QAP of Elastomeric Bearing

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1 Name of Manufacture : SAI RUBBER ENGINEERING PVT.LTD. 2 Drg. No. ;

3 Name of Project/Railway: 4 Authority (CA No./LOA No./Order No.) : ……. …………………………………
S. Component Characteristic Frequency & Reference Fabriactor’ Inspection details Type of Acceptance Remarks
No. Operation Checks & Tolerances Type of check Document s quality Records criteria
Inspecting Extent of
Agency Inspection
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1.0 RAW Physical Test As per manufacturer Manufacturer test Verification of Authorized From batches Fabricators IRC:83 (Part-II) & Examination of Test
MATERIAL certificate & certificate reference Inspector at record. IS:3400 (as Certificates is required Test
1.1 Elastomer With values of characteristics test required by &Challan document. appointed by Random per relevant test Certificate shall be furnished by manufacturers
( Only virgin Polychloropr specified Authorized inspector of zonal Railway and at procedure) for following tests.
ene (CR) is permitted & zonal Railway from discretion (i) Composition
preferable grades are- Govt. / NABL approved of Inspector (ii) Hardness
Neoprene WRT, Bayprene lab (iii) Tensile strength
110, (iv) Elongation at Break
Skyprene B- (v) Compression set
5 and Denka a) G Modulus 0.8 As Per Drg. (vi) Accelerated Ageing test
S-40V) (vii) Adhesion Strength
b) Hardness IRHD ( 60 ± 5 )
IMPORTANT: Properties of Elastomer should
c) Min. Tensile strength ≥17 MPa be as per Table 1 of IRC:83
d) Min. Elong. at break 425% Part-II
e) Max.Compression set ≤15% Note:
f) Accelerated 100⁰c for (i) No reclaimed rubber, vulcanized wastes or
ageing test 72 Hours natural rubber shall be used.
(ii) EPDM (Ethyle propylene
I) Max. Change in Hardness ± 5 IRHD w.r.t. to Dimonomer), IIR (Isobutane Isoprene
Value of (b) Copolymer), CIIR (Chloro-Isoprene Copolymer)
II) Max. Change in Tensile are not permitted for manufacture of bearings.
strength ±15% w.r.t. value of (c)
(iii) Shear Modulus (G) of Elastomeric Bearing
III) Max. Change in Elongation. ±25% w.r.t. value of (e) shall be determined by testing at nominal temp.
of 23 ± 2℃
(f) Adhesion strength of Min. 7 KN/m
Elastomer to Steel Plates
Adhesion strength test to be conducted as per
IS: 3400
Tear Resistance ≥ 10 kn/m Part XIV Method A..

Note :- Large Lot means if Number of bearings are ≥ 24 & tests for acceptance level 1 to be conducted. Small lot means if number of bearings are < 24 Where Acceptancelevel 2 tests are done.Lot size to be approved by the engineer. In large lot
2 extra bearings to be made whichh are consumed in destructive testing.

Manufactured by Contractor Consultant Client

S. Component Characteristic Frequency & Reference Fabriactor’ Inspection details Type of Acceptance Remarks
No. Operation Checks & Tolerances Type of check Document s quality Records criteria
Inspecting Extent of
Agency Inspection
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1.1 Elastomer Chemical Test As per manufacturer Manufacturer test Verification of Authorized From batches Fabricators IRC:83 Examination of Test
Cont. i) Determination certificate & certificate reference Inspector at record. (Part-II) Ash Certificates is required Test Certificate shall be
/ Identification of polymer test required by &Challan document. appointed by Random content as per furnished by manufacturers for following tests.
Authorized zonal Railway IS:3400 part XXII (i) Polymer Identification
inspector of zonal ' and (ii) Polymer content
Railway Polychloropr ene (iii) Ash content
from Govt./ content as per (iv) Specific gravity
NABL ASTM-D297 (V) Ozone resistance
approved lab min Min Identification of
polymer Preferably test of polymer identification,
ii) Polymer content 60% -do- as per polymer content and Ash content should be
-do- ASTM D either witnessed or sealed sample to be sent to
iii) Ash content Max 5% 3677 (as per NABL LAB for evaluation.
-do- relevant test
(iv) Specific gravity -do- procedure)
(V) Ozone resistance No or ok -do-
-do- Ozone Resistance
-do- test as per ISO
Elongation 30% -96h 1431-1
40℃±2℃, CR-100pphm

