Guide To Concrete Overlays 4th Ed Web
Guide To Concrete Overlays 4th Ed Web
Guide To Concrete Overlays 4th Ed Web
About the CP Tech Center Iowa State University
The mission of the National Concrete Pavement Nondiscrimination Statement
Technology Center (CP Tech Center) at Iowa State Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis
University is to unite key transportation stakeholders of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin,
around the central goal of advancing concrete pavement pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic
technology through research, technology transfer, and information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as
technology implementation. a US veteran. Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination
policies may be directed to the Office of Equal
Notice Opportunity, 3410 Beardshear Hall, 515 Morrill Road,
Ames, Iowa 50011, telephone: 515-294-7612, hotline:
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship
515-294-1222, email: [email protected].
of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the
interest of information exchange under Cooperative
Agreement 693JJ31950004, Advancing Concrete About This Guide
Pavement Technology Solutions. The U.S. Government The Guide to Concrete Overlays is a product of the National
assumes no liability for the use of the information Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center)
contained in this document. at Iowa State University, with funding from the Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA). This guide presents
The U.S. Government does not endorse products the basic principles needed to design and construct
or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers’ concrete overlays on existing asphalt, composite, and
names appear in this material only because they are concrete pavements. It is the fourth edition of the Guide to
considered essential to the objective of the document. Concrete Overlays since 2007. Complementary publications
They are included for informational purposes only and developed by the CP Tech Center include Guide
are not intended to reflect a preference, approval, or Specifications for Concrete Overlays (2016), Guide for the
endorsement of any one product or entity. Development of Concrete Overlay Construction Documents
(2018), Concrete Pavement Preservation Guide (new edition
Nonbinding Contents forthcoming), and History of Concrete Overlays in the
The contents of this document do not have the force United States (new edition forthcoming). These and other
publications related to concrete overlays are available on
and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public
the CP Tech Center’s website,
in any way. This document is intended only to provide
clarity to the public regarding existing requirements
under the law or agency policies. However, compliance Reference Information for this Guide
with applicable statutes or regulations cited in this Fick, G., J. Gross, M. B. Snyder, D. Harrington,
document is required. J. Roesler, and T. Cackler. 2021. Guide to Concrete
Overlays. 4th Edition. National Concrete Pavement
Quality Assurance Statement Technology Center, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides
high-quality information to serve Government, industry, For More Information
and the public in a manner that promotes public National Concrete Pavement Technology Center
understanding. Standards and policies are used to Iowa State University Research Park
ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and 2711 S. Loop Drive, Suite 4700
integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews Ames, IA 50010-8664
quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to 515-294-5798
ensure continuous quality improvement.
Gary Fick, The Transtec Group, Inc.
Mark B. Snyder, PhD, PE, Pavement Engineering and Research Consultants, LLC
Project Manager
Steven L. Tritsch, PE, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University
Managing Editor
Oksana Gieseman
Peter Hunsinger
A guide from
National Concrete Pavement Technology Center
Iowa State University
2711 South Loop Drive, Suite 4700
Ames, IA 50010-8664
Phone: 515-294-5798 / Fax: 515-294-0467
The CP Tech Center gratefully acknowledges the generous financial support of the FHWA for the development of the
fourth edition of this guide. The CP Tech Center and the authors also wish to thank the following knowledgeable,
experienced, and dedicated concrete pavement experts who served on the Technical Advisory Committee and
contributed to the development of this guide:
• Andy Bennett, Michigan Department of Transportation • Jeff Uhlmeyer, PE, Quality Engineering Solutions
• Mike Byers, PE, American Concrete Pavement • Leif Wathne, PE, American Concrete Pavement
Association, Indiana Chapter Association
• Dan DeGraaf, PE, Michigan Concrete Association • Matt Zeller, PE, Concrete Paving Association of
• Angela Folkestad, PE, American Concrete Pavement Minnesota
Association, Colorado/Wyoming Chapter • Gordon Smith, PE, National Concrete Pavement
• Todd Hanson, PE, Iowa Department of Transportation Technology Center
• Mike Praul, PE, Federal Highway Administration • John Adam, PE, National Concrete Pavement
Technology Center
• Sam Tyson, PE, Federal Highway Administration
3D three-dimensional JPCP jointed plain concrete pavement
AASHTO American Association of State JRCP jointed reinforced concrete pavement
Highway and Transportation Officials LCCA life-cycle cost analysis
ACI American Concrete Institute LiDAR light detection and ranging
ACPA American Concrete Pavement LTPP Long-Term Pavement Performance
Association MEPDG Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement
ASR alkali-silica reactivity Design Guide
ASTM American Society for Testing and MOR modulus of rupture
Materials MRD materials-related distress
COA–B concrete on asphalt–bonded NCHRP National Cooperative Highway
COA–U concrete on asphalt–unbonded Research Program
COC–B concrete on concrete–bonded NPV net present value
COC–U concrete on concrete–unbonded NRMCA National Ready-Mixed Concrete
CP Tech Center National Concrete Pavement Association
Technology Center PEM performance-engineered mixtures
CRCP continuously reinforced concrete SAM Super Air Meter
pavement PAMS poly alpha-methylstyrene
CTE coefficient of thermal expansion PASSRC permeable asphalt-stabilized stress
ESAL equivalent single axle load relief course
FEA finite element analysis PCA Portland Cement Association
FHWA Federal Highway Administration PCC portland cement concrete
FRC fiber-reinforced concrete SCM supplementary cementitious material
FRP fiber-reinforced polymer SHA state highway agency
HMA hot-mix asphalt SJPCP short-jointed plain concrete pavement
IMCP Integrated Materials and w/cm ratio water-to-cementitious materials ratio
Construction Practices
IRI International Roughness Index
Repairs of Unbonded Concrete Overlays 7 in. Thick Separation Layer Selection Considerations 89
or Greater 76 Panel Dimensions, Joint Layout and Design, and Joint
Repairs of Bonded or Unbonded Concrete Overlays Sealing 89
Less than 6 in. Thick 76 Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced
Special Construction Considerations for Concrete on Concrete Pavement Overlays 90
Concrete–Bonded Overlays 77
Case Study 1: Thin (3 in.) Bonded Overlay on Iowa 3 Figure 1.4. Four main types of concrete overlays 5
East of Hampton, Iowa 120
Case Study 2: Thin (3 in.) Bonded Overlay on 15th Chapter 2
Street in Del City, Oklahoma 121 Figure 2.1. Examples of determining existing pavement
type and condition 9
Appendix D Figure 2.2. General guidance for rating the condition
Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various of concrete pavement 10
Traffic Control Scenarios 123 Figure 2.3. General guidance for rating the condition
Two-Lane Roadway with Paved Shoulders of asphalt and composite pavement 10
(Conventional Paver) 124 Figure 2.4. Blending safety slopes to existing conditions 13
Two-Lane Roadway with Granular Shoulders Figure 2.5. Regrading safety slopes and extending
(Conventional Paver) 126 drainage structures 13
Two-Lane Roadway with Minimum Granular Figure 2.6. Determining the appropriate design strategy
Shoulders (Zero-Clearance Paver) 128 for a given project 14
Two-Lane Roadway Widened to Three Lanes with
Paved Shoulders (Conventional Paver) 130 Chapter 3
Four-Lane Roadway with Paved Shoulders Figure 3.1. Behavior of and flexural stress distribution
(Conventional Paver) 132 through the layers of bonded and unbonded overlay
systems 17
References 135 Figure 3.2. Concrete overlay on composite pavement
photographed in 2012 after 13 years in service, with the
overlay exhibiting interior corner deterioration due to
longitudinal joints in the wheel paths 19
Figure 3.3. Concrete overlay widening on Illinois
Route 53 with no longitudinal joint or reinforcing
over existing pavement edge (top); concrete overlay
widening on Minnesota TH 212 with longitudinal
joints and reinforcing over existing pavement edge in
some locations (center) and only reinforcing in other
locations (bottom) 22
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Purpose and Scope These and other concrete overlay resources developed by
the CP Tech Center and its partners are available for free
The Guide to Concrete Overlays presents basic principles download at
needed by pavement engineers for the design and
construction of concrete overlays on existing asphalt,
composite, and concrete pavements. The intent is Benefits and Historical
to increase the technical proficiency of experienced Performance of Concrete Overlays
engineers while providing less experienced users with
Concrete overlays offer public agencies an economical,
the basic knowledge to successfully address the needs of
long-lasting solution for extending the life of an existing
various types of concrete overlay projects. Additionally,
asphalt, composite, or concrete pavement and contribute
this guide is intended to help users better recognize the
meaningfully to an agency’s overall asset management
versatility of concrete overlays, whether for application
program. Relatively low-maintenance service lives of 20
on low-volume roads, city streets, primary roadways, or
years have been reported, with many overlays providing
Interstate highways.
30 to 40 years of service (McGhee 1994).
The material in this guide takes users through important
Concrete overlays are adaptable to a broad range
considerations in designing and constructing concrete
of pavement conditions and project needs, and
overlays, starting with high-level scoping questions,
their excellent historical performance makes them
such as the type and condition of the existing pavement,
an attractive option for addressing even the most
through detailed engineering considerations, such as
challenging pavement preservation and rehabilitation
treatment of the jointing system.
circumstances, as shown in Figure 1.1.
This is the fourth edition of the Guide to Concrete
Overlays, with previous editions published in 2007,
2008, and 2014. This version has been updated with
current information on continuously reinforced concrete
pavement (CRCP) overlays, geotextile separation layers,
fiber reinforcement, design procedures, and lessons
learned from the experiences of numerous state highway
agency (SHA) engineers.
CP Tech Center
Figure 1.2. Concrete overlays in 46 states (overlays constructed 1901–1999/overlays constructed 2000–2017)
Portland cement concrete (PCC, referred to in this guide Nevertheless, many agencies resort to either short-term
as simply “concrete”) has been used to resurface existing repair techniques or premature reconstruction. The latter
pavements since at least 1901, and by the mid-1980s approach deprives agencies of the investment already
concrete overlays were rapidly maturing into a standard made in the existing pavement, an investment that can
rehabilitation option for many agencies. According to be preserved by utilizing a concrete overlay.
the American Concrete Pavement Association’s (ACPA’s)
National Concrete Overlay Explorer (ACPA 2021),
at least 46 states had built a collective total of 1,289
Asset Management through the
concrete overlays through 2017 (Figure 1.2). Use of Concrete Overlays
As an adaptable, economical, and long-lasting pavement
Several resources document the history and excellent
resurfacing solution, concrete overlays can play a
performance of concrete overlays:
key role in an agency’s asset management program.
• History of Concrete Overlays in the United States Asset management involves a strategic and systematic
(Gross, forthcoming) approach to managing pavements that relies heavily on
pavement management data and life-cycle cost analysis.
