Molecular Farming - The Slope of Enlightenment
Molecular Farming - The Slope of Enlightenment
Molecular Farming - The Slope of Enlightenment
Biotechnology Advances
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Keywords: Molecular farming can be defined as the use of plants to produce recombinant protein products. The technology
Molecular farming is now >30 years old. The early promise of molecular farming was based on three perceived advantages: the low
Plant platforms costs of growing plants, the immense scalability of agricultural production, and the inherent safety of plants as
Industrial and pharmaceutical products hosts for the production of pharmaceuticals. This resulted in a glut of research publications in which diverse
Development cycle
proteins were expressed in equally diverse plant-based systems, and numerous companies were founded hoping
to commercialize the new technology. There was a moderate degree of success for companies producing non-
pharmaceutical proteins, but in the pharmaceutical sector the anticipation raised by promising early research
was soon met by the cold hard reality of industrial pragmatism. Plants did not have a track record of success in
pharmaceutical protein manufacturing, lacked a regulatory framework, and did not perform as well as estab-
lished industry platforms. Negative attitudes towards genetically modified plants added to the mix. By the early
2000s, major industry players started to lose interest and pharmaceutical molecular farming fell from a peak of
expectation into a trough of disillusionment, just as predicted by the Gartner hype cycle. But many of the
pioneers of molecular farming have refocused their activities and have worked to address the limitations that
hampered the first generation of technologies. The field has now consolidated around a smaller number of
better-characterized platforms and has started to develop standardized methods and best practices, mirroring the
evolution of more mature industry sectors. Likewise, attention has turned from proof-of-principle studies to
realistic techno-economic modeling to capture significant niche markets, replicating the success of the industrial
molecular farming sector. Here we argue that these recent developments signify that pharmaceutical molecular
farming is now climbing the slope of enlightenment and will soon emerge as a mature technology.
1. Introduction translation systems derived from plant cells (Buntru et al., 2014). The
diversity of these plant-based systems means that molecular farming
Molecular farming can be defined as the production of recombinant comprises a range of different platforms that have the potential to
proteins1 in plants, where the aim is to recover and utilize the protein compete in many different markets, ranging from technical enzymes
product rather than the plant itself (Ma et al., 2003; Stoger et al., 2014; and research reagents that are typically produced in bacteria and yeast,
Tschofen et al., 2016). The target protein is either extracted and pur- to biopharmaceutical proteins that are usually produced in mammalian
ified or used as part of a crude extract, whereas the plant is merely a cells, particularly Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines (Schillberg
host and is either discarded and destroyed at the end of the process or et al., 2019).
utilized as a separate side-stream (Buyel, 2019). Molecular farming The ability to compete across different markets reflects the specific
often involves the use of whole terrestrial plants such as tobacco and advantages of the individual plant-based systems. For example, trans-
cereals, but the technology also encompasses other plant-based systems, genic plants are inexpensive and massively scalable compared to CHO
including plant cell and tissue cultures (Santos et al., 2016), aquatic cells (Buyel et al., 2017), transient expression systems allow production
plants (Everett et al., 2012), moss (Decker and Reski, 2012), algae to be scaled up much more quickly than any fermenter-based platform
(Rosales-Mendoza et al., 2012), and even in vitro transcription and (Hiatt et al., 2015; Holtz et al., 2015), and plant cells offer the ability to
Corresponding author at: Indiana Biosciences Research Institute (IBRI), 1345 W. 16th St., Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Fischer).
The term may sometimes include small molecules in addition to proteins, but only proteins are considered in this article.
Received 30 August 2019; Received in revised form 20 November 2019; Accepted 13 January 2020
Available online 16 January 2020
0734-9750/ Published by Elsevier Inc.
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
produce uniquely tailored glycan structures (Schillberg et al., 2017; greater scalability, lower costs and enhanced safety, molecular farming
Fischer et al., 2018). All plant-based systems can be considered in- instead raised the alarming prospect of an entrenched industry having
trinsically safer than mammalian cells for pharmaceutical products to accommodate a different way of thinking about recombinant protein
because they do not support the replication of mammalian viruses production by adopting a new set of platforms without a track record
(Hundleby et al., 2018). They also address consumer demands for and without any regulatory framework. Understandably, industry lar-
products that are ‘certified animal free’ (Spiegel et al., 2018). Despite gely abandoned pharmaceutical molecular farming after some initial
these advantages, molecular farming in plants has not supplanted the curiosity and fell back on the trusty microbial and mammalian cells that
current generation of industrial recombinant protein manufacturing had served well for decades, despite their limitations. The early phar-
technologies and only a handful of products have reached the market maceutical molecular farming bubble collapsed, many of the startups
(Fischer et al., 2014; Schillberg et al., 2019). In this review article, we ceased trading or revised their business strategies, and the world went
consider the reasons for this slow progress, evaluate the latest genera- on much as before. Or did it?
tion of molecular farming platforms from an economic perspective, and Although the molecular farming of pharmaceutical products
predict how the technology may evolve in the future. reached a peak of inflated expectations in the early 2000s, the non-
pharma camp was enjoying quiet success. The key player was the
2. First-generation molecular farming: hope or hype? company Prodigene, Inc. (College Station, TX, USA), which worked on
the development of maize lines producing technical reagents and in-
Molecular farming was born following the publication of an article dustrial enzymes (Hood et al., 1997; Kusnadi et al., 1998; Witcher et al.,
in Nature describing the production of a functional recombinant anti- 1998). They initially selected avidin, which is normally extracted from
body in tobacco plants (Hiatt et al., 1989). This was soon followed by hens' eggs. Because there was an existing market for the product, the
an article in Bio/technology (later rebranded Nature Biotechnology) in company focused on the economics of their new production process,
which functional human serum albumin was produced in tobacco and specifically the product yield (as a proportion of plant biomass) and
potato plants as well as tobacco suspension cells derived from the stability during processing. Indeed, Prodigene was the first company to
transgenic tobacco line (Sijmons et al., 1990). These pioneering studies consider the DSP aspects (and costs) of molecular farming in detail. The
can be considered as the technology trigger which led to an explosion of yield of the avidin product was 230 mg per kg of seed, it was structu-
proof-of-principle studies in which a vast range of different plant spe- rally indistinguishable from egg avidin, and remained completely stable
cies and platforms were used as production hosts (Twyman et al., 2003; under the maize processing conditions used by the company, making it
Spiegel et al., 2018). Soon it became apparent that these studies fell into directly competitive with the existing avidin from eggs (Hood et al.,
two major although not entirely separate camps, one involving the use 1997). Prodigene also produced β-glucuronidase, which likewise was
of many different platforms to produce candidate pharmaceutical pro- shown to be structurally near identical to its natural counterpart and
teins – mainly antibodies and vaccines, but also replacement blood stable during processing, with a yield of ~80 mg per kg of seed
products and enzymes (Fischer and Emans, 2000) – and the other in- (Witcher et al., 1998). The company also developed a plant-based
volving the use of primarily cereal seeds for the production of technical version of recombinant trypsin, and even branched into the develop-
enzymes and protein-based research reagents (Hood, 2002). From the ment of pharmaceutical products such as the E. coli heat-labile toxin as
beginning, these two camps, hereafter described as pharma and non- a vaccine candidate, having established an economic process for pro-
pharma, focused on different priorities. The pharma camp was inter- duct recovery (Lamphear et al., 2002).