Manufactured by Contractor Consultant Client

S. Component Characteristic Frequency & Reference Fabriactor’ Inspecting Extent of Type of Acceptance Remarks
No. Operation Checks & Tolerances Type of check Document s quality Agency Inspection Records criteria
1 2 3 4 5 control
6 7 8 9 10 11
1.2 Mild Steel Mechanical Test As per Mill TC Mill TC and 1. Verification Authorized One test piece Fabricato rs IS: 2062-11, E250 Manufacturer’s test certificate shall be
(IS 2062) UTS, Yield Stress, (ø 250Mpa) & test required by Challan of reference Inspector per thickness record Co- ,Quality BO furnished.
Elongation%, Authorized inspecting document. appointed by per heat. related is generally used.
Bend test , Impact official of Zonal Railway zonal Railway with Mill TC However
test at 0 degree centigrade or - from Govt. Lab 2.Complete & test report. Quality C Note :- Corrosion Protection of exposed steel
20 degree for sub- zero zone ./ NABL visual inspection. shall be as per IRC:83 (Part - II) 2018
approved lab. used for sub zero
Chemical Test C, Mn, Si, P, S, condition.
CE. ( As
specified in
approved Drg.).
Physical condition i.e.
Pitting,rusting,rolli ng defect,

Testing of plates IS:4225 or
(100% for12mm
& above thick plates)

2.0 Manufacturing process Dimensional inspection Visual & Measurement As per approved Measureme nt Manufacturer At Fabricators IRC 83 Part- II & Internal report will be furnished which will
Specified tolerances drawing of Inspecting Discretion record. as per be verified by Zonal Railway Inspector.
dimension Agency drawing However random check may be done by Zonal
(Manufacturing Railway inspector during Manufacturing.
Tolerances) Note: During manufacturing
test pieces will also be moulded with identical
compound and under identical vulcanizing
a) Over all plan dimension -2 MM, +4 MM conditions and suitably marked for
(length & Breadth) identification at the time of tests. This process
b) Thickness of ±12% shall be open to inspection by Railway
Individual internal layer inspecting official.
of elastomer 1) Bearing with steel laminates shall be
c) Thickness of individual -0mm, +2MM moulded as a single unit in mould &
outer layer Vulcanisedunder heat and pressure. Moulding
- of elements in seperate units & subsequent
bonding is not permitted nor shall cutting from
d)Plan dimension of +2mm,+1mm large size cast be permitted.
laminates(length & 2)Internal steel Laminates shall be free from
Bresdth) sharp Edges.
3)Steel Plates for Laminates shall be Sand/Grit
Blasted shall be free from all contaminants.
4) Coil Shall be taken to ensure uniform
vulcanization condition and homogeneity of
elastomer through the surface and body of
5) 6.13 of IRC :83 Part - II 2018

Manufactured by Contractor Consultant Client

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Inspecting Extent of
Agency Inspection
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2.0 &Breadth)
e) Thickness of +0.8mm, -0.4mm
f) Parallelism of laminate
with respect to bearing 1 in 100
base as datum
g) Hardness during
manufacturing IRHD 60 ±5
h) Side Cover 0mm, +3mm
i) Total Mean Bearing ±2mm Manufacturer
Thickness As per approved Measurement of Fabricators IRC 83 Part - II &
Visual & Measurment Inspecting At Discretion -do-
j) Parallelism of top surface Drawing Dimension Record as per drawing
of bearing with respect to 1 in 300
the bottom surface as
k)Parallelism of one side 1 in 100
surface w.r.t. other as
l) Flatness of load Bearing ±1.5mm
m) Flatness of the 1% of dia as diagonal (max. of
laminates 1.5mm)

3.0 Final Inspection All bearings to be visually inspected for

Absence of any defect in
absence of any defects in surface finish,
surface finish, shape,
hardness or any other shape or any other discernible superficial
defects. defect. Also after load testing, during
3.1 Visual examination and Dimensions of bearing as per visual examination of bearing no defects
dimensional specified tolerances as under : should be noticed in surface finish, shape
Authorized or other noticeable superficial defects.
a) Over all plan dimension(I -2mm, +4 mm
ength & Inspector Fabricators
Breadth) As per approved Measurement of As per table 2 of Authorised inspector has to carry out
Visual & Measurment
Drawing Dimension
appointed 100% Record &
IRC 83 Part - II
b) Over all ±2mm Test Report 100% dimensional check for item a) & b)
Thickness by zonal
c) Parallelismof top surface Railway and random check for item c)& d) to be
1 in 300
of bearing with respect to done till full satisfaction.
the bottom surface as
d) Parallelism of one side
1 in 100
surface with respect to the
other as datum

