Guide To Concrete Overlays 4th Ed Web

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About the CP Tech Center Iowa State University
The mission of the National Concrete Pavement Nondiscrimination Statement
Technology Center (CP Tech Center) at Iowa State Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis
University is to unite key transportation stakeholders of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin,
around the central goal of advancing concrete pavement pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic
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This document is disseminated under the sponsorship
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of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the
interest of information exchange under Cooperative
Agreement 693JJ31950004, Advancing Concrete About This Guide
Pavement Technology Solutions. The U.S. Government The Guide to Concrete Overlays is a product of the National
assumes no liability for the use of the information Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center)
contained in this document. at Iowa State University, with funding from the Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA). This guide presents
The U.S. Government does not endorse products the basic principles needed to design and construct
or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers’ concrete overlays on existing asphalt, composite, and
names appear in this material only because they are concrete pavements. It is the fourth edition of the Guide to
considered essential to the objective of the document. Concrete Overlays since 2007. Complementary publications
They are included for informational purposes only and developed by the CP Tech Center include Guide
are not intended to reflect a preference, approval, or Specifications for Concrete Overlays (2016), Guide for the
endorsement of any one product or entity. Development of Concrete Overlay Construction Documents
(2018), Concrete Pavement Preservation Guide (new edition
Nonbinding Contents forthcoming), and History of Concrete Overlays in the
The contents of this document do not have the force United States (new edition forthcoming). These and other
publications related to concrete overlays are available on
and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public
the CP Tech Center’s website,
in any way. This document is intended only to provide
clarity to the public regarding existing requirements
under the law or agency policies. However, compliance Reference Information for this Guide
with applicable statutes or regulations cited in this Fick, G., J. Gross, M. B. Snyder, D. Harrington,
document is required. J. Roesler, and T. Cackler. 2021. Guide to Concrete
Overlays. 4th Edition. National Concrete Pavement
Quality Assurance Statement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides
high-quality information to serve Government, industry, For More Information
and the public in a manner that promotes public National Concrete Pavement Technology Center
understanding. Standards and policies are used to Iowa State University Research Park
ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and 2711 S. Loop Drive, Suite 4700
integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews Ames, IA 50010-8664
quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to 515-294-5798
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Cover Image Credits

Todd LaTorella, ACPA, MO/KS Chapter, used with permission
Technical Report Documentation Page

1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No.

4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date

Guide to Concrete Overlays (Fourth Edition) November 2021
6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.

Gary Fick, Jerod Gross, Mark B. Snyder, Dale Harrington, Jeffery Roesler,
and Tom Cackler

9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No.

National Concrete Pavement Technology Center
Iowa State University
11. Contract or Grant No.
2711 South Loop Drive, Suite 4700
Ames, IA 50010-8664 Part of Cooperative Agreement 693JJ31950004,
Advancing Concrete Pavement Technology Solutions
12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
Federal Highway Administration Guide
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
Washington, DC 20590
15. Supplementary Notes
Visit for color pdfs of this and other research publications.
16. Abstract
This guide presents the basic principles that a pavement engineer needs to design and construct concrete overlays on existing
asphalt, composite, and concrete pavements.
The intent of this guide is to increase the technical proficiency of experienced engineers in the use of concrete overlays, provide
less experienced users with the essential knowledge to address the needs of various types of concrete overlay projects, and help
all users recognize the versatility of concrete overlays, whether on low-volume roads, city streets, primary roadways, or Interstate
highways. Rather than as a step-by-step manual or series of prescriptive formulae, the material in this guide is presented in the
form of expert guidance meant to supplement the professional experience of the reader.
This fourth edition of the guide has been updated with current information on continuously reinforced concrete pavement
overlays, geotextile separation layers, fiber reinforcement, concrete overlay design procedures, and lessons learned from the
experiences of numerous state highway agency engineers.

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

concrete overlays—pavements—pavement preservation—pavement No restrictions.
19. Security Classification 20. Security Classification 21. No. of Pages 22. Price
(of this report) (of this page) 152 NA
Unclassified. Unclassified.

Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized

Guide to Concrete Overlays
(Fourth Edition)
November 2021

Gary Fick, The Transtec Group, Inc.

Jerod Gross, PE, LEED AP, Snyder & Associates, Inc.

Mark B. Snyder, PhD, PE, Pavement Engineering and Research Consultants, LLC

Dale Harrington, PE, Harrington Civil Engineering Services

Jeffery Roesler, PhD, PE, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Tom Cackler, PE, Woodland Consulting, Inc.

Project Manager
Steven L. Tritsch, PE, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University

Managing Editor
Oksana Gieseman

Peter Hunsinger

Graphic Design, Layout, and Production

Alicia Hoermann

A guide from
National Concrete Pavement Technology Center
Iowa State University
2711 South Loop Drive, Suite 4700
Ames, IA 50010-8664
Phone: 515-294-5798 / Fax: 515-294-0467
The CP Tech Center gratefully acknowledges the generous financial support of the FHWA for the development of the
fourth edition of this guide. The CP Tech Center and the authors also wish to thank the following knowledgeable,
experienced, and dedicated concrete pavement experts who served on the Technical Advisory Committee and
contributed to the development of this guide:
• Andy Bennett, Michigan Department of Transportation • Jeff Uhlmeyer, PE, Quality Engineering Solutions
• Mike Byers, PE, American Concrete Pavement • Leif Wathne, PE, American Concrete Pavement
Association, Indiana Chapter Association
• Dan DeGraaf, PE, Michigan Concrete Association • Matt Zeller, PE, Concrete Paving Association of
• Angela Folkestad, PE, American Concrete Pavement Minnesota
Association, Colorado/Wyoming Chapter • Gordon Smith, PE, National Concrete Pavement
• Todd Hanson, PE, Iowa Department of Transportation Technology Center

• Mike Praul, PE, Federal Highway Administration • John Adam, PE, National Concrete Pavement
Technology Center
• Sam Tyson, PE, Federal Highway Administration

3D three-dimensional JPCP jointed plain concrete pavement
AASHTO American Association of State JRCP jointed reinforced concrete pavement
Highway and Transportation Officials LCCA life-cycle cost analysis
ACI American Concrete Institute LiDAR light detection and ranging
ACPA American Concrete Pavement LTPP Long-Term Pavement Performance
Association MEPDG Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement
ASR alkali-silica reactivity Design Guide
ASTM American Society for Testing and MOR modulus of rupture
Materials MRD materials-related distress
COA–B concrete on asphalt–bonded NCHRP National Cooperative Highway
COA–U concrete on asphalt–unbonded Research Program
COC–B concrete on concrete–bonded NPV net present value
COC–U concrete on concrete–unbonded NRMCA National Ready-Mixed Concrete
CP Tech Center National Concrete Pavement Association
Technology Center PEM performance-engineered mixtures
CRCP continuously reinforced concrete SAM Super Air Meter
pavement PAMS poly alpha-methylstyrene
CTE coefficient of thermal expansion PASSRC permeable asphalt-stabilized stress
ESAL equivalent single axle load relief course
FEA finite element analysis PCA Portland Cement Association
FHWA Federal Highway Administration PCC portland cement concrete
FRC fiber-reinforced concrete SCM supplementary cementitious material
FRP fiber-reinforced polymer SHA state highway agency
HMA hot-mix asphalt SJPCP short-jointed plain concrete pavement
IMCP Integrated Materials and w/cm ratio water-to-cementitious materials ratio
Construction Practices
IRI International Roughness Index

iv Guide to Concrete Overlays

Chapter 1 Overview of Common Concrete Overlay Design
Introduction 1 Procedures 17
Purpose and Scope 2 Key Design Considerations 17
How to Use This Guide 2 Design Considerations for All Concrete Overlays 17
Benefits and Historical Performance of Concrete Need for Uniform Support 17
Overlays 2 Use of Macrofibers 17
Asset Management through the Use of Concrete Joint Activation 18
Overlays 3
Design Considerations for Concrete on Concrete–
Concrete Overlay Options 4 Unbonded Overlays 18
Construction and Quality Assurance of Concrete Pre-overlay Repairs 18
Overlays 5
Panel Dimensions and Joint Layout 18
Chapter 2 Transverse Joints: Dowel Bars, Macrofibers, and
Evaluation of Existing Pavements and Sawcuts 18
Selection of Concrete Overlay Options 7 Longitudinal Joints: Location and Sawcuts 18
Determining the Feasibility of a Concrete Overlay and
Joint Filling and Sealing 19
Selecting the Appropriate Design 8
Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced
Step 1. Determine the Existing Pavement Type and
Concrete Pavement Overlays 19
Condition 8
Design Considerations for Concrete on Asphalt–
Step 2. Make a Preliminary Determination of the
Unbonded Overlays 19
Existing Typical Section Layers and Thicknesses 8
Pre-overlay Repairs 19
Step 3. Conduct an On-Site Review and Evaluation 11
Panel Dimensions, Joint Layout and Design, and Joint
Existing Pavement Distresses 11
Sealing 20
Drainage Conditions 11
Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced
Support Conditions 11 Concrete Pavement Overlays 20
Vertical Constraints 11 Design Considerations for Concrete on Asphalt–
Bonded Overlays 20
Existing Shoulders and Widened Sections 12
General Design Considerations 20
Step 4. Determine the Need for Milling and
Accommodating Adjustments of the Profile Grade 12 Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced
Concrete Pavement Overlays 20
Milling 12
Design Considerations for Concrete on Concrete–
Roadway and Roadside Constraints on Vertical Change
Bonded Overlays 20
in Profile Grade 12
General Design Considerations 20
Step 5. Verify the Existing Pavement Condition:
Coring and Material Testing 13 Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced
Concrete Pavement Overlays 21
Step 6. Determine the Feasibility of a Concrete
Overlay and the Appropriate Overlay Option 13 Additional Design Considerations to Address Impacts
of Profile and Grade Changes 21
Next Steps 14
Overhead Clearance 21
Chapter 3 Shoulder Considerations 21
Overview of Concrete Overlay Design 15 Barriers and Rails 21
Concrete Overlay Thickness Design 16
Foreslopes, Backslopes, and Across-Road Drainage
Typical Thickness Design Inputs and Considerations 16 Structures 21

Guide to Concrete Overlays v

Widening and Lane Additions 21 Water 44
In-Place Structures 23 Admixtures 44
Curb and Gutter Details 23 Performance-Engineered Mixture Properties for
Overlays  45
Transitions 23
Strength 45
Chapter 4 Workability 45
Concrete Overlays on Asphalt-Surfaced Shrinkage 45
Pavements 25
Concrete on Asphalt–Unbonded Overlays 26 Cold Weather Resistance 45

Application and Uses 27 Water-to-Cementitious Materials Ratio  46

Performance 27 Opening Criteria for Concrete Overlays 46

Keys to Success 27 Other Overlay Materials 47

Pavement Evaluation 27 Macrofibers for Concrete Overlays 47

Overlay Design 28 Macrofiber Material Types 47

Construction 28 Effects of Macrofibers on the Fresh and Hardened

Properties of Concrete 49
Maintenance and Repairs  29
Separation Layer 50
Concrete on Asphalt–Bonded Overlays 29
Asphalt Separation Layer 50
Application and Uses 30
Nonwoven Geotextile Separation Layer 50
Performance 30
Dowel Bars and Tie Bars 51
Keys to Success 30
Curing Compound 51
Pavement Evaluation 30
Joint Fillers and Sealants 51
Overlay Design 31
Construction 31 Chapter 7
Maintenance and Repairs 33 Plan Development 53
Construction Drawings 54
Chapter 5 Title Sheet 55
Concrete Overlays on Concrete Pavements 35 Typical Sections  55
Concrete on Concrete–Unbonded Overlays 36
Estimated Quantities 56
Application and Uses 36
Plan and Profile  56
Performance 37
Survey Control Information 57
Keys to Success 37
Maintenance of Traffic 57
Pavement Evaluation 38
Accelerated Construction 58
Overlay Design 38
Staging under Traffic 60
Construction 39
Typical Construction Details 60
Maintenance and Repairs 41
Jointing 60
Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays  41
Pavement Widening 61
Chapter 6 Profile Transitions 61
Materials and Mixtures 43 Details for Overlays in Urban Areas 63
Concrete Material Constituents 44 Curb and Gutter Details 63
Cementitious Materials 44 Utility Access Details 64
Aggregates 44

vi Guide to Concrete Overlays

Miscellaneous Details 64 Appendix A
Safety Edge Detail 64 Fundamentals of Concrete Overlay Design 79
Superelevation Details 64 Overview of Concrete Overlay Design 80

Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Overlay Thickness Design 80

Concrete Pavement Overlays 65 Typical Thickness Design Inputs and
Construction Specifications 65 Considerations 80
Selection of a Thickness Design Procedure 80
Chapter 8 Empirical versus Mechanistic-Empirical Design
Construction of Concrete Overlays 67 Procedures 80
Pre-overlay Repairs 68 Designing for Bonded versus Unbonded Interface
Milling (for Existing Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements) 68 Conditions 81

Subgrade/Subbase Repairs 69 Overview of Common Concrete Overlay Design

Procedures 82
Full-Depth Repairs of Existing Concrete Pavement 69
AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design 82
Full-Depth Repairs of Existing Asphalt Pavement 69 83
Full-Depth Repairs of Existing Composite Pavement 70
University of Pittsburgh’s BCOA-ME 83
Repair of Thermal Cracking in Existing Asphalt
Pavement 70 University of Pittsburgh’s UNOL Design v1.0 83

Repair of Deteriorated Joints in Existing Concrete Key Design Considerations 84

Pavement 70 Design Considerations for All Concrete Overlays 85
Separation Layer (for Concrete on Concrete– Need for Uniform Support 85
Unbonded Overlays) 70
Use of Macrofibers 85
Asphalt Separation Layer 70
Joint Activation 85
Nonwoven Geotextile Separation Layer 71
Design Considerations for Concrete on Concrete–
Other Considerations for Separation Layers 72 Unbonded Overlays 85
Concrete Overlay Placement 72 Pre-overlay Repairs 85
Construction Staking and Machine Control 72 Selection of a Separation Layer 86
Final Surface Preparation 72 Panel Dimensions and Joint Layout 86
Placing Dowel Baskets 73 Transverse Joints: Dowel Bars, Macrofibers, and
Concrete Overlay Curing 73 Sawcuts 87

Concrete Overlay Joints 74 Longitudinal Joints: Tie Bars, Macrofibers, and

Sawcuts 88
Sawing Joints 74
Joint Filling and Sealing 88
Sealing Joints 75
Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced
Opening the Overlay to Traffic 75 Concrete Pavement Overlays 88
Determining Opening Time 75 Design Considerations for Concrete on Asphalt–
Minimizing Early Loading Fatigue Damage 75 Unbonded Overlays 89

Repairs of Concrete Overlays 75 Pre-overlay Repairs 89

Repairs of Unbonded Concrete Overlays 7 in. Thick Separation Layer Selection Considerations 89
or Greater 76 Panel Dimensions, Joint Layout and Design, and Joint
Repairs of Bonded or Unbonded Concrete Overlays Sealing 89
Less than 6 in. Thick 76 Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced
Special Construction Considerations for Concrete on Concrete Pavement Overlays 90
Concrete–Bonded Overlays 77

Guide to Concrete Overlays vii

Design Considerations for Concrete on Asphalt– Appendix B
Bonded Overlays 90 Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement
Foundation Support Characterization 90 Overlays 99
Pre-overlay Repairs 91 Applications and Performance 100

Overlay Material Selection 91 Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement

Overlays of Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements 101
Achievement and Maintenance of a Bond 91
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement
Maximum Overlay Thickness 91 Overlays on Concrete Pavements  102
Panel Dimensions and Joint Layout 91 Unbonded CRCP Overlays on Concrete Pavements 102
Dowel Bars, Tie Bars, and Use of Fiber-Reinforced Bonded CRCP Overlays on Concrete Pavements 105
Concrete 92
Evaluation of the Existing Pavement Structure 105
Reflective Cracking  93
Design 106
Joint Filling and Sealing 93
Materials and Concrete Mixtures 106
Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced
Concrete Pavement Overlays 93 Concrete Mixtures 106

Design Considerations for Concrete on Concrete– Reinforcing Steel 106

Bonded Overlays 93 Separation Layer (for Unbonded Overlays) 106
Pre-overlay Repairs 94 Construction 106
Overlay Materials 94 Pre-overlay Repairs 107
Achievement and Maintenance of a Bond 94 Terminal or End Treatment Joints 107
Jointing Practices 94 Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Continuously Reinforced
Dowels and Tie Bars 95 Concrete Pavement Overlays 108

Joint Filling 95 Scenario 108

Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced

Principles and Parameters 110
Concrete Pavement Overlays 95 Results 111
Additional Design Considerations to Address Impacts
of Profile and Grade Changes 95 Appendix C
Overhead Clearance 96 Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays 113
Key Features and Applications  114
Shoulder Considerations 96
Evaluation of Existing Pavement Structures  115
Barriers and Rails 96
Design Features 116
Foreslopes, Backslopes, and Across-Road Drainage
Structures 96 Bond 116
Safety Edge 96 Mixture Design 116
Widening and Lane Additions 97 Thickness Design 117
In-Place Structures 98 Joint Spacing and Layout 117
Curb and Gutter Details 98 Drainage 117
Transitions 98

viii Guide to Concrete Overlays

Construction 117
Pre-overlay Repairs 117
Surface Preparation 118 Chapter 1
Surface Cleaning 118 Figure 1.1. Unbonded concrete overlay with geotextile
interlayer on Missouri Route D (top, in 2007 before
Concrete Placement 118 overlay construction; bottom, in 2020 after 12 years of
Curing 119 service) 2

Joint Sawing 119 Figure 1.2. Concrete overlays in 46 states (overlays

constructed 1901–1999/overlays constructed 2000–
Joint Sealing 119 2017) 3
Opening Strength 119 Figure 1.3. Typical bonded and unbonded concrete
Case Studies of Concrete on Concrete–Bonded overlay solutions at various stages of pavement service
Overlays 120 life 4

Case Study 1: Thin (3 in.) Bonded Overlay on Iowa 3 Figure 1.4. Four main types of concrete overlays 5
East of Hampton, Iowa 120
Case Study 2: Thin (3 in.) Bonded Overlay on 15th Chapter 2
Street in Del City, Oklahoma 121 Figure 2.1. Examples of determining existing pavement
type and condition 9
Appendix D Figure 2.2. General guidance for rating the condition
Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various of concrete pavement 10
Traffic Control Scenarios 123 Figure 2.3. General guidance for rating the condition
Two-Lane Roadway with Paved Shoulders of asphalt and composite pavement 10
(Conventional Paver) 124 Figure 2.4. Blending safety slopes to existing conditions 13
Two-Lane Roadway with Granular Shoulders Figure 2.5. Regrading safety slopes and extending
(Conventional Paver) 126 drainage structures 13
Two-Lane Roadway with Minimum Granular Figure 2.6. Determining the appropriate design strategy
Shoulders (Zero-Clearance Paver) 128 for a given project 14
Two-Lane Roadway Widened to Three Lanes with
Paved Shoulders (Conventional Paver) 130 Chapter 3
Four-Lane Roadway with Paved Shoulders Figure 3.1. Behavior of and flexural stress distribution
(Conventional Paver) 132 through the layers of bonded and unbonded overlay
systems 17
References 135 Figure 3.2. Concrete overlay on composite pavement
photographed in 2012 after 13 years in service, with the
overlay exhibiting interior corner deterioration due to
longitudinal joints in the wheel paths 19
Figure 3.3. Concrete overlay widening on Illinois
Route 53 with no longitudinal joint or reinforcing
over existing pavement edge (top); concrete overlay
widening on Minnesota TH 212 with longitudinal
joints and reinforcing over existing pavement edge in
some locations (center) and only reinforcing in other
locations (bottom) 22

Guide to Concrete Overlays ix

Chapter 4 Figure 7.4. Survey control information sheet 58
Figure 4.1. Bonded and unbonded overlays of existing Figure 7.5. Sheet outlining traffic control and staging
asphalt and composite pavements 26 notes 59
Figure 4.2. COA–U overlays on existing asphalt (left) Figure 7.6. Plan view joint layout detail for an
and composite (right) pavements 26 unbonded overlay with widening 60
Figure 4.3. Unbonded on asphalt 27 Figure 7.7. COC–B joint detail showing the widths of
Figure 4.4. Unbonded on composite 27 the overlay joint, sawcut, and underlying crack 61
Figure 4.5. COA–B overlays on existing asphalt (left) Figure 7.8. Widening details for COC–B and COA–B
and composite (right) pavements 29 overlays 62
Figure 4.6. Bonded on asphalt 30 Figure 7.9. Widening details for COC–U and COA–U
overlays 62
Figure 4.7. Bonded on composite 30
Figure 7.10. Mill and fill profile transitions for bonded
Figure 4.8. Placement of reinforcing steel over a crack concrete overlays on end transition 63
in an existing asphalt-surfaced pavement 32
Figure 7.11. Transition for a COA–B overlay 63
Chapter 5 Figure 7.12. Temporary transitions 63
Figure 5.1. Bonded and unbonded overlays of existing Figure 7.13. Transition for a COA–U overlay 63
concrete pavements 36
Figure 7.14. Three options for curb and gutter details 63
Figure 5.2. COC–U overlay 36
Figure 7.15. Utility access detail 64
Figure 5.3. Route D existing concrete in deteriorated
Figure 7.16. Safety edge detail 64
condition in 2007 (top); 5 in. unbonded overlay
constructed on Route D in 2008 (bottom, photo taken Figure 7.17. Superelevation detail 64
in 2020) 37
Figure 5.4. COC–B overlay 41 Chapter 8
Figure 8.1. Milling to remove severe rutting 68
Chapter 6 Figure 8.2. Core showing pavement that can be milled
Figure 6.1. Reflective cracking in an overlay without to remove stripped/unsound material, with 4 in. of
fibers (top) and in an overlay containing macrofibers HMA remaining in good condition 68
(bottom) 48
Figure 8.3. Asphalt surface milled to enhance bonding
Figure 6.2. Types of macrofibers: (a-c) crimped, with a concrete overlay 69
embossed, or bi-tapered synthetic; (d) twisted synthetic;
Figure 8.4. Area where the milling and concrete overlay
(e-f ) straight fibrillated synthetic; and (g-h) hooked end
depths are to be adjusted to address isolated locations
and crimped steel 48
where the remaining pavement depth is inadequate 69
Figure 6.3. Synthetic macrofibers 48
Figure 8.5. Deteriorated joints in existing concrete
Figure 6.4. Surface texture of concrete overlay with pavement cleaned and filled with flowable mortar 70
synthetic macrofibers 48
Figure 8.6. Overlapping sections of nonwoven
Figure 6.5. Post-cracking behavior of a notched FRC geotextile material 71
beam specimen containing synthetic macrofibers 49
Figure 8.7. Use of adhesive to secure geotextile fabric
Figure 6.6. Dark-colored nonwoven geotextile to an existing pavement 71
separation layer 50
Figure 8.8. Stringless paving, with lateral clearance
Figure 6.7. Light-colored nonwoven geotextile primarily a function of paver track width 72
separation layer 50
Figure 8.9. Dowel basket anchor nails placed on the
downstream side of the basket relative to the direction
Chapter 7 of paving 73
Figure 7.1. Title sheet 55 Figure 8.10. Manual verification of dowel placement 73
Figure 7.2. Unbonded concrete overlay on concrete Figure 8.11. Comparison of sawcutting needed for
with widening (paved shoulders) 56 overlays of different thicknesses and slab sizes 74
Figure 7.3. Estimated quantities sheet 57 Figure 8.12. Removal of overlay panels 76

x Guide to Concrete Overlays

Figure 8.13. Finishing and curing of a concrete overlay Figure B.5. Net present value of CRCP and JPCP
repair 76 overlay designs for various discount rates 111
Figure 8.14. Typical concrete pavement milling Figure B.6. Net present value of CRCP and JPCP
operation in progress 76 overlay designs for a discount rate of 3.0% and various
steel prices 111
Figure 8.15. Results of a typical concrete pavement
milling operation 77
Appendix C
Appendix A Figure C.1. Thin bonded overlay of structurally sound
concrete pavement 114
Figure A.1. Behavior of and flexural stress distribution
through the layers of bonded and unbonded overlay Figure C.2. Deteriorated longitudinal crack in a
systems 81 COC–B overlay 114
Figure A.2. Tie bars anchored to an existing pavement Figure C.3. Existing concrete pavement with minor
surface across a longitudinal edge joint where a concrete surface distresses shown with a proposed COC–B
overlay will be used for a widening section 86 overlay 115
Figure A.3. Concrete overlay on composite pavement Figure C.4. Process for determining an appropriate
photographed in 2012 after 13 years in service, with the overlay solution 116
overlay exhibiting interior corner deterioration due to
Figure C.5. Cross section of a transverse saw joint in a
longitudinal joints in the wheel paths 87
COC–B overlay 117
Figure A.4. Impact of panel size on thermal and
Figure C.6. Shotblasting of a concrete surface 118
shrinkage restraint stress 91
Figure C.7. Use of compressed air to clean existing
Figure A.5. COA–B overlay with tied lane joints and
concrete in front of the paver 118
untied mid-lane longitudinal joint after eight years of
service 92 Figure C.8. Placement of a thin COC–B overlay 118
Figure A.6. Schematic of a sawcut for a COC–B Figure C.9. Existing concrete pavement in 1994 prior to
overlay 94 overlay placement, with a shotblaster in operation and
some spot spalling evident at the centerline joint 120
Figure A.7. Double-crack resulting from failure to
match the sawcut with the underlying joint location in Figure C.10. Reinforcement over transverse cracks
a COC–B overlay 94 in the existing concrete pavement prior to overlay
placement 1994 120
Figure A.8. COC–B overlay on US 119 in Pennsylvania
with 12.3 ft long panels constructed in 2014 on JRCP Figure C.11. East end of the COC–B overlay on Iowa
with 61.5 ft long panels: project overview (top) and 3 in August 2021, showing pavement in fair to good
exposed longitudinal joint at intermediate transverse condition 120
joint (bottom) 95
Figure C.12. West end of the COC–B overlay on Iowa 3
Figure A.9. Concrete overlay widening on Illinois in August 2021 120
Route 53 with no longitudinal joint or reinforcing
Figure C.13. Existing 3 in. thick asphalt overlay on
over existing pavement edge (top); concrete overlay
15th Street prior to milling 121
widening on Minnesota TH 212 with longitudinal
joints and reinforcing over existing pavement edge in Figure C.14. Existing concrete on 15th Street after
some locations (center) and only reinforcing in other milling the 3 in. thick asphalt overlay 121
locations (bottom) 97
Figure C.15. U-shaped No. 5 tied bars fastened over
longitudinal cracks in the existing concrete 121
Appendix B
Figure C.16. Condition of 15th Street in September
Figure B.1. CRCP overlays being placed on I-70 in 2020 121
2002 (top) and on I-57/I-64 in 2013 (bottom) 100
Figure B.2. Transition slab details for an end treatment
of a CRCP overlay at a bridge 107
Figure B.3. Transition slab details for an end treatment
of a CRCP overlay at a JPCP 108
Figure B.4. Transition slab details for the end treatment
and terminal joints of a CRCP overlay 109

Guide to Concrete Overlays xi

Chapter 2 Appendix A
Table 2.1. Example summary of pavement layer and Table A.1. Summary of key design parameters 84
thickness data for a composite pavement 8
Table 2.2. Suggested coring and material testing for Appendix B
evaluating existing pavement condition 13 Table B.1. Global experience with CRCP overlays 100
Table B.2. US experience with CRCP overlays 101
Chapter 4
Table 4.1. Possible pre-overlay repairs on existing Table B.3. Performance data for CRCP overlays on
asphalt-surfaced pavements in preparation for an asphalt-surfaced pavements in Oregon 102
unbonded overlay 29 Table B.4. Examples of unbonded CRCP overlays on
Table 4.2. Possible pre-overlay repairs on existing concrete pavement in the US 103
asphalt-surfaced pavements in preparation for a Table B.5. Performance data for unbonded CRCP
bonded overlay 32 overlays on concrete pavement in Illinois 105
Table B.6. CRCP and JPCP overlay designs developed
Chapter 5 in AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design 109
Table 5.1. Possible pre-overlay repairs on existing Table B.7. CRCP overlay preservation schedule 110
concrete pavements in preparation for an unbonded
overlay 40 Table B.8. JPCP overlay preservation schedule 110

xii Guide to Concrete Overlays

Chapter 1

Purpose and Scope 2

How to Use This Guide 2

Benefits and Historical Performance of Concrete Overlays 2

Asset Management through the Use of Concrete Overlays 3

Concrete Overlay Options 4

Construction and Quality Assurance of Concrete Overlays 5

Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Purpose and Scope These and other concrete overlay resources developed by
the CP Tech Center and its partners are available for free
The Guide to Concrete Overlays presents basic principles download at
needed by pavement engineers for the design and
construction of concrete overlays on existing asphalt,
composite, and concrete pavements. The intent is Benefits and Historical
to increase the technical proficiency of experienced Performance of Concrete Overlays
engineers while providing less experienced users with
Concrete overlays offer public agencies an economical,
the basic knowledge to successfully address the needs of
long-lasting solution for extending the life of an existing
various types of concrete overlay projects. Additionally,
asphalt, composite, or concrete pavement and contribute
this guide is intended to help users better recognize the
meaningfully to an agency’s overall asset management
versatility of concrete overlays, whether for application
program. Relatively low-maintenance service lives of 20
on low-volume roads, city streets, primary roadways, or
years have been reported, with many overlays providing
Interstate highways.
30 to 40 years of service (McGhee 1994).
The material in this guide takes users through important
Concrete overlays are adaptable to a broad range
considerations in designing and constructing concrete
of pavement conditions and project needs, and
overlays, starting with high-level scoping questions,
their excellent historical performance makes them
such as the type and condition of the existing pavement,
an attractive option for addressing even the most
through detailed engineering considerations, such as
challenging pavement preservation and rehabilitation
treatment of the jointing system.
circumstances, as shown in Figure 1.1.
This is the fourth edition of the Guide to Concrete
Overlays, with previous editions published in 2007,
2008, and 2014. This version has been updated with
current information on continuously reinforced concrete
pavement (CRCP) overlays, geotextile separation layers,
fiber reinforcement, design procedures, and lessons
learned from the experiences of numerous state highway
agency (SHA) engineers.

How to Use This Guide

The Guide to Concrete Overlays incorporates numerous
links to resource documents that provide additional
information about many of the topics presented in this
guide. Users are encouraged to consult these resources
for detailed information on such topics as concrete
overlay planning, construction, and repair.

In addition to this guide, the National Concrete Pavement

Technology Center (CP Tech Center) has developed
a set of resource materials—including webinars, tech
briefs, and manuals and guides—to train and educate
users on the applications and benefits of concrete overlay
technology. Resources that especially complement the
information in this guide include the following:
Todd LaTorella, ACPA, MO/KS Chapter, used with permission
• Guide for the Development of Concrete Overlay
Construction Documents (Gross and Harrington 2018) Figure 1.1. Unbonded concrete overlay with geotextile
interlayer on Missouri Route D (top, in 2007 before overlay
• Typical Overlay Construction Plans (2018) construction; bottom, in 2020 after 12 years of service)

• Guide Specifications for Concrete Overlays (Fick and

Harrington 2016)

2 Guide to Concrete Overlays

5 / [0]
1 / [2] 6 / [4]
21 / [7]
8 / [1]
27 / [8] 25 / [2]
2 / [1] 2 / [0] 55 / [4]
15 / [0] 39 / [17]
215 / [197]
32 / [1] 17 / 19 / [3]
14 / [0] 70 / [47] [8]
14 / [3] 5 / [0]
13 / [2]
32 / [0] 27 / [21] 23 / [19]
19 / [15] 14 / [2]
9 / [4]
2 / [1]
5 / [32] 6 / [4]
6 / [0] 12 / [1]
2 / [0] MA: 2 / [0]
0 / [3] 9 / [3] RI: 1 / [0]
9 / [2] CT: 6 / [0]
NJ: 4 / [0]
35 / [4] DE: 3 / [1]
5 / [0]
15 / [1] MD: 7 / [8]
HI: 0 / [1]

CP Tech Center

Figure 1.2. Concrete overlays in 46 states (overlays constructed 1901–1999/overlays constructed 2000–2017)

Portland cement concrete (PCC, referred to in this guide Nevertheless, many agencies resort to either short-term
as simply “concrete”) has been used to resurface existing repair techniques or premature reconstruction. The latter
pavements since at least 1901, and by the mid-1980s approach deprives agencies of the investment already
concrete overlays were rapidly maturing into a standard made in the existing pavement, an investment that can
rehabilitation option for many agencies. According to be preserved by utilizing a concrete overlay.
the American Concrete Pavement Association’s (ACPA’s)
National Concrete Overlay Explorer (ACPA 2021),
at least 46 states had built a collective total of 1,289
Asset Management through the
concrete overlays through 2017 (Figure 1.2). Use of Concrete Overlays
As an adaptable, economical, and long-lasting pavement
Several resources document the history and excellent
resurfacing solution, concrete overlays can play a
performance of concrete overlays:
key role in an agency’s asset management program.
• History of Concrete Overlays in the United States Asset management involves a strategic and systematic
(Gross, forthcoming) approach to managing pavements that relies heavily on
pavement management data and life-cycle cost analysis.
• Concrete Overlay Performance on Iowa’s Roadways
(Gross et al. 2017) As part of an asset management program, a pavement
preservation strategy at the network level is a long-term
• National Cooperative Highway Research Program
plan to enhance pavement performance by using an
(NCHRP) Project 1-61: Evaluation of Bonded Concrete
integrated, cost-effective set of practices that extend
Overlays on Asphalt Pavements (Pierce, forthcoming)
pavement life, improve safety, and meet motorist
• Performance of Concrete Overlays on Illinois expectations without reconstruction. Pavement
Interstates, 1967 through 2016 (Heckel and rehabilitation, an important option for pavement
Wienrank 2018) preservation, is defined as a structural or functional

Chapter 1. Introduction 3
Existing pavement condition before treatment


Preventive Bonded Bonded on

Good on Asphalt or
maintenance Concrete Composite
Fair Minor on
rehabilitation Concrete

Poor Major Unbonded on

rehabilitation Asphalt or




CP Tech Center

Figure 1.3. Typical bonded and unbonded concrete overlay solutions at various stages of pavement service life

enhancement of a pavement that produces a substantial that concrete pavement experienced little relative loss
extension in service life. As shown in Figure 1.3, concrete of strength due to being in a flooded condition when
overlays can be used throughout the life of a pavement to similar submerged and nonsubmerged concrete roadways
address preservation and rehabilitation needs. were compared. Conversely, the report concluded that
submerged asphalt pavement experienced a strength loss
As an agency defines the objectives of its asset equal to 2 in. in thickness, resulting in the need for $50
management strategy, an important decision is how million to rehabilitate the over 200 mi of submerged
to address the sustainability of its pavement choices asphalt pavements.
while also making its pavements resilient to the extreme
weather events that are becoming more common.
Concrete overlays provide significant value for both Concrete Overlay Options
sustainability and resilience. Concrete overlays can be placed on existing asphalt,
composite, jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP),
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), through jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP), and
its Sustainable Pavement Program, has been actively CRCP and can be used effectively on existing pavements
working with SHAs and industry to provide practical in a variety of conditions. The specific details regarding
guidance on how to make pavements more sustainable. the type of overlay (bonded or unbonded), thickness,
Concrete overlays can be used very effectively to meet joint pattern, load transfer devices (if any), and
agency sustainability goals by preserving the equity reinforcement (for fiber-reinforced concrete [FRC] and
investment in existing pavements and by providing CRCP overlays) depend upon the following:
long-life preservation or rehabilitation solutions. For
more information on pavement sustainability, refer to • Condition of the existing pavement
the FHWA publication Towards Sustainable Pavement
• Traffic loading
Systems: A Reference Document (Van Dam et al. 2015).
• Geometric constraints (such as curb and gutter
The resiliency of pavement systems is also critical for sections, guardrails, shoulder widths, and vertical
addressing the apparent trend towards more extreme clearances)
weather-related events, especially infrastructure
flooding. Concrete overlays can significantly contribute • Desired design life
to resiliency by “hardening” pavement systems from These decisions are straightforward, and this guide will
storm damage and providing for the rapid restoration assist the user in determining how to develop a concrete
of traffic without compromising a pavement’s long-term overlay solution to meet the needs of a specific project.
performance. The Louisiana Transportation Research
Center report Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Roadways
in the New Orleans Area (Gaspard et al. 2007) concluded

4 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Concrete on Asphalt Concrete on Concrete
Concrete on asphalt (COA) overlays can be designed to address a Concrete on concrete (COC) overlays can be designed for
broad range of existing pavement conditions on both composite and applications on both existing jointed plain concrete pavement
full-depth asphalt pavements. Both bonded (COA–B) and unbonded (JPCP) and continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP).
(COA–U) options enable designs to cost-effectively match the The predominance of COC overlay designs are unbonded (COC–U)
condition of the existing asphalt—from deteriorated to good—as systems; however, bonded (COC–B) applications can be
well as geometric parameters. successful, provided the existing pavement is in good condition.

COA–B (Full Depth and Composite) COA–U (Full Depth and Composite) COC–B (JPCP and CRCP) COC–U (JPCP and CRCP)

CP Tech Center

Figure 1.4. Four main types of concrete overlays

Based on the type of existing pavement being overlaid

and whether the overlay is bonded or unbonded,
Construction and Quality
concrete overlays are grouped into four main types: Assurance of Concrete Overlays
Concrete overlays are constructed using the same
• Concrete on asphalt–bonded (COA–B) materials, equipment, and processes as a concrete
• Concrete on asphalt–unbonded (COA–U) pavement placed upon a base course. It is important that
best practices for material selection, mixture production,
• Concrete on concrete–bonded (COC–B) construction, and quality assurance are followed. The
• Concrete on concrete–unbonded (COC–U) objective is to construct a durable, smooth concrete
overlay that will meet or exceed the designed axle
Figure 1.4 illustrates the four overlay types. loadings over the life of the pavement. Information on
concrete overlay construction is provided in Chapter 8
Data from the ACPA’s National Concrete Overlay
of this guide.
Explorer (ACPA 2021) are useful for indicating the
prevalence of the different types of overlay systems. Typical acceptance criteria for concrete overlays include
Between 2000 and 2017, 29% of the concrete overlays thickness, strength, air content, combined gradation,
constructed in the United States were concrete on and smoothness. Concrete mixture designs should
concrete, including continuously reinforced pavements, utilize standard materials and normal testing procedures.
and 71% were concrete on asphalt, including Quality assurance for concrete overlays is outside the
composite pavements. scope of this guide, but comprehensive guidance is
available in the following resources:
All types of concrete overlays provide a simple, low-
risk, versatile option for addressing most pavement • Integrated Materials and Construction Practices (IMCP)
conditions. In practice, however, the ACPA data show for Concrete Pavements: A State-of-the-Practice Manual,
more frequent use of unbonded systems, which can Chapter 9. Quality and Testing (Taylor et al. 2019)
be adapted to a wider range of existing pavement
• Quality Control for Concrete Paving: A Tool for Agency
conditions. Bonded systems, though not used as
and Industry (Cavalline et al. 2021)
frequently, are also in use by SHAs because they
capitalize more directly upon the structural value in the • Field Reference Manual for Quality Concrete Pavements
existing concrete or asphalt pavement. (Fick et al. 2012)

Chapter 1. Introduction 5
6 Guide to Concrete Overlays
Chapter 2
Evaluation of Existing Pavements
and Selection of Concrete
Overlay Options

Determining the Feasibility of a Concrete Overlay and Selecting the Appropriate Design 8
Step 1. Determine the Existing Pavement Type and Condition 8
Step 2. Make a Preliminary Determination of the Existing Typical Section Layers and Thicknesses 8
Step 3. Conduct an On-Site Review and Evaluation 11
Step 4. Determine the Need for Milling and Accommodating Adjustments of the Profile Grade 12
Step 5. Verify the Existing Pavement Condition: Coring and Material Testing 13
Step 6. Determine the Feasibility of a Concrete Overlay and the Appropriate Overlay Option 13

Next Steps 14

Chapter 2. Evaluation of Existing Pavements and Selection of Concrete Overlay Options 7

Successful overlay performance begins with selection of This information can be used to assign a preliminary
the appropriate overlay design for a given project. An condition rating (Figure 2.1).
evaluation of the existing pavement helps determine
whether a concrete overlay is an appropriate option for When selecting an appropriate concrete overlay design,
preventative maintenance or rehabilitation and, if so, assigning a pavement condition rating (good, fair, poor,
the appropriate overlay design. The evaluation of the or deteriorated) is a subjective process. Engineering
existing pavement is a multistep process that must be judgment should be used because trigger values for
approached carefully. Improper evaluation of the existing frequency and/or severity of distresses do not exist. The
pavement condition can result in an overlay design that illustrations and commentary in Figures 2.2 and 2.3 can
is inadequate for and/or incompatible with the needs of be used as general guidance in assessing and assigning
the situation, leading to poor overlay performance. pavement condition ratings.

The evaluation also identifies distresses in the existing Step 2. Make a Preliminary
pavement to determine the appropriate overlay type for
the conditions and the repairs needed before an overlay
Determination of the Existing Typical
can be placed. In general, pre-overlay repairs should be Section Layers and Thicknesses
limited to only those necessary to facilitate the appropriate Review historical documents to characterize the full
overlay design, whether unbonded or bonded. Excessive pavement structure. This step can be performed
pre-overlay repairs are costly and may indicate that the concurrently with Step 1. From a review of as-built plans,
wrong type of overlay is being considered or the pavement maintenance records, and pavement management system
is not a good candidate for an overlay. data, at a minimum the following should be determined:

This chapter provides a step-by-step process for evaluating • Pavement layer types and thicknesses, by year of
the existing pavement and determining whether a construction
concrete overlay is an appropriate rehabilitation option.
• Base and subbase types and thicknesses
The following steps should be followed in every case:
• Subgrade soil type
1. Determine the existing pavement type and condition
If readily available, mixture design information
2. Make a preliminary determination of the existing and construction quality control data should also
typical section layers and thicknesses be collected for future reference in the assessment
3. Conduct an on-site review and evaluation process. An example of the information collected and
summarized during this step is shown in Table 2.1.
4. Determine the need for milling and accommodating
adjustments of the profile grade Table 2.1. Example summary of pavement layer and thickness
5. Verify the existing pavement condition: coring and data for a composite pavement
material testing Item Comments

6. Determine the feasibility of a concrete overlay and Asphalt surface 3 in. of Type X asphalt (2015)
the appropriate overlay option • 5.5% binder
• 6.5% average in-place air voids

Determining the Feasibility of a Concrete pavement 8 in. of JPCP (1971)

• 15 ft joint spacing
Concrete Overlay and Selecting • 1¼ in. load transfer dowels

the Appropriate Design Subbase 6 in. of dense-graded crushed

aggregate (1971)

Step 1. Determine the Existing Subgrade A-4, compacted to 95% standard

Proctor (1971)
Pavement Type and Condition
Review as-built plans and pavement management
system records to determine the existing pavement
type. Preliminary examinations can be performed
virtually using digital data such as current images from
a pavement management system or Google Earth.