ested in proof of principle and the broad capabilities of plants to pro- The techno-economic focus of Prodigene and other companies in the
duce functional proteins for medical applications, whereas the non- same space, such as SemBioSys Genetics (Calgary, Canada) working
pharma camp immediately seized upon the commercial potential of with safflower, Ventria Bioscience (Fort Collins, CO, USA) working with
technical products and focused on process economics, including the rice, and ORF Genetics (Kópavogur, Iceland) working with barley, led
development of efficient downstream processing (DSP) strategies to the first commercial successes in the late 1990s. Prodigene's initial
(Buyel et al., 2015; Fischer et al., 2012). A survey of the industry technical products were picked up and marketed by Sigma-Aldrich Fine
landscape in 2005 revealed that at least 50 companies had been Chemicals (St Louis, MO, USA) whereas SemBioSys Genetics, Ventria
founded in an attempt to capitalize on molecular farming, most fo- Bioscience and ORF Genetics developed strategies to market their cos-
cusing on the pharma sector (Twyman et al., 2005). metic ingredients and research reagents. Ventria created a department
The rush to launch startup companies to capitalize on new tech- for this purpose (InVitria) while also working independently on phar-
nology is one of the key features of the Gartner hype cycle, which is maceutical products, ORF Genetics came to an agreement with Sif
depicted in Fig. 1. The first part of the cycle (which is not actually a Cosmetics to market products containing ORF ingredients, and
cycle but more a technology evolution timeline) involves a technology SemBioSys formed a subsidiary (Botaneco Specialty Ingredients) to
trigger which leads to early pre-commercial activity, leading in turn to a commercialize cosmetic, personal care and dermatology products under
gradient of expectations, often boosted by media speculation. At the the brand name Hydresia. In other words, the hype cycle that affected
peak of inflated expectations, a dash of cold reality exposes certain lim- pharmaceutical molecular farming did not taint the camp working
itations of the technology which precipitates a slide into a trough of principally on technical and cosmetic products because they had done
disillusionment. Certainly the pharma camp fits this profile well. Mole- their homework and looked at the commercial potential of their plat-
cular farming for the production of pharmaceutical proteins (sometimes form from the outset. But trouble was nevertheless looming on the
described as molecular pharming) was in hindsight promoted as a pa- horizon…
nacea before the technology was sufficiently established and mature.
For example, the diversity of molecular farming platforms was pre- 3. Negative press
sented as an advantage, allowing the platform to be tailored to the
product rather than forcing the product on one of the small number of Although the use of cereals to produce technical enzymes and re-
favored platforms used by industry. However, the reliance of industry agents made commercial sense, the early pioneers of this technology
on a small number of platforms (predominantly the bacterium Escher- were about to be pushed into the trough of disillusionment by a perfect
ichia coli, certain yeast species, and a selection of mammalian cell lines, storm of unexpected events. In 2002, ProdiGene found itself at the
especially CHO cells) reflected the natural maturation of recombinant center of a highly-publicized debate about protocols to contain phar-
protein production technology and the consolidation of expertise into maceutical crops produced in the field (Hundleby et al., 2018). The
platforms around which the regulatory framework had evolved. Rather widely reported case in Nebraska involved volunteer transgenic maize
than offering industry a disruptive technology based on greater choice, plants expressing recombining avidin, which grew among soybean
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
Fig. 1. The Gartner hype cycle applied to pharmaceutical molecular farming, with key events in the recent history of this field highlighted and dated.
plants cultivated the following year. When maize plant material was the key players in the early development of pharma and non-pharma
identified in the soybean crop, soybean grain in the storage silos was molecular farming (including Ventria, ORF Genetics and SemBioSys) is
impounded and destroyed. In the resulting settlement, Prodigene ac- provided in the series of interviews with executives from 16 companies
cepted a $250,000 civil penalty, and agreed to pay a further $3 million conducted byPaul et al. (2015). This sets out the insider view of the
for the quarantine and ultimate destruction of 500,000 bushels of reasons for commercial success and failure, and offers a perspective not
soybean,2 plus the cost of cleaning all the facilities and equipment. In a only from the viewpoint of the small startups offering molecular
second incident in Iowa, the avidin maize line cross-pollinated with farming technologies, but also some of the large industry players that
maize in an adjacent field, requiring 150 acres of potentially con- were initially tempted by this disruptive technology, or ultimately left
taminated maize to be destroyed. These cumulative costs and fines with its legacy and the decision to continue investment or abandon it all
caused the company to go into liquidation, and precipitated a tigh- together.
tening of the regulations compared to those applied to conventional
genetically modified (GM) crops (Spök et al., 2008; Hundleby et al.,
2018). 4. Beyond the trough of disillusionment
The fall of Prodigene in the USA coincided with a rising tide of
public opinion against GM crops in Europe, with global implications as After the setbacks of the 2000s, the surviving molecular farming
countries trading with Europe started to adopt similar practices. The companies began to regroup. Again, there was a difference between the
GM industry ultimately stabilized into zones of broad consumer ac- pharma and non-pharma camps, with the latter having an easier route
ceptance (the USA, South America, China and India) and zones where to recovery because they had already penetrated significant markets.
the cultivation of GM crops is effectively banned (Europe), with other The regulatory burden and DSP costs of non-pharma product develop-
countries adjusting their policies according to their political and trading ment were also much lower, a factor which persuaded ORF Genetics to
alignments. Despite the efforts of researchers and companies to draw a remain firmly in the non-pharma camp (Paul et al., 2015). Several new
boundary between conventional GM food/feed and the special status of companies have been founded or significantly expanded in the last
molecular farming, the field of molecular farming was nevertheless 15 years to focus on the production of non-pharma growth factors and
drawn into the escalating conflict between the food industry, reg- cytokines for non-medical/cosmetic use, including Agrenvec (Madrid,
ulators, environmental activists, media, politicians and public. Spain) which uses plant viruses in tobacco, and Natural Bio-Materials
Researchers and business owners who until the mid-2000s were eager (Jeollabuk-do, Korea) which uses rice cell suspension cultures. Other
to promote the economic benefits of plants were now scrabbling to companies produce industrial enzymes, such as Infinite Enzymes (Jo-
clarify the measures taken to protect the environment and the food/ nesboro, AR, USA) and Origin Agritech (Beijing, China), in both cases
feed chain. Pharmaceutical molecular farming became an indoor pur- using maize. As before, these newer companies are enjoying quiet
suit and even the molecular farming of technical reagents was largely success and have established themselves in key markets, in some cases
restricted to greenhouses and other containment facilities, with only because they offer ‘certified animal free’ research-grade reagents and
Ventria Bioscience still growing its production crops outdoors. This cosmetic ingredients.
company grows rice, which is self-pollinating and has no wild relatives The molecular farming of pharmaceutical products has taken longer
in Colorado, providing a geographical form of isolation which fulfils the to recover and has faced a steeper learning curve. There are several
need for containment. SemBioSys Genetics was another casualty of the reasons for this, which we will discuss in turn: the stricter regulation of
first wave of molecular farming, despite its success in the non-pharma pharma products and the changing regulatory environment; the corre-
field and its development of several pharma products, particularly a sponding inertia of industry which relies on fermentation infra-
biosimilar insulin that reached phase I/II trials, and Apo AI (Milano). structure; the performance of plants compared to established platforms
A fascinating insight into the strategic decision making by some of leading to the pursuit of best practices; and the techno-economic rea-
lities of pharmaceutical molecular farming. The distribution of mole-
cular farming companies today and 15 years ago is compared in Fig. 2
and a ‘then and now’ snapshot of the industry is provided in Table 1.
