Workshop One Notes-1
Workshop One Notes-1
Workshop One Notes-1
NO TOPIC SUBTOPIC Have long hairs and nails cut always while in a workshop
1 SAFETY healthy and safety
Always use protective googles where required.
REGULATIONS personal hygiene
first aid procedures Behaviour
2 HAND TOOLS classification of hand tools Always avoid carelessness
classification of hand tools Avoid overcrowding while in a work place
hand tools
care and maintenance of Always avoid playing while in a work place
cutting tools
Avoid sitting idle in a workshop
3 MACHINE TOOLS description of machine tools
classification of machine tools Fire fighting equipment
4 DIESEL AND diesel and petrol engines Be Knowledgeable for use of equipment when in a work place
PETROL fuel systems Fire fighting equipment should be fitted in a suitable position for
ENGINES engine construction quick location
working principles Ensure firefighting equipment is always refilled
Ladder work
Hard and tough materials to be used for ladders
Workshop safety rules They should be placed at suitable position so that it does not slip
and overturn.
Safety is a term used to denote on behaviour to contral our actions
and working conditions when carrying out our duties that we do not Proper anchorage both at top and bottom
expose ourselves to accidents.
Never strain or over rich something when on a ladder
Untidiness, harmful materials and carrying of materials
Always wear tight fitting clothes
Keep working areas tidy and dry
Ensure any place under their control and where their
Leave no pieces, sticking nails or metals on floors employees work is kept in a safe condition and does not pose a risk to
health. This includes ways into and out of the workplace.
Keep all flammable materials in a closed container.
Avoid inhaling poisonous gases. Ensure the health and safety of their employees’ working
environment (e.g. heating, lighting, ventilation, etc.). They must also
First aid kit provide adequate arrangements for the welfare at work of their
employees (the term ‘welfare at work’ covers facilities such as
Quick location and access to the needy person seating, washing, toilets, etc.). a safe system of work;
Always ensure the replacement of contents when finished
Report injuries however small. .Employees’ responsibilities
To take reasonable care for their own health and safety and
Employer’s responsibilities that of others who may be affected by what they do or don’t do. This
duty implies not only avoiding silly or reckless behavior but also
Provide and maintain machinery, equipment and other plant, understanding hazards and complying with safety rules and
and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health. procedures. This means that you correctly use all work items provided
(‘Systems of work’ means the way in which the work is organized and by your employer in accordance with the training and instruction you
includes layout of the workplace, the order in which jobs are carried received to enable you to use them safely.
out or special precautions to be taken before carrying out certain
hazardous tasks.) To co-operate with their employer on health and safety. This
duty means that you should inform, without delay, of any work
Ensure ways in which particular articles and substances (e.g. situation which might be dangerous and notify any shortcomings in
machinery and chemicals) are used, handled, stored and transported health and safety arrangements so that remedial action may be taken.
are safe and without risk to health.
Regulations for health and safety at work
Provide information, instruction, training and supervision i. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.
necessary to ensure health and safety at work. Information means the ii. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations.
background knowledge needed to put the instruction and training into iii. Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations.
context. Instruction is when someone shows others how to do iv. Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations.
something by practical demonstration. Training means having v. Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations.
employees practice a task to improve their performance. Supervision vi. Manual Handling Operations Regulations
is needed to oversee and guide in all matters related to the task.
Earthling Through earthling faults on electrical equipment’s can be
detached and electrical supply to be cut off automatically. Automatic
Electrical hazards cut off is performed by fuses or automatic circuit breakers.
Electricity cannot be seen or heard but it can easily kill, even if it is not
fatal serious disablement can be resulted through shocks and burns.
Electric shocks and treatment
Faulty wiring or faulty equipment’s are the major causes of electrical
disorders. What to do in case of an electric shock
Hazards from electrical equipment’s includes Shout for help-if the causality is still in contact with electric
current s3witch off or remove the plug.
i. Electric shock If current cannot be switched off take special care to stand on
a dry non conducting surface and pull or push the victim using
Body response in a number of ways to electric current flowing a non-conducting material. I.e. don’t touch the casualty with
through it your bare hand because you will complete the circuit and also
receive a shock.
ii. Electric burn
Once free, if he/ she is breathing put him/her in recovery
Due to heating effect caused by electric current flowing through position and get the causality to n the hospital and if the
the body tissue. causality I s not breathing give him or her mouth to mouth
resuscitation before taking him/ her to hospital.
iii. Fire
It is a phenomenon in which combustible materials especially by
Caused by electricity in a number of ways including: overheating organic materials containing carbon reacts chemically with oxygen in
of cables, leakage of current, poor or inadequate insulation, the air to produce heat.
sparks of electrical equipment’s etc.
Reasons for fire starting
Electrical precautions
Misuse or faulty of electrical equipment or tools- e.g. use of
These are there measures to be taken to prevent injuries caused by incorrect plugs, overloading, and use of wiring damaged
electrical appliances and equipment’s. cables etc.
Double insulation Cover live conductors with two discrete layers of Cigarettes and matches- smoking in unauthorized places,
insulation. throwing away cigarettes or matches carelessly.
Rubbish burning-casual burning of wastes and rubbish. A free passageways and easily open-able windows should be
Mechanical heat, sparks-sparks produced by grinding and always provided.
cutting operations. . Provide always suitable means for the safe storage and handling
of all fuel used.
