TDS Nitoflor EPU 2000
TDS Nitoflor EPU 2000
TDS Nitoflor EPU 2000
constructive solutions
Uses Properties
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Nitoflor EPU2000
Chemical resistance
Nitoflor EPU2000 epoxy polyurethane coating is resistant to a All substrates should be sound and free from contamination
wide range of chemicals. Specific data is available on request. such as mortar and paint splashes, curing compound residue,
oil or grease. Excessive laitance should be removed by light
Specification clauses mechanical scrabbling, grinding or grit blasting. Light laitance
Self smoothing flow applied epoxy polyurethane coating applied may be removed by acid etching with Reebaklens followed by
on epoxy primed concrete surface within 18 hours at 350C. When thorough washing with clean water, vacuum cleaning and then
tested as per BS 6319, Nitoflor EPU2000 epoxy polyurethane allowing the surface to dry.
coating shall possess a minimum compressive strength of 45N/ Oil and grease contamination must be completely removed by
mm2, a flexural strength of 15N/mm2, and a minimum tensile grinding down to sound, clean concrete. Alternatively, blasting
strength of 10N/mm2, and offer an minimum abrasion resistance techniques can be used to provide the required substrate.
of 0.1-0.15mg/cycle when tested as per ASTM D4060, with
CS17 wheel of 1000gms weight. It must also have a hardness Old concrete floors with deep seated contamination and
of 70-80, when tested for Shore D Hardness. substrate damage must be prepared by any of the mechanical
methods as previously described. Major discrepancies in the
Application instructions substrate should be repaired with Nitomortar S.
Self-smoothing is a term used in the flooring industry to describe Where these methods are considered impracticable, alternative
a composition which after being spread to a uniform layer of methods may be considered, but it is essential that a sound,
appropriate thickness, develops a smooth, resin-rich surface clean substrate be provided. For further advice, Fosroc may
without the need for skilful trowelling. This self-smoothing action be consulted.
is very localised and does not eradicate irregularities of level
present in the original substrate. It is most important, therefore, As Nitoflor EPU2000 epoxy polyurethane coating is only 1.6-
that adequate surface preparation and repair is undertaken prior 2mm topping, the substrate must be relatively even textured,
to application of Nitoflor SL flooring systems. Advice on specific as any major surface discrepancies may show through, or may
applications may be obtained from Fosroc. cause colour variation in the applied topping.
Mixing Limitations
Nitoflor EPU2000 epoxy polyurethane coating is supplied in It is not compatible for application over asphalt, unmodified
pre-weighed packs ready to use on site. Solvent or thinners, sand-cement screeds or PVC tiles and sheets. Nitoflor EPU2000
should not be added. A forced action mixer with a paddle fitted epoxy polyurethane coating laid floor will be scratched due to
into a heavy duty, slow speed electric hand drill is recommended nails or sharp objects protruding from machinery, packings, or
for mixing. trolleys moving on the floor. Presence of sand will also cause
Hardener component is mixed with Base resin in a suitable
The product is not advised to be applied below 150C as the
mixing vessel. The full colour paste is then added and mixed
flow reduces. While applying the product above 350C, there
until an even colour is obtained. Finally the filler as supplied is
can be a problem of low pot life etc., and it will be difficult to
added and mixed further for three minutes until a homogenous
apply the material. Cured product is not suitable for exposure
lump free slurry is obtained.
to subzero temperatures and above 650C.
Where bulk mixing is required, Fosroc must be consulted.
When there is not enough material in a given area, roller marks
Laying caused due to spiked rolling may not close which will result in
an undesirable finish.
The material is poured onto the primed substrate and spread
to the required thickness with a steel trowel. Alternatively, a The product is not suitable for areas exposed to direct sunlight.
serrated trowel can be used. The resin floor should not be
overworked but spread slowly and evenly. Estimating
Immediately after spreading, the floor should be firmly rolled Packing and coverage
with a spiked roller to help release any entrapped air in the
material and level any slight trowel marks. The floor should Pack size Coverage
now self-smooth to an even coloured dense, impervious floor.
Nitoprime 25 1L/4L 5.5-6.5 m2/L
Note Primer coverage will depend on the texture and porosity of
In certain conditions, a light oily film may appear on the the substrate and also the application thickness.
surface of the floor on curing. This may be easily removed after Nitoflor EPU2000 15L Typically at 2mm
a minimum curing period of 48 hrs, by washing with a liquid thickness, 7.5 Sqm
detergent floor cleaner and water. per pack
depending on the
For application on steel substrates, consult Fosroc.
Expansion joints
Nitoflor EPU2000 epoxy polyurethane coating should be
In unopened packs, Nitoflor EPU2000 epoxy polyurethane
discontinuous over sealants in joints unless otherwise specified.
coating and Nitoprime 25 primer have a shelf life of 12 months
Cleaning when stored in warehouse conditions below 350C.
Nitoflor EPU2000 epoxy polyurethane coating base and Clean and wash the floor with detergent and lukewarm
hardener components, colour paste, Nitoprime 25 and Nitoflor water solution with mopper twice a day.
Sol should not come in contact with skin and eyes or be
Vacuum clean the surface to ensure dust free environment.
swallowed. Prolonged inhalation of solvent vapours should
be avoided. Forklifts, truck pallets, trolleys moving over the floor should
be provided with polyurethane (PU) wheels with wider contact
Since some people are sensitive to epoxy resins, hardeners area for lesser friction.
and solvents, gloves, goggles and barrier creams should be
used. Adequate ventilation should be avoided and if work is Clean the rubber mark on the coating generated during
in enclosed areas, suitable breathing apparatus must be used. breaking/ turning of fork lifts immediately with suitable cleaning
solution like detergent or other cleaning agents. Please contact
If mixed resin comes in contact with skin, it must be removed Fosroc in case you need technical support on the same.
before it hardens with a resin removing cream, followed by
washing with soap and water. Solvent should not be used. Keep soft mats underneath before placing heavy objects
Contamination of skin with any of the above component products on the floor.
should be removed immediately with soap and water.
Maintain the trolley, fork lifts regularly to prevent locking of
Should accidental eye contamination occur with any of the wheels during movement
above products, it should be washed well with plenty of clean
Check the fork lifts/ trolleys and the finished goods to be
water and medical advice sought. If swallowed, immediate
carried to ensure that no nails/ sharp objects are protruding.
medical attention is advised.
Fire We recommend cleaning the floor surface with floor surface
cleaning on a daily basis.
Nitoflor EPU2000 hardener, Nitoprime 25 and Nitoflor Sol are
flammable and should not be exposed to naked flames or other Attend immediately in case of any oil grease lubricant spill-
sources of ignition. Smoking is prohibited. Containers should age and clean with detergent- water solution with soft bristle
be tightly sealed when not in use. Fire should be extinguished brush to avoid scratching.
with Carbon dioxide or foam. Vomiting should not be induced.
Treat floor cleaning as a continuous and daily activity to
Flash points sustain proper finish and aesthetic of the coated floor.
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Nitoflor EPU2000
Important note :
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold
subject to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on
request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation specification
or information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or
continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either
Fosroc Chemicals directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products whether or not in accordance with
any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.
(India) Pvt. Ltd.
Head Office telephone fax e-mail
Embassy Point, No. 150,
2nd Floor, Infantry Road, +91 80-42521900 +91 80-22281510 [email protected]
Bangalore 560 001,
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