8 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Concrete Asphalt/Composite

Good Good

Fair Fair

Poor Poor

Deteriorated Deteriorated
Photos: Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 2.1. Examples of determining existing pavement type and condition

Chapter 2. Evaluation of Existing Pavements and Selection of Concrete Overlay Options 9

Existing Concrete
Concrete Existing
Existing Asphalt
Rural Urban
Urban Rural
Rural Urban
section section
section section
section section

Concrete surface
surface Asphalt
Asphalt surface

Good—Structurally sound
sound with
with little
little to
to no
no cracking
cracking Good—Structurally
Good—Structurally sound
sound with
with minor
surface defects
defects and
and minor
minor cracking

Fair—Structurally sound
sound with
with minor
minor surface
distresses such
such as
as random
random cracking,
cracking, periodic
periodic Fair—Structurally
Fair—Structurally sound
sound with
with minor
minor surface
surface distresses
partial-depth joint
joint spalling,
spalling, and
and shadowing
shadowing such
such as
as potholes,
potholes, block
block cracking,
cracking, or
or thermal
thermal cracking

Poor—Full-depth joint
joint deterioration,
deterioration, working
working Poor—Frequent
Poor—Frequent surface
surface distresses
distresses such
such as
as potholes,
cracks, spot
spot structural
structural failures,
failures, faulting,
faulting, and/or
and/or block
block cracking,
cracking, or
or thermal
thermal cracking
cracking plus
plus alligator
alligator cracking,
material-related distress
distress rutting,
rutting, shoving,
shoving, slippage,
slippage, stripping,
stripping, and
and raveling

Deteriorated—Significantcant surface
surface deterioration
deterioration and
and Deteriorated—Signifi
Deteriorated—Significantcant surface
surface and
and structural
structural distresses,
distresses, including
including joint
joint deterioration
deterioration distresses,
distresses, including
including potholes,
potholes, block
block cracking,
cracking, or
from freeze-thaw
freeze-thaw damage
damage or or material-related
material-related thermal
thermal cracking
cracking plus
plus alligator
alligator cracking,
cracking, rutting,
distress at
at 50%
50% or
or more
more ofof the
the joints
joints shoving,
shoving, slippage,
slippage, stripping,
stripping, and
and raveling

permission Illustrations:
Illustrations: Snyder
Snyder &
& Associates,
Associates, Inc.,
Inc., used
used with
with permission

Figure 2.2.
2.2. General
General guidance
guidance for
for rating
rating the
the condition
condition of
of Figure 2.3. General guidance for rating the condition of asphalt
concrete pavement
pavement and composite pavement

10 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Step 3. Conduct an On-Site Review and Drainage Conditions
Evaluation The evaluation of drainage conditions should involve
the following:
After obtaining the historical project information,
conduct an on-site inspection to further refine the • Review the profile grade for extreme bumps and dips,
project team’s understanding of the pavement condition. which may indicate subgrade and/or drainage issues.
The on-site visual survey is perhaps the most important
• Identify any moisture-related distresses and assess the
step in evaluating the existing pavement condition.
condition of edge drains, if present.
Members of the design team should conduct the visual
• Note any drainage-related structural failures. A
examination. It is advisable to also have the local
concrete overlay alone will not solve drainage issues.
maintenance engineer present to address questions about
Rather, drainage issues are generally addressed through
recent and persistent pavement maintenance issues that
targeted drainage improvements, while drainage-
may influence the design of the overlay. At a minimum,
related subgrade damage is mitigated by improving
the items described below should be reviewed and
the pavement foundation.
recorded for future reference.
Support Conditions
Existing Pavement Distresses
Note whether existing subgrade support conditions
For more details on evaluating distresses in existing are reasonably uniform or there are isolated areas that
concrete pavements, consult the Guide for Concrete may require pre-overlay repairs. Uniformity of support
Pavement Distress Assessments and Solutions: is interpreted as the presence of a continuous uniform
Identification, Causes, Prevention, and Repair support layer without major changes in stiffness that
(Harrington et al. 2018); for existing asphalt and could be initiation points for reflective distresses. The
composite pavements, consult the FHWA publication following are common indicators of nonuniform support:
Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term
Pavement Performance Program (Miller and Bellinger • Rocking panels and/or slabs that are cracked into
2014). These documents are useful for identifying three or more pieces
pavement distresses and measuring their severity. • Differing support conditions where the overlay spans
The evaluation of existing pavement distresses should the mainline-shoulder joint
involve the following: • Areas of thin pavement after milling
• Identify all pavement distresses. • Existing pavements that have undergone extensive
full-depth repairs
• Refine the pavement condition assessment initiated in
Steps 1 and 2. Vertical Constraints
• Identify locations for pavement coring, which may be Identify and quantify all vertical constraints, such as
needed to further investigate the causes and extent of the following:
the pavement distresses.
• Bridge structures
• For concrete pavements and composite pavements, it
• Other overhead clearance requirements
is important to identify any materials-related distress
(MRD). This may include alkali-silica reactions, • Guardrails, parapet walls, cable barriers, and median
D-cracking, and joint deterioration from various barriers
causes. The Guide for Concrete Pavement Distress
• Curb and gutter sections
Assessments and Solutions: Identification, Causes,
Prevention, and Repair (Harrington et al. 2018) can be • Storm sewer inlets
consulted to identify these distresses. In addition, note
• Intersecting roadways and access drives
slab stability under truck loading and observe whether
the slabs are stable or rocking. • Drainage conduits and culverts
• Estimate the extent of any needed pre-overlay repairs. • Safety slopes and ditches

Chapter 2. Evaluation of Existing Pavements and Selection of Concrete Overlay Options 11

Existing Shoulders and Widened Sections • Removes surface defects such as partial-depth top-
Carefully document the support conditions and widths down cracking, potholes, rutting, and shoving
of existing shoulders and widened sections. For concrete • Controls the volume of concrete necessary for the
overlays less than 8 in. thick, a change in support concrete overlay
conditions between the mainline and the shoulders or
widened sections requires specific design considerations • Enhances the bonding potential for COA–B designs
for the longitudinal joints. Chapter 3 and Appendix A Determining whether milling is necessary and to what
summarize these considerations for various overlay types. depth is an iterative process. As the overlay thickness is
The characteristics of shoulders or widened sections can refined from a preliminary estimate to a final design and
also impact maintenance of traffic during construction; as more information is known about the thickness and
they may need to be widened, resurfaced, and/or condition of the existing pavement layers, the estimated
structurally upgraded to accommodate phased traffic milling depth may need to be revised.
strategies. See Chapter 7 and Appendix D for more
Roadway and Roadside Constraints on Vertical
information on maintenance of traffic.
Change in Profile Grade
Additionally, note whether rumble strips are present. Vertical constraints arise from a variety of existing
Depending upon the maintenance of traffic plans, these roadway and roadside features. The following are
may need to be filled. Rumble strips will also need the most common vertical constraints and potential
to be filled for an unbonded concrete overlay design mitigation measures:
using a geotextile separation layer to allow independent
movement of the unbonded overlay. • Bridge structures require a transition from the overlay
section to a full reconstruction section to match the
existing profile grade.
Step 4. Determine the Need for Milling
and Accommodating Adjustments of • When overhead clearance requirements (overpasses,
the Profile Grade signs, utilities, and so on) are violated by a change in
profile grade, a transition from the overlay section to
Up to this point, the evaluation process has been
a full reconstruction section or milling of the existing
focused on gathering the information necessary to
pavement to lower the profile grade is required.
determine whether a concrete overlay is a viable
design option. At this point in the evaluation process, • When possible, new safety slopes should be blended
it is necessary to calculate a preliminary estimate to the existing ditch line (Figure 2.4). If safety criteria
of the concrete overlay thickness required to carry cannot be met by blending the slopes, the ditch
the anticipated traffic over the overlay’s design life. should be regraded and the safety slope flattened
Information on developing a preliminary thickness (Figure 2.5).
estimate is provided in Appendix A.
• For drainage conduits and structures, no mitigation
This estimate will also help determine any adjustments is necessary if the safety slopes can be blended to the
to the profile grade that may be required. In some cases, existing conditions (Figure 2.4). If the safety slopes are
a concrete overlay will raise the profile grade, which regraded, the drainage structures should be extended
has many potential geometric and cost impacts on (Figure 2.5).
existing roadway and roadside features such as bridges, • Guardrails, parapet walls, cable barriers, and median
overpasses, barrier rails, drainage structures, utilities, barriers may need to be raised and/or reconstructed to
and so on. The estimated overlay thickness need not be accommodate a change in profile grade.
exact; ±2 in. is typically sufficient to gauge the impacts
of raising the profile grade. • When possible, the height of existing curb and
gutter sections should be matched by milling the
Milling existing pavement to a depth equal to the overlay
Milling the existing pavement is a way to mitigate the thickness. Otherwise, the existing curb and gutter
adjustment to the profile grade when constructing section can be removed and replaced at the new
a concrete overlay. For existing asphalt-surfaced profile grade or overlaid.
pavements, milling also accomplishes the following (see
Chapter 8):

12 Guide to Concrete Overlays

• When possible, the heights of existing storm sewer Step 5. Verify the Existing Pavement
inlets and in-pavement utility structures should
be matched by milling the existing pavement to a
Condition: Coring and Material Testing
depth equal to the overlay thickness. Otherwise, the Compiling accurate and sufficient data regarding the
structures can be raised to match the new profile grade. existing pavement is the objective of every pavement
evaluation. However, the recommended level of coring
• Intersecting roadways and access drives can be and material testing is dependent upon the functional
reconstructed as needed, or the new surfacing can be classification of the roadway. A summary of the coring
tapered from the existing to the new overlay profile and material testing that may be conducted is provided
grade. in Table 2.2. Note that coring is not optional. Every
project should be cored to verify the existing pavement
Chapter 7 provides more information on addressing
thickness and condition and to identify whether any
profile transitions and curb and gutter sections.
asphalt layers are prone to stripping.

Step 6. Determine the Feasibility of a

Concrete Overlay and the Appropriate
Overlay Option
This is the final step in determining whether a concrete
CP Tech Center
overlay is an appropriate design strategy for an existing
Figure 2.4. Blending safety slopes to existing conditions
pavement and, if so, the appropriate overlay option. For
clarity, the process is summarized in Figure 2.6 with a
series of questions and possible overlay design outcomes
by existing pavement type.

CP Tech Center

Figure 2.5. Regrading safety slopes and extending

drainage structures

Table 2.2. Suggested coring and material testing for evaluating existing pavement condition

Low-volume rural or Arterial or urban Secondary Primary

urban intersection (state route) (US route/Interstate)

Two cores per lane mile Two cores per lane mile Four cores per lane mile Four cores per lane mile
Coring (Pavement Layer from the mainline and from the mainline and from the mainline and from the mainline and
Thicknesses) one core per lane mile one core per lane mile two cores per lane mile two cores per lane mile
from each shoulder from each shoulder from each shoulder from each shoulder
Falling Weight Deflectometer
N/A N/A N/A Yes
(Support Values)

Ground Penetrating Radar Yes, if core thicknesses

N/A N/A Yes
(Layer Thicknesses) are variable

Coring and Petrographic

When MRD is suspected in the existing concrete, quantify potential for future expansion and/or deterioration

Potential for Stripping

As warranted from a visual examination of the cores
(ASTM D4867)

Chapter 2. Evaluation of Existing Pavements and Selection of Concrete Overlay Options 13

Good Condition Spot Repairs
The pavement is structurally sound. Can spot repairs correct deficiencies
or restore the surface to good or Yes
Surface characteristics issues such
better structural condition, allowing
as low friction or high noise may be
for a bonded concrete overlay?
present. Minor repairs may be
needed in isolated locations to
correct functional deficiencies.

No Concrete Overlay–Bonded

Fair Condition Milling/Minor Spot Repairs

The pavement may exhibit some Can milling and minor spot repairs
distresses such as moderate levels cost-effectively solve deficiencies? Yes
of fatigue cracking.


Poor Condition Milling and Patching

Concrete pavement may exhibit Can spot structural repairs and/or
some distresses such as joint milling cost-effectively solve
deterioration, working cracks, spot deficiencies, meet vertical Yes
structural failures, faulting, and constraints, and restore the existing
materials-related distress. pavement to a condition that will
provide a uniform base for an
Asphalt pavement may exhibit some
unbonded overlay?
distresses such as alligator cracking,
rutting, shoving, and slippage.

No Concrete Overlay–Unbonded

Deteriorated Condition Additional Repairs

The pavement exhibits significant Can existing and/or potential
surface deterioration and structural unstable conditions or major Yes
distresses. deficiencies be addressed
cost-effectively using preservation
If concrete pavement exhibits
techniques? For composite
severe or potentially severe joint
pavements, does the asphalt need to
deterioration from freeze-thaw
be completely milled to remove Reconstruction
damage or materials-related distress
major deficiencies such as stripping No
and exhibits deterioration below the
and a new interlayer placed over the
dowel bars, the pavement may not
underlying concrete to create an
be a good candidate for an overlay.
unbonded overlay on concrete?
Asphalt pavement exhibits
significant deterioration from
raveling, thermal cracking, stripping,
and structural distresses.

CP Tech Center

Figure 2.6. Determining the appropriate design strategy for a given project

Next Steps
Once a concrete overlay has been determined to be a • Chapter 5. Concrete Overlays on Concrete Pavements
practical solution for a given project, the remaining
• Chapter 6. Materials and Mixtures
chapters of this guide summarize and recommend
various design and construction options: • Chapter 7. Plan Development
• Chapter 3. Overview of Concrete Overlay Design • Chapter 8. Construction of Concrete Overlays
• Chapter 4. Concrete Overlays on Asphalt-Surfaced

14 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Chapter 3
Overview of Concrete
Overlay Design

Concrete Overlay Thickness Design 16

Typical Thickness Design Inputs and Considerations 16
Overview of Common Concrete Overlay Design Procedures 17

Key Design Considerations 17

Design Considerations for All Concrete Overlays 17
Design Considerations for Concrete on Concrete–Unbonded Overlays 18
Design Considerations for Concrete on Asphalt–Unbonded Overlays 19
Design Considerations for Concrete on Asphalt–Bonded Overlays 20
Design Considerations for Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays 20

Additional Design Considerations to Address Impacts of Profile and Grade Changes 21

Overhead Clearance 21
Shoulder Considerations 21
Barriers and Rails 21
Foreslopes, Backslopes, and Across-Road Drainage Structures 21
Widening and Lane Additions 21
In-Place Structures 23
Curb and Gutter Details 23
Transitions 23

Chapter 3. Overview of Concrete Overlay Design 15

Concrete overlay design procedures generally consider Typical Thickness Design Inputs and
user inputs such as anticipated traffic, climate,
support layers, material properties, slab geometry, and
performance criteria to develop a recommended overlay The following checklist includes many of the unique
thickness. The designed overlay thickness is a major factors and design inputs that should be considered in
driver of overlay cost and is, therefore, a major factor in overlay thickness design:
whether a concrete overlay is selected for a given project. • Extent of pre-overlay repairs required
Moving beyond thickness design, however, the • Need for reflective crack control
comprehensive design of concrete overlay systems
includes many additional components: • Overlay panel size

• Determination of the type and extent of pre-overlay • Presence of reinforcement in the overlay slab
repairs • Assumed bond or separation between the overlay and
• Selection of construction materials with the the existing pavement
appropriate properties • Separation layer characteristics (if a separation layer
• Assumption of bonding or restraint at the interface is used)
between the overlay and the existing pavement (i.e., Several procedures are available for designing various
whether the overlay is bonded or unbonded) types of concrete overlays. A major factor in selecting a
• Design of edge support (e.g., for widened lanes or tied thickness design procedure is the assumption of a bond
concrete shoulders), if any is needed (or lack thereof ) at the interface between the overlay and
the existing pavement.
• Determination of overlay panel dimensions and
joint layout The degree of bonding, mechanical interlock, or
frictional resistance (hereafter simply referred to as
• Selection of joint design details (e.g., load transfer “bond”) between a concrete overlay and the structural
and sealant provisions), if special considerations are layer immediately below plays a major role in the
required behavior of and stress distribution through all layers in
Some of these components, such as joint layout and the overlaid pavement system.
construction material properties, can significantly When the overlay and existing pavement layers are
impact concrete overlay performance. Other inputs, bonded, they act together as a single layer with an
such as panel dimensions, joint details, edge support, effective thickness greater than that of either the overlay
and bond condition, directly impact overlay thickness or the existing pavement and have a single neutral axis
and must be selected concurrently with, and as a part of, with respect to bending (Figure 3.1, left). When no
the thickness design. The goal of a successful concrete bond exists between the overlay and existing pavement
overlay design should be to address all overlay system layers, the two layers bend separately, with each layer
design components in a manner that balances cost with having its own neutral axis and each layer experiencing
desired performance in terms of quality and duration of both tension and compression (Figure 3.1, right).
service life.
For design purposes, the overlay’s bond with (or separation
Concrete Overlay Thickness from) the existing pavement is an assumed condition
that must be selected carefully to avoid premature overlay
Design distress. The structural impact of the overlay bond depends
Designing a concrete overlay is a process that begins on the quality and integrity of both the overlay and the
with characterizing the existing pavement (as outlined existing pavement, as well as the thickness of the existing
in Chapter 2), defining critical design variables, and pavement. A bonded overlay should not be selected unless
then calculating the required overlay thickness. For the quality of the existing pavement (or the portion of that
more detailed information on thickness design, see pavement that will remain) is of sufficiently high quality
Appendix A. and adequate thickness.

16 Guide to Concrete Overlays

CP Tech Center

Figure 3.1. Behavior of and flexural stress distribution through the layers of bonded and unbonded overlay systems

Overview of Common Concrete Overlay Design Considerations for All Concrete

Design Procedures Overlays
Four common procedures for designing concrete Need for Uniform Support
overlays (with their associated software applications) are
For concrete overlays, as for concrete pavements in
listed below:
general, uniformity of support is far more important
• AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design than strength of support. Thickness design can address
the presence of a strong or weak foundation but cannot
• ensure good pavement performance if the foundation
• University of Pittsburgh’s BCOA-ME includes areas with abrupt changes in support or isolated
large areas of stiffer or softer material.
• University of Pittsburgh’s UNOL Design v1.0
Brand and Roesler (2014) and Roesler et al. (2016)
Each procedure has its own design basis, strengths, and describe procedures for analyzing concrete pavements
limitations. More detailed guidance on the selection and under various nonuniform support conditions.
use of these procedures can be found in Appendix A. Additional information on pre-overlay pavement
evaluation is presented in Chapter 2.
Key Design Considerations
Use of Macrofibers
Key design considerations for concrete overlays include
general considerations for all types of overlays and Macrofibers are frequently used in concrete overlays
considerations specific to the various overlay types. (especially for overlays 6 in. or less in thickness) to
provide improved resistance to cracking, enhance the
Concrete overlay design parameters that vary by overlay joint load transfer provided by aggregate interlock,
type include typical expected service life, existing restrain joint openings, and help retain slab fragments in
pavement condition requirements, slab thickness, panel place when cracks do develop. Additional information
dimensions, use of dowels and tie bars, and use of on the use of macrofibers in concrete overlays is
macrofibers. Table A.1 in Appendix A summarizes these presented in Chapter 6.
parameters for various types of concrete overlays.

Refer to Appendix A for more detailed information on

the design considerations presented in this section.

Chapter 3. Overview of Concrete Overlay Design 17

Joint Activation Transverse Joints: Dowel Bars, Macrofibers,
Joint activation (also called joint deployment) refers to and Sawcuts
the development of a crack (a working joint) below the Transverse joints for COC–U overlays can be either
sawcut made at a contraction joint. If a crack does not plain or doweled (or, in the case of continuously
form beneath the sawcut, the joint has not activated reinforced concrete overlays, nonexistent at locations
or deployed, and the effective panel length is increased other than construction headers). Undoweled joints are
from the nominal panel dimension to the distance the most common transverse joint type for COC–U
between the two nearest activated joints. overlays with thicknesses of less than 7 in. because
thinner overlays may not have sufficient truck traffic to
While construction practices can promote joint warrant the use of dowels. The size and placement of
activation, activation mechanisms are also driven by dowels in COC–U overlays should be designed using
certain pavement design parameters, including joint conventional techniques. Macrofibers have also been
spacing, overlay thickness, and type of separation layer shown to maintain acceptable load transfer in concrete
used (Gross et al. 2019). overlays without dowels, especially in thin (6 in. thick or
less), short-panel overlays.
Design Considerations for Concrete on
The sawcut depth of transverse joints in COC–U
Concrete–Unbonded Overlays overlays is typically T/3, but the depth may need to
Pre-overlay Repairs be greater (up to T/2) to prevent the development of
Existing concrete pavement provides very strong support dominant joints when COC–U overlays are constructed
to unbonded concrete overlays, and concrete overlays on geotextile fabric.
typically “bridge” over existing minor pavement defects
such as cracks, spalls, faulting, and joint repairs without Longitudinal Joints: Location and Sawcuts
experiencing reduced service life. Therefore, it is not Longitudinal joints in COC–U overlays are generally
usually cost-effective to perform extensive pre-overlay located to match lane lines (which may or may not
repairs before placing COC–U overlays. However, coincide with longitudinal joints in the underlying
designers should ensure that the existing pavement pavement). An exception may be for widened lanes,
provides reasonably uniform support to the overlay layer, where panels are designed to extend some distance
with no rocking panels or panel fragments and no large beyond the outside lane boundary into the shoulder to
areas of significantly different structural composition, reduce load-related edge and corner stresses.
which can result from lane widening and large full-
depth asphalt repairs. Additional longitudinal joints in COC–U overlays
(located away from the lane lines) are often required
Panel Dimensions and Joint Layout for thinner overlays and overlays with smaller panels.
Care should be taken to avoid placing these joints
The guidance provided in FHWA Technical Advisory
within wheel paths, where heavy traffic may cause rapid
T 5040.30 (FHWA 2019) for conventional jointed
development of cracking and spalling at the interior
concrete pavements is consistent with the successful
corners, as shown in Figure 3.2 (King and Roesler
common practices that have evolved for jointing
2014). For example, 4 ft wide panels have deteriorated
COC–U overlays. Thinner COC–U overlays (6 in.
more rapidly than 6 ft wide panels of the same
thick or less) are typically constructed with nominal 6 ft
thickness under heavy traffic because of longitudinal
square panels, while COC–U overlays with a thickness
joint placement.
of 8 in. or more are typically constructed with full 12
ft lane widths and panel lengths ranging from 12 to Longitudinal contraction joints are typically formed
15 ft. COC–U overlays with intermediate thicknesses or cut to a depth of T/3. Care must be taken to ensure
(between 6 and 8 in.) can be built conservatively with that any tie bars present are not cut or damaged during
small panels but may be successfully built with full-lane- joint sawing.
width panels in locations with a mild climate and/or low
volumes of heavy traffic.

18 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Thickness design for unbonded CRCP overlays should
be performed using AASHTOWare Pavement ME
Design. Asphalt separation layers are typically used
to ensure reliable crack spacing development in the
overlay. The only overlay joints that are required
are transverse construction joints and longitudinal
construction and contraction joints; sawcut depths and
widths for longitudinal contraction joints in unbonded
CRCP overlays are identical to those described
previously for COC–U overlays. Sleeper slabs are
preferred over lugs and wide-flange beams for terminal
joints and transition slabs.

Design Considerations for Concrete on

Asphalt–Unbonded Overlays
COA–U overlays include unbonded concrete overlays
on both asphalt and composite pavements.

Existing asphalt and composite pavements are typically

Armen Amirkhanian, used with permission treated as composite foundations for COA–U overlays,
Figure 3.2. Concrete overlay on composite pavement and the overlay thickness is usually designed according
photographed in 2012 after 13 years in service, with the to the method used for a new pavement on a very stiff
overlay exhibiting interior corner deterioration due to foundation (which for COA–U overlays is the existing
longitudinal joints in the wheel paths
pavement structure).

Joint Filling and Sealing COA–U overlays are typically designed without a
The primary use for joint filling and sealing is to prevent separation layer because (1) there is usually no need to
water and solids from getting into joints. Joint filling isolate the concrete overlay from the asphalt to prevent
simply requires filling a sawcut with joint filler material reflective distress and (2) a pure unbonded interface
after proper preparation. Experience has shown that condition is a conservative design assumption but
joint filling is the recommended practice in areas where not a necessary construction condition for COA–U
deicers and/or abrasives are applied to pavements. overlays. The same is not true for COC–U overlays, for
Joint sealing involves the use of a backer rod and which a separation layer is typically required to prevent
more rigorous preparation of a sealant reservoir than reflective distress.
joint filling. The use of an open-cell backer rod is not
recommended in areas where deicing chemicals are used. Pre-overlay Repairs
COA–U overlays, whether placed on asphalt or
The ACPA (2018) provides recommendations that are composite pavement, rarely require extensive pre-overlay
valid for COC–U overlays concerning the need for (and repair because (1) the overlay usually bridges intact
potential benefits of ) filling and/or sealing concrete areas of raveling, fatigue cracking, and similar types of
pavement joints as a function of climate (whether existing asphalt or composite pavement distress and (2)
deicers and/or abrasives are used), traffic, posted speed the overlay thickness design is unlikely to change as a
limit, and panel size. result of the repairs. It is only necessary that the existing
pavement provide reasonably uniform support to the
Special Considerations for Continuously overlay layer, with no rocking panels or panel fragments
Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays and no large areas of significantly different structural
Unbonded CRCP overlays on concrete pavement have composition. The existing pavement should be free of
been (and continue to be) constructed in the US, with wide joints and cracks, unrepaired potholes, and other
Texas and Illinois having the most experience with this features that would permit the overlay to interlock or
overlay type. Details on the design and construction of “key” with the pavement.
CRCP overlays are provided in Appendix B.

Chapter 3. Overview of Concrete Overlay Design 19

Even when no pre-overlay repairs are required, it may be required strength of the overlay bond but rather treat it
desirable to mill the pavement surface to eliminate deep primarily as a construction issue because bond-related
ruts or unstable asphalt layers or to reduce profile grade failures rarely occur when proper construction and
changes that lower overpass clearances or create other curing techniques are used. Refer to Chapter 8 for
safety and geometric problems, such as the need to raise information on construction and curing practices.
guardrails or adjust ditch slopes.
The following items should be used to guide decisions
Panel Dimensions, Joint Layout and Design, concerning the design and specification of COA–B
and Joint Sealing overlays:
The guidance concerning panel dimensions, joint layout • Foundation support conditions
and design, and joint sealing for COA–U overlays is
• Required pre-overlay repairs
essentially identical to the guidance provided previously
for COC–U overlays. However, the presence of asphalt • Overlay materials
surface rutting or the need for changes in pavement
• Maximum overlay thickness
cross section (e.g., to increase cross slope, make grade
corrections, or change superelevation) can introduce • Panel dimensions and joint layout and design
additional design and specification considerations. • Use of dowel bars, tie bars, and macrofibers
Special Considerations for Continuously • Risk of reflective cracking
Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays
• Joint filling and sealing needs
Several unbonded CRCP overlays on asphalt-surfaced
pavement were constructed in the US in the 1960s • Achievement and maintenance of the pavement-
and 1970s, and performance has been reported to be overlay bond
satisfactory. Few additional unbonded CRCP overlays Special Considerations for Continuously
on asphalt-surfaced pavement have been built in the Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays
US in recent decades, except for some thin and ultra-
thin CRCP overlays on flexible pavements in transition The only evidence of bonded CRCP overlays on asphalt-
areas in Texas (Chen et al. 2016). Additional details surfaced pavement in the US is presented by Chen et al.
concerning the design and construction of these overlays (2016), who describe some thin and ultra-thin CRCP
are presented in Appendix B. overlays on flexible pavements in transition areas in Texas.

Design Considerations for Concrete on Design Considerations for Concrete on

Asphalt–Bonded Overlays Concrete–Bonded Overlays
COA–B overlays include bonded concrete overlays on General Design Considerations
both asphalt and composite pavements. Thin bonded concrete overlays are rarely constructed on
existing concrete pavements for the following reasons:
General Design Considerations
• Successful construction of a COC–B overlay requires
A COA–B overlay should only be considered for an
that the existing pavement be in good to excellent
existing asphalt-surfaced pavement that is in (or can
condition, and such pavements are rarely programmed
cost-effectively be restored to) good structural condition.
for rehabilitation or preservation unless major
COA–B overlays are typically thinner than COA–U
increases in traffic volume or load (beyond the original
overlays because of the increased structural capacity
design levels) are anticipated.
afforded by bonding the concrete and asphalt layers.
• A good bond between the overlay and the existing
The development and maintenance of an adequate
pavement can be achieved but requires heightened
bond between the concrete overlay and the existing
attention to construction practices, concrete overlay
asphalt pavement is critical to the performance of a
materials, and weather during construction.
COA–B overlay. Loss of the bond (or failure to develop
an adequate bond) will accelerate the development of • If the bond is lost, even locally at slab corners,
pavement distress and reduce the overlay’s service life, cracking is almost certain to develop quickly.
especially for thinner overlays. Existing design procedures Remediation may require expensive, time-consuming
for COA–B overlays do not specifically address the full-depth repairs.

20 Guide to Concrete Overlays

The development and maintenance of an adequate bond Shoulder Considerations
between the overlay and the existing pavement is critical
Lane widening and lane additions often result in the
to the performance of COC–B overlays, especially for
placement of concrete overlays on at least a portion of
thin overlays that provide little structure of their own for
the existing shoulder, which may provide a different
carrying service loads.
level of support than the travel lanes that underlie most
Properly designed and constructed COC–B overlays of the overlay, especially if the shoulder is unpaved.
can reasonably be expected to provide a minimum This difference in support must be properly addressed
service life of 15 years before maintenance is required. in design and construction to avoid longitudinal
See Appendix C for further details on the design and cracking in the overlay over the existing pavement’s
construction of this type of overlay. lane-shoulder joint.

Special Considerations for Continuously Barriers and Rails

Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays
Safety barriers, guardrails, and cable barriers may need to
Even less common than jointed COC–B overlays, be adjusted or reconstructed, depending on the change
bonded CRCP overlays on concrete pavement are in profile grade and the horizontal distance between the
usually economically viable only when very little pre- edge of the pavement and the safety feature.
overlay repair is required. Most recent examples of this
overlay type were constructed in Texas in the 1980s
and have yielded acceptable performance. Additional Foreslopes, Backslopes, and Across-
information on the design and construction of CRCP Road Drainage Structures
overlays is provided in Appendix B. Overlaying an existing pavement with either asphalt
or concrete typically results in changes in the elevation
Thickness design for bonded CRCP overlays on concrete of the pavement edge, unless the existing pavement is
pavement should be performed using AASHTOWare milled to allow placement of an inlay that maintains the
Pavement ME Design. The only joints that are required existing pavement’s profile and cross section.
in this overlay type are transverse construction joints,
matched repair joints, and longitudinal construction Designers should address pavement profile changes in
and contraction joints; sawcut depths and widths should ways that minimize the impacts to ditch lines, ditch
match those used for conventional COC–B overlays. slopes, drainage structures, and available right-of-
way. Such impacts can be minimized (or eliminated)
Additional Design Considerations by implementing the following design options as
appropriate: (1) inlay all or a portion of the new
to Address Impacts of Profile and surface layer, (2) maximize the pavement’s cross slope
Grade Changes within allowable limits, and/or (3) maximize the cross
slopes of the pavement and unpaved shoulder within
Changes to the pavement profile, cross section (e.g.,
allowable limits.
due to lane widening), and cross slope (e.g., due to
improvements to surface drainage and superelevation)
that result from an overlay of any type can trigger certain Widening and Lane Additions
overlay design modifications and roadway design changes. Concrete overlay projects provide opportunities
for widening pavements. Properly designed and
Refer to Appendix A for more detailed information on constructed widening sections reduce pavement edge
the design considerations presented in this section. stresses, corner stresses, and deflections, thus reducing
panel cracking and joint faulting (i.e., the difference in
Overhead Clearance elevation between the opposing sides of a joint or crack
The presence of overhead structures, power lines, and [Miller and Bellinger 2014]) while improving ride
other features, combined with regulations for minimum quality and safety.
overhead clearance, may need to be addressed in the
overlay design.

Chapter 3. Overview of Concrete Overlay Design 21

Widening a travel surface using a concrete overlay
requires an evaluation of any changes in foundation
support, appropriate use of reinforcing steel, and proper
longitudinal joint placement. This is especially true
for widening overlays placed over existing concrete
pavements with unbound shoulder materials because
of the increased risk of longitudinal cracking along the
edge of the existing pavement. (Figure 3.3).
Some general recommendations for pavement widening
using concrete overlays include the following:

• Keep longitudinal joints out of wheel paths whenever

possible, especially for COA–B overlays.
• For unbonded overlays of asphalt or concrete pavement,
match the longitudinal joints of the overlay with the
longitudinal edge joints of the existing pavement and
add tied widening units when possible unless this results
in joints within wheel paths of the overlay.
• When the overlay is placed wider than the existing
pavement, avoid locating the edge joints of the overlay
more than 12 to 18 in. beyond the existing pavement’s
lane edges unless the existing shoulder has a structure
that provides support similar to that of the existing
pavement lane. If this cannot be done, follow the
guidance of the previous bullet.
• Tie widening units to either the overlay or to the
existing pavement using deformed bars (see the
widening detail in the example construction drawings
published by the CP Tech Center).
‐ For concrete overlays 5 in. thick or more, locate the
tie bars in the overlay at mid-depth. Refer to the
discussion on pavement widening details in Chapter 7.
‐ For concrete overlays less than 5 in. thick, secure the
tie bars to the surface of the existing pavement, taking
care not to allow traffic to loosen the secured tie bars.
Not every detail will apply to every project, but the
recommendations listed above can often be applied to
address project-specific issues.

Adding new lanes or shoulders can also present issues

unique to concrete overlay pavement design, especially
if there is variation in the underlying support of the
overlay or if the overlay is to abut a full-depth concrete Armen Amirkhanian, used with permission (top); Matt Zeller, Concrete Paving
Association of Minnesota, used with permission (center and bottom)
pavement. Joint load transfer systems are frequently
used in such cases when the overlay system is unbonded. Figure 3.3. Concrete overlay widening on Illinois Route 53 with
no longitudinal joint or reinforcing over existing pavement
Longitudinal joint tie bars are used to ensure that edge
edge (top); concrete overlay widening on Minnesota TH 212
support is provided by aggregate interlock. The design with longitudinal joints and reinforcing over existing pavement
should address the possibility of differential settlement edge in some locations (center) and only reinforcing in other
and water infiltration at these locations. locations (bottom)

22 Guide to Concrete Overlays

To prevent cracking related to differential expansion and Transitions
contraction between a concrete overlay and a full-depth
Concrete overlay designs usually require details
concrete lane addition, use an isolation joint (i.e., a butt
concerning the transition sections linking the concrete
joint with no tie bars) if the overlay is less than 5 in. thick.
overlay with adjacent pavement sections, adjacent
structures, and driveway entrances/exits. Transition
In-Place Structures sections often feature isolated or otherwise unsupported
Existing intakes and utility structures must be raised transverse end joints and have the potential to
to match the new pavement elevation. Typical details experience impact loading as vehicles cross the end
for adjusting manholes are shown in an example joint. These conditions result in higher stresses in many
construction detail published by the CP Tech Center. transition areas, necessitating the use of thicker concrete
sections and conventional deformed slab reinforcement,
Curb and Gutter Details wire mesh reinforcement, and/or macrofibers. Transition
lengths are usually based on the design speed for the
Existing curb and gutter sections may pose overlay
section. Additional details and examples regarding
design challenges related to the maintenance of surface
transition sections are provided in Chapter 7.
drainage, overlay profile elevation, and so on. Design
options and strategies for curb and gutter sections are
presented in Chapter 7.

Chapter 3. Overview of Concrete Overlay Design 23

24 Guide to Concrete Overlays
Chapter 4
Concrete Overlays on Asphalt-
Surfaced Pavements

Concrete on Asphalt–Unbonded Overlays 26

Application and Uses 27
Performance 27
Keys to Success 27
Maintenance and Repairs 29

Concrete on Asphalt–Bonded Overlays 29

Application and Uses 30
Performance 30
Keys to Success 30
Maintenance and Repairs 33

Chapter 4. Concrete Overlays on Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements 25

Concrete on Asphalt–Unbonded (full depth) Concrete on Asphalt–Unbonded (composite)

Concrete on Asphalt–Bonded (full depth) Concrete on Asphalt–Bonded (composite)

CP Tech Center

Figure 4.1. Bonded and unbonded overlays of existing asphalt and composite pavements

Concrete overlays on existing asphalt-surfaced

pavements encompass JPCP or CRCP overlays on
Concrete on Asphalt–Unbonded
both asphalt pavements and composite pavements Overlays
(concrete that has been previously resurfaced with Figure 4.2 shows a schematic view of two COA–U
asphalt). These overlays can be either bonded or overlays, one on an existing asphalt pavement and one
unbonded. (See Appendix A for a summary of the on an existing composite pavement.
overlay options on asphalt-surfaced pavements.)
Asphalt-surfaced pavements with significant Unbonded concrete overlay
structural deterioration, inadequate base/subbase
support, or stripping of asphalt layers due to
inadequate drainage are not good candidates for a
bonded overlay; in such cases, an unbonded overlay
Existing asphalt Existing concrete
should be considered (Figure 4.1). pavement

CP Tech Center

Figure 4.2. COA–U overlays on existing asphalt (left) and

composite (right) pavements

26 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Application and Uses
COA–U overlays generally have the following
characteristics and uses:

• Can be appropriate for asphalt and composite

pavements with significant hot-mix asphalt (HMA)
deterioration, such as severe rutting, potholes,
alligator cracking, subgrade/subbase issues, shoving,
and pumping
• Can be applied to composite pavements with slow- Angela James Folkestad, ACPA, CO/WY Chapter, used with permission
reacting MRD and/or significant cracking Figure 4.3. Unbonded on asphalt
• Are designed as a concrete layer on top of the existing
pavement layer(s), assuming an unbonded condition
between the new and existing layers, and are typically
not designed to include a separation layer
• Are generally 6 in. thick or more for JPCP overlays or
7 in. thick or more for CRCP overlays
• Add structural capacity to the roadway
• Eliminate surface defects such as asphalt rutting,
shoving, and potholes
Brent Burwell, ACPA, OK/AR Chapter, used with permission
• Do not require extensive pre-overlay repairs but
may require spot repairs of certain areas to minimize Figure 4.4. Unbonded on composite
localized failures
• Do not rely on bonding, though some partial Keys to Success
bonding between the overlay and existing asphalt Pavement Evaluation
pavement may occur and can improve the
An evaluation of the existing pavement, described
performance of the pavement
in Chapter 2, is necessary to ensure that it is a good
See Chapter 2 for information about identifying candidate for an unbonded overlay. Some of the key
distresses in existing pavements, and see Appendix A for conclusions from the pavement evaluation should
information on unbonded overlay design. include the following:

• Structural condition and estimated support values

Unbonded overlays of asphalt-surfaced pavements have • Whether milling is required and, if so, to what depth(s)
been used successfully in many states, with more than 30 • For composite pavements specifically, presence of
years of good to excellent performance (as illustrated in MRD, early stages of buckling due to degradation
Figures 4.3 and 4.4). To learn more about the performance and movement at the joints in the underlying
history of COA–U overlays, refer to the following case concrete pavement, and slabs that move or rock under
histories in the tech summary History of Concrete Overlays traffic loading
in the United States (Gross, forthcoming):
• Quantification of needed pre-overlay repairs
• Case History #3–CR-56 in LaSalle County, Illinois
Asphalt pavements are good candidates for unbonded
• Case History #4–US-287 in Kiowa County, Colorado overlays if the existing asphalt layer(s) can provide,
or can be cost-effectively repaired to provide, a
• Case History #7–I-69 in Grant County, Indiana
stable platform for the overlay. See Appendix A for
• Case History #8–I-35 in Love County, Oklahoma information on unbonded overlay design.

