ACS 04 To FBW Manual (Reprint April 2022)

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Addendum & Corrigendum Slip No.

The Manual for Flash Butt Welding of Rails (Reprint-April 2022)

1. Existing Para 3.1.2 is replaced with the following:

3.1.2 Permissible vertical wear of rails to be w elded: The
vertical wear in ol d rails to be welde d (me asured as pe r Para 702
(1)(b)(iii) of Indi an Railways Pe rmane nt Way Manual) shall be within
the limits spe cifie d be low:-
Rail Se ction Standard height of Minimum he ight of
the new rail worn rail
60kg (UIC)/60E1 172.00 mm 164.00 mm

IRS-52kg 156.00 mm 150.00 mm

2. Existing Para 3.1.3 is replaced with the following:

3.1.3 Permissible lateral wear of rails to be w elded: Old rai ls to
be welded shall preferably show simil ar pattern of side we ar and the
minimum width of rail he ad shall be as spe cifie d be low:-
Rail Section Standard width of Minimum width of
the he ad of ne w rai l the he ad of old rail

60kg (UIC)/60E1 72.00 mm 66.00 mm

IRS-52kg 67.00 mm 61.00 mm

3. Existing Para 3.2 is replaced with the following:

individual rail e nds for ne w rails may have a maximum diffe re nce in
height of 1.2mm at the welded joints. This is illustrate d in Fig.3.2.
The differe nce in he ight shall be tran spose d to the foot of the rail.
4. Existing Para 3.3.1 is replaced with the following:
3.3.1 The di fference in the width of rail h e ads of two rails to be
welded shall not e xceed 1.0mm fo r ne w and 2.0mm for old rails.
For new rails, it i s prefe rable to re strict the diffe re nce in width of
rail he ads to 0.5mmby adopting proc e dure laid-down in Para 4.2.

AKHILES Digitally signed by


H KUMAR 17:34:17 +05'30'

Date: 2024.04.01

5. Existing Para line ) is replaced with the following:
- 110 U TS and R350HT Grade rails- 7 Kg/mm 2 on c ross s e ctional
6. Existing Para 5.4 is replaced with the following:
5.4 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT: 72 UTS and 90 UTS rails do
not require any spe cial post we ld heat treatme nt. He ad h ardened
and heat treated rails ne e d post weld he at tre atment to ensure the
vari ation in hardn ess within acce ptable limits in he at affecte d zone.
Typical post weld heat tre atments fo r head h ardene d/heat treated
rails are give n in Anne xure II. However, any other suitable adv ance
technique for post weld he at tre atment may be adopted and shall be
mentione d in the QAP of flash butt we lding plant.
7. Existing Table 1 of FBW Manual is replaced with the following:
Table 1
S Rail Se ction Span Min. Minimum Frequency of testing
N & Grade (in breaking deflection at
me te r) load the ce nter at Stationary Mobile FBW
(in Ton) the actual FBW Pl ant Plant
transve rse (working as
breaking load mobile or in
(in mm) stationary
1 60E1 1.00 163 20 1 in 100* 1 in 100*
R350H T
2 60E1 1.00 150 20 1 in 100** 1 in 100*
3 60 kg (UIC)/ 1.25 115 30 1 in 500 1 in 100*
4 60 kg 1.00 150 20 1 in 1000 1 in 100*
90 UTS
5 IRS-52 kg 1.00 115 20 1 in 1000 1 in 100*

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6 60 kg UIC 1.00 135 30 -do- 1 in 100*
(72 U TS)
7 52 kg MM 1.00 100 30 -do- 1 in 100*
(72 U TS)
* Sample joints fo r first 1,000 joints will be te ste d at fre quency of 1
in 100 joints and s ubsequently at a fre que ncy of 1 in 500 joints.
** S ample joints for fi rst 1,000 joints will be te ste d at fre que ncy of 1
in 100 joints and subseque ntly at a freque ncy of 1 in 1000
8. Existing Para 13 is replaced with the following:

