Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
to give description of the state of the issue being investigated. Inasmuch as it can
provide essential information regarding the average member of a group,
descriptive research beneficially helps researchers to achieve the research
objectives (Marczyk, DeMatteo, and Festinger, 2005: 16).
Descriptive qualitative method was applied in this study because it
supports the aim of the research. This research is to find out important information
derived from the average member of a group and present the data in form of
description. The data itself was obtained from observations and interviews with
the members of the group, which was subsequently described based on the real
2. Sample
Sample is a representative subset of the population which is studied in
great detail by the researcher, for researchers may find it difficult to study each
member of the population. Since researchers are typically unable to study the
entire population, they need a sample (Marcyzk et al. 2005: 18). In line with
Marcyzk et al., Goddard and Melville (2001: 34) define sample as the
3. Sampling
In this research, the researcher used cluster random sampling to pick one
out of four classes to serve as the sample, which subsequently was studied in
detail. According to Kothari (2004: 65), in cluster random sampling, the
population is divided into subdivisions which themselves clusters consist of
smaller units, and then one cluster is randomly picked out of all clusters. Similar
to Kothari, Goddard and Melville (2001: 37) suggest that in cluster random
sampling, the researcher randomly chooses a cluster of all resulting from the
subdivision of the population into subgroups to serve as the population sample.