• Concrete Overlay Performance on Iowa’s Roadways
(Gross et al. 2017) As part of an asset management program, a pavement
preservation strategy at the network level is a long-term
• National Cooperative Highway Research Program
plan to enhance pavement performance by using an
(NCHRP) Project 1-61: Evaluation of Bonded Concrete
integrated, cost-effective set of practices that extend
Overlays on Asphalt Pavements (Pierce, forthcoming)
pavement life, improve safety, and meet motorist
• Performance of Concrete Overlays on Illinois expectations without reconstruction. Pavement
Interstates, 1967 through 2016 (Heckel and rehabilitation, an important option for pavement
Wienrank 2018) preservation, is defined as a structural or functional
Chapter 1. Introduction 3
Existing pavement condition before treatment
CP Tech Center
Figure 1.3. Typical bonded and unbonded concrete overlay solutions at various stages of pavement service life
enhancement of a pavement that produces a substantial that concrete pavement experienced little relative loss
extension in service life. As shown in Figure 1.3, concrete of strength due to being in a flooded condition when
overlays can be used throughout the life of a pavement to similar submerged and nonsubmerged concrete roadways
address preservation and rehabilitation needs. were compared. Conversely, the report concluded that
submerged asphalt pavement experienced a strength loss
As an agency defines the objectives of its asset equal to 2 in. in thickness, resulting in the need for $50
management strategy, an important decision is how million to rehabilitate the over 200 mi of submerged
to address the sustainability of its pavement choices asphalt pavements.
while also making its pavements resilient to the extreme
weather events that are becoming more common.
Concrete overlays provide significant value for both Concrete Overlay Options
sustainability and resilience. Concrete overlays can be placed on existing asphalt,
composite, jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP),
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), through jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP), and
its Sustainable Pavement Program, has been actively CRCP and can be used effectively on existing pavements
working with SHAs and industry to provide practical in a variety of conditions. The specific details regarding
guidance on how to make pavements more sustainable. the type of overlay (bonded or unbonded), thickness,
Concrete overlays can be used very effectively to meet joint pattern, load transfer devices (if any), and
agency sustainability goals by preserving the equity reinforcement (for fiber-reinforced concrete [FRC] and
investment in existing pavements and by providing CRCP overlays) depend upon the following:
long-life preservation or rehabilitation solutions. For
more information on pavement sustainability, refer to • Condition of the existing pavement
the FHWA publication Towards Sustainable Pavement
• Traffic loading
Systems: A Reference Document (Van Dam et al. 2015).
• Geometric constraints (such as curb and gutter
The resiliency of pavement systems is also critical for sections, guardrails, shoulder widths, and vertical
addressing the apparent trend towards more extreme clearances)
weather-related events, especially infrastructure
flooding. Concrete overlays can significantly contribute • Desired design life
to resiliency by “hardening” pavement systems from These decisions are straightforward, and this guide will
storm damage and providing for the rapid restoration assist the user in determining how to develop a concrete
of traffic without compromising a pavement’s long-term overlay solution to meet the needs of a specific project.
performance. The Louisiana Transportation Research
Center report Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Roadways
in the New Orleans Area (Gaspard et al. 2007) concluded
COA–B (Full Depth and Composite) COA–U (Full Depth and Composite) COC–B (JPCP and CRCP) COC–U (JPCP and CRCP)
CP Tech Center
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
6 Guide to Concrete Overlays
Chapter 2
Evaluation of Existing Pavements
and Selection of Concrete
Overlay Options
Determining the Feasibility of a Concrete Overlay and Selecting the Appropriate Design 8
Step 1. Determine the Existing Pavement Type and Condition 8
Step 2. Make a Preliminary Determination of the Existing Typical Section Layers and Thicknesses 8
Step 3. Conduct an On-Site Review and Evaluation 11
Step 4. Determine the Need for Milling and Accommodating Adjustments of the Profile Grade 12
Step 5. Verify the Existing Pavement Condition: Coring and Material Testing 13
Step 6. Determine the Feasibility of a Concrete Overlay and the Appropriate Overlay Option 13
Next Steps 14
The evaluation also identifies distresses in the existing Step 2. Make a Preliminary
pavement to determine the appropriate overlay type for
the conditions and the repairs needed before an overlay
Determination of the Existing Typical
can be placed. In general, pre-overlay repairs should be Section Layers and Thicknesses
limited to only those necessary to facilitate the appropriate Review historical documents to characterize the full
overlay design, whether unbonded or bonded. Excessive pavement structure. This step can be performed
pre-overlay repairs are costly and may indicate that the concurrently with Step 1. From a review of as-built plans,
wrong type of overlay is being considered or the pavement maintenance records, and pavement management system
is not a good candidate for an overlay. data, at a minimum the following should be determined:
This chapter provides a step-by-step process for evaluating • Pavement layer types and thicknesses, by year of
the existing pavement and determining whether a construction
concrete overlay is an appropriate rehabilitation option.
• Base and subbase types and thicknesses
The following steps should be followed in every case:
• Subgrade soil type
1. Determine the existing pavement type and condition
If readily available, mixture design information
2. Make a preliminary determination of the existing and construction quality control data should also
typical section layers and thicknesses be collected for future reference in the assessment
3. Conduct an on-site review and evaluation process. An example of the information collected and
summarized during this step is shown in Table 2.1.
4. Determine the need for milling and accommodating
adjustments of the profile grade Table 2.1. Example summary of pavement layer and thickness
5. Verify the existing pavement condition: coring and data for a composite pavement
material testing Item Comments
6. Determine the feasibility of a concrete overlay and Asphalt surface 3 in. of Type X asphalt (2015)
the appropriate overlay option • 5.5% binder
• 6.5% average in-place air voids
Good Good
Fair Fair
Poor Poor
Deteriorated Deteriorated
Photos: Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission
Concrete surface
surface Asphalt
Asphalt surface
Good—Structurally sound
sound with
with little
little to
to no
no cracking
cracking Good—Structurally
Good—Structurally sound
sound with
with minor
surface defects
defects and
and minor
minor cracking
Fair—Structurally sound
sound with
with minor
minor surface
distresses such
such as
as random
random cracking,
cracking, periodic
periodic Fair—Structurally
Fair—Structurally sound
sound with
with minor
minor surface
surface distresses
partial-depth joint
joint spalling,
spalling, and
and shadowing
shadowing such
such as
as potholes,
potholes, block
block cracking,
cracking, or
or thermal
thermal cracking
Poor—Full-depth joint
joint deterioration,
deterioration, working
working Poor—Frequent
Poor—Frequent surface
surface distresses
distresses such
such as
as potholes,
cracks, spot
spot structural
structural failures,
failures, faulting,
faulting, and/or
and/or block
block cracking,
cracking, or
or thermal
thermal cracking
cracking plus
plus alligator
alligator cracking,
material-related distress
distress rutting,
rutting, shoving,
shoving, slippage,
slippage, stripping,
stripping, and
and raveling
Deteriorated—Significantcant surface
surface deterioration
deterioration and
and Deteriorated—Signifi
Deteriorated—Significantcant surface
surface and
and structural
structural distresses,
distresses, including
including joint
joint deterioration
deterioration distresses,
distresses, including
including potholes,
potholes, block
block cracking,
cracking, or
from freeze-thaw
freeze-thaw damage
damage or or material-related
material-related thermal
thermal cracking
cracking plus
plus alligator
alligator cracking,
cracking, rutting,
distress at
at 50%
50% or
or more
more ofof the
the joints
joints shoving,
shoving, slippage,
slippage, stripping,
stripping, and
and raveling
permission Illustrations:
Illustrations: Snyder
Snyder &
& Associates,
Associates, Inc.,
Inc., used
used with
with permission
Figure 2.2.
2.2. General
General guidance
guidance for
for rating
rating the
the condition
condition of
of Figure 2.3. General guidance for rating the condition of asphalt
concrete pavement
pavement and composite pavement
CP Tech Center
Table 2.2. Suggested coring and material testing for evaluating existing pavement condition
Two cores per lane mile Two cores per lane mile Four cores per lane mile Four cores per lane mile
Coring (Pavement Layer from the mainline and from the mainline and from the mainline and from the mainline and
Thicknesses) one core per lane mile one core per lane mile two cores per lane mile two cores per lane mile
from each shoulder from each shoulder from each shoulder from each shoulder
Falling Weight Deflectometer
N/A N/A N/A Yes
(Support Values)
No Concrete Overlay–Bonded
No Concrete Overlay–Unbonded
CP Tech Center
Figure 2.6. Determining the appropriate design strategy for a given project
Next Steps
Once a concrete overlay has been determined to be a • Chapter 5. Concrete Overlays on Concrete Pavements
practical solution for a given project, the remaining
• Chapter 6. Materials and Mixtures
chapters of this guide summarize and recommend
various design and construction options: • Chapter 7. Plan Development
• Chapter 3. Overview of Concrete Overlay Design • Chapter 8. Construction of Concrete Overlays
• Chapter 4. Concrete Overlays on Asphalt-Surfaced
• Determination of the type and extent of pre-overlay • Presence of reinforcement in the overlay slab
repairs • Assumed bond or separation between the overlay and
• Selection of construction materials with the the existing pavement
appropriate properties • Separation layer characteristics (if a separation layer
• Assumption of bonding or restraint at the interface is used)
between the overlay and the existing pavement (i.e., Several procedures are available for designing various
whether the overlay is bonded or unbonded) types of concrete overlays. A major factor in selecting a
• Design of edge support (e.g., for widened lanes or tied thickness design procedure is the assumption of a bond
concrete shoulders), if any is needed (or lack thereof ) at the interface between the overlay and
the existing pavement.
• Determination of overlay panel dimensions and
joint layout The degree of bonding, mechanical interlock, or
frictional resistance (hereafter simply referred to as
• Selection of joint design details (e.g., load transfer “bond”) between a concrete overlay and the structural
and sealant provisions), if special considerations are layer immediately below plays a major role in the
required behavior of and stress distribution through all layers in
Some of these components, such as joint layout and the overlaid pavement system.
construction material properties, can significantly When the overlay and existing pavement layers are
impact concrete overlay performance. Other inputs, bonded, they act together as a single layer with an
such as panel dimensions, joint details, edge support, effective thickness greater than that of either the overlay
and bond condition, directly impact overlay thickness or the existing pavement and have a single neutral axis
and must be selected concurrently with, and as a part of, with respect to bending (Figure 3.1, left). When no
the thickness design. The goal of a successful concrete bond exists between the overlay and existing pavement
overlay design should be to address all overlay system layers, the two layers bend separately, with each layer
design components in a manner that balances cost with having its own neutral axis and each layer experiencing
desired performance in terms of quality and duration of both tension and compression (Figure 3.1, right).
service life.