13.1 We lding te am may consist of mi nimum one supe rvisor and two
welde rs. The e ducational quali ficatio n of supervisor sh ould be min.
Diploma in Me chanical/ Ele ctrical Engineering or BSc and that of
welde r should be minimum cl ass X or e quivale nt, pas se d. Welders
and supe rvisor al re ady working in Mobile/Stationary FBW Pl ant
may continue if Chief Track Engine er/Chie f Engine e r (construction)
is satisfie d about the quality of welds by the se operato rs. Zonal
Railways sh all also e nsure pe riodical training o f w e lde rs and
Supe rvisors of Mobile/Stationary Flas h Butt We lding Plants.

13.2 Test for competency ce rtificate o f supervisor/we lders of

Mobile / Stationary Flash Butt We lding Plant will be c onducte d by
concerne d Zonal Railway/PSU/Me tro Railway as pe r this Manual
and after satisfac tory result; the competency certificate will be
issued in the proforma give n in Anne xure-XII by the authority as
detailed in (i) & (ii) below.
(i) Compe te ncy ce rtificate to we lding te am (supervisor & we lders) of
Stationary Flash Butt We lding Plants (Departmental / Rail
manufacturing Agencie s) shall be issued by CTE o f con ce rne d Zonal
(ii) Compe te ncy certific ate to welding te am (supe rvisor & we lde rs) of
Mobile Flash Butt We lding Plants shall be issue d by CTE/Chief
Enginee r (construction) of conce rne d Zonal Railway /General
Manage r (e quivalent to SA g rade o ffice r and above) of concerned
PSU/Metro Railway .
For guidance , te st scheme as we ll as syllabus fo r written te st and
interview is given as unde r:
13.2.1 Part-I (Written Test and Intervie w) Written Test

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KUMAR Date: 2024.04.01
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(i) We lding paramete rs and its influe nce on quality of we lding
and heat affected zone .
(ii) Suitability of rail for we lding.
(iii) Preparation of rail s to be we lde d including pre -straighte ning
of rails.
(iv) Procedure of we lding of rails.
(v) Re cord of welds.
(vi) Post we ld straightening of joints.
(vii) Finishing of joints.
(viii) Marking o f joints.
(ix) Testing of welds.
(x) Precautions to avoid de fects in Flash Butt We lding rail
joints. Interview

A pe rsonal interview of the se candidate s shall be take n by

compe tent authority as pe r syllabus. The candidate must be
conversant with de tails of Fl ash Butt We lding of rails and the
machine, welding defects, the ir causes and re me die s. The candidate
found suitable in i nterview shall be allowed for fu rthe r tests.

13.2.2 Part-II (Practical Test)

Six number of test welds shall be made by welder i n presence

of compe tent authority. The le ngth of rail piece shall be minimum
0.75 me te rs of 90 UTS o r h ighe r grade rails. Any rail
section/sections may be use d free from any exte rnal and inte rnal
defe cts. Examinati on of we lded rail joints shall be done as per
clause 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.3, 10.2.1, 10.2.2 and 10.2.3 of this

On the bas is of te st conducted as me ntione d above,

compe tency ce rtificate shall be issue d for rail sections/grade s as

Sl. Practical test conducted Competency will be valid for FB welding

No. on rail section/grade of rail section/grade
1 90 UTS 90UTS (60 Kg, 52 Kg, R260, R260NC) &
72UTS rails
2 1080HH/R350HT 1080HH, R350HT, 90UTS (60 Kg, 52 Kg,
R260, R260NC) & 72UTS rails