Chapter 4. Concrete Overlays on Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements 27

Consideration should be given to the condition of both pavements. When accelerated opening to traffic is
layers (for composite pavements), variability in the desired, conventional concrete mixtures should be
existing profile grade (possible evidence of active panel proportioned for rapid strength gain without increased
movement), and the composite k value of all existing shrinkage. For unbonded overlays less than 6 in. thick,
pavement layers. high-modulus structural fibers are often used to improve
the fracture toughness and post-cracking behavior of the
Overlay Design concrete. Refer to Chapter 8 for information on opening
Important design elements for COA–U overlays include overlays to traffic and Chapter 6 for information on the
the use of the existing pavement as a base, overlay use of fibers in concrete overlays.
thickness, mixture design, joints, and drainage. Refer to
Joint Design. Load transfer design for concrete overlays
Appendix A for additional information on the design
is the same as that used for new concrete pavements.
details noted in this section and Chapter 2 for information
Doweled joints are used for unbonded overlays of
on evaluating the condition of the existing pavement.
pavements that will experience significant truck traffic
Use of the Existing Pavement as a Base. In an (such overlays are typically 7 in. or more in thickness).
unbonded overlay design, the existing multilayered
Drainage. During the evaluation and design stages
pavement is treated as a support system that can be
of an unbonded concrete overlay project, the existing
characterized as a single layer of composite material.
subgrade drainage should be evaluated. Stripping of the
The structural design assumes an unbonded condition
existing asphalt can lead to secondary consolidation of
between the new overlay and the existing asphalt surface,
the stripped layer, resulting in cracking of the unbonded
and COA–U overlays are typically not designed to
overlay due to nonuniform support. Steps should be
include a separation layer. The existing asphalt should
taken to ensure adequate drainage (e.g., retrofitting edge
be evaluated for its ability to provide a stable subbase for
drains and using free-draining shoulder materials and
the unbonded overlay and resist future stripping.
geotextiles). When underdrains are present, they should
Regardless of whether the asphalt will be milled be inspected with video cameras, cleaned, and repaired
or remain in its existing condition, the minimum as necessary.
thickness of remaining asphalt to be overlaid must
be adequate to provide a stable working platform Construction
capable of withstanding all anticipated construction Important construction elements for COA–U overlays
traffic (specifically, trucks loaded with concrete); this is include use of direct placement, pre-overlay repairs,
typically at least 3 to 4 in. of sound asphalt. milling, patch preparation, surface cleaning, concrete
placement, curing, and joint sawing. Refer to Chapter
For a composite pavement, if the existing asphalt is 8 for additional information on the construction and
determined to be unsuitable as a base for an unbonded maintenance activities noted in this section and Chapter
overlay, it can be milled off to expose the underlying 2 for information on evaluating the condition of the
concrete pavement and can be treated as an unbonded existing pavement.
overlay of existing concrete utilizing a new separation
layer. Refer to Chapter 5 for information on COC–U Use of Direct Placement. Direct placement without
overlays. milling is a viable option when rutting in the existing
asphalt pavement does not exceed 2 in. and there is
Overlay Thickness. Unbonded overlay thicknesses no significant surface deterioration or stripping of the
typically range from 6 to 12 in. The required overlay asphalt layers. Any existing pavement ruts are filled with
thickness is affected by the overlay’s desired load- concrete, resulting in a thicker overlay above the ruts.
carrying capacity and service life, as well as the condition
of the underlying pavement. Portions of a project with Pre-overlay Repairs. Unbonded overlays generally
significantly different existing pavement and subbase require minimal pre-overlay repairs of the existing
conditions may be broken into separate sections that are pavement. If significantly distressed areas are not shifting
designed to specifically address those conditions. or moving and the subgrade/subbase is stable, costly
repairs typically are not needed (see Table 4.1).
Mixture Design. Conventional concrete mixtures are
typically used for unbonded overlays of asphalt-surfaced

28 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Table 4.1. Possible pre-overlay repairs on existing asphalt-surfaced pavements in preparation for an unbonded overlay

Existing pavement condition Possible repairs to consider

Remove and replace with stable material (i.e., select borrow, granular
Area of subgrade/subbase failure
subbase, etc.); correct water problems
Remove and replace with asphalt material or concrete patch with
Severe distress that results in variation in strength of asphalt
slurry seal or geotextile separation layer; correct water problems
Full-depth repair with concrete and use asphalt or geotextile
Reflective faulting or panel tenting
separation layer as bond breaker
Potholes Fill with asphalt

Shoving Mill

Rutting ≥2 in. Mill

Rutting <2 in. None or mill

Crack width ≥ maximum coarse aggregate size used in the Fill with suitable crack fill material or cementitious grout to prevent
overly mixture overlay “keying” or interlock

Milling. If surface distortions in the existing pavement the occurrence of significant surface evaporation. (For
are 2 in. or greater, milling is recommended prior to detailed information on curing, see Curing Concrete
placing an unbonded overlay. Milling can (1) eliminate [Taylor 2013].) The cured surface and vertical faces
high spots to help ensure a minimum overlay depth, (2) of the overlay should be free from streaks and appear
provide a more uniform overlay thickness to minimize uniformly white like a sheet of paper.
quantity overruns, and (3) remove damaged asphalt
material that is not suitable in a support layer. Joint Sawing. Timely joint sawing is necessary to
prevent random cracking. Transverse and longitudinal
Surface Cleaning. Before concrete placement, the sawcut operations should be performed before any
surface to be overlaid should be thoroughly swept uncontrolled cracking occurs.
to achieve uniform contact and friction between the
concrete overlay and the existing asphalt surface. Maintenance and Repairs
Concrete Placement. Best practice is to pave on a damp The recommended repair options for unbonded overlays
surface. When the asphalt pavement surface is at or are the same as those for standard concrete pavements.
above 120°F (49°C), wetting can also reduce the surface
temperature and lower the risk of early-age cracking. Concrete on Asphalt–Bonded
The pavement surface should be free of standing water
at the time of overlay placement. Overlays
Figure 4.5 shows a schematic view of two COA–B
Conventional concrete paving practices and procedures overlays, one on an existing asphalt pavement and one
for placing, spreading, consolidating, and finishing the on an existing composite pavement.
concrete overlay are followed. Because of variations in the
surface of the existing pavement, the concrete material
should be bid on a volume (cubic yard) basis. Some
states also include a bid item for placement, measured Bonded concrete overlay
on a square yard basis. See Chapter 7 for additional
information on estimating and bidding quantities.

Curing. Good curing practices are essential for overlays,

Existing asphalt Existing concrete
especially for thin unbonded overlays because of pavement
their high surface area-to-volume ratio. Good curing
is accomplished by applying a high-quality curing CP Tech Center
compound (as described in Chapter 6) at the specified Figure 4.5. COA–B overlays on existing asphalt (left) and
rate immediately after surface texturing and prior to composite (right) pavements

Chapter 4. Concrete Overlays on Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements 29

Application and Uses
COA–B overlays generally have the following
characteristics and uses:

• Can be applied to asphalt or composite roads, streets,

and intersections in fair or better structural condition
with typical distresses such as rutting, shoving, minor
alligator cracking, and thermal cracking
• Are typically 6 in. thick or less
• Rely on the existing asphalt-surfaced pavement to
Angela James Folkestad, ACPA, CO/WY Chapter, used with permission
provide additional load-carrying capacity, with the
design assuming a bond between the overlay and Figure 4.6. Bonded on asphalt
the existing asphalt surface to form a monolithic
structural section, thereby reducing stresses and
deflections (See Appendix A for information on
bonded overlay design.)
• Add structural capacity where traffic loads have
increased or are anticipated to increase
• Eliminate surface defects such as rutting and shoving

Bonded concrete overlays of asphalt-surfaced pavements
have been used successfully in many states to maintain
Dan King, Iowa Concrete Paving Association, used with permission
and rehabilitate asphalt pavements with surface defects
(as illustrated in Figures 4.6 and 4.7). Numerous Figure 4.7. Bonded on composite
studies (such as NCHRP Project 1-61: Evaluation of
Bonded Concrete Overlays on Asphalt Pavements [Pierce,
Keys to Success
forthcoming] and Concrete Overlay Performance on Iowa’s
Low Volume Roadways [Gross et al. 2017]) have shown Pavement Evaluation
bonded concrete overlays to deliver a durable surface An evaluation of the existing pavement, described in
course, provided that (1) a sufficient bond exists between Chapter 2, is necessary to determine whether a bonded
the asphalt surface and concrete overlay (see Appendix A overlay is appropriate for a given project. Some of the
for information on developing an overlay bond), (2) the key conclusions from the pavement evaluation should
existing asphalt pavement provides adequate structural include the following:
support, and (3) panel sizes are selected to reduce slab
stresses and minimize early-age debonding. • Existing structural condition and estimated support
To learn more about the performance history of COA–B
overlays, refer to the following case histories in the tech • Whether milling is required and, if so, to what depth(s)
summary History of Concrete Overlays in the United States • Whether a minimum of 3 in. of sound asphalt
(Gross, forthcoming): remains after any milling
• Case History #1–US-69 in Pittsburg County, • Quantification of pre-overlay repairs
Asphalt pavements with significant structural distresses,
• Case History #2–SR-16 in Dawson County, Montana inadequate base/subbase support, or stripping of the
asphalt layers are not good candidates for a bonded
• Case History #5–US-89 in Provo, Utah
concrete overlay; in such cases, an unbonded overlay
• Case History #6–SH-13 north of Manchester, Iowa should be considered.

30 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Composite pavements are not good candidates for a Filling the joints in bonded overlays has been proven
bonded overlay if they display any of the following: to improve performance in wet-freeze climates. For
information on joint filling and sealing, see the ACPA
• Significant structural deterioration, inadequate or tech brief Concrete Pavement Joint Sealing/Filling (ACPA
uneven subgrade/subbase support, poor drainage 2018). For information on the performance of sealed
conditions, or stripping or delamination of the overlay joints, see Impact of Sealed Joints on Performance
asphalt layers of Thin Whitetopping at MnROAD (Burnham 2012).
• Problems in the underlying concrete due to MRD
Drainage. Stripping or delamination in the underlying
• Indications of possible future durability problems asphalt layer can lead to premature failure of the bonded
concrete overlay. During the evaluation and design stages
Overlay Design of a bonded concrete overlay project, the existing surface
Important design elements for COA–B overlays and subsurface drainage should be evaluated in a manner
include overlay thickness, mixture design, joint design, similar to that used for an asphalt resurfacing design.
and drainage. Refer to Appendix A for additional When underdrains are present, they should be cleaned,
information on the design details noted in this section video inspected, and repaired as necessary.
and Chapter 2 for information on evaluating the
condition of the existing pavement. Construction
Important construction elements for COA–B overlays
Overlay Thickness. The design thickness for COA–B include use of direct placement, pre-overlay repairs,
overlays is generally 4 to 6 in., depending on the desired milling, surface cleaning, concrete placement, curing,
load-carrying capacity and service life of the overlay joint sawing, and joint sealing. Refer to Chapter 8
and the structural capacity provided by the underlying for additional information on the construction and
pavement. Additional overlay thickness may be required maintenance activities noted in this section and Chapter
in transition sections to prevent movement of the 2 for information on evaluating the condition of the
overlay panels adjacent to the existing asphalt pavement existing pavement.
and to reduce the potential for cracking due to traffic
impact loadings. Use of Direct Placement. Direct placement without
milling is a viable option when rutting in the existing
Mixture Design. Conventional concrete mixtures asphalt pavement does not exceed 2 in. and there is no
have been successfully used for COA–B overlays. For significant surface deterioration or stripped layers in the
bonded overlays less than 5 in. thick, high-modulus asphalt. Any ruts in the existing pavement are filled with
structural fibers are often used to improve the fracture concrete, resulting in a thicker overlay above the ruts.
toughness and post-cracking behavior of the concrete.
(See Chapter 6 for information on the use of fibers Pre-overlay Repairs. Recommended pre-overlay repairs
in concrete overlays.) These benefits apply to overlays when placing bonded concrete overlays on existing
greater than 5 in. thick as well. Early opening times can asphalt and composite pavements are summarized in
be identified by the use of maturity measurements. For Table 4.2.
information on maturity testing, see Chapter 9 of the
IMCP manual (Taylor et al. 2019). For existing composite pavements, vertical movement
of the underlying concrete should be mitigated with
Joint Design. The recommended joint pattern for full-depth repairs. For all existing asphalt-surfaced
COA–B overlays results in small, approximately pavements, if cracking in the existing pavement
square panels, typically in the range of 3 to 8 ft, with is of medium to low severity, it can be controlled
a preferred slab size of approximately 6 ft. Shorter without repairing the underlying pavement by adding
joint spacing helps maintain a low bond stress between macrofibers to the overlay mixture or, in some cases,
the concrete overlay and the asphalt and reduces load by placing reinforcing steel over the joint/crack in the
and curling stresses in the slab. The use of tie bars for existing pavement (see Figure 4.8). For information on
bonded overlays should follow the guidance summarized the latter method, refer to the example construction
in Appendix A. Macrofibers can substitute for tie bars detail published by the CP Tech Center.
in many sawn contraction joints, but tie bars are needed
for construction joints.

Chapter 4. Concrete Overlays on Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements 31

Table 4.2. Possible pre-overlay repairs on existing asphalt-surfaced pavements in preparation for a bonded overlay

Existing pavement distress Spot repairs to consider

Rutting ≥2 in. Mill

Rutting <2 in. None or mill

Shoving, slippage Mill

Crack width ≥ maximum coarse aggregate size used in the Fill with suitable crack fill material or cementitious grout to prevent
concrete overlay mixture overlay “keying” or interlock.
Crack width < maximum coarse aggregate size used in the
concrete overlay mixture
Low- to medium-severity potholes Remove loose material and fill integrally with the concrete overlay.
To prevent a single overlay panel from bonding to both asphalt and
concrete, make full-depth repairs across a full lane width with concrete
High-severity potholes and/or areas needing full-depth repair and adjust the transverse joint spacing in the concrete overlay to match
the location of the underlying patch. The full lane width prevents trying
to match a longitudinal joint to a partial lane patch.

asphalt pavement. Measures should be taken to ensure

that the construction process does not damage the
asphalt pavement being overlaid.

Surface Cleaning. Following pre-overlay repairs, the

asphalt surface should be cleaned to enhance bonding
between the existing asphalt surface and the new
concrete overlay.

Concrete Placement. Best practice is to pave on a

damp surface. When the asphalt pavement surface is at
James Cable
or above 120°F (49°C), wetting can reduce the surface
Figure 4.8. Placement of reinforcing steel over a crack in an temperature and lower the risk of early-age cracking.
existing asphalt-surfaced pavement
The pavement surface should be free of standing water
at the time of overlay placement.
Milling. Typically, milling asphalt surfaces to improve
bonding between the overlay and the existing pavement Conventional concrete paving practices and procedures
is not required; however, consideration should be given to for placing, spreading, consolidating, and finishing the
milling asphalt surfaces that have little texture. The main concrete overlay are followed. Because of variations
objectives of milling prior to placing a bonded overlay are in the surface of the existing pavement, the concrete
(1) to minimize raising the profile grade of the roadway, material should be bid on a volume (cubic yard) basis.
(2) to remove significant surface distortions containing Some states also include a bid item for placement,
deteriorated asphaltic material that may result in an measured on a square yard basis. See Chapter 7 for
inadequate bonding surface, (3) to reduce high spots to information on estimating and bidding quantities.
help ensure a minimum overlay depth and reduce the
quantity of concrete needed to fill low spots, and (4) to Curing. Good curing practices are essential for overlays.
match the elevations of curbs or adjacent structures. Good curing is accomplished by applying a high-quality
curing compound (as described in Chapter 6) at the
The minimum thickness of structurally sound asphalt specified rate immediately after surface texturing and
required for bonding is 3 in. (Refer to Appendix A for before surface evaporation becomes significant. The
information on determining the appropriate thickness cured surface and vertical faces of the overlay should
of the existing asphalt.) This applies to both existing be free from streaks and appear uniformly white like a
composite and asphalt pavements. sheet of paper.
Construction traffic—particularly trucks loaded with
concrete—can cause significant damage to the existing

32 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Joint Sawing. Transverse and longitudinal sawcut Maintenance and Repairs
operations should be performed in a timely manner
Joints in COA–B overlays should be maintained to
before any uncontrolled cracking occurs. Joint sawing
prevent the ingress of moisture and incompressibles.
should commence as soon as the concrete has developed
See Appendix A for information on the benefits of
sufficient strength for joints to be cut without significant
joint sealing.
raveling. Lightweight early-entry saws may be used
to allow the sawing crew to get onto the pavement as COA–B overlays may be repaired using full-panel
soon as possible. With a typical joint spacing of 3 to 6 replacement (as described in Chapter 8) or by milling
ft, extra saws will likely be needed to avoid unplanned and inlaying with concrete. Defects should not be
cracks. The depth of the sawcut joints should follow the patched with asphalt because adjacent concrete panels
recommendations provided in Appendix A. will move and break the bond between the overlay and
the asphalt patch. If a panel is cracked but pavement
Joint Sealing. In wet-freeze climates, contraction
ride quality is not compromised, the panel should be left
and construction joints should be filled with a hot-
in place. If a ride quality problem develops, the panel
poured joint sealant (the use of a backer rod is not
should be replaced before any pieces of concrete come
recommended). (See Appendix A for information on
loose from the overlay.
joint sealing options and procedures.) In other climates,
joints may remain unfilled if the risk of infilling with
incompressibles is low.

Chapter 4. Concrete Overlays on Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements 33

34 Guide to Concrete Overlays
Chapter 5
Concrete Overlays on
Concrete Pavements

Concrete on Concrete–Unbonded Overlays 36

Application and Uses 36
Performance 37
Keys to Success 37
Maintenance and Repairs 41

Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays 41

Chapter 5. Concrete Overlays on Concrete Pavements 35

When a concrete pavement structure approaches the end Unbonded concrete
of its intended service life or experiences an unacceptable overlay
level of deterioration, rarely does reconstruction result HMA or
in an economical solution. Concrete overlays that are 2 geotextile
to 4 in. thick or that are 6 in. thick or more are sound layer
preservation and rehabilitation strategies, respectively, Existing concrete pavement
for existing concrete pavements. With the placement
of an overlay, the existing pavement is restored from CP Tech Center
deficient conditions and gains service life (Figure 5.1). Figure 5.2. COC–U overlay
Concrete overlays on existing concrete pavements
include both JPCP and CRCP overlays.

Concrete on Concrete–Unbonded The two concrete layers are separated by an asphalt or

geotextile separation layer designed to provide isolation,
Overlays bedding, and/or drainage. Figure 5.2 shows a schematic
COC–U overlays can be found on all functional view of an unbonded overlay over concrete pavement.
classifications of roadways. By definition, COC–U
COC–U overlays are a cost-effective pavement
overlays consist of a new portland cement concrete
rehabilitation technique typically placed on existing
surface placed over an existing concrete pavement.
concrete pavements in poor or deteriorated condition.
Even pavements experiencing MRD can still provide
Concrete on Concrete–Unbonded stable and uniform support for a successful COC–U
overlay rehabilitation. COC–U overlays allow an agency
to maximize its return on investment by realizing as
much life as possible from the initial pavement asset.
Unbonded concrete overlays over concrete pavements
have been successfully used throughout the US for over
40 years.

Application and Uses

COC–U overlays generally have the following
characteristics and uses:

• Are designed essentially as a new concrete pavement

on a stable base course
Concrete on Concrete–Bonded • Restore or enhance the pavement’s structural capacity
• Improve surface friction, noise, smoothness
• Have a pavement life comparable to that of a new full-
depth pavement
• Do not experience reflective cracking due to the use
of an asphalt or geotextile separation layer, assuming
uniform support conditions provided by the existing

CP Tech Center

Figure 5.1. Bonded and unbonded overlays of existing

concrete pavements

36 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Performance Critical factors that affect the performance of unbonded
overlays include uniform support from the existing
COC–U overlays offer excellent potential for successful
pavement, the type of separation layer used, overlay
long-term performance, even when the underlying
thickness, joint spacing layout, load transfer design, and
pavement is in relatively poor condition. A 2008
the type of cementitious joint repair material used.
project on Route D within the Kansas City, Missouri,
metropolitan area illustrates this potential. In 2007, To learn more about the performance history of
Route D was a 22-year-old, 8 in. thick JPCP that had COC–U overlays, refer to the following case histories
substantial D-cracking in the transverse and longitudinal in the tech summary History of Concrete Overlays in the
joints (Figure 5.3, top). The unsound material in the United States (Gross, forthcoming):
deteriorated joints was removed, and the joints were
• Case History #11–US-131 in Allegan County, Michigan
cleaned and filled with 2,000 psi cementitious repair
material without reestablishing (sawing over) the • Case History #12–I-85 in Granville County, North
existing (transverse) joints. Carolina
The existing pavement was overlaid with 5 in. of plain • Case History #17–I-40 in North Little Rock, Arkansas
(i.e., without steel or fibers) unbonded concrete with a
geotextile fabric serving as the separation layer (Figure Keys to Success
5.3, bottom). The single-cut joints sawed in the 6 ft by The following actions will help ensure a successful project:
6 ft panels were left unsealed. The 5 in. thick unbonded
concrete overlay solution eliminated the need for • Design the overlay as essentially a new concrete
conducting costly full-depth repairs and resulted in a pavement on a stable base layer (the existing concrete
more long-lasting resurfacing. Route D has continued pavement).
to provide excellent service for over 12 years and is still • Consider full-depth repairs only where structural
operational today. integrity needs to be restored to provide uniform
support or to eliminate rocking or moving slabs.
• An asphalt separation layer with a minimum thickness
of 1 in. or a geotextile fabric separation layer is
required to isolate the overlay from the existing
concrete and prevent reflective cracking.
• Provide a stripping-resistant, dense-graded asphalt
layer or a drainable asphalt separation layer to prevent
separation layer stripping. For a geotextile fabric
separation layer, daylight the fabric to the foreslope or
to a drainage conduit.
• During the evaluation of the existing concrete
pavement, consider joint milling/grinding if a
geotextile fabric separation layer will be used and
faulting exceeds ¼ in. or if an asphalt separation layer
will be used and faulting exceeds ⅜ in.
• Determine whether the existing concrete pavement
provides uniform and continuous support.
• Sawcut joints in thinner unbonded overlays as soon as
possible, because the sawing window may be shorter
than it typically is for full-depth slabs. Thinner
unbonded overlays have a typically shorter sawing
Todd LaTorella, ACPA, MO/KS Chapter, used with permission window because the surface area-to-volume ratio is
Figure 5.3. Route D existing concrete in deteriorated condition larger than that of conventional full-depth concrete
in 2007 (top); 5 in. unbonded overlay constructed on Route D in pavements, resulting in more rapid cooling and
2008 (bottom, photo taken in 2020) drying contraction.

Chapter 5. Concrete Overlays on Concrete Pavements 37

• Shorter joint spacing in an unbonded overlay Overlay Design
compared to a full-depth pavement will reduce curling Unbonded overlays are designed similarly to new
and warping stresses. concrete pavements, in that the thickness and stiffness
• Matching the transverse joints in the existing pavement of the support layers is considered and a separated
is not necessary for unbonded overlays except for the condition (unbonded slip) between the overlay and the
existing pavement’s expansion or isolation joints. For existing pavement is assumed. Critical design factors
unbonded overlays, the expansion and isolation joints that control overlay performance are use of the existing
in the existing pavement should be reproduced in the pavement as a base, overlay thickness, use of FRC,
overlay, with the overlay’s joint locations matched to use of a separation layer, separation layer material,
those of the underlying pavement. concrete mixture design, joint design, joint activation,
and drainage. Refer to Appendix A for additional
Pavement Evaluation information on the design details noted in this section.
One of the first steps in determining whether a Use of the Existing Pavement as a Base. In an
pavement is a good candidate for a COC–U overlay is unbonded overlay design, the existing multilayered
to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement and pavement is treated as a support system that can be
its performance issues and their causes, as described in characterized as a single layer of composite material.
Chapter 2. This information also indicates the extent The structural design assumes an unbonded condition
of the spot repairs required before an overlay can be between the new overlay and existing concrete surface.
constructed. Typically, minimal repairs are needed for The existing concrete should be evaluated for its ability
unbonded concrete overlays, making them a cost-effective to provide a stable subbase for the unbonded overlay
solution. Two key characteristics of the existing pavement and to resist future deterioration.
should be noted during the pavement evaluation:
uniformity of support and presence of faulting. Regardless of whether the concrete pavement will
be milled or remain in its existing condition, the
Uniformity of Support. For an unbonded overlay, it minimum thickness of concrete to be overlaid must
is necessary to determine whether the existing concrete be adequate to provide a stable working platform
pavement and its subbase can provide reasonably uniform capable of withstanding all anticipated construction
support and whether any corrective actions are needed. traffic (specifically, trucks loaded with concrete). This is
The evaluation of support conditions also determines the typically a minimum of 4 in. of concrete.
existing pavement’s structural contribution as a stable
support layer without significant differential movement, Overlay Thickness. The required overlay thickness is
drainage issues, erosion, or subgrade stability issues. affected by the desired load-carrying capacity and service
Differential movement across the transverse joints of life of the overlay, as well as by the condition of the
the existing concrete pavement must be evaluated to existing concrete pavement.
determine that it will not result in differential movement
of the concrete overlay and lead to overlay cracking. Use of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. FRC technology for
concrete pavements was introduced several decades ago,
Presence of Faulting. Pavement faulting can usually and in the last 15 years the use of synthetic macrofiber
be attributed to a combination of reduced load transfer reinforcement in concrete overlays has increased. A
between slabs and reduced subgrade/subbase support. study of concrete overlays in Illinois reported that
When the subgrade/subbase is stable, the increase in FRC overlays performed better than similar plain
load-carrying capacity provided by an unbonded overlay concrete overlays (Heckel and Wienrank 2018). The
has proven to be adequate to prevent joint faulting. The known benefits of FRC for concrete overlays include
maximum faulting depth is recommended to be no more increasing load-carrying capacity, decreasing crack
than 3/8 in. when a 1 in. thick asphalt separation layer is widths, maintaining load transfer efficiency across joints
used and no more than 1/4 in. when a geotextile separation or cracks, and extending pavement service life through
layer is used. The recommended limits are intended to reduced crack deterioration. Macrofibers have replaced
prevent keying of faulted joints through the separation tie bars across contraction joints in thinner overlays (4
layer and into the concrete overlay. When these depths to 5 in. thick) with short panel sizes, though not across
are exceeded, corrective measures such as surface grinding construction joints. Because FRC has been shown to
or, in the case of an asphalt separation layer, increasing decrease crack deterioration and thus improve long-term
the separation layer thickness are necessary. durability at a reasonable cost, it is recommended that

38 Guide to Concrete Overlays

4 to 6 in. thick unbonded overlays use FRC. For more may move during paving operations. The size, layout,
information about FRC in concrete overlays, see Fiber- and coating of the dowel bars should be selected for the
Reinforced Concrete for Pavement Overlays: Technical specific project’s location and traffic levels.
Overview (Roesler et al. 2019).
The design of tie bar systems for unbonded overlays
Use of a Separation Layer. In unbonded overlays, should follow the conventional use for concrete
a separation layer is placed between the existing pavements 5 in. thick or more. Macrofibers have
pavement and the overlay to help eliminate reflective replaced tie bars across contraction joints in thinner
cracking and is one of the primary factors influencing unbonded overlays (4 to 5 in. thick) with short panel
the performance of COC–U overlays. The separation sizes, but not across construction joints.
layer provides a shear plane that helps prevent existing
pavement cracks from reflecting into the new overlay. Joint Activation. In thin concrete overlays (4 to 6
in. thick), field observations have shown that some
Separation Layer Material. The use of nonwoven contraction joints may not initially activate and, in
geotextile as a separation layer has increased substantially some cases, do not activate until many years after
over the last 10 years. The other commonly used construction. Contraction joints that do not activate
separation layer is a 1 in. drainable HMA, which may lead to unwanted dominant joints (i.e., joints that
provides adequate coverage over irregularities in the are much wider than the surrounding joints), increased
existing pavement. In an effort to reduce asphalt joint maintenance and repair costs, and negative
consolidation and pore pressure in HMA separation impacts on concrete overlay performance. For more
layers, typical asphalt mixtures are modified in some information on joint spacing strategies to achieve joint
states to make the asphalt more porous. The Minnesota activation, see Optimized Joint Spacing for Concrete
Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has designed Overlays with and without Structural Fiber Reinforcement
an asphalt mixture (referred to as a permeable asphalt- (Gross et al. 2019).
stabilized stress relief course [PASSRC]) with a
modified aggregate gradation to address stripping and Drainage. During the evaluation and design stages of a
consolidation concerns in asphalt separation layers. The COC–U overlay, the existing subgrade drainage should
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) be evaluated. If the concrete overlay is exposed to high
has also adopted a dense-graded asphalt mixture for ambient temperatures and a sudden increase in moisture
separation layers. For more information on the materials levels (from, for example, a quick rain shower), the
used in separation layers, see Chapter 6. pavement may experience sudden expansion and possible
buckling at the joints. During freeze-thaw conditions in
Concrete Mixture Design. Conventional concrete wet-weather areas, the entrapped moisture can also lead
paving mixtures are generally used for unbonded to durability problems in the aggregate. Overall, excessive
overlays, with the exception of mixtures that moisture can compromise the concrete pavement’s
incorporate macrofibers or mixtures designed to structural integrity, rideability, and load-carrying
accommodate an accelerated construction window. capacity. Additionally, excessive subgrade moisture can
When accelerated opening to traffic is desired, soften the subgrade and result in differential movement
conventional concrete mixtures should be proportioned of the concrete pavement, leading to distress cracking in
for rapid strength gain. For more information on the unbonded overlay. Steps should be taken to ensure
concrete materials and performance-engineered mixture adequate drainage, such as retrofitting edge drains, using
properties, see Chapter 6. free-draining shoulder materials, and daylighting the
separation layer on the shoulder. When underdrains are
Joint Design. The load transfer design details for present, they should be cleaned and maintained.
unbonded overlays are similar to those for new concrete
pavements, with the understanding that unbonded Construction
overlays provide lower joint deflections because of
Important construction elements for unbonded overlays
the strong support provided by the existing concrete
on concrete pavements include pre-overlay repairs,
pavement. In overlays 7 in. thick or more, dowel bars are
separation layer placement, concrete placement, curing,
usually warranted to accommodate heavy truck traffic.
joint sawing, joint sealing, and opening to traffic. See
Installation of dowels in thinner COC–U overlays can
Chapter 8 for more details on the construction and
be difficult because of the minimal concrete cover and
maintenance tasks noted in this section.
the possibility that inadequately anchored dowel baskets

Chapter 5. Concrete Overlays on Concrete Pavements 39

Pre-overlay Repairs. The surface of the existing geotextile fabric can be used to help reflect solar energy
pavement should be inspected for isolated pockets in hot weather.
of deterioration that require repairs. Typically, only
distresses that cause a major loss of structural integrity Adequately anchoring dowel baskets to the existing
require repair. If distressed areas are not significantly concrete pavement is important during placement of the
deflecting or moving and the subgrade and subbase overlay. Alternatively, pavers equipped with dowel bar
are stable, costly repairs are typically not needed, inserters can be used.
particularly when the overlay slab thickness has been Because of variations in the thickness of the overlay
adequately designed and an adequate separation layer is concrete, agencies are encouraged to bid the concrete
present. Table 5.1 lists possible pre-overlay repairs. material on a volume (cubic yard) basis. A bid item
Separation Layer Placement. A well-placed and for placement is typically measured on a square yard
compacted HMA or a secured and unwrinkled geotextile basis. See Chapter 7 for information on estimating and
separation layer helps ensure good performance of the bidding quantities.
unbonded overlay. Before the separation layer is placed Curing. Good curing practices are critical for unbonded
on the existing pavement, the surface should be swept concrete overlays, especially for thin unbonded overlays
clean of any loose material with either a mechanical because of their high surface-area-to-volume ratio. Good
sweeper or an air blower. Conventional placement curing is accomplished by applying a curing compound
practices and procedures should be followed for placing immediately after surface texturing. The finished
the separation layer. product should appear uniformly white like a sheet
Concrete Placement. Conventional concrete paving of paper, with the vertical faces along the edges of the
procedures are followed for placing, spreading, overlay also thoroughly coated.
consolidating, and finishing the unbonded overlay. Joint Sawing. Timely joint sawing is necessary to
When the surface temperature of the separation layer prevent undesired slab cracking. Transverse and
exceeds 120°F (49°C), spraying the surface with water longitudinal joints should be sawed with conventional
can reduce the temperature and minimize the chance of saws to a depth of T/3. For early-entry sawing, transverse
early-age cracking. Do not flood the surface with water, joint sawcut depths should be no less than 1.25 in. Since
which may leave puddles of water prior to paving. concrete overlays tend to vary in thickness due to crown
When a black geotextile separation layer is cooled with and cross-slope corrections, the contractor may need to
water, it should be dampened and not saturated. A adjust sawing operations to provide the minimum T/3
simple test is to touch the fabric; no water should show depth over the varying pavement thicknesses. Good
on the fingers. Additionally, no standing water should construction sawing practices and an adequate number
remain on the surface of the geotextile at the time the of saws can greatly reduce early pavement stresses and
overlay is placed. To help reduce heat absorption, white help accommodate early opening to traffic.

Table 5.1. Possible pre-overlay repairs on existing concrete pavements in preparation for an unbonded overlay

Existing pavement condition Possible repairs to consider

Faulting; ≤0.25 in. for geotextile separation layer;

≤ 0.38 in. for 1 in. asphalt separation layer
Faulting; >0.25 in. for geotextile separation layer; Grind pavement to remove faulting for geotextile or thicker asphalt
>0.38 in. for 1 in. asphalt separation layer separation layer
Significant tenting Full-depth repair
Badly shattered slabs Full-depth repair
Significant pumping Full-depth spot repair and drainage improvements
Severe joint spalling Remove all loose fragments and clean
Spalling less than half of the pavement thickness Remove spalling and fill with flowable cementitious mixture
Remove and clean deteriorated joint and fill with 2,000 psi
Spalling more than half of the pavement thickness
cementitious material
CRCP with punchouts or other severe damage Full-depth repair

40 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Joint Filling. Joint filling of thinner (4 to 6 in.) COC–B overlays are relatively thin (typically 2 to 6 in.)
unbonded overlays is encouraged in wet-weather states concrete layers bonded to an existing concrete pavement
to help prevent early-age buckling. surface, which must be in good condition or be able to
be cost-effectively improved to good condition, to create
Opening to Traffic. Recommendations on determining a paving layer that acts monolithically (Figure 5.4).
the strength required for opening to traffic can be found The development of a bond between the two layers is
in Chapter 6. directly considered in the overlay thickness design and
is, therefore, essential to the performance of the system.
Maintenance and Repairs
Bonded overlays have been built and used on every type
Recommended repair options for unbonded overlays are
of highway system, from Interstates to local roads (see
the same as those for standard concrete pavements.
the ACPA’s National Concrete Overlay Explorer [ACPA
2021]). When designed and constructed correctly,
Concrete on Concrete–Bonded this overlay type provides a means of improving the
Overlays structural capacity of an existing concrete pavement,
particularly when increased traffic is anticipated. Bonded
Because the use of COC–B overlays is restricted to overlays can also cover surface defects such as plastic
pavement in good condition, this type of overlay is only shrinkage cracks and improve characteristics such as
considered in special circumstances and is not nearly friction, noise, and smoothness.
as common as other types of concrete overlays. While
rare and unique, bonded concrete overlays of concrete Because COC–B overlays are considered a specialty
pavements are nevertheless viable. Figure 5.4 shows a item, additional details and case studies are presented in
schematic view of a COC–B overlay. Appendix C.

Bonded concrete


Original concrete pavement

CP Tech Center

Figure 5.4. COC–B overlay

Chapter 5. Concrete Overlays on Concrete Pavements 41

42 Guide to Concrete Overlays
Chapter 6
Materials and Mixtures

Concrete Material Constituents 44

Cementitious Materials 44
Aggregates 44
Water 44
Admixtures 44

Performance-Engineered Mixture Properties for Overlays 45

Strength 45
Workability 45
Shrinkage 45
Cold Weather Resistance 45

Water-to-Cementitious Materials Ratio 46

Opening Criteria for Concrete Overlays 46

Other Overlay Materials 47

Macrofibers for Concrete Overlays 47
Separation Layer 50
Dowel Bars and Tie Bars 51
Curing Compound 51
Joint Fillers and Sealants 51

Chapter 6. Materials and Mixtures 43

Concrete overlays are constructed with conventional their physical properties. Overlay mixtures made with a
concrete paving materials, which include cement, well-graded combined aggregate system have improved
supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), workability, minimized paste (cementitious materials
aggregate, water, chemical admixtures, dowel bars, tie and water) requirements, reduced shrinkage, reduced
bars, continuous steel reinforcing (for CRCP overlays), permeability, lower costs, and improved mechanical
curing compounds, and joint fillers or sealants. interlock properties at joints and cracks. The maximum
Concrete overlays can also include macrofibers and coarse aggregate size should not exceed one-third of the
separation layers. concrete overlay thickness. The improved workability
of well-graded concrete mixtures facilitates efficient
As with conventional concrete pavements, an effective placement and finishing. For more information on
mixture design is essential to the performance of a aggregates in concrete mixtures, refer to Chapter 4 of
concrete overlay. Each component of the concrete the IMCP manual.
mixture should be carefully selected so that the
resulting composite mixture will provide consistent For COC–B overlays, it is important that the aggregate
fresh properties for construction, develop specified has a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) similar
hardened properties, and resist environmental factors to or less than that of the existing pavement. This will
and deleterious chemical reactions over its service life. ensure that the structural layers deform similarly under
For more information on concrete mixture design, see temperature changes and will reduce the potential for
Chapter 7 of the IMCP manual. debonding. For more information on COC–B overlays,
refer to Appendix C.
Concrete Material Constituents
Cementitious Materials There is no difference in the quality of water used for
Common paving cements, including Type I and Type II batching concrete overlays and batching conventional
cements (ASTM C150), and SCMs are typically used concrete pavement. The water must be free of any
for concrete overlays. Other blended cements (ASTM impurities that may affect setting time, concrete
C595) and hydraulic cements (ASTM C1157) can also strength, or any property related to durability. Water
be used. Use of Type III cements for concrete overlays is from a potable source is acceptable, while water from
not recommended due to the risk of increased cracking nonpotable sources or recycled water from concrete
from drying and thermal shrinkage. production operations should be tested for impurities
before using (Taylor et al. 2019).
Typical replacement rates of portland cement with
SCMs are 15% to 35%, depending on the chemical
compositions and types of SCMs used. Commonly used
SCMs include Class C fly ash, Class F fly ash, and slag Various admixtures are commonly used in concrete
cement. SCMs can improve concrete durability and, in overlay mixtures. (Refer to Chapter 4 of the IMCP
certain combinations with cement, delay setting time. manual for more detailed information on admixtures.)
Delayed setting time can facilitate construction during
Air-entraining admixtures provide freeze-thaw resistance
hot weather by extending the concrete placement time
and improve resistance to salt scaling. Air entrainment
and can be critical for thinner concrete overlays and
also increases the workability of concrete mixtures and
during cooler weather. Delayed setting may also affect
decreases the risk of segregation and bleeding (Taylor et
the timing of sawcutting operations.
al. 2019). The agency requirements for the air content
For more information on cementitious materials, refer to of concrete overlays are typically the same as those for
Chapter 4 of the IMCP manual (Taylor et al. 2019). conventional concrete.

Water reducers are added to concrete mixtures to reduce

Aggregates the amount of water required to produce concrete of a
The aggregate selected should meet the physical and given consistency. This type of admixture allows for a
chemical stability criteria for the design life of the moderate water-to-cementitious materials (w/cm) ratio
project. Similar to the aggregates used in conventional to be maintained while achieving a desired workability.
paving materials, the aggregates used in concrete
overlays should conform to ASTM C33 in terms of

44 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Accelerators are sometimes added during cool weather to ensure adequate fiber dispersion and to facilitate
to accelerate initial and final set. Accelerators should finishing and texturing. Water-reducing admixtures can
be used with caution in concrete overlays, especially provide an increase in the workability of the mixture
during warmer weather, to ensure that adequate without increasing the water or paste content but may
time is available for placing and finishing. For more increase the risk of segregation. Although the slump
information on accelerated set times, refer to Opening test has been historically used to assess workability,
Criteria for Concrete Overlays in this chapter. the vibrating Kelly ball (VKelly) and Box Tests are
newer testing procedures that indicate how a mixture
Set-retarding admixtures are occasionally utilized during responds to vibration. Some agencies have found these
hot weather to slow the rate of hydration. They should workability tests to be beneficial during the mixture
be used with caution for thin overlays, which could design phase but not appropriate for acceptance testing
develop shrinkage and random cracks during warm and during paving. More information on PEM testing for
windy weather when curing is delayed. workability can be found at
Performance-Engineered Mixture
Properties for Overlays Shrinkage
Producing a concrete overlay mixture that performs well Concrete overlays can be more susceptible to concrete
under expected service and environmental conditions is shrinkage than conventional pavements because of the
the primary long-term objective of the mixture design higher surface-to-volume ratio and the sometimes high
process. Performance-engineered mixtures (PEM) level of bond or friction at the slab-support interface.
can help define and achieve the desired performance Concrete shrinkage can lead to debonding at the
properties for a given mixture. (For a comprehensive slab-support interface, an increase in the magnitude
overview of PEM, see Performance-Engineered Mixtures of moisture curling (differential shrinkage), and
(PEM) for Concrete Pavements [Cackler et al. 2017].) premature cracking. The primary factor controlling
PEM focuses on six concrete performance properties the shrinkage magnitude of a mixture is the volume of
that are fundamental for long-term durability: strength, paste. The volume of paste can be reduced by limiting
cold weather resistance, aggregate stability, workability, the cementitious materials content and adopting an
shrinkage, and fluid transport. The four PEM properties optimized aggregate gradation. Successful mixes can be
critical to concrete overlays are summarized below. achieved with a paste volume of 25% or less. For more
information on achieving an optimal paste content, refer
to Chapter 7 of the IMCP manual for a discussion of
Strength the void ratio method and absolute volume ratio.
The strength of a concrete overlay mixture should be
similar to that of a conventional paving mixture. For
thinner concrete overlays, it is especially important to
Cold Weather Resistance
maintain normal concrete flexural strengths and not Properly designed and constructed concrete overlays that
specify high-strength materials because doing so may have adequate air content and proper air distribution,
lead to a more brittle concrete surface, increased thermal low permeability, and the recommended range of
and moisture shrinkage, and debonding of the overlay SCMs can minimize the risk of joint spalling in cold
from the substrate. The compressive or flexural strength weather environments. Some agencies have used the
of the overlay should be measured to ensure that the Super Air Meter (SAM) to determine the proper air
design strength of the mixture is achieved. The addition void distribution by correlating the SAM number with
of macrofibers increases fracture toughness. the air void spacing factor. The American Concrete
Institute (ACI) Guide to Durable Concrete (ACI
Committee 201 2016) suggests that a spacing factor of
Workability 0.008 in. and a specific surface of 600 in.2/in.3 be used
The workability of a concrete overlay mixture should to determine whether a concrete is frost susceptible.
be similar to that of a conventional concrete paving Information on PEM testing methods for cold weather
mixture. Workability is influenced by aggregate resistance can be found at
gradation, mixture proportioning, and placement performance-engineered-mixtures-pem/.
sequence. For thinner overlays, the addition of
macrofibers may require adjustment of the paste content

Chapter 6. Materials and Mixtures 45

The use of SCMs in concrete mixtures can reduce the concrete will continue to gain strength and ultimately
risk of joint deterioration and spalling caused by calcium reach the design strength (Roesler et al. 2000).
oxychlorides that form when certain deicing salts are
applied. The reduction in calcium hydroxide content For example, the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority
achieved through the addition of SCMs results directly has utilized an opening compressive strength of
in a reduction in the formation of calcium oxychloride approximately 2,000 psi, typically for thicker slabs (10
(Weiss et al. 2018). in.). For concrete overlays, this compressive strength
value may be appropriate if the support structure
is sufficient. In a more extreme example, a study
Water-to-Cementitious conducted at MnROAD, TPF-5(341), Evaluation
Materials Ratio of Long-Term Impacts of Early Opening of Concrete
Pavements, documented an unloaded snowplow truck
As with conventional concrete mixtures, the w/cm ratio
driving on a pavement at approximately 73 psi flexural
is a key parameter affecting the workability, strength,
strength with no visible signs of distress. For more
permeability, and durability of concrete overlays. The
information on this study, see the 2019 draft report
w/cm ratio should typically be between 0.40 and 0.45
(Khazanovich and Li 2019).
for concrete paving mixtures, depending on the local
climate and materials. The following are several ways to Opening strengths and opening times for concrete
achieve a moderately low w/cm ratio while maintaining overlays depend on a number of variables, with overlay
satisfactory workability: thickness and support structure being most important.
For example, a thicker overlay can be opened at a lower
• Using SCMs in appropriate dosages
concrete strength. Other significant factors affecting
• Using a combination of aggregate sizes that achieves the opening strength and time are the type and volume
a well-graded system, which reduces the paste volume of traffic, the dimensions of the slabs, the locations
for the same level of workability of the loads relative to the edges of the slabs, and the
particular cement chemistry and strength gain properties
• Using water-reducing admixtures
of the mixture. By considering the actual variables from
• Controlling concrete temperatures. High temperatures the project, a lower opening strength can be specified
can indirectly lead to higher w/cm ratios if water is without sacrificing overlay performance or adding
added with the intention of increasing workability. excessive amounts of cement to reach the design strength
In cold temperatures, SCMs can reduce set time, at an early age.
but it is important to keep SCMs in the mixture. A
Early traffic loading has been shown to assist with joint
replacement of 20% to 40% of cement with SCMs is
activation in concrete overlays. Without early traffic
recommended for mixture temperatures in the range
loading, certain joints activate earlier than other joints.
of 65°F to 75°F.
The joints that activate first open wider than joints that
activate later (and are sometimes called “dominant”
Opening Criteria for Concrete joints), creating greater movement at the joints that
Overlays activate first. Early activation of a greater number of
joints leads to a smaller amount of movement and
When an owner or agency is deciding when to open a
contributes to better long-term aggregate interlock and
pavement to traffic, it is important to understand the
joint alignment. Minnesota has successfully experimented
minimum strength and amount of time required to
with early joint activation by driving loaded trucks over
reach the opening goal while still achieving the overlay’s
the pavement at 12 hours to activate the joints.
long-term design strength and durability.
When a concrete overlay section needs to be opened
To open pavements earlier to traffic, PEMs are currently
to construction and/or vehicle traffic quickly (for
being designed that can reach design strengths in a
example, when performing patching repairs or when
timely manner. However, opening to traffic does not
placing an overlay at an intersection on a heavily
require reaching the design strength. While opening
trafficked roadway), accelerated or rapid hardening
compressive strengths in the range of 3,000 to 4,000 psi
mixtures can be utilized. Some agencies have
have been common historically, research has shown that
successfully placed overlays with higher amounts of
this magnitude of strength is not required for opening
Type I cement to accomplish quicker strength gain.
to construction traffic or normal operations because the

46 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Some accelerated mixtures may use Type I cement and however, microfibers do not provide any structural
SCMs in combinations that are known to have earlier capacity to the overlay and are not a substitute for
strength gain because of the chemistry and fineness macrofibers. For a detailed overview of the use of FRC
of the materials. Other high-early strength mixtures for concrete overlays, refer to Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
may have lower w/cm ratios, higher cementitious for Pavement Overlays: Technical Overview (Roesler et
materials contents, and water-reducing and accelerating al. 2019).
admixtures. Other practices to accelerate set times and
hardening include increasing the mixture temperature, The use of macrofibers in concrete overlays has been
using cement mixtures without SCMs, and using shown to provide the following measurable benefits:
insulating blankets during early curing. • Additional structural capacity (allowing thinner
Pavement engineers should be aware that accelerated concrete slabs or extended pavement service life)
or rapid hardening mixtures may undergo more • Reduction in crack widths
shrinkage and more rapid heat generation than
conventional mixtures, which could lead to adverse • Maintenance of joint or crack load transfer efficiency
effects. For example, COA–B overlays may experience • Extension of pavement serviceability through reduced
some debonding when accelerated or rapid hardening crack deterioration
mixtures are used. Best practices for the proper
placement of accelerated mixtures include using smaller • Minimal panel migration
panels and having a sufficient number of experienced The benefits of macrofibers can be illustrated in a study
laborers on hand and a sufficient amount of finishing conducted on a 5 in. thick concrete overlay placed
equipment, curing agent, and sawing equipment to on a county highway. One subsection of the concrete
accommodate the fast expected setting time. overlay contained 4 lb/yd3 of macrofibers, and the other
The maturity method has been successfully applied to contained no fibers. While both subsections developed
monitor and verify the in-place strength of concrete reflective cracking, the reflective cracks within the
overlays. (For information on the maturity method, macrofiber-reinforced subsection were held together
see Chapter 9 of the IMCP manual.) Semi-adiabatic more tightly than the cracks in the subsection without
calorimetry tests can help engineers evaluate different fibers (Figure 6.1). For more information about the
SCM, cement, and admixture combinations with early effects of fiber reinforcement on concrete overlays, refer
setting time and strength gain properties. to Optimized Joint Spacing for Concrete Overlays with and
without Structural Fiber Reinforcement (Gross et al. 2019).