Reasons for spread of fire Use of flammable liquids should be minimized
Safe disposal for the flammable liquid wastes must be provided.
Delayed discovery
No one is permitted to accumulate fuels or other combustibles
Combustible lining of roof, ceiling and walls.
near the source of open fire or spark
Rapid burning of dust deposit.
Lack of fire separating walls between production and storage
Types of fire
Fire prevention There are three major types of fires which are given as under.
Type 1/class A Fires occurring due burning of ordinary
The maximum number of workers and officers should be trained combustible materials such as wood, cloth and paper. Pouring
with firefighting systems and equipment’s. water is the most effective way for extinguishing this kind of fire.
Keep all flammable liquids in closed containers or in safe Type 2/class B Fires occurring due burning of flammable liquids
cylinders. such as oils, petrol, grease and fat. For
Effective fire warning signals. extinguishing, blanket or smother this kind of fire, thus excluding
All doors should be opened towards outside the workroom as oxygen, water must never be used.
means of escape in case of fire. Type 3/class C Fires in this category involve live electrical
The doors and windows to be used as exit in case of fire should equipment. The extinguishing agent must be non-conducting of
be easily located. electricity and water must not be used for extinguishing this kind
These should be marked with red letters of adequate size. of fire.
One should provide ventilation to prevent any accumulation of vapors.
Other types of fire includes
Always provide suitable and adequate means of fire Class D- fire occurs with combustible metals, for example magnesium
extinguishment. Class K
Every operator should be familiar with the location of fire
extinguishers and their use (operation). For fire to occur it requires oxygen,fuel and heat. The fire triangle
Proper clearance should always be there in between the heating indicates all these requirements.
device and any combustible material.
Electrical wiring should be proper.
Fuel (inform Oxygen (to
Always prohibit smoking, open flames and sparks near the
flammable materials. of any sustain
combustible FIRE combustion)
material) TRIANGLE
Foam fire extinguishers are highly effective on class A and class
B fires (the foam agent helps to prevent re-ignition).
Heat (enough to raise the fuel Some foam extinguishers have been dielectrically tested to
to its ignition temperature) 35000 Volt (35kV) and can be used on or near electrical
If any element in the fire triangle is removed the fire will be CO2 fire extinguishers were originally designed for use on
extinguished. Fire will also not start if one element is missing. flammable liquid fires and therefore it is suitable for class Band C
This leads to different fire extinguishers commonly available for
different types of fire. They are ideal for electrical fires, as CO2 is not a conductor and
they do not leave behind any harmful residue.
Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers are available in different types with each one
having specific fire classes that they are suitable for use on. Fire
extinguishers should have a red body and an agent specific colour
band covering between 5-10% of the surface relating to the 4) DRY POWDER
extinguisher's contents.
These extinguishers filled with dry powder may be of the gas
1) WATER pressure or stored air pressure type.
Water fire extinguishers have a class A rating and are suitable for Dry powder fire extinguishers are extremely versatile and can be
fighting fires involving solid combustibles such as wood, paper used on class B, class C and class D .
and textiles.
They are available in a range of sizes from 1 - 9kg and are ideal
Electrical equipment should be avoided when using a water for application in environments containing mixed fire risks.
extinguisher (unless water with additive are used). as water is a However, there is a risk of inhalation when using powder
conductor. extinguishers indoors.
Powder fire extinguishers are therefore not recommended for
use within small rooms, homes and offices.
These are tools which are powered by the use of hands.
Cutting tools
They include;
Files There are a number of different types of files in common use, and
chisels each type may range in length from3 to 18 inches.
saws Grades
Files are graded according to the degree of fineness and whether they
Holding tools have single- or double-cut teeth. The difference is apparent when you
These are tools that firmly hold work pieces in the workshop. compare the files in Single-cut files have rows of teeth cut parallel
They include; teach other. These teeth are set at an angle of about 65 degrees with
vise the centerline.Youwill use single-cut files for sharpening tools, finish
pliers filing, and draw filing. They are also the best tools for smoothing the
clamps edges of sheet metal. Files with crisscrossed rows of teeth are
double-cut files. The double cut forms teeth that are diamond-shaped
Forming tools and fast cutting. You will use double-cut files for quick removal of
They include; metal and for rough work. Files are also graded according to the
mallets spacing and size of their teeth, or their coarseness and fineness.
hammers Some of these grades are pictured in view B. In addition to the three
files grades shown, you may use some DEAD
SMOOTH files, which have very fine teeth, and some ROUGH files,
with very coarse teeth. The fineness or coarseness of file teeth is also
Measuring tools influenced by the length of the file. (The length of a file is the distance
They include; from the tip to the heel, and does not include the tang view C.)When
calipers you have a chance, compare the actual size of the teeth of a 6-inch,
tapes single-cut smooth file and a 12-inch, single-cut smooth file; you will
rules notice the 6-inch file has more teeth per inch than the 12-inch file.
FILES Shapes
They are often used to put the finishing touches on a machined work Files come in different shapes. Therefore, in selecting a file for a job,
piece, either to remove burrs or sharp edges or as a final fitting consider the shape of the finished work. Some of the cross-sectional
operation. Intricate parts or shapes are often produced entirely by shapes includes
skilled workers using files. TRIANGULAR files are tapered on all three sides. They are used
to file acute internal angles and to clear out square corners.
Special triangular files are used to file saw teeth.