13.3 Validity of competency certificate: Validity of compe tency

certificate of supe rvisor/we lders of Mobile /Stationary Flash Butt
Welding Plants shall be as under:
(a) Supervisor/Welde rs of Mobile Flash Butt We lding Plant- One
year from the date of issue
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(b) Supe rvisor/We lde rs of Stationary Flash Butt Welding Plants- Two
years from the date of issue
9. A new Para No. 15 is added as under:
15 Periodic Quality Audit: Pe riodic quality audit o f Fl ash Butt We lding
Plants sh all be conducted as pe r schedule give n below:
15.1 Periodic Audit of S tationary FBWP:- RDSO to conduct pe riodic
audit once in three years.
15.2 Periodic Audit o f Mobile FBWPs:- Zonal Rail way should
nominate an official for pe riodic au dit o f Mobile FBWP once in a
year during contract period and su bmit report to RDSO. Further,
RDSO has to conduct periodic audit once in three years.
15.3 It will be re sponsibility of the Railway/agency to approach
RDSO fo r quality audit of the ir Stationary/Mobile Flash Butt
Welding Plant at least th re e months in advance from the due date of
quality audit (thre e ye ars fro m the date of approval of QAP/previous
15.4 In case the fi rm has not o ffered their plant for pe riodic quality
audit by RDSO, c once rned QAP will be come invalid automatically
after comple tion of three ye ars from the date of its approval/
previous quality audit and the s ame will be de le ted from TMS. If
periodic quality audit of the plant is delaye d on the account o f
RDSO, the QAP shall re main v alid till such time quality audit is
performed by RDS O.
10. Existing footnote at Anne xure -IV is deleted:
11. Existing sub para (iv) of Annexure -IV B is re place d with the
Head finishing (on top table surface ): + 0.2 mm at the centre of a
10cm straight edge.
12. Existing Annexure-I is de le ted:





AKHILES Digitally signed by


H KUMAR 17:36:23 +05'30'

Date: 2024.04.01
13. Existing Annexure-II is re place d with the following:
(Para 5.4)
During welding of head h arde ne d/ heat tre ate d rail s using the
normal welding procedure , the ave rage hardness of the HAZ of the
rail be come s considerably le ss than the pare nt rail h ardness. This
lowe r hardne ss is due to transformation of rail stee l occurring at a
cooling rate much lowe r than th at ac hie ve d during the original head
hardening operation. Such a hardness diffe re nce can le ad to
diffe re ntial pl astic deformation durin g the wheel-rail co ntact which
may cause localised cupping on the running surface at the we lds.
He ad hardened/ heat treated rails, there fore, must be subje cte d to
controlle d cooling tre atme nt (slack que nch) to improve the sagging
heat affected zone hardness.
A fabricated air qu enching gadget as shown in Figure 5.4(b) shall be
used for enhanced cooling of the rail joints made with head
hardened/ heat treated rails. The le ngth of this gadge t is approx.
250mm and width 190mm. The re are se ries of drille d h oles of 3mm
diameter in the gadget and the ir position is shown i n figure . The
gap maintained between the inne r face s of the gadget is approx.
120mm which will enable gap of approx. 25mm betwee n the railhe ad
side surface s and the gadget. This will result in e fficient applic ation
of air que nching je t. Within one mi nute of we lding, air que nching
should be carried out while the rail surface te mperature is in the
region 900-950 0 C. The air pre ssure should be approximately
2kg/cm 2 and duration of application s hould be about 1 minute.

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H KUMAR Date: 2024.04.01
17:36:40 +05'30'

14. Existing Annexure-X is replaced with the following:

(Para-5 .6.2 )
Procedure to be followed for approval of Quality Assu rance
Program (QAP ) for Mobile F lash Butt Welding Plan ts