For design purposes, the overlay’s bond with (or separation
Concrete Overlay Thickness from) the existing pavement is an assumed condition
that must be selected carefully to avoid premature overlay
Design distress. The structural impact of the overlay bond depends
Designing a concrete overlay is a process that begins on the quality and integrity of both the overlay and the
with characterizing the existing pavement (as outlined existing pavement, as well as the thickness of the existing
in Chapter 2), defining critical design variables, and pavement. A bonded overlay should not be selected unless
then calculating the required overlay thickness. For the quality of the existing pavement (or the portion of that
more detailed information on thickness design, see pavement that will remain) is of sufficiently high quality
Appendix A. and adequate thickness.
Figure 3.1. Behavior of and flexural stress distribution through the layers of bonded and unbonded overlay systems
Joint Filling and Sealing COA–U overlays are typically designed without a
The primary use for joint filling and sealing is to prevent separation layer because (1) there is usually no need to
water and solids from getting into joints. Joint filling isolate the concrete overlay from the asphalt to prevent
simply requires filling a sawcut with joint filler material reflective distress and (2) a pure unbonded interface
after proper preparation. Experience has shown that condition is a conservative design assumption but
joint filling is the recommended practice in areas where not a necessary construction condition for COA–U
deicers and/or abrasives are applied to pavements. overlays. The same is not true for COC–U overlays, for
Joint sealing involves the use of a backer rod and which a separation layer is typically required to prevent
more rigorous preparation of a sealant reservoir than reflective distress.
joint filling. The use of an open-cell backer rod is not
recommended in areas where deicing chemicals are used. Pre-overlay Repairs
COA–U overlays, whether placed on asphalt or
The ACPA (2018) provides recommendations that are composite pavement, rarely require extensive pre-overlay
valid for COC–U overlays concerning the need for (and repair because (1) the overlay usually bridges intact
potential benefits of ) filling and/or sealing concrete areas of raveling, fatigue cracking, and similar types of
pavement joints as a function of climate (whether existing asphalt or composite pavement distress and (2)
deicers and/or abrasives are used), traffic, posted speed the overlay thickness design is unlikely to change as a
limit, and panel size. result of the repairs. It is only necessary that the existing
pavement provide reasonably uniform support to the
Special Considerations for Continuously overlay layer, with no rocking panels or panel fragments
Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays and no large areas of significantly different structural
Unbonded CRCP overlays on concrete pavement have composition. The existing pavement should be free of
been (and continue to be) constructed in the US, with wide joints and cracks, unrepaired potholes, and other
Texas and Illinois having the most experience with this features that would permit the overlay to interlock or
overlay type. Details on the design and construction of “key” with the pavement.
CRCP overlays are provided in Appendix B.
CP Tech Center
Figure 4.1. Bonded and unbonded overlays of existing asphalt and composite pavements
CP Tech Center
Remove and replace with stable material (i.e., select borrow, granular
Area of subgrade/subbase failure
subbase, etc.); correct water problems
Remove and replace with asphalt material or concrete patch with
Severe distress that results in variation in strength of asphalt
slurry seal or geotextile separation layer; correct water problems
Full-depth repair with concrete and use asphalt or geotextile
Reflective faulting or panel tenting
separation layer as bond breaker
Potholes Fill with asphalt
Shoving Mill
Milling. If surface distortions in the existing pavement the occurrence of significant surface evaporation. (For
are 2 in. or greater, milling is recommended prior to detailed information on curing, see Curing Concrete
placing an unbonded overlay. Milling can (1) eliminate [Taylor 2013].) The cured surface and vertical faces
high spots to help ensure a minimum overlay depth, (2) of the overlay should be free from streaks and appear
provide a more uniform overlay thickness to minimize uniformly white like a sheet of paper.
quantity overruns, and (3) remove damaged asphalt
material that is not suitable in a support layer. Joint Sawing. Timely joint sawing is necessary to
prevent random cracking. Transverse and longitudinal
Surface Cleaning. Before concrete placement, the sawcut operations should be performed before any
surface to be overlaid should be thoroughly swept uncontrolled cracking occurs.
to achieve uniform contact and friction between the
concrete overlay and the existing asphalt surface. Maintenance and Repairs
Concrete Placement. Best practice is to pave on a damp The recommended repair options for unbonded overlays
surface. When the asphalt pavement surface is at or are the same as those for standard concrete pavements.
above 120°F (49°C), wetting can also reduce the surface
temperature and lower the risk of early-age cracking. Concrete on Asphalt–Bonded
The pavement surface should be free of standing water
at the time of overlay placement. Overlays
Figure 4.5 shows a schematic view of two COA–B
Conventional concrete paving practices and procedures overlays, one on an existing asphalt pavement and one
for placing, spreading, consolidating, and finishing the on an existing composite pavement.
concrete overlay are followed. Because of variations in the
surface of the existing pavement, the concrete material
should be bid on a volume (cubic yard) basis. Some
states also include a bid item for placement, measured Bonded concrete overlay
on a square yard basis. See Chapter 7 for additional
information on estimating and bidding quantities.
Bonded concrete overlays of asphalt-surfaced pavements
have been used successfully in many states to maintain
Dan King, Iowa Concrete Paving Association, used with permission
and rehabilitate asphalt pavements with surface defects
(as illustrated in Figures 4.6 and 4.7). Numerous Figure 4.7. Bonded on composite
studies (such as NCHRP Project 1-61: Evaluation of
Bonded Concrete Overlays on Asphalt Pavements [Pierce,
Keys to Success
forthcoming] and Concrete Overlay Performance on Iowa’s
Low Volume Roadways [Gross et al. 2017]) have shown Pavement Evaluation
bonded concrete overlays to deliver a durable surface An evaluation of the existing pavement, described in
course, provided that (1) a sufficient bond exists between Chapter 2, is necessary to determine whether a bonded
the asphalt surface and concrete overlay (see Appendix A overlay is appropriate for a given project. Some of the
for information on developing an overlay bond), (2) the key conclusions from the pavement evaluation should
existing asphalt pavement provides adequate structural include the following:
support, and (3) panel sizes are selected to reduce slab
stresses and minimize early-age debonding. • Existing structural condition and estimated support
To learn more about the performance history of COA–B
overlays, refer to the following case histories in the tech • Whether milling is required and, if so, to what depth(s)
summary History of Concrete Overlays in the United States • Whether a minimum of 3 in. of sound asphalt
(Gross, forthcoming): remains after any milling
• Case History #1–US-69 in Pittsburg County, • Quantification of pre-overlay repairs
Asphalt pavements with significant structural distresses,
• Case History #2–SR-16 in Dawson County, Montana inadequate base/subbase support, or stripping of the
asphalt layers are not good candidates for a bonded
• Case History #5–US-89 in Provo, Utah
concrete overlay; in such cases, an unbonded overlay
• Case History #6–SH-13 north of Manchester, Iowa should be considered.
CP Tech Center
Table 5.1. Possible pre-overlay repairs on existing concrete pavements in preparation for an unbonded overlay
Bonded concrete
CP Tech Center
Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission
Figure 6.1. Reflective cracking in an overlay without fibers Figure 6.4. Surface texture of concrete overlay with
(top) and in an overlay containing macrofibers (bottom) synthetic macrofibers
Research has shown that macrofibers can maintain It is recommended that ASTM C1609 be used to
the load transfer efficiency of contraction joints under evaluate the residual strength value (f150) for a given
repeated loading using a mechanism similar to that concrete mixture, fiber type, and fiber content for
of tie bars in contraction joints (Barman and Hansen concrete pavement overlay design. The Residual
2018, Barman et al. 2015). However, macrofiber Strength Estimator (CP Tech Center 2019) is a
materials should not be substituted for dowel bars to spreadsheet tool that helps pavement engineers select
control faulting. a residual strength value for a given set of concrete
overlay inputs. The engineer must input the conditions
Effects of Macrofibers on the Fresh and and design requirements of the project to determine
Hardened Properties of Concrete the estimated range of residual strengths for the
Trial batches are always recommended to confirm overlay structural design and to verify that the FRC
the correct sequence of fiber addition during the material requirements are achieved. Because most FRC
batching process and to ensure that the FRC mixture applications have been bonded overlays of asphalt
can meet all fresh property specifications. Concrete pavements, the Residual Strength Estimator tool is
workability, one such fresh property, may decrease with based on this assumed implication.
the addition of macrofibers. Generally, the addition of
water-reducing admixtures can improve workability,
consolidation, and finishing, though occasionally
additional paste may be required. The air content of the
mixture, another fresh property, may also be affected
indirectly by the addition of fibers. The air content
can be adjusted through changes in the air-entraining
admixture during the trial batches.
and minimize the initiation of reflected cracks from the Figure 6.7. Light-colored nonwoven geotextile separation layer
underlying pavement. For an overview of nonwoven
Dowel Bars and Tie Bars Some agencies have implemented the use of curing
When a concrete overlay relies on dowel bars for joint compounds containing poly alpha-methylstyrene
load transfer, the dowel bars should conform to ASTM (PAMS) resin. The use of this type of curing compound
A1078. The size, layout, and coating of the dowel bars has been based on studies showing superior moisture
should be selected for the specific project location retention properties. Application methods and coverage
and traffic levels. (For more information on the use of rates are similar to those for normal, white-pigmented
dowel bars for load transfer, see Guide to Dowel Load curing compounds. A typical material specification for
Transfer Systems for Jointed Concrete Roadway Pavements PAMS curing compound is available from MnDOT.
[Snyder 2011].) In some overlay projects, dowel bar
sizes may be reduced or dowel bars may not be used at Joint Fillers and Sealants
all because the existing pavement provides a sufficient The decision whether to apply joint filler or joint sealant
amount of support. Additionally, although some depends on the climate in which the overlay is built,
agencies have used dowel bars in 6 in. thick concrete the state agency overseeing the project, and the overlay’s
overlays, they are typically not used in concrete overlays slab geometry. The need for joint material depends on
less than 7 in. thick. whether the design allows for water entering the joint
to leave the pavement. Joint filling is the predominant
When used in concrete overlays, tie bars are typically
action for short-jointed overlays.
Grade 60 billet steel bars meeting ASTM A615 or
AASHTO M 31 specifications. No. 4 deformed bars When joint fillers or sealants are applied, the following
are recommended in most situations that require tie options are available: use of hot-poured rubberized
bars, while No. 5 bars are not recommended unless materials conforming to ASTM D6690 or AASHTO
the overlay thickness is 10 in. or more. Tie bars are not M 301, use of silicone materials conforming to
recommended for use in concrete overlays less than 5 a governing state specification, use of preformed
in. thick. Tie bars are typically spaced 30 in. apart, but compression seals conforming to ASTM D2628
greater spacing may be used in some cases. For paved or AASHTO M 220, or the methods or materials
shoulders or widened concrete overlays, tie bars are used prescribed by a governing state specification.
at the longitudinal joints at the edges of the existing
pavement. Refer to Appendix A for more information
on the use of tie bars for widening and lane additions.