Manufactured by Contractor Consultant Client

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No. Operation Checks & Tolerances Type of check Document s quality Records criteria
control Inspecting Extent of
Agency Inspection
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3.2 Chemical & Chemical Test As per manufacturer Manufacturer Test Verification of Authorized From batches Fabricators IRC:83 Test certificate shall be furnished by
Physical Test i) Determination/ Identification certificate & test Certificate reference Inspector at Random record. (Part-II) Ash manufacturers.
of polymer. required by Authorized &Challan document. appointed by content as per
3.2.1 Test on Specially moulded inspector from Govt./ zonal Railway IS:3400 part XXII For Level II acceptance
Test Piece NABL approved lab and Polychloropr tests on specially moulded test pieces to be
min ene content as per done.
ASTM-D297 Tests to be done for
-do- Identification of (i) Polymer Identification
-do- polymer (ii) Polymer content
ii) Polymer content 60% as per (iii) Ash content
iii) Ash content max 5% ASTM D (iv) Specific gravity
(iv) Specific gravity -do- 3677 (as per (v) Ozone resistance Preferably test of
v) Ozone -do- relevant test polymer identification, polymer
resistance procedure) content and Ash content should be either
witnessed or sealed sample to be sent to
Govt./NABL LAB for evaluation.

Manufactured by Contractor Consultant Client

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No. Operation Checks & Tolerances Type of check Document s quality Records criteria
Inspecting Extent of
Agency Inspection
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Note: (i) No reclaimed rubber, vulcanized

wastes or natural rubber shall be used.
(ii) EPDM (Ethyle propylene Dimonomer), IIR
(Isobutane Isoprene
Copolymer), CIIR (Chloro-Isoprene
Copolymer) are not permitted
manufacture of bearings.

3.2.2 Elastomer Physical Test As per manufacturer Manufacturer test Verification of Authorized From batches Fabricato rs IRC:83 (Part-II) & Test certificate shall be furnished by
(Only virgin With values of characteristics certificate & test certificate reference Inspector at Random record. IS:3400 (as per manufacturers.
Polychloropr ene (CR) is specificed required by Authorized &Challan document. appointed by relevant test (For level I acceptance sample from each lot
permitted & preferable inspector from zonal Railway procedure) of Elastomer as prescribed in specification
grades are- Neoprene Govt./ NABL shall be drawn
WRT, Bayprene approved lab by authorize inspector and tested in either In-
110, Skyprene B- house Lab. or in NABL/ Govt. Approved
5 and Denka laboratory. For level 2 acceptance, tests on
S-40V) a) Hardness IRHD specially
( 60 ± 5 ) molded test pieces to be done.
b) Min. Tensile strength 16 MPa
c) Min. Elong. at break 425% Tests to be done are
(i) Composition
(ii) Hardness

Manufactured by Contractor Consultant Client

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control Agency Inspection
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3.2.2 d) Max. ≤15% (iii) Tensile strength
Cont. Compression set (iv) Elongation at Break
e) Accelerated 100 ± 1o c for (v) Compression set
ageing test 72 Hours (vi) Accelerated Ageing test
i) Max. Change in Hardness ±5% w.r.t. value of (a) (vii) Adhesion Strength
ii) Max. Change ±15% w.r.t.
in Tensile strength value of (b) IMPORTANT:
iii) Max. Change in ±25% w.r.t. value of (c) Properties of Elastomer should be as per
Elongation. Table 1 of IRC:83 Part-II

(f) Adhesion Min. 7 KN/m

strength of
Elastomer to Adhesion strength test to be conducted as per
Steel Plates IS: 3400
Part XIV.

3.3 Load Test Upto 15MPa All bearing of the lot As per relevant Fabricators Authorized 100% Fabricators IRC 83 Part- II For both Acceptance Level 1 & Acceptance
on complete bearings shall be tested. drg. and record. Inspector record. Level 2, all 100% bearings to be Checked for
a) Axial load test specification appointed by axial load tests, check for misalignment of
zonal Railway plates, poor bonding of elastomer and
laminated steel plate, surface defect, low
stiffness etc. Variation in stiffness of any one
bearing shall not be larger than 20% of mean of
measured values.

Manufactured by Contractor Consultant Client

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No. Operation Checks & Tolerances Type of check Document s quality Records criteria
Inspection Extent of
Agency Inspection
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11
3.3 (b) Shear Modulus test Test to be conducted as per Load testing on
Cont. Annexure 2 of IRC: 83 (Part-II) Two test bearings. For acceptance level 2 shear modulus tests is
mustwhich will be done on randomly selected
value of G for acceptance from bearings and which after test can be used in the
0.8 ± 0.15 bridge.

Test to be conducted as per Load testing on

Annexure 2 of IRC: 83 (Part-II) Two test
examination for evidence of bearings.
cracking/ peeling both in
strained (Strain value 2.0) and
unstrained state.


c) Compressive Stiffner One On One Bearing

Note :- Large Lot means if Number of bearings are ≥ 24 & tests for acceptance level 1 to be conducted. Small lot means if number of bearings are < 24 Where Acceptancelevel 2 tests are done.Lot size to be approved by
the engineer. In large lot 2 extra bearings to be made whichh are consumed in destructive testing.

Manufactured by Contractor Consultant Client

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