One bushel of soybean grain is equivalent to 27.22 kg (
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
Fig. 2. World map showing the evolution of molecular farming companies from 2005 (A) to 2020 (B). On each map, large dots represent major industry players and
small dots represent small/medium enterprises, stacked in the continent where principal operations take place. Red dots represent companies focusing on phar-
maceutical products and blue dots are companies restricting their pipeline to non-pharma products, although the difference is not based on the product per se but
rather on the intended use. The same product can be used for pharma and non-pharma applications, with pharma applications requiring a much more stringent
production process that complies with pharmaceutical good manufacturing practice. For companies with subsidiaries in different continents, only the main company
is counted. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
The traditional biopharmaceutical industry has consolidated around The consortium learned quickly that the development of new reg-
a small number of platform technologies for multiple reasons, but one ulations for plant-made pharmaceuticals was not going to be straight-
of the main ones is that this provides a simpler regulatory environment. forward, and that orthodoxy was favored over innovation, resulting in
Although the biopharmaceutical industry has several core production various situations in which the regulators attempted to insert the square
platforms (E. coli, yeast and mammalian cells), and a handful of others peg of tobacco plants into the round hole of the regulations developed
used more rarely, in almost every case the platform is based on the for genetically consistent cell lines. One example was the intense ne-
same principles: the cultivation of a genetically-defined cell line under gotiations required to avoid the need for master and working cell banks
precisely-specified physical and chemical conditions, and a defined – a concept which makes sense for clonally propagated cells but not for
process for product extraction and purification. Each step during up- sexually reproducing plants. This was eventually addressed by devel-
stream production and downstream processing can therefore be care- oping the concept of master and working seed banks. Ultimately, the
fully controlled and regulated. Pharma-Planta project was able to obtain enough regulatory advice to
Bringing plants into this comfortable relationship was a disruptive guide the development of a GMP-compliant production process (Ma
innovation, and the important role played by the regulators in the et al., 2015; Sack et al., 2015). Companies working on disruptive
maturation of pharmaceutical molecular farming cannot be overstated. technologies generally do not discuss their interactions with regulators,
Without a regulatory framework there is no industry confidence in the partly to protect their intellectual property and partly because reg-
technology, but of course without some industrial take-up of the tech- ulatory consultation is chargeable and there is an understandable re-
nology there is no impetus to develop a regulatory framework. The luctance to spend money on advice only to then pass it on for free.
consequences of this Catch 22 situation were clearly laid out in the EU- Pharma-Planta was a game-changer in this regard because it was a
funded framework project Pharma-Planta, which was launched in 2004 publicly-funded project, so the regulatory path it developed could be
and took on the ambitious goal of developing a pharmaceutical product made available to all. The irony of a publicly-funded consortium paying
candidate from first principles all the way to phase I clinical trials, in a publicly-funded regulatory authority for advice was not lost on either
this case the HIV-neutralizing antibody 2G12 produced in transgenic the consortium or its EU project officers, and although the consortium
tobacco plants. The regulatory challenges facing the consortium were was not exempt for the costs it was at least granted a significant dis-
substantial and changed during the project, requiring compensatory count. The consortium also expected to be advised on how to proceed
changes in strategy: and was somewhat taken aback to be ‘treated like a company’ and
therefore required to bring proposals to the table which were given yes/
(1) The challenges facing the consortium concerned the regulation of no answers. In turn, the regulators were rather bemused by the con-
pharmaceutical products and the manufacturing process: specifi- sortium's request for instructive guidance rather than permission. The
cally, the project aimed to develop a pharmaceutical product using take home message was that the current regulatory system is designed
a new production platform for which there was no existing reg- for industry and not publicly-funded research, and more could be done
ulatory framework. It is important to emphasize that there was to make the regulatory system more research friendly, including in-
never any intention to grow the tobacco plants in the open field, formal and instructive advice rather than yes/no decisions.
only in a contained greenhouse environment, so there was no need There are significant regional differences in current regulatory
to consider the regulations governing the field cultivation of GM guidelines covering the production of proteins by molecular farming in
crops. However, the consortium needed to adapt the existing reg- whole plants. The original FDA recommendations were already flexible,
ulations for biopharmaceutical manufacturing to work with non- accommodating all whole plant systems and those based on plant or-
clonal plants as a production platform. gans (FDA/USDA, 2002). In contrast, the original EMEA (now EMA)
(2) When the project launched it was still possible to develop phar- guidelines were largely unworkable, and even the post-consultation
maceuticals all the way to phase I clinical trials without using a updates still exclude transient expression (EMEA, 2009). Several com-
process that complied with good manufacturing practice (GMP). panies in the USA and Canada now base their business model on GMP
These rules changed during the project and the consortium was manufacturing by transient expression in tobacco, but this is not pos-
suddenly faced with the need to develop a GMP-compliant pro- sible in Europe (Tremblay et al., 2010; Whaley et al., 2011). The bumpy
duction process from first principles, given that a new platform was evolution of the regulatory landscape also goes some way to explaining
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
Table 1
Survey of the molecular farming commercial landscape, 2005 vs 2020.
Company Country Continent1 Link2 Major product(s) Major platform(s) Comments 20053 20204
Lemna minor
Company Country Continent Link Major product(s) Major platform(s) Comments 2005 2020
N. benthamiana
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
Table 1 (continued)
N. benthamiana
Lemna minor
N. benthamiana
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
Table 1 (continued)
Lemna minor
N. benthamiana
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
Table 1 (continued)
NexGen Korea Asia www.nexgenbiotech .com Growth factors Transient Formed in 1999, has North American Y Y
expression, tobacco subsidiary Guardian Biotechnologies Inc.
Nomad Bioscience/ Germany/ Europe Vaccines Transient Acquired Icon Genetics from Bayer in 2012 N Y
Nambawan Biotech/ Lithuania m/ expression in and NHL product candidate in 2013. Sold 51%
UAB Nomads tobacco (Magnicon of shares in Icon to Denka along with IP for
platform) vaccines and diagnostics in 2015 and remaining
shares in 2017 (see entry for Icon Genetics).
Created Nambawan Biotech as wholly owned
subsidiary in 2015 to commercialize healthcare
product candidates other than vaccines.
Novoplant Germany Europe Veterinary antibodies Potato tubers, peas, Formed in 1998, no longer trading in 2006. Y N
rapeseed, flax seed
ORF Genetics Iceland Europe Growth factors and Transgenic barley Formed in 2002. Distribution agreement with Y Y
cytokines (cell seeds Sif Cosmetics for cosmetic products.
culture reagents) and
Origin Agritech China Asia Phytase (biomass) Transgenic maize Founded in 1997. N Y
Pharmaplant Germany Europe Medicinal plant Medicinal plants Metabolites only, no protein expression. Y Y
PhycoTransgenics/ USA North Enabling technology Algal platform Website closed 2007. Y N
PhycoBiologics America
Phytomedics USA North Alkaline phosphatase REPOST platform Website closed 2011. Y N
America (rhizosecretion) in
Phyton Biotech USA North Taxanes Taxus spp Not proteins only taxanes: Y Y
America 80,000 L plant cell cultivation.
Phytoprotein Biotech Singapore Asia Vaccines and Plant cell Formed in 2000; website closed 2004. N N
antibodies suspension cultures
Planet Biotechnology USA North www.planetbiotechnology Antibodies and Transgenic tobacco Still active, but website not updated since 2015. Y Y
America .com immunoadhesins leaves
Plant Advanced France Europe Bioactives and Milking plant roots Formed in 2005 as University of Lorraine Y Y
Technologies (PAT) recombinant proteins and exudates spinoff. Major platform is milking plant roots
for bioactives, but PAT Friday technology
involves producing proteins in the exudates of
carnivorous plants.
Plantechno Italy Europe Glucocerebrosidase, Transgenic rice and Formed in 1995 as a spinout from Universitá Y N
Apo-A1 tobacco seeds Cattolica S. Cuore di Agraria Istituto di
Botanica e Genetica. Website up till 2017 but
news not updated since 2007.
PlantForm Canada North Trastuzumab Transient Established in 2008. N Y
America expression in
Plantigen Canada North GAD, cytokines Transgenic tobacco Formed in 1999 by the London Health Sciences Y N
America leaves Centre in Canada. Website closed 2011.
Planton Germany Europe AMPs in potato Potato tubers Formed in 2001. No longer seems to be Y N
focusing on plants.
PlantVax USA North Enzymes, vaccines, Unknown Founded in 2007, produces recombinant N Y
America antibodies enzymes commercially and collaborates for the
production of other proteins.