Construction Drawings 54
Title Sheet 55
Typical Sections 55
Estimated Quantities 56
Plan and Profile 56
Survey Control Information 57
Maintenance of Traffic 57
Typical Construction Details 60
Details for Overlays in Urban Areas 63
Miscellaneous Details 64
Special Considerations for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays 65
Construction Specifications 65
• Mileage summary
Typical Sections
• Traffic data The typical sections provided in the construction
• Index of sheets drawings include the existing pavement section, a milling
section (when necessary), and the proposed pavement
• Engineer’s certification section showing the concrete overlay and any adjustments
Figure 7.1 shows an example title sheet, with the to shoulders and appurtenant structures. Key features of
full-size version available as Sheet A.1 in the typical the typical sections include overlay thickness, lane width,
concrete overlay construction plans published by the cross slope, shoulder width, shoulder cross slope, and
CP Tech Center. station limits for the overlay section.
Unbonded Unbonded
concrete overlay concrete overlay
Shoulder 8 in min.
3 in min. Widening Widening Shoulder
Concrete original
Concrete pavement
original pavement
Place drainable subbase Place drainable subbase
Geotextile separation layer layer and daylight to ditch 1 in. HMA separation layer layer and daylight to ditch
foreslope or connect to foreslope or connect to
working subdrain working subdrain
Figure 7.2. Unbonded concrete overlay on concrete with widening (paved shoulders)
Figure 7.2 shows an example of a typical section for a utilize only one bid item for the concrete overlay in
COC–U overlay, with the full-size version available as square yards, which may assign more risk to the agency
Sheet B.4 in the typical concrete overlay construction in the form of higher bid prices. This risk may be
plans published by the CP Tech Center. Other typical minimized if profile milling is part of the project, which
sections for bonded and unbonded overlays are available establishes better control of the concrete quantities. For
on Sheet B.2 in the typical concrete overlay construction alternate bid projects, overlay projects should follow
plans published by the CP Tech Center. FHWA Technical Advisory 5040.30 (FHWA 2019).
Figure 7.4 shows an example survey control information • Pilot car queues must not exceed a specified amount
sheet, with the full-size version available as Sheet A.2 in of time.
the typical concrete overlay construction plans published • Predefined critical milestone dates must be met.
by the CP Tech Center.
• Closures must be limited.
Maintenance of Traffic • Access must be provided to local businesses and
If a road closure in not practical due to insufficient private properties.
detour routes, alternative maintenance of traffic schemes
Accelerated construction techniques may be used for Additionally, for some critical projects, accelerated
critical parts of a project (such as intersections and concrete mixtures are used for concrete overlays.
crossovers), the final segment, or the entire project.
The following are the most common and most effective
Accelerated construction often involves conventional items for accelerating concrete overlay projects:
concrete pavement materials and procedures, but key
changes to conventional practices can significantly • Well-planned staging and maintenance of traffic criteria
expedite projects. These changes can give the contractor • Public relations efforts that involve coordinating with
the flexibility needed to meet aggressive schedule adjacent businesses and residents to optimize access
demands. The changes to conventional practices that can and constructability
accelerate construction often involve the following:
• Implementation of time-related incentives and
• Contract incentives disincentives to encourage concurrent scheduling and
timely completion
• Modification of pavement equipment for minimum to
zero clearance • Use of accelerated concrete mixtures, but only
mixtures for which the time to opening to traffic falls
• Material proportioning modifications
on the critical path
• Accelerated curing methods
• Accelerated curing through the use of insulating
• Alternative construction staging blankets
• Approved changes to pavement joint layouts to • Use of the maturity method to determine early
facilitate maximum use of slipform placements opening (see Chapter 9 of the IMCP manual)
• Adjustments to the criteria for opening to traffic
‘C’ Joint
the project documents should reflect the requirements 6 ft typical
for successful construction, including the minimum
clearance zone needed to accommodate traffic and No. 4 epoxy-coated tie bar
36 in. long at 30 in. spacing
traffic control devices.
• Two-lane roadway widened to three lanes with paved Figure 7.6. Plan view joint layout detail for an unbonded
overlay with widening
shoulders (conventional paver)
• Four-lane roadway with paved shoulders
(conventional paver)
Figure 7.7. COC–B joint detail showing the widths of the Profile Transitions
overlay joint, sawcut, and underlying crack
Vertical profile transitions are required at the beginning
and end of concrete overlay pavement sections, at
transitions into bridge approaches, and under structures
Pavement Widening
where vertical clearance must be maintained. These
For concrete overlay widening, special details are transitions can be accomplished in various ways, but
needed to illustrate the widening unit and treatment vertical profile transitions at bridge approaches always
of the existing pavement and shoulder. The following require full-depth pavement removal and replacement.
recommendations are given for reinforcing steel, Additionally, for transitions on COC–B overlays where
improved drainage, and treatment of a widening unit in milling is performed, it is critical that milling depth does
the existing pavement: not reach existing embedded steel. The rate of vertical
1. Reinforcing steel. No. 4 deformed bars are transition is dependent on the posted speed limit. A
recommended as the maximum size tie bars at the 40:1 vertical taper is recommended for a speed limit of
widening unit to minimize the potential for the 45 mph or greater. A 25:1 vertical taper is recommended
development of a longitudinal crack and to hold for speed limits less than 40 mph.
tight any crack that might develop. Some agencies Figures 7.10 through 7.13 show examples of profile
have observed random cracking when No. 5 tie bars transition details for the following scenarios:
have been used. If the overlay is greater than 5 in.
thick, consideration should be given to placing the • Mill and fill profile transitions for bonded concrete
bars at the mid-depth of the slab. The bars must overlays on end transition (Figure 7.10)
be placed so as to accommodate the maximum
• Transition for a COA–B overlay (Figure 7.11)
aggregate size under the bar and to provide a
minimum of 2 in. of concrete above the bar. If • Temporary transitions (Figure 7.12)
the overlay is less than 5 in. thick, the bars may be
• Transition for a COA–U overlay (Figure 7.13)
secured to the surface of the existing pavement prior
to placement of the overlay. The full-size versions of these details are available on
Sheet B.6 in the typical concrete overlay construction
2. Improved drainage. It is recommended that
plans published by the CP Tech Center.
drainage conditions be improved in the widening
unit by incorporating a drainable subbase layer or,
in the case of a COC–U overlay, by daylighting the
separation layer material to the edge of the roadway
or into a working subdrain.
Figure 7.10. Mill and fill profile transitions for bonded concrete 1. Mill the existing pavement gutter. This option
overlays on end transition provides for a transition area to ensure that the
thickness of the overlay is uniform and that the same
Transition area gutter and curb elevation is maintained.
New bonded overlay Existing
40 ft: 1 in. (12.2 m: 25 mm) Trim subbase asphalt or 2. Remove the existing curb. This option involves
(6.1 m: 25ft: 1 in. concrete grinding or sawing the curb section and raising the
mm) for bridge
3 in. (75 mm) approach profile and the elevation of the top of the curb.
Note: Recompact and reshape Dowel if concrete pavement
existing subbase in area of transition
and reconstruction.
thickness is 8 in. (200 mm)
or greater
3. Overlay the existing curb. This option requires the
least amount of effort but results in the greatest
Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission increase in profile elevation at the top of the curb.
Figure 7.11. Transition for a COA–B overlay
Figure 7.14 shows example curb and gutter details for
these three options, with full-size versions available on
Temporary transition constructed
Concrete overlay with granular material Sheet B.5 in the typical concrete overlay construction
plans published by the CP Tech Center.
Asphalt transition or reconstruct Milling detail when leaving existing curb in place
Concrete overlay with HMA or PCC
Transition area
New unbonded overlay asphalt or
40 ft: 1 in. (12.2 m: 25 mm) Trim subbase concrete
30 ft: 1 in. (bridge 6 in. Concrete overlay
(9.1 m: 25 mm approach Form
) (gutter)
3 in. (75 mm) or under
Existing asphalt bridge) grade
pavement elevation Existing pavement
If less than 5 in. then taper
is not needed Dowel if concrete pavement
thickness is 8 in. (200 mm)
Note: Recompact and reshape existing subbase or greater
in area of transition and reconstruction. Detail of curb overlay
Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission
Figure 7.13. Transition for a COA–U overlay Figure 7.14. Three options for curb and gutter details
Superelevation Details
In concrete overlays placed on roadways that require new
Note: Remove existing pavement around areas of superelevation or increased superelevation, special
manhole and replace with concrete
details should be considered to show the depth of material
Recreated from Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission needed to meet the final profile (Snyder 2011). In areas of
Figure 7.15. Utility access detail thickened pavement, the following should be considered:
Bonded and unbonded overlay 3 in.–4 in. (50–100 mm) thick Unbonded overlay greater than 4 in. (100 mm)
Pre-overlay Repairs 68
Milling (for Existing Asphalt-Surfaced Pavements) 68
Subgrade/Subbase Repairs 69
Repair of Thermal Cracking in Existing Asphalt Pavement 70
Repair of Deteriorated Joints in Existing Concrete Pavement 70
Milling an existing asphalt surface is not mandatory;
both unbonded and bonded overlays can be placed on MnDOT, used with permission
an unmilled surface. There are, however, numerous Figure 8.2. Core showing pavement that can be milled
reasons for milling an existing asphalt surface prior to to remove stripped/unsound material, with 4 in. of HMA
placing a concrete overlay: remaining in good condition
Repair of Thermal Cracking in Existing Note that because COA–U overlays are typically
Asphalt Pavement designed without a separation layer, as explained in
Chapter 3, this discussion of separation layers is only
Cracks that are wider than the maximum coarse
applicable to COC–U overlays.
aggregate size used in the concrete overlay mixture
should be filled to prevent the overlay from keying into
the underlying pavement. These cracks can be filled Asphalt Separation Layer
with joint filler material, flowable mortar mixture (a A dense-graded or drainable asphalt layer can be used as
combination of portland cement, sand, and water), a separation layer, as discussed in Appendix A. Example
sand, or fines produced by the milling operation. mixture gradations for drainable asphalt separation
Narrower cracks do not require treatment. layers are referenced in Chapter 6.
The means to meet these objectives are in conflict, so Snyder & Associates, Inc., used with permission
the final overlay profile must be optimized to meet all Figure 8.8. Stringless paving, with lateral clearance primarily
three. A detailed survey of the existing pavement that a function of paver track width
Basket leg
Adapted from ACPA, used with permission Kevin W. McMullen, Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association, used with permission
Figure 8.9. Dowel basket anchor nails placed on the downstream Figure 8.10. Manual verification of dowel placement
side of the basket relative to the direction of paving
Evaporation retardant should be on hand and available • Thinner overlay sections have a higher ratio of
for use as emergency protection when the curing surface area to volume. This can lead to faster
operation is delayed. Evaporation retardant should not strength gain due to solar radiation and can make the
be used as a finishing aid but rather should be applied overlay sections more sensitive to drops in ambient
only when necessary after all finishing operations have temperature, which can increase the risk of random
been completed. cracking unless the joint sawing operation is timely.