MILL files are tapered in both width and thickness. One edge has ROUND files serve the same purpose for round openings. Small
no teeth and is known as a SAFE EDGE. Mill files are used for round files are often called "rattail"files.
smoothing lathe work, draw filing, and other fine, precision work. HALF ROUND file is a general-purpose tool. The rounded side is
Mill files are always single-cut. used for curved surfaces, and the flat face on flat surfaces.
FLAT files are general-purpose files and may be either single- or When you file an inside curve, use a round or half-round file
double-cut. They are tapered in width and thickness. HARD files, whose curve most nearly matches the curve of the work. Kits of
not shown, are some thicker than flat files. They taper slightly in small files, often called "Swiss pattern" or “jewelers'" files, are
thickness, but their edges are parallel. The flat or hard files most used to fit parts of delicate mechanisms and for filing work on
often used are the double-cut for rough work and the single-cut instruments. Handle these small files carefully because they
smooth file for finish work. break easily.
SQUARE files are tapered on all four sides and are used to
enlarge rectangular-shaped holes and slots.
This means that the file is being moved across the surface of the work
in approximately a crosswise direction. For best results, keep your
feet spread apart to steady yourself as you file with slow, full-length,
steady strokes. The file cuts as you push it—ease up on the return
stroke to keep from dulling the teeth. Keep your file clean. View B
shows the alternate positions of the file when an exceptionally flat
surface is required. Using either position first, file across the entire
length of the stock. Then, using the other position, file across the
entire length of the stock again. Because the teeth of the file pass
over the surface of the stock from two directions, the high spots and
low spots will readily be visible after filing in both positions. Continue
filing first in one position or direction and then the other until the
surface has been filed flat. Test the flatness with a straightedge or
with Prussian blue and a surface plate. USE OF FILE CARD.
As you file, the teeth of the file may "clog up" with some of the metal
filings and scratch your work. This condition is known as PINNING.
DRAWFILING. You can prevent pinning by keeping the file teeth clean. Rubbing
Draw filing produces a finer surface finish and usually a flatter surface chalk between the teeth will help prevent pinning, too, but the best
than cross filing. Small parts, as shown in view C, are best held in a method is to clean the file frequently with a FILE CARD or brush. A
vise. Hold the file as shown in the figure; notice that the arrow file card has fine wire bristles. Brush with a pulling motion, holding the
indicates that the cutting stroke is away from you when the handle of card parallel to the rows of teeth. Always keep the file clean, whether
the file is held in the right hand. If the handle is held in the left hand, you're filing mild steel or other metals. Use chalk liberally when filing
the cutting stroke will be toward you. Lift the file away from the surface nonferrous metals.
of the work on the return stroke. When draw filing will no longer
improve the surface texture, wrap a piece of abrasive cloth around the
file and polish the surface.
The hacksaw consists of three parts: the frame, the handle, and the
Care of Files saw blade .Frames are either the solid or adjustable type. The solid
A new file should be broken in carefully by using it first on brass, frame can be used with only one length of saw blade. The adjustable
bronze, or smooth cast iron. Just a few of the teeth will cut at first, so frame can be used with hacksaw blades from 8 to 12 in. in length. The
use a light pressure to prevent tooth breakage. Do not break in a new blade can be mounted to cut in line with the frame or at a right angle
file by using it first on a narrow surface. Protect the file teeth by to the frame. By turning the blade at right angles to the frame, you can
hanging your files in a rack when they are not in use or by placing continue a cut that is deeper than the capacity of the frame. If the
them in drawers with wooden partitions. Your files should not be blade is left in line with the frame, the frame will eventually hit the
allowed to rust—keep them away from water and moisture. Avoid work piece and limit the depth of cut. Most hacksaw blades are made
getting the files oily. Oil causes a file to slide across the work and from high-speed steel and in standard lengths of 8, 10, and 12 in.
prevents fast, clean cutting. Files that you keep in your toolbox should Blade length is the distance between the centers of the holes at each
be wrapped in paper or cloth to protect their teeth and prevent end.
damage to other tools. Never use a file for prying or pounding. The
tang is soft and bends easily. The body is hard and extremely brittle. The SET in a saw refers to how much the teeth are pushed out in
Even a slight bend or a fall to the deck may cause a file to snap in opposite directions from the sides of the blade. The four different
two. Do not strike a file against the bench or vise to clean it—use a file kinds of set are the ALTERNATE set, DOUBLE ALTERNATE set,
card. RAKER set, and WAVE set.
The teeth in the alternate set are staggered, one to the left and one to
the right throughout the length of the blade. On the double alternate
Safety set blade, two adjoining teeth are staggered to the right, two to the
Never use a file unless it is equipped with a tight-fitting handle. If you left, and so on. On the raker set blade, every third tooth remains
use a file without the handle and it bumps something or jams to a straight and the other two are set alternately. On the wave (undulated)
sudden stop, the tang may be driven into your hand. To put a handle set blade, short sections of teeth are bent in opposite directions.
on a file tang, drill a hole in the handle, slightly smaller than the tang.
Insert the tang end, and then tap the end of the handle to seat it
firmly. Make sure you get the handle on straight.
Hacksaws are used to cut metal that is too heavy for snips or bolt
cutters. Thus, metal bar stock can be cut readily with hacksaws
Good work with a hacksaw depends not only upon the proper use of
the saw but also upon the proper selection of the blades for the work
to be done. Coarse blades, with fewer teeth per inch, cut faster and
are less likely to choke up with chips. However, finer blades, with
more teeth per inch, are necessary when thin sections are being cut.
