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International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER)

Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2017)

Compensate Reactive Power at Linear & Non-Linear

Load with Fuzzy Control of UPFC and STATCOM
D. Chandrashekar, 2 B.Saritha, 3 K.Srinivas
1, 2
Assistant Professor, Vignanabharathi Engineering College, India.
Assistant Professor, Thirumala Engineering College, India.

Abstract – In this project we are implementing the power or all of circuit impedance, magnitude and phase angle
compensation of reactive and regulation of voltage at load side by difference of voltage across the transmission line.
using STATCOM and UPFC with the combination fuzzy control.
Which is utilized for the medium transmission line which is Among them UPFC is most versatile and reliable device of
contents of statcom and upfc .here we are developing the fuzzy FACTs family. UPFC consists of a parallel and series branches,
logic controller which is defined like a human brain to get the each one contains a transformer, power electric converter with
better performance. Therefore this test will performed on the turn off capable semiconductor devices and DC circuit. Series
medium transmission line which is considerate with both the inverter is connected to series transformer and shunt inverter is
linear and non linear load at same time. By using the simulation connected to shunt transformer. The real and reactive power in
result ,the output and waveform will be observed by the
comparsion in between both the devices.
transmission line can be quickly regulated by changing the
voltage magnitude and phase angle of converter.
Index Terms – Statcom, UPFC, Reactive Power Compensation,
Voltage Stability, Linear Load, Non-Linear Load,fuzzy logic According to the STATCOM is regulating device used on
control. alternating current electricity transmission networks. It is
power electronic voltage source converter and can work as
1. INTRODUCTION either source or sink of reactive AC power to an electricity
According to the recent year in the transmission systems network. STATCOM provides better reactive power support al
increase in the power line, the energy conservation and stable low AC voltage than FACTs device, the reactive power from a
supply of power is getting to be important. In power STATCOM decreases linearly with the AC voltage. This paper
transmission power factor drops due to reactive power indicates a simulation model of medium transmission line
component of load and transmission line. This may also cause which is once considered with linear and non-linear load at
voltage drop due to unexpected load Variations at load side time, with STATCOM and UPFC. The UPFC and STATCOM
occurs. The function of an AC transmission system is to is simulated with the help of Simulink library of MATLAB.
provide electric power from one end to another at specified The simulation is carried out with these considerations and
voltage, frequency, power factor and waveform. Reactive results are compared.
power Q is exchanged between inductive and capacitive loads Mathematical& Simulink Model of UPFC
in the network.
The UPFC is designed with the help of 12 IGBT and series &
Therefore according to the reactive power flow which will shunt connected transformer to the UPFC controller. The PWM
increase in I2R. Volt-amperes reactive are absorbed by Generator circuits are used as the controller circuit of the
inductive loads and Q for inductive loads is considered UPFC. For the measurement of current and voltage, Three
positive. Volt-amperes are supplied by capacitance loads and Phase voltage current measurement block of Simulation is
Q for capacitor load is considered negative. The reactive power used.
supplied or absorbed by individual components Varies with the
loading, network configuration and with changes in voltage.
Voltage stability is refer to maximum power transfer beyond
which further increase in load results in reduction in voltage.
Higher load Variations results higher reactive power loss and
voltage drop in the transmission line.
For regulating voltage reactive power is supplied to the line
during heavy loads and is extracted from the line during low Fig 1 – Mathematical Model of UPFC
loads compensation of reactive power helps in improving 𝑉𝑉𝐶 𝛿
steady state and voltage stability. IJSFACTs devices are used 𝑃𝑅 = 𝑃𝑂 sin ( + 𝛽) (1)
𝑋𝐿 2
to regulate power flows in transmission line by controlling one

ISSN: 2454-6410 ©EverScience Publications 136

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER)
Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2017)

𝑉𝑉𝐶 𝛿 capacitor with them. The UPFC is having one transformer in

−𝑄𝑅 = 𝑄𝑂 cos ( + 𝛽) (2)
𝑋𝐿 2 series and other with the shunt connected to the line. The
Here Simulation contains both measurement and control circuit.
𝛽= − (3)
𝑃𝑂 = sin 𝛿 (4)