Prodigene USA North Avidin, trypsin, Transgenic maize Formed in 1996, and was the first company to Y N
America GUS, aprotinin seeds commercialize proteins from transgenic plants
(1998). Distribution agreement with Sigma-
Aldrich. Dissolved in 2004 following fines and
penalties for environmental breaches.
Protalix Israel Asia Glucocerebrosidase Tobacco cells First FDA-approved pharmaceutical from Y Y
Biotherapeutics (replacement (carrot cells used plants, 2012. Partnered with Pfizer in USA.
enzyme) for Elelyso)
Root Lines France Europe Lysosomal storage Rhizosecretion and RLT is a spin-off at the University of Picardy N Y
Technology / disease enzymes root cultures Jules-Vernes, formed in 2011. SamaBriva uses
SamaBriva their RhizoBriva root culture platform.
Quantum Tubers USA North Oral vaccines Potato tubers Website offline after 2014. Y N
SemBioSys Canada North Insulin, ApoA1 Safflower Founded in 1994 as a spinout from the Y N
America University of Calgary. Focused on the
expression of pharmaceuticals and technical
proteins in oilseeds (safflower) using
proprietary oleosin fusion technology.
Collaborated with Syngenta (see separate
entry) to produce their front-line biological
products. Formed spin off in 2007 to market
cosmetics (marketed as the brand Hydresia)
which later merged with Advitech. Short-lived
agreement with Tasly Pharmaceuticals.
Terminated operations in 2012.
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
Table 1 (continued)
SubTerra/Prairie Plant USA North Underground Legumes SubTerra wholly owned by PPS Inc., with Y N
Systems America cultivation underground cavern in Michigan USA. PPS has
two further sites in Canada. Rebranded in 2018
as CanniMed, now growing Medical Cannabis
and no longer into molecular farming.
Toxin Alert Inc Canada North Diagnostic antibodies Unknown Founded in 1998, focusing on food diagnostic Y N
America products and the use of antibodies as diagnostic
reagents. Investigated production capabilities in
plants. Website no longer active in 2012.
Transalgae Israel Asia Animal vaccines Algae Develops oral vaccines and insecticides N Y
expressed in transgenic algae and administered
as biomass.
UniCrop Finland Europe Enabling tech Camelina sativa Website offline after 2007. Y N
Ventria Bioscience USA North VEN120 (lactoferrin) Transgenic rice Founded in 1993 as Applied Phytologics. Y Y
America for the treatment of seeds
inflammatory bowel
disease Growth factors and Transgenic rice This is a division of Ventria for non-pharma Y Y
other cell culture seeds products.
Vytrus Biotech/ Spain Europe Cosmetic ingredients Plant cells Formed in 2009 as a spinoff from the N Y
Phyture Biotech University of Barcelona, renamed Vytrus in
2016. Initially focused on natural products,
now includes molecular farming of proteins.
See continent map (Fig. 2).
Links provided for companies still active in the molecular farming sphere in 2020.
Data from Twyman et al. (2005).
The colour coding refers to the major activities of each company (red = pharma, including veterinary; blue = non-pharma, including research reagents, diagnostics,
cosmetics) used to assemble Fig. 2. Where companies are engaged in pharma and non-pharma activities, the prominent activity at the selected time point is indicated
(except Ventria Bioscience, which has separate entities for pharma and non-pharma products and is therefore listed twice).
why the first pharmaceutical products of molecular farming were de- more to do with the way in which different companies have evolved to
rived from plant cell suspension cultures, which are analogous in every utilize particular platforms). For example, ORF Genetics and Ventria
way to CHO cells and could be accommodated under existing regula- Bioscience use barley and rice, respectively, to produce a range of
tions (Tekoah et al., 2015). The orthodoxy was extended by the FDA to human proteins that are marketed as cosmetic ingredients and research
also include whole clonally propagated plants such as the duckweed reagents, but many of these same proteins (growth factors, cytokines
Lemna minor (Everett et al., 2012) and likewise to moss and algae and enzymes) could also be developed as pharmaceuticals and Ventria
(Decker and Reski, 2012; Rosales-Mendoza et al., 2012). is developing various therapeutic products. Nevertheless, the focus on
specific platforms has allowed the concentration of resources and fur-
ther examples of innovation, which are discussed below.
6. The slope of enlightenment – consolidation
6.1. Overview 6.2. Plant cell suspension cultures and other clonal systems
The consolidation of the biopharmaceutical industry around fer- Plant cell cultures were at the forefront of pharmaceutical molecular
menter-based production and a very limited number of platforms farming because they bridged the gap between plants and existing cell-
(mainly E. coli, yeasts, and CHO cells, with a few products made in based production platforms, and could be accommodated with few
insect cells or transgenic animals) is not only a consequence of reg- changes to existing GMP regulations. It is therefore ironic that the two
ulatory simplicity but also reflects the concentration of resources on main advantages often attributed to molecular farming (the low cost of
compatible infrastructure and the accumulation of process knowledge. growing plants and the massive agricultural scalability) do not really
Put more simply, the biopharmaceutical industry has invested sig- apply to plant cells. Fermenter-based infrastructure is similarly ex-
nificantly in the same technology since the 1970s and it has served its pensive for microbes, plant cells and mammalian cells, so the up-front
purpose well. Incremental innovations that improve the performance of investment costs are of the same magnitude. The media for microbial
current technologies are welcome, but disruptive technologies that tear fermentation is much less expensive than media for the growth of
up the rule book and start again are greeted with extreme caution. mammalian cells, with plant cells somewhere in the middle. Plant cells
Molecular farming falls into the latter category. can also have certain disadvantages, such as slower growth compared
Even so, the molecular farming of pharmaceutical proteins is to microbes, and the presence of a dominant vacuole which increases
starting to follow the same pathway as the wider biopharmaceutical the size and volume of plant cells without increasing their productivity.
industry, and the process of consolidation and development of best Accordingly, the typical dry/wet cell mass of plant cells is ~20/
practices has already begun. To some extent, this may also explain the 400 g L−1 (Holland and Buyel, 2018) compared to ~200/400 g L−1 for
earlier success of industrial molecular farming, which was initially re- bacteria (Bratbak and Dundas, 1984; Shiloach and Fass, 2005) and
stricted to cereal crops (Hood, 2002). Whereas the first wave of phar- ~60/200 g L−1 for yeast (Kastilan et al., 2017).
maceutical molecular farming technologies was bewilderingly diverse, Tobacco cells are the most widely-used platform, and Dow
we now see a maturing portfolio that features three main platform AgroSciences (Zionsville, IN, USA) used tobacco NT-1 cells (the
types: plant cells and other clonal systems; transient expression plat- CONCERT system) in 2006 to produce the first molecular farming
forms for rapid and scalable production campaigns; and transgenic product approved by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a
plants for long-term production and scalability. Tobacco plants are the veterinary vaccine (Schillberg et al., 2013). The first molecular farming
mainstay of the cellular and transient systems and are also a popular product approved by the FDA for use as a pharmaceutical in humans
transgenic platform for pharmaceutical products, with cereals favored was also produced in plant cells, in 2012. This was taliglucerase alfa,
for non-pharma products (although this distinction is not strict, and is manufactured in carrot cells (the ProCellEx system) by Protalix
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
Biotherapeutics (Karmiel, Israel), although the company uses tobacco by 40% in ZMapp recipients, this did not reach the threshold for sta-
cells for other products in their pipeline (Aviezer et al., 2009a, 2009b; tistical significance and the drug was not considered efficacious
Mor, 2015). Although not higher plant cells, other clonal systems have (PREVAIL II Writing Group, et al., 2016).
come to be regarded in the same context, including platforms based on Transient expression can also be mediated by plant viruses modified
the moss Physcomitrella patens (Greenovation Biotech GmbH, Heil- to carry additional genes for the target recombinant protein. Following
bronn, Germany), the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Decker and the inoculation of host plants, the viruses cause a systemic infection
Reski, 2012), and the duckweed Lemna minor (principally developed by which results in the production of recombinant protein throughout the
the now-liquidated Biolex Therapeutics, Pittsboro, NC, USA). plant until the plant clears the virus or succumbs to the infection.
