A vibration isolation package consisting of machine
contractor/owner. soleplates and neoprene isolation pads shall be
2. Chilled water flow switch shall be factory supplied furnished for field installation when specified on the
and factory installed in the evaporator water nozzle. equipment schedule.
Cooling water flow switch shall be field installed or 6. Cooling Water Flow Switch:
factory installed if customer requires and supplied A cooling water flow switch, rated for either
by either the chiller manufacturer or the 150 psig (1034 kPa), 250 psig (1724kPa), or 300
contractor/owner. psig (2068 kPa) shall be field installed or factory
3. Piping from the rupture disk shall be provided and installed if customer requires and supplied by either
installed by the contractor/owner and piped in the chiller manufacturer or the contractor/owner.
accordance with the chiller manufacturer’s written
instructions and any local jurisdictional
K. Thermal Insulation:
Insulation of cold or hot surfaces shall be field
supplied and field installed on the machine. Chiller
manufacturer shall specify the recommended material
and surface area to be insulated.
L. Sound Level:
The overall sound pressure level of the chiller shall not
exceed 80 dbA when measured per ARI Standard 575
(latest edition).
M. Start-up:
1. Unit manufacturer shall provide a factory-trained
service representative, employed by the chiller
manufacturer, to perform and/or supervise chiller
pressure test (when required), charge chiller with
refrigerant (water) and lithium bromide solution,
place unit into operation, and calibrate all controls
in accordance with the manufacturer’s written start-
up, operating, and maintenance instructions.
2. After unit start-up has been performed, the same
factory representative shall be available for a period
of instruction (not to exceed 4 hours) to instruct the
owner’s personnel in the proper start-up, operation,
and maintenance procedures.
3. Manufacturer shall provide the following literature:
a. Installation Instructions
b. Star-up, Operating and Maintenance Instructions

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