Other Overlay Materials Macrofiber Material Types

Other overlay materials that may be introduced to the The two primary types of macrofibers used for concrete
concrete mixture or used as part of the construction pavements and overlays are synthetic and steel, with the
process include macrofibers, a separation layer, dowels and former being more common. Generally, macrofibers
tie bars, joint fillers and sealants, and curing compound. are 1.0 to 2.5 in. in length with an aspect ratio of 30
to 100. Figure 6.2 shows several types of synthetic and
Macrofibers for Concrete Overlays steel macrofibers.
Since the mid-1980s, FRC has been used successfully Figure 6.3 shows a type of synthetic macrofiber that is
for concrete overlays on roadways, with a large increase twisted together during manufacturing but disperses and
in use in the past 15 years. Multiple studies involving separates during mixing into single fiber pieces.
macrofiber reinforcement in concrete have shown that
the flexural and ultimate load capacity of FRC slabs is Synthetic macrofibers initially give the surface of the
higher than that of plain, undoweled concrete slabs and concrete overlay a hairy-looking appearance. This is
that the load transfer efficiency across FRC contraction especially evident if an aggressive texture is applied
joints and cracks is higher than that of plain concrete (Figure 6.4). After the pavement is opened to traffic, the
slabs over time. Microfibers can also be a useful additive synthetic macrofibers typically wear off.
for concrete overlays to minimize plastic shrinkage cracks;

Chapter 6. Materials and Mixtures 47

Adapted from Jeffery Roesler, used with permission

Figure 6.2. Types of macrofibers: (a-c) crimped, embossed,

or bi-tapered synthetic; (d) twisted synthetic; (e-f) straight
fibrillated synthetic; and (g-h) hooked end and crimped steel

Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 6.3. Synthetic macrofibers

Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 6.1. Reflective cracking in an overlay without fibers Figure 6.4. Surface texture of concrete overlay with
(top) and in an overlay containing macrofibers (bottom) synthetic macrofibers

48 Guide to Concrete Overlays

The required macrofiber content, volume percentage, fins in the mixer system. To minimize balling potential,
and dosage rate depend on the specified residual the fiber manufacturer’s recommendations should be
strength value, constituents and proportions, and followed, which may include adding macrofibers to the
strength of the concrete. Typical macrofiber dosage mixture before or simultaneously with the aggregates
rates in concrete overlay applications are between 3 and during batching or adding macrofibers directly to
8 lb/yd3 for synthetic fibers and 25 to 75 lb/yd3 for the ready mix truck at the job site and mixing for a
steel fibers, or approximately 0.2% to 0.5% by volume minimum of 40 revolutions at normal mixing drum
(Roesler et al. 2019). speed (Roesler et al. 2019). Macrofibers can be added at
the central batch plant, which can be done successfully
While the residual strength is specified for a particular (completely dispersing the fibers) without increasing the
project and overlay design, distinct macrofiber types mixing time requirements.
require different dosage levels to achieve the same
residual strength value. The fibers’ geometry, stiffness, The fiber volume contents used in concrete pavements
and surface characteristics, along with the concrete’s (<0.5%) are not expected to change the compressive and
strength, all affect the residual strength. Refer to flexural strengths of the hardened concrete relative to plain
Appendix A of this guide and Fiber-Reinforced Concrete concrete. The post-cracking strength (Figure 6.5) and
for Pavement Overlays: Technical Overview (Roesler et toughness are the primary hardened concrete properties
al. 2019) for more information on incorporating the improved by the addition of macrofibers, though the
residual strength of FRC into the concrete overlay flexural fatigue performance of concrete has also been
design process. shown to improve with macrofibers (Roesler et al. 2019).

Research has shown that macrofibers can maintain It is recommended that ASTM C1609 be used to
the load transfer efficiency of contraction joints under evaluate the residual strength value (f150) for a given
repeated loading using a mechanism similar to that concrete mixture, fiber type, and fiber content for
of tie bars in contraction joints (Barman and Hansen concrete pavement overlay design. The Residual
2018, Barman et al. 2015). However, macrofiber Strength Estimator (CP Tech Center 2019) is a
materials should not be substituted for dowel bars to spreadsheet tool that helps pavement engineers select
control faulting. a residual strength value for a given set of concrete
overlay inputs. The engineer must input the conditions
Effects of Macrofibers on the Fresh and and design requirements of the project to determine
Hardened Properties of Concrete the estimated range of residual strengths for the
Trial batches are always recommended to confirm overlay structural design and to verify that the FRC
the correct sequence of fiber addition during the material requirements are achieved. Because most FRC
batching process and to ensure that the FRC mixture applications have been bonded overlays of asphalt
can meet all fresh property specifications. Concrete pavements, the Residual Strength Estimator tool is
workability, one such fresh property, may decrease with based on this assumed implication.
the addition of macrofibers. Generally, the addition of
water-reducing admixtures can improve workability,
consolidation, and finishing, though occasionally
additional paste may be required. The air content of the
mixture, another fresh property, may also be affected
indirectly by the addition of fibers. The air content
can be adjusted through changes in the air-entraining
admixture during the trial batches.

Macrofiber balling can occur as a result of any

combination of factors, including the properties of
macrofiber type selected, the volume fraction of the
macrofibers, the mixture’s workability, the charging Jeffery Roesler, used with permission
sequence of the mixture’s constituents, the type and Figure 6.5. Post-cracking behavior of a notched FRC beam
speed of the concrete mixer, and the condition of the specimen containing synthetic macrofibers

Chapter 6. Materials and Mixtures 49

Separation Layer geotextile separation layers, refer to Performance
Assessment of Nonwoven Geotextile Materials Used as
A separation layer is an important component of
a Separation Layer for Unbonded Concrete Overlay
unbonded concrete overlays of existing concrete
of Existing Concrete Pavement Applications in the US
pavements. The separation layer isolates excessive
(Cackler 2017). Figures 6.6 and 6.7 show various types
movement in the two concrete layers and provides a
of nonwoven geotextile separation layer materials.
stress relief layer that dissipates horizontal and vertical
deformations in the existing concrete pavement system More detailed material specifications for a geotextile
before they are reflected into the concrete overlay and used as a separation layer for unbonded overlays are
produce premature distresses. Two types of separation listed in Guide Specifications for Concrete Overlays (Fick
layer are commonly used: asphalt and nonwoven and Harrington 2016), but a summary is provided
geotextile. here. The weight per square yard and thickness should
be given when specifying a geotextile separation layer.
Asphalt Separation Layer Typically, the following material specifications are used
A common and successful separation layer used in the based on concrete overlay thickness:
US has been conventional asphalt concrete. Typically,
a nominally 1 to 2 in. thick layer provides adequate <5 in. overlay—13.0 oz/yd2 @ 130 mils
coverage over irregularities in the existing pavement.
≥5 in. overlay—15 oz/yd2 @ 170 mils
The thickness of the asphalt separation layer should be
minimized to achieve proper density and decrease the
risk of additional consolidation. Incorrectly designed
HMA separation layers have exhibited stripping and
excessive permanent deformation under repeated
traffic loading (Cackler 2017). Past issues with asphalt
separation layers have been linked to improper asphalt
mixture design, poor drainage, and an overstressed
asphalt mixture relative to the expected traffic.

In an effort to reduce stripping of the asphalt separation

layer, the asphalt mixture is modified in some states
to make it more porous. The porous or open-graded
HMA mixture is designed to drain water quickly from
the interface between the concrete overlay and the
underlying pavement. This material design reduces Dan King, Iowa Concrete Paving Association, used with permission
the pore water pressure generated in the asphalt under
Figure 6.6. Dark-colored nonwoven geotextile separation layer
moving traffic loads and increases the long-term
stability of the separation layer, but it requires a lateral
conveyance system for the water. Permeable asphalt-
stabilized stress relief courses (PASSRCs) have been used
in Minnesota and Michigan: MnDOT has a specification
for PASSRC, and MDOT has used a special provisional
specification for an HMA separation layer.

Nonwoven Geotextile Separation Layer

Nonwoven geotextile separation layers have been used
successfully in unbonded concrete overlay applications
in the United States since 2008. According to Leykauf
and Birmann (2006), geotextiles provide uniform,
elastic support to the concrete slabs in the overlay,
reducing the stresses that develop due to temperature
and moisture gradients. Geotextiles also reduce pumping Dan King, Iowa Concrete Paving Association, used with permission

and minimize the initiation of reflected cracks from the Figure 6.7. Light-colored nonwoven geotextile separation layer
underlying pavement. For an overview of nonwoven

50 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Before the concrete overlay is placed, the surface Curing Compound
temperature of the geotextile separation layer should
Adequate curing is essential for concrete overlays and
not exceed 120°F. Ways to cool the surface include
becomes more critical as the slab thickness decreases.
sprinkling with water or using a lighter colored
White-pigmented liquid membrane-forming curing
nonwoven geotextile separation layer to help reflect
compounds (conforming to ASTM C309, ASTM
solar energy (darker fabric should not be whitewashed).
C1315 or AASHTO M 148) are recommended for
Geotextile that is cooled with water should be
application to the surface and exposed vertical edges of
dampened and not saturated. A simple test is to
the pavement soon after the concrete has been placed
touch the fabric; no water should show on the fingers.
and textured. The white-pigmented compound should
Additionally, no standing water should remain on the
be applied to the pavement in such a way that the
surface of the geotextile at the time the overlay is placed.
coverage is uniformly white like a sheet of paper.

Dowel Bars and Tie Bars Some agencies have implemented the use of curing
When a concrete overlay relies on dowel bars for joint compounds containing poly alpha-methylstyrene
load transfer, the dowel bars should conform to ASTM (PAMS) resin. The use of this type of curing compound
A1078. The size, layout, and coating of the dowel bars has been based on studies showing superior moisture
should be selected for the specific project location retention properties. Application methods and coverage
and traffic levels. (For more information on the use of rates are similar to those for normal, white-pigmented
dowel bars for load transfer, see Guide to Dowel Load curing compounds. A typical material specification for
Transfer Systems for Jointed Concrete Roadway Pavements PAMS curing compound is available from MnDOT.
[Snyder 2011].) In some overlay projects, dowel bar
sizes may be reduced or dowel bars may not be used at Joint Fillers and Sealants
all because the existing pavement provides a sufficient The decision whether to apply joint filler or joint sealant
amount of support. Additionally, although some depends on the climate in which the overlay is built,
agencies have used dowel bars in 6 in. thick concrete the state agency overseeing the project, and the overlay’s
overlays, they are typically not used in concrete overlays slab geometry. The need for joint material depends on
less than 7 in. thick. whether the design allows for water entering the joint
to leave the pavement. Joint filling is the predominant
When used in concrete overlays, tie bars are typically
action for short-jointed overlays.
Grade 60 billet steel bars meeting ASTM A615 or
AASHTO M 31 specifications. No. 4 deformed bars When joint fillers or sealants are applied, the following
are recommended in most situations that require tie options are available: use of hot-poured rubberized
bars, while No. 5 bars are not recommended unless materials conforming to ASTM D6690 or AASHTO
the overlay thickness is 10 in. or more. Tie bars are not M 301, use of silicone materials conforming to
recommended for use in concrete overlays less than 5 a governing state specification, use of preformed
in. thick. Tie bars are typically spaced 30 in. apart, but compression seals conforming to ASTM D2628
greater spacing may be used in some cases. For paved or AASHTO M 220, or the methods or materials
shoulders or widened concrete overlays, tie bars are used prescribed by a governing state specification.
at the longitudinal joints at the edges of the existing
pavement. Refer to Appendix A for more information
on the use of tie bars for widening and lane additions.

Macrofibers can be used in thin concrete overlays

(4 to 6 in.) in lieu of tie bars at contraction joints.
Composite high-strength steel (with strengths of
up to 100 ksi) and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)
bars have also been used for tie bars and other slab
reinforcing (e.g., in CRCP). However, appropriate
design modifications must be made to account for the
different properties of these materials.

Chapter 6. Materials and Mixtures 51

52 Guide to Concrete Overlays
Chapter 7
Plan Development

Construction Drawings 54
Title Sheet 55
Typical Sections 55
Estimated Quantities 56
Plan and Profile 56
Survey Control Information 57
Maintenance of Traffic 57
Typical Construction Details 60
Details for Overlays in Urban Areas 63
Miscellaneous Details 64
Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays 65

Construction Specifications 65

Chapter 7: Plan Development 53

Construction Drawings The Guide for the Development of Concrete Overlay
Construction Documents (Gross and Harrington 2018)
Construction drawings for concrete overlays do not provides example drawing sheets and construction
need to be complex. The location, geometric features, details that can be referenced when assembling overlay
and maintenance of traffic requirements of a given plans. An example index of drawing sheets for a concrete
overlay project should dictate the level of design detail overlay on a rural state route or county road should
that is required in the plans. See Appendix A for more include, at a minimum, the following:
information about the considerations involved in
concrete overlay design. 1. Title sheet

Asphalt overlay projects on rural roads have historically 2. Typical sections

been successfully designed and constructed from a set 3. Estimated quantities
of drawings consisting of a limited number of sheets.
This same approach is acceptable for concrete overlays 4. Plan and profile
in rural locations. In urban or suburban locations,
5. Survey control information
however, especially where vertical and horizontal
constraints are present, the plans must include the 6. Maintenance of traffic, including consideration of
level of detail and amount of information needed to accelerated construction and staging under traffic
communicate how the concrete overlay will address
7. Typical construction details, including jointing,
these constraints. Refer to Appendix A for more
pavement widening and paved shoulders, and
information about the importance of vertical and
profile transitions
horizontal constraints in concrete overlay design.
The key features of these drawing sheets are described in
Because concrete overlay design involves an overlay this chapter.
of an existing pavement, a proposed profile may not
need to be included in the drawing set, except when In addition, concrete overlays located in urban areas
minor cross-section or design profile adjustments are often face challenges related to vertical and horizontal
needed in spot locations. To determine whether such constraints, roadway access points, curb and gutter
adjustments are needed, the pavement design process sections, and drainage structures. These challenges may
should include a review of the existing profile and require additional drawing sheets and details, such as
cross-section information to determine the effects of the following:
raising the grade on overhead clearances, shoulders,
side slopes, intersections, drainage structures, and other 1. Intersection layout
geometric features. 2. Right of way/access constraints (may include
property lines)
It is only necessary to conduct a new survey of the
existing pavement when a change in the profile is needed. 3. Curb and gutter details
In such cases, a detailed survey that includes cross
sections at multiple lines as well as light detection and 4. Utility access details, including adjustments of
ranging (LiDAR) scanning can help minimize concrete storm inlets, manholes, etc.
quantity overruns. Note that when utilizing LiDAR The key features of the curb and gutter and utility access
scanning, it is essential that quality checks are performed. details are described in this chapter.
When stringless pavers are used for overlay construction, Finally, additional details may be required for concrete
additional information is needed in the form of three- overlays that include the safety edge or involve a change
dimensional (3D) models or electronic design files. As in superelevation. The key features of these details are
with LiDAR scanning technology, a quality check of the described in this chapter.
models should be performed using conventional survey
methods to ensure the correct profile and alignment.

54 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Title Sheet To balance traffic demands with project constructability,
detour delay times should be determined in
The title sheet provides the basic project identification
consideration of the available roadway system in the
information, including the following:
project vicinity. For example, a 10-minute traffic delay
• Project name by detour may be expected for sites with a short (1 to 3
mi) roadway grid system, while a 20-minute delay may
• Location map be expected for sites without a closely spaced roadway
• Detour map, if applicable grid system.

• Mileage summary
Typical Sections
• Traffic data The typical sections provided in the construction
• Index of sheets drawings include the existing pavement section, a milling
section (when necessary), and the proposed pavement
• Engineer’s certification section showing the concrete overlay and any adjustments
Figure 7.1 shows an example title sheet, with the to shoulders and appurtenant structures. Key features of
full-size version available as Sheet A.1 in the typical the typical sections include overlay thickness, lane width,
concrete overlay construction plans published by the cross slope, shoulder width, shoulder cross slope, and
CP Tech Center. station limits for the overlay section.

Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 7.1. Title sheet

Chapter 7: Plan Development 55

Proposed final paint line spacing
 Consideration shall be given to placement of epoxy coated
Variable 12 ft 12 ft Variable tie bar at mid-depth. Placement must allow adequate
Concrete Concrete overlay thickness to accommodate maximum sized
widening widening aggregate under the bar and minimum 2 in. above the bar.
If overlay is < 5 in., or placement at mid-depth is not
Variable Proposed sawcut spacing possible, secure tie bar to pavement using a minimum of
PCC unbonded < 12 ft < 12 ft Variable three staples or epoxy. Tie bars are No. 4 bars 36 in. long at
overlay 30 in. centers.
See bar See bar  Existing widening unit:
8 in. min. If asphalt, remove unit.
joint detail joint detail
If concrete, unit may remain if stable and 3 ft wide.
Concrete original pavement If no widening unit, excavate and place drainable subbase.
Place drainable
subbase layer  Nonwoven geotextile shall either daylight to ditch
and daylight to foreslope, terminate above drainable subbase or connect
New HMA or geotextile separation layer to working subdrain.
ditch foreslope
or connect to  T/3 (do not sever bar)
working subdrain  An option is to place nonwoven geotextile prior to HMA
Concrete on concrete–unbonded (COC–U) overlay with widening separation layer.

1.5 ft 1.5 ft 5 in. min. 1.5 ft 1.5 ft

5 in. min.
thickness thickness

Unbonded Unbonded
concrete overlay concrete overlay
Shoulder 8 in min.
3 in min. Widening Widening Shoulder
Concrete original
Concrete pavement
original pavement 
Place drainable subbase Place drainable subbase
Geotextile separation layer layer and daylight to ditch 1 in. HMA separation layer layer and daylight to ditch
foreslope or connect to foreslope or connect to
working subdrain working subdrain

COC–U widening detail COC–U widening detail

Nonwoven geotextile separation layer for widening unit HMA separation layer and nonwoven geotextile for widening unit

Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 7.2. Unbonded concrete overlay on concrete with widening (paved shoulders)

Figure 7.2 shows an example of a typical section for a utilize only one bid item for the concrete overlay in
COC–U overlay, with the full-size version available as square yards, which may assign more risk to the agency
Sheet B.4 in the typical concrete overlay construction in the form of higher bid prices. This risk may be
plans published by the CP Tech Center. Other typical minimized if profile milling is part of the project, which
sections for bonded and unbonded overlays are available establishes better control of the concrete quantities. For
on Sheet B.2 in the typical concrete overlay construction alternate bid projects, overlay projects should follow
plans published by the CP Tech Center. FHWA Technical Advisory 5040.30 (FHWA 2019).

Figure 7.3 shows an example estimated quantities sheet,

Estimated Quantities with the full-size version available as Sheet A.3 in the
The estimated quantities sheet lists the bid item quantities typical concrete overlay construction plans published by
for the overlay project. Typically, each specific bid item the CP Tech Center.
number is referenced to an agency specification number.
Some agencies include reference information with the
Plan and Profile
estimate that describes the basis of the quantities and
provides references to construction details and tabulations Although typically not required as a drawing sheet,
when these are included in the drawing set. the existing pavement plan and profile, along with
supplemental survey information (if needed), may be
It is generally good practice to include two bid items provided as a reference sheet. The design plan and profile
for the concrete overlay. One bid item for furnishing information is also typically not required as a drawing
concrete material is measured in cubic yards, and one sheet unless the project involves cross-slope or profile
bid item for concrete placement or paving is measured adjustments. An additional review should be completed
in square yards. By establishing a bid item for furnishing and construction drawings updated prior to the bid
concrete by volume, there is less risk to the contractor letting to ensure that existing pavement conditions have
and bid prices may be more competitive. Some states not changed since the design was completed.

56 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 7.3. Estimated quantities sheet

Survey Control Information should be analyzed and included in the construction

drawings. In addition, advance planning should be
Survey control information for project location reference
completed and project details should be tailored to
may be included as a drawing sheet or provided
facilitate shortened construction durations.
separately for reference. This information is necessary to
locate the project limits and is used to set construction A primary goal during concrete overlay construction is
stakes or, for stringless paving, to develop the design to maintain successful traffic management throughout
profile using a three-dimensional model. The survey the duration of the project. The plans and specifications
information includes control points, alignment, curve should therefore provide the contractor with clear criteria
data, and sometimes existing pavement elevations. If for maintenance of traffic requirements. Some examples
changes in the profile are not required or if the ride of maintenance of traffic criteria include the following:
quality of the existing pavement does not require
improvement, it is not necessary to conduct a new • A specified number of lanes must be open in each
survey of the existing pavement. direction at all times.

Figure 7.4 shows an example survey control information • Pilot car queues must not exceed a specified amount
sheet, with the full-size version available as Sheet A.2 in of time.
the typical concrete overlay construction plans published • Predefined critical milestone dates must be met.
by the CP Tech Center.
• Closures must be limited.
Maintenance of Traffic • Access must be provided to local businesses and
If a road closure in not practical due to insufficient private properties.
detour routes, alternative maintenance of traffic schemes

Chapter 7: Plan Development 57

Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 7.4. Survey control information sheet

With the requirements for maintenance of traffic Accelerated Construction

provided in the plans, the contractor should be given By their nature, concrete overlays involve accelerated
the responsibility to stage and execute the project construction. The existing pavement is reused in place
to meet the objectives for both construction and with minimal disturbance, and the subgrade is never
maintenance of traffic. exposed to weather. Overall, the total construction
duration is typically one-quarter to one-third that of a
Decisions concerning maintenance of traffic often
reconstruction project. One of the significant benefits
depend, at least in part, on the thickness of the concrete
of concrete overlay construction is this decrease in total
overlay and the width of the pavement. If pavement
construction time, which reduces road user costs and
edge drop-off criteria are exceeded, maintenance of
increases driver safety. In addition, concrete overlays
traffic should be similar to that used for full-depth
offer confidence that the improvements will provide
portland cement concrete reconstruction. If pavement
a long-life pavement. For more information on the
edge drop-off criteria are not exceeded, maintenance
benefits of accelerated construction, see the FHWA’s
of traffic should be similar to that used for other thin
compilation of resources (FHWA 2018).
overlay projects.
Concrete overlay construction can be further accelerated
Figure 7.5 shows an example sheet outlining traffic
through various means. When deciding whether
control and staging notes, with the full-size version
accelerated construction techniques are to be implemented
available as Sheet J.1 in the typical concrete overlay
on a concrete overlay project, it is important that benefits
construction plans published by the CP Tech Center.
can be gained in terms of reduced road user costs and
Two important considerations when developing delays. The specific implementation of accelerated
maintenance of traffic schemes include accelerated construction techniques on a concrete overlay project is
construction methods and staging under traffic. based on the needs of the project and of road users.

58 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 7.5. Sheet outlining traffic control and staging notes

Accelerated construction techniques may be used for Additionally, for some critical projects, accelerated
critical parts of a project (such as intersections and concrete mixtures are used for concrete overlays.
crossovers), the final segment, or the entire project.
The following are the most common and most effective
Accelerated construction often involves conventional items for accelerating concrete overlay projects:
concrete pavement materials and procedures, but key
changes to conventional practices can significantly • Well-planned staging and maintenance of traffic criteria
expedite projects. These changes can give the contractor • Public relations efforts that involve coordinating with
the flexibility needed to meet aggressive schedule adjacent businesses and residents to optimize access
demands. The changes to conventional practices that can and constructability
accelerate construction often involve the following:
• Implementation of time-related incentives and
• Contract incentives disincentives to encourage concurrent scheduling and
timely completion
• Modification of pavement equipment for minimum to
zero clearance • Use of accelerated concrete mixtures, but only
mixtures for which the time to opening to traffic falls
• Material proportioning modifications
on the critical path
• Accelerated curing methods
• Accelerated curing through the use of insulating
• Alternative construction staging blankets
• Approved changes to pavement joint layouts to • Use of the maturity method to determine early
facilitate maximum use of slipform placements opening (see Chapter 9 of the IMCP manual)
• Adjustments to the criteria for opening to traffic

Chapter 7: Plan Development 59

Staging under Traffic Edge of existing pavement
Edge of overlay
Stringless pavers and zero-offset pavers allow the
contractor more flexibility than conventional
pavers in addressing maintenance of traffic during
paving operations. However, it is important that the  Min. 2 bars 30 in. spacing
per panel on center
construction documents do not dictate the types ‘L’ Joint

of equipment or methods needed for construction,

because such restrictions may unnecessarily inhibit
competition and result in a more costly project. Instead,

‘C’ Joint
the project documents should reflect the requirements  6 ft typical
for successful construction, including the minimum
clearance zone needed to accommodate traffic and No. 4 epoxy-coated tie bar
36 in. long at 30 in. spacing
traffic control devices.

Various staging sequence diagrams are available for

reference in Appendix D that illustrate different traffic
control scenarios when constructing a concrete overlay  Edge of overlay
Edge of existing pavement
without closing the road to traffic:
Notes: Dimensions of panels may change based on project specifics
L= Longitudinal joint (T/3)
• Two-lane roadway with paved shoulders C= Sawed transverse joint (T/3)
(conventional paver)  Existing widening unit:
If asphalt, remove unit.
If concrete, unit may remain if stable and 3 ft wide.
If no widening unit, excavate and place drainable subbase.
• Two-lane roadway with granular shoulders  For unbonded overlays equal to or less than 6 in. thick, maximum joint spacing in
(conventional paver) feet is 1.5 times the overlay thickness in inches. For unbonded overlays greater
than 6 in. thick, maximum joint spacing in feet is 2 times the overlay thickness in
inches. Maximum recommended spacing is 15 ft.
• Two-lane roadway with minimum granular shoulders
(zero-clearance paver) Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

• Two-lane roadway widened to three lanes with paved Figure 7.6. Plan view joint layout detail for an unbonded
overlay with widening
shoulders (conventional paver)
• Four-lane roadway with paved shoulders
(conventional paver)

Typical Construction Details

Construction details in the drawing set provide the For jointing in COC–B overlays, it is critical to match
contractor with critical information beyond what the locations of the transverse and longitudinal joints in
is included in the typical sections. At a minimum, the concrete overlay with the locations of the transverse
construction details should include jointing, pavement and longitudinal joints in the existing concrete. The
widening, and profile transitions. transverse and longitudinal sawcuts must be to the full
depth of the overlay plus ½ in. Tie bars, dowel bars, or
Jointing other embedded steel products are not used in COC–B
The panel dimensions determined during the design overlays to minimize restraint forces in the bond.
phase can be illustrated using a plan view joint layout
In COC–B overlays, it is also critical to examine the
detail. The joint layout detail should also illustrate
widths of the cracks below the sawcuts in the existing
reinforcing steel locations and widening units, if
pavement. The sawcut widths of the concrete overlay
should be equal to or greater than the crack widths in
Figure 7.6 shows an example joint layout detail in plan the existing pavement (see Appendix A). This concept is
view, with the full-size version available on Sheet B.4 in illustrated in Figure 7.7, which shows a joint detail for
the typical concrete overlay construction plans published a COC–B overlay. The full-size version is available on
by the CP Tech Center. Another example is provided in Sheet B.3 in the typical concrete overlay construction
a typical overlay joint layout developed by the Colorado plans published by the CP Tech Center.
Department of Transportation.

60 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Transverse overlay joint 3. Treatment of a widening unit in the existing
Bonded concrete
Width of new overlay
transverse joint
pavement. If the existing pavement has a widening
unit, consideration should be given to its removal
if it is concrete and less than 3 ft in width or if it is
asphalt. If the existing widening unit is concrete, 3
ft wide or wider, and stable, it can remain in place.
Sawcut in
existing slab For recommended solutions to minimize pavement
Existing concrete
widening distress, refer to Figures 17.5, 17.6, 18.3,
Z Underlying crack and 18.4 in the Guide for Concrete Pavement Distress
in existing slab
Assessments and Solutions (Harrington et al. 2018).
Note: Overlay joint width shall be equal to or greater than crack width of the existing Example widening details are shown in Figure 7.8 for
slab. If “Y” is 0.50 in. or greater, the underlying crack width in the existing slab should
be measured. If crack “Z” is 0.25 in. or greater, and existing pavement does not have COC–B and COA–B overlays and in Figure 7.9 for
dowel bars, the joints should be evaluated to determine if load transfer rehabilitation
is required to eliminate faulting. If there are numerous joints with this condition, the COC–U and COA–U overlays. The full-size versions of
existing pavement may not be a good candidate for a bonded overlay, The existing
joints should be filled/sealed to prevent intrusion of mortar during overlay placement. these details are available as Sheets B.3 and Sheet B.4,
In all cases, “X” must be Z+0.125 in.
respectively, in the typical concrete overlay construction
plans published by the CP Tech Center.
Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 7.7. COC–B joint detail showing the widths of the Profile Transitions
overlay joint, sawcut, and underlying crack
Vertical profile transitions are required at the beginning
and end of concrete overlay pavement sections, at
transitions into bridge approaches, and under structures
Pavement Widening
where vertical clearance must be maintained. These
For concrete overlay widening, special details are transitions can be accomplished in various ways, but
needed to illustrate the widening unit and treatment vertical profile transitions at bridge approaches always
of the existing pavement and shoulder. The following require full-depth pavement removal and replacement.
recommendations are given for reinforcing steel, Additionally, for transitions on COC–B overlays where
improved drainage, and treatment of a widening unit in milling is performed, it is critical that milling depth does
the existing pavement: not reach existing embedded steel. The rate of vertical
1. Reinforcing steel. No. 4 deformed bars are transition is dependent on the posted speed limit. A
recommended as the maximum size tie bars at the 40:1 vertical taper is recommended for a speed limit of
widening unit to minimize the potential for the 45 mph or greater. A 25:1 vertical taper is recommended
development of a longitudinal crack and to hold for speed limits less than 40 mph.
tight any crack that might develop. Some agencies Figures 7.10 through 7.13 show examples of profile
have observed random cracking when No. 5 tie bars transition details for the following scenarios:
have been used. If the overlay is greater than 5 in.
thick, consideration should be given to placing the • Mill and fill profile transitions for bonded concrete
bars at the mid-depth of the slab. The bars must overlays on end transition (Figure 7.10)
be placed so as to accommodate the maximum
• Transition for a COA–B overlay (Figure 7.11)
aggregate size under the bar and to provide a
minimum of 2 in. of concrete above the bar. If • Temporary transitions (Figure 7.12)
the overlay is less than 5 in. thick, the bars may be
• Transition for a COA–U overlay (Figure 7.13)
secured to the surface of the existing pavement prior
to placement of the overlay. The full-size versions of these details are available on
Sheet B.6 in the typical concrete overlay construction
2. Improved drainage. It is recommended that
plans published by the CP Tech Center.
drainage conditions be improved in the widening
unit by incorporating a drainable subbase layer or,
in the case of a COC–U overlay, by daylighting the
separation layer material to the edge of the roadway
or into a working subdrain.

Chapter 7: Plan Development 61

Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 7.8. Widening details for COC–B and COA–B overlays

Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 7.9. Widening details for COC–U and COA–U overlays

62 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Transition area
Details for Overlays in Urban Areas
Bonded overlay
Full-depth sawcut
40 ft: 1 in. (12.2 m: 25 mm) 2 in. (50 mm) min.
The following details may be provided with the
construction drawings when overlays are placed in
Existing concrete pavement urban areas.
Taper milled into surface Existing transverse joint

Curb and Gutter Details

h Bonded Existing In areas with curb and gutter sections, special details are
h + 3 in. (75 mm) overlay asphalt
pavement needed to illustrate the conditions at the edges of the
Existing asphalt pavement 6 ft (1.8 m) 6 ft (1.8 m) overlay. Options for addressing curb and gutter sections
include the following:
Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 7.10. Mill and fill profile transitions for bonded concrete 1. Mill the existing pavement gutter. This option
overlays on end transition provides for a transition area to ensure that the
thickness of the overlay is uniform and that the same
Transition area gutter and curb elevation is maintained.
New bonded overlay Existing
40 ft: 1 in. (12.2 m: 25 mm) Trim subbase asphalt or 2. Remove the existing curb. This option involves
(6.1 m: 25ft: 1 in. concrete grinding or sawing the curb section and raising the
mm) for bridge
3 in. (75 mm) approach profile and the elevation of the top of the curb.
Note: Recompact and reshape Dowel if concrete pavement
existing subbase in area of transition
and reconstruction.
thickness is 8 in. (200 mm)
or greater
3. Overlay the existing curb. This option requires the
least amount of effort but results in the greatest
Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission increase in profile elevation at the top of the curb.
Figure 7.11. Transition for a COA–B overlay
Figure 7.14 shows example curb and gutter details for
these three options, with full-size versions available on
Temporary transition constructed
Concrete overlay with granular material Sheet B.5 in the typical concrete overlay construction
plans published by the CP Tech Center.

Form 6 in. Concrete overlay

Existing pavement grade Milling
Existing side road elevation
or driveway
Existing pavement

Asphalt transition or reconstruct Milling detail when leaving existing curb in place
Concrete overlay with HMA or PCC

Form 6 in. Concrete overlay

(gutter) Milling
Existing pavement Existing side road grade
or driveway elevation
Existing pavement

Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Milling detail when removing and replacing curb
Figure 7.12. Temporary transitions

Transition area
New unbonded overlay asphalt or
40 ft: 1 in. (12.2 m: 25 mm) Trim subbase concrete
30 ft: 1 in. (bridge 6 in. Concrete overlay
(9.1 m: 25 mm approach Form
) (gutter)
3 in. (75 mm) or under
Existing asphalt bridge) grade
pavement elevation Existing pavement
If less than 5 in. then taper
is not needed Dowel if concrete pavement
thickness is 8 in. (200 mm)
Note: Recompact and reshape existing subbase or greater
in area of transition and reconstruction. Detail of curb overlay

Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 7.13. Transition for a COA–U overlay Figure 7.14. Three options for curb and gutter details

Chapter 7: Plan Development 63

½–1 in. isolation joint
(for existing concrete or composite pavement)
Safety Edge Detail
New concrete New The safety edge is a beveled pavement edge that helps
Casting concrete
(ring and cover) overlay lessen the severity of roadway departures. The typical
beveled angle is 30°. A safety edge detail (Figure 7.16)
pavement pavement may be necessary when the overlay is opened to traffic
prior to completion of the adjacent overlay lane (when
Internal constructing under traffic) or prior to completion of
chimney Adjusting
seal rings the shoulder. Additionally, some agencies require a
Subbase Water-tight mastic Subbase
permanent safety edge at the concrete shoulder.
material (for movement) material

Superelevation Details
In concrete overlays placed on roadways that require new
Note: Remove existing pavement around areas of superelevation or increased superelevation, special
manhole and replace with concrete
details should be considered to show the depth of material
Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission needed to meet the final profile (Snyder 2011). In areas of
Figure 7.15. Utility access detail thickened pavement, the following should be considered:

1. The sawcut depths must be adjusted for the

Utility Access Details contraction joints within the thicker pavement areas.
For concrete overlays in areas that include utility 2. Dowel bars should be placed so that a minimum
structures, it is important that proper separation is concrete cover of 2 in. is maintained around the
provided between the structures and the concrete dowel bar.
overlay. Figure 7.15 shows an example utility access
detail illustrating the location of isolation joints Figure 7.17 shows an example superelevation detail.
around a structure, with a full-size version available on
Concrete overlay
Sheet B.5 in the typical concrete overlay construction
plans published by the CP Tech Center. Separation
Existing pavement
Miscellaneous Details Note:
• Ensure adequate sawing depth in thicker superelevated pavement areas.
• Maintain a minimum 2 in. cover if dowel bars are used.
The following details may be required when an
overlay includes a safety edge or involves a change in Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

superelevation. Figure 7.17. Superelevation detail

Traffic control device

Traffic control device
Full-depth sawcut or
fabric or formed gap of Sawcut or fabric or
¼ in. or more formed gap of ¼ in.
See 1 in. min. or more
See 2 in.
note (50 mm) note 30°
T/2 or greater
1 in. min.
Match existing centerline for
overlay on concrete
Unbonded separation layer Unbonded separation layer

Bonded and unbonded overlay 3 in.–4 in. (50–100 mm) thick Unbonded overlay greater than 4 in. (100 mm)

Traffic control and slope of fillet depends on jurisdictional requirements.

Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

Figure 7.16. Safety edge detail

64 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Special Considerations for Recognizing that standard specifications vary widely
across the US in terms of style, order of items, and
Continuously Reinforced Concrete other features, the guidance provided in this document
Pavement Overlays is advisory in nature and is not necessarily suitable for
Additional considerations are needed when developing use as specification language. Users should modify the
construction drawings for CRCP overlays. Refer to guidance as needed for their standard specifications while
Appendix B for information on the features of CRCP preserving the intent of the recommendations provided.
The guide specifications are arranged in a three-part
For unbonded CRCP overlays specifically, the following format:
should be considered:
1. General. This section describes the types of concrete
• An unbonded CRCP overlay requires the application overlay, types of submittals (including mixture
of a separation layer similar to that used for a design, materials, and equipment), quality control,
conventional COC–U overlay. scheduling, delivery, measurement, and payment.
• The overlay requires a variable amount of reinforcing 2. Products. The products section lists materials and
steel, approximately 0.7%. concrete mixtures that are allowed in concrete
• The thickness of the overlay is determined based on overlays. AASHTO and ASTM references are used
the structural design process. where necessary. Most of this section references the
contract documents, which include the agency’s
Additional information on CRCPs in general can be standard materials used in the concrete mixture
found in the Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement design. The section also includes a table on
Manual (Roesler et al. 2016). recommended geotextile material requirements.
3. Execution. The execution section includes the
Construction Specifications construction requirements for the project. They
Like construction drawings for concrete overlays, include requirements for equipment, pavement
specifications for concrete overlays do not need to construction, surface preparation, paving operations,
be overly complex. In many agencies, specifications finishing, curing, and jointing.
for conventional concrete are referenced for concrete
overlay projects.