• Differential temperature and moisture values
Concrete Overlay Joints throughout the thickness of the slab can cause early-
age curling and warping. Under certain conditions,
Sawing Joints these stresses are additive and may result in cracking.
Thinner overlays with smaller slab dimensions require While moisture-related warping stresses can be
both earlier sawing and a sufficient number of saws to mitigated through proper curing, large variations
ensure that joints are sawed before random cracking in ambient temperature and relative humidity at
occurs. Concrete overlay placement rates can be the time of overlay placement can contribute to the
restricted by the number of saws available, but proper stresses in the overlay. Appropriate adjustments to the
planning can ensure that production is not hindered by mixture design and paving operation, as described in
joint sawing operations (Figure 8.11). Chapter 6 of the IMCP manual (Taylor et al. 2019),
should be made to address these conditions, or, when
Several factors contribute to the need for earlier sawing feasible, overlay placement should be scheduled
and an increased number of saws in thinner overlays: around these conditions.
• Stiffer underlying layers increase the internal stresses
in the early-age concrete.
Special Construction
Considerations for Concrete on
Concrete–Bonded Overlays
Dan DeGraaf, Michigan Concrete Association, used with permission COC–B overlays are applicable in very limited
Figure 8.15. Results of a typical concrete pavement circumstances. Design and construction guidance for
milling operation COC–B overlays can be found in Appendix C.
CP Tech Center
Figure A.1. Behavior of and flexural stress distribution through the layers of bonded and unbonded overlay systems
Macrofibers have also been shown to maintain Longitudinal contraction joints are typically formed
acceptable load transfer in concrete overlays without or cut to a depth of T/3. Care must be taken to ensure
dowels through aggregate interlock, especially in thin that any tie bars present are not cut or damaged during
(6 in. thick or less), short-panel concrete overlays. joint sawing.
Macrofiber reinforcement properties and test methods
are discussed in Chapter 6 of this guide. Joint Filling and Sealing
An ACPA tech brief (ACPA 2018) provides
The sawcut depth of transverse joints in COC–U
recommendations concerning the need for (and
overlays is typically T/3, but the depth may need to
potential benefits of ) filling and/or sealing concrete
be greater (up to T/2) to prevent the development of
pavement joints as a function of traffic, posted speed
dominant joints when COC–U overlays are constructed
limit, climate, and panel size. These recommendations
on geotextile fabric. This is because fabric is typically
are valid for COC–U overlays as well as conventional
very effective at minimizing frictional restraint at the
concrete pavements.
interface between the overlay and the existing pavement,
which reduces tensile stresses in the overlay that would Special Considerations for Continuously
otherwise initiate joint activation. Reinforced Concrete Pavement Overlays
Longitudinal Joints: Tie Bars, Macrofibers, Unbonded CRCP overlays on concrete pavement
and Sawcuts have been (and continue to be) constructed in the
United States, with Texas and Illinois having the
Designing COC–U overlays according to the standard
most experience with this overlay type. Key design
tie bar system design used for new pavements may result
considerations for this overlay type are provided below,
in over-reinforcing of the joints, failure of the joints to
with more details provided in Appendix B.
activate (for contraction joints), and development of
longitudinal cracking away from the sawed or formed Thickness design for unbonded CRCP overlays should
joints. This is especially a risk for thin overlays and be performed using AASHTOWare Pavement ME
overlays constructed over geotextile fabric (because of Design. Asphalt separation layers are typically used
the low frictional restraint and resulting low tensile to ensure reliable crack spacing development in the
forces in the overlay). Tie bar systems for COC–U overlay. The only overlay joints that are required
overlays should be designed (in terms of bar size, are transverse construction joints and longitudinal
spacing, and length) in consideration of pavement construction and contraction joints; sawcut depths and
thickness, assumed friction or restraint experienced by widths for longitudinal contraction joints in unbonded
the overlay due to friction or interlock with the material CRCP overlays are identical to those described
immediately below (usually a separation layer), climate previously for COC–U overlays. Sleeper slabs are
conditions, panel dimensions, the distance of the joint preferred over lugs and wide-flange beams for terminal
to the nearest free edge, and other factors. joints and transition slabs.
Achievement and Maintenance of a Bond Joint locations should always be adjusted to reflect best
The development and maintenance of an adequate practices for jointing around embedded utilities and
bond between the concrete overlay and the existing drainage structures. In addition, longitudinal joints in
asphalt pavement is critical to the performance of a COA–B overlays should be located away from wheel
COA–B overlay. Loss of the bond (or failure to develop paths because panel corners located within wheel paths
an adequate bond) will accelerate the development often develop load-related cracks and spalls. For this
of pavement distress and reduce the overlay’s service reason, panel widths of 6 ft generally perform better
life, especially for thinner overlays. Existing design than (and are preferred to) panel widths of 4 ft. Panel
procedures for COA–B overlays do not specifically aspect ratio (the ratio of the longer side length to the
address the required strength of the overlay bond shorter side length) should be approximately 1:1 and
but rather treat it primarily as a construction issue should never exceed 1.5:1. The ACPA’s tech briefs
because bond-related failures rarely occur when proper on concrete pavement jointing and intersection joint
construction and curing techniques are used. Refer to layout (ACPA 2007, ACPA 1992) provide examples of
Chapter 8 for information on proper construction and good jointing practices that are applicable to both new
curing practices. concrete pavements and COA–B overlays.
minimal overlay shrinkage is desirable, as are thermal Figure A.6. Schematic of a sawcut for a COC–B overlay
expansion characteristics similar to those of the existing
pavement. Additionally, the use of macrofibers can help
mitigate and slow the deterioration of reflective cracks.
surface preparation techniques, including shotblasting Figure A.7. Double-crack resulting from failure to match the
and water blasting, that can help the existing pavement sawcut with the underlying joint location in a COC–B overlay
Joint Filling
Joint filling is recommended for COC–B overlays,
especially in areas with freezing temperatures, to prevent
water and ice formation from causing delamination at
the overlay-pavement bond interface. Refer to Chapter 6
of this guide for information on joint fillers and sealants.
If the shoulder is paved and offers only slightly less Foreslopes, Backslopes, and Across-
support than the existing pavement (e.g., an asphalt- Road Drainage Structures
surfaced shoulder adjacent to a concrete pavement), Overlaying an existing pavement with either asphalt
acceptable results can often be achieved by paving or concrete typically results in changes in the elevation
the overlay to the desired width and using tie bars of the pavement edge, unless the existing pavement is
embedded above the lane-shoulder joint to hold tight milled to allow placement of an inlay that maintains the
a longitudinal joint sawed at the same location. If the existing pavement’s profile and cross section.
overlay extends no more than 12 to 18 in. beyond
the existing lane-shoulder joint, the longitudinal joint Designers should attempt to address any pavement
and reinforcing can often be eliminated. In all cases, profile changes in ways that do not impact ditch lines,
placement of the longitudinal joint within a wheel path ditch slopes, drainage structures, and available right-of-
should be avoided. way. Such impacts can be minimized (or eliminated)
by implementing one or more of the following design
If the shoulder is unpaved and offers a significantly options: (1) inlay all or a portion of the new surface layer,
lower level of support than the existing pavement, it (2) maximize the pavement’s cross slope within allowable
is necessary to strengthen or reconstruct at least the limits, and/or (3) maximize the cross slopes of the
portion of the shoulder that will underlie the overlay to pavement and unpaved shoulder within allowable limits.
approximately match the level of support provided by
the existing pavement. The use of a longitudinal sawcut
and tie bars over the existing lane-shoulder joint should
Safety Edge
be considered as well. The safety edge is a beveled pavement edge designed
to facilitate driver recovery of vehicle control when the
Tied concrete shoulders are typically recommended for vehicle leaves the paved portion of the roadway. This
concrete pavements, including concrete overlays, because feature is most often used on rural two-lane highway
they offer edge support, which reduces pavement pavements with aggregate or earth shoulders. Design
deflections and improves the long-term performance details for the safety edge are presented in Chapter 7 of
of the pavement. In addition, the use of tied concrete this guide.
‐ For concrete overlays less than 5 in. thick, secure Figure A.9. Concrete overlay widening on Illinois Route 53 with
no longitudinal joint or reinforcing over existing pavement
the tie bars to the surface of the existing pavement,
edge (top); concrete overlay widening on Minnesota TH 212
taking care not to allow traffic to loosen the secured with longitudinal joints and reinforcing over existing pavement
tie bars. edge in some locations (center) and only reinforcing in other
locations (bottom)
In-Place Structures
Concrete overlay designs usually require details
Existing intakes and utility structures must be raised to concerning the transition sections linking the concrete
match the new pavement elevation. Typical details for overlay with adjacent pavement sections, adjacent
adjusting manholes are shown in Chapter 7 of this guide structures, and driveway entrances/exits. Transition
and the example construction drawings published by the sections often feature isolated or otherwise unsupported
CP Tech Center. transverse end joints and have the potential to
experience impact loading as vehicles cross the end
Curb and Gutter Details joint. These conditions result in higher stresses in many
Existing curb and gutter sections may pose overlay transition areas, necessitating the use of thicker concrete
design challenges related to the maintenance of surface sections and conventional deformed slab reinforcement,
drainage, overlay profile elevation, and so on. Options wire mesh reinforcement, and/or macrofibers.
include (1) leaving the existing curb and gutter system Transition lengths are usually based on the design
in place while matching the final overlay pavement speed for the section. Additional details and examples
elevation to the existing system, (2) removing and regarding transition sections are provided in Chapter 7
replacing the existing curb and gutter section, or (3) of this guide.
encasing the existing curb and gutter system within
a new system. Refer to the curb and gutter details in
Chapter 7 of this guide and the example construction
drawings published by the CP Tech Center.
