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Why is this a problem for

What is the problem? Plan of Action


● Plan: ● Need to maintain day-to-day ● Structure-Process-Technology

○ Policy integration operations ● Structure - Communicate how the
○ Organisational structure alignment ● Employees may not have clarity on new organisation is structured, how
● Objective: reasons behind changes it works
○ Less operational disruption ● Competitors may approach high ● Process - Communicate how the
○ Retention of workforce performing employees organia
○ Best of both worlds ● Need to communicate the combined ● Need to communicate the combined
○ Unified corporate structure vision vision
● Challenges: ● Heterogenous performance tracking ● Heterogenous performance tracking
○ High attrition levels is a barrier to potential incentives is a barrier to potential incentives
○ Ensuring morale maintained ● Limited access to information and ● Limited access to information and
○ Differences in performance people - barrier when merging cultural people - barrier when merging
tracking differences cultural differences
○ Limited access to info & people
Changes in Processes

Company level Dept level

Overview Synergies Supply Chain Integration IT & Finance

Employees + Units - Best in class - Suppliers - Centralization

- Best in class capital transfer - Transportation - Automation
doctors - Demerge loss - Inventory - IT - Website,
- Other employees making units - SOPs Appointment
- Integration of portals, etc
units - Finance -
Communication of Process

Day 1 (CEO) Ongoing (COO)

Operational (Daily) Operational

Doctors and Facilities - Automation - Supply Feedback & Training
- Best in class doctors - Centralization - Logistics - How impacting
- Helpline - Change in inventory - How to improve
- Finances
- Transfer
- De-merge

Regional infrastructure Organisational

Governance IT Migration
facilities Structure

- Clear timeline
Regional People-specific Compensation Synergy Hierarchy - Migration training

Specialty based Role Layoffs -Higher - Overall vision - Announcing the

linkages Performance based new Board of
Variable Pays and - New committees Directors and CEO
Leadership Certain
and Functional ESOPs to top
performers - Management - Retaining existing
employees ities such
-Share Swap Ratio Seats for key chain of command
as IT,
for acquired performers of for smooth
employees/shareho acquired firm too transition
incentives Prioritise
(aligned retention lders
- Smoother - Cross functional - Promotion of Key
with best of of top
transition of operations performers and
both worlds) performer
employee benefits mapping hierarchy
of acquired firm to - Similarity in of both the
company domain day-to-day handling companies
- -

Vision, Culture & Values Networking between people Transformation in Workforce

Common Vision and Townhall , Meetings Skill

Cultural Integration Junior retention
Plans and Updates Development

Communication - Clear career path

about re-training - Compensation
To define why the Influence the way Better interaction -And skill - Incentives
acquisition makes people, think, feel & for cross development for new - Recognition
sense act department systems - Boost morale
Talent Workforce
Acquisition planning
Enhance the
performance, Share ideas &
motivation & experiences with Acquiring new talent - Planning
each other to fill in new roles re-deployment of
commitment to a
shared vision & -Synergies & improved
culture performance
Day 1 Priorities Ongoing engagement initiatives

Align employees on Announce skill FAQ portal to address Workforce planning,

common vision and development, queries of people internal mobility
shared values through restructuring and about new system options & Training
Town Hall meeting inclusive programs programs

Brief introduction of the Celebrate current Forming ERGs like Celebrating milestones
leadership team & achievements & LGBTQ+, Women & recognitions
address integration of motivate to achieve Empowerment, regularly
everyone into new future targets common fields, etc

Create a positive How the merger would Specific operational Taking regular feedback
outlook towards the impact the employees activities in supply,
Process merger by informing on a regular basis inventory that need to be Training them to cope
them of facts & figures operationally carried out in a smooth with the operationally
process from pre merger new features
to merger

Brief introduction of the Celebrate current -Performance based

Structuring leadership team & address achievements & Pays
integration of everyone into motivate to achieve -ESOPs to top
new system future targets performers

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