The selection should be made so that, as each tooth starts its cut, the
tooth ahead of it will still be cutting. To make the cut, first install the
blade in the hacksaw frame so the teeth point away from the handle of
the hacksaw. (Hand hacksaws cut on the push stroke.) Tighten the
wing nut until the blade is definitely under tension. This helps make
straight cuts. Push stroke.) Tighten the wing nut until the blade is
definitely under tension. This helps make straight cuts
Hacksaw Safety
The main danger in using hacksaws is injury to your hand if the blade
breaks. The blade will break if too much pressure is applied, when the
saw is twisted, when the cutting speed is too fast, or when the blade
becomes loose in the frame. Additionally, if the work is not tight in the
vise, it will sometimes slip, twisting the blade enough to break it.
Types of hammers
Soft-faced Hammers
Various types are available, with hard and soft rubber, plastic or
copper faces. Some come with a choice of faces which are
interchangeable. Useful for striking materials such as chrome wing
outs, where a steel face would cause damage. In some cases, can
replace a mallet for cabinet work.
Sledge Hammer
Used for the heavier jobs, such as driving in stakes or to break up
concrete, stone or masonry. For lighter jobs just the weight of the
head may be used for blows, but for heavier work, the hammer is Special Hammers From here on, there are specialist hammers
developed to meet the needs of various trades. These include a Brick
Hammer for striking a bolster or splitting bricks; Woodcarving Mallet, A firmer chisel is square-sided and has a longer blade, usually from 3-
with rounded body; Veneer Hammer, for pressing and tapping 1/2" to 6" and is used mainly for cutting deeply into wood. It should be
veneers into place; Upholsterer's hammer for driving tacks and nails used with soft-faced hammers.
in confined spaces, and Sprig Hammer, used by picture frame Paring chisels are for light-duty, detailed work such as trimming
makers. cabinets.
Power Hammers More often referred to as 'powered nails', these take Cold chisels have several styles—flat (the most widely used), cape,
the hard work out of fitting nails, staples etc. They are ideal where a diamond-point and round-nose. They should be used only for cutting
large number of nails need to be fitted, such as fixing floorboards. and chipping cold metal (unhardened steel, cast and wrought iron,
They range from light duty (for use when fixing edge mouldings, aluminum, brass, copper), never masonry.
picture frames etc.) to heavy duty nails, used to fix floorboards and Bricklayer's chisels should be used when cutting masonry. Cold
garden decking etc. chisels should be struck only with a hand drilling, ball peen or similar
heavy hammer with a face diameter approximately 3/8" larger than
the struck tool head. Chisels have wood or plastic handles. Wood
handles are available in both tang (the end of the blade or tang fits
into the handle) and socket type (a projection from the handle fits into
a socket in the blade). Plastic handles fit only tang construction. Like
chisels and planes, gouges are used for removing material from a
block of wood, plastic or metal. Gouges come in two primary types:
inside and outside gouges. All steel chisels and punches (not wood
chisels having wooden or plastic handles) are subject to chipping that
CHISELS can cause bodily injury much the same as steel hammer faces.
Chisels are grouped according to the material they cut, either wood, Therefore, applicable safety standards require the warning "Wear
metal, stone or brick. The two main types are wood and cold. Safety Goggles" on each tool. Nearly all domestic manufacturers
Wood chisels have large, ergonomically shaped handles for a comply by stamping those words into the shank.
comfortable, sure grip and better control. Blades should be of high-
quality carbon, heat-treated steel with precision-ground cutting edge.
In addition, woodworking chisels should have crowned steel strike
caps to help center the blow.
One type of wood chisel the butt chisel has a short blade that ranges
from about 2-1/2" to 3" long. It is used by pattern makers,
cabinetmakers, carpenters and do-it-yourselfers for carving and
paring, particularly in tight spots. It can be used with hard-faced
used for cutting V-grooves and sharp corners. As with other tools,
there is a correct technique for using a chisel. Select a chisel that is
large enough for the job. Be sure to use a hammer that matches the
chisel; that is, the larger the chisel, the heavier the hammer. A heavy
chisel will absorb the blows of a light hammer and will do virtually no
cutting. When using a chisel for chipping, always wear goggles to
protect your eyes. If others are working close by, see that they are
protected from flying chips by erecting a screen or shield to contain
the chips.
The size of a vise is measured by both the jaw width of the vise and
the capacity of the vise when the jaws are fully open.
Bench vises are designed for light work in the home, garage and farm.
They come in stationary and swivel models, milled and ground jaws,
machined to ensure proper operation.
Woodworking vises feature jaws made of wood from 6" to 10" wide.
Some woodworking vises have a fast-acting screw arrangement for
the rapid positioning of the movable jaw prior to clamping. Smaller
vises have continuous screws and are light and easy to clamp on a
workbench or sawhorse. A hinged pipe vise is used to hold pipe in
position for threading and cutting.