Design 106
Construction 106
Pre-overlay Repairs 107
Terminal or End Treatment Joints 107
CRSI 1988, CRSI 1973, CRSI 2003, PCA 1976, Tyner et al. 1981, McNeal 1996, Lippert and
United States (OR, IL, TX, AR, MS, MD, IN,
DuBose 1988, Lokken 1981, Crawley and Sheffield 1983, Heckel and Wienrank 2018, Choi et
al. 2018; personal communication with D. Rufino, J. Moderie, and P. Burch of Caltrans, 2020
United Kingdom Metcalf and Dudgeon 2004, Gregory 1984, Green and Davies 2000
South Africa Brink and Pickard 2008, Kannemeyer et al. 2008, Brink et al. 2006, Strauss et al. 2005
Years of
State Types of projects References
Arkansas 1972–1980 Unbonded 6 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP CRSI 1988, CRSI 1973, PCA 1976
Georgia 1973–1975 Unbonded CRCP overlays over JPCP CRSI 1973, PCA 1976, Tyner et al. 1981, CRSI 2003
Pennsylvania 1974–1976 Unbonded 7 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP PCA 1976, Sriraman and Zollinger 1999
Wisconsin 1973–1980 Unbonded 7 and 8 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP PCA 1976, Sriraman and Zollinger 1999
Indiana 1969–1971 Unbonded 6 in. CRCP overlays over JRCP CRSI 1973, PCA 1976, Sriraman and Zollinger 1999
Maryland 1971–1973 Unbonded 6 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP and JRCP CRSI 1973, PCA 1976
North Dakota 1972–1975 Unbonded 6 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP PCA 1976
Connecticut 1975–1976 Unbonded 6 in. CRCP overlays over JPCP PCA 1976
Cumulative Pavement
Overlay IRI data
Location Overlay type Status millions of ESALs1 condition2
construction year (2018)
(traffic years) (2018)
I-5, Jackson County 11 in. CRCP 1989 In Service 2020 36.5 (1989 to 2020) 82 98
I-5, Douglas County 11 in. CRCP 2017 In Service 2020 7.9 (2017 to 2020) 100 69
I-84, Baker County 10 in. CRCP 1985 In Service 2020 40.4 (1985 to 2020) 79 108
I-5, Marion County 8 in. CRCP 1976 Overlaid 1998 98 (1976 to 1998) 643 973
Equivalent single axle loads (ESALS) were estimated from 2018 Oregon Traffic Monitoring System (OTMS) data using the growth rate of the 2018
traffic data.
Pavement condition is rated on a 100 to 0 point scale, where 100–95 is very good, 94–76 is good, 75–46 is fair, 45–25 is poor, and 25–0 is very poor.
These values were measured before the asphalt overlay was placed in 1998 over the CRCP overlay.
Table B.3 provides a summary of performance details although the experience with CRCP overlays in the
for four CRCP overlays constructed in Oregon between US and internationally has overwhelmingly been with
1976 and 2017, with wear from studded tires and unbonded overlay systems.
chains, not punchouts, being the main distress. Note
that the CRCP overlay on I-5 in Marion County was Unbonded CRCP Overlays on Concrete
overlaid with asphalt in 1998 because of studded tire Pavements
wear, not structural failures. In a 1975 survey of 29 CRCP overlay sections in the
US, 27 were unbonded or partially bonded overlays on
In the 1970s, the Texas Department of Transportation
concrete pavement and were 6 in. thick or thicker (PCA
(TxDOT) constructed an 8 in. CRCP overlay over an
1976). Moreover, almost all CRCP overlays constructed
asphalt-surfaced pavement on I-40 in Potter County
in the past two decades have been unbonded.
(CRSI 1973, PCA 1976). The existing pavement
Unbonded CRCP overlays have ranged from 6 to 12
structure consisted of 12 to 16 in. of flexible base
in. thick and are commonly 8 to 12 in. thick, though
with 3 in. of asphalt concrete surface (CRSI 1973).
in France CRCP overlays over JPCP are typically 7 in.
The overlay’s performance was reported as excellent
thick (Tayabji et al. 1998). Typical unbonded CRCP
after a few years in service (PCA 1976). In addition,
overlays are designed with a steel content of 0.6% to
thin CRCP overlays on asphalt-surfaced pavements
0.8% using No. 5 to No. 7 bars and are placed over a 2
have been placed in Texas for transition areas between
to 3 in. dense-graded asphalt concrete separation layer.
concrete on asphalt–bonded (COA–B) overlays and
For unbonded overlays, the existing concrete pavement
other pavement types (Chen et al. 2016).
is almost always left intact, with the required partial-
In France, CRCP overlays over asphalt-surfaced and full-depth repairs made to the existing structure
pavements are typically 6.5 in. thick (Tayabji et al. prior to placement of the separation layer. Major
1998). South Africa has seen excellent performance for principal arterials are excellent candidates for unbonded
its busiest roadway with a 6 in. CRCP overlay of asphalt CRCP overlays.
concrete (Brink and Pickard 2008).
The first CRCP overlay in the US was constructed
in 1959 on I-35 in Texas. The project involved a 7
Continuously Reinforced Concrete in. unbonded CRCP overlay on an existing 6 in.
Pavement Overlays on Concrete concrete pavement constructed in 1934 and included
Pavements a 3.5 in. asphalt separation layer (CRSI 1988, CRSI
1973, PCA 1976, Sriraman and Zollinger 1999).
CRCP overlays on concrete pavements have a higher
Table B.4 presents several examples of this type of
initial cost than JPCP overlays because of the added
overlay that have since been constructed. As the
reinforcement and labor costs but offer long service lives
table shows, Illinois has the most experience with
with minimal maintenance, minimal reflective cracking,
unbonded CRCP overlays, having constructed several
and continuous pavement smoothness (Heckel and
overlays of this type since 1967, with the majority of
Wienrank 2018, Roesler et al. 2016, CRSI 1988, CRSI
the state’s overlays constructed in the past 25 years
1973, Renner 1977). CRCP overlays can be bonded or
(Roesler et al. 2016, Heckel and Wienrank 2018).
unbonded to the existing concrete pavement substrate,
Existing pavement Project
State Location Overlay type construction Notes
pavement construction length
Existing pavement Project
State Location Overlay type construction Notes
pavement construction length
Table B.5 summarizes the performance data for the I-70 in Bond County (1967–1987), I-55 in Springfield
seven unbonded CRCP overlays in Illinois presented in (1970–2001), and I-55 in Springfield (1976–1997),
Table B.4 (Heckel and Wienrank 2018, IDOT 2019). respectively (Heckel and Wienrank 2018).
Of the seven sections that have been constructed, four
are still in service as of 2020. The Illinois Department of Extrapolating the current IDOT CRS data in Table
Transportation (IDOT) Condition Rating Survey (CRS) B.5 to a “poor” condition rating of 4.5, the predicted
results and IRI data included in Table B.5 indicate that age and cumulative traffic at the end of service for the
the existing CRCP overlays are performing well in terms four in-service sections are 41 years and 208% of design
of condition and ride quality. The three CRCP overlay traffic for I-74 in Knox County, 40 years and 235% of
sections that have been rehabilitated all experienced design traffic for I-88 in Whiteside County, 36 years and
significantly greater traffic than designed. For these 102% of design traffic for I-70 in Clark County, and 28
three overlays, the cumulative traffic volumes at the years and 161% of design traffic for I-57 in Mt. Vernon
end of service were 175%, 222%, and 174% those of (Heckel and Wienrank 2018).
the 20-year design traffic volumes for the sections on
Overlay Cumulative
Location Overlay type construction Status millions of ESALs IRI value
year (traffic years)
Removed from
I-70, Bond County 6, 7, and 8 in. CRCP 1967 23.4 (1967–1987) 5.7**
service 1987
Removed from
I-55, Springfield 8 in. CRCP 1970 38.1 (1970–2001) 5.5**
service 2001
Removed from
I-55, Springfield 9 in. CRCP 1976 27.5 (1976–1997) 5.7**
service 1997
I-74, Knox County 9 in. CRCP 1995 In service 2020 29.6 (1995–2020) 7.8 68
I-88, Whiteside County 9 in. CRCP 2000–2001 In service 2020 17.8 (2001–2020) 7.8 60
I-70, Clark County 12 in. CRCP 2002 In service 2020 59.1 (2002–2020) 7.9 69
I-57/64, Mt. Vernon 10 in. CRCP 2014 In service 2020 25.5 (2014–2020) 8.2 70
* IDOT CRS values range from 9.0 for a newly constructed pavement to 1.0 for a totally failed pavement. Values ranging from 9.0 to 7.6 are
“excellent,” 7.5 to 6.1 are “good,” and 6.0 to 4.6 are “fair.” A value of 4.5 or lower is “poor.” Preservation treatments are considered for
Interstates when the IDOT CRS value reaches 5.5.
** At the end of service
Bonded CRCP Overlays on Concrete Pavements service the performance of these sections was reported to
A bonded CRCP overlay of an existing CRCP or JPCP be still satisfactory (Kim and Won 2008). A recent field
is only economically viable if pre-overlay repairs can study of multiple bonded CRCP overlays constructed
be performed cost-effectively, that is, with few or no over the past 20 years in Texas showed that performance
pre-overlay repairs required. Given that a pavement in varied, with the condition of the existing concrete
very good condition with limited distress is required pavement, overlay thickness, and pavement-overlay
for a bonded CRCP overlay, overlays of this type interface bonding being important factors in positive
are seldom considered during the design stages of a performance (Choi et al. 2018).
rehabilitation project. Most bonded CRCP overlays over
JPCP or CRCP have been constructed in Texas (Choi Evaluation of the Existing
et al. 2018, Sun et al. 2011, Sriraman and Zollinger
1999, Chen and Hong 2014, Ryu et al. 2013, Delatte Pavement Structure
Jr. et al. 1998, Kim and Won 2008), Iowa (Sriraman As with any overlay design, the existing pavement
and Zollinger 1999, Betterton et al. 1984, Darter and structure needs to be evaluated before an overlay can
Barenberg 1980), and South Korea (Ryu et al. 2009). be selected and placed. See Chapter 2 of this guide for
Bonded concrete overlays, including CRCP overlays, are information on evaluating existing pavements.
typically 3 to 4 in. thick (Smith et al. 2002).
When the existing pavement is JPCP or CRCP, an
One of the first bonded CRCP overlays was a 4 in. unbonded CRCP overlay with an asphalt concrete
overlay constructed in Greene County, Iowa, in 1973 separation layer is a viable option if repairs can be
over a concrete pavement constructed in 1921–1922 made to the existing pavement structure and subsurface
(Sriraman and Zollinger 1999). This overlay was part of drainage issues can be addressed cost-effectively. A
an experimental section that included many alternative condition assessment is required to determine the
overlay designs. After 10 years in service, a field survey necessary repairs prior to placement of the overlay.
reported that the CRCP overlay was performing well If the required repairs are especially extensive and
(Betterton et al. 1984). expensive (e.g., requiring >5% patching), then an
option is to rubblize the existing concrete pavement
Several bonded CRCP overlays were constructed on prior to placement of the asphalt separation layer and
I-610 in Houston, Texas, in the 1980s. A number of the CRCP overlay. Rubblization may be an effective pre-
sections were reported to have satisfactory performance overlay treatment if the existing JPCP or CRCP exhibits
after a few years in service (Sriraman and Zollinger materials-related distresses such as alkali-silica reaction,
1999), although some areas of delamination had been D-cracking, or freeze-thaw damage.
reported (Delatte Jr. et al. 1998), and after 20 years in
Recreated from The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, used with permission
Figure B.2. Transition slab details for an end treatment of a CRCP overlay at a bridge
Figure B.3. Transition slab details for an end treatment of a CRCP overlay at a JPCP
Figure B.4. Transition slab details for the end treatment and terminal joints of a CRCP overlay
The current average daily truck traffic (ADTT) at the shoulders. The concrete used in both overlay designs had
time of the scenario was 9,000 and the average daily the same constituents and material design values.
traffic (ADT) was 30,000, with traffic growth assumed
to be 4% compounded. The vehicle class distribution Both overlays were designed to be 10 in. thick. For the
was represented in the software by Truck Traffic JPCP overlay design, the joint spacing was selected to be
Classification 1 (TTC1), which consists of 8.5% Class 15 ft with 1.5 in. steel dowels. The design failure criteria
5, 7.6% Class 8, and 74% Class 9 vehicles. For 20 years were set at 10% slab cracking, 0.10 in. joint faulting,
of traffic, the equivalent single axle loads (ESALs) were and a terminal IRI of 172 in./mi with a reliability of
estimated to be 80 million. 90%. For the CRCP overlay design, the design steel
content was 0.7% with No. 6 bars placed at 3.5 in. from
In the new overlay designs, the necessary pre-overlay the slab surface to the top of the steel. The design failure
treatments were assumed to be the same for both the criteria were set at 10 punchouts per mile and a terminal
JPCP and CRCP overlay options. The hot-mix asphalt IRI of 172 in./mi with a reliability of 90%. The designs
(HMA) separation layer was 1 in. thick with a PG developed in AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design for
64-22 binder. Both new overlay designs included asphalt the JPCP and CRCP overlays are shown in Table B.6.