Guide Specifications for Concrete Overlays (Fick and

Harrington 2016) provides guidance for developing
technical specifications for concrete overlays.

Chapter 7: Plan Development 65

66 Guide to Concrete Overlays
Chapter 8
Construction of Concrete Overlays

Pre-overlay Repairs 68
Milling (for Existing Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements) 68
Subgrade/Subbase Repairs 69
Repair of Thermal Cracking in Existing Asphalt Pavement 70
Repair of Deteriorated Joints in Existing Concrete Pavement 70

Separation Layer (for Concrete on Concrete–Unbonded Overlays) 70

Asphalt Separation Layer 70
Nonwoven Geotextile Separation Layer 71
Other Considerations for Separation Layers 72

Concrete Overlay Placement 72

Construction Staking and Machine Control 72
Final Surface Preparation 72
Placing Dowel Baskets 73

Concrete Overlay Curing 73

Concrete Overlay Joints 74

Sawing Joints 74
Sealing Joints 75

Opening the Overlay to Traffic 75

Determining Opening Time 75
Minimizing Early Loading Fatigue Damage 75

Repairs of Concrete Overlays 75

Repairs of Unbonded Concrete Overlays 7 in. Thick or Greater 76
Repairs of Bonded or Unbonded Concrete Overlays Less than 6 in. Thick 76

Special Construction Considerations for Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays 77

Chapter 8: Construction of Concrete Overlays 67

The total construction time required for a concrete • To remove nonstructural surface distresses such as
overlay project is significantly shorter than that required shallow potholes, block cracking, random cracking,
for a roadway reconstruction project because limited and thermal cracking
quantities of earthwork and base materials are needed (or
• To remove severe rutting (≥2 in.) to reduce the volume
are sometimes not needed at all) and concrete placement
of concrete required for the overlay (Figure 8.1)
normally proceeds at a much faster pace. Additionally,
weather has fewer potential impacts on construction • To remove a stripped asphalt surface and/or
schedules. As a result, resurfaced streets and highways intermediate layer to expose structurally sound asphalt
can be opened to traffic within a short period of time (Figure 8.2)
with adequate planning (e.g., using the maintenance
of traffic recommendations outlined in Appendix D), • To increase the existing pavement’s surface texture
expedited staging, and efficient operations. to enhance the bond between the overlay and the
existing asphalt surface (Figure 8.3)
That said, concrete overlays are, for the most part,
• To remove pavement to minimize changes in the
constructed using conventional equipment and
profile grade
procedures. Numerous resources are available
documenting best practices for the construction of • To correct profile and cross-slope variability (often
portland cement concrete pavements. The CP Tech referred to as profile milling) using 3D machine
Center’s IMCP manual (Taylor et al. 2019, see especially control. When the existing asphalt is thick enough,
Chapter 8) is the most current and widely recognized. this is an effective way to control the volume of
Additional resources on construction practices are concrete required to construct a concrete overlay.
available for purchase from the ACPA (Concrete
Pavement Field Reference–Paving [EB238] [ACPA 2010])
and for free from the FHWA (Field Reference Manual for
Quality Concrete Pavements [Fick et all. 2012]).

This chapter focuses on guidance and recommendations

that are specific to the construction of concrete overlays
and that differ from conventional concrete pavement
CP Tech Center

Pre-overlay Repairs Figure 8.1. Milling to remove severe rutting

For unbonded overlays, pre-overlay repairs should be

limited to areas of the existing pavement that exhibit
structural distresses that might reflect upward and lead
to distresses in the overlay. Bonded overlays of existing
asphalt and composite pavement may require more
extensive pre-overlay repairs to restore the existing
pavement to fair or good condition prior to overlay Surface lift and stripped
HMA to be milled
construction. For information on identifying the
distresses discussed in this section during the evaluation
of the existing pavement, refer to Chapter 2.

Milling (for Existing Asphalt-Surfaced 4 in.

Milling an existing asphalt surface is not mandatory;
both unbonded and bonded overlays can be placed on MnDOT, used with permission
an unmilled surface. There are, however, numerous Figure 8.2. Core showing pavement that can be milled
reasons for milling an existing asphalt surface prior to to remove stripped/unsound material, with 4 in. of HMA
placing a concrete overlay: remaining in good condition

68 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Subgrade/Subbase Repairs
Pavement failures are commonly caused by inadequate
support issues and poor drainage. A concrete overlay will
not correct any subgrade and drainage issues identified
during the evaluation of the existing pavement described
in Chapter 2, so these issues must be addressed before
overlay placement.

Drainage deficiencies must be resolved at the root

cause or they will persist. Undercutting and full-depth
patching will not resolve drainage issues. Rather,
drainage issues may need to be corrected by regrading
ditches, installing underdrain systems, or designing
ACPA, used with permission
more elaborate solutions.
Figure 8.3. Asphalt surface milled to enhance bonding with a
concrete overlay Failed subgrade and/or subbase areas should be undercut
and replaced with suitable material and then capped
Best practices for milling asphalt should be followed. with a suitable full-depth patch, as described below.
Scabs and loose asphalt should be removed, and the
milling depth should be controlled by stringline, ski, or Full-Depth Repairs of Existing Concrete
3D machine control to ensure that at least the planned Pavement
minimum thickness of asphalt remains after milling. Cracked slabs that are not moving (deflecting, rocking,
On occasion, the milling operation may expose the etc.) under traffic need not be removed and replaced.
underlying base course or subgrade due to variations in Slabs that are structurally unsound and moving under
the asphalt’s thickness or variations in the milling depth. traffic should be removed and replaced, with subgrade
When this occurs, the common approach is to mill repairs made before replacement. Conventional removal
or trim the area around the exposure to an additional and replacement procedures for concrete pavements
depth of 2 to 3 in. and simply increase the thickness can be used, as described in the Concrete Pavement
of the concrete overlay by the same amount through Preservation Guide (Smith et al. 2014). The concrete
this section (Figure 8.4). If this approach is taken, the mixture used for the replacement should be designed
change in concrete pavement thickness must be clearly for a compressive strength of 3,000 psi at 28 days.
communicated to the sawing crew so that the sawcut Load transfer should be designed and tie bars should
locations and depths can be adjusted accordingly. be installed to match the design of the surrounding
existing pavement.

Full-Depth Repairs of Existing Asphalt Pavement

Areas that have failed structurally should be patched by
Repair subgrade
as needed. removal and replacement, with subgrade repairs made
before the patches are filled.

For unbonded (COA–U) overlays, failed areas can

Limits of increased be repaired with new asphalt material (properly
depth of milling. compacted to specification) or concrete. If concrete
Transverse joints in
the overlay should is used, the patched area should be covered with a
align with thickness geotextile fabric to prevent bonding between the
overlay and the patch. For bonded (COA–B) overlays,
the failed area should be filled with new asphalt
material properly compacted to specification and
CP Tech Center
scarified with a mill to enhance bonding.
Figure 8.4. Area where the milling and concrete overlay
depths are to be adjusted to address isolated locations where
the remaining pavement depth is inadequate

Chapter 8: Construction of Concrete Overlays 69

Full-Depth Repairs of Existing Composite
Structurally failed pavement should be patched by
removal and replacement, with subgrade repairs made
before the patch is filled. Normal pavement removal
procedures can be used.

For bonded (COA–B) overlays, two strategies can be used:

• Where the dimensions of the failed area are less than

6 ft by 6 ft, the failed area can be repaired with new
asphalt material properly compacted to specification
and scarified with a mill to enhance bonding. Todd LaTorella, ACPA, MO/KS Chapter, used with permission

Figure 8.5. Deteriorated joints in existing concrete pavement

• For larger areas, a two-layer patch should be placed, cleaned and filled with flowable mortar
with concrete matching the existing lower layer topped
by asphalt material properly compacted to specification
and scarified with a mill to enhance bonding.
Separation Layer (for Concrete on
Concrete–Unbonded Overlays)
For unbonded (COA–U) overlays, the simplest approach
If a COC–U is being constructed, an asphalt or
is a full-depth concrete patch with a geotextile layer
geotextile fabric separation layer must be placed before
covering the surface of the patch to prevent bonding.
the overlay is placed.

Repair of Thermal Cracking in Existing Note that because COA–U overlays are typically
Asphalt Pavement designed without a separation layer, as explained in
Chapter 3, this discussion of separation layers is only
Cracks that are wider than the maximum coarse
applicable to COC–U overlays.
aggregate size used in the concrete overlay mixture
should be filled to prevent the overlay from keying into
the underlying pavement. These cracks can be filled Asphalt Separation Layer
with joint filler material, flowable mortar mixture (a A dense-graded or drainable asphalt layer can be used as
combination of portland cement, sand, and water), a separation layer, as discussed in Appendix A. Example
sand, or fines produced by the milling operation. mixture gradations for drainable asphalt separation
Narrower cracks do not require treatment. layers are referenced in Chapter 6.

Normal procedures and standard specifications for the

Repair of Deteriorated Joints in construction of asphalt pavements are appropriate for
Existing Concrete Pavement placing asphalt separation layers. A key parameter for
For unbonded (COC–U) overlays, badly deteriorated dense-graded asphalt mixtures is in-place air voids. Areas
joints in the existing pavement should be addressed of low density (with a high amount of in-place air voids)
before the separation layer is placed. All loose material can lead to settlement of the concrete overlay due to
in the joints should be removed by a combination of secondary consolidation, volume change, and increased
manual methods and compressed air (approximately risk of stripping. Regardless of the type of asphalt
150 psi), and the joints should be filled flush with the separation layer used, best practices for asphalt mixture
pavement surface using a flowable mortar mixture design and construction should be followed to provide an
(Figure 8.5). Some agencies have also used asphalt adequate foundation for the concrete overlay that resists
milling fines or HMA to fill the joints. stripping and delivers long-term support and stability.

70 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Nonwoven Geotextile Separation Layer • Ensure that the edge of the fabric extends to the
foreslopes (when daylighting), terminates in an
The use of nonwoven geotextile separation layers
underdrain trench, or, in the case of pavements with
for unbonded overlays has increased greatly over
curb and gutter sections, extends into a drainage
the last several years (see Performance Assessment of
structure (inlet). (See Chapter 7 for curb and gutter
Nonwoven Geotextile Materials Used as Separation Layer
for Unbonded Concrete Overlay of Existing Concrete
Pavement Applications in the US [Cackler 2017]). These • Secure the fabric to the existing pavement using either
materials have quickly matured from pilot/research of the following two options:
implementations to become the default separation layer
‐ Use an adhesive similar to 3M Geotextile Seaming
for many agencies.
Cylinder Spray Adhesive (Figure 8.7).
In general, the following construction practices
‐ Use pins (nails) punched through 2.0 to 2.75 in.
have resulted in successful installations of geotextile
diameter galvanized discs placed 6 ft apart or less,
separation layers:
depending on conditions.
• Before placing the geotextile material, the following
actions should be taken:
‐ Repair the existing pavement to correct any
significant cracking and subgrade/subbase failures
(identified during the evaluation of the existing
pavement described in Chapter 2). Pre-overlay
repairs for unbonded overlays are typically minimal.
‐ When faulting greater than 0.25 in. (or an amount
specified by the engineer) is present, reduce the
amount of faulting by milling.
‐ Fill any rumble strips in the existing shoulder or
centerline with a low-strength mortar or asphalt
patching material. ACPA, used with permission

Figure 8.6. Overlapping sections of nonwoven geotextile material

‐ Sweep the pavement surface clean.
• Schedule placement of the geotextile material so that
the paving operation can proceed uninterrupted but
not so far ahead of the paving operation that the fabric
can become damaged.
• Unroll the material onto the existing pavement while
keeping the geotextile aligned with the pavement
edges and taut, avoiding wrinkles or folds.
• Unroll sections of the material in a sequence that will
facilitate proper lapping, prevent folding or tearing by
construction traffic, and minimize the potential that
the material will be disturbed by the paver.
• Provide 6 to 10 in. of overlap between sections of the Dan King, Iowa Concrete Paving Association, used with permission
geotextile material and ensure that no more than three Figure 8.7. Use of adhesive to secure geotextile fabric to an
layers overlap at any point (Figure 8.6). existing pavement

Chapter 8: Construction of Concrete Overlays 71

Limit construction traffic on the geotextile to only that accurately models the surface is needed to optimize
necessary to facilitate concrete paving. If construction the design profile grade of the overlay. Conventional
traffic must be allowed onto the geotextile, the following surveying methods can be used for this task, provided
precautions should be taken to mitigate tears and that a sufficient number of survey lines are collected
wrinkles in the fabric: to capture all slope breaks, areas of rutting, and other
pavement characteristics that will affect the optimum
• Leave temporary gaps in the geotextile where trucks profile grade line for the overlay. Newer surveying
are crossing and making sharp turns. techniques such as LiDAR scanning and aerial drone
• Advise construction traffic to avoid sharp turns and surveying are well suited for this application and should
heavy braking. provide a more complete data set for use in determining
an optimal profile grade line for the overlay.
• Remove and replace damaged and torn fabric.
Once an optimized profile has been developed, accurate
• Reduce the travel speed of construction traffic. machine controls, whether stringline or 3D controls,
must be used to achieve the smoothness desired. (For
Other Considerations for Separation more information on machine control, see the FHWA
Layers tech brief Stringless Paving [Snyder 2019].) Compared
When a nominal thickness of asphalt or geotextile is to stringline controls, 3D controls reduce the footprint
specified, the separation layer essentially mirrors the of the paving operation; the lateral clearances required
profile of the existing pavement. While some bumps for stringless paving range from 2 to 3 ft (Figure 8.8)
and dips will be smoothed out by an asphalt layer, compared to 6 to 10 ft for stringline paving.
the majority of the existing profile variability will be
corrected by the variable depth in the concrete overlay. Final Surface Preparation
This approach is common and typically results in the Just ahead of the paving operation, the existing
lowest cost to the agency when the concrete overlay is pavement or separation layer should be swept clean. For
measured and paid for using either a square yard pay item bonded overlay applications, the sweeping should be
for placement and a cubic yard pay item for materials or a followed by a wand blowing oil-free compressed air.
single cubic yard pay item, as noted in Chapter 7.
After sweeping, the surface should be kept damp,
Concrete Overlay Placement with any free water removed directly ahead of the
paver. When paving on a geotextile separation layer,
As stated above, there are few differences between the objective should be a slightly damp surface. (See
constructing a concrete overlay and constructing a Chapter 6 for more information on the appropriate
normal concrete pavement. However, these differences amount of water for geotextile separation layers.) If the
can be important. The key construction differences are geotextile is overwatered, it can become saturated and
summarized below. cause bleed water to rise through the concrete overlay
to the surface. This is especially an issue at the bottom
Construction Staking and Machine of vertical curves; geotextile is a good drainage conduit,
Control and excess water accumulates at low points.
The existing pavement on which a concrete overlay is
placed often has more profile and cross-slope variation
than the prepared subbase on which a new concrete
pavement is placed. There are three primary challenges
associated with this variability: (1) ensuring that the
concrete overlay is constructed to the proper thickness
tolerance, (2) achieving a specified smoothness, and (3)
minimizing the volume of concrete needed to construct
the project.

The means to meet these objectives are in conflict, so Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission
the final overlay profile must be optimized to meet all Figure 8.8. Stringless paving, with lateral clearance primarily
three. A detailed survey of the existing pavement that a function of paver track width

72 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Placing Dowel Baskets Shipping wires should be left intact. This is true even
when an MIT-SCAN device is used to verify dowel
If dowel baskets are included in the overlay design, best
placement nondestructively. The shipping wire affects
construction practices should be followed. (For more
the MIT-SCAN output but will not render it unusable
information, see the FHWA tech brief Dowel Basket
for determining dowel locations. For information on the
Anchoring Methods: Best Practices for Jointed Concrete
use of the MIT-SCAN device, see Colorado Procedure
Pavements [Voigt and Ferrebee 2016].) Anchoring
(CP) 79-20, Standard Practice for Evaluating MIT-SCAN
dowel baskets securely to the existing pavement is
Images for Uncut Dowel Baskets [CDOT 2021].
essential to providing the intended load transfer at the
contraction joints. Anchor nails should be placed on the Periodically, dowel placement should be manually
downstream side of the basket wire on both sides of the verified after the paver has passed over the baskets
basket relative to the direction of paving (Figure 8.9). (Figure 8.10). Suspend paving operations if the baskets
are found to be moving until a plan for securely
Movement of dowel baskets has been observed on some
anchoring the baskets is approved. Numerous methods
concrete overlay projects and has been attributed to
are available for checking the placement of dowels
several factors:
once the concrete has hardened, such as MIT-SCAN,
• Nails may be insufficiently anchored in asphalt MIT-SCAN-T2, ground penetrating radar, and coring.
separation layers with variable thicknesses. Such Although the precision of these methods varies, it is
asphalt layers require different nail lengths and recommended that dowel placement be verified through
different shot velocities as the asphalt thickness some means.
changes across the pavement width. It is
recommended that the anchor nails extend through Concrete Overlay Curing
the full depth of the separation layer and embed a
While curing is critical (yet often overlooked) for all
minimum of 1 in. into the underlying pavement.
concrete pavements, it requires particular attention for
• Geotextile fabric and newly placed, fine-graded asphalt overlays less than 8 in. thick. (For more information
mixtures provide less friction than a milled surface or on curing, see the IMCP manual [Taylor et al. 2019]
existing concrete. Reduced friction can cause the dowel and Curing Concrete [Taylor 2013].) Because the ratio
baskets to move as the concrete head in front of the of surface area to volume is greater for thinner overlays
paver slides along the surface of the separation layer than for typical concrete pavements, the same rate
instead of rolling as the paver moves forward. of evaporation will have greater detrimental effects
on thinner overlays that are not properly cured. For
• An excessive concrete head can cause the concrete in example, excessive drying shrinkage caused by late and/
front of the paver to be pushed rather than rolled, or inadequate curing can reduce bond strengths due to
which can move the dowel baskets. moisture-related warping within the concrete overlay.


Basket leg


Adapted from ACPA, used with permission Kevin W. McMullen, Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association, used with permission

Figure 8.9. Dowel basket anchor nails placed on the downstream Figure 8.10. Manual verification of dowel placement
side of the basket relative to the direction of paving

Chapter 8: Construction of Concrete Overlays 73

Three primary issues impact the curing of concrete

1. Timing. The curing compound must be applied

before any surface evaporation occurs.
2. Materials. A good-quality curing compound should
be used (see Chapter 6); some state DOTs have had 6 in. thick overlay × 10 in. thick overlay ×
success with alpha-methylstyrene curing compounds. 24 ft wide 24 ft wide
6 ft × 6 ft slabs 12 ft × 15 ft slabs
3. Coverage. It is critical that the overlay concrete, 2,500 cubic yards 2,500 cubic yards
including both the surface and sides, is completely production production
covered with curing compound. Streaking and gaps 39,378 lineal feet of 8,746 lineal feet of
in coverage should not be visible; rather, the cured sawcutting sawcutting
surface should have an appearance similar to a white
sheet of paper. To achieve complete coverage, it is
essential that the nozzles used to apply the curing
compound are clean. Daily cleaning of the nozzles is
A typical coverage rate of curing compound for thinner
overlays (less than 7 in. thick) is 150 ft2/gal, applied in
two coats. Heavier coverage of curing compound can CP Tech Center
cause difficulty in sawing on steep hills, especially when Figure 8.11. Comparison of sawcutting needed for overlays of
lighter early-entry saws are used, because the saws may different thicknesses and slab sizes
tend to slip on the curing compound.

Evaporation retardant should be on hand and available • Thinner overlay sections have a higher ratio of
for use as emergency protection when the curing surface area to volume. This can lead to faster
operation is delayed. Evaporation retardant should not strength gain due to solar radiation and can make the
be used as a finishing aid but rather should be applied overlay sections more sensitive to drops in ambient
only when necessary after all finishing operations have temperature, which can increase the risk of random
been completed. cracking unless the joint sawing operation is timely.
• Differential temperature and moisture values
Concrete Overlay Joints throughout the thickness of the slab can cause early-
age curling and warping. Under certain conditions,
Sawing Joints these stresses are additive and may result in cracking.
Thinner overlays with smaller slab dimensions require While moisture-related warping stresses can be
both earlier sawing and a sufficient number of saws to mitigated through proper curing, large variations
ensure that joints are sawed before random cracking in ambient temperature and relative humidity at
occurs. Concrete overlay placement rates can be the time of overlay placement can contribute to the
restricted by the number of saws available, but proper stresses in the overlay. Appropriate adjustments to the
planning can ensure that production is not hindered by mixture design and paving operation, as described in
joint sawing operations (Figure 8.11). Chapter 6 of the IMCP manual (Taylor et al. 2019),
should be made to address these conditions, or, when
Several factors contribute to the need for earlier sawing feasible, overlay placement should be scheduled
and an increased number of saws in thinner overlays: around these conditions.
• Stiffer underlying layers increase the internal stresses
in the early-age concrete.

74 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Sawcut depths should be closely monitored in the field Minimizing Early Loading Fatigue
to ensure that they meet the specified minimum depth.
Additionally, because cracking typically initiates at
the slab edge, the proper sawcut depth should extend The fatigue life of a concrete pavement is sensitive to
through the edge of the pavement. Where variable-depth early traffic loading. Decreases in fatigue life caused
pavement is placed to adjust the cross slope, the sawcut by the early application of heavy loadings (before the
depths must be adjusted to create a proper weakened concrete has reached the specified strength) can be
plane that will promote controlled cracking. (For more avoided by keeping wheel loads 1 to 2 ft from the free
information on joint sawing, see Appendix A.) edges of the pavement. Structural analyses show that
high levels of pavement support also reduce early-
HIPERPAV (The Transtec Group 2021), a software tool age load-related stress. With concrete overlays, the
that predicts stresses in concrete, is especially useful for underlying pavement provides a higher level of support
quantifying the risk of early-age cracking and planning than is present in most conventional paving.
the sawing capacity needed for a project. HIPERPAV is
a proven tool for both standard concrete pavement and
concrete overlay construction.
Repairs of Concrete Overlays
Concrete overlays can be expected to provide excellent
performance and long life, as documented in the tech
Sealing Joints summary History of Concrete Overlays in the United
Design considerations for determining the need to seal States (Gross, forthcoming). Like all pavement systems,
joints in a concrete overlay include, but are not limited however, some repairs may be necessary during an
to, type of overlay and climate (refer to Appendix A). The overlay’s service life. For example, some isolated distresses
process for sealing joints is the same for both concrete may occur due to subsurface conditions that were not
overlays and normal concrete pavements. Best practices discovered during the design and construction phases
for sealing joints are fully described in Chapter 8 of the or due to deficient materials and construction practices.
IMCP Manual (Taylor et al. 2019) and are summarized Regardless of the causes, overlay repairs are relatively
in the ACPA tech brief Concrete Pavement Joint Sealing/ straightforward and, in many cases, easier to perform
Filling (ACPA 2018). than repairs of conventional concrete pavements.

Two primary resources provide detailed information on

Opening the Overlay to Traffic the maintenance and repair of concrete overlays:
Determining Opening Time • Guide for Concrete Pavement Distress Assessments and
In most cases, the state or local agency’s standard Solutions: Identification, Causes, Prevention, and Repair
specifications for opening to traffic can be used to (Harrington et al. 2018); see especially Chapters 15,
determine when to open an overlay to traffic. When 17, and 18
accelerated opening to construction and/or public traffic
• Concrete Pavement Preservation Guide (Smith et al. 2014)
is desired, a project-specific minimum opening strength
can be calculated based on the guidance provided in
Concrete Strength Required to Open to Traffic (Freeseman
et al. 2016). Maturity testing can also be used in
conjunction with this approach, as demonstrated in the
ongoing project Evaluation of Long-Term Impacts of Early
Opening of Concrete Pavements at MnROAD.

Chapter 8: Construction of Concrete Overlays 75

Repairs of Unbonded Concrete Replacement overlay panels are easily constructed,
finished, and cured using typical overlay procedures and
Overlays 7 in. Thick or Greater materials (Figure 8.13).
The standard repair procedures used for conventional
concrete pavements also apply to unbonded overlays Other common repair methods for thinner overlays
that are greater than or equal to 7 in. thick. The include diamond grinding and grooving and joint
following chapters in the Concrete Pavement Preservation resealing and crack sealing.
Guide (Smith et al. 2014) provide comprehensive
guidance on performing several common repairs: Thin concrete overlays at the end of their service life
can be milled and replaced easily (Figures 8.14 and
• Chapter 5. Partial-Depth Repairs 8.15). Removal by milling (also referred to as carbide
milling, cold planing, or roto-milling) is a good option
• Chapter 6. Full-Depth Repairs
for concrete overlays that do not contain load transfer
• Chapter 8. Dowel Bar Retrofit, Cross Stitching, and dowels or excessive steel reinforcement.
Slot Stitching
• Chapter 9. Diamond Grinding and Grooving
• Chapter 10. Joint Resealing and Crack Sealing
Many agencies also have standard specifications and plan
details for these repair items.

Repairs of Bonded or Unbonded

Concrete Overlays Less than 6 in. Thick
Full-depth, rather than partial-depth, panel replacement
is typical for bonded and thin unbonded overlays
because the panels are small and relatively thin. After
Dan DeGraaf, Michigan Concrete Association, used with permission
full-depth sawing around the perimeter of the deficient
panel, the panel can be removed easily by jackhammers Figure 8.13. Finishing and curing of a concrete overlay repair
or a backhoe (Figure 8.12).

When the overlay has been removed, the existing

base should be examined. If the underlying pavement
is determined to be deficient, it should be removed
and replaced with concrete. In such cases, it is most
common to place the patch as one monolithic slab
instead of two lifts.

ACPA, used with permission

Figure 8.14. Typical concrete pavement milling operation

in progress

ACPA, used with permission

Figure 8.12. Removal of overlay panels

76 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Milling a concrete overlay is similar to milling an asphalt
layer in the following ways:

• The milling depth can be feathered into adjacent

• Milling can be completed on specific selected sections.
• The coarseness of the surface after milling and the
fineness of the millings can vary based on the type and
spacing of the teeth on the milling drum.
The productivity of concrete milling depends on
the hardness of the aggregate in the concrete, the bit
configuration of the milling machine, and the removal
depth. For example, it has been observed that a 2 in.
deep concrete overlay can be removed at approximately
8,000 ft2/hour and a 4 in. deep overlay can be removed
at approximately 2,700 ft2/hour.

Special Construction
Considerations for Concrete on
Concrete–Bonded Overlays
Dan DeGraaf, Michigan Concrete Association, used with permission COC–B overlays are applicable in very limited
Figure 8.15. Results of a typical concrete pavement circumstances. Design and construction guidance for
milling operation COC–B overlays can be found in Appendix C.

Chapter 8: Construction of Concrete Overlays 77

78 Guide to Concrete Overlays
Appendix A
Fundamentals of Concrete
Overlay Design

Overview of Concrete Overlay Design 80

Concrete Overlay Thickness Design 80

Typical Thickness Design Inputs and Considerations 80
Selection of a Thickness Design Procedure 80
Overview of Common Concrete Overlay Design Procedures 82

Key Design Considerations 84

Design Considerations for All Concrete Overlays 85
Design Considerations for Concrete on Concrete–Unbonded Overlays 85
Design Considerations for Concrete on Asphalt–Unbonded Overlays 89
Design Considerations for Concrete on Asphalt–Bonded Overlays 90
Design Considerations for Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays 93

Additional Design Considerations to Address Impacts of Profile and Grade Changes 95

Overhead Clearance 96
Shoulder Considerations 96
Barriers and Rails 96
Foreslopes, Backslopes, and Across-Road Drainage Structures 96
Safety Edge 96
Widening and Lane Additions 97
In-Place Structures 98
Curb and Gutter Details 98
Transitions 98

Appendix A: Fundamentals of Concrete Overlay Design 79

Overview of Concrete Overlay In selecting the final thickness design, it is important
for the engineer to anticipate what the condition of the
Design existing section will be at the time of actual construction
Concrete overlay design procedures generally consider of the new concrete surface. If construction will not
user inputs such as anticipated traffic, climate, begin for two or three years, some degradation of the
support layers, material properties, slab geometry, existing structure should be anticipated and considered
and performance criteria to develop a recommended in the analysis.
overlay thickness. The designed overlay thickness is a
major driver of overlay cost and is, therefore, a major Typical Thickness Design Inputs and
factor in whether a concrete overlay is selected for a Considerations
given project.
The numbers and types of inputs to be considered
Moving beyond thickness design, however, the during overlay thickness design vary greatly. The
comprehensive design of concrete overlay systems following checklist includes many of the unique factors
includes many additional components: and design inputs that should be considered in overlay
thickness design:
• Determination of the type and extent of pre-overlay
repairs • Extent of pre-overlay repairs needed
• Selection of construction materials with the • Need for reflective crack control
appropriate properties • Overlay panel size
• Assumption of bonding or restraint at the interface • Presence of reinforcement in the overlay slab
between the overlay and the existing pavement (i.e.,
whether the overlay is bonded or unbonded) • Assumed bond or separation between the overlay and
the existing pavement
• Design of edge support (e.g., for widened lanes or tied
• Separation layer characteristics (if a separation layer
concrete shoulders), if any is needed
is used)
• Determination of overlay panel dimensions and
joint layout Selection of a Thickness Design
• Selection of joint design details (e.g., load transfer Procedure
and sealant provisions), if any special considerations Several procedures are available for designing various
are required types of concrete overlays. Two major factors in selecting
a thickness design procedure include the basis for the
Some of these components, such as joint layout and
design (i.e., empirical versus mechanistic-empirical)
construction material properties, can significantly
and the assumption of a bond (or lack thereof ) at the
impact overlay performance. Other inputs, such as
interface between the overlay and the existing pavement.
panel dimensions, joint details, edge support, and
bond condition, directly impact thickness design and Empirical versus Mechanistic-Empirical
therefore must be selected concurrently with, and as a Design Procedures
part of, the thickness design. The goal of a successful
Pavement design procedures rely on models that can
concrete overlay design should be to address all design
generally be classified as either empirical or mechanistic.
components of the overlay system in a manner that
Empirical design procedures rely primarily on empirical
balances cost with desired performance in terms of
models, while mechanistic-empirical design procedures
quality and duration of service life.
contain elements of both types of models.

Concrete Overlay Thickness Empirical models are based on observations of past

behavior and performance. The best-known empirical
Design pavement design models are those used in the design
Designing a concrete overlay is a process that begins procedures published between 1960 and 1993 by
with characterizing the existing pavement (as outlined in the American Association of State Highway Officials
Chapter 2 of this guide), defining critical design variables, (AASHO) and the American Association of State
and then calculating the required overlay thickness. Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).

80 Guide to Concrete Overlays

These models predict future pavement serviceability When no bond exists between the overlay and existing
(ride quality) as a function of pavement structure pavement layers, the two layers bend separately, with
and cumulative applied loads based on design and each layer having its own neutral axis and each layer
performance data collected during the AASHO Road experiencing both tension and compression (Figure A.1,
Test in the late 1950s. right). The magnitude of flexural stresses in each layer
depends on the relative stiffnesses of the layers, which
Mechanistic models use principles of structural and depend on the combined effects of the thickness and
material mechanics to predict the responses (i.e., elastic modulus of each layer.
stresses, strains, deflections, and so on) of a characterized
pavement structure (i.e., with known layer thicknesses For design purposes, the overlay’s bond with (or
and material properties) to applied loads and climate separation from) the existing pavement is an assumed
conditions. Finite element analysis (FEA) software (or condition that must be selected carefully to avoid
a neural network based on the results of hundreds or premature overlay distress. While some degree of
thousands of FEA software runs) is usually used in the bonding is always present between an overlay and an
mechanistic modeling of concrete pavements. existing pavement, the degree of bonding that develops
depends on the efforts made to bond or separate the
Designing for Bonded versus Unbonded two layers.
Interface Conditions
The degree of bonding, mechanical interlock, or For example, if an overlay is designed as bonded but
frictional resistance (hereafter simply referred to as adequate adhesive bonding or mechanical interlock
“bond”) between a concrete overlay and the structural is not achieved during construction, the tensile
layer immediately below plays a major role in the stresses in the overlay will likely be much higher than
behavior of and stress distribution through all layers in assumed in design, and premature panel cracking is
the overlaid pavement system. likely. Conversely, the design of an unbonded overlay
assumes no adhesive bond between the overlay and
When the overlay and existing pavement layers are existing pavement layers, and if any bond forms, an
bonded, they act together as a single layer with an effective improvement in performance may be realized over
thickness greater than that of either the overlay or the design expectations. However, if a high degree of
existing pavement. The combined system has a single bonding is incidentally developed during construction,
neutral axis with respect to bending, and as a result the cracks and other distresses in the existing pavement
peak flexural stresses in a bonded overlay are lower than may quickly reflect through the overlay. Such problems
those in an unbonded overlay (Figure A.1, left). Bonded are most likely to occur with relatively thin unbonded
overlays also reduce pavement deflections to a greater overlays of distressed existing concrete or thick asphalt
extent than unbonded overlays because of the greater pavement, but this scenario illustrates the need to
stiffness provided by the combined system comprised of carry bond-related design assumptions through the
the bonded overlay and the existing pavement. construction process.

CP Tech Center

Figure A.1. Behavior of and flexural stress distribution through the layers of bonded and unbonded overlay systems

Appendix A: Fundamentals of Concrete Overlay Design 81

The structural impact of the overlay bond depends on AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design
the quality and integrity of both the overlay and the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is a proprietary
existing pavement, as well as the thickness of the existing implementation of AASHTO’s current mechanistic-
pavement. A bonded overlay should not be selected empirical pavement design procedures and is recognized
unless the existing pavement (or the portion of that by the concrete pavement industry as the best tool
pavement that will remain) is of sufficiently high quality for highways and other federal and state roadways.
and adequate thickness. It combines a mechanistic approach to pavement
structural analysis (using user inputs for loads, climate,
For example, 3 in. (nominal thickness) of sound asphalt
and pavement structural data to compute critical
pavement is usually considered the minimum acceptable
pavement stresses, strains, and deflections) with
thickness for constructing a concrete on asphalt–bonded
empirical performance models developed from a large
(COA–B) overlay. The primary reason for this minimum
database of field measurements gathered from projects
thickness is that asphalt has a much lower modulus
all over the United States. This approach allows users to
(around 400,000 psi) than portland cement concrete
design and evaluate pavement systems comprising new
(around 4,000,000 psi), so there is little structural value
and innovative features and materials with a high degree
to be gained by bonding to less than 3 in. of material.
of confidence. Licensing and fee structure information
When the existing asphalt pavement is this thin, it
can be found at
is often better to design the concrete layer as a new
pavement on an asphalt base rather than as a COA–B For concrete overlays, the designs produced by
overlay; in such cases, the thickness of the concrete layer AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design reflect the
will be slightly greater than that of the concrete layer for interactions between pavement geometry (e.g., panel size
a COA–B overlay. In addition, a minimum thickness of and thickness, widened lanes), structural considerations
asphalt is necessary to support construction traffic and (e.g., use of dowels and tie bars, shoulder type, use of
paving operations. steel reinforcement), local climatic factors, and concrete
material and support layer properties.
In summary, the interface condition between the overlay
and the existing pavement is an important consideration AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design includes design
during design. Designers must select the design interface modules for all types of concrete overlays, including a
condition based, in part, on the thickness and condition recently added module for designing short-jointed plain
of the existing pavement. The decision whether to concrete pavement (SJPCP) over asphalt pavement (i.e.,
assume a bonded or unbonded condition has major COA–B) overlays. The SJPCP design module is based
implications for the selection of an overlay thickness on the University of Pittsburgh’s BCOA-ME design
design procedure, the overlay construction techniques procedure and software but varies in many significant
used, the development of future distress in the overlay, ways (Bhattacharya et al. 2017, Alland et al. 2018),
long-term pavement performance, and the expected including limitations on panel size (4.5 to 8 ft) and
service life of the overlay and pavement. thickness (4 to 8 in.).

AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design provides

Overview of Common Concrete Overlay
predictions of pavement performance indicators over
Design Procedures the design life of a pavement. For jointed concrete
Many procedures (with associated software applications) overlays (other than SJPCP), the performance indicators
are available for designing concrete overlays. This section are International Roughness Index (IRI), transverse
summarizes the design bases, strengths, and limitations cracking, and mean joint faulting; for SJPCP over
of two of the most commonly used procedures in the asphalt, the performance indicators are IRI and
US and two newer but promising procedures. The longitudinal cracking; for continuously reinforced
following four procedures are discussed: concrete pavement (CRCP) overlays, the performance
indicators are IRI and punchouts.
• AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design
• University of Pittsburgh’s BCOA-ME
• University of Pittsburgh’s UNOL Design v1.0

82 Guide to Concrete Overlays

The procedure used by AASHTOWare Pavement BCOA-ME is the only design procedure for COA–B
ME Design is highly sophisticated and includes the overlays that considers three potential cracking modes:
potential for users to provide literally hundreds of inputs corner cracking (which predominates in panels with
characterizing traffic loads, materials, and climate, as dimensions smaller than 4.5 ft), longitudinal cracking
well as adjustments to calibrate the performance models (often observed in 6 ft panels), and transverse cracking
for local conditions. Users should have a thorough (most common in full-lane-width panels). The design
understanding of the pavement design procedure and process also includes a check, based on the work of
the sensitivity of the design inputs. Comprehensive Vandenbossche and Barman (2010), to determine
guidance for the AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design whether the evaluated design (i.e., concrete thickness,
procedure can be found in Guide to the Design of panel size, and reinforcing content) has significant
Concrete Overlays Using Existing Methodologies (Torres et potential to reflect cracks in the existing asphalt
al. 2012), although guidance on the recently developed pavement through the concrete overlay. This check
SJPCP design module is not included. does not influence the design thickness but indicates
whether construction measures should be taken to prevent reflective cracking (e.g., co-locating overlay
In 2016, the concrete pavement industry, including joints over cracks in the asphalt or performing pre-
the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA), overlay crack repairs).
the National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association
Future planned enhancements for BOA-ME include the
(NRMCA), and the Portland Cement Association
development and implementation of a predictive model
(PCA), initiated an effort to consolidate various concrete
for transverse joint faulting, which would provide a
pavement design tools to reduce confusion about
second design criterion (in addition to slab cracking).
which design approach to use for any given application
(Ferrebee et al. 2018). The resulting free, web-based
University of Pittsburgh’s UNOL Design v1.0
application,, was released in
2018 and serves as the concrete pavement industry’s Unbonded concrete overlays have been used in the
recommended design methodology for all facilities United States since 1916, but the need for more reliable
that are not covered by AASHTOWare Pavement ME design and construction guidance has become apparent
Design. The web application, along with accompanying in recent years. For example, innovations in unbonded
resources and support information, can be accessed at concrete overlay technology have led to the introduction of new types of separation layers (including nonwoven
geotextiles), the use of macrofiber-reinforced concrete,
The overlay design modules in and the use of smaller panel sizes. Such design and
facilitate the design of concrete on concrete–bonded construction options are not adequately characterized
(COC–B), concrete on concrete–unbonded (COC–U), in some widely used design procedures. These needs
and concrete on asphalt–unbonded (COA–U) overlays. drove faculty at the University of Pittsburgh to develop
For the design of COA–B overlays, the program directs UNOL Design, a standalone mechanistic-empirical
users to the University of Pittsburgh’s BCOA-ME design procedure for COC–U overlays, in 2020 under
design tool. an eight-state pooled-fund study (Khazanovich et al.
2020). This free, web-based design application can be
University of Pittsburgh’s BCOA-ME accessed at
In 2013, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh
UNOL Design is relatively simple but considers
developed a mechanistic-empirical design procedure for
several important design factors: truck traffic volume
COA–B overlays, BCOA-ME, under a Federal Highway
(initial and future growth in the design lane); climate
Administration (FHWA) pooled fund study. This free,
conditions (from a database of weather station
web-based design application is relatively simple but
information); panel size; dowel size; shoulder type;
considers the effects of concrete properties (including
the thickness, strength, and elastic modulus of the
the use of macrofibers), panel geometry, existing asphalt
existing concrete; and separation layer type. Overlay
pavement thickness and condition, climate, and traffic
performance criteria include faulting and panel cracking.
loading over the lifetime of a pavement. BCOA-ME
can be accessed at

Appendix A: Fundamentals of Concrete Overlay Design 83

The structural and performance models in UNOL 4 to 12 in. The software can perform two types of
Design have been calibrated using laboratory and analyses: performance prediction and reliability. If the
field data. The cracking and faulting models utilize performance prediction option is selected, the program
the incremental damage framework in the current predicts the percentage of cracked slabs and mean joint
AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide faulting at the end of the design life for a given overlay
(MEPDG) (AASHTO 2020) and are more sophisticated thickness. If the reliability analysis option is selected, the
than those used in AASHTOWare Pavement Design program finds the overlay thickness that meets specified
ME. For example, the crack prediction model in UNOL cracking and reliability criteria and predicts joint
Design considers four different mechanisms and modes faulting for the specified faulting reliability level.
of cracking (top-down and bottom-up transverse
cracking and top-down and bottom-up longitudinal
cracking), and the faulting model is based on separation
Key Design Considerations
layer erosion rather than subgrade erosion. The Key design considerations for concrete overlays include
performance models were calibrated using data from the general considerations for all types of overlays and
Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program, the considerations specific to the various overlay types.
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
Table A.1 presents a summary of key design parameters
MnROAD test track, and several Michigan Department
for various types of concrete overlays. Parameters that
of Transportation (MDOT) pavement sections.
vary by overlay type include typical expected service
UNOL Design can handle concrete overlays with panel life, existing pavement condition requirements, slab
dimensions of either 6 ft by 6 ft or lane-width overlays thickness, panel dimensions, use of dowels and tie bars,
with panel lengths of 12 to 16 ft and a thickness of suitable design procedures, and use of macrofibers.

