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Cell Phone Controlled Robotic Vehicle 2018 I JSRCSEIT | Volume 4 | Issue 1 |

ISSN: 2456-3307

Research · March 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20665.24164


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5 authors, including:

Qamar Ul Islam
Universiti Sains Malaysia


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National Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Science and IT (NCRACIT)
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology
© 2018 IJSRCSEIT | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | ISSN: 2456-3307

Cell Phone Controlled Robotic Vehicle

Qamar-ul-Islam1, Shubam Sagoch2, Dikshit Langer3, Faiza Tabassum4, Ishrat Nabi5
1Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Renewable Energy Engineering, BGSB University, Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir,
2345Student, Department of Electrical & Renewable Energy Engineering, BGSB University, Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir, India


As wireless control is widely used nowadays because of their wide range of control. The wireless controlled
robots use RF circuits, which were run-over by wireless control using mobile network, but both have the
drawbacks of limited range & operation. The operation of control using mobile network is limited with the
availability of cellular network. This drawback can be removed by replacing cellular signal with satellite
signal. This enables the user to control the robot in remote areas too.
Keywords: DTMF, Motor Driver, Microcontroller, GSM Network.


As mentioned above, the operation of control

using RF circuits have a limited range, limited
frequency, whereas cellular network has a broad
range but cannot be used in remote areas. So to
overcome these drawbacks, satellite network can be
used. As using a satellite phone would sharply
increase the cost of the project, so by converting a Figure 1. Thuyara Sat Sleeve
GSM Phone to a satellite phone is an easy way to
reduce the cost of the project. This can be done by II. METHODOLOGY
using the Thuyara Sat Sleeve gadget, which will
convert a simple GSM Phone to a satellite phone. It As our project is based on control of a robotic
has robust control, a wide range (where satellite vehicle using cell phone that makes a call to the
signals are present i.e. in 154 countries) and we can mobile phone attached to the robot. The keypad of
have up to 12 controls. Mobile Phones is associated with Dual Tone Multi
Frequency (DTMF) which provides two output
frequencies (one high band frequency and one low
band frequency). During the call, if any button is
pressed, a tone corresponding to the button pressed is
heard at the other end of the call. This tone is called
as Dual Tone Multiple frequency Tone.

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The microcontroller 89s51 is the heart of the project
programmed in embedded C with help of KIEL
Compiler. When the user will call the phone
connected to the robot(the other phone must be in
auto answer mode), the phone through which call is
made behaves as remote and when any key is pressed
the DTMF tone is sent by the cell phone is received
by the cell phone connected with the robot which is
connected with decoder circuit which decodes the
dual tone into binary code. The binary code
Figure 2. Frequency of Respected Keys generated by the decoder circuit is sent to the
microcontroller which sends command to the motor
Above figure shows the frequencies of respected driver to move the robot. The motor driver is
keys of keypad. The mobile phone works as a remote connected with two motors, one holds the forward
to control the robot. This project can be used in and reverse operations and other sideways (right &
military works for surveillance across borders, for left) operations. The different commands for different
archaeological surveys, forest conservation etc. buttons are already programmed, suppose if 2 is
pressed, the robot will move forward and for 8, 4, 6
Our aim is to prepare an unmanned robotic the robot will move in reverse, left and right
vehicle which can be used for military uses and direction respectively and 5 to stop the vehicle.
archaeological surveys. The receiver phone is Cameras are to be used for surveillance and robust
directly connected with the DTMF Decoder. The control and to control the robot from a distance.
Dual-Tone is received by the DTMF Decoder Proximity sensor is to be assembled to prevent the
through the phone stacked with the robot. The robot from any obstacle. When an obstacle occurs in
received tone is decoded by the DTMF Decoder into the way of robot, the proximity sensor will detect it
its equivalent binary digit and this binary number is and automatically the robot will stop and it will wait
sent to the microcontroller. The microcontroller is for the command from the user. Same will happen if
pre-programmed to take a decision for any given fire will be detected.
input which outputs this input to motor driver to
drive the motor to move forward or backward or
turn in either direction. The mobile that makes a call
acts like a remote. So this project doesn’t require any
additional transmitter and receiver sections.


Figure 4. Circuit Diagram of the Project

Figure 3. Block Diagram of the Project

Volume 4 | Issue 1 | March-April-2018 | www.ijsrcseit.com 69


1. Microcontroller:
The microcontroller used here is ATMEL 89s52
which has 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP)
Flash Memory.