1.0 The mobile flash butt welding plants used on Railways are
mostly outsource d. In orde r to expedite the approval of QAP and
minimize the time gap be twee n award of contract and start of
work, the following proce dure shall be followe d.
2.0 Submission of General Quality Ass urance Programme:
2.1 The ge ne ral QAP, containing the information as pe r Anne xure-XI
of Manual shall be submitte d in soft copy in pdf format of
size<20MB to RDSO by the agency/ Plant owne r se parately for
e ach Mobile Flash Butt welding Plant proposed to be deployed.
Availability of Railways’ o rde r (Lette r of acce ptance ) will not be
required at this stage.
2.2 The comple te QAP (e xcluding de tails of we lding team, an d
standardize d we lding paramete rs) so submitte d by the firm will
be scrutinize d and approve d by RDSO afte r e nsuring compliance
of re le vant provisions of this manual .
2.3 Approve d soft copy of Ge ne ral Qual ity Assurance Programme
will be issue d to the concerne d agency, which has approache d
for approval .
3.0 Approval of Welding Team:
3.1 Once the contract is awarded, the fi rm will approach co nce rned
Zonal Railway/PSU /Metro Railway for approv al o f welding team
as per Para 13 o f Manual.
3.2 The compe tency certific ate to welding ope rators and supe rvisors
will be issued by Chie f Trac k Enginee r/Chief Enginee r
(Construction) of Zonal Railway/GM (e quivalent to SA grade
office r and above ) of PSU /Metro Railway after conducting
necessary test as pe r Manual and other instructions on the
4.0 Submission of Fin al Qu ality Assurance P rogramme:
4.1 After the agency has got the welding team approve d by
concerned Zonal Railway/PSU/Metro Railway , the fi rm will
unde rtake inte rnal te st to provisionally fix the we lding
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H KUMAR Date: 2024.04.01
17:37:00 +05'30'
parame te rs fo r rails of different sections/ metallurgy as
required to be welded.
4.2 Afte r comple ting above e xe rcise , the age ncy will submit the
final Quality Assurance Prog ramme (Duly updating the e arlier
approve d General QAP with de tails of welding te am approved by
Zonal Railway/PS U/Me tro Railway with compe tency certificates
and welding parame te rs as decided by the firm during i nte rnal
te st) to RDSO through conce rne d Railway/PSU/Me tro Railway
Administration fo r s tandardization of we lding parameters
and approval o f fin al QAP.
5.0 Standardization of Weldin g P arameters and approval of QAP:
5.1 Afte r the final Q AP submitte d is found satis facto ry during
scrutiny, the standardization of we lding parame te r for
concerned Rail section/ U TS as re quested by age ncy/ Zonal
Railway/PSU/ Metro Railway will be undertake n by RDSO as
pe r Para 5.6 of Manual.
5.2 The standardized we lding parame ters and marking code allotte d
by RDSO will be attached with the fi nal QAP submitte d by the
agency/ Zonal Rail way/PSU/Metro Railway. The fin al QAP duly
containing the standardize d welding parame te rs shall be
approve d by RDSO and issue d to the conce rned Zonal
Railway/PSU/Metro Railway and the fi rm for undertaking the
Flash Butt we lding work as pe r provis ions of this M anual.
5.3 The adhere nce to provisions of Manual and QAP will be e nsured
by the concerned Zonal Railway /PSU/Me tro Railway.
6.0 Validity of QAP :
6.1 The Final Quality Assurance Programme (QAP) of a particular
Mobile Flash Butt We lding Plant nee d not be re -approve d by
RDSO unle ss the firm h as faile d to ge t the qual ity audit
conducted by RDSO within stipulate d time as me ntione d in Para
15 or there is major change in Quality Control se tup or new
type of rail to be welded or the re is a revision/ame ndment to
FBW M anual to provisions related to qu ality assessment of FB
welds/proce dure of welding/ me thodology of standardization of
welding parameters. The final decision whe the r there is majo r
change in Quality Control se tup or n ot will re st with the Chief
Track Engineer/ Chief Enginee r of Zonal Railway and GM
(e quivalent to SA grade officer and above) of PS U/Metro
Railway, where plant is being de ployed.
6.2 In c ase of change of ope rator/ supervisor or e xpiry of their
competency ce rtificates, concerned Zonal Railway/PS U/Metro
Railway shall take action for approval of we lding team.
8 AKHILES Digitally signed by