Utility vises have jaws ranging from 3" to 6". Better models feature
swivel bases so the vise may be turned to the best angle for each
particular job. Some utility vises either have cast in pipe jaws or permit
special curved-face pipe jaws to be inserted between the regular jaws
The type of chisel most commonly used is the flat cold chisel, which to add versatility.
serves to cut rivets, split nuts, chip castings, and cut thin metal
sheets. The cape chisel is used for special jobs like cutting keyways, A clamp vise is a combination fixed and portable vise, featuring a
narrow grooves, and square corners. Round-nose chisels make bottom clamp for easy attachment to workbenches, sawhorses or
circular grooves and chip inside corners. Finally, the diamond-point is tables.
(1) Replaceable hardened tool steel faces pinned to jaw; (2) malleable
iron front jaw;
(3) Steel handle with ball ends;
(4) cold-rolled steel screw;
(5) Bronze thrust bearing;
(6) Front jaw beam;
(7) Malleable iron back jaw body;
(8) Anvil;
(9) Nut, mounted in back jaw key seat for precise alignment;
(10) Malleable iron swivel base;
(11) Steel tapered gear and lock bolt.
TOPIC THREE There are several possible ways to classify internal combustion
ENGINES Reciprocating:
It is a machine that converts various forms of energy into mechanical
By number of strokes
energy or power to produce force and motion.
Two-stroke engine
Four-stroke engine (Otto cycle)
Internal combustion engine Six-stroke engine
ii) Cylinder block: It is the solid casting body which includes the
cylinder and water jackets (cooling fins in the air cooled engines).
The exhaust valve remains open while the piston moves upward
expelling the combustion gases. For naturally aspirated engines a
small part of the combustion gases may remain in the cylinder during
normal operation because the piston does not close the combustion
chamber completely; these gases dissolve in the next charge. At the
end of this stroke, the exhaust valve closes, the intake valve opens,
and the sequence repeats in the next cycle. The intake valve may
open before the exhaust valve closes to allow better scavenging.
1. List the advantages of diesel engine
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DIESEL AND PETROL ENGINES 2. Mention the basic components of an IC Engine
3. List the types of engine classification
N DESCRIPTION DIESEL PETROL 4. Mention the four strokes of IC engine with a neat sketch and
O explain their role
1 Ignition Self-ignited Uses a spark plug 5. Differentiate petrol and diesel engine
2 Compression High 14:1 to 22:1 Low 5:1 to 8:1 6. Mention merits and demerits of different farm power sources.
ratio 7. Differentiate IHP and BHP
3 Air fuel mix Fuel is first fed into Air and petrol are 8. Write about the working of four stroke cycle engine
the cylinder by a fuel mixed in a 9. Write about the working of two stroke cycle engine
injector and then gets carburetor and 10. Compare four stroke cycle engine with two stroke cycle engine
mixed with air inside enters into the 11. Compare spark ignition engine with compression engine
the cylinder cylinder.
4 Area of In heavy vehicles like In light weight
application buses, trucks etc. vehicles like car ,
motorcycles etc.
5 Weight Heavy Light
6 Initial High cost of initial and Lowered cost of
Maintenance maintenance initial cost and
7 Starting problem Greater Leaser
8 Fuel Less High
THE CARBURATORS under all conditions a float system is used. A float operated needle
valve and seat at the fuel inlet is used to control the fuel level in the
In s.i engines air and fuel are mixed outside the cylinder then supplied bowl. If the fuel level drops below a certain level the float lowers and
to the cylinder for producing power opens the valve letting more fuel in. When the float rises it pushes the
inlet valve against the seat and shuts off the flow of fuel into the bowl.
Carburetor is the device that blends air and fuel for an internal
combustion engine. Controlling the speed of the engine
Functions of a carburetor The throttle controls the speed of the engine by controlling the amount
of air fuel allowed in the engine. The throttle is a butterfly valve
It combines gasoline and air creating a highly combustible mixture located after the venturi and is opened by pressing on the gas pedal.
It regulates the ratio of air and fuel The farther the valve is opened the more air/fuel mixture is let into the
It controls the engine's speed. engine and the faster the engine runs. At low engine speeds when the
throttle is only open a little there is not enough air flow to pull in fuel.
How a carburetor mixes fuel and air
When the piston moves down the cylinder on the intake stroke it
Two ports are used to solve this problem. One port located in the low
draws air from the cylinder and intake manifold. A vacuum is created
pressure area and the idle port located below. At low engine speeds
that draws air from the carburetor. The airflow through the carburetor
both ports draw fuel to keep the engine running. As engine speed
causes fuel to be drawn from the carburetor through the intake
increases fuel from the 2 ports decreases until it stops completely.
manifold past the intake valves and into the cylinder. The amount of
fuel mixed into the air to obtain the required air to fuel ratio is
controlled by the venturi or choke. When air flows through the venturi
its speed increases and the pressure drops. This causes the fuel to be
sucked into the air stream from a hole or jet. When the engine is at
idle or at rapid acceleration there is not enough air passing through
the venturi to draw fuel. Problems To overcome these problems other
systems are used. Other systems are used.
When the engine is idle there is very little air flowing through the
venturi because the throttle valve is closed. The idle port allows
the engine to operate under this condition. Fuel is forced through
the idle port because of a pressure differential between air in the
fuel bowl and vacuum below the throttle valve. Idle fuel mixture is
controlled by an adjustable needle valve.