𝑄𝑂 = (1 − cos 𝛿) (5)
sin ∅ = 𝛿 (6)
2 sin

The gate terminal of each UPFC is connected to individual

pulse generator to trigger out the UPFC converter which helps
it to simulate at given input source. Both converter has different
3 phase voltage and current measurement blocks with their own Fig. 4 – Mathematical Model of STATCOM
3 phase input source. These blocks are further connected to 𝑉−𝐸
another blocks which helps in observing the real reactive power 𝐼𝑟 = (7)
absorbed or injected by any of series or shunt converter. 𝜋 𝑉𝑑𝑐
𝐸= ∫0 sin 𝜃 𝑑𝜃 (8)
𝜋 2

𝐸= 𝑉𝑑𝑐 (9)
𝑃 = 𝑉𝑠𝑚 𝐼𝑠𝑚 cos (10)
𝑉2 𝛿
𝑃=2 sin (11)
𝑋 2
𝛿 4𝑉 2 𝛿
𝑄 = 𝑉𝐼 sin = (1 − cos ) (12)
Fig. 2 – Circuit Diagram of UPFC 4 𝑋 2

The STATCOM is here a combination of shunt transformer, lc

Filter and an IGBT Converter fed with the pwm generator. The
output of STATCOM is calculated at the Pstat port and results
is obtained for absorption or injection of reactive power in
STATCOM. The results here are obtained with STATCOM is
compared with previous block of power system without

3 – UPFC Block Diagram for Simulation ER

The UPFC circuit is used here because of its versatile and
dynamic nature of controlling real and reactive power from
sending to receiving side. On using UPFC with the system we
Fig 5 – Circuit Diagram of STATCOM
get better results in comparison to other devices and results
without devices. The UPFC here designed with the help The capacitor voltage can be adjusted by controlling the phase
Simulation through MATLAB. It contains multiple IGBT angle difference between line voltage and vsc voltage. If the
circuits connected to parallel circuit to each other with a dc phase angle of line voltage is taken as a reference, the phase

ISSN: 2454-6410 ©EverScience Publications 137

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER)
Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2017)

angle of vsc voltage is the same as the firing angle of vsc. The
dc voltage decreases and reactive power flows into
STATCOM, if the firing angles are slightly advanced.
Conversely, if the firing angles are slightly delayed, the dc
voltage increases and STATCOM supplies reactive power to
the bus.
Simulation model of medium transmission line is constructed
in Simulink Library of MATLAB. The simulink is once
considered with linear and non-linear load in medium
transmission line with UPFC and STATCOM. The DC Fig.7.Fuzzy logic controller
capacitor is here used for the source of the Voltage Source
Converter. The DC source helps to provide the active power is The FLC comprises of three parts: fuzzification, interference
helpful by using the capacitor. There is DC Capacitor engine and defuzzification. The FC is characterized as i. seven
connected parallel with the IGBT circuits, the transformer dc fuzzy sets for each input and output. ii. Triangular membership
voltage source is calculated with K modulation gain and α is functions for simplicity. iii. Fuzzification using continuous
the phase angle for the injected voltage. universe of discourse. iv. Implication using Mamdani’s, ‘min’
operator. v. Defuzzification using the height method.
By controlling the firing angles of Voltage Source Converter,
the voltage stability and control of reactive power injected or TABLE: Fuzzy Rules
absorbed can be control. The Iq component of the source
current is strongly correlated to the reactive power which is
used as the reference Iq in the PI controller that produces the
modulation index of the PWM controller.

Fuzzification: Membership function values are assigned to the

linguistic variables, using seven fuzzy subsets: NB (Negative
Big), NM (Negative Medium), NS (Negative Small), ZE
(Zero), PS (Positive Small), PM (Positive Medium), and PB
(Positive Big). The Partition of fuzzy subsets and the shape of
membership CE(k) E(k) function adapt the shape up to
appropriate system. The value of input error and change in error
are normalized by an input scaling factor.In this system the
input scaling factor has been designed such that input values
are between -1 and +1. The triangular shape of the membership
Fig. 6 – STATCOM Block Diagram for Simulation
function of this arrangement presumes that for any particular
The Voltage Source Converter of STATCOM is here E(k) input there is only one dominant fuzzy subset. The input
constructed with 3 arms IGBT Bridge, here each IGBT is error for the FLC is given as
connected parallel to diode. The output of the converter is Pph(k) −Pph(k−1)
triangular sine wave. Also a dc capacitor is connected in E(k) = (13)
Vph(k) −Vph(k−1)
parallel to provide the input voltage source. A subsystem is
connected here which is build up with the pwm generator CE(k) = E(k) – E(k-1) (14)
circuit inside. The output of pwm generator is here given to Inference Method: Several composition methods such as
IGBT input one with and other without not gate. Max–Min and Max-Dot have been proposed in the literature.
3. FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER In this paper Min method is used. The output membership
function of each rule is given by the minimum operator and
In FLC, basic control action is determined by a set of linguistic maximum operator. Table 1 shows rule base of the FLC.
rules. These rules are determined by the system. Since the
numerical variables are converted into linguistic variables, Defuzzification: As a plant usually requires a non-fuzzy value
mathematical modeling of the system is not required in FC. of control, a defuzzification stage is needed. To compute the