Table A.1. Summary of key design parameters

Typical Typical Typical Typical

Dowels in *Tied Macrofibers directly
Overlay expected existing concrete maximum Recommended
transverse longitudinal considered in
type service pavement slab panel design procedures
joints? joints? design procedure?
life condition thickness dimension

Yes when D > 4

Concrete in. Alternative
Yes for BCOA-ME.
on Asphalt– ½ lane for longitudinal AASHTOWare
Up to 30 Yes (for D ≥ Modify concrete
Bonded Fair to Good 4–6 in. width, 6 ft contraction Pavement ME Design
years 7 in.) strength inputs for
(COA–B) length joints is SJPCP, BCOA-ME
other procedures.
Overlays macrofibers (all
Concrete on Yes for
Concrete– AASHTOWare
Up to 30 existing Not in
Bonded Fair to Good 2–4 in. Not in overlay Pavement ME Design, Modify concrete
years joints and overlay
(COC–B) strength inputs for
Overlays other procedures.
Concrete 6–7 in. 1.5 to 2 Yes for
on Asphalt– for non- times slab AASHTOWare
as New Deteriorated Yes (for D ≥
Unbonded Interstate; thickness Yes Pavement ME Design, Modify concrete
Pavement to Good 7 in.)
(COA–U) 8–12 in. for in inches, strength inputs for
Overlays Interstate 15 ft max other procedures.
Concrete on 6–7 in. 1.5 to 2
Same Yes for UNOL Design.
Concrete– for non- times slab AASHTOWare
as New Deteriorated Yes (for D ≥ Modify concrete
Unbonded Interstate; thickness Yes Pavement ME Design,
Pavement to Good 7 in.) strength inputs for
(COC–U) 8–12 in. for in inches, UNOL Design
Design other procedures.
Overlays Interstate 15 ft max
Concrete Yes. Alternative
Same UNOL Design
Overlays ½ lane for longitudinal
as New Deteriorated (only for COC–U)
(COA–U 5–7 in. width, 6 ft No contraction Yes
Pavement to Good or AASHTOWare
and COC–U length joints is
Design Pavement ME Design
Overlays macrofibers.
with Small
Panel Sizes)
* See the sections on shoulders and widening and lane additions in this appendix for more information on tied longitudinal joints

84 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Design Considerations for All condition of the existing pavement, overlay design life,
slab geometry, slab thickness constraints, and required
Concrete Overlays crack width control.
Need for Uniform Support
For concrete overlays, as for concrete pavements in Joint Activation
general, uniformity of support is far more important Joint activation (also called joint deployment) refers to
than strength of support. Thickness design can address the development of a crack (a working joint) below the
the presence of a strong or weak foundation but cannot sawcut made at a contraction joint. If a crack does not
ensure good pavement performance if the foundation form beneath the sawcut, the joint has not activated
includes areas with abrupt changes in support or isolated or deployed, and the effective panel length is increased
large areas of stiffer or softer material. These situations from the nominal panel dimension to the distance
can arise in overlay design, for example, when the between the two nearest activated joints.
overlay will increase lane widths by extending over a
portion of a weaker shoulder section. Another example While construction practices can promote joint activation,
is when profile milling of an existing asphalt surface some pavement design parameters also drive the activation
for a COA–B overlay results in localized areas with a mechanisms. A recent research project in Iowa (Gross et
very thin or nonexistent asphalt layer. Uniform support al. 2019) on concrete overlay performance found that
must be restored in such cases with pre-overlay repairs joint spacing was the predominant factor affecting joint
such as localized full-depth asphalt pavement repairs or activation, with greater joint spacing leading to more
reconstruction and shoulder improvement. rapid and higher rates of activation. Overlay thickness was
also a factor, with the joints in thinner overlays activating
Brand and Roesler (2014) and Roesler et al. (2016) less reliably than in thicker overlays.
describe procedures for analyzing concrete pavements
under various nonuniform support conditions. It is likely that the type of separation layer also plays
Additional information on pre-overlay pavement a role in joint activation for COC–U overlays, with
evaluation is presented in Chapter 2 of this guide. the lower frictional resistance of geotextile fabric
contributing to lower activation rates than when an
Use of Macrofibers asphalt separation layer is used.
Macrofibers are frequently used in concrete overlays
(especially for overlays 6 in. or less in thickness) to Design Considerations for Concrete on
provide improved resistance to cracking, enhance the Concrete–Unbonded Overlays
joint load transfer provided by aggregate interlock,
Pre-overlay Repairs
restrain joint openings, and help retain slab fragments
in place when cracks do develop. The structural benefits Existing concrete pavement provides very strong support
of using fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) are typically to unbonded concrete overlays, and concrete overlays
considered in current design procedures by modifying typically “bridge” over existing minor pavement defects
(increasing) the design input value for the unreinforced such as cracks, spalls, faulting, and joint repairs without
concrete flexural strength (or modulus of rupture experiencing reduced service life. Therefore, it is not
[MOR]), f ’r. An effective flexural strength (feff) is used in usually cost-effective to perform extensive pre-overlay
lieu of f ’r to account for the effects of using macrofibers repairs before placing COC–U overlays. However,
in the concrete mixture. It is estimated as follows: designers should ensure that the existing pavement
provides reasonably uniform support to the overlay layer,
feff = MOR + f150 with no rocking panels or panel fragments and no large
areas of significantly different structural composition,
where f150 is the residual strength of the concrete after which can result from lane widening and large full-
cracking. This value can be estimated using the Residual depth asphalt repairs.
Strength Estimator tool developed in 2019 by the
National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP When a COC–U overlay is placed over an existing
Tech Center 2019). The residual strength value varies CRCP that has been repaired with full-depth asphalt
with the concrete mixture design used and the fiber patches, consideration should be given to replacing the
type and content but is typically between 100 and asphalt patches with concrete to minimize the potential
200 psi. Specified values for the residual strength of for movements in the existing pavement that could
FRC often vary with traffic composition and volume, produce buckling or compression failures in the overlay.

Appendix A: Fundamentals of Concrete Overlay Design 85

Panels and panel fragments that appear to be unstable
or that experience visible movement under traffic should
be replaced with full-depth concrete repairs (including
foundation repairs and the use of dowels and tie bars,
where necessary) to ensure long-term stability. Similarly,
longitudinal cracks adjacent to settled areas should
be repaired with appropriate techniques (such as full-
depth repairs or cross-stitching and slab stabilization)
to provide stable, uniform support for the overlay. In
some cases, the overlay thickness and joint pattern can
be modified to prevent uncontrolled panel cracking at
locations of known change in support (for example, by ACPA, used with permission
placing a tied longitudinal joint in the overlay above the Figure A.2. Tie bars anchored to an existing pavement surface
longitudinal edge joint in a widening section, as shown across a longitudinal edge joint where a concrete overlay will
in Figure A.2). be used for a widening section

Milling or grinding of faulted joints and cracks in the

Asphalt Concrete. Asphalt concrete is, historically, the
existing pavement should be considered before overlay
most common separation layer material for COC–U
placement if the joint or crack faulting is such that
overlays. The asphalt layer must be thick enough to cover
the selected separation layer will be unable to prevent
all irregularities in the existing pavement (including joint
the overlay from “keying” or locking into the existing
faulting), as described in Chapter 6 of this guide.
pavement at the joints. For geotextile fabric separation
layers, consider joint milling/grinding if faulting exceeds Geotextile Fabric. Nonwoven geotextile fabric is an
¼ in. For 1 in. asphalt separation layers, consider joint increasingly popular choice for the separation layer
milling/grinding if faulting exceeds ⅜ in. (or increase material in COC–U overlays because (1) the use of
the separation layer thickness to exceed the maximum fabric is often less expensive than the construction of
faulting by at least ½ in.). an asphalt separation layer, (2) fabric provides very little
friction or interlock between the two concrete layers,
Selection of a Separation Layer resulting in highly effective isolation of the overlay from
All COC–U overlays must be separated from the the existing pavement, and (3) the use of fabric often
existing concrete pavement using a layer of material that reduces overlay construction time by eliminating the
serves one or more of the following purposes: need to schedule a subcontracted activity. Separation
layer fabric is typically specified by weight, thickness,
• Isolates the overlay from the existing pavement by
and color, as described in Chapter 6 of this guide.
preventing adhesive bonding or interlock of the two
layers. This helps prevent cracks and joints in the Panel Dimensions and Joint Layout
existing pavement from reflecting through the overlay.
Excellent guidance concerning joint layout for
• Drains surface water that infiltrates the overlay via conventional concrete pavement is provided in
a drainable separation layer that forms a conduit, FHWA Technical Advisory T 5040.30 (FHWA 2019).
reducing the potential for erosion of the separation The advisory notes that joint spacing requirements
layer and concrete at the interface. “depend on many factors, including slab thickness,
concrete characteristics (e.g., moisture and temperature
• Provides a degree of compliance or cushioning
response, strength, and elasticity), foundation support,
between the two rigid layers, thereby reducing curling/
and environmental conditions” (FHWA 2019). It
warping stresses in the overlay.
recommends that the ratio of panel length to width
Many types of separation layer material have been should not exceed 1.5 and notes that maximum panel
used, but experience has led to the current practice of length practices have converged around a length of 15 ft
using either a thin layer (1 to 2 in.) of dense-graded for unreinforced concrete. Local experience, materials,
or drainable (permeable) asphalt or a nonwoven climate effects, and so on may result in deviations from
geotextile fabric. these recommendations.

86 Guide to Concrete Overlays

The guidance provided in the FHWA technical advisory,
though developed for conventional jointed concrete
pavements, is consistent with successful common
practices that have evolved for jointing COC–U
overlays. Thinner COC–U overlays (6 in. thick or
less) are typically constructed with nominal 6 ft square
panels, while COC–U overlays with a thickness of 8
in. or more are typically constructed with full 12 ft
lane widths and panel lengths ranging from 12 to 15
ft. COC–U overlays with intermediate thicknesses
(between 6 and 8 in.) can be built conservatively with
small panels but may be successfully built with full-lane-
width panels in locations with a mild climate and/or low
volumes of heavy traffic.

Small panel sizes result in reduced curling/warping

stresses and often result in fewer concurrent wheel
loads per panel. These stress reductions allow significant
overlay thickness reductions, which are considered in
UNOL Design but not in or
AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design.
Armen Amirkhanian, used with permission
Transverse joint locations in COC–U overlays can Figure A.3. Concrete overlay on composite pavement
generally be selected with no effort made to either photographed in 2012 after 13 years in service, with the
match or avoid the location of joints in the underlying overlay exhibiting interior corner deterioration due to
pavement. An exception to this practice is that overlay longitudinal joints in the wheel paths
joints must match the location and width of any
expansion joints in the underlying pavement; failure to Additionally, joint locations should always be adjusted
do so may result in buckling in the overlay when the to reflect best practices for jointing around embedded
underlying expansion joint closes in warm weather. utilities and drainage structures. The ACPA has
published two tech briefs on concrete pavement
Longitudinal joints in COC–U overlays are generally
jointing and intersection joint layout (ACPA 2007,
located to match lane lines (which may or may not
ACPA 1992) that provide examples of good jointing
coincide with longitudinal joints in the underlying
practices applicable to both new concrete pavements
pavement). An exception may be for widened lanes,
and concrete overlays.
where panels are designed to extend some distance
beyond the outside lane boundary into the shoulder to
Transverse Joints: Dowel Bars, Macrofibers,
reduce load-related edge and corner stresses.
and Sawcuts
Additional longitudinal joints in COC–U overlays Transverse joints for COC–U overlays can be either
(located away from the lane lines) are often required plain or doweled (or, in the case of continuously
for thinner overlays and overlays with smaller panels. reinforced concrete overlays, nonexistent at locations
Care should be taken to avoid placing these joints other than construction headers). Undoweled joints are
within wheel paths, where heavy traffic may cause rapid the most common transverse joint type for COC–U
development of cracking and spalling at the interior overlays with thicknesses of less than 7 in. because
corners, as shown in Figure A.3 (King and Roesler thinner overlays may not have sufficient truck traffic to
2014). For example, 4 ft wide panels have deteriorated warrant the use of dowels. In addition, it can be difficult
more rapidly than 6 ft wide panels of the same to install dowels in thin pavements with little concrete
thickness under heavy traffic because of longitudinal cover, and hard asphalt or concrete support layers can
joint placement. make it difficult to anchor dowel baskets.

Appendix A: Fundamentals of Concrete Overlay Design 87

The size and placement of dowels in COC–U overlays It can be difficult to insert or embed tie bars in thin
should be designed using conventional techniques. COC–U overlays, and the use of tie bars in one-lane-
The dowels should be protected from corrosion and at-a-time construction with active adjacent traffic
are normally placed at mid-depth except in areas of can also be problematic. Adding macrofibers to the
cross-slope correction, profile correction, and so on concrete mixture in lieu of using tie bars can alleviate
where the planned overlay thickness varies. In such this problem. Macrofiber use has been shown to be
cases, dowels may be placed below mid-depth (for an effective alternative to using tie bars in small-panel
basket placements) or above mid-depth (for inserter COC–U overlays by preventing longitudinal contraction
placements). In all cases, adequate concrete cover over joints from opening, minimizing slab migration, and
the dowels must be maintained. preventing misalignment of adjacent slab panels.

Macrofibers have also been shown to maintain Longitudinal contraction joints are typically formed
acceptable load transfer in concrete overlays without or cut to a depth of T/3. Care must be taken to ensure
dowels through aggregate interlock, especially in thin that any tie bars present are not cut or damaged during
(6 in. thick or less), short-panel concrete overlays. joint sawing.
Macrofiber reinforcement properties and test methods
are discussed in Chapter 6 of this guide. Joint Filling and Sealing
An ACPA tech brief (ACPA 2018) provides
The sawcut depth of transverse joints in COC–U
recommendations concerning the need for (and
overlays is typically T/3, but the depth may need to
potential benefits of ) filling and/or sealing concrete
be greater (up to T/2) to prevent the development of
pavement joints as a function of traffic, posted speed
dominant joints when COC–U overlays are constructed
limit, climate, and panel size. These recommendations
on geotextile fabric. This is because fabric is typically
are valid for COC–U overlays as well as conventional
very effective at minimizing frictional restraint at the
concrete pavements.
interface between the overlay and the existing pavement,
which reduces tensile stresses in the overlay that would Special Considerations for Continuously
otherwise initiate joint activation. Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays
Longitudinal Joints: Tie Bars, Macrofibers, Unbonded CRCP overlays on concrete pavement
and Sawcuts have been (and continue to be) constructed in the
United States, with Texas and Illinois having the
Designing COC–U overlays according to the standard
most experience with this overlay type. Key design
tie bar system design used for new pavements may result
considerations for this overlay type are provided below,
in over-reinforcing of the joints, failure of the joints to
with more details provided in Appendix B.
activate (for contraction joints), and development of
longitudinal cracking away from the sawed or formed Thickness design for unbonded CRCP overlays should
joints. This is especially a risk for thin overlays and be performed using AASHTOWare Pavement ME
overlays constructed over geotextile fabric (because of Design. Asphalt separation layers are typically used
the low frictional restraint and resulting low tensile to ensure reliable crack spacing development in the
forces in the overlay). Tie bar systems for COC–U overlay. The only overlay joints that are required
overlays should be designed (in terms of bar size, are transverse construction joints and longitudinal
spacing, and length) in consideration of pavement construction and contraction joints; sawcut depths and
thickness, assumed friction or restraint experienced by widths for longitudinal contraction joints in unbonded
the overlay due to friction or interlock with the material CRCP overlays are identical to those described
immediately below (usually a separation layer), climate previously for COC–U overlays. Sleeper slabs are
conditions, panel dimensions, the distance of the joint preferred over lugs and wide-flange beams for terminal
to the nearest free edge, and other factors. joints and transition slabs.

88 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Design Considerations for Concrete on deep ruts or unstable asphalt layers or to reduce profile
grade changes that lower overpass clearances or create
Asphalt–Unbonded Overlays other safety and geometric problems, such as the need
COA–U overlays include unbonded concrete overlays to raise guardrails or adjust ditch slopes. The decision to
on both asphalt and composite pavements. mill the surface should be balanced against the resulting
Existing asphalt and composite pavements are typically reduction in the existing pavement structure, the impact
treated as composite foundations for COA–U overlays, on the existing pavement’s ability to carry construction
and the overlay thickness is usually designed according traffic, the impact on the overlay thickness design, and
to the method used for a new pavement on a very stiff the additional cost of the milling operation. These are
foundation (which for COA–U overlays is the entire more a concern for existing asphalt pavements than
structure of the existing pavement). The exception to composite pavements.
this is when a composite pavement features a relatively
Separation Layer Selection Considerations
thin (3 in. or less) asphalt surface layer. In this case, the
overlay may or may not be designed as a COC–U overlay, Separation layer materials are rarely used for COA–U
with the thin asphalt layer being treated as a separation overlays because the existing asphalt surface layer is
layer. If the existing asphalt in the composite pavement usually considered sufficiently compliant (and of much
is unsuitable for use as a separation layer (i.e., if it is lower stiffness than the concrete overlay) to avoid the
unstable, is susceptible to stripping, or exhibits other reflection of any existing pavement distresses into
problems), it must be milled off and a new separation the overlay. An exception is the previously described
layer placed over the underlying concrete pavement. case where the asphalt layer in an existing composite
pavement is not suitable for use as a separation layer due
Pre-overlay Repairs to instability, the potential for stripping, or other issues;
COA–U overlays, whether placed on asphalt or in such cases, a new separation layer is needed, and the
composite pavement, rarely involve extensive pre- design and selection considerations are identical to those
overlay repair because (1) the overlay usually bridges described above for COC–U overlays.
intact areas of raveling, fatigue cracking, and similar
Panel Dimensions, Joint Layout and Design,
types of existing asphalt or composite pavement distress
and Joint Sealing
and (2) the concrete overlay thickness design is unlikely
to change much (if at all) as a result of the repairs, so Guidance concerning panel dimensions, joint layout
repair of such areas may not be cost-effective. It is only and design, and joint sealing for COA–U overlays is
necessary that the existing pavement provide reasonably essentially identical to the guidance provided previously
uniform support to the overlay layer, with no rocking for COC–U overlays. However, the presence of asphalt
panels or panel fragments and no large areas of surface rutting and the need for changes in pavement
significantly different structural composition. Pavement cross section (e.g., to increase cross slope, make grade
areas that are unstable or experience movement under corrections, or change superelevation) can introduce
traffic should be replaced with full-depth asphalt some additional design and specification considerations.
or concrete repairs, including foundation repairs, COA–U overlays are often placed on rutted asphalt-
dowels, and tie bars where necessary, to ensure long- surfaced pavement, with the design thickness of the
term stability. The existing pavement should be free overlay being achieved at the pavement edge, the ridges
of features such as wide joints and cracks, unrepaired between the ruts, and/or at the pavement crown. This
potholes, and other features that would permit the results in deeper sections of concrete in the rutted wheel
overlay to interlock or “key” with the pavement. paths, a potential benefit because additional concrete
Even when no pre-overlay repairs are required, it may thickness (with reduced stress) is present where heavy
be desirable to mill the pavement surface to eliminate loads are most frequent.

Appendix A: Fundamentals of Concrete Overlay Design 89

One common concern, however, is that the variable Special Considerations for Continuously
overlay thickness results in the need for variable-depth Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays
sawcuts at transverse joints to prevent uncontrolled Several unbonded CRCP overlays on asphalt-surfaced
cracking. Because pavement cracking and joint activation pavement were constructed in the US in the 1960s
generally start at the exposed edges of the overlay (where and 1970s, and performance has been reported to be
shrinkage is typically greatest) and propagate across the satisfactory. Few additional unbonded CRCP overlays
pavement, it is unlikely that uncontrolled cracking will on asphalt-surfaced pavement have been built in the
develop in concrete overlays of rutted pavement if the US in recent decades, except for some thin and ultra-
sawcut is T/3 at the pavement edge. thin CRCP overlays on flexible pavements in transition
areas in Texas (Chen et al. 2016). Additional details
However, if the thickness of the overlay section is
concerning these overlays are presented in Appendix B
variable due to a cross-slope correction such that the
of this guide.
design thickness is achieved at the pavement crown
and the thickness increases toward the pavement edge,
the sawcut depth at the edge should be adjusted to Design Considerations for Concrete on
compensate for the added section thickness at this Asphalt–Bonded Overlays
location; in such situations, it may be necessary to adjust COA–B overlays include bonded concrete overlays on
the sawcut depth with the overlay thickness across the both asphalt and composite pavements.
section to avoid cutting or damaging any embedded
dowel bars. Alternatively, dowel bars can be placed at A COA–B overlay should only be considered for an
a greater depth (while still maintaining at least 2 in. of existing asphalt-surfaced pavement that is in (or can
bottom cover). cost-effectively be restored to) good or better structural
condition. COA–B overlays are typically thinner than
A further consideration in developing bid documents for COA–U overlays because of the increased structural
COA–U overlays on rutted asphalt-surfaced pavement capacity afforded by bonding the concrete and asphalt
is that rut depth can vary greatly along the length layers.
of a project. In such cases, concrete overlay volumes
will also vary, resulting in potential material quantity The following sections provide guidance on the design
overruns and contractor cost uncertainty when bids are and specification of COA–B overlays, including
developed solely on the basis of total cost per unit area foundation characterization, pre-overlay repairs, material
(e.g., dollars per square yard). The potential for inflated selection, achievement and maintenance of a bond, joint
bid pricing can be avoided by including provisions in layout and design, and more.
the contract documents to pay for materials (paid in
dollars per cubic yard) separately from placement (paid Foundation Support Characterization
in dollars per square yard). However, this approach can One challenging aspect of COA–B overlay design is
result in all risk for the project falling on the owner if the characterization of the modulus of foundation
material volume quantities are not accurately estimated support, k, for the composite pavement structure.
and capped. Ultimately, the decision to use one pay Because the asphalt layer is considered part of the new
item (dollars per square yard only) or two (dollars per monolithic pavement structure, the k value should
square yard and dollars per cubic yard) boils down to an represent the combined effect of all layers immediately
assessment of risk allocation (contractor versus owner) below the asphalt. For composite pavements, this
and the likely impact on overall project pricing. would be the effective k value of the materials below the
existing asphalt layer. Some procedures for estimating
It should be noted that the use of three-dimensional the effective k value have no upper limit, even
roadway survey data that are collected to inform the though differences in k values over 1,000 psi/in. are
development of plans and specifications can also be used meaningless in concrete pavement design; therefore, it is
to reduce unexpected overruns of concrete quantities, recommended that the effective k value of the materials
thereby reducing the risk to the owner in the two- below the asphalt be limited to 1,000 psi/in. This limit
bid-item approach. Three-dimensional survey data would generally be applied whenever a bonded concrete
are becoming more routinely available as contractors overlay is placed on an existing composite (asphalt-
adopt the use of stringless paving systems. This topic is overlaid concrete) pavement.
discussed further in Chapter 7 of this guide.

90 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Pre-overlay Repairs Lifting force
Shrinkage force
The existing pavement surface should be in (or be
able to be cost-effectively restored to) good or better L
condition. Loose, raveled, or stripped material should
be removed to ensure the presence of a sound asphalt F/a F/a F/a F/a
surface (with a minimum remaining thickness of at
least 3 in.) to which the concrete overlay can bond. The
L/2 L/2
overlay should be designed for the weakest (in terms of
both thickness and strength) asphalt pavement area that
CP Tech Center
will remain after any repairs have been made. Optimal
Figure A.4. Impact of panel size on thermal and shrinkage
repair quantities can be estimated by considering the restraint stress
trade-off between the additional cost for repairing the
next weakest area versus the savings associated with a
reduced overlay thickness. Panel Dimensions and Joint Layout
Panel dimensions are a crucial factor in COA–B overlay
Overlay Material Selection behavior. When the contact area, pressure, and position
The selection of concrete overlay materials, including of a load are held constant, smaller panels experience
macrofibers, and mixture proportioning are discussed in smaller bending stresses and can therefore be designed
Chapter 6 of this guide. with less thickness. Similarly, thermal and drying
shrinkage restraint stresses are reduced with smaller
Macrofibers should be considered for use in any panel dimensions (Figure A.4). For these reasons, panel
COA–B overlay less than 6 in. thick. The added cost of dimensions are typically selected as a trial design input
macrofibers will be partially offset by a reduction in the during the COA–B overlay thickness design process.
required overlay thickness based on the effective strength Because most COA–B overlay thicknesses are 6 in. or
of the material. less, panel dimensions are almost always 6 ft or less.

Achievement and Maintenance of a Bond Joint locations should always be adjusted to reflect best
The development and maintenance of an adequate practices for jointing around embedded utilities and
bond between the concrete overlay and the existing drainage structures. In addition, longitudinal joints in
asphalt pavement is critical to the performance of a COA–B overlays should be located away from wheel
COA–B overlay. Loss of the bond (or failure to develop paths because panel corners located within wheel paths
an adequate bond) will accelerate the development often develop load-related cracks and spalls. For this
of pavement distress and reduce the overlay’s service reason, panel widths of 6 ft generally perform better
life, especially for thinner overlays. Existing design than (and are preferred to) panel widths of 4 ft. Panel
procedures for COA–B overlays do not specifically aspect ratio (the ratio of the longer side length to the
address the required strength of the overlay bond shorter side length) should be approximately 1:1 and
but rather treat it primarily as a construction issue should never exceed 1.5:1. The ACPA’s tech briefs
because bond-related failures rarely occur when proper on concrete pavement jointing and intersection joint
construction and curing techniques are used. Refer to layout (ACPA 2007, ACPA 1992) provide examples of
Chapter 8 for information on proper construction and good jointing practices that are applicable to both new
curing practices. concrete pavements and COA–B overlays.

As with COA–U overlays, the presence of asphalt

Maximum Overlay Thickness
surface rutting and the need for changes in pavement
The maximum COA–B overlay design thickness using cross section (e.g., to increase cross slope, make grade
BCOA-ME is 6.5 in. The maximum design thickness corrections, or change superelevation) can introduce
using the SJPCP module of AASHTOWare Pavement some additional design and specification considerations
ME Design is 8 in. At greater overlay thicknesses, the for COA–B overlays. These considerations involve
concrete overlay is so stiff (in terms of both elastic sawcut depth and construction bid items, specifically the
modulus and layer thickness) relative to the underlying risks and benefits of paying for a COA–B overlay using
asphalt that the asphalt contributes very little to the pay items for both placement (dollars per square yard)
pavement’s flexural resistance to loads. In such cases, the and concrete material (dollars per cubic yard).
system can be designed as an unbonded concrete overlay.

Appendix A: Fundamentals of Concrete Overlay Design 91

Dowel Bars, Tie Bars, and Use of Fiber-
Reinforced Concrete
Dowels should not be placed in COA–B overlays
because (1) COA–B overlays are usually 6.5 in. thick
or less, which would result in thin concrete cover, and
(2) dowel shear loads would place high tensile stresses
on the interface bond, leading to more rapid loss of the
bond and failure of the overlay.

Macrofibers have been shown to maintain acceptable

load transfer in concrete overlays without dowels
through aggregate interlock, especially in thin (6 in.
or less), short-panel concrete overlays of all types,
as discussed above. Macrofiber reinforcing design is
discussed in Chapter 6 of this guide.

The need for tie bars in the longitudinal joints of

COA–B overlays depends on the relative stiffnesses of
the asphalt and concrete layers, the degree of lateral
restraint provided by adjacent lanes and structures (e.g.,
curb and gutter sections, median islands), and whether
macrofibers are used in the overlay concrete mixture.
Tie bars should generally be used at longitudinal
construction joints, with two No. 4 bars per 6 ft panel
often being sufficient.

Experience shows that untied longitudinal joints in

COA–B overlays without fiber reinforcement can
open over time when the stiffness of the overlay layer Mark B. Snyder, PERC, used with permission
is greater than that of the underlying asphalt. In such
Figure A.5. COA–B overlay with tied lane joints and untied
cases, the longitudinal joints in the overlay may reflect mid-lane longitudinal joint after eight years of service
downward through the asphalt, allowing the joint to
open significantly and resulting in joint sealant failures
and water infiltration. When the asphalt layer is significantly stiffer than
the concrete layer (e.g., the thickness of the asphalt is
This phenomenon is shown in Figure A.5, which shows more than twice the thickness of the concrete overlay),
an 8-year-old, 6 in. thick COA–B overlay with 6 ft by longitudinal joints in the overlay are less likely to
6 ft panels over 6 to 8 in. of asphalt pavement with propagate through the asphalt layer and result in
two 12 in. long No. 4 ties in the construction joint longitudinal joint opening. BCOA-ME is the only
between lanes but no ties in the mid-lane longitudinal design procedure that evaluates the relative stiffnesses
joints. The tied joints remained tight, but the mid-lane of the asphalt and concrete layers in different climates
untied joints opened significantly over several years; the to predict the potential for reflective cracking of the
greatest increases in width were in the lane closest to concrete layer over cracks in the asphalt. BCOA-ME
the asphalt shoulder, while the mid-panel joint in the predicts no potential for reflective cracking in the
inside lane opened less. The inside lane was adjacent to concrete when the stiffness of the concrete overlay is
a concrete median, which prevented lateral lane drift in greater than that of the asphalt, which may be a good
that direction. It is believed that the joint opening could indicator of the need for tie bars or FRC mixtures to
have been prevented (or greatly reduced) by using tie prevent the longitudinal joints in the overlay from
bars in all longitudinal joints or by using macrofibers in reflecting through the underlying asphalt and allowing
the overlay mixture. pavement migration and joint opening.

92 Guide to Concrete Overlays

The installation of tie bars in the longitudinal joints Special Considerations for Continuously
of COA–B overlays can be problematic, especially for Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays
thin COA–B overlay designs. A modified tie bar design The only evidence of bonded CRCP overlays on asphalt-
featuring two small (No. 3 or No. 4) deformed bars, surfaced pavement in the United States is presented by
anchored to the existing pavement surface rather than Chen et al. (2016), who describe some thin and ultra-
inserted at mid-depth, has been used successfully to thin CRCP overlays on flexible pavements in transition
facilitate construction and prevent the longitudinal areas in Texas. Additional details concerning CRCP
joints in the overlay from opening. Because the overlay overlays are presented in Appendix B of this guide.
is designed to be fully bonded to the asphalt, there
should be no movement of the concrete relative to the
asphalt, and the tie bars serve mainly to hold the joints
Design Considerations for Concrete on
tight and prevent propagation of the joints through the Concrete–Bonded Overlays
asphalt. Care must be taken to avoid over-reinforcing While thin COC–B overlays are commonly placed on
the joint with too much steel, which may prevent the bridge decks (often using special concrete mixtures to
joint from activating, resulting in longitudinal panel enhance bonding and reduce the potential for shrinkage
cracking away from the joint. cracking), they are rarely constructed on existing
concrete pavements for the following reasons:
Reflective Cracking
• Successful construction requires that the existing
When the existing asphalt pavement is stiffer than the
pavement be in good to excellent condition, and such
concrete overlay (in terms of both the elastic modulus
pavements are rarely programmed for rehabilitation
and thickness of each layer), especially during cold
or preservation unless major increases in traffic
periods when asphalt stiffness increases and the thermal
volume or load (beyond the original design levels) are
contraction of both layers is maximized, transverse
cracks in the asphalt may reflect through the overlay.
This is mainly a potential problem for very thin (2 to 3 • A good bond between the overlay and the existing
in.) overlays over asphalt pavements that are 6 in. thick pavement can be achieved but requires heightened
or more. attention to construction practices, concrete overlay
materials, and weather during construction.
BCOA-ME calculates relative layer stiffnesses during
design and, when applicable, warns the designer of • If the bond is lost, even locally at slab corners,
the increased potential for reflective cracking in the cracking is almost certain to develop quickly.
overlay. The designer may be able to decrease reflective Remediation may require expensive, time-consuming
cracking potential by increasing the overlay thickness full-depth repairs.
(at an increased cost) or by reducing the asphalt
Properly designed and constructed COC–B overlays can
thickness through milling (with a resulting loss of
reasonably be expected to provide a minimum service
structure). Alternatively, if the cracks in the existing
life of 15 years before maintenance is required. The
asphalt are reasonably straight, the designer can
first indication of problems on these overlay projects is
specify that the overlay jointing pattern be adjusted to
usually early delamination at the bond plane, quickly
position a transverse joint directly over each transverse
followed by corner cracking and fatigue failure at
crack in the underlying asphalt. A third option is
isolated joint locations. These distresses can be repaired
to perform pre-overlay full-depth asphalt repairs at
using partial-depth repair techniques, if the underlying
transverse crack locations.
slab remains sound, or with full-depth repairs.
Joint Filling and Sealing
Joint filling or sealing is recommended for COA–B
overlays, especially in areas with freezing temperatures,
to prevent water and ice formation from causing
delamination at the overlay-pavement bond interface.
Refer to Chapter 6 of this guide for information on joint
fillers and sealants.

Appendix A: Fundamentals of Concrete Overlay Design 93

surface achieve a good bond with the overlay. Specified
The most common reason for COC–B overlays bond strength values typically range from 100 to 200 psi
to develop distress prematurely is that the and may vary with the test mode used to determine bond
existing pavement was not a good candidate for strength (i.e., direct shear or pull-off/tension testing).
this type of overlay or was not properly repaired
Jointing Practices
prior to overlay placement. Trying to place a
Joints in COC–B overlays must be cut or formed exactly
COC–B overlay on a pavement with significant over the joints in the existing pavement and through the
distress is not recommended. full thickness of the overlay (with sawcut depths often
specified as the overlay thickness plus 1/2 in.) and must
The following sections provide a summary of design and be at least as wide as the joint opening below the sawcut
construction guidance for COC–B overlays. Further or sealant reservoir (Figure A.6). Failure to achieve the
information on this type of overlay is provided in proper sawcut width through the full thickness of the
Appendix C of this guide. overlay will likely result in warm weather closure of the
overlay joint before the underlying joint closes, resulting
Pre-overlay Repairs in joint compression and failure of the bond between
The existing pavement surface should be restored to the overlay and the existing pavement. Failure to closely
very good condition. All spalls and working cracks match joint locations can result in reflective cracks a
in the existing pavement should be repaired before short distance from the overlay joint locations, with
overlay placement. Tight, nonworking cracks can be left subsequent spalling (Figure A.7).
unrepaired but can be expected to reflect through the
overlay if joints are not placed above them. Alternatively, Width of new overlay
the use of macrofibers in the overlay mixture or the Overlay joint transverse joint
placement of isolated reinforcing steel can mitigate the Concrete
development and deterioration of reflective cracking. overlay
The overlay thickness design should reflect the structural
contribution of the existing pavement after pre-overlay
Sawcut in
repairs have been completed. existing slab

Overlay Materials Underlying crack in

The selection of concrete overlay materials and bond existing slab
enhancement materials (if any are used), along with
concrete mixture proportioning, are discussed in Chapter
6 of this guide. For COC–B overlays specifically, Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

minimal overlay shrinkage is desirable, as are thermal Figure A.6. Schematic of a sawcut for a COC–B overlay
expansion characteristics similar to those of the existing
pavement. Additionally, the use of macrofibers can help
mitigate and slow the deterioration of reflective cracks.

Achievement and Maintenance of a Bond

The development and maintenance of an adequate bond
between the overlay and the existing pavement is critical
to the performance of COC–B overlays, especially for
thin concrete overlays that provide little structure of
their own for carrying service loads. Existing design
procedures for bonded overlays do not specifically
address bond strength but rather treat it primarily as a
construction issue because bond-related failures rarely
occur when proper construction and curing techniques
are used. Appendix C of this guide presents guidance on Todd LaTorella, ACPA, MO/KS Chapter, used with permission

surface preparation techniques, including shotblasting Figure A.7. Double-crack resulting from failure to match the
and water blasting, that can help the existing pavement sawcut with the underlying joint location in a COC–B overlay

94 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Overlay joints cut or formed over nonworking, tied Dowels and Tie Bars
joints need only be cut to one-half the overlay thickness Dowels are never placed in COC–B overlays because (1)
(T/2) to ensure crack control. The joint need only COC–B overlays are usually less than 6 in. thick, which
be as wide as a single sawcut blade but must be wide would result in thin concrete cover, and (2) dowel shear
enough to allow the joint to be sealed or filled (3/16 in. loads would place high tensile stresses on the interface
minimum width per ACPA [2018]). bond, leading to more rapid loss of the bond and failure
of the overlay. Overlay tie bars are not desirable for the
COC–B overlays of long concrete panels, such as those
same reason and should not be necessary if the tie bars in
used in jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP),
the existing pavement are still functioning properly. If a
are sometimes placed with additional intermediate joints
joint needs tie bars (e.g., because the original tie bars have
(Figure A.8) to reduce curling/warping and shrinkage
failed or the existing pavement did not have tie bars),
stresses that might lead to loss of bonding. These
they should be retrofitted into the existing pavement
intermediate joints should also be cut to T/2 and sealed
using cross-stitching or slot-stitching techniques, as
or filled with the appropriate materials.
described in the Concrete Pavement Preservation Guide
(Smith et al. 2014), prior to overlay placement.

Joint Filling
Joint filling is recommended for COC–B overlays,
especially in areas with freezing temperatures, to prevent
water and ice formation from causing delamination at
the overlay-pavement bond interface. Refer to Chapter 6
of this guide for information on joint fillers and sealants.

Special Considerations for Continuously

Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays
Even less common than jointed COC–B overlays,
bonded CRCP overlays on concrete pavement are usually
economically viable only when very little pre-overlay
repair is required. Most recent overlays of this type were
constructed in Texas in the 1980s and have yielded
acceptable performance. Additional information on
CRCP overlays is provided in Appendix B of this guide.

Thickness design for bonded CRCP overlays on concrete

pavement should be performed using AASHTOWare
Pavement ME Design. The only joints that are required
in this overlay type are transverse construction joints,
matched repair joints, and longitudinal construction
and contraction joints; sawcut depths and widths should
match those used for conventional COC–B overlays.

Additional Design Considerations

to Address Impacts of Profile and
Grade Changes
Changes to the pavement profile, cross section (e.g.,
due to lane widening), and cross slope (e.g., due to
Mark B. Snyder, PERC, used with permission improvements to surface drainage and superelevation)
Figure A.8. COC–B overlay on US 119 in Pennsylvania with 12.3 that result from an overlay of any type can trigger
ft long panels constructed in 2014 on JRCP with 61.5 ft long certain overlay design modifications and roadway
panels: project overview (top) and exposed longitudinal joint design changes.
at intermediate transverse joint (bottom)

Appendix A: Fundamentals of Concrete Overlay Design 95

Overhead Clearance shoulders produces a lane-shoulder joint that is easily
sealed to prevent water ingress into the pavement
The presence of overhead structures, power lines,
structure. However, concrete shoulders should never
and other features, combined with regulations for
be used with COA–B overlays because the shoulders’
minimum overhead clearance, can present challenges
support of the pavement edge can also facilitate loss of
that must be addressed in the overlay design. For
the overlay bond. Similarly, concrete shoulders used with
example, if overhead obstacles cannot be raised to
COC–B overlays must be tied to the existing pavement
maintain required clearances, limitations on the change
and not to the overlay to avoid loss of the overlay bond.
in pavement elevation may dictate thinner overlay
Tied shoulders can be used with and are recommended
designs (through stronger materials, smaller panel
for unbonded concrete overlays on any pavement type,
sizes, or other means), removal of some existing surface
although overlays placed on existing concrete pavements
material prior to placement of the overlay, or the use of
benefit less from the reduction in edge stresses offered
full-depth reconstruction rather than overlays in areas
by tied shoulders because the existing pavement already
of restricted clearance.
provides excellent support for the overlay.

Shoulder Considerations Shoulder improvements of any type should include

Lane widenings and lane additions often result in the consideration of cross slopes that are safe for emergency
placement of concrete overlays on at least a portion use and provide for rapid removal of surface water.
of the shoulder, which may provide a different level
of support than the travel lanes that underlie most of Barriers and Rails
the overlay, especially if the shoulder is unpaved. This Safety barriers, guardrails, and cable barriers may need
difference in support must be properly addressed in to be raised or reconstructed, depending on the change
design and construction to avoid longitudinal cracking in profile grade and the horizontal distance between the
in the overlay over the existing pavement’s lane- edge of the pavement and the safety feature.
shoulder joint.

If the shoulder is paved and offers only slightly less Foreslopes, Backslopes, and Across-
support than the existing pavement (e.g., an asphalt- Road Drainage Structures
surfaced shoulder adjacent to a concrete pavement), Overlaying an existing pavement with either asphalt
acceptable results can often be achieved by paving or concrete typically results in changes in the elevation
the overlay to the desired width and using tie bars of the pavement edge, unless the existing pavement is
embedded above the lane-shoulder joint to hold tight milled to allow placement of an inlay that maintains the
a longitudinal joint sawed at the same location. If the existing pavement’s profile and cross section.
overlay extends no more than 12 to 18 in. beyond
the existing lane-shoulder joint, the longitudinal joint Designers should attempt to address any pavement
and reinforcing can often be eliminated. In all cases, profile changes in ways that do not impact ditch lines,
placement of the longitudinal joint within a wheel path ditch slopes, drainage structures, and available right-of-
should be avoided. way. Such impacts can be minimized (or eliminated)
by implementing one or more of the following design
If the shoulder is unpaved and offers a significantly options: (1) inlay all or a portion of the new surface layer,
lower level of support than the existing pavement, it (2) maximize the pavement’s cross slope within allowable
is necessary to strengthen or reconstruct at least the limits, and/or (3) maximize the cross slopes of the
portion of the shoulder that will underlie the overlay to pavement and unpaved shoulder within allowable limits.
approximately match the level of support provided by
the existing pavement. The use of a longitudinal sawcut
and tie bars over the existing lane-shoulder joint should
Safety Edge
be considered as well. The safety edge is a beveled pavement edge designed
to facilitate driver recovery of vehicle control when the
Tied concrete shoulders are typically recommended for vehicle leaves the paved portion of the roadway. This
concrete pavements, including concrete overlays, because feature is most often used on rural two-lane highway
they offer edge support, which reduces pavement pavements with aggregate or earth shoulders. Design
deflections and improves the long-term performance details for the safety edge are presented in Chapter 7 of
of the pavement. In addition, the use of tied concrete this guide.

96 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Widening and Lane Additions
Concrete overlay projects provide opportunities for
widening pavements constructed with narrow traffic
lanes. Properly designed and constructed widening
sections reduce pavement edge stresses, corner stresses,
and deflections, thus reducing panel cracking and joint
faulting (i.e., the difference in elevation between the two
sides of a joint or crack) while improving long-term ride
quality and safety.

Widening a travel surface using a concrete overlay

requires an evaluation of any changes in foundation
support, appropriate use of reinforcing steel, and proper
longitudinal joint placement. This is especially true
for widening overlays placed over existing concrete
pavements with unbound shoulder materials because
of the increased risk of longitudinal cracking along the
edge of the existing pavement. (Figure A.9).