Because the use of infectious viruses is an environmental risk, most
6.3. Transient expression virus-based systems used for transient expression are deconstructed,
which means vital parts of the virus machinery required for systemic
Transient expression involves the introduction of genes into plants infection or spreading to new hosts are removed. The virus is still
carried by viruses or the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens (or some capable of local spreading, leading to small infection foci each com-
combination of the two). This approach is transient because the plant is prising a few hundred cells. Because this would limit the amount of
not stably transformed and the target protein is expressed for only a few recombinant protein recovered, the virus genome is delivered by
days before the plant succumbs or clears the vector (virus-based agroinfiltration as above, such that many cells are infected in-
methods) or the expression construct is degraded (methods based on T- dependently, resulting in multiple infection foci, but the virus cannot
DNA transfer). But during the window of expression, large quantities of spread systemically or to other plants. Several platforms have been
protein can accumulate, in some cases reaching >2 g kg−1 biomass in developed based on deconstructed versions of Tobacco mosaic virus
less than a week (Sainsbury and Lomonossoff, 2008; Sainsbury et al., including the Launch Vector system (Fraunhofer CMB, Newark, DE,
2010; Hiatt et al., 2015; Zischewski et al., 2016). USA) and the Magnifection system (Icon Genetics, Halle/Saale,
The most widely used transient expression system involves the in- Germany). These systems can achieve high product yields, for example
filtration of tobacco leaves with A. tumefaciens, as first applied to a the Fraunhofer system was able to produce influenza A virus he-
molecular farming product by Vaquero et al. (1999). This differs from magglutinin subunits from strains H3N2, H5N1 and H1N1 at yields of
the process used to generate transgenic plants, where the bacterium is 50–200 mg per kg fresh leaf biomass (Shoji et al., 2008, 2011). Another
left in contact with plant tissue to allow time for stable T-DNA insertion deconstructed virus system developed at the John Innes Centre (Nor-
followed by the regeneration of transformed cells into whole plants wich, UK) uses translational enhancers from Cowpea mosaic virus to
under selection. Instead, transient expression involves the injection or generate hypertranslatable vectors, yielding up to 1.5 g recombinant
vacuum-mediated infiltration of millions of recombinant A. tumefaciens protein per kg fresh leaf biomass without virus replication (Sainsbury
into the spaces between mesophyll cells in the leaf. This results in a and Lomonossoff, 2008; Sainsbury et al., 2010). This platform is now
large number of plant cells becoming infected and receiving T-DNA, available for contract manufacturing via the spin-off company Leaf
which is translocated to the nucleus. Stable integration is not sought in Expression Systems (Norwich, UK).
this process. Instead, genes on the episomal T-DNA are expressed for a
few days until it undergoes natural degradation (undetected stable in- 6.4. Transgenic plants
tegration may occur in some cells). Several companies have taken and
adapted the agroinfiltration-based transient expression system de- Transgenic plants are particularly suitable in the case of pharma-
scribed by Vaquero et al. (1999) and developed platforms in tobacco ceutical and industrial products for which there is a large and con-
(N. benthamiana or N. tabacum) for rapid vaccine manufacturing, in- tinuous demand because the plants can be cultivated on an agricultural
cluding influenza vaccines produced by Medicago (Québec, Canada/ scale to yield 100–1000 kg of the pure protein per year. Here the mo-
Durham, NC, USA) and iBio/Caliber Therapeutics (Bryan, TX, USA). lecular farming community has settled on two main platforms – leafy
These two companies, along with Kentucky Bioprocessing (Owensboro, crops (principally tobacco, because of its extraordinary biomass yield
KY, USA), have established large-scale automated facilities for the and status as a non-food/feed crop) and cereal crops (principally maize,
transient expression of vaccine products, marking a significant mile- rice and barley) because the seeds are self-contained bioreactors that
stone along the slope of enlightenment (Holtz et al., 2015). The plat- protect the product. Although the benefits of transgenic plants have
form used by Medicago is based on the infiltration of N. benthamiana been blunted somewhat in the case of pharmaceutical proteins by the
using recombinant A. tumefaciens and has proven particularly suitable slim likelihood that such crops would ever be grown in the open field
for the production of virus-like particles (VLPs) as efficacious vaccine due to product safety/reproducibility and environmental containment
candidates (Rybicki, 2019). Their lead product is a human quadrivalent issues, we nevertheless consider the case of HIV-neutralizing anti-
seasonal influenza vaccine candidate that has already completed phase bodies, which have been produced in transgenic tobacco (Ma et al.,
II (Pillet et al., 2019) and phase III clinical trials (CT identifiers: 2015) and transgenic maize (Rademacher et al., 2008; Ramessar et al.,
NCT03301051, NCT03739112). The potential value of a rapidly scal- 2008; Vamvaka et al., 2016c). In the Pharma-Planta project, the HIV-
able transient expression system was most clearly demonstrated by the neutralizing human antibody 2G12 was produced in tobacco and en-
production of ZMapp, a cocktail of three monoclonal antibodies for the visaged as a component of a microbicidal cocktail to prevent HIV in-
treatment for Ebola hemorrhagic fever (Qiu et al., 2014) developed by fections (Ma et al., 2015). However, several milligrams of antibody
Leaf Biopharmaceutical (the commercial arm of Mapp Biopharmaceu- must be applied each time the microbicide is used to ensure a protective
tical, San Diego, CA, USA). ZMapp was produced by transient expres- effect is achieved (Ramessar et al., 2010). This would be too expensive
sion in tobacco using the Kentucky Bioprocessing facility, and was for production in CHO cells and would exceed global GMP manu-
approved for compassionate use in 2014 (before the completion of facturing capacity. For example, the production of 1000 kg of an an-
clinical testing) during an outbreak of the viral disease in West Africa tibody in CHO cells per year would require 25 fermentation runs
due to its life-saving potential and the lack of any alternatives. Although (14 days each) of 10,000 L, assuming a yield of at least 5 g L−1 and 80%
only seven patients could be treated with the available ZMapp stock, recovery. This would be too expensive even for the industrialized
given the need for ~10 g of the antibody cocktail per patient, five of world, but the primary target for HIV microbicides is sub-Saharan
them ultimately recovered (Na et al., 2015). The subsequent phase II Africa, where the burden of disease is highest. The massive demand for
clinical trial enrolled 72 participants (short of the intended 200 en- inexpensive antibodies could only be met by growing pharmaceutical
rollees due to the outbreak tailing off) thus reducing the statistical crops on an agricultural scale using local infrastructure, as envisaged by
power of the study. Therefore, although the risk of death was reduced the humanitarian focus of the Pharma-Planta project (Ma et al., 2015).