Figure 6. Pin Diagram of Motor Driver L293D

Some other features of Motor Driver L293D are:

 Wide Supply-Voltage Range: 4.5 V to 36 V.
 Separate Input-Logic Supply.
Figure 5. Circuit Diagram of Microcontroller  Internal ESD Protection.
 Thermal Shutdown.
Features of this type of Microcontroller:  High-Noise-Immunity Inputs.
 The operating range of this type of  Output Current 1 A per Channel (600 mA for
microcontroller is 4.0V to 5.5V. L293D).
 It has fully static operation i.e. 0 Hz to 33 MHz.  Peak Output Current 2 A per Channel (1.2 A for
 ATMEL 89s52 microcontroller has 256 x 8-bit L293D).
internal RAM, 32 programmable I/O lines.  Output Clamp Diodes for Inductive Transient
 It has three 16-bit timer/counters, eight interrupt Suppression (L293D).
sources and full duplex UART serial channel.
3. DTMF Decoder:
2. Motor Driver: MT8870 DTMF decoder is used in this robot. It
In this robot a dual H-bridge motor driver L293D helps in providing a decoded value for particular key
integrated circuit (IC) is used. Motor drivers act as pressed, by which a particular motor works associated
current amplifiers since they take a low-current with the command to move in the required direction.
control signal and provide a higher-current signal.
This higher current signal is used to drive the motors.
L293D contains two inbuilt H-bridge driver circuits.
In its common mode of operation, two DC motors can
be driven simultaneously, both in forward and
reverse direction.

Figure 7. Basic connections of MT8870 DTMF


Volume 4 | Issue 1 | March-April-2018 | www.ijsrcseit.com 70

Various features of DTMF Decoder MT8870: This robot can be used for spying purposes to have an
 Decodes DTMF as 4 bit binary eye on the enemy and be updated from all their
 TTL level output for direct connection to actions. The robot can be made self-destructing as if
microcontrollers in case the robot is going to be caught. Self-
 Low power 5V DC operation destruction of the robot hides the user’s identity and
 Based on excellent MT8870 IC by self-destructing by going near to the enemy, it can
also work as war robot.
4. Thuyara Sat-Sleeve:
This device/gadget from the leading satellite 2. Rescue Operations
phone company Thuyara is used to convert a This robot can be used for rescue operations by
simple cell phone into a satellite phone. This is installing PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) sensor with it.
done to expand the working area of the robot and It is a pyroelectric sensor, which generates energy
can be used in remote areas where mobile when exposed to heat. The PIR sensor absorbs the
network is not available. heat of a human being who is under any debris or
Various Features of Thuyara Sat-Sleeve: buries under snow due to any natural hazard and the
 Very light weighted only 171g. sensor is energized and gives indication of the buried
 Can be easily connected with the phone via 3.5 life.
mm jack.
 Operating temperature -10 C to 55 C. 3. Archaeological Surveys
 Power supply Output DC 5V / 2.0A. For archaeological surveys mainly in remote areas,
this robot controlled with satellite phone is suitable.
5. Power Supply: The robot is to be fitted with GPR sensor so that
Power supply of 12V is used to run the robot. anything beneath the earth can be detected by it and
give signal to the user. As it is a small gadget, so it can
6. Proximity Sensor: make its own path and can work in congested places
Proximity sensor is used to protect the robot from where no other gadgets can work.
any obstacle or any fire in the way of robot.
4. Forest Conservation
V. MODIFICATIONS FOR VARIOUS FIELDS This robot can help in forest conservation as it can
This project can be used in multiple fields with some help the forest officers to keep an eye on the various
modifications with context with the requirement. As activities of the forest. It can help in controlling
it is small, lightweight, compatible and a robust robot, deforestation and keep an eye on habitat of the
so these features give extra advantages to be used in animals.
various fields. VI.CONCLUSION

1. Defence This robot has multi-tasking features and the

It can be a very useful thing in a defence system for drawbacks that were seen in communication through
border surveillance by fixing multiple cameras with RF Circuits and mobile network communication has
night vision mode so that it can work in night too. been overcome by the combination of satellite and
mobile network combination. It has various sensors
This robot can be used in wars by mounting a gun on and various modifications can be done as per its
it like RS1A3 Mini Rex Armed Robot made by Russia. requirement. It can come up with many advantages
This can help in saving loss of life in wars. in the defence system, archaeological surveys, rescue
operation and forest conservation.

Volume 4 | Issue 1 | March-April-2018 | www.ijsrcseit.com 71


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[2] Ashih Jadhav, Mahesh Kumnhar, Meenakshi Pawar,
“Cell Phone Controlled Ground Combat Vehicle”
International Journal of Computer & Communication
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[3] Nisha D. Wanjari, Dr. Shailaja Patil, “Cell Phone
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[4] Ankeit Bhor, Anmol Botikar, Pralhad Jagtap, “Cell
Phone Operated Robot” Department of Electronics &
Telecommunication Engineering G.H.R.C.E.M,
Wagholi, Pune.

Volume 4 | Issue 1 | March-April-2018 | www.ijsrcseit.com 72

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