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17:37:20 +05'30'
Approved competency ce rtificate s s hall be attached with the
RDSO approve d QAP.
15. Existing Annexure-XI is replaced with the following:

(Para-5 .6.2 )
Information to be provided in Quality Assurance Programme for
Mobile/Stationary Flash Butt Welding Plants
1. Cover page of the QAP
This shall indicate the Name and relevant details of the Agency; Details of
Flash Butt Welding machine (Make, Model & Serial no. etc. and carrier vehicle
registration no. in case of Rail-cum-Road Vehicle type Mobile Plant).
2. Index.
3. Brief description about the firm/ company and General information about the
addresses and contact numbers of office and work stations, branches and
sister concerns and the details of ISO certification, if firm is already a ISO
certified company having Operation and maintenance of Mobile/ Stationary
Flash Butt Welding Plant in scope. If firm is not already ISO certified, ISO
certification including Operation and maintenance of Mobile/ Stationary Flash
Butt Welding Plant in scope shall be ensured before submission of Final QAP.
4. If firm is ISO certified,
(a) Quality policy of the company as per ISO certification.
(b) Certificate to this effect that the approved QAP is a controlled document
and a quality record of ISO quality control system of the vendor.
5. Organization chart emphasizing quality control set-up.
6. Qualification and experience of key personnel and officials deployed for
operation and in quality control cell including supervisor and welders of the
Details of competency certificate of the welders and supervisor issued by Zonal
Railway/PSU/Metro Railway as per clause 13.2 of Manual shall be
specifically indicated.
7. Brief description on the Mobile/Stationary Flash Butt Welding Machine and
other machinery & plant deployed. (Serial no., model no., make, date of
manufacturing, AMC details and brief working procedure of the machine).
(Mobile/Stationary Flash Butt Welding machine must have facility for display
and storage of all the welding parameters in re-producible electronic forms at
the time of F.B. welding of rail joints. A certificate in this regard along with
brief on the facility for display/ storage capacity of the machine must be
specifically mentioned in the QAP).
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H KUMAR Date: 2024.04.01
17:37:45 +05'30'
8. Recommended Welding parameters for various rail sections and rail
metallurgies as per operating manual of FBW machine specified by
9. Process flow chart for complete process (from receipt of rail to dispatch of
welded panels).
10. Procedure for Standardization of welding parameters as per clause 5.6 of the
11. Procedure of the field approval of welding procedure as per clause 5.7 of
Manual in case of MFBWP.
12. Quality Assurance System covering the following:
(a) Scope
(b) List of standards, codes and reference documents.
(c) Inspection & Testing process of incoming rails as per clause 2 to 4 of
(d) Detailed description of procedure of regular welding of rails.
(i) Welding Process and In process check:
- Inspection of Copper/ Melloroy electrodes for electrical contact.
- Rail alignment.
- Welding sequence including stripping.
(ii) Weld Record for each joint duly indicating actual weld parameters
vis-à-vis parameters standardized by RDSO.
(iii) Post weld heat treatment for 110 UTS, HH & R350HT rails, if
(iv) Post weld straightening.
(v) Finishing of joints to achieve geometrical standards given in
Annexure IV of Manual.
(vi) Marking of joints for Mobile/Stationary FBW plants. (Marking code
shall be assigned by RDSO at the time of approval of final QAP).
The formats duly indicating the frequency of in process check shall
be part of QAP.
(e) Product Control:
(i) Tests for every flash butt welded joint.
- Visual inspection.
- Dimensional check.
- Ultrasonic test.