Some general recommendations for pavement widening

using concrete overlays include the following:

• Keep longitudinal joints out of wheel paths whenever

possible, especially for COA–B overlays.
• For unbonded overlays of asphalt or concrete
pavement, match the longitudinal joints of the overlay
with the longitudinal edge joints of the existing
pavement and add tied widening units when possible
unless this results in joints within the wheel paths of
the overlay.
• When the overlay is placed wider than the existing
pavement, avoid locating the edge joints of the overlay
more than 12 to 18 in. beyond the existing pavement’s
lane edges unless the existing shoulder has a structure
that provides support similar to that of the existing
pavement lane. If this cannot be done, follow the
guidance of the previous bullet.
• Tie widening units to either the overlay or to the
existing pavement using deformed bars (see the
widening detail in the example construction drawings
published by the CP Tech Center).
‐ For concrete overlays 5 in. thick or more, locate
the tie bars in the overlay at mid-depth. Refer to
the discussion on pavement widening details in
Chapter 7 of this guide. Armen Amirkhanian, used with permission (top); Matt Zeller, Concrete Paving
Association of Minnesota, used with permission (center and bottom)

‐ For concrete overlays less than 5 in. thick, secure Figure A.9. Concrete overlay widening on Illinois Route 53 with
no longitudinal joint or reinforcing over existing pavement
the tie bars to the surface of the existing pavement,
edge (top); concrete overlay widening on Minnesota TH 212
taking care not to allow traffic to loosen the secured with longitudinal joints and reinforcing over existing pavement
tie bars. edge in some locations (center) and only reinforcing in other
locations (bottom)

Appendix A: Fundamentals of Concrete Overlay Design 97

Not every detail will apply to every project, but the Factors to be considered in determining how best to
recommendations listed above can often be applied to treat curb and gutter issues include the condition of the
address project-specific issues. existing curb and gutter section and the proximity of
utility poles and other objects to the back of the curb
Adding new lanes or shoulders can also present issues (which could prohibit the use of slipform paving and
unique to concrete overlay pavement design, especially necessitate the use of hand placement using fixed forms).
if there is variation in the underlying support of the
overlay or if the overlay is to be a full-depth concrete The locations of transverse joints in the overlay should
pavement. Joint load transfer systems are frequently be matched with the locations of joints in the curb
used in such cases when the overlay system is unbonded. and gutter section, especially if the curb and gutter
Longitudinal joint tie bars are used to ensure that section is tied to the overlay. It is also possible to include
edge support is provided by aggregate interlock. The an integral curb and gutter system during overlay
design should address differential settlement and water placement, but the potential benefits of this option
infiltration at these locations. must be balanced against the cost of constructing the
integral curb and gutter system and the availability of
To prevent cracking related to differential expansion and the equipment needed for its construction. The selection
contraction between a concrete overlay and an adjacent of standard versus integral curb and gutter design should
full-depth concrete lane addition, use an isolation joint generally be an option left to the contractor to ensure
(i.e., a butt joint with no tie bars) if the overlay is less competitive bidding.
than 5 in. thick.

In-Place Structures
Concrete overlay designs usually require details
Existing intakes and utility structures must be raised to concerning the transition sections linking the concrete
match the new pavement elevation. Typical details for overlay with adjacent pavement sections, adjacent
adjusting manholes are shown in Chapter 7 of this guide structures, and driveway entrances/exits. Transition
and the example construction drawings published by the sections often feature isolated or otherwise unsupported
CP Tech Center. transverse end joints and have the potential to
experience impact loading as vehicles cross the end
Curb and Gutter Details joint. These conditions result in higher stresses in many
Existing curb and gutter sections may pose overlay transition areas, necessitating the use of thicker concrete
design challenges related to the maintenance of surface sections and conventional deformed slab reinforcement,
drainage, overlay profile elevation, and so on. Options wire mesh reinforcement, and/or macrofibers.
include (1) leaving the existing curb and gutter system Transition lengths are usually based on the design
in place while matching the final overlay pavement speed for the section. Additional details and examples
elevation to the existing system, (2) removing and regarding transition sections are provided in Chapter 7
replacing the existing curb and gutter section, or (3) of this guide.
encasing the existing curb and gutter system within
a new system. Refer to the curb and gutter details in
Chapter 7 of this guide and the example construction
drawings published by the CP Tech Center.

98 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Appendix B
Continuously Reinforced
Concrete Pavement Overlays

Applications and Performance 100

Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays of Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements 101
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays on Concrete Pavements 102

Evaluation of the Existing Pavement Structure 105

Design 106

Materials and Concrete Mixtures 106

Concrete Mixtures 106
Reinforcing Steel 106
Separation Layer (for Unbonded Overlays) 106

Construction 106
Pre-overlay Repairs 107
Terminal or End Treatment Joints 107

Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays 108

Scenario 108
Principles and Parameters 110
Results 111

Appendix B. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays 99

Applications and Performance
Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) The first reported CRCP overlay in the US was
has been in use for at least 60 years as an overlay option constructed in Texas in 1959. Since then, favorable
on existing asphalt-surfaced and concrete pavements, performance has been reported for CRCP overlays
including jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP), constructed in a number of states as well as in the
jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP), and United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, France, South
CRCP. Recent examples of CRCP overlays, constructed Korea, and South Africa (see Table B.1). An early report
in 2002 and 2013, are shown in Figure B.1. (CRSI 1988) found that at least 600 mi of CRCP
overlays had been placed in the US from 1959 to 1980,
with thicknesses ranging from 6 to 9 in. Table B.2
summarizes the various states that have designed and
constructed CRCP overlays over existing concrete or
asphalt pavements.

Relative to JPCP overlays, CRCP overlays provide

longer service lives with minimal maintenance (CRSI
1988) and maintain a constant and low International
Roughness Index (IRI) value over time. For this reason,
roadways with higher traffic volumes, such as an annual
average daily truck traffic (AADTT) of 33,000, are
ideal candidates for CRCP overlays and are typically
where they have been constructed (PCA 1976). The Ben
Schoeman Freeway in South Africa, for example, can
experience annual average daily traffic (AADT) volumes
as high as 150,000 and includes CRCP overlay sections
that have demonstrated good performance even after 20
years (Brink and Pickard 2008). CRCP overlays are also
an excellent choice for rural principal arterial highways;
unbonded CRCP overlays are still being designed and
constructed primarily on these roads.

The majority of CRCP overlays have been and

continue to be unbonded overlays on existing concrete
Charles Wienrank, used with permission (top); Jeffery Roesler, used with
permission (bottom) pavements, with limited applications of bonded CRCP
Figure B.1. CRCP overlays being placed on I-70 in 2002 (top) overlays on concrete pavements or CRCP overlays of
and on I-57/I-64 in 2013 (bottom) asphalt-surfaced pavements.

Table B.1. Global experience with CRCP overlays

Countries with CRCP overlays References

CRSI 1988, CRSI 1973, CRSI 2003, PCA 1976, Tyner et al. 1981, McNeal 1996, Lippert and
United States (OR, IL, TX, AR, MS, MD, IN,
DuBose 1988, Lokken 1981, Crawley and Sheffield 1983, Heckel and Wienrank 2018, Choi et
al. 2018; personal communication with D. Rufino, J. Moderie, and P. Burch of Caltrans, 2020
United Kingdom Metcalf and Dudgeon 2004, Gregory 1984, Green and Davies 2000

Belgium Verhoeven 1989, Debroux and Jasienski 2008, Rens 2005

Spain Alberola 1997

South Korea Ryu et al. 2009

South Africa Brink and Pickard 2008, Kannemeyer et al. 2008, Brink et al. 2006, Strauss et al. 2005

France Tayabji et al. 1998, FHWA 1993

100 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Table B.2. US experience with CRCP overlays

Years of
State Types of projects References

CRSI 1988, CRSI 1973, PCA 1976, McNeal 1996,

Unbonded CRCP overlays ranging from 6 to 12 in. thick
Illinois 1967–present Lippert and DuBose 1988, Heckel 2002, Heckel
over JRCP and CRCP
and Wienrank 2018
CRSI 1988, CRSI 1973, PCA 1976, Sun et al. 2011,
Bonded and unbonded CRCP overlays ranging 4 to 7 Sriraman and Zollinger 1999, Chen and Hong
Texas 1959–present in. thick over JPCP and CRCP; 8 in. CRCP overlay over 2014, Ryu et al. 2013, Delatte Jr. et al. 1998, Kim
asphalt-surfaced pavement and Won 2008, Solanki et al. 1987, Chen et al.
2016, Choi et al. 2018
Personal communication with D. Rufino of
California 2019–present Unbonded 9 and 10 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP
Caltrans, 2020

Arkansas 1972–1980 Unbonded 6 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP CRSI 1988, CRSI 1973, PCA 1976

Georgia 1973–1975 Unbonded CRCP overlays over JPCP CRSI 1973, PCA 1976, Tyner et al. 1981, CRSI 2003

CRSI 1988, CRSI 1973, PCA 1976, Sriraman and

8 to 11 in. CRCP overlay over asphalt-surfaced
Oregon 1976–2017 Zollinger 1999; personal communication with J.
Moderie and P. Burch of Caltrans, 2020

Pennsylvania 1974–1976 Unbonded 7 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP PCA 1976, Sriraman and Zollinger 1999

Wisconsin 1973–1980 Unbonded 7 and 8 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP PCA 1976, Sriraman and Zollinger 1999

CRSI 1973, PCA 1976, Crawley and Sheffield

Mississippi 1971–1981 Unbonded 6 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP and CRCP
1983, Sriraman and Zollinger 1999

Indiana 1969–1971 Unbonded 6 in. CRCP overlays over JRCP CRSI 1973, PCA 1976, Sriraman and Zollinger 1999

PCA 1976, Sriraman and Zollinger 1999,

Iowa 1973 Bonded CRCP overlays
Betterton et al. 1984

Maryland 1971–1973 Unbonded 6 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP and JRCP CRSI 1973, PCA 1976

North Dakota 1972–1975 Unbonded 6 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP PCA 1976

Connecticut 1975–1976 Unbonded 6 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP PCA 1976

Continuously Reinforced Concrete Some of the first CRCP overlays of asphalt-surfaced

pavements were constructed in the late 1960s and early
Pavement Overlays of Asphalt- 1970s, with favorable performance being reported after
Surfaced Pavements 2 to 6 years in service (Sriraman and Zollinger 1999).
A CRCP overlay of an existing asphalt-surfaced The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)
pavement can be a viable design alternative, assuming constructed four CRCP overlays on asphalt-surfaced
that (1) the existing structure is in adequate condition pavements on I-5 between 1970 and 1975 (CRSI 1988,
and will provide a strong, stable base for the overlay and Sriraman and Zollinger 1999), which included an 8 in.
(2) a non-erodible asphalt layer is directly beneath the thick CRCP overlay of 5 to 8 in. of asphalt concrete
overlay. CRCP overlays of asphalt-surfaced pavements with 14 to 28 in. of aggregate subbase. Surveys of the
are less common than other types of CRCP overlays sections in 1988 indicated satisfactory performance
and should be distinguished from unbonded CRCP (CRSI 1988), and the actual cumulative traffic over the
overlays on existing concrete pavements with an asphalt sections was significantly greater than the design traffic
separation layer. after 20 years (Sriraman and Zollinger 1999).

Appendix B. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays 101

Table B.3. Performance data for CRCP overlays on asphalt-surfaced pavements in Oregon

Cumulative Pavement
Overlay IRI data
Location Overlay type Status millions of ESALs1 condition2
construction year (2018)
(traffic years) (2018)

I-5, Jackson County 11 in. CRCP 1989 In Service 2020 36.5 (1989 to 2020) 82 98
I-5, Douglas County 11 in. CRCP 2017 In Service 2020 7.9 (2017 to 2020) 100 69
I-84, Baker County 10 in. CRCP 1985 In Service 2020 40.4 (1985 to 2020) 79 108
I-5, Marion County 8 in. CRCP 1976 Overlaid 1998 98 (1976 to 1998) 643 973
Equivalent single axle loads (ESALS) were estimated from 2018 Oregon Traffic Monitoring System (OTMS) data using the growth rate of the 2018
traffic data.
Pavement condition is rated on a 100 to 0 point scale, where 100–95 is very good, 94–76 is good, 75–46 is fair, 45–25 is poor, and 25–0 is very poor.
These values were measured before the asphalt overlay was placed in 1998 over the CRCP overlay.

Table B.3 provides a summary of performance details although the experience with CRCP overlays in the
for four CRCP overlays constructed in Oregon between US and internationally has overwhelmingly been with
1976 and 2017, with wear from studded tires and unbonded overlay systems.
chains, not punchouts, being the main distress. Note
that the CRCP overlay on I-5 in Marion County was Unbonded CRCP Overlays on Concrete
overlaid with asphalt in 1998 because of studded tire Pavements
wear, not structural failures. In a 1975 survey of 29 CRCP overlay sections in the
US, 27 were unbonded or partially bonded overlays on
In the 1970s, the Texas Department of Transportation
concrete pavement and were 6 in. thick or thicker (PCA
(TxDOT) constructed an 8 in. CRCP overlay over an
1976). Moreover, almost all CRCP overlays constructed
asphalt-surfaced pavement on I-40 in Potter County
in the past two decades have been unbonded.
(CRSI 1973, PCA 1976). The existing pavement
Unbonded CRCP overlays have ranged from 6 to 12
structure consisted of 12 to 16 in. of flexible base
in. thick and are commonly 8 to 12 in. thick, though
with 3 in. of asphalt concrete surface (CRSI 1973).
in France CRCP overlays over JPCP are typically 7 in.
The overlay’s performance was reported as excellent
thick (Tayabji et al. 1998). Typical unbonded CRCP
after a few years in service (PCA 1976). In addition,
overlays are designed with a steel content of 0.6% to
thin CRCP overlays on asphalt-surfaced pavements
0.8% using No. 5 to No. 7 bars and are placed over a 2
have been placed in Texas for transition areas between
to 3 in. dense-graded asphalt concrete separation layer.
concrete on asphalt–bonded (COA–B) overlays and
For unbonded overlays, the existing concrete pavement
other pavement types (Chen et al. 2016).
is almost always left intact, with the required partial-
In France, CRCP overlays over asphalt-surfaced and full-depth repairs made to the existing structure
pavements are typically 6.5 in. thick (Tayabji et al. prior to placement of the separation layer. Major
1998). South Africa has seen excellent performance for principal arterials are excellent candidates for unbonded
its busiest roadway with a 6 in. CRCP overlay of asphalt CRCP overlays.
concrete (Brink and Pickard 2008).
The first CRCP overlay in the US was constructed
in 1959 on I-35 in Texas. The project involved a 7
Continuously Reinforced Concrete in. unbonded CRCP overlay on an existing 6 in.
Pavement Overlays on Concrete concrete pavement constructed in 1934 and included
Pavements a 3.5 in. asphalt separation layer (CRSI 1988, CRSI
1973, PCA 1976, Sriraman and Zollinger 1999).
CRCP overlays on concrete pavements have a higher
Table B.4 presents several examples of this type of
initial cost than JPCP overlays because of the added
overlay that have since been constructed. As the
reinforcement and labor costs but offer long service lives
table shows, Illinois has the most experience with
with minimal maintenance, minimal reflective cracking,
unbonded CRCP overlays, having constructed several
and continuous pavement smoothness (Heckel and
overlays of this type since 1967, with the majority of
Wienrank 2018, Roesler et al. 2016, CRSI 1988, CRSI
the state’s overlays constructed in the past 25 years
1973, Renner 1977). CRCP overlays can be bonded or
(Roesler et al. 2016, Heckel and Wienrank 2018).
unbonded to the existing concrete pavement substrate,

102 Guide to Concrete Overlays

These overlays have had actual and estimated service overlays on I-8 as part of a 48 mi rehabilitation project
lives between 20 and 40 years, and the currently in Imperial County and in 2021 plans to construct
in-service overlays exhibit IRI values of approximately another major CRCP overlay of a JPCP (a 7.9 mi
70 in./mi and have excellent condition ratings. In 2019, project with four lanes) on SR-14 in Kern County. Both
the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) of these projects are shown in Table B.4.
constructed 84 lane miles (14 centerline miles) of CRCP

Table B.4. Examples of unbonded CRCP overlays on concrete pavement in the US

Existing pavement Project
State Location Overlay type construction Notes
pavement construction length

I-8, Imperial ADT = 8,350 with

California 8.4 in. JPCP 1969 9 in. CRCP 2019 14 mi
County 26% trucks
SR-14, Kern ADT = 17,410 with
California 7.8 in. JPCP 10 in. CRCP 2021 7.9 mi
County 10% trucks
ADT = 22,000 with
Texas I-35W, Burleson 9 in. JPCP 1936 6 in. CRCP 1965 8.78 mi
14% trucks
Texas I-45W, Galveston JPCP 6 in. CRCP 1972-76 15.5 mi ADT = 50,000

Texas I-10, El Paso 8 in. CRCP 6.5 in. CRCP 1996

6, 7, and 8 in. ADT = 14,000 with
Illinois I-70, Bond County 8 in. JRCP 1939 1967 4 mi
CRCP 34% trucks
ADT = 24,600 with
Illinois I-55, Springfield 7 in. JRCP 1933 8 in. CRCP 1970 4.2 mi
15% trucks
ADT = 17,000 with
Illinois I-55, Springfield 10 in. JRCP Mid-1950s 9 in. CRCP 1976 3 mi
22% trucks
Design ESALs = 24
Illinois I-74, Knox County 7 in. CRCP 1969 9 in. CRCP 1995 7.9 mi
I-88, Whiteside Design ESALs =
Illinois 8 in. CRCP 1975 9 in. CRCP 2001
County 16.2 million
ADT = 24,000 with
Illinois I-70, Clark County 8 in. CRCP 1969 12 in. CRCP 2002
42% trucks
I-57/64, Mt. 8 in. CRCP Design ESALs = 80
Illinois 1969 10 in. CRCP 2014
Vernon (rubblized) million
I-40/55, West ADT = 27,000 with
Arkansas 9 in. JPCP 1951 6 in. CRCP 1972 1.7 mi
Memphis 25% trucks
I-55, West ADT = 26,600 with
Arkansas 9 in. JPCP 6 in. CRCP 1980 2.2 mi
Memphis 28% trucks
Indiana 9 in. JRCP 6 in. CRCP 1969 ADT = 9,000
Indiana I-69, Indianapolis 9 in. JRCP 6 in. CRCP 1971 ADT = 20,200

Pennsylvania Erie County 10 in. JPCP 1960–1962 7 in. CRCP 1974-1976

I-5, Jackson ADT = 17,000 with
Oregon 11.5 in. HMA 1965 11 in. CRCP 1989 11.44 mi
County 27% trucks
I-5, Douglas 12 in. HMA ADT = 22,600 with
Oregon 1955 11 in. CRCP 2017 7.37 mi
County milled to 4 in. 37% trucks
Table B.4 continued on following page

Appendix B. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays 103

Table B.4 continued from previous page

Existing pavement Project
State Location Overlay type construction Notes
pavement construction length

I-84, Baker ADT = 11,200 with

Oregon 11 in. HMA 1972 10 in. CRCP 1985 11.75 mi
County 34% trucks
I-5, Marion ADT = 97,800 with
Oregon 4 in. HMA 1954/1955 8 in. CRCP 1976 12.35 mi
County 16% trucks
US-16, Waukesha ADT = 9,500 with
Wisconsin 9 in. JPCP Early 1960s 7 in. CRCP 1973 1.2 mi
County 6% trucks
I-94, Jackson and
Wisconsin 10 in. JPCP 8 in. CRCP 1980
Moore Counties
Mississippi I-20, Vicksburg 9 in. JRCP 1955 6 in. CRCP 1971 2.1 mi
I-59, Jones
Mississippi 8 in. CRCP 6 in. CRCP 1981
I-75, Monroe
8 and 9 in. 7 and 8 in. ADT = 13,500 to
Georgia and Macon-Bibb 1954 1973 13.6 mi
JPCP CRCP 30,000
I-85, Gwinnett 3, 4.5, and 6 in. ADT = 17,200 with
Georgia 9 in. JPCP 1975 1 mi
County CRCP 32% trucks
I-70, Howard
Maryland 9 in. JRCP 6 in. CRCP 1971 9.1 mi
I-70, Howard
Maryland 9 in. JRCP 6 in. CRCP 1971 6.0 mi
I-70, Howard
Maryland 9 in. JPCP 6 in. CRCP 1972 10.9 mi
I-83, Baltimore
Maryland JRCP 6 in. CRCP 1973 3.1 mi ADT = 12,300
Connecticut I-86 8 in. JPCP 6 in. CRCP 1975-1976
ADT = 2,000 with
North Dakota I-29 8 in. JPCP 1958 6 in. CRCP 1972 4.2 mi
15% trucks
ADT = 1,275 with
North Dakota I-29 8 in. JPCP 1958 6 in. CRCP 1974-1975 4.7 mi
16% trucks

Table B.5 summarizes the performance data for the I-70 in Bond County (1967–1987), I-55 in Springfield
seven unbonded CRCP overlays in Illinois presented in (1970–2001), and I-55 in Springfield (1976–1997),
Table B.4 (Heckel and Wienrank 2018, IDOT 2019). respectively (Heckel and Wienrank 2018).
Of the seven sections that have been constructed, four
are still in service as of 2020. The Illinois Department of Extrapolating the current IDOT CRS data in Table
Transportation (IDOT) Condition Rating Survey (CRS) B.5 to a “poor” condition rating of 4.5, the predicted
results and IRI data included in Table B.5 indicate that age and cumulative traffic at the end of service for the
the existing CRCP overlays are performing well in terms four in-service sections are 41 years and 208% of design
of condition and ride quality. The three CRCP overlay traffic for I-74 in Knox County, 40 years and 235% of
sections that have been rehabilitated all experienced design traffic for I-88 in Whiteside County, 36 years and
significantly greater traffic than designed. For these 102% of design traffic for I-70 in Clark County, and 28
three overlays, the cumulative traffic volumes at the years and 161% of design traffic for I-57 in Mt. Vernon
end of service were 175%, 222%, and 174% those of (Heckel and Wienrank 2018).
the 20-year design traffic volumes for the sections on

104 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Table B.5. Performance data for unbonded CRCP overlays on concrete pavement in Illinois

Overlay Cumulative
Location Overlay type construction Status millions of ESALs IRI value
year (traffic years)

Removed from
I-70, Bond County 6, 7, and 8 in. CRCP 1967 23.4 (1967–1987) 5.7**
service 1987
Removed from
I-55, Springfield 8 in. CRCP 1970 38.1 (1970–2001) 5.5**
service 2001
Removed from
I-55, Springfield 9 in. CRCP 1976 27.5 (1976–1997) 5.7**
service 1997
I-74, Knox County 9 in. CRCP 1995 In service 2020 29.6 (1995–2020) 7.8 68
I-88, Whiteside County 9 in. CRCP 2000–2001 In service 2020 17.8 (2001–2020) 7.8 60
I-70, Clark County 12 in. CRCP 2002 In service 2020 59.1 (2002–2020) 7.9 69
I-57/64, Mt. Vernon 10 in. CRCP 2014 In service 2020 25.5 (2014–2020) 8.2 70
* IDOT CRS values range from 9.0 for a newly constructed pavement to 1.0 for a totally failed pavement. Values ranging from 9.0 to 7.6 are
“excellent,” 7.5 to 6.1 are “good,” and 6.0 to 4.6 are “fair.” A value of 4.5 or lower is “poor.” Preservation treatments are considered for
Interstates when the IDOT CRS value reaches 5.5.
** At the end of service

Bonded CRCP Overlays on Concrete Pavements service the performance of these sections was reported to
A bonded CRCP overlay of an existing CRCP or JPCP be still satisfactory (Kim and Won 2008). A recent field
is only economically viable if pre-overlay repairs can study of multiple bonded CRCP overlays constructed
be performed cost-effectively, that is, with few or no over the past 20 years in Texas showed that performance
pre-overlay repairs required. Given that a pavement in varied, with the condition of the existing concrete
very good condition with limited distress is required pavement, overlay thickness, and pavement-overlay
for a bonded CRCP overlay, overlays of this type interface bonding being important factors in positive
are seldom considered during the design stages of a performance (Choi et al. 2018).
rehabilitation project. Most bonded CRCP overlays over
JPCP or CRCP have been constructed in Texas (Choi Evaluation of the Existing
et al. 2018, Sun et al. 2011, Sriraman and Zollinger
1999, Chen and Hong 2014, Ryu et al. 2013, Delatte Pavement Structure
Jr. et al. 1998, Kim and Won 2008), Iowa (Sriraman As with any overlay design, the existing pavement
and Zollinger 1999, Betterton et al. 1984, Darter and structure needs to be evaluated before an overlay can
Barenberg 1980), and South Korea (Ryu et al. 2009). be selected and placed. See Chapter 2 of this guide for
Bonded concrete overlays, including CRCP overlays, are information on evaluating existing pavements.
typically 3 to 4 in. thick (Smith et al. 2002).
When the existing pavement is JPCP or CRCP, an
One of the first bonded CRCP overlays was a 4 in. unbonded CRCP overlay with an asphalt concrete
overlay constructed in Greene County, Iowa, in 1973 separation layer is a viable option if repairs can be
over a concrete pavement constructed in 1921–1922 made to the existing pavement structure and subsurface
(Sriraman and Zollinger 1999). This overlay was part of drainage issues can be addressed cost-effectively. A
an experimental section that included many alternative condition assessment is required to determine the
overlay designs. After 10 years in service, a field survey necessary repairs prior to placement of the overlay.
reported that the CRCP overlay was performing well If the required repairs are especially extensive and
(Betterton et al. 1984). expensive (e.g., requiring >5% patching), then an
option is to rubblize the existing concrete pavement
Several bonded CRCP overlays were constructed on prior to placement of the asphalt separation layer and
I-610 in Houston, Texas, in the 1980s. A number of the CRCP overlay. Rubblization may be an effective pre-
sections were reported to have satisfactory performance overlay treatment if the existing JPCP or CRCP exhibits
after a few years in service (Sriraman and Zollinger materials-related distresses such as alkali-silica reaction,
1999), although some areas of delamination had been D-cracking, or freeze-thaw damage.
reported (Delatte Jr. et al. 1998), and after 20 years in

Appendix B. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays 105

For CRCP overlays on asphalt-surfaced pavements, the peak temperature of hydration, concrete drying
National Cooperative Highway Research Program shrinkage, and coefficient of thermal expansion.
(NCHRP) Synthesis 388 (Tenison and Hanson 2009)
provides a concise overview of pre-overlay treatment Reinforcing Steel
options based on surveys of state departments of The reinforcing steel used in CRCP overlays is the same
transportation (DOTs). as that used in conventional CRCP, both in terms of
steel properties (bar size and spacing) and total steel
Design content (typically 0.6% to 0.8%). Steel tie bars are used
for all longitudinal construction and contraction joints.
Compared to JPCP overlays, CRCP overlays can provide
In regions where large quantities of deicing chemicals
a longer service life with greater smoothness and a
are employed during winter maintenance operations,
thinner slab thickness. AASHTOWare Pavement ME
epoxy-coated reinforcing steel can be specified to limit
Design (Roesler et al. 2016) can be used for the structural
the risk of long-term steel corrosion (Roesler et al.
design of CRCP overlays. Older design methods (e.g.,
2016). A recent evaluation of epoxy-coated reinforcing
AASHTO 1993) are not recommended because of their
steel for use in CRCP suggested that it may not be
significant empiricism and necessary extrapolation.
necessary because of the large cover depth of the steel
Roesler and Hiller (2013) provide an overview of inputs,
(>3.5 in.) and the size of the transverse crack widths
sensitivities, and examples for the design of CRCP using
(<0.5 in.) (Montanari et al. 2021).
AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design.
While the inclusion of conventional reinforcing steel is
For CRCP overlays, the strong support from the existing
the standard practice, some CRCP overlays of flexible
pavement structure results in a design thinner than
pavements have been constructed with hybrid fiber-
that of a new JPCP or CRCP section. The design steel
reinforced polymer bars (Złotowska et al. 2019). Some
content in CRCP overlays should be similar to that of
CRCP overlays have also used steel macrofibers in the
conventional CRCP (i.e., 0.6% to 0.8%). Edge support
concrete (Kim and Won 2008).
is very important for CRCP overlay performance, and
therefore a tied concrete shoulder (CRCP or JPCP) is a
preferred option (Roesler et al. 2016). For tied concrete Separation Layer (for Unbonded Overlays)
shoulders with CRCP overlays, tie bars should not be Despite some applications of alternative separation layer
placed within 18 in. of a shoulder contraction joint, the materials that exhibited mixed performance (Sriraman
joint spacing should be limited to a maximum of 20 ft, and Zollinger 1999, Roesler et al. 2016), asphalt
and the tie bar size should not exceed No. 5 or No. 6. concrete is the recommended choice for the separation
layer in unbonded CRCP overlays (Roesler et al. 2016).
As with conventional CRCP, the primary failure mode to Geotextile should not be used (Cackler 2017) given the
be considered during CRCP overlay design is punchouts. low friction that geotextile provides during transverse
AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is sensitive to crack development (Zollinger et al. 2014). To prevent
certain design inputs, such as steel content, slab-base punchouts, the asphalt separation layer needs to be non-
friction, and thermal/drying shrinkage, so these inputs erodible and should be a minimum of 1 in. thick. The
should be carefully selected to control transverse crack best performing separation layer for CRCP overlays in
development and crack width. Additional design and Illinois has been dense-graded asphalt concrete.
construction considerations to minimize distresses
include the provision of a stripping-resistant asphalt
separation layer, subsurface drainage to minimize
foundation layer erosion, and concrete mixture Aside from pre-overlay repairs and the placement of
constituents that minimize transverse crack spalling. a dense-graded asphalt concrete separation layer (for
unbonded overlays), the general construction process for
a CRCP overlay is similar to that for conventional CRCP.
Materials and Concrete Mixtures Detailed guidelines for the construction of conventional
CRCP and CRCP overlays can be found in Continuously
Concrete Mixtures Reinforced Concrete Pavement Manual: Guidelines for
The constituents and proportioning for CRCP overlay Design, Construction, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation
mixtures are similar to those for conventional CRCP (Roesler et al. 2016). This section summarizes some key
mixtures, with particular attention paid to limiting construction considerations unique to CRCP overlays.

106 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Pre-overlay Repairs Terminal or End Treatment Joints
For CRCP overlays on both asphalt-surfaced and Like with conventional CRCP, the terminal or end
concrete pavements, the pre-overlay repairs described in treatment joint details in CRCP overlays should be
Tenison and Hanson (2009) should be considered. given special attention because maintenance problems
can arise at these joints. Transition slab designs with
For unbonded CRCP overlays on concrete pavements, sleeper slabs are now preferred over lugs and wide-
if the existing concrete pavement is severely distressed, flange beams for terminal or end treatment joints
then rubblization can be considered prior to placement (Jung et al. 2007). For this overlay type, transition slab
of the asphalt separation layer and the CRCP overlay. systems are significantly easier to construct and offer
Before rubblization, the existing pavement structure lower maintenance costs for the joints. Details of the
should have a stable subgrade and adequate section transition and sleeper slabs are shown in Figures B.2,
drainage (e.g., underdrains may need to be installed prior B.3, and B.4. The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority
to rubblization). The IDOT constructed an unbonded recently implemented these types of end treatments on
CRCP overlay section approximately 5 mi long on a Illinois Route 390.
rubblized CRCP in 2014 near Mt. Vernon, Illinois,
where I-57 and I-64 merge. As of 2021, this overlay has
a very good condition rating and an IRI of 70 in./mi.

Recreated from The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, used with permission

Figure B.2. Transition slab details for an end treatment of a CRCP overlay at a bridge

Appendix B. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays 107

Recreated from The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, used with permission

Figure B.3. Transition slab details for an end treatment of a CRCP overlay at a JPCP

Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of CRCP overlay and an unbonded conventional JPCP

overlay on an existing concrete pavement.
Continuously Reinforced
Concrete Pavement Overlays Scenario
Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) can be a helpful tool in To compare the life-cycle costs of an unbonded CRCP
deciding whether to pursue a concrete overlay strategy overlay and an unbonded conventional JPCP overlay
and in choosing the appropriate overlay type for a given on an existing concrete pavement, AASHTOWare
project. The outcome of an LCCA depends on the Pavement ME Design was used to develop designs for
structural design of a particular roadway section and both overlay types on a principal arterial with a design
the analysis period selected. For a CRCP overlay in life of 20 years. The roadway in this scenario was a four-
particular, the lower maintenance requirements over its lane Interstate highway with 12 ft lanes in the central
service life generally make it a better choice when the Midwest. The existing 8 in. thick JPCP was constructed
agency’s analysis period is greater than the design life 25 years ago and at the time of the scenario was in fair
of the roadway and includes at least one rehabilitation to poor condition. The existing JPCP was supported by
cycle, despite the higher initial costs of CRCP resulting a 10 in. granular base layer with a resilient modulus of
from the reinforcing steel and placement costs. 18,000 psi and an A-7-6 soil with a resilient modulus of
8,000 psi.
To illustrate the life-cycle costs of CRCP overlays, this
section describes an LCCA comparing an unbonded

108 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Recreated from The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, used with permission

Figure B.4. Transition slab details for the end treatment and terminal joints of a CRCP overlay

The current average daily truck traffic (ADTT) at the shoulders. The concrete used in both overlay designs had
time of the scenario was 9,000 and the average daily the same constituents and material design values.
traffic (ADT) was 30,000, with traffic growth assumed
to be 4% compounded. The vehicle class distribution Both overlays were designed to be 10 in. thick. For the
was represented in the software by Truck Traffic JPCP overlay design, the joint spacing was selected to be
Classification 1 (TTC1), which consists of 8.5% Class 15 ft with 1.5 in. steel dowels. The design failure criteria
5, 7.6% Class 8, and 74% Class 9 vehicles. For 20 years were set at 10% slab cracking, 0.10 in. joint faulting,
of traffic, the equivalent single axle loads (ESALs) were and a terminal IRI of 172 in./mi with a reliability of
estimated to be 80 million. 90%. For the CRCP overlay design, the design steel
content was 0.7% with No. 6 bars placed at 3.5 in. from
In the new overlay designs, the necessary pre-overlay the slab surface to the top of the steel. The design failure
treatments were assumed to be the same for both the criteria were set at 10 punchouts per mile and a terminal
JPCP and CRCP overlay options. The hot-mix asphalt IRI of 172 in./mi with a reliability of 90%. The designs
(HMA) separation layer was 1 in. thick with a PG developed in AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design for
64-22 binder. Both new overlay designs included asphalt the JPCP and CRCP overlays are shown in Table B.6.

Table B.6. CRCP and JPCP overlay designs developed in AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design

Estimated traffic Slab thickness Predicted IRI at design life

Overlay type Design life (years)
(ESALs) (inches) (inches/mile)

JPCP 20 80x106 10 127

CRCP 20 80x106
10 101

Appendix B. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays 109

Principles and Parameters
The LCCA analysis followed the principles of the related to shoulders and maintenance of traffic were
Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) RealCost essentially equivalent for both options, so the main cost
software (version 2.5). For the comparison of the difference was in the initial structural design details
two concrete overlay types, the costs of constructing and the preservation schedules in Tables B.7 and B.8.
concrete pavements were based on estimated prices The main cost difference between the CRCP and JPCP
in the Midwest. The preservation schedules for JPCP overlays resulted from the different amounts of steel
and CRCP were based on a schedule recommended by reinforcement used and the different placement costs.
the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and found The initial costs per lane mile for the CRCP and JPCP
in Ferrebee and Roesler (2018). These preservation overlays were $368,000 and $317,000, respectively.
schedules are based on experience with the climate and
construction materials of northern Illinois and may not As of 2020, the current 30-year real discount rate
be exactly applicable to other locations. Tables B.7 and reported by the US Office of Management and Budget
B.8 summarize the actual preservation schedules assumed (OMB) is 0.4% (OMB 2020). The mean discount rate
for the JPCP and CRCP overlay analyses, respectively. reported by state DOTs in 2019 was 2.8% (Folkestad
2019). Many agencies are moving to the updated
The LCCA was conducted for analysis periods ranging 30-year real discount rate, while some states are still
from 20 to 55 years to demonstrate the effect of service using higher values (between 3% and 5%) reflecting
life on the net present value (NPV) of each overlay historical discount rates. For this LCCA, discount rates
option. The initial costs of the two overlay types of 0.4% (current), 1.5%, 3.0%, and 5.0% were used
were computed for one lane mile of the JPCP and to compute the NPV for each overlay option for each
CRCP overlays without consideration of shoulders or analysis period.
maintenance of traffic. It was assumed that the costs

Table B.7. CRCP overlay preservation schedule Table B.8. JPCP overlay preservation schedule

Year Activity Year Activity

0 Initial Construction 0 Initial Construction

10 Patch 0.5% 11 Seal Joints
Patch 0.5% Seal Joints
25 18
Diamond Grind Surface Patch 2.5%
Patch 1.0% Seal Joints
4 in. HMA Overlay 25 Patch 2.5%
Rout and Seal Cracks (50% Diamond Grind
centerline length)
Patch 5%
Mill 4 in. 32
4 in. HMA Overlay
48 Patch 1.0%
Rout and Seal Cracks (50%
4 in. HMA Overlay centerline length)
Rout and Seal Cracks (50% Mill 4 in.
centerline length)
45 Patch 4%
Mill 4 in.
4 in. HMA Overlay
63 Patch 1.0%
Rout and Seal Cracks (50%
4 in. HMA Overlay centerline length)
Rout and Seal Cracks (50% Mill 4 in.
centerline length)
57 Patch 4%
78 Reconstruction
4 in. HMA Overlay
62 Reconstruction

110 Guide to Concrete Overlays

The effect of the analysis period on the NPVs of the Agencies should consider applying the current real
CRCP and JPCP overlays is shown in Figure B.5 for discount rate currently reported in Appendix C of OMB
the four discount rates selected. With the same slab Circular A-94 (OMB 2020) as opposed to historical
thickness for both the JPCP and CRCP overlay designs, discount rates, which do not adequately assess the
CRCP overlays begin to have lower life-cycle costs financing of a project now and into the future.
between 25 and 30 years for discount rates around 3%
or less. For higher discount rates, such as 5%, the cost Another factor affecting the selection of a CRCP versus
benefits of CRCP overlays are not realized until the JPCP overlay based on a life-cycle cost analysis is current
analysis period is approximately 33 years because of steel prices. Figure B.6 shows the effect of steel prices on
the initial costs of and preservation schedule for each the NPVs of the CRCP and JPCP overlays at a discount
overlay type. rate of 3%. In the figure, a price of 0% represents a
steel base price of $200 per ton, and prices of 25% and
Selecting a higher discount rate without justification 50% represent steel prices of $250 and $300 per ton,
reduces the NPV of future preservation treatments and respectively. When the price of steel per ton is $200 (0%
essentially makes pavement types that require more in Figure B.6), a CRCP overlay is the preferred option
frequent preservation treatments more attractive in for analysis periods greater than 25 years. When the
terms of life-cycle costs. In the past 15 years, this has initial cost of steel at the time of construction rises 25%
not been the case with discount rates of 3.1% or less. and 50% higher than $200 per ton, CRCP overlays
However, current discount rates between 3% and 5% become more attractive for analysis periods greater than
are unreasonable given current and recent discount 32 and 45 years, respectively.
rates as well as declining federal gasoline tax revenue.


CRCP_Price=0% CRCP_Price=25%
CRCP_Price=50% JPCP_DR=3%
$1,000,000 $650,000
$900,000 $600,000
Net present value
Net present value

$800,000 $550,000
$700,000 $500,000
$600,000 $450,000
$500,000 $400,000
$400,000 $350,000
$300,000 $300,000
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
LCCA analysis period (years) LCCA analysis period (years)

Adapted from Jeffery Roesler, used with permission Adapted from Jeffery Roesler, used with permission

Figure B.5. Net present value of CRCP and JPCP overlay Figure B.6. Net present value of CRCP and JPCP overlay
designs for various discount rates designs for a discount rate of 3.0% and various steel prices

Appendix B. Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays 111

112 Guide to Concrete Overlays
Appendix C
Concrete on Concrete–Bonded

Key Features and Applications 114

Evaluation of Existing Pavement Structures 115

Design Features 116

Bond 116
Mixture Design 116
Thickness Design 117
Joint Spacing and Layout 117
Drainage 117

Construction 117
Pre-overlay Repairs 117
Surface Preparation 118
Surface Cleaning 118
Concrete Placement 118
Curing 119
Joint Sawing 119
Joint Sealing 119
Opening Strength 119

Case Studies of Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays 120

Case Study 1: Thin (3 in.) Bonded Overlay on Iowa 3 East of Hampton, Iowa 120
Case Study 2: Thin (3 in.) Bonded Overlay on 15th Street in Del City, Oklahoma 121

Appendix C. Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays 113

Key Features and Applications
A concrete on concrete–bonded (COC–B) overlay
is placed on an existing pavement in good structural
condition and is designed to form a monolithic structure
with that pavement (Figure C.1). When properly
designed and constructed, this type of overlay offers the
following benefits (Tayabji et al. 2009):

• Extends a pavement’s service life by 20 to 25 years. In

ACPA, used with permission
some cases, the life of a thin bonded overlay has been
known to exceed 35 years. Figure C.1. Thin bonded overlay of structurally sound
concrete pavement
• Requires little maintenance over its service life,
resulting in reduced life-cycle costs.
• Can be used with accelerated construction practices.
• Can accommodate specific traffic management
constraints during construction.
At the same time, COC–B overlays have four key

1. Experience has shown that structural defects in the

existing pavement will propagate into the overlay
(Figure C.2). The remaining design life of the
existing pavement must therefore be at least equal to
that of the proposed overlay.
2. The sawcut joints of the overlay must be matched to
those of the existing pavement to prevent differential
movement between the existing pavement joints and
the overlay joints. The depth of each sawcut joint
must be the full depth of the overlay plus 1/2 in. into Greg Mulder, Iowa Concrete Paving Association, used with permission
the existing pavement joint. Figure C.2. Deteriorated longitudinal crack in a COC–B overlay

3. Each transverse joint must be at least as wide as

Because the overlay and existing pavement form a
the existing crack below the sawcut in the existing
monolithic structure, a COC–B overlay must be placed
pavement to accommodate any slab movement.
on an existing pavement in good structural condition.
4. As an important element of a successful COC–B Because such pavements are rarely programmed for
overlay, the bond between the existing concrete rehabilitation or preservation, this type of overlay has
pavement and the overlay must of sufficient strength been used successfully in the United States for special,
to withstand delamination. When the surface of the limited applications, such as to address major increases
existing pavement is properly prepared, the bond in traffic loads by adding structure to the existing
between the existing slab and the overlay ensures that pavement or to correct surface issues such as noise,
the layers act as a monolithic pavement. smoothness, or minor defects (Figure C.3).