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
The amount of land needed would depend on the yield per kg plant is that tests carried out on a small scale generally translate well when
biomass, e.g. the typical yield of the 2G12 antibody produced by the process is scaled up: for example, a high-producer CHO cell line in a
Pharma-Planta was 10 g pure product per tonne tobacco leaves (Ma shake flask generally behaves in a similar manner in a 20,000-L bior-
et al., 2015), although other antibodies accumulate to >1.5 kg per eactor. This link is missing in plants because there is no direct corre-
tonne fresh mass (Zischewski et al., 2016). Assuming an intermediate lation between small-scale tests in cell/tissue culture and what happens
scenario, the production of 1000 kg of antibody product at a yield of to whole plants in a greenhouse or field due to the much longer growth
1 kg per tonne biomass would require 1000 t of tobacco leaves (Buyel time, the vastly different environmental conditions in the tissue culture
et al., 2017). Close cropped tobacco can be harvested several times per and greenhouse/field scenarios, and aspects of plant growth such as
year and the overall biomass yield is ~100 t per hectare, equivalent to photoperiod dependency which are not present in cell culture
10,000 t per km2 (Stoger et al., 2002). The cost of growing and har- (Bendandi et al., 2010; Buyel and Fischer, 2012; Buyel et al., 2013;
vesting 0.1 km2 of tobacco plants, even in containment, would be much Goojani et al., 2013; Knödler et al., 2019). A new screening platform
lower than constructing a CHO facility and running 25 back-to-back was recently described which is based on plant cell cultures that are
fermentations every year. exposed to a vacuum to remove the liquid medium, and cast into a
porous mass known as a plant cell pack (PCP). The PCP is derived from
7. The slope of enlightenment – development of best practices plant cells but shares many features of the tissues in whole leaves, and
likewise can be infiltrated with recombinant A. tumefaciens and used for
7.1. Overview transient expression (Rademacher et al., 2019). The PCPs can be cast at
various scales, from microtiter plate wells to 150-mL columns, and they
The issues facing molecular farming have often been described in allow the high-throughput testing of different expression constructs,
terms of the yield and purification challenges, reflecting the two per- process conditions and product candidates before translating to tran-
ceived deficiencies of molecular farming in plants compared to estab- sient expression in whole plants. Most importantly, in the initial tests,
lished systems: lower yields and more complex DSP requirements the PCPs were able to predict the relative expression levels of different
(Schillberg et al., 2019). Plants generally achieve lower yields than constructs during transient expression in whole plants quite accurately,
microbes and animal cells during upstream production, partly due to providing a means to circumvent the laborious and error-prone testing
the larger size of plant cells (meaning there are fewer productive of multiple product variants in order to hit on an appropriate set of
bioreactors per unit biomass compared to microbial and animal sys- conditions.
tems), and partly because the yield is intrinsically lower given that
plants are relatively new entrants in the biopharmaceutical manu- 7.3. BY-2 cell lysates
facturing industry and there has been less time for process optimization.
The purification challenge reflects the fact that animal cells and mi- Cell-free protein synthesis is a powerful method for the high-
crobes generally secrete products into the medium, whereas plant cell throughput production of recombinant proteins, especially proteins that
suspension cultures and root cultures may do this but in most cases are difficult to express in living cells due to their toxic or inhibitory
whole plants do not. The product must therefore be recovered by dis- effects (e.g. mitotic inhibitors in eukaryotes, antimicrobial peptides in
rupting the plant tissue, releasing copious amounts of soluble and in- bacteria). Several systems based on cell lysates have been described,
soluble impurities that must be removed during DSP. including at least one (wheat germ lysate) based on plants. However, a
The yield problem has been addressed by incremental improve- recent innovation in the field of molecular farming was the develop-
ments in plant expression cassettes, the use of silencing suppressors, ment of lysates based on tobacco BY-2 cells, which provide many of the
and the development of high-yielding transient expression systems as benefits of the BY-2 system in terms of its potential for the production of
discussed above and in recent review articles (Twyman et al., 2013; diverse functional proteins, with the additional ability to produce
Schillberg et al., 2019). The purification problem has been addressed by proteins that are toxic in plants (Buntru et al., 2014). About 2 g of wet
intensive work on the development of improved DSP steps focusing on BY-2 cell biomass is required to generate 1 mL of the corresponding
clarification and early recovery. Approaches such as centrifugal ex- lysate, which can then produce recombinant proteins at concentrations
traction and rhizosecretion attempt to avoid the release of process-re- of up to 270 mg L−1 using covalently closed plasmid templates, or up to
lated impurities altogether at the cost of restricting the sub-cellular 180 mg L−1 using a linear PCR product (~80 mg of DNA must be added
localization of the product to the apoplast, the space outside the plasma per liter of lysate to trigger product formation). The BY-2 cell lysate is
membrane, including the cell wall (Borisjuk et al., 1999). Others have versatile, supporting the formation of disulfide bonds, glycans and al-
compiled a set of conditioning steps, including acid precipitation and lowing the co-translational integration of membrane proteins. This has
heat treatment, to remove host cell proteins early in the process, allowed the synthesis of a functional full-size antibody, the enzyme
thereby simplifying purification and protecting the product from de- glucose oxidase, and a transmembrane growth factor (Buntru et al.,
gradation (Buyel, 2015; Buyel et al., 2015). This work has been com- 2014).
plemented by adapting solid–liquid separation techniques to the unique
properties of plant-based manufacturing (compatibility with large 7.4. Transplastomic plants
quantities of dispersed solids) such as the introduction of screw-presses,
optimized filter cascades, flocculants and filter additives. High- Transplastomic plants are generated by introducing DNA into the
throughput screening is now used to identify suitable purification plastid genome, and are therefore a subset of transgenic plants (Bock,
processes and can be supported and accelerated by the predictive 2015). However, in contrast to nuclear transgenic plants, the transgene
(mechanistic) modeling of protein separation during chromatography copy number is high because there are up to 20,000 plastids in a typical
(Buyel et al., 2013; Buyel and Fischer, 2012). In addition to these photosynthetic cell, there is no gene silencing, multiple genes can be
general aspects of process improvement, molecular farming has also expressed in operons, the recombinant proteins accumulate within the
developed certain best practices which focus strongly on the unique chloroplast thus limiting toxicity to the host plant, and the absence of
benefits of plants, and some of these recent innovations are discussed functional chloroplast DNA in the pollen of most crops provides natural
below. transgene containment (Svab and Maliga, 2007). The high transgene
copy numbers and the absence of silencing have resulted in extra-
7.2. Plant cell packs ordinary expression levels, in the most extreme case reaching 70% of
the total soluble protein in the plastid (Oey et al., 2009). However,
One of the key advantages of microbial and mammalian cell systems plastids are evolutionarily derived from bacteria and therefore form
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
neither disulfide bonds nor glycans, making them unsuitable for the in crude extracts, suggesting that transgenic plants producing appro-
production of complex and/or glycosylated recombinant proteins. Re- priate absolute and relative doses could be used to produce pharma-
liable plastid transformation has been achieved in only a few crops – ceuticals required in ‘cocktail’ form directly. Previously, vaccine cock-
most plastid molecular farming studies concern tobacco or lettuce tails have been produced in separate plant lines followed by mixing the
(Waheed et al., 2015) – but there is a large subgroup of studies in the purified components, as shown for the cocktail of three ZMapp anti-
literature dealing with plastid transformation and molecular farming in bodies, and as various multivalent fusion constructs, in the case of a
the alga C. reinhardtii (Rosales-Mendoza et al., 2012). Although mole- malaria vaccine cocktail (Boes et al., 2015). The production of such
cular farming in plastids is practiced less widely than the standard proteins in seeds would also allow the transport and storage of micro-
nuclear transgenesis approach, there are some remarkable recent suc- bicides without a cold chain, and the preparation of microbial extracts
cess stories for both pharmaceutical products (Hoelscher et al., 2018) at the point of care (Stoger et al., 2005).
and industrial enzymes (Schmidt et al., 2019). The latter case is parti-
cularly interesting from a commercial perspective because the authors 7.6. Plant glycans
expressed a soluble recombinant cellulase in tobacco plastids and tested
the plants in the field, revealing that high-level recombinant protein The N-glycosylation of proteins in humans and plants involves the
expression had no effect on plant growth, photosynthesis and the ac- passage of the nascent protein through the endoplasmic reticulum,
cumulation of host proteins. However, they found that plants in growth where the addition and modification of glycans follows identical steps.
