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Good Morning!!!

Introduction:It is not the machines, money, materials, transport system and
other resources that make the organization to achieve its goals
but it is the competency of the people who handle the resources
of the organizaion to accomplish the objectives of the
It is the responsibility of the management to secure and
maintain competent and dedicated workforce. This is referred to

Meaning and Definition

STAFFING refers to the managerial function of determining and
improving the manpower requirements of an enterprise.
Plannin, recruitment, performance appraisal etc are the subfunctions.
DEFINITION: Curther Geelick Cundall Urwick- Staffing is the whole
personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and
maintaining of favourable conditions of working.
Theo Haimann- Concerned with the placement, growth and
development of all those members of these organization
whose function is to get things done through the efforts of
other individuals.

Features of Staffing

Deals with people

It has many sub-functions
It aimd at right man at right position
Pervasiveness of staffing
It deals with future requirements
It is a continous function
It is a process
Formulate personnel policies and programmes

Importance of Staffing
Andrew Carnegie an industrialist once said, 'take away all our
factories, our trade avenues of transportation and our money
but leave us our organization and in four years we will have reestablished ourselves'. The following points are the importance
of staffing:1. It determines the capacity of the organizatin
2. Advancemnt of tecnology
3. Long-range needs for manpower
4. High wage bill
5. Recognition of human relations
6. Efficient utilization of all resources
7. Harmonious relationship
8. Basis for measurement

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