114 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Monolithic pavement with
new concrete surface

Prepared surface

Existing concrete pavement

with surface distresses

CP Tech Center

Figure C.3. Existing concrete pavement with minor surface distresses shown with a proposed COC–B overlay

COC–B overlays are not recommended solutions in any

of the following situations:
Evaluation of Existing Pavement
• The joints of the existing concrete pavement exhibit
One of the first steps in determining whether an existing
materials-related distresses such as alkali-silica
concrete pavement is a good candidate for a COC–B
reactivity (ASR), D-cracking, or freeze-thaw damage.
overlay is to evaluate the pavement to determine
• There is poor subgrade support or drainage. Poor whether it is in—or can cost-effectively be repaired to be
drainage can lead to weakened subgrade support and/ in—good structural condition. A pavement evaluation
or increased susceptibility to freeze-thaw damage. identifies and characterizes distress types, structural
condition (e.g., cracking, ability to carry traffic loads,
• There are vertical restraints on raising the profile, problems that may reflect into the overlay), functional
which in some urban situations can result in the performance (e.g., roughness, noise), and materials-
removal and replacement of curb and gutter sections related issues (e.g., freeze-thaw damage at the joints,
and driveways, intersection reconstruction, fixture ASR, D-cracking). See Chapter 2 of this guide for more
adjustments, and other major work. information about evaluating existing pavements.
• There are numerous random cracks in the existing
pavement that will be difficult to reestablish properly
in the overlay.

Appendix C. Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays 115

Good Condition Spot Repairs
The concrete pavement is Can spot repairs correct deficiencies
structurally sound but needs or restore the surface to good or Yes
additional thickness to carry better structural condition, allowing
anticipated additional traffic loads. for a bonded concrete overlay?
Surface characteristics issues such
as low friction or high noise may be
present Minor repairs may be
needed in isolated locations to
correct functional deficiencies.

No Concrete Overlay–Bonded

Fair Condition Milling/Minor Spot Repairs

The pavement may exhibit some Can milling and minor spot repairs
distresses such as moderate levels cost-effectively solve deficiencies, Yes
of fatigue cracking. restore the pavement to good or
better structural condition, and meet
other constraints, allowing for a
bonded overlay?

No Concrete Overlay–Unbonded

CP Tech Center

Figure C.4. Process for determining an appropriate overlay solution

Several factors should be considered when determining pavement before overlay placement is to provide a rough
whether a COC–B overlay is appropriate for a given surface that enhances the bonding of the COC–B to
project, with the condition of the existing pavement the existing pavement. Once the surface of the existing
being paramount. Figure C.4 illustrates the process for pavement has been roughened and cleaned, the prepared
selecting an appropriate overlay solution. Note that the surface should not be open to traffic.
recommended overlay solutions are generally long-term
fixes with 20 or more years of expected service life. Mixture Design
Conventional concrete mixtures are typically used for
Design Features COC–B overlays. However, the materials must be
selected carefully to minimize stresses at the interface
Bond between the overlay and the existing pavement that
The degree of the bond between the overlay and the might affect bonding. Differences in moduli between
existing pavement, or the amount of mechanical interlock the overlay and existing pavement layers can result in
present between the overlay and the structural layer thermally induced stresses. The main factor affecting the
immediately below, plays a major role in the behavior of modulus of concrete is coarse aggregate type, with high-
and stress distribution through all layers in the overlaid modulus aggregate resulting in high-modulus concrete.
pavement system. When the bond between the layers Additionally, large differences in thermal expansion
is complete, the overlay and existing pavement act coefficients between the existing pavement and overlay
monolithically with an effective thickness that is greater concrete can result in increased stresses.
than that of either the overlay or the existing pavement.
To minimize interface stresses, regardless of weather
The combined system has a single neutral axis with
during placement, the overlay concrete and especially
respect to bending, and the maximum stresses at either
the aggregates used must be compatible with those used
the top or bottom of the system are greatly reduced.
in the existing pavement. The basic premise for material
The bond at the interface between the COC–B and the compatibility in this regard is to use aggregates in the
existing concrete is subject to considerable stress from overlay concrete that produce moduli and thermal
concrete volume changes and loading. To mitigate this coefficients similar to those of the existing slab.
stress, a goal of preparing the surface of the existing

116 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Thickness Design Width of new overlay
Overlay joint transverse joint
Two primary software applications can help users
determine the design thickness of a COC–B overlay. overlay

AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design (https:// is an implementation of Sawcut in existing
the current mechanistic-empirical pavement design slab (X)
procedures developed by the American Association
of State Highway and Transportation Officials Underlying crack in
existing slab
(AASHTO). It combines a mechanistic approach to
pavement structural analysis (using user inputs for
loads, climate, and pavement structural data to compute Note: Overlay joint width shall be equal to or greater than crack in the
existing slab.
critical pavement stresses, strains, and deflections) with
If “X” is 0.50 in. (13 mm) or greater, the underlying crack width in the
empirical performance models developed from a large existing slab should be measured. If crack is 0.25 in. (6.4 mm) or greater,
database of field measurements gathered from projects and existing pavement does not have dowel bars, the joints should be
all over the United States. For concrete overlays, the evaluated to determine if load transfer rehabilitation is required to
eliminate faulting. If there are numerous joints of this type, the existing
designs produced by AASHTOWare Pavement ME pavement may not be a good candidate for a bonded overlay.
Design reflect the interactions between pavement
geometry (e.g., panel size and thickness, widened lanes), Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission

structural considerations (e.g., use of dowels and tie Figure C.5. Cross section of a transverse saw joint in a
bars, shoulder type, use of steel reinforcement), local COC–B overlay
climatic factors, and concrete material and support layer
properties. Users should have a thorough understanding
of the pavement design procedure and the sensitivity of
design inputs. The industry recognizes AASHTOWare Drainage
Pavement ME Design as the best tool for highways and During the evaluation of the existing pavement and the
other federal and state roadways. design of the COC–B overlay, the existing subgrade
drainage should be evaluated, and, if necessary, steps
The American Concrete Pavement Association’s should be taken to ensure adequate drainage (e.g.,
(ACPA’s) (https://www. retrofitting edge drains, using free-draining shoulder, released in 2018, serves as the materials, and sealing transverse and longitudinal joints).
concrete pavement industry’s recommended design
methodology for all facilities that are not covered by
AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design.
Steps in the construction of COC–B overlays include
pre-overlay repairs, surface preparation and cleaning,
Joint Spacing and Layout concrete placement, curing, and joint sawing and sealing.
The jointing pattern for a COC–B overlay must match
the jointing pattern of the existing pavement. This is Pre-overlay Repairs
necessary to avoid reflective cracking and to allow the
Pre-overlay repairs of the existing concrete pavement
overlay and existing pavement to act monolithically.
should not be extensive; if they are, the pavement is
The depth of the transverse sawcut joints should be the probably not a good candidate for a COC–B overlay.
full depth of the pavement system plus ½ in. This depth Surface defects (e.g., concrete scaling) are not considered
prevents debonding if the width of the transverse joint a major concern but should be addressed before the
is equal to or greater than the width of the underlying overlay is placed. Other issues to address include
random or working cracks, which require full-depth
joint or crack in the existing concrete pavement. Figure
repairs, and voids detected under the existing concrete
C.5 shows a typical detail.
slabs. Existing asphalt patches should also be removed
The sawcut depth of a longitudinal joint in an overlay and replaced with concrete patches to provide more
4 in. thick or less should be T/2. For an overlay greater uniform and consistent bonding.
than 4 in. thick, the sawcut depth of the longitudinal
joint should be T/3.

Appendix C. Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays 117

Surface Preparation
Surface preparation of the existing pavement involves
producing a roughened surface that will enhance bonding
between the existing pavement and the overlay. Surface
preparation procedures include shotblasting, milling,
and high-water pressure blasting. The most common and
effective surface preparation procedure is shotblasting
(Figure C.6). If milling is used to lower the pavement
elevation, any resulting microcracking should be removed
by shotblasting or high-pressure water blasting.

Surface Cleaning
Following surface preparation, the surface of the existing Todd Hanson, Iowa DOT, used with permission
pavement should be cleaned to ensure adequate bonding Figure C.6. Shotblasting of a concrete surface
between the existing pavement and the overlay. Cleaning
may involve sweeping the concrete surface, supplemented
by the use of compressed air to clean in front of the
paver (Figure C.7). Paving should commence soon after
cleaning to minimize the chance of contamination, and
construction traffic should be minimized on the cleaned
surface for similar reasons. If it is necessary to allow
vehicles onto the surface, care should be taken not to
contaminate the surface and compromise the bond.

Concrete Placement
Grade adjustments may need to be made to ensure that
the overlay concrete is of the required thickness, and grout
coating of the existing pavement’s surface to enhance
bonding is not recommended or required. Otherwise,
conventional concrete paving practices and procedures are Jim Grove, Iowa DOT, used with permission
followed for the placement of COC–B overlays. Figure Figure C.7. Use of compressed air to clean existing concrete in
C.8 shows the placement of a thin COC–B overlay. front of the paver

ACPA, used with permission

Figure C.8. Placement of a thin COC–B overlay

118 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Special attention should be given to adverse Joint Sawing
environmental conditions during paving. Hot, dry
Timely joint sawing is critical to prevent random
weather poses the greatest challenge for COC–B overlay
cracking in COC–B overlays. Sawing must begin before
placement because these conditions favor the loss of
debonding stress dominates in the overlay but after the
moisture from fresh concrete, and excessive water
concrete is strong enough that the joints can be cut
evaporation can cause volume changes large enough to
without raveling. Experience has shown that an adequate
promote debonding. If the surface temperature of the
number of saws must be available on-site for the joint
existing pavement is particularly high (e.g., in excess of
sawing to keep pace with the construction operation.
120°F), it is recommended that the surface be cooled by
sprinkling with water, with any standing water removed
using compressed air just ahead of the paver. The Joint Sealing
combination of high wind velocity, high air temperature, To help prevent moisture entrapment, all joints in a
low relative humidity, and high concrete temperature is COC–B overlay should be filled. Conventional joint
the most difficult of paving conditions due to the high filler materials and methods can be used, but the use of a
potential for water evaporation. backer rod is not recommended.

Curing Opening Strength

Curing is critical for a COC–B overlay because the Maintaining the bond between a COC–B overlay
surface area-to-volume ratio of the overlay is greater and the existing pavement is especially critical during
than it is for concrete pavements of normal thickness. the first few days after placement, when the overlay is
Moisture loss and the resulting drying shrinkage are susceptible to curling and warping stresses, especially
approximately proportional to the surface area-to- at the pavement edges. Therefore, the bond must be
volume ratio of the concrete placed. Curing compound protected by using proper curing practices (particularly
should be applied such that the surface and vertical at the pavement edges), minimizing relative humidity
faces of the overlay are thoroughly coated and appear and temperature differentials between the existing
uniformly white like a sheet of paper. pavement and the overlay, and keeping early traffic
away from the pavement edges until an adequate bond
When an overlay is placed in cooler weather, the strength has been achieved (usually when opening
concrete can set from the bottom up, delaying the strength has been achieved).
sawing window. Temporarily covering the overlay
with plastic sheeting after paving helps the concrete
set properly, allowing time to mark the new overlay
joints above the existing joint lines prior to joint
sawing. Heating the concrete mixture may also be a
consideration in cool weather. COC–B overlays should
not be placed when the mixture temperature and the
existing pavement temperature differ by more than 35°F.

Appendix C. Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays 119

Case Studies of Concrete on
Concrete–Bonded Overlays
Case Study 1: Thin (3 in.) Bonded Overlay
on Iowa 3 East of Hampton, Iowa
In September 1994, the Iowa Department of
Transportation (Iowa DOT) constructed a 3 in. thick,
1.8 mi long COC–B overlay on Iowa 3, a state primary
road, to address an increase in truck traffic generated by
a liquid fertilizer plant that had opened at the west end
of the city of Hampton. This project is documented in
an Iowa DOT-sponsored study whose objectives were
to determine the rate of bond strength development
between concrete overlays and existing pavements and to
evaluate nondestructive testing methods for determining
concrete strength (Cable 1995).

The original 10 in. thick concrete pavement had been

constructed in 1969 with 10 ft wide granular shoulders. Jim Grove, Iowa DOT, used with permission

Some slight spalling at the centerline joint was evident Figure C.10. Reinforcement over transverse cracks in the
prior to overlay placement (Figure C.9). existing concrete pavement prior to overlay placement 1994

The overlay was constructed in 1994 one lane at a

time under traffic using pilot cars. A unique feature of
the overlay was the use of 36 in. long, epoxy-coated,
deformed No. 5 reinforcing bars to retard reflective
cracking of mid-slab nonworking transverse cracks. The
bars were attached to 42 crack locations in the existing
pavement surface prior to overlay construction, as
shown in Figure C.10. Although reflective cracking did
occur, the cracks were hairline in size.
As of 2021, the COC–B overlay is in good condition
after 27 years in service (Figure C.11), with the
exception of a 0.25 mi long section (Figure C.12). At Greg Mulder, Iowa Concrete Paving Association, used with permission

the west end of the overlay, the slight spalling evident in Figure C.11. East end of the COC–B overlay on Iowa 3 in August
the centerline joint of the existing pavement in 1994 has 2021, showing pavement in fair to good condition
now reflected into the overlay and is more severe.

Jim Grove, Iowa DOT, used with permission

Figure C.9. Existing concrete pavement in 1994 prior to overlay Greg Mulder, Iowa Concrete Paving Association, used with permission
placement, with a shotblaster in operation and some spot Figure C.12. West end of the COC–B overlay on Iowa 3 in
spalling evident at the centerline joint August 2021

120 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Case Study 2: Thin (3 in.) Bonded Overlay
on 15th Street in Del City, Oklahoma
In the fall of 1994, Del City, Oklahoma, constructed a
3 in. thick bonded asphalt overlay over an existing 7 in.
thick concrete pavement that had been constructed in
the 1970s. The project was on a 1.25 mi long segment
of 15th Street, a four-lane commuter route.

In 2003, the city decided to cold-mill the 3 in. thick

asphalt overlay and replace it with a 3 in. thick COC–B
overlay. The average daily traffic on 15th Street at the
time was approximately 7,500 with 5% trucks. Figure
Brent Burwell, ACPA, OK/AR Chapter, used with permission
C.13 shows the existing asphalt prior to milling, and
Figure C.14. Existing concrete on 15th Street after milling the 3
Figure C.14 shows the existing concrete pavement after
in. thick asphalt overlay
the asphalt surface was milled. To match the grade of the
existing gutters, asphalt was also milled in the curb and
gutter sections (as shown in Figure C.14).

After the asphalt was cold-milled, any remaining asphalt

was removed by hand and full-depth concrete patch
repairs were performed at spot locations to remove
nonstable panels. All portions of the milled concrete
surface were shotblasted, removing any microcracking
caused by milling and significantly roughening the
surface for better bonding. Several No. 5 reinforcing
bars with U-shaped bends were fastened over
nonworking longitudinal cracks in the existing concrete,
as shown in Figure C.15. The crack locations were
reviewed 15 years after placement and were reported Brent Burwell, ACPA, OK/AR Chapter, used with permission
as tight cracks in the overlay. Figure C.16 shows the Figure C.15. U-shaped No. 5 tied bars fastened over
condition of the COC–B overlay in 2020. longitudinal cracks in the existing concrete

Brent Burwell, ACPA, OK/AR Chapter, used with permission Brent Burwell, ACPA, OK/AR Chapter, used with permission

Figure C.13. Existing 3 in. thick asphalt overlay on 15th Street Figure C.16. Condition of 15th Street in September 2020
prior to milling

Appendix C. Concrete on Concrete–Bonded Overlays 121

122 Guide to Concrete Overlays
Appendix D
Staging Sequence Diagrams for
Various Traffic Control Scenarios

Two-Lane Roadway with Paved Shoulders (Conventional Paver) 124

Two-Lane Roadway with Granular Shoulders (Conventional Paver) 126

Two-Lane Roadway with Minimum Granular Shoulders (Zero-Clearance Paver) 128

Two-Lane Roadway Widened to Three Lanes with Paved Shoulders (Conventional Paver) 130

Four-Lane Roadway with Paved Shoulders (Conventional Paver) 132

This appendix presents various staging sequence diagrams that illustrate different traffic control scenarios when
constructing a concrete overlay without closing the road to traffic. The diagrams show the layout of the construction
zone and the zone open to traffic and discuss the critical steps through the progression of work.

Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 123
Two-Lane Roadway with Paved Shoulders
(Conventional Paver)
Applied to:

;Bonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of composite pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of composite pavements

STAGE 1. Repair surface, prepare for overlay, and construct base shoulder
widening and separation layer
• Install traffic control and close the left lane. Follow • Prepare for shoulder widening by trenching the
jurisdictional requirements for traffic control. Check existing shoulder and trimming to the specified
with jurisdiction regarding allowable lane closure width. The trench should be rolled and compacted
length. If surface repair and preparation for the as necessary to obtain a firm and stable platform as Typically
specified in the contract documents. A continuous less than
overlay are minimal, then slow-moving traffic control 0.25 mi
may be appropriate. Closing the lane may require progression approach with the shoulder trencher (0.40 km)
additional traffic control (e.g., signals, flaggers, and/or and placement of the base shoulder widening without
pilot cars). material is encouraged. pilot car

• Repair the surface as appropriate. Prepare the surface • Construct separation layer (only for unbonded
for the overlay (or, in the case of concrete overlay on overlay on concrete).
concrete, the separation layer) as described in the
contract document.

STAGE 2. Construct right shoulder and concrete overlay

• Shift the traffic control to the left lane and close the typical machine adjustment. Speeds should be
right lane to traffic. The length of the closure will additionally restricted adjacent to paver when
depend on the jurisdiction’s maximum closure length clearance between the paver and vehicle traffic is
with pilot car. Traffic controls and traffic control tight.
signals will be based on jurisdictional requirements. • Construct concrete overlay on the existing
• Repair and prepare the surface for the overlay or the pavement. Complete right PCC shoulder widening
separation layer and subsequent overlay as described with the overlay. Bull float work shall operate from
in the contract documents. Construct separation layer the outside shoulder only.
(for unbonded overlay). • The “X” dimension between the roadway centerline
• Normal space for the paver stringline is 1–1.50 ft (0.30– and vertical panel is for the paving machine track
0.46 m) and the paver track is a minimum of 2.50–3 ft and stringline.
(0.76–0.91 m). 1 ft (0.3 m) incremental encroachment
reduction (up to 2 ft (0.6 m) total) is common through

STAGE 3. Construct left lane concrete overlay

• Close the opposite lane to traffic and place the • If the outside edge dropoffs at the shoulder exceeds
concrete overlay according to contract documents, the jurisdictional allowance for a 1:1 fillet, then
using the same procedures as described in stage construct the granular shoulders in this stage.
2. Note that stringline may not be necessary for the • Complete shouldering. Install (mill) rumble strips
right edge of the paving when the paved overlay in the paved shoulders and complete pavement
constructed in stage 2 is used as the paver control in marking and regulatory signing in accordance with
this stage. If the right stringline is not used, the “X” contract documents.
dimension could possibly be reduced to 3 ft (0.9 m).

124 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Remaining Paved Paved Remaining
shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder
12 ft (3.7 m) lane 12 ft (3.7 m) lane Stage work area
Pavement (Typical) (Typical)
marking Pavement Concrete
Rumble strip marking
Finished Base shoulder widening materials
shoulder (e.g., cement-treated base, porous
concrete, roller compacted concrete
(RCC), asphalt, or concrete)
Saw joint Granular material
12 ft (3.7 m) existing lane with tied steel
Existing pavement
Concrete overlay
Separation layer Existing subbase
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete)


Traffic 1 Follow jurisdictional requirements

Construction area for traffic control devices.
Existing Existing 2 Treat 3 ft (0.9 m) area outside of
shoulder Vehicle traffic shoulder proposed paved shoulder with
11 ft (3.4 m) lane calcium chloride. If the existing
(Typical) shoulder outside the proposed
paved shoulder is less than 3 ft
(0.9 m), it may be necessary to
adjust the slipform paver and/or
paver control to accommodate the
Base shoulder Surface repair Existing pavement reduced space.
widening and overlay surface
Varies Existing subbase 3 Minimum lane width next to the
paver may be reduced for short-
Separation layer (only for term, stationary work on low-
unbonded overlay on concrete) volume, low-speed roadways when
STAGE 1 vehicular traffic does not include
longer and wider heavy commercial
4 If the overlay is opened to traffic
Vehicle traffic Construction area in this stage, and final shoulder
11 ft (3.4 m) lane backfill is delayed, place fillet as
(Typical) shown or (if overlay creates a
Shoulder Varies
dropoff greater than jurisdictional
allowance) place granular shoulder.
12 ft (3.7 m) lane Concrete
(Typical) fillet placed 5 See Figure 7.16.
Traffic Varies
with overlay
control 6 For “X” less than 4 ft (1.2 m),
device adjustments to paver may be
necessary to accommodate paver
control and paver track.
Concrete thickened 7 The “X” dimension can be reduced
Concrete paved shoulder
Varies Varies
overlay placement to 3 ft (0.9 m) minimum when the
Surface repair right lane is used as paver control.
Existing pavement 8 Mark edgelines and centerlines per
Separation layer MUTCD (FHWA 2009) section 6F.77
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete) (mark both lanes).
9 Construct longitudinal joint.

Construction area Vehicle traffic

11 ft (3.4 m) lane
Remaining Paved 12 ft (3.7 m) lane (Typical) Remaining
Concrete shoulder shoulder shoulder
fillet placed
with overlay Concrete
9 overlay 8 9 8

Separation layer Existing pavement

(only for unbonded Varies Varies
overlay on concrete) Drawings: Snyder & Associates, Inc.,
STAGE 3 used with permission

Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 125
Two-Lane Roadway with Granular Shoulders
(Conventional Paver)
Applied to:

;Bonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of composite pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of composite pavements

STAGE 1. Repair surface, prepare for overlay, and construct left shoulder
and separation layer
• Install traffic control and close the left lane. Follow trench should be rolled and compacted as
jurisdictional requirements for traffic control. Check necessary to obtain a firm and stable platform.
with jurisdiction regarding allowable lane closure Compact shoulder material as specified in the
length. If surface repair and preparation for the overlay contract documents. A continuous progression Typically
are minimal, then slow-moving traffic control may be approach with the shoulder trencher and less than
appropriate. Closing the lane may require additional placement of the base shoulder widening is 0.25 mi
(0.40 km)
traffic control (e.g., signals, flaggers, and/or pilot cars). encouraged. without
pilot car
• Repair the surface as appropriate. Prepare the surface • Construct calcium chloride treated granular
for the overlay (or, in the case of concrete overlay on shoulder as outlined in contract documents. The
concrete, the separation layer) as described in the treated shoulder shall be firm and stable to support
contract document. vehicular traffic at low speeds.
• Prepare shoulder widening by trenching the existing • Construct separation layer (only for unbonded
shoulder and trimming to the specified width. The overlay on concrete).

STAGE 2. Construct right shoulder and concrete overlay

• Shift the traffic control to the left lane and close the paver when clearance between the paver and
right lane to traffic. The length of the closure will vehicle traffic is limited.
depend on the jurisdiction’s maximum closure length • Construct concrete overlay on the existing
with pilot car. Traffic controls and traffic control pavement. Construct right shoulder base with 6 in.
signals will be based on jurisdictional requirements. (150 mm) thick granular shoulder. Bull float work
• Repair and prepare the surface for the overlay or the shall operate from the outside shoulder only.
separation layer and subsequent overlay as described • Place 6 in. (150 mm) minimum thickness calcium
in the contract documents. Construct separation layer chloride treated granular shoulder to help stabilize
(for unbonded overlay on concrete). shoulder and minimize heavy dust that can impair
• Normal space for the paver stringline is 1–1.5 ft (0.3–0.5 vision.
m) and the paver track is a minimum of 2.5–3 ft (0.8–0.9 • The “X” dimension between the roadway centerline
m). 1 ft (0.3 m) incremental encroachment reduction (up and vertical panel is for the paving machine track
to 2 ft [0.6 m] total) is common through typical machine and stringline.
adjustment. Speeds should be restricted adjacent to

STAGE 3. Construct left lane concrete overlay

• Close the opposite lane to traffic and place the • If the outside edge dropoffs at the shoulder
concrete overlay according to contract documents, exceeds the jurisdictional allowance for a 1:1 fillet,
using the same procedures as described in stage 2. then construct the granular shoulders in this stage.
Stringline may not be necessary for the right edge of • Complete shouldering. Complete pavement marking
the paving when the paved overlay constructed in and regulatory signing in accordance with contract
stage 2 is used as the paver control in this stage. If the documents.
right stringline is not used, the “X” dimension could
possibly be reduced to 3 ft (0.9 m).

126 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Remaining Remaining LEGEND
shoulder Granular Granular shoulder
shoulder 12 ft (3.7 m) lane 12 ft (3.7 m) lane shoulder
Stage work area
Pavement (Typical) (Typical)
marking Pavement
marking Concrete
shoulder Granular material

12 ft (3.7 m) existing lane

Existing pavement
Concrete overlay
Existing subbase
Separation layer
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete) COMPLETED OVERLAY


1 Follow jurisdictional requirements

Construction area control
for traffic control devices.
device 2 When the existing shoulder is less
Existing Existing
shoulder Vehicle traffic shoulder than 4 ft (1.2 m), adjustment to the
11 ft (3.4 m) lane slipform paver and/or paver control
(Typical) may be necessary to accommodate
(10 ft [3 m] min.) 10 the reduced space for paver control
and paver track.
3 Minimum lane width next to the
paver may be reduced for short-
Construct 6 in. (150 mm) Existing pavement term, stationary work on low-
thick granular shoulder Surface repair
treated with calcium and overlay surface Existing subbase volume, low-speed roadways when
Varies preparation vehicular traffic does not include
chloride 4 ft (1.2 m)
min. Separation layer longer and wider heavy commercial
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete) vehicles.
STAGE 1 4 If the completed overlay in this
stage opens to traffic and the final
shoulder backfill is delayed, place
fillet as shown. If overlay creates a
Vehicle traffic Construction area dropoff greater than jurisdictional
allowance, place granular shoulder
11 ft (3.4 m) lane
10 (Typical)
in lieu of concrete fillet.
Shoulder (10 ft [3 m] min.) Varies shoulder 5 See Figure 7.16.
12 ft (3.7 m) lane 6 For “X” less than 4 ft (1.2 m),
Traffic (Typical) Varies adjustments to paver may be
device necessary to accommodate paver
control and paver track.
7 The “X” dimension can be reduced
to 3 ft (0.9 m) minimum when the
right lane is used as paver control.
Concrete Construct 6 in. (150 mm)
Varies Varies overlay placement thick granular shoulder 8 Mark edgelines and centerlines per
Base shoulder
widening Surface repair base if needed MUTCD (FHWA 2009) section 6F.77
Existing pavement (mark both lanes).
Separation layer 9 Use calcium chloride for dust
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete)
10 For low-volume roads only

Construction area Vehicle traffic

11 ft (3.4 m) lane
Remaining 12 ft (3.7 m) lane (Typical)
shoulder Shoulder (Typical) (10 ft [3 m] min.) shoulder
Concrete 8
overlay 8 9
concrete fillet placement
placed with

Separation layer Existing pavement

(only for unbonded overlay on concrete) Varies Varies Drawings: Snyder & Associates, Inc.,
STAGE 3 used with permission

Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 127
Two-Lane Roadway with Minimum Granular Shoulders
(Zero-Clearance Paver)
Applied to:

;Bonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of composite pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of composite pavements

STAGE 1. Repair surface, prepare for overlay, and construct left shoulder
• In order to construct an overlay on a roadway with with jurisdiction regarding allowable lane closure
a minimum of 2 ft (0.6 m) wide existing shoulders, length. If surface repair and preparation for the
adjustments to typical slipform pavers are necessary overlay are minimal, then slow-moving traffic
in order to meet existing clearances adjacent to the control may be appropriate. Closing the lane may
paver. The width of the clearance zone is dependent require additional traffic control (e.g., signals, Typically
on traffic control, paver track, and paver control flaggers, and/or pilot cars). less than
0.25 mi
(stringline). When there is not enough clearance for the
• Repair the surface as appropriate. Prepare the (0.40 km)
paver track, paving molds may be installed on typical without
surface for the overlay (or, in the case of concrete
two-track pavers to provide zero clearances. The pilot car
overlay on concrete, the separation layer) as
outside edges of the mold are brought out behind the
described in the contract document.
rear tracks and then the material from the front of the
paver is moved to the back by an auger to be spread • Construct calcium chloride treated granular
and paved. shoulder as outlined in contract documents. The
treated shoulder shall be firm and stable to support
• Install traffic control and close the left lane. Follow
vehicular traffic at low speeds.
jurisdictional requirements for traffic control. Check
• Construct separation layer (only for unbonded
overlay on concrete).

STAGE 2. Construct right shoulder and concrete overlay

• Shift the traffic control to the left lane and close the necessary to achieve these dimensions. Speeds
right lane to traffic. The length of the closure will should be restricted adjacent to paver when
depend on the jurisdiction’s maximum closure length clearance between the paver and vehicle traffic is
with pilot car. Traffic controls and traffic control signals limited.
will be based on jurisdictional requirements.
• Construct concrete overlay on the existing
• Repair and prepare the surface for the overlay or the pavement. Bull float work shall operate from the
separation layer and subsequent overlay as described outside shoulder only.
in the contract documents. Construct separation layer
• Place 6 in. (150 mm) minimum thickness calcium
(for unbonded overlay).
chloride treated granular shoulder to help stabilize
• Normal space for the paver stringline is 1–1.5 ft (0.3–0.5 shoulder and minimize heavy dust that can impair
m) and the paver track is a minimum of 2.5–3 ft (0.8–0.9 vision.
m). 1 ft (0.3 m)incremental encroachment reduction (up
• The 1.5 ft (0.5 m) dimension between the roadway
to 2 ft [0.6 m] total) is common through typical machine
centerline and vertical panel is for the stringline
adjustment. Modification to a conventional paver is
and fillet.

STAGE 3. Construct left lane concrete overlay

• Close the opposite lane to traffic and place the

concrete overlay according to contract documents,
using the same procedures as described in stage 2.
• Complete shouldering. Complete pavement marking
and regulatory signing in accordance with contract

128 Guide to Concrete Overlays

24 ft (7.3 m) LEGEND
Granular shoulder
shoulder Stage work area
12 ft (3.7 m) lane 12 ft (3.7 m) lane
(Typical) (Typical) Concrete
Pavement Pavement
marking marking
Granular material

Existing pavement
Concrete overlay Existing subbase
Separation layer
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete)


Traffic 1 Follow jurisdictional requirements

Construction area control Existing for traffic control devices. Outside
device shoulder shoulder traffic control may depend
Existing shoulder
Vehicle traffic on width of shoulder.
11 ft (3.4 m) lane 2 Existing shoulder should have
(10 ft [3 m] min.) 8
minimum 6 in. (150 mm) of granular
material and should be treated with
calcium chloride.
3 Minimum lane width next to the
paver may be reduced for short-
Existing pavement
Surface repair
term, stationary work on low-
and overlay surface preparation Existing volume, low-speed roadways when
Separation layer subbase vehicular traffic does not include
Varies (only for unbonded overlay on concrete) longer and wider heavy commercial
2 ft (0.6 m) min. vehicles.
4 Place granular shoulder with
STAGE 1 calcium chloride in two lifts. The
first lift is for the paver track. The
second lift is for final shoulder. If
Vehicle traffic Construction area the completed overlay in this stage
opens to traffic and the final lift
11 ft (3.4 m) lane is delayed, place concrete fillet
1.5 ft (0.46 m) min. as shown. If overlay creates a
(10 ft [3 m] min.) 8
Varies dropoff greater than jurisdictional
12 ft (3.7 m) lane allowance, place second lift before
Traffic Traffic (Typical) opening overlay to traffic.
control control Granular
device device shoulder 5 See Figure 7.16.
6 Requires minimum to zero
clearance paver. 1.5 ft (0.5 m)
dimension is for the paver ski or
Concrete stringline.
overlay placement
7 Mark edgelines and centerlines per
Surface repair MUTCD (FHWA 2009) section 6F.77
Existing pavement (mark both lanes).
Separation layer
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete) 8 For low-volume roads only

Construction area Vehicle traffic

Granular 11 ft (3.4 m) lane
(Typical) Traffic
shoulder 1.5 ft (0.46 m) min. control
12 ft (3.7 m) lane (10 ft [3 m] min.) device
(Typical) Concrete 8 6 in. (150 mm) plus
overlay 7 7 overlay thickness
placement granular shoulder
treated with
calcium chloride

Separation layer Existing

(only for unbonded pavement Drawings: Snyder & Associates, Inc.,
overlay on concrete) STAGE 3 used with permission

Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 129
Two-Lane Roadway Widened to Three Lanes with Paved
Shoulders (Conventional Paver)
Applied to:

;Bonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of composite pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of composite pavements

STAGE 1. Repair surface, prepare for overlay, and construct base shoulder
widening and separation layer
• Install traffic control and close the left lane. Follow to obtain a firm and stable platform. Compact
jurisdictional requirements for traffic control. Check shoulder material as specified in the contract
with jurisdiction regarding allowable lane closure documents. A continuous progression
length. If surface repair and preparation for the overlay approach with the shoulder trencher and
are minimal, then slow-moving traffic control may be placement of the base shoulder widening is less than
appropriate. Closing the lane may require additional encouraged. 0.25 mi
traffic control (e.g., signals, flaggers, and/or pilot cars). (0.40 km)
• Pave the existing shoulder a minimum of 6 ft without
• Repair the surface as appropriate. Prepare the surface (1.8 m) with concrete. pilot car
for the overlay (or, in the case of concrete overlay on
• Use excavated granular material to widen
concrete, the separation layer) as described in the
existing shoulder. Treat 3 ft (0.9 m) area of
contract document.
shoulder with calcium chloride.
• Prepare shoulder widening by trenching the existing
• Construct separation layer (only for unbonded
shoulder and trimming to the specified width. The
overlay on concrete).
trench should be rolled and compacted as necessary

STAGE 2. Construct thickened shoulder and concrete overlay

• Shift the traffic control to the left lane and close the • Construct concrete overlay on the existing
right lane to traffic. The length of the closure will pavement. Complete right PCC shoulder
depend on the jurisdiction’s maximum closure length widening with the overlay.
with pilot car. Traffic controls and traffic control signals
• The “X” dimension between the roadway
will be based on jurisdictional requirements.
centerline and vertical panel is for the paving
• Repair and prepare the surface for the overlay or the machine track and stringline.
separation layer and subsequent overlay as described
in the contract documents. Construct separation layer
(for unbonded overlay).

STAGE 3. Construct left lane concrete overlay

• Close the opposite lane to traffic and place the • If the outside edge dropoffs at the shoulder
concrete overlay according to contract documents, exceeds the jurisdictional allowance for a 1:1
using the same procedures as described in stage 2. fillet, then construct the granular shoulders in
Stringline may not be necessary for the right edge of this stage.
the paving when the paved overlay constructed in
• Complete shoulders. Install (mill) rumble strips
stage 2 is used as the paver control in this stage.
in the paved shoulders and complete pavement
marking and regulatory signing in accordance
with contract documents.

130 Guide to Concrete Overlays

Remaining LEGEND
Remaining shoulder
shoulder 4 ft (1.2 m) 12 ft (3.7 m) 12 ft (3.7 m) 12 ft (3.7 m) 4 ft (1.2 m)
(Typical) (Typical) (Typical) (Typical) (Typical) Stage work area

Pavement Concrete
marking Pavement Rumble
marking strip Base shoulder widening
Rumble materials
strip (e.g., cement-treated
base, porous concrete,
roller compacted
Tiebars optional concrete (RCC),
Finished shoulder asphalt, or concrete)
6 ft (1.8 m) min. placement Granular material
Separation layer
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete) Surface repair
Existing pavement
Existing subbase COMPLETED OVERLAY


1 Follow jurisdictional
Construction area control requirements for traffic
device control devices.
Existing shoulder Vehicle traffic Existing shoulder 2 Use excavated granular
10 ft (3 m) 11 ft (3.4 m) material to widen existing
(Typical) (Typical) shoulder. Treat 3 ft (0.9
m) area of shoulder with
calcium chloride.
3 Minimum lane width
next to the paver may
Surface repair Existing pavement be reduced for short-
Subbase 6 ft (1.8 m) min. and overlay surface Existing subbase term, stationary work on
widening preparation low-volume, low-speed
Separation layer roadways when vehicular
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete) traffic does not include
longer and wider heavy
STAGE 1 commercial vehicles.
4 If the completed overlay in
Construction area this stage opens to traffic
and the final shoulder
4 ft (1.2 m) back fill is delayed,
4 ft Vehicle traffic 4 ft shoulder
(1.2 m) 11 ft (3.4 m) (1.2 m) 11 ft (3.4 m) 6 ft (1.8 m)
place fillet as shown. If
overlay creates a dropoff
(Typical) (Typical) (Typical) (Typical) (Typical) greater than jurisdictional
allowance, place second
control lift before opening overlay
device to traffic.
5 See Figure 7.16.
Subbase 6 Mark edgelines and
Subbase Concrete widening centerlines per MUTCD
widening overlay placement (FHWA 2009) section 6F.77
Existing pavement Surface repair (mark both lanes).
Separation layer
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete)

Construction area
Remaining Remaining
shoulder shoulder
4 ft 6 ft 4 ft Vehicle traffic Paved shoulder
(1.2 m) (1.8 m) 12 ft (3.7 m) (1.2 m) 11 ft (3.4 m) 4 ft (1.2 m)

(Typical) (Typical) (Typical) (Typical) (Typical)

6 6
control device

Separation layer Concrete

(only for unbonded overlay placement
Subbase overlay on concrete )
widening Surface repair
Existing pavement Drawings: Snyder & Associates, Inc.,
STAGE 3 used with permission

Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 131
Four-Lane Roadway with Paved Shoulders (Conventional Paver)
Applied to:

;Bonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements

;Unbonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements
;Unbonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of composite pavements
;Unbonded concrete overlay of composite pavements

STAGE 1. Repair surface and prepare for overlay

• Install traffic control and close the • Repair the surface as appropriate.
inside lanes. Follow jurisdictional Prepare the surface for the overlay
requirements for traffic control. Check (or, in the case of concrete overlay
with jurisdiction regarding allowable on concrete, the separation layer) as Typically Typically
lane closure length. If surface repair described in the contract document. less than less than
0.25 mi 0.25 mi
and preparation for the overlay are
• Evaluate the structural condition of (0.40 km) (0.40 km)
minimal, then slow-moving traffic without without
the existing shoulder. Mill existing
control may be appropriate. Closing pilot car pilot car
shoulder or reconstruct shoulder to
the lanes may require additional traffic
carry traffic load if necessary.
control (e.g., signals and flaggers).
• Construct separation layer (only for
unbonded overlay on concrete).

STAGE 2. Construct concrete overlay on outside lane

• Shift the traffic control to the inside • Construct temporary shoulder for
lanes and close the outside lanes paver track.
to traffic. Traffic controls and traffic
• Construct concrete overlay on the
control signals will be based on
existing pavement. Bull float work
jurisdictional requirements.
shall operate from the outside
• Repair and prepare the surface for shoulder only.
the overlay or the separation layer
and subsequent overlay as described
in the contract documents. Construct
separation layer (for unbonded

STAGE 3. Construct concrete overlay on inside lane

• Shift the traffic control to the outside If the right stringline is not used,
lane and close the inside lane to the “X” dimension could possibly
traffic. Place the concrete overlay be reduced to 3 ft (0.9 m).
according to contract documents,
• Complete shoulder finish
using the same procedures as
grading. Install (mill) rumble
described in stage 2. Stringline may
strips in the paved shoulders and
not be necessary for the right edge
complete pavement marking and
of the paving when the paved overlay
regulatory signing in accordance
constructed in stage 2 is used as the
with contract documents.
paver control in this stage.

132 Guide to Concrete Overlays

10 ft (3 m)
Paved 12 ft (3.7 m) lane 12 ft (3.7 m) lane paved shoulder
shoulder varies Stage work area
(Typical) (Typical) (Typical)

Pavement Concrete
Pavement marking
Rumble strip
Rumble Existing shoulder
if necessary)

Concrete shoulder Concrete

Existing pavement shoulder
Concrete overlay NOTES:
12 ft (3.7 m) existing lane
Separation layer 1 Follow jurisdictional
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete) Existing subbase
requirements for traffic
COMPLETED OVERLAY control devices.
2 Evaluate the structural
condition of the existing
shoulder. If necessary,
12 ft (3.7 m) 10 ft (3 m) reconstruct shoulder with
vehicle traffic existing shoulder PCC or asphalt to carry
Construction area (Typical) (Typical) the traffic load.
6 ft (1.8 m) Traffic
Separation layer
3 See Figure 7.16.
(for unbonded
overlay) device 4 When the existing
shoulder outside of the
proposed paved shoulder
is less than 3 ft (0.9 m),
Surface repair Existing pavement adjustment to the paver
Existing and overlay surface Existing subbase may be necessary to
shoulder preparation accommodate paver
control and paver track.
STAGE 1 5 If the completed overlay
in this stage opens to
traffic and the final
Vehicle traffic Construction area shoulder backfill is
delayed, place fillet as
Remaining 11 ft (3.4 m)
shoulder (Typical)
shown. If overlay creates
22 ft (6.7 m) a dropoff greater than
(Typical) jurisdictional allowance,
12 ft (3.7 m) 10 ft (3 m) place second lift before
Traffic (Typical) (Typical) opening overlay to traffic.
device 6 For “X” less than 4 ft
(1.2 m), adjustments to
paver may be necessary
to accommodate paver
control and paver track.
Concrete 7 The “X” dimension can
Separation layer overlay
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete) placement
Concrete shoulder be reduced to 3 ft (0.9 m)
minimum when the right
Surface repair lane is used as paver
Existing pavement STAGE 2 control.
8 Mark edgelines and
centerlines per MUTCD
Construction area Vehicle traffic (FHWA 2009) section 6F.77
11 ft (3.4 m) (mark both lanes).
12 ft (3.7 m) (Typical) Remaining
Varies (Typical) shoulder
concrete fillet
placed with Concrete 8 8
overlay overlay placement

Concrete shoulder
Existing pavement Varies Varies
Separation layer
(only for unbonded
overlay on concrete) Drawings: Snyder & Associates, Inc.,
STAGE 3 used with permission

Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 133
134 Guide to Concrete Overlays

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2711 South Loop Drive, Suite 4700 | Ames, IA 50010-8664 | Phone: 515-294-5798 |

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