MACHINE TOOLS 4. Tool room Lathe
5. Capstan and Turret 1athe
LATHE MACHINE 6. Special purpose lathe
INTRODUNCTION (a) Whee1 lathe
Lathe is one of the most versatile and widely used machine tools all (b) Gap bed lathe
over the world. It is commonly known as the mother of all other (c) Dup1icating lathe
machine tool. The main function of a lathe is to remove metal from a (d) T-lathe
job to give it the required shape and size. The job is secure1y and 7. Automatic lathe
rigid1y held in the chuck or in between centers on the lathe machine
and then turn it against a single point cutting tool which wi1l remove
meta1 from the job in the form of chips. Speed Lathe
An engine lathe is the most basic and simplest form of the lathe. It Speed lathe is simplest of all types of lathes in construction and
derives its name from the early lathes, which obtained their power operation. The important parts of speed lathe are following-
from engines. Besides the simple turning operation as described (1) Bed
above, lathe can be used to carry out other operations also, such as (2) Headstock
drilling, reaming, boring, taper turning, knurling, and screw thread (3) Tailstock, and
Cutting, grinding etc. (4) Tool post mounted on an adjustable slide.
It has no feed box, 1eadscrew or conventional type of carriage. The
TYPES OF LATHE tool is mounted on the adjustable slide and is fed into the work by
Lathes are manufactured in a variety of types and sizes, from very hand contro1. The speed lathe finds applications where cutting force
small bench lathes used for precision work to huge lathes used for is least such as in wood working, spinning, centering, polishing,
turning large steel shafts. But the principle of operation and function of winding, buffing etc.
all types of lathes is same. The different types of lathes are: This lathe has been so named because of the very high speed of the
1. Speed lathe headstock spindle.
(a) Wood working
(b) Spinning
(c) Centering
(d) Po1ishing Centre Lathe or Engine Lathe
2. Centre or engine lathe The term “engine” is associated with this lathe due to the fact that in
(a) Be1t drive the very early days of its development it was driven by steam engine.
(b) Individual motor drive This lathe is the important member of the lathe family and is the most
(c) Gear head lathe widely used. Similar to the speed lathe, the engine lathe has all the
3. Bench lathe basic parts, e.g., bed, headstock, and tailstock. But its headstock is
much more robust in construction and contains additional mechanism
for driving the lathe spindle at multiple speeds.. Unlike the speed The development of these 1athes results from the technological
lathe, the engine lathe can feed the cutting tool both in cross and advancement of the engine lathe and these are vastly used for mass
longitudinal direction with reference to the lathe axis with the help of a production work. The distinguishing feature of this type of lathe is that
carriage, feed rod and lead screw. Centre lathes or engine lathes are the tailstock of an engine lathe is replaced by a hexagonal turret, on
classified according to methods of transmitting power to the machine. the face of which multiple tools may be fitted and fed into the work in
The power may be transmitted by means of belt, electric motor or proper sequence. Due to this arrangement, several different types of
through gears. operations can be done on a job without re-setting of work or tools,
Bench Lathe and a number of identical parts can be produced in the minimum time.
This is a small lathe usually mounted on a bench. It has practically all
the parts of an engine lathe or speed lathe and it performs almost all Special Purpose Lathes
the operations. This is used for small and precision work. These lathes are constructed for special purposes and for jobs, which
cannot be accommodated or conveniently machined on a standard
lathe. The wheel lathe is made for finishing the journals and turning
the tread on railroad car and locomotive wheels. The gap bed lathe, in
which a section of the bed adjacent to the headstock is removable, is
used to swing extra-large-diameter pieces. The T-lathe is used for
machining of rotors for jet engines.
The bed of this lathe has T-shape. Duplicating lathe is one for
duplicating the shape of a flat or round template on to the job.
Automatic Lathes
These lathes are so designed that all the working and job handling
Principal components of a lathe machine movements of the complete manufacturing process for a job are done
automatically. These are high speed, heavy duty, mass production
Tool Room Lathe lathes with complete automatic control.
This lathe has features similar to an engine lathe but it is much more
accurately built. It has a wide range of spindle speeds ranging from a
very low to a quite high speed up to 2500 rpm. This lathe is mainly
used for precision work on tools, dies, gauges and in machining work
where accuracy is needed. Safety Precautions while Working on Lathe Machine
1. One should always be sure that all guards are in place before
Capstan and Turret Lathe running the machine.
2. Always clamp the work and tool properly with correct size of work
and tool holding device.
3. Always keep the machine clear of tools.
4. Machine should be stopped before making measurements or
5. Wear an apron or a properly fitted shop coat. Goggles should also
be used.
6. One should remove necktie, wrist watch and jewelry while working.
7. One should not operate the lathe until he knows the proper
8. One should check the work frequently when it is being machined.
9. One should check the face-plate or chuck by hand to be sure that
there is no danger of the work striking any part of the lathe.
10. Stop the machine and remove chips with pliers. One should not
remove the chips by hand.