chambers under constant conditions diverted their existing resources to Later, the partly-glycosylated protein enters the Golgi body, and here
produce the recombinant protein, resulting in a drop in the quantity of the process diversifies in a species-dependent manner: importantly,
host cell proteins to compensate, whereas under the more variable field plant glycoproteins are modified with β1,2-xylose and core α1,3-fucose
conditions the plants maintained the normal level of host cell proteins residues that are not present in mammals, whereas mammalian proteins
and accommodated the extra demand for recombinant cellulase by in- are modified with β1,4-galactose and sialic acid residues that are not
creasing the overall level of total soluble protein. These transplastomic present in plants (Gomord et al., 2010). The presence of different glycan
tobacco plants were therefore able to grow normally in the laboratory residues on recombinant plant-derived human glycoproteins and en-
and field even though up to 40% of the total soluble protein was the dogenous human counterparts can render the plant-derived proteins
recombinant product because the plants were metabolically flexible, immunogenic, but the effects may be more extensive including the loss
although they used different strategies to cope with the demand under of stability or activity, different rates of clearance from the body, and
constant and variable environmental conditions. different interactions with human cells. These differences can be either
detrimental or beneficial. There has therefore been a twin effort to, on
7.5. Direct application of tissues and crude extracts one hand, generate molecular farming platforms lacking plant glycans
and in some cases incorporating human glycans (Strasser et al., 2009;
The leaves, seeds and fruits of many plants are edible, providing a Castilho et al., 2010) and, on the other hand, to develop ‘biobetter’
route for the oral administration of pharmaceutical products such as molecular farming products with glycan structures that improve the
protective antibodies (Zimmermann et al., 2009) and vaccine antigens quality or efficacy of the protein due to the presence of plant glycans
(Merlin et al., 2017), several of which were produced in potato tubers, (Cox et al., 2006; Shaaltiel et al., 2007).
cereal seeds, salad leaves and tomato fruits for human clinical trials (Ma Two broad strategies have been used to prevent the formation of
et al., 2005) before GMP manufacturing became mandatory (Fischer plant glycans, one involving the modification of the target protein to
et al., 2012). Oral vaccines can induce mucosal immune responses via prevent its passage through Golgi body (usually achieved by adding a
lymphoid tissues in the gut, particularly if multiple copies of the epitope so-called retrieval sequence that ensures the protein is targeted to ac-
are presented on the surface of a plant virus or VLP (Yusibov et al., cumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum) and one involving the mod-
2011; Merlin et al., 2017). Systemic responses are also possible if there ification of the host, for example by the knockdown or knockout of
is prolonged contact with the immune system, and this can be achieved genes encoding unwanted glycosyltransferases. The transient or stable
by encapsulating vaccine candidates in cereal or legume seeds, ex- expression of human-type glycosyltransferases and other components of
ploiting the presence of subcellular compartments that delay digestion associated metabolic pathways can complete the human glycan profile
(Hofbauer and Stoger, 2013). Although most studies have investigated (Fischer et al., 2018). A more recent innovation is the use of genome
the ability of oral antibodies and vaccines to prevent infectious dis- editing to generate ‘glycan friendly’ hosts. This was initially achieved
eases, the same principle has been used to demonstrate the efficacy of using TALENs to knock out both XylT genes and two of the five FucT
plant tissue containing autoantigens to prevent autoimmune diseases, genes in N. benthamiana (Li et al., 2016). This eliminated XylT activity
including type 1 diabetes (Bertini et al., 2018). In addition to transgenic but only reduced FucT activity, indicating that further FucT sequences
plants expressing antigens, transplastomic plants have also been used remained active. The complete elimination of FucT activity was later
for this purpose, potentially offering epitope protection similar to that achieved in BY-2 cells using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, involving a
provided by seed storage compartments because of the enclosure of the complex editing strategy which required simultaneous mutation at 12
recombinant protein in plastids (Kwon et al., 2018). or 14 targets (Hanania et al., 2017; Mercx et al., 2017). The most
Seeds are also potentially a useful platform for the production of conserved regions of the genes were targeted so that one gRNA would
microbicides that are applied topically rather than ingested, such as the introduce a break in several different alleles/homeoalleles. To confirm
HIV-neutralizing antibodies 2G12 and 2F5 (Rademacher et al., 2008; that the enzymes were no longer active, the mutated BY-2 cells in the
Ramessar et al., 2008; Vamvaka et al., 2016c) and the antiviral lectins first study were transformed with a construct encoding an antibody,
griffithsin and cyanovirin-N (Vamvaka et al., 2016a, 2016b). The and the resulting recombinant protein was devoid of plant complex-
transmission of HIV can be prevented by the application of neutralizing type glycans (Mercx et al., 2017). In the second study, the authors
monoclonal antibodies and lectins, but the requirement for multiple achieved the mutation of all 14 loci and transformed the mutated cells
microbicidal proteins to prevent virus ‘escapes’ makes traditional pro- with a transgene encoding DNase I, which was also shown to lack plant
duction platforms and potentially even transgenic plants too expensive complex-type glycans (Hanania et al., 2017). The simultaneous
for applications in developing countries. However, in a recent innova- knockout of two XylT and four FucT genes using CRISPR/Cas9 has also
tion, Vamvaka et al. (2018) described transgenic rice plants simulta- been reported in N. benthamiana plants (Jansing et al., 2019). The
neously expressing three different HIV-neutralizing proteins in the sextuple knockout plants were devoid of XylT and FucT activity and
seeds (2G12, griffithsin and cyanovirin-N) and showed that the three produced a recombinant antibody that lacked plant complex-type gly-
components had synergistic activity in HIV neutralization assays, even cans but retained its antigen-binding specificity and binding kinetics.
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
Fig. 3. Cost development for biotechnological processes. (A) Cost analysis for a plant-produced pharmaceutical antibody showing the dependence of costs on the
expression level and dose requirements. The cost model is based on Buyel and Fischer et al. (2012). (B) Cost reduction in biotechnological manufacturing due to
technology and process maturation (data from Kelley (2009) and our unpublished data). (C) Relative cost development based on economic changes (here, inflation
and salary raises), technological improvements (as shown in B) and a combination of both effects. (D) Impact of economic changes and technology maturity on the
competitiveness of a new product (green, starting 2012) compared to an established counterpart (blue, starting 2008). If the competing technology is new, cost
savings can be substantial (solid green line), whereas for a new product using a mature technology, cost savings may be overcompensated by increasing costs due to
inflation (dotted green line). Gray lines are ‘isocost’ lines based on the observed (up to 2018) and expected inflation and salary increase. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
The efforts to embrace the positive aspects of plant glycans are best medium to prevent the extension of mannose residues. All three en-
exemplified by taliglucerase alfa (recombinant human glucocer- zymes have been shown to be functionally equivalent (Tekoah et al.,
ebrosidase) marketed as Elelyso by Protalix BioTherapeutics for the 2013).
treatment of Gaucher's disease. Unmodified glucocerebrosidase from
human pancreas is unsuitable for enzyme replacement therapy because 8. The slope of enlightenment – techno-economic analysis
the terminal sialic acid, galactose and N-acetylglucosamine residues on
the glycan chains inhibit endocytosis by macrophages, which is medi- As stated above, the need for thorough techno-economic analysis
ated by mannose receptors. Elelyso is manufactured in carrot cells, was grasped immediately by the molecular farming companies devel-
which in common with other plant cells do not synthesize glycoproteins oping non-pharma products and accordingly they suffered less than
containing sialic acid. Furthermore, targeting the protein to the vacuole their pharma-focused siblings during the trough of disillusionment
prevents the extension of terminal mannose residues, thus promoting phase. In the last decade, the pharma camp has caught up in this re-
uptake of the enzyme by macrophages (Shaaltiel et al., 2007). The spect, resulting in three major developments that encompass changes in
equivalent product manufactured in CHO cells, imiglucerase (marketed the laboratory/production line through to strategic decisions on a
as Cerezyme by Sanofi-Genzyme, Cambridge, MA, USA), has terminal corporate level.
sialic acid residues, which are automatically added during the transit of First, techno-economic analysis has helped to identify major cost
mammalian glycoproteins through the secretory system. It is necessary drivers in the production of plant-made pharmaceutical proteins at a
to remove these residues in vitro to ensure that the enzyme functions shop-floor level. The foremost drivers are the DSP unit operations that
correctly. Therefore, unlike the product manufactured in carrot cells, were necessary to deal with the high burden of insoluble particles and
the CHO-derived enzyme requires an additional step which adds to the host cell proteins in typical plant extracts. These steps were found to
overall manufacturing and QA/QC costs. A third version of the enzyme, account for >80% of the total costs and the issue has been addressed,
velaglucerase alfa (VPRIV, Shire Pharmaceuticals, now Takeda Phar- for example, by developing more efficient solid–liquid separation pro-
maceutical Company, Tokyo, Japan) is produced in human fibroblast cedures (Menkhaus et al., 2004; Nikolov and Woodard, 2004; Wilken
carcinoma cell lines with a mannosidase I inhibitor included in the and Nikolov, 2012; Buyel, 2015; Buyel et al., 2015).