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Date: 2024.04.01
(ii) Additional Tests on sample flash butt welded joint.
- Hardness test.
- Transverse Load test.
- Macro examination.
- Micro examination.
Formats as per Manual for each of the above mentioned tests shall
form part of QAP.
(f) System Control as per clause 11 to 14 of Manual as under:
(i) Handling of high strength rails, if applicable.
(ii) Periodical maintenance of mobile/stationary flash butt welding
machine as per procedure and frequency laid down by OEM (Original
Equipment Manufacturer).
(iii) Periodical inspection of mobile/stationary flash butt welding
machine by OEM or his authorized representative at an interval of
two years or execution of 20,000 joints whichever is earlier to
conduct technical audit of its health, as per clause 14.1 of Manual.
(iv) Availability of sufficient stock of genuine spares.
(g) List of various gauges/ templates e.g. feeler gauge, straight edge etc. along
with their calibration status and plan.
13. Quality Assurance System- Inspection & Testing covering the following:-

(reprocessed/ scrapped)
Standard format no. for
Reference documents
wherever applicable

maintaining results

Acceptance limit/

Rejection details
Sample size and

Parameters for

specified value
frequency of


S. No.

14. List of tools & plants and testing equipments available with FBW machine for
execution of rail welding along with calibration status and plan.
15. List of Registers maintained and their standard formats with unique number.
Following registers/records are mandatory:
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H KUMAR Date: 2024.04.01
17:38:31 +05'30'
1. Record of Weld Register (Proforma as per Annexure –III of Manual),
2. Dimensional Check Register (Proforma as per Annexure–VIA of
3. USFD Test Register (Proforma as per Annexure – VIB of Manual),
4. Hardness Test Register (Proforma as per Annexure – VIC of Manual),
5. Transverse Load Test Register (Proforma as per Annexure– VID of Manual),
6. Macro Examination Register (Proforma as per Annexure– VIE of Manual),
7. Micro Examination Register (Proforma as per Annexure– VIF of Manual).
8. Daily Progress Register (Proforma as per Annexure–‘A’ attached),
9. Joint Rejection Register (Proforma as per Annexure –‘B’ attached),
10. Customer Complaint Register (Proforma as per Annexure– ‘C’ attached).
16. A blank format as given below shall be part of the final QAP of mobile flash
butt welding plant for entering the details regarding movement of the machine
and work executed. This format shall be placed after Index page of QAP. While
submitting initial QAP for approval, Column no. 1, 2, 3 & 6 shall be filled by
the firm. During movement of the machine from one work site to another work
site against a contract agreement/ different contract agreement details shall be
filled and signed by firm and Railway/PSU officials in the proforma.
Movement details of Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant

Period Signature

FB Welds executed
Division/ Section

Name of welder

welds executed
Firm’s Railway
Cumulative FB
welds ordered

official officials

Sl. No.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

17. The QAP covering all the information must be given in the form of single
document indicating name of the firm, effective from, document no., revision
number and page no. ‘x’ of ‘y’ on each page. QAP shall be digitally signed by
(with name and designation) ‘Prepared by’, ‘Checked by’ (QC in-charge) and
‘Approved by’ by competent authority. All certificates/supporting documents
shall be attached as Annexure to the QAP. In case of General QAP, details of
welding team, and standardized welding parameters need not to be included.
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H KUMAR Date: 2024.04.01
17:38:49 +05'30'
16. A new Annexure-XII is adde d as under:
(Para 13.2)


Welder’s/Supervisor’s official ID No.: ________, Photo duly

attested by
Adhar No.:_____________ issuing

(Signature of Welder/Supervisor)

Shri _______________________FB welder/supervisor son of Shri ________________

sponsored by M/s __________________________ has been examined as per
procedure and syllabus mentioned in Para 13 of the Manual for Flash Butt
Welding of Rails-Revised 2012 (Reprint April 2022) with latest amendment. He
has been found competent to execute flash butt welds with mobile/stationary
flash butt welding plant model:___________, Make: ___________.

This competency certificate is valid upto__________for FB welding of ----------------

----{rail section(s)/grade(s)}

Date: ______

Chief Track Engineer/Chief Engineer (Construction)

(in case of PSUs/Metro Railway)
Designation with Grade:
Name of Organization
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H KUMAR Date: 2024.04.01
17:39:11 +05'30'


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