Principal components of a shaper machine
Shaper is a reciprocating type of machine tool in which the ram moves
the cutting tool backwards and forwards in a straight line. The basic
components of shaper are shown in the fig below. It is intended
primarily to produce flat surfaces. These surfaces may be horizontal, WORKING PRINCIPLE OF SHAPER
vertical, or inclined. In general, the shaper can produce any surface A single point cutting tool is held in the tool holder, which is mounted
composed of straight-line elements. on the ram. The work piece is rigidly held in a vice or clamped directly
on the table. The table may be supported at the outer end. The ram
reciprocates and thus cutting tool held in tool holder moves forward
and backward over the work piece. In a standard shaper, cutting of
material takes place during the forward stroke of the ram. The
backward stroke remains idle and no cutting takes place during this
stroke. The feed is given to the work piece and depth of cutis adjusted
by moving the tool downward towards the work piece. The time taken
during the idle stroke is less as compared to forward cutting stroke
and this is obtained by quick return mechanism. The cutting action
and functioning of clapper box is during forward and return stroke.
pressure oil causes the piston to reciprocate and this reciprocating
TYPES OF SHAPERS motion is transferred to the ram of shaper. The important advantage
Shapers are classified under the following headings: of this type of shaper is that the cutting speed and force of the ram
(1) According to the type of mechanism used for giving reciprocating drive are constant from the very beginning to the end of the cut.
motion to the ram Standard Shaper
(a) Crank type In standard shaper, the table has only two movements, horizontal and
(b) Geared type vertical, to give the feed.
(c) Hydraulic type Universal Shaper
(2) According to the type of design of the table: A universal shaper is mostly used in tool room work. In this type of
(a) Standard shaper shaper, in addition to the horizontal and vertical movements, the table
(b) Universal shaper can be swiveled about an axis parallel to the ram ways, and the upper
(3) According to the position and travel of ram: portion of the table can be tilted about a second horizontal axis
(a) Horizontal type perpendicular to the first axis.
(b) Vertical type Horizontal Shaper
(c) Traveling head type In this type of shaper, the ram holding the tool reciprocates in a
(4) According to the type of cutting stroke: horizontal axis.
(a) Push type Vertical Shaper
(b) Draw type. In vertical shaper, the ram reciprocates in a vertical axis. These
A brief description these shapers is given below- shapers are mainly used for machining keyways, slots or grooves,
Crank Shaper and internal surfaces.
This is the most common type of shaper. It employs a crank Travelling Head Shaper
mechanism to change circular motion of a large gear called “bull gear” In this type of shaper, the ram while it reciprocates, also moves
incorporated in the machine to reciprocating motion of the ram. The crosswise to give the required feed.
bull gear receives power either from an individual motor or from an Push Type Shaper
overhead line shaft if it is a belt-driven shaper. This is the most general type of shaper used in common practice, in
Geared Shaper which the metal is removed when the ram moves away from the
Geared shaper uses rack and pinion arrangement to obtain column, i.e. pushes the work.
reciprocating motion of the ram. Presently this type of shaper is not Draw Type Shaper
very widely used. In this type of shaper, the cutting of metal takes place when the ram
Hydraulic Shaper moves towards the column of the machine, i.e. draws the work
In hydraulic shaper, reciprocating motion of the ram is obtained by towards the machine. The tool is set in a reversed direction to that of
hydraulic power. For generation of hydraulic power, oil under high a standard shaper.
pressure is pumped into the operating cylinder fitted with piston. The
piston end is connected to the ram through piston rod. The high
ways are provided on the top of the column on which the ram
Cross rail
Cross rail of shaper has two parallel guide ways on its top in the
vertical plane that is perpendicular to the rai1 axis. It is mounted on
the front vertical guide ways of the column. It consists mechanism for
raising and lowering the table to accommodate different sizes of jobs
by rotating an elevating screw which causes the cross rail to slide up
and down on the vertical face of the column. A horizontal cross feed
screw is fitted within the cross rail and parallel to the top guide ways
of the cross rail. This screw actuates the table to move in a crosswise
The saddle is located on the cross rail and holds the table on its top.
Crosswise movement of the saddle by rotation the cross feed screw
by hand or power causes the table to move sideways.
The table is a box like casting having T -slots both on the top and
sides for clamping the work. It is bolted to the saddle and receives
crosswise and vertical movements from the saddle and cross rail.
It is the reciprocating part of the shaper, which reciprocates on the
guide ways provided above the column. Ram is connected to the
Parts of a shaper reciprocating mechanism contained within the column.
Base Tool head
It is rigid and heavy cast iron body to resist vibration and takes up The tool head of a shaper performs the following functions-
high compressive load. It supports all other parts of the machine, (1) It holds the tool rigidly,
which are mounted over it. The base may be rigidly bolted to the floor (2) It provides vertical and angular feed movement of the tool, and
of the shop or on the bench according to the size of the machine. (3) It allows the tool to have an automatic relief during its return
Column stroke.
The column is a box shaped casting mounted upon the base. It The various parts of tool head of shaper are apron clamping bolt,
houses the ram-driving mechanism. Two accurately machined guide clapper box, tool post, down feed, screw micrometer dial, down feed
screw, vertical slide, apron washer, apron swivel pin, and swivel base.
By rotating the down feed screw handle, the vertical slide carrying the
tool gives down feed or angular feed movement while machining Milling machines assisted man in maintaining accuracy and
vertical or angular surface. uniformity while duplicating parts that could not be manufactured with
The amount of feed or depth of cut may be adjusted by a micrometer the use of a file. Development and improvements of the milling
dial on the top of the down feed screw. Apron consisting of clapper
machine and components continued, which resulted in the
box, clapper block and tool post is clamped upon the vertical slide by
a screw. The two vertical walls on the apron called clapper box manufacturing of heavier arbors and high speed steel and carbide
houses the clapper block, which is connected to it by means of a cutters. These components allowed the operator to remove metal
hinge pin. The tool post is mounted upon the clapper block. On the faster, and with more accuracy, than previous machines.
forward cutting stroke the clapper block fits securely to the clapper
box to make a rigid tool support. On the return stroke a slight frictional General. The milling machine removes metal with a revolving
drag of the tool on the work lifts the block out of the clapper box a cutting tool called a milling cutter. With various attachments, milling
sufficient amount preventing the tool cutting edge from dragging and machines can be used for boring, slotting, circular milling dividing, and
consequent wear. The work surface is also prevented from] any drilling. This machine can also be used for cutting keyways, racks and
damage due to dragging. gears and for fluting taps and reamers.