R. Fischer and J.F. Buyel Biotechnology Advances 40 (2020) 107519
Second, and as a consequence of the first development, plant-based manufacturing site was built in Wuppertal (Germany) between 2014
production has and still is in the process of converging towards a and 2018 at a cost of >500 million euros but closed down before the
platform technology with a limited set of operations used for different commissioning phase (Francisco, 2014; Hargreaves, 2018).
products. Again, the convergence specifically applies to DSP, where
most processes now use (a decreasing number of) filtration-based 9. Conclusion – the future of molecular farming
clarification steps followed by 2–3 chromatography-based purification
steps with interspersed ultrafiltration/diafiltration to purify the pro- As the Danish proverb goes, ‘Predictions are difficult, especially
duct. An important realization is that the DSP for plant-derived phar- about the future’. Nevertheless, we have highlighted some potential
maceutical products now closely resembles that of any bacterial or developments that appear plausible and/or interesting from our current
CHO-derived recombinant protein. Therefore, the production of bio- perspective. Despite the potential advantages of molecular farming, the
pharmaceuticals may be regarded as a modular process in the future, biopharmaceutical industry still favors their standardized cell-based
where the host/expression system can be plugged into a standardized platform technologies that have received heavy investment for many
DSP that is most appropriate for the target protein. This has clearly years. This has been rewarded in most cases by incremental improve-
been demonstrated in the large-scale transient expression facilities ments in product yield and quality. Following the early phase of the
discussed above. For example, the iBio/Caliber production facility for hype cycle, when molecular farming was promoted as a game-changing
influenza vaccines by transient expression in tobacco integrated the innovation on an industry-wide basis, the pioneers of this new industry
mobile and modular downstream processing suites provided by G-Con eventually focused on the disruption of niche markets rather than the
Manufacturing (College Station, TX, USA) to ensure process adapt- displacement of incumbent technologies such as CHO cells. And niche
ability and rapid changeovers (Holtz et al., 2015). markets may have been the extent of the pharmaceutical molecular
The third development is the advent of reliable process and thus farming revolution were it not for the emergence of a new paradigm:
cost models for plant-based manufacturing (Mir-Artigues et al., 2019). the time-to-market benefits.
These models have become increasingly sophisticated and often use the Ultimately, time-to-market factors are the strongest drivers in terms
same professional software tools (e.g., SuperPro Designer; Intelligen of host platform selection, including the duration of research and de-
Inc., Scotch Plains, NJ, USA) as the rest of the pharma industry to set up velopment (R&D), production scale-up and regulatory approval. Plants
closed mass and cost balances (Nandi et al., 2016). Early examples were can gain a head start during R&D due to the speed of transient ex-
published by Ventria Bioscience for their transgenic rice platform pression, but face more hurdles during scale-up because of a lack of
(Nandi et al., 2005) and other key examples have been published for suitable manufacturing sites. The latter might change as more niche
transgenic tobacco plants/cells (Wilken and Nikolov, 2012) and tran- products become available, along with the corresponding infra-
sient expression, in one case comparing the relative costs of pharma and structure, until at some point there will be a critical mass of production
non-pharma products (Tusé et al., 2014). This transition to professional capacity sufficient to accommodate large-scale processes and thus at-
cost modeling has accelerated the alignment of molecular farming with tract the attention of big pharma once again, but this time on a paying
existing expression systems and will facilitate the future modularity of basis. The seeds of this new revolution have already been sown, and the
pharmaceutical production. The major benefit of these techno-eco- overview of the industry provided in Table 1 shows how. Whereas the
nomic models for molecular farming is that they allow the early as- industry landscape in 2005 was characterized by two largely separate
sessment of economic viability for potential and new protein candi- camps focusing on pharma and non-pharma products, the situation
dates. Therefore, they can facilitate informed decisions such as whether today is much more integrated. There are still companies specializing in
or not to pursue a novel candidate based on its potential revenue, for each area, but there are also mixed-model companies that have a foot in
example as a function of the achieved or achievable expression levels both camps, such as Ventria Biosciences with its pharma portfolio but
and dose requirements (Fig. 3A). As well as providing an overview of separate department (InVitria) for non-pharma reagents and cosmetics.
the current factors affecting production costs, these models can be There are also companies that function effectively or explicitly as
augmented in several ways to estimate future cost developments. For contract manufacturers alongside their own pipelines, such as Kentucky
example, Kelley (2009) anticipated a reduction in monoclonal antibody Bioprocessing with its non-pharma aprotinin product but the capacity
manufacturing costs from $300 g−1 in 2000 to $100 g−1 in 2008 based to take on the manufacturing of pharma products under license, such as
on published estimates for the cost of goods sold (COGS) when using the ZMapp antibodies developed by Mapp Biopharmaceutical. This in-
CHO cells due to the maturation of the technology and increasing novative use of technology and, more importantly, production capacity
process knowledge. When comparing this assumption for CHO cells is something that the traditional biopharmaceutical manufacturing in-
with the tobacco-based production process for 2G12 first developed in dustry simply cannot replicate – because this would involve, for ex-
2009, we find (our unpublished data) that the costs gradually decreased ample, using expensive CHO cells to produce low-margin high-volume
from €10,000 g−1 in 2009 and €5500 g−1 in 2012 to less than products such as technical enzymes. Plants have the advantage because
€2500 g−1 in 2019 (Fig. 3B). However better-expressing recombinant they are economically as well as biologically versatile, and concepts
antibodies such as M12 can yield ~50-fold more product from the same such as versatility and adaptability may trump sheer productivity as a
amount of biomass, thus reducing costs to below €100 g−1 (our un- key platform selection criterion in the future as the time-to-market
published data). Our data are thus in good agreement with the maturing factor becomes the more desirable target.
technology assumption and are supported by other reports, which es- Much of the adaptability of plants comes from the scalability of
timate a COGS of ~€170 g−1 for accumulation levels of 0.4 g kg−1 at a production and the more refined regulatory framework, which allows
scale of 300 kg y−1 or accumulation levels of 1.0 g kg−1 at a scale of upstream production in bioreactors, greenhouses or fields to be
110 kg y−1 (Nandi et al., 2016). However, a reliable comparison should ‘plugged in’ to pre-defined DSP modules, as exemplified by the iBio/
also consider additional effects such as infrastructure costs and depre- Caliber + G-Con model described above. The attractiveness of plants
ciation, personnel costs, operational expenses and inflation. We there- has also increased due to the alignment of plant-based processes with
fore suggest the use of models that consider both the cost reductions ICH guidelines, accommodating principles of quality by design such as
due to maturation and the completion of equipment depreciation as the use of design-of-experiments strategies to accelerate process de-
well as inflation and other rising trends like salary increases (Fig. 3C). velopment and improve process consistency (Buyel and Fischer, 2012;
This type of plot allows “what if” analysis to compare a given process Buyel et al., 2013) and in-line process analytical technology to ensure
with competitors that may enter the market at a later stage (Fig. 3D), robust quality assurance/quality control during the manufacturing
thus predicting the window of profitability to avoid misguided invest- process (ICH, 2012). The ability of molecular farming to exploit the
ments such as Bayer's Factor VIII production facility. The unique advantages of plants, while also seeking to align with current
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