Table B.6. CRCP and JPCP overlay designs developed in AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design
Table B.7. CRCP overlay preservation schedule Table B.8. JPCP overlay preservation schedule
$800,000 $550,000
$700,000 $500,000
$600,000 $450,000
$500,000 $400,000
$400,000 $350,000
$300,000 $300,000
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
LCCA analysis period (years) LCCA analysis period (years)
Adapted from Jeffery Roesler, used with permission Adapted from Jeffery Roesler, used with permission
Figure B.5. Net present value of CRCP and JPCP overlay Figure B.6. Net present value of CRCP and JPCP overlay
designs for various discount rates designs for a discount rate of 3.0% and various steel prices
Construction 117
Pre-overlay Repairs 117
Surface Preparation 118
Surface Cleaning 118
Concrete Placement 118
Curing 119
Joint Sawing 119
Joint Sealing 119
Opening Strength 119
Prepared surface
CP Tech Center
Figure C.3. Existing concrete pavement with minor surface distresses shown with a proposed COC–B overlay
No Concrete Overlay–Bonded
No Concrete Overlay–Unbonded
CP Tech Center
Several factors should be considered when determining pavement before overlay placement is to provide a rough
whether a COC–B overlay is appropriate for a given surface that enhances the bonding of the COC–B to
project, with the condition of the existing pavement the existing pavement. Once the surface of the existing
being paramount. Figure C.4 illustrates the process for pavement has been roughened and cleaned, the prepared
selecting an appropriate overlay solution. Note that the surface should not be open to traffic.
recommended overlay solutions are generally long-term
fixes with 20 or more years of expected service life. Mixture Design
Conventional concrete mixtures are typically used for
Design Features COC–B overlays. However, the materials must be
selected carefully to minimize stresses at the interface
Bond between the overlay and the existing pavement that
The degree of the bond between the overlay and the might affect bonding. Differences in moduli between
existing pavement, or the amount of mechanical interlock the overlay and existing pavement layers can result in
present between the overlay and the structural layer thermally induced stresses. The main factor affecting the
immediately below, plays a major role in the behavior of modulus of concrete is coarse aggregate type, with high-
and stress distribution through all layers in the overlaid modulus aggregate resulting in high-modulus concrete.
pavement system. When the bond between the layers Additionally, large differences in thermal expansion
is complete, the overlay and existing pavement act coefficients between the existing pavement and overlay
monolithically with an effective thickness that is greater concrete can result in increased stresses.
than that of either the overlay or the existing pavement.
To minimize interface stresses, regardless of weather
The combined system has a single neutral axis with
during placement, the overlay concrete and especially
respect to bending, and the maximum stresses at either
the aggregates used must be compatible with those used
the top or bottom of the system are greatly reduced.
in the existing pavement. The basic premise for material
The bond at the interface between the COC–B and the compatibility in this regard is to use aggregates in the
existing concrete is subject to considerable stress from overlay concrete that produce moduli and thermal
concrete volume changes and loading. To mitigate this coefficients similar to those of the existing slab.
stress, a goal of preparing the surface of the existing
structural considerations (e.g., use of dowels and tie Figure C.5. Cross section of a transverse saw joint in a
bars, shoulder type, use of steel reinforcement), local COC–B overlay
climatic factors, and concrete material and support layer
properties. Users should have a thorough understanding
of the pavement design procedure and the sensitivity of
design inputs. The industry recognizes AASHTOWare Drainage
Pavement ME Design as the best tool for highways and During the evaluation of the existing pavement and the
other federal and state roadways. design of the COC–B overlay, the existing subgrade
drainage should be evaluated, and, if necessary, steps
The American Concrete Pavement Association’s should be taken to ensure adequate drainage (e.g.,
(ACPA’s) (https://www. retrofitting edge drains, using free-draining shoulder, released in 2018, serves as the materials, and sealing transverse and longitudinal joints).
concrete pavement industry’s recommended design
methodology for all facilities that are not covered by
AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design.
Steps in the construction of COC–B overlays include
pre-overlay repairs, surface preparation and cleaning,
Joint Spacing and Layout concrete placement, curing, and joint sawing and sealing.
The jointing pattern for a COC–B overlay must match
the jointing pattern of the existing pavement. This is Pre-overlay Repairs
necessary to avoid reflective cracking and to allow the
Pre-overlay repairs of the existing concrete pavement
overlay and existing pavement to act monolithically.
should not be extensive; if they are, the pavement is
The depth of the transverse sawcut joints should be the probably not a good candidate for a COC–B overlay.
full depth of the pavement system plus ½ in. This depth Surface defects (e.g., concrete scaling) are not considered
prevents debonding if the width of the transverse joint a major concern but should be addressed before the
is equal to or greater than the width of the underlying overlay is placed. Other issues to address include
random or working cracks, which require full-depth
joint or crack in the existing concrete pavement. Figure
repairs, and voids detected under the existing concrete
C.5 shows a typical detail.
slabs. Existing asphalt patches should also be removed
The sawcut depth of a longitudinal joint in an overlay and replaced with concrete patches to provide more
4 in. thick or less should be T/2. For an overlay greater uniform and consistent bonding.
than 4 in. thick, the sawcut depth of the longitudinal
joint should be T/3.
Surface Cleaning
Following surface preparation, the surface of the existing Todd Hanson, Iowa DOT, used with permission
pavement should be cleaned to ensure adequate bonding Figure C.6. Shotblasting of a concrete surface
between the existing pavement and the overlay. Cleaning
may involve sweeping the concrete surface, supplemented
by the use of compressed air to clean in front of the
paver (Figure C.7). Paving should commence soon after
cleaning to minimize the chance of contamination, and
construction traffic should be minimized on the cleaned
surface for similar reasons. If it is necessary to allow
vehicles onto the surface, care should be taken not to
contaminate the surface and compromise the bond.
Concrete Placement
Grade adjustments may need to be made to ensure that
the overlay concrete is of the required thickness, and grout
coating of the existing pavement’s surface to enhance
bonding is not recommended or required. Otherwise,
conventional concrete paving practices and procedures are Jim Grove, Iowa DOT, used with permission
followed for the placement of COC–B overlays. Figure Figure C.7. Use of compressed air to clean existing concrete in
C.8 shows the placement of a thin COC–B overlay. front of the paver
Some slight spalling at the centerline joint was evident Figure C.10. Reinforcement over transverse cracks in the
prior to overlay placement (Figure C.9). existing concrete pavement prior to overlay placement 1994
the west end of the overlay, the slight spalling evident in Figure C.11. East end of the COC–B overlay on Iowa 3 in August
the centerline joint of the existing pavement in 1994 has 2021, showing pavement in fair to good condition
now reflected into the overlay and is more severe.
Figure C.9. Existing concrete pavement in 1994 prior to overlay Greg Mulder, Iowa Concrete Paving Association, used with permission
placement, with a shotblaster in operation and some spot Figure C.12. West end of the COC–B overlay on Iowa 3 in
spalling evident at the centerline joint August 2021
Brent Burwell, ACPA, OK/AR Chapter, used with permission Brent Burwell, ACPA, OK/AR Chapter, used with permission
Figure C.13. Existing 3 in. thick asphalt overlay on 15th Street Figure C.16. Condition of 15th Street in September 2020
prior to milling
Two-Lane Roadway Widened to Three Lanes with Paved Shoulders (Conventional Paver) 130
This appendix presents various staging sequence diagrams that illustrate different traffic control scenarios when
constructing a concrete overlay without closing the road to traffic. The diagrams show the layout of the construction
zone and the zone open to traffic and discuss the critical steps through the progression of work.
Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 123
Two-Lane Roadway with Paved Shoulders
(Conventional Paver)
Applied to:
;Bonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of composite pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of composite pavements
STAGE 1. Repair surface, prepare for overlay, and construct base shoulder
widening and separation layer
• Install traffic control and close the left lane. Follow • Prepare for shoulder widening by trenching the
jurisdictional requirements for traffic control. Check existing shoulder and trimming to the specified
with jurisdiction regarding allowable lane closure width. The trench should be rolled and compacted
length. If surface repair and preparation for the as necessary to obtain a firm and stable platform as Typically
specified in the contract documents. A continuous less than
overlay are minimal, then slow-moving traffic control 0.25 mi
may be appropriate. Closing the lane may require progression approach with the shoulder trencher (0.40 km)
additional traffic control (e.g., signals, flaggers, and/or and placement of the base shoulder widening without
pilot cars). material is encouraged. pilot car
• Repair the surface as appropriate. Prepare the surface • Construct separation layer (only for unbonded
for the overlay (or, in the case of concrete overlay on overlay on concrete).
concrete, the separation layer) as described in the
contract document.
• Shift the traffic control to the left lane and close the typical machine adjustment. Speeds should be
right lane to traffic. The length of the closure will additionally restricted adjacent to paver when
depend on the jurisdiction’s maximum closure length clearance between the paver and vehicle traffic is
with pilot car. Traffic controls and traffic control tight.
signals will be based on jurisdictional requirements. • Construct concrete overlay on the existing
• Repair and prepare the surface for the overlay or the pavement. Complete right PCC shoulder widening
separation layer and subsequent overlay as described with the overlay. Bull float work shall operate from
in the contract documents. Construct separation layer the outside shoulder only.
(for unbonded overlay). • The “X” dimension between the roadway centerline
• Normal space for the paver stringline is 1–1.50 ft (0.30– and vertical panel is for the paving machine track
0.46 m) and the paver track is a minimum of 2.50–3 ft and stringline.