SHAPER OPERATIONS Types. Milling machines are basically classified as being
A shaper is a machine tool primarily designed to generate a flat horizontal or vertical to indicate the axis of the milling machine
surface by a single point cutting tool. Besides this, it may also be used
spindle. These machines are also classified as knee-type, ram-type,
to perform many other operations. The different operations, which a
shaper can perform, are as follows: manufacturing or bed type, and planer-type milling machines. Most
1. Machining horizontal surface (Fig. 23.7) machines have self-contained electric drive motors, coolant systems,
2. Machining vertical surface (Fig. 23.8) variable spindle speeds, and power operated table feeds.
3. Machining angular surface (Fig. 23.9)
4. Slot cutting (Fig. 23.10)
5. Key ways cutting (Fig. 23.11)
6. Machining irregular surface (Fig. 23.12) Knee-type Milling Machines. Knee-type milling machines are
7. Machining splines and cutting gears (Fig. 23.13) characterized by a vertical adjustable worktable resting on a saddle
supported by a knee. The knee is a massive casting that rides
vertically on the milling machine column and can be clamped rigidly to
the column in a position where the milling head and the milling
machine spindle are properly adjusted vertically for operation.
desired. This support will depend on the location of the milling
cutter or cutters on the arbor.
The knee of the machine rides up or down the column on a
rigid track. A heavy, vertical positioned screw beneath the
knee is used for raising and lowering. The saddle rests upon
the knee and supports the worktable. The saddle moves in
and out on a dovetail to control the cross feed of the
worktable. The worktable traverses to the right or left upon
the saddle, feeding the work piece past the milling cutter. The
table may be manually controlled or power fed.
arts of milling machine
work. For safety reasons, extreme caution should be
exercised while using the rapid traverse controls.
Column. The column, including the base, is the main casting Table. The table is the rectangular casting located on top of
which supports all other parts of the machine. An oil reservoir the saddle. It contains several T-slots for fastening the work
and a pump in the column keeps the spindle lubricated. The or work holding devices. The table can be moved by hand or
column rests on a base that contains a coolant reservoir and by power. To move the table by hand, engage and turn the
a pump that can be used when performing any machining longitudinal hand crank. To move it by power, engage the
operation that requires a coolant. longitudinal directional feed control lever. The longitudinal
Knee. The knee is the casting that supports the table and the directional control lever can be positioned to the left, to the
saddle. The feed change gearing is enclosed within the knee. right, or in the center. Place the end of the directional feed
It is supported and can be adjusted by the elevating screw. control lever to the left to feed the table to the left. Place it to
The knee is fastened to the column by dovetail ways. The the right to feed the table to the right. Place it in the center
lever can be raised or lowered either by hand or power feed. position to disengage the power feed, or to feed the table by
The hand feed is usually used to take the depth of cut or to hand.
position the work, and the power feed to move the work Spindle. The spindle holds and drives the various cutting
during the machining operation. tools. It is a shaft, mounted on bearings supported by the
Saddle and Swivel Table. The saddle slides on a horizontal column. The spindle is driven by an electric motor through a
dovetail, parallel to the axis of the spindle, on the knee. The train of gears, all mounted within the column. The front end of
swivel table (on universal machines only) is attached to the the spindle, which is near the table, has an internal taper
saddle and can be swiveled approximately 45in either machined on it. The internal taper (3 1/2 inches per foot)
direction. permits mounting tapered-shank cutter holders and cutter
Power Feed Mechanism. The power feed mechanism is arbors. Two keys, located on the face of the spindle, provide
contained in the knee and controls the longitudinal, a positive drive for the cutter holder, or arbor. The holder or
transverse (in and out) and vertical feeds. The desired rate of arbor is secured in the spindle by a draw bolt and jam nut, as
feed can be obtained on the machine by positioning the feed shown in figure 3 on the following page. Large face mills are
selection levers as indicated on the feed selection plates. On sometimes mounted directly to the spindle nose.
some universal knee and column milling machines the feed is Overarm. The overarm is the horizontal beam to which the
obtained by turning the speed selection handle until the arbor support is fastened. The overarm, may be a single
desired rate of feed is indicated on the feed dial. Most milling casting that slides in the dovetail ways on the top of the
machines have a rapid traverse lever that can be engaged column. It may consist of one or two cylindrical bars that slide
when a temporary increase in speed of the longitudinal, through the holes in the column. On some machines to
transverse, or vertical feeds is required. For example, this position the overarm, first unclamp the locknuts and then
lever would be engaged when positioning or aligning the extend the overarm by turning a crank. On others, the
overarm is moved by merely pushing on it. The overarm
should only be extended far enough to so position the arbor
support as to make the setup as rigid as possible. To place
the arbor supports on an overarm, extend one of the bars
approximately 1-inch farther than the other bar.
Drilling machine
Drilling: It is the process of making a hole in blank work piece with tool
known as drill.