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Anna was asked to be a job analyst for a certain supervisory position in her company.

was chosen to analyze this position because she had been assigned in this position before
and had gathered quite a lot of experience in it. She was doing: Job Participation

This is a type of analysis that studies what specific skills the job requires the employee to
Task Analysis

What is considered as the foundation for almost all human resources activities?
Job Analysis

This was first developed and used by John Flanagan and his students at the University of
Pittsburgh. This is used to discover actual job behaviors that are significant enough to make
a difference between performing the job unsuccessfully and successfully. Critical Incident

A type of motivation wherein the person is seeking to perform well because they either enjoy
performing the actual tasks or enjoy the challenge while successfully completing the task.
Intrinsic Motivation

When an applicant’s performance is judged in relation to the performance of previous

interviewees, then this is called: Recency effects

These types of teams are relatively permanent, coordinate work teams and consist of
various managers from various areas: Management Teams

BilliBong is a very large company. They are planning to recruit applicants for very important
positions in the company but are afraid that they would receive too many applications both
from qualified and unqualified individuals. They are also concerned that when people know
the name of the company, they would not apply for it due to the supposed “pressure” that
comes with being hired by it. To advertise their vacant position, you can advise BilliBong
recruiters to use: Newspaper ads

An alternative to doing only one specific job in the company where the focus in on
expanding a worker’s job to include tasks previously performed by other workers: Job

According to the Impact Theory, the organizational climate; this style of leadership is
needed when there is climate of disorganization. Magnetic

This states that reinforcement is relative and that a supervisor can reinforce an employee
with something that on the surface does not appear to be reinforce. Operant Conditioning

This theory anchors on how employees compare themselves with other employees, such
that when an employee feels that he/she is becoming underpaid, that same employee
might resort to strategies such as changing inputs, altering perceptions of self or leaving
the company: Equity Theory

Group norms serve the following purpose for the group EXCEPT for. It helps express the
reflected external values of a group and avoids in identifying the group to other people
outside of it.
Applicants are rank ordered on the basis of their test scores. Selection is then made by
starting with the highest score and moving down until all openings will be filled. Top-down

If you were told by your instructor that he/she expects you to have high scores in the board
exam and, in the future, you really did have those high scores then you have been
influenced by the: Barnum Effect

Hans loves his job. His job allows him to interact with other people, help his colleagues and
work with other people. McClelland would describe Hans’ job as fulfilling his: Need for

It is the effect on behavior when two or more individuals are performing the same task in
the presence of one another. Free Rider Theory

The following are group performance factors EXCEPT? Group size

When groups become too cohesive unanimity overrides best decision making and raising
objections might be viewed negatively. This is evident in: Group Think

PsychCares company is looking for new HR staff. Jill, the HR manager posted the
advertisement in the company bulletin board to inform the employees of the vacant
position. Jill’s method of recruitment has the following advantages EXCEPT for. It revitalizes
ideas within the company by allowing old employees to offer different points of view.

Groups that reach this stage already work towards the achievement of team’s goals. As a
leader, you can already concentrate on developing individuals within the group and it feels
easy to be within the group during this stage: Norming

This was based on the dual theory on motivation which contends that aside from giving
employees more job, employees should be given more control over their jobs. Job

Which of the following is TRUE about Groups and Teams? In a group, all members are
committed to a certain goal.

This is a potentially good technique for jobs in which productivity is difficult to measure and
the basis of incentives are on performance appraisal scores rather than on objective
performance measures. Pay for performance

Because Jamaica knows that many of her co-workers and managers are observing her
during work hours, she increases her productivity and manages to work more efficiently.
This is the: Golem Effect

This refers to the relevant Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Others (KSAO’s) needed to be
possessed in performing certain work or task. Job competencies

This uses critical incidents to formally provide meaning to the numbers on a rating scale
and is constructed by generating examples of good, average, and bad behavior among
identified relevant job dimensions: Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale
This should describe the working conditions and environment in which the employee works
and it should mention the stress level, work schedule, and the level of responsibility of the
work. Job context

It is a situation in which for either organizational or personal reason, the probability of

moving up the career ladder is low. Career Plateau

In a group project, there will always be that one individual who would do less than the other
members and would instead be non-beneficial to the group. This individual is engaging in:
Social Loafing

This involves giving an applicant an honest assessment of a particular job and the
possible experiences the applicant will go through regarding that job: Realistic Job

The following are compensable job factors when it comes to differentiating the relative
worth of jobs within an organization EXCEPT for? Turn-over rate

An organizational culture where a clear structure is present, hierarchies are imposed with
authority flowing from top to bottom, and authority is properly delegated: Role culture

A type of team that utilizes teleconferencing, electronic information systems and may never
actually meet in the same room. Virtual Teams

Gelo is the type of leader who believes that people work best when left alone. He often gives
all the decision-making powers to his subordinates and rarely steps in to take the lead. He
has minimal contact with his subordinates and prefers little guidance over constant
overseeing. Gelo is a/an: Laissez Faire Leader

Lily is part of a group at work. She has started to observe that their group is experiencing
their first conflict with each other especially in terms of workload, the direction of their group
and their definite roles. Some have even resisted their manager’s leadership. According to
Tuckman, Lily’s group is probably undergoing the stage of: Storming

Mon is often described as an exceptional leader. She often does things which she believes
is the right thing to do which in turn increases the trust of his subordinates. She motivates
other do their best by providing for them intellectually stimulating challenges while caring
for their welfare at the same time. Mon is a/an: Democratic Leader

It is one of the factors that explains to the extent to which group members like and trust one
another, are committed to accomplishing a team goal. Group cohesiveness

While you were applying as a psychologist for a particular organization, you were asked by
your recruiter the question: “What would you do if a client of yours reports episodes of
abuse?” This is an example of what type of question? Patterned behavior description

It is concentrated in determining necessary employee attributes such as dependability and

honesty; provides poor feedback and will not result to employee growth and development.
Goal Focused
If your supervisor rated most of his/her subordinates with scores which were mostly
categorized as above average to excellent, then your supervisor might be exhibiting:
Generosity Error

This person initiated a study that discovered the importance of psychological and social
factors to people at work; also founded the Human Relations Movement. Elton Mayo

Because Doris has been such a good teacher during the start of the first semester
especially since he usually gave them bonuses and large scores during that time, her
students rated Doris’s high in her performance appraisal. This exemplifies which of the
following: Generosity Error

A certain HR group was faced with a problem on sales that they had to discuss. One
member, Jana, proposed an idea that sounded very risky but was interesting. When Jana
presented her idea, she seemed very convinced of its efficiency. Initially, most of the
members did not support her idea because it sounded very implausible but, as the
discussion went on, they started believing Jana. After the discussion, most of the group
members accepted Jana’s idea creating a much more extreme attitude than what as
present pre-discussion. This exemplifies: Delphi Technique

It is the individual’s psychological; attachment to a company or organization, called as:

Organizational Commitment

This is described as the good type of stress which can lead to positive outcomes. Eustress

The process used to determine the worth of the job in terms of compensation is called: Job

It is a type of work sample wherein the applicants actually demonstrate job related physical
behaviors in the workplace. Simulations

One of the leadership powers proposed by French and Raven in which it is given/possessed
based on his position in the company or organization. Legitimate Power

Billy is a high performing salesperson in the company. Due to his high performance in sales,
the owner of the company promoted Billy to a supervisory position. Bill, although by this
promotion, is now struggling to perform as a supervisor because although he had high
sales performance, it was not a guarantee for his high performance as a supervisor. This
situation reflects the: Peter Principle

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