ISSN: 2454-6410 ©EverScience Publications 138

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER)
Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2017)

output of the FLC, „height‟ method is used and the FLC output transmission line. The simulation is carried out on Simulink
modifies the control output. Further, the output of FLC controls platform of MATLAB
the switch in the inverter. In UPQC, the active power, reactive
power, terminal voltage of the line and capacitor voltage are
required to be maintained. In order to control these parameters,
they are sensed and compared with the reference values. To
achieve this, the membership functions of FC are: error, change
in error and output
The set of FC rules are derived from
u=-[α E + (1-α)*C] (15)

Fig 8 input error as membership functions Linear Load

The system is connected to linear load at medium transmission
line once at UPFC and STATCOM. The results observed and
comparison is carried out between both devices. The values of
reactive power and load voltage is carried in below.

Fig 9 change as error membership functions

Fig. 11 – Reactive Power of Medium Transmission line at

Linear Load with STATCOM (SL)

Fig.10 output variable Membership functions

Where α is self-adjustable factor which can regulate the whole
operation. E is the error of the system, C is the change in error
and u is the control variable.
In this section, the simulation is tested at linear and non linear
load connected to the medium transmission line. The system is Fig. 12– Load Voltage of Medium Transmission Line at
connected once with UPFC and STATCOM to the medium Linear Load with STATCOM (SL)

ISSN: 2454-6410 ©EverScience Publications 139

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER)
Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2017)

By controlling firing angle of IGBT converter, the voltag

stability and reactive power can be control. IJS

Fig. 17 - Reactive Power of Medium Transmission line at

Non-Linear Load with UPFC (UNL)
Fig. 13 - Reactive Power of Medium Transmission line at
Linear Load with UPFC (UL)

Fig. 14 - Load Voltage of Medium Transmission Line at

Linear Load with UPFC (UL) Fig. 18 - Load Voltage of Medium Transmission Line at
Linear Load with UPFC (UNL)
At Non-Linear Load
Firing angle is inversely proportional to the reactive power at
receiving end. The sine wave of load voltage and current is
occurred due to sine triangular PWM which is given to gate of
Comparison of Load voltage and Reactive Power of Medium
Transmission Line at Linear and Non-Linear Load
At Linear Load

Fig. 15 - Reactive Power of Medium Transmission line at

Non-Linear Load with STATCOM (SNL)

Fig. 19 - Load Voltage Characteristics with UPFC and

STATCOM at Linear Load
When the load varies, the value of sending end reactive power
Fig. 16 - Load Voltage of Medium Transmission Line at Non- also decreases. Also due to load variations the sending end
Linear Load with STATCOM (SNL) reactive power decreases which also affects the sending end

ISSN: 2454-6410 ©EverScience Publications 140

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER)
Volume 5, Issue 11, November (2017)

reactive power, which finally results in increase in power 5. CONCLUSION

transfer capability and voltage stability at receiving end.
In this project we are observing the linear load of the
transmission line with the UPFC which is represented in the fig
:16 which will have the results of reactive and power
compensatiuon with the load voltage.therefore when the load
reactive power reduces then sending end reactive power losses
will also reduces. By using fuzzy logic controller we can get
the better performance because it works like a human brain. by
using the STATCOM it is is observed that the sending end
reactive power losses will be reduces.therefore UPFC is the
better in the place of STATCOM. by utilizing the UPFC we
can increases the power transfer capability and the thermal
capability of transmission line.

Fig. 20 – Reactive Power Characteristics with UPFC and

STATCOM at Linear Load
At Non-Linear Load

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