(0.76–0.91 m). 1 ft (0.3 m) incremental encroachment
reduction (up to 2 ft (0.6 m) total) is common through
• Close the opposite lane to traffic and place the • If the outside edge dropoffs at the shoulder exceeds
concrete overlay according to contract documents, the jurisdictional allowance for a 1:1 fillet, then
using the same procedures as described in stage construct the granular shoulders in this stage.
2. Note that stringline may not be necessary for the • Complete shouldering. Install (mill) rumble strips
right edge of the paving when the paved overlay in the paved shoulders and complete pavement
constructed in stage 2 is used as the paver control in marking and regulatory signing in accordance with
this stage. If the right stringline is not used, the “X” contract documents.
dimension could possibly be reduced to 3 ft (0.9 m).
Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 125
Two-Lane Roadway with Granular Shoulders
(Conventional Paver)
Applied to:
;Bonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of composite pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of composite pavements
STAGE 1. Repair surface, prepare for overlay, and construct left shoulder
and separation layer
• Install traffic control and close the left lane. Follow trench should be rolled and compacted as
jurisdictional requirements for traffic control. Check necessary to obtain a firm and stable platform.
with jurisdiction regarding allowable lane closure Compact shoulder material as specified in the
length. If surface repair and preparation for the overlay contract documents. A continuous progression Typically
are minimal, then slow-moving traffic control may be approach with the shoulder trencher and less than
appropriate. Closing the lane may require additional placement of the base shoulder widening is 0.25 mi
(0.40 km)
traffic control (e.g., signals, flaggers, and/or pilot cars). encouraged. without
pilot car
• Repair the surface as appropriate. Prepare the surface • Construct calcium chloride treated granular
for the overlay (or, in the case of concrete overlay on shoulder as outlined in contract documents. The
concrete, the separation layer) as described in the treated shoulder shall be firm and stable to support
contract document. vehicular traffic at low speeds.
• Prepare shoulder widening by trenching the existing • Construct separation layer (only for unbonded
shoulder and trimming to the specified width. The overlay on concrete).
• Close the opposite lane to traffic and place the • If the outside edge dropoffs at the shoulder
concrete overlay according to contract documents, exceeds the jurisdictional allowance for a 1:1 fillet,
using the same procedures as described in stage 2. then construct the granular shoulders in this stage.
Stringline may not be necessary for the right edge of • Complete shouldering. Complete pavement marking
the paving when the paved overlay constructed in and regulatory signing in accordance with contract
stage 2 is used as the paver control in this stage. If the documents.
right stringline is not used, the “X” dimension could
possibly be reduced to 3 ft (0.9 m).
Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 127
Two-Lane Roadway with Minimum Granular Shoulders
(Zero-Clearance Paver)
Applied to:
;Bonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of composite pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of composite pavements
STAGE 1. Repair surface, prepare for overlay, and construct left shoulder
• In order to construct an overlay on a roadway with with jurisdiction regarding allowable lane closure
a minimum of 2 ft (0.6 m) wide existing shoulders, length. If surface repair and preparation for the
adjustments to typical slipform pavers are necessary overlay are minimal, then slow-moving traffic
in order to meet existing clearances adjacent to the control may be appropriate. Closing the lane may
paver. The width of the clearance zone is dependent require additional traffic control (e.g., signals, Typically
on traffic control, paver track, and paver control flaggers, and/or pilot cars). less than
0.25 mi
(stringline). When there is not enough clearance for the
• Repair the surface as appropriate. Prepare the (0.40 km)
paver track, paving molds may be installed on typical without
surface for the overlay (or, in the case of concrete
two-track pavers to provide zero clearances. The pilot car
overlay on concrete, the separation layer) as
outside edges of the mold are brought out behind the
described in the contract document.
rear tracks and then the material from the front of the
paver is moved to the back by an auger to be spread • Construct calcium chloride treated granular
and paved. shoulder as outlined in contract documents. The
treated shoulder shall be firm and stable to support
• Install traffic control and close the left lane. Follow
vehicular traffic at low speeds.
jurisdictional requirements for traffic control. Check
• Construct separation layer (only for unbonded
overlay on concrete).
Existing pavement
Concrete overlay Existing subbase
Separation layer
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete)
Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 129
Two-Lane Roadway Widened to Three Lanes with Paved
Shoulders (Conventional Paver)
Applied to:
;Bonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of concrete pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of asphalt pavements
;Bonded concrete overlay of composite pavements ;Unbonded concrete overlay of composite pavements
STAGE 1. Repair surface, prepare for overlay, and construct base shoulder
widening and separation layer
• Install traffic control and close the left lane. Follow to obtain a firm and stable platform. Compact
jurisdictional requirements for traffic control. Check shoulder material as specified in the contract
with jurisdiction regarding allowable lane closure documents. A continuous progression
length. If surface repair and preparation for the overlay approach with the shoulder trencher and
are minimal, then slow-moving traffic control may be placement of the base shoulder widening is less than
appropriate. Closing the lane may require additional encouraged. 0.25 mi
traffic control (e.g., signals, flaggers, and/or pilot cars). (0.40 km)
• Pave the existing shoulder a minimum of 6 ft without
• Repair the surface as appropriate. Prepare the surface (1.8 m) with concrete. pilot car
for the overlay (or, in the case of concrete overlay on
• Use excavated granular material to widen
concrete, the separation layer) as described in the
existing shoulder. Treat 3 ft (0.9 m) area of
contract document.
shoulder with calcium chloride.
• Prepare shoulder widening by trenching the existing
• Construct separation layer (only for unbonded
shoulder and trimming to the specified width. The
overlay on concrete).
trench should be rolled and compacted as necessary
• Shift the traffic control to the left lane and close the • Construct concrete overlay on the existing
right lane to traffic. The length of the closure will pavement. Complete right PCC shoulder
depend on the jurisdiction’s maximum closure length widening with the overlay.
with pilot car. Traffic controls and traffic control signals
• The “X” dimension between the roadway
will be based on jurisdictional requirements.
centerline and vertical panel is for the paving
• Repair and prepare the surface for the overlay or the machine track and stringline.
separation layer and subsequent overlay as described
in the contract documents. Construct separation layer
(for unbonded overlay).
• Close the opposite lane to traffic and place the • If the outside edge dropoffs at the shoulder
concrete overlay according to contract documents, exceeds the jurisdictional allowance for a 1:1
using the same procedures as described in stage 2. fillet, then construct the granular shoulders in
Stringline may not be necessary for the right edge of this stage.
the paving when the paved overlay constructed in
• Complete shoulders. Install (mill) rumble strips
stage 2 is used as the paver control in this stage.
in the paved shoulders and complete pavement
marking and regulatory signing in accordance
with contract documents.
Pavement Concrete
marking Pavement Rumble
marking strip Base shoulder widening
Rumble materials
strip (e.g., cement-treated
base, porous concrete,
roller compacted
Tiebars optional concrete (RCC),
Finished shoulder asphalt, or concrete)
6 ft (1.8 m) min. placement Granular material
Separation layer
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete) Surface repair
Existing pavement
Existing subbase COMPLETED OVERLAY
1 Follow jurisdictional
Construction area control requirements for traffic
device control devices.
Existing shoulder Vehicle traffic Existing shoulder 2 Use excavated granular
10 ft (3 m) 11 ft (3.4 m) material to widen existing
(Typical) (Typical) shoulder. Treat 3 ft (0.9
m) area of shoulder with
calcium chloride.
3 Minimum lane width
next to the paver may
Surface repair Existing pavement be reduced for short-
Subbase 6 ft (1.8 m) min. and overlay surface Existing subbase term, stationary work on
widening preparation low-volume, low-speed
Separation layer roadways when vehicular
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete) traffic does not include
longer and wider heavy
STAGE 1 commercial vehicles.
4 If the completed overlay in
Construction area this stage opens to traffic
and the final shoulder
4 ft (1.2 m) back fill is delayed,
4 ft Vehicle traffic 4 ft shoulder
(1.2 m) 11 ft (3.4 m) (1.2 m) 11 ft (3.4 m) 6 ft (1.8 m)
place fillet as shown. If
overlay creates a dropoff
(Typical) (Typical) (Typical) (Typical) (Typical) greater than jurisdictional
allowance, place second
control lift before opening overlay
device to traffic.
5 See Figure 7.16.
Subbase 6 Mark edgelines and
Subbase Concrete widening centerlines per MUTCD
widening overlay placement (FHWA 2009) section 6F.77
Existing pavement Surface repair (mark both lanes).
Separation layer
(only for unbonded overlay on concrete)
Construction area
Remaining Remaining
shoulder shoulder
4 ft 6 ft 4 ft Vehicle traffic Paved shoulder
(1.2 m) (1.8 m) 12 ft (3.7 m) (1.2 m) 11 ft (3.4 m) 4 ft (1.2 m)
Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 131
Four-Lane Roadway with Paved Shoulders (Conventional Paver)
Applied to:
• Install traffic control and close the • Repair the surface as appropriate.
inside lanes. Follow jurisdictional Prepare the surface for the overlay
requirements for traffic control. Check (or, in the case of concrete overlay
with jurisdiction regarding allowable on concrete, the separation layer) as Typically Typically
lane closure length. If surface repair described in the contract document. less than less than
0.25 mi 0.25 mi
and preparation for the overlay are
• Evaluate the structural condition of (0.40 km) (0.40 km)
minimal, then slow-moving traffic without without
the existing shoulder. Mill existing
control may be appropriate. Closing pilot car pilot car
shoulder or reconstruct shoulder to
the lanes may require additional traffic
carry traffic load if necessary.
control (e.g., signals and flaggers).
• Construct separation layer (only for
unbonded overlay on concrete).
• Shift the traffic control to the inside • Construct temporary shoulder for
lanes and close the outside lanes paver track.
to traffic. Traffic controls and traffic
• Construct concrete overlay on the
control signals will be based on
existing pavement. Bull float work
jurisdictional requirements.
shall operate from the outside
• Repair and prepare the surface for shoulder only.
the overlay or the separation layer
and subsequent overlay as described
in the contract documents. Construct
separation layer (for unbonded
• Shift the traffic control to the outside If the right stringline is not used,
lane and close the inside lane to the “X” dimension could possibly
traffic. Place the concrete overlay be reduced to 3 ft (0.9 m).
according to contract documents,
• Complete shoulder finish
using the same procedures as
grading. Install (mill) rumble
described in stage 2. Stringline may
strips in the paved shoulders and
not be necessary for the right edge
complete pavement marking and
of the paving when the paved overlay
regulatory signing in accordance
constructed in stage 2 is used as the
with contract documents.
paver control in this stage.
Pavement Concrete
Pavement marking
Rumble strip
Rumble Existing shoulder
if necessary)
Concrete shoulder
Existing pavement Varies Varies
Separation layer
(only for unbonded
overlay on concrete) Drawings: Snyder & Associates, Inc.,
STAGE 3 used with permission
Appendix D. Staging Sequence Diagrams for Various Traffic Control Scenarios 133
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